Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing-BLUESTAR

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Non Destructive Testing Industrial Indus trial Po Point int of view 

Phased array ultrasonic testing

Seminar  Presented By Vibin kumar.S


Over all Topic 

        

Phased array principle  principle  Type of phased array Design phased array probes Animation phased array examples NDT Applications Case Studies Advantages Conclusion References Research paper  Discussion


ar ray,, Probe, Concept Phase array 

Phase array  A mosaic mosaic of transducer elements in which which the timing of the elements' ex excitation citation can be individually controlled to produce certain desired effects, such as steering the beam axis or focusing the beam.

Phase Array Probe These probe, made up of large of simple probe (individual elements) with variable geometry (linear, annular, annular, circular or matrix ) that can be driven individually & independently , with out generating vibration in near by elements due to acoustic or electrical coupling.

The Phase array concept These probes are connected to specially-adapted drive units enabling independent, simultaneous emission and reception along each channel. These units should also be able to effect, during both emission and reception, the different electronic time delays for each channel. For some applications implementing electronic scanning, not all the elements of the probe are used simultaneously.. In this case, the drive unit uses dynamic multiplexing to distribute the active elements among simultaneously the elements of the transducer .


Schematic representation of a piezo-composite piezo-composite late with a 1-3 structure


Phased array principle

The Phased Array concept concerns multielement transducers. Each element of these transducers is connected to a different electronic channel, either directly or through multiplexers, according to electronic device performances performances..


ar ray  About Phased array

To handling the many signal from multi element single s ingle transducer. They use multiple transducer element and electronic time delay to create beam by constructive and destructive interference. Using software control, the beam angle, time delay, delay, focus spot, and no. of active elements are defined depending upon the industrial application. Phase array differ from the conventional industrial ultrasonic in that beam can be focused , steered and scanned. industrial environment, such as temperature, pressure, vibration and radiation are concern.


Beam forming and time delay for pulsing and receiving multiple beams (same phase and amplitude).


Block diagram for RF signal processing on the receiving chain, after the summation of individual amplitudes


Beam focusing principle for (a) normal and (b) angled incidences .


Electronic Fo Focusing cusing 

The beam is electronically focused by applying symmetrical delay laws to the different elements of a linear or annular phased array transducer. The advantages are - Only one pr probe obe can focu focus s at each dep depth th - Faster inspection of complete volume of thick pieces with dynam dynamic ic focusing - Electronic focusing can comp compensate ensate focusing aberr aberrations ations due to cy cylindrical lindrical interfaces


Electronic Scanning 

The beam is electronically translated by alternatively firing ( depend up on activating different active apertures) a given number of elements of a linear or circular array phased

array transducer  

The advantages are - Faste Fasterr inspe inspection ction - No mechanical m movement ovement requ required, ired, or redu reduction ction of scanline n number  umber  - Possibility of combini combining ng with electronic focusing focusing and be beam am steering


Electronics Scanning and focusing


Electronic Steering 

The beam is electronically deflected by applying delay laws They are calculated to give the emitted beam an angle of incidence which can be varied simply by modifying the delay law

The advantages are - Only one transd transducer ucer require required d for inspection at variable angl angle e - Faster inspection of complex geometry pi pieces eces - The advantage o off this technique can be combined combined with the advantages of electronic electronic focusing


Basic methods methods of phase phased-array d-array actuation actuation


Electronic scanning




Electronic scanning with normal beam (virtual probe aperture = 16 elements).


Delay values (left  ( right ) for a 32-element linear  (left ) and depth scanning principles (right  array probe focusing at 15-mm, 30-mm, and 60-mm longitudinal waves.


Delay Laws, or Focal Laws

Phased array probes installed on the wedge provide delay laws with different shapes, based on Fermat’s principle of minimum arrival time along a specific s pecific path . Other types of phased array probes (matrix or conical, for example) may require advanced simulation for delay law values . The delay on identical elements will depend on the element position in the active aperture focal depth and on th the e generated angle


Delay law

 A component in an electronic circuit that is introduced to provide a specified delay in transmitting the signal .Coaxial cable or inductor-capacitor inductor-capacitor networks can be used to provide a short delay but for longer delays an acoustic delay line is required .In this device the signal is converted by the piezoelectric effect into an acoustic wave, which is passed through a liquid or solid medium, before reconversion to an electronic signal.


Fermat’s principle (I)

The path taken by a ray of light between any two points in a system is always the path that takes the least time. This principle leads to the law of the rectilinear propagation of light and the laws of reflection and refraction. It was discovered by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat.


refracted angle and element position for a Example of delay dependence on refracted phased phase d array probe probe on a 37° Plexi Plexiglas® glas® wedge wedge ( H  H1   = 5 mm).


Delay dependence on pitch size for the same focal depth.


Example of delay dependence on generated angle, and element position and focal depth for a probe with no wedge (longitudinal waves).


Important parameters

The phased array ultrasonic ultrasonic technology is based on the following technical features:

     

a) Multiplexing of a large number of identical crystals as a single probe b) Control of the focal depth c ) Control of the steering angle d) Control of the beam width e) Program of the virtual probe aperture (VPA)  g ) Display of the UT data in a generic view called S -s c an


Specific ific features features of phase phased d array ar ray technolo technology gy Spec 

a) Probe design is based on modeling.

b) Each active element of a multielement probe is excited by an independent pulser 

C) The excitation time is computer-controlled computer-controlled and delayed according to Fermat principle principle in such a way that the cylindrical (spherical) wave front will reach in the same time (in phase) the specific points in space.

d) The wave front reflected by the defect reaches the rreception; eception; time of flight is delayed

according to the focal point, refracted angle, and number of active elements. 

e) The individual amplitudes from each active element are summed up (amplitude and same phase).

f) The focal law calculator determines the time delay on individual elements to steer and focus the beam at different depths and angles. See Figure 1-3 for an example of delay value (in nanoseconds [10−9 s], that is, a billionth part of a second!). w ith scanner axes and part geometry. geometry.  g ) Beam movement is linked with

h) The focus pattern of S-scan may be changed i) Inspection data is displayed in multiple views or layout; defect amplitude is color-coded based on specific color palette

(j )  ) Data analysis is more reliable and efficient with customized defect table and merging A-scans A-scans


Basic components of a phased array system and their interconnectivity. interconnectivity.


Example of delay values values on individual elements for steering steering the beam of a longitudinal wave from −30° to +30


Detection of four side-drilled holes (SDH): (a) sectorial scanning s canning principle; (b) S-scan view using ±30°.


Multiple scan patterns


Different types o off focusing will generate different S-scan views


Continuation 

Multielement probe focusing at different depths and for different angles. Note that the sweep range could be positive and/or negative; different numbers of elements may be grouped to form a virtual probe aperture.


Detection and sizing of misoriented defects by a combination of longitudinal wave and shear wave sectorial scans .


Generation and utilization of different wave wave modes


General phased ar array ray probes General characteristics Active part Centre frequency Relative bandwidth Homogeneity in sensitivity Cross coupling between elements Acoustic impedance matching Housing Cable

piezocomposite material from 300 kHz to 20 MHz 60 to 90 % 3 dB -40 dB water, plastic material or steel Watertight, stainless steel Multi-coaxia Multi-coaxial, l, 50 Ohms, with overall shielding

Options Custom active part design (mechanical focusing, acoustic impedance matching..) Custom wiring (cable length, type or positioning, Connector type) Housing adaptation to mechanical set-up (probe holder, wedge ..)  Adaptation to environmental environmental constraints ((T°, T°, pr pressure, essure, radia radiation, tion, vibrations..) vibrations..) Integration of couplant system


ar ray  Type of phased array Linear arrays for beam scanning Linear arrays for beam steering  Annular arrays arrays for beam focusing Circular arrays Matrix arrays


Linear phased array probes for beam scanning

Principle Made of up of a set of elements are along an axis. They enable a beam to be moved, focused, and deflected along a plane . Electronic scanning is combined with electronic focusing. Wide inter-element pitch allows a large scanning width. Focusing depth can be electronically selected.

Applications  All applications where a mechanical scanning axis can be replaced by an electronic scanning axis, as for example : Plates, billet inspection Wheel, disk inspection by the lateral side

Advantages Inspection speed (set-up, scanning) Mechanical set-up simplification


Linear phased array probes for beam scanning  Typical  Typic al configurations Centre freq (MHz)

No. of element s

pitch p (mm)

Total active length (mm)

Eleme nts width (mm)

Max focus distance in water (mm)

Lateral resolutio n (mm)


64 or 128

2 .5

160 or 320

15 to 50


0.5 to 17


64 or 128


64 or 128

10 to 25


0.35 to 6


64 or 128

0 .5

32 or 64

5 to 16


0.25 to 4


64 or 128

0 .3 5

22.5 or 45

4 to 12


0.15 to 2


Linear phased array probes for beam steering

Principle Made of up of a set of elements are along an axis. Combination of electronic beam steering and focusing. High density of elements allows high beam steering angles Focusing depth can be electronically selected Applications  Applications requiring variable angles and sound path, applications with difficult access for the probes (reduced space, complex geometry) : Pressurized components inspection Rotor discs inspection Blade roots and rotor steeples inspection Weld inspection Advantages Feasibility of some inspections and access to difficult areas Reduction of the number of probes Inspection angle and focusing depth sweeping capability Mechanical set-up simplification


Linear phased array probes for beam steering Typical configurations

Lateral resolution D (mm) Freq. (MHz)

Pitch p (mm) 8 elements

16 elements

32 elements

64 elements



2 .3 - 1 5

3.7 - 50

7.4 - 200

11 -600



0 .8 - 5

1.9 - 25

3.7 - 100

5.5 - 300



0 .4 - 2 .5

0.7 - 10

1.8 -50

1.8 -100



0 .3 - 2

0.6 - 10

1 .2 - 4 0

1 .2 - 8 0


Circular phased array probes

Principle Made up of a set of elements arranged in a circle circle.. These elements can be directed either towards the interior, or towards the exterior, or along the axis of symmetry of the circle Scanning speed can be adapted to the water path Focusing depth and inspection angle can be electronically selected Applications Full body tube inspection from the outside Welded tube inspection from the outside Bar inspection from the outside Tube inspection from the inside Advantages High speed inspection High inspection flexibility Quick calibration and set-up between two batches


Circular phased array probes  Typical configurations configurations

Insp Inspec ecti tion on from from the the o out utsi side de

Insp Inspec ecti tion on fr from om the the iins nsid ide e

Emission direction

axial (with mirror) or radial

radial or angled

Centre frequency

4 MHz to 18 MHz

8 MHz to 18 MHz

No of elements Tube dimension

32 to 512 51215 mm to 100 mm OD

64 to 128 Small tubes down to 12mm ID

Cracks location

ID and OD

ID and O

Cracks type

longitudinal and circumferential wall thickness measurement

circumferential wall thickness measurement


 Annular phased array probes Principle Made up of a set of concentric rings.

They allow the beam to be focused to different depths along an axis Focusing depth can be electronically selected Applications  Application requiring variable focus distance, for example inspection of plates, billet or other pieces multi-zone inspection Advantages Reduction of the number of probes Inspection depth variation speed (tuning, calibration)


Annular phased array probes Typical configurations

Freq. (MHz)

No. of elements

Total active diameter (mm)

Max focus distance in water (mm)

Lateral resolution (mm)





1 to 24





0.3 to 16





0.2 to 8





0.15 to 4


Matrix phased array probes

Principle Probe an active area in the two dimensional in different elements 3D beam control Focusing depth is electronically selected 3D beam steering is feasible thanks to 2D active elements pattern Applications Inspection of complex geometry pieces with small access area Inspection of non homogeneous materials Advantages Feasibility of new inspections Performance improvements


Matrix phased array probes

Typical configurations

Centre ffrrequency ((M MHz)

Active s siize (mm)

Matrix type

No of elements



Rho theta




Rho theta




Square grid




Square grid




Rho theta



 Animation phased array examples

Tube inspection example

Weld inspection example


Continuation Weld inspection example


Design notes for linear phased array probes

Grating lobes interference can also be constructive in other directions. These lobes of energy emitted outside the electronically driven direction are called grating lobes

sin qk = k . l / p - sin q q = refracted angle of the main beam qk = refracted angle of the grating lobe k (k: integer) P = inter-element pitch (p) of the linear transducer  l = wavelength in the medium under consideration



Lateral resolution along the plane of incidence i ncidence W = 0.44.l / sin (   / 2)

W= focal spot or beam width (at – (at  –6dB 6dB in emission reception) l = wave length in the medium under consideration a = angle beneath which the active area is seen from the focal point



Number of elements Knowing the inter-element spacing required to avoid grating lobes, lobes, and the width of the active aperture, the number of elements necessary can be rapidly deduced. If the appropriate number of electronic elec tronic channels is not available for technical or economic reasons, the best possible compromise must be found, by readjusting the inter-element spacing, the frequency, frequency, and/or the active aperture (and thus the lateral resolution)


Phase array feature


 S ymbol

Value (ex (exampl ample) e)

R ema emarr k s

Centre frequency [ MHz ] Peak frequency [ MHz ]

fo  f p

10.8 11.2

for one set-up for one set-up

Pulse duration [ ms ] Relative bandwidth [ % ] Focal depth [ mm ] Depth of field [ mm ] Wedge delay [ ms ] Refracted angle Signal-to-noise ratio [ dB ]

Dt BW F0 L -6 TOFwedge

0.32 78.5 50 14 – 14  –86 86 3.5 – 3.5  – 6.4 35 – 55 , step 5 > 30

for one set-up for one set-up for specific angles/focal law for specific angles for specific angles for a specific focal law for specific angles

14 3 >2 < 80 N/A 1.8 8.5

for specific angles for specific angles for specific angles for specific angles for one refract refracted ed angle for specific angles for specific angles

Start Scan – Scan – Index [ mm ] Beam divergence [ mm ] Near-surface resolution [ dB ] Far-surface resolution [ mm ] Skew Ske w an angle gle [ ° ] Beam dimension on X [ mm ] Beam dimensio dimension n on Y [ mm ]

S/N DXb DX –6dB

 An “ h =m m “ A f “h” mm q skew X-3dB Y-3dB


Phased d array ultrasonic testing testing NDTNDT- Applic Application ationss Phase Nuclear power generation weld inspection vessel inspection Nozzle inspection Rotor inspection Blade roots & steeples Penetration tubes Stream generator tube Thermal barrier of primary pump inspection Aeronautics Composite materials Stiffener inspection Titanium billets inspection Forging Engine inspection Ice detection Spatial

Metal industry Billets inspection Plates Tubes & bars Petrochemical Pipeline Inspection Girth welds inspection Heat exchanger tubes inspection Transportation Rail inspection Rail wheels inspection Car engine inspection Forgings inspection Application Flow measureme measurement nt Distance measurement special measurement


 weld inspection-NPG

Probes Linear phased array probes with wedge TRL phased array probes (Dual linear arrays with roof angle) Standard or custom TOFD probes Techniques Various combinations of the following - Pulse Pulse echo echo - Pitch Pitch & cat catch ch - Tande andem m - TOFD TOFD Manual or automated inspection Contact with wedge Benefits \ Electroacoustic performances Electroacoustic performances Inspection flexibility with phased array technique. Reliability in industrial using conditions including radiation


 Vessel essel inspection-NPG  V

Probes Enhanced resolution immersion transducers (Fermat) Custom immersion transducers Phased array transducers Techniques Immersion technique  Automated inspection inspection High temperature aspherically focused transducer for vessel inspection Benefits High resolution Operating temperature up to 180°C Reliability in industrial using conditions including radiation


Nozzle inspection-NPG

Probes Linear phased array probes with wedge Integrated water system Custom housing for probe holder compatibility

Technique Pulse echo technique  Automated inspection Contact with water or oil film


High sensitivity and signal/noise ratio Inspection flexibility to phased array technique  Access to difficult difficult areas Reliability in industrial using conditions including radiation


Rotor inspection-NPG

Disk inspection Probes Pair of linear phased array probes Technique TOFD technique  Automated inspection Contact with wedge and couplant film Benefits High sensitivity and signal/noise ratio despite the 25m cable Inspection flexibility flexibility to pha phased sed array technique Reliability in industrial using conditions including radiation


otor steeple inspection-NPG Blade root and rrotor


linear phased array probe Centre frequency from 3.5 to 18 MHz Number of elements from 8 to 64 

Method Manual or automated inspection Contact with wedge or direct contact

Benefits Electroacoustic performances Inspection from restricted spaces to beam steering without wedge Reliability in industrial using conditions


Penetration tubes inspection-NPG

Probes Extra flat probes : < 2 mm thickness Integrated water coupling system

Techniques TOFD technique for axial defects TOFD technique for circumferencial defects L0° Pulse echo technique fo forr thickness m measurement easurement  Automated inspection with a sword Coupling with water film

Benefits Electroacoustic performances performances including bandwidth, in spite of the small thickness of the probes Inspection feasibility Reliability in industrial using conditions including radiation


bar rier of primary pump inspection-NPG  Thermal barrier

Probes Special curved linear array probes with soft wedge  Aspherical focusing to focus through a toric interface Coupling with water film Custom housing for probe holder 

Technique Pulse echo technique  Active area geometry

Benefits High sensitivity to work through a 200 mm sound path in austenitic steel High lateral resolution thanks to aspherical focusing


Composite structure inspection


High sensitivity and bandwidth Immersion probes IM series Linear phased array probes for beam scanning Flat or focused active Center frequency fromarea 1MHz to 7.5 MHz 

Techniques Transmission Work in immersion or with water jet (sprinkle) Benefits Very high sensitivity and a large bandwidth to receive at a lower frequency due to material attenuation and filtering. Homogeneity of performances through the batches and through the years Reliability in industrial using conditions including long term immersion Flexibility of linear scanning for phased array probes


Stiffener inspection-Aeronautics

Metallic welds inspection 13 MHz focused linear array probes for laser welds inspection

Probes High resolution linear phased array probes for electronic scanning Center frequency from 10 MHz to 15 MHz Number of elements from 32 to 128 (typical) Techniques Pulse echo in Immersion for laser beam welded fuselage panel Contact , pulse echo or tandem for butt welds Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and short pulse Inspection speed thanks to electronic scanning


Fo Forgings rgings inspec inspectiontion- Aerona Aeronautics utics

Probes Single element high resolution probes  Annular or Matrix phased array probes Frequency from 5 to 15 MHz Focused active area (cylindrical, spherical, bifocal or aspherical) Techniques Pulse echo, echo, immersion with 0° longit longitudina udinall waves Benefits High resolution and ng sensitivity 1D, 2D or 3D focusing focusi flexibility thanks to phased array technology


Engine inspection-Aeronautics

Special parts inspection

Special custom probe for engine part inspection with lamb waves

Special custom probe for engine part inspection with lamb waves 

Probes Special custom probe with manipulator for lamb waves generation

Benefits Inspection feasibility to particularly adapted probe


Billets inspection-Metal industry  Asphericallyy focused active surface  Asphericall surface

Probes Enhanced resolution aspherically focused immersion probes Typical Ty pical Centre frequency from 2 MHz to 10 MHz  Active aperture from ½” up to 6” Techniques Multizone inspection Pulse echo & Immersion Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and signal to noise ratio Homogeneity of the performances over the batches and over the years Reliability in industrial using conditions including long term immersion im mersion


Plates inline inspection-Metal industry

Inspection with crawler  Probes Immersion probes Withstanding to high pressure up to 150 bars Withstanding to high temperature up to 85°C

Techniques Pulse echo Immersion in various liquids

Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and short pulse Reliability in industrial using usi ng conditions including hydrocarbons compatibility compatibili ty,, vibrations, pressure and temperature


 Tubes & bar inspection- Metal industry  Tubes

Inspection with rotating heads 

Probes Focused Immersion probes Centre frequency from 3 MHz to 15 MHz Techniques 360° Mechanical scanning at a speed up to 10000 rpm The probes are mechanically angled for axial or circumferencial cracks detection, or for thickness measurement Pulse echo Immersion technique Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very highincluding sensitivity and short pulse and mechanical constraints Reliability in industrial using conditions long term immersion due to high speed rotation.


 Tubes  Tu bes & bars bars Full body inspection

Probes 360° phased arr array ay probe for full body inspection  Axial, radial or angled emission direction Centre frequency from 4 MHz to 15 MHz Free number of elements Technique 360° electr electronic onic sca scannin nning g Pulse echo immersion technique See virtual animation here Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and short pulse Homogeneity of the performances over the elements of a probe. Reliability in industrial using conditions including long term immersion


Pipeline Inspection-Petrochemical

Pipeline Inspection Probes Immersion probes Withstanding to high pressure up to 150 bars Withstanding to high temperature up to 85°C Techniques Pulse echo Immersion in various liquids Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and short pulse Homogeneity of the performances over the batches and over the years Reliability in industrial using conditions including hydrocarbons compatibility compatibility,, vibrations, pressure and temperature


inspectionGirth welds inspec tion- Petro Petrochemi chemical cal

Probes Single elements contact/TO contact/TOFD FD probes Linear phased array probes Techniques Combination of pulse echo, tandem, and TOFD techniques Benefits Electroacoustic performances Reliability in harsh using conditions including temperature, mechanical shocks


Heat exchanger tubes inspection Petrochemical 

Inspection with rotating mirror 

Probes high resolution immersion probes

Techniques Pulse echo Immersion in various liquids

Benefits Electroacoustic performances: very high sensitivity and short pulse Reliability in industrial using conditions


Rail inspection Transportation

Probes Single element probe Linear or specialimmersion phased array probe

Technique Probes have a particular mechanical arrangement to be inserted in a wheel system with soft material for coupling on the rail Benefits High sensitivity and short pulse length Withstanding of harsh using conditions including long term immersion, vibration and temperature


Rail wheels inspection  Transportation  T ransportation

High speed inspection with phased array Probes Linear phased array probes for electronic beam scanning Centre frequancy : 5MHz (typical) Number of elements : 128 (typical) Benefits High electoacoustic speed inspection High performances (sensitivity, pulse length..) Withstanding of industrial using conditions


Car engine inspection-T inspection-Transportation ransportation

Probes High reliability immersion probes Focused or flat active area Centre frequency from 1MHz to 15 MHz Technique Pulse echo in immersion Benefits High sensitivity Short pulse length for near surface inspection Reliability and reproducibility over the batches and over the years Withstanding of industrial using conditions including long term immersion


Forgings inspection-T inspection-Transportation ransportation

Probes Single element high resolution probes  Annular or Matrix phased array probes Frequency from 5 to 15 MHz Focused active area (cylindrical, spherical, bifocal or aspherical) aspher ical) Techniques Pulse echo, immersion immersion with with 0° longitudinal waves Benefits High resolution and sensitivity 1D, 2D or 3D focusing flexibility thanks to phased array technology


 Application Flow measurement Main features

Distance measurement Main features

High sensitivity

High sensitivity

Wide frequency range, from 100 kHz to 20 MHz Resistance in harsh environment - high temp temperatu erature re - hig high h pr pressu essure re - nucle nuclear ar radia radiation tion - vi vibra bratio tions ns - agre agressive ssive ch chemica emicall agents Consideration of normative standards - safet safety y trans transducer ducers s - anti defla deflagrati gration on

High precision Improved reproducibility Applications - Dista Distance nce me measure asurement ment - De Dete tect ctio ion n - Ins Inspec pectio tion n - Proce Process ss m monito onitoring ring


Special measurement applications

Ice detection Probes Bi-elements probes with encapsulated delay line Technique  Analysis of the ultrasonic ultrasonic reflection on the wing sur surface face The probes are mounted through the surface of the aircraft wings Benefits Withstanding harsh environmental conditions - Temperature from -55 to +85°C - Fast temp temperatu erature re varia variation tion - High vibr vibration ation leve levell - UV ex expos posur ure e


Case Studies



flexible matrix phased array transducer: (a) Matrix of element molded in soft resin (b) view of the reconstructed r econstructed flexible matrix transducer


Details  Accessories Details Transducer Transducer Number of elements Size of transducer  Active part Centre frequency

flexible array transducer  12x5 independent elements L16mm, B14mm, T10mm piezocomposite material 3MHz

Relative bandwidth Homogeneity in sensitivity Testing mode Wave mode  Angle Electronic scanning

(-6dB)70 to 90 % 3 dB pulse echo mode Longitudinal/ Shear waves 45° C-Scan/B-Scan

 A Mechanical device Software  Acoustic impedance matching Housing Cable

3D- profilometer (self-adaptive process) CIVA software water water,, plastic material or steel Watertight, stainless steel Multi-coaxial, 50 Ohms, with overall shielding


(a) Simulation of focused beam transmitted through plane interface (b) and a realistic irregular interface (c) and optimisation of the coupling layer 


(a) Simu Simulation lation of the acoustic acoustic field focused focused throug through h a plane plane surface surface (b) an irregular surface with a delay law adapted to the plane (c) and an irregular surface with a delay law adapted to the irregular surface


Calibration section


Mechanical and measurement tests carried out with the flexible array prototype with integrated deformation measurement system.


Detection of a set of side drilled holes in pulse-echo pulse -echo mode with the monolithic wedge transducer (left) and the smart phased phased array array transducer transducer (right).


geometry of complex components 3-D geometry


phased array transducer located on the intrados of an elbow with 70mm diameter and 60mm of bending radius. radius.


 The advantage of phase array Technique Technique 

A destructive testing method replaced replaced by a non destructive method.

Inspection times are reduced and increasing Productivity. Productivity.

flexible phased array to fit irregular surfaces

inspection of pipes and complex geometry components.

Mechanical reliability and feasibility.

Small array size.

Increase the detectability of misoriented defect.

In case of repair it would be possible to determine determine of the position of the damaged sector accurately.

A self-adaptive process computes,

Maintenance costs of these have been reduced significantly


Conclusion 

Phased array technology are the technical and economic benefits gained.

Traditional mechanical scanning is replace by the much faster

electronic scanning. Electronic focusing allow the use of a single probe for working at different depth

Electronic deflection allows the angles of incidence to be carried with only one probe. Costs are thus significantly reduced because of the inspection and adjustment time saved.

flexible phased array to fit irregular surfaces


Research Paper

1. “Development of the Phased Array System for Angle Beam Testing” Testing” Hirohisa YAMADA*1 Yoshitaka YANO*2Tateshi UDAGAWA*3JANUARY 2004 2. "Special linear phased array probes used for ultrasonic examination of complex turbine components" compo nents",, J Poguet - S.A. / P Ciorau OPG Inc., 8th European European Congress Congress on Non Destructive Destructive Testing , June 2003, Barcelona, Spain 3. “ Reproducibility and Reliability of NDT Phased array probes “ J. J . Poguet1, P. P. Ciorau 2 1 Imasonic S.A , Besançon, France; 2 Ontario Power Generation Inc., Pickering, Canada. 4. ”Implementation of Fiber Phased array Ultrasound Generation system and signal anaysics for weld penetration control “ Bao Mi, Georgia Institute of Technology Technology November 2003 5. “FliexibleO. Phased array for Cattiaux2 contact examination of component with complex Geometry” Casula1, C.Transducer Poidevin1, G. and G. Fleury3 1 CEA/LIST, CEA/LIST , Saclay, Saclay , France; 2 IRSN/DES, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 3 IMASONIC, Besançon, France 6.” Special linear phased array probes used for ultrasonic ultras onic examination of complex turbine components”- Jerome Pooguet, Imasonic-France, Imasonic-France, Petru Ciorau-Ontario Ciorau-Ontario Power Geration Geration Inc.-Canada.


References:: References [1] "Phased Array technology : Concepts, probes and applications ", J Poguet, J Marguet, F Pichonnat - .A. / A Garcia, J Vasquez - TECNATOM TECNATOM , 8th European E uropean Congress on Non Destructive Testing, Testing, June 2002,Barcelona, Spain [2] "Piezocomposite technology technology : An innovative approach to the improvement of N.D.T N.D.T.. performance usingultrasounds",, J. Poguet, P usingultrasounds" P.. Dumas, G. Fleury – Fleury  – IMASONIC S.A. ,8th European Conference on Non Destructive Testing, Testing, June 2002, Barcelona, Spain [3] S. Mahaut, O. Roy, O. Casula, G. Cattiaux "Pipe Inspection using UT Smart flexible Transducer" 8th ECNDT, Barcelona proceedings 2002  [4] O. Roy, S. Chatillon, S. Mahaut, " Ultrasonic inspection of specimen with complex geometry using a flexible smart contact transducer", Proc. of the 2nd Inter. Conf. on NDE in Relation to struct. Integ. for Nuclear andPressurised Components, Components, 2000, p 411. [5] D.J. Powell and G. Hayard; Flexible ultrasonic transducer arrays for non destructive evaluation applications – applications – IEEE trans.Ultra. Ferroelec. Contr., 43(3) pp. 385-402, mai 1996  [6] R. Franckle and D. Rose, Flexible ultrasonic array application for both commercial and military  applications,, 29th ISATA Conference, Italy may 1996 applications [7] A T Technical echnical Handbook of Ultrasonic T Testing esting (A Newly-rivised Newly-rivised edition), The Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, Ltd. (1985) pp.368-369(4) Birks, [8} A., Non Destructive Testing Testing Handbook, second edition,v. edition,v. 7, Part 3: Tests Tests with closely positioned transducers,

 ASNT publication


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