Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry

August 19, 2018 | Author: Kaithlyn Obispo | Category: Glucose, Morphine, Alkaloid, Organic Compounds, Chemical Substances
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PHARMACOGNOSY AND PLANT CHEMISTRY 1. A glucosan yield unis on !yd"olysis. #!ile inulin is a $$$$$$  A. Fructosan %. He&osan C. Penosan D. Diosan E. All o' !ese  Inulin is a D-fructofuranose polymer whose residues are linked by β-2,1 bonds 

(. T!e usual sou"ce o' annins '"o) *lans is '"o) !e+ A. arks!"tems %. Seeds C. Roos D. R!i,o)es E. All o' !ese  #annins are usually locali$ed in speci%c plant parts such as lea&es, fruits, barks and stems.

-. E!a E!ano noll and and ci" ci"ic ic acid acid a"e a"e *"od *"oduc uced ed y !e !e cell cellul ula" a" "es*i es*i"a "ai ion on o'  ca"o!yd"aes/ es*ecially A. 'lucose %. Suc"ose C. 0"ucose D. Ca!a"ic E. Lacose   'lucoes is the ma(or fuel in )lycolysis, *reb+s cycle and other important biochemical pathways. 

. %ecau %ecause se )ann )annio ioll is aso" aso"o oed ed '"o) '"o) !e GIT and and *a"e *a"ene ne"al "ally ly is no no )eaoli,ed/ !en i is used as+ A. Digesan . smotic Diuretic C. Acidulan D. Ca!a"ic E. La&ai2e  Aside from these properties, mannitol is also eliminated readily by )romerular %ltration. #hese ha&e led to the use of mannitol as a dia)nostic aid and as an osmotic diuretic. 

3. T!is gu) !as *seudo4*lasic *"o*e"y o enale oin)ens o !old !ei" s!a*e and s*"ead s *"ead "eadily. "eadily. A. 5a"aya . anthan C. Gua" D. Locus %ean E. Indian Gu)

6. T!e 'ollo7ing a"e gene"al se*s in !e *"e*a"aion o' !e c"ude d"ug 'o" co))e"cial )a"8e/ e&ce*+ A. Ha"2esing %. Ga"ling C. So"age and D"ying D. one of the abo&e #he )eneral steps in the preparation of crude dru)s include/ collection, har&estin), dryin), )arblin), packa)in), stora)e and preser&ation. 

9. T!e usual sou"ce o' :&ed oils+ A. 0lo7e" . "eeds C. Lea2es D. Se)s E. Roos;R!i,o)es . I is a ue"ine si)ulaing '"acion and i is "elai2ely '"ee '"o) acion on o!e" s)oo! )uscle A. Iio"i& . 9ytocin

C. Sodiu) De&"o!y"o&ine D. aso*"essin E. None o' !ese  9ytocin or @  hypophamine

31. T!is "egulaes !e !"es!old 'o" "eso"*ion o' 7ae" y !e e*i!eliu) o'  !e "enal uules A. Lio"i& %. O&yocin C. Sodiu) De&"o!y"o&ine D. ;asopressin E. None o' !ese 3(. T!ese a"e "esinous )i&u"es !a conain cinna)ic acid/ en,oic acid/ o" o! o" ese"s o' !ese acids+ A. alsams %. Resins C. None o' !ese D. Rosins E. Resenes 3-. A )i&u"e o' *"oein4digesing and )il8 cloing en,y)es oained '"o) !e uice o' *inea**le *lan A. C!y)o"y*sin . romeilain C. Lacase D. Suilains E. None o' !ese 3. T!e lue colo" o' !e oil o' c!a)o)ile/ an in!e"en *"o*e"y o' !e oil 7!en '"es!ly disilled/ is due o+ A. C!a)a,ulene %. C13H1< 0. A and  D. None o' !e ao2e 33. T!e 'ollo7ing e)*loys e&*"essions as a )e!od o' 2olaile oil e&"acion e&ce*+ A. S*onge P"ocess %. Ecuelle Me!od C. Mac!ine *"ocess D. 4n?eura)e 36. In *e"colaion/ 7i! 2olaile sol2ens as a )e!od o' 2olaile oil e&"acion/ !e 2olaile sol2en is "e)o2ed y 2acuu) disillaion and !e "esuling *"oduc is 8no7n as+ A. Asolues

%. Te"*enes 0. 0oncretes D. Po)ade

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