Phardose Finals

May 5, 2019 | Author: Angela Wilma Alonzo | Category: Glycerol, Solubility, Solution, Filtration, Chemical Compounds
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Short Description






CATEGORY: Non- Medicated Elixir


SYNONYM: Iso-Elixir DESCRIPTION: clear, colorless hydro alcoholic solution USES: enerally used as a !ehicle "or dru #re#arations LABEL: $hite CONTAINER: %& 'l narro( 'outh a')er )ottle NON-OFFICIAL PREPARATION PREPARATION Material: *o'#ound orane s#irit Alcohol +lycerin Sucrose Saccharin Puried H&



Eli!ir -

Hydroalcoholic Hydroalcoholic oral solutions -








*lear, s(eetened and usually .a!ored to enhance taste N"#- Me$i%ate$ Eli!ir /ehicle o

Me$i%ate$ Eli!ir o 0sed "or the indication o" the acti!e inredient inredient Less suar than syru#  1he 'ore you 'as2 the taste3less e4ecti!e *ontains )oth (ater-solu)le and alcohol-solu)le alcohol-solu)le co'#onents A$&'#%ti(e "l(e#t: lycerine 5 #ro#ylene lycol



6&-67 alcohol content3sel"#reser!in 8-9&73li'it

Met)"$ "* Pre+arati"#: Si,+le S"l# ./ o a0itati"# Solutes are dissol!ed in the sol!ent )y 'ixin Alcohol-solu)le inredients are dissol!ed in alcohol $ater-solu)le $ater-solu)le are dissol!ed in #uried (ater A:ueous #ortion is added to the alcoholic #ortion Su)se:uent addition o" the s#ecied !ehicle +enerally !ehicles "or #har'aceutical #re#arations re:uirin a s#ecied alcoholic strenth Allli0ati"#: deter'ine the !olu'es o" hih and lo( alcoholic elixirs Hi0) t" l". 23

T)e l".-al%")"li% eli!ir .a all".e$ t" ta#$ *"r 45 )"'r6 7)8 o  1o  1o ensure ensure the saturation saturation o" the hydroalcoholic sol!ent and #er'it the oil lo)ules to coalesce; 7)8 t'ri$it8 "%%'r .)e# a;'e"' "l# i a$$e$ t" t)e al%")"li% "l# Partial #reci#itation o occurs due to reduced alcoholic content o" the nal #re#aration;


 1er#in Hydrate- acti!e inredient Alcohol- co-sol!ent Orane Peel tincture- .a!orant enBaldehyde- #reser!ati!e +lycerin- s(eetenin aent Syru#- s(eetenin aent Puried (ater, :s ad- !ehicle

Lo( Alcoholic Elixir 6; *o')ine alcohol, lycerine, and n until clear; 9; = sucrose to the ltrate and stir; 8; = su?cient H& to 'a2e the re:uired !olu'e;



Hih Alcoholic Elixir 6; Mix co'#ound orane s#irit, saccharin, and it .ill +re%i+itate Ea%) 1n; +lycerine and #ro#ylene ser!e as a !iscosity )uilder and a sta)iliBer;

PROCEDURE: 6; Pul!eriBe ter#in hydrate in a 'ortar usin #estle; ; In a )ea2er, stir in ter#in hydrate to the alcohol; %; Se:uentially = orane #eel tincture, )enBaldehyde,lycerine, and syru# and stir a"ter e!ery addition; 9; = enouh (ater to 'a2e re:uired !olu'e;

8; I" the resultin #roduct is tur)id, lter until clear;

PREP 41: COMPOUND ORANGE SPIRIT CATEGORY: Non- Medicated S#irit SYNONYM: S#iritus Auranti *o'#ositus DESCRIPTION: clear, yello( orne sol>n (@ the odor and taste o" orane USES: as a .a!orin aent LABEL: $hite CONTAINER: %& 'l narro( 'outh a')er )ottle OFFICIAL PREPARATION Material: Orane oil Le'on oil *oriander oil Anise oil Alcohol







Cessences Are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions o" aro'atic !olatile 'aterial Hih alcoholic concentration &7 due to 0reater "l'ilit8 "* t)e ("latile i#0re$ie#t i# al%")"l rat)er t)a# i# H4
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