PGD 6 Baylon

July 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED: Use pencil no. 1 only.

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1.  One of these is responsible in the revocation of license of a midwife: a. Board of Midwifery c. Hospital director b. Supervisor d. Chief Nurse  2.  Moral turpitude means a.  Contrary to Law b.  Vileness and baseness

c. Perjury d. Moral values 

3.  Which of the following types of patients p atients is a practicing private midwife is not allwed to handle? a.  Postpartum mother who delivered normally b.  Antepartum G2P1 9 months AOG with a BP 110/70 c.  Healthy infant for immunization th d.  A mother in labor with vaginal spotting on her 7 month 4.  En trance of a new kind of people or activity into an area is called? a.  Succession 5.  When was R.A. 2644 approved? a.  July 13, 1960

b. invasion

c. Centralization Centralization

d. concentration

b. June 13, 1990

c. June 13, 1961

d. May 13, 1960 

6.  In giving a good lecture, the speaker should do the following to arouse the learner’s interest EXCEPT:   a.  Give the objectives of the lesson b.  Refer to a previous topic c.  Tell the story which related to the topic d.  Go direct to the main to av avoid oid wasting tim timee 7.  A public health midwife was assigned to conduct a mother’s class to a group of pregnant mothers in barangay. Which skills will she use so that the mothers will understand her well? a.  Technical b. analytical c. communication communication d. supervisory 8.  It is a science which guides our judgment concerning the morality of human acts a.  Ethics b. conduct c. morals 9.  A will which is written dated and signed by the testator is called: a.  Halographic b. expressed will c. oral will

d. philosophy

d. simple imprudence 

10.  The right to life of the unborn child from conception is stated in the a.  The 1987 Constitution c. Code of Ethics for Midwives b.  Child and Youth Welfare Code d. Family Code 11.  A midwife files a birth certificate when in fact no birth has really occurred. This T his crime is called; a.  Simulation of birth b. substitution c. breach d. abandonment  12.  . A midwife who agrees with a doctor to commit a crime is called: a.  Multiple crime b.  Complicated crime

c. assisted crime d. conspiracy



13.  A professional tax is not a requirement for a midwife working in the: a.  DOH b. private duty c. private lying-in clinic

d. private hospital

14.  The DOH launched the “TEPOK LAMOK, LAMOK, DENGUE SAPOK” program to heighten Dengue Fever  awareness to the populace on a.  September 2, 1996 b. august 22, 1996 c. August 2, 1996 d. July 2, 1996  15.  Which ethical behavior must be observed by a practicing midwife when giving midwifery service to her patient? a.  Apply to all her clients her standard professional fee regardless of economic status b.  Asking for advanced deposit fee before rendering her service c.  Render the service with her full knowledge and skills d.  Charge a high professional fee by letting the patient that she is the best midwife in the community   16.  Which of the following following statements best describe describe an ethical behavior of a midwife midwife a.  Talk about her successful life to impress i mpress the patients b.  Adheres to the Code of Ethics and R.A. 7392 c.  Choosing patients who are well-off  d.  Gives priority attention in rendering service to her friends 17.  The following statements are technical skills of a midwife EXCEPT a.  Recognize and interpret normal and abnormal-conditions of pregnancy b.  Explain midwifery procedures to the patient c.  Able to perform the functions stipulated in the midwifery law d.  Able to manage abnormal conditions in pregnancy   18.  Under the Code of Ethics for Midwives, a midwife must observe the following norms EXCEPT a.  To continuously enhance her knowledge, attitude and skills for the benefit of her clientele. b.  Performance of midwifery services to all pregnant women. c.   Not to reveal any information given to her by her patient in i n the course of the patient’s treatment. treatment.   d.  To share with her colleagues any valuable practical knowledge that she may have gained thru trainings. 19.  The law law which species the midwife’s scope of functions in order to know her limitations.   a.  Code of ethics for midwives b.  Magna Carta for Public Health Workers c.  Midwifery Law d.  PRC implementing rules and regulations. 20.  Which of the following diseases has been increasing rapidly affecting the whole world and yet no medicine has been discovered for its care: a.  pneumonia b. HIV-AIDS C. Leprosy d. cancer 21.  Ideal to a midwife means a.  what kind of a midwife she looks up to serve as a model b.  none of these c.  what the future has in store for her as professional d.  what a midwife wishes to do 22.  A mother brought her child for consultation with complaints of diarrhea for 3 days. As the midwife of the RHU, which of the following will you give to prevent dehydration of the child? a.  Diatabs b. oresol c. leprosy d. cancer


  23.  A student midwife assigned in the delivery room, committed an error identifying the sex of the baby. The person who may be held liable is the clin clinical ical instructor under the doctri doctrine? ne? a.  Res ipsa loquitor c. force majeure b.  Negligence d. respondeat superior 24.  The credit units earned through the Continuing Professional Education Program is obtained thru the following, EXCEPT; a.  Resource speaker in a seminar


b. in a health facility as a midwife supervisor c.  Working Taking a masteral degree d.  Attending IMAP convention and activities 25.  Lack of this micronutrie micronutrient nt causes irreversible mental and growth retardation a.  Iodine b. vitamin A c. protein

d. iron

26.  The acute perceptive of the important things for the comfort co mfort of the patient is a.  Obligation b. anticipation c. responsibility

d. charity 

27.  Who among these professionals is disqualified to be member of the board a.  Practicing obstetrician b.  Registered midwife with B.S. Psychiatry c.  Practicing obegyne and also the director of school of midwifery d.  Nurse midwife 28.  Who among these employees enjoyed paid up maternity leave of 60 days including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays? a.  Midwife working in St. Luke’s Hospital  Hospital   b.  Midwife working in her own lying-in l ying-in clinic c.  Midwife working in Hongkong d.  Midwife employed by the DOH  29.  Which of the laws refers to the act which promotes, require and ensure the production of an adequate supplies, distribution, distribution, and acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their Generic names? a.  R.A. 7392 b. R.A. 6675 c. R.A. 7305 d. R.A.7600  30.  Which of the following activities is not a legal responsibility of a public health midwife? a.  As a witness to a will b.  Attending to normal deliveries c.  Suturing of perineal laceration after training d.  Injecting vitamin k to a newborn baby b aby 31.  Which of the following is not considered unprofessional? a.  Asking commission for referrals of patients made by her b.  Choosing patients according to their paying capacity c.  Fees commensurate with services rendered d.  Detaining the baby until her mother has fully paid her obligation   32.  A midwife whose license is expiring this year and whose birthday is September 27, is expected to renew her PRC license on: a.  Sept. of this year b.  Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 this years c.  Sept. 27 to Oct. 20 of this year d.  Anytime this year 33.  If the doctor told the mother that she might have a defective fetus, the correct action o off the midwife should be to


a.  b.  c.  d. 

Give abortive medication to induce abortion Advise the doctor to seek abortion to terminate the pregnancy Allow the mother to express her fears and give her emotional support Refer the patient to another doctor

34.  Which of the following laws promotes breastfeeding and rooming-in? a.  R.A. 7883 b. R.A. 7600 c. R.A. 2644

d. R.A. 7305


35. Which of the following age group should be targeted to be given care during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum care? a.  15-49 b. 18-45 c. 15-20 d. 20-40  36.  .In the New Family Code, the child born of an illegitimate relationship, should be registered using: a. Surname of the father c. surname of the mother b.  Surname of tthe he father if he gives his consent d. ssurname urname of the father even without his consent  37.  Which of the following dates was effectivity of the new Family Code? a.  August3, 1988 c. Sept. 19, 1987 b.  October 8, 1988 d. November 3, 1988 38.  As a community health midwife she is expected e xpected to implement the PHC strategy in her barangay. Which of  the following is the appropriate action of the midwife for a health related problem? a.  Ignore the problem b.  Have a dialogue with the Barangay captain c.  Coordinate with other GO’s or NGO’s for an intersectoral meeting   d.  Organize a medical outreach 39.  A postpartum mother came to you and requested for a reversible contraceptive method. The following method are reversible, EXCEPT a.  IUD b. condom c. BTL d. pills 40.  Under the Midwives Code of Ethics, a midwife is expected to do the following EXCEPT a.  Renders services only to normal pregnant mother and normal unborn infant b.  Confine the source of her income to the services she has actually rendered c.  Participates in research activities related to the midwifery profession d.  Reveal any information given by her patient in the course of the patien patient’s t’s treatment  41.  Patients afflicted with AIDSare usually confined in what hospital? a.  Jose Reyes Memorial Hospital c. San Lazaro Hospital b.  Tala Leprosarium d. Philippine General Hospital  42.  A midwife practioner can be ethical and professional if she a.  Obedient to all orders of her supervisor b.  c.  Follows the commandments of God and Laws both public and private d.  Pleases her colleagues in every way 43.  You are a midwife supervisor in a government health facility. One of your findings during your visit to a health center, is the low MCH coverage which is due to the inadequate KAS of the midwives, your action will be a.  Give her modules on MCH for readings b.  Recommend her for training/retraining c.  Reprimand her for the law output d.  Transfer her to another health center  


44.  As a public health midwife, you should motivate a reluctant mother to submit her child for immunization immunization as embodies in which of the following laws? a.  PD 223 b. PD 856 c. PD 965 d. PD 996

45.  A government employee is required to render service of how many hours a week? a.  40 hours b. 50 hours c. 30 hours d. 45 hours 46.  Power/privilege Power/privilege that belongs to a person according to law, nature and tradition is called a.  Law b. loyalty c. right d. duty 47.  Which of the following is an example of aggravating circumstance? a.  Jealous wife killed her husband caught with another anot her woman b.  Midwife jailed to handle handle a home delivery because of traffic c.  Kidnapping for ransom d.  An insane man killed his brother 48.  A midwife who destroys the honor and reputation of a co-midwife can be charged with a.  Slander by deed c. slander b.  Defamation d. libel  49.  The requisite of a contract as laid down by the Civil Code of the Philippines are the following, EXCEPT a. Consent of both parties b.   Cause of the contract

c. subject matter of the contract d. 6 witnesses 

50.  Which of the following situations indicates the emotional immaturity, EXCEPT a.  Accept other people constructive criticism b.  Easily gets along well with others c.  Performs midwifery procedures correctly d.  Does her work well even without supervision 51.  Performing all actions necessary for the crime, but providing no result is what kind of felony? a.  Alternative b. frustrated frustrated c. consumed d. attempted  52.  Which of the following is right regarding the number of classification classification of criminal abortion under Revised Penal Code? a.  5 categories b. 4 categories c. 2 categories d. 3 categories  \  be charged 53.  When a midwife signed a contract but later on, did not comply with conditions agreed upon, can of  a.  Malpractice c. breach of confidentiality b.  Breach of contract d. incompetency  54.  Who among the following is the most important thing in the hospital and is the reason for the existence of  the hospital? a.  Patient b. hospital staff c. records d. hospital director  55.  A midwife assigned to a health center with numerous patients numerous patients and who can’t discipline her expression and anxiety in front of her client lacks? a.  Fortitude b. courtesy c. responsibility d. self-control  56.  A midwife is bound by professional ethics not to reveal any information given by b y her patient, EXCEPT when a.  Ordered by her supervisor c. ordered by the physician


b.  Requested by immediate relative

d. required by court

57.  Recalling your knowledge knowledge on nutrition, who among the following following cases is not included in the Vitamin A supplementation a.  Preschoolers c. pregnant mothers b.  Children who had about of measles d. postpartum mothers 58.  Which of the following skills should a midwife apply in helping a primi case the proper breastfeeding?




b. teaching

c. counseling

d. managing

59.  Which of the following laws provide prescribes method of enforcing rights or obtaining redress a wrong or an injury? a.  Administrativ Administrativee b. civil c. remedial d. commercial 60.  The license of a midwife may be suspended/revoke if  a.  She performed her duties within the scope of the midwifery law b.  License is not renewed since she is inactive c.  She is suspended from her job due to subordination d.  She assisted the physician in performing abortion 61.  As a midwife, you have some expanded roles. Which of the following is an example of such role? a.  Teaching a primigravida on the preparation for a home delivery b.  Taking the weight of a pregnant mother c.  Counting the breathing rates of a 3 mos. old baby with cough, d.  Performing the Leopold’s Leop old’s maneuver to a pregnant mother    \  62.  The ff. conditions are covered by Medicare benefits, EXCEPT a.  Medical cases c. surgery b.  Normal spontaneous delivery d. caesarean section 63.  A close friend of yours who is a medical representative requested you to help her in distributing free samples of milk to your clients. What will be your action? a.  Distribute the milk as requested b.  Abide with EO 51 c.  Help her in the distribution with some concessions d.  Inform her that you will do it discreetly 64.  Last January 1997, measles started to have a very high incidence rate especially in Metro Manila. Measles is caused by a.  Streptococcus b. fungus c. virus d. staphylococcus staphylococcus 65.  Which of the ff. flagship programs programs of the President has a rel relevance evance to health? a.  Intrastructur Intrastructuree c. SRA-MBN b.  Access to economic opportunities d. access to quality basic services 66.  Which of the ff. requirements is the most important document in order to be permitted to work in i n a foreign country? a.  Membership card from IMAP c. PRC license b.  Visa d. passport 67.  A convicted person who is meted to a life sentence she committed co mmitted a.  Malfeasance b. less grave felony b.  Light felony d. grave felony 68.  A midwife assigned in the Rural Health Unit goes overtime. The additional compensation per RA 7305 is a.  100% b. 30% c. 10% d. 25%


  69.  Occupation tax is paid to what office? a.  BIR b.  Local Service Registry

c. PRC d. IMAP

70.  Which of the types of ethics refers to the right to life, property and marriage? a.  Professional b. political c. social 71.  For a testator to be qualified to make will have the ff. qualifications: qualifications:


a.   Have Have aa good soundphysical mind health b.

d. individual

c. must d. be in be hiseducated death bed 

72.  Which of the ff. level position of midwives is concerned in rendering direct patient care? a.  position c. supervisory b.  Staff midwife d. administra administrative tive 73.  The following statements are the objectives of the CPE programs EXCEPT a.  To enhance and maintain the highest standard and quality of midwifery practice b.  To make the midwife globally competitive c.  Prepare a midwife for a Masteral Degree d.  To promote the General Welfare of the Public 74.  Who was the President of the first association organized by the midwives and who was also became the first midwife midwife member of the Board of Examiners or Mi Midwives dwives in 1961? a.  Ms. Leocia Cuatoco c. Atty. Angelina Ponce b.  Miss Alice de la Guete d. Miss Juana Reyes 75.  The code of ethics for midwives serves as a guide for the midwife practitioner in her a.  Intersection with her patients b.  Ethical and professional conduct c.  Scope of practice d.  Roles and responsibilitie responsibilitiess 76.  The validity of a PRC license license of a registered midwife midwife is a.  5 years b. 1 year c. 3 years

d. 2 years

77.  Which of the following is true regarding membership membership of IMAP? a.  It is a voluntary act of o f a professional midwife b.  It is needed for the renewal of PRC license c.  It is a voluntary act of o f the post-partum mother d.  It is a requirement before registration as professional midwife 78.  A registered midwife working under the DOH is the one responsible in giving the primary level of care and is under the supervision of  a.  supervising Nurse c. Public Health Nurse b.  Municipal Health Office d. Supervising Midwife 79.  A registered midwife is bound by professional ethics not to reveal any information given by her patients unless a.  Requested by the superior b.  Required to testify in court c.  Ordered by the physician d.  Threatened by the immediate family 80.  When working in a foreign land, the midwife’s best guide concerning her scope of functions are the following EXCEPT a.  The Philippine Midwifery Law


b.  The hospital standard procedures and policies c.  Her job description in her work contract d.  The Midwifery law of her host country 81.  Which of the following is not considered unprofessional behavior of a midwife? a.  Receiving commission for referral of patients b.  Detaining baby until mother has paid c.  Selecting patients according to paying capacity



Fees commensurate according to service rendered

82.  A registered midwife whose license is revoked or suspended and appends to her name “R.M.” shall pay a fine of  a.  Not less than P10,000 b.  Not less than P20,000 c.  Not less than P10,000 nor more than P30,000 d.  Not less than P5,000 nor more than P10,000 83.  This is a DOH project on the elimination of Iodine Deficiency thru Salt Fortification a.  Save a sight b.  FIDEL GAMUTAN”   c.  Ensuring to patient is cured thru “TUTUK GAMUTAN”  “Tepok Lamok, dengue Sapok” Sapok”  d.    84.  A registered midwife working in the delivery room, unintentionally placed a wrong identification tag to a newborn. The action of the midwife is considered as a.  Inconsequential for lack of intention b.  Excusable c.  Reckless imprudence d.  Malpractice 85.  A midwife who is assigned at the far flung areas of Mindanao has not renewed her licensed for the past 8 years due to distance. A notice from PRC will be issued to her by regarding her a.  Suspension from her job b.  Delisting her name in the roster of professional midwives c.  Re-enroll in the midwifery course d.  Revocation of her license 86.  The most important heat regulating center of the body is a.  Muscles b.  Hypothalamus

c. battery d. skin

87.  This is a record introduced by the DOH which aims to improve prenatal, natal, postpartum and family planning for mothers and helps the midwife detect women at risk in order to take necessary action c. home based mother’s record  record   a.  Delivery record b.  Target client list d. individual treatment record 88.  A registered midwife who accepts the duty and responsibility in undertaking the delivery of a pregnant woman until her postpartum period enters into what contract? a.  Implied c. informal b.  Formal d. expressed 89.  You are a private practicing midwife taking care of a rich old man. After learning that you are a beneficiary in her will, you decided to poison her. You are guilty of  a.  Homicide c. battery b.  Murder

d. assault


90.  Which of the following is the right way or the ethical obligation of a midwife towards her patients and colleagues? a.  A midwife should work with the interest and concerns with the other members of the health team b.  A midwife should continue to keep herself updated for professional growth c.  A midwife is bound by b y professional ethics to reveal any information given by the patient d.  A midwife who has accepted to take care of a patient should render services to her patient to be the best of her ability 91.  Continuing education units can be acquired by the midwife by doing which of the following activities


a.   b. c.  d. 

Attending trainings, seminar and convention Reading articles about trendsworkshops in a midwifery practice As a midwife employed by the DOH By joining midwives organization

92.  In order that the delivery of health service is effective and relevant to the patient’s need, the midwife must do what action first? a.  Evaluate c. refer b.  Assess d. monitor 93.  Because of several admissions in the delivery room, a midwife unintentionally unintentionally wrote male in the birth certificatee instead of female. Her action is considered as certificat a.  Excusable c. reckless imprudence b.  Felonies d. aggravating circumstance 94.  The conduction of the Midwifery Board Examination is one function of the a.  APSOM c. Civil Service Commission b.  PRC d. Board of Midwifery 95.  A private practicing midwife who handles home delivery is required to file the birth certificate within one month to the local civil registrar’s office by virtue or   or   a.  PD 651 b. PD 603 c. PD 442 d. PD 148 96.  A member of the board who is accused of immortality maybe removed from office by a.  PRC c. court b.  President of the Philippines d. IMAP 97.  The first school of Midwifery was established in what year? a.  1922 b. 1925 c.1040

d. 1950

98.  Which of the following statements is true regarding the required age of each member of the Midwifery Board? a.  30 years of age c. at least 40 years old b.  25 years d. 35 years 99.  Which of the following PDs refers to the Compulsory Immunization for all children below 8 years old a.  491 c. 996 b.  442 d. 965 100. A married midwife with 5 children can apply for tax exemption in filling her income tax return, making use of what Presidential Decree? a.  603 c. 442 b.  1619 d. 69



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