Conclusion: ased on our anal-sis we conclude that .ption" )Re/enue dri/en* strateg- oers the highest NPV and IRR thus being the pro1ect with the 2ai2u2 /alue addition to the 4r2# 5he price decrease increases the sales /olu2e substantiall- which 2ore than 2a6es up for the loss of price# 5his strateg- also eecti/el- cancels out the cannibali7ation eect on other products, howe/er cannibali7ation is a 2atter that should be gi/en high attention
P a g e | " to, since the rate is substantial )(0+ of New 8ales*# If countered and lowered eecti/el-, it can increase the pro1ects attracti/eness#
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