Petrel 2007-1-2 Deployment Guide

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Petrel 2007.1.2 Deployment Guide

Schlumberger Public

Schlumberger Information Solutions Document Version: 2007-10-02

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Copyright Notice © 2007 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of Schlumberger Information Solutions, 5599 San Felipe, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77056-2722.

Disclaimer Use of this product is governed by the License Agreement. Schlumberger makes no warranties, express, implied, or statutory, with respect to the product described herein and disclaims without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Schlumberger reserves the right to revise the information in this manual at any time without notice.

Trademark Information *Mark of Schlumberger. Certain other products and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. Schlumberger Public

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Table of Contents 1.  Document Overview ...................................................................... 9  1.1 

Who Should Use This Guide ......................................................... 9 


Reference Material ................................................................... 9 

2.  Overview of Deployment Options ................................................... 10  3.  Petrel Basics ............................................................................. 12  What is Petrel? ...................................................................... 12 


What is a .pet Project? ............................................................ 12 


What is a .petR Project? .......................................................... 12 


How does Petrel identify Objects? .............................................. 13 


Can I change the GUID for an object? ........................................... 14 


What are the .DAT files in the Petrel 2005 project directory?.............. 14 


What are the .PTD files in the Petrel 2007.1 project directory? ........... 14 


Can you tell what data is stored in each .PTD file? ........................... 14 


What are the .BAK files in the Petrel 2007.1 project directory? ........... 15 

3.10  What is a ZGY File? ................................................................. 16  3.11  Is all seismic data stored in .PTD files? ......................................... 16  4.  Hardware and Software Considerations ............................................ 17  4.1 

Verifying Hardware and Software Requirements .............................. 17 


What processors should I use? .............................................. 17 


How much memory (RAM) should I have? ................................. 18 


Should I use Windows XP 64-bit? ........................................... 18 


What is the 3GB switch? Should I use this?................................ 18 


What graphics cards should I use? .......................................... 19 


How can I optimize the graphics card for use with Petrel? ............ 19 


What other considerations should I keep in mind for geophysical workflows? ...................................................... 20 


Recommended Tested Hardware Solutions .................................... 20 

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Ready-to-Run Solutions ............................................................ 21 


Petrel VR Hardware Considerations ............................................. 21 


Petrel VR System Requirements ............................................ 22 


Seismic Server Considerations .................................................... 22 


Simulation Server Considerations ................................................ 22 

5.  Petrel License Considerations ........................................................ 23  6.  Optimizing Petrel Data Usage ........................................................ 24  6.1 

Optimizing the Storage and the Network ....................................... 24 


Standardizing the Storage on Disk ............................................... 25 


Standardizing Data in Petrel ...................................................... 26 


Creating a Petrel Project Template ....................................... 26 


Creating a Library of Workflows ............................................ 27 


Customizing Your Environment ............................................. 27 


Coordinate Systems in Petrel ..................................................... 29 


Creating the Custom Coordinate System ....................................... 30 


Considerations for Creating a Custom Coordinate System ................... 32 

8.  Reference Project Workflows for Sharing Data ................................... 33  8.1 

Managing Reference Projects .................................................... 34 


Creating a Petrel Project Network .............................................. 34 


Creating Reference Projects ..................................................... 36 

8.3.1  8.4 

Restricting Access via Access Rights ....................................... 37 

Creating Seismic Reference Projects............................................ 37 


Organizing Data in the Seismic Main Folder .............................. 37 


Loading Data into the Seismic Reference Project ....................... 39 


Loading 2D Seismic Data ..................................................... 39 


Loading 3D Seismic Data ..................................................... 40 


Reference Project Data Considerations......................................... 41 

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7.  Managing Coordinate Systems ........................................................ 29 


Consolidating Well Data in a Reference Project ......................... 42 


Consolidating Seismic Interpretations in a Reference Project ........ 42 


Seismic Data Handling........................................................ 43 


Reference Project Tool Usage Considerations ................................. 44 


Questions about Synchronizing Data ............................................ 45  Can I change the survey name/vintage name of the seismic survey and then try to synchronize it with the other projects? ....... 45 


Can I change the folder structure of the objects in the Reference Project or Work Project? How will this affect the synchronization? .............................................................. 45 


How do I exchange data between two projects using the RPT in Petrel 2007.1 without overwriting data? .................................. 45 


What happens to the (new) horizon interpretation when 2D or 3D survey (or lines/cubes) are deleted or removed? ................... 45 


How does the Reference Project Tool handle the exchange of data between projects with different coordinate/unit systems? ..... 46 


Where do I put seismic attribute cubes? .................................. 46 


How can I copy the 'properties' folder or a single 'property grid' from a model in one project (A) to a model in another project (B)? .............................................................................. 46 


How can I use the Reference Project Tool with seismic interpretation that was done on a realized cropped volume? ......... 47 


How do I exchange seismic horizons between two projects in Petrel 2007.1? ................................................................. 47 

8.7.10  How can I correct problems with interpretation done on copies of the same seismic volume in two different projects? ................ 47  8.8 

Security and Access Considerations for Reference Projects ................. 48 


Going Towards Future Petrel Data Management Solutions .................. 48 

8.10  Known Limitations of the Reference Project Tool ............................ 49  9.  Deploying Petrel with Existing Data Sources ...................................... 50  9.1 

Transferring Data Using ASCII Loaders .......................................... 50 


Transferring Data Using OpenSpirit.............................................. 50 


How OpenSpirit Works ....................................................... 50 


Overview of Using OpenSpirit ............................................... 51 

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Tracking Data Transferred via OpenSpirit ................................ 51 


Units and Coordinate Systems with OpenSpirit .......................... 51 


Matching Wells in OpenSpirit Transfers ................................... 52 


Other OpenSpirit Customizations........................................... 53 


Petrel Shape File Management with ArcGIS .................................... 53 


Publishing to ArcGIS Using OpenSpirit ..................................... 53 


ArcGIS Integration with Shape and ArcGIS Grid Import/Export ....... 54 

10.  Multi-Data Source Management Using ProSource ................................ 56  10.1  ProSource Deployment Considerations.......................................... 57  11.  Appendix A – Licensing FAQ for Petrel 2007.1 ................................... 58  11.1  Getting Started ..................................................................... 58  11.1.1  What’s new? ................................................................... 58  11.1.2  What do I need to get started with Petrel 2007.1? ...................... 58  11.1.3  Where do I get a new dongle and license? ................................ 58  11.1.5  Can I still use the Sentinel dongles? ....................................... 58  11.1.6  How are the dongles identified? ............................................ 59  11.1.7  Can I save a license file or other files on the dongle? .................. 59  11.1.8  Is HostID based licensing supported by SIS Petrel? ...................... 59  11.1.9  How can I prevent the license server from going down when the machine goes into standby? ................................................. 59  11.2  Background on FLEX Licensing ................................................... 59  11.2.1  Why is Petrel moving to FLEXnet dongle licenses? ...................... 59  11.2.2  What is a license actually? .................................................. 59  11.2.3  What are module dependencies? ........................................... 59  11.2.4  What is a daemon? ............................................................ 60  11.2.5  Can I combine multiple license files into one license file?............. 60  11.2.6  How do I run two or more dongles with Petrel 2005 when I upgrade to the new license system? ....................................... 60  11.2.7  How do I add multiple dongles on the same server with Petrel 2007.1.1? ....................................................................... 61  11.2.8  How do I make multiple products that use FlexLM licensing

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11.1.4  Can I use Petrel 2007.1 without the new dongle? ....................... 58 

work with Petrel licensing?.................................................. 61  11.3  Installation .......................................................................... 61  11.3.1  Is there a special procedure for installing the new dongles? .......... 61  11.3.2  Can we upgrade Petrel 2004 projects directly to Petrel 2007.1? ..... 62  11.3.3  How is the Seismic Server licensed? ....................................... 62  11.3.4  Do I have to uninstall the beta version of the FLEXNET license? ...... 62  11.4  How Licenses Work ................................................................. 62  11.4.1  Does FLEXnet licensing work in the same way as GeoFrame? ......... 62  11.4.2  Will Petrel 2007.1 licenses float, just like GeoFrame licenses? ....... 62  11.4.3  Is license borrowing allowed for Petrel 2007.1? ......................... 62  11.4.4  What is the license compatibility for FLEX? .............................. 63  11.5  Monitoring and Logging ............................................................ 64  11.5.1  How are monitoring and logging done in Petrel 2007.1? ............... 64  12.  Appendix B – Match and Merge Configuration Options .......................... 65 

12.2  Merge actions ....................................................................... 65  12.3  Match criteria ....................................................................... 65  12.4  Well Bores ........................................................................... 65  12.4.1  Default Mode and Actions ................................................... 66  12.4.2  Default Match Criteria ....................................................... 66  12.5  Well Logs ............................................................................ 66  12.5.1  Default Mode and Actions ................................................... 67  12.5.2  Default Match Criteria ....................................................... 67  12.6  Well Tops (Picks) ................................................................... 67  12.6.1  Default Mode and Actions ................................................... 67  12.6.2  Default Match Criteria ....................................................... 67  12.7  Well Velocity ........................................................................ 67  12.7.1  Default Mode and Actions ................................................... 68  12.7.2  Default Match Criteria ....................................................... 68  12.8  Example of OpenSpiritMapping.xml ............................................. 69 

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12.1  Merge options ....................................................................... 65 

13.  Appendix C – Details on Customizing Petrel ....................................... 71  13.1  Creating Customized Well Symbols .............................................. 71  13.2  Customizing the Info Box.......................................................... 72  13.3  Further Customizations Options ................................................. 72  14.  Appendix D – Managing Seismic Data with a Seismic Server ................... 73  14.1  Introduction to Seismic Servers .................................................. 73  14.2  Seismic Server Hardware and Software Considerations ...................... 73  14.2.1  Operating System ............................................................. 74  14.2.2  Processors and System ....................................................... 74  14.2.3  Memory (RAM) ................................................................. 74  14.2.4  Recommended Tested Hardware Solutions ............................... 74  15.  Appendix E – Petrel 2007.1.1 Upgrade Considerations ......................... 76  16.  Appendix F – Change Log for this version .......................................... 77  Schlumberger Public

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1. Document Overview The installation of Petrel is simple. A few clicks, and you have Petrel installed on your computer, ready to go. However, once Petrel is installed, there are several considerations that you must take into account, such as how to populate projects, how to transfer the data within the asset team, and how to maintain data integrity. Furthermore, the hardware and network infrastructure of your Petrel deployment may not be operating at its best, causing issues such as poor performance or scalability. This guide provides workflows and information that will help ensure Petrel is deployed with the best data management practices and infrastructure for the environment. Because there are many deployment options for Petrel, this guide generalizes the options, recognizing that installation environments may fall somewhere in between the various deployment scenarios provided. The intent is for you to pick and choose the information you find relevant. Take this information and use it as the building blocks for your Petrel deployment.

1.1 Who Should Use This Guide System Administrators— Personnel responsible for ensuring the optimal performance of the Petrel hardware and network environment Petrel Data Administrators—Geotechnicians that manage the data and company business rules for the Asset Team

1.2 Reference Material Additional information about Petrel includes the following: Petrel Online Help—The Petrel Online Help is packed with tool tips and useful information. This Deployment Guide discusses the Petrel tools, such as the Reference Project Tool, in a data management context only. For detailed information on the use of the tools, refer to the Petrel Online Help. Petrel Release Notes—The Petrel Release Notes highlight the new workflows, tools, and features introduced in each Petrel release. Petrel Upgrade Considerations—The Petrel Upgrade Considerations summarizes the key impact that the new features introduced in Petrel 2007.1 have on the upgrade process. We recommend that you read this guide before proceeding with the upgrade.

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This guide is intended for use by the following administrators:

2. Overview of Deployment Options This guide discusses how to implement data management practices that optimize the Petrel environment, taking into consideration the simplistic to the most complex Petrel data management effort. Figure 1 shows that Petrel can be deployed in the following environments: 3

A single-user environment utilizing just Petrel projects A multi-user environment utilizing Petrel Reference Projects An environment that includes Petrel data communicating with other data sources A data management environment that requires a tool such as ProSource to provide a single view of the data from all data sources

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Figure 1: Petrel Deployment Scenarios

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The Petrel deployment scenarios depend on the following data management considerations: The number of data Users or members who need to access or change the same data at the same time The method by which Users store and retrieve data Whether the environment has existing data sources that Petrel Users need to access Presently, data management practices are controlled (to a large extent) manually by a Data Administrator. The Data Administrator is the cornerstone of the data management process. To ensure success, the Data Administrator should adhere to the following data management best practices: Define (standardize) the area and directory structure in which projects are stored Create projects that are similar to each other to ensure ease of data sharing Create projects and load data into these projects from authenticated sources

Define project, ZGY, and data naming conventions to which Users can adhere Oversee the Reference Project, or master data repository in terms of data content. A central, shared data repository is the foundation from which data is managed. The blending of suitable deployment types and thoughtful data management techniques results in useful and usable deployments. Subsequent sections in this guide provide insight, tips, and methods of achieving the above data management best practices.

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Define and implement the deployment scenario(s) most useful to the organization

3. Petrel Basics To get started, let’s cover some of the fundamentals of Petrel and Petrel files from a data management perspective.

3.1 What is Petrel? The Petrel integrated toolkit for subsurface interpretation and modeling provides a means of discovering, in dollar figures, the impact of uncertainty. Geophysicists, geologists, reservoir engineers, and drilling engineers can manage risk across domains using Petrel’s Windows-based application. Because Petrel is not a multiUser application, successful deployment of Petrel across the industry depends upon using consistent data management practices and implementing proven solutions.

3.2 What is a .pet Project? Each Petrel project consists of a .pet file—the main project file—and associated data files that constitute the rest of the project. Associated data files include the serialized project data (.ptd files), simulation-related data (.sim files), and the external seismic files (.zgy or .SEGY files).

Figure 2: Petrel Project Storage Example

Petrel stores data in flat files; therefore they are easy to manage at the file system level. Though this presents an enormous advantage for the flexibility in using Petrel, the data in a Petrel project cannot be accessed or changed by Users at the same time. Because of this, Users cannot work on Petrel project data in parallel. This does not mean that an Asset Team cannot work in parallel; it means that Asset Team members must access the data in Petrel project files sequentially.

3.3 What is a .petR Project? A Petrel Reference Project (.petR project) is a light-weight data management solution for Asset Teams that need a collaborative view and storage repository for shared data. A Reference Project is very similar to a Petrel (.pet) project, but a Reference Project is used for a different purpose. A Reference Project is intended to be a master project for the Asset Team. This guide explains in later sections

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Figure 2 shows an example of Petrel project storage. 3

how to set up and manage Reference Projects, but for now, the general understanding of a Reference Project is that it holds collaborative, Asset Team project information from which Petrel Users can push and pull project data (from and to their individual .pet projects). This exchange of data from the Petrel Project to the Reference Project is managed through the Reference Project Tool in Petrel. The different extensions (.pet versus .petR) allow you to easily isolate and locate a Reference Project within the file storage area. Figure 3 shows an example of Reference Project storage. 3

Figure 3: Reference Project Storage Example

Technically, however, a Reference Project (.petR) is exactly like a regular Petrel project (.pet); Petrel functionality and the Reference Project Tool work exactly the same for both project types. However, Petrel Users should not use and create Reference Projects as they do basic Petrel projects. The Reference Project is meant to be the master repository of data, and should only store the final versions of data. The Reference Project, when in use either by opening directly in Petrel or by using the Reference Project Tool, is still bound by a lock on the project files when in use (as with the .lockR file in Figure 3). Because of this, Users should spend the least amount of time with the Reference Project open as possible. This will ensure other members of the Asset Team can push or pull data to the Reference Project when required.

3.4 How does Petrel identify Objects? Each object in a Petrel project, such as a well, is identified by a Global Unique Identifier (GUID). The GUID is considered the fingerprint of the object. You can find the GUID for an object by referring to the first tab in the settings of the object. The GUID is derived from the machine’s unique MAC (internet address— unique to each device on the internet) address and the timestamp of creation. It is important to understand how objects are considered unique in Petrel since references to that object refer to the GUID to maintain the link.

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If you wish to easily locate and create a standard naming convention for the Reference Projects in your environment, the .petR extension will aid in that location and standardization.

Refer to for more information on GUIDs. 1U


3.5 Can I change the GUID for an object? You cannot typically change the GUID of an object. However, you can create a new object with a new GUID that has the same data as the original object. Typically, this is required in emergency situations when someone needs to remove the dependencies between a data item that has traveled from project to project. To issue a new GUID for an object, simply copy and paste the object, delete the original, and rename the copy to the original name. The object will then have a new GUID with zero dependencies. Thus, copying and pasting can be used to create an object with the existing data and a new GUID. Note that the copy/paste process will remove the OpenSpirit data key, when the OpenSpirit data key exists. Refer to Section 9.2 for more information on OpenSpirit. 3

In Petrel 2005, these data files had the extension .DAT however, .DAT is generally used by Windows for systems files, and so from Petrel 2007.1 onwards, the .PTD extension will be used instead. Some Petrel 2005 users experienced problems because certain brands of Virus checkers and brands of network backup software having difficulty dealing with .DAT extensions. The first time that you open and save a Petrel 2005 project in Petrel 2007.1, the file extensions will be updated to .PTD.

3.7 What are the .PTD files in the Petrel 2007.1 project directory? Most of the files in a Petrel 2007.1 project directory have the extension .PTD. These are the main binary data files used by Petrel for project data items.

3.8 Can you tell what data is stored in each .PTD file? Most data items in Petrel have a corresponding .PTD file. You can find the corresponding file name by looking at the Settings tab for the data item, as shown in Figure 4. 3

Not all Petrel data items are explicitly controlled by a single .PTD file. For example, default folders in the Petrel Explorer (data tree), global well logs, and

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3.6 What are the .DAT files in the Petrel 2005 project directory?

other default items cannot be deleted in normal Petrel usage and do not have corresponding .PTD files. Sometimes, several data items are contained in a single .PTD file. For example, all well tops are in just one .PTD file.

Figure 4: Locating the GUID for an Object

3.9 What are the .BAK files in the Petrel 2007.1 project directory? When a data item is created in the Petrel GUI, a corresponding .PTD file is created on disk at the moment that the project is saved. If after a save, a data item is edited, then the new version of the data item is written into the .PTD file when the project is saved again. The previous version is moved to a .BAK file. Only 1 .BAK file is kept for any edited .PTD file. The .BAK files can take up disk space, so most administrators delete them from time to time. The easiest way to do this is by using the File > Clean project directory option in the Petrel menu.

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GUID for C4

3.10 What is a ZGY File? ZGY is a bricked multi-resolution realization of 3D SEGY data, supporting 8-bit and 16-bit integer or 32-bit float for improved performance of Petrel. It is a compressed file format for seismic data and improves transfer times compared to the SEGY format. The ZGY file stores the seismic cube in multiple resolution levels and is arranged so that both inline, crossline, and timeslice access is fast for 3D windows. The optimized nature of the ZGY files means that it will be 15-20% larger than the same data in an 8, 16 or 32-bit SEGY file. Each level is 12.5% of the size of the previous level. That means that a ZGY file with three levels will use 100% + 12.5% + 1.5% for a total of 114% of the original cube (14% extra). The size of the cube is then rounded up to the nearest number divisible by 64, which may cause slightly increased disk space consumption (up to 10%). For example, a 1000 x 300 cube would be rounded up to 1024 x 320 which consumes an additional 9% extra disk space. In addition, the full SEGY header information is kept (in case you want to write back to the original SEGY file) as well as additional information like histograms.

Petrel 2007.1 was released complete with the Seismic Server (renamed from GigaServer), Seismic Server admin (renamed from GigaOrganizer), and ZGY utility (renamed from GigaZip), all of which continued the use of the ZGY file format.

3.11 Is all seismic data stored in .PTD files? Petrel ZGY files are created as internal files by default, but it is possible to store them externally from the Petrel project, if needed. Additionally, Petrel can store and access seismic data in various formats. RAW files are stored as .PTD, whereas SEG-Y and ZGY files are stored native on disk.

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In the case of other applications and solutions, three or four different SEGY volumes have to be stored (different resolutions, binned in different directions, etc.). In the case of ZGY files, all this is encompassed within a single file, improving management and overall disk space consumption.

4. Hardware and Software Considerations In addition to the platform on which you install Petrel, Petrel performance can be optimized by configuring your network and data storage repositories in a manner that is most optimal for use with Petrel. Performing a site assessment and determining the starting context for any deployment is vital. SIS can assist in your site assessment and integration planning. Contact your Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) representative for further details.

4.1 Verifying Hardware and Software Requirements Table 1 shows the hardware and software requirements for the installation of Petrel. 3

Table 1: System Requirements Minimum System Requirements


Recommended System Requirements Microsoft© Windows© XP Professional 64-bit Minimum 2 CPUs Dual core / Quad core 4 GB RAM (6 GB RAM Windows© XP-bit) high-speed hard disk Open GL compatible professional 3D graphics card 256 MB of dedicated graphics card RAM or better 1280 x 1024 screen resolution with 16-bit colors

What processors should I use?

Processor speed is a determining factor when it comes to large calculation tasks, such as volume size, property modeling, upscaling, and so forth. In addition, the processor has the function of feeding information to the graphics board. Although the minimum requirement for a processor might be adequate for simple Petrel usage, we recommend opting for the best configuration available in order to achieve the highest performance. Petrel does not fully utilize multi processors; however, there are distinct advantages to using a multiple-core approach or a twocentral processing unit (CPU) machine. Petrel has been tested on single, dual and dual-core processor systems (quad-core machines will be tested as soon as they become available).

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Microsoft© Windows© XP Professional (32bit (SP2) and 64-bit), Windows© 2000 (SP4) IBM or compatible Pentium© processor (1.5 GHz or greater) 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM Windows© XP 64-bit) 400 MB of free disk space OpenGL compatible graphics card with dedicated on-board RAM 1024x768 screen resolution with 16-bit colors Microsoft© .NET Framework Version 2.0 Macrovision Secure FLEXnet 11.3


How much memory (RAM) should I have?

We recommend that your total system memory exceed the memory used by the application.


Should I use Windows XP 64-bit?

Petrel 2007.1 is a 32-bit application. You can use a 32-bit operating system (Windows XP or Windows 2000). However, Windows XP 64-bit gives each 32-bit application access to an additional 2 GB of memory, increasing the available memory to 4 GB. For typical data sets, 1024 MB of internal memory is sufficient to run Petrel; however, in the event of larger than usual data sets, seismic models and applications, or simulation (ECLIPSE) runs, it is advisable to install the maximum amount of memory your operating system can access per application. It is recommended that large exploration projects run on Windows XP64 machines.


What is the 3GB switch? Should I use this?

Using the 3GB switch allows Windows to provide applications with a 3-GB flat virtual address space, with the kernel and executive components using only 1 GB. This allows more memory to be available to Petrel. While the switch can be used on any machine, your machine must actually have 4GB or more of physical memory for this switch to make any material performance difference. The following example shows how to add the 3GB parameter in the Boot.ini file to enable application memory tuning: [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="????" /3GB It is recommended to use the 3GB switch if you are using Windows XP Professional 32-bit. Refer to for 1U


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If you are using Windows with a 32-bit operating system, we recommend that you use the Windows operating system 3GB switch when possible with Petrel. The operating system have always provided applications with a flat 32-bit virtual address space in such a manner that only 2 GB of address space is directly accessible to the application.

more information from Microsoft on this topic and considerations for when to not use the switch.


What graphics cards should I use?

Choose a high-end graphics card to optimize Petrel visualization performance, especially when using large 3D grids, or when performing seismic volume rendering. Graphics card performance depends on several factors outside our control. Corporate PC OS images, drivers and board manufacturers can all affect graphics performance. NVIDIA’s SLI offering does not currently give any added benefit to Petrel; however, it might be helpful with large high-resolution monitors, such as the new 30-inch LCDs. Integrated graphics cards with no dedicated RAM are not recommended, as they will reduce the remaining memory for Petrel and the OS.


How can I optimize the graphics card for use with Petrel?


Figure 5: NVIDIA Settings optimized for Petrel

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An NVIDIA application profile for Petrel is included with the latest NVIDIA Quadro FX drivers. If you are using a machine with an NVIDIA graphics card, on the settings page of your NVIDIA driver, choose the profile called Schlumberger Petrel (Shown in Figure 5). This causes significant performance improvements to Petrel.


What other considerations should I keep in mind for geophysical workflows?

When using the geophysics module to view large 2D lines and 3D surveys, and when using the volume rendering feature, we recommend using a graphics card with at least 512 MB memory. In addition, a fast hard drive (such as a SCSI drive) will increase the speed at which seismic volumes are interpreted. It is also advisable to install as much memory as your operating system permits. Currently, serial attached SCSI (SAS) disks are common with high-end systems. This will have a great impact on performance for bulk seismic loadings. (SAS 15,000 rpm hard disks are recommended.) In Petrel 2007.1 several seismic workflows (for example, seismic display, attribute generation, and realize) utilize multithreading, thus enabling higher usage of any extra processors.

4.2 Recommended Tested Hardware Solutions We regularly test hardware from different vendors. Table 2 and Table 3 list some of the hardware used in the Petrel 2007.1 commercialization cycle. Please note, that issues outside of SIS control, such as driver and BIOS bugs and operating system limitations may affect the user experience. 3


High-End Laptops

Mid-End Laptops

Dell M90 HP Compaq: nw9440

Dell M65

For 64-bit Windows running on a laptop, Intel Core 2 Duo processors or similar are recommended. Table 3: Recommended Workstation Hardware High-End Workstations

Mid-End Workstations

HP XW9400 HP XW 8400 Dell 690

HP xw4400 HP xw6400

Table 4: Recommended Graphics Cards Card Name Ultra HighEnd


NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500 ATI FireGL 7350 NVIDIA Quadro FX 2500M NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M ATI FireGL 7300


PC Type

1.5 GB 768 MB 1 GB 1 GB 512 MB 256 MB 512 MB

Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Laptop Laptop Workstation

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Table 2: Recommended Laptop Hardware

Mid End

NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 X2 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500 NVIDIA Quadro FX go1400 NVIDIA Quadro FX 350M NVIDIA Quadro FX 3400 ATI FireGL 7200 ATI FireGL 7100 ATI FireGL 3350 ATI Radeon X850XT

512 MB 512 MB 256 MB 256 MB 512 MB (256 on card) 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB

Workstation Workstation Workstation Laptop Laptop Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation

To achieve optimal card performance, always make sure that you are working with the latest driver version. To access information about the graphics card installed on your computer, go to Control Panel -> Display. Under the Settings tab, click on Display; here you will find information about graphics cards and drivers. The latest official NVIDIA driver that has been tested is 91.36 and 91.85. The latest official ATI driver tested is 8.323.1.0.

4.3 Ready-to-Run Solutions Petrel 2007.1 has been tested by SIS Infrastructure Services (IS) on select hardware. SIS-IS will offer these hardware packages pre-configured with Petrel and installed with an optional service agreement available. The systems currently targeted for Petrel 2007.1 are shown in Table 5: 3

Table 5: Systems Targeted for Petrel 2007.1 Name



Graphics card

Graphics RAM

HP xw 9400 Dell 690

2 x dual core AMD Opteron 2 x dual core Intel Xeon

8 GB 8 GB

NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500

1 GB 512 MB

For more information, contact your local IS representative.

4.4 Petrel VR Hardware Considerations Petrel VR enables usage of 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) input devices to control Petrel. Petrel VR 2007.1 has the following main features: Enhanced viewing capabilities in Petrel that make use of 6 DOF input devices Site Manager configuration utility for hardware mapping

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A performance indicator can be displayed via the “Miscellaneous” tab in the Petrel Explorer. This gives you a reading of the number of frames per second your image is updated.

The Hybrid Wand utility emulates mouse input from tracked 6 DOF device input


Petrel VR System Requirements High-end configured PC (For more details, please refer to above section on system requirements.) High end graphics card 6 DOF Input device (compatible with Trackd®) Petrel VR supports Trackd® version 5.5

4.5 Seismic Server Considerations If you have high-end seismic workflows, consider deploying Petrel with the use of a Seismic Server. You can find more information on this topic in Appendix D. 1U


4.6 Simulation Server Considerations

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If you have high-end simulation workflows, consider deploying Petrel in conjunction with a back end cluster to run ECLIPSE and FrontSim. Please consult your SIS Account Manager for the latest list of certified hardware for ECLIPSE and FrontSim. For this configuration, you should purchase standard FrontSim licenses, not the FrontSim-Locked license available with Petrel, because it is limited to run only on the same machine as Petrel.

5. Petrel License Considerations All Petrel licenses are served by a FLEXnet license server, secured by a WIBU CodeMeter dongle. You may choose to serve all your licenses from a central server, or to run an individual license server on each User's machine. In the latter case, each User requires his or her own WIBU CodeMeter dongle. You can find substantial information regarding Petrel licenses, including information about upgrading current Petrel licenses, in Appendix A of this guide. In addition, contact your SIS representative for further details about Petrel licenses. 1U


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6. Optimizing Petrel Data Usage Single Users who have no need to share data can store data on a local disk (on the machine on which the Petrel application is running). Storing locally optimizes Petrel’s performance, since locally-stored project data is immediately available. Unless the network is advanced in regards to the cube volumes to be accessed, performance is generally better from local disks. However, using it in this way introduces data management issues. This section provides some guidelines on accessing Petrel projects or Reference Projects on a shared drive.

6.1 Optimizing the Storage and the Network In most cases, accessing data from disks can be the primary bottleneck for Petrel performance. To improve performance, consider the following guidelines: The single easiest method to improve performance is to use a disk with a high access speed (measured in rpm). A good disk can have access speeds close to 15,000 rpm.

Consider accessing storage via Gigabit Ethernet when data is stored remotely. If data is stored on UNIX-based file systems, significant performance degradation may occur when using a utility such as Samba to access the data. The recommendation is to use a multi-protocol file server. The investment in such hardware will improve performance for the Users. Using a multi-protocol file server that concurrently provides network file system (NFS) and common internet file system (CIFS) access, allows the Petrel Users to access data from both Unix and Linux boxes (which require NFS support) and also Windows boxes (which require CIFS support). This method is recommended over simply storing the data in a UNIX or Linuxbased device or a Windows-based device. Network issues can also cause performance problems. A site assessment by SIS can help identify network configuration issues. File fragmentation impacts the input/output access speed. Investigate the fragmentation status of network and local disks and run defragmentation jobs as required. Make sure enough temporary space is available on the local machines (on the C-drive) at any time

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Striped RAID disk configurations (RAID 0) provide the best performance and are also highly recommended, whether working locally or across the network.

6.2 Standardizing the Storage on Disk The starting point for Petrel data management is to define an area for Petrel project storage and to define a directory structure. The area for project storage might be a local drive on the User’s machine, accessed only by an individual User, or a network drive, accessed by many Users. Examples of how you can structure the Petrel data directory are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. The first example creates a simplistic file structure incorporating a hierarchical arrangement of Country to Field. The second example is enhanced to further enable differentiation of data. 3


Figure 6: Country to Field File Structure Schlumberger Public

Figure 7: Differentiation of Data File Structure

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Several tools on the market can help you aggregate distributed file storage across heterogeneous environments. These tools use Windows Distributed File System (DFS) technology. These tools allow you to pool together storage devices and organize unstructured data from the Windows, Linux, SGI IRIX and UNIX domains.

6.3 Standardizing Data in Petrel There are various methods of standardizing data in all Petrel projects. This concept is similar to a Microsoft Word template; each time you begin creating a new document using the template, the document has the same look and feel. Petrel out-of-the-box does not have this concept of a project template, but you can create one that your Petrel Users use as part of a best practice. Benefits of template standardization include: Ensuring easy data transfers since all User projects have a similar structure Providing each User with the same starting point Propelling each User toward organizing data in a consistent manner Allowing consistent data organization throughout a company Storing standard organizational workflows (if existing)

Creating a Petrel Project Template

You can use project templates to standardize the data tree within each Petrel project. The template process starts by pre-defining a basic, generic data tree that embodies the elements, or basic structure, of the corporate workflow. A template-based, generic data tree can be used by a company or by entities or sub-groups within a company as the groundwork or jumping-off point for standardizing data organization. A data tree template may contain templates, workflows, and other elements (map windows). Though the basic configuration may change by adding, moving, or changing folders, the goal should be to keep the structure as consistent as possible so that each User has a similar point of reference from which to organize data. The Reference Project workflows will work even if the trees do not match, but in that case, data may appear at unexpected locations in the project. To ensure that all Users begin with the template project, use the following method: 1. Create a template project ( 2. Customize the template project to conform to your organization’s needs. The following attributes might be specified in the template: Unit and projection-system settings

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Default windows New-property templates/modify color tables Well section template A default stratigraphy according to the company naming convention Empty folders to store Wells, Surveys, and Interpretations 3. Once you have created the new template project, save the project to a common location where all Users have access to it, such as on a shared drive. 4. Set the file permissions ( to read-only so that general Users cannot update or accidentally over-write the template project. 5. Add the template to the properties of each User’s Petrel executable shortcut. Note that the shortcut may be on the desktop, in the installation folder, and/or in the Windows shortcut bar. a. Right-click on the Petrel executable shortcut and select Properties.

6. Each User now receives a default template that cannot be overwritten. He or she will have to save the file to a unique storage area. Consider creating a single template project or deploying multiple template projects, depending on the business needs of the company.


Creating a Library of Workflows

Consider storing commonly-used workflows in a separate Petrel project, thus creating a library of workflows accessible to all Petrel Users. This library of workflows can be added to the template project or stored separately, depending on how you choose to structure your Petrel environment. If you create a library of workflows, you can use the Reference Project Tool to share the workflows with Users. Refer to section 8 for usage guidelines on the Reference Project Tool. 3


Customizing Your Environment

There are additional customizations that you can do to ensure all Petrel Users in your environment have consistency of data and Petrel use. Most of these customizations can be performed by the Petrel User; however, as a Data Administrator, you may want to perform these tasks and then push the customizations to all Petrel Users. If you are running Petrel on a centralized

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b. In the Target field, add the template location after the Petrel.exe location. Example: Change the Target from: “C:\Program Files\Schlumberger\Petrel 2007\Petrel.exe” to “C:\Program Files\Schlumberger\Petrel 2007\Petrel.exe” “F:\Share\”

server, these tasks must be done by the Data Administrator. These customization options include: Creating customized well symbols Customizing the Info Box Customizing the Petrel Configuration File Details of the above customizations are provided in Appendix C. 1U


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7. Managing Coordinate Systems Petrel 2007.1 is coordinate system aware. Petrel 2005 tags are upgraded as “text/information” into Petrel 2007.1. These tags are not really processed, and no coordinate conversion is performed by Petrel 2007.1 at any time, such as during an upgrade, during use of the Reference Project Tool, or when changing the coordinate system tag. The Reference Project Tool is aware of coordinates and will insist on them being the same in both projects. A couple of caveats include: If one project does not have the coordinate system set, it is possible to proceed with warnings. When there is a coordinate (or unit) mismatch, Petrel 2007.1 will still let you transfer cases, workflows, and windows—those items that are coordinate system agnostic.

7.1 Coordinate Systems in Petrel

Petrel Users can select from a list of values that are presented in a geographical context as shown in Figure 8. 3

Figure 8: Selecting a Coordinate System in Petrel

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Petrel uses the Mentor catalog to define coordinate systems. This catalog is based on a GeoFrame 4.2 definition. Future versions of Petrel will use the ESRI coordinate systems.

The default catalog is the subset of the entire catalog that is known to be understood by the ESRI coordinate system. This is shown via the “Yes” in the EPSG column in Figure 8. 3

It is possible to extend the catalog to those coordinate systems that do not map to ESRI. This is shown via the “No” in the EPSG column in Figure 8. 3

A user can also create a custom coordinate system environment as illustrated in Section 7.2. It is not possible to just type in a value.

7.2 Creating the Custom Coordinate System You can also select a custom coordinate system by simply choosing the OpenSpirit session’s coordinate system. The User is presented with this choice only if the project coordinate system is not set and they attempt to connect to an OpenSpirit session. If this selection is made, Ocean services around coordinate conversions are not available. Also, much like those projects with Mentor coordinate systems that do not map to the ESRI coordinate system, these project upgrades will require manual intervention in the future.

1. Create a Petrel project or use an existing project. 2. At some earlier point, you will have created a custom coordinate system in GeoFrame or OpenWorks. An example in GeoFrame is shown in Figure 7.

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You have the option of creating a customized coordinate system and exposing it via OpenSpirit. To set a custom coordinate system, complete the following steps:

Figure 9: Creating a Custom Coordinate System in GeoFrame

3. Create OpenSpirit project sets that use that coordinate system. 4. Create an OpenSpirit session that uses that coordinate system (in both cases, you will choose “Use project values”). 5. Ensure that your Petrel project has no coordinate system by choosing the NULL value at the top of the list in Project > Settings > Units and Coordinates > Projection. 6. Attempt to connect that named OpenSpirit session from Petrel. Petrel should urge you to set a coordinate system for your project and should suggest the OpenSpirit session value as an option. Select that option, as shown in Figure 10. Your coordinate system name would appear instead of “my_custom_coordinate_system”. 3


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Figure 10: Coordinate and Unit Selection

7. Petrel is now set to a custom coordinate system.

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7.3 Considerations for Creating a Custom Coordinate System Creating a custom coordinate system makes the Petrel project dependent on the source project in which the coordinate system definition resides. That project should not be deleted nor should the definition be changed arbitrarily. Future upgrades of Petrel projects would migrate to other systems, which might not be automatically upgradable from the Mentor custom coordinate system. To prevent problems, the custom coordinate system parameters should be extensively documented in a system outside Petrel. Items to consider documenting are – 1. Petrel project names 2. OpenSpirit session information 3. Underlying OpenWorks project information 4. Actual coordinate and datum information

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8. Referrence Projeect Workflo W ows fo for Shariing Data The Re eference Project worrkflow is new in Petrrel 2007.1 and replacces the exiisting second dary projecct feature.. With seco ondary pro ojects, it was w possiblle to drag-anddrop da ata items from anoth her Petrel project in nto the currrent User’’s project. A new tool in Petrel callled the Re eference Project P Too ol (Figure 11) 1 provide es similar functio onality whiile at the same s time providing substantia al enhance ements. 3

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Figure 11: 1 Referencce Project Tool T

Figure 11 shows the t Refere ence Proje ect Tool an nd how Use ers move data betwe een their lo ocal projecct (on the left) to th he Reference Projectt (on the riight). Asse et team membe ers can pull relevantt data item ms from the e centralizzed Refere ence Projecct and then work w on the eir interpre etation or models. When W they are done w with their work, 3

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they can publish their results back to the Reference Project for the rest of the asset team to use. The important thing to note is that object references that occur in a Petrel project (such as log tracks belonging to a well, horizons belonging to a model, and faults belonging to a workflow) are not disturbed by continuous movement across User and Reference Projects. Thus, Users can easily and frequently rearrange objects. The Reference Project Tool uses the Petrel GUID to identify that a data object is the same between two projects. The Reference Project Tool does not do a matching on data-item attributes, such as Well Name, Unique Well Identifier (UWI) etc.—only the GUID is used. The GUID of a data object stays the same when: 1. The data is copied using the Secondary Project (Petrel 2005) or the Reference Project Tool (Petrel 2007.1) 2. When the project is saved under a new name (Save As) 3. When the project is cloned on disk (copy/paste using Windows) 4. When data is moved inside the project from one folder to another

8.1 Managing Reference Projects Reference Projects are best managed by following a few simple guidelines: Host the Reference Project on a shared network drive. Designate a specific role to administer the projects. Share the tree (use template projects). Use the Reference Project only as a repository; do not use it for actual work. Back up the Reference Project since there is no User authentication or revision history. Use in a multi-domain environment to lessen the risk of overwriting data. Use in small groups (four or five Users) to lower the chance of scale and data conflict.

8.2 Creating a Petrel Project Network You can create Reference Projects by many methods, and this guide will discuss some options and lessons learned in the creation and use of the various methods.

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This Deployment Guide discusses how to configure Reference Projects for your Asset Teams and best practices around Reference Project use. For more on using the Reference Project Tool, refer to the Petrel Online Help.

Petrel projects in the same coordinate system can be seen as a “Petrel Project Network”. This network is illustrated in Figure 12. 3

Petrel Project Network Geologist




Res. Eng.


Results Petrel reference projects (.petR)







Reference Projects

Load Projects

Figure 12: Petrel Project Network

The Reference Projects are the single point-of-entry and master repository for “asset” seismic and well-related data. The Reference Project is stored on a common disk with read-only access for normal Users. The Load Projects are temporary (or transient) projects used to populate the Reference Projects. They contain data from Petrel 2005 projects, secondary projects, or data from OpenSpirit-enabled data sources. Load Projects are used for efficient quality control and realizing of seismic data. The Work Projects extract seismic and well-related data from the Reference Project using the Reference Project Tool. Work Projects are open to local loading activities, but this should not be done with data that should have gone into the Reference Project. The Results Project can be utilized to efficiently capture results from the Work Projects and to exchange data between Users working in the same geographical

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} } }

Work Projects

area. The Results Project must contain all “asset” seismic definition and wellrelated data loaded from the Reference Project.

8.3 Creating Reference Projects You have the option of creating different kinds of Reference Projects with Petrel. If you choose to create different types of Reference Projects, you can then enforce security permissions around those data types. You will need to do this manually through Windows Explorer by changing the permissions of the .petR file. Some examples of Reference Project types are shown in Figure 13. Just raw seismic



Well and related data, such as logs, markers, checkshots, etc.


+ Wells


Interpretation and models


Contains all input data, such as seismic data, wells, logs, markers, etc.



Working project

Contains all non-seismic data, such as input wells, interpretation and models.




Contains results and is used as a backup for management and legal purposes


Figure 13: Examples of Types of Reference Projects

As Figure 13 suggests, you can create a Reference Project for seismic data and a Reference Project for wells per coordinate system, or you can combine those two types of data in a single input Reference Project that contains the seismic data, wells, logs, markers, etc. You can also create a single Reference Project for final versions of interpretations and models, or combine that data with a Reference Project that contains all nonseismic data. As a final consideration, you can create a Reference Project that captures data from other Reference Projects and acts as a milestone representation for backup and legal purposes.

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The types of Reference Projects that will work for your deployment depend on the scale and volume of your Petrel data. You may not require separate Reference Projects; instead, you may need to create a single Reference Project to act as the master repository. The amount of your Petrel data and the business rules that govern your data management environment should act as guidelines when deciding on which Reference Projects to create. Creating a set of Reference Projects adds to the complexity of managing the environment but assists you in assigning access rights. Reference Projects do not have more data storage capacity than other projects. They may have more practical storage since performance considerations are not in effect, but they have no greater absolute capacity.


Restricting Access via Access Rights

Each project has its own access rights. By separating wells and seismic data from interpretation data, you can ensure that the wells and seismic data are not inadvertently changed.

There are many possible configurations for Reference Projects, and companies should adapt the deployment of Reference Projects to meet their business needs.

8.4 Creating Seismic Reference Projects Special consideration needs to be given to data organization and loading when creating Reference Projects for seismic data.


Organizing Data in the Seismic Main Folder

We recommend that you organize the seismic data in the Reference Projects by SEGY, realized and attribute versions under the seismic survey folder. This organization makes it easier for Users to collect the data they need. Seismic survey folders should be directly located under the main seismic folder. In an upcoming Petrel release, support for seismic subfolders will be introduced. You will then be able to organize seismic surveys in logical folders (for example in folders named “2D” or “3D”). As of this writing, this must not be done, mainly because of the connected seismic horizon interpretation.

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The Reference Project with input data can be set to read-only. The interpretation Reference Project can be set to read-write for most Users. An administrator can periodically move data from the interpretation Reference Project to the input data Reference Project. This deems the interpretation as approved and changes the quality status of that work.

You should also give seismic vintages correct names as soon as possible after the loading so as to not confuse Users. Consider using the following model consisting of the version name plus the status in brackets: a. final_mig (SEGY/realized) b. near_stack (SEGY/realized) c. mid_stack (SEGY/realized) d. far_stack (SEGY/realized) e. raw_stack (SEGY/realized) f. struct_smooth g. phase_shift h. … Consider rationalizing the name of the cube/line. You can change names at any time using a Petrel workflow. When the names are changed, synchronization using the Reference Project Tool carries the name update into the Work Projects. The proposed folder structure in the seismic folder for 2D is:

This subfolder structure can be created when realizing the data in the SurveyManager or via a Petrel workflow. Note that when using a Petrel workflow to realize data or to calculate a seismic attribute, you must manually set the correct vintage in the SurveyManager for those lines afterwards.

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SeismicMainFolder Vintages Final_mig (SEGY) Final_mig (realized) Struct_smooth Survey2D Segy Line1 Line2 Realized8bit Line1 [Realized] Line2 [Realized] StructSmooth Line1 [StructuralSmooth][Realized] Line2 [StructuralSmooth][Realized]

8.4.2 Loading Data into the Seismic Reference Project When it comes to the Seismic Reference Project, data should be loaded into the project as SEGY and realized there. The binary files created when 2D seismic data are realized are stored in the .ptd directory of the project. The ZGY files created when realizing 3D seismic data can be stored in a dedicated folder on a (network) disk. Section 6.2 describes examples for this folder structure. Typically the realized data is transferred to the Work Projects (thus copying the 2D realized data and linking the 3D ZGY files). The raw SEGY data stays in the seismic Reference Project in case a User needs to realize the line or cube using a different quality. Another option is to create two separate seismic Reference Projects: one storing only realized 2D and 3D data and one with realized 2D and 3D data plus the original SEGY data. Since project security is all or nothing at the project level, you may want to separate the data into different Reference Projects for better control over User access (read-only or read-write).

8.4.3 Loading 2D Seismic Data Consider the following guidelines when loading 2D seismic data into the seismic Reference Project: For performance reasons, it is essential to realize the 2D SEGY data as a binary Petrel format, supporting 8 bit and 16 bit integer or 32 bit float. Once loaded, scan the lines for min/max in exact sense using the SurveyManager or via a Petrel workflow. The latter allows for monitoring the progress to an ASCII file while scanning for min/max. This is specifically useful when one of the 2D SEGY files on disk is corrupted (potentially causing SurveyManager to crash). Preferably, display each line in an interpretation window after the min/max scan is done. This can be done in a Petrel Workflow. Upon display, you can export the plot to an .emf, .pdf, or.cgm file for documentation purposes. Complete the realization after the full amplitude scan and using the option “use symmetric around zero”. In case of spikes in the dataset (indicated by

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In Petrel 2007, seismic interpretation is linked to the GUID number of the seismic survey in the project. Therefore, it is important that all projects extract the survey definition from the Reference Project to make sure the survey GUID is the same. If two projects have loaded an external SEGY or ZGY file without the survey pre-loaded from the Reference Project, then the seismic survey is created on the fly, resulting in each project having the survey with a different GUID. Petrel will not be able to identify these surveys as the same (because the GUIDs are different), and thus complicating the exchange of seismic interpretation between the two projects.

extreme min/max), visualize the section and clip away the spikes using a “manual setting min/max”. Again, make sure the min/max is symmetric. Ideally, you should set the min-max amplitudes per survey when realizing the data (so using UserDefinedMinMax range), and not per line. Visually inspect the “extreme” lines to avoid using noisy/spiky. Use realized 8 or 16 bits (depending on the customer requirements). Make sure the tick mark interval in a 2D map view is high or toggled off. Having too many tick-marks displayed in the 2D map impacts performance. You can run MistieAnalysis on the survey to correct for amplitude, phase, and time shifts. You can perform Phaseshift using VolumeAttributes and can automate it for the whole 2D survey using a Petrel workflow. You can use the SurveyManager to perform Staticshift on individual lines or on a whole survey. Visualizing the loaded data can best be done in the interpretation window. Visualizing the data in the 3D window will allocate a very large amount of memory. (The amount of 2D lines you can visualize depends on the amount of available memory.) Use FreeMemory occasionally.

8.4.4 Loading 3D Seismic Data Consider the following guidelines when loading 3D seismic data into the seismic Reference Project: For performance reasons, it is essential to realize the 3D SEGY data as a bricked multi-resolution format called ZGY, supporting 8 bit and 16 bit integer or 32 bit float. When 3D SEGY data (via SEGY file, OpenSpirit or via a Petrel 2005 project upgrade) is loaded, the geometry upon load is scanned and a warning is presented to the User when the cube is not 100% orthogonal. Petrel will force the non-orthogonal coordinates of the SEGY file into an orthogonal representation. The message log will give an indication of the maximum distance error calculated from the bin size of the survey. You must scan the cube for min/max in exact sense once loaded. This can be best done directly in the Realize tab of the cube. You can inspect the histogram to spot spikes. Scanning a full volume may take some time, but this scanning can be cancelled using ESC. After about five minutes (depending on the data set size), quite a few traces have been processed and the min/max should be estimated well enough. You can then manually

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If not necessary in the Work Project, remove the seismic lines linked to SEGY files. The best practice is to have only realized data in the Work Projects.

set the range larger, ensuring it is still symmetric around zero: abs(min)=max. You should do the realization after the full amplitude scan using the option “use symmetric around zero”. In case of spikes in the dataset (indicated by extreme min/max), visualize the section and clip away the spikes using a “manual setting min/max”. Again, you must make sure the min/max is symmetric. If you do not do a full scan before realization, use the report tool to see what data will be clipped on realization. Use 8 or 16 bits realizing, depending on the customer requirements. Place the ZGY file in a common folder belonging to the Reference Project and give it an appropriate name (combination of survey and cube). Make sure to use the extension “.zgy”. Preferably, run the realization of the cube on the machine where the disk file is located. Realizing a cube over the network will decrease both performance and network availability. To properly share 3D seismic ZGY files, realize them to a ZGY directory that is related to your 3D reference project. This way multiple Petrel projects can link to a single set of ZGY volumes.

As a rule, to make the most of the Reference Project Tool in this network of projects, Users must enter data into this network only once and then distribute it further using the Reference Project Tool. Corporate data loaded locally in the Petrel projects should be replaced by a version from these reference data stores (Reference Project or OpenSpirit data store). There are two scenarios: If the corporate data does not yet exist in the Reference Project (you can check this using the Reference Project Tool), then it can be copied into the Reference Project using the Reference Project Tool. This will ensure the GUID for the data is the same. The data in the Work Project can stay as-is. If the corporate data does exist in the Reference Project, but the Reference Project Tool does not recognize it to be the same entity, and then you should delete the data from the Work Project and repopulate it from the Reference Project. Non-corporate data (proposed wells, attribute cubes, etc.) can stay in the Working Projects; no synchronization is required. Replacing (deleting) wells in the Work Projects and re-populating them from the Reference Project (or via OpenSpirit) can potentially have a big impact on other

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8.5 Reference Project Data Considerations

data types (well tops, interpretation logs, etc.) and processes (workflows). A full replacement for well data is not recommended. Replacing (deleting) seismic data in the Work Project does not have an impact since the seismic interpretation horizon is not yet converted into the new representation.


Consolidating Well Data in a Reference Project

To synchronize well data, open the Work Projects one by one using the Petrel 2005 secondary project tool and select the wells you want to upload. Consider the following when performing this step: Petrel will issue a warning when you try to upload an object with an identical GUID. To determine the latest version of the object, use the Petrel 2007.1 reference tool later in the process. (A patch for merging wells without the same GUIDs is under development.) When encountering seemingly identical items but with different GUIDs, choose which version you want in the Reference Project. Note that it is not possible to exchange well logs between wells with different GUIDs, not even when they represent the same well. The well log has to be reproduced.

Do not delete and replace any duplicate wells or logs in the Work Project with wells or logs from your Reference Project. This could have an undesired impact on other project data (upscaled logs in a grid, interpretation logs, well-tops etc) Use the Reference Project Tool in Petrel 2007.1 after conversion. This will show you all the identical objects, the latest version of identical objects and the duplicates.


Consolidating Seismic Interpretations in a Reference Project

If many Work Projects need to access the same seismic interpretation, you must synchronize the seismic surveys across the Work Projects since Petrel 2007.1 interpretation objects are linked to a specific survey. To synchronize seismic data, open the working projects one by one and populate the Reference Project with the “asset” seismic surveys. Consider the following when performing this step: Take into account that the surveys need to be realized in a Petrel 2007.1 default format. Consider completing a bulk realization of the seismic surveys in Petrel 2007.1 before Interpretation upgrade.

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Many logs are derived from data in the working projects. (Zone logs, Synthetic logs etc). Note that these connections will be lost when you upload these logs in your Reference Project; however, the items themselves will still be there.

If already in the desired format, you can replace any duplicates (different GUID) in the working project with the seismic survey in the Reference Project to enable sharing of interpretation files. Do not delete and replace the seismic surveys if there are any unrealized virtual cropped or attribute volumes that you want to keep associated with the duplicate. Realize those first or recreate them after replacement. Note that when you replace seismic data that is associated with a dynamic attribute map, this map also needs to be updated. Well Seismic, Seismic sampled in a 3D grid, extracted wavelets, static attribute maps and other seismic derived objects will still exist after deletion of the source seismic, but future updates should be done with the new seismic volume. Make sure all disks with seismic data are connected (or are online). Store the “asset” seismic surveys on a server accessible to all Users. If a survey was already unconnected when trying to load it from a Work Project it could be deleted or removed from disk or stored locally and inaccessible by the workstation of the Reference Project.


Seismic Data Handling

Table 6 shows the support status of seismic data types in the Reference Project Tool. 3

Table 6: Seismic Data Types Supported by the Reference Project Tool Data Types Supported Seismic main folder Surveys and sub-folders Vintages Seismic 2D and 3D cubes and attributes Interpretation folders Seismic horizons Fault interpretation 2D and 3D interpretation and attributes Random lines Fault patches

Data Types Not Supported Live data from OpenSpirit Data on Petrel Seismic Server Survey interpretation filters (handled automatically) Mistie sets and folders Composites Old interpretation and attributes Seismic calculator

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You may find many duplicates of data amongst the different projects if loaded separately. Start using the newly created Reference Project for future project loading.

Table 7 shows how the Reference Project Tool handles bulk seismic data. 3

Table 7: Reference Project Tool Handling of Bulk Seismic Data Bulk Seismic Data Duplicated when Transferring 3D or 2D Seismic Internal raw files ZGY files realized to a Petrelcontrolled file in the project directory

Bulk Seismic Data Not Duplicated (Only a Reference Will Be Made) SEGY files ZGY files imported into the project ZGY files realized with a User-defined file name


8.6 Reference Project Tool Usage Considerations Consider the following points when using the Reference Project Tool: Upgrade and save Petrel 2005 projects as a Petrel 2007.1 project prior to using the Reference Project Tool. The Reference Project Tool only works with Petrel 2007.1 projects and onwards.

Ensure that the coordinate system in your Reference Project and the Work Project are the same. Petrel 2007.1 has a more defined support for tagging projects with coordinate system information. For the Reference Project Tool to transfer data between projects, the units and project settings on the projects must match exactly. Some exceptions are made when the coordinate system is not set. Seismic reference datum values must match, but Users are only warned if the values do not match. Petrel is more flexible in versions after Petrel 2007.1.1. It allows windows, workflows and cases to be copied even if coordinate systems or units do not match. Simultaneous access is not possible. The Reference Project behaves exactly like a Petrel project and acquires a lock on the project when in use. Object granularity may not be as expected. For example, if you try to move a model, you have to move the entire model. Attributes must be handled in a sequential manner. Horizons and Well Tops have many attributes. These cannot be edited simultaneously. If one Petrel

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With Petrel 2007.1.1 and later versions it is possible to open Petrel 2005 projects in the Reference Project Tool in read-only mode. This allows the User to obtain data from a backup of an older project without upgrading it. Data cannot be moved back to the Reference Project. Additionally, all data types normally supported by the Reference Project Tool are supported in this mode, except seismic and related data (such as horizons) and some reservoir engineering data.

User changes some attributes of a horizon, a different User cannot easily change another attribute and merge the changes. Rather, the second User must wait for the first User to finish and publish the changes to the Reference Project.

8.7 Questions about Synchronizing Data 8.7.1

Can I change the survey name/vintage name of the seismic survey and then try to synchronize it with the other projects?

When the name or vintage is changed for a 2D line or 3D cube in the Reference Project, then a re-run of the Reference Project Tool will update the vintage and name in the Work Project to follow the new names in the Reference Project. The same is true for the survey name. The vintage as defined in the Reference Project has to exist in the Work Project, or the vintage will be set to empty in the Work Project.


Can I change the folder structure of the objects in the Reference Project or Work Project? How will this affect the synchronization?

The synchronization will still happen correctly, but the tool will not change the folder structure of the lines and cubes. The individual objects will be updated, but the hierarchy structure will not.


How do I exchange data between two projects using the RPT in Petrel 2007.1 without overwriting data?

To copy data and not overwrite data in the target project, use the copy/paste function in the Petrel Explorer tree. The result is a new object with a new GUID number. You can then copy it to another project using the RPT in Petrel 2007.1 without overwriting data.


What happens to the (new) horizon interpretation when 2D or 3D survey (or lines/cubes) are deleted or removed?

It is not possible to delete a survey from the project when there is interpretation done on it. To delete the survey, you must first delete the interpretation objects of this survey from the horizons. Only then can you delete the survey itself.

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When changing the survey name in a Work Project, the seismic horizons that were interpreted on this data will not update the name of the interpretation object belonging to that survey. This can be confusing and should be avoided.

When lines or cubes are removed from the Work Project (but the survey object is preserved), then the interpretation on the seismic horizon stays in the Work Project. However, the interpretation will not show up in the 2D/3D window when activating the horizon and it will not be used in any processes or operations. When the lines and cubes are reconnected using the Reference Project Tool, then the interpretation will show up and will be available for use in processes and operations.


How does the Reference Project Tool handle the exchange of data between projects with different coordinate/unit systems?

The Reference Project Tool does not usually allow data to be copied from one project to another when units or coordinates do not match. However, in Petrel 2007.1.1 and onwards it is possible to copy data that is not coordinate systems aware, such as workflows, windows and cases.


Where do I put seismic attribute cubes?

For the Work Projects, you should set the default directory for the zgy files by specifying the directory in the System Settings > Seismic menu. This ensures the zgy files are external to the Work Projects most likely shared between Asset Team members. In this way, you can create a project backup without including the seismic cube files.


How can I copy the 'properties' folder or a single 'property grid' from a model in one project (A) to a model in another project (B)?

You can easily copy an entire model from one project (project A) to another (project B) using the Reference Project Tool. However, copying the 'properties' folder or a single 'property grid' from a model in one project (A) to a model in another project (B) is a bit different. In the Petrel 2007 Reference Project Tool, it is not possible to copy the entire properties folder or a single property from one model to another, because it is not possible to select only the properties folder or a single property grid. The 3D grid is the lowest element in the hierarchy that can be selected and moved. This moves the entire grid geometry, structure, and properties as well as a model container in the transfer.

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Attribute cubes (frequency, rms, variance) created by Users in their Work Projects can go into the Reference Projects. They are derivatives from the input “primary” seismic cubes (finmig, near, far, etc.). These primary cubes should be stored in the Reference Project. Of course, the data loading team that is maintaining the Reference Project may choose to generate some default seismic derivatives and store them in the Reference Project (like Structural Smoothing). Some users may share the attribute cubes with others via the Reference Project.

For example, Grid G1 exists in project A. Grid G2 exists in project B. G1 and G2 have the same number of cells. Property P1 belongs to G1, and property P2 belongs to G2. Using the RPT, it is not possible to "merge" these two properties into the same grid. However, provided they do not share the same GUID, G2 can be copied into project A, and property P2 can be dragged into G1. If they do share the same GUID, you must copy G1 before syncing G2 into project A. And then drag P1 into G2.


How can I use the Reference Project Tool with seismic interpretation that was done on a realized cropped volume?

This is not a problem. Users can continue to work with realized cropped volumes. These realized cropped volumes need to be part of the survey containing the parent. You could also choose to keep some realized cropped volumes in the Reference Project when it contains a very large parent cube. In any case, make sure that the interpretation is connected to the survey containing the parent cube.


How do I exchange seismic horizons between two projects in Petrel 2007.1?

In Petrel 2007.1, you cannot copy a horizon from project A to project B, which is interpreted on the same survey but has a different survey GUID. This was not a problem in Petrel 2005 because seismic interpretations were not linked to seismic surveys. Therefore, you should consolidate seismic objects in the Reference Projects before the Petrel 2005 horizon is upgraded to the Petrel 2007.1 horizon and before any new interpretation is created in Petrel 2007.1.

8.7.10 How can I correct problems with interpretation done on copies of the same seismic volume in two different projects? Copy the 3D seismic survey definition together with the horizon (no need to copy the seismic bulk data) and move the interpretation. When the survey definition is copied over, then the horizon can be transferred. Note that you first have to transfer the survey definition, then the horizon (or just run the operation twice). Replace the survey in Project B with the survey in Project A. There are three differences between copying 2D and 3D seismic surveys: For 2D data, copy the survey definition plus 2D lines. For 3D data, you only need to copy the survey definition and not the bulk data.

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If data has been loaded directly from OpenSpirit or .SEGY files in Work Projects, then the same cube exists in multiple projects, but with different GUIDs.

It is not possible to cross-post interpretation data from one 2D survey onto another 2D survey even if the lines are overlapping. In 3D you can see the dotted lines; this is not supported in 2D. Cross-section points only show up when the seismic horizon interpretation has interpretation elements for both 2D surveys.

8.8 Security and Access Considerations for Reference Projects The Reference Project Tool does not include security measures for who can update its contents; security measures must be set at the project level on disk. An example would be a security measure that allows write access to the project to only particular Users. Last User wins; there are no User protections on the data items. This means that if two Users attempt to update an item, the last User’s updates will be retained in the Reference Project. You can, however, establish business rules that will help prevent Users from overwriting each others’ data, such as adding a user name to the object name.

The future of Petrel data management will include Petrel with a database backend. The more preparation you can do today to clean up the Petrel data in your environment, the easier the migration will be should you decide to deploy Petrel with a database back-end. Creating Reference Projects can be a large aid in the cleaning up process, as your data in your current Petrel projects is rationalized and business rules are established for Petrel Users accessing data from a single repository. Therefore, Reference Projects can act as the stepping stone to future Petrel data management solutions. There are no plans for Petrel to force the use of a database backend or to require Petrel Users to be connected to the database in order to use Petrel. The database solution will be completely optional for the Petrel community in order to solve the large-scale data management problems many companies face today. An additional step that you can take today in order to better prepare Petrel for a database back-end is in regards to coordinate systems. Future versions of Petrel, including the database solution for Petrel, will use ESRI-based coordinate systems. Petrel 2007.1 provides Mentor coordinate systems (that are ESRI-compatible) for

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8.9 Going Towards Future Petrel Data Management Solutions

you to save with the project. If you choose such a coordinate system, the migration step will not require any further coordinate system consideration. If you choose to save the project in a Mentor coordinate system (that is not ESRIcompatible) or a custom coordinate system, Petrel 2007.1 will work fine; however, when you plan to upgrade the project to the database, you will need to specify an equivalent ESRI compatible coordinate system for the migration to be complete. To help you with this task, make certain that you clearly document the coordinate system you use, in order to ensure a smoother transition.

8.10 Known Limitations of the Reference Project Tool Visualization State for the Results Tree Not Copied After copying the nodes in the Results tree, it must be visualized manually. Wrong Attribute Used as Vertical Position for Well Tops

Copying of Log Templates When well logs are copied using the RPT, the corresponding log template under “Global well logs” will be copied if it does not already exist in the target project. If the log template already exists, only a subset of the data will be copied. The name of the log template is among the data not being copied. Copying of Well Tops Attributes Well tops can be copied as subsets related to either Stratigraphy, Faults, Others, or Well filters. The well tops attributes are copied only if they do not already exist in the target project. This means that subsequent changes to the well tops attributes in the source project will not be copied. Erroneous Visualization State In many cases the visualization states for filters are not copied correctly. For example, all the filters are visualized even though only a subset of the filters was selected in the source project. In some cases, copying the window will restore the correct visualization state. Otherwise, the user must manually set the visualization state.

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When copying well tops, the attribute selected to define the vertical position (for example, the pink attribute) will in some cases be wrong. This may result in the well tops not being displayed correctly. If this occurs, select the correct attribute manually.

9. Deploying Petrel with Existing Data Sources This section applies to deployment scenarios where you need to transfer data between Petrel and other data sources, such as GeoFrame and OpenWorks. In other words, you need to be able to integrate Petrel into your current data management workflows.

9.1 Transferring Data Using ASCII Loaders One method of transferring data from the external data sources to and from Petrel is to use ASCII files. In this method, you export the data from the destination source in an ASCII file format and then import the ASCII file data into the target data source. Petrel has various ASCII loaders that let you load data directly into projects.

9.2 Transferring Data Using OpenSpirit

Currently, OpenSpirit supports the ability to transfer a subset of Petrel’s data types through its framework. OpenSpirit documents the covered formats at The section titled “OpenSpirit Data Connections (Data Modules)” provides a chart of those data types that are supported. The basic geosciences data objects such as wells, seismic, and interpretation are available. 1U


Petrel 2007.1 requires OpenSpirit 2.9.4. OpenSpirit has refreshed their technology with the recent release of version 3.0; however, Petrel is not yet certified with OpenSpirit 3.0. Plans are underway to obtain this certification.


How OpenSpirit Works

OpenSpirit is an integration framework between software applications and various databases and data repositories. Petrel is an OpenSpirit-enabled application. This allows Petrel to connect to any OpenSpirit-enabled repository, such as GeoFrame or OpenWorks. As a general rule, OpenSpirit-enabled applications can only connect to an OpenSpirit-enabled repository. On the other hand, OpenSpirit-enabled repositories can easily connect to each other.

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Data can be transferred between Petrel and other data stores using OpenSpirit. Standard Petrel data files cannot be read directly by another application, but data can be imported in or exported out through OpenSpirit.


Overview of Using OpenSpirit

This section is intended to give you an overview of OpenSpirit’s capabilities and the benefits of its use. You can refer to the Petrel Online Help for several workflows that aid in configuring OpenSpirit for use with Petrel. In addition, more detailed explanations on how to set up OpenSpirit can be found in the OpenSpirit User’s Guide. OpenSpirit 2.9.4 requires the User to be familiar with the concepts of Sessions and ProjectSets. Data projects from different databases or applications can be combined into one OpenSpirit ProjectSet. The ProjectSet can be used during an OpenSpirit session just as a single project would be used in Petrel. An OpenSpirit ProjectSet provides the ability to use data within any number of projects without requiring the data to be moved or copied. In OpenSpirit, you always work in the context of a session. Everything you do happens in a session. Petrel connects to a session that OpenSpirit connects to as well.


Tracking Data Transferred via OpenSpirit

You can use the Petrel-OpenSpirit Synchronization Tool to track changes between these data objects in Petrel and/or in their original data store. This assures Users that they are always using the most up-to-date information and assures data managers that the corporate data store always contains the most up-to-date interpretations. The tool only looks at data that has been transferred between OpenSpirit and Petrel at least once. When data is moved, Petrel retains an OpenSpirit data key or identifier. The Petrel synchronization tool does not attempt to rationalize any other data. For example, if you interpret a new horizon in Petrel, it will not automatically appear in the synchronization tool. Similarly, a new well added to your GeoFrame or OpenWorks project will not automatically appear in the Petrel Synchronization Tool.


Units and Coordinate Systems with OpenSpirit

Petrel data must be tagged with a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) tag before the Petrel project can connect to OpenSpirit. The OpenSpirit integration framework has its own CRS. The OpenSpirit project set and sessions can each have a distinct CRS. In case the CRS for the session is different from what is set in the Petrel project, coordinate conversions will be performed. Unit conversions are handled in a similar fashion.

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Data is sent to Petrel via the OpenSpirit DataSelector. Alternatively, data created in Petrel can be sent to OpenSpirit using the right-click option “Export to OpenSpirit”.


Matching Wells in OpenSpirit Transfers

In previous versions of Petrel, the OpenSpirit transfer of data was sometimes impaired when the same data item was previously loaded via ASCII files. A new feature in Petrel 2007.1 allows Users to have ASCII loaded data in their User projects and still import the same data item from OpenSpirit without errors. Instead, the OpenSpirit framework matches data and merges it as the User desires. Matching is done with a control schema read from an XML file. It is recommended that only System Administrators edit this file. Merging is typically used for overwriting the data item or creating a duplicate. The User can also ignore the transferred data item. This match and merge functionality has been implemented for well data only. This functionality makes it possible to: Import well logs, velocities, and well tops (through OpenSpirit) to ASCII loaded wells Import well logs, velocities, and well tops (through OpenSpirit) to wells that have been imported from another data-store project

Consider a well “t37-1;SRD” that was ASCII loaded into your project and then subsequently selected for an OpenSpirit transfer. Based on the match criteria, this User is prompted to make a decision regarding the transfer as shown in Figure 14. 3

Figure 14: OpenSpirit Transfer Dialog Box

The XML control file allows the User community to set the match criteria and the merge response. Objects supported are wells, logs, markers and checkshots.

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Re-import (through OpenSpirit) and overwrite existing ASCII loaded wells. This means that it will then be possible to export existing ASCII loaded logs, velocities, and tops back to the OpenSpirit project.

Merge behavior is controlled by the User. The options are manual (default), automatic, and disabled (same as Petrel 2005). Choosing “automatic” will automatically execute the action defined in the control file unless there is more than one match. Choosing “manual” will always bring up a question and ask the User for their desired behavior. Choosing “disabled” causes no merge functionality and is similar to Petrel 2005. Match-merge is enabled in Petrel 2007.1 only for imports and updates; export behavior is unchanged. It is our recommendation that the Petrel Data Administrator defines the match criteria in the XML control file schema and then propagates the control file to all Petrel Users. The XML control file is named OpenSpiritMapping.xml and is located inside the Petrel installation directory in a folder called XML. Tips on how to configure the control file are given in the body of the XML script. Further information on configuring the XML control file can be found in Appendix B.


Other OpenSpirit Customizations

WellTypesToOpenSpiritWellSymbol.xml OpenSpiritWellSymbolsToWellType.xml LogNameToLogMnemonic.xml

9.3 Petrel Shape File Management with ArcGIS Petrel 2007.1 offers two methods for ArcGIS data object publishing: Publishing to ArcGIS using OpenSpirit ArcGIS integration with shape and ArcGIS Grid Import/Export As the Data Administrator, it is up to you to determine which method works best for your deployment. This section provides information on the two options to help you make that decision.


Publishing to ArcGIS Using OpenSpirit

The first option uses the OpenSpirit Scan utility to browse across databases that have an OpenSpirit Data server and publish data types (well locations, project outlines, and seismic navigation) to a shape file or ArcSDE database. The OpenSpirit server for the specific database server must be up and running. In addition, there is only a limited set of data types and attributes that OpenSpirit

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In addition, there are three other XML files which are customizable by expert/administrative Users. These files are the log mnemonics and well symbols mapping files located in the installation directory “Petrel 2007/XML”:

can read and publish. Petrel 2007.1 will give Users the ability to read and write more data types from Petrel to ArcGIS. The advantage of this method is that it allows the Users to select and choose what data they want to see transferred between Petrel and OpenSpirit. No extra licensing is required for OpenSpirit data transfers (if you already have OpenSpirit), but you may need a license to view the shape files in the OpenSpirit viewer.


ArcGIS Integration with Shape and ArcGIS Grid Import/Export

ArcGIS integration from within Petrel is enabled by means of the Spatial Import/Export plug-ins. These plug-ins can be used individually or as part of a standard Petrel Workflow. Petrel entities are exported as points, polylines, or polygons that can then be read by any ArcGIS-enabled application. Once installed, the ArcGIS workflows are available in the Tools menu as shown in Figure 15. 3

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Figure 15: Tools Menu Showing ArcGIS Workflows

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Furthermore, using SDE integration, Petrel entities can be sent directly to an SDEenabled data store from within Petrel. Whereas individual items can be selected for transfers, the advantage of using a plug-in is that you can create shape files in batch mode without User interaction. This provides the option of a “shape” backup of your projects to be produced on a periodic basis. Further, by scheduling the "Publish" to SDE, you can ensure that the SDE Catalog is routinely updated with the latest changes in your project. This enables other applications that access the SDE catalog to consistently get fresh data. The Spatial Import/Export plug-in requires additional licensing beyond the standard Petrel licensing. Contact your SIS representative for detailed licensing information.

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10. Multi-Data Source Management Using ProSource If you are in a data management environment where you have data in multiple data stores, an SIS data management tool called ProSource can provide you with one access point for managing and providing quality assurance workflows around all data in your environment. ProSource can manage data from the following: Petrel GeoFrame OpenWorks Finder LogDB Business Associates (BA) Spatial Index (ArcSDE) ProSource Results ProSource Corporate Other custom-defined data sources OpenSpirit enabled repositories and applications With a Petrel-ProSource connection, you can archive and restore data and have multi-project content browsing. The multi-project browsing provides better quality assurance measures by giving you the ability to scan projects to check for consistency, display the contents of multiple Petrel projects on a single GIS map view for comparison and integration with other databases. ProSource can also aid in the migration and consolidation of Petrel 2005 projects to Petrel 2007.1 projects. Once the ProSource for Petrel plug-in is installed in Petrel, a snapshot of the content in Petrel projects can be published to ProSource. In ProSource, you can then rationalize data content overlap or determine which data should be used to create the Reference Projects. Results Management workflows which are available through ProSource enable you to capture individual interpretation Results at various milestones. These results can then be brought back into Petrel for further interpretation, if desired, or archived for posterity. Please see the ProSource Results Management workflows for further information.

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ProSource Seismic

For further information on the benefits of having ProSource in your Petrel environment, please refer to the ProSource Petrel Workflow Extension information at: 1U


10.1 ProSource Deployment Considerations To deploy ProSource in your Petrel environment, you will need to install the following: ProSource, which requires installation on a Unix or Linux machine and an Oracle database The ProSource for Petrel plug-in in all Petrel installations in which you plan to publish Petrel content to ProSource For further ProSource installation information, please contact your SIS representative.

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11. Appendix A – Licensing FAQ for Petrel 2007.1 11.1 Getting Started 11.1.1 What’s new? Petrel 2007.1 no longer supports the Sentinel dongle; to activate your licensing you will have to: 1. Obtain a new CodeMeter dongle. 2. Obtain the associated FLEXnet license file for that dongle. 3. Download the driver, FLEXnet Server version 11.3, and Schlumberger licensing software. 4. Install the CodeMeter driver, FLEXnet, and Schlumberger Licensing GUI software. 5. Set up the license server on your computer with the Schlumberger Licensing GUI software.

11.1.2 What do I need to get started with Petrel 2007.1? If you are going to use a dongle for your license, you will need a WIBU CodeMeter dongle, a license file, and an installation of Petrel 2007.1.

11.1.3 Where do I get a new dongle and license? Dongles and licenses can be obtained from your local SIS representative.

11.1.4 Can I use Petrel 2007.1 without the new dongle? The Petrel 2007.1 license always requires a dongle. However, if you have access to a server license, you do not need a dongle on your local machine. Use the Schlumberger License Configuration utility to configure access to the license server.

11.1.5 Can I still use the Sentinel dongles? Petrel 2007.1 does not support Sentinel dongles; they can be used with Petrel 2005 until August 15, 2007. After that date, you must upgrade to Petrel 2005.1.3. This

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The CodeMeter dongle is useless without the associated FLEXnet license file running with the FLEXnet daemons. The license file also requires the associated dongle plugged into an USB port.

Petrel version supports Petrel 2007.1 licensing, but does not support Sentinel dongles.

11.1.6 How are the dongles identified? All dongles have an identification number on the attached tag.

11.1.7 Can I save a license file or other files on the dongle? No. Any files copied to the dongle will disappear when the dongle is removed from the USB port.

11.1.8 Is HostID based licensing supported by SIS Petrel? A HostID is normally a hardware address or a MAC address value associated with a network adapter. SIS Petrel does not support HostID-based licensing.

11.1.9 How can I prevent the license server from going down when the machine goes into standby?

11.2 Background on FLEX Licensing 11.2.1 Why is Petrel moving to FLEXnet dongle licenses? The main reason is license security. Dongle licensing (physical device) is considered the most secure, and FLEXnet is the leading technology. Schlumberger is in the process of standardizing all its software towards using FLEXnet. This change will be welcomed by many clients.

11.2.2 What is a license actually? Often, license used as a general term for a license file (“Send me a license…”). More precisely, it is the package (bundle) that is checked out when an instance of Petrel is started. The licensing system (FLEXnet) keeps track of the number of licenses (instances) activated.

11.2.3 What are module dependencies? Example: Module B depends on module A. If you have B in the bundle, A must also be present; otherwise B will not work. An example is Seismic Interpretation: it depends upon the base modules GeoScience Core or Reservoir Engineering Core. The Seismic Interpretation processes will not function without at least one of the core modules in the license package.

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If the machine goes into standby, the license server will go down even if Petrel is left open. To change the settings, right click the screen background, select Properties, click the Screen Saver tab, and then click Power. From there you can change the hibernation settings.

11.2.4 What is a daemon? Licensing daemons are processes that run in the background on the local or remote license server. They read the contents of the license files as well as administer grants and denials to users. There are two types: master and vendor daemons. The master daemon is the lmgrd.exe file, and the Schlumberger vendor daemon is the slbsls.exe file.

11.2.5 Can I combine multiple license files into one license file? Some users want to run two or more dongles for Petrel 2007 on one machine. They need separate dongles so users can travel with them, and they want to use them on the same license server when they are in the office. However, license files cannot be combined into one file since they have different host IDs (that is, the dongle ID). The way to combine them is to add each file to Schlumberger Licensing as shown in Figure 16. 3

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Figure 16: SLB Licensing

11.2.6 How do I run two or more dongles with Petrel 2005 when I upgrade to the new license system? Petrel 2005.1.3 cannot access more than one dongle on one server.

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11.2.7 How do I add multiple dongles on the same server with Petrel 2007.1.1? If you are no longer able to access more than one dongle on your server with the Petrel 2007.1.1 upgrade, and you receive a "HostID mismatch" error message, follow these steps for installing multiple dongles on the same server with Petrel 2007.1.1: 1. Uninstall the exiting SlbLicense Tool. 2. Reinstall the latest SlbLicense Tool provided with Petrel 2007.1.1 patch.

11.2.8 How do I make multiple products that use FlexLM licensing work with Petrel licensing? If you use multiple license files in Schlumberger Licensing, it links the paths and filenames of all the license files into one long delimited string and stores that in the registry. Unfortunately, the resulting string can only be about 100 bytes.

Or Your can also edit the Environment Variables by completing the following steps: 1. Navigate to My Computer → Properties → Advanced tab. 2. Click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom. 3. Under User Variable, click on LM_LICENSE_FILE (If you don't see it, then Create New). 4. Click Edit. 5. Enter all the other Flex LM servers. Be sure to type in the other products' server addresses first and Petrel's server address last. 6. Click Ok.

11.3 Installation 11.3.1 Is there a special procedure for installing the new dongles? Please refer to sections in the release notes and the installation guide for Petrel 2007.1.

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To workaround the issue, try moving all your license files to the root directory of one of your drives (to minimize the pathname length). You can also try renaming the files if they have long names. You can then add them into Schlumberger Licensing.

11.3.2 Can we upgrade Petrel 2004 projects directly to Petrel 2007.1? We recommend upgrading via Petrel 2005 first. Save the pre-Petrel 2005 projects into clean Petrel 2005.1.x projects before migrating into Petrel 2007.1.

11.3.3 How is the Seismic Server licensed? The Seismic Server is a 64-bit application running on Linux. The FLEXnet license server can run on any machine, as long as it is available to the cluster master node via the network. Normally, there is a Petrel 2007.1 license server installed. The license for the Seismic Server is checked out from the Petrel license server to the cluster master node when the cluster administrator starts the Seismic Server. Hence, the Petrel desktop application does not use the Seismic Server license. The Seismic Server installation does not include installation of a FLEXnet server. The FLEXnet installation is part of the Petrel 2007.1 installation. The requirement for the Seismic Server is to have access from the master node to the Petrel 2007.1 license server. For more information, please refer to the separate system administration guide for the Seismic Server.

11.3.4 Do I have to uninstall the beta version of the FLEXNET license?

11.4 How Licenses Work 11.4.1 Does FLEXnet licensing work in the same way as GeoFrame? No, Petrel 2007.1 is using a new SLB license daemon on FLEXnet 11.3, whereas GeoFrame is still using an older version of FLEXnet and an old GeoFrame license daemon.

11.4.2 Will Petrel 2007.1 licenses float, just like GeoFrame licenses? No. Petrel licenses will not float. They will still be arranged in bundled packages, as they are in Petrel 2005.

11.4.3 Is license borrowing allowed for Petrel 2007.1? No. However, technically, license borrowing is possible with Petrel 2007.1 by moving dongles from network installation to standalone PC. To implement license borrowing, a client can be issued with separate dongles, which are pooled. A user can simply borrow one dongle and start FLEXnet on their local PC to borrow a license from the pool. On return, the dongle is inserted back into a network machine and the license made available for all users.

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If you have participated in the Petrel 2007.1 beta testing program, please uninstall the beta version of the FLEXnet license from your computer, before installing FLEXnet 11.3.

When removing or reattaching a dongle, the Schlumberger license service must be restarted. It is also good practice to restart the CodeMeter Runtime service. If you are using Petrel 2005.1.3 to access a Petrel 2007.1 license server, please be aware that Petrel 2005.1.3 will only be able to use the license from one dongle if you have multiple dongles attached. If you are using the Petrel 2007.1 license for both Petrel 2005.1.3 and Petrel 2007.1, it is recommended that you have all licenses on one dongle only.

11.4.4 What is the license compatibility for FLEX? The FLEXnet daemon is compatible with other Windows- and Unix-based SIS applications. The Flex 11.3 daemon is compatible with ECLIPSE simulators (including FrontSim), ECLIPSE Office group, Cougar, PipeSim, R2SL, OFM, Drilling, and Avocet. Schlumberger applications are designed to use one of three FLEXnet vendor daemons. These daemons form part of the FLEXnet server, and their purpose is to issue licenses for client applications.

slbfd is used in applications built with FLEXnet 10.8 or the standard FLEXnet application for FLEXnet 11.3, such as ECLIPSE. slbsls is used in applications built for the secure daemon for FLEXnet 11.3, such as Petrel 2007.1. The slbfd and slbsls implement Macrovision's Common Vendor Daemon Technology; therefore, a client application, built against FLEXnet 9 and generating a license request from an lmgrd.slb vendor daemon, can be served by lmgrd.slb, slbfd or slbsls. Similarly, a client application built against the standard FLEXnet library, and therefore generating a license request from the slbfd vendor daemon, will be served by either slbfd or slbsls. Since the license request must only be served by one daemon, it is important that only one daemon be run on the FLEXnet server. If the FLEXnet server is a PC Windows system, the appropriate vendor daemon to run is slbsls. Furthermore, Petrel 2007.1 also requires slbsls.

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lmgrd.slb is used in applications that were built with FLEXnet 9.5 or earlier, such as OFM.

11.5 Monitoring and Logging 11.5.1 How are monitoring and logging done in Petrel 2007.1? With the standard Petrel 2007.1 you only have the option to log users and modules using the FLEXnet debug log. There are better tools on the market for this type of exercise that can be purchased at your local software distributor. Some examples are as follows: Macrovision’s FLEXnet Manager (SAMSuite and SAMreporter are being retired) and License Analyzer by OpeniT.

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12. Appendix B – Match and Merge Configuration Options This appendix provides further guidelines on configuring the OpenSpirit control file schema.

12.1 Merge options Automatic will automatically execute the action defined in the default attribute unless there is a conflict (more than one match). Manual will always pop up a question if there is a match and then ask for the desired behaviour (see Merge actions below). Disabled will not enable any merge functionality and will not import anything in case of a conflict or already existing data.

12.2 Merge actions Overwrite—the existing object will be overwritten with new data. Skip—the Import of this object will be skipped (but the rest of the selected data will be processed). Cancel—the import process will be cancelled and no more data imported (already imported data will be kept).

12.3 Match criteria Column lists containing the OspColumn attributes will be mapped to the PetrelColumn attributes. AND

All criteria must match before the merge action is applied. All attributes are listed within the same Columnlist. OR At least one of the criteria must match before the merge action is applied. The attributes are listed in consecutive Columnlists.

12.4 Well Bores The default column mapping for well bores is shown in Table 8. 3

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Create New—a new dataset with a similar name will be created.

Table 8: Default Column Mapping for Well Bores OspColumn







Name Name X Identifier UniqueWellIdentifier X Well.Location X Well.SpudDate X Well.CurrentOperator X Path X PathMD X Elevation X isnull(Elevation) X BoreStatus X FlowDirection X FluidType X ShowType X DefaultWellVelocity X Re-import and Re-export are synchronization functionality. * not controlled by the xml file (hard coded)







12.4.1 Default Mode and Actions Mode = manual Schlumberger Public

Actions = overwrite|createnew|skip|cancel

12.4.2 Default Match Criteria Identifier OR Name

12.5 Well Logs The default column mapping for well logs is shown in Table 9. 3

Table 9: Default Column Mapping for Well Logs Column




Bore.KeyString X Bore.Identifier X Bore.Name X X TraceName DataSource TraceKind X X Version* X Comments* X NumElements X X NullValue X X TraceData X X TraceIndexMD X X Re-import and Re-export are synchronization functionality * not controlled by the xml file (hard coded)

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X X X X X ? X X X X



12.5.1 Default Mode and Actions Mode = manual Actions = overwrite|skip|cancel

12.5.2 Default Match Criteria KeyString AND TraceKind OR TraceKind

12.6 Well Tops (Picks) The default column mapping for well tops is shown in Table 10. 3

Table 10: Default Column Mapping for Well Tops Column







12.6.1 Default Mode and Actions Mode = manual Actions = overwrite|skip|cancel

12.6.2 Default Match Criteria PickName AND Interpreter

12.7 Well Velocity The default column mapping for well velocity is shown in Table 11. 3

Table 11: Default Column Mapping for Well Velocity Column Bore.KeyString Bore.Identifier Bore.Name






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Bore.KeyString X Bore.Identifier X Bore.Name X X PickName X X Interpreter X X PickSource PickType X Location X X PickValueMD X X DipAngle X X DipAzimuth X X Re-import and Re-export are synchronization functionality. * not controlled by the xml file (hard coded)






Bore.Elevation X X WellVelocityName X DataSource TimeDepthMD X X TimeDepthTVD X X TimeDepthTWT X X Datum X X V2SD* X Time_shift* X Re-import and Re-export are synchronization functionality * not controlled by the xml file (hard coded)




12.7.1 Default Mode and Actions Mode = manual Actions = overwrite|skip|cancel

12.7.2 Default Match Criteria WellVelocityName Schlumberger Public

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12.8 Example of OpenSpiritMapping.xml

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13. Appendix C – Details on Customizing Petrel This section provides some additional customizations that you can do to ensure all Petrel Users in your environment have consistency of data and Petrel use. Most of these customizations can be performed by the Petrel User; however, as a Data Administrator, you may want to perform these tasks and then push the customizations to all Petrel Users. If you are running Petrel on a centralized server, these tasks must be done by the Data Administrator.

13.1 Creating Customized Well Symbols You can generate customized well symbols for use in Petrel. An external XML file stores all of the attributes associated with the well symbols. To add a new well symbol:

Once you have completed the above steps, the next time Petrel is opened, the new symbol will appear on the drop-down menu list in the Well Symbols as shown in Figure 17.

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1. If not already done, save the well image as file type “.png” or “.bmp” with no greater resolution than 128 x 128. You can save the image as a higher resolution, but Petrel will need more memory to load the image. 2. Create a duplicate, low-resolution image in order to view the symbol in dialogs and legends. 3. Add the image file to the Petrel installation directory “Petrel 2007\Resources\WellSymbols”. 4. In the same directory, edit the “UserSymbolFile.xml” file to point to the images. Details of how to add and change the label for existing well symbols are provided in the header of “PetrelSymbolFile.xml”. 5. If your Petrel environment consists of individual Petrel installations on Users’ workstations, send the images and customized “UserSymbolFile.xml” to your Users’ to include in their installation directory.

Figure 17: Well Settings Example

The User-defined well symbols can be selected, together with the default symbols, from the Style tab, under solid and patterns.

13.2 Customizing the Info Box

The box design is controlled by the “UserInfoBoxes.xml” file, which can be found in the Petrel install directory under the “Petrel 2007\Resources\InfoBox” folder. This file has instructions in the header and can be edited with any standard text editor.

13.3 Further Customizations Options Only an Expert Petrel User or Data Administrator should edit the files mentioned in this section. Before modifying files, it is suggested to take a backup of the files for quality control and data restore options. You can modify resource “Petrel 2007/Petrel.exe.config” to better meet the needs of individual Users and companies. You can edit this file with a standard word editor, such as Notepad. This file contains details about how to customize its content.

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You can create a definition file for the Info box, which can be selected instead of the default info box built into Petrel. This allows you to set up your own design, making it a more flexible option than the default one. For example, each line can have as many entry boxes as required, and each box can hold a logo. The boxes, however, can still be filled using the Info box settings sheet.

14. Appendix D – Managing Seismic Data with a Seismic Server If you have high-end seismic workflows, consider deploying Petrel with the use of a Seismic Server. Petrel's performance for seismic volume roaming is gained from multi-threaded data access. Modern workstations now have dual data buses, but older workstations do not. Using data across a network is functionally equivalent to using only one data bus. As a result, on older workstations or across a network, Petrel seismic interpretation is not optimized. You can leverage a Seismic Server to scale to even larger cubes. See the Seismic Server Administration Guide for administration of the server and more information.

14.1 Introduction to Seismic Servers

This section outlines the system requirements for the Petrel 2007.1 Seismic Server version. The Seismic Server administration utility and ZGY utility are not covered by this document. Petrel is the front-end application for accessing the Seismic Server. See the Petrel 2007.1 System requirements for details of the Petrel system requirements. To ensure that the server functions and performs as expected, we are constantly testing the latest hardware available from major suppliers, as well as optimizing it for maximum performance. In our attempt to minimize unexpected problems and cost, we tend to use branded solutions, such as those offered by Sun™, HP™, IBM®. However, we also test on hardware from smaller vendors, such as Rackable Systems® and Vxtech.

14.2 Seismic Server Hardware and Software Considerations A scalable network attached storage (NAS) or clustered file system will provide the best performance for a combined environment of desktops and Seismic Server. A brief summary of hardware requirements for best performance is as follows: Gigabit Ethernet, rather than a 100 Mbps network

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The Petrel Seismic Server is a cluster-based visualization, interpretation and attribute generation tool. For large 3D datasets in excess of 100 GB you may wish to consider deploying Petrel in conjunction with a Petrel Seismic Server. For user workflows that involve generation of large numbers of seismic attributes, performance gains can be realized by using a Petrel Seismic Server.

RAID0 disks, rather than normal disks Data at 8 or 16-bit resolution, rather than 32-bit resolution 64-bit Operating system, rather than 32-bit Dual/quad core CPUs

14.2.1 Operating System Petrel 2007.1 Seismic Server works with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (Update 2) 64bit. The server will not work with Red Hat Enterprise 3 or previous versions. In addition, the server will not work with the upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating system.

14.2.2 Processors and System Processor speed is a determining factor when it comes to large calculation tasks, such as volume size, property modeling, upscaling, and so forth. Petrel Seismic Server has been tested on a variety of hardware configurations. It is a highly flexible solution and will run on machines with a single CPU, Dual Core, Quad core, and so on. The setup of cluster nodes depends on the User’s needs.

A 64-bit processor is needed to run Red Hat Professional 4 Linux (Update 2) 64-bit. Intel Xeon processors and AMD Opteron processors are suitable candidates for a 64bit system.

14.2.3 Memory (RAM) The Seismic Server is a 64-bit application running on Linux. This means that the application can access all the memory you attach to your hardware. The recommended size is a minimum of 2 GB per processor. Memory mapping technology allows Users to manipulate data beyond physical RAM constraints through disk caching. The Seismic Server can use memory mapping as an option. Data that resides on the disk is slower than data residing in memory.

14.2.4 Recommended Tested Hardware Solutions We regularly test hardware from different vendors; Table 12 lists some of the hardware used in the Petrel 2007.1 commercialization cycle. Although we have tested the hardware, we cannot certify it. Problems outside of SIS control, such as driver and BIOS bugs and operating system limitations may affect the User experience. The Seismic Server can be configured in a variety of ways; the examples listed are just some of the possible configurations. 3

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A minimum of 8 cores is necessary before it is advantageous to use the server, rather than standalone Petrel. For attribute generation, the server is completely scalable; the more cores you buy, the sooner the calculations finish.

Table 12: Hardware Used in the Petrel 2007.1 Commercialization Cycle for Seismic Server Testing Machine Name SUN V40z AMD Opteron IBM e326m AMD Dual Opteron 280 HP BL25p AMD Dual Opteron 275 Nexxus cluster Xeon 2.6GHz HP xw 8400

Nodes/ # of Cores

Node Memory / Total Memory


1/4 16/32 4/8 8/ 16 1/8

8GB/8GB 16GB/256GB 8GB/32GB 8GB/64/GB 32GB/32GB

Workstation Cluster Cluster Cluster Workstation

For detailed information, visit the respective vendor home pages. Table 13 lists the system requirements for Petrel 2007.1. 3

Table 13: System Requirements for a Seismic Server Minimum System Requirements Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (Update 2) 64bit IBM or compatible Pentium© 64-bit processor (2 GHz or greater) 8 processors 1 GB RAM per CPU 100 MB of free disk space Local hard drive

Recommended System Requirements 32 processors Dual core/Quad core 2 GB RAM per core High-speed hard disk 100GB of free hard disk space per node

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15. Appendix E – Petrel 2007.1.1 Upgrade Considerations The following special instructions should be kept in mind when migrating to Petrel 2007.1.1. 1. The project file format has changed from Petrel 2007.1 to Petrel 2007.1.1. Therefore, Petrel 2007.1 will not load projects created in Petrel 2007.1.1. 2. You must update the FLEXnet 11.3 license server and CodeMeter dongle driver software on FLEXnet server before installing the Petrel 2007.1.1 patch. Run the CodeMeterRuntime32.exe and SlbLicenseInstaller.exe from the Licensing/CodeMeter and Licensing folders. 3. If you are using the Seismic Server option in Petrel 2007.1 please note that this patch release will require a full reinstallation of the Seismic Server software. 4. If you are using Petrel 2007.1 and ECLIPSE* 2006.2, you should upgrade to ECLIPSE 2007.1 with this patch release.

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In order to use Petrel 2005.1.3 and Petrel 2007.1.1 from a shared license server, you must update the shared FLEXnet 11.3 license server and CodeMeter dongle driver software on FLEXnet server before installing the Petrel 2007.1.1 patch. Run the CodeMeterRuntime32.exe and SlbLicenseInstaller.exe from the Licensing/CodeMeter and Licensing folders. Petrel 2007.1.1 will utilize the updated FLEXnet license server with the existing Petrel 2007.1 license files.

16. Appendix F – Change Log for this version The following sections were updated in this version (Petrel 2007.1.2) of the document, compared to the previous version (Petrel 2007.1.1). 1. Section 4.1.4 2. Section 8.7.7 3. Section 8.10 4. Section 9.3.1 5. Section 10 6. Section 11.2.8

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