Petition to Take the BAR

June 16, 2018 | Author: Christian Faith Cawis | Category: Law School, Citizenship, Affidavit, Crimes, Crime & Justice
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Petition to Take the BAR...


En Banc Bar Matter No. 1559 RE: Revised Petition Form to Take the Bar Examinations Sirs/Mesdames: !oted here!nder" #or $o!r in#ormation" is a reso%!tion o# this &o!rt dated

MAR 21 2006.

'Bar Matter No. 1559.( Re: Revised Petition Form to Take the Bar Examinations.( The &o!rt Reso%ved to APPROVE  the revised #orm o# the Petition to Take Take the Bar Examinations" incor)oratin* therein the re+!irement that the candidate sha%% s!,mit a certi#ication ,$ the %a- dean that the candidate has no dero*ator$ record in schoo% and" i# an$" the detai%s and stat!s thereo#" th!s: Revised March " 02

For New Applicants

Re)!,%ic o# the Phi%i))ines S3PREME &43RT Mani%a n the Matter o# the PETT4N T4 T67E T8E 0 B6R E6MN6T4NS" B.E. No.  (N 4.R. No.   6mt. Pd.: P      S!rname  

;iven Name

Midd%e Name Petitioner.

x ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((( (( x PETT4N &4MES N4< the !ndersi*ned )etitioner and to this 8onora,%e &o!rt res)ect#!%%$ states: 1. 8e/She is  civi% stat!s2" Fi%i)ino citi=en"  $ears o# a*e" havin* ,een ,orn on  at   to s)o!ses   and " -ho are citi=ens o# o# the Phi%i))ines" and attaches #or this )!r)ose the ori*ina% or certi#ied tr!e co)$ o# the )etitioner>s ,irth certi#icate" marked as  6nnex ? [Notes: (1) If born outside of wedlock, state so: ________________; (2) if not a natural-born Filipino citien, citien, state !ow and w!en citiens!ip was ac"uired and attac! pertinent docu#ents: ____________________; ($) if a #arried fe#ale, attac! ori%inal or certified true cop& of #arria%e contract'  0. 8e/She is a )erson o# *ood mora% character" and attaches #or this )!r)ose three $ $2 testimonia%s" each exec!ted ,$ a mem,er o# the Phi%i))ine Bar" Bar" marked as 6nnexes ? @. 8e/She has not ,een char*ed -ith an$ act or o r omission )!nisha,%e ,$ %a-" r!%e or re*!%ation ,e#ore a )rosec!tor" )rosec!tor" A!d*e" )!,%ic o##icer or administrative ,od$ o# an$ crime or o##ense invo%vin* mora% t!r)it!de? nor has he/she an$ )endin* case or char*e? Note : Indicate an& pendin% or dis#issed ciil, cri#inal or ad#inistratie case a%ainst &ou and attac! pertinent docu#ents: C docu#ents: C D. 8e/She #inished his/her hi*h schoo% ed!cation in 9  at the sc!ool  sc!ool 2? 2? and com)%eted his/her )re(%a- co!rse at the  sc!ool  sc!ool 2 #or  ca%endar $ears -ith a ,ache%ors de*ree in  course course2" 2" maAor in " and s!,mits #or this )!r)ose the ori*ina% transcri)t o# records" marked as 6nnex " and the S)ecia% 4rder iss!ed ,$ the &ommission on 8i*her Ed!cation *+2" *+2" -hen a))%ica,%e" marked as 6nnex ? 5. 8e/She re*!%ar%$ st!died %a- #or  ca%endar $ears se#estral.tri#estral  se#estral.tri#estral 2 and satis#actori%$ com)%eted a%% the re+!irements #or the )rescri,ed %a- co!rse at " a %a- schoo% o##icia%%$ a))roved and reco*ni=ed ,$ &8E" -hen a))%ica,%e" and attaches #or this )!r)ose the ori*ina% co)$ o# his/her transcri)t o# %a- schoo% records bearin% t!e correspondin% certification of t!e /aw ean o r 0c!ool e%istrar concerned and dul& aut!enticated wit! t!e sc!ools official seal 2" 2" marked as 6nnex ? and the ori*ina% co)$ o# the certi#ication *-2   *-2 2 o# &8E" marked as 6nnex  ? . 8e/She has no dero*ator$ record in %a- schoo% -here he/she *rad!ated? and attached #or this )!r)ose the ori*ina% co)$ o# the &erti#ication o# No ero*ator$ Record exec!ted ,$ the Ga- ean" marked as 6nnex ? e"uire#ent e"uire#ent in 3'4' 11512 11512 H. This is the #irst time that he/she is takin* the Bar Examinations? I. 8e/She attaches here-ith three $  $2 co)ies o# his/her %atest !n(reto!ched )hoto*ra)h 1 1 1.2671 1.2 2" 2" marked as 6nnexes  ? and

9. 8e/She is re%ated ,$ consan*!init$ or a##init$ -ithin the #o!rth civi% de*ree to a mem,er o# the S!)reme &o!rt or o##icia% o# the 4##ice o# the Bar &on#idant. [Note; If related to an& of t!e 8ustices or officials #entioned aboe, state na#e of said 8ustice or official and !is.!er relations!ip: _______________________' 
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