Petition for Relief
Short Description
COMES COME S NOW, NOW, pet petiti itioner oner thr through ough the the und under ersi sig gned ned authorized legal representative in the above title case, unto this Honorable Court, most respectull! states and alleges that" #$ On Sept Septem embe berr #%, #%, &'#( &'#(,, her herein ein plai plaint nti) i)-p -pet etit itio ione nerr recei eceive ved d the or orde derr o the Honor onorab able le Co Cour urtt date ated September #', &'#( den!ing the plainti)*s Notice o +ppeal or having been led out o time &$ With ith the the .ind .ind indu indulg lgen ence ce o the the Hono Honorab rable le Co Court urt,, the the petitioner see.s or the relie rom /udgment 0 to set asid aside e the the said said or orde derr that that the the appe appeal al be give given n due course on the ollo1ing grounds" a$ 2he deenda deendant nt stands stands to be un/ust un/ustl! l! enriched enriched b! ONE H3N45E4 SE6EN27 E89H2 2HO3S+N4 +N4 E89H2 H3N45E4 S8:27 S8: ;ESOS < =>?#'' @;H; #AB,B #AB,B$= $=>D >D re repr prese esenti nting ng the re remai maining ning unpaid unpaid ;age # o B
balance o the loan amount the deendant secured rom the plainti)-petitioner$ 2his is exclusive o the interest charge as o October #(, &''B$ 3p to the present, the deendant borro1er has not made an! pa!ment on the account b$ 2he plainti) admits 1ith all humilit! that it has been incurring court procedural lapses in the absence o a legal guidance subseuent to the resignation o its in-house counsel$ While plainti) .eeps on searching or a la1!er*s services on a permanent basis, it could hardl! nd an applicant, as o this petition, 1ho 1ould be 1illing to accept the 1or.load o the legal department and be engaged on a regular emplo!ment capacit! c$ 2he plainti) believes that it should not be deprived 1ith propert! in the aoresaid substantial amount 1ithout being completel! heard in a court that it believes to be the proper venue to compel pa!ment rom a borro1er 1ho 1as given a loan privilege in times o her needs but no1 remains uncooperative in settling her obligation d$ 2he petitioner committed a negligence 1hen it led or an appeal out o time$ 2rue enough, it 1as borne out o excusable neglect as the legal representative is not an adroit in procedural la1$ 8n the attached +Fdavit o Merit denominated as +NNE: G+, an explanation o the excusable negligence is humbl! presented begging or the .indness o the court to loosen the tight rope o technicalit! in a situation 1here the plainti) painsta.ingl! still continues to nd a 1illing applicant or the position o in-house corporate counsel$ ;lainti) could have timel! and properl! led the remed! had an applicant-la1!er made good o her nod to serve as corporate counsel but ;age & o B
retracted the commitment 1hen she 1as expected to report$ +ttached is an aFdavit mar.ed as +NNE: GI attesting to said act e$ 2he act that the plainti), through the representative, led a Notice o +ppeal 1as to let the Honorable Court be apprised o its determined and uns1erving resolve to see. a redress or its right violated b! a loan borro1er$ Such action 1as never to place an! hint o! on the court or the plainti) is convinced 0 given the attitude o the borro1er deendant o being elusive o her obligation, the court is its onl! hope$ 4eendant has caused so much o the diFcult! in recovering 1hat she is supposed to return 0 that petitioner had to see. rst the court*s assistance beore obligations can be compelled$ $ 2he plainti)-petitioner understands that the Honorable Court is not oblivious o the ollo1ing rulings o the Supreme Court$ With all due respect, plainti) humbl! reminds i onl! to la! the solid grounds 1h! the petitioner is entitled to the relie pra!ed or, viz" 8n E'()*+ A'+"+ v". T+(" V*''(+!, (' /G.R. N+. L-22, J#' 23, 1105, the Supreme Court is not agreeable on technicalit!*s departure rom its proper oFce, to uote" “A litigation is not a game o technicalities xxxxx. It is, rather, a contest in which each contending party ully and airly lays eore the court the acts in issue and then, rushing aside as wholly tri!ial and indecisi!e all imperections o orm and technicalities o procedure, as"s that #ustice e done upon the merit. xxxxx $echnicality, when it deserts ;age = o B
its proper o%ce as an aid to #ustice and ecomes its great hindrance and chie enemy, deser!es scant consideration rom courts& ' underscoring supplied (.
8n another case, the Supreme Court held" “Procedural technicality should not pre!ail o!er sustanti!e rights o a party to appeal ')*A !. +A, /+RA 012, as cited in 3nited 4eature /yndicate !s. 5unsingwear +reation, 6.R. )o. 710, )o!emer 1, 181(.
8n another instance, the Supreme Court ruled" “It was urther emphasi9ed that we allowed the :ling o an appeal in some cases where a stringent application o the rules would ha!e denied it, or when to do so would ser!e the demands o sustantial #ustice and in the exercise o our e;uity #urisdiction '/errano !. +ourt o Appeals, 01 /+RA 71, as cited in 3nited 4eature /yndicate !s. 5unsingwear +reation, 6.R. )o. 710, )o!emer 1, 181(.
2here are a string o cases 1ith similar accommodations to appeals not led on time$ ;etitioner sees no need to express them all in this petition as it hopes the oregoing cases and explanations 1ould suFce to dra1 the compassion o the court$ PRAYER
WHE5EJO5E, in the light o the oregoing premises, petitioner respectull! pra!s to the Honorable Court that the herein petition or relie rom /udgment be granted 0 that the ;age % o B
order dated September #', &'#( be set aside and permit the appeal to ta.e its course$ Other relies or remedies deemed euitable and /ust are li.e1ise pra!ed or$ 5espectull! submitted this #' th September, &'#(, Iaguio Cit!, ;hilippines$ DOLORES BALAGAT
5epublic o the ;hilippinesD Cit! o Iaguio D s$s$ x--------------------------------x VERIFICATION 6 CERTIFICATION OF NON-FORU% SHOPPING
8, 4OKO5ES I+K+9+2, Jilipino, o legal age, and 1ith oFce address at &nd Jloor Iaguio Central Warehouse Club, Iaguio Cit!, ;hilippines, ater having been s1orn to in accordance 1ith la1 do hereb! depose and state" 2hat 8 am the authorized representative o Iaguio Cit! Jinancing Corp$ 2hat 8 have caused the preparation o the oregoing ;E2828ON JO5 5EK8EJ J5OM L349EMEN2 and have read the allegations contained therein 2hat allegations in said petition are true and correct o m! o1n .no1ledge and based on authentic records 8 hereb! certi! that 8 have not commenced an! other action or proceeding involving the same issues in an! court, tribunal or uasi-/udicial agenc! and, to the best o m! .no1ledge, no such other action or claim is pending therein 8 8 should thereater learn that a similar action or proceeding has been led or is pending, 8 herb! underta.e to ;age ( o B
report that act 1ithin ve @(D da!s thererom to the court or agenc! 1here the original pleading and s1orn certication contemplated herein have been led 8 executed this verication?certication to attest to the truth o the oregoing acts and to compl! 1ith the provisions o +dm$ Circular No$ '%->% o the Honorable Supreme Court$ 8N W82NESS WHE5EOJ, 8 have hereunto aFxed m! signature this #' th o September, &'#(, in the Cit! o Iaguio, ;hilippines$ DOLORES BALAGAT +Fant?;etitioner 84 No$ #&=%(A
S3ISC58IE4 +N4 SWO5N to beore me this #'th o September, &'#( at Iaguio Cit!, ;hilippines$ NOTARY PUBLIC
4oc No$ ;age No$ Ioo. No$ Series o &'#$
PTR No. 38492 / 1-4-16 / Baguio City Roll of Attorney No. 68352 / 1-4-16 / Baguio City BP !ifeti"e #e"$er%&i' No. (3923 / Baguio-Benguet #C!) Co"'lian*e No. -((6 / 1-1(-16 Roo" 2(1+ 4t& ,loor+ PA Builing+ ''er 0e%%ion Roa+ Baguio City (4 442-93(2 / (99395892(1 TN No. 654-(((-245
EPLANATION Cop! o the petition 1as served b! registered mail due to time and distance constraints and or luc. o the undersinged*s sta) 1ho can serve the same in person$ DOLORES BALAGAT
Cop! urnished thru 5egistered Mail" +227$ LOSE;H I58+N +2ENSO5 ;age o B
4eendant Counsel Evangelio Ka1 OFce Ermel!n Complex, +gton St$, 2oril, IaguioCit!
5epublic o the ;hilippinesD Cit! o Iaguio x--------------------------------x
8, 4OKO5ES, o legal age, 1ith oFce address at & nd Jloor 4CWC, Iaguio Cit!, ater having been s1orn to in accordance 1ith la1 do hereb! depose and state" 2hat 8 am the authorized legal representative o Iaguio Cit! Jinancing Corporation @ICJD 2hat relative to the court proceedings o Civil Case No$ ,&A%-C-I-&''B or S3M OJ MONE7, 4+M+9ES, and +22O5NE7*s ees led b! Iaguio Centur! Jinancing Corp$ against LE5EM8+H LE5OME 5$ C53, 8 led on behal o the corporation a Notice o +ppeal rom the dismissal order dated +ugust #B, &'#( o the 5egional 2rial Court, Iranch #, Iaguio Cit! 2hat such notice o appeal 1as made as a remedial recourse and to apprise the Honorable Court o the 4JC*s ;age A o B
determined and uns1erving resolve to see. recover! o unpaid loan account o an elusive loan borro1er in the aoresaid civil case 2hat said Notice o +ppeal 1as dismissed b! the court a uo being led out o time 2hat the deerred Notice o +ppeal 1as subseuent to the ling o a motion or an extension o time to le a motion or reconsideration that the latter motion or an extension o time 1as not previousl! .no1n to the best o m! .no1ledge as a prohibited pleading, being a representative and not a ull-edged la1!er 1ith limited exposure to the legal proession 2hat such excusable negligence could not have been avoided 1ith ordinar! oresight the technicalit! involved and procedural conseuences per 5ules o Court reuire the acumen o a la1!er allo1ed to practice b! la1 2hat the ling o said notice o appeal 1as made out o apprehensions o the dismissal order 0 being 1ar! o losing the right to claim in a legal action that the belated appeal can still be given its due course in the interest o euit! and /ustice as supported b! a string o /urisprudence 2hat this aFdavit o merit is executed to support the plainti)*s petition or a relie rom an adverse /udgment on the above case$ 8N W82NESS WHE5EOJ, 8 have hereunto aFxed m! signature this #' th da! o September, &'#, in the Cit! o Iaguio, ;hilippines$
DOLORES BALAGAT +Fant 84 No$ #&=%(A
S3ISC58IE4 +N4 SWO5N to beore me this #' th da! o September, &'#( at Iaguio Cit!, ;hilippines$
;age B o B
4oc No$ ;age No$ Ioo. No$ Series o &'#$
PTR No. 38492 / 1-4-16 / Baguio City Roll of Attorney No. 68352 / 1-4-16 / Baguio City BP !ifeti"e #e"$er%&i' No. (3923 / Baguio-Benguet #C!) Co"'lian*e No. -((6 / 1-1(-16 Roo" 2(1+ 4t& ,loor+ PA Builing+ ''er 0e%%ion Roa+ Baguio City (4 442-93(2 / (99395892(1 TN No. 654-(((-245
;age > o B
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