Petition For Correction of Entry

September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines  Third Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT

Branch ____  Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

N T!E "#TTER $% T!E PETT$N %$R T!E C$RRECT$N $% ENTR& N T!E CERT%C#TE $% '(E BRT! $% )" NEBR*# +$R$ +$ R$P PE E -N -N*E *ER R RE+ RE+ TR TR& & N$ N$.. /01/ /0 1/21 2134 3431 31 $% T! T!E E C CT& T& C C( ('  RE+TR#R $%%CE, C#B#N#T-#N CT&, N-E(# ECJ#.


Petitioner, 2 versus 2

P'. PR$C. N$. ________  

)" NEBR*# +$R$PE rep re pres resen ente ted d by her 5o 5oth the er #N #N# # "R# " R#$' $' &. NE NEBR BR* *#, #, T! T!E E C CT& T& C(' RE+TR#R $% C#B#N#T-#N C#B#N#T#N CT&, N-E(# ECJ#, and #'' PER$N6ENTTE 7!$67! 7!$ 67!C! C! "#& BE #%% #%%ECTE ECTE* *  T!EREB&, Respondents. 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28


C$"E N$7 Petiti Petitioner oner by his undersig undersigned ned counsel and unto this !onorable Court respectfully 5anifests that9 1. Pe Peti titi tion oner er is 30 ye year ars s ol old, d, re reti tire red d - Co Coas astt +u +uar ard, d, 5arrie 5ar ried, d, %il %ilipi ipino no and res reside ident nt of Pob Poblac lacion ion Cen Centra tral, l, iso i son, n, Pa Pang ngas asin inan an.. Pe Peti titi tion oner er 5a 5ay y be se serv rved ed :i :ith th

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su55ons and other processes of this !onorable Court at hi his s gi giv ven add ddre ress ss or th thro roug ugh h th the e offic ffice e of his his undersigned counsel at No. 1/4 Brgy. 'ucap, #la5inos City, Pangasinan9 /. Pri Privat vate e res respon ponden dentt )" )" NEBR NEBR*# *# +$ +$R$ R$PE, PE, sin single gle,, %ilipino and being a 5inor is represented herein by  her 5other #N# "R#$' &. NEBR*#, of legal age, 5arried, %ilipino and resident of Poblacion ur, ison, Pangasinan :here they 5ay be served su55ons and other processes of this !onorable Court9 ;. Pub Public lic respo responde ndent nt Cit City y Civil Civil Reg Regist istrar rar of Cab Cabana anatua tuan n City Ci ty,, Nuev Nueva a Ec Ecij ija a is a pu publ blic ic offi office cerr 5a 5and ndat ated ed to perf pe rfor or5 5

th the e

ci civi vill

re regi gist stra rati tion on

fu func ncti tion on

in incl clud udin ing g

cancellation6correction of entries in the civil registry of  Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, :here the fact of birth of private respondent )" NEBR*# +$R$PE :as regi re gist ster ered ed an and d :h :hos ose e offi office ce is loca locate ted d at Ci City ty !a !all ll Co5p Co 5pou ound nd,, Ca Caba bana natu tuan an Ci City ty,, Nue Nueva va Ec Ecij ija, a, :h :her ere e su55ons and other legal processes 5ay be served9 ed as #nne? @#A hereof9 . n









respondent )" NEBR*# +$R$PE particularly in page pa ge / th ther ereo eof, f, pet etit itio ione nerr ha has s ap appe pea are red d to ha have ve ac>no:ledged private respondent as the natural father of the latter, :hen in truth and in fact he :as not9

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4. Pe Peti titi tion oner er is a re reti tire red d - Coas Coastt +u +uar ard d an and d has has be been en spending



re rettire5ent




ho5e ho 5eto to:n :n i iso son, n, Pa Pang ngas asin inan an.. !e is su suff ffer erin ing g fro5 fro5 chronic asth5a :ith difficulty in :al>ing and has been livi living ng al alon one e :i :ith th th the e ai aide de an and d care care of hi his s pe pers rson onal al caregivers9 . Privat Private e respon respondentD dentDs s 5other #N# "R "R#$' #$' NEBR NEBR*# *# hereinafter referred to as #N#Fhas been a caregiver for petitioner and :ho :as introduced to hi5 during the bapt ba ptiis5 s5al al cer ere5 e5o ony of on one e he herr chi hild ldre ren n pri priva vate te resp re spon onde dent ntDs Ds si sist sterF erF.. #N #N# # :as :as th then en su suff fferi ering ng fro5 fro5 depression and an?ious being burdened by the recent death of another child, jobless and cannot afford to feed her

children and being

abandoned by


husband. Thus, she together :ith her 5other begged to :o :or> r> as peti petito tone nerD rDs s ca care regi give ver. r. !e !ear arte tene ned d by he herr 5iserable situation, petitioner acco55odated #N# to be his caregiver9 3. 7h 7hen en #N #N# # begu begun n to :o :or> r> :i :ith th th the e peti petiti tion oner er,, sh she e brought along :ith her private respondent :ho :as around only ; years old by then and :hose birth :as stil stilll un unre regi gist ster ered ed an and d :a :as s ev even en un unba bapt ptiG iGed ed.. Th This is 5atter








petitioner, :ho :as beseeched :ith the supplication of  #N# #N # to the the e? e?te tent nt of be begg ggin ing g to re reco cogn gniG iGe e pr priv ivat ate e respondent as his o:n natu turral child so private respondent to could have the chance of beco5ing a - CitiGen and go there for a brighter future. n return, #N# pro pro5is 5ised ed pet petiti itione onerr to tru truthf thfull ully y and dev devote otedly  dly  serve hi5 as his caregiver and :ill forever be grateful to hi59

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=. Be Beli liev evin ing g in th the e su supp ppli lica cati tion ons s an and d pro5i pro5ise ses s of #N# and the entreaties she :as then sho:ing to petitioner, the latter :as lured and convinced to sign the birth certificate of private respondent and ac>no:ledge her to be his natural child9 10.. 10

Th Ther erea eaft fte er, th thin ings gs :ent :ent on re regu gula larl rly y as #N #N# # ha had d

gain ga ined ed th the e tr trus ustt an and d co conf nfid iden ence ce of pe peti titi tion oner er.. Th The e latte latterr ha has s en entru trust sted ed to her her th the e 5a 5ana nage ge5e 5ent nt of hi his s 5oney proceeds fro5 his pensions as - Coast +uard retiree and other benefitsF. !e even allo:ed al5ost all 5e5b 5e 5ber ers s of th the e fa5i fa5ily ly of #N #N# # st stay aye ed dbo boar ard d an and d lodgingF in to his house and even sent #N# to college :here she has earned a degree of Bachelor in Psychology9 11.

-ntil so5eti5e in /013 and to the enor5ous

surprise of petitioner, :hen he unbelievably discovered that #N# had dupe hi5 of his 5oneys and properties :hich :hi ch he had ent entrus rusted ted.. %or thi this s rea reason son,, pet petiti itione onerr :as pro5pted to ta>e and file legal action against her :hich is no: pending before the !onorable $ffice of  the Provincial Prosecutor of Pangasinan as of to date. Photocopy of his co5plaint affidavit is hereto attached and 5ar>ed as #nne? @BA hereof9 1/.. 1/

Re Regr gret etfu full lly y no no:, :, it : :as as a gr grea eatt 5is 5ista ta>e >e on tthe he pa part rt

of petitioner to have ac>no:ledged private respondent to be as his natural child. !e al5ost cannot believe that despite that very big heart of >indness he had e?te e? tend nded ed to #N# #N# an and d hi his s fa5i fa5ily ly,, he :a :as s in re retu turn rn treate tre ated d :it :ith h disres disrespec pect, t, dis dishon honour our and rub rubbis bish h and :as ro robb bbe ed of hi his s on only ly 5ea eans ns to su surv rviv ive e for for hi his s

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retire5ent, a treat5ent not e?pected to be given to a real father9 1;.






respondent to as be as his natural child, he has only  in 5ind 5ind is to he help lp an and d gi give ve pr priv ivat ate e re resp spon onde dent nt th the e chance of a brighter future but only to find out that he is no: a victi5 of the 5aterialistic craving of #N#. uch ac>no:ledg5ent in the birth certificate of private respondent has to be corrected i55ediately so as not to e?pose the petitioner to further da5age as he has already suffered and up to no: he is still suffering of  the i5prudence and da5ages 5ade by #N#. t needs to be corrected so as to reflect private respondentDs true and correct filiation9 1e:i :ise se,, e ect ctio ion n / of th the e sa sa5e 5e Ru Rule le pro provi vide des s th that at

@upon good and valid grounds, the follo:ing entries in the th e ci civi vill re regi gist ster er 5a 5ay y be ca canc ncel elle led d or births9 ? ? ?.A


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Pe Peti titi tion oner er by his his

undersigned counsel 5ost respectfully prays of unto this !onorable Cour Co urtt th that at afte afterr du due e no noti tice ce,, pu publ blic icat atio ion n an and d trial trial,, an $r $rde derr be issued directing the public respondent, $%%CE $% T!E CT& C('  RE+TR#R, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija to effect the follo:ing corrections in the certificate of live birth of private respondent )" NEBR*# +$R$PE, to :it9 1. The na5e of priva private te respo responde ndent nt fro5 )" NEBR NEBR*# *# +$R$PE T$


/. To re5 re5ove ove th the e na5e o off the p petitio etitioner ner GOROSPE as


the natural father of private respondent,

as :ell as his


app ppea eari ring ng on pa page ge /


$ther relief just and eKuitable under the pre5ises is li>e:ise prayed for.

#la5inos #la5in os City, Pangasin Pangasinan an for Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. "arch 1, /01=.

 Jose Alre G. Garcia Garcia Counsel for the Petitioner 

No. 126 Brgy. Lucap, Alaminos City, Pangasinan IBP No. ! No. "64#"5 $anuary %, 2"1% Pangasinan Pangasinan C&apter P'! No. ! No. 4(3"65% $an (, 2"1% Bani, Pangasinan !oll o) A*orneys No. 43((1, +olume +III, Page No. 255 -CL Compliance No. +I/"""325" 0ali& unl April 14, 2"22 mail aress  agglaya&  agglaya -o7ile No. "%2%4#1"52"

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