Petition for Change of Name

February 21, 2017 | Author: Lecel Llamedo | Category: N/A
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RA 9048 Form No. 4.1. (LCRO) (Devised 10 October 2001)


Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE CITY/MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR Province:____________________ City/Municipality: __________________ Republic of the Philippines ) __________________________ ) SS

Petition No. __________________

PETITION FOR CHANGE OF FIRST NAME I, ___________________________________________, of legal age, ______________________, (complete name of petitioner)


and a resident of ______________________________________________________________________, (complete address)

after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that: 1) I am the petitioner seeking the change of first name in: a)

my Certificate of Live Birth


the Certificate of Live Birth of __________________________________________________ (complete name of owner)

who is my _____________________________________________________________________. (relation of owner to the petitioner)

2) I/He/She was born on ____________________ at ______________________________________, (date of birth)


_____________________________________________ , __________________________________ . (province)


3) The birth was recorded under registry number ___________________________________________ . 4) The first name to be changed is from _______________________ to _________________________ . 5) The grounds for filing this petition are the following: (Ground selected should be explained/justified in a separate sheet of paper to be attached to this form.) a)

The first name is extremely difficult to write or pronounce;


I have/He/She has habitually and continuously used _________________ and I/he/she is publicly known in the community with that first name;


The first name is tainted with dishonor;


The first name is ridiculous;


The first name causes confusion;

6) I submit the following documents to support this petition: (Use additional sheets, if necessary.) a) ______________________________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) ______________________________________________________________________________ e) ______________________________________________________________________________ 7) I have/He/She has not filed any similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar petition is pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate. 8) I have/He/She has no pending criminal, civil or administrative case in any court or any quasi-judicial body. 9) I am filing this petition at the LCRO of ______________________ , ________________________ (city/municipality)


in accordance with R.A. No. 9048 and its implementing rules and regulations.

2 VERIFICATION I, ___________________________________ , the petitioner, hereby certify that the allegations herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ___________________________________ Signature over printed name of petitioner

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __________ day of ______________________ in the city/municipality of ____________________, petitioner exhibiting his Community Tax Certificate No. ________________ issued at ______________________________ on ________________________ . ___________________________ Administering Officer

Doc. No. Page No. Book No.

________________ ________________ ________________

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