Peter Duffie - Ulterior Motifs

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ULTERIOR MOTIFS - Copyright Peter Duffie 1992 * Electronic edition 2001

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THOSE ENIGMATIC ROYALS A simple idea based on the Vernon 'Card Puzzle' and inspired by Peter Kane's 'Royal Families' from his booklet A Further Card Session, plus Roy Walton's "Split Up" from The Complete Walton, Vol.1. WORKING 1. Run through the pack and openly remove all twelve court cards and arrange them in a face up pile from the face to back as follows : J Q K Clubs - J Q K Hearts - Q J K Diamonds - J Q K Spades *** Note that the three diamonds are not in order *** 2. Pick up the packet and hold it face down in the left hand. You now display each set of three cards as follows: a) Push over the top three cards, without reversing the order, and flip them face up to show the three Royal Spades. Then take the three cards and place them face up on the bottom. b) Flip over the next three cards to show the three Royal Diamonds, then place them face up on the bottom, but as you do so, your left fingers Buckle the bottom card and the three Diamonds are placed above it so that they end up second from the bottom. As you square up obtain a little finger break above the bottom two cards . c) Flip over the next three cards to show the three Royal Hearts. These three cards are apparently placed to the bottom, but in fact are inserted into the break above the bottom two cards. This can be further facilitated by pulling down with the left little finger to enlarge the break . This is a Marlo's Pull-down move. You could also Double Buckle. Finally flip over the last three cards, the Clubs and place them onto the table in a face up row with the right hand, King - Queen - Jack, from left to right. These act as indicators. You can casually push over the face Jack of the cards in your hand to reveal the correct Queen behind it if you wish. 3. Turn the packet face down and retain it in the left hand. The Kings, Queens and Jacks now separate: a) Turn the top card face up to show a King then use this King to flip the next card face up to reveal a second King Take this King on top of the first , then using both Kings flip over the third card to reveal the third King which is taken on top of the other two. Place these three cards face up below the king on the table

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b) Obtain a break below the top three cards, then flip over the top card to show a Queen. Lift off all three cards as one with the right hand and flip over the next card with the triple to reveal a second Queen which is taken on top of the triple. Flip over the third card to reveal the last Queen which is taken on top of the first two. Place these cards back on top of the packet then push off the top three face up Queens and place them below the queen on the table. c) Finally flip over the remaining three Jacks one at a time in the same manner and place them face up below the tabled Jack to conclude the trick. Go to Next Trick Return to Index

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A Sense of Freedom

A SENSE OF FREEDOM This is based on a number prediction by Shigeo Futagawa using four pieces of cardboard (See "Stunumbers" in Karl Fulves' Self-Working Number Magic, Dover). The only weak point was that the prediction couldn't be written until an advanced stage in the proceedings. The following effect uses playing cards and there is no need to worry about the prediction because everything works out automatically. Set the top twenty cards in the following sequence from top down, the suits being irrelevant:

6-J-9-Q-7-10-3-6-A-10-K-5-8-4-10-2-7-5-8-3 WORKING 1. False Shuffle the pack retaining the top twenty cards then place it face down on the table. Ask a spectator to cut the pack into two halves, then pick up the bottom half and place it cross-wise on top of the upper. This is the standard Cross-cut Force. Leave the pack as it is for a moment and look around as if deciding on a second subject to assist you in your experiment. If your audience consists of only one you can create the necessary delay by singing a song. I believe Doctor Daley's preferred choice was 'The Yellow Rose of Texas.’ 2. We'll assume you now have two assistants . Lift off the upper half of the pack and ask the first spectator to pick up the balance and deal out five packets with four cards in each , dealing left to right as in a game. The balance is placed aside on top of the other half. 3. Ask the second spectator to select any one of the five piles and retain it. He can look at each if he wishes to see that they are all different. Now ask him to add together the values of the four cards emphasising that Aces count as one and Jacks, Queens and Kings count eleven, twelve and thirteen respectively. Whilst he does this, ask the first spectator to turn the top card of each pile face up and leave it on top. Explain that no one could have predicted what these four cards could have been, therefore the sum total of their values is completely random. In effect this is true because the spectator seemingly dealt from where he cut to a point to be emphasised. 4. Now comes the clincher. Ask the spectator to turn over any two of the piles to give a completely different total. It doesn't matter which two he turns

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A Sense of Freedom

because the resulting four face up cards will always come to the same total, and furthermore, this will correspond with the total of the four cards selected by spectator Two. So all that is left to be done is have the four top cards added you can assist so that there is no mistake, then have the second spectator call out his total to bring the trick to a successful conclusion.

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Message Understood

MESSAGE UNDERSTOOD In effect, one spectator reads the mind of another. The principle used is really the 'Automatic Placement.' WORKING 1. Remove twenty- four cards from the top of the pack by pushing over eight groups of three. Place the balance aside as it is no longer required Hand the packet to a spectator and have him shuffle it. Ask him to think of any small number up to and including ten and count off that number of cards from the top and place them out of sight, perhaps in a pocket saying, "I want you to place these cards in your pocket in case you forget your number." Turn your back during these proceedings. Now ask him to shuffle again if he wishes then to count down and look at the card that lies at that position from the top and leave it there. Make sure he shows the card to no one else, especially Humphrey in the next step! 2. Turn back to face the audience and take the packet. Turn to a second spectator and say, "I'm going to show you some cards and all you have to do is concentrate on them and as you are doing this I will endeavour to pass CECIL'S thoughts across into your mind HUMPHREY." Push over and remove the top six cards and make a one-handed fan in the right hand then hold them up so that only spectator TWO can see the faces. In the above example he is called Humphrey. Ask him to concentrate then lower the cards and place them face down to the bottom of the others. Repeat this twice more removing groups of six and making a one-handed fan then placing the group to the bottom. You now apparently repeat this action for the last time however when you take the six cards with the right hand make a REVERSE fan by pulling inwards with the right thumb and outwards with the fingers. Hold the fan up so he alone can see the faces and look him directly in the eye. Because the cards are reverse fanned he will only be able to make out the identity of the face card and this will be the card that spectator ONE is thinking of. As you look at the spectator wink at him with the eye furthest from spectator ONE, at the same time tap the face card with the right forefinger. This finger action will be shielded by the cards. Now unless he thinks you are trying to pick him up he will get the correct message . As you do this, say, "Are you still concentrating on your card Cecil ?....try to pick up the message Humphrey." Place these cards below the others. This fan force is an old idea. file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page3.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:26:44]

Message Understood

Finally ask spectator TWO if he received a message. Hopefully he is not a swine and will play along and name the card you signaled to him. Finally say, "Thank you very much and don't tell anyone how you did it Humphrey!" During the final stage you can reverse the bottom card of the packet then cut. Finally spread the cards to reveal the thought of card is now face up to finish.

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Baker Street Branch

BAKER STREET BRANCH This effect came about after reading Phil Goldstein's "Sherloct," which appeared in Abracadabra No. 2410. Remove thirteen cards, Ace through to King of mixed suits and place them in order on top of the pack - Ace on top. Now lay out six slips of paper and write the following one amount on each:

£9 £11 £13 £15 £17 and £19 or $9 $11 $13 $15 $17 and $19 WORKING 1. Hand the six slips to a spectator and have him choose one explaining that this will represent a deposit into the bank. As he is doing this remove the two Jokers from the pack and lay them face up on the table. With the pack in face down your hands carry out one of the following actions depending on which amount of money the spectator chooses. £9 - Do nothing except deal off eight cards into a face down pile onto the table. £11 - Lose the top card then deal off eight cards or alternatively employ a second deal. £13 Lose the top 2 cards then deal off eight. £15 - Lose the top 3 cards then deal off eight . £17 - Lose the top 4 cards then deal off eight . £19 - Lose the top 5 cards then deal off eight . 2. You can give the packet as many Reverse Faro's as you please, then a quick Overhand Shuffle by running four cards then throwing the balance on top. This takes you out of Stay Stack into a rotation stack. Hand the packet to the spectator. 3. Explain that the packet of cards represent the bank's ledger. Ask the spectator to cut the packet a few times then to remove either the top or bottom card and turn it face up on the table. Whatever the value is explain that this represents the balance in the account and that it appears that the file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page4.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:26:48]

Baker Street Branch

account is short by whatever the difference is between the card value and 'the deposit.' Point to the Jokers saying, "Not to worry because these are the bank's auditors and they will endeavour to locate the missing funds." Have the spectator place one Joker face up on the top and the other face up on the bottom. Under your guidance he now carries out an UNDER/Down Deal until all the cards are on the table in a pile. Finally spread the cards to reveal one face down card between the Jokers. Remove and turn this card over to reveal the exact missing amount.

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Daley Basis

DALEY BASIS The following routine uses ideas of Jacob Daley, Alex Elmsley (Between Your Palms ) and Roy Walton (Card Case). WORKING 1. Run through the pack and remove the Kings of Spades and Diamonds and place them face down on the table in front of two spectators one left, one right it is imperative that the faces of these cards are not seen. As you are looking for these two cards, move the other two kings to the top and bottom of the pack. 2. Have each spectator select a card, and sign his name on the face if you can afford it! Have the first (left) selection placed on top of the pack then give the pack a few cuts finally Double Cutting the bottom card to the top. Have the second card returned to the top of the pack and then jog-shuffle retaining the top four cards. 3. Explain that in order to find the two chosen cards you will require some assistance False Cut then Double Lift and turn-over to show a King, saying, "Here's my first assistant he always comes to the top." Do not mention the suit. Turn the double face down then deal off the top card onto the table in front of you. Double Cut the top three cards to the bottom then turn the pack face up saying, "Here’s my second assistant, he always appears on the bottom." Turn the pack face down and remove the second from bottom card by means of the Glide. Give the pack a quick shuffle retaining the bottom two cards then Double Cut the bottom card to the top. Take the pack in the right hand with the thumb on top and the fingers on the face. Press the thumb and fingers together and toss the pack into the waiting left hand - because of the pressure the top and bottom cards will remain behind. Place the pack aside then turn the right hand to show the faces of the two Kings, saying, "And the last two appear by magic." This two card catch is in Hofzinser's Card Conjuring, but it was used prior to Hofzinser. 4. Drop the last two Kings on top of the other two cards then pick up all four. Say, "Now I have my four Royal assistants, we can proceed with the trick." As you speak, casually Elmsley Count the four cards. This is the simplest method for repositioning the cards. You could employ the OLRAM subtlety also. file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page5.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:26:55]

Daley Basis

5. Push over the top two cards and take them with the right hand so that each hand now apparently hold two Kings then drop each pair onto the table in front of each face down prediction card. Place each prediction face down between the respective pair of Kings(?), saying, "My assistants will now perform a remarkable feat with the two cards I placed out before we began." Pick up the left hand packet and hold in readiness for the Glide. Glide back the bottom card and remove and turn over a King, then place the next card face down on top and finally the last King face up. Repeat with the other packet. Finally have both selections named and the face down cards tuned over, saying, "I told they were remarkable."

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Daley Basis

THE TWO WAY SYNDROME TRICK 1 Here are two tricks which both utilise the same eighteen-card set-up, which consists of nine pairs of cards matching in colour. Although the colours don't matter for the first trick, by setting the packet this way you are in a position to try out the second trick immediately. Remove matching pairs – Ace through Nine – and arrange them in the following order:

9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-A-A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Place the set packet on top of the pack then place the four Tens on top of all. WORKING 1. Shuffle retaining top stock then force each of the Tens onto four spectators. I use the Riffle Force. Each spectator retains his card without looking at it. 2. Push off the top eighteen cards and place the balance of the pack aside Give the packet a few cuts then hand it to another spectator , and have him cut the packet a few times as you turn away . Ask him to think of any number between one and ten and to deal off that number of cards one at a time into a face down pile in front of him . Turn around and take the balance from him You now carry out an elimination idea of Karl Fulves as follows: Holding the packet face down, run through and outjog every second card then strip out the outjogged cards and discard them. Repeat this until you have two cards left, a position which you will always arrive at, and discard the TOP card. Turn the card remaining face up then ask the spectator to turn over the top card he stopped at. Audibly add the values of both cards together . The answer will always be ten. Explain that the number ten must be significant because this trick never fails. Finally have each of the four spectators turn their cards over one at a time to prove that the number ten was indeed significant!

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Daley Basis

TRICK 2 For this second effect, start with the same eighteen card set-up on top of the pack. No Tens are added this time. 1. False shuffle then remove the top eighteen cards and place the balance aside Due to the mirror stack you can now give the packet a couple of Faro Shuffles or a couple of Reverse Faros. There is no restriction as to how many. This is the Rusduck 'Stay-Stack' principle. 2. Now Overhand Shuffle by running nine cards single then dropping the balance on top. The packet can now be handed to a spectator for cutting. Now carry out STEP 2 as above. This time you will arrive at a perfect matching pair.

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Mixed Reaction

MIXED REACTION Stewart James' "Miraskill" is one of those simple tricks that has stood the test of time. The following effect begins with the first stage of "Miraskill" but then moves into a second phase which employs a totally different principle of Gene Finnell's. Before commencing secretly steal out any two black cards from the pack and place them out of sight as they are not used. WORKING 1. Hand the pack to a spectator for shuffling. As he is doing this take a piece of paper and write: "THERE WILL BE TWO MORE REDS THAN THERE ARE BLACKS" Fold the paper and place it on the table. He now carries out the Miraskill procedure as follows: He is to turn over cards two at a time and if they consist of two reds he places them in one pile on the table If they are two blacks he places them into a second pile beside the reds, and if they consist of one red and one black he places them into a third discard pile. This procedure is carried out until the pack is depleted. 2. Ask the spectator to count the red cards then the black cards. He then opens the prediction and finds it to be correct, because there will always be two more reds than there are blacks. 3. You now ask the spectator to pick up the discard heap and hold it face down. This discard pile is now in the same order as it would have been had the pile been set in red-black-red rotation and Riffle Shuffled. In other words, it is at the second stage of the Gilbreath Principle. Have the spectator deal the packet into two face down piles, dealing alternately left then right as in a two-handed game. Explain that you will now make a second prediction and ask him to hand you any pile. Take this pile and turn it face up. You now push off pairs of cards without reversing their order and if they are of opposing colours, drop them face up on the table forming a single pile. If they are both the same colour, turn the pair face down and drop them onto the tabled pile, and continue in this manner through the packet. This will result in a single pile with some cards face up and some face down. file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page7.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:27:20]

Mixed Reaction

4. Explain that the prediction you have made is - you will remove cards simultaneously from the top of each pile and, if both cards are face down there will be NO MATCH IN COLOUR, however when a face up card is showing on top BOTH CARDS WILL MATCH. If you now carry out this procedure, you will find this to be the case, thus concluding a seemingly impossible trick.

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Mixed Reaction

FORESEE AND FOUR DON’T This trick is suited for an audience where cards can be shown to any one of four selected spectators without the other three being able to see the faces. This is a variant of 'Les Cartes Generale' from Sach's Sleight of Hand. WORKING 1. We will number the spectators one to four from left to right for the purpose of this description Have number ONE select a card then have it returned and controlled to the top or, whichever position required for your best Force, because you now force this same card onto spectators TWO and THREE, then control the card to the top. Finally have spectator FOUR select any card then control it to below the top card. The Vernon Depth Illusion (TILT) is ideal or the Bluff Pass can also be used. Finally shuffle the pack adding two cards to the top. 2. Explain that you will endeavour to locate all four cards in four seconds flat! As you speak you casually spread the pack face down then close up the spread retaining a break below the top five cards. Point to a spectator and tell him to start counting when you give the word. As soon as you give the word, both hands are quickly placed behind your back, the right hand grasps the top five cards then comes back to the front again. You can accomplish this before he counts two. Place the balance of the pack onto the table. 3. Holding the packet face down and push over the top cards, then Buckle and push over the double. Raise fan and show the faces to No.1. Ask him to verify his card is there. It is not. Repeat this with No.2 and No.3. As you approach No.4, the right hand takes hold of the upper two cards and the left hand squares remaining three. Then immediately the left thumb pushes over the top card. Without pause the right hand replaces the two cards to complete the four-card fan. You now show the faces to No.4 – he doesn’t see his card either. It appears that you have failed. Hold the packet face down and transfer the top card to the bottom. 4. Return to No.1 and lift off the top card and show him the face. Now proceed with each spectator as follows: a) Ask him if it is his card and again it is not. Obtain a break below the top card then replace the card back on top. Ask the spectator to blow on the file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page8.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:27:24]

Mixed Reaction

back, then lift off the top two as one and show him the face. He now sees his card. Replace the double then remove the top card and discard it. b) Move to No.2 and remove the bottom card and show him the face then repeat step a) above. c) Move to No.3 and remove and show the bottom card and repeat step a), except that this time you replace the double to the bottom, then remove and discard the bottom card. d) Finally, approach No.4 and show him the face of the double you now hold. Place it on top of the pack and invite him make a magic pass over the pack then turn over the four cards. The turning of the last card subtly leaves the spectators in no doubt that all four cards were different, that is, if there were any doubts in the first place!

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Gilbreath Reset

GILBREATH RESET The following system can be used in any trick where the Gilbreath principle is used for alternated pairs, e.g., reds and blacks, odds and evens, etc. The system is essentially Alex Elmsley’s creation, who used it to set a shuffled pack for a bridge deal. With a random pack it is not 100%, however with the Gilbreath principle it is. WORKING 1. To understand it, set the pack in alternating red/black order then give the pack a Riffle Shuffle and a couple of cuts. Turn the pack face up and note if the top and bottom cards are of the same colour if they are move on to the next step. If not, spread and look for a matching pair anywhere in the pack and cut between them and complete the cut (a Tom Ransom idea for reconfiguring the deck into Gilbreath). 2. Hold the pack face up in dealing position with the faces towards you. Your excuse for what follows is that you will attempt to memorise the complete pack in a single run-through. Push off the face two cards together without reversing their order and take them in the right hand. Remember the colour of the face card of this first pair. Assume it is red. In order that you may follow this I suggest that you ensure that top and bottom cards are red during Step 1. The procedure is now straightforward. If the card now at the face of the pack is red you again push off two together and take them on top of the first pair – however – if the face card is black you count the two cards singly onto the first pair. You now continue rapidly either, pushing off pairs, or counting them depending on the face colour of the pair, taking each pair into the right hand until the pack is depleted. The pack is now back as it was, in red/black rotation. ******************** The way to develop speed is to only think red, so when you see a red at the face you automatically push off the pair. When you don't see a red you count off two singly. The inverse applies if the initial face card happens to be black - you push off all pairs with black face cards and reverse count all pairs with reds at the face.

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Gilbreath Reset

The above is extremely useful where a strict red/black order is required and you would like a spectator to shuffle first, or if you are working for magicians who are familiar with the Gilbreath Principle. The next trick adequately demonstrates the usefulness of the 'reset.'

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Gilbreath Reset

GAME , RESET AND MATCH This effect results in a perfect match of colours The inspiratory source was Roy Walton's 'Regimentation' which appeared in the Charles Hudson column in the Linking Ring. Set the pack in alternating colour order. WORKING 1. Hand the pack to a spectator and have him give it a few cuts then a Riffle Shuffle, followed by a couple more cuts Take the pack and spread it face up between the hands to show the mix. Check if top and bottom cards are the same colour, if they are move on to the next step. If not, look for a matching pair and cut between them and complete the cut. 2. Hold the pack face down and push off twenty-six cards by pushing over eight groups of three plus two. Place both halves face down on the table. Ask the spectator to give you either half. Hold the cards with the faces towards you, saying, "I'm going to quickly run through these cards and cast a spell on them." Carry out the 'Reset' so they return to the original red/black order. Remember the colour of the face card then place the packet face down on the table and ask the spectator to place the other half face up on top of it. 3. Pick up the pack and hold it in the left hand in position for the Glide. You now in effect pull off top and bottom cards together and place each pair, into two piles according to the colour of the face up card. Let us assume that the colour of the card on the bottom which you have remembered is red, and that the first face up card is also red – the right hand pulls off top and bottom cards together and places them on the table to the left then pulls off top and bottom and places them to the right because the next face up card must be black. We will call this one action. You must now remember that if the action begins with the left hand pile there is no Glide. If the next face up card is red you repeat the same action, two to the left and two to the right forming two single piles. However, if the action starts with the right hand pile, that is the first card is a black card, you execute the Glide on the first pair then pull of the second pair fairly.

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Gilbreath Reset

You now continue through the rest of the pack obeying the same rules. If the action starts with the left pile there is NO Glide. If you remember only that then the procedure will fall into place. The above assumes that you start with a match if the initial pair is a non-match then the inverse applies, i.e., every time the action starts with the left pile you Glide. Once you have exhausted all the cards, spread both piles across the table to show alternating face up reds in one and blacks in the other. Now pick up either half and push off the cards two at a time turning each pair over to show a perfect match all the way through. 4. Finally flip over the remaining half which is spread to reveal all the same colour both sides, thus proving beyond any reasonable doubt that a spell was cast!

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A Moment in Time

A MOMENT IN TIME The following is based on a Bob Hummer trick called "Kilroy Was Here." Before commencing cull the Jack , Queen, King and Ten of Spades to the top of the pack, the Jack is on top. WORKING 1. Hold the pack face up and run through and remove the two Jokers placing them face down together on the table. Now remove the Ace of Spades and hand it to a spectator asking him to have a look at it . Whilst he is doing this close up the spread and reverse the lower three cards Place the pack on top of the Jokers then turn it face down , bringing the Jokers face up on top. Push over the top Joker and ask the spectator to place the Ace face up between the Jokers. Square up the cards and lift off all six face up cards and flip them face down onto the pack. Push off the top three cards and place them in front of the spectator. Ask him to place his hand on top of them. Explain that you are about to conduct an experiment in time travel but first a moment in time has to be decided upon . 2. Double Cut the top four cards to the bottom This is made easy if you do it in two stages by cutting two first then repeating with the second two. Hand the pack to a second spectator and ask him to think of a number between one and ten then to count down and look at and remember the card that lies at that position from the top of the pack and leave it there. Turn away as he does this. Explain that the position of his card will represent the moment in time into which the Jokers will take the Ace of Spades Turn back to face the audience. 3. Take the pack and Double Cut the bottom three cards to the top then Overhand Shuffle by first pulling off top and bottom cards together then running eleven singly then shuffle off the balance on top. Finally cut near the centre and complete the cut then hand the pack back to the spectator. Ask him to deal cards into a pile on the table, turning them face up and to stop as soon as he has dealt his card. Point to the card and have him confirm that it is his card. Now ask him what his secret number was and have him deal that many more cards face up on top of his card. The last card dealt will be the Ten of Spades. Explain that he has now arrived at the moment in time. Ask him to remove and turn over the next three cards. He will be surprised file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page11.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:27:58]

A Moment in Time

to find the 'Joker sandwich' which should be on the table. 4. Allowing the effect to register remove the Ace from between the Jokers then place the Jokers aside. Place the Ace face up on the table about six inches to the right of the face up pile with the Ten of Spades at the face. Finally ask the first spectator to lift his hand. Pick up the three cards and turn them face up and place them in a spread in the space between the Ace and Ten to show the Royal flush, saying, "Anyone for Poker?"

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Thought Up

THOUGHT UP The Jack McMillen Plunger Rising Card is still one of the most effective methods for causing a card to rise out of the pack without preparation or gimmicks. What follows is a different way of arriving at the position prior to the actual rise At this stage I will pre-warn you that the ability to execute a perfect Faro shuffle is required, so now may be the time to move on to the next trick, which requires only a Centre Deal, or is it a Double Lift? I can't remember. Since publishing this in 1992, I have since discovered that Karl Fulves already had a very similar concept in his booklet Fourcast. WORKING 1. Shuffle the pack then cut off about ten cards from the top and hand then to a spectator. The packet must not exceed twelve . Ask the spectator to shuffle the packet and then to look over the cards and merely think of any one . He now shuffles again before placing the packet back on top of the pack . We will assume that the maximum of twelve is being used . 2. Give the pack a convincing jog shuffle retaining the top stock of twelve cards Now carry out two perfect Faro Shuffles - one in-Faro and one out-Faro It doesn't matter which comes first. You do not need to cut exactly at twenty-six , just so long as you cut as near to the centre as possible for the second Faro. The two Faro's distribute the twelve cards four apart starting from position two from the top. 3. Holding the pack face down in the left hand push off the top four cards without reversing the order and take them in a fan in the right hand. Raise the hand so that the spectator can see the faces and ask him if happens to see his card If he says yes move on to the next step If he replies in the negative place the four cards face down to the bottom of the pack and push off the next four cards . Again show the faces to the spectator and ask him the same question . If he says no place the four cards to the bottom and continue showing and ditching groups of four until he replies in the affirmative . 4. O.K. So you've got a 'positive I.D' at last. Look directly at the spectator and say, "So, the card you're thinking of is one of these four now I could take the chance.. ...which is one in four .... or I could use some magic... I suppose, seeing I am a magician, I should try the magic."

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Thought Up

As you speak , square the four cards over the pack and allow the bottom card to drop unnoticed onto the top. You now weave the three cards into the middle of the pack then push them slowly flush, causing the two interwoven cards to emerge at the inner end. The pack should be raised as you do this and the left hand will conceal the plunged cards. You now cause the thought-of card to rise by grasping the pack between both hands and pushing upwards on the downjogged cards with the right little finger. Allow the spectator to remove the card to conclude .

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HUMMERISM Bob Hummer was one of magic's rare geniuses. He developed some of the most off-beat principles in card magic. What follows is one of those principles with an added ingredient. WORKING 1. Hold the pack face up and run through upjogging the first twelve odd valued cards that you come to , then continue up-jogging twelve even valued cards Strip out all the upjogged cards, retaining them and place the balance aside. If you happen to run out of cards, strip out what you have then add the few more that you need. 2. Explain that you have removed some cards in order to conduct an experiment , which if successful defies all known laws of science or nature. Shuffle the packet retaining the odd/even separation. Take the packet face down and push off twelve cards then turn one half face up. Weave the sections together or riffle shuffle them then hand the packet to a spectator, saying, "This is the experiment would you please shuffle the cards .... now some are wrong way up and I want you to really mix them so that they are in a totally random order." While he is shuffling write two predictions. The first states: "YOU BOTH HAVE THE SAME QUANTITY OF CARDS" The second states: "CONGRATULATIONS ~ YOU HAVE JUST SEPARATED THE ODD CARDS FROM THE EVEN CARDS" Place the predictions writing side down on the table. You can mark them 1 and 2 . 3. Once he has finished shuffling offer him the opportunity to turn the packet over if he wants before proceeding. From now on the packet must not be reversed. Instruct the spectator to cut the packet if he wishes then to deal the top two cards onto the table side by side. This will be the start of two piles. He deals the next two cards on top of the first. He can deal left then right or visa-versa. He can shuffle and cut as often as he pleases so long as a pair has been dealt. At the end of all this there will be two packets each containing the same number of cards but with an unknown random quantity of face up and face down cards or so it seems

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4. Ask the spectator to pick up a pile. You now pick up the remaining pile and hand it directly to a second onlooker, but as you do so casually turn the packet over. Because of the face up, face down apparent random mixing it doesn't matter if the top card changes from face up to face down. Nobody is concerned. Ask each spectator to remove and discard all the face up cards in their packets. Now ask them both to count their cards face down onto the table in unison Both will have the same number of cards. Have the first prediction read out. Finally have the second prediction read then both packets turned over and spread to conclude. Go to Next Trick Return to Index

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The Experts

THE EXPERTS This is a production of four Blackjack hands which is one big con , however it works. It can also be used for a Royal Marriages by substituting the Aces for Queens. Set the four Aces on top of the pack in order Clubs / Hearts / Spades / Diamonds with clubs on top. WORKING 1. Run through the pack and remove the four Kings and place them in a face up row on the table in the order; C - H - S - D. Now remove the two Jokers explaining that they are in fact Blackjack experts. As you do this downjog the Ace of Diamonds then turn the pack face down. 2. Lift up on the injog and hold a break below the four Aces. Pick up the Jokers and show them face up then turn them face down onto the pack then immediately lift up all six cards above the break - then pull the upper card onto the pack and place the block on top. This simply looks like you reverse counted the two Jokers onto the pack and the extra thickness is concealed by the right fingers. Push off the top cards and move them forward diagonally so that they are in a spread and held by the left thumb jogged off the outer right corner. 3. Pick up the King of Clubs and place it face down between the face down Jokers(?), obtaining a little finger break below the top card of the pack as you pick up the King. Square up the three cards picking up the card from above the break as you do so. Make a magical gesture then slowly spread the packet, which should once again be positioned diagonally forward on top of the pack, to reveal that there are now two cards between the Jokers, or so it seems. Remove the middle two cards and turn them face up to reveal the Ace and King of Clubs, saying, "The experts create a perfect Blackjack hand." 4. You now repeat Step 3 exactly as described with the Kings of Hearts and Spades creating two more perfect Blackjack hands. 5. Before picking up the last King obtain your break below the top card as before, then square the two Jokers(?) adding this card to the face then turn the three cards face up. Grip the three cards from above with the right hand and then with the left fingers, slide the lower card to the left to display the two Jokers. Pick up the final King and place it face up between the Jokers taking care not to dislodge the Ace behind the upper Joker. Remove the

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The Experts

right hand, leaving the Joker sandwich in a face up spread and held on top of the pack by the left thumb. Retake three card spread with the right hand, with thumb on top and fingers below. Lift off the cards and slowly turn the hand over and place the cards onto the table face down, but as you do this, the right thumb spreads the double so that there are four cards now visible instead of three it seems as if a card suddenly materialised. Remove the middle two cards and show the fourth Blackjack hand. The next trick uses the four Blackjack hands.

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HOSIANDU This effect bears a slight resemblance to the Hofzinser Card Problem. The face to face switch is Bill Simon's and the progressive choice principle is a variation on an Annemann idea for a stop trick. If you are using this as a follow-up to the previous effect, you will have to reverse the second from the top card before setting the Aces. Either way you start this effect with the second from top card reversed . The four Blackjack hands are lying face up on the table with the Aces on top of the Kings. WORKING 1. Have two cards selected . Raise the top card at the inner end in readiness for the Vernon Depth Illusion (TILT). Take one of the selections and carry out TILT so it goes under the top card . As you push it home lift up the next card and retain a break under the top three cards. You now casually show top and bottom cards by first flipping over the top card then flipping back three as one. Show the bottom card, then take the second selection. Execute TILT again under the top card and repeat the showing of top and bottom cards exactly as before This leaves the two selections face to face on top of the pack. 2. Ask a third spectator to think of any suit but not to tell you until you ask Obtain a break below the top two cards of the pack. Pick up the Ace/King of Clubs and place them face up on top of the pack. With the right hand from above, lift off all four cards above the break then pull off the Ace onto the pack then flip the remaining three face down on top. Now lift off the top two cards only with the right hand and show the face to face situation Now you ask the spectator if he thinking of clubs. If he says yes move on to the next step, if not replace the two cards as they are back on top of the pack and retain a break below them. Pick up the Heart hand and repeat the face to face move leaving you again holding the two face to face selections. Again ask if this is his suit If not replace the two cards back on top and repeat with Spades and, if necessary Diamonds. 3. When he replies in the affirmative ask him to hold out hand and place the 'kissing pair' on his hand then he places his other hand flat on top. Explain that you couldn't possibly have known in advance the suit he was thinking of. Have the two selections named then have the two cards revealed to show that they have changed into the selections. To 'almost' clean up if the suit was the first - Clubs do nothing. For the others obtain a break below the top three cards Triple lift and turnover then take the face up Ace on top of file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page15.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:28:16]


the triple and turn all face down on top then gather up the tabled cards . For Spades - repeat what you did for Hearts then use the right hand cards to flip over the next face down King then take the Face up Ace on top and turn all face down onto pack. Diamonds is exactly the same with one additional pair. You will always be left with a face up card which can be rectified later. Go to Next Trick Return to Index

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4 Play

4 - PLAY The Gilbreath principle is used here to achieve a mind reading effect. Again a lot of apparent freedom is gifted upon the spectators. Four helpers are required though it can be performed with only one. Set the pack from top to bottom Clubs / Hearts / Spades / Diamonds, repeated throughout the pack ( C.H a S.e D). WORKING 1. If you can , false shuffle then hand the pack to a spectator and have him give it several complete cuts. He now deals off the top card unseen for himself then gives the next card to spectator two , the next to number three and the fourth card to spectator four Mentally number each spectator accordingly . 2. Take the pack back momentarily as you take it glimpse bottom card and remember the suit. Explain that these four random cards will represent four hole cards in a game of 'telepathic poker.' Hold the pack up and offer it to any one of the spectators. Ask him to give the pack a few cuts. Turn away at this point. He now deals off half the cards, that is 24 into a face down pile on he table. He then places the balance beside the dealt pile and riffle shuffles the packets together. 3. With your back still turned tell the spectator to remove the top four cards then pass the pack to one of the other three players. it doesn't matter who it is because every group of four will consist of one card of each suit. The pack is passed on until all four have taken four cards. Ask each spectator to add these cards to their hole card and mix the five cards. 4. Still with your back to the audience ask each person to look at their hand of cards and if they have two cards of the same suit to keep them and discard the other three. Also add that if they have two sets of cards to retain them or if they have three of one suit none of which they will have of course but could if you weren't cheating! 5. You now dramatically reveal the suit of each person's pair in turn by first announcing that it is a pair that they hold Remember that you have your back to them and so this is puzzling in itself. Then recall the suit you glimpsed and name the next in the sequence as spectator one's pair. So if you glimpsed a Heart the first pair will be Spades the second Diamonds the file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page16.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:28:19]

4 Play

third Clubs and the fourth Hearts. That's it. END NOTES: Once you understand the above it really is very simple to perform. For the final stage you can name the suits in a random order rather than move along from spectator one to spectator four. Go to Next Trick Return to Index

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Advance Notice

ADVANCE NOTICE I came up with the following two card prediction effect after reading a card location of Jack Yates' in the book Best of Pentagram Card Magic (Breese Books). WORKING 1. Hand the pack to spectator A for shuffling and as he is doing so ' write on two pieces of paper the following two predictions: PREDICTION No. 1 YOUR CARD IS 18th FROM THE TOP PREDICTION No. 2 YOU'LL FIND YOUR CARD 13th DOWN Place the first prediction in front of spectator A and the second in front of a second spectator who will be spectator B. 2. Take back the pack and casually push off 20 cards and hand them to spectator A placing the balance of the pack face down on the table. Turn away and ask him to shuffle the packet then give some of his cards to spectator B. Ask each spectator to count their cards, pointing out that it is impossible for you to know how many cards either holds . This is a true statement . Both now place their cards on the table. You now instruct spectator A to pick up the balance from the table, shuffle it then count down to and remember the card that lies at his number from the top of the pack and leave it there. Spectator B now takes the pack and counts along from the FACE and remembers the card at his number. Turn back to face the audience and take the pack 3. Drop the pack on top of A's packet then ask B to drop his packet on top of the pack. The trick is now over as far as you are concerned. Both thought of cards now lie exactly 20 from top and bottom respectively. 4. Double Cut the top two cards to the bottom then have each spectator count down from the top according to the predictions. Spectator As card will be 18th and B's card will a further 13 cards down. The reason for losing the top two cards is in case one of the spectators happens to realise that both their numbers add to twenty.

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Advance Notice

AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY Here is one further idea which has probably already struck you after reading the above. No predictions this time. Instead of giving the spectator 20 cards, have him cut off about one third from the top, then proceed as in Steps 2 & 3. Either spectator now cuts the pack into two halves and turns either face up. If you now remove the top two cards of each pile in unison until one of the spectators sees his card the other selection will be the face down card on top of the other pile.

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The Curators

THE CURATORS In my book Applications (Breese Books) I included a trick called 'Guardian Angels.' What follows is a simpler handling. It is also possibly more direct as only one card has to be remembered. The inspiratory source was Elmsley's 'Diamond Cut Diamond' which first appeared in Genii. Before commencing openly place the two Jokers or black Jacks face up on the table. We'll assume Jokers WORKING 1. Explain that the number thirteen is a lucky one for you As you speak , push over thirteen cards from the face down pack injogging the eleventh then square up and lift up on the in-jog and pick off eleven cards. Place the pack face down on the table. When you push off the thirteen cards, count out loud so that the audience is aware of what you are purportedly doing. 2. Hand the packet to a spectator for shuffling then tell him to pick up the Jokers and turn them face down, remove the top card of the packet and place it unseen between the Jokers. Then finally place the joker sandwich face down on top of the packet then cut the packet and complete the cut. This packet is left face down on the table. 3. From the remainder of the pack have a card selected then returned and controlled to the top. Obtain a break below the top two cards. With the right hand pick up the thirteen(?) card packet and casually square it over the pack secretly picking up the two cards from above the break. These two cards are added onto the face of the packet which is still face down. The left hand places the pack to one side. 4. Take the packet into the left hand in a position for the Glide. Turn the hand so that the face card can be seen to be an indifferent just in case anyone has any suspicions, then turn the hand palm down again. With the right hand remove the bottom card and turn it face up then place it on the table. The selection is now on the bottom. The right hand continues to remove cards from the bottom forming an overlapping row on the table, with the bottom card remaining by means of the Glide. Continue until you have turned the first Joker face up then you remove the selection and place it face down on top of the Joker, saying,

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The Curators

"Here is the card that you preset at the beginning," then glide back the bottom card and remove the second Joker , placing it face up on top of the face down card. You now complete the spread by removing and turning over all the remaining cards in the same manner but without the glide. 5. Finally say, "Although you have no idea what card you placed between the Jokers I can tell you that it is the same value, colour and suit as your card and if you think about it there is only one card that possesses those properties your card." Turn the face down card face up as you complete the sentence.

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A Trick to Bore

A TRICK TO BORE THE A!*! OFF PEOPLE WITH Some of you may find this of interest. You'll probably never use it but you might find it interesting it uses simple arithmetic. You require a 52 card pack - if the pack is incomplete the trick will not work in the end. If this happens , it is likely that someone will break your jaw. You also require two pieces of paper and a pen. Place these on the table You require four spectators. WORKING 1 . Say, " Numbers can be represented by quantities of cards for example the number twenty four would be." You demonstrate by dealing two cards into one pile and four cards into a second Make sure that everyone understands this by giving a couple of examples. 2. Ask each of the four spectators to think of a number as follows: SPECTATOR 1 thinks of any number between ten and twenty. SPECTATOR 2 thinks of any number between twenty and thirty. SPECTATOR 3 thinks of any number between thirty and forty. SPECTATOR 4 thinks of any number between forty and fifty. You now turn your back to the audience and instruct each spectator to first write his number down on one sheet of paper, then to take the pack shuffle it then deal off the appropriate number of cards in the manner prescribed. Each spectator writes his number one below the other so that they can be easily totalled. It is irrelevant how the cards are dealt onto the table because it is the cards that are left over that interest you. Note : DO NOT INFER THAT THE NUMBERS ARE TO BE ADDED. 3. Turn round and take the balance, saying, "Despite the fact that you each shuffled the cards and you merely thought of any number .... I am going to use the values of the remaining cards to convey to me the sum total of all your numbers .... while I'm doing this I want one of you to total up the four numbers." Hold the packet face up and pretend to study the cards. In fact all you do is

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A Trick to Bore

count them then add ten to the total then subtract the resulting figure from 52. If you now add 100 to this figure you have got the total of the four thought of numbers. This calculation is very easy. The addition of the ten and the 100 requires no thought therefore the only time you need pause for thought is for the subtraction from 52. Quickly pick up the other sheet of paper and write down the total. Your aim is to have this done before the spectator has totalled the numbers Both totals are shown to match. For a humorous presentation you can give the spectator a calculator, because you will still beat him. Go to Next Trick Return to Index

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A Trick to Bore

THE DISORIENTED SEVENS The lucky Sevens produce a Royal Flush. Before commencing set the Royal flush in Spades on the face of the pack in order Ace, Queen, King, Ten, Jack. The Jack is the face card. WORKING 1. Start by saying, "My lucky number has always been seven so I'll show you something with four of them." Run through the pack and remove the four Sevens and arrange them in a face up row on the table The only stipulation is that the middle two Sevens be of the same colour . 2. Hold the pack face down, spread and have a card drawn. Close up the spread obtaining a break below the top three cards. Square the pack and raise the top three cards at the inner end in readiness for the Vernon Depth Illusion (TILT). Take the selected card from the spectator and apparently push it into the middle of the pack executing TILT so it ends below the top three cards. The 'Bluff Pass' could also be used. 3. Riffle shuffle retaining top and bottom stock then hold the pack face down from above in the right hand. You now pull off the top and bottom cards together with the left hand and drop the pair on the table. Repeat four times forming a single ten card pile. Place the balance of the pack aside. 4. Explain that you will physically number each of the Sevens. Pick up the ten card pile and, working from left to right deal one card face down on the first Seven two on the next , then three and finally four onto the last Seven. The cards are counted singly. 5. Gather up the four piles , moving from left to right placing one on top of the other, saying, "Each Seven has a different quantity of cards on top of it ... which rather disorientates them somewhat." As you speak carry out a Reverse Faro which is that you outjog every second card then strip out all the outjogged cards. Place these stripped out cards on the table. There should be a face up Seven on top of this pile. Comment on this, saying , "Well at least we know where one of the Sevens is." The Reverse Faro should be carried out quickly and slightly untidily so that the audience are unable to follow the progress of the file:///C|/My Documents/My Books/Ulterior Motifs (PDF)/page20.htm (1 of 2) [3/13/2001 13:28:35]

A Trick to Bore

Sevens. 6. Spread the pack remaining in your hand to reveal two matching coloured Sevens face up in the middle with a face down card between. Have the selected card named then remove the face down card to show the selection . Say, "The other two Sevens have been busy as well." Spread the tabled packet to show the two face up Sevens with five face down cards between. Turn the cards over to reveal the Royal Flush in Spades to conclude, saying, "Well I told you seven was my lucky number!" Return to Index

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