Peter Carroll - Liber Kaos

April 23, 2017 | Author: caaricaari | Category: N/A
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Peter Carroll - Liber Kaos...


LIBER KAOS PETER J. CARROLL CONTENTS Part I: LIBER KAOS..................................................................................................1 Chapter 1: Principia Magica..........................................................................3 Chapter 2: Aenic!....................................................................................."3 Chapter 3: Principia Chatica......................................................................#" Part II: T$E PS%C$ONOMICON..........................................................................&1 Chapter 1: Practica' Magic..........................................................................&3 Chapter 2: S'eight ( Min)..........................................................................&# Chapter 3: A*ric Magic..............................................................................1+1 Chapter ,: Eight Magic!.............................................................................1+# APPEN-ICES........................................................................................................1"3 Lier KKK...............................................................................................1"" The /n!tic Pentagra0 Rit*a'....................................................................1&1 Cha! Mna!tici!0...................................................................................1&# Lier Pactini!..........................................................................................11 REERENCES.......................................................................................................21#





 p"3#, A'' the phi'!phie!4 cree)!4 )g0a! an) e'ie(! that h*0anit5 ha! e6'6e) are 6ariant! ( three great  para)ig0!4 the Tran!cen)enta'4 the Materia'i!t an) the Magica'. In n h*0an c*'t*re ha! an5 ne ( the!e  para)ig0! een c0p'ete'5 )i!tinct (r0 the ther!. r e7a0p'e in *r 8n c*'t*re at the ti0e ( 8riting the Tran!cen)enta' an) Magica' pra)ig0! are (re9*ent'5 cn(*!e) tgether.

Tran!cen)enta' phi'!phie! are a!ica''5 re'igi*! an) 0ani(e!t in a !pectr*0 !tretching (r0 the (ringe! (  pri0iti6e !piriti!0 thr*gh thr*gh pagan p'5thei!0 t the 0nthei!0 ( the J*)aeChri!tian I!'a0ic tra)itin! tra)itin! an) the theretica' nnthei!tic !5!te0! ( B*))hi!0 an) Tai!0. In each ca!e it i! e'ie6e) that !0e (r0 ( cn!ci*!ne!! r !pirit create) an) 0aintain! the *ni6er!e an) that h*0an!4 ther 'i6ing rgani!0!4 cntain !0e (rag0ent ( thi! cn!ci*!ne!! r !pirit 8hich *n)er'ie! the 6ei' r i''*!in ( 0atter. The e!!ence ( Tran!cen)enta'i!0 i! e'ie( in !pirit*a' eing! greater than ne!e'( r !tate! ( !pirit*a' eing !*perir t that 8hich c*rrent'5 ne en5!. en 5!. Earth'5 'i(e i! (re9*ent'5 !een 0ere'5 a! a (r0 ( )ia'9*e  et8een ne!e'( an) ne;! )eit5 r )eitie!4 r perhap! !0e i0per!na' (r0 ( higher (rce. The 0ateria' 8r') i! a theatre (r the !pirit r !*' r cn!ci*!ne!! that create) it. Spirit i! the *'ti0ate rea'it5 t the tran!cen)enta'i!t. In the Materia'i!t para)ig0 the *ni6er!e i! e'ie6e) t cn!i!t (*n)a0enta''5 an) entire'5 ( 0atter. Energ5 i!  *t a (r0 ( 0atter an) tgether the5 !*ten) !pace an) ti0e 8ithin 8hich a'' change cc*r! !trict'5 n the  a!i! ( ca*!e an) e((ect. $*0an eha6i*r i! re)*ci'e t i'g54 i'g5 i! re)*ci'e t che0i!tr54 che0i!tr5 i! re)*ci'e t ph5!ic! an) ph5!ic! i! re)*ci'e t 0athe0atic!. Min) an) cn!ci*!ne!! are th*! 0ere'5 e'ectrche0ica' e6ent! in the rain an) !pirit i! a 8r) 8ith*t ecti6e cntent. The ca*!e! ( !0e e6ent! are 'i'i(e (rce> pre!ent in !0e )egree in a'' thing!. It carrie! th 4 p'*! ran*! (r Octarine. $8e6er in the ca*!e ( e7pan)ing the para0eter! ( 8hat can e atte0pte) 8ith each ( the!e (r0! ( 0agic4 !*ch an attri*tin 8i'' 'arge'5 e a6i)e). The eight (r0! ( 0agic 8i'' each e cn!i)ere) in t*rn. OCTARINE MA/IC ''8ing Pratchett;! h5pthe!i!4 the eighth c'*r ( the !pectr*04 8hich i! the 0agician! per!na'  perceptin ( the >c'*r ( 0agic>4 0a5 e ca''e) ctarine. r 0e4 thi! i! a partic*'ar !ha)e ( e'ectric  pinNthing i! nnat*ra'>. A !tate0ent (*'' ( en)'e!! 0eaning!. The )e6i*!ne!! ( the 0agician !e'( i! a nat*ra' e7ten!in ( the !'eight ( 0in) re9*ire) t 0anip*'ate the *n!een. The g) (r0! ( the ctarine  p8er are th!e 8hich crre!pn) 0!t c'!e'5 8ith the characteri!tic! ( the 0agician !e'(4 an) are *!*a''5 the 0agician! 0!t i0prtant 0)e! ( p!!e!!in (r p*re'5 0agica' in!piratin. Baph0et4 Pan4 O)in4 L eing. It i! in6i!i'e an) intangi'e4 cinage4 nte! an) e'ectrnic n*0er! are nt 0ne5. The5 are 0ere'5 repre!entatin! r ta'i!0an! ( !0ething 8hich ecn0i!t! cannt cherent'5 )e(ine. %et a'th*gh it i! it!e'( intangi'e an) in6i!i'e it can create p8er(*' e((ect! n rea'it5. Mne5 ha! it! 8n per!na'it5 an) i)i!5ncratic ta!te!4 it a6i)! th!e 8h 'a!phe0e it4 an) ('8! t8ar)! th!e 8h treat it in the 8a5 it 'ipec 8ithin 0!t gr*p! ( !cia' ani0a'! i! *!*a''5 i00e)iate'5 6i*! t *!4 an) the ani0a'! the0!e'6e!. %et 8ithin *r 8n !ciet5 !*ch )0inance hierarchie! are e9*a''5 pre6a'ent 8ithin a'' !cia' gr*p! a'th*gh 8e g t 9*ite e7tre0e 'ength! t )i!g*i!e thi! t *r!e'6e!. The h*0an !it*atin i! (*rther c0p'icate) 5 the ten)enc5 ( in)i6i)*a'! t e'ng t 0an5 gr*p! in 8hich the5 0a5 ha6e )i((erent )egree! ( !cia' !tat*!4 an) !tat*! i! (ten part'5 )epen) ent n !pecia'i!t ai'itie! ther than )i!p'a5! ( na techni9*e i! (ten e((ecti6e. Ba!ica''5 ne rie('5 c'!e! the e5e! an) 00entari'5 6i!*a'i!e! a '*nar cre!cent in !i'6er ehin) the e5e! 8ith the hrn! ( the 0n precting *t ( each !i)e ( the hea) ehin) the e5e!. Then ne g'ance! int the e5e! ( a ptentia' '6er 8hi'!t 6i!*a'i!ing a !i'6er ra)iance ea0ing (r0 5*r e5e! t their!. Thi! 0ane*6re a'! ha! the e((ect ( )i'ating the p*pi'! an) *!*a''5 ca*!e! an in6'*ntar5 !0i'e. Bth ( the!e are *ni6er!a' !e7*a' !igna'!4 the (ir!t ( 8hich act! !*cn!ci*!'5. It i! genera''5 *n8i!e t ca!t !pe''! (r the attractin ( !peci(ic partner! *t etter t cn*re (r !*ita'e  partner! in genera' (r ne!e'( r ther!. One;! !*cn!ci*! *!*a''5 ha! a (ar 0re !*t'e appreciatin ( 8h rea''5 i! !*ita'e. Se7*a' 0agic i! tra)itina''5 a!!ciate) 8ith the c'*r! ( p*rp'e H(r pa!!in an) !i'6er H(r the 0n. $8e6er4 the e((ecti6ene!! ( 'ac< c'thing a! either a !e7*a' r an anti!e7*a' !igna'4 )epen)ing n the !t5'e an) c*t4 !h8! that 'ac< i! in a !en!e the !ecret c'*r ( !e74 re('ecting the i'gica' an)  p!5ch'gica' re'atin!hip et8een !e7 an) )eath.




Lier KKKKa! Kera*n! K5ernet i! the (ir!t4 c0p'ete4 !5!te0atic 0agica' training prgra0 (r !0e cent*rie!. It i! a )e(initi6e rep'ace0ent (r the Sac re) Magic ( Ara0e'in the Mage4 8hich !5!te0 ha!  ec0e !'ete )*e t it;! 0nthei!t tran!cen)enta'i!0 an) it;! )epen)enc5 n repre!!i6e (r0! ( inhiitr5 gn!i! n8 cn!i)ere) inapprpriate. Lier KKK i! pre!ente) a! a !erie! ( genera' 0agica' techni9*e! 8hich the 0agician 0*!t )e6e'p int a 8r app'ie! e9*a''5 t either !e7 an) the *!e ( the 0a'e per!na' prn*n! in the te7t i! 0ere'5 a 'iterar5 cn6entin in the a!ence ( ne*tra' (r0! in Eng'i!h. Lier KKK i! a !erie! ( t8ent5(i6e 0agica' peratin! r >c n*ratin!>. The (i6e c'a!!ica' cn*ratin! ( E6catin4 -i6inatin4 Enchant0ent4 In6catin an) I''*0inatin are each per(r0e) n the (i6e 'e6e'! ( Srcer54 Sha0anic Magic4 Rit*a' Magic4 A!tra' Magic an) $igh Magic. Th*! the 8h'e 8r< !5!te0atica''5 re!*0e! the entire tra)itin ( 0agica' techni9*e4 'ea)ing the 0agician (r0 !i0p'e practice! an) the 0an*(act*re ( t'! t8ar)! the 0a!ter5 ( 0re c0p'e7 e7peri0ent! n the p!5chic 'e6e'. It i! high'5 )e!ira'e that the 0agician ha! !0e (r0 ( pri6ate te0p'e (r hi! cn*ratin!. %et it i! e!!entia' that the 0agician re0ain! acti6e in the 8r') (r the peri) ( the 8r< a! a 8h'e. The 8r< )e! nt entai' an5 (r0 ( retreat (r0 the 8r')4 *t rather the 8r') !*rr*n)ing the 0agician i! *!e) a! the  pr6ing gr*n) (r 0agic. Th*! the *!ine!! an) !cia' a((air! ( the 0agician are the pri0e (c*! (r hi! 0agic. In per(r0ing that 0agic he gra)*a''5 )e(ine! hi! !t5'e r !pirit*a'it5. r it i! !en!e'e!! t )e(ine !pirit*a'it5 a! ther than the 8a5 ne 'i6e!. I( the ?a5 ( Magic i! t ha6e a !pirit*a' c0pnent it can n'5  e )i!c6ere) thr*gh the per(r0ance4 a'' !trict*re! an) e7hrtatin! are *!e'e!!. There i! n *pper 'i0it n the ti0e that 0a5 e a''te) t c0p'ete the entire 8r< *t it cannt e c0p'ete) in 'e!! than a !ing'e 5ear. An5 per!n 8ith the ti0e t c0p'ete the peratin in 'e!! than a 5ear !h*') cn!i)er a)pting (*rther 8r')'5 c00it0ent! a! aritrar5 ga'! in !*pprt ( 8hich4 6ari*! part! ( the 8r< can e *!e). Oecti6e re!*'t! are the pr( ( 0agic4 a'' e'!e i! 05!tici!0. Sa0p'e! ( the Phi'!pher! Stne 8hich ) nt tran!0*te 'ea) t g') 8i'' a'! (ai' a! e'i7er! ( en'ighten0ent in a 'i(e!t5'e ( ri!< an) *ncertaint5. The 0agician 0a5 nee) t cn!i)er 8hether he nee)! t a)pt prect! in6'6ing the!e e'e0ent! e(re he egin! the 8r i! *!e) a! a a!i! 6er 8hich t prc'ai0 6ari*! ath! an) re!'*tin!. S*ch ath! an) re!'*tin! 0a5 a'! e 0ar(ee'> a*t it in the !pirit 6i!in then the 0agician 8i'' (ten !*ccee)  5 !pirit 6i!in then the 0agician 8i'' (ten !*ccee) 5 8r'8er 8i''>4 a! it i! )i!parit5 ca''e) in thi! para)ig0. ASTRAL MA/IC CONJRATIONS SIGTEEN TO T?ENT% A!tra' Magic i! Rit*a' Magic per(r0e) entire'5 n the p 'ane ( 6i!*a'i=atin an) i0aginatin. n'i
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