Peter Amundsen

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Some people mentioned the secrets in Tunnel. I have also seen someone mentioning Euclid. The avid Tunnel readers among you have surely noticed the Lady Bersford that is connected to Conan Doyle. Isn't it interesting that in the first novel about Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, Doyle writes the following: "You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism, which produces much the same effect as if you worked A LOVE-STORY OR AN ELOPEMENT INTO THE FIFTH PROPOSITION OF EUCLID." This fits Tunnel to a "T", don't you think? In SHERman Marie went to Kidd KEY (needing a LOCK?). And we have our dying Dr Watson. Iyou hope thisaccess hint will help in edition. the study of this marvellous book that is best understood if have to the first Doyle is one of many clues that add confirmation. I have found important things in the first three stories about Sherlock Holmes. I mentioned it simply because I believe too many students study this book without understanding its depth, they are not looking because they don't expect it to be so. s o. It much more sophisticated than, at least I, could possibly imagine. Skiveteran.

My view is that KIDD KIDD refersfor to identification Aries the ram. and a place where to find a planet  

Also Robert and Walter graduating etc.......then >>>>>college read there certain signs of the zodiac and planets .  



Dear Friend, The fifth postulate of Euclid is that two lines not at right angles intersecting a third, if extended sufficiently, will intersect on the side with the lesser angles. I don't think that there is any thing esoteric about Conan-Doyle's words in "A Study in Scarlet". It is a verbose way of "much ado about nothing" or "making a mountain out of a molehill". There actually is a Kidd Key College in Texas, or was. I believe that the college's name  played well into into Gann's hand thusly: Kidd==> immature immature sheep ==> Ram ==> Aries Aries ==> Vernal Equinox. The Vernal Equinox is a Key, which is a means to unlock something (as in a lock), a keystone (important stone in an arch), or a that which marks the beginning of  a sequence or a series of events (as in a cipher key or as in a musical key). Also, Brother Gann was a Mason and there is both an esoteric and an astronomical significance locked up in the apron. The apron is a badge of a Mason and is a lampskin. With Kindest Regards, Ken Macht .'. Rosenberg correctly points out, and through the use of many examples, shows that Doyle also used secret code in his stories. Perhaps Gann used the same literary technique and  began outline-ing his famous famous "Tunnel" in the same manner. manner. Also, for you numerology fans, if you breakdown the name "Sherlock Holmes" you will arrive with the notorious numeral equivalent of "666." Yours, VZ Doyle ripped his character "Holmes" from Edgar Allen Poe's "August Dupin," the world's first detective story writer. Dupin was first. Perhaps that's why "Sherlock Holmes"= "666" From there..., Poe, Doyle, you arrive to the master Argentinian short story writer, Jorge Luis Borges.

Borges loved Poe and symbolism. He combined Poe, Kafka, Omar Khayyam, the Qaballah, mythology, and Islamic Theology in his works.


A brilliant example of this is found in his short story, "Death & the Compass," found in his “Personal Anthology," edition, among others. In "Death & the Compass," Borges combines the art of the detective story with a very Gann-like geometric and astrological approach to expounding the story-line and solving the mystery in a very 'twisted' ending. For those of you who have not read "Death & the Compass," I will not reveal anymore. When I read "D&theC" I had felt that it very much reminded me of Gann's "Tunnel." Same techniques. So to conclude, Poe, Doyle, Kafka, Borges and Gann all used the writer's tool of "allegory." Perhaps, there the mysteries end. "Elementary," VZ Thanks for the tip, Mr. VZ! I have just ordered myself a copy of the first edition in z-shops. I look very much forward to reading it. I do not think that Doyle, by purpose, hinted to Gann's (and the ancient's) methods. I think Gann used whatever fitted, like the KiddKey college, Sherlock Holmes, Lindbergh or whatever he felt could be used. Before I go to bed (it's nighty-night in Norway) I'd also like to draw the attention to that I had a fruitful time with a copy of "Poems that have helped me". As you probably know, the poems, as well as the Bible quotes are very important, even if they seem to be utterly misplaced sometimes. Skivetran Bonnie is a very nice, very insightful lady. Tunnel is vast. There is something for everybody. I do not see the same in it as she does, which does not negate her view, of course. I don't know the retail price of her material, but it is worth looking into if it not too expensive. BTW, I got myself a Borges, too. Thanks!


Skivetran Hi Norman, I'll give it to you straight: I do not want to tell what the key is! But! I have been given hints and clues myself, from people who would not tell me what they've found either. They have helped me in my search even if I may have found something entirely different. To me, at least, these things are secrets, i.e. they are not discussed openly in public or anywhere else, for that matter. I am sorry to have teased you, and I shall not bother anyone here anymore with these, pretending-to-know, expressions. Keep the faith and tune the fiddle. Signing off, Skiveteran. Ski: Here are two more book for your Holmes research: "The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Other Eccentric Readings," -Michael Atkinson, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996 "Sherlock's Men- Masculinity, Conan Doyle, and Cultural History," -Joseph A. Kestner, Ashgate Pub., 1997 Speaking of masculinity:  Norman Winski, as a violin violin player, you may find find this intriguing, but Holmes' favorite violin player of his time was a woman who went by the concert stage name of "Norman-Neruda." ! No intent here, to ridicule,  just some more fun facts facts about Doyle's careful choice choice of characterization. See how Doyle again manages to reverse the male-female gender role.


Also, to clarify, numerology-wise, using this sequence, 100= a, 101 = b... 125= z, then the name "H O L M E S," = 666. Holmes' famous address "221b" of 221b Baker Street, and assuming that before "221b" there was a "221" a "222" and "223" then 221+222+223 = 666. Was Doyle into numerology? Don't know, however he was into seances, and tried to communicate with his dead son, in his later years. And to show you that you can just about "beast" or  "666" anyone's name, remember that George Bush called  bin Laden's work as "flat evil" today. Perhaps he should know, for, if using a number-to-letter base of: 101= a, 102= b, 103= c....then, "I, G. BUSH" gives us the number "666"

Best, Victor Zubarev (VZ) You may want to start with the "Lady Bersford," Doyle-Gann connection mentioned in Ski's post. Is Lady B. mentioned in the Tunnel, or is she an actual person known to both Doyle and Gann. Supposedly Gann did go to London. I'm looking into it tomorrow. Best, VZ


VZ aka 11, For George Walker Bush based on A - I = 1 - 9 etc I get 3 7 5 = 15 = 6 By the way, Elohim, one alpha-numeric adds up toof 15the Hebrew names for God, based on the Hebrew Is George Walker Bush a messenger sent by the Great One (no not Jackie Gleason!) to fight the Satan Osama? Stay tuned! Or write your own story line. Shalom,  Norman H. Winski = 69 (Fun!) (Fun!) = 15 (see above) = Divine Divine Sex P.S. VZ, speaking of violinists, did you hear that Isaac Stern died? For  those who don't know, Issac Stern was one of the greatest violinists of the  past century. If that isn't isn't enough, he was also instrumental instrumental (pun?) in discovering and teaching the next generaration of great musicians such as celloist Yo Yo Ma and violinists Pinkus Zuckerman and Itzaak Perlman. If  that wasn't enough, when he heard that a developer wanted to tear down Carnegie Hall, he spearheaded a campaign to save and renovate the great hall. Now here is where I tell you that Isaac Stern held a special place in my heart because of the violin and famed Astrologer Evangeline Adams, who was the Astrologer to the rich and famous of New York such as J.P.Morgan, had her office in one of the studio offices in the upper floors of Carnegie Hall. You may remember that I own Evangeline Adam's library, so you see there is an interesting set of connections here. And then there is the legendary story about the young musician running down a New York sidewalk, with violin case in hand to make his engagement,  bumps into an older gentleman. gentleman. Not noticing noticing he had just bumped into Isaac Isaac Stern, he hurriedly asked the older gentleman, "Excuse me sir, how can I get to Carnegie Hall?' Isaac Stern noticing the young musician's violin case, calming replied, "practice, practice, practice!"  Norman Victor, The subject of the male/female thing is quite interesting to me and


likely the bearer of deep insights. For example, the number one is considered noneven and nonodd. Pythagoreans said it was neither male nor  female, but both. Many old religions speak of a God who was both male and female. The choice of a person with just these qualities as Ra in the movie Stargate comes to mind from more recent times. Interestingly, Mercury is the first Weand used to see him on the florist'. FTD commercials as a fairly obviously androgenous 'flying  No slight intended to anyone, anyone, that's just how he appeared. appeared. The old names for Mercury and Venus are Hermes and Aphrodite. Put them together and we have Hermaphrodite. Interestingly Interestingly also, by putting them together we have the initial cycle between planets.

--------------------------------------------------------Darrin --- In gannsghost@y..., "Lee Morris" wrote: > I have not read the foreword or the book at this point I am still > studing how to read the book and bonnie tape opens my eyes as to > something to look for. it is not the end all be all but it has > some interesting points and has easily saved me at least one of  > the three required readings of the book. at only $29 it will give > you greater insight in to the man and the book  You must remember that I had over 40 hours of lecture material on the "Tunnel", and I had to pare it down to a one-hour lecture. Therefore, I could only give SAMPLES of the types of analysis to be performed. That is also why I told the audience to ignore the poems and quotations. I felt it was more important to study the dates during the initial studied. I wanted people to concentrate on the concrete Astrology in the book, and save the secondary analysis for later. Bonnie Lee Hill Read Readers, When you set out to study Gann, you are seeking something gigantic ie foretell the future. It is logical that this is not going to be easy. Recent postings have been illuminating to me. IDigging might add things. I'm prison. just an amatuer tunneller. mysome way own of this


If you read either Gann's very first book 'Truth of stock tape' 1923 or later book '45 years on wall Street' 1949 - try to notice 2 things. Firstly, 26 years separates the two books. Secondly, the  prefaces/forewards  prefaces/forewar ds say the same thing - "if only only a few people learn learn something, then I will will  be amply repaid for my my efforts". Gann is looking for repayment repayment not from your wallets, wallets,  but he is thinking of higher higher things. It is not that later later in life he went very very "Biblical", as you will examine 1923 book preface, his message has always been the same. There are many inter-related subjects that students can study. However, be alert that you dont jump from one book to another and so on forever chasing the elusive truth.....the answer does not necessarily lie somewhere else, the Tunnel could possibly contain 'all you need to know'. Gann's promise is that if you read Tunnel three times then read the Bible three times, the future will become an open book to you. This is where you need faith. If Gann was just drumming up business to fill his pockets, then he was just baiting you with tall promises...or... If he was an honest guy and had a message, then he was truthful and it will pay you handsomely to study as he said and follow his guidance. You make up your mind, invest your time and take your chances. You could spend your life reading and studying s tudying and be on a wild goose chase, investigating crackpot theories...or... You could spend your time studying and start learning something very useful. Hints: not guaranteed, just my few efforts so far..... 1.think of characters in book as representing some other characters and things,planets, people you know etc, His father, mother, elder  brother, best friend ,their ,their different backgrounds represent represent something 2. dates and times are written down at times very accurately - why 2pm why 3 am, why exact dates? Draw up horoscopes for them - worth trying, as Myles .... , author of 'Supertiming' as done. 3. I used to skip the poems and love letters. Surely there could be no trading secrets hidden in such corny stuff? s tuff? Think again, Gann did not write unnecessary things, neither did he go on some ego trip showing you what a poet he was. The numbers of times he repeats them, what was he pointing out to you?


4. Use of astrology is explicit. 5. Clairvoyants are generally looked upon as imposters unless you find a good spiritual one. 6. I do not think there is just one secret embedded in the book. I feel that the book is a manual containing many teachings that Gann wanted people to understand. Especially the later parts of books get wordy and a rash of new ideas are brought on, but there must be reasons for so many details. 7. The key -- if you understand 3 day and 3 night in whale's belly, or 3 days and 3 nights in Earths belly...Then you can forecast things. While you search for solution to this key, you should come across other things you never thought about. Thats the beauty of good writing, it teaches you something you might not be expecting or searching for. I wish I understood what this meant. I keep trying, though. 8. There is no intentional trickery involved. such ideas come about  because people have have paid little effort and quickly make up their their mind that the writings are useless to them. sour grapes. 9.If people who know the secret would only just tell people instead of writing about it without saying so... pretending they know what the secret is but not telling it. I think those who feel this way must accept that thats the ways things might be...either no one is sure enough to write the truth down, or that is is something they cannot  just put into words but see it it in action all the the time. It could be  just a feeling or understanding understanding but you cannot really really explain it? 10. Relate Tunnel story to your own life. Dont you think so? Are you not Robert Gordon yourself -- working hard to study markets-gonna find how to forecast-- gonna make money for your family and do lots of good with it, defend your country? 11. My best till the last. If you have persevered with above rantings, then you deserve this one: the tunnel thru the air ...... is ... the air thru the tunnel. Hope all this helps someone.


Back to lurking. Regards Kam Chand, Perth, [email protected] Hello, > When you set out to study Gann, you are seeking something s omething gigantic > ie foretell the future. It is logical that this is not going to be > easy.

All that anagram stuff is as silly as the Traders World #22 article, "moon beams thru the tunnel" Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his Lady were also exposed as frauds during an attempted seance with Houdini.

As far as real integrity is concerned, Mr. Gann said many key things straight forward. From his Ticker Interview and others: He spent 10 years investigating the "known sciences" - the forces and effects. He said "math is the only true science" - because it can be proven and agreed upon by all. He believed in the "science of astrology", which is the astronomy it is based on - the mathematics of what you are measuring has to come first. "Deal with causes not effects" - we only see the physical effects. There are Greater forces behind which create them. "Hold fast to what is good" - your learning foundation should be built up from beginning. Some of Gann's biggest secrets WILL remain that way, because few  people will work them them out for themselves. themselves. He knew there is NO OTHER WAY to learn it.


Ken T. I would agree that use of astrology is quite explicit, therefore does not qualify as a 'veiled' message. I think that the veiled meaning has to do with things more important than mere money or material things or success in the eyes of men. So many dates... yes, so many dates are mentioned, and pretty well stands out like there something special about them. Many dates give interesting horoscopes, that's no secret, author by name of Myles in New Zealand, "Supertiming" book, has taken this approach. Gann says that once you find the hidden meaning, you will then understand what is meant  by "seek and ye shall find, find, knock and it shall be opened opened unto you". Its pretty simple, simple, that the hidden meaning has to do with this type of subject matter. Further more, this hidden meaning will then move you to study the Bible. If you think you know the hidden meaning, and it does not tie up with 'seek and ye shall find' and if it dont make you dust off your Bible, then its not the meaning that Gann intended. Thats a logical interpretation of what Gann says about it in the preface to Tunnel. In her website, Lambeth Gann's Nicky Jones tells her own story about this matter, and mentions the 'seek and ye shall find' angle as well. More than mere money is involved in the hidden meaning, it seems. Read the Tunnel three time, read the Bible three times. So what’s the obsession about "3" times. is the hidden meaning in here?? Holy Trinity? Three strikes and you're out? Who invented Baseball? - look at its symbolism - 3 strikes, 9 innnings etc. lotsa numerology there. Read this book 3 times, Gann says..... First time your're intrigued by the love story, Second time, for more understanding and experience Third time, you wanna make your dreams come true. So what do you dream of... and how will you make them come true? I think thatIfthe book must have relevance to every one things who reads it otherwise it it will not  be useful. it doesnot seem relevant to you, then two then are possible - one: is not


relevant, or two: you need to change your frame of reference/perspe reference/perspective. ctive. Which one is true.? Wanna bet against Gann? I hope you see a logical thread thru my argument above.

Best regards Kam Chand  Norman: The Mountain Astrologer's June/July, 2001, issue carries a lengthy exposition and demonstration of Johndro's work by Bill Meridian, author of Planetary Stock Trading. ... One important piece of information is that Johndro and his partner, Kenneth Brown, did all of the astrological stock market work for W. D. Gann the legendary stock and commodity trader. He adds that Johndro was a master of rectification techniques techniques and that he used both direct and converse solar arcs. (Bill's website is at http://www.sol ologersmemorial/johndro.html ml Super Romeman  Norman, I concur with your response in its entirety. It seems to me hyperbolic or wrong to say that Johndro and Brown did all of Gann's Astro work; it does not fit the facts. And given the enormous hostility of Gann's son toward his father, the rumored unpleasantness of W. D. seems entirely plausible. As long as I have you "on the line," as it were, I would value your views on this statement  by Hans Hannula/Al Hannula/Al Larson: "W. D. Gann was also a financial astrologer. But I don't think he had good data on the real position of the planets. I've found evidence his information was in serious error on several occasions. I'm not quite sure where he was getting his ephemeris data, but I do know that in several cases it was not accurate." http://www.m rney/page4.html Have you found any evidence that Gann's data were "in serious error"? Or would it be your view that was Larson is either HIMSELF mistaken or alternatively missing something that Gann was onto?


Super Romeman Page 362:

and that he awaited their coming with pleasure. Asked them not to overlook the Mammouth Building which was 110 stories high; that he would be there alone, waiting for them to destroy the building.

GIGANTIC ATTACK ON NEW YORK CITY When the news reached the enemy, they knew that in some way their plans had leaked out, but it was too late now to make any change and to delay attack might mean defeat later, so the orders were carried out. About 10 minutes after 10 o'clock, Supreme Commander Gordon sighted the first airplane of the fleet approaching 40 or 50 miles up the Hudson River. Maybe this is posted by someone else, if so, I am sorry for repeating it. It is not unlike "FUTILITY" that foretold Titanic's demise. Skiveteran. I got as close as I want to be in explaining where to find the "key" for The Tunnel Thru The Air. Have a nice day and weekend, Haytham I think Haytham is referring to the famous quote on page 69, where Robert Gordon is telling Mr Kennelworth about the sign of the prophet Jonah. Even during your first reading it is hard to miss that one. SV. Hello Norman,


I am not teasing. There will be no book or trading system for sale. I never sold anything and never will just simply because I don't need to sell anything.I am not pulling" veiled secret knowledge tease ". If you think I am teasing when stating IMO that the bible has the "key" is not me who says is Gann..if you read page 83 and 84 of TTA you will understand how important the bible in Gann trading system..Gann end chapter"7" by saying"How few  people are willing willing to STUDY the the bible in order to understand understand the SIGNS and and discern the future and profit by it" Someone has asked a question and I answered it IMO without giving everyone on the internet a free lunch...I don't believe in a free lunch and I will not do it. If you don't believe of what Gann said s aid above then I will understand why you interpret my reply I posted to Lee and Joe as "teasing". One last thing I would appreciate your "honest" answer: What would you do if you have found the "key" to decode "entire" TTA ? for me I will keep my mouth shut, trade and try to help others to go in the right direction.. Regards, Haytham This may not be all of it, but is is one thing thing I believe believe is definitely definitely involved. involved. The sign of the prophet prophet Jonah is that he was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale. The  parallel is that Jesus Jesus was 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb before the resurrection. resurrection. I have heard good teaching at church from some Messianic Christians ( Jewish believers in Christ ) that the moon is also many times compared to Jesus and also to believers in Christ, since the moon "dies" and is "reborn" over a period of 3 days around the time of the new moon. Also, the moon displays displays light only as a REFLECTION REFLECTION from the light from the the Sun ( compared compared to to God the Father Father ). The implication implication I would would draw from this this is that timing is probably related to SOLAR and LUNAR calendar periods, with distinct emphasis on the the MOON. This is also also supported by the the fact that the primary Jewish calendar is LUNAR in nature. Personally, I'm not as convinced about the reasoning for using various PLANETS, but that is what I believe about the Jonah concept. Regards, Mike


In Tunnel, Gann quotes the King James version. There are places on the net ( where you may compare the differences. ( Good luck, SV I recommend Rabbi Joel C. Dobin who is both a Rabbi and an Astrologer. Check out his  book, Secrets of the Hebrew Hebrew Sages" which which decodes the Astrology Astrology of the Bible. This book was also published earler under "To Rule Day & Night" which is a hard bound version. If you click on the following link, you may find it for about $7. If the link doesn't work, go to and look in their used book section. s ection. http://used.addall .com/SuperRare/submitRare.cgi?author=Joel+C+D Rare.cgi?author=Joel+C+Dobin&title=&k  obin&title=&k  eyword=&isbn=&order=PRICE&ordering=ASC&di eyword=&isbn=&order=P RICE&ordering=ASC&dispCurr=USD&binding=Any+Bi spCurr=USD&binding=Any+Bindin ndin g&min=&max=&timeout=20&match=Y&S g&min=&max=&tim eout=20&match=Y&StoreAbebooks=on&StoreA toreAbebooks=on&StoreAlibris=on&StoreA libris=on&StoreA ntiqbook=on&StoreBiblion=on&StoreBiblioroom ntiqbook=on&StoreBibl ion=on&StoreBiblioroom=on&StoreChapitre=on&S =on&StoreChapitre=on&StoreElephant toreElephant  books=on&StoreHalf=on&StoreILAB=on&St  books=on&StoreHalf=on& StoreILAB=on&StoreJustBooks=on&StorePowel oreJustBooks=on&StorePowells=on ls=on Mahzel Tov,  Norman Good morning Ski Veteran,   I am back with a question: as i am not too familiar with the bible, which bible is it: only old testament or including the New one ???, because i am wondering to which parts some members of this forum rely on ?; would there be a difference in Gann interpretations if you are a christian reader or jewish reader ??; and where to draw the line if it has to. Secondly, what are the symbols or shapes of the MITRE which are relevant, as it has  been posted here? Sorry for bothering you so much and thanks for your help Larry Hello again, First, I think it does not matter whether you are Christian or Jewish. The main thing (in my opinion) is to understand what Gann meant when he quoted the Bible. The King James (that is complete, both old and new testament) does have some interesting words that makes it particularly useful. For instance, you may compare the Ezekiel 39.2 quote (I will turn thee back...) with the other versions. From my research this quote would not be as useful in the other translations. I think you would meet the greatest trouble if you are a fundamentalist that takes every word literally.


Second, I am afraid I acn't help you with the MITRE, I don't know what this is, actually. Maybe I know if I understand the lingo? Third, I believe it is a waste of time to read the Bible three times. Better then to read something like Sepharial's book on scripture prophecy. In my opinion Gann is giving us ALMOST all we need in the Tunnel quotes. Don't you find them a little strange sometimes?? Good luck, SV. Thanks for your help and input. input. The "Mitre" is what what the Pope wears on his head, not the cap, but an oblong hat, like half an elongated egg. Tnx Larry Thanks for explaining the Mitre, I am sorry that I can not help you further along this line. Joe, I am happy for you that you enjoy your Bible reading, for someone like you I am sure it is not a waste of time, even if you "only" read it once from cover to cover. I must admit I have only done this with Tunnel, one reading was more than enough. The rest of the study had to be in chunks and pieces. My point is this: (and I am sure I am offending Norman again; sorry, Norm!) Maybe, just maybe Gann wanted to say something else? Maybe the foreword, too, is written in veiled language? Right or wrong (and I know what I think), I have seen that it is possible to make sense of the complete foreword. Detah overcome, and all. And I did not read the Bible from cover to cover even ONCE. Where is the logic in promising that you WILL see hidden meanings the third time? David Bowden said he read it nine times before it made sense?! it is worth considering  before you spend years of your life life with the Bible in in hand. If you plan to get spiritual enlightenment along the Christian path, a multiple read must be worth considering, though. Skiveteran --- In gannsghost@y..., "Lee Morris" wrote: > it is clear there is a connection between ganns work, the bible and the > mayan's, has anyone every looked into any connections with the other major  > religious writings for muslim's (koran) , hindu's and buddhism writings and


I did and all the roads lead to Rome.But in order to understand Gann astro system you must understand the "signs" specifically ONE sign in the bible and if you do you will know EVERYTHING Gann knew about astrology and you will know his entire astro system from Tunnel Thru The Air. Regards, Haytham > > Planets IN MOTION very well could be the ultimate cause along with > the motion of the Sun and especially the moon since it is the closest > object. Forces are proportional to the square of the distance. The > KEY to all of this is resonance which could very well be the “law of > vibration" that Gann talks about. >> > > The moon is known to affect the tides. What about it affecting the > earth's resonance? > > A glass can shatter if the right frequency and amplitude are > sustained for the right amount of time. > > As you know vector math can become quite intricate when dealing > with 12 objects in an elliptical orbit. > > The 12 objects are 9 planets, Sun, Moon and a "mystery object". > Maybe Tunnel is hinting at the "mystery object"? > > We are the 3rd planet. Gann noted that 3 and 7 were very > important. What does that say about Uranus? >> > > I believe it is all there right in front of our eyes, but we cannot > see it because we are blind. > > Gann said that reading the Bible will make you understand. How > many of GG members have read the entire Bible? >> > > Joe If you knew what Gann mean by 3 and 7 you will have the definite answer to all the questions you have mentioned including the tide ! It is true of what you said "it is all there right in front of our eyes" because most don't see what they don't know.....Gann said he will give his system to "few people" who “understand the signs and discern the future and profit from it" ...the signs Gann mentioned are "entire" in the Bible..I am notistalking any s piritual spiritual or but philosophical meaning..Gan astro system in the about Tunnel Thru The Air "few people" will


search for the key in the Bible..once you find the will understand what Gann meant by the 2 numbers you mentioned and many other will understand "entire" Gann will understand when the bottom will and you will find..then you will follow what Gann believed when he said"I believe in the saying:"In silence, by silence, through silence s ilence were all things made".

Regards, Haytham Hi Haytham,  Nice posting. Do you know where Gann got this silence quote? It is quite interesting that in a vacuum (like in one of Robert's tunnels) there can be no sound at all... Skivetran Page 67 TTA first line Regards, Haytham Hi Haytham, I know it is in Tunnel. But I wondered if it was taken from an ancient tome of some kind. I have not seen it in the Bible. Thanks for answering, though. Skivetran

Whatever you buy make sure the outside numbers and dates on the circle around the square go in the same direction as the direction the numbers of the inside square spiral . This is essential.


Mikula and Ferrera have their wheels like that .  

McLaren used to sell a wheel through Lambert-Gann which does the opposite [conflicting spirals in circle and square ] , this does not lend itself to astro applications .  

Serge Hi Serge, If you have seen the bluish square of Nine that comes with Gann's Commodity Course, then maybe you would reconsider your statement. This square has the numbers going one way and the circling year the other way. I have heard that you can use both ways, and whether it works in sync or counter-sync can tell you something about the market. Regards, Skiveteran. Hi again, It is called the Master Price and Time Chart and it measures about 60x60 centimeters. It is old, with blue print on white, thin paper and it looks like something that was made in Ed Lambert's days. I have put it on my office wall. It is fading from light exposure and one day it will all be invisible! I think curve fitting is unavoidable when using tools like these. One time you use the hex, one time you use the square. It is only for indication, anyway, at least the way I have used it. I know some people say they can trade off the sq9 alone. Then you really need to watch the market carefully, real time! All the best, Skiveteran You may also have seen few or no recommendations on Gann's own books and courses. I think you need to ask yourself how much you want to spend of time and money to get results. There is no end to the expenses if you do not place a limit on learning cost. My experience has been that among Gann's own books, the 45 Years in Wall Street is the easiest to understand, and the best starting point. It is not too voluminous either. If you can afford it, Bowden's Starter Pack is also a good intro, but it will not teach you about the square of nine and astrology and the exotic tools. Gann trading is a huge concept. Gann said: "use all of the rules all of the time". Some contributors to this site advocates the sole use of astrology. Maybe the universal concept that makes it possible for the good astrologer to indicate future events also leaves other clues that a non-astro person can interpret? I say that you can be a Gann trader and depend solely on mathematical methods. That is not to say that Gann was not an astrologer, because he was one of the very best. But he worked out non-astro tools for the layman to use. A good working knowledge of chart (form) reading will do you good. You could then start to focus on time periods. Then maybe this will blend into price' relationship with time. Begin with the easy stuff. Astrology may be the place to start, but not the only solution. I know that Gann Made Easy has been helpful to many. It will not be all you need, though. The more you read the more you will be able to understand. Good luck, don't give up! Skiveteran Is the following pre-condition considered to be a square of time and price? Suppose for example price of a security makes a net gain or loss of an amount equal to a square of a natural number, and the time taken for the move in calendar or trading days is also equal to a square of a natural number. A movement of 49 points in 9 days OR  A movement of 100 points in 25 days


Do these conditions suggest squaring of time and price

Manish In classic Gann lingo, the latter is a 4x1 square. The harmonic relationship between 7 and 9 I have never studied, but maybe you are breaking new ground here! Remember also that DAYS is not the only time period that can be used for squaring. Your first example could be 3/2 lunar cycle x 1/3 lunar cycle (6x1)! Skiveteran. I knew I had miscalculated...sorry. Should be better now, even if I don't know if the 5x1 is of any use. The message is to be open to new ideas until proven wrong. SV Manish.   !00 points in 25 days is correct answer.   There is no mathematical mathematical relationship relationship in the first one ie no ratio!  

Warmest RegardsDavid Hunt Ph/Fax 1 312 577 0491Australians Phone 02 9527 4690

Why is it that on the ephemeris the moon at a NM passes quickly past the sun and even a total solar eclipse lasts hours at most yet the moon crescent takes days to appear at night after the NM . What apparent effect are we watching ?  



I think the answer is that 1) Earth spins on axis every 24 hours, 2) Moon spins on axis every 28 days, 3) Moon goes goes around the earth once every every 28 days. Three relative motions: 2 and 3 produce effect that we always always see the same same side of the moon. Moon  phase changes on the 28 day cycle, so 7 days spent near near full and new moon while while other 7 days spent "moving" from full to new or new to full.   Also, check this out (tide control explanation)... Joe Hi, Since the moon moves 12.2 degrees each day then the three days and nights it is invisible during a lunation is approx. a 36 degree movement (has anyone counted the Tunnel chapters?) This means that on each side of the conjunction we have 18 degrees. The solar  light obviously needs >18 degrees angle with the moon to produce a reflection that can be seen from the earth. This is the best I can do. Skiveteran

Petter you are right. Very Good! The distance between earth earth and moon is such that the moon must move more than 18 degrees before its reflected reflected light can can hit the earth. Until that point all reflected light misses us.   I found this link which says the same thing without the math details:   Q. Why does the Moon look full for so long? A. Beca Because use of the geomet geometry ry of the way way the light light from the the sun falls falls on the moon and and is Observed by us here on earth, the full Moon and New moon seem to last longer than the other phases. But, in fact, the moon moon is at any particular particular phase for just an instant, instant, like 12:00 noon, it happens happens and then it is past. This optical illusion illusion probably contributes to many myths about things being more likely to happen when the Moon is full.

Thanks for that ,



I was getting at that connection with my question , the Jonah factor ?  

Serge Anything to do with illusions about Marie or is that way off ?  

Serge Hi r2d2, You really ask two questions, about: 1. The Lunar Marie link and 2. The Jonah factor. Marie disappears in chapter 11 and reappears in chapter 36. 25 chapters, not 36, then. The  brief encounter in Paris Paris was just her spirit. spirit. So, we cannot really really relate her to the the lunar invisibility chapter-wise. chapter-wise. BUT, her "last page in presence" is 117. 118 leaves us with a quote, but we have no physical Marie. The next time she's really there is on the last page of the novel, 418. In other words, we see 300 non-Marie pages. This number can be interpreted like 3 cycles, with the zeros being circles. This matches the three nights/days very well. Some like anagrams, some don't. If you rearrange "I will come to you when I mean the most" into "I will come to you when I'm not the same" then this opens for the possibility of the changing nature Marie (or woman, on a general level ;-) ). "...there would be many changes and long delays before the mystery would be solved(page 248)" Jonah can legitimately be connected to the lunation. But it does not stop with this. The  brilliancy of Tunnel lies in the way that Gann was able to to say several things at the the same time. So, there is not ONE correct interpretation, interpretation, there are many. A place to start looking looking for more is to check if the Jonah allegory is repeated later in the story and to note the page number if so happens Skivet. very interesting information.


as a matter of fact, i DID "count" the chapters on my first reading of the book and noticed there is a funny "mistake" (hahaha). the THIRD (!!!) to the last chapter, beginning on page 392, is "mistakenly" numbered "39" not "34." one is less apt to notice this since gann did not use arabic numerals. and the chapter that is "misnumbered" just happens to begin with a subtitle of "robert gordon's seven days," of which gann speaks in his foreword. hmmmm…. [email protected] Hi Romeman, It is one of the deliberate typos. They serve a purpose. Go on in the direction you are going, it is from now on it is getting REALLY interesting... There is one at page 123 also. See if you can spot it! Skivet heh heh heh. i am not sure what direction i am going in, but i will try to pursue it, as you suggest. i confess that i have read p. 123 quite attentively and do not see the "typo" to which you refer. i WAS struck however on first reading of the book by the sentence: "the SECONDS drifted away like WEEKS, the MINUTES seemed like MONTHS, and when an HOUR had gone by, to robert it seemed like YEARS." i then noted similar, yet different, references elsewhere: on p. 116, gann wrote: "the MINUTES passed slowly away and it seemed like YEARS..." on p. 162, "robert's mind reverted back to sunday when he was watching the clock in the union station." on p. 163, "MINUTES now began to drag slowly, as they had on sunday when robert had watched the clock..." and on p. 165, "it seemed to him that the last five DAYS had been five YEARS.” Superromeman Hi Romeman,  


The only 'typo' I can find on P. 123 is 'suit case' (instead of 'suitcase') which I guess could  be used for a different meaning, meaning, as in 'suit [the] case case [of] ........., etc   I'm on my first reading of the book and have another 'typo' on P. 272 - 'Fame and fortune have corwned our efforts' - instead of 'crowned' (2001 reprinting).   I have another question : On P. 213 & 4. Robert interprets from the Bible Bible that he belongs to the the tribe of Issachar.   'Robert knew that this was the description of a man born in June under the sign Gemini ...........'   At this stage I know ziltch about Astrology or the 12 Tribes of Israel - however on two websites I looked at I found two different disignations disignations for Issachar - one says Issachar is Tauris - the other says Issachar is Cancer. The Twelve Tribes of Israel Genesis 49, where he likens each of his children to a zodiac sign in his definition of the future of the twelve tribes, e.g. Taurus=Issachar, Gemini=Simeon/Levi, Cancer=Benjamin,, Libra=Asher, Virgo/Scorpio=Dan, Saggitarius=Joseph, Cancer=Benjamin Capricorn=Naphtali,, Aquarius=Reuben, Pisces=Zabulon Capricorn=Naphtali The Camp of Israel Issachar is Cancer  Gemini is Benjamin J Thompson Hi, JT You found it! Now, what ever could that mean...? A keen observation of the tribes. I have not studied it, so I cannot help. Chapter 49 is 7X7. The famous Matthew 7:7 quote keeps knocking! Skivet. Hi Skivet,   You've got me already, lol!! As Matthew 7:7 says "ASK and it shall be given you", I don't suppose I can ask  which Chapter 49 are you referring to?? (TTTA ends at Chapter 36). And the 7x7?  


As I think Gann would have had the 'suit [the] case' on the same page (or very close on the previous page - and referring to the matter on hand) it would have to refer to Robert's action at that time.   (He decided not to telegraph Mr Kennelworth, but wait in the station. He took out the Bible and read St Paul on love).   IE. Not understanding the situation, he took no action, got his thoughts calmed and in order, and exercised Faith that all was in 'divine order' - ( but he had a hard time sustaining this decision after a short time).   There seems to be something going on with the repeated references to time (as Romeman  pointed out). And 12 o'clock noon, and time time generally, seems seems to be emphasised in the text.   Something to think about.   JT Skivet,   Sorry - I didn't notice the 'Genesis 49' reference on the 'istar' link I posted, but still haven’t figured out the 7x7 you mentioned - unless Gann is talking about the squaring of time here - ie. 7x7=49. Seconds like weeks/minutes like months/hours like years sounds like it.   JT Hi JT, I know it may be seen as rambling around. Which it is. I just wanted to draw the attention to the 7:7 and its relation to 49. It is not related to the suit case. Playing around with associations could trigger something. I know this from my own Tunnnel travel. The keywords are 123, Paul, Pack, Case and Suit. A little anagram playing with Kitty Anderson may help, too. And where is she to be found? Skivet. JT,     What type of case contains 4 suits?


--------------------------------------------------------Darrin Four suits is correct! One of them may be coined wandering suits, fine to use when you are out walking in the mountains with a cup to keep the diamonds from falling. Suits me. Skivet. Hi Skivet, Skivet, Darrin Darrin and everyone,   What a devious, convoluted puzzle this is!! I salute the first person who ever figured out that suits of cards were involved. That would have to be a real leap of intuition.   Card suits - spades, trumps, hearts, diamonds. Skivet you mentioned diamonds, but you also mentioned Paul as being important yesterday - Paul was talking about love - so is this hearts?   You also mention a cup. Tarot also has 4 suits - CUPS, wands, swords and rods. Tarot is about predicting the future, destiny, etc.   I'll have to think further about your clues 'wandering, mountains, falling'.   JT i passed over "suit case" several times in looking for the "typo" simply because i believed (and still believe) that it was quite possible in 1927 that suitcase was spelled as two words. many words start as two words or as two words connected with a hyphen and later   become one word. a glance at a dictionary dictionary or at periodicals periodicals of the era would confirm confirm if it was considered one or two words at that time. i too have noticed the fact that there are two different ways of apportioning the 12 zodiacal signs among the 12 tribes of israel. i have not looked into why this is so. at this point, i cannot say for sure why gann identified robert gordon with issachar, but gann does link the gemini gordon strongly to the cancer sign that issachar is linked to: "the professor told robert that his horoscope indicated he would eventually realize all his hopes and ambitions. venus, in the sign of cancer, promised happiness in love affairs eventually... robert told him of his plans to go to new york and the professor stated that new city wascancer..." p. 178. ruledyork by the sign


following site has yet ANOTHER  by the way, the following ANOTHER version of the dividing dividing of the zodiac! if you are interested in books about astrology in the bible, bullinger's "witness of the stars" is on gann's recommended reading list and is available free on-line. a noted predecessor to this work was Frances Rolleston's "Mazzaroth; or the Constellations," free here (along with bullinger's book): you will also find a ph.d thesis here by Lester J. Ness, entitled ASTROLOGY ASTROLOG Y AND JUDAISM IN LATE ANTIQUITY, along with other links (the thesis is linked about a third of the way down the page): your message 7133 seems to be on the right track as regards the tarot. gann had a tarot  book on his recommended list. list. tarot derives from kabbalah, kabbalah, which gann commended commended to our study through other recommended books, and tarot also utilizes and links to astrology. i cannot help but note petter's sly comment (msg 7130): "there's no FOOLING you." the fool, of course, is one of the tarot cards. on my first reading of "tunnel" i immediately spotted gordon's brother calling him "fool bobbie." (p. 11) this interesting site, which connects in some ways with gann's "the magic word," calls the fool "the most complex and difficult to interpret in the entire deck." on the other hand, i am a little skeptical about the numerology performed by petter (msg 7116) on the bible verse numbers, but it may have merit. the division of bible books into chapters and verses was a very late development -- long long removed from the times of the original scriptural authors:  best, romeman > You also mention a cup. Tarot also has 4 suits - CUPS, wands,


> swords and rods. Tarot is about predicting the future, destiny, etc. > BINGO!!!!!!!!!! Look no further. I have sent a new article on this and other things to Nikki. I hope you will enjoy it if it makes it onto her web page. (I tried to hint to the WAND of the Magician The Tarot suits are WAND, SWORD, PENTACLE PENTACLE (coins) and CUPS. And Paul Case is the finest authority on the Tarot that I know of. I can present a pretty good case that Gann also used his pack. The Streets of Paris gave it away...) Good thinking, JT! Skivet. --- In gannsghost@y..., super_romeman@y... wrote: > i passed over "suit "s uit case" several times in looking for the "typo" > simply because i believed (and still believe) that it was quite > possible in 1927 that suitcase was spelled as two words. Hi, I'd agree, were it not for the fact that Gann uses "suit-case" 10 pages later. Anyway, if it ws unintentional from Gann's side, it sure has helped my progress! Skivet. Hi,   Whoops! - I got the names of the Tarot suits incorrect.Now one knows that it's Tarot it's still not immediately obvious what one is supposed to DO with it.   I was just thinking - and am most probably off the track again:   On P. 392 Gann has ADDED 5 to the chapter number (XXXIX instead of XXXlV) and has mentioned 'seven' in the subtitle. Adding these two numbers makes 12 - 12 o'clock noon seems to be emphasised on P. 123.  


I still haven't figured the significance of 7x7 with anything, but I haven't finished reading the book yet.   JT i may comment on paul foster case later in more detail, but suffice it to say i believe you have hit upon an important personality. one cannot help but note that gann has an OBSESSION with the "mysterious letter" in "tunnel." marie's letter found in his pocket is immediately identified identified as "the mysterious letter" (p. 120) and the letter that gordon picked up on the streets of paris is also identified as "this mysterious letter" immediately (p. 242). the phrase "mysterious letter" is used a dozen times in the book by my count, which may not be complete. and by jove, wouldn't you know it? gann's brother masons have a mysterious letter. that letter is G. enter paul case (unfortunately this site has a bunch of REAL typos). "Dr. Paul Foster Case ('The Masonic Letter G,' 1981) informs us that Freemasonry cannot  be fully understood without without some acquaintance acquaintance with the Hebrew Hebrew system of occult  philosophy know as the Qabalah. Qabalah. ... Dr. Cases Cases uses the Tree of Life and the the Hebrew and Greek languages to explain why Freemasons use such a new and un-universal letter as "G" to put within the S&Q. Dr. Case explains thusly, ' Hebrew and Greek, as we have shown, the letter corresponding to G have each the value of 3, but in English, G is the seventh letter. Thus it represent both the triple force and the seven stages of it sublimation. Hence, it corresponds also to the digits 73, signifying Chokmah, wisdom developed from the seed of Chasah, trust, and constituting Gawmal the recompense recompense which is the Master's wage of those who ravel East on the camel (Gimel) of earnest endeavor. As the only English letter which can represent both 3 and 7, it combines the value of the Hebrew YOD. Thus it seems to us to be a perfect Masonic symbol.'" i seem to remember from the "tunnel" foreword that gann speaks s peaks of reading "tunnel" THREE times and of reading the bible THREE times and then "you...will understand why jesus rose on the THIRD day and rested on the SEVENTH day. robert gordon's SEVEN days will no longer be a mystery because you will have gained understanding." hmmmm....



> "Dr. Paul Foster Case ('The Masonic Letter G,' 1981) informs us > that Freemasonry cannot be fully understood without some >... In 1947, Macoy Publishing released the FIRST edition of books by Dr. Paul Foster Case. Since "The Tunnel Thru the Air" was first published in 1927, Gann was REALLY GOOD at hiding important names in the book. Bonnie Lee Hill Very good! And you also have the wandering, spiralling effect of the Square of Nine that also looks like a G fromthe center. Skivet. Hello Bonnie, According to my sources the "Introduction to the Study of the Tarot" was published in 1920. He also taught before this came out. Skivet. Bonnie, LOL. actually, i personally never claimed case's name was hidden in "tunnel." petter was claiming that there was evidence in "tunnel" that gann was making use of case's tarot deck, but he did not say what that evidence was. as regards paul foster case's publications, apparently he had co-authored (anonymously) the "kybalion" in 1912, had published a couple of magazine articles on tarot by 1918, had  published the books "an introduction introduction to the study of tarot" tarot" (1920) and "a brief analysis of the tarot" (1927), had given a course called "the ageless wisdom" (1920-1927), and had delivered three papers -- "an address to neophytes" (1920), "the life-power" (1922), and "the lesser ritual of the pentagram" (1927) -- all before or about the time that "tunnel" was  published. 


from what i saw on the internet, it looks like the case tarot pack came out in 1927, which makes gann's reference to it in "tunnel" dicey, but not impossible, depending on the release date of the respective products. in any case, the above publication schedule, to me, does not preclude gann's familiarity with case. indeed, case gave his "life power" lecture at the hotel astoria in new york city in december 1922. IF petter's theory is true (about gann knowing case's work as early as 1927), that suggests to me that case is a potentially useful key in unlocking gann, because i see OVERWHELMING OVERWHELM ING evidence in "the magic word" of "golden dawn" influence and case was a leading member of that secret society. i recognise that your reading of "the magic word" suggests to you that the real meaning of  the book is in a complicated encryption or secret code. i would like to suggest that "the magic word" might have been written on more than one level, like any good initiatory work (such as "the tunnel"): 1) as just a book to be taken at face value (a rather strange theory about how to get what you want in life); 2) a compendium for the initiated of what gann found to be of value in secret traditions to establishing personal harmony and "health, happiness, and prosperity," all factors intimately related to successful trading; and 3) the supremely important hidden message in code. indeed, the very use of the word "magic" in the title of gann's latter book, and the way in which he then suggests that the word "jehovah" be used, point quite clearly to some familiarity with ritualized ritualized magic, such as that of the "golden dawn" -- not to mention the repeated clear references throughout the book to the teachings of "certain lodges and orders," as gann felicitously puts it in chapter one.  by the way, i meant to include the link to to last night's message (#7141) on the letter g, which is this: i respect your opinion immensely, but i am not yet convinced that case should be thrown out the window.  best, romeman Thank you for the support, Romeman!


The reason I believe that Gann used the Case deck is due to the placement of the Hebrew letters. Compared to the Rider they are one step ahead, so that The Fool is Aleph and not the Magician. Case worked out this system quite early. The Kybalion is on the Gann reading list, but I have not read it. Without going into details that I prefer to keep to myself I cannot strengthen my Case any further ;-) (Who knows, maybe Tunnel is just a really bad love story?) Skivet. Learn more about Tarot: http://www.a tarot/index.html A view of tarot card decks, see: http://www.a tarot/list.html Petter, is this the Paul Case deck? : http://www.a tarot/bota/index.html Best, VZ if you do a simple search with a search engine, you will find numerous free copies of "the kybalion" floating around. most are corrupt copies, though. this one appears to be clean. it is an ".exe" file, but i have checked it and nothing bad happened. :-) Super  > Petter, is this the Paul Case deck? : > > http://www.a tarot/bota/index.html > Hi Bonnie,


I bought my couple of books from The mentioning of the 1920 issue is found in the foreword to "The Tarot", which was published in 1947 and is reprinted in 1990 in beautiful colors. I think this one book will suffice for a long time. Skivet. "Sepharial," a contemporary of W.D. Gann, (Bonnie Hill's website includes his books on Gann's reading list), mentions that Eclipses and subsequent transits or opposition transits may signify future events, after the actual eclipse occurs. For an exact quote excerpt see: With this in mind, consider the last Solar Eclipse was June21, 2001, at 0* (degree) Cancer, and Mars (theplanet of agression/war) transited this point on Sep9, two days before "9-11." Best, VZ Hi VZ, It is also interesting to see that the moon span three times around the Earth before it again hit ingressed Cancer at Sep. 11th. Three days and nights and a lunar return? Skivet. Hello, In order to bring more indications of the use of the Case Tarot to the table, kindly accept this observation: Robert desperately seeks the advice of a clairvoyant called Madam Cleo. A clairvoyant will probably use a crystal ball or a deck of Tarot cards. The clue lies within her name. Cleo. Or, C Leo. C is three, Leo is 120. 3 Leo is 123, he page where Robert unpacks his suit Case. Coincidental? Maybe.


Skivet Petter, i don't know about the case tarot cards, but your mentioning of cleo caused me to put together something which may or may not have value. as near as i can recall, gordon consults FOUR individuals with occult powers in the course of the book: 1. madam cleo, clairvoyant (p. 171) 2. professor o. b. joyful, astrologer (pp. 172, 177-79) 3. a famous (male) astrologer in canada (pp. 247-49) 4. lady bersford, a famous spiritualist from england (pp. 250-69) there are two males and two females and in terms of the story sequence they are paired off (one comes into gordon's life within a page of the other in both cases). cleo is paired with o. b. joyful and the anonymous male is paired with the famous  bersford. this situation suggests to me that gann is in some way identifying these individuals with one of the groups of astrological signs (either cardinal or fixed or mutable). each of these is also a group of four, with two male and two female signs. each group would have one each of the fire, earth, air, and water signs as well. gann has already referred to the four fixed signs of the zodiac back on pp. 50-51, when he quotes from ezekiel chapter one: "as for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of MAN [aquarius], andleft theside; A four LION [leo] theface right and they[scorpio, four had theAface of AN OX on the sface ide; of they also hadonthe ofside; AN EAGLE sometimes also represented by the scorpion.]" (as an aside, ezekiel, which gann commends continually throughout "tunnel," is supposed to be "the most astrological" book in the bible and chapter one of ezekiel is also FUNDAMENTAL FUNDAME NTAL to the kabbalah.)  best, romeman Hi Romeman, Great passing! This makes it impossible to resist the urge of giving away some SQ9 secrets...


From page 123 to the Madam Cleo page (171) there is exactly one rev. on the square. From page 177, where Jouful was ready to receive Robert until page 249-250, the exact number is 249.77, there is a 90 degree angle. This page links the Canadian man with Lady Bersford. Robert jumps directly from the one to the other. The fourness is also strengthened by the names: Arthur Bersford Conan Doyle. ABCD, like the quadrants. Thank you for your input. Skivet. Hello, Here's an idea: the famous un-named astrologer from Canada may be L.E. Johndro. Johndro did a lot of Gann's astro work and was Canadian. His published works are also on Gann's reading list. Just a thought... Thanks, Hans excellent work! you are quite right. i had completely forgotten that johndro was canadian. "L. EDWARD JOHNDRO was a brilliant engineer, mathematician, and Canadian astrologer ... Johndro his partner, Kenneth Brown, did all of the astrological stock market work for W. D.and Gann, the legendary stock and commodity trader." http://www.sol ologersmemorial/johndro.html ml  best, romeman Hi I have also heard that Johndro worked for Gann. In particular I have heard mentioned that Johndro was the person who solved the key for Gann when forecasting markets with use of eclipses. I have never seen this so called " eclipse based system" and wonder if anyone else have seen it ?? The Tunnel is rather vague when mentioning a system connected to eclipses and I therefore find it hard to believe that Gann put much into it except for mundane events.


However I dont rule out that eclipses in markets may have played 2nd. violin. Allan you'll find some jeff cooper commentary on gann's eclipse theories here (go to the first chart on the page): dchat0902sun.html  ballantrae also also presents their offering of "eclipses "eclipses in theory and practice" practice" by sepharial (a gann list author) with the quote from "tunnel" (p. 56) which is no doubt known to you: http://www.ip e/follow.htm#eclips ps the second column of this article deals with eclipses: http://www.w rticles/giordano3.htm here's another piece: http://www.sol essons/secure/LEsSon10.htm m  perhaps these will be of some help.  best, romeman Romeman, Thanks for the link.

First Gann info on eclipses I have seen.

I have been fooling

around with back-testing the solar eclipse and noticed interesting. It seems thatsome theseofsolar eclipse datesdates are good for up tosomething 3 years. In other words, there can can be big market market highs or lows lows 1, 2, and 3 years after after an eclipse date. For instance, the major 9/1/2000 high was exactly 3 years from the solar eclipse on 9/1/1997. Also, evidently the counting technique for eclipses ( 11, 17, 22, 33 trading days ) seems to work for these "anniversary dates" as well, sometimes even better than the eclipse date itself. Makes you you wonder if these were the dates dates that Gann was was talking about in "How To Make Profits in Commodities", where he discusses all the time cycles. Does anyone anyone else use this technique and have any other ideas? I am curious if lunar eclipses work the same as solar eclipses, or are there different rules for using them? Also, has anyone else noticed that the eclipse dates seem to serve as mirror image points, where turning points which occur -N trading days from the eclipse tend to be followed by turning points at +N trading days from the eclipse date?


Thanks again for for the info.

This appears appears to to be a fruitful fruitful source of study.

Regards, Mike Dear Super, Sorry for the delayed reply. I wanted to wait until I had time to study the information you referenced below. My question is based on Gann's forecast on page 56 of TTTA in regard to forecasting a deluge based on the Eclipses of June 1927. Do you or anyone have a clue why these Eclipses would prompt a forecast of a great flood? I certainly don't see it. I don't see any adverse aspects to Neptune etc. Additionally, I checked my monthly data for cotton prices for that period of time and found no major move that one would expect from such a great deluge. Does anyone know what actually occured at that time? It looks to me that Cotton prices may have rallied from about 18 to 23 cents within the context of a larger bear market, but not the type of move that would come from a great disaster. Did Gann make a less than stellar forecast here? Any thoughts on this are appreciated. Thanks,  Norman Hi Norman, As far as I can see, there is no connection between the eclipses and the according Robert G. He uses thethy quotes onand page 55 for thisfloods predicition: "andto thou camest forth with rivers, troubledst the waters with thy feet, and fouledst their rivers." The question is then: Why 1927 and why the Mississippi valley? Regards, Skivet. I asked a question in the last posting: Why 1927 and why Mississippi? Having withdrawn from the TunnelThruTheAir group makes it natural to give MY thoughts on why Gann said what he said at THIS site. And I


think it was a "less than stellar" method. Look at the Square of Nine. Notice that 1927 and 321 are conjunct. 321 is off course the Ez. 3:21 quote. This conjunts also with the date May 21st, the day Cotton was up. There is no way to forecast a date in 1927 from a biblical quote just like that. Of course there is another message. Like this one...? And Mississippi? Isn't that where most of the Cotton is being grown? Have a nice weekend! Skivet This may be old news, but anyway: Tunnel, page 196: On September 8th he sold 2800 bales of December at 2440. How to make profits, page 228: 1927, the Septmber 6 high for October cotton, 2440. Makes you want to know when Tunnel with the press! Skivet.

Keep in mind Tunnel Thru The Air may mean thru the Air Signs of Gemini/Libra/Aquarius so we need to find something there .  

In the title title back from 1940 , could be number of days so 1940/mars orbit 686 days = 2.828 EXACTLY TWICE 1.414 1940/Jupiter orbit = 2.233 close to 2.236 sq.root of 5  

This last one is not accurate but 360/1940 = 5.3889


  4.236 x 1.272 = 5.3882 , a number number considered important as its reciprocal too.  

1940/365 = 5.315  

Serge Hi "S" U say that certain air signs may be designed for the Tunnel only. This can not be correct. The reason for this is twofold. 1. When Robert went to Paris (chapter 34 page 396) he brought with him one of the Tunnel machines and "establish(ed) a Tunnel thru the air beetween New York and Paris". In total this distance covers approx 80 degrees Tunnel length and therefore ur thinking is not possible 2. On page 333 u may read that about the Tunnel that "when the enemy's planes enter this tunnel and do not understand it, they will  be unable to get out of it it and we may keep keep them there is prison as long as we wish, capture or destroy the." So the other description covers a and totalbecause length of a trip around the world" (360 degrees) of"more this urthan assumption that a Tunnel possibly only cover air-sign does not hold. The instructions how the Tunnel is set up is very clear and must not  be altered. I suggest for any serious TTTA student wanting to find out what a Tunnel really is makes a "checklist" from the book and confront it when they do have an idea. Only then u may face progress. and I wish u progress. Allan


Any of you 3TA spelunkers have May 9, 1927? Perhaps the best way have any thoughts about May to hide something is in plain sight.   Thanks,  Norman   P.S. The Walrus is Paul. Number 9, Number 9 etc. Hi Norman the only reason why I think he signed the book may 9 1927 was  because he wanted wanted it to be 1940 days till the the end of the book in august 1932. (see also Petter Amundsen's article on Lambert Ganns site) He wud then get away with it explaining the title at least when it comes to the use of "1940" The specific year 1940 does not even show up in the American war cycle. 2001 does. I therefore personally dont believe "1940" has anything to do with the 2nd world war start and the attack by Japan. Japan is mentioned in Gann's book because of other reasons and it mite have been a coincidence for which he will always be remembered. Allan Are you thinking about the Masonic link with the number 33? 5+9+1+9+2+7=33? Skivet. Hi Norman I have never thought of it that way. I dont exclude anything as Im sure I do not know the whole story about Gann , so u may be rite Norman. On the other hand there are many dates connected to this book which shud be noticed. Some are more interesting from a trading-plan standpoint. Those connected to any persons natal horoscope I have never looked at for a second, and the Tunnel is definately not a story about market natal astrology. I have also seen many people writing negative as well as positive


things about Gann. I do not really care that much about the person Gann. For me he cud as well be an Eskimo living in Greenland, killed all his 5 wives and eaten his children.... (well Allan that was a bit drastic !...) ...sri, what I mean to say is the material he published is what is important, and I dont care if he was an excellent salesman. But.... Can I make any sense out of it ? Do we communicate on the same level ? Do I get the results I want(within reasonable time)when time)when I study him ? Thats all what matters. If not there are many many things that makes a lot more sense doing than to study some esoteric material like the Tunnel or any of his more straightforward books. For outsiders I (maybe some of u guys out there as well?)must look extremely funny not to mention how many I/u know who does the same thing. I wish u a great day Allan colby... Sun, Sep 2, 10:42AM ET Please enjoy Jeff's free commentary as we continue to test the Swing Report. Adobe Acrobat document attached. P.S. If you have friends or fellow traders that want to be a  part of this mailing list, list, please have them send me an email aatt brbricus@pacbell [email protected] .net with "Jeff Cooper Swing Service" in the Subject field. That's a new email address -- the old address of [email protected] will work, but I would prefer to turn back on my filters so I don't end up missing potential readers. Thanks, Darren. The Jeff Cooper Swing Report Friday August 31, 2001 Tunnel Through The Air On August 17, 2001, the put/call ratio 107%. historical extremeand andata hand panicky logic rocketed suggests to that a lowAn is at hand. Suggests are reading the key which Inmarket other words, the suggestion of a low does not guarantee when that low is in. The implication is that we are in the vicinity in time, but that tells us little about how low low is. It tell us little about how much drawdown will be assumed should one jump all over an indicator and the bet the proverbial farm. Market signals are a double-edged sword. The market is not a science; it is much more of an art. Moreover, what has worked in the past is never as important as what is going on in the present. Imagine, if you will, you are a driver with a green light. You don’t barrel through an intersection on a green light without paying attention to what is going on around you unless you have a death wish. Hey, the computerized green light of any market indicator has absolutely no idea that Barry Conwitz the nitwit, who has had a few too many, and is going to use your car for target  practice. Of course course we all know th that at if we don’t drive def defensively ensively we’re headed headed for trouble. Likewise with trading. All it takes is one big trading elephant to ‘rumble in the


 jungle’ and poof, a support level level is broken. And selli selling ng begets more selling selling.. Support levels are made to be snapped by bears breath in primary downtrends just a bullhorns are made to thrash resistance levels in primary uptrends. The point is, on August 17 th , when the put/call ratio zoomed to 107%, it was flashing green. But so far, it hasn’t meant a thing. Lest you think that kind of reading isn’t important; the last time the indicator went into the 100+ zone was March 16, 2000. Coincidentally, that was the same day that the 10-day moving average of the TRIN tagged 1.5. Four trading days later, on Thursday March 22 nd , the S&P set s et the mother of all lizard buy signals – i.e. an open and a close near the top of the range with a long tail of lower price. The high on March 22 nd was 1124.25, the close 1117.60. Today’s low, 1124.85. So, we have tested the lows. We have tagged the high of the low bar d As you know, I was looking for August 22 nd to August 24 th to be a major inflection point. Inflection points can be highs, lows, or acceleration  points. With the clarity clarity of hindsight, it is now obvious obvious that August 24 th was was a “Slim Shady” spike high – a large range high-tick close that gets the bullish adrenalin glands going. On Monday, August 27 th , the S&P tagged the 20-day moving average leaving a 1-2-3 Holy Grail sell setup. August 24 th defined the turning point that triggered accelerated momentum. momentum. We have seen a three-day waterfall mirroring, in spirit but not in intensity, the three day waterfall into March 22 nd . As you know, I believe there is syncronicity in the markets. As Gann used to say, God geometricizes. There is more than one mirror at work here. Yesterday, I mentioned the symmetry revolving around the 360 degree mirror image of the late May to the end of August rally last year to the late May to the end of August decline in the indices this year. What I’ve never shown before is what is referred to as a mirror image foldback pattern as shown in the following chart. Past results are not indicative of future returns. There is a high degree of risk in trading. Cooper Cartography, LLC assumes no responsibility for your trading results. Principals of Cooper Cartography, LLC may at times maintain, directly or indirectly, positions mentioned in this service. The Jeff Cooper Swing Report Friday August 31, 2001 Past results are not indicative of future returns. There is a high degree of risk in trading. Cooper Cartography, LLCassumes no responsibility for your trading results. Principals of  Cooper Cartography, LLCAmay at times maintain, directly indirectly, mentioned in this service. friend and fellow trader Steve or Lautizar frompositions Geneva  prompted me to show this this when he sent a dailymirror dailymirror image daily fol foldback dback chart. Attached is a weekly image foldback chart of the S&P cash. What is important to remember is that there was an unusual solar eclipse last Christmas day (much like there was an unusual solar eclipse on June 21 st this year on the summer solstice, the last occurance of which was June 21 st , 1982; another year where August was memorialized).. Gann in his book, Tunnel Through The Air, refers to eclipses and implies memorialized) the use of counting backwards and forwards from eclipse point to determine future turning points in the mundane world. But I have only come across one person who understands what Gann meant and what time periods to use. Notice that the vertical line or the mirror image plane on the chart serves to define a mirror image of price action. Price walks backwards up into the March 2000 high high nine months or 270 degrees earlier from the vertical plane. Price walks forward nine months from the mirror plane to


find September 24, 2001 high. Note also the 360 degree vector from the May 22 nd , 2000 low to the mid-May 2001 high. Symetry in the markets? Mirror foldbacks too esoteric? Consider the momentum vector from September to October 2000 and compare it to the momentum vector from March 2001 to May 2001 and tell me that it’s just happenstance. Note how the math is proved by drawing a horizontal line through the vertical plane from the first low vibration after the high high from March 2000. In other words, a horizontal plane started from where the first break ended. Notice how the 45 degree angle down from the high and through the December eclipse point defines a field of vibration around which price oscillated for the last 18 months. The math is further  proved by a 45 degree uptrending uptrending line that kisses the Oct 2000 low and tthe he January 2001 high. Although I initially thought 1116 needed to be squared out once 1149 to 1150 was violated it may not be necessary on this particular move as the March 22 nd low fulfilled the 1116 square by closing on it. Moreover, 270 degrees from the 1180 to 1181 S&P cash low seen on March 22 falls on, you guessed it, August 30 th . Tomorrow is indeed a key day. Probably as key as March 22 nd . There you have it, the law of vibration at work. The chart suggests price could hold here. That means buy strength, but not weakness on Friday. Further downside momentum after the first hour tomorrow suggests an undercut of the March lows. It looks ugly, and everything seems to be breaking down. Sentiment is  putrid and volume is light, light, but if it’s a low, a reversal will be dram dramatic. atic. This just doesn’t look like how a crash develops. Not to me anyway. The price action more resembles the hard rain at the end of the thunder in the tunnel through the air. Bottom line, if downside momentum continues, we could tag 1105, which is 180 degrees from March 22 nd on the Square of Nine chart. The low close on April 4th was 1103.25. Interestingly, Darren  points out that a measured measured move from a break of a Rule of 4 breakdown show showss a measured move to 1104.

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