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LouiseHashemi Barbararhomas

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Student's Book with answers

.. Second edition

Student's Book with answers

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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sáo Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge Universify Press The Edinburgh Building, Carnbridge CB2 8RU, UK Information on this title : www. @


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Cambridge University Press 2010

This publication is in copyright. Subject ro statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agteements, no reproduction of afly part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge Universify Press. First published 2003 Second edition published 2010

Sthprinting 2072 Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by the MPG Books Group


catalogue recordfor this publication is availablefrom the British Library

ISBN 978-0-521-13268-0 Student's Book without answers with CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-521-73266-6 Studenr's Book with answers with CD-ROM ISBN 978-0- 521-7 3269-7 Teacher's Book ISBN 978-0-521-73274-l Audio CDs (3) ISBN 978-0- 521 -7 327 0-3 Workbook without answers ISBN 978-0-521-73271-0 Workbook wirh answers ISBN 978-0- 521-7 327 2-7 Self-study pack ISBN 978-0-521-16827-4 For Schools Pack wirhour answers ISBN 978-0- 521 -l 57 24-7 Classware Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of uRLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not gsatarúee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Informationregardingprices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at üe time of fust printing but Cambridge university Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Cover conceptby Dale Tomlinson and design by David Lawton Produced by Kamae Design, Oxford

Acknowledgements The authors and publishers would like to thank the teachers and students who trialled and commented on the material: Argentina: Liliana Luna, Claudia Cecilia Mun¡2, Marite Stringa, Sylvia Trigub; Australia: Jacque Byrne; Brazil: Angela Cristina Antelo Dupont; Cyprus: Peter Lucantoni; France: Virginie Petit, Robert Wright; ltaly: James Douglas, Sarah Etlis, Monica Flood; Malta: Matthew Bonnici; Mexico: Jan lsaksen, Universidad Latino-Amer¡cana; Spain: Elizabeth Bridges, Samantha Lewis, Nick Shaw; Switzerland; Nancy Hersche, Julia Muller, Jean Rudiger-Harpe¡ Fiona Schmid; United Arab Emirates: Christine Coombe, Philip Lodge, Anne Scullion; U K: Jenny Cooper, Lynda Edwards, Joe Cillespie, Jane Hann, Roger Scott, Tony Triggsf USA: Cregory manin. They would also like to thank Alicia Moreno Alvarez, Maria Adduono, Alejandro Cervantes, Patricia Cervantes de Brofft, Rachel Connabeer, Fiona Dunbar, Al¡son Hayman, Emma Heydermann, David Jay, Rosalie Kerr, Alex Latimer, Stuart MacDonald, Peter MiLaren, Kristina Renée Noto, Rebecca Place, Patricia Quintana, Roger Scott, James Terrett,Valerie Walder, Caye Wilkinson, Marilyn Wilson, Claire Wood, for their comments on the second edition.

Picture research by Hilary Fletcher,Val Mulcahy and Kevin Brown. The publishers are grateful to Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp


permission to reproduce their original course book concept in Objective PET and in all other Objective examination course books. The authors would like to thank Alyson Maskell, Laila Friese and Niki Donnelly at Cambridge University Press for their unfailing support and efficienáy. They woulá also like to tha nk the following people for all kinds of assistánce:llowland, Rhiannon and Rebecca Thomas, Abbas Hashemi, Oliver Knight, Laurie McCeoghegan and David Aluwahlia, Jacqueline Clark, Patrizia Congedo,.Joanne Hunter, Nick Kovaios, Justyna Matwiejczyk, Olga Sands, Paul Shields, Chie Obata Sibley. The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright materiál and are grateful for the permissions granted. While eveiy Áffort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. lf any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the

appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting.

The following are reproduced by permission of Cambridge University Press for the front cover and for the extract on p 79 from The Double Bass Mystery by Jeremy Harmer. Copyright O t999, 2oo7; Jean Creenwood for the adapted activity on p r45'Who am l?' from Activity Box published by Cambridge University Press, 1997; Clobal

:riendship for the text on p r5r The Friendship Page from http://www. í; Topic Records Ltd for the printed lyrics on p q4 and criginal recordin gSomewhere the Sun is Shining.Wotds and music by .iohn Tams, performed by John Tams. Copyright O Topic Records Ltd. lll rights of the producer and of the owner of the works reproduced 'eseÑed. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and :roadcasting ofthis record is prohibited; D C Thomson & Co Ltd for the :ext on p r93 and the audio recording from'Mind Reader'from Shout '.ragazine. Copyright @ D CThomson & Co Ltd.


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Map of Objective GRAMMAR



Student's Book





':.:.:;' rr,:: l;llCll:. 10-13

Present simple I to be + frequenry adverbs

Sports and hobbies

Exam folder Reading Part I Speaking Part 1




in like



Present simple; the alphabet; like + -ing

in big


like/enjoy + -ing; want would like + to; to be + a(n) + occupation

Describing people: appearance, personality, interests; inviting and responding to invitations

Present simple vs. present continuous (for present actions); state verbs; short answers

Saying what people are doing; jobs

lel as in cat lall as in cart I ¡l as i¡ cut

Present simple

Prepositions of time; present continuous for

Entertainmenti making appointments; dates

Saying days and months

would you like + to? (Unit 2); present continuous for present actions (Unit 3)



in pop

have got

Irxl as infun /ju:/ as in university



Writing Parts r, z and Unit

li'^l as rn steep



Exam folder


expianations; a kind of + -irglnoun; sports; hobbies; expressing attitude

Unit z l'm a friendly perron ló-19

Listening Part

Definitions and



What's yout job? 22--25 Wo¡k

Exam folder Speaking Part 3 Reading Part 5


Exam folder


3 26-27


Listening Part



future plans



Writing Part z Unit


lñlheels and wíngs 34-37 Transport

Exam folder Reading Part 2

need; cowtable and

Tiansport; airport


uncountable nouns; expressions of quantity

language; compound


Past simple; short answers;

Schooi life; school subjects; describing feelings and opinions; dates (years and


Frequency adverbs and present simple (Unit 1); compound nouns from Units 1-4

5 38-39

Unit 6 lVhat did you do at school today? 4G-43

adjectives ending and -ed

in -izg


Final sound of regular verbs in past tense:



Expressing opinions




Education and history

Exam folder

+ of, to and


Listening Part 2

Writing Part Units


r-6 Revision 46-47

Towns and buildings

Exam folder Reading Part 3


celebrale 54-57

Special days

Places/buildings in towns; directions; polite questions; saying you don't understand


Present perfect simple; fusr, already, yet

Describing experiences and recent activities; celebrations, festivals and parties; giving good wishes



as as


in out in or


,, t,,,1.




I l, :: I

1, ,',',1 l.


Adjectives from earlier units; spelling rules


Unit 8 Let's


Prepositions of place and movement; comparative adjectives; commands


Dates (Unit 4); talking

about pictures (Unit 3); present tenses







Present tenses; past simple; present perfect; short answers


ixam folder 8 58-59 i-:J
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