This is an individual assignment Coo!e t"o #omponent! $or %AC& o$ te P%S' $a#tor tat you tin( i! te mo!t important element! $or your in)u!try* in)u!try* o An!"er te tree part! +a,,#. $or each o$ te element! $or ALL te P%S' $a#tor!* /ou /ou are allo"e) allo"e) u!e online re!ear#, re!ear#, BUT u!e proper #itation* Sare your lin(! $or all te in$ormation you $oun)* 0u!t u!in online in$ormation in$ormation "ill not e enou* %plain %plain "y you #o!e a !pe#i3# !et o$ in$ormation* y )o you tin( it matter! $rom your in)u!try an) #ompany Be as detailed as possible %mail me te !o$t #opy o$ te a!!inment to class !"mail a##ount before #$:%% pm &aturday' eb ## th* 6rin to hard #opie! o$ your an!"er to #la!! on 7on)ay, Fe 1 t*
Negative political environment hampers day to day business operations at almost every aspect. The political and legal environment can affect the whole economy. If we look into the recent economic reviews, it’s clear that Bangladesh can hardly export any commodities because of the recent political unrest !". a. Industry Impact# Impact# $e $e can easily imagine imagine how strikes strikes hamper hamper cross border border trade trade between Bangladesh and India. %uch circumstances not only temporarily paraly&e business operations, but hurt a company's compan y's international image in the long run. b. (ompany Impact# )*+N consumer goods has started conducting its international trade to +- as well a stable and health political environment will unleash broader scopes. c. uture Trend# Trend# )*+N has has been able able to establish establish a very good trade with with India. India. )olitical unrest can hinder companies who operate across the globe cannot then supply promised products and end up losing customers abroad./ abroad./" %o a strong and health political environment make international bonds more stronger which will help to move on to other international borders. 2. P2: P2: Laws Laws or Rules Rules & Reg Regula ulatio tions ns
In the past there weren’t many laws concerning the consumer goods but lately every business organi&ation are bound to follow some laws. )*+N oods exports goods to numerous countries spread over +sia, +frica and North +merica and as such they need to abide by the respective laws of the country. )ram has been maintaining its 0uality from its birth. 1owever in Bangladesh few laws that )*+N oods and other similar companies need to keep in mind are2 THE PURE FOOD ORD!"!CE# 1$%$
This law states that adulteration of food products is an offence and that the offender shall be face minor penalties for it. This law clearly stipulates the protection to the consumers and forces producers to produce edible goods under proper supervision. nder this there are many conditions to 0ualify the particular food product as adulterated which has been further divided into categories. If the food product corresponds with the re0uirements then it can be termed as 3adulterated’. 4ther laws for the ood safety include# •
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