Persons and Family Relations (Finals Reviewer)...
MARRIAGE 1 ESSENTIAL REQUISITES IN MARRIAGE e Legal capacity of the contracting parties (age ggen!er relationship of parties no legal a i"pe!i"ents# an! consent P $%RMAL REQUISITES IN MARRIAGE A&thority of the sole"ni'ing ocer )ali! "arriage license "arriage cere"ony It is only in the case of the sole"ni'ing ocer *here a+sence of for"al re,&isite !o not a-ect the )ali!ity of the "arriage ( where one or both of the parties acted in good faith that the solemnizing solemnizing ocer has the authority to solemnize the marriage) In the a+sence of any for"al re,&isite the "arriage is )oi! An irregularity irregularity on any any of the requisite requisite does not aect aect the validity validity of the marriage marriage but the person person liable for the irregularity is can be deemed civilly or administratively liable
INSTAN.ES INSTAN.ES /0ERE A MARRRIAGE LI.ENSE .AN E 2ISPENSE2 /IT0 Marital co3ha+itation Re,&ire"ents4 3 /here /here a "an "an an! an! *o"an *o"an li)e! li)e! for for at least least 5)e 5)e (6# (6# years years in *hich *hich they they !o !o not ha)e ha)e any any legal i"pe!i"ents *ithin the perio! of coha+itation 2E$E.TI7E MARRIAGES (7oi! Marriages an! 7oi!a+le Marriages# 7oi! Marriages Article 869 7%I2 A INITI% MARRIAGE 19 Thos Those e cont contra ract cte! e! +y any any party party +elo* +elo* eighte eighteen en years years of age e)en e)en *ith the consen consentt of parents or g&ar!ians: ;9 Those Those sole"ni'e! sole"ni'e! +y any person person not not legally a&thori a&thori'e! 'e! to perfor" perfor" "arriage "arriages s &nless s&ch s&ch "arriages *ere contracte! *ith either or +oth parties +elie)ing in goo! faith that the sole"ni'ing ocer ha! the legal a&thority to !o so: 89 Those Those sole"ni'e! sole"ni'e! *itho&t *itho&t license license ee of of one contractin contracting g party as to the i!entity i!entity of the other: other: an! ?9 Those Those s&+se,&ent s&+se,&ent "arriages "arriages that are are )oi! )oi! &n!er &n!er Article Article 689 Article 8?9
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[email protected]%L%GI.AL IN.APA.IT@ 9 2&e to Psych Psycholo ologic gical al Inca Incapac pacity ity Article 89 IN.ESTU%US MARRIAGE B9 et*een et*een ascen!a ascen!ants nts an! an! !escen! !escen!ants ants of any any !egree: !egree: an! C9 et*een et*een +rother +rothers s an! sisters sisters *hether *hether of of the f&ll f&ll or half +loo!9 +loo!9 Article 8B9 @ REAS%N %$ PULI. P%LI.@ 1D9 et*een et*een collateral collateral +loo! relati)es relati)es *hether *hether legiti"ate or illegiti"ate illegiti"ate &p to the fo&rth ci)il !egree: 119 et*een et*een step3parents step3parents an! step3chil!ren: step3chil!ren: 1;9 et*een et*een parents3in3la parents3in3la* * an! chil!ren3in3la chil!ren3in3la*: *: 189 et*een et*een the a!opting a!opting parent an! an! the a!opte! chil!: chil!: 1=9 et*een the s&r)i)ing s&r)i)ing spo&se of the a!opting parent parent an! the a!opte! chil!: 169 et*een the s&r)i)ing s&r)i)ing spo&se of the a!opte! chil! chil! an! the a!opter: a!opter: 1?9 et*een et*een an a!opte! a!opte! chil! an! a legiti"ate legiti"ate chil! of the a!opter: a!opter: 19 et*een et*een a!opte! a!opte! chil!ren of the sa"e sa"e a!opter: a!opter: an! 1B9 et*een parties *here one *ith the intention to "arry the other >ille! that other other persons spo&se or his or her o*n spo&se9 (B;# Article ==9 SUSEQUENT MARRIAGE IN A PRESUMPTI7E 2EAT0 1C9 If +oth spo&ses of the s&+se,&ent "arriage (in relation relation to pres&"pti)e !eath# acte! acte! in +a! faith Article 68 ;D9 If the pre)io&s pre)io&s "arriage has has not +een ann&lle! or !eclare! !eclare! )oi! an! !eclaration of n&llity *as not !eclare! )oi! (+efore the ci)il registry# +efore contracting a s&+se,&ent "arriage .hil!ren o&t of a )oi! "arriage are illegiti"ate
7oi! "arriages *ith legiti"ate o-springs ; Article 8? o e g Article 68 o a P
7oi!a+le Marriage E-ects of the ann&l"ent of a )oi!a+le "arriage Art. 43. The ter"ination of the s&+se,&ent "arriage referre! to in the prece!ing Article shall pro!&ce the follo*ing e-ects4 ( 1st item applicable only for valid bigamous marriage) 1# The chil!ren of the s&+se,&ent "arriage concei)e! prior to its ter"ination shall +e consi!ere! legiti"ate: − Since the second marriage is valid, then the children conceived before the termination of the subsequent marriage are considered legitimate − !owever, if a child is conceived or born out after the termination of the second marriage, then the child is illegitimate ;# The a+sol&te co""&nity of property or the conF&gal partnership as the case "ay +e shall +e !issol)e! an! li,&i!ate! +&t if either spo&se contracte! sai! "arriage in +a! faith his or her share of the net pro5ts of the co""&nity property or conF&gal partnership property shall +e forfeite! in fa)or of the co""on chil!ren or if there are none the chil!ren of the g&ilty spo&se +y a pre)io&s "arriage or in !efa< of chil!ren the innocent spo&se: "roperties have to be divided !owever, if either spouse contracted marriage in bad faith, his or her share of the net pro#ts shall be forfeited in favor of the common children or, if there are none, the children of the guilty spouse by a previous marriage or in default of children, the innocent spouse $f any one of them %nows that the absent spouse is alive then he&she is as%ing in bad faith And thus his share in the net pro#t 'increase in the value of properties) is forfeited 8# 2onations +y reason of "arriage shall re"ain )ali! ee! +y operation of la*: - Automatic termination of marriage which is contracted in bad faith also results to automatic revocation by operation of law (hus the donor does not have to #le action in court to revo%e donation !owever if it is out of good faith, then the donation remains as a valid donation =# The innocent spo&se "ay re)o>e the !esignation of the other spo&se *ho acte! in +a! faith as +ene5ciary in any ins&rance policy e)en if s&ch !esignation +e stip&late! as irre)oca+le: an! - An act of revocation must be done #rst 6# The spo&se *ho contracte! the s&+se,&ent "arriage in +a! faith shall +e !is,&ali5e! to inherit fro" the innocent spo&se +y testate an! intestate s&ccession9 isquali#cation from inheriting esignation as an heir is also revo%ed -
LEGAL SEPARATI%N Re,&ire"ent for the !eli)ery of the pres&"pti)e legiti"e (none# ( delivery of presumptive legitime is only necessary in the declaration of nullity of a void marriage for non*observance of article + and case of annulment of -oidable marriages) PR%PERT@ RELATI%N %$ SP%USES /hat go)erns the property relation of spo&ses a# Marriage Settle"ent (entere! into +y the party prior to t! "!l!#ration o$ t! marria%!& +# 2efa< property regi"e in the $a"ily co!e Absolute .ommunity of "roperty '$n the absence of a marriage settlement or in the case where marriage settlement is declared void) c# Local .&sto" AS%LUTE .%MMUNIT@ %$ PR%PERT@ Properties +ro&ght into the "arriage +eco"e co""&nity property