Personal Relationship

May 7, 2019 | Author: Virginia Helzainka | Category: Friendship, Cross Cultural Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Communication, Social Institutions
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Cross Cultural Understanding...



Ni Kadek Yuli Widyastuti I Gede Wira Wiguna Putu Eka Jaya Famugi Famugi Virginia Helzainka Cross Cultural Understanding Englis Edu!ation "e#artment Ganesa Uni$ersity o% Edu!ation &ingara'a ( )ali *+,-

Defnition o Personal Relationship

very broad and complex. In our model, personal relationships reer to close connections between people, Personal Relationship is the relation  between people, especially those between friends, lovers and family members.

Example : a). Mothers and their children. b). usband and wie or parent and child

Interpersonal VS Intrapersonal "interpersonal" reers to relationships or actions that ta!e place between two or more people. "intrapersonal" reers to thin"s that "o on exclusively within one person.

 Types o Personal Relationship 1. Family #amily %rom &atin' familia) is a "roup o people a(liated by reco"nied birth, marria"e and shared consumption. The concept o *amily* is an essential component in any discussion o relationships but this varies "reatly rom person to person.

2. Friendship #riendship is a relationship o mutual a+ection between two or more people. #riendship is a stron"er orm o interpersonal bond than an association. haracteristic o the riendship such as a+ection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, mutual understandin" and compassion, en-oyment o each others company, trust, and the ability to be onesel.

3. Partnership A partnership is the relationship existin  between two or more persons who !oin to carry on a trade or b"siness. Each person contrib"tes money, property, labor or s#ill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the b"siness. $he partners in a partnership may be individ"als, b"sinesses, based orani%ations, schools and overnments.

Circles of Friends  The ircle o #riends approach is a method desi"ned to increase the socialiation and inclusion o a disabled person with their peers.

 Types o ircles #riends a).

Intimate Circles consist o two to seven people / perhaps spouses or close riends.  The "roup is already bonded and members eel ree to disclose their deepest eelin"s to each other. b). Intentional Circles  consist o ei"ht to twelve people who are drawn to"ether by shared desires and purposes. c). Open Call Circles  are open to anyone who is interested. 0our publicity explains what the circle will do and mentions a meetin" time and place.

Mobility and friendship In other to ma!e a connection, a person tend to move to the place where they can "et riends.

Kinds friendship 

1ccordin" to the article2 #riendship and 3obility2 by 4un-oo ho, 5eth 1. 3yres, and

 6ure &es!ovec there are 7 !inds o riendship' 8. riendship created beore the movement 7. the riendship created ater the movement

Based on the book Beyond !an#ae$ 

1 relationship that based on common activity may end when the activity ends.

#or example' 5tudent meet in classes and remain riends or the duration o the course and then stop seein" each other ater the fnal examination.

Instant #riendship Instant

is somethin that can be made very

&"ic#ly and easily. 'riendship

is the feelin or the relationship

that friends have. 'riendship can be tho"ht of as a close tie between two people that is often b"ilt "pon m"t"al experiences, shared interest, and emotional bondin.

Instant #riendship •

(haracteri%in instant friendships is the appearance of two people becomin close  b"t, in reality, there is no stron bond  between them.

Male % Female &elationship •

49uality issue •

• • •

:or!place  collea"ues Inormal  -ust riends Relationship 


De"rees o intensity' asual ; < dates rules ; 3ove in

3arria"e • • •

3ono"amous = Polyamorous 3ixed race 5ame;sex

Intercultural Relationship 1lthen, >., ? @ennett, 6. %7A88) @ecause o the inherent di+erences between the messa"e sender=encoder and the messa"e receiver=decoder, the ris! o misunderstandin" is particularly hi"h in intercultural situations @etter communication with various cultures' Bnderstand your own culture and communication variables' social role=symbolism=thou"ht patterns etc &earn the communication rules or the other culture by reCectin" on its approach to nonverbal and other aspects o communication. @e sensitive to verbal and nonverbal lan"ua"e codes, and use lan"ua"e appropriate or the culture 1void error interpretation that rely on the basis o your own social and cultural values. loo!out or cues that su""est you should chan"e your own communication style or your interpretation. •

Intercultural Relationship •

1pproachin" 1mericans #irst move  Time 1pproached by 1mericans pen 5trai"ht #orward 4ye contact  –





CO'C!()IO' •

when you are in a community where has varied !inds o race, reli"ion, believes and other bac!"round o the member, bein" open minded to di+erent ideas is a must in order to have a "ood relationship with each other and "row riendship.


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