I will join the Art Class of our principal every afternoon. Attend seminar-workshop seminar-workshop on on Enhancing Enhancing Arts and Creativity Skills.
)ead 'ooks )esearch in the internet on how to 'e Ecoliterate. Engage in every activities promoting Ecological literacy like community clean-up* tree planting activities* +S and gulayan sa palayan to develop awareness of the environment. #atch Agricultural shows
Attend Computer )elated Seminar-#orkshops to acuire$develop skills in the use of computers* internet other information technologies. Enroll a computer related course/e.g. 0nline courses1 Integrate $use IC% most often as a tool of learning process. Active reading skills
%aking control of the finances* and putting oneself on the path to financial security. "udgeting Engage in entrepreneurship program and livelihood activities. #atching$)eading updated news Su'scri'e to daily informative news in the internet.
0rgani3e school clu's such as &riendship clu's or ,eer Counseling and involve the student to participate. Attend social gathering.
$ime $i me %r %ram ame e
Supp Su ppor ort! t! &e &eso sour urce ces s 'eeded
%ime Scheduling Give$Set %ime for trainings$seminars Gra' the opportunity when there are free or not free seminars$ %rainings$workshop offered 'y the (epartment
%ime Scheduling Ask permission$authorit y to the (epartment if you are in the service Give$Set %ime for trainings$seminars
Conflict time
Gra' the opportunity when there are seminars offered
!anageme nt skill is not developed$
Give time for
,rint the su'scri'e news
0nline %utorial$Classes
Seminars$,rograms$ Activities
&unds to conduct activities
Internet 2ews
&unding for the pu'lished newspaper
#orkshops$ %rainings Community
Give and set time to attend and organi3e social clu's and gatherings. %ime scheduling
%inancial Literacy
• •
+edia Literacy
Social! "motional Literacy
Glo*aliation and +ulticultural Literacy
• •
Attend Computer )elated Seminar-#orkshops to acuire$develop skills in the use of computers* internet other information technologies. Enroll a computer related course/e.g. 0nline courses1 Integrate $use IC% most often as a tool of learning process. Active reading skills
%aking control of the finances* and putting oneself on the path to financial security. "udgeting Engage in entrepreneurship program and livelihood activities. #atching$)eading updated news Su'scri'e to daily informative news in the internet.
0rgani3e school clu's such as &riendship clu's or ,eer Counseling and involve the student to participate. Attend social gathering.
)esearch and study the culture of different races. 4alue$ )espect diverse cultures Integrate the differences of different races.
Seminars$,rograms$ Activities reuired 'y (epEd
Conflict time
Gra' the opportunity when there are seminars offered
!anageme nt skill is not developed$
Give time for
,rint the su'scri'e news
0nline %utorial$Classes
Seminars$,rograms$ Activities
&unds to conduct activities
Internet 2ews
&unding for the pu'lished newspaper
#orkshops$ %rainings Community
)eading materials /"ooks* maga3ine* news article* etc1* internet connection
Give and set time to attend and organi3e social clu's and gatherings. %ime scheduling
%ime scheduling
%ime Availa'ility
Glo*aliation and +ulticultural Literacy
• •
)esearch and study the culture of different races. 4alue$ )espect diverse cultures Integrate the differences of different races.
)eading materials /"ooks* maga3ine* news article* etc1* internet connection
%ime Availa'ility
%ime scheduling
Activities that I conducted in order to improve and enhance my literacy
Activities that I conducted in order to improve and enhance my literacy
Social and Emotional Literacy/ Creating/Adapting to Constant Personal and Social Change and Li!elong Learning
Cyberliteracy/ Globalization and Multicultural Literacy
Arts and Creativity Literacy
Cyberliteracy/ "igital #In!ormation and IC$ %no&ledge' Social S(ills
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