Engine Specifications TRS range of engines: A) Cogen specification both for natural gas and biogases for Combined Heat and Power application This specification is offered to manufacturers of Combined Heat and Power (CHP/Cogeneration) plants,
B) Gas Electro-unit specification both for natural gas and biogases for Power Generation applications This specification is offered to manufacturers of radiator cooled generator sets both for continuous and standby applications.
4006-23TRS1 / TRS2 6 cyl. water cooled lean burn Gas Engine TRS1 = 322 kWm TRS2 = 393 kWm
Vertical, in-line
4 stroke
Induction system
Turbocharged, mixture cooled
22.92 litres
Bore and stroke
160 mm x 190 mm
Compression ratio
Natural gas Biogas Landfill Gas Digester Gas
4008-30TRS1 / TRS2 8 cyl. water cooled lean burn Gas Engine TRS1 = 447 kWm TRS2 = 526 kWm
Heinzmann Pandaros X2 Elektra AFR Control – (no ZPR) Detcon 20 Knock detection Motortech MIC 500 Ignition – Vee LKG01 Load sensor ZPR = Zero Pressure Regulator
Gas Solenoid Controls
Power supply
Pressure switches
4000 Series Knock Detection Valve
Valve seat Pitot tube
Diaphragms Compensation line connection
Adjuster under cap
ZPR OPERATION A sectioned ZPR is shown here. The adjuster should be wound counter clockwise (CW.) until the valve is fully closed. Turn the adjuster 17 full turns clockwise (CCW). This should give sufficient gas for initial starting.
Induction System
Crankcase Breather
(MAS) Mixture or Main Adjusting Screw
Zero Pressure Regulator
Balance Line
Gas Start-up panel components
Kilowatt Transducer Kronos AFR Control unit
Detcon20 Detonation sensing module
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
Kronos 20 AFR Control System Basic components for 4006-23TRS and 4008-30TRS fuel system.
Kronos 20 AFR Control System On the K20 System the Main Adjustment Screw is electronically controlled to provide adjustability to the gas flow.
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20 The Kronos 20 is an electronically controlled closed loop AFR trim system that allows speed and or load dependant Lambda values to be controlled within a certain range. Control of the Lambda results in improved engine load acceptance and efficiency over the operating range. The closed loop version uses engine output power to correct for changes in gas quality and pressure. The system operates on low pressure gas supplies in conjunction with the standard Perkins supplied Zero Pressure Regulator.
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
The system utilises a a std low pressure gas system with ZPR where the Main Adjusting Screw is replaced with an electronic stepper motor. The valve is available in 50 and 80mm diameter versions for natural and landfill gas capability.
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
The closed loop system requires 3 sensors to operate: •Speed (Via MPU) •MAP and MAT (combined sensor) •Load (Kwe sensor customer supply)
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20 RS232 interface
12V or 24V DC supply
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20 Customer interface is via Heinzmann DC Desk PC software. Access to controller settings is regulated by the hardware dongle available from Perkins. The software will allow basic adjustment for on site commissioning or adjustment and graphical output of system parameters.
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
Perkins optimise the Lambda map of the engine to give good transient capability below 50% load and a linear NOx response up to 100% load. These maps are preset and not adjustable.
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
Parameter 1462 Adjusts emissions levels default setting is 100% moving value up increases emissions level decreasing value lowers emissions level (make small adjustments only)
DcDesk 2000 used with Kronos
Kronos 20 AFR Control System
Kronos 20 AFR Control System
Kronos 20 AFR Control System
4006 & 4008TRS Kronos 20
Parameter 1462 Adjusts emissions levels default setting is 100% moving value up increases emissions level decreasing value lowers emissions level (make small adjustments only)
Connect Heinzmann DCDesk software to Kronos controller (RS232) Save current data file to PC Select Number 1462 RichLeanMixtureCorr
Adjusting this Number up increases NOx reading and lowering reduces the NOx reading Once adjustment is complete press enter then F6 to save the data to the Kronos controller
NB: Kronos 20 AFR direction. On initial start up of the engine the controller closes fully then moves to a set start position • Turning the mixer counter clockwise closes the valve • Turning the mixer clockwise opens the valve
Kilowatt Transducer Potentiometers for load reference set-up
Kilowatt Transducer Set-up 4006/8
Number 5400 Set value to 0 to enable set up of KW transducer Set back to 1 when completed. Check that Parameters 5412 and 5413 are set to 1
Kilowatt Transducer Set-up 4016
Parameter 5340 Set value to 0 to enable set up of KW transducer Set back to 1 when completed.
Connect Heinzmann DCDesk software to Kronos / Electra service point Save current data file to PC Enable open loop mode (see line 10 below) With engine running at 0 load, in measurements window read number 3531 AnalogIn3_value / 3511 AnalogIn1_value On Kw sensor Adjust pot kW I O/P zero or 4mA until number 3531 / 3511 reads close to or 4mA In the Parameters window feed this figure into number 1530 AnalogIn3_RefLow / 1510 AnalogIn1_RefLow Apply load to engine (NB Monitor emissions levels and adjust if required) when engine is at full load read number 3531 AnalogIn3_value / 3511 AnalogIn1_value On Kw sensor adjust pot kWI O/P 1mA or 20mA until number 3531 / 3511 reads close to or 20mA In the parameter window feed this figure plus 0.50 mA into number 1531 AnalogIn3_RefHigh / 1511 AnalogIn1_RefHigh Enable closed loop mode Save parameter file to control box In operation to enable and disable the AFR open and closed loop operation function 5400 / 5340 Can be changed
Note – Font in blue corresponds to 4006 / 8 Font in Red corresponds to 4016
If any red LEDS are ON reverse its corresponding CT connections
kWI O/P 1mA or 20mA pot kWI O/P zero or 4mA pot
Kilowatt Transducer Set-up 4006/8
Kilowatt Transducer Set-up 4016
4000 TRS Gas Engine
Detcon 20 Knock Detection
Knock Detection system Objective Prevent piston failure due to: Detonation Plug / lead failure Air filter blockage Overload running Variable gas quality Reduces risk of total engine loss System will be factory set and tested on engine. Configuration will be set to trip on sensor defect or maximum retard reached
4000 Series Knock Detection (Detcon20)
Standard USB connection
Knock Detection system
Measures vibration levels per cylinder
Failed piston due to detonation
Detects detonation Retards timing up to a max 8 degrees If retardation does not work sends signal to O.E.M panel to stop engine Once detonation levels have lowered to acceptable limits load / timing adjusted back to optimum running conditions
4000 Series Knock Detection (Detcon20)
Detcon 20 Knock Detection Password
4000 Detcon Settings and Monitoring Cards Connection
Timing reduction
Den-Edit used with Det-Con unit
Level of Knock
4000 Series Knock Detection Den-Edit Diagnostic Mode The Den-Edit program has an internal diagnostic mode that allows the operator to test Some of the knock unit features.
In the mode window select the diagnose button Remember after carrying out test to unselect the Diagnose button if this is not done the knock unit will not function
4000 Series Knock Detection
Detcon 20 Knock Detection
Detcon 20 Knock Detection Detection of failed Knock Sensors The base program has the BAD sensor detect enabled As standard. If one of the on engine sensors fail The Knocking Values screen will Show that sensor highlighted in red.
NB: The sensor are wired in engine Firing order
4000 TRS Gas Engine
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Ignition System
Ignition System (Altronic DISN)
Digital ignition system No moving parts Generic throughout Perkins range (except 4016E61TRS 4016-61TRS Uses the MIC500 control unit) Analogue input from external potentiometer for timing control Manual timing (16 position switch) On board diagnostics Negative ground ignition coils
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit Running clearance Timing disc housing
Timing disc
Pick-up sensor
Altronic DISN Ignition Unit
Re-set magnet Trigger magnets
4000 TRS Gas Engine
Pandaros Digital Governor
Pandaros – overview in-line
Heinzmann Governor Ignition Unit
Pandaros – overview
ACCESSORIES Stop / run •
Laptop computer
Load sharing
Voltage matching
Reactive load share
Speed ramp
Load ramp
Soft load transfer
Isochronous ramp
Power factor set
Mains parallel
Island parallel
Group synchronising
Digital power control
Magnetic pick-up
0,50 to 0,80mm
Pandaros – Connecting to a PC
Changing the governor configuration
Perkins cable and dongle 1. 2.
Coms lead Part no:680/192 USB dongle Part no:680/219
Using DcDesk – Connecting to a PC
4000 TRS Gas Engine
Using Pandaros – Connecting to a PC
Feedback Setting
Feedback Setting
Feedback Setting
Feedback Setting
Feedback Setting without service tool
Feedback Setting without service tool
Perkins Service Tool Configuration Screen
Generator Mode - Single generator fixed speed selected
Perkins Service Tool Configuration Screen
Changing the governor configuration
NOTE : After changing some parameters, it is necessary to ‘ Store parameters in governor ’ and then reset the governor before the changes take effect. When this is required, the following message will appear.
Changing the governor configuration
Changing the governor configuration
Changing the governor configuration
Changing the governor configuration
Changing the governor configuration
Changing the governor configuration
Load Control
Synchroniser Settings
Droop Setting
Engine Stop
Common Alarm
Adjustment of PID parameters
PID maps
Speed Ramps
Governor errors
Governor errors .
Active error
Governor errors
Pandaros Digital Governor – Overview
Elektra AFR Control System
Motortech MIC530 Ignition Controller
Motortech MIC530 Ignition Controller
The IC.exe program connects automatically to the MIC500 Ignition controller. If an over speed is recorded for any reason Switch of the power to the MIC500 To clear the fault.
Elektra AFR Control System
TRS Software Programs 2
DcDesk 2000 used with Pandaros and Kronos
Den-Edit used with Det-Con unit
TRS Software Programs 2
Perkins Pandaros packager can be used with Pandaros/Governor controller only
IC.exe used with MIC500
Where to find the software
DcDesk, Pandaros packager and Den-Edit are included In Perkins CD Electronic Governor Software EGS part number TPCD1539. Alternatively the DcDesk & Pandaros software can be downloaded From the Heinzmann web site: www.heinzmann.com
The IC.exe program is available by contacting Perkins Applications Or Service department and is enclosed with the Den-Edit software on Perkins CD TPCD1539 (MIC 500 Controller)
DcDesk Software basics Connection: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
2 Connect communication lead between Pandaros or Kronos socket Insert Heinzmann Dongle into laptop On tool bar select start communication or press F5 key
Once connection is achieved the program will run through a Screen to upload the controller parameters Check that the tab has turned GREEN in the bottom left hand corner (IF a failure to connect window appears check power to control unit is on)
When making changes Make sure the unit is ONLINE
DcDesk Software basics 2 Saving and loading a programs 1. 2.
On tool bar select FILE Select Save all parameter values and left click
The STORE file screen will appear
Select an appropriate folder and click the save button
You Must save the current file before attempting any changes to the controller
Loading a Parameter file to the controller 2
1. 2.
On tool bar select FILE Select load parameter values and left click
The load parameters screen will appear (next slide)
4. 5.
Select file to be uploaded and click the OPEN tab The compare file screen will appear (next slide) on this screen you can either click the file compare tab this will tell you the differences between the saved file and the current controller file or click the LOAD parameters tab this will upload the selected file into the controller
Making changes to the program
In one of the windows select the appropriate function to be altered (Gain has2 been used as an example)
In the bottom left hand corner the parameter number, name & current setting will appear Number
3. 3. 4.
Highlight or click in the current setting window and change the figure to requirement Press the F6 key to save change to control unit, if this is not done The unit will operate at the setting but once power has been removed from the controller the unit will return to the original setting
Using and Recording Data For engine set up or factory diagnostic assistance. It may be neccesary to view or record engine Performance data 2
1. 2. 3.
On DcDesk tool bar select GRAPHIC Select CURVE Versus TIME The graph window will appear
To load parameters to the graph select the corresponding number from the desired window 2
Type the number into the left hand grey box and press enter the parameter corresponding to the number will then be loaded onto the graph
Adding further recording slots It may be necessary to add further parameters on the record graph To do this follow the below procedure 1. 2.
Open the curve versus time graph Select the OTHER tab
3. 4.
The Options screen will then appear this has 3 tabs, select the CURVE PARAMETERS tab In the NUMBER of CURVES box select the number of parameter boxes to use
5. These will be available to set once back in the graph screen
6. 7. 8. 9.
To view a running engine click the START button and click the STOP tab to stop To record a graph screen. In the top right hand corner click the START2 REC tab to record the parameters you have set. To stop recording click the STOP tab
Saving a recording The record is automatically saved into the following file: C\program files dcdesk 2000\record sets\recorder_t.rec
E-mailing a record or parameter file
Open the relevant folder in the case of the recording look in the following C\program files dcdesk 2000\record sets\recorder_t.rec
For a Pandaros or Elektra program file save as described earlier These files can then be copied and e-mailed as any standard file.
Parameter recordings To aid in diagnostics issue’s the following parameter recording are required as a minimum from the stated control units
Before making a request for product support, with regard to a 4000 Series gas engine, please ensure you have the following information available where appropriate. This information is important for a rapid diagnosis and will assist with the resolution of any issues.
Pre-support Request Check List. Cont…
Before making a request for product support, with regard to a 4000 Series gas engine, please ensure you have the following information available where appropriate. This information is important for a rapid diagnosis and will assist with the resolution of any issues.
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