Perilaku Konsumen Uas 2021 Ps20a-Nurdin Sobari

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: Indah Utami Abudiman ID Number: 2006553353





: PS 20 A


: Thursday, 24 June 2021


: Thursday 7pm – 9.30pm (150 Minutes)

Exam Status

: Open Book  


: Dr. Nurdin Sobari

Submit your answer typed in PDF format (Max 5 pages, TNR 11, excluding reference), and send it to GOOGL OGLE CLASSROOM cnmxsdy CLAS CLASS SWO WORK RK FINA FINAL L EXAM EXAM an and d yo your ur lect lectur urer er's 's ad addr dres ess, s, [email protected] ; cc: (email [email protected]) [email protected]) with the following Email subject/ title: “FINALTEST_PERIKONS2021_(NAME)_(ID)”. Your answer must be received maximum 15 minutes after the allocated time. Any late submission without explanation will be given a penalty or disqualiication. Question 1

Please watch: And read: htt   p s://tekno .sind on e w s .c o m /r ead /446598/207/dari /446598/ 207/dari -cas h -o n -de livery -ja d i-c a sh -o n -du e l-m engap a cod-bermasalah-1622822803 "cash sh on delive delivery ry (C (COD) OD)”” services in some Recently, many news are circulating Recently, circulating on the disastrou disastrouss "ca marketplaces. One of the news items showed how a lady got upset towards the delivery man (third party) due to the wrong speciication of the product delivered to her. She refused to hand over to

the courier service the payment agreed with the seller, and instead i nstead demanded to return the opened product. The COD system itself is not a brand-new concept; and an early player of the informal marketplace, previously had introduced the idea and had not encountered that many issues.

a. (15%) Explain the consumer decision making process for buying the product (from the marketplace) using the cash on delivery system; why the mishaps happened? What’s missing from the system (re)introduced? Who should be responsible for the misunderstanding of  the term of reference of COD in consumer’s side?

b. (15%) refer to the youtube advertisement of Tokopedia: what type of appeal they use to convey the message? Does the appeal work for this type of business? If not, what condition can make it work? Using the ELM model, indicate which route the audiences/consumers of  the ad would follow? Explain your answer with a justiied argument.

Page 1 of 3 The exam question paper should be returned with the answer sheet!


c. (10) it is often said that the existence of the Marketplaces such as Tokopedia had successfully cannibalized the mom and pops (traditional) or brick and mortar sellers. Explain your views adding pros and cons related to the newly emerged e-commerce. e-commerce.

Question 2 Read: ews/world-asia-5742619 -57426198 8 a. (20) The launching of the BTS Meals campaign by McDonald resonates the extraordinary appeal generated amongst the fans all over the world, and also signiies the undeniable role of reference group and opinion leaders in such action. In Indonesia, the phenomenon was

ampliied with the existence of a strong and big fanbase/fandom of BTS referred to as ARMY, which played a signiicant role on the success of the campaign. In connection with this case, explain whether the BTS as a group or the ARMY Indonesia as a brand community is more powerful as a reference group? And what type of social power does it have? Justify your answer from relevant consumer behaviour theories (up to 300 words).

b. (10) Based on your answer at point a, also explain whether the BTS meal phenomenon in Indonesia is suitable to be classiied either as a “hype” or a “buzz”? Also mention what would be the most likely cohort (generation) to become the main target market of the campaign. Finally, with regard to the consumer adoption categories, how do you classify those who are buying the BTS Meal on the inaugural day of introduction? Justify your rational.

Question 3

(10) Indonesia acknowledges 5 (ive) religions, which are: Islam, Christianity (Protestant), Catholicism, Buddhism and Hindu. Religion is also regarded to be a part of the sub-culture of a society that is empirically proven to inluence consumer behavior, You are requested to pick and explain one religious ceremony and/or ritual (from one particular particular Religion) that have an impact on its follower. Also display one advertisement that shows the symbo sym bolis lism m rel relate ated d to the chosen chosen rit ritual ual/ce /cerem remon ony y and explai explain n why this rit ritual ual/ce /cere remon mony y is important for the believers?

Question 4 In the inal project, you are requested to make a mini research on your group's proposed industry and provide the suggestions based on the outcomes. a. (10) What will be the main indings of your group research? How the chosen brand/company

could apply it to their business? And explain your role on the research b. (10) Pick another product category or brand (one only) under different product category that  you think will also be beneiting from indings of your group research. Elaborate the reasoning of  your choice.

** Good Luck **



The consumer decision making process for buying the product (from the marketplace) using the cash on delivery system is categorized as cognitive decision making. A cognitive purchase decision is the outcome of a series of stages that results in the selection of one product over competing options. For this case, the decision making step illustration will be like this: Problem recognition: the woman realized that she needed something for her daily life (looks like clothes or hijab). It can be that she needed another color or something to wear for special occasion Information search: she is looking for information of the items that sold online, it can be review from other customers and learn more about it – but she is not looking further information about the COD system itself  Evaluation of alternatives -She is making comparison between several choices; depends on the item that is most important for her; price, quality, distance, or something else Product choice: She chose one item that its her need and capability of buying Outcomes : Turned out that the outcome she received was not meet the expectation and it  create the disappointment that cause a misperception between seller and buyer 


 

Why the mishaps happened? The mishaps happened because there was imperfect information received in the process. The consumers doesn’t know the process of COD itself including how to return the package. She only did information search of the product, not the system itself. What’s missing from the system syste m (re)introduc (re)i ntroduced? ed? Accor Accordi ding ng to the adver advertis tiseme ement nt,, the mark marketp etpla lace ce only only introduced the advantage of COD only, not the detail or PRO & CONs. That’s why the consumers expects the good one only without knowing how to handle the mishaps. Who should be responsible for the misunderstanding of the term of reference of COD in consumer’s side? The one that should be responsible for this misunderstanding were both consumers and marketplace. Consumers was responsible of her action, she needed to know end to end process of  good received so she wouldn’t complain at the wrong place or person. While the marketplace needed to be more open about COD system terms & condition, educate the consumers fully without putting aside the cons as well. 1.B

The appeal that ads try to appeal is humor appeal because they want to reach segment middle lower. Humor appeals is believed to be easily get the attention since Indonesian people is already packed with their daily problems and looking for easy entertainment. Other than that the use of music and dance will help to support the ads as well, to be easily transferred the message. This humor appeals its with the business since marketplace endorsed COD for consumers in secondary cities where mobile banking is not that often used. Therefore to reach this segment, they do cultural approach through humor and choose scenes that relatable with consumers daily life The e pe peri riph pher eral al ro rout ute e to Using ing th the e ELM ELM, th this is ads ads se see ems to follo low w per erip iph heral eral route. te. Th persuasion occurs when the listener decides whether to agree with the message based on other cues besides the strength of the arguments or ideas in the message. The ads is low involvement because they don’t focus on how to educate the consumers about details of COD. They use TIKTOK music because it creates a “happy mood” shopping environment and doesn’t need too much to think. Once consumers saw the ads, they will think that COD is that easy to be followed and the belief changed. They want to try online shopping without go through hassle of mobile banking. Then it followed with behavior change as well as attitude.


1. C

With the increase of digitalization, penetration of smartphone and business escalation due to pandemic, e-commerce way of buying is unavailable. For marketers, the growth online commerce can be advantag advantage e and disadvantage disadvantage.. With the borderle borderless ss world, world, marketers marketers can reach reach customers customers around the world, cut the ixed cost to build physical stores and put the investment more on consumers communication. communication. However, the competition also goes higher than ever before. They now no nott only only comp compet ete e with with lo loca call st stor ores es but but also also na nati tion onwi wide de,, or ar arou ound nd th the e worl world. d. Al Also so,, when when consumer cons umerss obtain obtain products products directly directly from the manufact manufacturer urer or wholesal wholesaler, er, this eliminate eliminatess the intermediary—the loyal, store-based retailers that carry the irm’s products and sell them at a marked-up price As a marketer, I still personally choose the combination of both online and ofline since the ofline give consumers experience directly about the products and branding. We can place the stores at  pareto cities and reach the small ones with online commerce. Online commerce nowadays needs to look for stronger positioning because now it still plays on the price war. We need ofline stores to educate consumers about USP so we can sell at the higher margin. 2. A

This MCD BTS phenomenon in Indonesia and other country. As a marketer, this phenomenon breaks the rules of usual marketing; when we usually push plan to create longer term value for brand vs simply shorter term promotional content. But, McD has used the BTS referent power very well.. Referent well Referent power power means the ability ability of a leader leader to inluenc inluence e a follower follower due to the follower's follower's admiration, respect, or identiication with the leader They know how big and loyal the ARMY especially in Indonesia and asitself, expected thisBTS campaign hasmore resulted in high engagement & sales.the By observing the phenomenon I think is having power to inluence. Whatever idols do, the ARMY will always be there to supported and look at. What makes BTS different from ot othe herr KP KPOP OP is that their songs are empowering and motivational. They also use social media extensively to connect with fans and reached wider audience.’ Combined with coercive power of McD that makes the items limited in such short amount of time; it creates urgency in the market to get it. While it became a trend, the people fear of missing out  (FOMO) in community, so it also attract not only the ARMY but also outside of ARMY. With the line up that is incredibly long, non-ARMY wondering what specials about this package and ended up buying it as well. 2. B In an attempt to boost the number of people who read a story, the story’s creator will ofte repost the story, comment the story or even dress it up as a slightly different story and repost. All these activities is more inorganic or well made and referred to as creating hype. While when a story is reposted, reshared, mentioned retweeted by people other than the story creator, this is referred to as buzz.


Looking at the phenomenon of BTS, this campaign is more of buzz than hype. We saw some teaser and ads from McD about this menu launching however what makes it viral is the buzz from ARMY itself on social media. Sharing their meal and the excitement of lining up triggered others to try it. This campaign strategies where it all focused on digital world its the best with Generation Z characteristic character istic where they describe described d as true digital natives. They have been exposed to the internet, to social networks, and to mobile systems. So, they are more receptive to the current news and react quickly on it. The people who lined up for the meal on irst days in my opinions are categorized as two groups: the is theout. ARMY won’t anything about idolsright and now the outsiders who has loyalist the fear which of missing Theywho want to bemiss included on what is their trending and become a part of it. 3. The cer ceremo emonie niess of of Idul Idul Ad Adha ha

Eid al-Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of to follow Allah's command to sacriice his son. During the Eid Adha families that can afford to sacriice a ritually acceptable animal (sheep, goat, camel, or cow) do so and then divide the lesh equally among themselves, the poor, and friends and neighbours. It teaches the followers the meaning of sacriicing and sharing that lead to Ikhlas. Here is one of example from Bukalapak that offers solutions to consumer consumer;; buying animals for qurbans online so they don’t need to go through the hassle of it. The symbolic that often displayed for Idul Adha ads are the qurban animals itself including: sheep, goat, buffalo and etc that is acceptable in the community.

4. Find Finding ing in rese research arch:: case case study study of the body shop

Our research questions for body shop during inal projects are: How does pandemic affect the business? How does consumers of The Body Shop perceived its brand? How does The Body Shop marketing inluence consumers decision?   

The inding we get are: Consumers facing decrease in pocket money and salary so they are looking for product which can add more value, fair price and well functioned Consumes started to have high awareness of what product they wear including ingredients; but  eco product still needs more education 

Consum Cons umer erss do re resea searc rch h i irs rstt by on onlin line e be befo fore re bu buyin ying g pr prod oduc ucts, ts, or orga ganic nic re revie view w is mo more re important than celebrities endorsement 


The business recommendation we offer are: Create sustainability promotion; loyalty for long term and value promotion such discount & banded for short term to ease the buying power during pandemic TBS should focus their communication about the goodness in their ingredients. Campaign about  GO GREEN, recycle, LGBT & save planet less relevant in Indonesian market  TBS should build credibility on social media platform by encouraging consumers to review on beauty platform, explore new social media that following the trend and bring the power of  ingredients on their communication 

My role during this project is to gather insight from the data we have collected and suggested the business recommendation by applying marketing theory and look for solutions that it in market during pandemic.



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Nama : NPM


Saya menyatakan dengan sejujurnya bahwa:

1. Saya tidak menerima dan atau tidak memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun kepada mahasiswa lain dalam mengerjakan soal ujian. 2. Saya tidak melakukan plagiasi atas pekerjaan orang lain dan mengakui nya sebagai pekerjaan saya 3. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan akademik yang berlaku pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia Jakarta,



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