Performance Management
February 14, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Basic Concepts in Performance Management and Appraisal Comparing Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
Performance Appraisal:
Setting work standards, assessing performance, and providing feedback to employees to motivate, motiv ate, correct, and continue their performance.
Performance Management: An integrated approach to ensuring that an employee’ employee’s s performance supports and contributes to the organization’s strategic aims.
Buiding blocks of PM system Direction sharing
Role clarification
Goal alignment
Goal setting and planning
Developmental goal setting
Ongoing performance monitoring
Ongoing feedback
Coaching and support
Performance assessment (appraisal) Rewards, recognition, and compensation Workflow,, process control, and return on investment management Workflow
Difference Appraisal
Primary focus
Assessing performance and potential for performance
Improve employee performance & development
Activities involved
Designing appraisal programme Build employee database
Set of HR activities designed and executed to assess and improve performance
Directional, evaluative
Facilitative, coaching
Yearly, early, six monthly
Often, can be ongoing
Degree of formality
Need for Performance Appraisal Why Appraise Performance? 1
Is basis for pay and promotion decisions.
Plays an integral role in performance management.
Helps in correcting deficiencies and reinforcing good performance.
Is useful in career planning.
Administrative, Development, Organisational objectives, Documentation purposes
Appraising Performance Performance Steps in Appraising Performance Objectives of Performance Appraisal Appraisal Establish job expectations/standards
1 2
Design appraisal programme (formal Vs.Informal, who are the raters, what to evaluate, methods to use)
Appraise performance performance
Performance Interview
Archive Appraisal data 7
Using appraisal data for appropriate purpose
Defining the Employee’s Goals and Work Standards Guidelines for Effective Goal Setting
Assign Specific Goals
Assign Measurable Goals
Assign Challenging but Doable Goals
Encourage Participation
What to Measure? – Work output (quality and quantity) – Personal competencies – Goal (objective) achievement – Timeliness – Cost effectiveness – Need for supervision – Interpersonal impact – Community service
Who Should Do the Appraising? Immediate Supervisor
Rating Committee
Potential Appraisers
360-Degree Feedback
Performance Appraisal Methods Appraisal Methodologies 1
Graphic Rating Scale Method
Assessment Centre Centre
Alternation Ranking Method
Behaviorally Anchored Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Paired Comparison Method
Management by Objectives (MBO)
Forced Distribution Method
Critical Incident Method
Essay Method or Narrative Forms
11 12
360 degree feedback Checklist Appraisal Annual Confidential Report (ACR)
Graphic Rating Scale
Easy to understand but subjectivity high
Paired Comparison Method
Used to identify the best candidate for a promotion or special assignment but demotivates others
Note: + means “better than.” – Note: + – means “worse than.” For each chart, add up the ’s in each column to get the highest-ranked employee. number of + ’s
Critical Incident Method Supervisor keeps a written record of incidents (including dates, people involved, actions taken) that show positive and negative ways an employee has acted. At the time of the appraisal, supervisor reviews the record to evaluate an employee’s behavior. During the appraisal interview, a supervisor gives employee a chance to offer his views of each incident recorded.
Advantages & Disadvantages: Time consuming & important incidents could be overlooked Supervisors tend to record negative events more than positive ones
Contd….Critical Incident Method Continuing Continui ng Duties
Critical Incidents
Schedule production for plant
90% utilization of personnel and machinery in plant; orders delivered on time
Instituted new production scheduling system; decreased late orders by 10% last month; increased machine utilization in plant by 20% last month
Supervise procurement of raw materials and inventory control
Minimize inventory costs while keeping adequate supplies on hand
Let inventory storage costs rise 15% last month; overordered parts “A” and “B” by 20%; underordered part “C” by 30%
Supervise machinery maintenance
No shutdowns due to faulty machinery
Instituted new preventative maintenance system for plant; prevented a machine breakdown by discovering faulty part
Assessment Centre Central location where employee come together to participate in job-related exercises evaluated by trained observers. Assessed :
Assertivene Assertiveness ss
Persuasive ability
Communicating ability
Planning and organisational ability
Resistance to stress
Decision making
Assessment Centre Activitie Activities s
include :
In-basket training
Computer simulation simulations s
Role playing
Work groups without leaders
Companies using :
Modi Zeroz
Crompton Greaves
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) Developing a BARS
Advantages of BARS
1. Gen Genera erate te critic critical al incidents 2. Dev Develo elop p pe perfo rforma rmance nce dimensions
– Less subjective and overcome rater errors – Clearer standards
– Feedback 3. Rea Reallo llocat cate e inci inciden dents ts 4. Sca Scale le tthe he iinci nciden dents ts Disadvantages 5. De Deve velo lop p a fi fina nall • Expensive instrument
• Time consuming
Management by Objectives (MBO) • Goal directed approach in which workers and supervisors set goals together for the upcoming evaluation period and also measure the extent to which goals have been met. • Steps involved: 1. Setting of organization’s goals. 2. Sett Settin ing g of of dep depar artm tmen enta tall goal goals. s. 3. Disc Discus ussi sion on of of de depa part rtme ment ntal al goal goals. s. 4. Defining Defining expected expected results results (setting (setting individu individual al goal goals). s).
5. Condu Conducti cting ng period periodic ic perf perform ormanc ance e re revie views. ws. 6. Prov Provid idin ing g perf perfor orma manc nce e feed feedba back ck.
Advantages: Employee knows what is expected and a supervisor focuses on results rather than more subjective criteria
Problems with MBO Setting unclear objectives
Time-consuming appraisal process
Problems with MBO
Conflict with subordinates over objectives
Checklist Appraisal Contains series of questions about an employee’s performance. A superviso supervisorr answers yes or no to the questions. questions. There is a key for scoring the items on the checklist; checklist; the score results in a rating of an employee’s performance. performance.
Advantages & Disadvantages: Easy to complete but difficult to prepare. Each job requires a different set of questions.
360 Degree Feedback Multiple raters or stakeholde stakeholders rs are involved in evaluating performance about ’how an employee does the job’– ’– immediate supervisors, team members, customers, peers, self
Advantages & Disadvantages: Employee can compare himself with other’s perception about him Skills like interpersonal skills, team skills can be identified. Drawback : Difficult to select rater, designing questionnaire and analysing data Rater may have a fear to assess employee
Contd….Checklist Appraisal Contd….Checklist
Appraising Performance: Problems
Appraisal Problems
Personal Bias Unclear Standards
Halo Effect
Severity error
onrace, the basis age, of gender
Restriction range errorof
Central Tendency
Appraising Performance: Solutions How to Avoid Appraisal Problems
Know Problems
Use the Right Tool
Train Supervisors
Control Outside Influences
Keep a Diary
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