The petitioners petitioners (Perez (Perez and Doria) were were placed on preventive preventive suspension suspension for 30 days because they allegedly participated in jacking up freight costs and falsifying shipping docuents! The suspension was e"tended for #$ days twice! %fter the investigation of PT&T they were terinated which propted Perez to 'le illegal suspension and terination before before %! %! ence present petition! % ruled in favor of the petitioners but it was reversed by *+, and later a-red by ,%! ,% upheld the disissal due to loss of con'dence of PT&T to the petitioners!
Issue: .hether or not PT&T illegally illegally suspended and disissed disissed the petitioners/ petitioners/
Held: Illegal Dismissal: Yes. Yes. The , held that that respondents1 respondents1 evidence was was insu-cient insu-cient to clearly and and convincingly establish the facts fro which the loss of con'dence resulted! (2t was never proven that petitioners alone had control of or access to these docuents)! +espondents1 illegal act of disissing petitioners was aggravated by their failure to observe due process! To eet the reuireents of due process in the disissal of an eployee4 an eployer ust furnish the worker with two written notices5 (#) a written notice specifying the grounds for terination and giving to said eployee a reasonable reasonable opportunity to e"plain his side and (6) another written notice indicating that4 upon due consideration of all circustances4 grounds have been established to justify the eployer7s decision to disiss the eployee!
Illegal Suspension: Yes. Yes. %n eployee ay be validly suspended by the eployer for just cause provided by law! uch suspension shall only be for a period of 30 days4 after which the eployee shall either be reinstated or paid his wages during the e"tended period!
2n this case4 petitioners contended that they were not paid during the two #$8 day e"tensions4 or a total of 30 days4 of their preventive suspension! +espondents failed to adduce evidence to the contrary! Thus4 they are entitled to reinstateent with backwages and #3th onth pay! 2n this case4 however4 reinstateent is no longer possible because of the length of tie that has passed fro the date of the incident to 'nal resolution! 9ourteen years have transpired fro the tie petitioners were wrongfully disissed! To order reinstateent at this juncture will no longer serve any prudent or practical purpose! Petitioners should be paid their separation pay in lieu of reinstateent!
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