Perez-rosario vs CA FACTS: The petition originated from an action for ejectment filed with the DARA principall! on the gro"nds of non-pa!ment of lease rentals and s"#-leasing witho"t the $nowledge and consent of the owners of a parcel of agric"lt"ral land% consisting of &'&&(( &'&&(( hectares% more or less% devoted devoted to rice and mango prod"ction% located at aranga! )#ong% asista% asista% Pangasinan and registered registered in the name of *icolasa Tamondong Tamondong vda' de Perez% predecessor-in-interest of the petitioners% "nder Transfer Certificate of Title +TCT, *o' T-./&&' T-./&&' *icolasa sold the propert! with a right to rep"rchase in favor of respondent Res"lta! who was alread! c"ltivating the s"#ject land "nder a 01-01 sharing #asis of the rice harvest' Res"lta! stopped delivering the shares to *icolasa and its was sometime in .2(3% that Res"lta! constit"ted respondent Ca!a#!a# to wor$ on a one-half +.4&, hectare portion of the land devoted to rice "nder an agreed lease rental agreement Respondents appealed to the DARA' )n 5"ne .1% .226% the DARA prom"lgated its decision% declaring 7ig"el and 7ercedes Res"lta! to #e agric"lt"ral tenants on the land the! till and to fi8 the lease rental on the land in accordance with pertinent agrarian laws% r"les and reg"lations' Petitioners filed a Petition for Review with the CA% the CA rendered the assailed Decision which affirmed in toto the DARA r"ling' Petitioners moved to reconsider% #"t the CA denied the motion thro"gh its Resol"tion dated *ovem#er /% .222% a cop! of which was received #! the petitioners on *ovem#er .0% .222' This led petitioners to file the instant Petition for Certiorari "nder R"le 30' 9SS;S: ?;@D:
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