either rich men or their representatives or stooges. Naturally the laws are framed in the interest interest of the rich. A rich finance finance minister would enact laws giving relief in direct taxes which is in the interest of the rich. Indirect taxes are increased at the cost of the poor. The rich gain advantage not simply in framing the laws but in their interpretations too. Even judi ciary cannot help the poor. The poor always lose a suit for they can neither have a good
destruction in favour of man or against him. But Science has established itself as the earth. Beginning, with fire at its early stage to des troy forests and foes both men and animals, it has developed its potentiality to bring about the holo caust of the Hiroshima or a Nagasaki within moments. It can create, devils like nuc lear war-heads on missiles, chemical bombs and computers to decide war strategy in spilt second accuracy to annihilate life from this
Expansion advocate, nor can they bride those who can get the things mended. The rich can afford all these and get the things manipulated in their favour. Thus laws grind the poor both ways.
9. Science is more destroyed than a Creator. Science has nothing to do with creation. It sustains life, it discovers the mysteries of nature. It can sustain and prolong life through medical innovations. Its creation is limited to the breeding process both of beneficent and malignant bacteria; life cells it has not been able to create. But destroyed it is. It may be a
beautiful planet forever.
10. Knowledge is power Even in the past it was not only physical strength that gave power to a king or a nation. It was the material skill, the knowledge of new ammunitions given by scientific research that gave supremacy to a nation over the other. The knowledge of oil technology gave power to the U.S.A. and England over the knowledge of oil technology gave power to the USA and England over all countries of the Middle East. It was the knowledge of the Greeks that gave them supremacy over
Europe in the pre-Christian era.
11. Education should should be for Life not for Liveliho Livelihood od To educate, according to webster's dictionary, means to advance the mental asethetic, physical or moral development. The subsidia ry meaning is to qualify by instruction for the business and duties of life, to instruct, to train, to rear. The accidents believed that education means not only to know what a man doest not; but to act as he should and does not. A Sans krit scripture says that education is meant to expand the horizons of knowledge. Thus the aim of education is to rear in a way that his whole personality is so developed that he bec omes useful both himself and the society. One can earn even without education Modi beca me an industrial giant. An artisan learns the ways of earning from his forefathers. It rather than irony that those who think of education as a source of livelihood remain unemployed? and those who adopt he real source earn thousands per month from petty stalls. (to be continued..) K.Venkata Ramana Director K.V.R. Spoken English Cell: 9959 310 234
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