Pera Pera Japanese 01-100

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Mr. Pole

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Mr. Oda invited me to a restaurant last week. After we arrived there, he asked me how a new employee was working out. I answered, "Suki desu." (I like him.) But Mr. Oda sniggered as if I had said something funny or strange. Was my answer inappropriate ?

Illustrations by Masako Ban

Most Japanese textbooks and dictionaries translate "like" as "suki." But "suki" is actually an emotional expression that implies "love." "Ii desu" is the common way of saying "nice" or "good." Be careful—you could imply that you love someone in a romantic sense. ("Like" is not treated as verb in Japanese unless the word "desu" is added.)

Like has two meanings :



2 Mr. Pole :


When praising or admiring something.


I like

this coffee cup

いい ii


このコーヒーカップ Kono coffee cup

いい です ね。 ii desu ne.

このレストラン Kono restaurant Mr. Oda :

I like

classical music クラシック Classic



好き suki

が 好き です。 ga suki desu.

"I love you = aishite imasu" as in the movies. Japanese people rarely use this phrase in real life.

大好き dai suki

Dislike In order to say "dislike," there are two styles: direct →"kirai" indirect →"chotto...," "amari suki-janai desu"

As "kirai" is a direct way of expressing dislike, this style is often avoided. (Being too direct is considered arrogant.) Instead, the indirect expressions below are common.

仕事 shigoto

は ちょっと... wa chotto ....

By leaving a sentence vague and incomplete, "dislike" is expressed very indirectly. This is a thoughtful expression used when trying not to hurt someone's feelings.

(isn't it ?)

What are your "likes and dislikes" ?

何 か 好き嫌い ありますか。 Nani ka suki/kirai arimasu ka. Mr. Pole :

(Do you have ~?) (See kanji at right)

I like sashimi,

刺身 が Sashimi ga


です ね。 desu ne.

like (enjoy)

and I especially love tuna. 特に鮪が Toku ni maguro ga (especially)

3 love (preference)

です。 desu.


But I don't like cuttlefish that much... (But I'm not crazy about cuttlefish.)

でも イカ は ちょっと ... Demo ika wa chotto... (But) (cuttlefish)(don't like)

Mr. Pole :

(See "Dislike")

Wow ! I like this plate. (This plate is nice.)

わあ! この 器 Waa! Kono utsuwa

like (praising)


(Wow) (this plate, bowl)

Do you like your work ?

"Well... I'm not that crazy about my work ..."

like (praising)

(Is there anything in particular you like or don't like ?)

When referring to something you like very much.


です ね。 desu ne.


(this restaurant)




I like this restaurant. (This restaurant is nice.)

です ね。 desu ne. (isn't it ?)

I recently began collecting Japanese pottery. 今、 日本 の 焼き物 を 集めています。 Ima, Nihon no yakimono o atsumete imasu. (now, recently) Mr. Oda : Really?



Oh,by the way,how is your newemployee?

そうです か。 ところで、新しい スタッフはどうです か。 So ¯ desu ka. Tokorode atarashii staff wa do¯desu ka. (by the way)(new)(staff, employee)(how is...?)


"I don't really care for my work." 仕事 shigoto

は あまり好きじゃないです。 wa amari suki-janai desu.

By avoiding the direct expression "kirai," this sentence still shows "dislike," but leaves a softer impression.

Mr. Pole : 5

I like him. (He is a nice person.) like (praising)

人 です。 hito desu. (person)


いい ii


好き suki


大好き dai suki





Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

いい ii

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Combining“女(woman)”and“子(child)," this kanji originally had a meaning of "young women" or "girls." As young women were considered onna ko(domo)  beautiful, the combined form was used to mean woman child "to like," "good" and "beautiful."

ko ¯ : favorable, good su(ki), ...zu(ki), kono(mi): fond of likes and dislikes

好き嫌い su

ki kira i

I have no particular likes or dislikes. 好き嫌い は 特に ありません。 Suki/kirai wa toku ni arimasen.

free choice, to each his own

好きずき su

ki zu


All people have their own preferences.  (often used negatively)

好きずき です から。 Sukizuki desu kara.

taste, preference

好み kono mi

My taste and even my preferences differ from my wife's. 妻 とは 趣味 も 好み も 違います。 Tsuma to wa shumi mo konomi mo chigaimasu.

good reputation (criticism),acclaim

好評 ko ¯ hyo ¯

That new product has a good reputation, doesn't it ? あの 新製品 は 好評 ですね。 Ano shinseehin wa ko¯hyo ¯ desu ne.

best chance, ideal

絶好の zekko ¯


Today is a perfect (ideal) day for golf, isn't it ? 今日 は 絶好 の ゴルフ日和 ですね。 Kyo¯ wa zekko¯ no golf-biyori desu ne. You can change golf to tennis, hiking etc.


下手の横好き heta


Crazy about something although not very good at it. Unskillful but euthusiastic.

Mr. Tada:

You are good (at it).   上手 ですね。 Jo¯ zu desu ne.

yoko-zuki Mr. Pole :

In Japan, to boast or to brag about something is not appreciated. Therefore, even though one is skillful at a task, and is praised for it, it is best to be humble. This phrase is used to show enthusiasm about a hobby, etc., even though one lacks the skill.

Oh, no. I just enjoy it, even though     I'm not good at it.   いいえ 下 手 の 横 好 きですよ。 Iie, heta no yoko-zuki desu yo. Mr. Tada:

No, really. You are very good.  いいえ 上手ですよ。 Iie, jo¯zu desu yo.

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Design : Masako Ban

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Mr. Pole

When I was shopping and waiting in line at the cashier, I heard the clerk asking the customers "onamae wa?" (What's the name ? or Who should it be addressed to ?) I expected them to give their own names, but instead they answered "ue-sama." Since then, I've realized the same conversation is carried at other stores too, when customers are asking for official receipts. Do Japanese people have another name beside their own ?

No, but you can be "ue-sama" too! In the past, the word "uesama" was used to address members of the upper classes, such as Sho ¯ gun (samurai general). "ue-sama" is now in use only when issuing official receipts, replacing the actual name/com-pany name. It is said that this form of address will not disgrace the recipient, no matter who he/she is. So, if you need an official receipt and the clerk asks you "onamae wa? " you could answer "ue-sama." a shop Mr. Pole :

A receipt serves as a legal document. In Japanese companies, the accounting department often requires a “ryo¯shu¯sho” for reimbursement. A “ryo¯shu¯sho” does not itemize the details. (If you do not want your secretary or the accounting department to know exactly how many drinks you had, you could give them the “ryo¯shu¯sho” instead of the restaurant bill.) There are some places, however, which refuse to write “ue-sama” (e.g., department stores). In that case, have your name/company name ready. polite form of "san" (Mr./Ms.)

name / company name


income, collect



ryo ¯



sho write, book, document

misappropriation, embezzlement

My business colleague embezzled company property (money).



amount without consumption tax (ze¯nuki kingaku)

Mr. Pole :




26 日



clerk :

おねがいします。 onegaishimasu

What's the name? お名前 は。 onamae wa ? 


¥ 21,000



consumption tax (sho ¯ hize¯gaku)

name, address and telephone number of issuing party

Answers 1 領 収 書 ryo ¯ shu ¯ sho


上様 ue-sama

In other words, the "large" idea is expressed first with smaller ideas following. Remember, this rule applies to many situations in Japanese.

佐藤 / 鈴木 / 田中

The answer is "Suzuki." This last name is more common in east Japan, especially in Shizuoka Prefecture (approximately one out of every 65 people). Believe it or not, in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, approximately one out of every 20 is Suzuki-san! So if you are ever in Hamamatsu and shout the name at a train station, at least a few Suzuki-san will turn around and look at you.

1. 鈴木 (Suzuki) 2.佐藤 (Sato¯) 3. 田中 (Tanaka)


Masanori (first)



family name → given name

Tokyo to Minato ku Azabu 1-2-3 River Apt. Oda Masanori

prefecture→ area in pref.→ town→ house # →

person's name

(ward, city)








graft, bribe







bill, invoice

request demand document

At the end of the month, I will pay the bill. 月末 に 請求書 の 支払い を します。 getsumatsu ni se¯kyu¯sho no shiharai o shimasu








書類 を 電車 に 置き 忘れました。 shorui o densha ni oki-wasuremashita

given name

where Nihon Kabushiki gaisha you work: company name → address:


annual income

I left the document on a train.


full name: Oda family name →

Top 3 most common last names :


large to small rule

One of the three names on left is the most common last name in Japan. Now, which one is it ?


That person was arrested for bribery. あの人 は 収賄 で 捕まりました。 ano hito wa shu¯wai de tsukamarimashita

Even if you do not specify the items you purchased, the clerk will normally fill out the section on the receipt as below. oshokuji-dai.....meal expenses, oshina-dai.....merchandise expenses, expenses

seal (inkan)



How shall I fill out the items section?

日 本 株式会社 東京都港区麻布 1-2-3 電話 03-4567-8910


不景気 で 年収 は 大幅 に 減りました。 fuke¯ki de nenshu¯ wa o¯haba ni herimashita

(by means of)

The amount above has been received. (jo ¯ ki no kingaku o ryo ¯ shu ¯ itashimashita)

消費税額(5%) ¥1,000

Who should it be addressed to? お宛名 は。 oatena wa ?

但書き は。 tadashigaki wa? Mr. Pole : ....................................... 



Because of the recession, my annual income dropped drastically.

It's "company name." Write it to "name replacement." 3 2 です。 で。 or name replacement company name  desu de



revenue stamp (shu ¯ nyu ¯ inshi) for amounts over¥30,000

clerk :

breakdown (uchiwake)


平成 11 年

receipt (ryo¯shu¯sho) items e.g.,

official receipt 

Please give me an official receipt. 1

date (Heisei era ... started in 1989) (See "large to small")

領 収 書

上   様


ryo¯ receive, dominion

同僚 は 会社 の 金 を 横領をしました。 do¯ryo¯ wa kaisha no kane o o¯ryo¯ o shimashita

Official Receipt..........ryo¯shu¯sho

収入 印紙



sen kyu¯hyaku kyu¯ju¯ kyu¯ nen shi gatsu niju¯ roku nichi getsuyo¯bi year →

month → date →

(year 1999)



day of the week (Monday)







written explanation, instruction

explanation clear document

I learned it by reading the instructions. 説明書 を 見ながら 覚えました。 setsume¯sho o minagara oboemashita Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Mr. Pole



There are many interesting expressions that use words for body parts, and they are frequently used in daily conversation. Can you guess, for example, how many expressions use the word "eye(s)" (目[me])? The answer is as many as 140! In this lesson, let us look at some useful expressions combining i-adjectives and body parts. The good news is, you can create sophisticated expressions by using beginning-level i-adjectives at below left. Mr. Pole, don’t think so hard. If you look below, you will understand what this man is like.

I was in a coffee shop the other day and overheard an interesting conversation between two young women at the next table. One of them asked the other, "So what is your boyfriend like?" Her friend replied, "Well, his face is wide and his head is soft, but his mouth is a little light." What is this man really like? Soft head? Is there something wrong with her boyfriend?













■ Did all the expressions on the left make sense to you? Now, let's see if you can apply what you just learned to the phrases below.

Education for children is a nagging problem to parents in any country, isn't it ? 子供 の 教育 は どの 国 の 親 も to worry over ですね。 kodomo no kyoiku wa dono kuni no oya mo a problem desu ne education for children

鼻が hana ga



軽い karui

ss ake

t a s ecret. That m g ou

tin lu r b

p el

flexible ; receptive to new things 頭 が atama ga



・By adding "desu" to these expressions, you can make a sentence. e.g., Mr. Pole is smart. Pole-san wa atama ga ii desu


かお  kao

have a wide circle of acquaintances 顔 が kao ga






h i s thinking, bu

長い nagai



le in


頭 が atama ga


高い takai

inflexible ; stubborn


tall high



はやい hayai


ec a


early  fast

頭 が atama ga



spacious  広い wide hiroi

to worry over a problem

みみ  mimi



be ashamed to hear  耳 が 9 painful  mimi ga

for being old-fashioned . そんな事 を 言っていると、 oldsonna-koto o itte-iru to fashioned




such things

め  me


と 笑われますよ。 to waraware-masu yo will be ridiculed

keep saying

I tell you

You know a variety of people. You must have a wide circle of acquaintances . いろいろな 人 を 知っています ね。 have a wide circle ですね。 iro-iro na hito o shitte-imasu ne of acquaintances desu ne variety of people know

What ? You already know about it! You are quick-eared , aren't you? えっ? もう その話 を 知っていますか。 ですね。 quick-eared e? mo sono hanashi o shitte-imasu ka desu ne

have an expert eye for 目 が me ga

isn't it?

If you keep saying such things, you will be ridiculed

・There are many other expressions that have similar meanings, but this one is humorous and less offensive compared to others. It applies to men.


that story


good  Being told the same thing over and over, I am quite embarrassed .


quick-eared ; have sharp ears 耳 が mimi ga



柔らかい yawarakai









堅い katai

頭 が atama ga

pe o


痛い itai

h e knows a l o t

5 13

hurtful painful


4 9



はな  hana

to be flirtatious; to like women 鼻 の下 が 11 long  hana no shita ga





fool ; not smart  頭 が 2 bad  atama ga


古い furui

頭 が atama ga



to be proud of




悪い warui

bright ; smart ; sharp


2 15

いい ii



1 12

nice good


■ For answers to fill in the boxes, check with i-adjectives on the left that have corresponding numbers.

あたま  atama



any country parents also

くち  kuchi

can keep a secret ; closed-mouthed 口が kuchi ga



cannot keep a secret  口が 14 light  kuchi ga have a sharp tongue ; have a bad mouth 口が kuchi ga


いつも 同じ事 を 言われて itsumo onaji-koto o iwarete



same matter

be ashamed to hear

です。 desu

being told

That person keeps secrets , so please don't worry.  あの人 は ano hito wa


that person

です から 安心 を して下さい。 desu kara anshin o shite-kudasai please relax

He is a good person, but has a bad mouth . いい人 なん です が、 ii hito nandesu ga good person

has a bad mouth

です。 desu


Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Mr. Pole

Several friends of mine have commented on me, saying, “ki ga o ¯ i desu ne”(You have many minds.), but I have no idea what they mean. I think I’m not supposed to take these words literally because I’m not aware of more than one mind in my head, of course! My guess is, the phrase is really something like those body part and i-adjective combinations you talked about in our previous class (May 10). Am I




短い mijikai






in no mood to; feeling reluctant 気 が 2 heavy  ki ga short-tempered; impatient


長い nagai

気 ki

小さい chisai

patient; easy-going




弱い yowai 若い wakai

が ga

気 が ki ga




? Fickle? Well, p eop


気 が ki ga



hasty; impatient

t? Did ha th e

y mean

2 14

重い omoi


timid 気 ki

が ga



多い o¯i



強い tsuyoi

young at heart

10 13



nice good wide


いい i 広い hiroi 狭い semai

気 ki

が ga

が ga




が ga






が ga


気 ki

が ga



気 心

心が kokoro ga




ashi feet; leg(s)

Mr. Oda’s wife is strong-willed (aggressive) but generous.

小田さん の 奥さん は strong-willed です が、 generous です。 desu ga desu Oda-san no oku-san wa Oda-san’s


me o’Irtahw ...!!tonfm

For answers to fill in the boxes, check with i-adjectives on the left that have corresponding numbers.

Generally speaking, short-tempered people suffer a loss.

一般的に short-tempered ippan-teki ni

ですね。 もう 冬休み の 計画 ですか。 impatient desu ne mo¯ fuyu-yasumi no ke¯kaku desu ka 11


already winter vacation plan

I have to give (them) my refusal today. I’m reluctant.

今日中 に 断わらなければなりません... kyo¯-ju¯ ni kotowaranakereba-narimasen

うで  ude

skilled; good at 腕が ude ga

腰が koshi ga



こし  koshi

must decline/refuse

Your husband is good at cooking. I envy you.

ですね。 desu ne

御主人 は 料理 の skilled go-shujin wa ryo¯ri no one’s husband meal; cooking

です。 desu

in no mood to

羨ましいです。 urayamashi desu I envy you.

Uncooked foods, particularly in rainy season,

go bad fast.

特に 梅雨 の 生もの は です。 easy to go bad toku ni tsuyu no nama-mono wa desu especially rainy season uncooked food



あし  ashi

perishable; easy to go bad 足が ashi ga

suffer a loss

A plan for winter vacation already? You must be impatient.

within today


人 は 損 を します。 hito wa son o shimasu


narrow-minded 心が 12 narrow  kokoro ga

feet; leg(s) ■

slow to act


strong-willed; aggressive



all the expressions on the left make sense to you? Now, let’s see if you can apply what you have just learned to the

こころ  kokoro

capricious; fickle 気 ki


■ Did


waist lower back

mi s t a k




気 ki


weak-willed; timid 気 ki

ki mind


き  ki

us r i c io I w a s c ap

はやい hayai




Good guess, Mr. Pole. It is a sibling of the body part-i-adjective combos. This time, I would like to bring your attention to expressions combining 気 [ki] (mind) and 心 [kokoro] (heart), with i-adjectives. These two words are staples for combination forms in everyday conversation, with ki combining with more than 120 words—including not only i-adjectives, but verbs—and kokoro with more than 40 words. Presented here are the more common of such expressions, along with three more body part-related ones.

sa y

early fast

1 15

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

many many minds??? minds???



■ In

job interviews at Japanese companies, you are sometimes asked to describe the strengths and weaknesses in your character. Take stock of yourself and try filling in the boxes in the following sentence with expressions from this and the Vol. 3 lesson that best fit your character. My main strength is

私 の 短所 は watashi no tansho wa my


, but my main weakness is

ですが desu ga

長所 は cho¯sho wa

です。 desu

strength(s) With cooperation from


E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun


lucky day (calendar wise)

Design : Masako Ban

"tsuno" (ho Bride has (h orrn nss)) ??

Mr. Pole

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama



In Edo era (1603-1868), women of samurai families used hair A friend showed me a photo from his wedding grease of the type still used by today’s sumo wrestlers. The ceremony in which his wife was in a beautiful trouble with the grease was that, whenever they went out, it would kimono. She was also wearing a headdress, gather dust. So they came up with the idea of wrapping white silk and I was intrigued by its interesting shape. fabric around their heads to keep the dust off. It eventually evolved ”Oh, that,” the friend said. “It’s called tsuno into the headdress you saw in the photo. Interestingly, by the time kakushi (角隠し), a horn cover.” Horns on a it came to be worn by brides and be called tsunokakushi, the bride’s head? But he wasn’t joking. Japanese covering had a new meaning: It was worn to hide—symbolically—the people often associate horns with devils, but bride’s horns, or her selfishness or ego. It reflected the belief that why did horns also come to be associated with the bride should hide such “horns” in the presence of her in-laws, to brides, of all people? convince them she could live with them harmoniously.

Suppose you are invited to a wedding ... ■What to wear The usual wedding attire for male guests is a black or dark suit and white tie. Women, on the other hand, are allowed a little more flexibility and can wear either a fomal dress or kimono. The width of the kimono sleeves differs depending on the wearer’s status: For married women, they reach to the hip, whereas single women’s sleeves are wide enough to hang down to their calves. ■Gifts The wedding gift is usually money, and there are rules dictating how you present it. Get a goshu ¯ gi-bukuro ( 御祝儀袋) envelope designed for the purpose and available at convenience stores. Write your name in the lower half on the front and insert the money in crisp, new bills (shinsatsu = 新札). When you arrive at the wedding, offer it to the person at the reception desk, bow and say, “omedeto¯-gozaimasu” (Congratulations.). Make sure you put in an odd number (kisu¯ = 奇数) of bills, because it is believed there is a jinx in an even number (gu¯su¯ = 偶 数 ), which can be divided into two and spell the couple‘s separation. An exception is two bills. Nine bills are also thought of as bad luck. ■Speeches—what you can expect Once the reception starts, expect to sit through a long series of speeches by guests chosen by the newlyweds. Speeches are part of the wedding formalities and their content is often stilted. ■Return Gifts (hikidemono = 引出物) When the wedding reception is over, you are given a large paper bag containing a thank-you gift from the newlyweds. It is not good manners to open it at the wedding. Return gifts are typically cooking utensils, serving dishes or—if you get lucky—a gift catalog and voucher. Kitchen items are so common that some Japanese homes end up with a large collection of them. ■Choosing the date There are six fortune designations given in a continuous cycle in the traditional Japanese calendar, which is based on traditional Chinese fortune-telling. One designation, taian (大安), is regarded as most desirable for weddings, while butsumetsu (仏滅), on the other hand, is to be avoided. Because of this, when a taian falls on a weekend, wedding halls, hotels and shrines everywhere are booked out. Few

tai (big)

ほっ hot relieved




giri giri

dizzy; stumble


scared; nervous

■Mr. Pole is talking about the wedding reception he attended yesterday:

On the day of the wedding, I got lost (took the wrong road). 結婚式 の 日 道 を 間違えました。 kekkon-shiki no hi michi o machigaemashita wedding ceremony


yasumono- gai no zeni ushinai lose

I bought it because it was cheap, but it broke straight away. 安かった ので 買いました が、すぐに 壊れました。 yasukatta node kaimashita ga, suguni kowaremashita was cheap




butsu: Buddha hotoke: Buddha

仏 の 顔 も 三度

There is a limlt to one’s patience. You can only pray to Buddha

hotoke no kao mo sando face


three times

be all over; the end

Our president is patient, but there is a limit to anyone’s patience. 社長 は 気 が 長いです が『仏 の 顔 も 三度』です。 shacho¯ wa ki ga nagai desu ga, “hotoke no kao mo sando” desu

I was nervous giving a speech. スピーチ は 2 nervous しました。 speech wa shimashita

company president


You ought to be careful. 気 を つけたほう が いい です ね。 ki o tsuketaho ¯ ga i desu ne

When it was over, I was relieved. 終わった 時 は と しました。 3 relieved owatta toki wa to shimashita

had better take care

when finished


o k

hi akus

仏 作って 魂 入れず hotoke tsukutte tamashi Buddha





not giving


So, I gulped down some sake. 5 ですから お酒 を 飲みました。 gulp desukara osake o nomimashita therefore

I felt dizzy. 6



Today, I have a hangover. しました。 今日 は 二日酔い です。 shimashita kyo ¯ wa futsuka-yoi desu hangover

Doing something in a superficial way, forgetting the most important part. (Lit. Making a Buddha statue, but failing to give

Despite all efforts (on the document), the main point is missing. drank


was broken

Penny wise and pound foolish, I suppose. 『安物買い の 銭失い』です ね。 “yasumono-gai no zeni ushinai” desu ne (e) (f)

this time if it is a failure

After the speech, I was extremely thirsty. スピーチ の 後 のど が 4 bone-dry でした。 speech no ato nodo ga deshita

Buying cheap and wasting money/Penny wise and pound

If I fail this time, it will all be over.

was on time

after the speech

an: peace of mind yasu(i): cheap

今度 失敗したら おしまいです。 kondo shippai shitara oshimai desu

made a mistake

But I just made it on time. でも で 間 に 合いました。 1 barely demo de maniaimashita but

metsu (death)



doki doki kara kara

barely (space, time, deadline, etc.)


butsu (Buddha)

cheep goods buying money




fura fura gabu gabu

an (peace of mind)

安物買いの 銭失い

Onomatopoeia (a)

unlucky day (calendar wise)





せっかく 作った のに 要点 が 抜けています。 sekkaku tsukutta noni yo¯ten ga nuketeimasu make efforts made




(f )





though main point

is missing

A statue of Buddha with no soul, right ? 『仏 作って 魂 入れず』ですね。 “hotoke tsukutte tamashi irezu” desu ne With cooperation from Akiko

E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

r e a ly stor m y o l a e

weather forecast

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban


Mr. Pole

Japanese frequently comment on the weather as a way of greeting each other. When you meet a colleague in the elevator or on the street, try greeting them by commenting on the weather. You will often hear these phrases in the elevator. It dispels those uncomfortable silences as the floors flash by. For example, if someone says :

All you need to say in reply is:


蒸し暑い mushiatsui

暑い atsui

cool 涼しい suzushi

cold 寒い samui

Mr. Mori :

Mr. Pole :

Mr. Mori :

(friendly form)


Mr. Pole :

蒸し暑い です ね。 mushiatsui desu ne

By the way, Mr. Taki resigned yesterday. そう言えば、昨日 滝さん 3  会社 を 辞めましたよ。 particle kaisha o yamemashita yo so¯ ieba kino¯ Taki-san

company quit

emphasizing the person

yesterday president



[low atmospheric pressure / bad mood]


Mr. Mori is in a bad mood now, so you’d better be careful. 今、森さん は『低気圧』ですから 気 を つけたほうが いいですよ。 ima Mori-san wa『te¯ kiatsu』desu kara ki o tsuketa-ho¯ ga i desu yo so

didn’t know

A bolt out of the blue


雨降って 地固まる

です。 うわあ∼ 困ったなあ..... desu uwa¯ komatta na¯

You know, tomorrow will take care of itself.

Don’t worry!

Tomorrow will take care of itself

雲泥の差 unde¯ no sa

です desu


   。 particle

五里霧中 gori muchu¯

giving information


そうですね so¯ desu ne

『明日 は 明日 の 風 が 吹く』 ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku

the difference between clouds and mud

[great difference]

first rank

Answers 2

The ground becomes firm after rain.

[Calm comes after a storm. / An argument clears away bad feelings between people.]

There is a big difference between the first rank and the 10th. 1 位 と 10 位では 『雲泥の差』です。 ichi-i to ju¯-i dewa 『unde¯ no sa』desu 

蒸し暑 かった です ね。 きのう は kino¯ wa mushiatsu katta desu ne

蒸し暑い mushiatsui

after all

You will be all right. Don’t worry.


lightning strikes

[be severely scolded]

Oh, no. I’m in trouble.

大丈夫ですよ 心配しないで! daijobu desu yo shimpai-shinaide

re oa

had better be careful I tell you

After all, the argument cleared the air, didn’t it? 結局 『雨降って 地固まる』でした ね。 kekkyoku 『ame futte ji katamaru』deshita ne

No problem.

くなりましたね。 蒸し暑 mushiatsu kunarimashita ne

The company president was very angry yesterday. 昨日 社長 は 『大荒れ』でした。 kino¯ 『o¯ are』 deshita

ame futte ji katamaru

It was humid yesterday, wasn’t it?

It’s getting i-adjective . → first omit : i then add : kunarimashita e.g., mushiatsu × i kunarimashita It’s getting humid, isn’t it?

heavy storm

What? I had no idea.



He was severely scolded again. また 『雷 が 落ちました』。 mata 『kaminari ga ochimashita』

Oh, no. I’m in trouble... Mr. Mori :


[show unrestrained emotion and get angry with everybody]

雷 が 落 ち ます

Yes, it is.


today It was i-adjective . → first omit : i then add : katta e.g., mushiatsu × i katta desu


isn’t it

It’s a bolt out of the blue.

It’s humid today, isn’t it?



kaminari ga ochimasu


what? not at all

mushiatsui desu



ええ? 全然 知りませんでした。 ee zen-zen shirimasendeshita

→ i-adjective desu



It is humid today, isn’t it? 1 今日 は ですね。 is humid kyo wa desu ne

by the way

It’s i-adjective .

今日 は kyo wa


in the elevator

warm 暖かい  あったかい atatakai attakai (polite form)

old Chinese word meaning lightning

blue sky


■Let’s practice ...fill in the numbered boxes using these i-adjectives: humid

Tomorrow will take care of itself. 『明日 は 明日 の 風 が 吹く』 ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku

A bolt out of the blue 『青天の霹靂』 se¯ ten no heki-reki

It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Yes, it is. いい天気 です ね。 そうですね i tenki desu ne so ¯ desu ne Don’t contradict them. ...I don’t think so. / No, it’s not a nice day. This is not really a conversation but more of a greeting!



Yes, there are many more. The weather-related words you After a meeting at work, a colleague told me “kyo ¯ wa are talking about are often used when greeting others. This may be o ¯ are desu kara ki o tsuketa-ho¯ ga i desu yo (Today the case in other languages as well. There are special words for is really stormy, so you should be careful.)” But it each of the four seasons (shiki), especially autumn (aki) (about 100 looked nice and sunny outside, so I said, “i tenki desu words), then winter (fuyu) , summer (natsu) and spring (haru). But yo (It’s sunny).” My colleague laughed at me. you can also use weather-related words and phrases to say things Afterward, I found out the word “o ¯ are” doesn’t indirectly. Some of these metaphorical phrases can be used tactfully necessarily refer to the weather. Are there any other to avoid mentioning something unpleasant, such as a bad mood or an weather-related words that can be used to mean argument. something completely different?

Weather greetings ■



が ga


よ yo


『青天の霹靂』 seten no heki-reki

a dense fog over 20 kilometers long

[be at a loss; be utterly bewildered]

We are at a loss over this matter. この件 は 『五里霧中』です。 kono ken wa 『gori muchu¯』desu this matter With cooperation from Akiko E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Design : Masako Ban

tsumaranai mono (boring gift) ?

Mr. Pole

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama



御歳暮 osebo

■ Mr.

(from middle of June to middle of July)

Mr. Pole :

(from middle of November to end of December) Clerk :

的 な + noun teki na

It is a generally-held opinion. 一般的な意見です。 ippan-teki na iken desu opinion e.g.,

的 に + sentence teki ni

It is in general use. 一般的に普及をしています。 ippan-teki ni fukyu¯ o shite-imasu

Grammar notes

Mr. Pole :

に ni

から kara

を o

when receiving a gift


お受け取り致します ouketori-itashimasu

客観 的



合理 的



this much business associate

効果 的



What kind of things do you usually receive (for ochugen)? 4 普通 どんな物 を か。 receive futsu¯ donna-mono o ka

全体 的



否定 的



肯定 的



平均 的


(on) average

I received (the gift) yesterday. Thank you very much.

昨日 kino ¯

専門 的


specialized (professionally)

伝統 的



論理 的



社会 的



精神 的


spiritual(ly) /mental(ly)

封建 的


conservative(ly) /feudalistic(ally)

協力 的

kyo¯ ryoku-teki


画一 的



I received so much (of gift) from a business associate. 2



received (polite form)

see. Generally, it’s beer or nori or things like that.


▲see “teki”

▲see below

Mr. Pole calls up the sender to thank him.

when receiving a document, fax, letter, etc.

いただきます itadakimasu

superior or customer


Let’s see. Mr. Pole :

Polite forms of “receive” vary as follows:



。 有難うございました。 arigato¯ -gozaimashita 

yesterday Sender :

Oh, no, please don’t mention it. いいえ とんでもないです。 iie, tondemonai desu modest form of “Don’t mention it.”

もらいます moraimasu

friend, family, one’s equal or junior

受け取ります uketorimasu

To break uncomfortable silences while you are searching for words, use toka as a filler as follows:

toka... Before a meal, say, “itadakimasu” to show your appreciation to nature, to God and to the person who cooked the meal or is treating you to it. 2

から kara


いただきました itadakimashita


もらいます moraimasu


いただきました itadakimashita

一般的です。 ippan-teki desu shu¯ kan-teki

そうですね...一般的 に...ビール とか...海苔...ですね。 so desu ne...ippan-teki ni... toka...nori...desu ne ■

It is general.

主観 的

usually what kind of things

です。 desu

Secretary : Let’s

もらいます moraimasu

giver something receive Use: ni or kara, if receiving from person / kara, if receiving from an organization.

的 teki

I received a delivery slip. 1 不在票 を 。 received fuzai-hyo¯ o Your name and customer number please. お名前、お客様番号 を どうぞ。 onamae, okyaku-sama bango¯ o do¯zo

こんなに 取引先 konnani torihiki-saki

[receiver] receives something from [giver]

は wa


Next day, he shows his secretary the gift he has received:

You may find a slip left in your mailbox or at your door to let you know a delivery person called in your absence. Just call the number on it, and you will be able to receive it within the day.

受け取りました uketorimashita

一般的 ippan-teki

general(ly) ...


Pole calls a courier service about the delivery notice left on the door:

[宅 急便] takkyu¯ bin is the courier service that delivers items anywhere in Japan within two days.




御中元 ochugen

Typical seasonal gift items have long been beer, cooking oil and seaweed (nori), and people did not bother much about the recipient’s needs. But department stores now offer a variety of items so customers can select something the recipients would actually enjoy. When you receive a gift, remember to thank the sender the next time you talk to the person, no matter how late it seems. It is also a good idea to Thank you for (the gift) the other day. send thank-you cards. When you say thank you, it 先日は有難うございました。 is not particularly necessary to mention what the senjitsu wa arigato¯-gozaimashita gift was. All you have to say is:


-ic; -li; -al; -like; -ish; -ly

You are correct. It’s an expression of humility to say “tsumaranai mono desu I have been receiving a lot of gifts of cans ga” when offering a gift, no matter how expensive the item. The phrase has been used of beer, towels and seaweed from so often it does not mean much any more. Japanese companies pay bonuses in early Japanese acquaintances recently. It’s too summer and toward the end of the year, and people purchase and send gifts from early for Christmas, and too late for my department stores around these times. These gifts are called ochu¯ gen—midyear gift— birthday. In the hope of finding out what it and ose¯ bo—year-end gift. The gifts are sent to people to whom one feels indebted or to was all about, I called up one of the clients, and are intended to express gratitude and appreciation. Department stores cash in senders and thanked him, but he only said on the two seasons by setting up special gift areas. Each season, the media report the sales “tsumaranai mono desu ga.” Surely he figures as an indicator of the current state of the economy. Last year, the average Japanese did not mean to say that he had sent me “a sent a gift worth ¥4,200 to each of four recipients.

Summer gift Winter gift





What kind of food do you like?

Mr. Pole:

Let’s see...I like fish...meat...and so on. えーっと...魚 とか...肉 とか...です。 e¯tto...sakana toka...niku toka...desu

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

g o ro o r o g l yin g a b o ut


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

お 盆 obon

.........Buddhist festival of the dead (Aug. 13-15)

Friend :

I will _ .

volitional form + to omoimasu

dictionary form + tsumori desu

masu -form e.g., I will go. 行きます。 iki-masu

I’m thinking of going. 行こう と 思います。 - to omoimasu iko


I plan to go. 行くつもりです。 iku-tsumori desu ▲

maybe, perhaps た......... ぶん..... ta.........bun.....

たぶん tabun

empty (applies to rooms, がらがら gara-gara shops, trains and so on)

drive at a snail’s pace のろのろ運転 noro-noro unten

Answers 1 予約 を しよう と 思います。 yoyaku o shiyo- to omoimasu 6

のろのろ運転 noro-noro unten



たぶん tabun

長蛇 の 列 cho-da no retsu


Mr. Pole :

Friend :


ごろごろ しよう goro-goro shiyo


すし詰め sushi-zume

です。 desu

How about...?

、車 は kuruma wa




drive at a snail’s pace


whatever you do, you have to wait in a long line. 7 何 を するにも 。 long line nani o suru nimo

lie about ごろごろ します goro-goro shimasu

がらがら gara-gara

具体的 に まとめてください。 gutai-teki ni matomete-kudasai

Mr. Pole :

I think that is very specific. 非常に 具体的 だと思います。 hijo-ni gutai-teki da to omoimasu

典型 的

tenke- -teki

対照 的

taisho- -teki

opposite(ly) /by contrast

楽観 的



比較 的


relative(ly) /diametric(ally)

基本 的



国際 的



計画 的


deliberate(ly) /premeditated(ly)

長期 的

cho- ki-teki

in the long run

短期 的


for the short term

積極 的


spontaneous(ly) /aggressive(ly)

消極 的

sho- kyoku-teki

passive(ly) /negative(ly)

根本 的




Trains are jam-packed, cars move only at a snail’s pace, 電車 は densha wa

long line 長蛇の列 cho-da no retsu


Summarize in specific points.

business district

How about tourist spots? 観光地 は どうですか。 kanko- chi wa do- desu ka tourist resort

jam-packed すし詰め sushi-zume

穴場 anaba



train secret spot/good spot known to few people

的 に + sentence teki ni


also train

▲If you are very uncertain, stretch the vowels as you pronounce the word.

穴場 anaba

contents e.g.,

的 だと思います。 teki dato omoimasu

It is probably already booked to the full. 2 もう いっぱいです よ。 probably moippai desu yo

Restaurants and trains are empty. 4 レストラン も 電車 も empty restaurant mo densha mo


た... ぶん... ta...bun...

具体的 な 内容 です。 gutai-teki na naiyo- desu


Let me tell you

I plan to_ .

(This is) the specific content.

的 な + noun teki na

please wrap up

Do you want to know the best spot? It is business districts. 3 を 教えましょうか ....... オフィス街 です。 a secret spot office-gai desu o oshiemasho- ka

                 more certain

具体的 gutai-teki




Grammar notes

I’m thinking of _ .



I’m thinking of reserving a room at a Japanese inn tomorrow. 1 明日 旅館 の I’m thinking of reserving ashita ryokan no tomorrow

■ When you describe your “will; decision”:

less certain


Mr. Pole and a friend are talking about their summer vacation plans.

Mr. Pole :


During the obon, many people return to their parents’ home or the home where they were born and visit the family grave to offer incense, flowers and fruit. Married women are responsible for taking ro s h i m asu their children to their parents-in-law. With go gifts to present to parents and relatives and o g n or a long travel home, it is typically an expensive visit for the returning family. For many, such expenses are itai shuppi, or “painful cost.”


Working people usually take a summer holiday only for three to four “Are you going anywhere over the summer vacation?” I days, often from Aug. 13 to 15, a period called obon. Since this is a very asked a Japanese friend, and he said, “It’s been a long short holiday, vacationers tend to concentrate at tourist spots (kanko-chi). time since I last took a vacation, so I just want to lie about Because of this, trains are in a state of sushi-zume (jam-packed), and at home (goro-goro shimasu).” Another friend of mine - tai) as long as 100 kilometers. What major highways are jammed (ju told me he was planning on visiting his parents’ home happens to typical vacation goers is, when they return to work, they are (jikka) with his wife, but that he was heavy-hearted (ki ga exhausted from taking a vacation! This is why many Japanese say they omoi) and didn’t look that happy. I don’t see why my would rather stay home and just goro-goro shimasu, or ”lie about and Japanese friends don’t seem that excited when the relax in a lazy manner.” summer vacation is coming.

Mr. Pole



-ic; -li; -al; -like; -ish; -ally; -ly

文化 的



That is the typical summer vacation. これ が 典型的 な 夏休み です。 kore ga tenke- -teki na natsu-yasumi desu

好意 的

ko- i-teki

favorable(-bly) /friendly

this is

科学 的



現代 的


contemporary(-ily) /modernistic(ally)


summer vacation

Mmmm.... I think I will just lie about at home. うーん ..... 家 で uchi de unnnnnn at home


lie about

With cooperation from Akiko E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

Japan suffers many earthquakes. Back in January 1995, “Hanshin daishinsai” (the Great Hanshin Earthquake) caused 6,430 deaths and some victims are still suffering the aftereffects. If you notice an earthquake, make sure to put out all fires and gas flames, then open your windows and/or doors. This will secure an escape route in case the house or apartment block itself starts leaning.

Mr. Pole


......... finally / at last / after all →

“shindo” is the seismic intensity (level of the earthquake). After the quake, television and radio announce “shingenchi” (the seismic center), and how big it was in the scale called “shindo.”

▲ when one has been looking forward to the event

(used when one was not sure what the result would be)

felt by people while walking; cups and glasses fall from shelves ・shindo-go / 震度5... violent earthquake ( kyo-shin) walls crack; gravestones fall ・shindo-roku / 震度6... disastrous earthquake ( resshin) landslides; houses collapse ・shindo-nana / 震度7... severe earthquake ( gekishin) cracks in the ground, fault


At last, I did it.

Help e.g.,

A) B) C) D)

when when when when





C ) tasukete

D) tetsudatte

yudan taiteki Never let down your guard. (Feeling secure is a great enemy.)

ついに できました。 tsuini dekimashita

I’m used to it, so there is nothing to worry about. 慣れています ので 心配ない です。 narete-imasu node shimpai naidesu used to


don’t worry



Do not let down your guard. ■



Mr. Pole:

Help !

Mr. Pole:

ですよ。 desu yo

Mr. Pole fails to do as advised.

See, just as I expected. ほら やっぱり! hora yappari I thought so

Mr. Pole:

Finally, the fire has been put out. 3


火 が きえました ね。 hi ga kiemashita ne fire

“ga” ... emphasis on fire

After all, the fire has been put out. 4


火 が 消えた。 hi ga kiemashita ne

(feeling relieved after all the efforts) TV Reporter:

At last, the fire was put out. (in live broadcast) 5


火 が きえました 。 hi ga kiemashita

(stressing that the fire was “finally” put out)

It’s much faster to go this way (short cut). こっち の ほう が ずっと 近道 です よ。 kocchi no ho- ga zutto chikamichi desu yo

The fire engine still has not come ... it’s taking a long time. 消防車....... 遅い です ね。 ta su sho- bo-sha ..... osoi desu ne ke fire engine late isn't it ? te Oh, it finally arrived. 2 あっ        来ました。 finally a kimashita

Oh came ■ 20 minutes after fire fighting started




when one was unsure if it would be completed


your cooking pan catches fire → your job keeps you up all night → you are molested on a crowded train → you have an urgent errand to take care of →


At the scene of a fire in Mr. Pole’s neighborhood

・in case of any danger or emergency → 助けて tasukete ・when you need a hand with something → 手伝って tetsudatte

"Help" "Help" "Help" "Help"

sonae areba urei nashi

Be prepared. (If prepared, there is no anxiety.)

look ■

■ 緊急電話 (kinkyu- denwa).....Emergency Telephone (All public pay phones have a

Usage note


やっと できました。 yatto dekimashita

とうとう to-to- ...... with emotion (happy, upset, etc); often used in negative form e.g., After all (finally), I wasn’t able to do it. とうとう できませんでした。 ▲ when one feels upset about not being able to do it to- to- dekimasendeshita ついに tsuini ...... Stressing the result at the moment of finding it out

felt by many people; doors shake slightly ・shindo-san / 震度3... minor earthquake (jakushin) a clattering sound is heard; hanging objects move ・shindo-yon / 震度4... medium earthquake (chu-shin)

ill ... byo- ki Average number of dispatched vehicles ... 6.6 ambulances a minute; one fire engine a minute accident ... jiko ・Ambulance ..........救急車 (kyu- kyu-sha) Phone: 119 fire .... kaji ・Fire Department ..消防署 (sho-bo- sho) Phone: 119 thief ... dorobo・Police .................. 警察 (ke-satsu) Phone: 110 lost items ...wasuremono

isoga ba maware More haste, less speed. (When in a hurry, you make a detour.)

Mr. Pole:

Finally, it‘s done.

felt by people who are static

震度2... light earthquake ( ke-shin)

red botton for you to push to make a free call to 110 and 119.)

+ sentence

やっと yatto ...... longing; waiting e.g.,

■ 防災の日 (bo- sai no hi) .... Disaster Prevention Day On Sept. 1, 1923, a severe earthquake occurred in the Kanto- region (Kantodaishinsai = Great Kanto Earthquake), causing approximately 90,000 deaths. Since then, Sept. 1 has been Disaster Prevention Day. If you go to stores around this time, you will find special sections for disaster prevention goods (e.g., dried biscuits, emergency provisions, drinking water, flashlights, firstaid kits). Many households in Japan keep these items handy, so you should make sure you have them too, just in case.

Emotional expressions


There are three ways to say “finally” in Japanese. All of them imply the images of “effort,” “difficulty” and “trouble.”

・shindo-ichi / 震度1... slight earthquake (bishin) ・shindo-ni /



Last night, there was an earthquake (jishin). It was really scary, so I called a friend to say “tetsudatte” (Help). But he said “nani o?” (What with?)! Why did he say such a cruel thing? A few minutes after the earthquake, there was a news flash on television that said where I live was shindo 3. What does that mean?


emergency kinkyu-


this way Friend:

shortest way; short cut

No, even if it’s a roundabout way, it’s safer to take the way we know better. いいえ、遠回り でも 確実性 の 高いほう が 安全 です。 -ie, to- mawari demo kakujitsuse- no takai ho- ga anzen desu no round about way even






When in a hurry, make a detour

助けて tasukete

ですよ。 desu yo


やっと yatto

Mr. Pole:


You are always perfectly prepared. さすが いつも 準備 は 完璧 です ね。 sasuga itsumo jumbi wa kampeki desu ne

やっと yatto 4

always Friend:

とうとう to-to-

preparation perfection


If prepared, there is no anxiety.

ですよ。 desu yo

Answers 5

ついに tsuini


『油断大敵』 yudan-taiteki


『急がば回れ』 isogaba maware


『備えあれば憂いなし』 sonae areba urei nashi

With cooperation from Akiko E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun



5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


kindness; obligation; debt of gratitude

Design : Masako Ban


Mr. Pole

“oba-san” is a word for an old lady or one’s grandmother, whereas The other day, I saw a middle-aged lady drop a book “obasan” means middle-aged lady or one’s aunt. You probably meant to in the street. I called “oba san!” but she probably say “obasan.” As you see, “oba-san” and “obasan” look almost the same. didn’t hear me and just kept walking. So, I ran after The difference is whether or not you stretch the letter “a” when pronouncing her and again shouted “oba- san!” This time she it. In Japanese, there are many other words like these two that share similar noticed me calling but looked very fierce. Then she pronunciation but mean something completely different. The lady you grabbed her book from me and walked away without mention was probably upset because you called her “old lady” even though saying anything. I thought I was being nice, so I don’t she is still middle-aged. Next time you call someone you don’t know to draw understand why she didn’t thank me. What is her his or her attention, just say “sumimasen” (Excuse me). problem ?

■ Make sure you pronounce the vowels “a, i, u, e, o” correctly to avoid problems. しゅじん shujin my husband

きて kite please come

とり tori bird

おじさん ojisan middle-aged man; uncle

しゅうじん shu- jin prisoner

きいて ki- te please listen

とおり to- ri street

おじいさん oj -i san old man; grandfather

敬 老 の 日 (ke- ro- no hi)

Mr. Pole : Grandmother:

verb (te-form) + くれました。 kuremashita

my wife




politer “kudasaimashita”

[Later, Mr. Pole is talking about this incident to someone else.]

Ms. Oda helped me to carry my baggage. 小田さん は 私 の 荷物 を 持ってくれました。 Oda-san wa watashi no nimotsu o motte-kuremashita


教えてくれました。 oshiete-kuremashita


探してくれました。 sagashite-kuremashita

family or work



Family is (also) is also important... 家庭 も 大切... 仕事 も 大切...。 kate- mo taisetsu... shigoto mo taisetsu...


teach (tell)



です。 desu

I’m in a dilemma

そして 一緒に 家 を soshite isshoni uchi o and



look for

Sometimes, my landlord looks after my child; he’s very helpful. 時々 大家さん は 子供を 預かってくれます ので 助かります。 toki doki o¯ yasan wa kodomo o azukattekuremasu node tasukarimasu

together house

わざわざ ここ まで waza waza koko made


sometimes landlord



look after


To the house? He really was a kind person, wasn’t he?


He was a police officer!

Mr. Pole :


来てくれました。 kite-kuremashita

“waza-waza” is used in a sentence when showing the appreciation to someone for doing something. If you use this “waza-waza” for your own action, people may think you have a patronizing attitude. So, be careful. わざわざ + one’s action take the trouble to do -> waza waza e.g., Thank you for taking the trouble to do it. za wa hita a わざわざ  ありがとうございました。 s z wa ima waza waza arigato¯ -gozaimashita za Thank you very much. ありがとうございました。 arigato¯ -gozaimashita



“A neighbor is better than a relative living far away”

a rig





ですね。 desu ne

[casual style conversation]

▲ Can be replaced with

Thank you. (That’s very kind of you.)



▲take the trouble to do; see below

May I carry your baggage?

持ってくれました。 motte-kuremashita


He took the trouble to come all the way here.

I received someone’s action (implying someone was kind enough to do something for me)


妻 に 『家庭 と 仕事 どっちが 大切 ? 』と 言われました。 tsuma ni『kate- to shigoto docchi ga taisetsu ?』to iwaremashita

and he looked for the house with me.

Mr. Pole :

Mr. Pole :

My wife asked me: “Which is more important, family or work?”


implying : “someone was kind enough to do something for me”

Mr. Pole :

板ばさみ itabasami be in a dilemma (be sandwiched between∼)

He carried my bags.

この街 の いろいろな所 を kono machi no iro-iro na tokoro o

[ someone did something for me: I benefited from someone’s action ]

e.g., Ms. Oda :

3. A

He told me about many places in this town.


恩に着ます on ni kimasu be profoundly grateful [casual style]

I met a kind person at the train station.

that person

Grammar notes



You have a lot of baggage. How did you carry them?

その 人 は 荷物 を sono hito wa nimotsu o

— Respect for the Aged Day (Sept. 15)

を + o

遠くの親戚より近くの他人 toku no shinseki yori chikaku no tanin A neighbor is better than a relative living far away.

Mr. Pole’s grandmother came to visit Japan from the South Pole

The average span of life for Japanese men last year was 77.97 years and for women, 83.82 years. From age 65, people are treated as “old” by the system in Japan. But in this aging society, 65 is not exactly “old” and is rather considered ”middle-aged.” Nowadays, people from 65 up to age 75 are often treated as “young-old,” and those above 75 are treated as the actual “old.” The oldest living Japanese twins are the 107-year-old twin sisters known as “Kin-san” and “Gin-san.”

は wa


Oh, I forgot to take money out (of the bank)! ああ∼ お金 を おろす のを 忘れた! aa okane o orosu no o wasureta! Oh




I will pay you back tomorrow, so can you lend me 30,000 yen? 明日 返す から 3万円 貸して。 ashita kaesu kara san-man en kashite tomorrow Friend : Mr. Pole :

pay back

30,000 yen

please lend me

No problem. I really appreciate it. (I’m profoundly grateful.)


A ... 3

B ... 1

C ... 2 With cooperation from Akiko E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

知る  しる

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


shiru aware; know; intelligence


Design : Masako Ban

When I want to say “I don’t know” in Japanese, I always say shirimasen. But I’ve noticed many Japanese people use wakarimasen more often. These two phrases are supposed to have the same meaning, so what’s the difference? Is wakarimasen politer than shirimasen? I’m afraid that I may have been using shirimasen in inappropriate situations.

As you say, wakarimasen means the same as shirimasen. But there is a difference: If you use shirimasen in conversation, it can sound cold in some cases. But there is no need to worry when you don’t know which phrase is more appropriate in a particular situation. The information below may answer your questions concerning these two phrases. But if the difference is still not clear, it may be safer to just use wakarimasen.

Mr. Pole

“I don’t know” in Japanese can be...

Client :

・can sound abrupt if used too much ・can imply “That’s not my concern,” shirimasen said in a strong tone of voice (I don’t have any knowledge/information)


・can be used in just about any situation ・will not be misunderstood as long as not used in a strong tone of voice ・can be used in any case concerning  the five senses; see below

wakarimasen (I have no idea)

私の知る限りでは watashi no shiru kagiri dewa

(as far as I know)


知り合い shiriai



知名度 - do chime

(degree of fame)


世間知らず seken shirazu

(be ignorant of the ways of the world, naive)

I hear you are going to Kyoto next week. 来週 京都 に raishu- Kyoto ni




hear you will go


▲ (this information is uncertain)

next week

Are you staying in a hotel or an inn?


ホテル です か。  Hotel desu ka

なぜかよく売れています。 nazeka yoku ureteimasu



旅館 です か。 ryokan desu ka

Hummmm...I don’t know. 3

I don’t know. 4

I don’t know.

Q : Do you know Mr. Kijima?

(implying: “I am still thinking about it.”)


(implying: ”Someone else is making the decision.”)

Client :

わかりません wakarimasen (implying: “I learned it before, but I can’t answer it.”)


知りません shirimasen

every year new year card


As far as I know, it has nothing to do with that company. as far as I know

Hummmm...I don’t know.


知りません shirimasen

huge amount of arrive

あの会社は 関係ないですよ。 ano kaisha wa kanke¯ nai desu yo that company

I don’t know.

(implying: “I don’t know anything about restaurants in Kyoto.”)

I don’t know.

(implying: “I know a good restaurant in Kyoto, but it is not a fish restaurant.”)


nothing to do with

Recently, the number of people who are ignorant of the world has been increasing. 最近 saikin


be ignorant of the ways of the world, naive


Answers 4

Do you know of a good fish restaurant in Kyoto?


Japanese people often make a “Hsssss” sound when thinking by sucking in their breath through their teeth.

ううん ... わかりません Hssss... wakarimasen わかりません wakarimasen



▲ Answer : I don’t know.


      が 多いですから ga o¯i desu kara


I see ...

polite form of “Do you know” Mr. Pole :

■ [five senses : sight / hearing / smell / taste / touch] ・ sight Q: How high is that mountain? ・ hearing Q: Is this the sound of a harpsichord or a piano? ・ smell Q: Something smells good. Is that yakitori? ・ taste Q: Is this French wine? ・ touch Q: Is this carpet wool or synthetic?

それとも soretomo

父は  chichi wa

毎年  年賀状は山のように来ます。 maitoshi nengajo¯ wa yama no yo¯ ni kimasu

京都で魚のおいしいレストラン御存知ですか。 Kyoto de sakana no oishi- restaurant gozonji desu ka

Q : √5 ÷ 0.215 × 8 ÷ 24 = ?


My father has a wide circle of acquaintances,

so heaps of New Year’s cards arrive for him every year. 

shirimasen (implying: “I don’t have any information about him.”)

行くとか iku toka


my father

A : No, I don’t know him. しりません



somehow well well-sold Mr. Pole :


A : I don’t know.

This commodity is not well known, but somehow sells well. この商品は が 低いですが、 degree of fame kono sho ¯ hin wa ga hikui desu ga,


わかりません wakarimasen

“toka” is used to mark uncertain information heard from someone else. (I hear ... / Someone says... ) e.g.,

I hear it’s impossible. 無理 とか ...(言ってました) muri toka... (itte-mashita) impossible

someone said

の人が増えてきました。 no hito ga fuete-kimashita -verb (dictionary form) とか -noun + -i-adjective toka -na-adjective (omit “na”)


has been increasing

Perhaps it’s because they were overprotected when growing up. 多分 過保護で育ったからでしょう。 tabun kahogo de sodatta kara desho¯ perhaps overprotection grew up Answers

▲can be omitted

A - 3

B - 2

C - 1

D - 4

With cooperation from Akiko E. Yasukawa

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

ふり / -ぶり furi / -buri behavior, to wave


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

It’s the same kind of buri that is used in the saying Lately, the word buri has popped up in several news programs and ohisashi buri desu (long time, no see). It is called an its meaning is bothering me. It is used in contexts such as: the yen is “emotional expression” because it conveys feelings. For at its strongest standing in three years and eight months (san nen example, if you were to say, senjitsu, 14 nen-buri ni yuhachi kagetsu-buri); the baseball team clinched a league title for jin ni aimashita (the other day, I met a friend who I hadn’t the first time in 26 years (niju- roku nen-buri); this year’s rice crop is seen for 14 years), the implication would be that you had the best in two years (ni nen-buri); and two brothers were rescued really missed him and you were happy because you had from the rubble 129 hours after the Taiwan quake (hyaku niju- ku finally seen him again. Used in similar contexts, buri adds jikan-buri). Apparently, it’s a different kind of buri than the name feeling to a sentence. given to the yellowtail fish. Can you tell me what in the world it is?


無い袖は振れない nai sode wa furenai You cannot wave the sleeve when there is not one. (You cannot give what you don’t have.) It is mostly used for financial matters.

2. 人の振り見て我振りなおせ hito no furi mite waga furi naose Observe the behavior of others and correct your own. (Take a lesson from faults of others.) I am going to pay you back next month, so could you lend me some money?

Hirayama: Mr. Pole :

Emotional Expressions ぶり buri ■

If you have missed something for a while, you say: e.g., It has been for 10 days. 10日 ぶり です。 to- ka buri desu If you don’t remember the length of time, you say: e.g., I didn’t eat fish for a long time. 魚 は ひさしぶり です。 sakana wa hisashiburi desu If you want to emphasize how long you have missed something, you say: e.g.,

buri is used to convey things like, “I was looking forward to...”; “I’m so happy to...”; “I really miss...”; “I’ve been waiting for...” etc.

I haven’t eaten fish for 10 days. 魚 は 10日 ぶり です。 sakana wa to- ka buri desu


God, I haven’t drunk water for two days! 1 ああ∼ 水は です。 two days aa mizu wa desu

ぶりです。 buri desu

well I want to lend you

I haven’t eaten anything for a week! something

は ひさしぶり です。 wa hisashiburi desu

食べ物は tabemono wa


one week

です。 desu

は wa

the length of time


Whew! I haven’t taken a bath for four months! ふうう∼ 風呂は fu¯ furo wa

ぶり です。 buri desu

the length of time

ぶり に buri ni

+ sentence

(Be careful of numbers 4 and 9; they are very confusing.)

・hours: [number + jikan] → yo jikan (four hours), ku jikan (nine hours) ・days: [number + nichi] → ichinichi (one day), futsuka (two days), mikka (three days), yokka (four days), itsuka (five days), muika (six days), nanoka (seven days), yo- ka (eight days), kokonoka (nine days), to-ka (10 days), ju-ichi nichi (11 days)...ju- yokka, (14 days), etc. (Expressions for one to 10 days are Japanese in origin, but from 11 days and up derive from Chinese, except for 14 days, 20 days, and 24 days.)

です。 desu


four months

Oh, hello, Mr. Pole! Long time, no see, huh? 5 あらあ ですね。 long time, no see desu ne ara¯ my, my...

Mr. Pole :

Oh, wow, dear, it’s been a year! わあ∼ 本当に   6      です。 one year desu wa¯ honto-ni really

Wait a minute, what was your name? ...I’m just kidding! 冗談ですよ。 あのう∼どなた でした...? jo-dan desu yo ano- donata deshita ‘Excuse me’


ふつか ぶり futsuka buri


はんとし ぶり hantoshi buri


いっしゅうかん ぶり isshukan buri


ひさしぶり hisashiburi


よんかげつ ぶり yon kagetsu buri


いちねん ぶり ichi nen buri


I know, that’s why everyone around her hates her.

I know therefore everyone around

      です。 desu

hates her

I’d better “learn a lesson from the faults of others!” B. learn a lesson from 私も気をつけなければ ... 。 faults of others watashi mo ki o tsukenakereba

Mr. Pole soon loses consciousness and comes to seven days later.


complain See below

そう、だから周りの人に嫌われるんです。 so-, dakara mawari no hito ni kirawareru n desu

half year


・weeks: [number + shu- kan] → yon shu- kan (four weeks), kyu- shu- kan (nine weeks) ・months: [number + kagetsu] → yon kagetsu (four months), kyu- kagetsu (nine months) ・years: [number + nen] → yo nen (four years), kyu- nen (nine years)

Mr. Pole :

I haven’t slept in a bed for half a year! 4

The person is griping all the time. あの人は四六時中文句ばかり言っていますね。 ano hito wa shirokujichu- monku bakari itteimasu ne she (that person)


ベッドは  wa

See below

Hirayama: [grumbling]

food Long time no see, ohisashiburi desu

Well, I would really like to, but... え∼ 貸してあげたいのはやまやまですが、 e¯ kashite-agetai nowa yamayama desu ga I’m really broke right now, so...I can’t give you what I haven’t got, you know! う∼ん A. I can’t give you what です。 I don’t have umm desu


I am going to eat fish 10 days after the last time. 魚 は 10日 ぶり に 食べます。 sakana wa to- ka buri ni tabemasu

Expressions for lengths of time

Mr. Pole :

finally arrived

(When you are invited to a dinner, you might say this expression at the table to express your appreciation of the food being served, implying that the host has prepared food that you have missed for a while.)

If you want to emphasize that you are happy about what you are going to do, you say: e.g.,

the length of time

I’ve finally arrived! やっと着きました。 yatto tsukimashita

too must be careful Answers


A ... 1

B ... 2

= always; used with negative feelings


My husband is fooling around all the time. 主人は四六時中遊んでいます。 shujin wa shirokujichu- asondeimasu my husband


fooling around ...I wish I could/I would

-tai nowa yamayama desu ga love to, but... e.g., I would like to buy it, but I’m broke right now! 買いたいのはやまやまですが、お金がありません。 kai-tai nowa yamayama desu ga, okane ga arimasen I want to buy


don’t have

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

ことわざ       kotowaza proverbs

Mr. Pole

Hmm...welI...I wish I could say no...but I do know what it is. It is a shortened form of “ecological car,” isn‘t it? As you have noticed, there are many Japanese words that are shortened so that they are much easier to say. I call such words “Shrunk Japanese.” The “shrinking spirit” can be seen in other areas apart from language. For example, the Japanese “shrank” the big cars they imported from the United States and Japan became the land of the automobile. Another example is bonsai which is like a shrunk tree. I believe the Walkman is a well-known example of how Japanese people like to make things smaller and more convenient.

I was talking with a friend the other day, and she used the word “eco-car.” I had no idea what she meant at first, but I was gradually able to figure it out. She told me that many Japanese people use such abbreviated expressions a lot. I liked it because it was like a riddle. Anyhow, do you know what an “eco-car” is, Ms. Hirayama?

We often need to communicate quickly since modern life moves at a fast pace, so many people use shortened words. For example, “as soon as possible” is often abbreviated to “ASAP” in English. In a similar way, many Japanese words are shrunk. Even though most “shrunk Japanese” terms are made up from English words, the way they are constructed is unique to the Japanese language. But remember that “shrunk Japanese” is not really polite language, and there are some words that should not be used at work. Some fashionable words are likely to become useless within a few months.

■ Mr. Pole is looking forward to his first date with a Japanese girl tomorrow. So, he went to Hakone the other day to check out places to visit on his big day.

Hirayama :

How did you like Hakone? I had rented an imported car to go to Hakone, but... 1 を 2 実は したの です が... rent imported car o shitano desu ga jitsu wa

Mr. Pole : Well,

山の中で yama no naka de


stalling of an engine

しちゃって shichatte



▼ ▼

convenience store





telephone card

を 見つけた けど、 閉まってました。 o mitsuketa kedo shimattemashita found


2時間 くらい 歩いて やっと ni jikan kurai aruite yatto

In the 18th year of the Meiji era (1868-1912), it is said that the name, “Nippon,” was printed on ¥100 bills for the first time. The reason for using the name was that the then finance minister and the Bank of Japan governor were both originally from Satsuma (the old name for Kagoshima Prefecture), where people used to call Japan “Nippon” at the time. Nowadays, we call Japan “Nihon” most of the time. But “Nippon” is still used by the Bank of Japan and the Nippon Broadcasting System Corporation. Most Japanese people say “Gambare (go for it), Nippon!” when they want to encourage the Japanese athletes to do their best during the Olympic Games. I’ve also heard that the Bank of Japan has been using the name, ”Nihon“ recently.


Hirayama :

Then, I saw a message on my answering machine, and... 8 に メッセージ が 入っていました。 answering machine ni message ga haitteimashita


please don’t feel bad tonight

gaikoku sha foreign country car がいしゃ gaisha


rental car レンタ renta


the engine stalls エンスト ensuto


air conditioner エアコン eakon


convenience-store コンビニ kombini


telephone card テレカ tereka


family restaurant ファミレス famiresu


rusuban denwa answering machine るすでん rusuden

Mr. Pole :

に 行きましょう。 ni ikimasho

dotanba (last-moment) cancellation ドタキャン dotakyan

plane ticket

unexpected present (you are lucky)

です ね。 desu ne

cannot go

What a windfall!

Hotels are competing hard these days because of the recession.

these days



I think so. That’s why their rates vary “from very expensive to the cheapest,” and service can also be anything “from very good to simply awful.” ええ。ですから 値段 は B. from the best to ですし the worst e- desukara nedan wa desu shi

let’s go 9



していますね。 shiteimasu ne

therefore price

Answers 1

isn’t it

最近は不景気なのでたくさんのホテルが競争を saikin wa fuke-ki nanode hotel ga kyo- so- o

Com-pa: From company party, originally a party involving men and women from different companies, though not related to business.

Don‘t feel so bad! Let‘s go to a party tonight! 10 そんなに がっかりしないで 今晩 company sonnani gakkarishinaide konban

will go

I know! My aunt gave me the plane tickets because she couldn’t go because of her work. ええ。叔母 が 仕事 で 行けなくなった ので 航空券 e- oba ga shigoto de ikenakunatta node ko-ku-ken


それで sorede

Hirayama :

foreign travel

gave me Hirayama :

When Mr. Pole got back to his house, it was after 11 p.m.!

She had called off the date at the last minute. デート は 9 the last moment です。 cancellation date wa desu

tana bota

A windfall. [Finding a rice cake on a book-shelf.] An unexpected piece of good luck.

を くれました。 o kuremashita

を 見つけました。 o mitsukemashita

two hours about walking finally ■

Nippon or Nihon ?

family restaurant


Wow, that‘s sudden! あら 急 です ね。 ara kyu- desu ne



pin kiri

from the best to the worst [From “No.1” through “No.10”] pin stands for “No.1” or “the best” in Portuguese. kiri, however, stands for the cross (the symbol of Christianity), which looks like “十,” or "10" in Japanese.

I‘m going abroad on vacation next week. 来週 から 海外旅行 に 行きます。 raishu- kara kaigai ryoko- ni ikimasu

yes aunt

が できませんでした。 が なくて 電話 ga nakute denwa ga dekimasendeshita didn’t have

rice cake

oh sudden Mr. Pole :



next week Hirayama :


I walked for about two hours and finally found a family restaurant.

gaijin kanabi rimokon pokeberu eakon pasokon kombini nichigin 1. パ ソ コ ン 2. リモコン 3. ポケベル 4.エアコン 5. コンビニ 6. がいじん 7.にちぎん 8. カーナビ

日本 .....


shelf from

I couldn’t make a phone call because I didn’t have a telephone card.

Bank of Japan nichi 日本ぎんこう 日 { ni car navigation system カーナビゲーション システム


1キロ先 に ichi kiro saki ni


air conditioner エアーコンディショナー


foreigner がいこくじん

air も 壊れてしまって.... conditioning mo kowareteshimatte broke down

I found a convenience store a kilometer further on, but it was closed!


▼ ▼

pocket-bell ポケットベル

remote control リモートコントロール


convenience-store コンビニエンスストアー


2. tana kara botamochi

Mr. Pole :

it stalled in the mountains, and the air conditioning also broke down.


personal computer パーソナル コンピューター

one from


Shrunk Japanese



1. pin kara kiri made

Design : Masako Ban



5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


サービスも           B. from the best to the worst service mo

company party コンパ kompa

ですね。 desu ne

also/too Answers

A ... 2

B ... 1 With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

こうかい ko-kai

大 晦日

The following expression is used as a final parting word at the end of the year. It is said to a person you will not see again until the following year.

どうぞ良いお年を do-zo yoi otoshi o I wish you a happy New Year! ■

These are the greetings used during the first two weeks in January.

明けましておめでとうございます akemashite omedeto- gozaimasu Happy New Year! 今年もどうぞよろしくおねがいします kotoshi mo do- zo yoroshiku onegaishimasu I hope it’s going to be a good year for us.


repentance, regret before

2. 後 の 祭 り

4. 因 果 応 報 inga

o- ho-



です。 desu

but (casual style)

Remove the vowel i of an i-adjective and add so-. exception: look(s) good → yosasoい そう です。 sleepy e.g., You look sleepy. i so- desu ねむい ねむそう です。 i-adjective look(s) nemui nemuso- desu 2. have / has done (already) This expression implies that you have done something that you regret. しまいました。 te form + shimaimashita  e.g., (I regret that ) I have been drunk. (I regret that ) I have misplaced it. 酔っぱらってしまいました 置き忘れてしまいました yopparatte-shimaimashita okiwasurete-shimaimashita

3. A


lack of something : noun + ぶそく busoku 


a lack of sleep ねぶそく ne-busoku 

a lack of explanations a lack of funds 資金ぶそく 説明ぶそく shikin-busoku  setsume- -busoku 



don’t know

You think so? But a stitch in time saves nine! A stitch in time saves そうですか。 です からね。 nine. desu kara ne so- desu ka

yes but


buy too much

I guess

don’t you think

It will be too late after the problem occurs, you know! 問題がおきてからでは mondai ga okite kara dewa problem

It’s too little, too late.

ですよ。 desu yo

if happen

B. Mr. Pole was swindled by a business partner in another company. Cool it, Mr. Pole! Out of temper, out of pocket, as they say. ポールさん そうカッカしないで Out of temper, out ですよ。 of pocket. Pole san so- kakka shinai de desu yo

don’t drink

Grammar note


Mr. Pole :

coming home after midnight (slang, gozen = morning)

I’m never going to drink again! もう2度とお酒は飲まないです。  mo- nidoto osake wa nomanai desu

didn’t you? 

True, but don’t you think you’ve bought too much?  ええ、でも ちょっと 買い過ぎじゃないですか。 - demo chotto kai-sugi e janai desu ka

went back

to tell the truth documents somewhere

buy in

Well, no one knows what’s going to happen on Dec. 31, right?  だって 31日は 何が起きるか 誰にもわからないでしょう。 datte 31 nichi wa nani ga okiru ka darenimo wakaranai desho-

Hirayama :

To tell the truth, I misplaced some of my documents last night. 4 .... じつは...書類をどこかに I regret misplacing my documents jitsu wa shorui o dokoka ni

1. look / looks like

You will reap whatever you sow. [Cause and effect are consistent.]

You bought a lot of food, didn’t you?  ずいぶん 買い込みましたね。 zuibun kai-komimashita ne fairly

Well, actually, I came home in the morning. ううん ...「午前様 」でした。 Unnn "gozen sama" deshita

never again

Out of temper, out of pocket. [Impatience makes you lose more money.]

short temper disadvantage

Mr. Pole :

Are you OK? What time did you get back home? 大丈夫ですか。何時ごろ帰りましたか。 daijo-bu desu ka nan ji goro kaerimashita ka what time about

Mr. Pole :


tanki wa sonki

Hirayama :

yes. I went to a party last night, drank too much, and didn’t get enough sleep. 2 いやあ 夕べ の 忘年会 で I regret drinking ... 3 lack of too much sleep iyayu-be no bo-nenkai de last night

It is too little, too late. [It is the day after the festival.]

3. 短 気 は 損 気

Mr. Pole : Well,

Well (casual style)

not be in

ato no matsuri after

A stitch in time saves nine. [It is too late for regrets.]

government advised us to stock up food and drink for a few days over the New Year because of the Y2K problem.

look sleepy, Mr. Pole! 1 ポールさん          ですね。 look sleepy Pole san desu ne

Hirayama :

saki ni tatazu

A. The

Mr. Pole attended the party of his company last night.

Hirayama : You

o- misoka (New Year’s Eve)

Most Japanese people eat soba (toshi koshi soba) on New Year’s Eve. They might listen to temple bells ringing 108 times (joya no kane) starting nationwide at midnight. According to Japanese Buddhists, it is said people possess 108 kinds of worldly desires (temptations), and they can be removed by listening to the bell ringing 108 times. Scenes at popular temples are broadcast on television as their bells are rung and people visit them. A lot of people visit shrines or temples to wish for a happy new year from very early in the morning, because public transportation is available all night.

1. 後 悔 先 に 立 た ず

bo-nen kai (party to forget the old year) 忘....forget / 年......year / 会 The reason for having bo- nen kai is that Japanese people want to forget the bad things that happened during the year by drinking a lot of alcohol. You may want to remember that Japanese employees become nervous and they cannot enjoy themselves in the presence of their superiors at a party. If you are the boss and propose a toast at the beginning, it would be nice to say “kyo- wa bure-ko- de!” (Let’s forget all the formalities and enjoy ourselves!), so that everybody can enjoy themselves on equal terms.

忘 年会

Mr. Pole

When someone has a particular song that Japanese people start holding bo- nen kai (forget-the-old-year parties) he is proud of and sings often, it is called his juwith friends and colleagues in mid-December. Someone told me that hachi ban. The term can be used for things participants are required to sing a song or perform a party trick, and other than singing, such as someone’s favorite there would be no escaping. I took this very seriously, and I practiced recipe. The expression originally referred to the a song for our office bo nen kai until I got a sore throat. The party repertoire of 18 classical kabuki pieces of the came around last night, but when I was about to sing, the guys told famed Ichikawa family. An alternative me to sing my ju hachi ban (18). Baffled, I looked up the song expression, ohako (the box), refers to the box in numbered 18 in the karaoke songlist and tried to sing it, but they said which the repertoire was kept. Try asking friends it wasn’t my ju hachi ban. It seemed everybody else was singing - hachi ban at a karaoke box, and to sing their ju different songs but referred to their songs as ju hachi ban. Ms. they will sing their favorites. Hirayama, clue me in on this!

Design : Masako Ban

regret; repentance

like that get angry at A few days later, Mr. Pole found out the swindler had been fired.

Hirayama :

See? She reaped what she sowed! ほらね。 ですよ。 You will reap desu yo hora ne whatever you sow. “See?”

There are many words that have the consonants (k or g) in Japanese when feelings and angers are described. ■

to get angry かっかする kakka suru

to get nervously irritated かりかりする kari kari suru

to explode in anger かっとなる katto naru or

かーっとなる ka- tto naru

to be grouchy がみがみ いう gami gami yu

to be disappointed がっかりする gakkari suru

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

じゅうにし ju-nishi

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


12 signs of the Chinese zodiac


Design : Masako Ban

I had dinner with friends after the New Year holiday, and they started talking about their age. One of them said, “I’m a dog. What are you, Mr. Pole?” I didn’t know what she meant, so I just said, “I’m a penguin.” They told me Japanese people are classified as different animals according to their year of birth. Is that true?

Did you receive any nengajo- (New Year cards)? Did you notice the pictures of a dragon on them? This is the year of the dragon in the ju- nishi Chinese zodiac, and nengajo- designs often include the zodiac sign of the year. Japanese people sometimes try to determine your age by asking, nani doshi desu ka (What’s your sign of the zodiac?), instead of directly asking, “How old are you?” It is a tactful question used particularly by middle-aged or older people.

Mr. Pole ■

Mr. Pole :

お正月は osho- gatsu wa Hirayama :

How was

your trip


2& 3.

Citing more than one item: -tari can be used when expressing your impression of several things.


は どうでしたか。 wa do- deshita ka は どうだった。 wa do- datta

旅行 ryoko-

(casual form)

with family

しまいました。 shimaimashita 



Y2K problem

辰 tatsu

巳 mi

How was...? (asking about the situation)

There was almost no trouble at all. トラブルはほとんどなかったですね。 trouble wa hotondo nakatta desu ne did not exist

We worried about it too much!


Asking how a situation was: Use the friendly form of 1 . Note that it shows your concern or sympathy for the person you are talking to. Hirayama :

too much worry about

this year


How bad...? (asking about the situation, in present tense)


Mr. Pole :

n ake m as h ne

How is the economy going to be this year? 今年の景気は kotoshi no ke- ki wa

Expressing an action that has gone too far:

I ate too much. ます  + すぎ です or すぎます sugimasu sugi desu 食べ過ぎました。 masu masu-form tabesugimashita e.g., I worried about it too much. をします  + の しすぎです no shisugi desu o shimasu 心配のしすぎでした masu-form shimpai no shisugi deshita


By the way, how was the Y2K problem?

Mr. Pole :

は どうでしたか。 wa do- deshita ka



2000年問題 nisennen mondai


felt at ease

そう言えば 2000年問題 は so- ieba nisennen mondai

(It is a shame that) it is over. 終わってしまいました。 owatteshimaimashita

How (bad) was the Y2K problem?


in a moment

by the way

te-form +


It’s a shame the holidays ended so quickly. あっという間に休みが  4. have finished atto yu- mani yasumi ga (expressed with regret)

I visited a shrine, went to the movies and so on—it was fun.



after a long time

+ describe ta-form + り  ta-form + り  ri ri your feelings

Hav e (h as) d o n e/ h ap p en ed al r ead y : This expression is used to show regret for what has happened or something you have done against your



Well, I guess it will level off. う∼ん...たぶん 横ばいです...ね...。 uunnn tabun yokobai desu ne



to goz de a as u im



テレビ を terebi o

It was really good to relax with my family for once. のんびりしました。 久し振りに 家族と hisashiburi ni kazoku to nonbirishimashita

(friendly form)

神社に行ったり 映画を見たり 楽しかったです。 jinja ni ittari e- ga o mitari tanoshikatta desu 

Well, I went to the shrine, watched movies (and so on). 神社に jinja ni

は いかがでしたか。 (polite form) wa ikaga deshita ka

’ s thoughts on their recent experiences:


ox (ushi)

sympathetic 思いやりがある omoiyari ga aru

cautious 慎重 shincho-

tiger (tora)

strong-willed 意志が強い ishi ga tsuyoi

accommodating 世話好き sewazuki 

rabbit (usagi)

gentle 温和 onwa

progressive 進歩的 shimpo teki

dragon (tatsu)

generous おおらか o-raka

studious 勉強家 benkyo- -ka

snake (hebi)

ambitious 前向き maemuki

passionate 情熱的 jo-netsu teki

horse (uma)

open-minded 開放的 kaiho- teki

active 行動的 ko-do- teki 

sheep (hitsuji)

patient 忍耐強い nintaizuyoi 

serious 真面目 majime

monkey (saru)

positive 積極的 sekkyoku teki

cheerful 明るい akarui

chicken (tori)

organized 几帳面 kicho-men

gentle 温厚 onko-

dog (inu)

thoughtful 思慮深い shiryobukai

honest 正直 sho- jiki

boar (inoshishi)

strong-willed 意志が強い ishi ga tsuyoi

kind 親切 shinsetsu

How was...? (asking the impression)

New Year

Grammar note

1. Asking someone


子 丑

How was your New Year holiday?


子 (rat) 丑...ushi (ox) 寅...tora (tiger) 卯...u (rabbit) 辰...tatsu (dragon) 巳...mi (snake) 午...uma (horse) 未...hitsuji (sheep) 申...saru (monkey) 酉...tori (chicken) 戌...inu (dog) 亥...i (boar) Year 2000 is tatsu. The next 12 years will therefore be: 2001 (mi) 2002 (uma) 2003 (hitsuji) 2004 (saru) 2005 (tori) 2006 (inu) 2007 (i) 2008 (ne) 2009 (ushi), 2010 (tora) 2011 (u) 2012 (tatsu)... e.g., My zodiac sign is dragon. → tatsu doshi desu

Mr. Pole and Ms. Hirayama are talking about New Year holidays.


(The 12 signs of Chinese zodiac)

This 12-year-cycle zodiac originated in China. The following list shows all the signs in the correct order. Try working out what your sign is:



- nishi signs are believed to reflect the personalities of The ju their holders. At one time they represented 12 directions on a compass and every two hours of the day starting at midnight with ne. For example, ushi no koku is 2 a.m. You may have seen the old time system referred to in samurai films. flexible sociable rat 臨機応変 社交的 (nezumi) ne rinki o- hen shako- teki

未 hitsuji

申 saru

酉 tori

戌 inu

亥 i

leveling off With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama



In the past, it was not common for Japanese women to declare their love for a man—a woman used to wait for a man to approach her. But St. Valentine’s Day is now an occasion when Japanese women can make their feelings known by giving chocolates. There are two different kinds of chocolates. One is called giri-choco. Women give them to male acquaintances so they don’t feel left out. Such chocolates are given out of friendship or a sense of duty and they are usually cheap. Women who work in offices usually give giri-choco to male colleagues and it is estimated that the average amount of giri-choco received by a man last year was 12.2 pieces. (giri means “obligation”!)

Design : Masako Ban

A lot of girls gave me chocolates on Feb. 14, but one of my friends said, “All you got is girichoco!” I looked at all the chocolates, but it doesnt say giri anywhere. Ms. Hirayama, what is giri-choco?



I heard that restaurant’s food is delicious. あの店は おいしい oish iano mise wa


“...rashi-” is better use when you are guessing from indirect information or less credible rumors. This refers to a statement based on rumors. There is no confidence in the information because it’s not based on facts. If someone replies, “so- rashi- desune”, it means, “That’s what I heard, but I’m not sure.”

evidence (sight: because あれ∼ 日にちを        間違えます  hinichi o machigaemasu nobody is here) are-


Mr. A :

This is a rumor, but I heard that Mr. Yamada is getting divorced. 山田さんは離婚をするらしいです。 Yamada san wa rikon o suru rashi- desu


Mr.B : I

(implying: I’m not sure, but someone said that.) 1 4 5 6

は wa



らしい です。 rashi- desu



は wa


みたい です。 mitai desu


I’m really not sure (I heard that rumor )


Hirayama :

う∼ん unnn

手作り tezukuri



using the power of sight

ola oc te

It seems Mr. Yamada is getting divorced.   

Mr.B :

I guess so. (I knew it.)

rumor (implying, “I’m not sure, but someone said about that.”)

です。 desu

(I bought a curio at a flea market.) It seems that this is old. これは kore wa

ですが...。 desu ga

古い  furui

evidence (sight/feeling, because of the shape and the texture)



おいしい らしい oish i- rashi-  別れた らしい wakareta rashi-

です ね。 desu ne

ne = confirmation 2

間違えた みたい machigaeta mitai


古い みたい furui mitai


大変 みたい taihen mitai 

what ? Mr. Pole : does look like homemade, though... 6 ですよね...。 う∼ん... 手作り using the power of sight tezukuri desu yo ne unnn


Mr. A :

です。 desu

(Recently, Miss. Mori has been all by herself. There is a rumor that she broke up with her boyfriend.) I heard that Miss. Mori might have broken up with her boyfriend.


What !? Is this gi...ri...choco...!? え...? ギ...リ...チョコ...? gi ri choco e

evidence (direct information: because she calls me sometimes)

to break up

show me Mr. Pole :

大変 な taihen na

ボーイフレンドと 別れます  boyfriend to wakaremasu

hand made

Let me look like homemade, but...(I don’t think so). どれ見せて。 dore misete


to make a mistake

hard, tough

now most

I tell you

です 。 desu

(Ms. Yabe had a baby last month. She calls me sometimes, and asks me about child-care.) I understand that Ms.Yabe is going through the most difficult time right now. 今一番 ima ichiban

ですよ。 desu yo

one also

...mitai: It seems that / like “A” is ____ . / I sense that “A” is____.

A (information)


I’m really not sure              ですね。 (I heard that rumor ) desu ne

And I got homemade chocolates, too! 私のも手作りですよ。 watashi no mo tezukuri desu yo

(implying: I also heard the rumor, but I’m not sure.)

“...mitai” is used for statements based on direct information or facts. “...mitai” signifies that the information is more credible than “...rashi-”. It refers to discernment by using the five senses. If someone replies, “so- mitai desu ne”, it means, “I know, because I have some evidence.”


Oh, no...he said that one of them seems like homemade (but he is not sure). 4 ですよ。 いいえ いっこ だけ は 手作り I heard from him -i e ikko dake wa tezukuri desu yo

guess so. (someone was talking about it)

そうらしいですね。 so- rashi- desu ne


Yes, someone told me that (but I’m not really sure).

one only A (information)


1 岡田さんは  たくさん もらった です。 using power of sight (I saw that) okada san wa takusan moratta             desu

でも全部ギリチョコ demo zembu giri-choco Mr. Pole :

ですよ。 desu yo

(I thought the concert was today, but nobody is here.) Oh...It seems that I had the wrong date. 


But I heard it was all giri-choco.

...rashi- : I think/guess that “A” is... / Someone said that “A” is... etc.

rumor (I got the information from a magazine, television, etc.)

It seems that Mr. Okada got many chocolates. (I saw some of them.)

many Hirayama :

(polite form)

As you can see from the diagram, these expressions are similar and sometimes their meanings overlap. 2 3

Mr. Pole :

そう so-

...mitai ...yo-

...rashi- / ...mitai / ...yo-

Mr. Pole and Ms. Hirayama are talking about chocolates.


Grammar note

みたい です。 mitai desu

(Many people stand in line to get into a particular restaurant because they had read about it in a magazine or heard about it.)


■ On the other hand, giving honme- -choco indicates real feelings for the recipient. honme- -choco is expensive (sometimes more than ¥10,000) or sometimes homemade. The average price of honme- -choco is ¥3,166, while the average girichoco is ¥595. According to a survey, if a man receives chocolate that seems to be worth more than ¥3,000, he is likely to assume it is honme- -choco. Interestingly, St. Valentine’s Day in Japan did not start until 1958. The first chocolates were heartshaped, and sold for ¥50. (honme- means “favorite”!)

らしい です。 rashi- desu

noun na-adj. na i-adj. verb

は wa


Hirayama :

Don’t feel bad! There’s always next year! 

山田さんは離婚をするみたいです。 yamada san wa rikon o suru mitai desu

そうみたいですね。 so- mitai desu ne

がっかりしないで、来年がありますよ! gakkari shinaide rainen ga arimasu yo

(implying: Mr. Yamada confided in me about it.)

(implying: I got some evidence.)

Don’t be disappointed next year

A tip for people who feel that it is too difficult to make the above distinctions. The word mitai is more commonly used in conversation. If you are not sure whether to use rashior mitai, use mitai. You will probably be right 80 percent of the time.

have With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama





Design : Masako Ban

I went to a friend’s party the other day, and met a Japanese woman. I introduced myself, saying, “Pole desu.” (I’m Pole.) She asked me, “ue no (upper) namae desuka, shita no (lower) namae desu ka?” (Is it your upper name or lower name?) Ms. Hirayama, does that mean names are ranked as upper class or lower class? If so, how are they classified? Is my name upper class, or what?

Japanese names are not ranked in any way. The Japanese had only given names until they started to use family names in the Meiji era. Japanese names are traditionally written vertically, and family names are placed above given names. Thus, given names are called shita no namae (lower names), and family names ue no namae (upper names). Interestingly, the Japanese Emperor’s family has no family name. Several years ago, I heard a Japanese couple tried to name their baby akuma (meaning devil), but the city hall refused to accept their registration.

Introducing oneself

Mr. Pole :

I work for

first name and last name


です。 desu で ございます。 de gozaimasu (very polite) と もうします。 to mo-shimasu

If you don’t belong to a company, you can skip this part.

company name

Ice company of Hirayama :



Mr. Pole :

Hirayama :

■ Japanese people will understand if you say “do zo yoroshiku.” Even though there is no similar expression in English, you will find many Japanese people use the phrase every day. They try to avoid asking favors directly, and using this phrase is a subtler way of making a request. These are several ways of using the phrase. Simply add the phrase at the end of the conversation, when... 1) you are introducing yourself. (implying: please keep a good relationship with me)

2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

you you you you you

want want want want want

to to to to to

ask a favor in a subtle way. ask the person to do his / her best in a subtle way. avoid telling someone what to do step by step. wrap up the conversation. imply “Thanks” or “Good bye.”

2 ■ When you write the Japanese language vertically, you start writing from the top-right

corner of the paper, and go downward. When you reach the bottom of the page, you move to the next line on the left, and write from top to bottom. e.g.,

Mr. Masanori (first name)

Kobayashi (last name)

小 Ko ue no namae 林 bayashi (upper) (name) 雅 Masa 典 nori

shita no namae (lower) (name)

What is your last name ? うえ の お名前 は ue no onamae wa What is your first name ? した の お名前 は shita no onamae wa

Please keep a good relationship with me.

B 半

han nin mae


mi juku mono


Perseverance prevails.“Sit on a rock for three years.” If you sit on a rock for three years, you will get used to it, and feel comfortable. This means that perseverance brings good results.

Upper name

Japanese people usually introduce themselves with their last names alone

D 右も左もわかりません migi mo hidari mo wakarimasen (right)(left)(don’t know)

Lower name


what is your first name?

Being a complete novice.“I don’t know which way is right or left.” Someone who doesn’t know what to do because he or she is in a new environment (a new house, or a new location, etc.) 1

It’s Hitomi. ひとみ です。 Hitomi desu

skilled worker

about 10 years Japanese food 15 years 2

questions, but...)

Excuse me, may I have some water, please? 3 水 お願いします。 mizu onegaishimasu Excuse me, but may I have your name, please? 4 お名前 は。 (polite form) onamae wa Excuse me, is anybody here? (looking for a staff at a shop, etc.) 。

Excuse me, but how old are you? (polite form) 6 おいくつ です か。 oikutsu desu ka

answers :

4 6 shitsure- desu ga 3 5 suimasen


ので これから よろしく お願い致します。 node kore-kara yoroshiku onegai-itashimasu so


に なります。 ni narimasu

Please be patient with me because I’m a complete novice. (This is a good phrase when you introduce yourself.) being a complete novice.

from now

Oh, no, no… I’m still intermediate. (Use this phrase to show your modesty when a Japanese person praises you.)

It means that you want to ask a personal question. 2. “suimasen/sumimasen” (implying: Allow me to have your attention.) Used to attract someone’s attention.


It takes about 10 years to learn to make sushi, while it takes about 15 years to become an excellent Japanese chef 寿司 は 約 10年、 和食 は 約 15年 で sushi wa yaku ju- nen washoku wa yaku ju- go nen de

When you ask personal question (see below)

There are two ways of saying “excuse me” in Japanese: 1.“shitsure- desu ga” (implying: I don’t mean to bother you by asking personal


ishi no ue nimo san nen

(stone) (on) (three years)

Excuse me, but what is your first name? 失礼ですが shitsure- desu ga

どうぞ よろしく おねがいします。 do- zo yoroshiku onegaishimasu (polite)

(implying, “please keep a good relationship with me”)

Being advanced, skilled, independent, mature, full-grown, etc. Someone who can do good work without help from others. This expression is used for people who have technical skills. (carpenters, chefs, etc.), but it’s also applied to workers in general. Another meaning is “Food for one person.”

My name is Hirayama. I work for Japanese Lunch.

どうぞ よろしく。 do- zo yoroshiku

ichi nin mae

C 石の上にも 3 年

Say your name just the way it is in your country.

シャパニーズ ランチ の 平山  です。 Japanese Lunch no Hirayama desu

(This is a very formal expression usually used when introducing oneself for the first time. After that, it is fine to say, “...desu”) 1


Being intermediate, immature, etc. Someone who does not have enough skills to complete his or her work alone.“han nin mae” is an expression for someone whose technical skills are imperfect, whereas, “mijuku mono” is for general use.

アイス会社 の ジェームス ポール です。 Ice-gaisha no James Pole desu

company name

の no




My name is James Pole. I work for Ice Co.


first name and last name

A 一

Japanese people usually avoid saying, “watashi” (meaning I) because it may sound arrogant if it is used too much. Try not to say “watashi” unless you wish to emphasize yourself. My name is



(not yet)(immaturity)(person)


new staff

いえいえ まだまだ ie ie mada-mada

being intermediate

Oh, no, no still, not yet 4

I know that perseverance prevails. I won’t give up doing my best! “Perseverance prevails.”

。あきらめないで 頑張ります。 akiramenaide gambarimasu don’t give up


hard to do that

Excuse me! May I have yakitori (grilled chicken) for one person? (at a restaurant.) food for すいません 焼き鳥        one person suimasen yakitori

お願いします。 onegaishimasu

Excuse me   answers :




I order 2












With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

mimi ears



Design : Masako Ban

It has been one year since I met you in April, Hirayama-san. You have told me so many things about Japan, and I have began to understand Japanese culture. But please continue to give me your advice because I believe what I know about Japan is only the tip of the iceberg.

Time does fly! (ko-in ya no gotoshi) Yes, please feel free to ask me when you have questions. In fact, I’ve been receiving a lot of e-mails from people worldwide (takusan no e-mail arigato- gozaimasu). Those heartwarming messages are my encouragement and have given me energy. And I always look forward to reading them. Now, I am going to give you a question for a change! Did you know that Japanese people think differently from people in other cultures in regard to onomatopoeia, the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it? It may be hard to describe the sounds, but please try to use your imagination.

■ You might have noticed that Japanese people make some weird sounds that make you irritated. But there is no need for you to try making those sounds. (It may be hard to slurp your noodles without practice!?)

Please draw lines between (A to G) and (1 to 7) in order to make the match. A) スーー su-

1) This is the sound of sucking air through one’s teeth. It indicates that the person is thinking.

(e.g. Well...)

B) スーー su- -su-

2) This is the sound you hear when someone sneezes. It is not rude to sneeze in public, and there is no need to say, “Excuse me,” after you sneeze or, Bless you,” after someone else sneezes.


3) This is the sound of slurping noodles (udon, soba, etc.).

(sniff, sniff)

Slurping them loudly gives the impression that you are really enjoying eating them. Many Japanese people try not to slurp when they eat spaghetti.

C) スー su(slurp)

rude to blow your nose loudly in public, but it is acceptable to sniff when you have a very runny nose. If you are desperate to blow your nose, just excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.

(slurp, slurp, etc.)

5) This is the sound of slurping when drinking hot coffee, tea or soup. Slurping cools the hot liquid, and it is quite acceptable in Japan. Interestingly, you are supposed to slurp the last drop of your tea when you are invited to tea ceremony. It means that you have finished your tea.


F) おひすぃい ね o hi sui i ne

6) This is the sound of inhaling the air between the teeth when - ji). It is mainly removing the bits of food with a toothpick (yo done by men, or people who have poorly aligned teeth.

(It’s delicious!)

G) スー スー su--suAnswers

1) ... A ),

7) This is what people sound like when they try to say, “oishi-

どこ doko where

国 kuni country

食べ物 tabemono food

driver : お客さん

どこの 国 ? okyaku-san doko no kuni

Mr.Pole :

3) ... D),

4) ... B) ,

■  When in Japan, do as the Japanese do.

5) ... C),

6) ... G) ,

Mr.Pole :

I‘m from the South Pole.

h akush

Here is a list of things that are considered bad manners in Japan. People may cringe when you do them. ・Do not blow your nose in public, particulary into your handkerchief. Please try to use tissues. (They are often handed out on streets as advertisements.) Handkerchiefs are supposed to be used as handtowels or napkins. If you are desperate to blow your nose, say, “shitsure- -shimasu” (Excuse me). ・ It is not good manners to eat and drink while you are walking. ・ Do not put your feet up on your desk at the office. It is also rude to sit on tables or desks. ・ It is rude to speak while chewing gum.


Oh, I love sakana (fish)!!!

driver : 日本

は どう ? Nihon wa do-

Mr.Pole :

I‘m getting used to it.

driver : 家族

は? kazoku wa

driver :

Mr.Pole :


好き suki like

どう doHow is...?

家族 kazoku family

歳 toshi age

Where are you from? 南極 nankyoku

です。 desu

I‘m single.

魚 sakana

が 好き です。 ga suki desu

“Turning a deaf ear.” To not pay attention to what someone says.

mimi o kasanai C

(not lend)


“Doubting your own ears,” or unable to believe what you have just heard because you are so fazed

mimi o utagau (doubt, suspect)

D. 耳が早い mimi ga hayai

“Having a quick ear.” Describes a person who is quick to hear the latest rumors.



What is your favorite Japanese food? の 食べ物 は 何 が 好き ? Nihon no tabemono wa nani ga suki

Mr.Pole :

7) ... F)


driver : 日本

ne” (This is delicious) with their mouths full. 2) ... E),

“Seeing is believing,” or literally, “Seeing it once is hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu much better than hearing about (seeing it once) (hundred) it a 100 times.” It means that it (listening) is much easier to understand something if you see it once with your own eyes, instead of hearing about it 100 times from other people.


If Japanese people ask you questions using these words, please reply in your own words.

No matter what I say, he just turns a deaf ear to me. 何 を 言っても あの人 は            です。  turns a deaf ear nani o ittemo ano hito wa desu no matter what


that person

I have heard many explanations of it, but I think, after all, いろいろ 説明 を 聞きました が、やっぱり iroiro setsume- o kikimashita ga yappari but after all

various explanation listen

How is your life in Japan?




Key words:

4) This is the sound of sniffing when you have a runny nose. It is

D) ズルズルズル. zuru-zuru-zuru E) ハクション hakushon

■ These are typical questions taxi drivers may ask you in informal language. The question form “…desu ka?” is usually omitted in casual conversation.

ractic Let’s p

“Seeing is believing.” 少し 慣れました。 sukoshi naremashita Do you have a family? 独身 dokushin

です。 desu

歳 は いくつ ? toshi wa ikutsu

How old are you?

How old do I look?

いくつに 見えます か。 ikutsu ni miemasu ka

It seems like Mr. Pole is being interviewed by an employer of a company. But it is not unusual for Japanese people to ask even private things to a person whom they are meeting for the first time in order to find out what kind of person he/she is. By the way, when you are asked to count your family members, you are supposed to include yourself. (e.g. you, your wife and two children. → yo nin desu)

Seeing is believing 3

ですね。 desu ne

When I heard about it, I couldn’t believe my ears. Really! 話を 聞いた 時 couldn’t believe その sono hanashi o ki- ta toki my ears that



。本当に! honto- ni indeed

listened when

What ? You heard the rumor already? え? もう その 噂 を 知っているんですか。 e mo- sono uwasa o shitte-irun desu ka What?



have known

You have a quick ear. a quick ear

ですね。 desu ne

Answers 1 ...... B 3 ...... C

mimi o kasanai 2 ......A hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu mimi o utagaimashita 4 ...... D mimi ga hayai

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Z Design : Masako Ban


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


I have noticed that most Japanese companies hold long meetings almost every day, without making any decisions at all. Sometimes I can’t even make out what they are talking about. tsumari (After all)’s a waste of yu-ka (I mean)...i- kaereba (in other words)...exhausting...yo¯suruni (to sum up)... Grr...I can’t stop talking like the people in the meetings!

I know what you mean, Mr. Pole. yo-suruni, you think that such meetings should be shorter and more efficient, don’t you? It is true that the Japanese tend to hold long meetings. They hold these conferences over and over because they don’t wish to make their final decisions until they are sure of each other’s ideas. sonoue (In addition), Japanese people use ambiguous words when they know they have to make decisions by the end of the meeting. Instead of making statements, the speaker makes ambiguous comments, to avoid offending listeners. The other participants have to work out what he actually means, or guess at what has been left unsaid.

■ Japanese culture treasures the concepts of space, silence, and nonexistence. For instance, when designing a Japanese garden, the landscaper thinks of a windows as the frame, and calculates the amount of space within the frame when the trees have leaves in summer, and when they are bare in wintertime. For a Noh actor, the most difficult thing is silence, or absence of movement. Silence is a form of expression in Noh. And as for a Japanese tearoom, nonexistence is represented by the fact that it contains only a few things. Even if you don’t understand all the Japanese words during the meeting, please pay careful attention when someone uses the key words listed below. They indicate that the speaker is going to say something important next, and that’s what he or she actually means. If someone keeps silence for a while, look carefully at that person and try to guess what he wants to say. e.g.,

(Talking about something for a long time) ... to sum up, I think it will be impossible ... (Talking about something for a long time) ...

無理 です ね。 muri ...

要するに yo-suruni in short


Ambiguous words 

aimai kotoba


If it is possible, ... your answer by tomorrow ... if it’s possible

... あす まで に 御返事 を...。 ... asu made ni gohenji o ... tomorrow by


replying (polite form)

On the contrary, ... a bad result ... ... 悪い 結果 が...。 on the contrary ... warui kekka ga ... bad


One day, Mr. Pole attended a conference. ポールさんのある日の会議 Pole san no aruhi no kaigi

Mr.Pole :

First of all, about the budget for next year... 


Mori-san :

well then

Next year, we may be able to balance the budget...

来年 は...予算内 で できる rainen wa yosannai de dekiru

Or maybe not... hm...

できない dekinai

What do you mean?  


Mori-san :

In other words, hm...If it is possible, a little bit more... To sum up, we need a larger budget than last year, right?


Mori-san :


Frankly speaking...yes.




1) if it is possible もし できたら できましたら dekimashitara moshi dekitara

2) whether or not ... か どうか ... ka do- ka

3) after all; in the end 結局 kekkyoku

4) with that reason; That will do it! ...という事で yu- koto de

5) to sum up; in short 要するに yo-suruni

6) well then, じゃあ では ja¯ dewa

7) I wonder if... ?(very casual form) ...かなあ ; かしら kana- ; kashira

10)to handle the problem positively 前向きに検討します。 maemuki ni kento- shimasu

11) I thought so; as I expected, やっぱり やはり yappari yahari

Mr.Pole :


...ええ... ...e- ...





3 4




もう 少し ... if it is possible mo- sukoshi ...

昨年より多く ...ですか ? sakunen yori o- ku ... desu ka はっきり言えば ...そう です が... hm .. ye..s hakkiri ieba ... so- desu ga... 結論 は ketsuron wa

after all


次回 また ...  jikai mata ...

for the time being











hopeless; impossible 7




13 10)


ムダ足...? muda-ashi ... ? a fool’s errand

... as cheap as possible ... 安く...。 yasuku ... cheap


9) I guess (not a fact, just guessing) ...だろう; でしょう ...daro- ; desho-

12) on the contrary; instead かえって kaette

13) in other words ; after all つまり tsumari

14)almost hopeless; difficult 難しい muzukashi-

17) it may be ... (uncertain) ...かも かもしれない ...kamo kamoshirenai

18) first of all, ; at first, まず まず最初に mazu mazu saishoni

19)hm ..... ye...s.... ええ ... まあ ... e- ... ma- ...

(male style) (female style)

Was it in vain after all? in the end

9 11


it may be (uncertain)

as ... as possible


That will do it


I guess

It may be hopeless… ダメ dame


8) for the time being; for now とりあえず toriaezu

(male style) (female style)


ですね。 desu ne


I guess it’s probably today... おそらく... 今日 osoraku ... kyo-

to sum up





I wonder


What do you mean?   in other words


I wonder if it is impossible... 無理 ... muri ...

ですが... desu ga...

です ... ううん... desu... u-n...

it may be


13 まあ                 handle the problem positively が... maga ...

That will do it …   Answers

it may be (polite form)

(polite form)

One hour later

After all, it would be difficult to make our decision, now... Let’s postpone it for the time being... Shacho- : Well, we’d better handle the problem positively... Mr.Pole :


I thought so. I thought so

昨年 は かなり 厳しかった...です... sakunen wa kanari kibishikatta...desu...

Last year, it was pretty bad...

Shacho- :

Mr.Pole :


来年 の 予算 です が... rainen no yosan desu ga 森さん からです。 Mori-san kara desu

first of all


Well, Mr. Mori, please tell us.

Pay attention! This is what he actually means! ■ Key words during the meetings. No.1 (friendly form / polite form)




... and you mean? (inviting him/her to say more) and you mean



... whether or not I can finish my work by 9 p.m. 残業 が 9時 までに 終わる whether or not ...。 zangyo- ga ku-ji made ni owaru over work

9 o’clock by

will finish


15)What do you mean?; ...and you mean? 16) as ... as possible できるだけ... と言うと と言うことは dekirudake... to yu-to to yu- koto wa





















With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Frequency / Quantity


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

I know it’s confusing. The common usage of zenzen has a I attended a conference yesterday. I think I understood the negative meaning, implying “not at all.” Thus, zenzen should be Japanese speakers better after referring to the previous used with the negative form of i-adjectives, so “zenzen oishiku-nai” lesson. If there are any more key words, please let me (It doesn’t taste good at all.) is correct grammar. But lately, it has know. And one more thing. I’ve been studying Japanese become a kind of slang, and people say “zenzen oishi- .” This zenzen for a while, but sometimes I notice that Japanese brings a positive meaning, and so the phrase means “It tastes really speakers use grammar that is different from what I have good.” Zenzen is also used with na-adjectives, as in “zenzen kantan!” learned. They say, “zenzen oishi- !” What do they mean? (It’s a piece of cake!). This zenzen is positive, implying “completely” or Do they mean something is delicious, or awful? “entirely.” ■ Frequency (how often?) 100 %

always often

いつも itsumo

■ Quantity (how many / much?) 100 %

よく yoku

quite a few, a lot, many

いっぱい たくさん ippai takusan

a few, a little ちょっと


50 %

sometimes ときどき from time to time tokidoki

たまに tamani

few, little

30 %


20 %

(not) much, (not) very あまり + negative form not too often amari

10 % 5% 0%


none at all

すこし sukoshi

ほとんど + negative form hotondo

One day, Mr. Pole attended a conference.

Mr.Pole :

Mr. Mori. It’s about the discussion we had last month...:  

Mori-san :

To tell the truth, it’s not done yet...and...

Mr.Pole :

Shacho- :

Mr.Pole :

ぜんぜん + negative form zenzen Shacho- :

never, not at all

めったに + negative form mettani ぜんぜん + negative form zenzen

Mr.Pole :


■ meeting words No.2 (friendly form / polite form)

1) it’s about time to... そろそろ... sorosoro...

6) come to think of it; as you mentioned そう言えば so- ieba

2) before too long; before you know it そのうちに sono-uchini

7) can’t wait too long; there’s no limits きりがない kiri ga nai

3) that will do it; OK?

8) To tell the truth; as a matter of fact 実は jitsuwa

Come to think of it, I see those shops here and there.

Mr.Pole :



come to think of it


That’s possible.


go there for lunch sometime soon!


5) that’s possible ありえます。 ariemasu

9) right away; sometime soon すぐ  さっそく sugu sassoku 10) by the way ところで tokorode

In the old days, I often made mistakes. often 昔 は           失敗 を しました。            (about 80 %) mukashi wa        shippai o shimashita to fault

I’m just a paper driver (Sunday driver), so I seldom drive a car. ペーパードライバー です ので seldom     車 の 運転をしません。 (about 5%) kuruma no unten o shimasen paper driver desu node

Thank you as always. always


I occasionally help with household chores when I feel like it. 気 が 向くと家事 の 手伝いをします。  occasionally (about 30 %) ki ga muku to kaji no tetsudai o shimasu when I feel like it housekeeping


sometime soon

ね。 ne



onaji mise ni iku hito no koto desu same

to go restaurant person

You’d better not worry about it too much.

... ...

it’s about time to

always  同じ 店 に 行く人 の 事 です。 (about 90%)

regular customer 8

to not eat

Regular customers are people who always come to the same restaurant. 常連客 は jo-ren-kyaku wa

お昼 に 行ってみましょう。 ohiru ni itte-mimasho-  

Well, it’s about time to end じゃあ 今日 の 会議 は the meeting for today. ja- kyo- no kaigi wa

Vegetarians never eat meat at all.

vegetarian 7


to help

菜食主義者 は           肉を食べません。 not at all (about 0 %) saishokushugi-sha wa niku o tabemasen

before   you 街 が コーヒーショップだらけ になりますね。 know it machi ga coffee shop darake ni narimasu ne

that’s possible

ありがとうございます。 arigato-gozaimasu


(about 90%)


あっちこっちで見かけますね。 acchi-kocchi de mikakemasu ne

don’t get enough exercise

so car to drive Paper drivers: People who have passed their driving test, but have little or no experience of driving. They are just drivers “on paper.”


not much (about 20 %)

ki ni shinai ho- ga -i desu yo to not worry had better

Mr. Mori was not willing to put his mind into the meeting. The only decision that was made in today’s meeting was to go to the coffee shop for lunch! “kono kaigi wa do- narimasu ka.” ( What do you think will happen? ) Answers













7 13)













11) just wait and see; we’ll see 様子 を みましょう。 yo-su o mimasho12) Let’s see what happens;

What do you think will happen ?

どうなります か。 do- narimasu ka

13)anyway; anyhow (male style) とにかく tonikaku 14) it’s no use; there’s no choice しょうがない しかたがない sho-ganai shikata ga nai

(At a party: Would you like more wine?) Well, I’ll have a little bit more. じゃあ        だけ   a little jadake just; only


1) 10

4) you mean...? ...と 言う事 です か。 ... to yu- koto desu ka

to exercise

the old days

... まだ 途中 で...あの... ... mada tochu- de ... ano- ...

来週 です...よ... raishu- desu ... yo ...


office no chikaku ni Starbucks ga dekimashita ne

いやー iya-

Mori-san : Let’s


by the way オフィス の 近くに スターバックス が できました ね。

before long, this city will be full of coffee shops, don’t you think?

Mori-san : Well,

Mr.Pole :

...と 言う事で yu- kotode

7 week... the way, did you know a Starbucks had opened near the office?


to tell the truth

I am so busy I hardly get any exercise. I need more exercise. 忙しいので        運動をしません。運動不足です。 hardly isogashi- node (about 10%) undo- o shimasen undo- -busoku desu busy


2 もう 少し 時間 が 欲しい You mean you need a you mean ... ? mo- sukoshi jikan ga hoshilittle more time?   There’s no choice, is there? 3 です ね。 4 Let’s just wait and see. there’s no choice Let’s just wait and see. desu ne We can’t wait too long, 5 so...finish it by the end can’t wait ですから... 来週 いっぱい... 6 OK? too long of next week, OK? desu kara... raishu- ippai

Mori-san : By

hardly, scarcely ほとんど + negative form seldom, rarely



My brain is always filled with worries. 悩みごと で 頭 が   always (about 90%) nayami-goto de atama ga distress

a lot

です。 desu


Answers 1






4 itsumo







9 chotto




10 itsumo


With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama san

sama polite form / to customer




(honorific form of “have an appointment”)

at 9 o’clock receptionist :

Yes, Sir. We do have your appointment today. (Calling Yokota’s desk)


      四 ー 七 ー 一 〇

東 京 都 渋 谷 区

(the recipient’s address)

daily conversation ....................... last name + san [Business style]

(the sender’s name)

ジ ェ ー ム ス ポ ー ル 4

東 京 都 港 区 五 ー 六 ー 三 九

(the sender’s address)

(honorific form of “come”)

(a letter to companies or organizations) (in case of a blank card)


(in case of a self-addressed card)

Mr.Yokota! You have a visitor from Shibuya Bank. 横田     渋谷銀行  が お見えです。 7 8 Yokota    Shibuya Ginkoga o-mie desu

6 御中 none 5 行 御中  

(the recipient’s name) 平

first name + kun or chan

・A written form used in the media.

・This form is applied only to someone of the same status as 高田 殿 Takada dono yourself or lower. It is hardly used nowadays, but occasionally occurs in documents. company name / 行 御中 ・This form is used instead of 様 (sama) The name of organization onchu- when a letter is sent to a company or organization. On a self-addressed envelope, 行 (yuki or "To:") is written after the sender’s name. It is good manners to cross out this word, customarily with two slashes, and write 御中 (onchu) when returning it.

I have an appointment to see Mr. Yokota at 9 a.m. today. 9時に 横田      と お約束しています。 6 ku ji ni Yokota to o-yakusoku-shiteimasu

[ Vertical style] Numbers used for vertical style, or kansu- ji (kanji for numbers) 1...一 2...二 3...三 4...四 5...五 6...六 7...七  8...八 9...九 10...十、一 〇


■ Applications of san ...... sama ( 様 ) / shi (氏 ) / dono (殿 ) / onchu- (御中 ) e.g., Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Takada (高田) ・A written form used in letters, documents, etc. 高田 様 Takada sama ・A polite form used in conversation. 高田 氏 Takada shi

平山ひとみ 1

(the sender’s address) (the name of organization) 東 (the address of company) 東京都新宿区2-35-11 (the name of company)

Nippon Co. Ltd. 行 5

日 本 研 究 所

三 ー 七 ー 六 〇

6 (to Japan Institute)

京 都 中 央 区


first name + chan

(honorific form of “waiting”)



(the recipient’s name)

が ロビーでお待ちでございます。 ga lobby de o-machi de gozaimasu

■ Talking to a receptionist at a company. Inoue : My name is Inoue. I’m from Shibuya Bank. 渋谷銀行 の 井上 ですが 5 Shibuya Ginko- no Inoue desu ga

(the sender’s address) 5-6-39 Minato-ku Tokyo (the sender’s name) James Pole 2

東京都渋谷区 4 -7-10

ひ と み


尾田    3 三木 4 Oda Miki  


■ First name (given name) / last name (family name) for daily conversation. Friends since childhood or school days usually address each other by their first names or nicknames. Those who meet later in life usually call each other by their last names.

Yes, I’m Kobayashi. はい、 小林        です。 2 desu hai Kobayashi

■ Mr. Oda comes back to his hotel after sight-seeing and finds there is a message at the front desk. receptionist : Mr. Oda ! Mr. Miki is waiting for you in the lobby.

(the recipient’s address)

鈴木です。 Suzuki desu 妻のスーザンです。 tsuma no Susan desu


■ A nurse calls a patient at a hospital. Inoue : Mr. Taro Fujita! Please go to Room 5! 藤田 太郎      5番にお入り下さい。 9 go-ban ni o-hairi-kudasai Fujita TaroNo. 5

(honorific form of “come in”)

■ A bank teller calls a customer at a bank. teller : Japanese Lunch Co,. Ltd.! ジャパニーズランチ株式会社 Japanese Lunch kabushiki-gaisha


■ At a restaurant. Hayashi : My name is Hayashi, I have a reservation for 7 p.m. 7時に予約をした林              です。 11 shichi-ji ni yoyaku o shita Hayashi desu at 7 p.m.

have reserved

Yes, Mr. Hayashi! Please come this way. 林       どうぞ こちらに。 Hayashi 12 do-zo kochira ni

waitress :


・ Introducing your family members to your friend: e.g., This is my wife Susan.


Kobayashi :

please come this way

・ Introducing your staff members to a client : e.g., (your company staff to client)This is Ms. Suzuki.

[Horizontal style]

■ The interviewer calls an applicant for a job interview. interviewer : Mr. Kobayashi ! 。 小林   1 Kobayashi


■ san is a respectful way to call or address people. When you are speaking to Japanese people, even in English, it is best to say san after their first name or last name. Japanese people often feel uncomfortable if their names are used without san. That is why most people say san after your name when talking to you, even in English. Suzuki I met Suzuki san yesterday. 1) e.g., Ms. Yukiko (given name) (family name) I met Yukiko san yesterday. In business, san is added after the name of Company name + san 2) a company. e.g., Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank Tokyo Mitsubishi san / sama There are some situations where you should not use san. When you are speaking 3) to a third person, it is best not to refer to members of your own group using san. (group members = yourself / your family members / staff of your company etc.)

san does not correspond exactly to Mr., Mrs. or Ms. because people are addressed in different ways according to the situation. To answer your second question, it is said that in 1888, when diplomat Munemitsu Mutsu signed his name on a treaty, he became the first Japanese to write his name in the given name-family name order. Presumably, he imitated the Western way in order to show Japan’s eagerness to learn from other countries after its period of isolation.

Answers Answers

Design : Masako Ban

Japanese people address me in various ways, such as Pole san, Pole sama or James kun. But how come san does not correspond to Mr., Mrs. or Ms. even though my dictionary says that san means Mr. or Mrs.? And another question: Japanese people usually write their family name, then their given name, right? But why do they write their names the other way round when using romanized letters?

  1. san 2. none   3. sama  4. sama  5. none    6. sama  7. san     8. sama   9. san 10. sama   11. none 12 sama With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Sounds logical

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama




Design : Masako Ban

When you want to explain the reason for something, you can choose One of my colleagues came to work late the other kara or node to convey different impressions to your listeners. kara is day because she had a hangover. She said to me, used for emotional expressions. It may sound illogical or like an excuse. “yu-be nomi-sugita kara, chikoku-shichatta!” (I Japanese children use kara, but when they grow up, they start saying am late because I drank too much last night!) But node. It might be best to say node during business meetings or when when she was talking to her boss, she said, “yu-be speaking polite Japanese, since node gives the impression that what you nomi-sugita node, chikoku-shimashita.” Is there are saying is logical. any difference between kara and node when explaining the reason for something? ■ There are three words of expressing a reason or cause. から ので で reason / cause result / conclusion kara / node / de 1) 2) 3)

(talking to your boss) May I go home now because I have a headache?

頭 が痛い atama ga itai head

帰っても いいです か。 kaettemo -i desu ka



から kara

I was busy

I canceled it (the job) because I had another appointment (to meet a friend).

キャンセル を しました。 cancel o shimashita I canceled

from friend


ので node

I was busy

I canceled it because I was busy with work.

キャンセル を しました。 cancel o shimashita

tomorrow company absent from ~

(talking politely)

I’d like to take a day off tomorrow because my friend is coming from France.



で de


was rain

I canceled it because I had to work.

I canceled




or ds ic w


渋滞だった ので 遅くなりました。 ju-tai datta node osoku-narimashita ( implying my fault)


benkai (o suru)

-i wake

to rationalize something

to defend oneself with poor excuses

(o suru)

(illogical reason)

どうして こう なった のか       が わからない です。 illogical do-shite ko-natta noka reason ga wakaranai desu why

become like this

don't know

3. You’d better acknowledge your mistakes, instead of trying to rationalize them. (logical excuse) logical excuse

を する より 素直 に 認めたほうが いい です よ。 o suru yori sunao ni mitometa ho- ga i- desu yo obediently had better acknowledge

4. The more you defend yourself with poor excuses, the more you sound like a liar! (illogical excuse) を すればするほど 嘘 に 聞こえます。 o sureba suru hodo uso ni kikoemasu

illogical excuse

more ~ more

何か  nanika

was (exist)

地震 jishin


a lie

can hear

     を 言ってましたか。 logical reason o itte-mashita ka said to you ?


6. Please don’t make me justify this! (illogical reason)

建物 は メチャクチャ です。 tatemono wa mecha-kucha desu building

illogical reason

destroyed (onomatopoeia)

渋滞だった から 遅くなりました。 ju-tai datta kara osoku-narimashita

不況 fukyo-



多くの 会社 が 倒産 を しています。 o¯ku no kaisha ga to- san o shiteimasu many


7. No matter how hard you try, it is too late to rationalize this! (logical excuse) いくら       しても もう遅いです。 logical excuse ikura shitemo mo- osoi desu

have gone bankrupt

(talking to your client) It is because I am going on a business trip.

出張 を します shuccho- o shimasu

は 聞かないで下さい。 wa kikanaide-kudasai please don’t ask

Many companies have gone bankrupt because of the recession.

渋滞 で 遅くなりました。 ju-tai de osoku-narimashita


2. I have no way to justify.

(inevitable causes...noun)


( implying the inevitable cause )

to justify something

(inevitable causes...noun) The buildings collapsed because of the earthquake.

キャンセル を しました。 cancel o shimashita

I was late because the roads were crowded. ( traffic jam ... ju-tai, became late ... osoku-narimashita)

wake (o yu- )

to explain the reason

5. Did he explain the reason? (logical reason)

一日中 うち に いました。 ichinichi-ju- uchi ni imashita all day long

riyu- (o yu- )

は やめなさい。 wa yamenasai

illogical excuse


I canceled


仕事 shigoto

昨日 は 雨 だった kino- wa ame datta

訳 (を言う)


フランス から 友達 が 来ます あした 会社 を 休みます。 3 Even if the reason/cause is unreasonable, it starts to sound more logical if France kara tomodachi ga kimasu ashita kaisha o yasumimasu you use the magic words, node and de!   (talking politely) I couldn’t buy it because I didn’t have any money. 2) 3) node and de are used for logical expressions (de is used for nouns). お金 が なかった 買えませんでした。 4 They are used in public situations and polite speech. Public situations include o-kane ga nakatta kaemasen-deshita business meetings and speeches. Logical reasons for something might be money didn’t have couldn’t buy earthquake (natural phenomenon), fire (accident), illness, etc. (talking to your friend) I stayed at home all day yesterday because it was raining. 忙しかった isogashi-katta


1. Stop making excuses! (illogical excuse)

May I go home ?

1) kara is used for emotional expressions. (talking to your friend) It is used for friendly conversations where the reason or cause is personal. I’m taking a day off tomorrow because a friend is coming over from France. フランス から 友達 が 来ます あした 会社 を 休みます。 But you should be careful how you use it, because it can sound selfish. 2 France kara tomodachi ga kimasu ashita kaisha o yasumimasu 忙しかった isogashi-katta


Sounds illogical

even though

already too late


go on a business trip Answers


1. node

2. kara

3. node

4. node

5. kara

6. de

7. de

8. node

1. iwake 2. wake 3. benkai 4. iwake 5. riyu

6. wake 7. benkai

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

A) to pass away

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I heard that my friend’s grandfather died last month, so I said to him, “gomennasai.” (I’m sorry.) But he was confused and said, “Why? What do you mean?” Did I say something wrong? I ended up asking him the same thing, “Well, what do YOU mean!?” Ms. Hirayama, did I say something weird again? ■ Apology: These expressions are used when you want to apologize for your mistakes. ごめんなさい (friendly form) gomennasai

Hasebe-san :

Pole-san :

すみません     or すいません sumimasen suimasen 失礼しました。 shitsure- -shimashita

Hasebe-san :

申し訳ございませんでした。 mo-shiwake-gozaimasendeshita ■ Sympathy: These expressions are used when you want to convey your grief over someone’s death and to indicate your sympathy concerning someone’s problems.

Pole-san :

Hasebe-san :

: My company went bankrupt the other day... : I’m sorry. 頑張って下さい。 gambatte-kudasai (Don’t be discouraged.)

Pole-san :

■ Encouragement: These expressions are used when you want to give emotional support to the depressed. 大変ですね。 taihen desu ne (That must be hard for you.)

Hasebe-san :


Are you OK?

Ryo-ta passed away. 良太 が 亡くなって...。 Ryo-ta ga nakunatte

(I’m sorry) You have my deepest sympathy.

...If he was human... ...人間 でしたら... ningen deshitara

- sho u h s g os ama des u

(That must be really hard.)

頑張って下さい。 gambatte-kudasai (Hang in there !)

to pass away (polite form used for humans)

to die (used for humans, animals)

ひっ し

E) with all one’s might



し   もの ぐる

し かつ もん だい

shi ni mono gurui

shi katsu mon dai

Oh dear


restaurant right near

has opened

I’m in trouble...It’s a matter of life and death to me. 困ったな... これは    1 a matter    of life and death komatta na- ... kore wa 

 です。 desu

this is

tree years ago




・ The corpse is still there or it can be seen.


He died./He passed away. 死にました/亡くなりました shinimashita nakunarimashita

daijo-bu desu ka





goshu-sho- sama desu

pay back

He is dead. 死んでいます shindeimasu

but not be on time

・ There are many dead fish in the pond. They may have been killed by agricultural chemicals. 魚 が 池 で たくさん  sakana ga ike de takusan

Answers 2


走りましたが、 間に合いませんでした。 hashirimashita ga maniaimasendeshita



genki ga nai desu

at last

・ Although I ran desperately, I didn’t make it on time.

・ He died just a moment ago. ・ The time of his death can be given in figures.



で 働いて 借金 を やっと 返しました。 de hataraite yatto shakkin o kaeshimashita

with all one’s might

(to die / to pass away): nakunaru is used only for the humans, whereas shinu is used for all living creatures.

死にます/亡くなります shinimasu nakunarimasu


by working

Right, he was a fish. はい 6 fish です けど...。 hai desu kedo ...

He is dying./He is about to pass away.


・ I worked as hard as I could and was able to pay off my debts at last!

頑張って下さい。 gambatte-kudasai (Hang in there!/Don’t give up!)

Hang in there!

hisshi ni

・ The famous novelist was killed in a traffic accident three years ago. 2 3年前に 有名な 小説家 が 車 の 事故 で passed away san-nen mae ni yu-me- na sho-setsuka ga kuruma no jiko de

(It was really hard for you. Are you OK?)

: I have been looking for a new job for six months. 大変ですね。 Tanaka-san : That must be really hard. taihen desu ne


I'm in trouble

he would have been about 95 years old. 5 95 歳 です。 about kyu- -ju- go sai desu What ? You mean, Ryo-ta was not human?

大変でしたね。もう大丈夫ですか。 taihen deshita ne mo- daijo-bu desu ka

e.g., Kobayashi-san


D) a matter of life and death

えっ 良太さん は 人間じゃないのです か。 ee Ryo-ta-san wa ningen janai no desu ka

頑張って下さい。 gambatte-kudasai (Don’t be discouraged.) e.g., Hayashi-san




・ Oh, my goodness! A new restaurant has opened just around the corner! たいへん、 新しい店 が すぐ近くに できました。 taihen atarashi- mise ga sugu chikaku ni dekimashita


Late last night, all of a sudden, ゆうべ 遅く...  急に... yu- be osoku kyu- ni

How old was he ?

残念です。 zannen desu (That’s a shame.)

spirits up.)

ね。 ne

You don’t look so good.



(polite form)

元気を出して下さい。 genki o dashite-kudasai (Try to keep your




I understand you meant to say, “I’m sorry” by saying, “gomennasai” in Japanese. But this expression is used when you want to apologize for making a mistake or causing a disturbance. When you wish to express your sympathy for the bereaved, it is better to use a fixed expression, such as “goshu-sho- sama desu/deshita.” (You have my deepest sympathy.) In addition, you need to mumble the words, to imply that you can’t finish saying it because of your sadness. Traditionally, Japanese women wear mofuku (mourning kimono) for a funeral, and, as a sign of their grief, they try not to wear it too neatly.

C) desperately

B) to die


多分  農薬 が tabun no-yaku maybe


dead (can be seen)



原因 でしょう。 genin desho-          

agricultural chemicals cause I guess

Answers 4

oikutsu deshita ka




A) nakunarimashita






B) shindeimasu

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun


at day is d o n

ic h i ?

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

No, donichi is not a special day. I think foreigners probably say, getsu-yo- bi to sui-yo- bi (Monday and Wednesday) in Japanese. But Japanese people prefer to use a shorter term in their daily conversations, such as ges-sui, which is the combination of getsu-yo-bi and sui-yo-bi. Another example is ka-kin, the combination of ka-yo-bi (Tuesday) and kin-yo-bi (Friday). I think you ' ve got the point by now. Yes! donichi is the combination of do-yo-bi (Saturday) and nichi-yo-bi (Sunday). Let me show you the days of the week with kanji.

Design : Masako Ban

My friends and I were making plans to go to an onsen (a hot spring) together. One of them asked me, "donichi isogashi desu ka?" (Are you busy on donichi?) I didn't know what donichi meant, but I didn't want to embarrass myself, so I told her that I would be busy. Another friend told us that donichi was better for her, but we finally decided to go to the onsen on a weekday. I preferred the weekend to a weekday. Why did they choose the weekday? Is donichi a special day? Sho-ke- moji (pictographic characters): Sho-ke- moji originated with an image of the object / objects (in some cases, concepts) and shows highly pictographic features.

sun, day

にち nichi



月 げつ getsu


げつ よう び

Monday originated with moon.


か ka

火曜日 Tuesday

よう び


水 すい sui

水曜日 すい よう び


Wednesday originated with water and liquid.

tree, wood

木 もく moku


木曜日 もく よう び


Thursday originated with trees, plants and wood.

gold, money

金 きん kin


金曜日 きん よう び


Friday originated with gold, money and metal.

soil, land

土 ど do


2. kin-do



3. getsu(gek)-ka

4. ka -kin

土曜日 ど

よう び


Saturday originated with soil, land and ground.

2. Computer technology is making rapid progress.

コンピューター の 世界 は           です ね。 rapid progress computer no sekai wa desu ne world

3. I changed my mind at the last minute.




5. I forgive you and forget what you did to me in the past. もう mo-

already past matter

that person

D) rapid progress / constant advancement




にちじょうさはん じ

みっ か ぼうず

せいねん がっぴ


mik ka bo- zu

se- nen gap pi

(three days) (boy)

(birth)(year)(month)(day) (day)(advanced)(month)(step)



There' s no smoke without fire.

like oil and water (being incompatible with each other)

husband and wife


Don't be so sad! Money comes and goes, you know! Money comes and ですよ! そんなに 大きな ため息 を つかないで。           sonnani o-kina tameiki o tsuka-naidegoes, you know desu yo like that big

みず    なが


(talking to a friend who has money problems)

to forgive and forget (to wipe the slate)

水 と 油

に 流 す

hi no nai tokoro ni kemuri wa tatanai

mizu to abura

mizu ni nagasu

(fire) (without) (place) (smoke)


(water) (flush)




being unable to see the forest for the trees

Money comes and goes. / Easy come, easy go.

at the last minute / at the critical moment

木 を 見 て 森 を 見ず

金 は 天下 の 回り物



かね   てんか  

ど たん ば

(tree) (look at) (forest) (not see)


ですけど、 desu-kedo

仲 が 良い です。 -i desu. naka ga




mori o mizu

personalities are like oil and water. 私達 夫婦 は           like oil and water watashi-tachi fu- fu wa

nis shin gep po


ki o mite



7. My husband and I are getting along well, even though our

にっしん げっぽ

火 の ない 所 に 煙り は 立たない



relationship good


everyday あの 人達 の    口喧嘩 は        ano hito-tachi no kuchigenka waoccurrence

the date of birth

ところ  けむ 

to forgive and forget 過去 の 事 だから            。 kako no koto dakara (masu-form)

6. Their quarrel is an everyday occurrence.



は 危険 です。 wa kiken desu dangerous

8. 7. getsu-moku

everyday occurrences / a quitter (a person who cannot daily happenings finish what he starts)


で 気 が変わりました。 de ki ga kawarimashita

unable to see the forest for the trees


please write

4. It is dangerous if you can't see the forest for the trees.

Sunday and Monday Thursday and Saturday Monday and Wednesday Monday and Thursday

5. nich-getsu

   を 書いて下さい。 o kaite-kudasai

change one's mind




5. 6. 7. 8.


the date of birth



nichi jo- sa han ji

Tuesday originated with fire.

water, liquid

Wednesday and Sunday Friday and Saturday Monday and Tuesday Tuesday and Friday

月曜日 getsu-yo-bi

1. 2. 3. 4.

にち よう び

Sunday originated with sun and day.

ここに  koko ni

last minute

How to pronounce the days of the week: getsu, ge (Monday), ka- (Tuesday), sui (Wednesday), moku (Thursday), kin (Friday), do-, do (Saturday), nichi (Sunday) (tips: The words ka- and do- should be prounounced with a long vowel.)

日曜日 nichi-yo-bi

1. Please write down your date of birth here.

Let's practice!

Even if you cannot write the kanji, try to memorize the shapes, so you can recognize the corresponding characters.

日月 火 水 木 金 土



まわ もの

kane wa tenka no mawarimono

do tan ba

(money) (the world)(round)(things)




9. I believe it is true, because there's no smoke without fire. there' no smoke without fire

と 言います から 本当 でしょう。 to -i masu kara honto- deshosay



I'm sure

10. I knew he couldn't keep it up. He always quits. やっぱり 続かない … いつも  quitter   なんだから。 yappari tsuzukanai ... itsumo nan- dakara as I expected Answers 1 . C)

2 .D)

not continue always

3J) .


G) 5.


A)6 .

F)7 .

I) 8 .

E) 9 .

B) 1 0 .

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

c e) a f ur (Some thin g i s w r i t t e n o n y o

Des ign : M as ako B an

O n e o f m y co lle a gu e s a s ke d m e , " P o l e -s a n , did s om ething good ha ppen to y ou? " I a s ked her w hy s he ha d a s ked m e tha t. S he s a id, "da tte ka o ni ka ite-a ru y o! " (B eca us e s om ething is w ritten on y our fa ce! ). I thought s om ething w a s on m y fa ce, ev en though I ha d w a s hed m y fa ce in the m o r ning. S o I a s ked her , " R ea lly ? W her e? " B u t s he ju s t s m iled a nd w a lked a w a y . I w ent to ba throom right a w a y a nd checked m y fa ce in the m irror. I didn' t s ee a ny thing s tra nge, jus t a ha nds om e guy s ta ring ba ck a t m e in the m irror! O h, w w e go a ga in! I rem em bered tha t w e ha v e a s im ila r ex pres s ion in m y country : "It' s w ritten on y our fa ce." Is tha t w ha t s he m ea nt?

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

fa ce



Y ou a re right. I' m gla d y ou' re m a king progres s , P o l e -s a n! W ha t s he m ea nt to s a y w a s , "I s ee it on y our fa ce! " B ut it does n' t m ea n s om ething is a ctua lly w ritten on y our fa ce. Do y ou rem em ber tha t y ou ha v e s tudied phra s es tha t a re ex pres s ed w ith body pa rts a nd ia djectiv es before? For this les s on, let m e s how y ou s om e frequently u s e d e x pr e s s io n s w ith bo dy pa r ts a n d v e r bs . Y o u m igh t fin d ex pres s ions w ith body pa rts num bering m ore tha n 800 in jus t one dictiona ry . It m ea ns tha t thos e idiom s a re com m only us ed in da ily conv ers a tions , s o y our s peech w ill s ound v ery na tura l if y ou us e th e m . Y o u r gr a m m a tica l u s e o f th e e x pr e s s io n s m a y be a t a n interm edia te lev el, but y ou ca n s ta rt us ing thos e phra s es im m edia tely if y ou m em orize them . R ega rdles s of y our lev el, they a re helpful for a ny one w ho ca n' t find enough tim e to s tudy .

かお ka o

to be w ritten

B ) to us e one' s influence, to ha v e a n influence 顔 が 利く ka o ga kiku

あたま a ta m a

E ) to be s m art, quick-w itted 頭 が 切れる a ta m a ga kireru

ボランティア活動には               。 to ta ke one' s ha t off v o l u n t e e r ka ts udo- niw a a ctiv ity

2. M y a unt a lw a y s pokes her nos e into ev ery thing. 叔母 は 何に でも oba w a na nni-dem o a unt

G ) to be una ble to s ta nd a ga ins t, una ble to com pete w ith 頭 が 上がらない a ta m a ga a ga ra na i H) to be a ngry w ith, get m a d 頭 に 来る a ta m a ni kuru L ) to be up to one' s neck in debt 首 が 回らない kubi ga m a w a ra na i

w ha tev er

M ) to dis m is s , to fire 首 に する kubi ni s uru

P ole-s a n:

I' m not s ure 4

K ) to look forw ard to, aw ait eagerly 首 を 長くして 待っている kubi o nagakus hite m atteiru

every thing

dictionary -form


m atter

dictionary -form

B ut ev en s o, I hea rd he ca n us e his influence on big com pa nies . 5 ha v e a n でも たとえ そうでも 大企業 には   to       らしい です よ。 influence dem o tatoe s o dem o dai-kigy o niw a ras hi- des u y o ev en s o

big enterpris es

dictiona ry -form

I hea rd

dictiona ry -form jus t Ha s ebe-s a n:

P ole-s a n:

s light

I' m not s ure

he s aid to m e


be unable 多分 無理 でしょう。 だって 会長 の 孫 だから、たとえ 社長 でも to     と 思うよ。 to stand against to omo- yo tabun muri desho- datte kaicho- no mago dakara tatoe shacho- demo         Ha s ebe-s a n:

W ell, w ho know s ! どうなる 事 やら . . . . 。 do- na ru koto y a ra . . . .


even com pany of pres ident

A ns w ers 1 5

E) B)

2 6

plea s e order

as w as ex pected


です 。 des u

S urely a s m a rt pers on like y ou is one of a kind! さすが          人 は 違います ね。 to be s m a rt s a s uga hito w a chiga im a s u ne (dictionary -form )

pers on


I' m s o m a d! I jus t got fired! 。 突然 to get m a d to be fired tots uzen

M r. A :

s uddenly

(ta -form )

(ta -form )

Don' t be s o m a d! W hy don' t y ou ca lm dow n? そんなに カッカしないで          らどうですか。 to ca lm dow n s onna ni ka kka -s hina ide ra do- des u ka M r. B :

don' t be m a d

H ow a bout ~ ?

(ta -form )

to look forw a rd to 。 (m a s u-form )

tra v eling a broa d

difficulty dealing w ith s oon dictiona ry -form

becaus e chairm an grandchild

a ny thing

(na i-form )

海外旅行 を ka iga i-ry oko- o

T ha t proba bly w on' t ha ppen beca us e the guy is a gra nds on of the cha irm a n. I don' t think ev en the pres ident ca n s ta nd a ga ins t him .

probably not

(dictionary -form ) s o

7. I' m looking forw a rd to tra v eling a broa d.

A nd the bos s told m e he w ill fire him im m edia tely if he finds ev en a s light difficulty dea ling w ith him . 7 でも 少しでも やりにくかったら すぐに    to     と 言ってましたよ。 fire dem o s ukos hi-dem o yariniku-kattara s uguni to itte-m as hita yo bes ides

(m a s u-form )

(pra is ing him /her)

s uch

I hea rd he is com ing here toda y , jus t for a v is it. 6 今日は         だけ  とか。 to a ppea r ky o- w a da ke toka

to do

to becom e

w a iting


ta -form

s o plea s e order a ny thing! この店 は   to ha    v e a n から なんでも 頼んで下さい。 influence kono m is e w a kara nan-dem o tanonde-kudas ai


R ight! B ecaus e he alw ays pokes his nos e into everything and he gets m ad s o eas ily.


does n' t turn

to thrus t in

to m a ke long

H a s ebe-s a n:

to com e

J ) to be fired 首 に なる kubi ni na ru

com pa ny

to poke one' s nos e into

3. I know the ow ner of this res ta ura nt,

I tell y ou


to cool

くび kubi

prev ious

(m a s u-form )

借金 で        to be up to one' s neck in debt s ha kkin de        

to poke そうそう!何にでも         し ちょっと の 事 で   to     be angry からね。 one' s nos e into s hi chotto no koto de w ith s o- -s o- nanni-dem o kara ne

does n' t ris e

I ) to poke one' s nos e into 首 を 突っ込む kubi o ts ukkom u

m a s u-form

v ery

あたま       くび

1. I ta ke m y ha t off to people w ho do v olunteer w ork.

2 でも 前の 会社 は               とか。 to be fired dem o m a e no ka is ha w a toka

R ight !

to go dow n

pers on


4. I' m up to m y neck in debt.

B ut I hea rd he w a s fired from his la s t job.



D) to ta ke off one' s ha t 頭 が 下がる a ta m a ga s a ga ru

F) to cool off, ca lm dow n 頭 を 冷やす a ta m a o hiy a s u


? -a r u P ole-s a n:

to s ha rpen


this tim e H a s ebe-s a n:

e a it

T he guy w ho w a s hired this tim e is rea lly s m a rt. 1 今度 の 人 は かなり              よ。 to be s m a rt kondo no hito w a ka na ri yo


P ole-s a n:

to a ppea r

to ha v e influence

hea d

C ) to a ppea r, to com e to s ee 顔 を 出す ka o o da s u


A ) to be w ritten on one' s fa ce 顔 に 書いてある ka o ni ka ite-a ru

hea d


res ta ura nt

fa ce

顔 頭  首

J) C)

3 7

I) M)

I think 4 8

H) G)

8. M r. W a ta na be took v ery good ca re of m e w hen I w a s a s tudent, s o I ca n' t a rgue w ith him . 渡辺さん に とても お世話になった ので     to be unable to oppos e W atanabe-s an ni totem o os ewani-natta node very

took care of m e s o

 です。 des u

(na i-form )

9. He is careles s w ith tim e and m oney , s o I decided to fire him .

時間 と お金 に だらしが ない ので      事にしました。 to fire jikan to okane ni daras hi-nai node koto ni s him as hita tim e

A ns w ers

m oney 1.

D) 2.


loos e about 3.

B ) 4.

L ) 5.

s o (dictionary -form ) E ) 6.

H) J ) F)

7. K )

I decided 8. G )

9. M )

W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Des ign : M as ako B an

疲れました。 ts ukare-m as hita


is not a past tense! W hen I firs t ca m e to J a pa n tw o y ea rs a go, m y com pa ny introduced m e to a J a pa nes e hos t fa m ily s o tha t I could liv e w ith them fo r s ev er a l m o nths a nd lea r n a bo u t J a pa nes e culture firs tha nd. I w a s thin w hen I liv ed w ith them , but ga ined a lot of w eight a fter m ov ing to m y ow n a pa rtm ent, s ince I couldn' t res is t the tem pta tion to ea t a ll the J a pa nes e food I ha d grow n to lov e. I s ta rted ex ercis ing to los e s om e w eight a nd thought I ha d becom e s lim a ga in. B ut w hen I v is ited m y ho s t fa m ily the o ther da y , the m o ther a s ked, " s u ko s hi fu to r i-m a s hita ka ? (Did y o u u s ed to be fa t? )" I thought I ga ined w eight only a fter I m ov ed out, but w hy did s he know tha t I us ed to be fa t?

・I feel. . . a t tha t m om ent.

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama Vol.

I think y ou m is unders tood w ha t s he s a id. It is rea lly difficult to ex pla in y our m is ta ke in genera l gra m m a r term s , s o plea s e a llow m e to us e m y ow n gra m m a r, w hich I ca ll "H itom i G ra m m a r, " to ex pla in y our m is unders ta nding. In the pa s t, I think y ou ha v e s tudied the form , "-m a s hita , " a s the pa s t tens e form of "-m a s u. " B ut now w ha t I w a nt y ou to rem em ber is tha t the conjuga ted v erb "-m a s hita " is not jus t a pa s t tens e form bu t is a ls o u s e d to de s c r ibe s o m e th in g e ls e in da ily conv ers a tions . It m a y s eem ha rd to believ e tha t this is true, bu t c e r ta in ly y o u h a v e n o tic e d th a t J a pa n e s e pe o ple s om etim es us e this form in w a y s different from w ha t y ou ha v e s tudied.

I' m tired.

T here a re tw o different us a ges of "-m a s hita , " a s des cribed below . I' ll focus on B ) for this les s on, but plea s e let m e briefly ex pla in A ) for now . I w ill dis cus s it further in a future les s on. A ) ' -m a s hita ' or the ta -form is genera lly us ed to des cribe w ha t is ha ppening, s uch a s " (s om ething) ga ki-m a s hita . (s om ething) is com ing. " (pa rticle …ga (com m unica tion, v ehicles , ev ents , liv ing things )

(s om ething) a rriv es ・ ____________ ・ is com ing e. g. , (I w a ited a t a tra in s ta tion, a nd I s a w the tra in com ing) Here com es the tra in! (polite form )

(friendly form )

あ!電車 が 来ました! a ! dens ha ga ki-m a s hita !

あ!電車 が 来た! a ! dens ha ga kita !

B ) ' -m a s hita ' or ta -form is genera lly us ed w hen y ou w a nt to des cribe a phy s ica l / m enta l condition. ・ I feel ________ (a t tha t m om ent) ・ ____ a ppea rs to be . . . (a t tha t m om ent) e. g. , I' m s o tired. (to be tired . . . ts uka re-m a s u) (polite form )

(friendly form ) 疲れました。 疲れた。 ts uka re-m a s hita ts uka reta (pa s t tens e of ' m a s u-form ' ) (ta -form )

(polite form )

(friendly form )

1 . I' m tired.

疲れました。 ts uka re-m a s hita

疲れた。   ts uka reta

2 . I forgot.

忘れました。 w a s ure-m a s hita



思い出した。 om oida s hita

5 . I' m in trouble.

困った。 kom a tta

6 . I got los t.

迷いました。 m a y oi-m a s hita

3 . I have a fever and a cough that w on' t s top. . . It s eem s I' ve got a cold. 熱 が あるし . . . セキ も 出るし . . . 。 nets u ga aru s hi ... s eki m o deru s hi ...

8 . I los t w eight.

やせました。 y a s e-m a s hita







I have a cold

cough als o com es out

みたい です。 m itai des u s eem s


(friendly form ) O ops ! I forgot the key s ! あっ! カギ を I forgot a ka gi o


(polite form ) G eez, I' ve been w orking overtim e lately , and I' m s o tired.

ふう∼ ずっと 残業 が続いています ので     。 I' m tired fu- zutto za ngy o- ga ts uzuite-im a s u node

覚えています。/ 知っています。 oboete-imasu / shitte-imasu

have reas on

(polite form ) I ha v e s om e trouble a t hom e.

家庭 の 事 で          。 I' m troubled ka te- no koto de

わかっています。 w a ka tte-im a s u

hom e



迷った。 m a y otta

m a tter

(polite form ) N ow I rem em ber!

やっと y a tto

I rem em ber

(friendly form ) G os h, I' m thirs ty ! "A dra ft beer, plea s e! " あ∼          『生ビール お願いします』 I' m thirs ty a『na m a -b e e r onega is him a s u 』 dra ft


太った。 futotta

7 . I gained w eight.

I thought

friendly form of "I didn' t know tha t. "

(polite form )

M r. A :

plea s e (reques t)

(friendly form ) Did y ou los e w eight ? Ha v e y ou los t w eight


M r. B : N o, I ga ined s om e w eight beca us e of the s tres s a t w ork. ううん 。ストレス太り です。  I ga ined w eight uun           s tr e s s -butori des u

やせた。 y a s eta

to ga in w eight beca us e of s tres s

9 . I s m iled / laughed. 笑いました。

w a ra i-m a s hita

"-m as hita" is generally us ed w hen y ou are des cribing a phy s ical or m ental condition.

a lrea dy 12 o' clock no w onder

G eez for long tim e overtim e

4 . I rem em ber.

と 思った。 to om otta

(friendly form )  O h, I s ee! I' v e got it now ! あ∼ そう だったの か。 I unders ta nd a- s o- da tta no ka

6. わかった。 w a ka tta

3 . I unders ta nd.

I ha v e been tired (s ince. . . ).

うわ∼ もう 12時。 どうりで        I' m hungry uw a- m oju- -ni-ji do- ride


・ I feel ________ (a t tha t m o m ent) ・the co nditio n co ntinu es ・ ____ a ppea r s to be … (a t tha t m o m ent)

疲れています。 ts ukarete-im as u

1 . O h, m a n. . . it' s a lrea dy noon! N o w onder I' m s o hungry !

■ A lthough y ou ha v e lea rned "-m a s hita " a s a pa s t tens e form , tha t is not

the only w a y of us ing it. It is a ls o us ed to des cribe pres ent conditions .

・the condition continues .

疲れた。 ts ukareta

A ns w ers 1 . ona ka ga s uita 2 . w a ka tta 3 . ka ze o hi ta 4 . w a s ureta    5 . ts uka rete-im a s u 6 . kom a tte-im a s u 7 . om oida s hi-m a s hita 8 . nodo ga ka w a ita 9 . y a s eta 1 0 . futotta   

1 0 . I ha v e a cold.

風邪 を ひきました。 風邪 を ひいた。 kaze o hiki-m as hita ka ze o hi ta

1 1 . I' m hungry .

お腹 が 空きました。 onaka ga s uki-m as hita

お腹 が 空いています。 onaka ga s uite-im as u

1 2 . I' m thirs ty .

のど が かわきました。 nodo ga kawaki-mashita

のど が かわいています。 nodo ga kawaite-imasu

A ns w ers

1 . ts uka rete-im a s u 2 .w a s ureta , w a s urete-im a s u 3 . w a ka ri-m a s hita 4 . om oida s hi-m a s hita 5 . kom a ri-m a s hita , kom a tte-im a s u 6 . m a y otte-im a s u 7 . futori-m a s hita , futotte-im a s u 8 . y a s ete-im a s u 9 . w a ra tta , w a ra tte-im a s u 1 0 . ka ze o h ite-im a s u 1 1 . ona ka ga s uita 1 2 . nodo ga ka w a ita In cooperation w ith Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


(I had this delicious restaurant.)

Des ign : M as ako B an

During a lunch brea k w ith s om e collea gues , I w a s r e a din g th r o u gh a go u r m e t m a ga zin e a n d ca m e a cros s a lis ting for m y fa v orite res a ura nt. I told m y friends , "kino- kono ois hi r e s t a u r a n t o ta bem a s hita ." I m ea nt to s a y , "Y es terda y , I ha d a delicious dinner a t this res ta ura nt," but a ll of m y friends looked s hocked! O ne of them a s ked m e, "How w a s it? W a s it good? " "Y es , of cours e, it w a s good! " I s a id. T hey a ll s ta rted la ughing a nd one of them s a id to m e, " S orry , P oles a n! W e ca nnot ea t a res ta ura nt! "


T hey la ughed beca us e y ou us ed the w rong pa rticle w hen y ou s poke. Y ou s a id, "I a te this delicious res ta ura nt. " Y ou s hould ha v e u s e d th e pa r tic le ' de , ' s a y in g , " __r e s t a u r a n t ' de ' ( __a t th e res ta ura nt). " It is genera lly ha rd to us e J a pa nes e pa rticles , but I think they a re fun! I think m a ny of y ou m ight ha v e a lrea dy noticed from m y colum n tha t m y ex pla na tions of J a pa nes e gra m m a r a re s om ew ha t different from thos e of m os t people. T ha t' s beca us e I' v e been us ing "Hitom i G ra m m a r, " the s et of gra m m a tica l rules tha t I ha v e crea ted to m a ke J a pa nes e gra m m a r m uch ea s ier a nd m ore enjoy a ble for foreign s tu de n ts . A n d I' ll c o n tin u e to u s e " H ito m i G r a m m a r " fo r m y ex pla na tions from now on.

B a s ic R ule of S entence S tructure ■ J a pa n e s e g r a m m a r pla c e s le s s e m ph a s is o n w o r d o r de r th a n o th e r la ngua ges . A lthough it is up to y ou to decide how to a rra nge y our w ords , it w ill be m uch ea s ier to com m unica te in J a pa nes e if y ou s ta rt ea ch s entence w ith the m os t im porta nt idea , then w ork dow n through the les s im porta nt things a nd finis h w ith the v erb. How ev er, ea ch pa rticle m us t s ta y w ith the w ord it m odifies

pa rticle (w a ) . . . . . E x pla na tion, C om pa ris on T he pa rticle "w a " is us ed in m a ny different w a y s , but I' m going to ex pla in tw o m a in w a y s of us ing the pa rticle for this les s on. T hey a re "E x pla na tion" a nd "C om pa ris on. " ■ E x pla na tion (O bjectiv ely )


M os t im porta nt e. g. ,

L ea s t im porta nt

V erb

この魚 は kono s akana wa (this fis h)

木田さん は K ida -s a n w a pa rticle

pa rticle

pa rticle

I' ll s ee m y friends in H a w a ii nex t w eek.

Y ou ca n s a y , either 1), 2) or 3).

e. g. ,

私 は w a ta s hi w a


来週 ハワイ で ra is huH a w a i i de (nex t w eek) (in/a t)

友達 に tom oda chi ni (to friend)

T he w ord order is up to y ou!

会います。 a im a s u (w ill m eet)

e. g. ,

T he v erb ends .


来週 ra is hu-

ハワイ で H a w a i i de

友達 に tom oda chi ni

来週 ra is hu-

友達 に tom oda chi ni

会います。 a im a s u

ハワイ で 会います。 H a w a i i de a im a s u

2. このはこにははなははいっていません。

ko no ha ko ni ha ha na ha ha i tte i m a s e n

3. たばこのはいははいざらに。

ta ba ko no ha i ha ha i za ra ni

4. ははのははははくはつです。

ha ha no ha ha ha ha ku ha ts u de s u

5. はちははなにとまっています。

ha chi ha ha na ni to m a tte i m a s u

6. はとはぐきははぶらしでみがきましょう。

ha to ha gu ki ha ha bu ra s hi de m i ga ki m a s ho-

7. きのはははいいろです。

ki no ha ha ha i i ro de s u


A ns w ers

1. M y m other runs to w ork a t 8: 30 a . m . 母 は 8時半 に 走って 会社 に 行きます。 ha ha w a ha chi-ji ha n ni ha s hitte ka is ha ni ikim a s u m y m other

8: 30

a t com pa ny

2. T here a ren' t a ny flow ers in this box . この箱には花は入っていません。 kono ha ko niw a ha na w a ha itte-im a s en this box

flow er

ciga rette

ex pla na tion of A

I a m not bea utiful.

★C a ution★ It is not a com m on pra ctice to s a y "w a " directly a fter w ords th a t r ela te to da te s , s u ch a s " to m o r r o w , " " th e da y a fte r to m o r r o w , " "S unda y , " "nex t w eek, " etc. e. g. ,


It' s s tres s ed B

(com pa ring w ith other fis h) T his fis h is s m a ller. この魚 は 小さい です。 (com pa ring w ith other people) 私 は きれい じゃない です。 w a ta s hi w a kire- ja na i des u

ha ha ha ha chi ji ha n ni ha s hi tte ka i s ha ni i ki m a s u

3. P ut the ciga rette a s h in a n a s htra y . タバコ の 灰 は 灰皿に。 ta ba ko no ha i w a ha iza ra ni

kono s a ka na w a chi s a i des u

In gener a l, J a pa nes e peo ple do no t u s e " I (w a ta s hi)" m u ch in ev er y da y s peech. If y ou us e "w a ta s hi" too m uch, it s ta rts to s ound a rroga nt. A v oid us ing it unles s y ou w a nt to em pha s ize y ours elf. 1)

T his fis h is s m a ll. the ex planation この魚 は 小さい です。 of this fis h kono sakana wa chi sai desu     (s m a ll) M r. K ida left. 帰りました 木田さん は 帰りました。 the ex planation kaerim as hita of him K ida-s an w a kaerim as hita

or com pa red

1. ははははちじはんにはしってかいしゃにいきます。

the deta ils

小さい chi s a i

A this pa rt w ill be em pha s ized

Pleas e identify the particle, "は: wa" in the following s entences .

ha ?

ha ha ha ha ri to i to to ha s a m i o ka i m a s hi ta

W hen y ou finis h s a y ing "w a , " the lis teners w ill think tha t y ou a re going to ex pla in the deta ils nex t.

■ "C om pa ris on" ・T o pronounce "w a " w ith em pha s is .

W ord order is up to y ou! e. g. ,



8. ははははりといととはさみをかいました。

B is the ex pla na tion of A .


w a?

I' m going to s ee a friend tom orrow . 明日  は  友達 に 会います。 as hita w a tom odachi ni aim as u If y ou put "w a " right a fter ' tom orrow , ' it w ill be com pa red w ith other da y s .

(com pa ring w ith other da y s ) It is tom orrow tha t I' m going to s ee a friend.   明日 は 友達 に 会います。 as hita w a tom odachi ni aim as u


a s htra y

4. M y m other' s m other ha s gra y ha ir. 母の母は白髪です。 ha ha no ha ha w a ha kuha ts u des u m y m other' s m other gra y ha ir

5. T here' s a bee on the flow er. ハチ は 花 に とまっています。 ha chi w a ha na ni tom a tte-im a s u bee

flow er

6. L et' s brus h our teeth a nd gum s w ith a toothbrus h. 歯 と 歯茎 は 歯ブラシ で 磨きましょう。 ha to ha guki w a ha -b r u s h de m iga ki-m a s hoteeth

gum s

toothbrus h

L et' s brus h

7. T he lea f is gra y . 木 の 葉 は 灰色 です。 ki no ha w a ha iiro des u tree

lea f

gra y

8. M y m other bought a needle a nd s cis s ors . 母 は 針 と ハサミ を 買いました。 ha ha w a ha ri to ha s a m i o ka im a s hita m y m other needle s cis s ors


W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


N ex t tim e, I hope y ou' ll ta ke m e out to dinner a nd then s a y , "w a ta s hi ga . " I w ould be ha ppy to ha v e dinner w ith y ou! G ee, I w onder w ha t I' ll order … ha , ha , ha … I' m jus t kidding, M r. P ole! T o a ns w er y our ques tion, y our problem is pa rticles a ga in. L et m e ex pla in a bout the pa rticle "ga " for this les s on. It is us ed to em pha s ize one thing ov er a nother. In this ca s e, "w a ta s hi " (I) w ill be s tres s ed. T hus , if y ou s a y , "w a ta s hi ga " a t a ca s hier, it im plies , "It is I (w ho w ill pa y the bill)". E v en though y ou jus t s a id "w a ta s hi ga , " the pa rticle "ga " em pha s izes w ho w ill pa y , a nd tha t w ould m ea n, "It is I w ho w ill pa y the bill! "

Des ign : M as ako B an

pa rticle

が (ga ) . . . . . . . E m pha s is by m a king s election.

T he ba s ic rule is to ha v e one "ga " in one s entence. T here a re m a ny w a y s of us ing the pa rticle, but let m e ex pla in the m os t com m on us a ge of it in this les s on: "em pha s is . " T he pa rticle "ga " em pha s izes s om ething by s electing it from a certa in group. Y ou ca n a ls o em pha s ize s itua tions s uch a s occurrences a nd a ppea ra nces . T he follow ing ex a m ples s how y ou how to us e the pa rticle. P lea s e try to dis cern how it is us ed.

■ Questions & Answers { W hen, W here,

Q : W ha t, W ho }

e. g. ,

■ S election/C hoice (to em pha s ize by s electing one thing from the s a m e ca tegory )

が ga

人生で 何が 大切 です か。 jins e- de nani ga tais ets u des u ka

好き です。 s uki des u like

gro ・ S electing s om eone → T here is /a re

A: S taying healthy is

e. g. ,

Who ? (da re ga / dona ta ga ) e. g. ,Q : W ho is com ing to this m eeting?

... up


マグロ (tuna ) m a guro

e. g. ,

駅 前の店 が おいしい- です よ。 eki-mae no mise ga oishi desu yo

What ? (na ni ga ) Q:W hat is im portant in your life?

(s electing tuna from fis h ca tegory ) It is tuna tha t I like.


i .f

ハマチ(y ellow ta il) ha m a chi

T here w a s a n a ccident.

森さん が います。 M ori-s a n ga im a s u

事故 が ありました。 jiko ga a rim a s hita

im portant. 健康 が 大切です。 kenko- ga tais ets u des u

ky u ry o ga fuem as hita

■ "ga " is not only us ed a s a pa rticle, but a ls o a s a tra ns itiona l ex pres s ion in da ily conv ers a tions . が A B A B ・ S electing from things tha t y ou ・ S electing from one' s des ires ・ Highlighting the a bility , but ga think a re good → is /a re good → w a nt of s om eone → ca n e. g. , It is ra ining right now , but it' s going to s top s oon. S unda y is good for m e.

I w a nt a da y off.

日曜日 が いい です。 nichiy o--bi ga i des u

休み が 欲しい です。 y a s um i ga hos hi des u

I ca n do e-m a il.

イーメール が できます。 e -m a i l ga dekim a s u

今 雨 が 降っています が、すぐ やむでしょう。 im a a m e ga hutte-im a s u ga s ugu y a m u-des honow

ra in

fa lling

but s oon

it' s going to s top

W ha t kind of pers on is M r. K oga ?  〕 古賀さん  〔   が は どんな人ですか。 K oga -s a n 〔   ga w 〕 a donna hito des u ka w ha t kind of 3 M r. K oga is a n a ccounta nt 〔    〕 会計士 古賀さん  が は  K oga-s an〔   ga w a 〕kaike- s hi de a ccounta nt 4

a nd he is v ery s m a rt. 〔    〕 で 頭   が は 切れます。 atam a〔   ga w a 〕 kirem as u hea d 5 s ha rp

Y es . B ut M r. Ha y a s hi w on' t be a v a ila ble beca us e he ca n' t finis h his w ork by then. 〔    〕 今 の 仕事  ええ、でも 林さん  が は  ee dem o Hay as hi-s an 〔   ga w 〕 a im a no s higoto B ut pres ent w ork 7 〔    〕 遅れています ので 行けません。 が は  〔   ga w 〕 a okurete-im as u node ikem as en being la te 8

P ole-s a n :

B ut if M r. K oga goes , he w ill take care of every thing. 古賀さん  が は 行けば 全てうまくいくでしょう。 〔    〕 K oga-s an〔   ga w 〕 a ikeba s ubete um aku iku-des hoif he goes ev ery thing w ill go fine 9

古賀さん が 行きます。 K oga -s a n ga ikim a s u

■ T he pa rticle "ga " is us ed w ith intra ns itiv e v erbs to ta lk a bout occurrences .

M r. K oga is going. 古賀さん  が は  〔    〕 行きます。 K oga -s a n 〔   ga w 〕 a ikim a s u 2

B ut rea lly , M r. Ha y a s hi w a s s uppos ed to go, w a s n' t he? 本当は 林さん  が は 行くはずでしたね。 〔    〕 honto- w a Hay as hi-s an〔 ga w a 〕iku-hazu des hita ne    truth to be s uppos ed to 6

collea gue :

A: M r. K oga is com ing.

・e. g. , to com e out, to brea k dow n, to increa s e, to blow , to s pill, to cry e. g. , T he w ind is blow ing. M y s a la ry increa s ed. I coughed. (I got a ra is e. ) 風 が 吹いています。 セキ が 出ました。 給料が増えました。 s eki ga dem as hita kaze ga fuite-im as u - -

・S electing s om ething/ ca us e → T here is /a re

T here’ s M rs . M ori.

会議 に 誰 が 行きます か。 ka igi ni da re ga ikim a s u ka

collea gue :

来月 が いい です ね。 ra igets u ga i des u ne

どこ の 店 が おいしい です か。 doko no m is e ga ois hi des u ka

S electing the ta s te of s om eone → like

P ole-s a n :

A: (s election) ga

Where ?(doko ga ) Q: W hich restaurant is it that makes delicious food? A: It's the one in front of the train station.

this w ill be em pha s ized.

マグロ m a guro tuna


When ?(its u ga ) Q: W hen w ould you like to go on the trip? A: I' d like to go nex t m onth. 旅行 は いつ が いい です か。 ry oko- w a its u ga i des u ka

・ "ga " em pha s izes by s election: (s election) ga (ex pla na tion)

e. g. ,


W ho is going to L ondon ins tea d of M r. H a y a s hi? 誰 〔  が  は 林さん の 代わりに ロンドンに 行きますか。 〕 dare〔  ga w a 〕 Hayas hi-s an no kaw ari ni L o n d o n W ho ins tea d of ni ikim as u ka 1

collea gue :

P ole-s a n :

noun, v erb i-a djectiv e na -a djectiv e


ex pla na tion

s election / em pha s is

Vol. I hea rd a n interes ting ex cha nge in a res ta ura nt the other da y . I didn' t rea lly unders ta nd w ha t they w ere doing, but tw o J a pa nes e m en w ere try ing to ta ke the bill out of ea ch other' s ha nd, s a y ing, "w a ta s hi ga ," "w a ta s hi ga ! " I w a s s urpris ed to s ee w ha t they w ere doing, but no one els e in the res ta ura nt s eem ed to ta ke notice. A few da y s la ter , I w ent to ha v e a dinner w ith m y fr iend a t a res ta ura nt. W hen w e ca m e to the ca s hier, I rem em bered the funny s cene from the other da y a nd s a id, "w a ta s hi ga ." I w a s ex pecting tha t he w ould a ct in the s a m e w a y a s the people I ha d s een did. B ut he jus t s a id, "W hy , tha nks a lot! " a nd left the res ta ura nt! W hy did I ha v e to buy his m ea l?


I' m gla d to hea r tha t.

collea gue :

それを聞いて安心しました。 s ore o ki te a ns hin s him a s hita tha t

lis ten to feel a t ea s e

A ns w ers

1 Q ues tions & a ns w ers (W ho? ) . . . . . ga 2 S electing a pers on . . . . . ga 3 A s king for the ex pla na tion of him . . . . . w a 4 E x pla na tion a bout M r. K oga . . . . . w a 5 S electing the cha ra cteris tics of M r. K oga . . . . . ga 6 S electing M r. Ha y a s hi from a m ong the s ta ff . . . . . ga 7 E x pla na tion of M r. Ha y a s hi . . . . . w a 8 S electing the ca us e of M r. Ha y a s hi' s s itua tion . . . . . ga 9 S electing M r. K oga from a m ong the s ta ff . . . . . ga W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama




Des ign : M as ako B an

I w ent to G inza to m eet m y friend S unday as I had prom is ed to do. I decided to get there a little early to do s om e w indow -s hopping, w hen I s aw an item w ith an unbelievable price on dis play in front of a fam ous fruit s hop. O ne m elon cos t ¥20,000! A s s oon as m y friend s how ed up, I as ked her, "Do you know how m uch one m es h m elon in a beautiful box cos ts ? " S he s aid, "W ell, I gues s , ' m ega tobideru kurai takai' , right? Probably, s om ew here betw een ¥10,000 and ¥20,000. I bet you s aw the price, and w ere ' m e o utagatta,' w eren' t you? T heir m elons are very ex pens ive, but delicious ! I really ' m e ga nai' their m elons ! " I could figure out w hat s he m eant to s ay , but I w as n' t s ure w hat "m e ga tobideru kurai," "m e o utagatta" and "m e ga nai" m eant. M s . Hirayam a, w e dis cus s ed phras es that relate to our body in V ol. 25, but are they s im ilar ex pres s ions ? A ) U nable to believe one' s ey es . H) T o keep a n ey e on. (T o w a tch in dis belief. / T o be s urpris ed by s om ething. )

(T o pa y cons ta nt a ttention to. / T o ta ke ca re of. )

目 を 疑う m e o uta ga u

目 が 届く m e ga todoku

B ) T o s kim through. (T o rea d quickly through. )

目 を 通す m e o to- s u C ) T o be very fond of. (T o like a lot.)

目 が ない m e ga na i D) T o ha v e a n ex cellent ey e   for s om ething.

I) U nable to take one' s ey es off s om ething. (It is a m us t to keep an ey e on it.)

目 が 離せない m e ga ha na s ena i


目 め me

(T o ha v e know ledge of s om ething. )

E ) T o ta ke no note 目 も くれない m e m o kurena i

目 の 色 を 変える m e no iro o ka eru G ) T o a v oid being s een. (T o do s om ething in s ecret w ithout being s een by anyone.)

目 を 盗む m e o nus um u

目 を 引く m e o hiku M ) To be surprised by an exorbitant price. 目 が 飛び出る m e ga tobideru (U s ua lly "-kura i" is a tta ched to this phra s e. )

N ) T he point aim ed at. (One's point of view.)

目 の つけ所 m e no ts ukedokoro O ) W ithin a s tone' s throw . (It is s uch a s hort dis ta nce. )

P ) S om ething tem pting. 目の毒 m e no doku

(T o ignore com pletely .)

(T o glare in anger. / T o be abs orbed com pletely.)

(T o get others ' a ttention. )

目と鼻の先 m e to ha na no s a ki

目 が ある m e ga a ru

F) T o change one' s countenance

L ) T o attract the ey es of people.

J ) T o be throw n into des pa ir. Q ) T o have a bum p above one's eyes . (E verything before one's eyes goes black.)

(A n annoy ance.)

目 の 前が 真っ暗 になる m e no m ae ga m akkura ni naru

目 の上 の コブ m e no ue no kobu

K ) T o feel a s if the s ca les ha d R ) A n eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth. fa llen from one' s ey es . (Q uota tion from the B ible. ) (T o s uddenly realize the truth.) 目 には 目 を 歯 には 歯 を 目 から ウロコ (が 落ちる) m e niw a m e o ha niw a ha o m e kara uroko (ga ochiru)

eye, s ight

Y es , w e dis cus s ed s om e s im ilar ex pres s ions in V ol. 25, s o w hy don' t w e talk about them m ore in this les s on? T he m os t us ed "body part" for s uch ex pres s ions is "ey e," the s econd is "ki" (s pirit, feelings , etc) and the third is "hand." N ow , let m e ex plain w hat y our friend actually m eant. T he firs t ex pres s ion "m e ga tobideru kurai," m eans "T hat' s an ex orbitant price," w hile "m e o utagatta" m eans , "unable to believe one' s ey es ," and the las t phras e, "m e ga nai," m eans "to be very fond of." B y the w a y , M r. P ole! L a tely , it s eem s like the la ngua ge of teena ger s a nd y o ung a dults in their 20s ha s s ta r ted to deteriora te, a nd m a ny of them a re no longer us ing s uch ex pres s ions . Perhaps foreigners like y ou w ho are eager to learn J apanes e know thos e idiom s better than they do!

眼 観 眠 見 看 め  ガン E ye  

1. P eople w ho are optim is tic don' t feel too m uch s tres s . 楽 主義 の 人 は ストレス が たまりにくいです。 rakkan-s hugi no hito w a s t r e s s ga tam arinikui des u

Let's practice !

optim is tic

1. I ca n' t ta ke m y

2. Fla m boy a nt clothes

ey es off toda y ' s politics .

ハデ な 服装 は ha de-na fukus o- w a

ワイン には w i n e niw a

be fond of

5. U ndera ge kids s m oked w ithout being s een by a dults . 未成年者 は       m is e- nen-s ha w a

get others ' a ttention

7. J us t s kim through the papers 時間 が ない ので jikan ga nai node だけ です。 dake des u

bia s ed v iew point

run y our ey es ov er (dictiona ry form )


9. A fter the ex pla na tion,

I felt a s if the s ca les ha d fa llen from m y ey es .

a s if the s ca les ha d fa llen from m y ey es (pa s t tens e)

w as throw n into des pair (pa s t tens e)

4. J

uns tea dy

5. "S eeing is believ ing, " is n' t it?

「百聞 は 一 に しかず」 です ね。 hy a kubun w a ikken ni s hika zu des u ne one hundred tim es lis tening s eeing once


W hen I w ent to the optician, I w as s hocked becaus e they told m e to us e old people' s reading glas s es .

鏡屋 に 行ったら 老 と 言われ ショックでした。 m egane-ya ni ittara ro gan to iw are s h o c k des hita

P eople w ho ha v e a good ey e for high-qua lity item s ca n find them ev en a t a s a le.

optician' s s hop w hen I w ent

pres byopia

7. I ha v e cha nged m y v iew of life s ince the a ccident. あの 事件 以来 人生 が 変わりました。 a no jiken ira i jins e- ka n ga ka w a rim a s hita the accident s ince view of life


A ns w ers

A ns w ers

3. C

ins om nia

あの人 は          です。 a nnoy a nce a no hito w a des u

人 は 良い品 を 選びます。 hito w a y ois hina o era bim a s u

ました。 m a s hita

不 症 で フラフラ です。 fum ins ho- de fura -fura des u

コンビニ は   c         o n v e n i (e n c e s t o r e ) w a w ithin a s tone' s throw です。 des u He is a lw a y s a nnoy ing.

ha v       e a good ey e for (dictiona ry form )

look a t

4. I ca n' t s ettle dow n, beca us e of ins om nia .

T he conv enience s tore is right nex t to m y hous e.

バーゲン でも b a r g a i n dem o

その説明 を 聞いて  s ono s ets um e- o ki te

2. L

3. It' s not fair to look at things from a bias ed view point.

大事故 の ニュース を 聞いて dai-jiko no n e w s o ki te


becaus e there is no tim e.

a re in trouble

色 鏡 で 物を る のは 良くない です。 iro-m egane de m ono o m iru now a y okunai des u


w ithout being s een (te- form )

la ck of

of the horrible tra gedy , I w a s throw n into des pa ir.

タバコ を 吸いました。 t a b a c o o s uim as hita

1. I

nurs e

4. O n hea ring the new s

ん です。 n des u

don' t feel too m uch s tres s

護 婦 不足 で どの病院 も 困っています。 kangofu bus oku de dono byo- in m o kom atte-im as u

(m a s u form )

like w ine.


2. M any hos pitals are in trouble becaus e of the lack of nurs es .

get other people' s

a ttention.

最近 の 政治 は       です。 can' t take m y s aikin no s e- ji wa ey es off des u

3. I rea lly

み(る) ねむ(る) み(る) み(る) カン   ミン   ケン    カン to view  to s leep   to look   to nurs e

5. G

6.  O

7. B

8.   Q  9.


10. D

1.観 2.看 3.

. 眼 / 見  4 眠

5見 .

6 .眼


  7観 .

W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

4-letter cha ra cter prov erbs


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

よん y on

N o, M r. Pole! I' ve never had m is o s us hi before. B ut there w as no m is o in the s us hi y ou ate. W hat y our friend s aid w as a proverb. "T em ae-m is o des u ga, ois hii des u y o! " m eans , "I don' t m ean to s ing m y ow n prais es , but this is delicious ! " J apanes e people frequently us e proverbs in daily life, becaus e being a ble to us e "kotow a za " (prov erbs ) is cons idered to be a s ign of intelligence. Y ou s hould try to us e s om e, too! It is a good opportunity to increas e y our J apanes e vocabulary , and y our J apanes e friends w ill think that y ou are s m art! L earning proverbs is us eful even for bus y people w ho do not ha v e enough tim e to s tudy J a pa nes e a s they ca n us e prov erbs for com m unication. B y the w ay , y ou s hould try delicious "m is o pan" (bread w ith m is o ins ide), w hich is s old at a m is o s tore in K am eido, T oky o! .

Des ign : M as ako B an

I w as recently invited to a friend's hous e, w here his w ife cooked a lot of J apanes e food for m e. S he s pent the entire tim e in the kitchen cooking dinner, w hile I w as eating it w ith her hus band. W hen s he s erved us s om e s us hi, her hus band told m e, "T em ae-m is o des u ga, ois hii des u yo! " I thought it w as the m is o us ed for m is o s oup. A s it w as m y firs t experience to eat m is o s us hi, I s aid, "M is o no s us hi w a hajim ete des u (I've never had m is o s us hi before)." B ut it did not tas te like m is o at all w hen I ate it. M s . Hirayam a, have you ever had m is o s us hi? ■ J a pa n e s e pe o ple like to u s e pr o v e r bs . T h e y a r e u s u a lly v e r y s h o r t ex pres s ions , but they ca rry a lot of m ea ning. In s om e ca s es , y ou m a y be a ble to e x pr e s s y o u r th o u gh ts w ith o n e pr o v e r b, in s te a d o f u s in g difficu lt v oca bula ry a nd gra m m a r to m a ke the s a m e point. M os t prov erbia l s a y ings a re ea s y to lea rn a nd us e a nd a re a quick w a y to ex pres s com plex idea s . B ut be ca r efu l. S in ce pr o v er bs a r e fix ed ex pr es s io n s , J a pa n es e peo ple w ill n o t u n der s ta n d w h a t y o u m ea n u n les s y o u s a y th e w h o le ph r a s e. W e h a v e des cribed the m ea nings of the prov erbs a s w ell a s the m ea nings of ea ch ka nji s o tha t y ou ca n rem em ber them m ore ea s ily . Y ou could us e a J a pa nes e prov erb in the m iddle of a conv ers a tion in E nglis h. ですね。 des u ne

prov erb

a s king for a greem ent (…, is n' t it? …, y ou know ? …, don' t y ou think s o? etc. ) e. g. , K oga -s a n :

P ole-s a n :

giv ing inform a tion



人 nin

十 to



choku ny u-

(res ult)

果 ga




E a rs of hors e in the ea s t w ind. (hors e)

(ea r)

(ea s t)

(w ind)




(fork)(s ca ttered)(dis ruption)

s hi



F) T he right pers on for the right job  A pers on gets right job a ccording to his or her s kills a nd know ledge.

R ight pers on in right pla ce

適 teki

材 za i

(pla ce)

適 teki

 A lthough ev ery thing is going w ell, a n enem y m a y s nea k up a nd ov ercom e y ou if y ou a re not ca reful. It tea ches us to be on gua rd a t a ll tim es .

C a reles s nes s is the grea tes t enem y . (ca reles s nes s ) (pow erful enem y )

油 yu

da n

ta i

ja ku niku ky o-

食 s hoku

P ole-s a n :

friend :

です ね。 des u ne

S urv iv a l of the fittes t

T he pers onnel depa rtm ent did a n ex cellent job of reorga nizing! です ね。 des u ne

T he right pers on for the right job

I ba ked this ca ke m y s elf. I don' t m ea n to blow m y ow n trum pet, but it' s delicious ! ですが おいしい ですよ。 des u ga "ois hi des u yo"

L et' s be ca reful. です ね。 des u ne

S ta y on y our toes .

(m y ow n)

手 te

m ae

(m is o)



に お願いします。 ni onega is him a s u

S top bea ting a round the bus h.

It s eem s like w e a re s till s ea rching in the da rk, a nd w e ha v e no idea w ha t to do. . . です ね。 N o idea w ha t to do P ole-s a n : to s olv e a problem des u ne friend :

friend :

P ole-s a n :

friend :

P ole-s a n :

J ) B low ing one' s ow n trum pet (horn) (If I m a y s a y s o m y s elf. . . )

I think w e ha v e ha d good w ea ther la tely , a nd I hope it' s going to be. . .

friend :


Hom em a de m is o

friend :

じゅく ご   juku go

It is really hard to s ucceed in this com pany becaus e people on the top have abs olute authority.

If I m ay s ay s o m y s elf, "It' s delicious ! "

P ole-s a n :

H) S ta y on y our toes

T he w ea k becom es food for the s trong.

friend :

s ho

T his phra s e litera lly m ea ns the w ea k is prey to the s trong, a nd it is ha rd to s urv iv e. It is us ed w hen a s m a ll com pa ny is purcha s ed by a la rger one.

P ole-s a n :

P ole-s a n :

 M is o w as a traditional food that people m ade w hen they w a nted to s how off their culina ry s kills . S ince J apanes e people do not like to s ing their ow n prais es , they us e this phas e to s how their hum ble attitude w hen they w ant to boas t in a s ubtle w ay.

(w ea k) (m ea t) (s trong) (ea t)

friend :

m ets u rets u

s a ku

I) S urv iv a l of the fittes t (B ig fis h ea t s m a ll fis h)



(grope for)

T his prov erb origina lly m ea ns "a hors e jus t m ov es its ea rs w hen a s pring w ind blow s . " A pers on w ho pa y s no a ttention, or s om eone w ho hea rs the w ords , but let them go in one ea r a nd out of the other.

R etribution is the res ult of the caus e. (ca us e)


P ole-s a n :


N o s upport ca us es dis ruption

(right) (m a teria l) (right)

G ) A pers on w ho pa y s no a ttention

W hether w ha t y ou do is good or ba d, y o u w ill h a v e to de a l w ith th e co n s equences —genera lly us ed a s a w a rning.


ta n

B ) Y ou rea p w ha t y ou s ow

(s ingle) (s w ord)(direct)(put in)


If y ou criticize or reprov e s om eone too directly , he or s he m a y be offended or ev en becom e defens iv e. H ow ev er, if y ou offer y our criticis m in a s ubtle w a y by us ing kotow a za , y ou m ight s often the pers on up enough to a ccept y our opinions , ev en though s uch a prov erb m ight ha v e a s trong m ea ning.

Direct s ta b w ith one s w ord

(da rk)

a thunderbolt out of the blue

(10) (people) (10) (colors )

 It is u s ed to cr iticize s o m eo ne w ho s a y s s om ething different from w ha t they ha v e s a id before or w hos e a ctions do not m a tch their w ords .

A s ea rch in da rknes s

s o?

青天  の へきれき です よ。 s e- ten no hekireki des u y o

T en people w ith 10 colors .

 T his m eans "s peak directly," "get to the point," ev en if the s ubject is difficult to dis cus s . J apanes e people us e this phras e w hen they w ant to clea r things up, s ince they a re genera lly reluctant to s peak directly right aw ay.

Y ou are unable to find any clues to help s olve your problem s . Y ou have no idea w hat to do.

N o, it w a s "a thunderbolt out of the blue" for m e, too. (I w a s s hocked, too. / I w a s s urpris ed, too. )

W h en 10 peo ple get to geth er in o n e pla ce, ea ch one w ill ha v e a different hobby or likes a nd dis likes .

D) B eing incons is tent

E ) U na ble to know w ha t to do nor how to s olv e problem s

です よ。 des u y o

I w a s v ery s urpris ed to hea r tha t his com pa ny w ent ba nkrupt. Did y ou hea r a ny rum ors a bout it?

A ) T o each his ow n

C ) S top bea ting a round the bus h

friend :

も  m o

friend :

P ole-s a n :

A ns w ers

N othing I s a y m a kes a ny difference to him . It' s like I' m ta lking to a brick w a ll! A pers on w ho pa y s no a ttention

です ね。 des u ne

He does n' t know w ha t he' s ta lking a bout. W ha t he s a y s is confus ing. です ね。 B eing incons is tent des u ne He w a s a lw a y s difficult to dea l w ith, a nd la s t w eek, he got fired! R ea ping w ha t y ou s ow

です よ。 des u y o

In the la s t m eeting, w e couldn' t rea ch a cons ens us . T o ea ch his ow n

です から. . . des u ka ra . . .

1. I )

2 . F)

3. J)

4 . H)

5 . C)

6 . E)

7 . G)

8 . D)

9 . B)

1 0 . A)

噌 W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

4-cha ra cter idiom s


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

よん y on

Des ign : M as ako B an

O ne of m y collea gues s ucceeded in his la tes t project, s o I told him , "C ongra tula tions ! Y ou did a n ex cellent job! " B ut s o m e m em ber s w ho helped him do the pr o ject w er e w a tching m e, a nd ca m e to m e, s a y ing, "K eep y our ey es on him , M r. P ole! B eca us e he is "hito no fundos hi de s um o- o toru" hito des u y o. (L it. Doing s um o- by w ea ring s om eone els e' s fundos hi) I looked up the w ord fundos hi in a pocket-s ized book fea turing J a pa nes e culture tha t I bought w hen I firs t ca m e to J a pa n. It s a id tha t fundos hi w a s a n old-s ty le loincloth m a de of one s heet of fa bric, a nd it w a s w o r n by m en a s under w ea r in the pa s t. I couldn' t believ e tha t he w a s s till w ea ring a fundos hi. I th in k s u m o w r e s tle r s w e a r m a w a s h i, n o t fu n do s h i, correct? M s . Hira y a m a , do a ll J a pa nes e m en s till w ea r fundos hi ev en thes e da y s ?

I don' t think y ou ca n find a ny body w ho a ctua lly w ea rs fundos hi th e s e da y s , bu t I' m n o t s u r e . If y o u ta lk to pe o ple in fo r e ign countries a nd a s k them a bout their im pres s ions of N ihon, m os t of them w ould s a y s om ething like, "geis ha , " "liv ing in a hous e of w ood a n d pa pe r , " o r " pe o ple w h o a lw a y s w e a r kim o n o , " e tc. T h e ir im pres s ions of J a pa n a re s till old fa s hioned a nd ina ccura te. I think y ou m ight ha v e thought tha t "hito no fundos hi de s um o- o toru" m ea nt, "Doing s um o- by w ea ring s om eone els e' s underw ea r, " a nd y ou m us t ha v e been s urpris ed! B ut it a ctua lly m ea ns , "B enefiting o n e s e lf a t s o m e o n e e ls e ' s e x pe n s e . " fu n do s h i m a y giv e a ba d im pres s ion to others , s o it m a y be better to s a y , "ta riki honga n" (benefiting ones elf w ith the help of others ). " A ls o, y ou s hould be ca reful w hen y ou us e idiom s , beca us e s om e idiom s m ight hurt the feelings of other people unw ittingly .


P ole-s a n:


C ) T ria l a nd error

jo no kuchi : T he ra nks of s um o- s ta rt from "jo no kuchi" a nd go a ll the w a y to y okozuna (gra nd cha m pion). T he w a y of s um o- is a long w a y inv olv ing pers is tence a nd effort. "jo no kuchi" is the firs t ra nk, a nd a ls o it m ea ns "It' s only the beginning. " T herefore, this ex pres s ion is us ed to im ply , "It is going to becom e ha rder a nd ha rder, a nd this is only the beginning. " A nd its m ea ning is em pha s ized if y ou s a y "m a da (y et)" or "honno (jus t)" before "jo no kuchi"—"jo no kuchi des u, " "m a da jo no kuchi des u" or "honno jo no kuchi des u. "


e. g. ,

O h, m y goodnes s ! Y ou ha v e been drinking a lot! うわあ∼ すごい 飲みます ね。 uw a a s ugoi nom i-m a s u ne P ole-s a n :   O h, no, no! "honno jo no kuchi" des u

K oizum i-s a n :

P ole-s a n:

A ) U s ing others to benefit ones elf, B ) T o ha v e the w hole w orld a ga ins t ra ther tha n us ing one' s ow n m ea ns    ones elf

他 ta


s a ku


S urrounded by enem ies

Hea ring a s ong s ung by the enem y on four s ides : (four s ides )


ga n

s hi

m en

(s ong of "S o" country )


歌 ka

T heory on des k: (des k)

机 ki







F) C om m unica tion w ithout w ords T ra ns ferring thoughts (feelings ) to s om eone els e' s m ind w ithout us ing w ords

(a dv a nce) (m onth) (s tep)

s hin




(s ea brea m )


ta i

I) G rea t ta lents m a ture la te. Im ply ing tha t a v er y a cco m plis hed per s o n does not dev elop ov ernight, but he begins to us e his ta lents la ter in life. If y ou s a y this idiom to people w ho ha v e not y et m a de a ny s ucces s , it m a y be a n encoura ging thought for them , im ply ing, "C heer up, a nd s oon y ou w ill becom e grea t a nd s ucces s ful! " (great)(m an of ability )(late hours )(m ake)

ta i


ba n

friend :

P ole-s a n:


friend :

(by ) (hea rt) (tra ns m it)(hea rt)

s hin


s hin

P ole-s a n :

In a ncient C hina , one s oldier ra n a w a y in 50 s teps w hile a no ther s o ldier r a n a w a y in 100 s teps w hen they w ere los ing their ba ttle. T he s oldier w ho took 50 s teps s a id to the other tha t he w a s les s cow a rdly beca us e he ra n a s horter dis ta nce a w a y . B u t the w ho le idea w a s tha t both of them ra n a w a y . T his idiom im plies tha t there m ight be s om e differences betw een the tw o but they a re v ery m uch a like. N ote tha t the pronuncia tion of 50 is "go-ji, " not "go-ju-. "


Fifty s teps a ga ins t 100 s teps :


(fifty )



(s tep) (hundred) (s tep)


hy a p

s ei

C om m unica tion w ithout w ords

優 y u-



da n

です ね。 des u ne

friend :

girlfriend' s fa ther lov es G erm a n w ine, s o I bought s om e w ine for him w hen I w ent ba ck to G erm a ny . A nd he w a s s o ha ppy tha t he took m e to a s us hi ba r la s t w eek. T o throw a s prat to catch a m ackerel です ね。 des u ne

I ov erhea rd tha t tw o girls w ere ta lking a bout their w eight. O ne s a id s he w eighs 82 kilogra m s , a nd the other s a id s he w eighs 80 kilogra m s , w hich s he s a id m ea ns s he is s lim m er tha n her friend. N o big difference!  

T o be ev er progres s ing

He alw ay s takes a lot of tim e to m ake decis ions . T o be indecis iv e

friend :


です ね。 des u ne

I think M is s . K ojim a' s idea is ex cellent, but it m ight not w ork on actual s ettings .

P ole-s a n:

P ole-s a n:

です ね。 des u ne

T he politicia n did not keep the prom is es he m a de during his ca m pa ign, a nd now , ha s enem ies on a ll s ides . です ね。 T o have a whole world against him des u ne

P ole-s a n:

friend :

です ね。 des u ne

T w o m ore new v ers ions w ere relea s ed a fter I bought a com puter la s t y ea r. N ow , m y P C is outda ted!

Im pra ctica l pla n

です ね。 des u ne

How is y our new project com ing a long? E v ery da y , I' m try ing new w a y s to figure out how things w ork out, but it s eem s nothing w orks . T ra ils a nd errors

(indecis ion)

ご   go

M y s on does n' t ha v e a perm a nent job. He w orks a s a pa rt-tim er ev en though he is a lrea dy 45 y ea rs old. です よ。 G rea t ta lents m a ture la te des u y o

B eing hes ita nt or una ble to m a ke a decis ion (indecis iv e)

じゅく juku

(phone ca ll from M r. P ole) "O h, hello, M r. P ole! I w a s a bout to ca ll y ou in a m inute! "

J ) T o be indecis iv e N o decis ion, no conclus ion:

G rea t ta lents m a ture la te:


H) T hey are both m uch alike / N o big difference.

S ea brea m out of s hrim p:

海 老

C om m unica tion from hea rt to hea rt: i

U s ing a s m all inves tm ent as bait to gain a huge profit. "ebi tai" is the abbreviation of "ebi de tai o ts uru (to throw a s hrim p to catch a s ea bream )." (s hrim p)

P ole-s a n:

(em pty )(dis cus s )

M aking progres s day by day . It als o m eans rapid progres s . G ood ex am ples are inform ation technology (IT ) and com puters , etc.

G ) T hrow a s pra t to ca tch a m a ckerel

B oy ! T his is v ery hea v y tra ffic! ひどい 渋滞 ですね。 hidoi ju- ta i des u ne P ole-s a n :   T his is "jo no kuchi. " W e ha v en' t pa s s ed the pea k, y et. まだまだ「jo no kuchi」ですよ。ピークは これから です ね。 m ada m ada des u y o p e a k w a kore-kara des u ne

friend :

Idea s or opinions tha t m a y s ound good on pa per, but a re not pra ctica l.

E ) T o be ev er progres s ing


K oizum i-s a n :

(w is h)


e. g. ,

(help from outs ide)

(da y )

いやいや「honno jo no kuchi」ですよ。 iy a iy a des u y o

Depending on others to rea lize one' s goa ls :

(try , tes t) (ca rry out)(confus e)(error)

S tea dy progres s in da y s a nd m onths :

(im ply ing: T his is only the beginning; I' m going to drink m ore a nd m ore. )

W is hing to finis h his w ork by us ing other people, ins tea d of m a king his ow n effort

S ucces s through tria l a nd errors :

じ ji

G erman friend: M y

D) Im pra ctica l pla ns

S triv ing tow a rd s ucces s ev en though there a re m a ny tria ls a nd errors

s hi

Friend's M om:

P ole-s a n:

4. T erm inology in s um o-

Friend :

も mo

です ね。 des u ne

A ns w ers

1. F ) 2. I )

3. G ) 4. H ) 5. E ) 6. B ) 7. J ) 8. D ) 9. C ) W ith cooperation from Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

D e s ig n : M a s a k o B a n

I have found that tax i drivers in J apan are w illing to ta lk w ith their cus to m er s , s o it is a go o d opportunity for m e to im prove m y J apanes e by talking w ith them . I took a tax i las t Friday night, a nd I s a id to the driv er, " m idori des u y o (It' s green! )" w hen the s igna l cha nged from red to green. I had jus t learned how to des cribe colors in J apanes e, s o I w anted to try out the w ords . B ut the driver s aid to m e, "i e ao des u y o m idori ja nai des u (N o, no. It' s blue, not green! )" I looked at the s ignal again, but to m y ey es the color w as green. W hen I got back to m y office, I as ked m y friends about the color of trafic s ignals . S om e s aid, "It' s blu e , " w h ile o th e r s s a id, " It' s gr e e n . " M s . Hiray am a, w hat color do y ou think it is ? ■ M ost colors are described using katakana versions of the E nglish words. However, shiro (white), aka (red), kuro (black), midori (green) and chairo (brown), etc. tend to be des cribed us ing the original J apanes e words . However, note that white wine is described using either E nglish or J apanese (shiro w in e or w h it e w in e). In addition, colors are usually described in the E nglish form if the hues are related to industries that label their products in E nglish, such as the colors of clothing, automobiles, etc. For example, pin k no s h ir t (pinkish shirt), w in e-r ed no kuruma (wine-red car). M ost J apanese generally understand E nglish terms for basic colors. e. g. , M a king a prom is e to m eet a cus tom er for the firs t tim e by ta lking on a phone cus tom er :

W ell, then, let' s m eet a t the W es t E x it of S hinjuku S ta tion a t 9 tom orrow m orning. じゃ、明日 9時 に 新宿駅 の 西口で (会いましょう)。 ja as hita ku-ji ni S hinjuku-eki no nis hi-guchi de (aim as ho- ) (W ell then)(tom orrow )(at 9 o' clock)(S hinjuku S tation)(at the W es t E x it) (Let' s m eet)

W ha t a re y ou going to w ea r? ポールさん は どんな格好 で 来ますか。 P o l e -s a n w a donna ka kko- de kim a s u ka

pure w hite なシャツ na s h i r t

I' ll be w earing a light-blue hat and carry ing a s ilv er bag. 私はライトブルー の 帽子、シルバーの バッグ、 watas hi wa l i g h t -bl u e no bo- s hi, s i l v e r no b a g , (ha t)

A nd I' ll als o be w earing an orange T -s hirt and pink s hoes . オレンジのTシャツ、ピンクの 靴、 o r a n g e no T -s h i r t , p i n k no kuts u,

pure blue

(a nd)

(ey es )

(ha ir)

I think y ou' ll be a ble to recognize m e im m edia tely . 多分すぐわかると思います。 ta bun s ugu w a ka ru to om oim a s u (m a y be) (im m edia tely ) (recognize) (I think)

な 口紅 na kuchibeni

4. pure bla ck (deep-bla ck) ha ir

な空 na s ora

pure bla ck な 髪 na ka m i

(s ky )

m ore, s om ething ex tra , a n a ddition

w hite

B) 色眼鏡で見る iro-m ega ne de m iru

しろ s hiro

to look a t things from a bia s ed v iew point

あか a ka

C) 赤字 a ka ji

D) 真っ赤 な 嘘 m akka na us o

a deficit, in the red

a dow nright lie


E) 赤 の 他人 a ka no ta nin a com plete s tra nger

bla ck

くろ kuro

F) 黒字 kuroji a surplus, in the black

H) 黒星 kuro-bos hi to be defea ted

2. 真っ赤 m a kka

3. 真っ青 m assao

4. 真っ黒 m a kkuro

m y m ind w ent bla nk, a nd m y w ords beca m e m ore a nd m ore incoherent. スピーチ の 時、 the m ind  しどろもどろ に なりました。 s peec h no toki goes blank  shidoro-modoro ni narimashita

G) 黒いうわさ kuroi uw as a a dark rum or

I) 腹黒い ha ra -guroi to be black-hearted, w ith a black s oul


   (confus ed; incoherent)(becam e)

(w hen)

3. A re y ou feeling ba d? Y our fa ce looks pa le. 気分 が 悪い の です か?           ですよ。 a pa llid fa ce kibun ga w a rui no des u ka ? des u y o (feeling) friend :

(ba d, ill)

O ur com pany has been in the black s ince he becam e the new pres ident. He is quite s m art! 新しい 社長 になって 売り上げ が     in the black ataras hii s hacho- ni natte uriage ga (new ) (com pany pres ident)(becam e)(s ales )

に なりました。 やっぱり やり手 です ね。 ni narim as hita y appari y arite des u ne (becam e)

(as I ex pected) (m an of ability )

B ut, I hea rd a da rk rum or a bout him tha t m a kes m e w orry . でも        を 聞きました。 a da rk rum or dem o o kikim a s hita (but)

(hea rd)

ちょっと心配です。     chotto s him pa i des u


a pa llid fa ce

しろ s hiro

(m ore) (s ave on expens es )(cas ual s tyle of "have to")

(a little)

J) 顔 が 真っ青 ka o ga m a s s a o

2. W hen I ha d to giv e m y s peech,

(ha ir)

■ L et me show you some expressions using colors. blue color A) 色 を つける iro o ts ukeru 青 色 to a dd s om ething, to ex a ggera te, to あお いろ ao es tim a te a little bit m ore, to pa y a little bit iro


1. 真っ白 m a s s hiro

青 あお ao

くろ kuro

(Oh) (again)

A ns w ers

(lips tick)

pure blue s ky

(s hoes )

A ls o, I ha v e blue ey es a nd bla ck ha ir. そして目 はブルー、髪はブラックです。 s os hite m e w a b l u e , kam i w a b l a c k des u

pure red

w hite

dow n m ore on ex pens es ! あ∼ また in the     red だ。もっと 節約しなくちゃ。 a m ata da m otto s ets uy aku-s hinakucha

P ole-s a n:

2. pure red (deep red) lips tick


1. O h, gees … I' m in the red a ga in! I need to cut


1. pure w hite (s now w hite) s hirt.

bla ck

あか a ka

■ It is a ls o com m on to put "m a …(pure)" in front of a color w ord to des cribe its purity . E v en if the co lo r o f s o m ething is no t pur e, the w o r d " m a s s /m a kk…(真っ)" ca n be us ed to em pha s ize the des cription of its color. For ex a m ple, w hen y ou ov ercook a fis h, y ou ca n s a y , "s a ka na w a m a kkuro koge (T he fis h w a s burnt bla ck)." B ut plea s e rem em ber tha t it ca nnot be s a id in front of ev ery color. E x a m ples 1 though 4 a re frequently us ed. B e ca reful w ith the conjuga ted pronuncia tions !

(W ha t kind of; How ) (s ty le) (w ill com e) Pole-s an :

I s ee it a s green, but in genera l, the colors of the s igna ls a re des cribed a s "a o (blue), a ka (red) a nd ki ro (a m ber)" in J a pa nes e. E v en J a pa nes e people s om etim es a s k the s a m e ques tion. L et m e ex pla in it a s I s a w it on a T V progra m the other da y . In a ncient J a pa n, there w ere only four w ords to des cribe colors —a ka (red), kuro (bla ck), s hiro (w hite) a nd a o (blue)—a nd there w a s no w ord for green until the Heia n period (794-1192). E v ery s ha de betw een blue a nd green w a s ca lled blue until the firs t cra y ons w ere im ported to J a pa n in 1917, a nd there w a s a green (m ido r i) cr a y o n ins ide. T he idea o f dis tingu is hing gr een fr o m blu e w a s fir s t introduced in the tea ching guidelines for firs t gra ders in 1951, a nd people s ta rted to us e the w ord m idori. T ha t is w hy m a ny J a pa nes e prov erbs a nd phra s es in da ily life ha v e the w ord a o m ore tha n m idori beca us e the w ord m idori s ta rted to be u s ed o n ly in r ecen t y ea r s . F o r ex a m ple, v egeta bles a r e gr een , bu t th ey a r e des cribed a s a o-m ono (L it. blue things ), a nd the budding green lea v es a re ca lled a o-a o to s hita ha (L it. budding blue lea v es ).


(w orried)

Y ou w ere w ith a beautiful w om an in the firs t-clas s (green) car of the S hinkans en bullet train the other day , w eren' t y ou? 先日 きれいな人 と 新幹線 の s enjits u kire- ina hito to S hinka ns en no

friend :

(the other da y ) (bea utiful) (pers on)

グリーン車に いましたね。 g r e e n -s ha ni im a s hita ne

K) 白い目 で 見る s hiroi m e de m iru

to look coldly upon s om ebody , to give s om ebody the cold s houlder

L) 頭 が 真っ白 に なる atam a ga m as s hiro ni naru the m ind goes bla nk

N) 白黒 を つける s hiro kuro o ts ukeru to get it s ettled once a nd for a ll

P) 白紙 に する ha kus hi ni s uru

to forget ev ery thing a nd m a ke a fres h s ta rt, to go ba ck to the dra w ing boa rd

M) 空白 ku- ha ku a bla nk

(firs t-cla s s ca r) (w ere) P ole-s a n :

friend :

O h, y eah? I heard a rum or that s he is y our fiancee. そうですか? うわさでは 婚約者 とか。 s o- des u ka? uw as a dew a kony akus ha toka

O) 白タク s hiro-ta ku

(Is tha t s o? )

unlicens ed tax i P ole-s a n :

A ns w ers

(rum or) (a ccording to)(fia ncee)

A bs olutely not! T ha t' s a dow nright lie! いいえ ie

Q) 白星 s hiro-bos hi

a victory m ark, to w in

W ha t? O h, s he w a s a com plete s tra nger to m e! えっ? あ、あれ は           です よ。 a com plete s tra nger e? a a re w a des u y o

1. C

         ですよ。 des u y o

a dow nright lie

  2. L (頭 が 真っ白 に なって)

3. J

W ith cooperation from

4. F, G

5. E, D

Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

一 二 三 四 五

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

one    tw o

I als o love J apanes e food and frequent J apanes e res taurants , s o I know that m os t of them do not w rite their prices in A rabic num era ls . T here a re tw o ty pes of num bers com m only us ed in J apan: A rabic num erals (1, 2, 3) and C hines e num erals (一, 二, 三). G enerally , C hines e num erals are us ed w hen num bers are w ritten vertically , w hile A rabic num erals are us ed for horizontal w riting. B ut pleas e note that this is not a rule. For ex am ple, articles are w ritten v ertically in J apanes e new s papers , although they often us e A r a bic num er a ls . A nd C hines e num er a ls a r e pr efer r ed to des cr ibe th e J a pa n e s e h o lida y s , ev e n if th ey a r e w r itten horizontally . L et m e s how y ou s om e m ore ex am ples .

Des ign : M as ako B an

I lov e J a pa nes e food, a nd I go to J a pa nes e res ta ura nts quite often. T he only problem I ha v e is tha t I ca n' t rea d the prices on the m enus w hen the num bers a re w ritten in C h in e s e c h a r a c te r s (一, 二, 三), in s te a d o f A r a bic num era ls . T o be hones t, I only know 一 (one) through 三 (thr ee), s o I o ften o r der w itho u t kno w ing the pr ice. I a lw a y s get nerv ous w hen I ha v e to pa y m y bill. A ls o, the prices of s us hi v a ry from res ta ura nt to res ta ura nt, a nd tha t m a kes m e nerv ous . T ha t is w hy I ha v e to go to the s a m e res ta ura nt w hen I w a nt to ea t s us hi. M s . Hira y a m a , could y ou help m e to rea d thos e num bers ? J apanes e-s tyled pronunciation

A rabic num erals

Chines e num erals

Chines e-s tyled pronunciation


hitots u



futa ts u



m itts u


e. g. ,


y otts u

s hi / y on


its uts u



m utts u



na na ts u

s hichi / na na ha chi ky u- / ku


y a tts u



kokonots u to-

〒151-0063 東京都 渋谷区 7-36- 9 〒151-0063 T oky o-to S hibuy a -ku 7- 36 - 9

国 koku 東 京 都

7 3

渋 谷 区



一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 4 →

2 →

1 →




■C hines e num era ls for people' s na m es T hes e na m es a r e gener a lly giv en to J a pa n e s e m e n . " 郎… r o- ( m e a n in g "la d")" Ichiro- , G oro- , S a buroichi


郎 L et' s pra ctice e. g. ,

5 0 2

502 五 〇 二

9 0


s a bu




■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

390 3



689 6 8 9

754 7 5 4

8934 8






futa ko ta m a ga w a


子 玉 川

s hi



M a ny J a pa nes e girls ' na m es end w ith "子…ko (child)" Y a eko, Fum iko, M ina ko


0 5













子 ko


田 ta

反 ta n 田 da





万 m an

子 ko

ビ ー ル   大

生 ビ ー ル

els e on a s ingle ta s k (T hree-legged couple)

(S ingle cry of cra ne) 鶴の

1    声

ts uru no hito



cra ne

v oice

pers on

2) R om e w a s not built in a da y ローマは

res olution for a long tim e (A m onk w ithout w illpow er)

R o m e wa ichi nichi ni shite narazu not built

3) T o round off the num bers 捨

s hi s ha

6) T o be changed again and again

5    入 go ny u-

throw aw ay

日坊主 m ik ka bo- zu 3

    da y s a boy

(Four is dow n, fiv e is up) 4


5) U na ble to keep one' s

1  日にして成らず

   da y

3 人   脚

ni nin s a n ky a ku

(T w o rolling, three rolling) 転


add to / put in



3   転する


ten s uru

tum ble

A) U na ble to keep one' s res olution. (e. g. , 49. 5 → 50) T o round off the num bers

で 計算して下さい。 de keis a n s hitekuda s a i w ith

plea s e ca lcula te

B) If y ou ca n' t keep y our w ord, y ou ca n' t a ccom plis h w ha t y ou ha v e decided to do. U na ble to keep one' s res olution

で 何 を しても 長続きしません。 de nani o s hitem o nagats uzukis him as en w ith w ha tev er

ビ ー ル   中

ビ ー ル   小

寿 司   特 上

寿 司   上

ca n' t keep

























negotia tion

a lw a y s

D) W e s urv iv ed through thos e difficult tim es by coopera ting w ith ea ch other v ery clos ely . T o coopera te w ith ea ch other to do the s a m e ta s k

で 厳しい 時期 を 乗り越えました。 de kibis hiijiki o norikoem as hita w ith difficult tim es

s urv iv ed

E ) E very thing w as accom plis hed, but w e have to go back to the

go ba ck

F ) R em em ber that R om e w as not built in a day. Let' s keep our chins up! です。 頑張りましょう。 des u ga m ba rim a s ho-

R om e w a s not built in a da y


T o be cha nged a ga in a nd a ga in

a t la s t w a s m a de in s pite of pres ident


話し合い は いつも ha na s hia i w a its um o

draw ing board becaus e the pres ident has the las t w ord. やっと 決まった のに 社長 の        で やり直し です。 A s ingle a uthorityatto kim atta noni s hacho- no de yarinaos hi des u a tiv e w ord

寿 司   並


fiv e

C ) O ur negotia tions w ill nev er end. T hey a re a lw a y s cha nging.

寿司 (s us hi)  並 . . . na m i (regula r) 2, 000円 寿司 (s us hi)  上 . . . jo- (better)   3, 100円 寿司 (s us hi)  特上 . . . tokujo- (bes t)   4, 500円 ビール (beer)  小 . . . s ho- (s m a ll)  500円 ビール (beer)  中 . . . chu- (m edium ) 650円 ビール (beer) 大 . . . da i (la rge)  780円 生ビール (dra ft beer)   960円 日本酒 (s a ke)      770円 日 本 酒


1) A s ingle, a uthorita tiv e w ord 4) T o coopera te w ith s om eone

川 gaw a





m ui 日 ka 市 ichi


■C hines e num era ls on a m enu (y en→ 円…en)

(pos tca rd / env elope)


3 →





5 →



3 →


2 →


→ → →

2 →

2 →

1 →

1 →


2 →



里 ri

T he s teps for writing: 1 →

yo 4 ツ ts u 谷 ya

s hi


0 0 6 3

1 5 1


1 →

■C hines e num era ls for pla ce na m es (C hines e nu m er a ls a r e fr equ ently u s ed fo r the pla ce na m es in K y oto a nd for the na m es of tem ples a nd s hrines . e. g. , 三十三間堂: s a n ju- s a n gendo- ) N o te: T he C hines e nu m er a l "10" s hould be "十 (ten)", not "O (zero). "

■C hines e num era ls for a ddres s es a nd telephone num bers on bus ines s ca rds , etc. (zip codes m us t be in A ra bic num era ls )


A ns w ers

A) 3)









W ith cooperation from



Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

4 1 1 0o i s h i (delic i ous)


s ix

Don' t w orry , M r. P ole! I' v e got the num ber! It m us t be 5501-0290. It' s ea s y to figure out. Do y ou know how I got it? J a pa nes e often us e a m ethod c a l l e d g o r o -a w a s e , w h i c h r e f e r s to c o m i c a l v a ria tions of prov erbs a nd punning (or w ord pla y ) to rem em ber certa in things . M a ny bus ines s es us e goroa w a s e techniques to crea te s om e interes ting telephone num bers —s uch a s com bina tions tha t des cribe th e s e r v i c e s th e y pr o v i d e —to h e l p po te n ti a l cus tom ers rem em ber the num ber.

L a s t tim e, y ou s how ed m e how to rea d ka nji num era ls , a nd I ha v e rea lized how com m on they a re in da ily life. B ut a lthough C hines e num era ls a re conv enient, I ha v e encountered a new problem w ith num bers . It ha ppened w hen I a s ked a friend to for the telephone num ber of a recom m ended y a kiniku res ta ura nt. S he ga v e m e the na m e of one a nd s a id, "koko w a ichiba n oniku ois hii (T he m os t delicious m ea t is s er v ed her e). " W hen I to ld her a ga in tha t I w a nted the telephone num ber, s he s a id s he ha d jus t giv en it to m e! W e a re going to the res ta ura nt nex t w eek, but I w on' t be a ble to find it is if I ca n' t ca ll them for directions ! W ha t s hould I do?

Des ign : M as ako B an

六 七 八 九 十

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

s ev en



1. T o a tta in s u cces s th r o u gh 4. Da y a nd night / a lw a y s fa m ily nam es / connections

fa m ilia l

(us ed critica lly )

(During four tim es s ix hours ) (4×6=24 hours )

(S ev en bea m s of pa rents )




  光 (り)


(oy a no) na na pa rents


roku ji chuo' clock w ithin 5. T o take a chance / s ink or s w im s hi

hika ri light

2. T o s truggle w ith /

(O ne or eight)


to ha v e difficult tim e doing


(Four a gonies , eight groa ns )

P ronuncia tion (In a ddition to thes e pronuncia tions , s im ila r s ounds ca n be us ed in ex ceptiona l ca s es . ) 0 (zero, re- , m a ru, o, w a ) 4 (s hi, y otts u, y on, y o) 1 (ichi, i, hitots u, hi ) 5 (go, ko, its uts u, its u) 2 (ni, futa ts u, fu) 6 (roku, ro, m utts u, m u) 3 (s a n, s a , m itts u, m i) 7 (s hichi, na na , na na ts u, na ) L et' s try goro-a w a s e! 1. "K orea n s tea k hous e" ( L it. T he bes t and m os t delicious m eat is s erved here. )

M oney : O ld ka nji num era ls , s uch a s 壱(one) 弐(tw o) 参(th r ee) a n d 萬(10, 000), a r e u s ed in fin a n ce to da y . T hes e cha ra cters a re com m only us ed on bills , m oney orders a nd s o on. W e w ill not dis cus s thes e in deta il s ince they a re not com m only us ed in da ily life.

8 (ha chi, ha , y a tts u, y a ) 9 (ky u-, ku, gu, kokonots u, ko) 10 (ju- , ju, to- , to)

3. "M ov ing s erv ice" ( L it. It's alw ays afternoon to thank you for your bus ines s .)






i (chiba n) (N o. 1)



(m ea t)

o (is hi )



w a i(ts um o)

(a fter noon)

(delicious )

2. "T em pora ry pers onnel s erv ice" ( L it. It' s a job for ev ery one w ho is kind. )


(a lw a y s )





100 m illion


hy a ku py a ku

4. "Flow er s hop" ( L it. A s m iling flow er is a cherry blos s om . )

m an


(w ork)

to 1.

A ns w ers


s hi(ns e) ts u na

m i(nas an)




(ev ery body )





(s m iling) 3.




w a s a(kura)

(flow er)(cherry blos s om s )




goro a w a s e is a ls o us ed for da tes . (m onth: 月 / da y : 日) 1.『m i m i 』no hi (E a rs da y ) 月 

2.『niku』 no hi (M ea t da y )

ju円 en 2. 1, 000

6.『y a kiniku』 no hi (S tea k da y )

5.『fum i』no hi (L etter da y ) 月 





4.『ichigo』 no hi (S tra w berry da y )


8.『gom izero』 no hi (N o tra s h da y )

7.『fugu』 no hi (B low fis h da y )




4. 500, 000


5. 40 m illion

na na


y on

hy a ku


s en

m an

m an

円 en

A ns w ers


円 十 






七百  4. 五十万  5. 四千万

N ew s papers : A rticles in J apanes e new s papers are w ritten vertically , but A rabic num erals are com m only us ed. ¥19, 000

7 m illion people



円 en

150 m illion people

na na


hy a ku


m an


m an

oku 9

s en 円

1. 3月3日

2. 2月9日

3. 6月4日

4. 1月5日

5. 2月3日

6. 8月29日

7. 2月9日



s en

日 8. 5月30日

苦 s hi

ichi ka ba chi ka



ha k



a gony

6. T o get ba ck on one' s feet

a gony

(Fa lling s ev en tim es , but s ta nding up eight tim es )

3. M os t likely / T en to one (E ight or nine out of 10)



中 chu-




ha k



転    起 na na korobi y a oki


tum ble

get up

A) M y da ughter w a tches nothing but T V . 娘は m us um e w a

alw ay s ; us ed w ith negative feelings

テレビばかり 見ています。 t e l e v i (s i o n ) bakari m iteim as u only

w a tching

B) I' m s truggling w ith the new com puter. 新しいコンピューターに a ta ra s hi c o m p u t e r ni

s truggle w ith


しています。 s hiteim a s u

C) S top w orry ing a bout it! W hy not ta ke a cha nce a nd do it? 悩んでないで nay ande naide

        やってみたらどうですか。 y attem itara do- des u ka

ta ke one' s cha nces

s top w orry ing

w hy not try to do

D) Don' t feel s o ba d! Y ou m a y ha v e fa ilures in life, but y ou ca n get ba ck on y our feet.

そんなに ガッカリしないで            です よ。 U ps a nd dow ns of life / nev er giv e up des u y o s onna ni ga kka ri s hina ide like tha t don' t be dis a ppointed

I' ll tell y ou

E) I hea rd tha t the genera l m a na ger' s s on la nded a good full-

tim e job through his fa ther' s influence. 部長 の 息子さん は で 就職したらしい です よ。 thanks to family connections de shu- shokushita rashi desu yo bucho- no musuko-san wa

m anager

one' s s on

got a job

it s eem s

F) M os t likely , it is im pos s ible. m an

A ns w ers


m y da ughter


¥400 m illion

3.『m us hiba 』 no hi (C a v ity da y )



m iddle

3. 700


(tha nk y ou for w orking)

s en zen

s en s hi


十 百 千 万 億 兆 円 1. 10





m os t likely ; in nine ca s es out of ten A ns w ers





無理でしょう。 m uri des hoim pos s ible C)





W ith cooperation from




Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun

C onv ers a tion

会 話

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

ka i

Des ign : M as ako B an

I have s tudied J apanes e for 2 1/2 years , but m y J apanes e is s till aw ful. I w ant to s peak fluent J apanes e by us ing the gram m ar that I have s tudied, but for s om e reas on m y phras es in J apanes e are not as s m ooth as thos e of native s peakers . Furtherm ore, I can' t m ake good us e of trans itional ex pres s ions and it s ounds s o aw kw ard! I have s tudied s om e phras es in certain s ituations at s chool, but I have not had the opportunity to us e them in daily life! W hen I s tarted to learn J a pa nes e, I enjoy ed s a y ing, "oha y o- " (G ood m orning! ), "a riga to- " (T hank y ou), and s o on. B ut lately , s tudy ing J apanes e is getting harder and harder for m e, and I don' t s ee any progres s . I am s tres s ed out becaus e of that, and I am depres s ed. O h, boy.

I ha v e nev er s een y ou s o s a d, M r. P ole! B ut ha v e coura ge! Y ou a re not the only one ha v ing trouble like this . A ny body w ho is s tudy ing J a pa nes e ex periences this ty pe of frus tra tion. S om e a re dow nhea rted beca us e they ca n' t com m unica te w ith J a pa nes e people how ev er ha r d they s tudy the la ngua ge. O ther s a r e depr es s ed beca us e J a pa nes e people res pond to them in E nglis h ev en though they s pea k fluent J a pa nes e. It' s the s a m e for m os t s tudents . "Don' t w orry ! (da ijo-bu)," M r. P ole! I ha v e a good idea to cheer y ou up. "Y ou ca n count on m e! (m a ka s ete-kuda s a i! )."



O h, gee...I didn' t know that it' s clos ed on W ednes day s . T ha t' s too ba d,

P ole-s a n :


K oga -s a n : P ole-s a n :



Friend: P ole-s a n :

is n' t it?

Do y ou w a nt to go for a drink s om etim e s oon? It is up to M r. K oga ,

a s fa r a s I' m concerned.

How a re y ou ? お元気 です か。 It' s been a long tim e, ha s n' t it? ogenki des u ka H ow a re y ou ?

T hes e icebrea kers a re helpful a nd us eful ev en for beginners , a lthough th e gr a m m a r o f th es e ex pr es s io n s is a t a n a dv a nced lev el. S ince beginners s till ha v e a ha rd tim e ex pres s ing their thoughts in J a pa nes e, it is better for them to m em orize s horter s entences . M em orizing thes e icebrea kers a nd us ing them here a nd there w ill m a ke y our conv ers a tions m uch s m oother, a nd y ou w ill be a ble to ha v e hea rt-to-hea rt com m unica tion w ith J a pa nes e people.

1. I s ee.

2. Is tha t s o ? O n a pla tform . M r. K oga :

M r. P ole:

O ur tra in is lea v ing in fiv e m inutes . I hope M is s Y a m a da does n' t m is s it! s o- da to i des u ne. (I hope s o too. )  

If fin a l pa r tic le s a r e a dde d a fte r th e ic e brea ker, they ca n cha nge the nua nce of the s entence. e. g. ,

ques tion w ord +

か ka

Is it delicious ? おいしいです か。 ois hi des u ka ques tion

3. T ha t s ounds interes ting.

そう です か。 s o- des u ka

(new )

inform a tion

w ord +

よ yo

confirm ation / agreem ent s oftens the s tatem ent

面白そう です。 om os hiro-s o- des u

13. It' s too ba d.

残念 です。 za nnen des u


do- om oim as u ka


5. I hope s o.

そうだと いい です。 s o- da to i des u so


ね w ord + ne

問題ない です。 It' s no problem . m onda i na i des u

I think s o. そうです ね。 s o- des u ne a greem ent

9. W hat's wrong? / どう しました か。 W hat's the m atter? do- s him as hita ka w ha t

15. I think s o.

It's been a long tim e.

ohis as hiburi des u

そう 思います。 s o- om oim a s u so

17. It' s a problem .






up to ∼


問題 です。 m onda i des u

ちょっと よろしいですか。 m inute? / chotto yoros hi des u ka a little M a y I~? M a y I ta lk to y ou for a m inute? 19. S orry to be la te. 遅くなって すみません。 os okunatte s um im as en

20. S orry to keep y ou w a iting.


P ole-s a n :

18. Do y ou ha v e a

being la te

Friend: P ole-s a n :

古賀さん 次第 です。 K oga-s an s hidai des u



10. Long tim e no s ee. お久し振りです。


P ole-s a n :

I hea rd

8. N o problem .

P ole-s a n :

to rem em oidas u

good for m e

problem no

confirm a tion

om oida s em a s en

そう じゃないと いい です。 16. It' s up to M r. K oga I hope it' s not s o- janai to -i des u s o not good for m e true.



P ole-s a n :

14. I can' t rem em ber. 思い出せません。

6. I hope not.



too ba d

how do y ou think ∼?

It is delicious . おいしい です よ。 ois hi des u y o

Delicious , is n' t it ? おいしいです ね。 ois hi des u ne


interes ting(om os hiroi) s eem

a s s ertion e. g. ,

how w ill becom e

どうなっているんです か。 do- natteirun des u ka how is doing

s o- ra s hi des u

giv ing

to ha ppen?

Friend: P ole-s a n :

どうなります か。 do- na rim a s u ka

12. W ha t' s going

7. Y es , s o I heard. そう らしい です。 e. g. ,

11. W ha t' s going

そう です か。 s o- des u ka

4. W ha t do y ou どう 思います か。

Sentence + final particle


Icebreaker (Heart Opener)

I' m s orry

お待たせして すみません。 om atas es hite s um im as en keep y ou w a iting



I hea rd tha t M is s Y a m a da is getting m a rried. Y es , I hea rd s o,


W ell...I gues s this is the new uniform , is n' t it? S o, w ha t do y ou think


I gues s M r. P ole is la te, is n' t he? (20 m inutes a fter the a ppointed tim e) I' m s orry to be la te. I heard that a new pres ident is s hort-tem pered. I hope it' s not true,

don' t y ou?

W e are having a Hallow een party at the em bas s y nex t w eek. T ha t s ounds interes ting,

does n' t it?

T he com pa ny is s low a t pa y ing s a la ries into em ploy ees ' a ccounts , is n' t it? It' s a problem ,

is n' t it?

Hello, m a y I s pea k to M r. P ole? (1 m inute la ter)

P ole-s a n :

ポールです。 des u

S orry to keep y ou w aiting.

T his is M r. Pole.

A ns w ers

A) 13. F) 19.


B) 16.


C) 10.


D) 7.

G) 6.




I) 17.


ne ne

W ith cooperation from

E) 4.


J) 20.

Y as uhiro K oga

Copyright 1999 The Yomiuri Shimbun


会 話

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

Thanks for teaching me those "Ice breakers" last time, I'm sure they will be very useful. At first it was hard to memorize the phrases, though. Sometimes, I thought it might be easier to memorize them if you had explained the grammar, too. But then again, it would take more time to understand the grammar, so I guess it was better to remember the idioms without being concerned how the sentences were constructed. And I made myself memorize the phrases because, if I can remember them all, then all I have to do in future is use them. I will be able to save time by using the phrases. I enjoy "Breaking the Ice," and most of my Japanese friends tell me that my Japanese is getting better. Ms. Hirayama, I want to memorize more "Ice brealers," so could you show me some?

I forgot.

I can't stand it. / I can't take it any more. It was very helpful. / Thanks for helping me.

忘れました。 wasure-mashita

It's a matter of life 死活問題 です。 and death. / That's shikatsu-mondai desu a serious problem. life and death problem

我慢できない です。 gaman-dekinai desu

I've got urgent business. / on urgent business



とても 助かりました。 totemo tasukari-mashita very

This is hopeless. / 絶望的 です。 There is no hope. zetsubo--teki desu


It's not clear.

do you have~?

はっきりしません。 hakkiri-shimasen clear

That's the cause. / それが 原因 です。 That's the problem. sore ga genin desu that


I was just talking 独り言 です。 to myself. hitori-goto desu

Please leave it to me. / You can count on me. Please don't forget it.

任せて下さい。 makasete-kudasai

That's おおげさ です。 exaggerated. o- gesa desu

忘れないで下さい。 wasurenaide-kudasai

somehow or どうにかこうにか  other do- nika ko-nika

I can't believe it. / I don't believe it.

信じられないです。 shinji-rarenai desu

That's lucky. / Lucky you! / Lucky me!

to entrust ... makase-masu

to forget .... wasure-masu

to believe ...shinji-masu

There is no help しょうがないです。 for it. / There is sho-ganai desu no choice. We'll see. / Let's 様子をみましょう。 wait and see. yo-su o mi-masho-

I'm in trouble. 困りました。 komari-mashita I couldn't do it. ダメでした。 dame deshita

時間 の 無駄 です。 jikan no muda desu

If you please,

もし よかったら moshi yokattara

What a coincidence!

偶然 です。 gu-zen desu

as it is



運 が -いい です。 un ga i desu


どうぞ do-zo

(Anyway) I'll try ...... Don't mention it.

(とにかく)やってみます。 (tonikaku) yatte-mimasu any way try to do

いいえ / とんでもないです。 i e / tondemo-nai desu

Nothing in 特にないです。 particular. / tokuni nai desu Nothing much. especially nothing What's wrong? / どうしましたか。 What's the do- shimashita ka how did matter?

Koga-san :

What? What did you say?

Pole-san :

いえ ie


Do we have a meeting again?

Pole-san :

どうして do-shite

I've got nothing to 関係ない です。 do with it. / Having kanke--nai desu nothing to do with it. relation no


だいたい daitai

I'll think about it. 考えておきます。 kangaete-okimasu

I see.

What am I going to do ?

困ったな∼。 komatta na-



Like what? / Give 例えば 何 ですか。 me an example. tatoeba nan desu ka It's not clear. / It's doubtful.


(casual style)

I bet it'll be a waste of time!

How about 3 p.m. tomorrow?

Pole-san :

ちょっと chotto

Pole-san :

Well, it's not a good time for me, sorry.

I've just got urgent business, so I'd like to cancel the reservation. ので 予約 の キャンセル お願いします。 I've got urgent business, node yoyaku no cancel onegaishimasu.

(at a Japanese restaurant) Friend: Pole-san :


What would you like to have, Mr. Pole?

絶対です。 zettai desu

How's your business been since then? I'm hanging in there somehow or other.

Pole-san :

I only half believe it, but I'll try it, anyway. I only half believe it.

Pole-san :

が ga

(Anyway) I'll try ......

I bet you are too concerned! I think you'd better stop worrying about it so much. そんなに 悩まないほう が いい ですよ。

I bet you are too concerned! sonnani nayamanai ho- ga -i desu yo

half believe half doubt

勘違い です。 kanchigai desu

I'll let you decide.

Pole-san :

Pole-san :

Excuse me, do you have some time? すいません 今 suimasen ima


そうですか。 so- desu ka

Never mind, I was just talking to myself.


半信半疑 です。 hanshin-hangi desu

Why? / How come?


Don't mention it.

Pole-san :



You can decide. お任せします。 omakase-shimasu / I'll let you to leave it ...makase-masu decide. たぶん Probably. tabun

Thank you very much.

you like

I only half believe it. / Taking it with a grain of salt. Misunderstanding/ My mistake!

It's a waste of お金 の 無駄 です。 money. okane no muda desu



situation let's see

It's a waste of time.

It's not a good 都合が悪い です。 time. / It's not tsugo ga warui desu circumstances bad convenient.

あいまいです。 aimai desu

その通りです。 sono to-ri desu

worry please don't

myself word

example what

です。 That's right! そう so- desu You are absolutely right!

desperate (-ly)

Do you have some お時間ありますか。 time? (polite form) o-jikan arimasu ka

もちろん mochiron


sudden matter

Please don't 心配しないで下さい。 worry about it. shinpai-shinaide-kudasai


You are thinking 考え過ぎ です。 too much. / You are kangae-sugi desu thinking too much too concerned. (negative meaning)

急用 です 。 kyu-yo- desu

Of course.

I'm happy to hear that your Japanese is getting better, and I'm glad to see you are so happy. I know of some foreigners who are able to communicate in Japanese just using "proverbs" and "Ice breakers." They say that that's all you need. Well, as we continue the previous lesson, let me show you more "Ice breakers" that are useful and helpful. I put more words of translation under the phrases to help you to memorize them by rote. Please practice using these "Ice breakers" with the final particles ne and yo, just as you studied in the previous lesson.


Friend: Answers


Do you have some time ?

Yes, what's the matter? 9.






45. 41.

With cooperation from



Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2001 The Yomiuri Shimbun


会 話

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

I am going on a trip with a friend and his family, and I went to his home to make plans with them. I heard his mother saying: "anata wa itsu ga i desu ka? anata wa hotel to ryokan to dochira ga i desu ka?" I didn't know who she was talking to, so I didn't say anything. Then I noticed that she was staring at me, and she said, "Pole-san anata desu yo!" I finally realized that she was asking me! I couldn't decide, so I used a phase from "Icebreaker" and said, "anata ni omakase shimasu" (I'll let you decide). To my surprise, she gave me an unpleasant look. Why is that? Does it mean she doesn't want to go on a trip with me?

In the past, the word "anata" was considered a polite expression, but the nuance has changed recently. Be very careful as to when you use the word "anata." In Japan, it is often used toward someone who is subordinate (employee, junior and so on). You might cause someone discomfort if you use "anata" in the same way as you use "you" in English. The best way to avoid unexpected trouble is to use the family name or first name when addressing Japanese people, instead of saying "anata." Please keep that in mind! And it might be best never to use "anata" in business situations.



Are you going to have a party tomorrow night?

Pole-san :

明日 の 飲み会 どう します か?   ashita no nomikai do- shimasu ka It's up to you.


次第 です よ。 shidai desu yo



How are your parents doing?

Pole-san :

your parents If you use "anata" even though you know the other person's name, you might discomfort him. If you do know the person by name, it is best to use his name, rather than calling him "anata."

Causing discomfort by using "anata" incorrectly:

あなた anata

superior Using "anata" the same way "you" is used in English:

山田さん Yamada-san

My own group or another group

My own group (my relatives, my colleagues and so on) 明さん Another group (someone else's relatives, colleagues and so on) Akira-san In the Japanese language, the possessive pronoun (my... "watashi no" or your ...

あなた anata

Speaker to participants at a conference

subordinate friend If you are referring to someone you do not know by name, it will not discomfort him to be called "anata."

Police officer asking questions e.g.,

あなた anata



This is (my) wife.

私の 妻 です。 watashi no tsuma desu


a participant

父 chichi 母 haha 主人 shujin

お父さん oto- -san お母さん oka- -san 御主人 go-shujin


妻 tsuma

奥さん oku-san


子供 お子さん kodomo oko-san 娘  お嬢さん musume ojo- -san


あなた anata


a police officer

a driver

Practice 3. (Talking to a friend)

1. (At a conference) Speaker:

Recently, the number of the unemployed has increased in Japan, but how critical is it in your country? 日本 は 失業者 が 増えています が、 Nihon wa shitsugyo- -sha ga fuete-imasu ga you

の 国では どう です か。 no kuni dewa do- desu ka


2. ( A police officer) Police officer:

friend :

How are you ? お元気ですか。 ogenki desu ka I'm fine, thank you. ええ おかげさまで ee, okagesamade And you ? you

Is this your car? この車 は kono kuruma wa

Mr. Pole :


の です か。 no desu ka

You're parked in a no parking zone. ここ は 駐車禁止 です よ。 koko wa chu- sha-kinshi desu yo

How many are there in your family?

Pole-san :

は wa


1. anata 2. anata 3. Pole-san

daughter son

息子 息子さん musuko musuko-san

older(elder) brother older(elder) sister

兄 ani

  お兄さん oni -san

姉 ane

 お姉さん one- -san

younger brother

弟   弟さん oto- to oto- to-san

younger sister

妹   妹さん imo- to imo- to-san brothers and きょうだい ごきょうだい sisters kyodai go-kyo- dai

your family

あなた の 奥さんですか。 Is this your wife? anata no okusan desu ka

This is Yamada- 山田さん の 奥さん です。 Yamada-san no okusan desu san's wife.

husband an organizer


They're fine—thanks for asking. ええ (はい)おかげさまで ee (hai) okagesama de

"anata no") is usually omitted when describing the members of a family group, except for a few specialized cases. It is important to remember these words describing the family relationship in order to avoid confusion.

parents family grandfather

my family


両親   御両親 ryo-shin go-ryo-shin 家族   御家族 kazoku go-kazoku おじいさん oji -san おじいさん 祖父       oji -san sofu

grandmother おばあさん oba- -san おばあさん oba- -san 祖母     sobo uncle おじ   おじさん oji oji-san aunt

おば   おばさん oba oba-san


おい   おいごさん oi oigo-san


めい   めいごさん mei meigo-san


いとこ  いとこ の かた itoko itoko no kata


親戚   御親戚 shinseki go-shinseki

は 何人 です か。 wa nan-nin desu ka

There are five of us.


奥さんですか。 okusan desu ka my group another group

my group another group e.g.,


In the Japanese language, when one refers to oneself (first person) and members of one's own group, one uses different expressions than when referring to someone else (second person / third person) or the people of another group.

は お元気 です か。 wa ogenki desu ka

は 5人 です。 wa go-nin desu

How old are your children?

Pole-san :

your child

は おいくつ です か。 wa oikutsu desu ka

The oldest is 5, and the youngest is 3 years old.


上 が 5歳 で 下 が 3歳 です。 ue ga go-sai de shita ga san-sai desu


At a job interview:

Would the next person please come in?


次の方 どうぞ。 tsugi no kata do-zo A person sitting on your side:

You're next! your


の 番 です よ。 no ban desu yo

A wife who is complaining to her husband:

It's all your fault!

ダメだった のは      の せい です。 your dame-datta nowa no se- desu Answers

A) Pole-san B) go-ryo- shin C) go-kazoku C) kazoku D) oko-san E) anata F) anata

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun


会 話

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

One of my Japanese friends invited me home for dinner the other day, and I met his 6-year-old son. The boy showed me his drawings and said: "This is o-hana (a flower)," "This is o-tomodachi (a friend)," "This is o-sakana (a fish)" and "This is ouchi (a house)." I noticed that he put "o" before every noun, but why was that? No one taught me to add "o" before nouns at Japanese school. All I know is to put "o" before "mizu" (water), but do I have to say "o" before every word? "


(Imperial honorific) is The kanji pronounced either "go" or "o," and it turns nouns and adjectives into their polite forms.


お o


魚   fish ..... sakana

letter .....

米 rice ..... kome

お米 o-kome

"go" is used for words related to "action / activity" (Generally, "go" is placed before words with a Chinese pronunciation, but I think that it is very difficult for students to distinguish which words these are. That is why I have tried to explain "go" in this way. 御 + go



abstract noun The words are related to "actions/activity"

紹介 introduction ..... sho-kai

contract .....

契約 ke-- yaku

御紹介 go-sho-kai 御契約 go-ke-- yaku

holiday .....

お名前 o-namae お手紙 o-tegami お休み o-yasumi

medicine ..... お薬 o-kusuri

Words with short syllables Words that relate to daily life

お魚 o-sakana

+ noun

name .....

"o" is for the frequently used words related to everyday life. noun, adjective

"Pole-san, o-shigoto wa o-isogashii desu ka? o-jikan arimashitara mata o-shokuji o shimasho- ne!" (Mr. Pole, are you busy with work? Let's go for dinner again if you have time!) Well, Mr. Pole! Can you figure out how many "o"s I said? I said four! In daily conversations involving women or in business situations, the Japanese put "o" before nouns, adjectives and verbs. Sometimes, they say "go" instead of "o." Making such a distinction depends on which word you are using, and you may need to know which words take "o." Rules for the distinctions are complicated and there are quite a few exceptions. To make it even more complicated, the rules for distinguishing "go" from "o" vary according to the people, occupations and their environment. I tried to think of a way to make it easier for you to understand, but I couldn't figure out any easy rules. I hope that this will help you out, even though these explanations may apply only to about 70 percent of vocabulary. Let me omit the applications for verbs for this lesson. Generally, "o" and "go" are placed before nouns. These are some examples that take "go" and "o." Please refer to this list to see which word takes "go" or "o." As for the words that are not on this list, please make your own decisions by listening to how Japanese people around you use them. "i" adjectives and "na" adjectives are mostly used by older women.

There are four reasons for placing "go / o" before words: 1) For polite expressions 2) Beautifying the words 3) Softening the expressions (mostly preferred by women) 4) Speaking to children ("o" is commonly used)

お + o


ご + noun go business ..... address .....

お + "i" adjective o ご用件 go-yo- ken ご住所 go-ju-sho

contact .....

ご連絡 go-renraku

reservation .....

ご予約 go-yoyaku

busy .....

(frequently used in daily life)

expensive .....

cheap .....

お安い o-yasui

fast, quick .....

お早い o-hayai お若い o-wakai


ご出発 go-shuppatsu

young .....

chopsticks..... お箸 o-hashi

ご家族 go-kazoku

hot .....

family .....

money .....

お金 o-kane

anxiety .....

ご心配 go-shinpai

sake .....

お酒 o-sake

order .....

ご注文 go-chu-mon

confirmation ..... ご確認 go-kakunin


お仕事 o-shigoto


cold .....

お風邪 o-kaze

neighborhood..... ご近所 go-kinjo


お料理 o-ryo-ri


ご説明 go-setsume-

ご伝言 go-dengon

お高い o-takai

(mostly used by elderly women)

soy sauce ..... お醤油 o-sho-yu

telephone ..... お電話 o-denwa

お忙しい o-isogashi

cold .....


お暑い o-atsui お寒い o-samui

お + "na" adjective o cheerful .....

お元気な o-genkina

(frequently used in daily life)

like .....

お好きな o-sukina

be good at .....

お上手な o-jo-zuna

dislike .....

お嫌いな o-kiraina

quiet .....

お静かな o-shizukana


Put "o" or "go" if necessary.

A) Do you like sake? 酒 が 好き です か。 sake ga sukidesu ka Yes, I do. はい 好き です ね。 hai suki desu ne

B) Thank you for calling. I suppose you are busy with work, aren't you? 電話 ありがとうございました。 denwa arigato--gozaimashita 仕事 忙しそう です ね。 shigoto isogashi-so- desu ne

C) How is everybody in your family? 家族 の 皆様 元気 です か。 kazoku no mina-sama genki desu ka They are all fine, thanks for asking. はい おかげさまで 元気 です。 hai okagesamade genki desu

D) Which Japanese food do you dislike? 日本の食べ物 は 何 が 嫌い です か。 Nihon no tabemono wa nani ga kirai desu ka

E) May I take your order? 注文 は chu-mon wa

F) You'd like to make a reservation, right? Please give us your name, address and phone number. 予約 です ね。名前 と 住所 と yoyaku desu ne namae to ju-sho to 電話番号 お願いします。 denwa-bango- onegaishimasu

G) Do you have time right now? 今 時間 あります か。 ima jikan arimasu ka Answers

A) o-sake ga o-suki desu ka B) o-denwa arigato gozaimashita o-shigoto - desu ne o-isogashi-so C) go-kazoku no mina-sama o-genki desu ka D) o-kirai desu ka E) go-chumon wa F) go-yoyaku desu ne o-namae to go-jusho to o-denwa bango onegaishimasu G) ima o-jikan arimasu ka With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun

すね で い か し ず む


difficult; hard; tough

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

muzuka ( shi ) / nan / kata(shi)

Design : Masako Ban

When I finished a business conference with a client, I wanted to make an appointment for our next meeting, asking, "raishu- no kinyo- bi wa do- desu ka?" (What about meeting on Friday next week?) But he said, "ummm… raishu- no kinyo- bi wa chotto muzukashi desu ne." I couldn't believe what he said! He is Japanese, but he said, "It is a bit difficult for me (to understand) 'raishu- no kinyo- bi' (next Friday)." So, I changed the day, and said, "soredewa kondo no kayo-bi wa?" (Well, what about this coming Tuesday?). But his reply was, "gomennasai. kayo-bi mo chotto muzukashi desu ne… " (I'm sorry, but it is still difficult for me (to understand) 'kayo- bi' (Tuesday)." What! This Japanese man doesn't even understand "kayo-bi" (Tuesday)? I am not a native speaker but I do know what that means! Why is it so muzukashi (difficult) for him?


Keep in mind that "muzukashi " also means "no" or "I can't do it." In the following phrases, say "chotto …" (well…) in a doubtful and negative tone and remain silent briefly. To sound like a native speaker, inhale shortly through closed teeth before saying, "ummm… chotto…" Both techniques imply that you are thinking about it for a minute. (inhaling briefly)

Hmm … well… (implying "no") んん...ちょっと... ummm… chotto …


Hmm… It's complicated!

We'd better stop talking about complicated issues.

√2 × √5 ÷ 8 − 20… 難しい ですね... muzukashi desu ne…

もう 難しい 話 は やめましょう。 mo- muzukashi hanashi wa yamemasho-


Hmm … well … I'm afraid not… んん... ちょっと 難しい です ね... ummm...chotto muzukashi desu ne...

Well… I'm afraid tomorrow's no good. (明日 は) ちょっと… 難しい です ね … (ashita wa) chotto… muzukashi desu ne … You: Can I get a discount? muzukashi もうちょっと 安くなりません か。 mo- chotto yasuku narimasen ka u n e.. Hmm … well … I'm afraid not. んん...ちょっと 難しい です ね... ummm… chotto muzukashi desu ne…

It is hard to live in Japan because it is so expensive. 日本 に 住むの は 物価が高くて大変 です。 Nihon ni sumu no wa bukka ga takakute taihen desu

ummm .... ............... ............... ...............



It is easier said than done.


wa yasuku okonau wa katashi






Various difficulties lie ahead.  

前途 多 難 to



Ah, we are done at last! It was really hard, wasn't it!? あ∼ やっと 終わりました。 a∼ yatto owarimashita 大変 でした ね。 taihen deshita ne

New employees don't know how to give greetings. I know various problems lie ahead of them. 新入社員 は あいさつ も できない。ふう∼ shinnyu--shain wa aisatsu mo dekinai (fresh man) (greeting)(even) (can't)   Various problems lie ahead.



だなあ dana-

My son failed his school entrance exam, and now my husband is out of work! One misfortune followed close on the heels of another. 息子が受験 に失敗したら musuko ga juken ni shippai shita ra (my son) (fail an examination)

des ..... . ...

今度 は 主人 が 失業...  kondo wa shujin ga shitsugyo-…

(this time) (my husband)(lose one's job) One misfortune followed close on the heels of another.

3. Difficult (hard, tough, terrible): taihen 大変

(inhaling briefly)


言うは 易く 行うは 難し

Would you like to have a dinner with me tomorrow night?



When a reason is not necessary

時間 が ない ので できません。 jikan ga nai node dekimasen (time) (there is no) (can't)


(one trouble) (leave) (again) (one trouble)


明日 の 夜 食事でも しません か。 ashita (asu) no yoru shokuji demo shimasen ka

明日までにできますか。 ashita made ni dekimasu ka

When a reason is necessary I can't do it because there is no time.




One calamity follows on the heels of another.

(the future) (full of difficulties)


Can you do it by tomorrow?


2. Refusal: (I am afraid… ): muzukashi 難しい

Hmm … well… I'm afraid not… (implying "no" or "I can't do it") んん...ちょっと 難しい です ね... ummm… chotto muzukashi desu ne…

Please match the sentences in the first section with those in the second.

1. Complicated: (antonym: easy): muzukashi 難しい

(inhaling briefly)


Would you be surprised if I said to you, "Polesan, watashi mo raishu- no kinyo- bi wa 'muzukashi' desu ne … ?" The word "muzukashi " can be used in another way, rather than simply meaning "difficult." The phrase implies that something is being refused or declined. If you don't want to do something and say, "dame (No)" or "dekimasen (I can't do it)" in everyday life, it may sound offensive, and you may be expected to explain your reason. But if you want to decline an offer without stating a reason, it is better to say, "muzukashi desu ne … (I'm afraid…)." It is a very useful phrase because you don't have to explain why you are making the refusal.

Oh, no! How terrible! 大変! 大変! taihen taihen I think it's a tough job. 大変な 仕事 です ね。 taihen na shigoto desu ne


です。 desu

It is easier said than done! It is not that easy! It is easier said than done.

そう 簡単 には 出来ません。 so- kantan niwa dekimasen (so) (easy)


1) C

2) A

(cannot) 3) B With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun



5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

kai wa

I had promised to have a dinner with my friend last night, and I called her at her office to decide what time to meet. Let me tell you what happened. When a receptionist picked up the phone, I asked her, "Ueda-san irasshaimasu ka" (May I speak with Ms. Ueda?). Then she said, "hai, tadaima kaigi-chu- desu ga" (Yes, she's in a meeting right now, but...). I was waiting for her to come to the phone because the receptionist said "yes." But, several seconds later, the same woman said, "moshi moshi?" (hello?) I thought that she had not been able to come to the phone, so I just said, "mata ato de odenwa itashimasu" (I'll call her back later). "Well, I guess she can't have dinner with me tonight," I thought. Then suddenly I became hungry, and I went to a restaurant by myself. When I asked a waitress, "aka-wine arimasu ka" (Do you have red wine?), she said, "hai, mo-shiwake gozaimasen ga oite-orimasen" (Yes, I'm sorry, but we don't carry it), and she was just waiting to take my order. I wasn't sure what she said, but I guessed there was no red wine. So, I ordered a glass of beer. Hmm...I thought that "hai" meant only "yes," but I suppose there are several different ways of using it. Ms. Hirayama, please tell me more about "hai."

"hai! wakari mashita" (Certainly! I'll tell you)." It is true that Japanese people like to say "hai" in their daily life. "hai" means much more than "yes," which is the antonym of "no." It is important to understand how it is used in different situations. Otherwise, you may find yourself completely misunderstanding what it being said. Note that No. 6 is easily misunderstood by foreigners.

Put はい or いいえ in the boxes.

on the phone Mr. Ree :



もし もし moshi moshi

Hello. This is Japanese Lunch.

ジャパニーズランチ で ございます。 Japanese Lunch de gozaimasu


(humble form of "desu")

(1) Mr. Ree:

This is Ree of KBS. I'd like to talk with Ms. Ueda.


Certainly! Please hold on a minute.

KBS の 李 です が 上田さん お願いします。 KBS no Ree desu ga Ueda-san onegaishimasu


(a little)

(2) Receptionist:

Hello? I'm sorry to make you wait.

少々 お待ち下さい。 sho- sho- omachi-kudasai (please wait)

もしもし お待たせ致しました。 moshi moshi omatase-itashimashita (to make you wait)

H ere! Attention! I understand ( see) . Ah- huh. C ertainly! Sure! OK ! Y es. T hat' s right.


1) Indicating one's presence ・At a business conference: Organizer: Nishizawa-san! 西沢さん。 Nishizawa-san Participant: Here! はい。

3) Showing one's understanding of a speaker (hai demo...) Manager: Please come 明日 の 朝 5時 に by 5 o'clock ashita no asa go-ji ni tomorrow morning. (tomorrow)(morning)(5 o'clock) 来て下さい。 kite-kudasai (please come)

I'd like to, but はい でも... I'm afraid I can't... hai demo



申し訳ありませんが ちょっと難しいです...。 mo-shiwake arimasenga chotto muzukashi desu 4) Responding to a request/suggestion/invitation ・Request: Manager: Could you do これ お願いします。 this, please? kore onegaishimasu Secretary: Certainly! はい 。 hai

hai ・On a phone: Aida-san: Is this Ueda-san? 上田さん ですか。 Ueda-san desu ka? ・Suggestion(command): Manager: It's getting late. 遅いので もう 帰りなさい。 Ueda-san: Yes, speaking. はい。 You can go home osoi node mo- kaeri-nasai hai now. Secretary: Thank you, sir. はい 。 2) Getting attention hai ・Trying to get people's attention, asking people to pay attention before starting an event ( e.g., a meeting): Attention! はい それでは始めます。 It's time to start. hai soredewa hajimemasu (then)     (will start)

・Invitation: Manager: Let's have dinner tonight! Secretary:

I'd love to.

今晩  食事 でも komban shokuji demo はい 。 hai

5) Answering a question ・ Affirmative answer: Manager: Are you 日本人 です か。 Japanese? Nihonjin desu ka Employee: Yes, I am. はい 。 hai 6) Confirming a positive/negative statement or question 稲葉さん います か。 Manager: Is Mr. Inaba Inaba-san imasu ka there? Employee:

Yes, he is.

I'm afraid that she is あいにく 席 を はずしております。 unable to come to ainiku seki o hazushite-orimasu the phone right now. (unfortunately)(seat)(humble form of "leave one's seat") Mr. Ree:

I see. She isn't there at this moment, is she?

(I see) Receptionist:

はい   います。 hai imasu

Isn't Mr. Inaba there?

稲葉さん いませんか。 Inaba-san imasen ka

That's right.

Do you want her to call you when she gets back?

or Manager:

そう です か。 いらっしゃいません か。 so- desu ka irasshaimasen ka

Mr. Ree:

this is a typical phrase on a phone.

No, I'm leaving right now.

(honolific form of "not exist")

That's right

(3) 戻りましたら こちらから お電話致しましょう か。 modorimashitara kochira-kara odenwa itashimasho- ka (when she back) (from us) (humble form of "call you")

すぐに 出ます ので suguni demasu node


(soon) (will leave) (because of)


No, (That's right) はい  いません。 he is not here. hai imasen


I will call her back later.

私 から また お電話致します。 watakushi kara mata odenwa itashimasu (from me)


I understand! Please do so.

I understand

(5) Mr. Ree:

Sure! Goodbye!



(again) (will call you)

では よろしくお願い致します。 dewa yoroshiku onegai itashimasu (then) (humble form of "please do so")

失礼 致します。  shitsure- itashimasu ("Goodbye" for telephone) はい (1) ~ (6), except (4) hai


With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama mizu; sui; zui

Design : Masako Ban

Last month, I took my parents to Kyu- shu- for a family trip. The onsen (hot spring) was relaxing, nature was awesome and the food was very delicious! Mr. Koga, who is one of my friends, is from Fukuoka, and I told him how much I enjoyed my trip. He said, "so- desu ka, (I see). oyako 'mizu-irazu' deshita ne (I guess there was 'mizu-irazu' [no need of water?] for your family). demo, Pole-san 'mizu-kusai' desu ne (But, Mr. Pole, that's 'mizu-kusai' [stinky water?]). Kyu- shu- nara iro-iro shokai shitakatta desu (I could have told you a lot about Kyu- shu- if you had asked me)." Did he say "mizu-kusai" (stinky water)? How bad is that smell? Did he also say "mizu-irazu" (no need of water)? What did he mean by "no need of water"? The water in Kyu- shu- was not stinky, but delicious, and I had a lot of water during my trip. When I went to a coffee shop in Kyu- shu-, a waitress brought us glasses of water even though we did not order them. Oh, boy! I have no idea what Mr. Koga told me.

Kanji of "water"

What Mr. Koga meant is, "I guess you were happy to spend time only with your parents. But, Mr. Pole, you are standoffish! I could've told you all about good spots in Kyu- shu- if you had told me that you were going there." In the Japanese language, there are many idioms that have water in them. For example, "mizu-sho-bai," which literally means "water business." Can you imagine what kind of occupation that is? It's not the business of selling water! "mizu-sho-bai" (chancy trade) are the kinds of business that depend on being popular with customers, like bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Let me show you more expressions that use the word "mizu" (water).


mizutamamoyopolka dot

A) nose



1)To be standoffish/ to be reserved

5) That was only a drop in the bucket.




yake ishi ni mizu

(water) (smell)

(Lit. stinky water)

2) To be alone with one's

family, without outsiders

水入らず mizu-irazu (water)(not coming in)

(Lit. no water coming in)

3) To be like oil and water

(burn)(stone) (water)

(Lit. water on a hot stone)

6) To come to nothing

水の泡 mizu no awa (water)(bubbles)

7) To find one's element

水を得た魚 mizu o eta sakana


(water) (get) (fish)

(Lit. water and oil)

(Lit. fish returned to water)


  なあ∼、 遠慮しないで言ってくれればよかったのに!    na- enryo shinaide itte-kurereba yokatta noni

That was only a drop 赤字なのでいくら頑張っても         akaji nanode ikura gambattemo   in the bucket.

です。 desu 

8) A bolt from the blue (sounds negative)

寝耳に水 ne mimi ni mizu

(water) (let flow)


(Lit. flushing it with water)

(Lit. water into the ear of a sleeping person)

.....いつも意見が合いません。 ... itsumo iken ga aimasen

E) Oh, really? That's a bolt from the blue. I've never heard of it! えっ!ホント? e ! honto ?

  A bolt from the blue


そんな事聞いてないよ! sonnakoto kiitenai yo

To forgive and forget

1) H)


2) D)


5) I)

sui chu

と言ってくれました。 to itte-kuremashita

7) B)

8) K)


11) L)

sui on

A) 6)

B) 1)

C) 5)

D) 3)

E) 8)

3) Runny nose 6) Athlete's foot Light-blue Saving water 9) Public water 12) Rainwater Flood Waterproof

防- 水

3) A)


6) J)

水虫 mizu mushi


9) F)

洪- 水

12) C)

ko zui

鼻水 hana mizu

ses sui

ko sui

L) flood

mizu iro

香- 水

I) color

bo sui

kai sui

10) G) Answers

1) In the water 2) 4) Seawater 5) 7) Perfume/fragrance 8) 10) Water temperature 11)

4) E)

We should be careful next time! これから気をつけます。 korekara ki o tsukemasu

F) road

K) tune; moderate

F) Oh, what a relief! He told me that he would forgive us and forget about it. ああ良かった!今回の事は  a- yokatta! konkai no koto wa

E) sea

J) insect

C)There is nothing we can do because of the deficit. It's only a drop in the bucket.

あの二人は To be like an oil and water ano futari wa

B)You have been standoffish. You could have asked me without hesitation.

C) rain

G) warm; temperature H) middle; inside

D)Those two people are like oil and water. They always disagree with each other.

mizu to abura


Oh, well, all your efforts came to nothing. 全てが だね。 To come to nothing subete ga dane

(Lit. bubbles of water)


4) To forgive and forget

D) defend; prevent

頑張ってダイエットしたのに、すぐに戻っちゃった。 gambatte diet shita noni suguni modotchatta

To be standoffish / to be reserved

B) fragrance

Please enter the appropriate idiom in the following squares. A)I was on diet, and doing great! But I gained the weight that I had lost.

mizu ni

The kanji below (A-L) make specific words when combined with 水 mizu (water). Make words that mean 1) to 12) by combining 水 with one of the kanji below.

水 道sui do

雨水 ama mizu

F) 4) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun



iv s n e p x e very


taka- ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼i

One of my colleagues bought a new car, and he invited me to go to Mt. Fuji for a drive. He also invited some girls to come with us. While he was driving, one of the girls asked him how much the car cost. When she heard the price, she was surprised and said, "taka ∼i!" (How expensive!). When his car was going really fast on the highway, the other girl said, "haya∼i!" (How fast!). When we arrived at the foot of Mt. Fuji, the girls were amazed and said, "kire∼i!" (How beautiful!), "sugo∼i!" (How wonderful!). When we got hungry, we went to a restaurant and I had o-soba noodles. And I tried to imitate those girls and said, "oi ∼∼∼∼shii!" (How delicious!). I didn't know where to make the long vowel and how long to make it, and everybody laughed at me when I finished saying the word. Ms. Hirayama, please tell me how long I am supposed to make the long vowel.

Design : Masako Ban

convenient, simple

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

I would say, "oishi ∼i o-soba o tabemashita ne" (I guess you had some delicious soba). Japanese people, especially young girls, often use these kinds of expression when they are surprised or amazed. Instead of using Japanese words that are equivalent to English words such as "very," "extremely," etc., you simply make the i-adjective and na-adjective longer than usual. There is no rule for the length of the long vowel. You can make the long vowel as long as you want, depending on your feelings. (But please note that making it too long is strange.) The length of the long vowel and where to make it depend on the individual, but there are some basic rules. Please see the list below.

There are three ways of saying "convenient" in Japanese with different nuances from English. Please note that it is not polite to apply "convenient" to a human being. 1) For an object: "benri" 2) For a timetable or schedule: "tsugo- ga i " 3) For money: "tegoro na" (convenient to buy) "Simple" and "easy" can be confusing, too. Here are some examples to consider. 4) For a procedure that is "simple" (not troublesome, or time-consuming): "kantan" 5) For the antonym of "difficult": "yasashi" I'm looking for an inexpensive car (literally, a car that is convenient for me to buy). A

■ i-adjective.....Make a vowel longer before "i". The length varies according to one's feelings. delicious おいし∼∼い oishi ∼∼i

far とお∼∼い to-∼∼i

good い∼∼い i∼∼i

high, expensive たか∼∼い taka-∼∼i

near ちか∼∼い chika-∼∼i

wide, spacious ひろ∼∼い hiro-∼∼i

fast, quick, early はや∼∼い haya-∼∼i

hot, thick あつ∼∼い atsu-∼∼i

cold (weather) さむ∼∼い samu-∼∼i

funny, interesting おもしろ∼∼い omoshiro-∼∼i

cold (object) つめた∼∼い tsumeta-∼∼i

bad-smelling, stinky くさ∼∼い kusa-∼∼i

late, slow おそ∼∼い oso- ∼∼i

dirty きたな∼∼い kitana-∼∼i

■ na-adjective.....There are four categories (from A to D) for identifying the long vowel in na-adjectives. An example is shown for each category. Please try to put the other words in the correct category. Note that some words fit in more than one category. Group A Group B Group C Group D inconvenient ふべ ∼ ん fube- ∼ n

dislike unpleasant, disappointing weird, strange 1)              2)            3)         4) complex, complicated きらい いや へん ふくざつ iya hen kirai fukuzatsu no         7)       problem, OK love, very fond of hate, disgusting like important  8)          9) 5)      6)  だいすき だいきらい たいせつ だいじょうぶ すき daikirai daisuki taisetsu suki daijo-bu necessary busy, lively 10)         11)        ひつよう にぎやか nigiyaka hitsuyo-


a long vowel before "n"

Group C

Group B a long vowel before "i"

Group D

a long vowel at the end of the word

the long vowel (o) in the letter "jo"



(look for)

The test was easy. テスト は B test wa      

です。 desu

Cupped noodles are simple to make. カップラーメン は cup-ra-men wa

です。 desu


(Chinese noodles)

The afternoon is convenient for me. 午後 なら gogo nara


が いい です ね。 ga i desu ne

I don't have much time, so keep it simple! 時間 が ない ので jikan ga nai node

に話して! ni hanashite!


(time) (there is no)

Microwave ovens are convenient. 電子レンジ は denshi-range wa


です。 desu


I have no idea what you mean, so please make it easier to understand. 全然 わからない ので もっと zenzen wakaranai node motto


説明して下さい。 setsume- shite-kudasai


2) 18)

bad わる∼∼い waru-∼∼i

simple quiet, silent, caim safe 12)           13)          14)     かんたん あんぜん しずか kantan anzen shizuka

strong, sturdy sudden, urgent sincere (personality) terrible, horrible 15)          16)           17) serious,               18) きゅう じょうぶ まじめ たいへん kyutaihen majime jo-bu

Group A

cheap やす∼∼い yasu-∼∼i

being good at じょう ∼ ず jo-∼ zu

wonderful すてき -∼ suteki ∼

beautiful きれ ∼ い kire- ∼ i

な 値段 の 車 を 探しています。 na nedan no kuruma o sagashite-imasu

13) a ∼ nzen 14) ka ∼ ntan





8) da ∼ ikirai 9) da ∼ isuki













A - 3) 手ごろ tegoro

B - 5) 易しかった yasashi-katta

D - 2) 都合 tsugo

E - 4) 簡単 kantan

C - 4)

F - 1) 便利 benri

簡単 kantan G - 5) 易しく yasashiku

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun

shiritor i Design : Masako Ban

One day on the train, I overheard a child next to me having a conversation with his mother. He said to her, "oka-san, shiritori shiyo- -yo!" (Mom, let's do "shiritori"!) and, I wondered, "What? 'shiritori'? 'shiri (one's back side) and tori (take).' Butt-grabbing!?" As I was trying to guess what this meant, the child said, "usagi (rabbit)." Then, the mother said, "gi...ginkou (bank)." Then, the child said, "uchi (house)," and the mother said, "chi...chi... chizu (map)," and so on. They kept doing it until the train stopped at the next station. I wondered what they were doing. Note: In shiritori, similar the same: ka, ki, ku, ke, ko ←→ sa, shi, su, se, so ←→ ta, chi, tsu, te, to ←→ ha, hi, fu, he, ho ←→


sounds are considered ga, gi, gu, ge, go za, ji, zu, ze, zo da, de, do ba, bi, bu, be, bo / pa, pi, pu, pe, po


kaze (wind)←→ sekai (world) kaba (hippopotamus)←→ pazuru(puzzle)




みmi み mi




shiritori is a Japanese word game in which players must say a word beginning with the last sound of the previous word, for example, "u-sa-gi → gi-n-ko-u → uchi → chi-zu...." The first player to say a word ending with "N" loses the game. For example, "su-i-ka (watermelon) → ka-gi (key) → ki-ri-n (giraffe)." (In the first example, ginko- is pronounced ginkou in Japanese. Therefore, the last syllable is "u.")



に ni ku く

ri り み mi n じ ji ん shi go し bo ご ma ぼ me u yu ji n ま め う ゅ じん


Many readers have asked for examples of typical conversations people have when visiting a company. Excuse me, I'm James Pole from Japanese Lunch. And


あの∼ ジャパニーズランチ の ジェームス ポール です が、 anoJapanese Lunch no James Pole desu ga your name

your company name

I have an appointment to see Mr. Chida at five o'clock today.

イカ ダ i ナ da




5時 go-ji

ンミ n



ンコ n








外車 (foreign car)

I see... you are Mr. Pole from Japanese Lunch. はい、ジャパニーズランチ の ポール様 です ね。 hai Japanese Lunch no Pole-sama desu ne Please take a seat over there, and he'll be with you in a minute.

そちら に お掛けになってお待ち下さいませ。 sochira ni okakeninatte omachi-kudasaimase


over there honorific of "take your seat" and "please wait" Mr. Chida's secretary comes out to welcome Mr. Pole. Secretary:

鏡 台 所 在 地 球 場 外  車 眼 中 色 学 茶 番 一 本 日 月 年 生

Fifteen words in kanji are hidden at right. Look for the word in kanji, not the sound of the word. (Go clockwise → ) e.g.,

に 千田 様 と お約束しているん です が... ni Chida sama to oyakusoku-shite-irun desu ga...

("I have an appointment") appointment person's name time who you will meet

ェ ジ イ ナーガ ン トーエ

Here are some more word games: 12 words are hidden in consecutive order. (Go clockwise → ) e.g., kikai: machine

い き か ka


Seven country names are hidden below in consecutive order. (Note: South Korea = Daikan minkoku) (Go clockwise → )

カ リ メ ri ka ア リ a me


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Mr. Pole. Sorry for keeping you waiting. ポール様 お待たせ致しました。 Pole-sama omatase-itashimashita honorific of "thank you for waiting"

Please come this way. どうぞ こちらへ。 do-zo kochira e The general manager, Mr. Chida, is on his way, so please wait for a few minutes. ただ今 部長 の 千田 が 参りますので tadaima bucho- no Chida ga mairimasu node right now Chida manager

humble form of "will come"

少々お待ち下さい。 sho--sho- omachi-kudasai for a few minutes please wait

Answers : You can start at any place.

1)    ika: squid kani: crab niku: meat kuri: chestnut ringo: apple goma: sesame manjuu: a steamed (bean-jam) bun umeboshi: pickled plum shijimi: a shellfish mimi: ears mimikaki: ear pick

A few minutes later. 中学生: middle school student 生年月日: date of birth 日本一: No. 1 in Japan クウェート: Kuwait 一番: first トンガ: Tonga 番茶: coarse tea ガーナ: Ghana 茶色: brown ナイジェリア: Nigeria 色眼鏡: colored glasses アメリカ: the United States 鏡台: chest of drawers with a mirror カナダ: Canada 台所: kitchen地球: Earth 球場: baseball stadium 3) 場外: outside the grounds


車中: in a car / in a train


Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. すいません。お待たせしました。 suimasen omatase-shimashita thank you for waiting


Not at all. I always appreciate your kindness. いいえ いつもお世話になっています。 iie itsumo osewani natte-imasu always appreciate your kindness. With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun

-a mam

I frequently hear that people overseas imagine that Japanese people are ambiguous and do not give definite answers, that they have no facial expressions, and that their thoughts are obscure. So, I understand your frustration. "ma- ma- desu ne" is translated as "so-so" in English, but it's not exactly the same. Japanese people frequently say, "ma- ma- desu ne," and I hope my explanation below will help you understand what they mean.

The other day, I went fishing with a Japanese friend. At noon, he took out the lunch his wife had prepared for him, and he offered me some. When I said to him, "oku-san no obento-, totemo oishi desu ne" (This is very tasty. Your wife prepares a great lunch.), he said, "ma ma- desu yo" (It's so-so). But he ate everything in his lunch box with a genuine smile. I wonder if his wife gets mad with him if he leaves something. After that, he showed me a photo of his wife. When I said, "oku-san kire- desu ne" (Your wife is pretty), he said, "ma- madesu yo" (She's so-so). But he looked very happy to hear the compliment. Hmm...I wonder whether he really liked his lunch...I wonder if he thought his wife was pretty or not...I have no idea what he was thinking!

Design : Masako Ban


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Excellent (100%)

Pole-san, it seems like your business keeps you busy.

Ms. Chida :

ポールさん Pole-san Pole :


positive feeling

まあまあ です ね。 ma- ma- desu ne

It's OK !

negative feeling

Yes, I want to thank you for that...

Terrible e.g., Imai-san: Pole-san:

How is your business? So-so. (He is smiling.) (sounds positive)

(It's good.)

Imai-san: Pole-san:

How was your new project meeting? So-so. (His tone depressed.)

(sounds negative)

まあまあ でした。 ma- ma- deshita (It was no good.)

★ Describing someone (third person) On the other hand, when they use the expression to describe someone else, it implies that they have somewhat negative feelings, which corresponds to "so-so" in English.

thank you for that...

So, how did that matter last month go?

Ms. Chida :


how did ∼?

I explained it to my bosses, just in case...

How was     ?

一応 上には ichio- ue niwa


How did



いかがでしたか。 ikaga deshita ka

(polite form)

どうだった。 do- datta

(friendly form)

1)meeting/conference 会議 kaigi

2) contract 契約 keiyaku 5) party パーティー party

いろいろと iroiro to

デート date

7) concert コンサート concert

Ms. Chida :

ええ どうにか... e- do-nika It is hard to say.../I'm afraid not... 難しいですね... muzukashi desu ne... No problem./It's OK. 大丈夫です。 daijo-bu desu It went well. うまくいきました。 umaku ikimashita

have bothered you


nice to hear

In fact, the reason I am here today is to express my gratitude. 8

In fact,

今日 は その件 の お礼に伺ったん です。 kyo- wa sono ken no orei ni ukagattan desu

.............................. Concluding the discussion ............................... Pole :

I'm sorry to have troubled you so much. ご心配をお掛け致しました。 goshimpai o okake-itashimashita It was really good. 良かったです。 yokatta desu


Oh, good! That's nice to hear! そう so-

Pole :

It was terrible./It was no good. ダメでした。 dame deshita

が... ga...

I do appreciate all your kindness. 本当にありがとうございました。 honto- ni arigato- gozaimashita

Some other answers. Yes, somehow...

I explained it

But, it went well, thanks to you. 6 お陰さまで it went well okage-sama de

3) consultation/discussion 話し合い hanashiai 6) date


I'm sorry to have bothered you so much.

Pole :

REPLYING まあまあ です。 ma- ma- desu



4) problem/issue 問題 mondai

It's so-so.

です ね。 desu ne

It seems busy

はい お陰さまで hai okagesama de

The nouns in 1) to 7) can be put in the square above. Needless to say, some other nouns can be added, too.

It's good !

(continued from November)

Mr. Pole is having a conversation with his client, Ms. Chida, the general manager. Please fill in the blanks by using hints given in English.

先日 の 件 senjitsu no ken ★ Describing yourself (first person) "Ma- ma-" has a wide range of meanings when Japanese people use it to describe themselves. It can be positive or negative depending on their facial expressions, and it does not simply mean "so-so" in English. Saying "ma- ma-" is especially appropriate way to say, "It's good," because the Japanese culture admires the humble and modest spirit of the speaker.

kaiwa Conversation

I hope that we can maintain a good business relationship. 今後とも kongo-tomo


keep the good business relationship

Answers お忙しそう oisogashi-so-


どうにか... do-nika


どうなりました か。 do-narimashita ka

4 話しておきました


お手数 を お掛け致しました。 otesu- o okake-itashimashita


上手く行きました。 umaku-ikimashita

7 それは良かった。



どうぞ よろしくお願い致します。 do-zo yoroshiku onegai-itashimasu



sore wa yokatta

実は jitsu wa

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun






One of my friends invited me out for dinner, saying, "Pole-san, sushi no tabe-ho-dai, sake no nomi-ho-dai, jikan wa mu-se-gen dakara iko- yo!" (Mr. Pole, there is a restaurant that offers a sushi "tabe-ho-dai," sake "nomi-ho-dai" and the time is "muse-gen," so let's go there!). I didn't understand what "tabe-ho-dai," "nomi-ho-dai," "muse-gen" meant, but I decided to go with him. When I got there, I could not believe it! All I paid was ¥ 2,000, but I could eat as much sushi as I liked, and I could drink as much as I wanted, and we could stay there as long as we wanted. Gee, I was stuffed, and I really liked the system. Ms. Hirayama, could you teach me similar words?

Design : Masako Ban

ます masu

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

The expression "___ho-dai" means "as much as you'd like." For example, there is an "utai-ho-dai" system at karaoke bars, which means, "all-youcan-sing." The other expression of "muse- gen" means "unlimited." Let me show you some other prefixes, rather than "mu-."

(All you can ___/as much as you'd like) The number of verbs the phrase can apply to is limited. 1 All you can eat

2 All you can ride


食べ ます 放題 tabe masu ho-dai

乗り ます 放題 nori masu ho-dai

All you can sing 歌い ます 放題 utai masu ho-dai

1) You can buy an "all-day ride pass" at Disneyland.

■ When one of these characters is added to a word, its meaning is changed completely.

■ Which one of the kanji in the center appropriately changes the Japanese word? 1



む mu





いしき ishiki

むいしき mu-ishiki 2



しん shin


new regime



せいけん se-ken

しんせいけん shin-se-ken


み mi



ふ fu



さい sai


非 ひ hi


legal age

under legal age



せいねん se-nen

みせいねん mi-se-nen





えいせい e-sei

ふえいせい fu-e-sei






さい sai-start

realize → realize again


planned 12 → unplanned

grant; issue 13 → reissue





ほう そう ho-so-

にんしき ninshiki

こうふ ko-fu

けい かく ke-kaku

interest → indifference

関心 かん しん kanshin 3

not yet

broadcast → rerun

common sense → nonsense


not yet


無 む mu



き そく kisoku

み mi

しん shin



stability → insecurity



solve → unsolved


ふ fu


い み imi


participation → nonparticipation


ひ hi

さい sai

あん てい ante5

meaning → meaningless



じょう しき jo-shiki

regular → irregular

taxable → tax-free

課税 か ぜい kaze-


record → new record


connection → no connection





かい けつ kaiketsu

さん か sanka

き ろく kiroku

かん けい kanke-

ディズニーランドには 一日    Disneyland niwa ichi-nichi

all you can ride

の チケット が あります。 no ticket ga arimasu 2) For ¥500, we can sing as many songs as we like for two hours at the karaoke bar, so let's go! あの店 は 2時間 500円 で             ano mise wa ni-jikan go-hyaku en de all you can sing ですよ。行きましょう! desu yo ikimasho3) The restaurant offers an "all-you-can-eat lunch" for ¥1,000, but the dinner is expensive. ランチタイムは          で 1,000円です。 all you can eat lunch time wa de sen en desu でも 夜 は 高い です。 demo yoru wa takai desu ******* bonus question ******* By putting the prefixes『未』『新』or『再』in the square box, try to make a Japanese word that corresponds to 4), 5) and 6).

結婚 → kekkon

kon 4 ) Single (not yet married) 5 ) Remarried 6 ) Newlywed






せいさんてき se-santeki

ひせいさんてき hi-se-santeki

1 2 3 4 5

rerun 再放送 (sai-ho-so-) indifference 無関心 (mu-kanshin) nonsense 非常識 (hi-jo-shiki) insecurity 不安定 (fu-ante-) unsolved 未解決 (mi-kaiketsu)

6 7 8 9 10

nonparticipation 不参加 (fu-sanka) new record 新記録 (shin-kiroku) no connection 無関係 (mu-kanke-) tax-free 非課税 (hi-kaze-) meaningless 無意味 (mu-imi)

11 12 13 14

irregularity 不規則 (fu-kisoku) unplanned 無計画 (mu-ke-kaku) reissue 再交付 (sai-ko-fu) realize again 再認識 (sai-ninshiki)












再婚 sai-kon


新婚 shin-kon

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Proverbs that relate to fish 5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

I went to the sushi restaurant near my house last night. Recently, I have been able to order various kinds of sushi because I've learned the names of some of the fish. It's still hard for me to remember some of the names, so I order by looking at a menu posted on a wall, which is written in hiragana. Last night, a Japanese man who was sitting next to me told me that it would be interesting to know what kanji are used for what fish and why. Ms. Hirayama, can you help?

From the meaning of


魚 魚

(about 20 cm)

(about 80 cm)

かれい kare-

sweetfish : ayu

codfish : tara

It is delicious to eat the fish when it is still snowing in winter. (best in cooked in a hot pot)

(about 45 cm)

(about 100 cm)

かつお katsuo

scales Cheating on counting (literal meaning: counting mackerel). It means to cheat when counting to benefit oneself. For example, a woman pretends she is younger or weighs less than she really does.

を読む ●


Throwing a sprat to catch a mackerel (literal meaning: catching a sea bream by using a shrimp). It refers to using a small investment as bait to gain a huge profit.

海老で            を釣る ●



Increasing at an unbelievable rate (literal meaning: rising eel) It is about prices, positions, temperature, stock prices, etc., rising at an unbelievable rate.


mackerel : saba

spanish mackerel : sawara

It is delicious to eat this fish in spring.

o tsuru

(about 25∼100 cm)

Its body looks blue. (best grilled) ●


ebi de

In ancient times, its scales were used to tell fortunes. (best grilled fish with salt) ●

me kara

sardine : iwashi

It is a weak fish that goes bad right after being caught. (best grilled or for sashimi)       



(about 25 cm)

あゆ ayu

さわら sawara


flatfish : hirame

It has a flat shape. (best grilled or boiled or for sashimi)       

さば saba



o yomu ●

鮎 たら tara


鮃 鰯

Being suddenly awakened to the truth (literal meaning: the scales fall from one's eyes). It refers to being able to understand clearly and being awakened to the real truth.

(about 40~80 cm)

いわし iwashi



ひらめ hirame


I also love sushi. In some sushi restaurants, they use an interesting green-tea cup with the names of many fish on it. Many Japanese find it hard to read the names of fish in kanji. If you remember them, your Japanese friends will be impressed. Why not try to surprise them? I may be making an unnecessary comment here, but, recently, it seems more and more fish are cut into slices and sold in packages at supermarkets. So, there is little opportunity to see a whole fish, and the number of children and young adults who cannot recognize different kinds of fish is increasing.

Using the clues provided, complete the proverbs.



(about 50∼90 cm) One is apt to think that the fish that got away was very big. When something isn't achieved at the last minute, one often thinks the loss is larger than it actually is.

(about 60~90 cm)

(about 20~80 cm)

bonito : katsuo

Its body becomes hard when it is dried in the sun. (good for sashimi)


nigashita       fish



● flounder : kare

目 から  鱗

鯖  を 読む

me kara uroko

saba o yomu

Its shape resembles that of a leaf. (best grilled or boiled)


逃がした 魚


unagi nobori

は大きい wa o-ki

海老 で 鯛 を 釣る ebi de tai

o tsuru

大きい - -

nigashita sakana wa oki

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga and illustrations by Ayako Tanaka

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama sakana

Design : Masako Ban

I was invited on an interesting sakana tabearuki tour (fish-eating tour) last month. As part of the tour, participants traveled to various fishing ports in Japan, where regional fish delicacies were served. I have been studying fish kanji, so I signed up for the tour because I thought that it would help me learn more about the Japanese used for different fish. I was a little worried that I would get sick of eating only fish on the tour. I was wrong! Instead of getting bored of fish, I ate so many different fish dishes that I gained weight during the tour. They were all delicious, and now I want to learn how to cook them so I can prepare a fish dinner for my parents. Ms. Hirayama, please give me some fish recipes!

Fried Flatfish 鰈 の から揚げ

kare- no kara-age (serves four) Ingredients: 4 flatfish 8 shishito- (small sweet peppers) 1 lemon, sliced flourenough cooking oil to cover fish in frying pan

Scale the fish. → Make an incision between the p pectoral fins and remove the insides. → Wash.


Pat dry. → Using a basting brush, lightly dust each fish with flour. (Don't coat too heavily.)


Heat the oil to 180 C       and fry the fish. (If the fish is too t large, cut in half before frying.) Remove stems of sweet peppers and seed before frying.


When the sweet peppers and fish are cooked, transfer to a serving dish. Squeeze lemon juice on top before serving.

sardine: Pronunciation was changed

from yowai (weak) to iwashi. Good grilled or as sashimi. (length: about 25 cm) ● horse mackerel: Originated from "aji ga i " (tastes good). Often grilled with salt lt or served serve serv as sashimi. (length: about 25 to 40 cm)

あじ aji

で de

which is always helpful. 勉強になります。 benkyo- ni narimasu you:


When I gave my father a bouquet of his favorite flowers, he was so happy he took me out for dinner! 父の好きな花をあげたら、すごく喜んで食事に連れてってくれた! chichi no suki na hana o agetara sugoku yorokonde shokuji ni tsuretette-kureta !

friend: It

was like using a shrimp to catch a mackerel, wasn't it?

kats s uo (bonito): Because it is often dried in the sun, n, katsuo is often hard and tough to t o chew. Its nam m e was changed from "katai" (hard) to "katsuo." Good as sashimi. (length: about 60 to 90 cm)


Pacific saury: A long fish that resembles a

さんま sanma

sword. T hin fish were called samana in the past, but its pronunciation was eventually changed change to sanma. Often grilled with salt or served as sashimi. (length: about 30 to 40 cm)


かわはぎ kawahagi

filefish: Filefish have a hard skin that is removed before eating. Pronunciation was changed from m kawa o hagu (peeling off skin) to kawahagi. Commonly grilled. (length: about 20 to 30 cm)

ther popular fish :

かなり暑いようですよ。 kanari atsui-yo- desu yo

かつお katsuo


さけ sake

(good grilled with salt) (length: about 50 cm to 1 m)


rainbow trout:

(good grilled with salt) にじます (length: about 20 to 50 cm m) nijimasu

で de

and it may get really hot.

tuna:: Tuna eventually becomes black when it

is left at room temperature. Pronunciation was changed from makkuro (deep black) to maguro. Good as sashimi. (length: about 1 to 1.5 m)

The temperature has risen unbelievably today,     今日の気温は      kyo- no kion wa

山田さんの話しはいつも Yamada-san no hanashi wa itsumo ●

いわし iwashi

To review the last lesson (Vol. 47), use the clues provided to complete the proverbs.

What Mr. Yamada says always opens my eyes to the truth,

amed after s pecific characteristics:

まぐろ maguro


Most Japanese people like fish, which is a central part of the Japanese cuisine. Are you sure you want me to suggest some fish recipes? Hmm...I'm not sure about this; I can help you with questions about the Japanese language, but ryo- ri wa chotto. . . (Cooking. . . well. . . ), although I love eating fish. However, I have a friend who is a cooking teacher and focuses on preparing simple and easy Japanese dishes. I'll ask him to help you! Good luck and bon appetit!


(good grilled hi i)) ぶり with salt or as sashimi buri (length: about 110 cm) m)


(good boiled たこ or as sashimi) tako (length: about 20 to 60 cm)

ですね。 desu ne


What? I cannot believe the number is correct. え?その数字は信じられないですよ。 e? sono su-ji wa shinji-rarenai desu yo


He is probably cooking the numbers, isn't he? 絶対に それは    zettai ni sore wa


ね。 ne

What? You broke up with him? You let that big fish get away! え?あの人と別れちゃったの?       e? ano hito to wakare-chatta no?

  ですよ! desu yo!


鰻上り unagi nobori 鯖を読んでいます saba o yonde-imasu

目から鱗 me kara uroko

海老で鯛 を釣る ebi de tai o tsuru

逃がした魚は大きい nigashita sakana wa oki

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga and illustrations by Ayako Tanaka

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I went to see a movie with a friend. Afterward, when we were discussing the movie, she said, "kono e-ga o mitakatta node yu-be wa 'waku-waku' deshita yo (I really wanted to see this movie, so I was waku-waku last night). saisho wa 'doki-doki,' tochu- kara 'hara-hara,' 'hiya-hiya,' nodo wa 'kara-kara' deshita (When the movie started, I was doki-doki. In the middle, I was hara-hara and hiya-hiya. My throat was kara-kara...?). saigo wa 'hotto' shita yo (At the end, I was hotto)." While she was asking me what I thought about the movie, I wondered if she was an alien from outer space. "waku-waku, doki-doki..." It seemed like a language spoken on another planet. I had absolutely no idea what she meant. Generally, onomatopoeic Japanese words are made up of repeated sounds, such as "doki-doki." Onomatopoeia is used as an adjective to describe actions, feelings and situations. It is a very handy way to convey emotions, and there are more than 2,000 onomatopoeic expressions in the language. Most phrases use onomatopoeia in various ways. I will explain the general meaning of some of them.


は wa





present tense

です。 desu

negative tense じゃない です。 janai desu






scattered/ inconsistent ばらばら bara-bara destroyed めちゃくちゃ mecha-kucha

past tense

でした。 deshita

past negative tense

じゃなかった です。 janakatta desu

The pearls of my necklace are scattered all over the place. パール の ネックレス は ばらばら です。 pearl no necklace wa bara-bara desu

頭の中はごちゃごちゃです。 atama no naka wa gocha-gocha desu

exhausted くたくた kuta-kuta

I'm exhausted after working 12 hours. 12時間 働いて くたくた です。 ju- -ni-jikan hataraite kuta-kuta desu

separately べつべつ betsu-betsu



I'm confused.

We'd like to pay separately. 支払いはべつべつです。 shiharai wa betsu-betsu desu

barely/almost ぎりぎり giri-giri

The restaurant is nearly empty. 店はがらがらです。 mise wa gara-gara desu The car barely fit in the garage. 車はぎりぎりで車庫に入りました。 kuruma wa giri-giri de shako ni hairimashita

not good enough/ more まだまだ mada-mada

日本語はまだまだです。 Nihongo wa mada-mada desu


My hands are sticky with glue.

べたべた beta-beta

手はノリでべたべたです。 te wa nori de beta-beta desu

rumpled/wrinkled よれよれ yore-yore

The pants were wrinkled.

My Japanese is not good enough.

Which onomatopoeic phrase is suitable for the following sentences? 1) I had so much to drink last night that I could barely walk. 夕べは 飲み過ぎて    dizzy/          でした。 with unsteady steps deshita yu- be wa nomi-sugite         (last night) (too much drink)

2) Opinions are always inconsistent at meetings. 会議 の 時 いつも 意見 は   scattered/    です。 kaigi no toki itsumo iken wa   inconsistent desu (meeting) (when) (always) (opinion)

3) The tax hadn't been separated from the service charge. 税金 と サービス料 は       separately ze-kin to service -ryo- wa

じゃなかったです。 janakatta desu

(tax) (and) (service charge)

4) My shirt stuck to my skin because of the humidity. すごく 蒸し暑い ので シャツ が         でした。 sticky sugoku mushi-atsui node shirt ga deshita (very)



5) Next month's schedule is already jam-packed!

ズボンはよれよれでした。 zubon wa yore-yore deshita

来月 の スケジュール は もう raigetsu no schedule wa mo(next month)

   です よ。 desu yo



6) Most of the time, he is barely on time. あの人 は いつも 時間 に     ano hito wa itsumo jikan ni

 barely/ almost

です。 desu

(that person) (always) (time)


Houses were destroyed in the typhoon. 家は台風でめちゃくちゃです。 uchi wa taifu- de mecha-kucha desu

messy/ confused ごちゃごちゃ gocha-gocha

(ex., in a room, a shop, a train, etc.)

がらがら gara-gara

Tense of onomatopoeia Subject

empty/few people

I went to see the same movie. Just like your friend, I was "hara-hara" (nervous), "doki-doki" (feeling like my heart was pounding) and "hiya-hiya" (scared). When it ended, my stomach was "peko-peko" (hungry). But I'm not an extraterrestrial! In fact, these expressions are called onomatopoeia. They are commonly used in cartoons and spoken by young children, and they are frequently used in daily life, as well.





dizzy/ with unsteady steps ふらふら fura-fura

徹夜をしてふらふらです。 tetsuya o shite fura-fura desu

fluently/flimsy ぺらぺら pera-pera

I cannot speak Japanese fluently yet. 日本語はまだぺらぺらじゃないです。 Nihongo wa mada pera-pera janai desu

drenched びしょびしょ bisho-bisho

(I forgot my umbrella, so) I'm drenched. 雨でびしょびしょです。 ame de bisho-bisho desu

jam-packed ぎゅうぎゅう gyu- - gyu-

I feel dizzy because I stayed up all night.

The subway was jam-packed. 地下鉄はぎゅうぎゅうでした。 chikatetsu wa gyu- -gyu- deshita

7) I'm exhausted because I came back from a business trip this morning and went straight to work. けさ出張から帰ってきてそのまま会社で kesa shutcho- kara kaette-kite sonomama (this morning)(business trip)(from)


働いたので      exhausted hataraita node (to work)

(as is)

です。 desu



1) 11

2) 1

3) 5

5) 14

6) 7

7) 4

4) 9

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

はら はら hara - hara Design : Masako Ban

I love the onomatopoeia that I studied in Vol. 49 because the subtle expressions covered in the class can be understood very easily and are easy to pronounce and remember, too. Japanese friends say I have gained a variety of conversational expressions in my Japanese, and that what I say is more understandable than before. So I really want to learn more onomatopoeic expressions. Could you cover some more expressions? I want to speak Japanese pera-pera (fluently)!

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

I'm very happy for you! I'm sure you have studied Japanese very hard, but perhaps your conversational style was a little awkward before. Why was that? It was because you didn't use enough onomatopoeia! Conversational style can be awkward when students focus too much on grammar or if they study Japanese outside Japan. However, when they learn and start using onomatopoeia in their conversation, their Japanese will sound much more natural!!

Onomatopoeia Put suitable onomatopoeia in the box.

1. My friends often travel abroad. 友達は       tomodachi wa

海外旅行をします。 kaigai-ryoko- o shimasu




2. Your health will suffer if you keep getting irritated. すると 体に悪いですよ。 suru to karada ni warui desu yo

being irritated




を o


6. being irritated/ bothered いらいら ira-ira

は wa tense future tense

ます。 masu


ません。 masen

1. rapidly/steadily

past tense

ました。 mashita

past negative

ませんでした。 masen deshita

Time passed by so quickly. 時間 は どんどん すぎました。 jikan wa don-don sugimashita

どんどん don-don

7. being in trouble/ confused ごたごた gota-gota

8. hanging out/

doing nothing ぶらぶら bura-bura


2. it's about time

Well, it's about time for me to go. じゃあ そろそろ 失礼します。 ja- soro-soro shitsure-shimasu

そろそろ soro-soro



I often went to Kyoto back then. 昔 は 京都 に ちょくちょく 行きました。 mukashi wa Kyoto ni choku-choku ikimashita

often ちょくちょく choku-choku

(a long time ago)


scoff/gobble/ munch

Mr. Kinoshita gobbled down the sushi. 木下さん は 寿司 を ぱくぱく 食べました。 Kinoshita-san wa sushi o paku-paku tabemashita

ぱくぱく paku-paku



します。 shimasu

past tense

しました。 shimashita


しません。 shimasen

past negative

しませんでした。 shimasen deshita

どきどき doki-doki


being humid むしむし mushi-mushi

lie around ごろごろ goro-goro

I didn't get nervous when I gave my speech. スピーチ は どきどき しませんでした。 speech wa doki-doki shimasendeshita

(that company)

full of life いきいき iki-iki smile にこにこ niko-niko

(please drink)

4. Is it about time to have lunch?

It's been busy (hectic) all day long. きょうは 一日中 ばたばた していました。 kyo- wa ichinichi-ju- bata-bata shiteimashita


5. I've been so busy (hectic) していたので shiteita node

busy (hectic)

(all day long)

This year's rainy season is humid, too, isn't it? 今年 の 梅雨 もむしむし しますね。 kotoshi no tsuyu mo mushi-mushi shimasu ne

お昼にしましょうか。 ohiru ni shimasho- ka

it's about time

(every day)

I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier. 連絡 が 遅くなり申しわけありませんでした。 renraku ga osokunari moshiwake arimasen deshita (contact)

(become late) (I'm very sorry)

(rainy season)

Most of the time, I just lie around at home when I have a day off. 休み は ほとんど ごろごろしています。 yasumi wa hotondo goro-goro shiteimasu (almost)

That person is 95 years old, but she's full of life. あの人 は 95歳 です が いきいき していますね。 ano hito wa kyu-ju--go-sai desu ga iki-iki shiteimasu ne (that person) (95 years old)


飲んでくださいね。 nonde-kudasai ne

rapidly, steadily

(all the year around)

I just want to hang out every day without working.

(don't work)


so everybody, have plenty to drink!

仕事 を しないで 毎日 ぶらぶら したいですね。 shigoto o shinaide mainichi bura-bura shitai desu ne

(day off)


さあ 今晩 は お祝い ですから sa- komban wa oiwai desu-kara (tonight)

That company has been in trouble all year. あの 会社 は 年中 ごたごた していますよ。 ano kaisha wa nenju- gota-gota shiteimasu yo

(this year)


3. Well, as tonight is a celebration,

(traffic jam)



future tense

nervous/with a pounding heart

ばたばた bata-bata

は wa

9. hectic

Traffic jams make you irritated, don't they? 渋滞 は いらいら しますね。 ju-tai wa ira-ira shimasu ne


6. Didn't you get nervous when you went out on your first date? 初めてのデートは       nervous hajimete no date wa

しませんでしたか。 shimasen deshita ka

(first time)

7. I was hanging out in Ginza last Sunday. 先週 の 日曜日 に 銀座 を     hanging しました。 senshu- no nichi-yo-bi ni Ginza o out shimashita (last week)


The receptionist always has a nice smile. 受け付けの人 は いつも にこにこ しています。 uketsuke no hito wa itsumo niko-niko shiteimasu (reception)
















(person) (always) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun


脱ぐ 取る off nugu? toru?

quit / drop out / evade / undress

Design : Masako Ban

I really love onsen (hot springs) in Japan, so I try to as many onsen as possible. Let me tell you what happened when I went to an onsen nearby with a friend of one of my colleagues the other day. He always wears glasses, but he uses contact lenses when he gets into the water. On that day, however, he was wearing glasses when we arrived at an open-air onsen. I asked him, "megane o nuganai no desu ka" (Aren't you going to take off your glasses?), but the Japanese people around me started laughing. My friend was also laughing and said, "yo-fuku wa nugimashita yo" (I did take off my clothes, though). Ms. Hirayama, "taking off" is "nugu" in Japanese, isn't it? Did I say something wrong, again?

Take off...

datsu/dass, dakk, etc.

Bingo! You did it again! "Taking off" is translated differently in Japanese according to the part of the body. "Taking off" and "putting on" are complicated and described in various ways in Japanese. So, let me organize it and make it easy for you to remember.

取ります torimasu

脱ぎます nugimasu



You remove such items as hats, neckties, eyeglasses, necklaces and makeup. You take off items of clothing, such as skirts, socks and jackets.

when removing accessories from the head or the body

上着を uwagi o ネクタイを necktie o 化粧を kesho- o

取ります torimasu

4) I take off my socks. 靴下を kutsushita o

字 2) 税 3)帽 4)線 5)落 6) 輪 7)サラ quit being a salaried worker

を して そば屋 を始めた が 失敗した。 o shite soba-ya o hajimeta ga shippaishita (it was unsuccessful)

2. I got in trouble because a wheel came off my car in

11) I remove the polish from my nails. マニキュアを manicure o

6) I take off my pants. 

16) I take off my necklace. ネックレスを necklace o

8) I take off my belt. ベルトを belt o 9) I take off my muffler.  マフラーを muffler o 10) I take off my gloves. 手袋を tebukuro o

帽子を bo-shi o

17) I take off my ring. 指輪を yubiwa o


(my mother) (subject)

(wouldn't move)(I got in trouble)

する。 suru


4. I did not drop out of the marathon, I made a final effort to finish. Answers

1) - 2

マラソン を      drop out marathon o

しないで 最後まで 頑張った! shinaide saigo made gambatta! (last)

2) - 1 3) - 1 4) - 2 5) - 1

of the current recession. 最近 不景気 で        evade taxes saikin fuke- ki de

7) - 2

(these days)(recession)

8) - 1 9) - 1 10) - 1 11) - 1 12) - 1 13) - 2

19) I take off my earrings. イヤリングを earrings o

16) - 1

14) - 2 15) - 1 17) - 1 18) - 2 19) - 1 20) - 1

(hard to do)

5. It seems that more people are evading taxes because

6) - 2

18) I take off my pantyhose. ストッキングを stocking o

20) I take off my glasses. めがねを megane o

(mountain road)

母 の 話 は いつも           drifts haha no hanashi wa itsumo

13) I take off my shoes. 靴を kutsu o 14) I take off my sweater. セーターを sweater o

山道 で        して 車 が 動かなくなって困った。 a wheel yamamichi de came off shite kuruma ga ugokanakunatte komatta

3. My mom always drifts from the subject.

お面を omen o

15) I take off my hat.

下着を shitagi o

(note: In Japan, m anicure is used for varnishing the nails.)

12) I take off a mask.

5) I take off my watch. 時計を toke- o

7) I take off my underwear.

when removing an item of clothing 脱ぎます nugimasu that covers the arms or legs

salaried worker

drop out wheel

a mountain road and the car was stucked there. 1) I take off my jacket.

ズボンを zubon o




restaurant, but I failed to make a go of it.

1 torimasu or   2 nugimasu. Fill in the boxes below with  

3) I remove my makeup.



(soba restaurant)(started)

2) I take off my tie.


Make a complete sentence below by matching the kanji above with one of the numbered kanji below.

1. I quit being a salaried worker and started my own soba

There are two main expressions for "taking off" in Japanese.


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

が 増えてきた。 ga fuetekita (increased)

6. You've won! I am deeply impressed! 参りました mairimashita

      deeply impressed

です。 desu

(throw up one's hands)

7. I see many typos and missing letters in this document. この 文章 は 誤字   kono bunsho- wa goji

  missing letters

が 多いですね。 ga o- i desu ne

(this sentence) (spelling mistakes)



脱サラ datsu-sara




2) 脱税




脱輪 datsurin



脱線 dassen



脱帽 datsubo-



脱字 datsuji



脱落 datsuraku

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun


着る はく wear kiru? haku?

Reach, contact, wear, steady

chaku / ki(ru)

I don't think your Japanese was "hen" (strange), you just used the wrong Japanese. Do you remember the expression "to take off" from the previous lesson? Just like that expression, there are several different ways of saying "to wear" in Japanese. Just like the previous lesson, I'll select frequently used expressions to make it easier for you to remember them.

Design : Masako Ban

Yesterday, a friend of friend (tomodachi no tomodachi) I've known since I was in school came from Kobe to Tokyo for a visit. I had never met her before, so when she called, she asked, "donna fuku o kite-imasu ka?" (What are you wearing?) I said, "pink no necktie o kite-imasu (I'm wearing a pink tie). green no zubon o kite-imasu (I'm wearing green pants). hige wa kite-imasen (I don't have a mustache). gold no kutsu o kite-imasu (I'm wearing gold shoes)." When I hung up, a friend who was standing next to me said, "Pole-san no Nihon-go wa hen" (Your Japanese sounds strange).

There are main four different ways of saying "to wear" in Japanese. condition

かぶります kaburimasu

Select the appropriate expression among 1 kabutte-imasu 2 kite-imasu 3 haite-imasu 4 shite-imasu to fill the each square below.

① cash

on delivery

② steady

  払い (pay)

⑤ glue

接 剤

(l) hat

condition 着ています 着ます kimasu kite-imasu For items worn on the upper body and arms (e.g., a sweater, a shirt)

(b) glasses

(c) watch




(c) 4 toke- o shite-imasu

(e) 4 belt o shite-imasu ( f ) 3 kutsu o haite-imasu (g) 3 kutsushita o haite-imasu

(e) belt (h) pants

(d ) ring

(h) 3 zubon o haite-imasu ( i ) 2 shirt o kite-imasu

(f ) shoes

( j ) 2 uwagi o kite-imasu (k) 4 earring o shite-imasu ( l ) 1 bo-shi o kabutte-imasu

Meeting your customer at a crowded place for the first time. I'll be there soon. What are you wearing?

はきます hakimasu


condition します shimasu


はいて て います haite e -imasu

For items worn on the lower body and feet (e.g., shoes, socks)

 替える (replace)

(what time)

2) May I send it cash on delivery? Being paid on delivery

で 送ってもいい です か。 de okuttemo i desu ka (to send)

(May I∼?)

3) He smells bad because he doesn't change clothes and wears the same clothes every day.

I'm wearing striped pants.


毎日 同じ 服を着て 全然    mainichi onaji fuku o kite zenzen

   ので 臭い。 node kusai

to change clothes

(everyday)(same) (clothes) (wearing) (not at all)

(smell bad)

4) It was for the first 10 people, so I didn't get one. The first arrival

10人まで だった ので ダメ でした。 ju--nin made datta node dame deshita (10 people)

(didn't get)

5) I'm making steady progress because I'm practicing every day.

(everyday) (practice)


に上達しています。 ni jo-tatsushite-imasu


I'm wearing a hat. 帽子 を bo-shi o

ストライプのズボンを stripe no zubon o

割った花瓶 を       a glue watta kabin o

I'm wearing glasses. 眼鏡 を megane o

I'm wearing a checkered sweater. チェックのセーターを check no sweater o

(broke) (vase)

(making progress)

6) I used glue to repair the vase that I broke. で つけて直しました。 de tsukete naoshimashita (glue)


7) If you have a positive viewpoint, you'll do better, won't you? A view point

が いいと 結果 も いいですね。 ga i to kekka mo i desu ne (result) (also)

Which one is y your customer? Answers

しています shite-imasu

For accessories (e.g., watch, ring, belt, bandage)

⑦ to change clothes


毎日 練習している ので     mainichi renshu- shite-iru node



(d) 4 yubiwa o shite-imasu

(i) shirt

(g) socks





(b) 4 megane o shite-imasu

(k) earring

(j ) jacket

1) What time will we arrive at Narita Airport? 成田 の    時間 は 何時 ですか。 Narita no arrival jikan wa nanji desu ka. (a) 4 ribbon o shite-imasu

(a) ribbon

④ first arrival

③ view point

⑥ Arrival


かぶっています kabutte-imasu

For items worn on the head (e.g., a hat, a helmet...)


Complete the following sentences by matching the word with the kanji below.


to wear...


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama








1) ⑥

到着 to-chaku

5) ②

着実 chakujitsu


① 着払い


6) ⑤

3) ⑦

接着剤 setchakuzai

着替えない kigaenai

7) ③

先着 4) ④ senchaku

着眼点 chakuganten

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun


oto g a n a g a

t ile( o t



shi / do(me) / to(meru)

I can imagine how surprised you were! There is a Japanese proverb, which says, "Different places, different customs." There are many kinds of toilets. Recently, I had an opportunity to see a very surprising toilet. When I opened the door of the restroom, the toilet lid lifted automatically. When I stood up after I was done, the toilet flushed automatically. (I heard that a computer checks what is in the bowl, and calculates how strong a flush it needs.) Afterward, the cover closed automatically. It's getting more and more complicated to use the latest toilets, so let me explain the basic phrases you will find on them.

Design : Masako Ban

Let me tell you what happened when I went to a restroom in a restaurant! I used a toilet and I wanted to flush it when I was done. But I couldn't find the lever! Instead, I found many buttons with explanations in Japanese, so I couldn't understand what they meant. While puzzling over which button to push, someone knocked on the door. So, I took a chance and pushed a button. Then, suddenly, water sprayed out like a fountain from the toilet. I pushed another button to stop the water, but the toilet began to play a melody instead. I panicked and pushed another button, but this time a warm breeze drifted out of the toilet! The Japanese man who was waiting for me to come out asked, "daijo -bu desu ka" (Are you OK?). When I said, "suimasen, tasukete kudasai" (Sorry to bother you. Please help me), he helped me to flush the toilet. Ms. Hirayama, please help me use the toilet! Some of the following kanji are used in instruction manuals of toilets and other electric appliances, so it will be useful for you to remember these kanji. You feel relaxed using a toilet if you at least remember No. 7 and 8 in squares up!  Why not take this column with you when you get into toilet? If you press either button, you can operate one of functions 3 to 6

1 On

Japanese do not want to be heard the noise they make in a restroom. So, a melody is played to hide this. This tune lasts for about 20 seconds.

いり iri

切 きり kiri

6 heating



The water flushes when you press either button.

だい dai

Press the stop button if you are confused about what the toilet is doing or you want to stop one of its functions.



しょう sho-

Water pressure

11 strong

12 weak

14 Bidet for women

ビデ bide

とめる tomeru Press this button if you want to wash your buttocks. There may be a symbol for "buttocks."

10 buttocks wash

おしり洗浄 oshiri 


13 Washing to & fro

ム−ブ洗浄  -

じゃく jaku

きょう kyo-



16 Warm water

This allows you to adjust the location that you want washed.


15 Adjusting the washing location

洗浄位置調節  senjo


おんすい onsui





1) prevention, check

2) prohibition


3) halt



5) keep quiet

4) painkiller


(ita [mi])

6) cancellation


(te- )


7) abolition

(chu- )



1) The accident occurred because they could not see the Stop sign. 事故 の 原因 は   の 文字が見えなかったようです。 stop jiko no genin wa no moji ga mienakkatta yoo desu. (accident) (cause)




おんな onna

おとこ otoko

大雨で 野球 の 試合 は o-ame de yakyu- no shiai wa

(couldn't see)



Excuse me, but (I would like to use) the bathroom. すいません、 トイレ ... (をお借りしたいのですが) suimasen, toile(t) ... (o okari-shitai no desu ga .... ) you do not need to say this part. When you get a checkup in a hospital or clinic, a nurse may say " ben " for feces and " nyo- " for urine.

になりました。 ni narimashita


(heavy rain) (baseball) (game)

3) I took a painkiller, but it was no help at all. So I decided to go to hospital.   painkiller

を 飲んだ が 全然 効かないので病院に行きました。 o nonda ga zenzen kikanai node byo-in ni ikimashita (took)

(not at all)


4) This railway line was shut down because it went into the red. 赤字 で この路線 は      abolition akaji de kono rosen wa (the red)

If you say "bathroom," Japanese people imagine a bathtub. So, it is better to use the following words. Look for the following kanji when looking for a restroom. 『toile 』or『otearai』→ A word for "toilet" in general. It is better for foreigners to say "toile(t)." 『kesho-shitsu』is a word that is used in a hotel or a restaurant, etc. It is better for men to say "toile (t)."


Let's make a complete sentence below by matching the kanji above and one of the following words 1) to 7) !

2) The baseball game was canceled because of heavy rain.   A nozzle moves forward and backward to wash your buttocks.

7 Stop

だんぼう danbo-

だっしゅう dasshu-

Water pressure

おんりょう onryo-

おとひめ otohime

5 Deodorize




This runs automatically, To heat up the toilet but press the button seat in the winter if there is a pungent odor.


4 Volume

3 melody or sound of flushing

2 Off

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


されました。 saremashita


5) The campaign against crime prevention continues until the end of this month. 犯罪        キャンペ−ンは今月末までです。 prevent hanzai campain wa kongetsu-matsu made desu (crime)

(end of this month)

6) I parked in a no-parking area and had to pay a fine. 駐車     の ところに 止めてしまい 罰金を払いました。 prohibition chu-sha no tokoro ni tometeshimai bakkin o haraimashita (parking)


(pay a fine)

7) My little sister is a blabbermouth. She can't keep a secret even if you ask her not to tell anybody. hush, しても すぐ しゃべってしまいます。 妹 は おしゃべり なので       imo-to wa oshaberi nanode muzzle shitemo sugu shabette-shimaimasu (young sister) (chatter) Answers

1) 3)

停止 te-shi

5) 1)

防止 bo-shi

2) 6)

中止 chu-shi

6) 2)

3) 4)

禁止 kinshi

痛み止め itamidome

7) 5)

4) 7)

廃止 haishi

口止め kuchidome

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

たい ですか。 D o yo u wa n t ? W o u ld yo u lik e to ? tai desu ka

Design : Masako Ban

One of my colleagues went on a trip and brought me back a gift. In return, I wanted to take her out to dinner last night, so I said, "konban izakaya ni ikitai desu ka?" (Would you like to go to an izakaya pub tonight?) She then looked a little upset and said, "i e, ikitai toki wa, jibun de ikimasu yo." (No, but I will go there by myself when I want to.) How come? Did she want to go to another place?


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

No, it has nothing to do with food or the kind of establishment. The way you asked her out was not polite. You learned "want to___ /would like to___" is "___tai desu" in Japanese, but you turned it into a question. When you are asking someone out and say "___tai desu ka," it may sound rude and Japanese may feel offended. Please keep that in mind! I'll explain the details of properly asking someone out. Once you have studied them, ask her again if she still wants to go to an izakaya with you. I'm sure she will be happy to do so. Good luck, Pole-san.

nega(u) / nega(i) / gan Use the expressions marked from A) to E) to complete sentences 1) to 5) below.

A) B) C)



Talking to a friend who is visiting Kyoto: Which temple would you like to see in Kyoto? 京都 の どの お寺 を 見たいです か。 Kyo-to no dono otera o mitai desu ka


→ もしよかったら moshi yokattara e.g.,

ません か。 masen ka

もしよかったら 寿司 を 食べません か。 moshi yokattara sushi o tabemasen ka (If you like, why don't you/we eat some sushi?)

* Polite style ません か。 masen ka


* Very casual style Don't you want to (verb) ?


Translate the following sentences of "Would you like to..." from 1) through 7) by using either " tai desu ka" or " masen ka." 1 ) Which would you like to eat, steak or tempura? 2 ) Would you like to go to see a sumo tournament next week? 3 ) Who would you like to see most right now? 4) Would you like to come to a party the day after tomorrow? 5) Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? 6) Would you like to discuss it now, since we have time? 7) When would you like to go to Japan?

たい ta i (tai form)

寿司  食べたくない。 sushi   tabetakunai → (Don't you want to eat some sushi?)

くない(ですか) → kunai (desu ka)


1) ステーキ と 天ぷら と どちら が 食べたい ですか。 steak to tempura to dochira ga tabetai desu ka

5) いつか 食事 をしませんか。 itsuka shokuji o shimasen ka 6) 時間 が あるので 話し合いませんか。 jikan ga aru node hanashiaimasen ka 7) いつ 日本 に 行きたい ですか。 itsu Nihon ni ikitai desu ka

The only request in one's whole life. It means that "this is the only request that I will ever make to you in my whole life, so please help me." Today, people use this phrase more often when they really want to ask someone to help them.

is something I want to ask of you..." お願いがあるんですが... "There A phrase commonly used when people want to ask for a favor.

海外 の ボランティア に kaigai no volunteer ni


2) My younger brother is always expecting help from others, and has no desire to do anything by himself. 弟 は いつも  oto- to wa itsumo

で やる気 が 全然ないです。 de yaruki ga zenzen nai desu

3) I finally bought a house of my own, which had been my desire for a long time. の マイホーム を やっと 買いました。 no my home o yatto kaimashita Ms. Kawatsu:

I'm taking one week off, so please do this for me. 来週 1週間 休む ので これ お願い。 raishu- isshu- kan yasumu node kore onegai


2) 来週 相撲を見に行きませんか。 raishu- sumo- o mi ni ikimasen ka 3) 今 一番 誰に 会いたい ですか。 ima ichiban dare ni aitai desu ka 。 4) あさって パーティー を する ので 来ません か(いらっしゃいませんか) asatte party o suru node kimasen ka (irasshaimasen ka)

寿司 を 食べません か。 sushi o tabemasen ka (Why don't we eat some sushi ?)

An application made voluntarily (willingly); making an application without being forced by someone else

1) I made my own decision to apply for volunteer work overseas.


Why don't we (verb) ?


nen gan

o negai ga arun desu ga ...

* Very polite style , if you'd like to?

A wish/one's heart's desire; a desire or wish one has had for a long time

However, the questions that start with the interrogative, "what, who, etc." can be asked in the form of " tai desu ka."

In this case, you say...

Why don't we/you


issho- no onegai

Would you like to/Do you want to eat sushi with me? 寿司 を 食べたい です か。 ← (It sounds very rude!) sushi o tabetai desu ka

ta riki hon gan

Waiting for someone to help; a proverb that means "expecting and depending on help from others without making one's own effort"

shi gan


W h en yo u wa n t t o in vit e so m eo n e/ W h en yo u wa n t t o m a k e a su ggest io n


Mr. Pole:

Ms. Kawatsu:

What! All of this? I can't do this, you know that! えっ!これ全部? いくらなんでも無理だよ∼。 ee ! kore zenbu ? ikura nandemo muri dayoOh, please! This is the only request I will ever make of you!

5) Hey, there's something I'd like to ask of you...If anyone calls me here, please tell them that I'm in the middle of a meeting. あの∼ もし 私に 電話 が きたら「会議中」と言って下さい。 -       moshi watashi ni denwa ga kitara "kaigichu - " to ittekudasai ano Answers

1) C)

2) A)

3) B)

4) D)

5) E)

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2003 The Yomiuri Shimbun

t a st e


My friend asked me if I wanted to see a kabuki performance. She loves kabuki and is very familiar with it. During the makuai (interlude) of kabuki, she was eating makunouchi-bento- (a boxed lunch with a variety of side dishes) and said, "kyonen to wa hito-aji chigau ne. (It has a slightly different taste compared to last year's). mochi-aji ga ikasarete, aji ga deteiru yo ne (the flavor of rice cake is well used, and it has a good taste, doesn't it?)." So, I replied, "I agree, it's tasty." Then, she smiled and said, "Pole-san mo soomoimasu ka? (Do you think so, too, Mr. Pole?) Nihon no bunka o ajiwau nomo i desu yo." (It is also good to savor Japanese bunka) I didn't know what bunka meant, but I said, "e- totemo oishi desu yo ne (yes, it is delicious, isn't it?)" because the lunch was delicious. Then, she was very surprised saying "huh?," and she gave me a confused look. aji means "taste" in English, so she meant that the lunch this year was more delicious than last year's, and mochi (rice cake) was also delicious and tasty, didn't she? Or, does aji have another meaning, rather than "taste"?

Design : Masako Ban

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

aji / mi aji has many different meanings, rather than just "taste," and it's used in various ways, too. hito-aji means "profound remarks," mochi-aji means "one's ability" and aji ga deteiru means "being tasteful." So, what she meant was "kyonen to wa hito-aji chigau ne. (Today's kabuki performance has profound remarks compared to last year's). mochi-aji ga ikasarete, aji ga deteiru yo ne (the actors abilities were adequately used, and the performance was very tasteful, wasn't it?)"

Complete the sentences below with the terms at the bottom that use the kanji 「味」 1) Is it OK for me to eat ham that is past the eat-by date? eat-by date

が 切れた ハム を 食べても 大丈夫ですか。 ga kireta ham o tabetemo daijo-bu desu ka

2) I had no interest in music at all. 音楽 に 全く        interested ongaku ni mattaku

が なかった。 ga nakatta

3) I do my job as my hobby and profit from it, too. 私 の 仕事 は         hobby watashi no shigoto wa

と 実益 を 兼ねている。 to jitsueki o kaneteiru

4) I'm looking for a job that utilizes my abilities.


There are a lot of expressions that include「味」.

aji When you want to know the taste of a dish in a restaurant before making an order, point to the dish in the menu and ask your waiter or waitress: Q : What kind of taste does this have? A : です。 desu どんな 味 です か。 donna aji desu ka

1.) sweet 2.) hot (spicy) 5.) sour

6.) good taste

3.) salty


7.) bad taste 8.) taste like cheese

6.) おいしい -

3.) しょっぱい

2.) 辛い karai



7.) まずい


4.) 苦い


8.) cheese (noun)

5.) すっぱい suppai

みたいな味 mitai na aji

When fruit ripes on a tree, a man tries to taste if it has become sweet. This kanji originated from the scene of a man eating fruit.

味 Shape of a mouth

a picture of fruit on a branch

興味 kyomi

2. become inferior, deteriorate

(the taste of cuisines served in a restaurant, etc. goes bad.)


4.) bitter (noun)

1.) 甘い

1. interest

aji ga ochiru

3. a close examination (Examining the quality and content of something, etc.)

吟味 ginmi

4. one's special ability, one's style (a quality or unique style that can be found in a person or a work of art, etc.)

持味 mochiaji

6. slightly different and better (profound remarks or characteristics that make person or object different from others)

一味違う hitoaji chigau

7. meaningless, worthless, senseless, nonsense

無意味 muimi


8. hobby, interest

趣味 shumi

9. appreciate, taste, experience, savor

味わう ajiwau

5. unpleasant aftertaste (unpleasant feeling that result from an event.)

後味が悪い atoaji ga warui

自分 の jibun no

one's special ability

を いかせる 仕事 を 探している。 o ikaseru shigoto o sagashiteiru

5) Apparently, the result left an unpleasant aftertaste. どうも do-mo

unpleasant    結果 と なった。 aftertaste  kekka to natta

6) We spent a lot of time discussing it, but ultimately it was worthless. 時間 を かけて 話し合ったが、結局      jikan o kakete hanashi-atta ga kekkyoku

      だった。 datta


7) Recently, this restaurant has gone downhill. このレストランは最近 kono restaurant wa saikin


8) Mr. Muto's speech is somewhat different and better than other people's. 武藤さん の スピーチ は 他の人とは Muto--san no speech wa hoka no hito towa

a slightly different ね。 and better ne

9) I thought I looked carefully at this food before buying, but it was rotten. よく   yoku


して買ったのに 腐っていた。 shite katta noni kusatte-ita

10) Unless you have undergone hardship, you will never understand this happiness. 苦労を kuro- o


人じゃないとこの喜びはわからないでしょう。 hito janaito kono yorokobi wa wakaranai desho-

10. eat-by or expiration date Answers

賞味期限 sho-mikigen

1) 10. sho-mikigen 5) 5. atoaji ga warui 8) 6. hitoaji chigau

2) 1. kyo-mi 6) 7. muimi 9) 3. ginmi

3) 8. shumi 4) 4. mochiaji 7) 2. aji ga ochimashita 10) 9. ajiwatta With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Kyoto n i ? e ? Design : Masako Ban

While having supper the other day with a friend who also studies Japanese, we talked about the Japanese language. We realized that we were not sure how to use particles. When I say "I'm going to Kyoto" in Japanese, I use the particle "ni" and say, "Kyoto ni ikimasu." But my friend uses "e" and says, "Kyoto e ikimasu." Is there any difference between the two? I checked some textbooks for Japanese, but some books use "ni" while others use "e." I'm going to see the friend next week, but I would like to know the answer before I see her. Point of the location ... place に e.g.,

Direction ...

Most textbooks for Japanese explain that both particles に (ni) and へ (e) are used. I agree that the two mean the same thing. However, their nuances are different. To be exact, the particle へ (e) indicates the "direction," while に (ni) indicates the "the point of location," which means that に (ni) is more specific than へ (e). The pronunciation of へ is "he," but it is pronounced "e" when used as a particle. For example, "へや へ・・・" is pronounced "heya e...," meaning "(to go) to a room." This might be a bit confusing for people who have just started learning hiragana.

3) to walk

e e.g., I will go to Tokyo. 東京へ行きます。 Tokyo e ikimasu


I will go back home. うちに帰ります。 uchi ni kaerimasu

place へ

5) to run

House ni




In daily life, native speakers of Japanese do not really care one way or the other, and some use に(ni) only, while others use へ(e) only. In fact, I say に(ni) most of the time. ・に"ni" is frequently used in daily life. the time. ・へ"e" sounds a little bit more polite than "ni." It may be interesting to pay attention to the people around you to check who says に(ni) only or へ(e) only !

The particle に (ni) / へ (e) and を (o) are used for the verbs that describe actions involving legs.

6) to live

7) to enter

8) to cross

(It is good to remember this rule even though there are some exceptions.)

A) Reaching the goal by using your legs.    → に (ni) / へ (e)

B) Passing through a place by using legs. → を (o)

9) to take


10) to sit down Goal ni

Let's try !



Goal ni

Passing through ni

o ni

... I have climbed up Mt. Fuji three times. 1) to climb 登ります noborimasu 3回 富士山 ____ 登りました。 san-kai Fujisan ____ noborimashita 2)  to stand in line

... Please line up here. 並びます narabimasu ここ ____ 並んで下さい。 koko ____ narande-kudasai

歩きます arukimasu

4) to ride 乗ります to get in norimasu (on)



Make complete sentences in the following story by using the appropriate particles (particles are not limited to ”ni” and ”o”).

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

... Pedestrians walk on the right side of the road in Japan. 日本では、歩行者は道の右側 ____ 歩きます。 Nihon dewa hoko-sha wa michi no migigawa ___ arukimasu ... I cannot ride a bicycle. 自転車 ____ 乗れません。 jitensha ____ noremasen

... Children are running on an athletic field. 走ります hashirimasu 子供たちがグラウンド____ 走っています。 kodomo-tachi ga ground ____ hashitteimasu ... I lived in Hiroshima for four years. 住みます sumimasu 4年間 広島 ____ 住みました。 yo-nenkan Hiroshima ____ sumimashita 入ります hairimasu

... I enter the meeting room. 会議室 ____ 入ります。 kaigishitsu ____ hairimasu

... Be careful when you are crossing the intersection. 渡ります watarimasu 交差点 ____ 渡る時は気をつけましょう。 ko-saten __ wataru toki wa ki o tsukemasho通ります to-rimasu

... I took a shortcut. 近道 ____ 通りました。 chikamichi ____ to-rimashita

... I will sit down on the chair. 座ります suwarimasu イス ____ 座ります。 isu ____ suwarimasu


2) goal 3) passing through...o 4) goal 7) goal 5) passing through...o 6) goal

goal 1) 

8) passing through...o

9) passing through...o

10) goal

In some cases, you cannot use any particle but へ (e). For example, when addressing someone in a letter, memo, etc., as in "To Mr./Ms. ___," you can only use へ (e). e.g., to Mr. Pole

ポールさんへ  Pole-san e

んへ ルさ ポー e a s - n Pole

I'm going to Kyoto tomorrow on the Shinkansen. 1) 乗って京都 ______ 2) 行きます。 明日 新幹線 ______ ashita shinkansen ______ notte Kyoto ______ ikimasu I went to the station to buy my ticket. 4) 3) 買いに 駅 ______ 切符 ______ 行きました。 kippu ___ kai ni eki _____ ikimashita But many people were standing in line at the ticket office. 5) 人が 切符売り場 の 前 ______ 6) 並んでいました。 でも、たくさん ______ demo takusan __ hito ga kippu-uriba no mae ___ narande-imashita I entered a small restaurant nearby in order to kill time. 8) 9) 入りました。 7) つぶす ために 駅 ______ 時間 ______ 近くの店 ______ jikan ___ tsubusu tameni eki ____ chikaku no mise ____ hairimashita There I saw an elderly man who was blankly staring out from a chair. 10) ボンヤリとイス ___ 11) 座っていました。 すると おじいさん _____ suruto oji san ____ bonyari to isu _____ suwatte-imashita When he caught sight of me, he said to me, "Long time no see." 12) 言いました。 そして、私を見ると「久し振りですね」______ soshite watashi o miru to " hisashiburi desu ne" ____ iimashita I asked, "What? Have I met you before?" 13) 14) 聞きました。 私は「え?会ったこと ______ありますか?」______ watashi wa " e? atta-koto _____arimasu ka" ___ kikimashita Suddenly, he took off his outer garment and pretended to lift up a barbell. 15) 16) すると突然、上着_____脱ぎ、バーベル _____持ち上げる格好をしました。 suruto totsuzen uwagi ___ nugi barbell ___ mochiageru kakko- o shimashita I realized that he was the man who can lift 150 kilograms at my sport club. 19) 18) 17) なんとスポーツクラブ______150 kg _____バーベル______持ち上げる nanto sports club ____150-kiro ____ barbell ____mochiageru おじいさんでした。   deshita oji san Answers

1) ni 7) o

2) ni 8) no

13) ga

14) to

3) o 9) ni 15) o

4) ni 10) ga

5) no 11) ni

6) ni 12) to

16) o

17) de

18) no

19) o

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

す 行きます ま り 5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama 帰 kaerimasu ikimasu "kaerimasu" does not always mean going back "home." It can be used for going back to some other place, such as a company or a hometown. Let me explain it to you. In reality, Japanese words that relate to "moving" are not easily translated into exact English words. Not only "kaerimasu" but also "ikimasu" and "kimasu" can mean something else according to the situation. In my previous column, we discussed the particles of direction and movement, so it is quite timely to discuss the verbs of movement.

Design : Masako Ban

I want to tell you what happened when one of my colleagues went to a customer's company on business. In the evening, he called me at 6:30 p.m. and said, "a-, Pole-san, ima owarimashita. korekara kaerimasu" (Hi, Mr. Pole, I'm done, so I'm going back now). Then, he hung up. I was done with my work, so I also went home. Now, listen what happened the next day! He said to me, "yu-be 8-ji goro kaisha ni kaerimashita. (I came back to the office about 8 o'clock last night.) demo daremo imasendeshita! (But, no one was here!)" So, I told him, "datte kaeru to iimashita yo ne." (But you said you were going back), but he said, "so-! kaisha ni kaeru to iimashita." (Right! I said, "I'm going back to office.") Do Japanese people say "kaerimasu" when they go back to a company, too?



i (ku) / ko-


) / ki

Choose the character of either (a) or (b) to make the words of (1) to (6), then make a complete sentence from 1 through 6 by using one of (1)∼(6). (1) return/comeback

(return to, again)

(urgent, be in a hurry)

(4) return to one's mother country

(3) parallel lines

(2) express/go in a hurry

(5) action/practice

平  線


(6) return home

(actual, real)



(leave out)

1 I was absent from the company for a long time because of illness, but I'm going back to work at the beginning of June. The following Japanese verbs are usually translated as:

e.g., If

you are visiting your customer's company and going back to your company (you have more affection to your company, than the company you are visiting)

行きます (ikimasu) = to go   帰ります (kaerimasu) = to go back The usage, however, varies depending on the situation, making it easy to make mistakes sometimes. Thus, it is better to find out in which situation the verb is used, rather than learning the translated words by rote. "kimasu" will be explained in the next column.

に ni

my company

へ  帰ります。 e kaerimasu

customer's company place


er place


行きます ikimasu

に ni

へ  行きます。 e ikimasu


に ni

へ  帰ります。 e kaerimasu




bank .............

銀行 ginko-

1) a bank. I'm

I'm 2) a restaurant.

embassy ....... 大使館 taishikan

へ 行きます。 e ikimasu D)

Even though the usage is the same as "ikimasu," 帰ります "kaerimasu" is more appropriate if the person has more kaerimasu affection for the place, to which he is going, than where he is.

Please come here. 来て下さい。 kite-kudasai


staying in Japan

へ  帰ります。 e kaerimasu


my house

5 No matter how long we discussed it, we ended up as far apart as ever.

customer's company

7) my country.

いくら話し合っても ikura hanashiattemo

でした。 deshita

6 There's going to be heavy traffic at the end of the year because many people will be going back to their hometowns. my country

staying in Japan

暮れは kure wa

ラッシュで激しい渋滞になります。 rush de hageshi ju-tai ni narimasu

Answers Answers

I'm my parents' home.

staying in Japan

することになりました。 suru koto ni narimashita



に ni


my company

4 I have to go back to my country all of a sudden. 急きょ kyu- kyo

4) Yes, I'm coming.

If you are staying in Japan and going back to your country (you have more affection for your country than for Japan) F) after 30 years

my country


I'm my company.


I'm my company.

my company e.g.,

するのは難しいですね。 suru nowa muzukashii desu ne

はこの駅にとまりません。 wa kono eki ni tomarimasen

I'm 3) home.




に ni

言うのは簡単ですが iu nowa kantan desu ga

3 The express is not going to stop this station.

Place 病院 byoin

2 It is easier said than done, isn't it?

Enter either "ikimasu" or "kaerimasu."

The arrows indicate the "speaker" is moving to the particular place from where he is.

hospital ........

病気で会社を長期休んでいたが、6月から します。 byo-ki de kaisha o cho-ki yasundeita ga rokugatsu kara shimasu

1) 2) 6) 8)

my country

行きます ikimasu

4) (今)行きます (ima) ikimasu

3) 5) 7) 帰ります kaerimasu

(1) - (b)

復帰 fukki

(2) - (a)

(4) - (b)

帰国 kikoku

(5) - (a)

急行 kyu-ko実行 jikko-

3 - (2)

4 - (4)

1 - (1)

2 - (5)

(3) - (a) 平行線 he-ko-sen (6) - (b) 帰省 kise5 - (3)

6 - (6)

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

来ます kimasu Design : Masako Ban

One of my customers got angry when I apparently made a mistake in my Japanese yesterday. I was going to give a presentation about our company at a hotel and I asked him, "ashita nanji ni hotel ni ikimasu ka? (What time are you going to be at the hotel tomorrow?)" The customer looked puzzled and said: "I thought you were going to be at the hotel. This will make things very inconvenient." I was planning to be at the hotel. Why did he misunderstand me? The following Japanese verb is usually translated as: 来ます (kimasu) = to come

ki (masu) / rai

I'm afraid you made a mistake by using "ikimasu." Take a look at the usage of " ③ future trip" of "kimasu" in the explanation below. Even if you are in your office at the time, and are discussing a future event, you should talk to the customer as if you are in the hotel already and waiting for him in the lobby. You should have said, "ashita nanji ni kimasu ka?" (What time are you coming to the hotel tomorrow?) Then he would not have misunderstood you because you would have implied that you would also be there.


1) =

Someone/something is coming toward I/the speaker as the arrow indicates. 1 Someone is coming toward me. は    に 来ます。 wa  ni kimasu

someone I/speaker

2 "Event/vehicle (e.g., phone call, car)" is coming toward me.


が    に 来ます。 ga ni kimasu


3 Someone will come toward me in the future (future trips). I will come back to where I am now in the future. は    に 来ます。 I/someone wa  ni kimasu

行って itte action (To do 来ます kimasu something at a place)


place ます。 masu verb

te-form 2)-2 verb

に ni

行って来ます。 ittekimasu

に ni

行って来ます。 ittekimasu


来ます。 kimasu

6) How many people do you think will come to the sale tomorrow? ③ (Implies: People will come to the sale.)

5) 6) 7) 8)

taxi ga naka-naka kimasen ne ashita no sale ni nan-nin kuru desho- ka? ashita hachiji ni kaisha ni kimasu tanjo-bi ga kuru made ni kekkonshitai !

sho-rai (2) a visitor raikyaku (3) being capable dekiru

(1) future

将 (b) 正 (a)

P r a ct ice: H ow d o you sa y in J a p a n ese?

7) guai ga warui node byo-in ni ittekimasu 8) atsui node kami o kiri ni ittekimasu (kitte-kimasu) 9) o-kii jishin datta ne? soto o mi ni ittekimasu (mite-kimasu) 10) chotto tobacco o sui ni ittekimasu (sutte-kimasu)



各 (b) 客

出 (b) 串



(4) visiting a store raiten (5) since then irai (a) (a)

来 rai


点 (b) 店

以 (b) 井

来る ki ru

(6) original honrai

来 rai

木 (b) 本 (a)

来 rai

I consulted a fortune-teller about my future. 星占いで     を占ってもらいました。 hoshi-uranai de      o uranatte-moraimashita (horoscope)


(have one's fortune told)

I haven't kept in touch with him since then. あれ     連絡していません。 are      renraku-shiteimasen

2)-2 is a short form of 2)-1, and it takes less time to come back than 2)-1.

1) I'm going outside to buy a boxed lunch. (I'll come back after buying it.) 2) I went to the video shop to return the video tapes I rented (and I I/speaker came back.) 3) I'm going to the bathroom. (I'll be back soon.) Note the difference in usage ③. 4) I went to the Immigration Bureau to renew my visa (and I came back). ・ ashita party ni ikimasu ka? (See Vol. 59) 5) I'm going to the bank to withdraw money because it's payday. (Are you going to the party tomorrow? This implies the speaker is also invited to the party.) (I'll be back after withdrawing it.) ・ ashita party ni kimasu ka? 6) I'm going to a train station to get what I left behind. (Are you coming to the party tomorrow? This implies the speaker is hosting the party (I'll be back after receiving it.) and he is talking as if he is already at the party and waiting for the listener.) 7) I'm going to the clinic because I don't feel well. (I'll be back soon.) P r a ct ice: H ow d o you sa y in J a p a n ese? 8) I'm going to have my hair cut because it's hot these days. 7) I'll come to work at 8 o'clock tomorrow. (I'll be back after having my hair cut.) ③ (Implies: I'm in the office now and 1) I got a lot of letters and faxes yesterday. I'm coming back here.) 9) Wow, that was a big earthquake. I will go outside to take a look. ② (Implies: A lot of letters and faxes came to me.) (I'll be back after looking outside.) 8) I want to get married before my 2) My parents are coming to Japan next month. birthday! 10) I will go outside to smoke a cigarette. (I'll be back after smoking it.) ① (Implies: My parents are coming to me.) ② (Implies: My birthday is getting close.)   3) If he calls me, please listen to what he has to say. Answers 1) ohiru nanode obento- o kai ni ittekimasu (katte-kimasu) ② (Implies: The call from him will come to me.) Answers 2) karita video o kaeshi ni ittekimashita (kaeshite-kimasu) 4) A lot of typhoons head toward Japan at the end of summer. 1) kino tegami- to fax ga takusan kimashita 3) chotto toile(t) ni ittekimasu 2) raigetsu ryo shin wa Nihon ni kimasu 4) visa-koshin no tame ni nyu-koku-kanrikyoku (nyu-kan) ni ittekimashita ② (Implies: Typhoons come toward us.) 3) denwa ga kitara hanashi o ki teoite-kudasai 5) kyu-ryo-bi nanode ginko ni okane o oroshi ni ittekimasu 5) There seems to be no taxis. 4) natsu wa taifu- ga takusan-kimasu 6) eki ni wasuremono o tori ni ittekimasu (totte-kimasu) ② (Implies: Taxis aren't coming toward me.)

Choose either a) or b) of the kanji to make a correct word, and then complete sentences (1) to (6).

Going to a particular place to do something and coming back

Its usage, however, varies depending on the situation. It is better to determine which situation the verb is to be used, rather than learning the translated word by rote.


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

(not to keep in touch)

3 (announcement in a department store) "We would like our customers to listen to this message." ご     の皆様にお知らせ致します。 go      no minasama ni oshirase-itashimasu (all the customers) (make an announcement)

4 Please wait a moment because we are dealing with a visitor right now. 中ですので少々お待ち下さい。 chu- desu node sho-sho- omachi-kudasai (because) (a moment) (please wait)


I won't know whether I can do it or not until I try. Dic.-form


か      かはやってみないとわかりません。 ka      ka wa yatteminaito wakarimasen (if I don't try)


(don't know)

This is not the original purpose. の目的を外れています。 no mokuteki o hazurete imasu (purpose)

(out of)


1 - (1) - (a) 将来 sho-rai

2 - (5) - (a) 以来 irai

3 - (4) - (b) 来店 raiten

4 - (2) - (b) 来客 raikyaku

5 - (3) - (a) 出来る dekiru/dekinai 6 - (6) - (b) 本来 honrai With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama plus

Design : Masako Ban

One of my friends called me to ask for some advice. His boss had told him he was being transferred to a provincial office, but when he told his wife, she said he would have to go there alone (tanshin-funin). He was upset and he asked me how he could persuade his wife to change her mind. So, I asked him, "kazoku ga issho ni itta ba-i, nani ga tasu de, nani ga hiku desu ka? (If your family goes with you, what do you get and what do you lose?)." He said, "tasu? hiku?" and he started to think deeply. I didn't realize that he was feeling so upset, and I felt sorry for him. A few minutes later, he started to laugh and said, "aa, plus to minus ne (You mean, the merits and demerits)." One moment he looked troubled, but then suddenly he burst into laughter. I wondered what was wrong with him.

No, it's not what you think. He just didn't understand what you said. Since you said "tasu" for "plus" (merits) and "hiku" for "minus" (demerits), he was baffled. Did you like mathematics when you were in school? "Plus and minus" in conversation is used differently from its use in mathematics. You'll see the difference in the examples below.

Choose either plus or minus to make complete sentences. 1

+ → tasu

× → kakeru

÷ → waru . → ten bun no

: → tai

ー → hiku 

(without cardinal number)

a) b) c) discount withdrawal from add 足す ____引き one's account tasu ____biki 引き落とし hikiotoshi

d) negotiation /bargain 駆け引き kakehiki

e) f) to without 対(:) emotional attachment tai 割り切る warikiru

to bun no

g) forgo 割愛する katsuai suru

h) split the bill (go Dutch)


足し算 tashizan

(politicians) (for)

これで 完璧 ですが、念の為に       αを 考えておきます。 kore de kampeki desu ga nen no tame ni    alpha o kangaete-okimasu (perfect)

SUBTRACTION: 引き算 hikizan


MULTIPLICATION: かけ算 kakezan DIVISION: 割り算 warizan DECIMALS: 小数点 sho-su-ten

4  =

+ tasu






離婚した が 会社が 同じ なので rikonshita ga kaisha ga onaji nanode



7  =






すべて よく できている ので    subete yoku dekiteiru node    3


5  = 14

÷ waru





2 point 78 5

ni ten nana hachi 4 to 1


FRACTIONS: 分数 bunsu-

e.g., three-quarters e.g., 6


:  1





3 4

yon bun no san


(are working)

(with) (drink)




(every time)

6 I bought it at a 40% discount. 4割 で 買いました。 なしで 話し合いをした。 yon-wari de kaimashita nashi de hanashiai o shita (40%)

2 5

roku to go bun no ni


(with) (bought)

South Korea defeated Japan 3-0 in yesterday's soccer match.   0 で 韓国 が 日本に 勝ちました。 zero de Kankoku ga Nihon ni kachimashita (South Korea) (won)

I added water to my rice paddies because the water level was low. 水不足 で 田んぼに 水 を mizu-busoku de tambo ni mizu o (lack of water)

(rice paddies) (water)

何を する にも nani o suru nimo

材料は 極力 避けた 方が 無難です。 zairyo- wa kyokuryoku saketa ho- ga bunan desu

(no matter what you do)


(as∼as possible)(avoid)


になった ので 一安心です。 ni natta node hitoanshin desu


(relieved about one thing)

The behavior of the actress gave her a negative image. あの女優 の 振る舞い は イメージと なってしまいました。 ano joyu- no furumai wa image to natte shimaimashita (that)(actress) (behavior)

I discussed it but did not make concessions.

kino- no soccer wa san (yesterday)

and 2 fifths


ゼロです ! zero desu !

(this month)

My rent and utility charges are automatically withdrawn from my bank account. 光熱費 と 家賃 は にしています。 ko-netsu-hi to yachin wa ni shiteimasu

きのうの サッカー は 3

C A ↑ B

Now, we're even!

今月は 収支が kongetsu wa shu-shi ga

のは 難しかった です。 no wa muzukashikatta desu

Dic. form

(without) (discussion)

B ↑ A


(lighting and heating expenses)(rent)


RATIOS: 比率 hiritsu

(each other's)(for)

これで kore de

I go Dutch every time I go drinking with a friend.


70 divided by 5 equals 14.



ですね。 desu ne

6 I'm relieved to be in the black this month.

友達と 飲む時は いつも              です。 tomodachi to nomu toki wa itsumo desu

sanju--yon kakeru ni wa rokuju--hachi e.g.,

仕事 を している。 shigoto o shiteiru

(company) (same) (so)


2  = 68


(this) (subject)

2 Everything was so good that it was hard to forgo any part of it.

34 times 2 equals 68.


(I'll think)

この話 は お互いに とって kono hanashi wa otagai ni totte

1 Although we're divorced, she and I work at the same office, so I just talk to her as part of my work.

9 minus 7 equals 2.


(just to make sure)

3 This subject is advantageous for both of us, isn't it?

5 No matter what you do, it is always better to avoid using objectionable material as much as possible.

1 plus 4 equals 5.


ですね。 desu ne

2 I think this is perfect, but I'll see if I can come up with some extra points just in case.

割り勘  warikan  

(with cardinal number)


Scandals are bad for politicians, don't they ? スキャンダルは 政治家に とって      scandal wa se-jika ni totte

Mathematics = → wa  



1 - f) warikitte 2 - g) katsuaisuru 3 - h) warikan 4 - c) hikiotoshi 5 - d) kakehiki 6 - b) biki 7 - e) tai 8 - a) tashimashita

When you are pessimistic, you are inclined to think of the bad aspects in life.

悲観的に なると どうしても hikanteki ni naruto do-shitemo

面 ばかり 見てしまいます。 men bakari mite-shimaimasu


(side) (only) ( look)

(whatever happens)

9 The turnout in the election was 2.1 percentage points below that of the previous one. 選挙の 投票率は 前回に 比べて 2.1%でした。 senkyo no to-hyo-ritsu wa zenkai ni kurabete 2.1% deshita (election turnout)

(previous) (compared)

10 That person will do anything that is likely to be advantageous to him. あの人は 自分に とって になることは 何でも やりますよ。 ano hito wa jibun ni totte ni naru koto wa nandemo yarimasu yo (that person) (for himself)

(anything) (to do)









plus minus




7 minus





10 plus


With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I don't really feel comfortable the way one of my colleague talks to me. One day at work, I suggested her for lunch, saying, "lunch ni iko-!" (Let's go for lunch together!) But she said, "mo- shiwakegozaimasen mada shigoto ga arimasu" (I'm afraid I haven't finished my work yet). Then, she casually asked another colleague, "coffee nomu?" (How about some coffee?). I am not her boss, but for some reason, she always uses polite Japanese every time she talks to me. Is it because I'm a foreigner? Or is it because I don't speak good Japanese?

---------------- Basically keigo is polite but...----------------

Let's try !

The usage of keigo must be adapted according to a hierarchical relationship based on the status and rank of the speaker and listener. Therefore, many Japanese are unwilling to use keigo as they feel it is extremely troublesome to use in conversation. But modern keigo has become a mere facade. The reality is that it does not always function in a time-honored conservative way.

1. Present-day keigo is used for the speaker's benefit! Other people might conclude that a speaker is poorly educated or has been raised in an improper way if he/she is not able to use keigo according to the time, the place and occasion, not just the hierarchical relationship.

A. In public areas......... e.g.

At work, or talking with customers, etc.

Level 1 ~ Level 5

[Levels 1 and 2] (explained in today's issue)

[Level 3] 3. passive form (explained in Vol. 63)

[Level 4] 4. humble form 1 (explained in Vol. 64) listener (others)

[Level 5] 5. humble form 2 (explained in Vol. 65) listener (others)

listener (others) speaker

listener (others)

speaker speaker speaker

Sounds "polite"

Sounds "very polite"

2. Present-day keigo is used to imply one's thoughts and feelings! Using keigo in this way can be advantageous to the speaker. If you learn to recognize this usage, you will be better placed to read the thoughts and feelings of others. (It will be explained in Vol. 66)

B. Obtaining an advantage when you are in a disadvantageous position. ..... Having others accept an apology or grant permission or an "unreasonable" request, etc. Establishing a distance in human relations........ e.g. Ending a relationship with a listener. e.g.


1. Shall we be going? 2. Is it raining? 3. I forgot. 4. Do you have time? 5. I don't drink alcohol at all. 6. I couldn't do it. 7. It is not convenient. 8. I think so. 9. What do you like? 10. I can't remember. 11. I hope so. 12. It's a small world. 13. What for example? 14. It's too bad.


1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13.

soro-soro ikimasu ka? wasuremashita osake wa zen-zen nomimasen benri dewa arimasen nani ga osuki desu ka? so- dato ii desu ne tatoeba nan desu ka?

2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.

ame desu ka? ojikan arimasu ka? dame deshita so- omoimasu omoidasemasen yononaka semai desu zannen desu

Level 2. keigo with [Vocabulary]

The higher the implied status of the listener (others), the politer it sounds, even if the respect shown is only perfunctory!

1.desu, masu 2. vocabulary

Oh, it's nothing to do with your Japanese! The reason why she uses honorific forms (keigo) is to maintain a certain distance in your relationship. By using keigo, she subtly expressed her inner feelings, although you didn't realize it. Using keigo in such a way is completely different from the old-fashioned, conservative usage. I will explain keigo in a number of lessons. After this, you will feel like a psychologist!

Level 1. keigo with [ desu, masu, and o/go + noun, i-adj. , na-adj.] ★With this type of keigo, your Japanese starts to sound more polite, and your reputation improves. Even if you are not familiar with the polite form of speech, you may find these easy to use. Using desu, masu and o/go in your Japanese is enough to start speaking politely, polite enough to talk with the prime minister. Vol. 38 explains "o/go" in detail, so take a look at the past issues. noun, na-adj. desu / deshita / dewa arimasen / dewa arimasen deshita i-adj. desu / katta desu / kunai desu / kunakatta desu masu / mashita / masen / masen deshita verb →

★ If you use this type of keigo in business, your way of talking starts to sound more "intellectual." Written language is frequently used in TV news, speeches and conferences. It sounds very polite when written Japanese is added to spoken Japanese. That is why literary expressions are commonly used in polite Japanese.

Some frequently used words are listed below. Try to determine the keigo 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27. 29.

But.....demo → 2. a little while ago.....sakki → the other day.....konoaida → 4. today.....kyo- → yesterday.....kino- → 6. tomorrow.....ashita → this morning.....kyo- no asa →  8. last night.....yu-be → the day before.....mae no hi → 10. who.....dare → I'm surprised.....bikkurishita → 12. about 2kg.....daitai 2kg gurai → as I expected.....yappari → 14. I'm sorry......suimasen → here.....koko → 16. there.....soko → over there.....asoko → 18. where.....doko → this person.....kono hito → 20. not at all.....chittomo → every one.....minna → 22. many, a lot .....ippai → Do you know?.....shittemasu ka? → 24. Why ? → very.....sugoku → 26. therefore.....dakara → various, varied.....ironna → 28. later.....ato de →   good/ fine.....ii → 30. because, so.....___kara →


1. shikashi 2. sakihodo 3. senjitsu 4. honjitsu 5. sakujitsu 6. asu 7. kesa 8. sakuya 9. zenjitsu 10. donata 11. odorokimashita 12. yaku ___hodo 13. yahari - shiwake arimasen 14. sumimasen / mo 15. kochira 16. sochira 17. achira 18. dochira 19. kono kata / kochira no kata 20. sukoshimo 21. minasama 22. takusan 23. gozonji desu ka? 24. naze 25. totemo 26. desukara 27. samazama na 28. nochihodo 29. yoroshii 30. ___node

Use keigo in the following sentences. 1. There was an earthquake last night. ゆうべ地震があった。 yu-be jishin ga atta 3. I canceled because I was busy.

2. I knew I was right! やっぱりそうだった! yappari so datta !

4. Thanks for the other day. この間はどうも。 忙しいからキャンセルした。 isogashii kara cancel shita kono aida wa do-mo 5. I'm terribly sorry, but I will be about 20 minutes late. 6. May I interrupt you? ちょっといい? ごめん、だいたい20分ぐらい遅れる。 chotto ii ? gomen daitai 20-pun gurai okureru 7. Do you know that? 8. (in a speech) even though you are all busy. 知ってる? 皆さん今日は忙しいところ....... shitteru? minasan kyo- wa isogashii tokoro....... 9. I will contact you later. あとで連絡するね。 ato de renraku suru ne


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

sakuya jishin ga arimashita - deshita! yahari so isogashii node cancel shimashita senjitsu wa arigato- gozaimashita - shiwake arimasen, yaku mo 20-pun hodo okuremasu sumimasen yoroshii desu ka? gozonji desu ka? minasama honjitsu wa oisogashii tokoro....... nochihodo renraku o shimasu achira no kata wa donata desu ka?

10. Who is that? あの人は誰? ano hito wa dare? With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I thought it was easy to understand the usage of Level 1 (desu, masu and o/go) and Level 2 (vocabulary) in Vol. 62, and I tried to use it as often as I could. The Japanese I talked with said, "Pole-san no Nihongo kire- desu ne" (Your Japanese sounds very beautiful), and they began to treat me very politely. It made me feel good. I can't wait to learn other honorific forms—I'm so excited!

[Levels 1 and 2] 1.desu, masu 2. vocabulary (explained in Vol. 62)

[Level 3] 3. passive form (explained below)

[Level 4]


Conjugation of passive form

[Level 5]

4. keigo and humble form 1 (explained in next column)

others speaker

I'm so glad to hear that! If you learn more keigo, your reputation will improve even more. It is true that even Japanese have difficulty using it to its fullest extent, but if you study hard you can make keigo your own! In this lesson, you will learn the passive form of keigo. You may run into trouble if you are not familiar with the conjugations of passive forms. But, since a fairly small number of verbs are commonly used in daily conversation, you will find it worthwhile to memorize them.

5. humble form 2 (explained in future column)



Classifications of verbs may vary according to textbooks and schools. In this lesson, verbs are categorized into three groups: 1."i-masu" group, 2. "e-masu" group (and Ninja form), 3. "o shimasu" group and "irregular." If you know the "masu form," you can categorize verbs. In order to classify verbs, note the syllable before the "masu form." Check whether the syllable before "masu" is "i" or "e."


1. i-masu group


Sounds "very polite"



(ba) ha




wa ↑ (ga)ka a



(bi) hi




(gi) ki












(be) he














2. e-masu group

Level 3 Keigo with [verb .... passive form]


★ If you use this type of keigo, it will improve your reputation because you will sound well educated. The listeners (others) will start treating you politely. This keigo is commonly used in daily life, but is not as formal as Level 4 or Level 5. The only difficulty is that you have to conjugate verbs to use it. Note: it is used to express the action of the person to whom you are talking. Make your speech much more polite by changing the underlined parts. 1. Did you prepare yourself for the trip? 2. Did you write down your name and address? 旅行の準備をしましたか? 住所と名前を書きましたか? ryoko- no junbi o shimashita ka? ju-sho to namae o kakimashita ka? 3. Did you take a day off yesterday? きのう仕事を休みましたか? kino- kaisha o yasumimashita ka?

4. Are you over your cold? もう風邪は治りましたか? mo- kaze wa naorimashita ka?

5. What do you want to drink? 何を飲みますか? nani o nomimasu ka?

6. What time did you come here? 何時に来ましたか? nan-ji ni kimashita ka? 7. What do you usually do when you have a day off ? 8. How long did you wait? 休みはいつも何をしますか? どのぐらい待ちましたか? yasumi wa itsumo nani o shimasu ka? donogurai machimashita ka?

nomimasu, kakimasu, hanashimasu, tachimasu, kaerimasu, isogimasu

List of hiragana


Sounds "polite"




4.naoraremashita 5.nomaremasu 6.koraremashita 7.saremasu 8.mataremashita

bi masu ↓ ba remasu


i masu ↓ a wa remasu

to eat... tabemasu tabe masu ↓ taberaremasu

to decide... kimemasu kime masu ↓ kimeraremasu

Even though a verb is categorized in the "i-masu" group, it conjugates as a verb in "e-masu" group. Frequently used verbs for keigo are selected here.


i masu ↓ i raremasu



e masu ↓ e raremasu


● Ninja form



Since it conjugates in the same way as the "potential form" and can be confusing, Level 4 or Level 5 is frequently used, instead of using the "e-masu group."

kangaemasu shirabemasu machigaemasu

1. junbi o saremashita 2.goju-sho, onamae,

← Passive form [a vowel + remasu ] to choose... erabimasu to meet... aimasu


to get up... okimasu oki masu ↓ okiraremasu

to be tired of... akimasu rm fo aki masu a N i nj ↓ akiraremasu

--- This story should make it easier to memorize verbs in Ninja. --(Let's memorize this story in English.) I get up at 5 o'clock in the morning. I put on a pink shirt. I get off at the subway station. My secretary is in the office. She is tired of her work. Then, she looks at my face. And, she borrows some money from me. Can you believe it? to get up (okimasu), to put on (kimasu), to get off (orimasu), to be (imasu), to be tired of (akimasu), to see, look, watch (mimasu), to borrow (karimasu), to believe (shinjimasu)

Conversation (Pole-san phoned Mr. Ueki, one of his clients. But the person who received the call said that Mr. Ueki was out of the office.) Pole-san:


Oh, I see. When will he return? そうですか....いつ頃戻りますか? so- desu ka.... itsugoro modorimasu ka?


Do you know what time he usually go home?


植木さんはいつも何時頃帰りますか? Ueki-san wa itsumo nan-ji goro kaerimasu ka? Pole-san:

I see, what time will he arrive at work tomorrow? そうですか、明日は何時頃会社に来ますか? so- desu ka, ashita wa nan-ji goro kaisha ni kimasu ka?

He probably will return in the evening. たぶん夕方だと思います。 tabun yu-gata dato omoimasu Well... I'm not really sure... すいません、ちょっとわかりませんが... suimasen chotto wakarimasen ga...

noun, popular foreign loanword e.g.,

o shimasu ↓ o saremasu


o shimasu group

to call... denwa o shimasu

to cancel... cancel o shimasu

denwa o shimasu ↓ denwa o saremasu

cancel o shimasu ↓ cancel o saremasu

to come ..... kimasu → koraremasu to go and get ..... tottekimasu → tottekoraremasu





koraremasu With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

boss keigo

keigo humble form

subordinate humble form

Design : Masako Ban

I'm still unsure about using the passive form of keigo that we learned in the previous lesson. I'm OK if I use it slowly, but I still have trouble conjugating the verbs. Since I started learning keigo, I understand more of what the Japanese are saying when they use it. I realize that I must use different forms of keigo depending on the person I'm talking to, but I still get confused. Trying to figure this out is really exhausting for me. Are there any shortcut to learning keigo?

Friendly form Used when talking to friends.

Keigo Used for action taken by the listener (others).

Humble form Used for actions of the speaker.


to be / to exist

います imasu

いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

おります orimasu


to be doing

te-form + います imasu

te-form+いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

te-form + おります orimasu


to do / ____ to do

します shimasu

なさいます nasaimasu

いたします itashimasu


to go

行きます ikimasu

いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

参ります mairimasu


to visit

行きます ikimasu

いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

伺います ukagaimasu


to come

来ます kimasu

いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

参ります mairimasu


to say

言います iimasu

おっしゃいます osshaimasu

申します mo- shimasu


to eat

食べます tabemasu

召し上がります meshiagarimasu

いただきます itadakimasu


to know

知っています shitteimasu

ご存じです gozonji desu

存じております zonjite orimasu


to see / look / watch

見ます mimasu

to be explained in Vol. 66 (object) 拝見します haiken shimasu


to meet / see

会います aimasu

to be explained in Vol. 66

お目にかかります ome ni kakarimasu


to listen to ask

聞きます kikimasu

to be explained in Vol. 66

伺います ukagaimasu


to think

思います omoimasu

to be explained in Vol. 66

存じます zonjimasu


to give (something) to give (action)

to be explained in Vol. 66

差し上げます sashiagemasu te-form+差し上げます sashiagemasu

to be explained in Vol. 66

いただきます / 下さいます itadakimasu kudasaimasu te-form+いただきます itadakimasu te-form+下さいます kudasaimasu


to receive (something) to receive (action)

あげます agemasu te-form + あげます agemasu もらいます moraimasu te-form+もらいます moraimasu

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

you & your group Are you really that exhausted, Mr. Pole? If I compare your comment to climbing Mt. Fuji, you are about 80 percent to the top. Your goal is very close, so hang in there. You're right about keigo, though. It is true you have to use different types of keigo according to the person you are speaking to. Don't worry about making mistakes, the Japanese around you will be impressed by the great effort you are making. In this lesson, our slogan is, "Don't be afraid to make a mistake!"

Keigo that you are going to learn in this lesson does not have regular rules, so you may have to memorize them. But don't worry! There aren't too many. If you memorize this list, it will help you a lot. Anyone who wants to learn Japanese cannot avoid this. So, hang in there! Keigo: Used when talking to people who are not members of your group, and is never applied to yourself. Humble form: Used when talking about the members of your group, and is applied for yourself. English

client, customer, stranger

Now, use keigo for the underlined words. 5. Client: Please do the things we talked about the other day. この間の件よろしくお願いします。 1. Client: Until what time are you going to stay in the office tomorrow? kono aida no ken yoroshiku onegaishimasu. 明日何時までオフィスにいますか? 6. Client: May I see it? ashita nan-ji made office ni imasu ka? You: Yes, you may. どうぞ 見てもいいですか? You: I'm sorry, but I will be out all day. do-zo mitemo i i desu ka? ごめんなさい明日は一日出ています。 gomennasai ashita wa ichinichi dete imasu 7. I hope it won't disturb you, but... 迷惑とは思いますが・・・ 2. Client: I'd like to come over there at 7 o'clock Monday morning. me-waku towa omoimasu ga... 月曜日の朝7時に行きたいのですが。 getsuyobi no asa shichi-ji ni ikitai no desu ga... 8. I'm here as representative of the president. We're sorry, no one will be in the office at 7 in the morning. 社長の代理で来ました。 shacho- no dairi de kimashita すいません、7時はオフィスに誰もいません。 suimasen shichi-ji wa office ni daremo imasen 9. President: Ms. Kobayashi! Secretary: Yes, I'm coming! はい、今行きます! You: No, I don't. 小林さん! 3. Client : Do you play golf? hai, ima ikimasu! ゴルフをしますか? Kobayashi-san! いえ、しません。 ie, shimasen golf o shimasu ka? You:

4. (station announcement) A train is arriving at Track 1. 一番線に電車が来ます。 ichi-bansen ni densha ga kimasu

Answers 1. asu, irasshaimasu / moshiwake gozaimasen, asu, dete orimasu 2. ukagaitai / mo-shiwake gozaimasen, orimasen 3. nasaimasu / itashimasen 4. mairimasu 5.senjitsu, onegai itashimasu 6. haiken shitemo, yoroshi- desu 7. gome-waku, zonjimasu 8. mairimashita 9. tadaima, mairimasu

Mr. Pole will be making his first phone call to a company, after an introduction by his friend, Mr. Kawasaki. Hello, may I speak to Mr. Yamamoto? My name is Pole. もしもしポールと言いますが、山本さんいますか? moshi moshi Pole to iimasu ga Yamamoto-san imasu ka ? 1 2 Yamamoto: This is Yamamoto. Pole-san:

はい、山本ですが hai Yamamoto desu ga 3 Pole-san: Oh, hello, I believe my friend, Mr. Kawasaki, told you about me. あ、あの私川崎さんに紹介してもらったポールと言います。 a ano watashi Kawasaki-san ni sho-kai-shitemoratta Pole to iimasu 5 4 Kawai-san: Ah, yes, Mr. Pole, he did. あ、ポールさんですね。川崎さんから聞いてます。 a Pole-san desu ne Kawasaki-san kara kitemasu 6 Pole-san: I know you must be busy, but I would like to meet you next week. 忙しいとは思いますが、来週ぜひそっちに行きたいのですが。 isogashi towa omoimasu ga raishu- zehi socchini ikitai no desu ga 7 9 10 8 Kawai-san: Unfortunately, I won't be in Japan next week, but I have time this week. あいにく、来週は出張で日本にいませんが、今週でしたらいます。 ainiku raishu- wa shutcho de imasen ga konshu- deshitara imasu 12 11 Pole-san: Oh, then may I visit to see you this week? じゃあ、今週行ってもいいですか? jaa konshu- ittemo ii desu ka ? 14 15 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 11 12 13 14 15

mo-shimasu irasshaimasu de gozaimasu sho-kai-shite itadaita mo-shimasu ukagatte orimasu oisogashi zonjimasu sochira ni ukagaitai orimasen orimasu dewa ukagattemo yoroshi desu

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

others speaker

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Level 5 It's true! Many young people today are not familiar with keigo. That is why many books about keigo are sold around the time when Japanese university students are jobhunting. They study keigo by reading such books because they don't know how to use the honorific form when they are interviewed by a prospective employer. The keigo in this lesson is so easy I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised!

e.g., to

You/He/She/They will do ............ (very polite)

Future tense / Repetition verb

お/ご ます  になります。  o/go masu  ni narimasu ↑ o... kunyomi (Japanese reading) / go... onyomi (Chinese-style reading) verb を します  されます  or なさいます o shimasu saremasu nasaimasu ↑ (sounds old-fashioned) Note: Adding "o/go" is "double-keigo," which is grammatically incorrect. However, there are many people who commonly say "o/go" lately. Exception: to go, to come, to be (existence) → oide ni narimasu (The same "masu form" is used for the past, negative and past negative tense.) e.g.,


wait ......待ちます machimasu I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you wait for just a few more minutes? おそれいりますが、もう少々お待ちいただけますか? osore irimasu ga mo- sho-sho- omachi itadakemasu ka?

verb お/ご        ます  をします or o/go  masu   o shimasu


すみませんが、使い方を教えて下さい。 sumimasen ga tsukai-kata o oshiete kudasai 2. What are you looking for? 何を探していますか? nani o sagashite imasu ka? 3. How long do you need before you can give me an answer? いつまでに答えてくれますか? itsumade ni kotaete kuremasu ka?

to use ........

使います →  tsukaimasu

お使い です otsukai desu

to reserve ........予約をします →  yoyaku o shimasu Request

(You use it.)

ご予約 です (You make a reservation.) goyoyaku desu

(Please do.../ Could you do...?/ Would you mind doing...?)

Humble form: Applied for actions taken by the speaker and the members of the speaker's group I/We will do (something) for you (listener).

Future tense / Repetition


1. Are you OK? I worried about you. 2. I will send you an e-mail right away. メールをすぐに送ります。 大丈夫ですか?心配をしました。 mail o sugu ni okurimasu daijo-bu desu ka? shimpai o shimashita 3. I would like to help you if that's OK.... 4. I'm sorry, but I declined it. 申し訳ありませんが、断りました。 よろしければ手伝いますが.... mo-shiwake arimasen ga kotowarimashita yoroshikereba tetsudaimasu ga .... 5. I will bring it to you by 3 o'clock. 3時までに届けます。 san-ji made ni todokemasu Pole-san:

1. ooshie itadakemasu ka 2. osagashi desu ka 3. okotae itadakemasu ka 4. gorenraku itadakemasu ka 5. nani o saremasu ka,

Answers 1. goshimpai itashimashita 2. ookuri itashimasu 3.otetsudai itashimasu 4. okotowari itashimashita 5. otodoke itashimasu

(at a restaurant)

I haven't seen you for a while. お久しぶりですね。 ohisashiburi desu ne

(Paying the bill in a restaurant)

Did you lose weight? ちょっとやせましたか? chotto yasemashita ka? 1.

What's the matter? どうしたんですか? do- shitan desu ka? 2. Client: I'm in trouble, I can't find my wallet. 困ったなあ、財布がないんです。 komatta na- saifu ga nain desu


Ah, oh... It can't be... あれ?ない!ない! are ? nai! nai !


Oh, that's OK. I'll pay for you. 大丈夫です。私が払います。 daijo-bu desu watashi ga haraimasu 3. Client: Sorry about this. I'll pay next time! 悪いですね、じゃ次私が払いますね。 warui desu ne ja tsugi wa wtashi ga haraimasu 4.


お/ご   verb o/go 

ます  masu   or をします o shimasu

ください。 kudasai


お/ご o/go 


くださいますか? kudasaimasu ka?

します。 shimasu


or をします o shimasu

いただけますか? itadakemasu ka? いただけますでしょうか? itadakemasu desho- ka?

ます masu  

very polite

If you make a request by starting these phrases: mo-shiwake gozaimasen ga ..... (I'm sorry to bother you, but...) otesu- desu ga ...... (I don't mean to disturb you, but...) osore irimasu ga ..... (I'm sorry to trouble you, but...) It sounds very polite and the listener will be inclined to accept your request.

いたします。 very humble itashimasu

Note: You should use this form only when you are doing a certain thing for the listener's benefit, such as “I'm doing it for you.” speaker or speaker's group

が ga



私がご説明いたします。 watashi ga gosetsume- itashimasu I would like to explain it. practice!(Use the "itashimasu" form.)

to explain....説明をします → setsume- o shimasu


週末はいつも何をしますか? shu-matsu wa itsumo nani o shimasu ka?

です。 desu

to send .........送ります → お送りいたします okurimasu ookuri itashimasu Makes sense because it implies“I'm sending it for your benefit.”

5. What do you usually do on your weekend? You/He/She/They do ............(very polite)

Doesn't make sense because it implies“I'm having a meal for your benefit.” e.g.,

Let's practice! (Answer in the polite form.) 1. Excuse me, please show me how to use it.

to decide .........決めます → お決めになります You (will) make a decision. 4. I don't mean to disturb you, but please give me a call. kimemasu okime ni narimasu お手数ですが、連絡をして下さい。 to contact .......連絡 を します → 連絡されます You (will) make contact. - desu ga, renraku o shite kudasai otesu renraku o shimasu renraku saremasu Present tense

to have a meal ........ 食事をします → お食事いたします shokuji o shimasu oshokuji itashimasu


Keigo ... Used for the listener .....Level 5

Design : Masako Ban

I memorized the "keigo List" in the previous lesson, and I practiced using it when I talked to a friend. She said, "Wow, you speak Japanese better than I do! Teach me keigo." Come to think of it, some of my friends told me that nowadays many young people do not know how to use keigo properly. Is that true? This is hard to believe as they are Japanese. I'll study keigo much harder, so I can teach it to my Japanese friends!

When you want to emphasize the subject.

(When they come out of the restaurant, it is raining cats and dogs.)

Uh! Please use my umbrella. あの、これを貸します。 ano kore o kashimasu 5. Client: Thank you so much. すみません、じゃあ借りますね。 sumimasen ja karimasu ne 6.



1. oyase ni narimashita 2. nasattan 3.4. oshiharai itashimasu 5. okashi itashimasu 6. okari itashimasu

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I'm done! I finally finished my keigo lessons!! I learned all about it from Vol. 62 through Vol. 65. But I still get confused if I don't think carefully about how I can actually use those forms in different situations. I wish I could use them right away without thinking, but when I start wondering which forms to use, everything gets mixed up. Could you give me a comprehensive keigo quiz so that I can become more used to it? I would like to really work on my keigo in order to speak good Japanese by the end of this year. yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

I'm sure you have done a great job learning keigo. You're right that it is important to have quizzes so you can review what you have learned. So we'll do that in this column. The next lesson will be the last on keigo. Please look forward to Vol. 67. because I will explain keigo usages that are completely different from what you have learned so far.


You may frequently hear the keigo you have learned so far when you are in a fast-food restaurant or a coffee shop. Although you don't have to use "sonkeigo" or "kenjo-go," you will understand There are three kinds of keigo: "teineigo (polite form), sonkeigo (honorific form) what they are talking about. In the following conversation, the customer is using the language correctly, but there are mistakes in and kenjo-go (humble form)." what the waitress says. Find the mistakes in this and the following ・Teineigo: Used for speaking politely regardless of the speaker or the conversations. listener. It is often used for objects or nouns rather than humans (A customer is indecisive about what he wants.) beings. Waitress: Please, look at this menu. ・Sonkeigo: Used to describe the listener's actions rather than your own or the 1. よかったらこっちの詳しいメニュー拝見して下さい。 members of your group.* yokatt ara kotchi no kuwashii menu haikenshite kudasai ・Kenjogo: By applying this form to humble yourself and members of your group,* the listener's position sounds higher than the speaker. When you decide what you want, I'm ready to take your order. Thus, it gives a much politer impression to the listener. 2. 決まったら注文をお伺いになります。 "Members of your group" include members of your immediate family and other kimattara chu-mon o oukagai ni narimasu relatives, as well as company colleagues, in contrast to the listener or members of the group the listener is associated with. Customer: I'd like to have iced milk and doughnuts. e.g., you and your family members ←comparison→ the listener アイスミルクひとつとドーナツお願いします。 you and your company ←comparison→ the listener's company ice milk hitotsu to doughnut onegai shimasu

You might still be confused since I have mainly explained the grammar of keigo so far. Let me summarize it all in a simple way.


Different usages: (summary of Vol. 62 through Vol. 65) Nouns


+ です。 desu


Vocabulary demo→shikashi, minna→minasama etc.


adjectives お o

ご go


2. Use specific verb forms: →See Vol. 64 (sonkeigo) (subject) comes.

(subject) does it.

(subject) eats it. etc.

いらっしゃいます irasshaimasu

なさいます nasaimasu

召し上がります etc. meshiagarimasu

ご go



になります。 ninarimasu されます。 saremasu

なさいます。 nasaimasu ・Showing politeness to the listener by lowering yourself (kenjo-go) いたします。 します。 ご お + o go itashimasu shimasu +

Which size would you like?

5. サイズはどちらになさいますか? size wa dochira ni nasaimasu ka?


Yes, I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking.

3. はい、お陰さまで良くなりました。 hai okagesama de yokunarimashita I'll be back at work next week. 4. 来週は会社に参られます。 raishu- wa kaisha ni mairaremasu Employee:

That's good, but don't do anything more than you have to.

5. でもご無理いたさないで下さい。 demo gomuri-itasanaide kudasai We have hired a new employee. ? 6. 新しいスタッフを入れられましたので! atarashii staff o ireraremashita node Answers B.

1. 2. 3. 5. 6.

okake itashimashita okega / naoraremashita none 4. mairimasu nasaranaide kudasai iremashita node

please. ショートお願いします。 short onegaishimasu

to a customer for C. Apologizing an employee's misbehavior Client :

Did you know about this matter?

1. この件について存じていらっしゃいましたか? kono ken nitsuite zonjite irasshaimashita ka?



Have you recovered from your injury?

2. もうごけがはお治りいたしましたか? mo- gokega wa onaori-itashimashita ka?

Yes, please. / Without ice, please. / No ice, please. はい。 / 氷抜きで。 / 氷なしで。 hai / ko-ri nuki de / ko-ri nashi de

3. If you want to speak at the highest level of politeness: Vol. 65 (sonkeigo) お o

I'm awfully sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. 1. この度は大変ご迷惑をお掛けなさいました。 konotabi wa taihen gomeiwaku o okakenasaimashita


4. アイスミルクに氷お入れられますか? ice milk ni ko-ri oireraremasu ka?


1. If you are not sure which keigo to use: Use passive form →See Vol. 63 (sonkeigo)

・Apply to the listener

Mr. Pole has been in hospital. Now he is making a phone call to his office.

Would you like to have ice in your iced milk?



please. / No, thanks.

はい お願いします。 / いえ。 hai onegaishimasu / ie

→ Vol. 62 teineigo



Would you like me to warm this up for you?

3. これお暖めですか? kore oatatame desu ka?




Are you eating in? / Are you taking out?

6. ここでお食べなさいますか? / お持ち帰りいたしますか? koko de otabe nasaimasu ka? / omochikaeri itashimasu ka?

No, not at all... いいえ、全く・・・ こちらの不手際でご迷惑を i e, mattaku... kochira no futegiwa de gome-waku o I'm terribly sorry to have caused you trouble because of our negligence. お掛けなさいまして申しわけなかったです。 okake nasaimashite mo-shiwake-nakatta desu

Answers A.

1. yoroshikereba kochirano...gorankudasai 2. okimari deshitara...ukagaimasu 3. kochira atatame raremasu ka 4....oire itashimasu ka 5. none 6. kochira de meshiagarimasu ka / omochikaeri ni narimasu ka

Answers C.

1. gozonji deshita ka 2. okake itashimashite / mo-shiwake-gozaimasen deshita

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

? h u H ? ? lf e s e n o r o f Using keigo

What happened to you, Pole-san? Did you buy your ticket already? If not, please study keigo in today's lesson, and you'll want to stay in Japan. To tell the truth, the usual explanation on the usage of keigo is different from the way Japanese people really use keigo (Vol.62~66) commonly and unconsciously in real life. In this lesson, I will explain the psychological usage of keigo. Depending on the usage, the distance between the listener and the speaker will be affected, whether it will be shorter (drawing them closer) or longer (leading them farther away). It will be a flexible relationship!

Design : Masako Ban

Ms. Hirayama, thank you very much for everything you have taught me. I'm thinking of going back home soon. I learned keigo, but recently, I've felt a bit nervous about using Japanese. To tell the truth, I met a close friend yesterday, whom I hadn't seen for a while. While I was talking to her using the keigo that I've learned, I felt that she was unfriendly by the way she spoke to me. Maybe, what I said to her was not quite right...I tried to think of the reason, but I have no idea what was wrong. I'm tired of the effort it takes to maintain a good relationship with other people.

1) Keigo is a "yardstick" for intellect and education.

2)-2: Making your situation better

Since the majority of Japanese people consider themselves to be "middle class," it seems like they all have a similar status. However, they try to estimate and measure the intellect, education and background of others by observing the way they speak, especially whether they can use keigo properly or not. The keigo of today has little meaning in terms of its original usage to "show respect to others." Instead, Japanese people unconsciously use keigo in order to "let others see a positive side to oneself," "make oneself a better person" and "let others think that he/she is highly educated."

You will not let the listener prevent you. The listener will have to give in to you, thinking, "There is no other way." Sometimes you might be asked to go to a dinner party and you have to do so out of obligation. In such a case, if you say the following phrase, you will essentially be saying "No" without causing offense.


Keigo is used for oneself in order to make one's situation better or gain an advantage from an adverse situation. In this lesson, I will explain "convenient keigo used for oneself" that Japanese people commonly and unconsciously use in real life. Using this type of keigo places one at an advantage and elevates one's own position. It has nothing to do with a "vertical relationship" that is the original usage of keigo.

2)-1: Breaking contact  If you start speaking politely and without feelings all of a sudden when you were speaking in a friendly manner before that, or if you reply politely although the other person is talking to you in a friendly way, he feels a certain distance between the two of you. (さ)せ ます (sa) se masu

causative form

て いただきます te itadakimasu

If someone you are not interested in asks you out and you make the following reply, he will think you don't like him and will never ask you out again. Friend: Hi, there. Are you free next week? How about dinner? ねね、来週時間ない?食事しようよ! ne ne, raishu- jikan nai? shokuji shiyo- yo! You : Thank you, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline your invitation. せっかくですが、遠慮させていただきます。 sekkaku desu ga, enryo sasete itadakimasu


1. yasumasete itadakimasu

2. Allow me to get a divorce. 離婚して下さい。 rikon shite kudasai →The listener thinks there is no way to keep the marriage together. Answers

1. yamesasete itadakimasu 2. sasete itadakimasu


1. sasete itadakimashita 2. tsukawasete itadakimashita 3. kimesasete itadakimashita


2. yarasete itadakimasu Boss:

Oh, I see...Well, what about the other business matter? あ、そう・・・そういえば、あのもうひとつの件はどうなったかね。 a ieba ano mo- hitotsu no ken wa do- natta ka ne


Oh, I also did that as there was not much time. あ、それも時間がありませんでしたので、私がしました。 a, sore mo jikan ga arimasen deshita node watakushi ga shimashita 2. Oh...I see... あ、そう・・・。 a so-...

2)-3: Approval after the fact  As a rule, you need permission in advance, but there are some cases when you cannot get permission for some reason, or you had to do something without prior approval. In such a case, if you use the following phrase, the listener will reluctantly consent to what you did.

reason / excuse +

(さ)せ ます (sa) se masu causative form

e.g., You:


て いただきました te itadakimashita

すいません、きのう急用ができ3時に帰らせていただきました。 suimasen kino- kyu-yo- ga deki san-ji ni kaerasete itadakimashita Boss:


I wish I could have told you sooner, but I had some urgent business to attend to yesterday and I had to return home at 3 o'clock. Boss:

Oh, I see...Is everything OK? あ、そう。大丈夫? a so-   daijo-bu?

今日で仕事を辞めます。 kyo- de shigoto o yamemasu → Your boss will not prevent you from quitting.

3. Since there was not enough time, I had to make the decision without you. 時間がありませんでしたので、勝手に決めました。 jikan ga arimasen deshita node katte ni kimemashita

The boss comes back from a business trip, and asks a subordinate how things e.g., were during his absence. Change the underlined words into the appropriate It would be a great honor, but I'm afraid I have to decline. form. せっかくですが、遠慮させていただきます。 Boss: Huh? When was this thing decided? sekkaku desu ga enryo sasete itadakimasu あれ?これはいつ決まったのかね? Change the underlined words. are? kore wa itsu kimatta no ka ne? 1. (on the phone) Hello, I've got a cold, so I would like to take the day off today. もしもし、風邪を引いたので今日休みます。 Subordinate: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't inform you sooner. moshi moshi kaze o hita node kyo- yasumimasu あ、お伝えするのが遅くなって申し訳ございません。 a, otsutae suru noga osokunatte mo-shiwake gozaimasen 2. I would like to do it by all means! Well, I had to make the decision since you weren't here. ぜひやります! 実は部長がいらっしゃらなかったので私が決めました。 zehi yarimasu! jitsuwa bucho- ga irassharanakatta node watakushi ga kimemashita


Change the underlined words. 1. I would like to quit this job today.

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Sure, Sure! Please take as many days off as you wish. はい、どうぞどうぞお好きなだけお取り下さい。 hai do-zo do-zo osukina dake otori kudasai


(By suddenly using keigo, the boss tries to create some distance between him and his subordinate.) Subordinate:

Change the underlined words. 1. Since you weren't here, I had to do it for you. いらっしゃらなかったので、代わりにしました。 irassharanakatta node kawari ni shimashita 2. Since you weren't here, I had to use your computer. いらっしゃらなかったので、コンピューターを使いました。 irassharanakatta node computer o tsukaimashita

And I wish I could have asked you sooner, but I would like to take off all of next week. あの急ですいませんが、来週から1週間休みます。 ano kyu- de suimasen ga raishu- kara isshu-kan yasumimasu

Thank you. However, I will start working for a new company in two weeks, so I want to quit this job next week. ありがとうございます。でも2週間後には新しい会社に arigato- gozaimasu demo nishu-kango niwa atarashii kaisha ni 移りますので、来週で辞めます。 utsurimasu node raishu- de yamemasu 4.


1. kimesasete itadakimashita 3. yasumasete itadakimasu

2. sasete itadakimashita 4. yamesasete itadakimasu With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

ばか? ) ? y z a r c baka?(

馬鹿? baka?

バカ? ? a k a b

Design : Masako Ban

While I was at my office, Mr. Tsunoda called me on the phone, and said, "Please come here for a minute." So, I went to see him right away. Mr. Tsunoda, who was holding the door of the conference room, said, "do-mo baka ni natchatta mitai de (I guess it's been so stupid)." I was shocked, and asked him, "e? baka ni natta? (Huh? [You] have gone crazy?)" He said, "so- senjitsu kara abunai to omottetara yappari baka ni natchatte (Yes, I noticed it the other day, and I knew that it would happen someday.)" I couldn't think of what I should say to him, so I just told him, "daijo-bu desu yo, baka ni natte imasen yo! ([You] will be OK, [you are] not crazy!)." Then, he got upset and said, "Why do you think this is OK?," and he started banging the door. Why did he get upset? In this lesson, let's study some frequently used terms derived from "baka." If a certain condition/situation is more than usual or if the degree is more than you expected, you may feel confusion or doubt. The word "baka" is used to express such thought. It is often added to adjectives.

Extremely ばかに + adjective baka ni

1. This house rent is extremely cheap, I wonder why... 家賃は ばかに   yachin wa baka ni

      けど、何か訳があるのかな・・・。 kedo nani ka wake ga aru no kana...

2. My husband is always late, but he came back home extremely early. Why was that? いつも帰りが遅い主人が  ばかに itsumo kaeri ga osoi shujin ga baka ni


帰って来たがどうして? kaettekita ga do-shite?

3. This winter has been abnormally warm, probably because of global warming. 冬だというのに ばかに  fuyu dato yu- noni baka ni

      のはたぶん温暖化の影響ですね。 nowa tabun ondanka no e-kyo- desu ne

Pole-san, you made a mistake, again. What he meant by saying "baka ni natta" is "[The door] has become loose." In fact, his expression of "baka" does not imply "stupid" or "crazy." The word "baka" has various usages in daily conversation. By the way, I'm glad that you did not go back to your home country as you said you might last month. Airfares during the holiday season are "baka-dakai (awfully high)!" So, you'd better avoid traveling around the end and the beginning of the year. Paying a lot of money for tickets is "bakabakashi (ridiculous)!"

10. This meat is extremely tough. What kind of meat is this? この肉 ばかに          kono niku baka ni

ね、何の肉? ne nan no niku?


5. jo- zu 2. hayaku 3. atatakai 4. yasashi   7. ureshiso 8. majime 9. isogashi 10. katai

1. yasui


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

6. sawagashi

◆ The following phrases are used as idioms. A No small matter It seems very insignificant, but it cannot be ignored or downplayed. ばかにならない baka ni naranai B Become loose ばかになる baka ni naru

Its original function is lost, and it becomes useless. (e.g., screws, hinges, buckles, zippers, etc.)

C That's ridiculous! When unbelievable or shocking things happen, 4. Recently, my wife has been extremely kind to me; I wonder what she has in mind. this phrase is used to say, such as そんなばかな 最近の妻は ばかに          が、何か下心があるのでは。 "It can't be! / No way! sonna baka na saikin no tsuma wa baka ni ga nani ka shitagokoro ga aru no dewa / No kidding!" 5. No wonder his song was so much better than average, I was told that he used to be a singer. 歌が ばかに         だと思ったら、元歌手なんだってさ。 uta ga baka ni dato omottara moto kashu nandatte sa 6. It is far noisier than usual outside, so I'll go out and check it out. 外が ばかに      soto ga baka ni

   ので、ちょっと見て来ます。 node chotto mite kimasu

7. Mr. Tsunoda looks extremely happy, doesn't he? What happened to him? 角田さん ばかに         Tsunoda-san baka ni

ね。何かいいことあったのかな? ne nani ka iikoto atta no kana?

8. Yukiko is extremely industrious, today. It's not like her usual self. ばかに  baka ni

だね。いつもの由紀子ちゃんじゃないみたいだね。 da ne itsumo no Yukiko-chan ja nai mitai da ne

9. No wonder it is extremely busy, today. It's the end of the month. きょうは ばかに    kyo- wa baka ni

   と思ったら月末ですね。 to omottara getsumatsu desu ne


D Nonsense ばかばかしい bakabakashi

unreasonable, absurd


E Don't be ridiculous! To deny strongly what the other person says. ばかなことを言うな baka na koto o iu na

Enter the appropriate word (A through G in the center column; some modification may be necessary) in the rectangular. 1. (In a drama on TV) Man: I'm going to divorce my wife, so marry me! 妻と離婚するから結婚してくれ! tsuma to rikon suru kara kekkon shite kure! Woman: Don't be ridiculous!

2. It is nonsense to wait for five hours to buy a ticket for a concert. コンサートのチケットを買うのに5時間も並ぶのは        です。 concert no ticket o kau no ni go-jikan mo narabuno wa desu 3. One pack of cigarettes costs only ¥200, but if I count the cost for a year, it's no small matter.  タバコは1箱200円だが、1年で見ると      


tobacco wa hitohako nihyaku-en da ga ichinen de miru to


4. The buckle of my bag got loose, so I had it repaired. バッグの留め金が    bag no tomegane ga

      ので、直した。 node naoshita

5. I think it is too late to regret what I have done, how stupid I was! 今さら後悔しても遅いですが     imasara ko-kai shitemo osoi desu ga


6. That's ridiculous! I won the lottery, but I lost the ticket! !  当たった宝くじの券を落とした!             ! atatta takarakuji no ken o otoshita!


F How stupid I was! When the speaker has done some stupid or ばかなことをした baka na koto o shita thoughtless thing.



G Geek or someone A person who is single-minded or accomplished in dedicated to particular pursuits, but is felt to be socially inept. something ばか Specific-field geek: Blind parental love baka Study geek: 親ばか 学者ばか 専門ばか oya baka gakusha baka senmon baka

7. Spending that sort of money for children must be motivated by blind parental love. 子供にあんなにお金をかけるなんて         kodomo ni annani okane o kakeru nante

ですね。 desu ne


1 - E (baka na koto o iwanai de) 2 - D 3-A 5 - F (baka na koto o shiteshimatta) 6 - C or F

4 - B (baka ni natta) 7 - G (oya baka) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2005 The Yomiuri Shimbun

一時雨 ................................ ichi-ji ame ....................... Design : Masako Ban

I attended a party at 1 o'clock yesterday. On TV in the morning, I heard the weather forecaster say, "ichi-ji ame," which I took to mean that it would rain at 1 o'clock. So I took an umbrella with me. When I met my friends at a station, one of them asked me, "It's not raining, why do you have an umbrella?" I said, "Because the weather forecaster warned about 'ichi-ji ame.'" My friends started to laugh and said, "Are you kidding?" It didn't rain at at 1 o'clock, but it did rain a little bit in the evening. Are weather forecasts in Japan always inaccurate?

雨 ame

cloudy 曇り kumori fog

霧 kiri


by the Meteorological Agency

気象庁 kisho-cho-


晴れ hare


快晴 kaise-


雪 yuki

typhoon 台風 taifu

青空 aozora

light rain 小雨 kosame

blue sky にわか雨 niwaka ame

chance of rain

◆ _____のち____ nochi ◆ ______ 時々____ tokidoki

A 一部始終 ichibushiju-

whole, from start to finish

一部 ichibu

part of a whole thing

高気圧 ko- kiatsu


一両日中 in a day or two, within a few days ichiryo-jitsu-chu-


一因 ichiin


今いち imaichi

inadequate, insufficient

rain, then sunny


雨 のち 晴れ ame nochi hare

いちいち ichiichi

in minute detail, one by one (implying annoyance)


一概に ichigai ni

not necessarily (used in negative sentence)

一時しのぎ ichijishinogi

makeshift, a temporary or expedient substitute for something else in order to avoid a problem

high pressure

最低気温 saite-kion


◆ Expressions with the word "ichi" (one)


気温 kion

highest temperature

最高気温 - kion saiko

cloudy with occasional rain 曇り 時々 雨 kumori tokidoki ame


one of the reasons

       を語った。 o katatta

4. Please give me your reply in a day or two. にお返事いたします。 ni ohenji itashimasu

両国間にはCO 2の考え方に温度差がある ryo-kokukan niwa CO2 no kangaekata ni ondosa ga aru


wind speed

被害者は事件の    higaisha wa jiken no

These two countries have different degrees of enthusiasm about CO2 measures.

風速 fu-soku

津波注意報 tsunami chu-iho-


" 温度差がある: different degrees of interest (lit: difference in temprature) e.g.,

temporary, for a short period

低気圧 te-kiatsu

lowest temperature

これは雲をつかむような話ですね。 kore wa kumo o tsukamu yo- na hanashi desu ne 

一時的 ichijiteki

降水確率 ko-sui kakuritsu

tsunami warning

1. My mother-in-law complains about everything I do in minute detail. It's not such good weather, is it? → Since it's only a greeting, 姑は私がする事に    文句を言う。 further discussion isn't いやな天気ですね。 shu-tome wa watashi ga suru koto ni monku o yunecessary. iya na tenki desu ne 2. I cannot necessarily completely agree with it/I can't swear to it. Yes, it is. そうですね。 so- desu ne そうとも言い切れない。 ◆ Frequently used idioms with meteorological terms so-to mo iikirenai " 雲をつかむような話: an unrealistic story/pie in the sky (lit: talk about how to catch a cloud) 3. The victim described the whole incident. e.g., I think this seems like an unrealistic story.



Make a complete sentence below by matching the phrases to A) to I).

It's a beautiful day, isn't it? いい天気ですね。 ii tenki desu ne

降水量 ko-suiryo-

湿度 shitsudo

low pressure

雷 kaminari

下り坂 worsening (in the weather) kudarizaka

improvement 回復 (in the weather) kaifuku humidity


Pole-san, "ichi-ji ame" does not mean "it will rain at 1 o'clock." It means occasional showers. Weather forecasts in Japan are broadcast on TV or radio. Of course, you can check the weather on the Internet and in newspapers. Let's look at some meteorological terms and idioms using the terms.

◆ Weather greetings : Japanese people frequently make comments on the weather as a way of greeting one another.

Frequently used expressions in forecasts


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

5. One of the reasons for my divorce was that my ex-husband was a spendthrift. 元夫が浪費家だったのも離婚の      moto otto ga ro-hika datta nomo rikon no

   でした。 deshita

6. May this business prosperity be more than just a temporary phenomenon! この景気が      kono ke- ki ga

    な現象で終わらないように! na gensho- de owaranai yo- ni!

7. I spread the plastic sheet as a makeshift roof to deal with the leaks. 雨漏りの   amamori no


  にシートを張った。 ni sheet o hatta

8. Some of those people came out with a lot of complaints. の人々から不満が噴出した。 no hitobito kara fuman ga funshutsu shita 9. Well... the result is not quite good enough. うう∼ん、出来は  uuun deki wa

      かなあ∼。 ka naa



2-H 3-A 4-D 5-E 6- B 7 - I 8 - C


With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun

e r o k



e r so


◆ Shopping Customer:

Basic rule

"are/ achira" is used for things far away.

Excuse me, may I take a look at that? 1. 見せて下さい。 すいません over there misete kudasai suimasen Is this it?

y wa ra

No, that's not it! いいえ、 iie

(Leave this alone)


you cannot        じゃないです。 touch janai desu

4. over there

able ! "sore/sochira" is used for things nearby but out of reach.

Touchable ! "kore/ kochira" is used for things within your reach.

です。 desu

◆ Useful phrase for shopping Do you have a cheaper/bigger one than this? 5. より安い/大きいのありますか? you touch yori yasui / o-ki no arimasu ka? Do you have it in different color? 6. の色違いありますか? you cannot touch no iro chigai arimasu ka?

あのまま ano mama

Let's practice! To Ms. Takeda

武田さんへ   Takeda-san e

I had to go on urgent business.

急用でちょっと出かけます。 kyu-yo- de chotto dekakemasu

Since I've not finished my work,

まだ仕事の途中ですから mada shigoto no tochu- desu kara

please don't touch anything on my desk.

机の上は         A tsukue no ue wa

にしておいて下さい。 ni shite oite kudasai

On the phone Mr. A: We are having a party tonight, and we'd like you to come.

Miss. B:

別々に包んで下さい。 betsubetsu ni tsutsunde kudasai

Gee... I wish I could, but ... I haven't got anything to wear....

ええ…でも…服が… ee........demo ......fuku ga....... Mr. A:

It's just friends, so just bring yourself. 仲間内だけなので      nakamauchi dake nanode

Miss. B:

    でどうぞ。 B de do- zo

Is that so? In that case, I'll come just like this.

そうですか? じゃあ遠慮なく      で伺います。 C so- desu ka? jaa enryo naku de ukagaimasu


1 - are 2 - kore 3 - sore 4 - are 5 - kore 7 - kore / kore

(Leave it alone)

今晩パーティーがあるので来て下さい。 konban party ga aru node kite kudasai

Could you wrap this one and this one separately? 7. と        you touch you touch to

This has nothing to do with the "relationship between speaker and recipient."

そのまま sono mama

(Leave that alone)

That one!


このまま kono mama

ですか? desu ka?

she touches Customer:

Now we understand what "kore, sore, are" mean, let's apply that knowledge! just as it is



At first, consider whether you can touch it or not.


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

"Today, I'll start with the basics. In general, when students learn "kore, sore, are," they are taught about the "relationship between speaker and recipient." However, this explanation can be ambiguous and very confusing. So, I have devised a simple method to make the distinction clear. In Vol. 71, I'll explain more abstract and advanced usage of these words.

Ms. Hirayama, there is something I want to ask you. When I first came to Japan, I learned "kore, sore, are" at a Japanese-language school. But recently, I have sensed that Japanese people use these words differently from the way I learned. The more I think about it, the more I get confused about how to use these words. I asked some Japanese friends to explain, but they said it was too difficult to explain clearly. Could you help me?


Design : Masako Ban


6 - sore Answers

A - kono mama

B - sono mama

C - kono mama With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun

こ あ Using abstract k o _ そo _ a _ in conversations s Design : Masako Ban

While talking with a friend about a new sushiya (sushi restaurant) over the phone, we both began to feel like eating sushi. He said, "jaa, ano sushiya de shichi-ji ni " over the phone, but when I went to the new sushi place he didn't show up. I was worried so I called him. He then said, "Huh? Where are you, now? I'm waiting for you at the sushiya!" When I told him I was at the new sushiya, he said, "itsumono ano sushiya desu yo!" (I'm at the sushiya we usually go to!) On the phone, I had talked about the new sushiya, so I was sure we were going to that one. Ms. Hirayama, why on earth did he go to the sushiya we usually go even though he did not mention it by name? ◆"ko_, so_, a_" are used when abstract matters or things that cannot be seen directly are discussed.◆ (Here I explain part of typical usage.)

Let's practice!

Both A and B know the subject


Talking about a time that A and B experienced together (あの時 ano toki) ★“a_” is used when you are talking to yourself or writing in your diary, etc. e.g.,

(in diary) It has been one year since then... (あれから1年... arekara ichi-nen...)



II) When the speaker is not familiar with the subject, he uses "so_." その人 sono hito

? ?

A 昨日 (1)寿司屋に行きました。 kino- (1)sushiya ni ikimashita I went to the sushi restaurant yesterday.

? ?

★When the speaker is not familiar with the subject at first, but starts to feel "as if he knows it" while talking about it, he starts using "ko_."

speaker listener


その件 sono ken→ as if he knows it → この件 kono ken

colleague : You :

No, I don't. Where is it? いいえ、 you      は どこにありますか? don't know the place wa doko ni arimasu ka? iie, (1) It's near the Kiyomizudera temple. How can I get there?


(3)店は安いですよね。 (3) mise wa yasui desu yo ne This restaurant is cheap, isn't it?

Do you know the Gion in Kyo-to?

you don't know the place

When the subject becomes the main topic in the middle of conversation, "ko_" is used.

(4)mise wa itsumo kondemasu This restaurant is always crowded. Answers

colleague : You :

you don't know the place

You :


は どんな所ですか? wa donna tokoro desu ka?

I had sushi yesterday. This (that) sushi restaurant serves delicious sushi. (The speaker knows of the restaurant.)

When he feels that the subject becomes the main topic while discussing it, he starts to use "ko_." (3)店は雑誌によく載ります。 (3)mise wa zasshi ni yoku norimasu This restaurant has appeared in magazines many times.

A few weeks later

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I went to the Gion last week. It's a beautiful place, isn't it? your colleague and you know the place

(1)寿司屋はおいしいですよ。 (1) sushiya wa oishi desu yo

Is this restaurant famous?

What kind of place is it?


昨日寿司を食べました。 kino- sushi o tabemashita

(4)店は有名ですか? (4)mise wa yu-me- desu ka?

You can take a taxi from the train station.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

sushiya (2)店はどこにありますか? (2)mise wa doko ni arimasu ka?

には どのように行きますか? niwa donoyo-ni ikimasu ka?


(1)ano (2)ano (3)kono (4)kono

Let's practice! Either one of them is familiar with the subject

(The listener does not know it.)

A subject or issue that the speaker knows but the listener does not is "this matter," (この件 kono ken), "this issue" (この問題 kono mondai)

colleague : You :


The sushi restaurant serves delicious sushi, doesn't it?

III) When the speaker is familiar with the subject but the listener is not, he uses "ko_." e.g.,


(2)寿司屋はおいしいですよね。 (2)sushiya wa oishi desu yo ne

Where is the restaurant?


Visiting Kyo-to



When discussing a person whom the speaker does not know (or who cannot be seen), he uses "the person" (その人 sono hito)

この魚 kono sakana

Put one proper pronoun in the box.

Since both of them know the sushi restaurant, they know what they are talking about without naming it.

I) When both A and B know the subject, they use "a_". あの魚 ano sakana

The problem you faced was probably caused by a misunderstanding of the usage of "ko_, so_, a_" which are used for abstract matters or things that cannot be seen directly. They may seem simple, but can be confusing in reality. Even advanced students become confused and cause misunderstandings, and their Japanese sounds very poor when they get the usage wrong. If you master this lesson, your Japanese sounds much better!

sushiya 寿司

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

は きれいないい所ですね。 wa kire- na ii tokoro desu ne

(4) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

talking to yourself

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I can't find my cell phone! I wonder if I dropped it that time? 携帯がない!   that ke- tai ga nai! (5)

時に落としたのかな? toki ni otoshita nokana ?

Or, maybe at that temple? それとも      寺かな…? that soretomo tera kana.......? (6) Answers


(1)kono (2)sono

(3)kono (4)kono

(1) sore

(2) soko

(3) soko

(4) asoko (5) ano

(6) ano

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun


(chu- shakinshi)

ing k r a p No

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

That's true! Parking controls have been strengthened. As a result, fewer people park on the streets. This has eased traffic congestion. Even if you want to park your car for short time, you'd better use a parking lot or a parking meter. If you get a parking ticket, not only do you have to pay for it but some points are taken away from your driver's license. In this lesson, therefore, let's study how to use parking meters in Japan. Charges are paid either in advance or on departure.

Design : Masako Ban

The other day, I went for a drive in the car. After a while, I needed to go to a restroom, so I used one in a park. I only parked my car for about 10 minutes on a nearby street, but I found a parking ticket on the windshield when I got back. I know it was my fault for not using a parking lot, was only 10 minutes. The next day, I discussed this with a colleague, and he said I should be careful about parking on the street because a new traffic law had been enforced and I could get a parking ticket, even for 10 minutes. I just paid the fine today, and boy...that was an expensive rest stop!

駐車場 (chu-shajo-).....Parking lot

◆There are various parking meters, and this is just one example. Although there are many kanji on the machine, you can use it if you remember kanji that are marked with a star.◆ Operating

Blinking means:

営業中 -



No receipt available



★ 釣銭切れ tsurisen-gire

千円札使用中止 -



sen-en-satsu shiyo chushi


Enter your stall number.

料金 -

駐車位置番号を押す 料金


There are also some stores that issue coupons for discounted parking. Insert discount ticket. Pay parking charge. chusha ryokin no jun ni sesan

Change, Receipt

領収書 -





9 領収書

★ 精算 se-san


★ 取消 torikeshi

番号を確認後精算を押し サービス券→駐車料金 の順に精算

! △

領収書の 必要な方は 

領収書 を押す

あのすみません、使い方を教えて下さい。 ano sumimasen tsukaikata o oshiete kudasai (Before taking your car out,) enter your "Stall Number" first. enter your (2) を押します。  space number o oshimasu

Then, press "Payment". そして         (3) adjustment soshite

を押します。 o oshimasu

By pressing it, you will see how much you must pay on the "Charge" display. ¥5000

¥10000 濡れ札


tsurisen ryo-shu- sho

そうしますと        (4) に金額が出ます。 Fee so-shimasu to ni kingaku ga demasu Pay the required amount of money. そして、その金額を払います。 soshite sono kingaku o haraimasu If you need a "receipt", press this button.

注意 駐車位置番号等の間違い精算についてのご返金は出来ませんのでご注意下さい。

Wet or crumpled bills cannot be accepted.

濡れたお札・シワの多いお札は使えません nureta osatsu

Excuse me, could you tell me how to use this?

まず mazu



You :


10 50 500 100 500 50 100


ryoshusho no hitsuyo na kata wa ryoshusho o osu

割り引き券→駐車料金の順に精算 -

領収書の必要な方は 領収書- を押す  -

bango- o kakunin go se-san o oshi


Excuse me, is there a parking lot around here?

***After shopping, when exiting the parking lot***

★ 番号を確認後精算を押し

Press "Receipt" if you require one.

You can't park here! ここは       ですよ。 No parking(1) koko wa desu yo

すみません、この辺に駐車場ありますか? sumimasen kono hen ni chu-shajo- arimasu ka?


chu-sha-ichi-bango- o osu

After checking your stall number, press "Payment."


You :


Charge ryokin

Policeman :

¥1,000 bills not accepted

No change

tenmetsu-chu- wa

Put the correct term in the boxes.

shiwa no o i osatsu wa tsukaemasen

が必要でしたらこのボタンを押します。 receipt (5) ga hitsuyo- deshitara kono button o oshimasu If you make a mistake, press "Cancel." 間違えた時は いつでも    machigaeta toki wa itsudemo

    (6) を押して下さい。 Cancel o oshite kudasai

Caution: Please note that a refund is not available in the event of payment error, such as entering the wrong stall number.

注意 駐車位置番号等の間違い精算についてのご返金は出来ませんのでご注意下さい。 chu-i

chu-sha-ichi-bango- nado no machigai se-san ni tsuite no gohenkin wa dekimasen node gochu-i kudasai


(1) 駐車禁止 (2) 駐車位置番号 (3)精算 (4) 料金 (5) 領収書 (6)取消 With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun


gi) i 右? m (

(hi dari )

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

Yesterday, I was in Osaka Station, and let me tell you what happened. I was standing on the left side of an escalator when I noticed that many people were staring at me as they passed by. Then, one of them asked me, "Are you from Tokyo?" and pointed behind me. As I looked back, I realized that I was blocking a long line of people who were in a hurry. How did he know I came from Tokyo?

◆ The following classification shows the typical convention in each area.◆ Right-side open: Stand on the left side to leave room on the right for people who walk

Left-side open: Stand on the right side to leave room on the left for people who walk

I suppose that you are talking about the etiquette of making room for people who are in a hurry on an escalator. In Japan, there are three different conventions: "stand on the left" in the Kanto- area, "stand on the right" in the Kansai area, and either way in other areas. There are many differences between Kanto- and Kansai areas, such as frequency of electricity and seasoning for food. I guess "which side to open" is another of those differences.

◆ Let me tell you some useful phrases using the words "right" and "left."◆ right

1) To spend money as soon as you get it. 右から左 migi kara hidari 2) No one is better than he is.

People generally follow this rule in the Kanto- area, such as Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba and also in some parts of Kyoto.

右に出る者がいない migi ni deru mono ga inai

People generally follow this rule in the Kansai area, such as Osaka, Nara, Wakayama. (Exception: some parts of Kyoto)

The presumption is that people make room on the right for people who want to walk because they follow Japan's traffic rule (keep to the right side).

   左    左右 

Choose appropriate expression from 1) to 16) in the box of following sentences.

(A) An alarm bell sounded, and guests in the hotel were going hither and thither. 非常ベルが鳴り宿泊客は           hijo- -bell ga nari shukuhakukyaku wa


した。 shita

(B) I just came to Japan, and I have no idea what to do. 4) Having no idea

3) Following suit 右へならえ migi e narae

右も左もわからない migi mo hidari mo wakaranai

5) The right arm 6) Right-handed 右腕 右利き migiude migikiki

It is said that this rule started after London escalator etiquette was introduced at the Osaka Expo in 1970.

7) Right side 8) Right-handed (clockwise) 右手 右回り(時計回り) migimawari (toke- mawari) migite

日本に来たばかりで    Nihon ni kitabakari de

     です。 desu

(C) Mr. Ida is the president's right arm, and he is in charge of everything. 井田さんは社長の    Ida-san wa shacho- no

で 全てを任されています。 de subete o makasareteimasu

(D) My husband spends all his money as soon as he receives his salary. 主人は給料を貰っても         shujin wa kyu-ryo- o morattemo 

    です。 desu

(E) He always copies others, and has no initiative of his own. left

◆ There are also rules about right and left for Japanese kimono.◆

During about 200 years of the Kofun period (ca. 300-710) people wore kimono with "hidarimae." However, Empress Gensho decreed a change to "migi-mae."

"hidari-mae": left side under the right

10) Left side 左団扇(で暮らす) 左手 hidariuchiwa (de kurasu) hidarite

あの人は誰の意見にも            ano hito wa dare no iken nimo

で de

自主性がないです。 jishuse- ga nai desu

11) Becoming poor

12) Left-handed 左前になる 左利き hidarimae ni naru hidarikiki

At present

4th-6th centuries

9) Living in comfort

Both men and women wear kimono with "migi-mae" at present. Since "hidari-mae" is worn by the dead for their funeral, it is taboo. However, some religious sects and in some parts of Okinawa Prefecture it is the custom to wear kimono "hidari-mae." "migi-mae": right side under the left

13) A drinker 左利き(左党) hidarikiki (sato-) left-right


14) Symmetry 左右対称 sayu- -taisho-

(F) No one has more knowledge of sumo than Mark does. マークさんの相撲の知識に            Mark-san no Sumo- no chishiki ni

です。 desu

(G) As for me, the event was to determine my fate. 私にとって     watashi ni totte

15) Controlling one's fate 運命を左右する unme- o sayu--suru

16) Going hither and thither 右往左往 uo- sao-


出来事でした。 dekigoto deshita

(H) My hope is that I will win the lottery and live in comfort. 宝くじを当てて        takarakuji o atete

Answers (A)-(16)

のが私の夢です。 noga watashi no yume desu

(B)-(4) (C)-(5) (D)-(1) (E)-(3) (F)-(2) (G)-(15) (H)-(9) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun


-ori? t

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I got into a taxi the other day, but as the place I wanted to go was very difficult to explain, I handed a map to the taxi driver and said, "Meiji-do-ri to-tte-kudasai" (Please take Meiji-do-ri avenue.) The driver looked at the map and said to me, "kono to-ri desu ne" (This avenue, isn't it!) so I told him, "iie, Meiji-do-ri desu" (No, take Meiji-do-ri avenue.) Then, he pointed the map and said again, "desukara, kono to-ri desu yo ne?" (So, this is the avenue, isn't it?) The car behind beeped at us and the driver's glare obviously meant,"Get moving!" The taxi driver was looking at me like he was confused, and I didn't know what to do. Ms. Hirayama, "kono to-ri" means "this street," right? Why couldn't the taxi driver understand?

Actually, neither you nor the taxi driver was wrong. There are many words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning in Japanese. This expression "kono to-ri" has two meanings: "this street" and "as it is." So, I think you misunderstood him. As "to-ri" is a very useful expression, let's study it in this lesson!

Put the appropriate word in the boxes. (8) As I told you the whole truth, please believe me!



- ri / do - ri to There are four main usages. 1) Street: e.g., 青山通り...Aoyama do-ri (Aoyama Street), 通り... to- ri (street) 2) Traffic: e.g., 車の通りが激しい...kuruma no to- ri ga hageshi (The traffic is heavy.) 3) Flow of water or air: e.g., 水の通りが悪い... mizu no to ri ga warui (The water is not running well.) 風の通りがいい部屋 kaze no to- ri ga i heya (a well-ventilated room) 4) The same state: e.g., いつも通り... itsumodo-ri (as usual) This expression is introduced in this lesson.

全て subete

話した通り hanashitato- ri

です。信じて下さい。 desu shinjite kudasai

(1) Just as I heard, the food here is good, isn't it? 噂通り uwasado- ri

の美味しい店ですね。 no oishi mise desu ne

(9) Things did not go as I planned 計算通り kesando- ri

にはいきませんでした。 niwa ikimasen deshita

(2) Their relationship is not what it used to be. 2人の仲は futari no naka wa

元通り motodo- ri

にならなかった。 ni naranakatta


(1)-(H) (2)-(M) (3)-(D) (4)-(G) (5)-(A) (6)-(I) (7)-(C) (8)-(F) (9)-(J)

(3) You're absolutely right!

e.g., These

おっしゃる通り ossharuto- ri

are some of many expressions using tori.

A) That's right.

その通り sonoto- ri

B) As shown in instructions


setsume-sho no to- ri C) Glancing over

ひと通り hitoto- ri

D) You're right.

おっしゃる通り ossharuto- ri

E) As one said

言った通り ittato- ri

F) As one told


hanashitato- ri

G) As one expected

思った通り omottato- ri

H) As one heard



I) as reputed


です。 desu

K) Literally

文字通り mojido-ri

(4) That was what I expected! 思った通り omottato- ri 


だった! datta!

L) Ninety percent

九分通り kubudo-ri M) As it used to be

(5) Yes, that's right! はい、 その通りです。 hai, sonoto- ri desu



(6) The concert really lived up to its reputation. 評判通り hyo-bando- ri

の素晴らしい演奏会でした。 no subarashi enso- kai deshita

hyo-bando-ri J) As one calculated

計算通り ke- sando-ri

(7) I glanced over the documents. 書類に shorui ni

ひと通り hitoto- ri

目を通しました。 me o toshimashita With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2006 The Yomiuri Shimbun

u s s o- ~

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Well, I also say that word sometimes when I talk with my friends. For some people, "uso" becomes their favorite word. In particular, it seems that young people and those who lack sufficient vocabulary tend to use the phrase. those girls did not mean you were lying when they said "uso". Let me explain "uso" for today's lesson. "Pole-san wa uso-mitai ni Nihongo ga jozu ni naru desho- (It seems a miracle that you start speaking in excellent Japanese)."

Design : Masako Ban

Last week,I went to see a movie with Ms.Ueno and her friends, Ms.Ikeda and Ms.Igarash. After the movie, we had a chat over a meal. Every time I said something, Ms.Ueno said, "Uso~," while Ms.Ikeda said, "Uso-mitai," and Ms. Igarashi said, "Uso desho, uso~, usso~." Since they said that word so many times, I went to a restroom and secretly checked it in my dictionary. The dictionary said "uso" meant "lie." As soon as I was back, I said to them, "Uso janai desu (What I said wasnot a lie)." Three girls started to laugh and said, "We know that." Ms.Hirayama, why did they keep saying"uso"?

◆ Kanji for "lie" ◆ lie



口+虚→ 嘘




★ I would like to explain two different usages in this lesson. A. To say something as if it were the truth or a fact (same meaning as "lie")


No kidding!

うっそ∼ usso

Are you kidding? (woman speaking)

うそでしょ uso desho



uso o tsuku

uso ga bareru 4) Shedding crocodile tears

3) Outright lie



makka na uso


5) Necessary to stretch the truth (in a good sense, such as telling a white lie)


(positive meaning)

uso mo hoben

B. To emphasize the feeling of surprise when some amazing or unbelievable thing has happened, rather than implying that it is a "lie." (in this case, "uso" is usually written in hiragana or katakana.)


うそ、うそ、うそ uso



No way! (man speaking)


一日かけて掃除をしたら      - o shitara ichinichi kakete soji (c)


B-san :

What? Did you really say such things to Ms. Yamada?

Yes, but, that way it went well. It is necessary to stretch the truth, you know.

ですよ。 desu yo

(d) It must be an outright lie because there can't be a good explanation for an investment to make such a lot of money.

7) To emphasize the feeling of "It's a miracle!" or "That's unbelievable!" They are used in the form of "___mitai" or "___no yo"

そんなに儲かる投資話は sonna ni mokaru toshibanashi wa

It can't be! (woman speaking)


に違いないですよ ni chigainai desu yo

(e) I believe that the suspect is telling a lie. 容疑者は  yogisha wa

uso mitai e.g.,

       と思います。 to omoimasu

(f) Every time I quarrel with my wife, she always sheds crocodile tears.

え∼!あの二人が結婚?ウソみたい! e-

にきれいになった。 ni kirei ni natta

でも、それでうまくいったでしょ。 demo sore de umakuitta desho

uso- chittomo shiranakatta

No kidding! You mean they've got married? That's unbelievable!


え、山田さんにそんなこと言ったんですか? E, Yamada-san ni sonna koto ittan desu ka?



No kidding! (Expressing the feeling of "That's unbelievable!" because the surprise was so great)

(b) After I spent the whole day cleaning my house, it seemed like a miracle how nice it had become.

うそだろ uso daro

Mr. Tsunoda has won the lottery for ¥300 million! 角田さん、3億円の宝くじに当たったんだって! Tsunoda-san san-oku en no takarakuji ni atattan datte!

Oh, no, no, no... (repeating several times) uso


Insert the proper expression in the box by choosing from those at left.


Oh, boy! I had no idea! 2) A lie is exposed.

1) Telling a lie

6) The phrases vary according to the person. Although some typical phrases are selected here, it may be better not to use them too often because they sound very informal. (Although every phrase has been translated into English, it does not necessarily mean that they are precise equivalents.)

夫婦げんかをすると妻はいつも           fufugenka o suru to tsuma wa itsumo

をする。 o suru

ano futari ga kekkon? uso mitai!

(g) The suspect tried to cover up what he did, so that his lies would not be found out. 犯人は ように偽装工作をした。 - It seemed like a miracle to return to good health after such a severe illness. hannin wa yoni gisokosaku o shita

大病をしたのにウソのように元気になった。 - ni genki ni natta taibyo- o shita noni uso no yo






(e)-(1) uso o tsuiteiru


(g)-(2) uso ga barenai

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

理? - ri 料 国 韓 oku ryo

? フランス料理 ? イタリア- 料理 France ryo-ri

Italy ryori


Design : Masako Ban

While discussing a new project at a meeting, Mr. Tanaka said, "sozai ga mondai desu ne." (lit.: I guess the problem is the ingredient.), and Mrs. Ida said, "do- ryo- ri suru ka...ryo- ri o suru noni jikan ga kakarimasu ne." (lit.: I wonder how we can cook it. I think it takes time to cook.) Then, Mr. Takana said, "so- desu ne. jikan o kakete nitsumemasho-. nitsumattara mata uchiawase o shimasu." (lit.: I think you're right. We need more time to boil it down. When it is boiled down, we are going to have a meeting again.) So, I asked them, "kyo- no uchiawase wa nani ryo- ri desu ka?" (What are you going to cook for today's meeting?), but they were shocked and became speechless. Why is that?

★Various cooking★ Japanese food

日本料理 精進料理

Seafood dish

sho-jin ryo-ri

Homemade cuisine

◆ Kanji of cooking ◆


→ 肉料理 → 料理 → 家庭料理 te ryori

Meat dish


Home cooking




Hot pot cooked at the table

鍋料理 nabe




kate- ryori

A la carte dish




料理をする ryori o suru




nitsumeru 5) Cooking: vegetables pickled overnight Business: a makeshift / work prepared quickly in overnight

Local specialties



Are you good at cooking Japanese food? As for me, I like eating it, instead of cooking it! What you heard at the meeting was not about cooking. They were using phrases associated with cooking, but those expressions are actually used for business. Since it is very interesting, let me tell you some of them. Insert the proper expression in the box by choosing from those at left. (a) We do not have enough materials to come to a conclusion, do we? 結論を出すには ketsuron o dasu niwa

新しいプロジェクトの atarashii project no

(c) Finally, the matter is being brought to a conclusion. やっと内容が yatto naiyo- ga

きましたね。 kimashita ne

(d) It seems good even though it was prepared quickly. で作ったわりには、よくできていますね。 de tsukutta wari niwa yoku dekiteimasu ne (e) The total uncollectible debts are more than ¥100 million.

(f) I think it is necessary to reexamine the plan thoroughly and bring it to a conclusion.

6) Cooking: to be burned and stuck Business: uncollectible debts

計画をもう一度 ke-kaku o mo- ichido

必要がありますね。 hitsuyo- ga arimasu ne

(g) It would be worthwhile to see how this difficult task can be managed. この難題をどのように kono nandai o dono yo-ni

7) Cooking: to make a preparation Business: preparation before actual performance

か、見物ですね。 ka mimono desu ne

(h) I put it together overnight, so I will make a new one, again. とりあえず toriaezu

下準備をする shitajumbi o suru

で 作ったので、もう一度作り直します。 de tsukutta node mo- ichido tsukurinaoshimasu

(i) This merchandise is too old to be sold because it was left in the warehouse for three years.

8) Cooking: to let it sit 9) Cooking: quickly prepared dish Business: to set it aside Business: to prepare it in short time for a while and see how it goes without effort / temporary solution


のに 一週間かけた。 noni isshu-kan kaketa

金額は億単位です。 kingaku wa okutani desu



不足では? busokudewa?

(b) We spent one week on the preparation of the new project.



kyo-do ryori



2) Cooking: to cook Business: to manage / to handle


Vegetable dish


1) Cooking: ingredient Business: materials, source

4) Cooking: to be boiled down 3) Cooking: to boil Business: to be brought to Business: to examine it thoroughly a conclusion and bring it to a conclusion

sakana ryori

Nihon ryori


★Expressions for cooking and for business★

Vegetarian food

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama



3年も商品を倉庫に san nen mo sho-hin o so-ko ni Answers

(a)-(1) (f)-(3)

(b)-(7) (g)-(2)

ので、古くてもう売れません node furukute mo- uremasen

(c)-(4) nitsumatte (d)-(9) (e)-(6) kogetsuita (h)-(5) (i)- (8) nekasete oita With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Design : Masako Ban


e? いただいた電話?

em v a g u o y t a h phone t

itadaita denwa ?

Let me tell you what happened when I called a client the other day. When I was about to hang up because we had finished talking business, she said to me, "a, ano itadaita denwa de sumimasen ga..." (Well, excuse me for using the telephone that you gave me...). So, I asked her, "e? denwa o present shimashita ka?" (Huh? Did I give you a telephone as a present?), but this seemed to surprise her and she said, "ha?" (What?). Then, she said, "Mr. Pole, you have a good sense of humor." But I wasn’t trying to make her laugh, and I did not give her a telephone as a present!

I know you didn't give her a telephone as a present. What she meant by saying, "itadaita denwa de sumimasen ga..." was "This is a call that you made, so please excuse me for using this opportunity to talk about something else for a minute?" If the receiver of a call starts talking about something else during that call, it might be seen as impolite because the call is costing the caller time and money. If it is going to take a long time for you to talk about a different subject during a call that someone else made, it is better for you to call him/her back.

If you want to talk about a different subject for a short period during a call that 6) When you notice that you missed a call on someone else made, use this phrase first to avoid upsetting the caller. your mobile phone, and you try to telephone the caller, whom you don't know. (different subject) 「いただいた電話ですみませんが、 」 "Did you try to call me?" itadaita denwa de sumimasen ga... Humble form 「お電話いただきましたでしょうか?」 odenwa itadakimashita desho- ka? 電話をもらう   → 電話をいただく to receive a phone call denwa o morau denwa o itadaku 7) When there is a call for someone at your office who is not present at the 電話をする      電話を差し上げる → to make a phone call time:    denwa o suru denwa o sashiageru "He/she is not here, right now. Useful phrases: I think he/she will be back soon. 1) When you don't catch the telephone number, the caller's name 「申し訳ございません、席を外しております。 or the company's name: すぐ戻ると思いますが…」 mo-shiwake gozaimasen seki o "Just in case, may I have your name, phone number and company name?" hazushite orimasu sugu modoru 「念のために、お名前、お電話番号、会社名をいただけますか?」 to omoimasu ga... nen no tame ni o-namae o-denwa bango- kaisha-me- o itadakemasu ka? 2) When the receiver might be busy, ask him/her if it is a good time to call before telling him/her why you called: "Is this a good time to talk to you?"    「今、ちょっとお電話よろしいでしょうか?」 ima chotto o-denwa yoroshi desho- ka? 3) When you want to make sure you have the correct information such as telephone number or company name, use the following expression: "Let me repeat, the number is ... and your name is ... Is that correct?"  「復唱いたします。 telephone number 、 name 様、ですね?」 fukusho- itashimasu sama desu ne? 4) When you want to leave a message for a person: "Please tell him/her that I called."    「電話があったことをお伝えいただけますか」 denwa ga atta koto o otsutae-itadakemasu ka 5) When the caller's voice is too small to hear clearly: "Pardon me, but it seems we have a bad connection..." 「すみません、お電話が遠いのですが…」 sumimasen o-denwa ga to-i no desu ga...

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Choose one of these seven expressions to complete the following dialogues: ******** It is hard to hear the voice on the phone. ********** You:

Pardon me, but it seems we have a bad connection... (a)


Hello? Can you hear me? もしもし、聞こえますか? moshi-moshi kikoemasu ka?

**There is a call for a colleague from some other company, but you answer it because she is not present.** Hello. Ms. Aizawa is not here, right now. I think she'll return soon.    (b)


Caller from another company:

そうですか、では so- desu ka dewa

Ke-tai denwa izonsho- (Mobile phone dependency) These days almost everyone seems to use a mobile phone in their daily lives. The number of people who have become addicted to using - tai izonsho- ) has also rapidly increased. If you their mobile phones (ke answer "yes" four times or more to the following questions, you are probably one of them. 1) You check your mobile phone first thing in the morning. 2) You get anxious when you leave your phone at home. 3) You check for text messages and missed calls even though the phone hasn't rung. 4) You take your phone to the toilet. 5) When you sit down, the first thing you do is put your phone on the table or desk. 6) If you don't get a reply for a text message you have sent within an hour, you get worried or angry. 7) You avoid going underground or using the subway because your phone might not receive calls or messages there. 8) You check what time it is by looking at your phone. 9) You feel depressed if you don't receive calls or text messages. 10) You put at least one pictorial symbol in every two lines of a text message.

I see. Well then, please tell her that I called. (c)

Certainly. Just in case, may I have your name and phone number?


はい、それでは  hai, soredewa


Caller gives his name and his phone number. You:

Let me repeat, your phone number is ... and your name is ... Is that correct? (e)

********** Calling someone who seems very busy ********* You :

Hello, Is this a good time to talk to you?  (f)


(a) - (5)


(c)- (4)




How did you do? With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

? ' t e tsume ga amai e w s s i l ? 'My nai つめがあまい? Design : Masako Ban

When I was in the elevator, one of my colleagues came in and asked me how the project was going. I said, "Well, the project was almost finished, but now we’ve had to go back and start again." He then said, "Pole-san wa tsume ga amai kara na" I know "tsume" means "nail" and "amai" means "sweet"; So does he mean "my nails are sweet"? After all, I hadn’t eaten any doughnuts that day, so no sugar had “sweetened” my nails. Puzzled, I responded, "watashi no tsume wa amakunai desu" (my nails are not sweet). He said, "ha? chigau chigau" (Eh! That's not what I meant), and he started to laugh. Ms. Hirayama, what did he really mean?

(A) I became a guarantor and had a bitter experience.

(6) wry smile 苦笑い nigawarai

保証人になって     hosho- nin ni natte

(to give the same counsel over and over again. It implies a negative meaning.)

辛い Hot karai (2) outspoken criticism 辛口の批評 karakuchi no hihyo(a biting criticism)

相手を         試合に負けた。 te form aite o shiai ni maketa

詰めが甘い tsume ga amai (8) to underestimate 甘く見る amaku miru (9) to have a sweet tooth

(11) to spoil 甘やかす amayakasu

(5) bitter experience 苦い経験 nigai ke- ken (Bitter and hard experiences that one does not even want to recall)

t e e w s i a m a

(7) weak conclusion

甘口 amakuchi


最近の母親は子供を saikin no hahaoya wa kodomo o


(10) sweet / mild

(4) a drinker 辛党 karato-

苦い nigai

甘い amai

(C) Mothers are too indulgent of their children these days.

甘党 amato-

(3) dry / salty 辛口 karakuchi

  をした。 o shita

(B) I underestimated my opponent and lost the match.

(1) to tell something over and over again / to give a warning 口を酸っぱくして言う (注意する) kuchi o suppakushite iu (chu- i suru)

Do you eat doughnuts very often? They are delicious, aren't they? Recently, there has been a doughnut boom in Japan, and I see many stores offering all kinds of doughnuts. Oops, sorry...I’m getting off the subject. What he meant by saying "tsume ga amai" was that your project did not end in the way it was supposed to.

Choose one of the 13 expressions to complete the following sentences.

Let me introduce expressions featuring the four basic "tastes" in today's lesson.

酸っぱい Sour suppai

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

(12) sweet talk 甘い言葉 amai kotoba

hot i a r a k sour pai sup

masu form

過ぎです。 sugi desu

(D) I was sweet-talked into investing. に乗って投資をしたら失敗した。  ni notte to- shi o shitara shippaishita (E) If you have such superficial ideas, your studies will be a failure.

r e t t i b i a g i n

そんな sonna

では留学は無理ですね。 dewa ryu- gaku wa muri desu ne

(F) When I gave my proposal to the general manager, he rejected it and said that the conclusion was weak. 企画書を出したら部長に kikakusho o dashitara bucho- ni

と突き返された。 to tsukikaesareta

(G) Outspoken criticism of the new administration appeared in today's morning newspapers. 今朝の新聞に新政権について   kesa no shimbun ni shinse- ken ni tsuite


が載っていた。 ga notteita

(H) Ito-san, a dental hygienist, is always telling her patients to brush their teeth. 歯科衛生士の伊藤さんは患者に“歯を磨くよう”にと shikae- se- shi no Ito- -san wa kanja ni "ha o migaku yo- ni" to

(Flattering or seductive words)

(13) superficial idea 甘い考え amai kangae

Answers (A) - (5)

(B) - (8) amaku mite

(F) - (7)

(G) - (2)

(C) - (11) amayakashi masu

(D) - (12)

(E) - (13)

(H) - (1) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

'? j i e k an ga yomenai? m i t d a e r t ' n 'I ca 時間が読めない?

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

"jikan ga yomenai" does not mean that he couldn't read the time on his watch. I'm glad that you started to pick up this kind of Japanese! What he meant was that he had no idea when the meeting was going to end. There are a number of phrases using "yomu." Let's look at them.

Design : Masako Ban

Next week, I have to attend an important conference in Germany. Since Mr. Yoshida, who is one of my colleagues, is accompanying me, I wanted to prepare everything with him in advance. So I asked him, "ashita uchiawase no jikan ga arimasu ka?" (Do you have time to discuss things tomorrow?). He said, "I have meetings all day long tomorrow..." Then I said to him, "The conference is next week! Please make some time, anytime tomorrow!" Mr. Yoshida said, "uuuun... jikan ga yomenai na " (Gee... I can't read time, though), and he became quiet. I was surprised and said, "e! yoshida-san jikan ga yomenai no?" (What? You cannot read the time?). He said, "so nan da yo ne. maitta na..." (Yeah... It's a real shame...) and he started scratching his head and left. Does "jikan ga yomenai" mean "he can't read time on his watch"? Or is there another meaning?

to read


Choose one of the 13 expressions and change the form if necessary to complete the following sentences.

(1) To understand the circumstances 状況を読む jo- kyo- o yomu

(A) My friend altered her age by five years. 友達は5歳  tomodachi wa go-sai


dictionary form 読む yomu

potential from (negative) 読めない yomenai

te from 読んで yonde

noun 読み yomi

(2) To think ahead 先を読む saki o yomu (3) To guess one's intentions 考えを読む kangae o yomu (4) To sense the atmosphere 空気を読む ku- ki o yomu

コラムニストになるは     columnist ni naru ni wa (9) To think superficially 読みが浅い yomi ga asai (10) To think deeply 読みが深い yomi ga fukai (11) To cheat in counting

(6) To read one's thoughts

(12) To read the (golf) green

(7) To read between the lines/ to see through one’s plot 手の内を読む te no uchi o yomu (8) To read the times 時代の流れを読む jidai no nagare o yomu

いました。   imashita

(B) If you want to become a columnist, you need to have the ability to think ahead.

(5) To think/see several moves ahead 動きを読む ugoki o yomu

心を読む kokoro o yomu

     te form

サバを読む saba o yomu

グリーンを読む green o yomu (13) Unable to predict how long it will take (mostly used in negative form) 時間が読めない jikan ga yomenai

dic. form

  力 が必要です。   chikara ga hitsuyo- desu

(C) It is a psychologist’s job to read the thoughts of his patient. 心理学者は患者の shinrigakusha wa kanja no

dic. form

のが仕事です。 no ga shigoto desu

(D) There has been an increase in self-centered people who have no sense of the atmosphere. 場の  ba no

nai form

自己中心的な人が増えている。 jikochu- shinteki na hito ga fuete iru

(E) Analysts try to predict the way the exchange rate will move. アナリストは 常に 為替相場の analyst wa tsune ni kawaseso- ba no

dic. form

(F) What a shame! I didn't fully think through the situation. It's no use crying over spilled milk, eh? まいったな? 「後悔先に立たず」 ですね。 past tense maitta na "ko- kai saki ni tatazu" desu ne (G) That’s so like you! You really know everything! You think things through! さすが、何から何まで分かってる! ですね。 dic. form sasuga nani kara nani made wakatteru! desu ne (H) Successful international designers have an excellent ability to read the times. 世界で活躍しているのデザイナーは            力がすごい。 dic. form sekai de katsuyaku shite iru designer wa chikara ga sugoi Answers

(A) saba o yonde

(B) saki o yomu

(F) yomi ga asakatta

(C) kokoro o yomu

(G) yomi ga fukai

(D) ku-ki o yomenai

(E) ugoki o yomu

(H) jidai no nagare o yomu

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Quiz on Japanese map

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

日本地図クイズ(1)Nihon chizu quiz Design : Masako Ban

Ms. Hirayama, there are only about two weeks until the New Year. I’m planning to go on a trip around the end of the year, but I’m not sure where to go. I’d like to eat some delicious gyo- za (dumplings with minced pork and vegetable stuffing), ringo (apple) and natto- (fermented soybeans). I also would like to taste some good-quality sho- chu- (clear distilled liquor) and ocha (green tea). On my travels I’d like to visit a huge lake, Mt. Fuji and an onsen (hot spring). There are so many places I want to visit in such a short period. Please give me some idea about where I should go and what I should do. 1) A: A prefecture famous for Arita-yaki (Arita ceramic wares) and the remains of Yoshinogari

『ichi-do- itto ni-fu 43-ken』

In Japan, there are 47 prefectures, including ichi-do- (Hokkai-do- ), it-to (Tokyo-to) , ni-fu (Kyoto-fu/Osaka-fu) and 43 (yonju--san)-ken ( e.g., Hiroshima-ken). Can you fill in the names of the prefectures indicated by the parentheses on the map? How many prefectures have you visited? Mark the prefectures you have visited.

B: A prefecture where Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, is located


So you’re planning a trip? How nice! Let me help you by giving you a quiz in which you have to find names of the prefectures where you can get the things you want to eat and drink or visit the places you mentioned. Do your best and don't worry about bringing back a gift for me. I won’t be offended. By the way, I also love natto- , ocha and sho- chu- ! 4) A: A prefecture famous for gyo- za and where Nikko is located B: A prefecture once known as the Ryu kyu Kingdom

C: A prefecture where the Diet building and the Imperial Palace are located


しshi Mt.Fuji


2) A: A prefecture famous for Sakurajima island, Saigo- Takamori and sho- chu( )


か ka ( ) ( ) ( )

( )

5) A: A prefecture famous for Tsukuba Science City, its plum blossom park and natto


か ka

B: The only prefecture that has sand dunes in Japan C: A prefecture where the old capital of Japan was situated until it was moved to Tokyo


( ) ( ) ( )

( )

Enter the correct hiragana character into each square so that the names of proper prefectures appear.

お o


り ri


う u


ぎ gi


と to


ば ba

お o


さ sa

う u

と to

3) A: A prefecture where the Universal Studio Japan is located and many rakugo (traditional comic storytelling) and manzai (comic dialogue act) performers entertain B: A prefecture famous for its apples


わ wa

な na


B: Which prefecture do you think of when you hear "Mt. Fuji, green tea and mikan"?

( ) ( ) ( )

よ yo

き ki

いi らra


よ yo


つtsu Answers (Note that the form showing all syllables follows the usual form. e.g. gyo- za would be written gyouza) (5) A:いばらき Ibaraki (4) A:とちぎ Tochigi (1) A:さが Saga (2) A:かごしま Kagoshima (3) A:おおさか Osaka B:おきなわ Okinawa B:とっとり Tottori B:しずおか Shizuoka (Oosaka) B:しが Shiga C:とうきょう Tokyo C:きょうと Kyoto B:あおもり Aomori (Toukyou) (Kyouto)

と to

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2007 The Yomiuri Shimbun

? i k u b Ka

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail, which said: "Pole-san, shamisen (three-stringed Japanese music instrument) no renshu- (practice) wa do- desu ka (how's ~going)? happyo- -kai (Your concert) wa raishu- (next week) desu ne. (Your concert’s next week, right?) iyoiyo (finally) o- zume (?) desu ne. kyokumoku (program) wa Pole-san no ju-hachi-ban (see Vol. 14) desu ka? tochiranai (?) yo- ni ochitsuite (calm down) ne. happyo- -kai ga owattara (after you finish), donchansawagi (?) shiyone! Ms. Hirayama, what do "o- zume," "tochiranai" and "donchansawagi" mean?

★The following words and phrases originated with kabuki. ★ (A) 板につく ita ni tsuku (plate)(sticking)

(B) 裏方 urakata (behind)(staff)

(C) なあなあ na-na(Word for calling a recipient)

(D) 正念場 sho- nenba (gut)(place)

Foot movement is of critical importance in kabuki. Actors can improve their performance over time as they become used to moving across the stage (or place). They eventually become comfortable on stage, in turn making the audience feel more comfortable.→get used to: Such things as jobs, clothing and proper attitude gradually become natural to a person.

While the actors are in the limelight, there is a large number of people working behind the scenes, such as on lighting, sets and costumes.→working behind the scenes

Common to kabuki plays is a dialogue between two actors in which one says, "na-," and the other replies with "na-." It is said they are able to communicate their intentions with a minimum of words.→The expression, "na-na- ni naru" (coming to a quick compromise) has a negative meaning, implying a compromise with little discussion. The most important scene in a kabuki play is "sho- nenba"---the moment a character reveals his true intentions. In everyday life the word was changed to mean crucial point, moment.

(E) A kabuki stage set piece that can be tilted どんでん返し dondengaeshi backward 90 degrees revealing another set.→ (reversal)(return) complete reversal (This is a negative expression implying that something has been overturned at the last minute.)

These words, and many other day-to-day expressions, can be traced back to kabuki. Your friend’s e-mail can be translated as: "Mr. Pole, how's your shamisen practice going? Your concert’s next week, right? You’re coming to the end of your practice. Are you going to be playing the pieces you’re best at? Stay calm and avoid mistakes. After the concert, let’s go out for a night on the town!”

(F) のべつまくなし nobetsumakunashi

The word "nobetsu" means "continuously," while "makunashi" means "no curtain," implying a long play without an intermission.→endlessly

(G) めりはり merihari (Dent) (protrusion)

The delivery of well-modulated dialogue with lines varying in speed, strength and pitch, making it clear and vivid for the audience.→varying location: matters vary

(H) 大詰め o- zume

(I) どんちゃん騒ぎ donchansawagi (make noise)

久しぶりに hisashiburi ni (long time)

をして、今朝は二日酔いです。 o shite kesa wa futsuka-yoi desu (this morning)(hangover)

(5) When we get used to each other, we are inc lined to compromise easily. 慣れてくると narete kuru to (used to)

になりがちです。 ni narigachi desu (tend)

(6) I’ve been through a lot, but I’ve reached the crucial point. When a long play was performed on a single day, it was divided into two parts. The last scene of the first act was called the "o- zume."→final stage

色々ありましたが、ここからが iroiro arimashita ga koko kara ga (various) (from now on)

です。 desu

(7) High school girls were talking endlessly with each other on a train. The word "donchan" represents the sounds of gongs and drums. During a battle scene, gongs and drums are sounded to create a sense of great excitement.→wild merrymaking (Used negatively when referring to a drunken night on the town.)

(J) とちる tochiru

(4) I went out for a night on the town last night for the first time in a long time, and I've got a hangover this morning.

Forgetting or bungling one's lines. →bungling: to make mistakes

電車の中で女子高生たちは densha no naka de joshiko- se- -tachi wa (train) (inside) (high school girls) (8) At the very last minute, the movie took a surprise turn. この映画は最後の最後に kono eiga wa saigo no saigo ni (movie) (at the very last minute)

にしゃべっていた。 ni shabette-ita (talking)

があった。 ga atta

(9) My job isn’t very glamorous, but I'm proud of working behind the scenes.

■ Choose the proper expression from above. (1) The long trial was about to enter the final stage.   長かった裁判もいよいよ nagakatta saiban mo iyoiyo (trial) (finally)

を迎えた。 o mukaeta

(2) My older sister had a baby, and she’s become used to being a mother.   姉は赤ちゃんが生まれて、お母さんがすっかり 。 ane wa akachan ga umarete oka- san ga sukkari (older sister) (baby)




として誇りを持っています。 toshite hokori o motte imasu (pride) (have)

(10) Stop being so lazy! Vary the pace of your life! 毎日ダラダラと過ごさないで、生活に mainichi daradara to sugosanai de se- katsu ni (every day) (drag) (sugosu .....spend) (life)

をつけよう。 o tsuke yo-


(3) Why do you always make the same mistake? どうして、いつも同じ所を do- shite itsumo onaji tokoro o (why) (always) (same)(place)

  地味な仕事ですが、 jimi na shigoto desu ga (plain work)

のかな? no kana?

(1) 大詰め o- zume

(2) 板についてきました ita ni tsuite kimashita

(3) とちる tochiru

(4) どんちゃん騒ぎ donchansawagi

(5) なあなあ na-na-

(6) 正念場 sho- nenba

(7) のべつまくなし nobetsumakunashi

(8) どんでん返し dondengaeshi

(9) 裏方 urakata

(10) めりはり merihari

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Design : Masako Ban

I bought strawberries the other day, and they were so delicious. I went to the same shop to buy some more. When I saw another customer trying to decide whether to buy them or not, I said, "The strawberries are very delicious!" She stared at me and asked, "sakura?" Then, I said "sakura wa senshu- deshita." (The cherry blossoms ended last week.) The owner of the shop was alarmed, and said, "chigau chigau" (Oh, no! no!) Ms. Hirayama, what did I do wrong?

★The listed words here are used in a negative sense.★ (A) False customer / decoy : In addition to the explanation above, there are さくら claqueur, a person who enters a theater for free sakura and is employed to applaud performers as if they were popular and arouse the enthusiasm of the audience. (B) Being undecided / uncommitted : うやむや uyamuya

To make things inaccurate and ambiguous without clarifying whether a decision has been

"To obscure where responsibility lies"

"Uncommitted attitude"

「責任を___にする」 sekinin o ni suru

「___な態度」 na taido

(C) To talk nonsense / incoherent : でたらめ detarame "To talk nonsense" 「___を言う」 o iu

(F) Fraud :

When she said "sakura" she was not referring to the beautiful cherry blossoms that you see on trees. It's informally written as "偽客" in kanji and means a "false customer (or decoy)." A "sakura" is a person who pretends to be a normal customer who says good things about a certain product encouraging other customers to buy the product. Since you said something good about the strawberries, she thought that you could be a "false customer." That obviously alarmed the owner of the shop. For today's lesson, I’ll introduce some words that relate to it.

To obtain money, goods or advantage by false pretences

詐欺 sagi

"To commit a fraud" 「____を働く」 o hataraku

(G) Counterfeit : 偽もの nisemono

"Marriage fraud" 「結婚___」 kekkon

Imitation goods or charlatan "This bag is counterfeit." 「このバッグは___」 kono bag wa

"That doctor is a quack." 「あの医者は___」 ano isha wa

(1) This article can’t be true! この記事は          に違いない。 kono kiji wa ni chigai nai

"To place numbers at random"

(D) To concoct :

To write or present articles or stories as if they are true although they are not based on fact. To 捏造(する) netsuzo- (suru) fabricate or invent stories

(E) To gloss over : 1) To gloss over attitudes, facts and faults by changing the subject or saying whatever comes ごまかす into one's head, so that one's real intention will gomakasu not be revealed. "To laugh it off" 「笑って___」 waratte 2) To cheat on numbers and prices in order to avoid a disadvantage "To lie about one's age" 「年を____」 toshi o

に あって1000万円 取られたようです。 ni atte issen-man en torareta yo- desu

(3) It is difficult to distinguish genuine and imitation goods.   本物か      honmono ka


か 見分けがつかないですね。 ka miwake ga tsukanai desu ne

(4) I just pressed numbers at random, and I opened the cashbox! 数字を su- ji o


Necessary to stretch truth (To tell a white lie) 嘘も方便 uso mo ho- ben

Complete these sentences: (A) My son does not like carrots, so I cooked them in a dish so thoroughly they could not be detected. When I assured him, "There are no carrots in it," he ate it all! It is necessary to tell a white lie, isn't it? ですね。 desu ne

に 押したら金庫が開いた! ni oshitara kinko ga aita!

(5) I heard that he falsified his tax declaration. 税務署に税金を       ze- musho ni ze- kin o


shinkoku shita rashi desu

(6) In the end, arrangements for a formal meeting with a prospective marriage partner were left up in the air. 結局、お見合いの話は         kekkyoku omiai no hanashi wa


(1) When reacting at something with surprise, young women in particular use these phrases. No kidding! / Are you kidding? / No way! / 嘘でしょう。 / 嘘だ。 うっそー ussouso deshouso da (2) When something unbelievable has happened, these phrases are used in wonderment.

(3) Sometimes, it may be necessary to stretch the truth as a method to settle matters peacefully.

(2) Hitomi was deceived by a marriage swindler, and he cheated her out of ¥ 10 million.

「数字を___に並べる」 su- ji o ni naraberu


It seems like a lie, but __. / It is hard to believe. / It seems like a miracle but__. .嘘のように___ /嘘みたい (だ)。 /____なんて嘘みたいです。 uso no yo- ni uso mitai (da) nante uso mitai desu

Complete these sentences:

ひとみさんは 結婚       Hitomi-san wa kekkon

The word "lie" written in the box at left does not always have a negative connotation. It is used in daily life as described in the three cases below.

になってしまった。 ni natte shimatta

(1) netsuzo- (2) sagi (3) nisemono (4)detarame (5) gomakashite (6) uyamuya

(B) It is hard to believe that I can take a world trip! 世界一周できる sekai isshu- dekiru (C) It seems like a lie, but the pain disappeared suddenly. 痛みが突然        itami ga totsuzen

消えた。 kieta

(D) Oh, boy... Do I need to do that, again? Are you kidding? え~もう一回やり直し? e- mo- ikkai yarinaoshi? Answers:

(A) uso mo ho- ben

(B) nan te uso mitai desu

(C)uso no yo- ni

(D)uso desho-

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

』 a r o 『. . . . . a』 . t . . . . . . . . . . . 『 . . 『 ra 』 『 』 Design : Masako Ban

I went to play golf with my colleagues, and we had a meal together afterward. One of them said, "motto renshu- -shiteitara..." and "asokoni ki ga nakereba...," and another person said, "mo- sukoshi migi ni tobeba..." and a third person said, "honto kaze ga nakereba motto tondeita noni...." Ms. Hirayama, is there a special golf style for conversations? Everyone used "tara-reba" in their sentence, and I could not join in the conversation. I'm going to play golf again, so please tell me how to speak before I go.

I see. We could use "tara-reba" when the result is not as good as we expect. They said, “If I had more practiced...,” “If there was no tree over there...,” If the ball flew a little bit to the right.” How true! If there was no wind, the ball would have gone much further. When you studied grammar, you learned subjunctive forms, right? These forms are very similar to each other, so it is confusing.

There are four Japanese forms, "tara / ba / nara / to," to indicate the subjunctive. The usages of these forms are very similar to each other, and each usage overlaps some of the o ther usages grammatically and vary depending on one's occupation, locality, surroundings, gender and so on. Thus, it can be very complicated. If I try to explain everything at once, it will confuse you. So, I will only show you the typical classifications, and you will learn how to use them in more detail in Vol. 85.

と to


Seesaw : Choosing by comparison e.g.,

Automatically : The result (Y) of general condition (X)


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

"always" or "certainly" occurs. Speculation is not called for.

Condition X

と  (always/certainly) to

★ Instruction:



same result Y

the button, the monitor is turned on.)

★ Giving directions:


(3) Playing

turn right, you will see a bridge.) e.g.,


natsu ni naru to atsukunaru

(When the summer comes, it gets hotter.)

★ Same results 1. General:


(4) Pick one

(If it is cheap, I will buy it.)

Unlikely dream : When something is highly unlikely to become reality, "moshi (if)" is placed at the beginning of the sentence. e.g., (moshi) takarakuji ni atattara ageru ne



yasui nara kaimasu

I will buy

migi ni magaru to hashi ga aru (When you

★ Natural phenomena/science:

Expensive takai

button o osu to monitor ga tsuku (When you press

Cheap yasui



(If I win the lottery, I will give it to you!)


Surprise (when surprised) / Emergency / Discovery! e.g.,

catch : Playing catch in conversation

jishin ga okitara hi o keshimasu (When an earthquake strikes, I extinguish any open flames.)

(Picking up what a speaker says, and describing one's knowledge or opinion.) Mr. A : Yada-san doko? (Where is Mr. Yada?) Mr. B : Yada-san nara yasumi desu

ば ba

(If it is about Mr. Yada, he is on holiday.)

sato- o ireru to amakunaru (When you put sugar

in it, it becomes sweeter.)

2. Personal:






onaka ga suku to iraira suru (When I get


hungry, I get irritated easily.)

tabesugiru to futoru (When you eat too much, you become fat.)

Narration : Describing the facts of a situation chronologically. (When


(Jump to the future)

(When the mother finished her job, she went out.)


Future trip : Future / Hope / Emergency / Happening

Reality / hidden meaning

/ Advice / As soon as / ___ then ___, etc. Talking about a future event while in the present. When talking about the future, "tara" is most frequently used among " tara / ba / nara / to."

なら nara Pick one : Judging or describing

Supposition that is different from reality

たら tara

empathy is needed, "tara" is used.) e.g., haha wa shigoto ga owaru to dekaketa



Future trip Present (2) (3)


sukoshi yasundara?

okane ga areba kaemasu (If only I had money, I would buy it.) (In reality, he/she has no money.)

→ okane ga attara kaemasu

kore ni sureba (Why don’t you take this one?) (In reality, he or she must take it.)


Past habit e.g.,

in the Future do shitara i desu ka? (What should I do?)

Advice : e.g., Weak suggestion : Listener has an option.

Strong suggestion : Listener has no option. e.g.,

kaettara mail no check o shimasu

(When I get home, I will check my e-mails.)

ば ba

(If I have money, I will buy it.) (There is no hidden meaning, it is just supposition.)

(2) Pick one

by category ★ Selection: e.g., getsuyo-bi nara ikemasu (If it is Monday, I can go.) ★ Introduction or suggestion: e.g., kome nara Nihon no ga oishi desu (If you want to eat rice, Japan’s is excellent.) ★ Answer with one example: e.g., sashimi nara tabeta koto ga arimasu ("sashimi," I’ve tried eating it.) ★ Of course: e.g., Nihon-jin nara kanji ga yomemasu (If they are Japanese, they can read kanji.)

Hidden meaning : Although "ba " can be replaced by " tara ," a hidden meaning behind the reality is emphasized by using " ba ."

gakuse--jidai wa tomodachi to aeba uta no hanashi o shita

(When I was a student, I talked about songs with my friend whenever I saw him.)


Proverbs : e.g.,

san nin yoreba monju no chie (Two heads are better than one.)

(Why don't you take a rest?) With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

一肌脱ぐ? ? u g "take a piece u n a d of skin off"? a h o hit

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama


Design : Masako Ban

One of my colleagues, Mr. Ikeda, has to translate materials into English. He was stressed out yesterday because he is not good at English. When we had lunch together, he said, "I have to finish my work by this evening, but it’s impossible!" Then, barely touching his lunch, he returned to work. When Mr. Akimoto heard that, he said, "Pole-san, hitohada nuide agetara? (Mr. Pole, why don't you take a piece of skin off?)” I was surprised and asked him, "ima? (Now?) koko de? (You mean here?) nugimasu ka? (Do you want me to take my clothes off?)” Mr. Akimoto started to laugh and said, "fuku o nugun ja arimasen yo! (Don't take your clothes off!)” Did I misunderstand something, again?

Yes! But don't worry, Mr. Pole, "hitohada nugu" means "to lend a helping hand." You don't really have to take your clothes off! The word "一 (hitotsu)" is combined with other words to create different meanings. Here are some phrases that show up frequently in daily life.

Insert the appropriate words to complete the following sentences. 1) One size up/down (One size larger/smaller)

Insert the appropriate characters below the exercises into the square.




8)To tweak

(hitotsu) ↑ In a Japanese sentence, this may be written in hiragana as "ひと."


7)Being relieved for the moment 2)Being remarkable in comparison with others


3)A glance

(eye) 4)Making a short statement 5)A single digit, first digit (One digit) (say)


5)Gaining a certain amount of profit at once

買う時に   kautoki ni

の説明を受けたが、すっかり忘れてしまった。 no setsume- o uketa ga sukkari wasurete shimatta

ニュースを聞いて        しました。 News o ki te shimashita (4) I had a hard time explaining it. 説明するのに     setsume- suru noni


しました。 shimashita


休み 安心

工夫 通り

この恩恵を受けられるのは     kono onke- o ukerareru no wa

Answers  1)一回り    2)一通り    3)一握り  4)一苦労 hitokurohitomawari  hitoto- ri     hitonigiri to exercise  8)一工夫    7)一安心    6)一休み  5)一儲(もう)け above:   hitoyasumi   hitoanshin hitokufu hitomo- ke

の人です。 no hito desu

すみません、       sumimasen

大きいのありますか? oki no arimasu ka?

(7) (Talking to a colleague) Excuse me for leaving early!

a had hito u ? nug

苦労 握り 儲け 回り

Answers   1)一昔  2)一際   3)一目   4)一言 to hitokoto hitomukashi hitokiwa hitome exercise   5)一桁(けた) 6)一汗    7)一足   8)一息 at left: hitoiki hitoashi hitoketa hitoase


(6) Excuse me, but do you have the next size up?

お先に! osaki ni !



4)A lot of hard work (Having a hard time)



(2) Before I bought it, I got a rough explanation, but I’ve forgotten everything.

(5) There are only a handful of people who receive this honor.


3)A little bit, a small amount


6)Taking a short rest


6)Sweating, working hard (A good sweat)   




7)A short period

   前の考え方ですよ。 mae no kangaekata desuyo

(3) After hearing the news, I was momentarily relieved.

1)What feels like a long time ago


それは   sore wa

2)At least, on the whole


8)A little more effort

(1) That’s the old way of thinking!

(8) With a bit of tweaking, it was changed beyond recognition. したら見違えるように良くなりました。 shitara michigaeru yo- ni yoku narimashita (9) I can tell just by looking that you are parent and child! で、親子とわかるくらい似ていますね! de oyako to wakaru kurai nite imasu ne (10) Sir, please give us a word! 社長       shachoAnswers:

お願いします。 onegaishimasu

(1) 一昔 hitomukashi

(2) 一通り hitoto- ri

(3) 一安心 hitoanshin

(6) 一回り hitomawari

(7) 一足 hitoashi

(8) 一工夫 hitokufu-

(4) 一苦労 hitokuro-

(5) 一握り hitonigiri

(9) 一目 hitome

(10) 一言 hitokoto

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

(Jump to the future)

I think I'm getting used to using "nara" and "to" in my daily conversation. Even though I sometimes get confused and make mistakes, I still try to use them. What I would like to do now is to learn how to use "tara" and "ba." I will then become an expert on the subjunctive form. It will help me enjoy daily conversation much more, and I hope to make a lot of friends!

たら tara Present 1.


Future trip

ば ba

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Until today, I think most of you have studied and understood the grammatical explanations of the subjective form by reading various textbooks. But I think it's true that you may be distressed, and saying, "But I cannot say anything because I don't know how to use them." I hear this kind of thing from a lot of students. I explained the subjunctive form in the past two lessons (vols. 84 and 85), and you may be puzzled on some points because I focused on explaining usage, rather than grammar. It is really important to understand my explanations first and use the subjunctive form like Mr. Pole, who makes mistakes but tries to use them.

Weak suggestion : If there is something you find that is difficult to say, you

may put it in question form, so that the listener can answer Yes or No. That makes a suggestion less forthright. The tone rises at the end of a question. Why don't you save some money? 少し節約したら? sukoshi setsuyaku shitara? →

in the Future

Future trip : Future / Hope / Emergency / Happening / As soon as / ___ then ___, etc.:

Why don't you wait for a while? もう少し待ったら? mo- sukoshi mattara? →

When talking about a future event, "tara" is most frequently used among "tara / ba / nara / to."


たら tara


・as soon as: As soon as I confirm your payment, I’ll send you the item. 入金が確認出来たら品物を送ります。 5. nyu-kin ga kakunin dekitara shinamono o okurimasu ・--- then ---: If I make a copy, I will bring it to you. コピーをしたら持って行きます。 copy o shitara motte-ikimasu

経験があれば働いてもらいたいのですが。 ke-ken ga areba hataraite-moraitai no desu ga


Advice : Asking for advice Where should I put this? これはどこに置いたらいいですか? kore wa doko ni oitara i desu ka?

"moshi" (if) is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

帰れば → kaereba 3.

When I was about to pay, I didn't have enough money! 支払おうとしたらお金が足りなかった! shiharao- to shitara okane ga tarinakatta When I input the password, it was incorrect. パスワードを入力したら違っていた。 password o nyu-ryoku shitara chigatteita

Past habit When I had a free time, I used to play video games.

Surprise (when surprised) / Emergency / Discovery! (Past tense)

use this phrase to people of a lower level. The tone drops at the end of a question.

(If you don't feel good) Why not go home?

If there were 30 hours a day, I would sleep for 15 hours. もし1日が30時間あったら15時間寝ます。 moshi ichi-nichi ga 30-jikan attara 15-jikan nemasu

Strong suggestion : It sounds pushy, so most likely people at a higher level would Why not think more deeply? もっとよく考えれば → motto yoku kangaereba

Unrealistic dream : When something is highly unlikely to become reality,

たら tara


If only I repair it, I can use it. → It's not repaired at this moment, so I cannot use it.


・advice: If you drink, don't drive. お酒を飲んだら運転しないで下さい。 osake o nondara unten shinaide kudasai

meaning behind the reality" is emphasized by using "ba."

If only you were experienced, I would want you to work here. →You are not experienced, so I cannot hire you.

・hope: (Frequently asked question of children) What would you like to be when you grow up? 大人になったら何になりたい? otona ni nattara nani ni naritai ?


Hidden meaning : Although " ba" can be replaced by " tara," a 修理すれば使えます。 shu-ri sureba tsukaemasu

Why don't you take a rest? 休んだら? yasundara? →

・future: When my schedule is fixed, I'll let you know. スケジュールが決まったら連絡します。 schedule ga kimattara renraku shimasu

・emergency: Please call 119 in case of fire. 火事になったら119番に電話して下さい。 kaji ni nattara 119-ban ni denwa shite kudasai.


ば ba

暇さえあればゲームをしていた。 hima sae areba game o shiteita 4.

Proverbs :

More haste, less speed. 急がば回れ isogaba maware

Life is not all beer and skittles. 楽あれば苦あり raku areba ku ari

To every bird his own nest is best. 住めば都 sumeba miyako With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

と  to


Pick one

same result

I learned the "tara/nara/ba/to" subjunctive forms in the Vol. 84 column, and I tried to use them in conversation, but wasn’t very confident. I get confused over which one to use. The other day, when talking to a friend, I stammered, "Akihabara ni ittara... iku to... (If I go to.... When I go to Akihabara......" and stopped in confusion. She then asked me, " What are you trying to say?" I just threw up my hands in frustration. What should I have said?

なら nara

と  to Something that cannot be controlled. (1)


Automatically : Condition


と  always/certainly (   ) Automatically to

same result


The result (Y) of general condition (X) always or certainly occurs. Speculation is not called for. a) Instruction b) Giving directions c) Natural phenomena/science d) Same results (1. General 2. Personal habit ) (2) (3)

Reality   Narration : Describing the facts of a situation chronologically.

電源を入れると 動く。(1-a) dengen o ireru to ugoku

右に曲がると 銀行がある。(1-b) migi ni magaru to ginko- ga aru

(When you turn it on, it moves.)

(When you turn right, there is a bank.)

手を切ると 痛い!(2) te o kiru to itai


(When you cut your hand, it hurts.)

植物は水がないと 枯れる。(1-c) shokubutsu wa mizu ga nai to kareru

(When a plant doesn’t receive water, it withers.)

Pick one

3に2を足すと 5になる。 (1-d-1) san ni ni o tasu to go ni naru

Seesaw :

No emotion!

(When I become stressed, I eat.)

トンネルを抜けると そこは海だった。(3) tunnel o nukeru to soko wa umi datta

Now A: cold 寒い samui

Q : Where can I go to get cheap electric appliances? A : If you want cheap appliances, you should visit Akihabara.

Choosing by comparing A to B. It may be best to use "nara" in order to describe what is happening right now in front of one's eyes, or the current situation. The decision varies according to the situation or personal opinion.


B: hot 暑い atsui

A: understand わかる wakaru

(When I came out of the tunnel, I saw the sea in front of me.)

When "to" is replaced with "tara," the empathy is emphasized, and it sounds more conversational. e.g., 3 ni 2 o tasu to 5 ni narimasu (It sounds mathematical.)

Coffee break

3 ni 2 o tashitara 5 ni narimasu

(It sounds as if the speaker is trying to help the listener understand.)

If you want to add your empathy to phrases 1 (Pick one) and 2 (Seesaw), use "i-adj. / verb + n /no nara." If you want to put more feeling into it, use "i-adj. / verb + ndattara" or "na-adj. / noun + dattara." Coffee break e.g., wakaranai nara ki- te-kudasai. (It sounds businesslike.)

wakaranai n /no nara ki te-kudasai.

: Judging or describing by category. In general, "nara" is used when responding to what the recipient said. a) Selection b) Introduction or suggestion (Caution: the selected item comes after "nara.") c) Answer with one example d) Of course

電化製品なら秋葉原かな。(1-b) Q : Have you tried sushi? denkase-hin nara Akihabara kana A : No, but I have eaten sashimi. Q : Children are half price? いいえ、でも刺身なら食べました。(1-c) A : Yes, for primary school students. i e, demo sashimi nara tabemashita はい、小学生なら。(1-d) hai, sho-gakuse- nara 2.

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

I know it is confusing. Just as I wrote in the previous lesson, the "tara/nara/ba/to" subjunctive form is complicated and hard to understand for beginners. That is why I chose frequently used expressions of such forms in the previous lesson. Also, I tried to explain them in such a way to impress the main points on your memory. For this lesson, let me choose "to/nara" and explain the details in a simple way. For the next lesson, I will explain the "tara/ba" subjunctive form.

The speaker's subjectiveness (judgment, intention, hope, request, order, advice, opinion, etc.)

Q : When can I see you? A : Any time next week is OK. 来週ならいつでも。 (1-a) raishu- nara itsudemo

(When 2 is added to 3, it makes 5.)

ストレスがたまると 食べる。 (1-d-2) stress ga tamaru to taberu

なら nara

暖房を消す danbo- o kesu Turn off the heater

When it becomes hot, let's turn off the heater. 暑いなら暖房を消しましょう。 atsui nara danbo- o keshimasho-


B: Don't understand わからない wakaranai

(It sounds empathetic.)

wakaranai ndattara ki te-kudasai.

(It sounds like the speaker's feeling is emphasized more.)


Playing catch :

ケーキ cake cake Huh? I can't find my cake! あれ?ケーキがない! are? cake ga nai !

Oops, I ate the cake. あ、ケーキなら食べちゃった。 a cake nara tabechatta

上田さん Uedasan Ms. Ueda Ms. Ueda has gone home.

Ms. Ueda! 上田さ〜ん! Ueda-san!

上田さんなら帰りましたよ。 Ueda-san nara kaerimashita yo 本 hon

聞いて下さい。 ki te-kudasai Please ask me.

If you don't understand, please ask me. わからないなら聞いて下さい。 wakaranai nara ki te-kudasai

Playing catch in conversation (Picking up what a speaker says, and describing one's knowledge or opinion.)

book Where is the book that I left here?

I threw it away.


あの本なら捨てました! ano hon nara sutemashita

koko ni atta hon wa?

With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

(Jump to the future)

I think I'm getting used to using "nara" and "to" in my daily conversation. Even though I sometimes get confused and make mistakes, I still try to use them. What I would like to do now is to learn how to use "tara" and "ba." I will then become an expert on the subjunctive form. It will help me enjoy daily conversation much more, and I hope to make a lot of friends!

たら tara Present 1.


Future trip

ば ba

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Until today, I think most of you have studied and understood the grammatical explanations of the subjective form by reading various textbooks. But I think it's true that you may be distressed, and saying, "But I cannot say anything because I don't know how to use them." I hear this kind of thing from a lot of students. I explained the subjunctive form in the past two lessons (vols. 84 and 85), and you may be puzzled on some points because I focused on explaining usage, rather than grammar. It is really important to understand my explanations first and use the subjunctive form like Mr. Pole, who makes mistakes but tries to use them.

Weak suggestion : If there is something you find that is difficult to say, you

may put it in question form, so that the listener can answer Yes or No. That makes a suggestion less forthright. The tone rises at the end of a question. Why don't you save some money? 少し節約したら? sukoshi setsuyaku shitara? →

in the Future

Future trip : Future / Hope / Emergency / Happening / As soon as / ___ then ___, etc.:

Why don't you wait for a while? もう少し待ったら? mo- sukoshi mattara? →

When talking about a future event, "tara" is most frequently used among "tara / ba / nara / to."


たら tara


・as soon as: As soon as I confirm your payment, I’ll send you the item. 入金が確認出来たら品物を送ります。 5. nyu-kin ga kakunin dekitara shinamono o okurimasu ・--- then ---: If I make a copy, I will bring it to you. コピーをしたら持って行きます。 copy o shitara motte-ikimasu

経験があれば働いてもらいたいのですが。 ke-ken ga areba hataraite-moraitai no desu ga


Advice : Asking for advice Where should I put this? これはどこに置いたらいいですか? kore wa doko ni oitara i desu ka?

"moshi" (if) is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

帰れば → kaereba 3.

When I was about to pay, I didn't have enough money! 支払おうとしたらお金が足りなかった! shiharao- to shitara okane ga tarinakatta When I input the password, it was incorrect. パスワードを入力したら違っていた。 password o nyu-ryoku shitara chigatteita

Past habit When I had a free time, I used to play video games.

Surprise (when surprised) / Emergency / Discovery! (Past tense)

use this phrase to people of a lower level. The tone drops at the end of a question.

(If you don't feel good) Why not go home?

If there were 30 hours a day, I would sleep for 15 hours. もし1日が30時間あったら15時間寝ます。 moshi ichi-nichi ga 30-jikan attara 15-jikan nemasu

Strong suggestion : It sounds pushy, so most likely people at a higher level would Why not think more deeply? もっとよく考えれば → motto yoku kangaereba

Unrealistic dream : When something is highly unlikely to become reality,

たら tara


If only I repair it, I can use it. → It's not repaired at this moment, so I cannot use it.


・advice: If you drink, don't drive. お酒を飲んだら運転しないで下さい。 osake o nondara unten shinaide kudasai

meaning behind the reality" is emphasized by using "ba."

If only you were experienced, I would want you to work here. →You are not experienced, so I cannot hire you.

・hope: (Frequently asked question of children) What would you like to be when you grow up? 大人になったら何になりたい? otona ni nattara nani ni naritai ?


Hidden meaning : Although " ba" can be replaced by " tara," a 修理すれば使えます。 shu-ri sureba tsukaemasu

Why don't you take a rest? 休んだら? yasundara? →

・future: When my schedule is fixed, I'll let you know. スケジュールが決まったら連絡します。 schedule ga kimattara renraku shimasu

・emergency: Please call 119 in case of fire. 火事になったら119番に電話して下さい。 kaji ni nattara 119-ban ni denwa shite kudasai.


ば ba

暇さえあればゲームをしていた。 hima sae areba game o shiteita 4.

Proverbs :

More haste, less speed. 急がば回れ isogaba maware

Life is not all beer and skittles. 楽あれば苦あり raku areba ku ari

To every bird his own nest is best. 住めば都 sumeba miyako With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2008 The Yomiuri Shimbun

た っ ゃ ち


Jekyll and Hyde form

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

It wasn't that she wanted to buy the items from you, Mr. Pole. It was that she felt she needed to help you out. You used the "chatta" form, didn't you? That's why she assumed you were in trouble for having bought too much. I refer this type of phrase as a "heart expression," as it contains emotional undertones. Your use of "chatta" is a typical mistake made by learners of Japanese who can hold simple conversations in the language.

Recently, my friend Miss Hayashi spotted me in the parking lot of a store after I had bought a lot of stuff that I would need in an emergency, such as a major earthquake. When she saw me putting my purchases into my car, she said, "It looks like you bought quite a bit, eh?" I replied, "so- nan desu. takusan katchattan desu. (lit. Yes, I bought too much.)" She then asked, "Well, shall I buy some of it from you?" "iie," I said "watashi wa takusan taberu node mada tarinaikurai nan desu. (No, thanks, I eat a lot, so I'll probably still need to buy more.)" She gave me a puzzled look and walked off. Ms. Hirayama, why did she want to buy my food?


(te form)

(te form)

Many learners of Japanese often use "...cha (ja) tta" in place of the present perfect form. But if you use this in conversation, a Japanese listener will instead assume negative connotations. This clearly explains why Mr. Pole was misunderstood by his friend. In addition, this usage has two "faces," as it can have a positive meaning as well. For this reason, I call this grammatical form "Jekyll and Hyde." Women, it should be noted, are inclined to use this form in a colloquial manner. The grammatical form is often thought to convey only regret over something you've done or that has happened, but it can express two feelings that are opposite in nature. Let's take a look at the following exercises to become more familiar with the form. Enter the correct Japanese word into the squares.

Emergency supplies

It is highly recommended that you make a list of emergency supplies in case of earthquakes and other disasters. You should include emergency rations (dry biscuits, instant food, canned food, and so on), bottled water, a first aid kit, work gloves, masks, a portable radio, batteries, a lighter, clothes, coins and identification. You should change the contents of your kit once a year.

て ちゃった × te chatta _______ で じゃった × de jatta _______

( ぼうさいひん bo- saihin)

Positive situation 1 (implying joy)


(implying regret) My boss and I got in a fight, so I quit.

仕事を to quit shigoto o I’ll be making twice as much at my new job! 今度の新しい会社は 給料が2倍! kondo no atarashi kaisha wa kyu-ryo- ga 2-bai!

社長とけんかをして会社を to quit shacho- to kenka o shite kaisha o I don't have a new job, yet. まだ、次の会社が決まっていない。 mada tsugi no kaisha ga kimatteinai

2 (implying delight)

2 (implying regret)

I really wanted this, so I finally bought it. これずっと欲しかったので思い切って kore zutto hoshikatta node omoikitte

I’ve got so many clothes, and yet I bought some more. to buy

3 (implying joy) I drank a bottle of vintage wine with my friends. 友達とビンテージワインを to drink tomodachi to vintage wine o It was delicious! おいしかった! oishikatta!

4 (implying happiness)




I drank 10 bottles of beer. ビールを10本 to drink beer o juppon I have a terrible hangover. 二日酔いで気持ち悪い ....。 futsuka-yoi de kimochi warui ... I fell asleep during the meeting. 会議中に to sleep kaigichu- ni

to sleep katchatta

3 (implying regret)

4 (implying failure)

I slept a whole 10 hours last night.


洋服はたくさん持っているけどまた yo- fuku wa takusan motteiru kedo mata





Emergency rations


I quit my job.

夕べは10時間も yu-be wa ju--jikan mo

非常 食

Negative situation

to buy

Select the reading and the meaning for the words below.

A) 非常階段 B) 非常口 C) 非常事態 D) 非常手段 E) 非常ベル 1) hijo-shudan 5) hijo-kaidan

2) hijo-jitai

3) hijo-guchi

4) hijo-bell

a) Emergency exit b) Emergency measures c) State of emergency d) Fire escape e) Fire alarm Answers:

A) - 5) - d)

B) - 3) - a)

C) - 2) - c)

D) - 1) - b)

E) - 4) - e)

Complete the sentence by using the words from A) to D). If you hear a fire alarm, don’t panic. Please evacuate from the building through the emergency exits or fire escape. もし、     が鳴ったら、 慌てないで        か (1) (2) moshi ga nattara awatenaide ka (3)

から 建物の外に出て下さい。 kara tatemono no soto ni detekudasai


(1) 非常ベル (2) 非常口 (3) 非常階段 With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun

Japanese map quiz

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

日本地図クイズ(2)Nihon chizu quiz

The prefecture known for its bijin (beautiful women) is in the quiz, so look for the answer. "Golden Week" is another name for o-gata renkyu- (a series of holidays) that run from the end of April until the beginning of May. The following public holidays are included in the period: "Sho-wa no Hi (Sho-wa Day)" on April 29, "Kenpo- Kinenbi (Constitution Day)" on May 3, "Midori no Hi (Greenery Day)" on May 4 and "Kodomo no Hi (Children's Day) on May 5.

One of my friends recently suggested, "Golden Week ni bijin o sagashi ni iko- ! (Let's go and look for 'bijin' during Golden Week!)" However, he did not tell me where he was planning to look. He only said this destination was in the Tohoku region and he would take me along if I could guess where he wanted to go. He gave me some hints, saying the prefecture is famous for quality rice and apples. Ms. Hirayama, please help me because I really want to go with him! 1) ACROSS ① The prefecture that is known as "the Roof of Japan." It is famous for soba, onsen, apples and skiing. DOWN Use the following characters below to complete the crosswords at right. ① The prefecture where Dejima was located. Dejima was once used as a trading post and was the only After that, match the prefectures to the letters in the map. ① window to the West during Japan's self-imposed isolation (sakoku) in the Edo period (1603-1867). This prefecture has 971 islands. It is also famous for its Huis Ten Bosch theme park. chi i ka ya ② The prefecture in the Tohoku region of Honshuho that is famous for its cherries, sho-gi pieces

さ sa

ま ma




な na

and benibana (safflower), which was used to tint women’s lips in the past.











の no

2) ACROSS ① The prefecture famous for its mikan, ume (plum) and onsen. DOWN ② The prefecture where Yokohama and Kamakura are located. ① Yokohama is famous for its Chinatown and shaomai, while Kamakura is known for its Great Buddha. ③ The prefecture with the largest limestone cave in Japan. It is also famous for a very expensive toxic delicacy-fugu (blowfish). The kanji for fugu is written as "pig of the river," because fugu makes a noise like a pig in the water.

5) ACROSS ① The prefecture that produces Akita Komachi, a delicious rice. Since "Akita bijin" (Beauties of Akita) are fair-skinned, it also is used to refer to beautiful women.

や ya ぐ gu



② The prefecture where Narita Airport and Tokyo Disneyland are located. Its production of peanuts is the largest in Japan.

ば ba


た ta


DOWN ① The prefecture that is home to Nagoya Castle, which was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, ② and Toyota, known for its automobile industry.

わ wa

DOWN ② The prefecture where Kawagoe is located. Kawagoe is known by the nickname of "Ko-Edo (Little Old Tokyo)" and is one of Tokyo's bedroom communities.

ひ hi

DOWN yo ② The prefecture ① ③ where Ko-be, tsu i which suffered a terrible earthquake in 1995, Himeji Castle, go a World Heritage Site, and Ko-shien Stadium, which hosts annual National High School Baseball Tournaments, wa are located. ③ The prefecture that is home to the Chichu- Art Museum on Naoshima island in the Seto Inland Sea. It is said that there is an udon restaurant every 100 meters there.

3) ACROSS ① The prefecture that is home to Genbaku Dome (A-Bomb Dome) and Itsukushima Shrine. Okonomiyaki (Japanese-style savory pancakes) are delicious!

き ki




が ga た ta

き ろ ひ ro ki


4) ACROSS ① The prefecture that is the northernmost island in Japan. The island is the second largest in the country after Honshu and is noted for skiing, potatoes, corn and seafood.

When you put the word "-ken" after these names, they become prefectures. e.g., Chiba → Chiba-ken (Chiba Prefecture)


た ta

(1) ACROSS ①ながの Nagano, G DOWN ①ながさき Nagasaki, N DOWN ②やまがた Yamagata, C

(2) ACROSS ①わかやま Wakayama, I DOWN ②かながわ Kanagawa, F DOWN ③やまぐち Yamaguchi, M

(4) ACROSS ①ほっかいどう Hokkaido-, A DOWN ②ひょうご Hyo-go, J DOWN ③かがわ Kagawa, K

(3) ACROSS ①ひろしま Hiroshima, L DOWN ②さいたま Saitama, E

(5) ACROSS ①あきた Akita, B ACROSS ②ちば Chiba, D DOWN ①あいち Aichi, H With cooperation from Yasuhiro Koga

Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun

A 型?

型t? a a



gat a


? 型 B ata

? 型 ata




The other day, one of my friends asked me, "Pole-san wa o- -gata?" (Mr. Pole, are you "o- -gata?"). I said "Yeah, as you can see, I've been worried about my weight lately." He said, "Oh no! I'm not saying that your size is o- -gata (big). I'm asking if your blood type is O (o- -gata). A person with that blood type is bighearted and realistic. Your blood type tells me about your character." He then showed me a book on personality profiling by blood type. I was amazed that Japanese people profile their character by their blood type.

血液型(Blood type)

Blood Blood Blood Blood Blood

ketsuekigata Major traits for the four main blood types are as follows:

Blood type A : A 型 (e- -gata) methodical




kicho- men







Blood type B : B 型 (bi -gata) selfish



自己中心的   楽天的 

jiko-chu-shinteki rakutenteki


ju- nan na kangae

ひらめき hirameki

Blood type O : O 型 (o--gata) leadership



careless about details









Almost all Japanese know their own blood type. Do you know yours? ketsuekigata wa nani-gata desu ka? (What's your blood type?)

"split" personality

re- se-

According to the Japanese Red Cross Society, Japanese blood types are are apportioned as follows: Type A (about 40 percent), Type O (about 30 percent), Type B (about 20 percent) and Type AB (about 10 percent).

大型台風 o-gata-taifu-

thin shape

朝型      薄型    asa-gata usu-gata

型にはまった考え kata ni hamatta kangae


A O BA B 型

2) Characteristic and disposition e.g., multifunctional early bird

major typhoon

3) 「型にはまる」..... Overly conventional, rigid (no individuality and no originality) kata ni hamaru e.g., rigid way of thinking

冷静   二重人格


中型犬    chu-gata-ken

4) 「型にはめる」 ..... Force some into a mold (force something or someone to believe a certain way or idea) kata ni hameru


Enter the correct Japanese words in the squares. A) Many small cars are more eco-friendly than big vehicles. エコカー eco car wa



より yori

big vehicles


      の方が多いです。 small cars no ho-ga o-i desu

B) The director presented a new film with full of unconventional ideas.



合理的  理想追求型 

小型カメラ   kogata-camera

多機能型    takino--gata


Blood type AB : AB 型 (e- bi-gata) practical

1) Size (small, medium, large) e.g.,small camera medium-sized dog


Many Japanese people like blood-type profiling. People try to figure out your personality, not by what you are but what your blood type is. They say, "Your blood type tells me so," and are complacent in their judgment. But I think this leads to sterotyping people. Some companies are said to do their recruitment partly based on blood-type profiling rather than on an applicant's ability. Although conversation about blood types can be an icebreaker when you do not have much else to talk about, blind acceptance of such profiling can be harmful.

type profiling often exaggerates negative personalities. Type A : Obstinate person with rigid ideas Type B : Uncooperative and selfish, not suitable for groups Type O : Tends to be hasty, careless about details and unyielding Type AB : Eccentric, self-contradictory and hates interference

Expressions that use


5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

cookie-cutter way of raising children 型にはめた育て方 kata ni hameta sodatekata

 ..... Unconventional (peculiar, eccentric) 5) 「型破り」  katayaburi e.g., unconventional way of life 型破りな人生 katayaburi na jinse-

映画監督は    e-ga kantoku wa



の 新しい作品を発表した。 no atarashi sakuhin o happyo- shita

unconventional idea

C) Recently, many schools tend to reconsider their cookie-cutter way of education. (4)        cookie-cutter way of education

最近、学校では    saikin gakko- dewa

を見直す傾向にあります。 o minaosu ke-ko- ni arimasu

D) I can only come up with conventional ideas. (5)

どうしても          conventional ideas do-shitemo

しか思い浮かばないです。 shika omoiukabanai desu

E) I changed my lifestyle from a night person to a morning person. (7)


生活スタイルを  sekatsu style o

    から      night person morning person kara

に変えました。 ni kaemashita

F) As this mobile phone is the latest model, it is quite popular. (8)

この携帯電話は   kono ke-tai-denwa wa


( 1 ) 大型車   o-gatasha

       で人気があります。 de ninki ga arimasu

latest model

( 2 ) 小型車   kogatasha

( 5 ) 型にはまった考え      kata ni hamatta kangae

( 3 ) 型破りな発想 katayaburi na hasso-

( 4 ) 型にはめた教育     kata ni hameta kyo-iku

( 6 ) 夜型      ( 7 ) 朝型   ( 8 ) 最新型 yoru-gata asa-gata   saishin-gata

Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun


だめ dam e

In front of the station the other day, I saw a guide dog (mo-do-ken) and its trainer participating in a fund-raiser to promote a guide dog foundation. I like dogs, so I donated some money and said to the sitting guide dog, "iko ne," but the dog did not react. But when the trainer said, "Good boy," the dog wagged its tail gladly. Why didn't the guide dog understand my Japanese?

ん か あ an ak

いけん iken

It doesn't mean "your" Japanese didn't make sense, Pole-san. The guide dog simply didn't understand Japanese. In Japan, there are a lot of training centers that train guide dogs in the imperative form of English. That's because the Japanese language has many different expressions for the words, depending on the differences in gender or age. There are also honorifics and dialects. For example, there are various imperative expressions such as "dame," "me," "akan," "iken," etc. that mean "no," but would completely confuse the guide dogs. That's why they use English when training, because the dogs can more easily understand simple words like "No"-the expression is the same no matter who says it. For today's lesson, I will introduce a variety of Japanese as well as some of the usages of the imperative form.




There are lots of dialects in Japan. I will introduce some examples.

ho- gen Standard


I like

It's good.

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Kyo-to ben Kyoto dialect

Imperatives used in daily conversation

Osaka ben Osaka dialect

Hakata ben Hakata dialect

Okinawa ben Okinawa dialect

おいしい oishi

おいしい oishi

うまい umai

うまかあ umaka-

まーさん ma- san

好きです suki desu

好きや suki ya

好きやねん suki yanen

すいとぉー suito-

しちゅっさー shichussa-

いいですね i desu ne

よろしいなあ yorosi na-

ええですね e-desu ne

よかですね yoka desu ne

ゆたさんやいびーんね yutasanyaibinne

Japanese sentences can sound masculine or feminine, depending on the sentence-ending particle. Keep in mind the masculine/feminine particles are at times used interchangeably among men and women. Listen to the Japanese around you talk to learn more.

Giving information




I wonder when...

Requesting agreement

ぞ       zo  

I wonder ~?

だろ ?    かな ? daro?    kana? 

わよ     でしょ ?   wayo 


いつかしら?   itsu kashira? (Feminine)

れ! ! 頑張 bare m a g or it! ! f 歩け o G aruke! ing ! Keep walk

かしら ? kashira? 

いつかな? itsu kana?


進め! e! m susu oing! g p e Ke

よ yo

Imperative form +

A man uses this form for his children and wife, and boys begin to use it among friends as they grow up. It is not polite, and must not be used toward someone older than you or in a working environment. e.g., Fathers say to their children,"Study more."→「もっと勉強しろよ」 motto benkyo- shiroyo [Exercise] Give the imperative expression in Japanese. 1 ) A women takes a lot of time to prepare for a night out.→Her husband says, "Hurry!" 2 ) A couple have a fight and the girl is about to leave.→The boyfriend says, "Wait!" 3 ) Your friend playfully taps your head many times.→You say, "Stop it!" 4 ) A father wakes up his child in the morning.→"It's time to get up! Wake up!" Answers:

1) hayaku shiroyo

2) mateyo 3) yameroyo 4) jikandazo okiroyo

って tte This form is used when you explain to someone what another person said. " Tte" is a casual form for "to"-the particle, which is used as quotation mark or " that" in " He said that ~." The subject and verb She / He said to me "

Sentence-ending particle



Imperative form +

in the main caluse are often omitted.

He told me to come.→「来いって」 koitte [Exercise] Interpret underlined sentences into Japanese. Paul went to the hospital and had a checkup. Friend :What did the doctor say? Paul :The doctor told me to quit smoking. ① Friend : And what else? Paul :He told me to excercise more. ② Friend :That's all? Paul :He told me to cut back on sake and sweets. ③ Friend :Is that all? Paul :He told me to take my medicine every day. ④ Then he said, if you can't do all of this on your own, check yourself into a hospital. ⑤ e.g.,


② motto undo- shirotte ⑤ nyuin shirotte ④ mainichi kusuri o nomette ① tabacco o yamerotte

③ osake to amaimono o hikaerotte

Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun


i h s u m

I was invited to Mr. Hayashi's birthday party and while we were eating together in the living room, Mr. Hayashi's father said to me, "musume ni warui mushi ga tsuite ne, omakeni kanekui-mushi de do-mo mushi ga sukanain desu yo. Pole-san dattara ne." I thought the meaning of "mushi" was worm or insect, so I didn't understand the point of the remarks. So, I said "e? watashi? mushi?" and he left the living room laughing. Hirayama-san, what did he really mean?

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

He used the Japanese word "mushi," meaning insect, three times to describe his daughter's boyfriend. What he actually said was, "My daughter is dating a bad man who is a big spender. I don't like him at all. I wish he were a man like you, Mr. Pole." Mr. Hayashi's father was not literally talking about insects. Let's look at expressions related to "虫" (mushi) in today's column.

Choose the correct phrase listed in the previous column to complete the sentence. a)He is a good person, but I don't like him.

The kanji for "insect" comes from the form of the viper. In old days, people recognized the beast, bird and fish. All the other creatures were regarded as types of insect. snake

いい人なんですが、どうも(             )です。

i hito nandesu ga do-mo

1) 蚊の鳴くような声:ka no nakuyo-na koe An indistinct voice just like the buzzing of a mosquito.


b)I feel aggravated even though I won the case. 2)蛙の子は蛙:kaeru no ko wa kaeru A child resembles the parent. A child often follows in the footsteps of the parent.

裁判で勝っても(                 )!

worm, insect


「中」represents for the head of the snake, and 「ム」

saiban de kattemo Answers:

a) - 5)

b) - 3)

represents the tail.

Combined with other kanji, 「虫」can indicate various creatures. Here are some of them. ka : mosquito

hebi : snake

合 → Means to match. Two

halves of clam shells match when they are closed. kaeru : frog

6)∼の虫 mushi expression of a person getting absorbed in a certain thing figuratively 仕事の虫:shigoto no mushi e.g., 本の虫: hon no mushi a bookworm hard worker

→ →

5)虫が好かない:mushi ga sukanai have an aversion to

hamaguri : clam

4)玉虫色: tamamushi-iro a vague situation that can be interpreted in various ways depending on the viewpoint


文 → According to a theory, the reading of 「文」, bun, allows the kanji 「蚊」to represent a mosquito, as the onomatopoeia for buzzing wings is "bun-bun."

1)虫がいい:mushi ga i self-serving

3)腹の虫がおさまらない:hara no mushi ga osamaranai feel aggravated

3) 蛇の生殺し:hebi no namagoroshi Keep someone in suspense while withholding the coup de grace. the way a snake immobilizes its prey before eating it.

2)虫の居所が悪い: mushi no idokoro ga warui in a bad mood

圭 → Its pronunciation "kei" is the

onomatopoeia of a croaking frog. These days, though, the frog is considered to go "kero-kero."

cho- : butterfly

葉 → A thin leaf. The wings of butterflies are thin.

它 → Represents a viper

with a big head. ari : ant

義 → Means well-behaved.

Ants move in an orderly fashion.

Choose the correct phrase from those listed above to complete the sentence. a ) I can't hear you at all because you're mumbling.  )で何を言っているのか全然聞こえないです。  (         de nani o itteirunoka zenzen kikoenai desu

b ) A vague situation surrounds this development, putting me on tenterhooks.   この件についてハッキリしない状態が続いて(           )です。  kono ken ni tsuite hakkirishinai jo-tai ga tsuzuite desu c ) You became an actor just like your father. As expected, you chose the same path as your father. お父さんと同じ役者になったんですね、やはり(       

oto-san to onaji yakusha ni nattan desune yahari Answers:

a) - 1)


desu ne

b) - 3 ) c) - 2 )

Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun

i j n a K

木 魚 言

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

You mean you want to memorize kanji easily. Japanese kids learn 1,006 kanji characters in primary school (80 in their first year, 160 in their second year, 200 in their third year, 200 in their fourth year, 185 in their fifth year and 181 in their sixth year). Pole-san, I'd like to show you how to study kanji in a relatively short period.

Hirayama-san, I've been studying Japanese but feel it very difficult to memorize kanji. Characters are too complicated, and there are too many of them. How can I memorize them easily? Please teach me how to memorize them if you know some good methods. This year, I'm going to work hard to learn kanji.


  Kanji characters related to fish from "魚" tai: sea bream

鯛 鮭 鰹

sake: salmon

katsuo: bonito


shi: poem




だったけど、 dattakedo

今年はどうかな? kotoshi wa do- kana? (That comedian's popularity drastically increased last year, but I wonder how he will do this year.)

4) 言語道断 gongodo- dan Too bad or outrageous to describe. → Outrageous, out of the question.

i ta

ba sa mi

yo(mu): to read

hana(su): to speak

c) あの芸人は去年は人気が           ano ge-nin wa kyonen wa ninki ga  




→ →

The phrase literally means to be caught between two pieces of boards, meaning to be trapped in a dilemma and not able to take either side.

yaku(su): to translate

1) 板ばさみ ita basami

b) 理由も言わないで突然クビを切るなんて         riyu- mo iwanaide totsuzen kubi o kiru nante    (Firing employees without telling them the reason is outrageous.)

d)  妻と母がもめると、私は               状態です。 jo- tai desu  tsuma to haha ga momeruto watashi wa (When my wife and mother get into an argument, I ' m always trapped in between.)

go: language ayama(ru): to apologize

a) 元カレは今や社長だって!       moto kare wa ima ya shacho- datte! (My ex-boyfriend is currently the president of a company! I let a good thing pass me by.)

The phrase literally means that the fish that gets away looks bigger than it really is, meaning what you lose always looks better than it really is.

  Kanji characters related to language from "言" ron: argument

ita: board

3) 逃がした魚は大きい nigashita sakana wa o- ki-

Choose the correct phrases from those listed at left to complete the sentence.

ne: root

matsu: pine tree

→ →

hashi: bridge

kujira: whale

maguro: tuna

bo-: stick

unagi: eel

→ →

eda: branch

koi: carp

sakura: cherry tree

iwashi: sardine

   Kanji characters related to tree from " 木"

include 木 (tree), 魚 (fish) and 言 (say, tell).

tsukue: desk

The phrase literally describes an eel swimming vertically to the surface, meaning figures and records rise rapidly.

Kanji is composed of the combination of many small kanji elements. This time, I'll present various kanji that

2) 鰻のぼり unagi nobori

yuru(su): to forgive



a) - 3)

b) - 4)

c) - 2)

d) - 1)

Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun

imikotoba 忌み言葉 A friend of mine is getting married next month and I have to give a speech at the wedding. I wrote a speech and asked my friend to check the Japanese. He told me not to use "imikotoba." I have never heard of "imikotoba" before. What does it mean, Hirayama-san?

1) If you are preparing a speech for a wedding, do not use any words that infer divorce or separation. For example, words that repeat the same sound ( e.g., tabitabi) infer remarriage. いろいろ iroiro many kinds

ますます masumasu more and more

離れる hanareru separate

別れる 切る wakareru   kiru split cut

帰る kaeru go back

去る saru leave

終わる owaru finish

2) When the speech is for funerals, do not use any words that infer " something sad will happen again, " or " you cannot die in peace, " or repeating sounds ( e.g. tsugitsugi). 続く tsuzuku continue

次々 tsugitsugi one by one

返す返す kaesugaesu repeatedly

重なる kasanaru duplicate

浮かばれない ukabarenai your soul cannot rest

追う ou follow

迷う mayou get lost

滑る suberu slip over

転ぶ korobu fall over

散る chiru disperse

4) Do not use any words related to miscarriage or disease when you congratulate a person for becoming pregnant or give birth to a child. 流れる nagareru wash away (miscarry)

消える kieru disappear

6) 順子さんは、ますます おきれいになり、大輔さんは本当にお幸せですね。 Junko-san wa masumasu okire- ni nari Daisuke-san wa

ご結婚おめでとうございます。 gokekkon omedeto- gozaimasu

honto- ni oshiawase desu ne

Congratulations on your wedding. 私は新郎の大輔さんの同僚のポールと申します。 watakushi wa shinro- no Daisuke-san no do- ryo- no Pole to mo- shimasu My name is Pole. I work with the groom, Daisuke-san. 私は日本に来た頃、日本のことが何も分からず、そんな私に大輔さんは

弱い yowai weak

おろす orosu drop (have an abortion)

Junko-san looks more beautiful every day. Daisuke-san is a lucky guy to have such a beautiful wife. 7) 今日からお二人で新しい スタートを 切る のですね。 kyo- kara ofutari de atarashi start o kiru no desu ne You are starting a new life today.

nanimo wakarazu sonna watakushi ni Daisuke-san wa

8) 最後になりましたが、 どうぞ末永くお幸せに! saigo ni narimashita ga do-zo suenagaku oshiawase ni!

When I came to Japan, I did not know anything about Japan.

Finally, I wish you much love and happiness.

watakushi wa Nihon ni kita koro, Nihon no koto ga


3) During the school entrance exam season avoid any words that make examinees and family members imagine “failure” in daily conversation. 落ちる ochiru fall

"imikotoba" means "taboo words." These are words or phrases that are thought to bring about bad luck. You should avoid them on formal occasions, such as weddings or funerals, out of consideration for the feelings of the listeners. For example, you should not use such words as "wakareru," which people fear may cause divorce, in your wedding speech. However, keep in mind that it would be OK to use them in everyday life. Many "imikotoba" exist, so please be cautious.

Below is Mr. Pole's speech at his friend's wedding. Make the appropriate changes to the "imikotoba" in the boxes below.

Some common examples of "imikotoba"

たびたび tabitabi frequently

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

日本の文化や仕事など 色々なことを 教えてくださいました。

9) これで、私のあいさつ を 終わりに させていただきます。

Nihon no bunka ya shigoto nado

kore de watakushi no aisatsu

iroiro na koto o

oshiete kudasaimashita


Daisuke-san taught me about Japanese culture and work in Japan.

I've reached the end of my speech.


o owari ni sasete


そして 苦しいときは いつもいつも 励ましてくださいました。 soshite kurushi toki wa itsumoitsumo hagemashite

本日は、おめでとうございます。 honjitsu wa omedeto- gozaimasu


Congratulations to the happy couple.

He always cheered me up when I was having a hard time. 大輔さんは大変親切で

4) 頭の切れる 方です。


Daisuke-san wa taihen shinsetsu de atama no kireru

1) takusan (many, a lot)

The words below may offend people at a wedding. Use more appropriate words.

kata desu

2) omit

He is very kind and very smart.

3) itsumo (always) 4) yushu na (excellent)

a) kaeru (leave, go home) b) owaru (finish) c) sashimi

これからの人生において、順子さん が 悲しむようなことは決してしない

Quiz :

Answers: a) shitsure- suru

b) ohiraki ni suru

5) と思います。

c) otsukuri

korekara no jinse- ni oite Junko-san ga kanashimu yo-na koto wa kesshite shinai to omoimasu

5) o taisetsu ni sareru (take good care of) 6) totemo (very) 7) start line ni tatareru (stand at the start line) 8) omit 9) to

He will never make Junko-san sad as long as he lives. Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun

がんが ♪ ちかちか ♪ gang ん ♪ むかむaかmuka chikachi an ka muk ♪

This morning, I noticed my friend had a sickly look on his face. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "atama wa gangan, i wa mukamuka, me wa furafura desu" and collapsed in a chair. I said, "gangan, mukamuka, chikachika, furafura, gangan, mukamuka, chikachika, sounds like samba music." "I drank too much last night. I'm feeling sick," he replied and dashed to the toilet.

<Onomatopoeia> Many onomatopoeic terms are used in Japanese comic and graphic novels. A typical Japanese onomatopoeia dictionary includes more than 1,600 words. Onomatopoeia function not only as adjectives; they also help describe things by omitting nouns and verbs in simple sentences. It's very difficult not to use onomatopoeia in everyday language. Though onomatopoeic terms are frequently used in everyday life, they're not really learned at school. Onomatopoeia differ from person-to-person and by area because Japanese people learn about and experience them in daily conversation. Therefore, it is very difficult for Japanese learners to master onomatopoeia.

★ One of the characteristic features of onomatopoeia is that the intensity of the movement or feeling being described differs depending on whether it is a clear sound or a dull sound.★ ・Clear sound images: small in scope, bright, lightweight, small, beautiful, sharp ・ Dull sound images: big in scope, dark, prominence, big, dirty, dull e.g., Clear sound くるくる kurukuru twiddle ひりひり hirihiri burning

ちかちか chikachika a flickering sensation in the eyes


ずきずき zukizuki Continuous, severe pain

しくしく shikushiku dull, repetitive pain


むずむず muzumuzu itchy

ぐすぐす guzuguzu to have the sniffles


ひりひり hirihiri a burning in one ' s throat

いがいが igaiga frog in the throat


くらくら kurakura dizzy

がんがん gangan pounding

ずきずき zukizuki throbbing


どきどき dokidoki pounding

ぜいぜい ze- zewheezing


ひりひり hirihiri burning

むずむず muzumuzu crawling


ふらふら furafura unsteady

ぞくぞく zokuzoku feel chills


しくしく shikushiku griping pain

きゅーっ kyustinging pain

ちくちく chikuchiku prickly/stinging

Dull sound ぐるぐる guruguru swirl びりびり biribiri tingle

ら く r a [Exercises] くら a k u Complete the following sentences by using the appropriate onomatopoeia. 1)目にゴミが入って します。 me ni gomi ga haitte shimasu ku r

ごろごろ gorogoro to feel something in the eye

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

The Japanese language uses echoic words to depict human and animal voices or sounds, and mimetic words to depict motion, appearances and psychological actions. Collectively, echoic words and mimetic words are called onomatopoeia. Your friend used onomatopoeia. He said, "I have a thumping headache- it's as if my head is splitting (gangan). I'm feeling sick in my stomach (mukamuka), my eyes are flickering (chikachika), and I'm dizzy (furafura)." As you can see in these examples, onomatopoeic terms are very useful because they use simple expressions to explain complex situations.

The following onomatopoeia are commonly used to describe physical conditions.


ふら ら ふ fura fura ♪

My eyes are feeling gritty as I got dust in them.


すると思ったら、小さなトゲが刺さっていました。 yubisaki ga suru to omottara chi sa na toge ga sasatte imashita I felt a sharp pain in my finger, and I found that I had a tiny thorn in it.

3)奥歯が して、夕べはほとんど眠れませんでした。 okuba ga shite yu-be wa hotondo nemuremasen deshita My molar gave me constant pain, keeping me awake most of the night. 4) 胃薬を飲んでも と痛いので、明日病院に行きます。 igusuri o nondemo to itai node asu byo-in ni ikimasu I feel a dull pain in my stomach even after taking some medicine. I'll visit the hospital tomorrow. 5) 花粉症で鼻が    して、くしゃみが止まらない。 kafunsho- de hana ga shite kushami ga tomaranai I have a tickle in my nose due to hay fever and I can ' t stop sneezing. 6) 寒くないのに身体が し、のどが するので、早めに薬を飲んだ。 samukunai noni karada ga shi nodo ga suru node hayame ni kusuri o nonda Even though it wasn 't cold, I got a chill and felt as if I had a frog in my throat, so I took some medicine just in case.

きりきり kirikiri sharp, continuous pain

Answers: 1) gorogoro

2) chikuchiku

3) zukizuki

4) shikushiku

5) muzumuzu

6) zokuzoku igaiga

Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun

ひ ふ へ は h h a e i fu h When I first met my friend's mother, I noticed she covered her mouth every time she laughed. I thought she must have something wrong with her mouth, but it looked all right to me. Why did she need to cover her mouth? Does it mean something?

★ There are many types of laughter. For example, 照れ笑い( tere-warai): embarrassed laughter; 作り笑い (tsukuri-warai): fake laughter; 苦笑い (niga-warai): bitter laughter; 思い出し笑い (omoidashi-warai): nostalgic laughter; 含み笑い (fukumi-warai): chuckling, etc.

Quiz: "ha, hi, fu, he, ho" from the Japanese alphabet (hiragana) are often used to express laughter, each with a different nuance and meaning. Match them up correctly. 1) ははははは A) Creepy laughter. It also can hahahahaha represent feminine laughter. 2) ひひひひひ  hihihihihi

B) Laughter when people intend to do something wrong or hatch a plot.

3) ふふふふふ  fufufufufu

C) Embarrassed laughter when people fail to do something or are trying to hide their shyness.

Answers: 1) - D)

3) - A)

4) - C)

I'm sure she has nothing wrong with her mouth. In the old days in Japan, when women laughed they generally tried to do so silently by covering their mouths with fans or their kimono sleeves. This was because they didn't want to make a spectacle of their emotions. Not to show their feelings was thought to be a kind of virtue, and showing their teeth when laughing was considered a little rude. That's why many women have a habit of covering their mouths when laughing. These days, it's mainly done by elderly women. Also, there was a practice in olden times called ohaguro in which people mainly women dyed their teeth black. There are various theories why they did this. One theory goes that ohaguro teeth give a mysterious impression of hiding a person's emotions. Let’s discuss the mysteries of Japanese laughter.

Quiz: When you put " あ( a )い ( i ) う ( u ) え ( e ) お ( o ) " in front of the sounds at left, it sounds more like spoken Japanese. Match the types of laughter in 1 to 5 with the meanings in A to D. A)

2)いひひひひ  ihihihihi


3)うふふふふ  ufufufufu


4)えへへへへ  ehehehehe


5)おほほほほ  ohohohoho


Answers: 1) - B)

2) - E)

b) 笑う門には( )来る   warau kado niwa kitaru Laughter brings good luck.     1)子ども   kodomo (child)

1)あはははは  ahahahaha

2)神 kami (god)

 3)福  fuku (luck)

4)米 kome (rice)

c) 来年のことを言うと( )が笑う  rainen no koto o iu to ga warau Nothing is certain but death and taxes. 1)カラス  karasu (crow)

2)鬼  oni (devil)

3)きつね  4)へび kitsune hebi (fox) (snake)

d) The following is a humble greeting written on a card or letter to be sent with a gift.

3) - A)

4) - D)

5) - C)

The following are phrases using the kanji 笑, wara(u) or sho-, which means laugh or laughter. Choose the correct word to complete the expressions.

E) Feminine laughter, often by elderly women.

2) - B)

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

ご笑( )ください   gosho-no- kudasai I hope you will kindly accept my small present. Kanji for " no- " 1)能  2)脳  3)納 4)農 

4) へへへへへへ  D) Cheerful laughter. hehehehehe 5) ほほほほほ  hohohohoho

ほほほ? ? o h o h o h

5) - E)

a) 一円を笑う者は( ) 円に泣く ichien o warau mono wa en ni naku Look after the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.     1)一  2)十  3)百  4)千  ichi juhyaku sen (one) (ten) (hundred) (thousand)

e) Here is another humble expression often used when we show our belongings to other people. ご笑( )ください gosho-ran kudasai I hope you enjoy looking at it. Kanji for " ran " 1)乱  2)覧  3)欄 4)卵 Answers: a) - 1)

b) - 3)

c) - 2)

d) -3)

e) - 2)

Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun


? て っ さ しあ

? e t t a s shia


Wanting to dine with a friend of mine, I sent to him an e-mail in which I said: "asatte aimasho- ! (Let's meet the day after tomorrow!)" Replying, he said "yanasatte ni shimasho-." Although I didn’t understand "yanasatte," I agreed to meet him "then." Hirayama-san, when should I go? One theory is that people used "shiasatte" in western Japan in the old days, while people in eastern Japan used "yanasatte" to communicate "in three days." According to the theory, the Meiji government adopted "shiasatte," which was used in Kyoto, to mean "in three days" as a standard word when it unified the state, while it adopted "yanasatte" for "in four days." However, people in eastern Japan- except for in Tokyo - still use "yanasatte" to mean "in three days." Today, the flow of traffic between the regions is busier than before, making the usage of the words above far more complicated depending on who uses the words and where they are used.  So when you talk about "three days from now," it would be better to clarify yourself with concrete dates or saying "in days." SAFE STYLE: ashita (tomorrow), asatte (the day after tomorrow), mikka-go (in three days’ time), yokka-go (in four days’ time)...

before last せんせん   sensen

last せん     sen Step

week しゅう shu

week before last せんせんしゅう   sensenshu

last week this week next week week after next せんしゅう  こんしゅう らいしゅう  さらいしゅう senshu konshu raishu saraishu

month げつ getsu

month before last せんせんげつ    sensengetsu

last month this month next month せんげつ  こんげつ  らいげつ  sengetsu kongetsu raigetsu

year ねん nen

year before last おととし      ototoshi

last year this year きょねん  ことし kyonen kotoshi

day before yesterday おととい      ototoi

yesterday きのう   kino

Step 3

this next こん   らい  kon rai 2 Step 1

after next さらい sarai

month after next さらいげつ  saraigetsu

next year year after next らいねん  さらいねん  rainen sarainen

today tomorrow day after tomorrow きょう   あした   あさって kyo ashita asatte

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Paul-san, you can find "yanasatte" written as "yanoasatte" in dictionary. It means "in three days." But in some regions, it is used to mean "in four days." "Shiasatte," however, also means "in three days," and is more common. The word used depends on the region and the person. So, be careful when using those words, or you and your friend may show up on different days.

c. 皆様は の日本を築く若い力です。 Step 1: Memorize the basic words from kon to the right. (kon, rai, sarai) minasama wa no Nihon o kizuku wakai chikara desu Step 2: Memorize the basic words from kon to the left. You are the youth with the power that will build tomorrow 's Japan. (Speech) (kon, sen, sensen) Step 3: Memorize the basic words in the leftmost row. d. 昔の伝統が まで受け継がれている。 (shu, getsu, nen) mukashi no dento- ga made uketsugarete iru Step 4: Memorize the variation of time expressions by combining a The old traditions have been passed down to today . word from the horizontal row with one from the vertical row. Step 5: Memorize the irregular forms highlighted in green. e. 休業 Note: Generally , the particle “ni” is not used with the words in kyu- gyothe table to specify when a certain action takes place. We are closed today . e.g., 昨日 に 仕事をしました。    kino ni shigoto o shimashita (I worked yesterday.) f. 息子が あるのは先生方のお陰です。 musuko ga aru no wa sense- -gata no okage desu 1) There are three different pronunciations for the word 明日 It is thanks to you that my son is as good as he is today . (tomorrow), with a slightly different nuance.

明日 ashita : most common pronunciation, used in daily  




conversation to mean tomorrow. asu : A polite form, used in greetings and speeches. * "asu" also is used to refer to the near future. myo nichi : Politer than "asu."


の地球温暖化の要因の一つは環境汚染です。 no chikyu- -ondanka no yo- in no hitotsu wa kankyo -osen desu Environmental pollution is one of the factors linked to global warming today .

2) There are three ways of saying "today." h. 心配してもしょうがない。 、ですね。 今日 kyo- : General form, used in daily conversation. shimpai shitemo sho- ganai desu ne 今日 konnichi : Used to mean "now" or the present day. It is no use worrying. Tomorrow is another day , isn’t it? 本日 honjitsu: Often used in greetings, speeches and in writing. Quiz: Put a Japanese word or phrase into the squares to complete the sentence so it matches the meaning of the English sentence. a.

は晴れでしょう。(天気予報) wa hare desho (tenki yoho ) Tomorrow will be sunny. (Weather news)


に人間ドックを受けます。 ni ningen-dokku o ukemasu I will have a complete physical in three days .



には結果が出ます。 niwa kekka ga demasu The result will come out in four days . はお忙しい中、お越しいただきありがとうございます。 wa oisogashi naka okoshi itadaki arigato- gozaimasu Thank you for coming on such a busy day like today . (Greeting) Answers: a:asu b:mikka-go c:asu d:konnichi e:honjitsu f:konnichi g:konnichi h:ashita wa ashita no kaze ga fuku i:yokka-go j:honjitsu

Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun

いっとう? ? き いっぴ piki? itto



When I visited my friend's house, his son asked me "How do you count butterflies?" I answered "ippiki," and the son said "No, it's itto-." Then he asked me "How about rabbits?" I answered "ippiki," but he said "No, it's ichi-wa." I had learned that when we count animals, we are supposed to use "ippiki" for small animals and "ichi-wa" for birds. Hirayama-san, what did I do wrong? As to why we use "羽 (wa) = wing" when we count rabbits, there are various explanations. One of them says that long ago, monks at temples were prohibited from eating fish or meat-but poultry was OK. One day a monk saw a rabbit hopping in the mountains and he thought that the rabbits' ears looked just like bird's wings. So, because he really wanted to eat the rabbit, he said “Oh, there's a bird.” Other monks also said “Yes, that's surely a bird!”So they caught and ate it. People later began using "wa" as the counter for rabbits. As for butterflies, "head" was used to count them in English literature in the Meiji era and it was accordingly translated into Japanese as "頭" (to-), which means head. An example which reflects a condition: If we don't use counters in our conversation, the conversation won't work.

1)165(?) が参加する国際会議が開かれる。 165 (?) ga sanka suru kokusaikaigi ga hirakareru There will be an international conference attended by 165 participants. => We don't know whether this means 165 countries (165 kakoku) or 165 people. 2) バナナを 1 (? ) 買って昼に 5本食べた。 banana o 1 (?) katte 5 hon tabeta I bought (a bunch of bananas [banana hito-fusa], or a banana [banana ippon]?) and ate 5 bananas for lunch. => We don't know how many bananas were bought. 3) 80(?)の男性が海で泳いでいる。 80 (?) no danse- ga umi de oyoideiru The (80-year-old man, or 80 men?) is/are swimming in the sea. =>We don't know whether it's 80-year-old (80-sai no) man or 80 (80 nin no) men. ● Below, the common counters are sorted into groups in order of pronunciation.

・Japanese system (hitotsu, futatsu) + a counter Use the Japanese counting system for 1 (hitotsu) and 2 (futatsu). For 3, use the Chinese / Japanese system, depending on your preference. (e.g., 3 boxes → mi-hako or san-hako). From 4, use the Chinese system. __ 箱 hako (box), __袋 fukuro (packet and bag), __口 kuchi (mouthful), __切れ kire (slice), __ 束 taba (bunch), __さじ saji (spoonful), __試合 shiai (game), __ 組 kumi (pair), __山 yama ( mountain), __皿 sara (plate), __ 缶 can (can), __鉢 hachi (potted plant), __コマ koma (scene), __クラス class (class),

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Japanese uses "counter words" when counting things. The child was right, but most of the time in our conversations we use the method Pole-san had learned. The counter for butterflies and rabbits are exceptional, though there are various types of counters. The exact number isn't known, but it is said that Japanese has more than 500 counter words, about 100 of which are used in daily life. You may be surprised that there are that many-but in fact, those counters are very useful because they can reflect the condition of what you are counting.

・Chinese system (ichi, ni, san.... + a counter)

Exercises : Put the proper word in each bracket.

__羽 wa (bird) note: rabbit is an exception, __枚 mai (sheet), __台 dai (machine, car), __合 go- (unit for measuring rice and sake), __膳 zen (a set of chopsticks, a bowl of rice),

1) 東京タワーの階段は 698( )あります。 Tokyo tower no kaidan wa 698 ( ) arimasu There are 698 steps to the top of Tokyo Tower.

__段 dan (stair, rank), __番 ban (order), __列 retsu (line), __株 kabu (stock), __部 bu (number of copies), __畳 jo- (number of tatami mats), __錠 jo- (tablet), __度 do (degree and number of times), __世帯 setai (household), __人前 ninmae (serving), __代 dai (generation), __ポイント point (point), __チーム team (team), __セット set (set), __パック pack (pack), __カップ cup (cup), : The two methods below are an easier to count inanimate objects. However, please be careful not to use them too much. ① The Japanese system has been used since the old days and it is often used when referring to a child's age, too. However, 10 (to) isn't used much. 1 (hitotsu) 2 (futatsu) 3 (mittsu) 4 (yottsu) 5 (itsutsu) 6 (muttsu) 7 (nanatsu) 8 (yattsu) 9 (kokonotsu) e.g. tsukue hitotsu (a desk), nimotsu futatsu (two pieces of luggage), yottsu (4 years old) ② As a rule of thumb, use the Chinese number system + ko when counting small things. 1 (ikko) 2 (ni-ko) 3 (san-ko) 4 (yon-ko) 5 (go-ko) 6 (rokko) 7 (nana-ko) 8 (hachi-ko/hakko) 9 (kyu- -ko) 10 (jukko) 11 (ju- ikko) .... - niko (two watches) e.g. tamago ikko (an egg), toke Remember, there are no definite rules for ① and ②. It is a matter of preference. (e.g., one egg→tamago ikko or tamago hitotsu) Why don't you ask the people around you how to count eggs!

★ Usage note: Japanese counters can even express the feelings of the person using them. Just as we use "hiki/piki" for small creatures (animals, fish and insects, etc.), - for large animals. However, in daily conversation, the we are supposed to use "t o" sense of size depends on each individual. So even if it's a big dog, the owner may

2) あの選手は1( )ごとに強くなっている。 ano senshu wa 1 ( ) goto ni tsuyoku natteiru That player gets stronger with each game. 3) 1( )に並んでお待ち下さい。 1 ( ) ni narande omachikudasai Please form a line. 4) この薬を食後に6( )飲まなければなりません。 kono kusuri o shokugo ni 6 ( ) nomanakereba narimasen I have to take 6 tablets after every meal. 5) パンフレットを5( )送って下さい。 pamphlet o 5 ( ) okuttekudasai Please send me 5 copies of the brochure (pamphlet). 6) ニュースによると去年は 3( )に1( )が離婚したそうです。 news ni yoruto kyonen wa 3 ( ) ni 1 ( ) ga rikon shita so-desu According to the news, one in three couples divorced last year. 7) 1( )に卵が10( )入っています。 1 ( ) ni tamago ga 10 ( ) haitteimasu There are 10 eggs in one pack. 8) 今年の夏の最高気温は39. 4( )でした。 kotoshi no natsu no saiko- kion wa 39.4 ( ) deshita This summer's highest temperature was 39.4 degrees. 9) 私の部屋は 8( )です。 watashi no heya wa 8 ( ) desu My room size is 8 tatami mats. 10)1( )から5( )までの方お入り下さい。 1 ( ) kara 5 ( ) made no kata ohairikudasai Numbers one through five, please enter now.

think that it's small, and he or she may use "ippiki" when referring to it. Also, there is another interesting example: There are some pet owners or veterinarians who think of a dog as a family member and they use "hitori (one person)" to refer to the animal. But, of course, these examples are not grammatically correct. So don't use them in

Answers: 1) 4) 7) 9)

(roppyaku kyuju- hachi-) dan 2) (hito-) shiai 3) (ichi-) retsu (roku-) jo- 5) (go-) bu 6) (san-) kumi, (hito-) kumi (ichi-) pack, (juk-) ko 8) (sanju-kyu- ten yon-) do (hachi-) jo- 10) (ichi-) ban, (go-) ban

your answers on a Japanese test! Copyright 2010 The Yomiuri Shimbun

? ひ と つ? ん か っ い ? n h itotsu? a k k i


The other day, I went to a sushi restaurant, sat at the counter for the first time and ordered maguro sushi. When it arrived, there were two pieces on my plate, not the one I thought I'd ordered. When I said I had only ordered one, the sushi chef just smiled and said, "I know." I ordered some more sushi, but it always came in pairs. I became full quite quickly, which was a pity because I wanted to try a larger variety. How should I count sushi?

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Nigiri sushi dates back to the Edo period. In those days, sushi was sold at food stalls and was large so people could more easily hold it with their fingers. But when restaurants later began to sell the delicacy, the sushi was reduced to half the size to make it easier to eat. This probably is why sushi always comes in pairs. We use "kan" to count sushi. There are various explanations for this, but none of them can be verified.

For you to be able to remember counters more easily, I have sorted them according to pronunciation. ★ S pronunciation group : Pronunciations of 1, 8, 10 change.

★ Quiz: One thing can be counted in different ways depending on

its condition. How many can you get right?

1 ( is +_ )

2 ( ni )

3 ( san )

4 ( yon )

5 ( go )

6 ( roku )

7 ( nana )

8 ( has+_ )

9 (kyu- )

10 ( jus+_)









_ 歳 (sai): age; _ 社 (sha): company; _食 (shoku): meal; _ 勝 (sho- ): win; _ 足 (soku): pair of shoes and socks (Exception: three pairs of shoes → san-zoku) e.g., 歳 (sai) issai, ni-sai, san-sai ..., hassai..., jussai

1) a living fish ( ) → a plate or pile of fish for sale ( ) → a piece of fish ( ) 2) an unused postcard ( ) → a postcard with a message and posted ( ) 3) a living squid ( ) → after being caught / sold at a shop ( ) → dried ( ) Answers:

★ T pronunciation group : Pronunciations of 1, 8, 10 change. 1 ( it+_ ) いっ

2 ( ni )

3 ( san )

4 ( yon )

5 ( go )

6 ( roku )

7 ( nana )





8 ( hat+_ ) はっ

9 (kyu- ) きゅう

1 ) 1匹 ippiki → 一山 hito-yama → 一切れ hito-kire 2) 1枚 ichi-mai → 一通 ittsu- 3) 1匹 ippiki → 一杯 ippai → 一枚 ichi-mai

10 ( jut+_) じゅっ

★ Exercises : Insert the correct word. 1) 相撲取りは1日 に ( )しか食べない。 sumo-tori wa ichi-nichi ni ( ) shika tabenai Sumo wrestlers have only two meals a day.

_ 頭 (to-): big creature; _ 通 (tsu- ): letter, resume; _ 等 (to-): rank; _ 点 (ten): score, cloths, items e.g., 点 (ten) itten, ni-ten, san-ten ..., hatten/hachi-ten..., jutten

★ K pronunciation group : Pronunciations of 1, 6, 8, 10 change. 1 ( ik+_ )

2 ( ni )

3 ( san )

4 ( yon )

5 ( go )

6 ( rok+_ )

7 ( nana )

8 ( hak+_ )

9 (kyu- )








10 ( juk+_) じゅっ

2) 旅館は ( )2日 で15000(円)でした。 ryokan wa ( ) futsuka de ichi man go sen en deshita The ryokan cost me ¥15,000 per night.

3) 就活で面接を ( )受けて ( )受かった。 _ 回 (kai): time; _ 階 (kai) : floor; _ カ国 (kakoku) : country; _ カ所 (kasho): place; _ 件 (ken): data, case, accident; _ 期 (ki): period; shu-katsu de mensetsu o ( ) ukete ( ) ukatta _ 級 (kyu): rank e.g., 回 (kai) ikkai, ni-kai, san-kai ..., rokkai, hakkai/hachi-kai..., jukkai When I was hunting for a job, I passed four of my 15 interviews. Note: Some counters are used to count similar objects. But their usages differ, depending on the objects or occasions. 4) テストで(  ) 間違えた。 e.g., 回 (kai) and 度 (do) (counters for number of times) test de ( ) machigaeta 回 (kai) can be used for something repeated many times: "nankai mo tabeta" (I tried it many times). I made six mistakes in the exam. 度 (do) can be used for something happening only once or twice. It also is used to emphasize the number of times: " ichido dake tabeta" (I ate only once).

★ H pronunciation group : Pronunciations of 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and counters change. 1 ( ip+_ )

2 ( ni )

3 ( sanb+ )

4 ( yon )

5 ( go )

6 ( rop+ )

7 ( nana )

8 ( hap+ )

9 ( kyu- )








10 ( jup+ ) じゅっ

_ 本 (hon/bon/pon): something thin and long. It's used to count movies, because they are usually long. _ 杯 (hai/bai/pai): a glass of, a cup of. It's also used to count squids or octopuses; _ 匹 (hiki/biki/piki ): small creature;_ 票 (hyo- /byo- /pyo- ): vote e.g., 本 (hon/bon/pon) : ippon, ni-hon, san-bon, yon-hon ..., roppon, happon/hachi-hon..., juppon Exception : As to the counters below, the pronounciations for 3 (b) is changed to 3 (p). _ 泊 (haku/paku): overnight stay →e.g., san-paku; _ 敗 (hai/pai): loss →e.g., san-pai

5) 今週は映画を(   )見た。 konshu- wa e-ga o ( ) mita I watched three films this year. 6)

advertisement :


よりどり ( )で1000円! yoridori ( ) de sen en! ¥1,000 for any 3 items

1) ni-shoku

2) ippaku

3) ju-go-sha yon-sha

4) rokkasho

5) san-bon

6) san-ten

Copyright 2011 The Yomiuri Shimbun

若干 akkan j



I was recently browsing through a job magazine when I came across an ad for an IT firm that used the term "若干名" for the number of people they intended to hire. When I called the company and asked if they were really going to hire 1,000 (千) young(若い)people, the person who answered my phone call laughed and said, "That didn't mean 1,000 young people." Hirayama-san, help me out. " 若干 " and "少し " both carry the meaning of "a few/a little. " However, the more formal term "若干 " implies "not a lot, only a few " and tends to be used more in writing and when formality is called for, such as at the workplace and in meetings and speeches.

When used in conversation, it emphasizes "not a lot, only a few " and the following sentences contain important meanings. In general, "若干 " describes a smaller, negligible amount than "少 し."

若干の傷跡は残ります。 jakkan no kizuato wa nokorimasu You'll have a tiny scar. (→It will be a scar that is hardly noticeable.) 少し傷跡は残ります。 sukoshi kizuato wa nokorimasu You'll have a small scar. (→It won't be a big scar, but it will still be noticeable.) ★"少し(sukoshi)" means "a few/a little." It is often used in daily conversation. "ちょっと" is another way of saying "少し," but it is more casual. e.g.

少し/ちょっと いい? sukoshi/chotto ii Can you spare a minute? もう少し/もうちょっと mo- sukoshi/mo- chotto a few more/a little more

少し/ちょっと の間 sukoshi/chotto no aida for a moment 少し/ちょっと 待って下さい。 sukoshi/chotto mattete kudasai Wait a moment, please.

★ usage as an interjection Instead of meaning "a few/a little," it is used to call someone. In this case, " ちょっと " cannot be replaced with "若干" or "少し. " ちょっと、山田さん chotto Yamada-san Hey, Mr. Yamada! ちょっと chotto Hey! ★ ちょっと+

negative meaning

"ちょっと" is used to avoid saying something too direct or hard to say. It cannot be replaced with "若干" or "少し." ちょっと出来ない chotto dekinai I can't really do that. ちょっと無理 chotto muri it's kind of difficult. *This is used to decline a request. There is similar expression: ちょっと難しい chotto muzukashii it's kind of difficult/hard

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Actually it's not just you, there are even some Japanese who misunderstand the expression "若干名," which is pronounced "jakkanmei." "若干名募集" means they are recruiting only if they can find suitable candidates. The number of people is not specified, though it won't be many.

Exercise: In the sentences below, replace the word "少し" with words "若干" or "ちょっと," whichever is appropriate. 1) 少し 問題があるが目をつぶった。 sukoshi mondai ga aruga me o tsubutta The problem is a small one, so I'll let it slide. 2) 疲れたので 少し 休んだ。 tsukareta node sukoshi yasunda I was tired, so I rested for a little. (→ Emphasizing the meaning of "a little") 3) 少し 待って下さい。 sukoshi matte kudasai Please wait for a little while. (→ Emphasizing the meaning of "a little") 4) 納期が 少し 遅れるが影響はないです。 no-ki ga sukoshi okureruga e-kyo wa nai desu The delivery date will be a little late, but it won't have an impact. 5) 今、少し いいですか? ima sukoshi ii desu ka Do you have a little time right now? (→ Emphasizing the meaning of "a little") 6)もう 少し でぶつかるところでした。 mo- sukoshi de butsukaru tokoro deshita I was about to hit it. 7) 双方の考えに 少し 相違が生じたが問題ないです。 so- ho- no kangaekata ni sukoshi so- i ga sho- jita ga mondai nai desu Even though we had slightly different ideas, it didn't cause a problem. Answers:

1) 若干の 2) ちょっと  3) ちょっと  4) 若干 5) ちょっと  6) ちょっと  7) 若干

Copyright 2011 The Yomiuri Shimbun

! す で ん な き 日本語が好 ! u s e d n a n i k u s

5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama

Nihongo ga s

Because I know Japanese people often use "ん" in conversation, I tried to use it when I spoke to a friend. I said, "Nihongo ga sukinan desu." He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to continue. He ended up asking me if I wanted him to teach me the Japanese language or introduce me to some of his Japanese friends. That wasn't what I meant at all; I just wanted to say I like Japanese. Why did he assume I wanted him to do these things when I said nothing like that? Please tell me, Hirayama-san. ★ Following are the main ways of using "ん." I'll explain them in my own "Hirayama" way. Polite form: の (no), Friendly form: ん (n) ①

♡ ん n

です。 desu

(reasons, situations, etc.)

(request, explanation, etc.)


忙しいんです。 (I'm busy.)

手伝って下さい! (Please help me.) tetsudatte-kudasai !

isogashiin desu →It conveys the feelings that he/she is really busy and wants help. Waiting for the listener's response

You can imply something that is hard for you to say, for example, when you ask permission or seek suggestions, advice, etc., by using "ん" and wait for the response.   だけど… ん ですが… n desuga…. dakedo…

You don't need to continue the sentence. Just wait for the response. * "dakedo" is a friendly form. e.g.,

A : あの…来週休みたいんですが… ano…raishu- yasumitain desuga… I'd like to take a day off next week.

ので node

から kara

ん n


Wishful thinking A shallow statement/response based on wishful thinking. The speaker uses the sentence in conversation when he/she is speaking reflectively. Because there's usually not much depth to the statement, it sometimes comes across as flippant. The expression conveys a message along the lines of: "I think so. Don't you think so, too?"

★ If you explain the reason for the sentence, including "n desuga…," it will sound more considerate. ですが… desuga…

♡ ん n

* "kara" is a friendly form.

What the speaker really wants to say.

It is possible to swap the order.

B : 来週? いいですよ。 raishu- ? i desu yo Next week? Yes, that's OK.

The sentence that follows "n desu(んです)" is the most important. It is the second sentence that expresses what the speaker really wants. "ん" signals that what follows is important. This is why the listener will wait to hear what comes next. It feels awkward to native speakers if you merely end with "んです." The listener will usually pay more attention to the sentence that follows.

It is true that Japanese people often use " ん " in conversation. By using " ん ," you can express your innermost feelings. I consider it a wonderful form of expression that helps smooth communication and makes it easier to broach difficult topics. This will be the final installment of Pera Pera Penguin. I hope it has helped you improve your Japanese. Please hang in there: "gambatte!" Thank you all for your support!


両親が日本に来るので来週休みたいんですが…。 ryo-shin ga Nihon ni kuru node raishu- yasumitain desuga… My parents are coming to Japan, so I'd like to take next week off.

* "njanain desuka" is a polite form. e.g.,

Question and answer with feeling Using "ん" makes conservation more emotionally sensitive for each participant in the conversation, thereby helping better convey information. The sentences usually imply things such as concern, worry, excuses, advice and explanations.

♡ ♡

Question : Interrogative, etc +

Answer : e.g., Q


ん n

ですか? desu ka

ん n

です。 desu

: どうしたんですか? ← This sentence expresses empathy do- shitan desu ka? such as: "Are you OK?" "Do you What's wrong? need my help?" etc.

← This sentence expresses an A : 頭が痛いんです。 atama ga itain desu underlying thankfulness for the concern expressed. I have a headache.

じゃない。 じゃないんですか。 janai   janain desuka

あした来るんじゃない。 ashita kurunjanai I imagine he's coming tomorrow. (I think so. Don't you think so, too?)

Then and now

By referring to a past situation, there is a hint that the present situation is opposite of what it was before.

♡ ん n

(past tense)


ですが…   desuga…

だけど… dakedo…

You don't have to mention the present situation.

平山さんは昔はきれいだったんだけど… 。 Hirayama-san wa mukashi wa kire- dattan dakedo… Hirayama-san used to be beautiful... (implying that Hirayama-san isn't beautiful now!) Copyright 2011 The Yomiuri Shimbun

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