People vs. Umali (digest)
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Criminal Law...
G.R. No. L-5803
November 29, 1954
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. NARISO !"ALI, ET AL., defendants. AL., defendants. NARISO !"ALI, EPIFANIO PAS!"#AL $%& ISI'RO APINO, defendants-appellants. APINO, defendants-appellants. TOPI( Se&)*)o% FATS( Umali, FATS( Umali, Pasumbal, and Capino were found guilty by the CFI of Quezon provine of the omple! rime of rebellion with multiple murder, frustrated murder, arson and robbery said to have been ommitted during the raid staged by armed men in the town of "iaong, Quezon. "he said raid resulted in the burning down and omplete destrution of houses, inluding that of #ayor Punzalan. $ome of the raiders also engaged in looting and in robbing one house and two Chinese stores until they were dispersed and driven from the town by the Philippine %rmy soldiers. "he reords revealed that Congressman Umali and #ayor Punzalan were old time friends and belonged to the same politial fation. "hese friendly relations, however, did not endure. In the eletions of &'(&, Punzalan ran for reeletion. "o "o oppose him, Umali pi)ed Pasumbal, his trusted leader. Punzalan won. *aturally, *aturally, Umali and Pasumba Pasumball were )eenly disappo disappointe inted. d. It appears appears that on the night before before the eletions, eletions, Umali Umali instrut instruted ed Pasumbal Pasumbal to ontat the +u)s so that Punzalan will be )illed. "he raid was then arried out by the +u) troops numberi numbering ng about about (, armed with garands garands and arbine arbines. s. Part of the ontingen ontingentt went went in the diretion diretion of Punzalans house and atta)ed it with automati weapons, hand grenades, and even with bottles filled with gasoline. It was evident that the purpose of the atta) on Punzalans house was to )ill him. Fortunately, however, Punzalan left early that morning to go to uena, the apital. ISS!E( /0* ISS!E( /0* the trial ourt is orret in finding the aused guilty of the omple! rime of rebellion with multiple murder, frustrated murder, arson and robbery HEL'( No. "he Court ruled that the prinipal and main 1though not neessarily the most serious2 rime ommitted here was not rebellion but rather that of sedition. "he purpose of the raid and the at of the raiders in rising publily and ta)ing up arms was not e!atly against the 3overnment and for the purpose of doing the things defined in %rtile &45 of the 6PC under rebellion. rebellion. "he raiders did not even atta) the Presidenia, Presidenia, the seat of loal 3overnment. 6ather, the ob7et was to attain by means of fore, intimidation, et. one ob7et, to wit, to inflit an at of hate or revenge upon the person or property of a publi offiial, #ayor Punzalan. Under %rtile &4' of the same Code, this was suffiient to onstitute sedition. A+ re$r&+ *e r)me o/ robber, robber , it was not one of the purposes of the raid, whih was mainly to )idnap or )ill Punza Punzalan lan and and dest destroy roy his his hous house. e. "he "he robbe robberie ries s were were atua atually lly ommi ommitte tted d by only only some some of the the raide raiders, rs, presumably dissidents, as an afterthought, beause of the opportunity offered by the onfusion and disorder resulting from the shooting and the burning of the three houses, the artiles being intended presumably to replenish the supplies of the dissidents in the mountains. For these robberies, only those who atually too) part therein are responsible, and not the three appellants herein. )* re+e* *o *e r)me o/ m*)e /r+*r$*e& mr&er , mr&er , while the assault upon a polieman with a hand grenade ausing him in7uries resulting in his blindness in one eye may be regarded as frustrated murder, the wounding of five other people should be onsidered as mere physial in7uries. Te r)me+ omm)**e& $re, *ere/ore, *o+e o/ +e&)*)o%, m*)e mr&er, $r+o%, /r+*r$*e& mr&er $%& +)$ )%r)e+. "he )%r)e+. "he murders may not be 8ualified by evident premeditation premeditation beause the premeditation was for the )illing of Punzalan. "he result was the )illing of three others intended by the raiders. "he )illing may, however, be 8ualified by treahery, the raiders using firearms against whih the vitims were defenseless, with the aggravating irumstane of abuse of superior strength. "he three murders may be punished with the penalty of death. +owever, beause of la) of the neessary votes, the penalty should be life imprisonment.
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