People vs. Gambao (G.R. No. 172707, October 1, 2013)
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Rule 116 Plea of guilty – eect on aggravating circumstances People vs. Gambao, G.R. Gambao, G.R. No. 172707, October 1, 2013 – Kidnapping for Ransom under Artice 2!7 of t"e Re#ised $ena %ode, as amended b& Repubic Act 'R.A.( No. 7!)* PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES v. HALIL GAMBAO Y ESMAIL, EIE !ARIM Y "SO, E#IN "!ILMAN Y S"BOH, TONY ABAO Y S"LA, RA"L "AL Y !AG"I, THENG THENG ILANG ILANGALEN ALEN Y NANI NANING, NG, $AMAN MA%ALINBOL Y !ATOL, MONETTE RONAS Y AMPIL, NORA E&A Y M"LO!, THIAN PERPENIAN Y RAFON A.!.A LARINA PERPENIAN AN $OHN OES G.R. No. 172707, 1 October 201! Pere", #. FA%TS'
+"e accused conspiring, confederating and mutua& "eping one anot"er and grouping t"emse#es toget"er, did t"en and t"ere b& force and intimidation, and t"e use of "ig" "ig" poe poere red d -rea -rearm rms, s, if ifu u&, &, una unaf fu u& & an and d feonious& tae, carr& aa& and depri#e /ucia %"an & /ee of "er ibert& against "er i for t"e purpose of etorting ransom as in fact a demand for ransom as made as a condition for "er reease amounting to OR N4R54 +O6AN4 $56O6 '$00,000.00( to t"e damage and pre8udice of /ucia /. %"an. 4uring t"e "earing, after t"e #ictim and "er son testi-ed, Karim manifested "is desire to c"ange "is earier pea of 9not guit&9 to 9guit& 9guit&.9 .9 +"e presiding 8udge t"en epained t"e conse:uences of a c"ange of pea. pon "earing t"e c"ange of pea, t"e ot"er appeants ieise manifested, t"roug" t"eir counse "o "ad earier conferred it" t"em and epained to eac" of t"em t"e conse:uences of a c"ange c"a nge of pe pea, a, t"e t"eir ir des desir ire e to c"a c"ange nge t"e pe peas as t"e t"e& & entered.
+"ereupon, t"e tria court ordered t"eir re;arra re;arraignment. ignment. After After t"e t"e& & pe peade aded d gui guit& t&,, t"e tri tria a co court urt dir direct ected ed t"e prosecution to present e#idence, "ic" it did. '1( to conduct a searc"ing in:uir& into t"e #ountariness and fu compre"en compre"ension sion of t"e conse:uences of t"e pea of guit, '2( to re:uire t"e prosecution to sti pro#e t"e guit of t"e accused and t"e precise degree of "is cupabiit&, and '3( to in: in:uir uire e "e "et"e t"err or not t"e accu accused sed is"e is"es s to present e#idence in "is be"af and ao "im to do so if "e desires. +"e rationae be"ind t"e rue is t"at t"e courts must proceed it" more care "ere t"e possibe punis"ment is in its se#erest form, name& deat", for t"e reason t"at t"e eec e ecut utio ion n of su suc" c" a se sent nten ence ce is ir irrre#er e#ersi sib be. e. +"e +"e primordia purpose is to a#oid impro#ident peas of guit on t"e t"e pa part rt of an ac accu cuse sed d "er "ere e gr gra# a#e e cr crime imes s ar are e in#o#ed since "e mig"t be admitting "is guit before t"e
court and t"us forfeiting "is ife and ibert& it"out "a#ing fu fu& & un unde ders rsto tood od t" t"e e me mean anin ing, g, sign signii-ca canc nce e and and conse:uen cons e:uence ce of "is pea pea.. ?or ?oreo#e eo#er, r, t"e re:uire re:uirement ment of taing furt"er e#idence oud aid t"is %ourt on appeate re#ie in determining t"e propriet& or impropriet& of t"e pea.
i it" t"ou outt e eig igib ibii iit& t& of pa paro roe. e. Accu Accuse sed; d;ap appe pea ant nt + +@A @AN N $5R$5N@AN & RAON A.K.A. /AR@NA $5R$5N@AN is found guit& be&ond be& ond re reas asona onabe be doubt doubt as accom accompic pice e in t"e cri crime me of idn idnap appi ping ng for for ra rans nsom om and and se sent nten ence ced d to su su=e =err t" t"e e indeterminate penat& of si '!( mont"s and one '1( da& of $rision %orrecciona, %orrecciona, as minimum, to si '!( &ears and one '1(
As a genera rue, con#ictions based on an impro#ident pea of guit are set aside and t"e cases are remanded for fur furt"e t"err pr proc oceed eeding ings s if suc suc" " pe pea a is t"e soe bas basis is of 8udgement. @f t"e tria court, "oe#er, reied on sucient and credibe e#idence to con#ict t"e accused, as it did in t"is case, t"e con#iction must be sustained, because t"en it is pr predi edica cated ted not mer mere& e& on t"e guit guit& & pe pea a but on e#id e#iden ence ce pr pro# o#in ing g t" t"e e comm commis issi sion on of t" t"e e o=en o=ense se c"arge c"a rged. d.) ) +"e manne mannerr b& "i "ic" c" t"e pea of gui guit& t& is made ma de,, "et "et"e "err impr impro# o#id iden ent t& & or no not, t, ose oses s ega ega si sign gnii-ca canc nce e " "er ere e t"e t"e con# con#ic icti tion on can can be base based d on indepe ind epende ndent nt e#iden e#idence ce pr pro#i o#ing ng t"e co commis mmissio sion n of t"e crime b& t"e acc accused. used. %ontrar& to accu accused; sed;appe appeants antsBB assertions, t"e& ere con#icted b& t"e tria court, not on t"e basis of t"eir pea of guit&, but on t"e strengt" of t"e e#idence adduced b& t"e prosecut prosecution, ion, "ic" as proper& appreciated appreciate d b& t"e tria court.7 +"e prosecution as abe to pr pro#e o#e t"e gui guit t of t"e acc accuse used;a d;appe ppea ants nts and t"e t"eir ir degrees of cupabiit& be&ond reasonabe doubt.
da& of $rision ?a&or, as maimum. Accused;appeants are orde orderred to inde indemn mnif if& & t"e t"e #i #ict ctim im in t"e t"e am amou ount nts s of $100 $100,0 ,000 00.0 .00 0 as ci ci#i #i inde indemn mnit it&, &, $100 $100,0 ,000 00.0 .00 0 as mo mora ra dama damage ges s and$1 nd$100 00,0 ,000 00.0 .00 0 as eem emp par& ar& dama damag ges apportioned in t"e fooing manner> t"e principas to t"e cri crime me s"a s"a 8oint 8oint& & and se#er se#era& a& pa& t"e #icti #ictim m t"e tota amount of $2,000.00 "ie t"e accompice s"a pa& t"e #ictim$12,000.00, sub8ect to Artice 110 of t"e Re#ised $ena %ode on se#era and subsidiar& i iabiit& abiit&.. +"e %ourt orders t"e %orrectiona @nstitute for Come Comen n to immedia immediate te& & re reea ease se +@ +@AN AN $5R $5R$5N $5N@AN @AN A.K.A A.K.A.. /AR /AR@NA @NA $5R$5N@AN due to "er "a#ing fu& ser#ed t"e penat& impose imposed on "er, uness "er furt"er detention is arranted for an& ot"er afu causes.
ISPOSITION' #HEREFORE, )(e 45 $ue 47 e/-s-o o+ )(e %ou*) %ou*) o+ App Appeal eals s - %A8 %A8G. G.R. R. %R %R9H 9H.%. .%. No No.. 5 56: 6: -s (e*eb (e* eb AFF AFFIRM IRME E #I #ITH TH MO MOIF IFI%A I%ATIO TIONS. NS. Accused; appeant appe ants s A/@/ GA?
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