People vs Dacudao

July 25, 2018 | Author: Lyceum Lawlibrary | Category: Common Law, Justice, Crime & Justice, Public Law, Legal Concepts
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People vs Dacudao...


[G.R. No. 81389. February 21, 1989.] PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petto!er, pett o!er, "#. HON. REN$TO REN$TO %. &$%'&$O, Pre#(!) *u()e o+ te Re)o!a- Tra- %ourt o+ %ebu, ra!/ 0I, a!( RE %HRISTOPHER P$%LI$R, a!( NERO &ES$P$R$&O &ES$P$R$&O a-a# TOTO &ES$P$R$&O &ES$P$R$&O a-a# 4$L&$S, $L&$S, re#po!(e!t#.

The Solicitor General for petitioner. Bernardito A. Florido for private respondents. SLL$'S

1.CONSTITUTIONAL LAW LAW !IG"T OF ACCUS#$ TO BAIL %!OS#CUTION $#%!I&#$ OF %!OC#$U!AL $U# %!OC#SS ALL G!ANT#$ TO ACCUS#$ WIT"OUT "#A!ING. ' The respondent co(rt acted irre)(larl* in )rantin) +ail in a ,(rder case -itho(t an* hearin) on the ,otion asin) for it/ -itho(t +otherin) to as the prosec(tion for its confor,it* or co,,ent/ and/ as it t(rned o(t later/ over its stron) o+0ections. The co(rt )ranted +ail on the sole +asis of the co,plaint and the affidavits of three police,en/ not one of -ho, appar entl* -itnessed the illin). Whatever the co(rt  possessed at the ti,e it iss(ed the (estioned r(lin) -as intended intended onl* for pri,a facie deter,inin) -hether or not there is s(fficient )ro(nd to en)ender a -ell2fo(nded +elief that the cri,e -as co,,itted and pinpointin) the persons -ho pro+a+l* p ro+a+l* co,,itted it. Whether or not the evidence of )(ilt is stron) for each individ(al acc(sed still has to +e esta+lished (nless the prosec(tion s(+,its the iss(e on -hatever it has alread* presented. To appreciate the stren)th or -eaness of the evidence of )(ilt/ the prosec(tion ,(st +e cons(lted or hea rd. It is e(all* entitled as the acc(sed to d(e process. 3.!#4#$IAL LAW LAW C!I4INAL %!OC#$U!# FI5ING OF BAILBON$ GUI$#LIN#S T"#!#FO!. ' Certain )(idelines in the fi6in) of a +ail+ond call for the presentation of evidence and reasona+le opport(nit* for the prosec(tion to ref(te it. A,on) the, are the nat(re and circ(,stances of  the cri,e/ character and rep(tation of the acc(sed/ the -ei)ht of the evidence a)ainst hi,/ the  pro+a+ilit* of the acc(sed appearin) at the trial/ -hether or not the acc(sed is a f()itive fro, 0(stice/ and -hether or not the acc(sed is (nder +ond in other cases. 7Section 8/ !(le 199/ !(les of Co(rt: It is hi)hl* do(+tf(l if the trial co(rt can appreciate ap preciate these )(idelines in an e62parte deter,ination -here the Fiscal is neither present nor heard. ;.I$. I$. BAIL NOT A 4ATT#! OF !IG"T "#A!ING ON 4OTION FO! BAIL/ IN$IS%#NSABL#. ' Bail is not a ,atter of ri)ht as re)ards persons char)ed -ith offenses p(nisha+le  +* recl(sion perpet(a -hen the evidence of )(ilt is stron). Th(s/ Sec. 1@8?:/ this Co(rt held that/ Eno act(al do(+le 0eopard* e6ists -here the petitioner had not *et pleaded )(ilt* to the offense. &E%ISION

GUTI#!!#/ D!./ D p The (estion presented for resol(tion in this petition for certiorari and prohi+ition is -hether or not the prosec(tion -as deprived of proced(ral d(e process on acco(nt of the )rant of +ail to the acc(sed -itho(t an* hearin) on the ,otion for +ail. The facts have +een s(,,ariHed as follo-s E1.On A()(st 11/ 1@/ an Infor,ation for 4(rder -ith the (alif*in) circ(,stances of treacher* and evident pre,editation -as filed +efore the !e)ional Trial Co(rt of Ce+(/ Branch 5I&/  presided +* respondent D(d)e !enato C. $ac(dao/ a)ainst acc(sed !e* Christopher %acli+ar and Nero $esa,parado for the death of Cesarlito Nolasco. The case -as doceted as Cri,inal Case No. CBU2 1198;. Upon arrai)n,ent/ acc(sed !e* Christopher %acli+ar entered a plea of not )(ilt* to the offense char)ed. E3.On Septe,+er 1/ 1@/ acc(sed !e* Christopher %acli+ar filed a ,otion for +a il/ f(rnishin) the %rovincial Fiscal of Ce+( -ith a cop* thereof. E;.On Septe,+er 3@/ 1@/ and -itho(t cond(ctin) a hearin) in the application for +ail/ respondent D(d)e s(,,aril* iss(ed the follo-in) Order O!$#!  EConsiderin) the ,otion for +ail and the opposition thereto/ and/ on the +asis of the co,plaint at +ar and the s-orn state,ent of %atrol,an #lpidio $es(itado/ Tadeo A+ello and !o,eo TorriHo/ all of the Inte)rated National %olice/ Banta*an 7Ce+(: %olice Station/ -hich constit(te the essential evidence 7so far: of the prosec(tion in this case/ this Co(rt here+* resolves to )rant the ,otion for +ail  presented +* Att*. Bernardito A. Florido/ and to this end here+* fi6es the +ail+ond for the acc(sed !e* Christopher %acli+ar at %
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