Title: People v Temporada Citation: GR No. 173473, Dec. 17, 2008 Topic: ndeterminate !entence "a# Facts: The case is about the decision of the Court of Appeals (CA), arming with modication the Ma !", #$$" %ecision# of the &egional Trial Court (&TC) of Manila, accused'appellant eth Temporada conicting her of the crime of large scale illegal recruitment, or iolation of Article *+ of the abor Code, as amended, and e (-) counts of estafa under Article *!-, par. (#)(a) of the &eised /enal Code (&/C). Accused &osemarie 0ab0 &obles, ernadette Miranda, 1enita Catacotan and 2o3o &esco and appellant eth Temporada, all emploees of the Alternatie Trael and Tours Tours Corporation (ATT (ATTC), C), recruited and promised oerseas oerseas emploment, for a fee, to complainants &ogelio egaspi, 2r. as technician in 4ingapore, and 4oledad Atle, u5 Min6a, 7eln 7stacio and %ennis %imaano as factor wor6ers in 8ong6ong. After complaina complainants nts had submitted submitted all the re9uir re9uiremen ements ts the accused accused and appellan appellant, t, on dierent dates, collected and receied from them placement fees. ;nl appellant was apprehended apprehended and brought to trial, the other accused remained at large.
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