Personal Strength People Skills People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
People Management Skills
Rapport Building
Influencing Motivating
Performance Management Leadership
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
What is “Comunicat “Comunication” ion” Process of transmission of Ideas, eelings, Messages etc! from sender to receiver in such a "a# that receiver understands !
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
Understanding ormula for $Understanding $Understanding
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
Communication Sender
Process Idea
Communication Process Sender
??**@ Receiver
Communication barriers
&emantic Barriers
Ph#sical 'arriers
Ps#chological 'arriers
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
Giving Instructions
(nderstand the receiver)s 'ac*ground Ma*e receiver at ease +ive instructions, not orders Be Clear
Be precise -I&&. /ncourage clarification 0s* eed'ac*
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
Giving egative !eedback
+et #our emotions under control ind a private place ocus on their actions, not on the person Be specific Be timel# Be calm Reaffirm #our faith in the person &top tal*ing efine positive steps +et over it
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
Giving Positive !eedback
o it no"
Ma*e it pu'lic
Be specific Ma*e a 'ig deal out of it
Consider the receiver
o it often
o it evenl#
Be sincere
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
"apport #uilding
What is "apport$
2atural process of matching and 'eing in alignment "ith another! 0 sense of mutua mutuall understand understanding ing and s#mpath#
3he presence of harmon#, trust and cooperation in relationship
emonstrating understanding understanding of the other person)s model of the "orld!
4ou don)t have to li*e or agree to the other person)s model of the "orld, 'ut #ou have to at least understand it!
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
"apport #uilding
3a*e a genuine interest Pic* up on the *e# "ords in conversation! 2otice ho" someone li*es to handle information Breathe in unison "ith them! Loo* out for the other persons intention 0dopt a similar stance to t o them in terms of #our 'od# language, gestures, voice tone and speed! Respect the other persons time, energ#, mone#
3al* others) language People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
What is In%uenc In%uencing$ ing$
a po"er to affect persons or events especiall# po"er 'ased on prestige etc6 7used her parents influence to get the o'7
causing something "ithout an# direct or apparent effort
charm9 induce into action '# using ones charm6 7&he charmed him into giving her all his mone#$
3o cause advers adversaries aries or ot others hers to 'ehave in a manner favora'le to us
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
What is in%uenced $
3he other person)s
Beliefs :alues Behavior
Motives 0ctions
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
&'amples o( In%uencing
&alesman customer
Manager "anting his su'ordinate to perform 'etter
ather tr#ing to reason out "ith his son to oin a particular degree course
;ife tr#ing to influence her hus'and to
People Management Skills
'u# her a costl# saree octor persuading a patient to stop smo*ing
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
)he Process o( or effective influencing9 In%uencing 0 message should meet the
ps#chological needs of the other person
&ee* onl# minor changes in the audience)s attitudes at a time
/sta'lish a common ground "ith the other person
Leave #our audience feeling satisfied and competent or change to endure, people must 'e convinced the# "ill 'e re"arded in some "a#
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
*utcomes o( Success(ul Persuasion
3arget person doing "hat is intended Permanent Change
Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
T heme ni ngofl eader shi p What isa leadership$ The process of influencing people and providing an environment for them to achieve team or organizational obectives
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
&,ective leaders can increase &u'ordinates) motivation
3as* performance
+roup identification
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
)pes o( +eaders
!eader b" the position achieved
!eader b" personalit"# charisma
!eader b" moral e$ample
!eader b" po%er held
Intellectual leader !eader because of abilit" to accomplish things
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
+eadership is all about.// $ 3he 3he art art of gett gettin ing g peo peopl ple e to to do do do "hat the# reall# don)t "ant to do and don)t feel e?uipped to do do against a timeline the# don)t 'elieve in, in, "ith ris*s ris*s that that scare them, to achieve an o'ective the# 'elieve at the 'eginning to 'e impossi'le! impossi'le! @ /ric +regor#
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
+eaders vs/ Managers
focus on people
focus on syste#s $ structures
inspire trust
have a long-range view
rely on control have a short-range view
ask what and why
ask how and when
have eyes on horizon
have eyes on %otto# line
challenge status quo
accept status quo
do the right thing
do things right
People Management Skills
Empower People for Enhanced Performance
People Management 0ttitudes 0tt itudes Integrit#
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