People Management Skills

August 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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People Management Managemen t Skills


People Skills - Importance

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Personal Strength People Skills People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


People Management Skills 


Rapport Building

Influencing Motivating

 

Performance Management Leadership

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance




What is “Comunicat “Comunication” ion” Process of transmission of  Ideas, eelings, Messages etc! from sender to receiver  in such a "a# that receiver understands !

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Understanding ormula for $Understanding $Understanding


People Management Skills




Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Communication Sender

Process Idea









Communication Process Sender 





??**@ Receiver 





Communication barriers 

&emantic Barriers

Ph#sical 'arriers

Ps#chological 'arriers

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Giving Instructions 

 

(nderstand the receiver)s 'ac*ground Ma*e receiver at ease +ive instructions, not orders Be Clear 

Be precise -I&&. /ncourage clarification   0s* eed'ac* 

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Giving egative !eedback    

      

+et #our emotions under control ind a private place ocus on their actions, not on the person Be specific Be timel# Be calm Reaffirm #our faith in the person &top tal*ing efine positive steps +et over it

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Giving Positive !eedback  

o it no"

Ma*e it pu'lic

Be specific Ma*e a 'ig deal out of it

 

Consider the receiver 

o it often

o it evenl#

Be sincere

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


"apport #uilding


What is "apport$ 

2atural process of matching and 'eing in alignment "ith another!  0 sense of mutua mutuall understand understanding ing and s#mpath#

3he presence of harmon#, trust and cooperation in relationship

emonstrating understanding understanding of the other person)s model of the "orld!

4ou don)t have to li*e or agree to the other person)s model of the "orld, 'ut #ou have to at least understand it!

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


"apport #uilding  

  

3a*e a genuine interest Pic* up on the *e# "ords in conversation! 2otice ho" someone li*es to handle information Breathe in unison "ith them! Loo* out for the other persons intention  0dopt a similar stance to t o them in terms of #our 'od# language, gestures, voice tone and speed! Respect the other persons time, energ#, mone#

3al* others) language People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance




What is In%uenc In%uencing$ ing$ 

a po"er to affect persons or events especiall# po"er 'ased on prestige etc6 7used her parents influence to get the  o'7

causing something "ithout an# direct or apparent effort

charm9 induce into action '# using ones charm6 7&he charmed him into giving her all his mone#$

3o cause advers adversaries aries or ot others hers to 'ehave in a manner favora'le to us

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


What is in%uenced $ 

3he other person)s 


  

Beliefs :alues Behavior 

 

Motives  0ctions

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


&'amples o( In%uencing 

&alesman customer 

Manager "anting his su'ordinate to perform 'etter

ather tr#ing to reason out "ith his son to oin a particular degree course

;ife tr#ing to influence her hus'and to

People Management Skills






'u# her a costl# saree octor persuading a patient to stop smo*ing

Empower People for Enhanced Performance


)he Process o( or effective influencing9 In%uencing  0 message should meet the 

ps#chological needs of the other person 

&ee* onl# minor changes in the audience)s attitudes at a time

/sta'lish a common ground "ith the other person

Leave #our audience feeling satisfied and competent or change to endure, people must 'e convinced the# "ill 'e re"arded in some "a#

People Management Skills

Empower People for Enhanced Performance


*utcomes o( Success(ul Persuasion 

3arget person doing "hat is intended Permanent Change 

People Management Skills

 0ttitude Behaviour

Mutual satisfaction

Empower People for Enhanced Performance


)ools o( In%uencing 

2egative  

People Management Skills

Cheating 3hreatening < Bull#ing


&elf Pit#

3"isted Logic


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


)ools o( In%uencing 

Positive 

/thos = Credi'ilit#

  

People Management Skills

Pathos = /motions Logos = Logic -airos = 3i 3iming ming

Empower People for Enhanced Performance




Motivating 

3he 2eeds >ieraech#


>#gine actors Motivating /mplo#ees

 

Pro'lems in Motivating

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


Per(ormance Management


Per(ormance Management 

+oal &etting


Mentoring Counseling

 

+iving eed'ac*

Pro'lem solving

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance




What is leadership$ Leading people

Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


 T heme ni ngofl eader shi p What isa leadership$ The process of influencing people and providing an environment for them to achieve team or organizational obectives

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


&,ective leaders can increase &u'ordinates) motivation 



3as* performance

+roup identification

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


)pes o( +eaders 

!eader b" the position achieved

!eader b" personalit"# charisma

!eader b" moral e$ample

!eader b" po%er held

Intellectual leader  !eader because of abilit" to accomplish things

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


+eadership is all about.// $ 3he 3he art art of gett gettin ing g peo peopl ple e to to do do do   "hat the# reall# don)t "ant to do and don)t feel e?uipped to do  do   against a timeline the# don)t 'elieve in, in, "ith ris*s ris*s that  that scare them, to achieve an o'ective the# 'elieve at the 'eginning to 'e impossi'le! impossi'le! @ /ric +regor#

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


+eaders vs/ Managers 





focus on people

focus on syste#s $ structures

inspire trust

have a long-range view

rely on control have a short-range view

ask what and why

ask how and when

have eyes on horizon

have eyes on %otto# line



challenge status quo

accept status quo

do the right thing

do things right

People Management Skills


Empower People for Enhanced Performance


People Management  0ttitudes  0tt itudes Integrit# 

/?uit# A airness

Respect for thers /mpath#

 

+enuine concern for others

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