Penyakit Respirasi Pada Anak

October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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5. Penyakit Respirasi yang sering ditemukan  %. A&ute Bron&'itis and . Aspiration Pneumonia  . *'roni& O+str. nf!amtory -ung Dis.   .%. *'roni& Bron&'itis   .. mp'ysema   .. Ast'm Ast'ma a . senin tg! /01/0%2 Prof. Rusdidjas,SpA(K), Prof Rafita Ramayati.,S Ramayati.,SpA(K) pA(K) DR. dr Hj Oke Rina Ramayani.SpA Bgn !mu Kes. Anak "K#$S$  20.6.2000



 %. A&ute +ron&'itis   Acute inflammation inflammation of the

mucous membranes of membranes of the trachea and bronchi (duration < 4 weeks)  productive cough  upper respirator tract smptoms  general smptoms (in !0 " #0$)

  2%.&.20!!


  20.6.2000


Aetio!ogy of a&ute +ron&'itis 

'ommon resp. tract viruses (&0$) RS3 4Respiratory Synsitia! 3irus5  3irus5 

acteria (in about 20$ of cases)  *neumococci ( in 2 " +0$),  -aemophilus ( in 2 " &$),  coplasma (in 0.# " !!$)  'hlamdia (in 0 "!&$)  (*ertussis (in 0 " /$)) 2



Diagnosis of a&ute +ron&'itis 7'e aim is to diffn&iated 

ari semua pasien g BATUK 1 dentifikasi *en. 3ain g memerlukan pengobatan spesifik ( ump  pneumonia, sinisitis, asthma)

(identif1 among all patients with cough (identif1 cough11 those with ot'er i!!nesses needing spe&ifi& treatment (e.g. pneumonia1 sinusitis1 asthma)

ari semua pasien g BRONCHITIS  1 dentifikasi dentifi kasi *en. g memer memerlukan lukan Antibiotika (identif1 among all patients with bronchitis, bronchitis, those  those 8'o 8ou!d +enefit from anti+ioti&s) 6  20.6.2000


(Differentia!) diagnosis 

-istor  (e.g. asthma) ada mengiik5 -istor

-ealth status  status (general conition, auscultation) auscultation) 

  !"ra# (to e$clue %neumonia&  CR' (high CR' reers to bacterial aetiolog# or  %neumonia&

inus ultrasound  ultrasound (to e7clude sinusitis sinusitis))

  Antibod testing  testing (of a few representative patients if needed to establish an e%iemic )

8as access to a follow"up  follow"up visit (inform our assistants9)




 Kapan per!u di :#ray ;'en is &'est



Antimi&ro+ia! t'erapy of a&ute +ron&'itis % 

"irst &'oi&e?  in most cases good effect on pneumococci is sufficient  penicillin resistance in pneumococci in ;inland is low

( < !$) (A)   peni&i!!in 3 3 !"!.# mega units & hourl for # = / das > ! tab    

? 2#0 mg ? 400.000 unit@ osis < !2 thn  2#"#0 mgBgda dibagi 6"& Cam 7 D !2 thn1 adult  !2# = #00 mgBgda =E"

 for patients with penicillin allerg a first #generation


  20.6.2000


Antimi&ro+ia! t'erapy of a&ute +ron&'itis 

Ot'er &'oi&es?  probable mcoplasma or chlamdia infection  doxycycline doxycycline !00"!#0  !00"!#0 mg dail for # = / das  a ma&ro!ide ma&ro!ide erthromcin #00mg + " 4 times dail1 dail1 ro7ithromc ro7ithromcin in !#0 mg twice dail1 klarithromcin 2#0mg twice dail or aFithromcin 2#0 mg dail for # =/ das  underling chronic lung disease  amo
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