Penis Pic Game - Chateau Heartiste PDF

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T h e S ix ix t ee ee n C o mm mm a nd nd me me n ts ts O f P oo oo n Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions D at at in in g Ma Ma rk rk et et Va Va lu lu e Te Te st st Fo Fo r Wo Wo me me n

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A l ph ph a A s se se s sm sm e nt nt S u bm bm i ss ss i on on s Dating Market M arket Value Test For Men A bo bo ut


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Penis Pic Game January 28, 2011 by CH

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous emails: Big fan of your work.

Copyright © 2015. Chateau Heartiste. All rights reserved. Comments are a lunchroom food fight and do not necessarily represent the

I saw this exchange on FB, and I couldn’t resist snapping some screen

opinions of Chateau Heartiste


proprietors or contributors.

 “R” is an early-thirties female. Commen Commenter ters s J, J, and J, and E are all males. When Whe n I read read the initial post, I couldn’t help but picture a cocky

Visit the Goodbye, America

assholle, annoyed with her presumption, assho p resumption, and deciding the penis pic

photojournal website. website.

was the best way to way to shut it down. down . After “E” suggests something similar, her story changes a bit IMO. But I’ll leave the interpretation to you and your readers.

P About Alpha Assessment

Here is the exchange:

Submissions Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions Dating Market Value Test For Men Dating Market Value Test For Women Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List Shit Cuckservatives Say The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon

T U @FamesBlond FamesBlond @  @LouiseMensch LouiseMensch The Fundamental Premise in action. 3 weeks ago RT @FamesBlond @FamesBlond:: @ChateauEmissary @LouiseMensch LouiseMensch SMH  SMH at the sheer bitterness towards the few men have those options compared to volume of opp… 3 weeks ago


@Tears4Clowns Tears4Clowns The  The sexual market has a nihilism bias. But women who really fear abandonment have another option: don't marry a super alpha. 3 weeks ago @MiaoReport MiaoReport Sure,  Sure, but like White altruism, it never stops "working" until the environment changes and makes it pathological. 3 weeks ago @therajraj therajraj That's  That's probably right, but at the margins sustained and aggressive agitprop can alter people's behavior. 3 weeks ago @FredAGunter FredAGunter @  @ClarkHat ClarkHat USA circa 1955 was ~90% White. That couldn't have been coincidental to America's dominance then. 3 weeks ago

R C Erudite Knight on Knight on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Erudite Knight on Knight on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Greg Eliot on Grope Solo Mob Barley on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Greg Eliot on Grope Solo Greg Eliot on Grope Solo Another Media/Hillar Media/Hillar… … on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Mob Barley on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Dude on Another Media/Hillary/Globalis… Johnny Redux on Grope Solo

T P How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Of Herself  The Wickedest Links President Gay Mulatto Flaunts His Erection, Hypocritical Shitlib Female Reporters Giggle Like Schoolgirls! Evidence Mounts That The "Pussygrab" Leak Came From A GOP And Cuckryan Operative, Dan Senor Grope Solo Evidence That Hillary Clinton Has A Serious Neurological Disease (And The Media Is Covering It Up) Tim Wise: Hysterical, Emotionally Incontinent, Pudgeball Manlet


The Nexus Of Womanizing And Wokeness Krystal Ball And The Hypocrisy Of The Shitlib Slut Proof That The Polls Are Rigged Against Trum Trump p

C Select Category

C People of Walmart PostSecret Stuff White People Like The Daily Sarge Things My Boyfriend Says xkcd

G 60 Years of Challenge Alpha Game Cajun Krauser PUA Rational Male

Frist of all, props to the guys “J”, “J” and “E” for handling this whiny broad with biting humor, and to the original penis pic sender for offending her sensibilities. I

Roosh V

like the last suggestion from “J” that s he should return fire with a pic of her vagina. For some reason I cannot fathom, I doubt she’ll consider that option.

The G Manifesto

Tenmagnet The Rookie Treatise of Love

When “E” implies there must be a good reason penis pic man stood her up and  “nuked” their conversation, she she changes her story in an obvious way that that makes her look better. better. It’s funny how often women badly contradict themselves in a web of lies when their sexual market value is disparaged. disparaged. Recall Maxim #77: Maxim #77: Women will screech louder the closer your words get to damaging or exposing vulnerabilities in their sexual market value.

VKs empire of dirt

S  S Alternative Right AmRen

Penis pic game justifiably gets a bad rap as a seduction technique, but it’s underappreciated as an effective means of belittling a haughty bitch. It is the ultimate shit test, because there really is no answer to a picture of a penis on your phone. Even as a serious pickup technique, I think it could work on really twisted, slutty girls who crave the most intense asshole experience the cock carousel can provide.

Anonymous Conservative Arts & Letters Daily Audacious Epigone Deconstructing Leftism Education Realist Evo and Proud

To properly run penis pic game, you should be aware of the basic rules of 

Gene Expression


Hail To You hbd chick

You don’t have to send a pic of your own penis. Choose from any number

Human Biological Diversity

of porn star penises on the web. Or, if you really want to deliver a powerful message, text her a pic of a penis maimed with disease and pus-

Information Processing

dripping open sores. Bonus points if you send a black peen to a white

Mangans Miscellany

SWPL girl.


If you send a pic of your own penis with authenticity in mind, make sure

Page For Men

you are packing heat. You’ll have to be honest with yourself. Treat Treat penis


pics like any other text game: does it pass the Jumbotron test? test? If your

Rogue Health and Fitness

penis is flashed on a Jumbotron in front of thousands of spectators, would

Steve Sailer

you beam with pride? Or hide in shame? It kind of kills the purpose of  penis pic game if she shares it with her friends for a good laugh.

The Anti-Gnostic

Caveat to the above point: A pic of a micropenis from a medical reference manual would be funny funny.. It’s like saying “this is all you’re worth, honey.”  honey.” 

The Red Pill Review

Send a flaccid penis. An erection will make her wonder if you get excited

Unqualified Reservations

at the thought of texting her. A flaccid penis says all the right things to a

Vox Popoli

bitch you want to put in place. Namely, “You are not woman enough to

West Hunter

marginally bestir my loins.” Also, you aren’t a gay man texting another gay man.

Whiskey's Place

Include the balls some way way.. If you have a robust, assertive sack that frames your penis like a museum piece, this won’t be hard to do. There’s  just something extra demeaning about frank frank *and* beans.

Lion of the Blogosphere

The Kakistocracy The Spearhead

T H  M H

Shoot from below. This is a well-known trick that photographers use to emphasize largeness and dominance. Plus, it’s been shown that women

Alias Clio

like looking up at men. men. Extend the honor to your junk! Lighting is

Elysium Revisited

Dusk in Autumn


important, too. When lit from below, the penis will have that malevolent

Feminine Beauty

look, like a flashlight under the chin.

Gucci Little Piggy Hawaiian Libertarian Hyperbole and a Half  In Mala Fide Jack Goes Forth Overcoming Bias The Fourth Checkraise The Rawness Udolpho

I would run penis pic game, but a phone with a 24 inch screen hasn’t been invented yet.

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How To Remain Unflustered By Female Beauty

All Lust Same

How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Of  Herself 

Posted in Funny/Lolblogs Funny/Lolblogs,, The Id Monster, Monster, Vanity Vanity |  | 105 Comments

105 Responses Gorbachev

on January 28, 2011 at 1:36 pm

Women spin and spin and spin. That’s the most amazing thing.


on January 28, 2011 at 1:38 pm

good to see the guys not “omg-ing” and giving humor….. humor…..


on January 28, 2011 at 1:46 pm


One other tip – only send penis pics if there is also a girl in the picture approving of you one way or another.


on January 28, 2011 at 1:50 pm

lmfao. I send out peenpix every xmas, with my rig nestling as baby J-dog in the manger man ger. mandy mandy

propos pro posed ed marria marriage. ge.

The Truth

on January 28, 2011 at 1:52 pm

When your dick’s in a butt, Or the mouth of a slut, That’s gomorrah. When you’re fucking a goat, In the anus or the throat, That’s gomorrah. — Datroof on reddit


on January 28, 2011 at 2:02 pm

E is right that it’s a nuke that shuts down a conversation, but it also probably got the hindbrain stirring as well- especially as she wouldn’t have been texting this dude to begin with if she weren’t already interested in him. if so, dick-pic game is sort of the ultimate caveman direct game, if you posit she’s already attracted. the conscious brain is shocked but the loins are stirred. That may be one other element behind her overwrought proseunwelcome arousal.


on January 28, 2011 at 2:08 pm

I’d send a dickpic to roger alan currie, then, but he wants nipple pics too.


on January 28, 2011 at 2:16 pm

LOL @ 24 inch screen!

 Galloway

on January 28, 2011 at 2:18 pm

I agree, lol XDD


on January 28, 2011 at 2:29 pm

You need to grow up.

The Truth

on January 28, 2011 at 2:29 pm



on January 28, 2011 at 2:32 pm


I know someone who did this with one of those disposable cameras they leave on the tables at weddings.


on January 28, 2011 at 2:33 pm

That’s the funniest shit I’ve read all week. What a great way to shut down a bitch.


on January 28, 2011 at 2:35 pm

Lara I know someone who did this with one of those disposable cameras they leave on the tables at weddings.

I bet you chastised him by fucking his brains out

Captain Obvious

on January 28, 2011 at 2:43 pm

Here’s a story that begs for comment: Padma Lakshmi, host of Top Chef, is doing everything she can to deny that she carried the spawn of a beta to term. Adam Dell, brother of Dell Computer’s founder, founder, is the father of Lakshmi’s daughter, but Lakshmi refuses to acknowledge it, keeping his name off the birth daughter, certificate, and preventing him from having any contact with his daughter as much as possible. He is suing her of course. Money quote: After a relation ship that lasted two years, “Lakshmi withdrew emotionally, and began to attack [Dell] verbally with gratuitous insults. Among other things, she told him she found him to be an ‘unambitious’ man with an ‘uninteresting’ career and equally ‘unmemorable’ friends,’ the suit says.”  Dell is a highly successful venture capitalist and partner at a private equity firm with total assets of $4 billion. What a loser. Compared to his competition at least. Ted Forstmann, Forstmann, who Lakshmi tells her daughter to call “Papa, “Papa,”” is a legend of the leveraged buyout era and 30 years Dell’s Lakshmi’s senior senior.. And what does Forstmann do for a living today? He’s a partner at a private equity firm of course. No wonder she prayed that Forstmann, and not Dell, was the father of little Krishna. Here’s a clip from the delivery room at the hospital:

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0:50 / 0:00


on January 28, 2011 at 2:47 pm ^ Video of a guy with a micropenis, getting said micropenis fiddled with by three women. I think I would end myself.


on January 28, 2011 at 2:53 pm

My friends and I recently thought of a new iPhone app – ‘Dick’tures With Friends We thought of taking a picture of your erect member and choose your scene like it’s on a green screen…the beach, the mountains, Mount Rushmore! Send it to a girl like in the story and somehow capture the horror/confusion on her face when she sees your dick with the Manhattan skyline in the background. Then share with friends!


on January 28, 2011 at 2:53 pm

Need some advice from a Chateau vet. Supposed to be going out on a  “date” with some guy. guy. He is really interested and excited. If I stand him up will that work in my favor? I apologize to the host and everyone for disrupting the convo. Thanks.


on January 28, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Lara – the “grow up” argument is pretty lame, at least post something entertaining.

The Truth

on January 28, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Texting Tex ting yup. Stand him up and then go join a nunnery.


on January 28, 2011 at 3:18 pm

 “It is the ultimate shit test, because there really is no answer to a picture of a penis on your phone.”  phone.”  Yes, there is an answer to everything….. if it is from someone I don’t like: 1) oh, THAT SMALL!! 2) where is it? hahha!!!! 3)it looks plastic 4) ewwww!!!! 5) lol!!!! 6) sorry, vomiting sounds. 7) it’s not working…hehe! 8) poor thing If it is from someone I LIKE: can’t tell you hee! hee!


on January 28, 2011 at 3:19 pm

@Firepower You just gave me my Christmas card idea for next year.



on January 28, 2011 at 3:21 pm

@The Truth Listen, I mean well. I just dont want to make the same mi stakes I made in the past. Thanks to this site, I am an avid reader, I am very afraid of what my display of interest will do any budding feelings between us. I just want to know if  playing hard to get will hold his interest. I am not trying to hurt anyone.


on January 28, 2011 at 3:22 pm

another one….haahahah!!!! It’s ET!!!hahahha!!!


on January 28, 2011 at 3:25 pm

Off topic: I just read something interesting in the Britannica Guide to Genetics: Tanned girls, following a DNA script that they have no control over, over, may be particularly attracted to faired skinned men (such as redheads) and vice versa. Got me wondering. You don’t see many redhead couples. And very tanned men tend to like paler women. At least in my anecdotal experience. Should we take into account our complexion and target the women who match our genetic template? Has the Château any thoughts on this?

Rant Casey - BR 

on January 28, 2011 at 3:26 pm

I know someone who did this with one of those disposable cameras they leave on the tables at weddings.

Fine. I got ya. You recongnized the man by the penis. I’m sure it was a fond memory, Lara.


on January 28, 2011 at 3:27 pm

@texting123… if you are serious… it doesn’t work both ways. if you stood me up, I’d drop you and never call you again. Men are not like women. Women respond to unavailable men, not the other way around. If you really like him, then be feminine, show him you like him, dress up for him, cook for him, show your feelings. Don’t follow advice designed for men.

Corporal Hicks

on January 28, 2011 at 3:32 pm

Man, researching that Padma Lakshi chick on the Net is painful. What a drama-queen-hypergamy-u drama-queen-hypergamy-uber-bitch…. ber-bitch…. Oh yeah. I just described modern women.


You forgot to add “Suck it” in the title.

on January 28, 2011 at 3:38 pm



on January 28, 2011 at 3:44 pm

@Science Thank you.


on January 28, 2011 at 3:47 pm

Worst post in a quite a while…but everyone gets an off day.

Rant Casey - BR 

on January 28, 2011 at 3:52 pm

@texting123… if you are serious… it doesn’t work both ways. if  you stood me up, I’d drop you and never call you again. Men are not like women. Women respond to unavailable men, not the other way around. If you really like him, then be feminine, show him you like him, dress up for him, cook for him, show your feelings. Don’t follow advice designed for men.

Do all that… be attentive and display a fine grade of womanhood.

The Truth

on January 28, 2011 at 4:08 pm

I just looked up Parma Lakshmi. She looks like a tranny tranny.. Definitely man  jaw and high T. T.


on January 28, 2011 at 4:10 pm

I’m off to send my girlfriend pictures of my penis. I think it’d be quite charming to send a penis pic that is an obviously completely different race. So it’s not an, “ew gross, let me show the person next to me this guy’s penis,” but a WTF effect, where if someone spreads it around, there’s no way the penis matches the predecessor. predecessor. It’s just stupid to be showing people a picture of any ole random penis. Would I do this in real life? Who knows. Maybe in a few years it’ll be considered as romantic. Would love some plot and imagery.

Brett Favre

on January 28, 2011 at 4:26 pm

If you send a pic of your own penis with authenticity in mind, make sure you are packing heat.

Dammit! Now you tell me?


on January 28, 2011 at 4:36 pm

Hey Lara, the penis pic with the wedding camera was a king of queens episode, try to make up some new shit to amuse us instead of recycling sitcoms, thx


on January 28, 2011 at 4:39 pm


John, I don’t watch that show, but I wonder if that is where this guy got the idea from.


on January 28, 2011 at 4:51 pm

Actually John it happened about 10 years ago so maybe he was the inspiration for the show.

on January 28, 2011 at 4:53 pm

what @Firepower

lmfao.  “I send out peenpix every xmas, with my rig nestling as baby J-dog in the manger. mandy mandy

proposed propo sed marria marriage. ge.”  ” 

is it a pop up card? hehehe!! merry christmas!!! lol!!!

Mr. N

on January 28, 2011 at 4:55 pm

@Texting123 Men are not women.


on January 28, 2011 at 4:57 pm

I must include a warning here: DON’T send dickpix to any of the following: 1) Women you are going to college with 2) Women you work with 3) Women you have hired for any reason except as hookers 4) Women who are lawyers Dickpix to any of them will get you a lawsuit faster than you can say “John Holmes.” 


on January 28, 2011 at 5:29 pm

Texting123– You’ve gotten good advice. Standing him up is real bad. Flaking with decent notice isn’t as bad but won’t make him more attracted, and might lead him to lose interest, depending on his options. If’s there’s chemistry, kiss as soon as he makes the play. Just follow your feelings there. But for bf commitment purposes delaying when you’ll go all the way does tend to work. If you feel passion show it, just restrain yourself and him from full on sex for awhile. Well it tends to work on less alpha guys, or sorta alpha guys who are really, really attracted to the girl even before sex. It runs the risk of him losing interest though. I’m sure you’ve read about the three date rule here for aspiring alphas, but many girls getting with less alpha guys, or really hot girls, can make guys with less game pursue for longer. Don’t delay too long though. If you push it too far and he does fade away, your texting him a couple of weeks down the line (when it looks pretty clear he’s gone cold) about hoping to see him again soon, will usually work, esp. if he’s contemplating you as a gf. But then you’ve got to have sex, if he’s got any game in him at all.


on January 28, 2011 at 5:42 pm


@Texting123 Also be cool, good natured and not clingy.


on January 28, 2011 at 5:44 pm

One of the best weeks ever at the Chateau. Fucking hilarious.

The Specimen

on January 28, 2011 at 5:52 pm

That’s a good one. Those “how come u never called me back,”  conversations always leave oppoutinities for ventures in creative assholery.


on January 28, 2011 at 6:01 pm

Penis game seems like an angry response = beta. It’s not funny, it’s not cocky (pardon the obvious pun), it’s juvenile. I think it would only lower your value by sending a photo. It displays way too much thought. It’s the equivalent of “Fuck you”. Also it could be seen as illegal or bordering and while it may raise questions, I think it’s more creepy than clever. There are far better ways to cancel. Like just canceling. But by sending a creepy text photo like this it makes you seem crazy and unstable.

Evil Alpha

on January 28, 2011 at 6:08 pm

“I know someone who did this with one of those disposable cameras they  leave on the tables at weddings.” 

Isn’t this standard at all weddings? I can’t name any of my good friends who haven’t done this.


on January 28, 2011 at 6:10 pm

My standard response to all shit is silence. Or sarcastic humor humor..  “Good for you.”  you.”  (after lots of whining or bs): “Yeah, thanks.”   “I guess it’s my loss. Bye.”  Bye.”  But it’s always better to answer with silence. Then the hamster spins and they don’t know what to think. Remember this, people.

Question of the day

on January 28, 2011 at 6:31 pm

threesum with two menstruating women, Alpha or beta ??


@Doug1 @Science You guys are from Heaven, thanks.

on January 28, 2011 at 6:34 pm


Corporal Hicks

on January 28, 2011 at 6:35 pm

Good points, Gorb. The vast majority of men sink themselves by opening their mouths. Silence in the face of shit-testing is best. (ball-scratching can be added for emphasis.) One-word responses are second best. (“So?”) Two-word Two -word responses are third best. (“Your point?) The more words you add, the lower down you go.


on January 28, 2011 at 6:57 pm

Treat shit-testing and other such female follies with sarcastic contempt. NOT contempt. That sounds too bitter. The point is to be happy to walk away and to consider her opinions irrelevant – in a sarcastic or funny way. way. You can even be charming about it. But silence or sarcastic contempt is the only way to go.


on January 28, 2011 at 7:31 pm

Gorb– Bemusement works well.

Mr. C

on January 28, 2011 at 9:39 pm

” Penis game seems like an angry response = beta. ”  If it’s done after you meet her and she hasn’t shown any interest ; its beta. On the other hand. If you have stood her up and sent her a picture of your cock with “Suck It” as a caption … it’s beta but also hilarious.


on January 28, 2011 at 7:39 pm

 “robust, assertive sack” are you fuckin kidding me incredible writer this guy


on January 28, 2011 at 10:00 pm

Does anyone remember the early internet clas sic, “HorseGag”? Though it was only about a minute long, it managed to convey quite a lot of tender emotion and sentimentality – just what the girl in question might respond to – especially the final, climactic scene. I would send a bit of that if I could. It would strike exactly the right note in this situation, imho.

 Viagra_Falls

on January 28, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Probably belaboring an obvious point here, but Penis Pic game can work as a buildup and not just as a tell-off.


Just start the sex talk on the IM or through texting, then send her a sequence of  progressively racy pics while calibrating her response (personally, I use a striptease sequence), which ends with a full-on cock shot. 90% percent of the time it will amplify attraction. Of course, you have to be hung


on January 29, 2011 at 12:52 am

Facebook is stupid.

pǝnisǝs are funny

on January 29, 2011 at 1:15 am



on January 29, 2011 at 1:16 am



on January 29, 2011 at 1:36 am

What Men Know That Women Don’t

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on January 29, 2011 at 2:05 am

I tried penis game in high school and the girl uploaded the photo onto her Myspace. Owned.

Alpha Cat

on January 29, 2011 at 2:34 am

I’m pretty sure everybody knows to take a picture of your dick if you see a camera just sitting on a table. Or a cellphone camera…. All guys do this.


on January 29, 2011 at 2:55 am

And if she DID in fact respond with a picture of her vag, the guy could always come back with “Seriously tho! ur pussy rocks!” 


The Swede

on January 29, 2011 at 6:42 am

I was hitting it off with a drunk floozy when some guy she was texting with, sent her a penis pic. She disappeared later that night. The next day, I found out that she went to his place to gyrate on said penis. Penis texts can work.

Silver Fox

on January 29, 2011 at 11:00 am

What your describing is known as sexual gambling, in transactional analysis…first studied in 60s. Todays Men vastly underestimate their sexual gambling hand; women use the Todays bluff, ace, fold viciously from about 14 on. Some Men catch on at 34-40 or after a divorce…ie, having a comb when bald. Hence, the male only uses the loss/pay-up card. Most Men assume if they are re-buffed, they MUST leave the table c ivily….u ivily….usually sually enforced by societal-laws. However,, women know society rarely enforces its social laws, but denigrates However losers with depravity depravity.. Hence we see women key cars, clean out husbands, and cheat at least 25% in all divorces, are bearers 10+% bastard childs according to unmatching blood tests based on insurance/birth records. The Penis pic is the classic smart-bomb txt that explodes slowly while its deep in foundation. Using this strips the recipients of all dignity, and reduces her ability to strike again. Its the classic salting of fields, poisoning of well, rape & pillage. Ancient warriors knew to leave agressors able to strike was folly. Women, strip your dignity (with your participation) when you leave the table civily, enforcing MENs forced helpessness for the next Woman to abuse…thus widening the pool of available targets. Her astonishement that “he walks among us” is like when Nat Geo finds the ancient tribe where Men still have harems (ie, Midddle East)…and spew propaganda. Woe to he who does not play his card well.


on January 29, 2011 at 12:54 pm

@ question of the day A threesome is alpha as long as you are the center of the action. If you are more or less just watching or jacking off while the chicks d o each other, other, it might be beta, unless you are the one opting out of the action or are otherwise way oversexed. Two chicks on the rag in a threesome are probably planning on sucking a lot of  dick – in that scenario, you are definitely alpha. Whatever the situation, they are probably not planning on spending most of their time eating each other out – the most common scenario for a guy in a threesome to possibly be beta.


on January 29, 2011 at 1:36 pm

Silver Fox What your describing is known as sexual gambling, in transactional analysis…first studied in 60s. Women, strip your dignity (with your participation) when you leave the table civily, enforcing MENs forced helpessness for the next


Woman to abuse…thus widening the pool of available targets.

You’re the only intelligent poster remaining here I now seriously dread the incapacity of today’s Government Educated Male. They have proven themselves worthy of nothing but a slavery mindset.

Workshy Joe

on January 29, 2011 at 2:34 pm

1. Send a penis pic attachment on an email to Girl A. 2. On the text of the email, make out as if you are talking to an imaginary Girl B as if you had their email addys mixed up. 3. Don’t forget to mention in the email what a pain in the ass Girl A is. 4. Conclude the email by asking Girl B if she likes the look of your junk and wants to suck it. Got that?

Thag Jones

on January 29, 2011 at 2:41 pm

I know I shouldn’t encourage this behaviour behaviour,, but you could always send one of these….. I will now go back to pretending I don’t laugh at fart jokes.


on January 29, 2011 at 2:54 pm

The best reply to a penis pic would be for her to send a pic of her giving some other guy a bj. It’s a counter-nuclear strike, and chances are, like real nuke warfare, the end will be a disaster for all involved, at least she didn’t die alone.


on January 29, 2011 at 3:59 pm

Sitting nicely side by side just hanging around earlier. Couldn’t help myself…….  “soososooo, Howcome Howcome I haven’t received a peeniepix from you you yet? hee! hee! hee!?” (waiting for reply, eyes wide, grinning , swaying my bod in my temptress way! ) lol!! silence……he is loss for words!!!! lol!!! see ya!

J.S. Mills

on January 29, 2011 at 4:35 pm

Jesus Christ, what an accurate barometer of the level of thought and maturity on display here. I’ve been the recipient of more cock shots on my cell than I care to count, and never once have they done anything more than convince me that sender was a moron with a toddler’s level of interest in displaying his genitalia. Seriously, this is the sort of behavior I’d expect only from a boy under 8 yrs. old. It doesn’t even warrant any further thought about what the sender’s motives might be or anything else – who the fuck cares what said idiot’s purpose was, just delete it and don’t waste another thought on it. And for all the talk here about how men and women are different – here’s a BIG truth about the female persuasion that’s seemingly escaped you all …. girls don’t


get horny from close-ups of genitals, especially when disconnected from the person they’re attached to. AT ALL. Just because some wet pussy shot gets you off, doesn’t work the other way. And any anecdotes that may convince you otherwise are merely coincidental, for which you are misreading the causality, i guarantee you. I.E. – girl was planning on fucking the sender anyways, regardless of his little candid camera shot. This idiot woman from the text messages was making a big deal out of nothing, in a stupid attempt for sympathy or to start some dialog with her as an innocent victim. Don’t generalize from one random display of social ineptitude. [Editor: You do realize this post was done in jest.]


on January 29, 2011 at 4:59 pm

J.S. Mills loves cockshotz. You can tell by the 250 words spent on how much she hates cockshotzz.


on January 29, 2011 at 5:11 pm

I am intimidated by smart, independent women like J.S. Cock.

My Name Is Jim

on January 29, 2011 at 5:21 pm

Guys, you know what the femcunt reaction to this is, define this as stalking/sexual harassment and start getting guys who send these shots put on sex offender lists. Make the slippery slope argument to the legal system that is in their back pocket and makes its money cleaning out men who spend their lives establishing themselves in actual productive capacities rather than just taking other people’s legitimately earned assets. If he sends a dick pic, he must be a rapist in the making, help us we’re women in crisis. You know the drill. Look for the cases to start before long. There are other ways to take a stuck up bitch down a peg, no woman gets to see my dick unless I can trust her. It’s a members only club.

My Name Is Jim

on January 29, 2011 at 5:24 pm

By the way isn’t this what did in bret farve?

betondo fuchatuch

on January 29, 2011 at 6:41 pm

@gorb & corporal hicks. Exactly right. Silence is the best motivator to get a woman to take another step – the more revealing step. I’ve said it before – woman are like cats. The open box (talkative, explaining actions and words guy) doesn’t generate interest, but a cat will drive herself to exhaustion trying to peek into the closed box (silence, or indifference at the most guy). I’ve found out more about women (true motivations, depth of her desire for my company or dickage) with silence than I ever have by exchanging verbal volleys.


on January 29, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Wow, one hell of a blog. I mean, seriously, it’s a treasure trove. I got a question. I got a girl that I dumped (the girl was great.) Here’s the backstory. I was gonna go abroad and another chick plastered my f acebook wall with all sort of cutesy comments and pics. Blah blah blah. The chick here, my


girlfriend, found out about this shit and started ignoring me. Wouldn’t call me, would end our conversations quickly and would cancel all of my dates (would say she’s “busy”), I figured, fuck, I like this chick, but won’t take this sort of shit from her,, so out my pride, I dumped her. Now, this is when I didn’t know about her her finding out about these comments. Well, turns out she saw those comments, thought I was playing her and returned to the other chick. Well… no. Now, I wanna get this girl back. Any ideas?

J.S. Mills

on January 29, 2011 at 9:34 pm

Editor – yes, got the jesting tone, but given that I have received many such pics, some obviously think its a great/hilarious idea for some reason. Yeah, it is kind of hilarious, but in a ‘laughing at you, not with you’ kind of way. Mr. ChooChoo – Having been the girl going abroad in a very similar situation, can I just recommend telling her the truth? That you like her, not the dumb chick trying to get attention with all the fb shit and who means nothing to you, but that you weren’t willing to sacrifice your pride when she was treating you badly for what you thought was no reason? Thats a perfectly reasonable response to the situation, and if this ex-gf of yours is also reasonable, and also likes you, it shouldn’t be a huge deal to explain what happened and put it behind you guys. No harm, no foul. But if she continues to make a huge deal of it or bring it up, she’s either a drama queen or looking for a reason to disconnect from you.

J.S. Mills

on January 29, 2011 at 9:38 pm

Btw, Jim is your name…. I am a lawyer, and would find it incredibly pathetic that anyone would waste their time on trying to prosecute something so juvenile. The Bret Favre chick included – if it hadn’t been someone famous who she hoped to gain fame from connecting her name to doubt she’d have given it a second thought.


on January 29, 2011 at 11:17 pm

J.S. MIlls You come here posing as a lawyer chick who likes to travel overseas and who tells guys to “be reasonable” in their dealings with women. Then you speak of  the Favre situation as if it was a matter to “prosecute” or not. Res ipsa loquitur, baby.

Gregory Magarshak

on January 30, 2011 at 1:38 am


on January 30, 2011 at 2:25 am

If you don’t have time to take a picture, would a simple 8===O do the trick?

namae nanka

 “Btw, Jim is your name…. I am a lawyer”  lawyer” 

on January 30, 2011 at 3:54 am


oh noes!!

South Park sexueller belästigungspanda

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Alpha Cat

on January 30, 2011 at 4:54 am

J.S. : The picture isn’t meant to turn her on. I figured you’d be smart enough to figure that out. And we all know that men never “mature”. Fuck that noise. That’s what society wants you to become, a slave to the system.

on January 30, 2011 at 5:23 am


That’s what society wants you to become, a slave to the system.

Society IS women, therefore, that’s what women want to shame you into becoming.

Mr. C

on January 30, 2011 at 6:24 am

I thought this might be worth sharing …. Freedom is the new opiate of the masses. Modern society leaves individuals to decide their restraints in spending, eating and sex, and many people are still adjusting to this independence UNTIL the recent troubles the entire world was awash in cheap money. Easy money inflated housing bubbles in the US, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Britain and elsewhere. When money is cheap, borrowing is easy and nobody is terribly interested in deferring gratification. Credit in itself is not evil; on the contrary, it is the lifeblood of civilisation, which it underwrites by fuelling innovation and prosperity. But when credit is used to fund consumption rather than investment, we are taking from the future rather than investing in it, and for a while doing so became a near-universal practice. Since the turn of the 21st century, for example, credit card issuance has exploded practically everywhere, and by 2008, the world had 3.67 billion payment cards. Just as money can be a double-edged sword, so too can capitalism, which Adam Smith praised for giving each of us strong incentives to moderate our behaviour in socially productive ways, the better to assure our success in the marketplace. Capitalism really has been a powerful force on behalf of responsibility and temperance, inculcating such bourgeois habits as study and nonviolence, as well as legal and social structures that support these virtues. “A man is seldom so innocently employed,” Samuel Johnson observed, “as when he is getting money.”  money.”  In keeping with this tradition, the workplace is for the most part a citadel of  moderation and restraint. It’s only after we knock off for the day that the system begins its hysterical whispering in our innermost ear. “Cut loose!” it says. “Buy. Eat. Screw.” 


And that’s where the trouble starts, for in our lives as consumers, capitalism does everything it can to seduce our more indulgent selves, sometimes urging us to indulge so unrestrainedly that the system itself is endangered, as it was recently by a global debt orgy. But capitalism cannot thrive without some moral and cultural framework to contain or at least channel its gales, for the essential contradiction of the system is that it’s bent on producing self-controlled workers yet disinhibited shoppers, and thus it undermines the self-mastery that it inculcates. The difficulty seems to occur when affluence outstrips culture, as it can when credit expands much faster than custom or cultivation can contain it. That’s why indebtedness can be such a problem, because it instantly bestows wealth beyond our accustomed capacity to manage it. The explosion of credit we’ve seen during the past 30 years was especially likely to lead to trouble, since it lifted a constraint on people’s spending without giving them any more income. In 1980, the year Ronald Reagan was elected, US household debt stood at what must have seemed the enormous sum of $US1.4 trillion. In 2008 the figure was 10 times larger. THE evolution of matrimony from something like an ironclad contract into an arrangement as likely to be broken as not says a lot about the modern dilemma and the way social changes have altered the self-control landscape. Premarital sex is taken for granted, as is birth control and a little youthful experimentation with drugs. (Think of all the politicians who didn’t inhale.) Homosexuality has come out of the closet. Second careers, second homes, second spouses, and even second childhoods are commonplace. These changes are part of a tectonic social adjustment: a shift, in the developed world, away from tradition and received social structures in favour of personal choice and selfinvention. In the non-Islamic world, at least, church and ideology no longer provide much in the way of traditional limits on individual behaviour. behaviour. Amen, let us hasten to add; who wants someone else to tell us what to do? It’s the same with money; although lots of people are ready to criticise affluence, nobody I know truly craves the opposite. But the result of these changes is that each of us must rely more on ourselves for the kind of restraint that was once imposed externally, back in the bad old days. In those days, we still inhabited our parents’ moral universe, the recently deceased historian Tony Judt recalled recently in describing how circumscribed life was before the social revolution of the 1960s.  “Dating was difficult: no one had cars; our homes were were too small for privacy; contraception was available but only if you were willing to confront a disapproving pharmacist.  “There was a well-founded presumption of innocence innocence and ignorance, for boys and girls alike. Most boys I knew attended single-sex schools and we rarely encountered women.”  What accounts for this great change? Simply put, our social arrangements are freer now because we can afford them to be. As the political scientist Ronald Inglehart writes: “In a major part of the world, the disciplined, self-denying, and achievement-oriented norms of industrial society are giving way to an increasingly broad latitude for individual choice of lifestyles and individual self-expression. self-expression.”  ”  That’s a great achievement, but it comes at a price. Emile Durkheim, the father of modern sociology, warned in 1897 of the dangers that come with freedom, affl uence, and technology, in particular, particular, of a dangerous condition he called anomie (from the Greek anomia, lawlessness). Anomie means lacking clear norms, standards or ideals. Durkheim felt that people should live in a web of interlocking networks and institutions that would provide a structure of values; without these values, we might fall into purely selfish and carnal behaviours. Families are less likely to be intact, and when a father is present he is less l ikely to be the authority figure he might have been in the days of patriarchy. This change in the purpose of the family has encouraged the development of  youth culture, which inevitably devalues patience, prudence, and other stodgysounding values associated with maturity maturity..


Abandon is a virtue in such an environment; it’s not just what the young do, but what the non-young may embrace, if only to prove to themselves and others that they aren’t old. In the 20th century, the historian Eli Zaretsky writes, “people separated from traditional familial morality gave up their obsession with self-control and thrift, and entered into the sexualised ‘dreamworlds’ of mass consumption on behalf of a new orientation to personal life.”  The really big change isn’t in the law but in us. I think we’re more willing to put our own happiness first. People who find their marriages unfulfilling want to split up, and there is no longer much social pressure to keep them together. Should there be? Probably. I am not aware of anyone arguing that our high rate of coupling and uncoupling is good for children. There is no simple answer answer.. What we’ve lost in our modern domestic arrangements is a strong if inflexible structure for channelling our actions to the benefit of  others, even if we later change our minds about things. If the purpose of the family has changed, so too has the purpose of life, even if  we don’t often think about it. The historian Darrin McMahon has noted “the steady erosion of other ways of conceiving of life’s purpose and end”, such as virtue or honour,, instead of just pl easure. honour  “In a world that places a premium on good feeling and positive emotion, emotion, these other ends have nowhere near the power to channel and constrain our choices that they once did. The same may be said of religion — long considered the ultimate end — but which today, even in places such as the US, where religious observance remains strong, is more often than not treated as a means to a better and happier life.”  Yet most traditional religions, in one form or another, another, also usefully emphasise sobriety, sexual restraint, moderation, and mindfulness generally generally.. It’s obvious even to an infidel like me that religion is a useful way for people to find meaning, or belonging, or even just solace in a harsh and chancy world; and in the absence of religion people are more likely to seek those things by pandering to their own less-welcome desires. Maybe the best way to uphold one’s desired desires is to form a habit. A habit is a behaviour that we repeat over and over over,, more or less on autopilot. These behaviours may require conscious effort at first, but through repetition they become virtually automatic in the face of certain trigg ers. Thus, the conscious mind will offload nearly anything it possibly can to the brain’s more automated precincts, moving repeated activities from the prefrontal cortex deeper into the brain and thereby saving processing power for more important things and perhaps reducing the chance of error. In fact, many of the things we do best we do without thinking. Habits aren’t necessarily bad. What habits are is sticky. Bad ones, which seem to travel in packs, are the hardest to break because they are built from our most instinctual urges. Good ones are to be cherished; self-command can be achieved, Aristotle tell us, when “obedience to reason becomes habitual”.

Mr. C

on January 30, 2011 at 6:31 am

Edited extract from We Have Met the Enemy: Self-control in an Age of  Excess, by Daniel Akst, Scribe , $32.95. Akst has written for The Wall Street Journal and other newspapers. His previous books include Wonder Boy,, about a fi nancial fraud he helped expose Boy


on January 30, 2011 at 7:18 am

@Gorby  “”My standard response to all shit is silence. Or sarcastic humor.””  Another good one, in texting is the standard: hahahaha it’s the ultimate non-answer;


I had: HER: “My next question, was a nyone staying with you there in your room?”  ME: 20 minutes later “Hahahahaha” 


on January 30, 2011 at 8:22 am

@Walawala, Alao “Hm.” 


on January 30, 2011 at 8:22 am

I meant “also hm.” 

Thag Jones

on January 30, 2011 at 8:46 am

The picture isn’t meant to turn her on. I figured you’d be smart enough to figure that out.

If she can’t figure that out I wouldn’t want her  as  as my lawyer!

evil alpha

on January 30, 2011 at 8:52 am

“Editor – yes, got the jesting tone, but given that I have received many such pics, some obviously think its a great/hilarious idea for some reason. Yeah, it is kind of hilarious, but in a ‘laughing at you, not with you’ kind of way.”

Umm. Can you broadcast that you are a DUMB CUNT any louder? Well, I guess you could get a forehead tattoo. Stupid bitches, ya see, attract penis pics just like magnets attract iron filings. You may wanna start looking in the mirror mirror.. Men obviously really, really don’t like you.

tunacanman - working the sides

on January 30, 2011 at 10:30 am

a good pal of mine used to (like clockwork) take any stray cameras he found at parties, take it to the can, and then take a few interesting c shots… his favorite was contortionist shots. Think: ‘things that make you go hmmm…’  Best memory was seeing him at a party after the hostess sorta shot him down, then he turns to me beaming and says, “she’s gonna get the epcot center baby!”  how long till any of you figure out what the Epcot center is? hmmmm?


on January 30, 2011 at 3:26 pm

I once received, out of the blue, a ball sack pic. It was from a friend, never had sexual contact, but I was crestfallen. Such a bad sign.

on January 30, 2011 at 5:17 pm betadyermom Some guy pulled this with an ex of mine. She had messed around with

him at some point but decided he was too “needy” (beta) and was blowing him off. One day he sends her a file over IM and *bam* giant dick pic on her work computer. computer. Really got under her skin.



on January 30, 2011 at 7:37 pm

@betadyermom Good thing she was a chick, any guy in a corporate environment would get fired for having nudity on his comp…

old guy

on January 30, 2011 at 11:34 pm

Careful, don’t do it at work:  “But Bryant countered by holding up a photo Gurney sent to one of the women. women. It was a full-body nude shot, apparently taken with his cell-phone camera.  “See the rank he’s wearing in this this picture?” she said. “That’s the future he deserves, in benefits and stripes.””   “E-9 sentenced to 20 months in prison” 

Jay M

on January 31, 2011 at 10:03 am

Excellent video To Tom! m! What is funny is that even the ugliest women act like they are constantly beating men away with a stick. There is always some need to seem perused all the time, and it is bothersome hearing and/or reading about it. Even the ugliest and least productive women have an entitlement syndrome where they feel men owe them everything.  “But capitalism cannot thrive without some moral and cultural cultural framework to contain or at least channel its gales, for the essential contradiction of the system is that it’s bent on producing self-controlled workers yet disinhibited shoppers, and thus it undermines the self-mastery that it inculcates.”  But freemarket capitalism PROVIDES the moral framework because it is the only ideology based on voluntary free choice. Any force, fraud, coercion, and theft is immoral. As far as marriage is concerned both parties should decide the clauses of  their marriage contract, and church and state should stay out of it. As far as printing money and selling it to other countries goes we should go onto a barter system and create a parallel currency in America backed by the GDP to compete with the toxic-debt ridd en dollar. dollar. We should also abolish the ability of the private banking cartels to print money. This will prevent countries from being debt ridden. Furthermore, there is fractional reserve lending, which means that these private banking cartels can lend 10x more than they actually have.


on January 31, 2011 at 3:31 pm

@Mr. C Wow – Emile Durkheim. ALL of what we suffer today was already explained by him, long ago. Same with Weber Good points – props

could be anyone

on February 1, 2011 at 8:08 pm

best. post. ever.

Professor Woland

on February 2, 2011 at 1:48 am


There once was a chick who picked up on some masculine looking guy at a bar and brought him home. When he took off his pants she saw his little winky she started laughing and said, ” who do you think you are going to please with that pathetic little dick”? He looked at her and smiled, “me”.

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