Penis Growth Guide

April 30, 2017 | Author: LeonardoBirsan | Category: N/A
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A guide to growing up your penis....


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WORKOUT PLAN – WEEK 1 THE BRIEF OVERVIEW WORKOUT DETAILS Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

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Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Chapter 1: Introduction You may not be aware, but a huge number of people amongst us have penile dysfunctions of some sort or the other. In other words, even though you may see a happily married couple living through a great conjugal life, there is much more that they could do to make it perfect. But all they get at the moment is a half satisfied and incomplete sexual life with each other. Such problems are never easy to discuss, and this is specifically why you might think that it is only you who may be seeing such issues. It may be anything, starting from a smaller size than normal, to erection problems or something else. However the funniest part is that I have come across so many people who have consulted me on this issue, that I can tell you that you are definitely not amongst only a few others on this boat.

How can this Book Help? This book has been designed in the best possible way, keeping in mind that you would probably want to get rid of your issues as quickly as possible instead of having to do unwanted research into stuff that doesn’t relate to you at all. Even though it is a good idea to know about all the penile problems that people may face, I have made sure that the exercises and treatments related to each topic are easy to find. It is a good idea to go through each of the exercises that may seem to relate to you somehow before trying them out or settling on a particular one. You need to be very careful as to what you are doing, and also should have a clear understanding of why you are doing it as well. Thus before you get on with something, it is a good idea to make sure that you are very clear about the exercises that you are about to do, and whether you are absolutely aware of the safety issues that require your attention. You will find each article very descriptive and easy to follow, allowing you to get the maximum out of the techniques and exercises mentioned in this manual for you.

More about this Book … Apart from going through the contents and instructions provided in this book in the best possible way, keeping a clear idea of what is being done all the time, you also need to understand that the process requires a good commitment from you as well. You need to follow the techniques accurately to get the best results. Don’t try to go for results overnight. In fact it is never going to be possible to see growth over a couple of days, but it will take a good deal of your time and your patience to see the best results. You also need to ensure that if you are too reckless with any of the exercises provided, it can actually damage your penis tissues more than doing good for it. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Patience and Commitment Again I must point out that you are never going to see the results you want to see by overdoing an exercise or stressing yourself with them. To get the optimal results out of this manual, you need to go through with the techniques mentioned here for at least 8 weeks. However it may take you longer than that as well. It is never a good idea to give up in the middle. If you are persistent with your efforts, you will not only see a good growth in the size of your penis, but there will be significant improvement in the performance as well. You see, it is never the size only, but how well your penis performs which can give you and your partner the best experience. We have made sure that you get to lay your hands on highly updated and tried and tested methods to show you the results that any man would crave for. And the best part is that you can carry on with these exercises (in the correct way) for as long as you want, till you are satisfied with the results. If you are following the instructions accurately, you shouldn’t see any problems coming up, as these techniques are 100% natural and safe. So get going with this manual and see your life change towards the best, better than you ever expected!

Legal Disclaimer The very first thing to stress here is that these methods and techniques are tried and tested to the maximum, but they don’t come with a guarantee. It is solely on how a person goes for these exercises that the results are going to show up. And these methods have helped a good number of people in the past who are very happy with the results they got to see. Even though it is often stated that these techniques and exercises may not be safe for you and can harm your penile tissues and blood vessels, if you are doing the exercises in the right way, as mentioned in this book, there are absolutely no chances of seeing any injuries or problems causing you harm. However, inaccurately performing the exercises can lead to serious injuries at times as well. It hugely depends on the person going through this manual how they would apply the knowledge and techniques being provided to them through this manual. It is specifically for this reason the authors and the researchers and anyone else related to this book cannot be held responsible for any injuries sustained. In case you are not confident enough about these exercises and techniques, that are 100% natural, you can consult a physician or a medical expert like an Urologist before opting for them. Even though this book is a result of intensive research and all the exercises have been tried and tested to show success, we are not doctors who can guarantee the results. We have offered detailed precautionary instructions wherever it is required to ensure that the results are absolutely how they should be. So again it is strongly advised that none of the exercises should be overdone or tried in any other way than it is mentioned in this manual. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Finally, I must state that the methods would require around 8 weeks to show results, and therefore the results can’t be expected overnight. Therefore, a good deal of patience and discipline is required if you would want to see the best results through this penis enhancement manual.

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Chapter 2: How Big are You? Now this is where we start. The first thing to consider with how well you are doing at present, and how well your results are in the future, is being able to measure your penis in the right way. Unless you can accurately see how big you are now, and how much you are increasing through each day with the exercises you do, you will probably not be able to measure your success.

So How Do You Measure? We are going to look at a technique which is known as pubic bone pushed top measurement, or PBPT measurement. This is not as complicated as it may sound at the moment. If you are good at it, you will probably get to notice how the exercises are working for you, and whether you need to do something different for better results. There are basically two conditions under which you need to measure the size of your penis. The first is when it is soft and flaccid, and the other is when it is hard or erect. Flaccid Measurement You need to pay careful attention to this measurement as this is where you are most likely to concentrate on for checking your progress, at least through the initial stages. Simply hold your flaccid penis out so that it is parallel to the ground. Now use a ruler and place it alongside the penis so that you are pressing it into your pubic bone. The length of your flaccid penis is therefore the measurement the ruler shows at the tip of your penis. Erect Measurement This should be done exactly in the same way as the flaccid measurement with the only difference being that your penis is erect in this case. Make sure you only measure it when it is fully erect, and hold it parallel to the ground. Thickness Measurement This is done to establish how thick your penis is, or what its girth is. Simply use a string or a measuring for this, and measure the thickness in the middle of the shaft of your erected penis. These are the best practices to measure your penis accurately.

Before We Start … Before we move on to the rest of the topics, it is a good idea to learn a bit about some factors that play a major role in helping you see penis enlargement and enhancing its performance. Factors like being able to use a good lubricant and other healthy practices can play a vital role for you to show you success with the penis enlargement techniques and your sex life. Lubricants and their Use Sometimes lubricants are seen to play a vital role to help you grow big. In fact, it is highly recommended to use a good lube for the exercises that are being taught to you through this Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

book. Often dryness and chaffing can cause serious irritations for you while you go through these exercises. You can use a good moisturizer as a lubricant suitable for the exercises mentioned in this book. At the same time, using Vaseline can also be a very good idea. While the moisturizers may not prove to be effective enough for providing the lubrication required for these exercises, Vaseline proves to be quite good. However, Vaseline might make it a bit messy at times. You can use a good sex lube as well if you want. But these lubes need a number of re-applications, without which your penis may get dry during the exercises. The last thing that you may want to be using is a shampoo or some soap, as they may often cause irritations and skin problems for you. Pubic Hair It is a good idea to get rid of your pubic hair as well. In fact, pubic hair can reduce the efficiency of the exercises that you practice by getting tangled up can causing you discomfort. Also, by getting rid of the pubic hair, you can make your penis appear bigger than it might at the moment. When you have hair around your penis, it automatically looks smaller than it actually is. Therefore, you must consider these two points while going for the exercises mentioned in this book to get the best experience and see the maximum results out of them.

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Chapter 3: Staying Fit and Safe for Better Results Staying fit is an important factor to get the best out of the exercises that you are going to go through this book. In fact, almost every sort of therapy requires you to pay careful condition towards your health and make sure you are doing everything possible to see you take good care of yourself. So what are the basic requirements that you need to consider for staying fit and healthy? The importance of our diet is something that most of us tend to overlook. In fact, our food habits can sometimes be the major cause for us to see problems with our sex life. Let us look at some important points to consider enabling you to stay fit and get the best out of the exercises you go through in this book. Drinking Lots of Water Water is one of the major constituents of out diet. Drinking heaps of water helps our bodies to perform in the best possible way, helping our bodies with metabolism, circulation of blood and digestion. Proper nutrition is also a result of enough water in our body. Try to drink enough quantities of fresh water, at least 5 glasses a day, for the best results. Water helps the cells in our body to see better nourishment and also enhances the functioning of our sense and nervous systems. Proper Nutrients Vitamins and minerals should also be an important point for you to consider with your health. Make sure your diet provides you enough vitamins and healthy nutrients that help you with showing you proper body functioning. In fact, eating healthy makes you enjoy better looks and enhances your physical capabilities to a great extent. Therefore a balanced diet with plenty of water and nutrients is obviously something that you must consider for a better health. Finally, exercising to stay fit can also show some good results. If you can lose the extra kilograms that you may have on you, not only will it enhance your appearance, but it will also give your penis a larger appearance. Hence consider all the above points to see the best results with your penis enhancement exercises and see the maximum results out of your efforts.

Safety and Precautions The very first thing that I must stress out here is that unless you are doing these exercises in the best possible way, you are most likely to miss out on the results, and may even sustain serious injuries. It is therefore a good idea to be absolutely sure of what you are doing and if it is being done in the best possible way.

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In fact it is often a great idea to consult a doctor on these matters before actually getting on with these exercises if you think you may be having some diseases or medical conditions that may interfere with the techniques mentioned in this book. For example, problems with blood vessels, skin irritability, or any other issue that you can think of, needs proper examination from a doctor before you start with anything. Some Signs Let me tell you that these exercises are all well researched and tested, and they have shown a good level of success already. However you cannot guarantee any definite results, as we are not doctors, but medical researchers. Sometimes we have found problems that people have come up with, and most of them have very good solutions as well. E.g. we have had a few people coming up and talking to us about a problem known as Petechiae. Here the person finds blue marks appearing under the skin, which is a sign of bleeding beneath the skin. This may be a result of rigorous exercising, and can be got rid off by halting your exercises for a couple of days. Taking warm wraps through this period helps to cure it faster. If you are not following the proper warm up procedures before the exercises, chances are that you are going to experience blisters and sores. And when you are going through the weights sessions, never try cross the safe limit of weights, and don’t practice this exercise over prolonged time period. This might damage your tissues and result in tissue atrophy. Try to take a few days off if any of the above problems show up, and consult a physician if you have any doubts at any point of time. However, if you follow the instructions accurately, you should see no problems as such, as again I must state, these are all tried and tested methods that have produces real results.

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Warming up for the Exercises Like every other exercise that you may have gone through in the past, these exercises to help you grow your penis bigger requires you to go through proper warm up exercises. Warming up is pretty easy and doesn’t require much on your part. However, if you don’t take these warm up drills seriously, you may see some problems creep up through the exercises. For example, doing your exercises without proper warm up sessions can result in sores and red spots appearing on your penis, and might even cause serious irritations at times. Let us go through the warm up techniques at this point of time. Hot Wraps This is a simple procedure, which takes around 8 minutes. You would require either a small towel or a large cloth used for washing. Use hot water to get this cloth/towel completely wet. Now get rid of the excess water from the cloth by wiring it out. Making sure that the towel is still warm, wrap it around your testicles and penis. Let it be like this for around two minutes. You need to go through this drill 2 more times. So you would go through the hot wraps method 3 times in total. Once you are done, dry your penis, testicles and the surrounding region to complete the exercise properly. Take a Warm Shower You can also get the same effects if you go for a warm shower or a bath. This is also a good way to warm up for your penile exercise. When warm water flows through the region around your testicles and your penis, the blood vessels become more apt to show better blood circulation in the region, which is very important for you to see the best results from your exercises. At the same time, warm water is excellent for loosening the tissues in this area. With proper blood circulation and a better response from the tissues, you don’t stand the chances of seeing injuries to your blood vessels in this area through the exercises you go through. Warming up is very important- both to prevent injuries and to show you a better response for the exercises you go through.

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Chapter 4: PC Muscle Exercise – Pubococcygeus Tensing This is the most important exercise mentioned in this whole book, and many experts have stated that this should be something that every single man should practice to see the best results. This exercise has a huge number of benefits for you and your penile health and performance. Let us look at this great exercise and see how this PC muscle exercise can help you and what the best way to go for it is.

The Benefits of Pubococcygeus Tensing Pubococcygeus tensing would enable you to see your penis grow bigger and muscular. It will further help to enhance the appearance of your penis. At the same time this exercise enables you to get rid of any problems that you may have with premature ejaculation, as it lets you take full control of your desire to ejaculate. It also makes your penis more sensitive, enabling you to go for multiple orgasms at times. Get rid of your fear of turning flaccid too early. With all these benefits, it lets you perform much better than you actually do. At the same time, it helps you to see a healthier prostrate, which is a very important factor of a fitter life.

How to Go For It? Now that you are aware of the benefits, let us look at how to go for this exercise in the best possible way to show you the best results. First of all you need to understand which one the PC muscle is. The PC muscle is the one that is located in between your anus and your scrotum. So how do you find this muscle? You can use your fingers and locate it while urinating. Go to the toilet, start urinating. Now stop the flow and feel which of the muscles (between your anus and scrotum) is seen to get tensed, or the one that you are using to control the flow. You can also find it when you have an erection. Simply try to move your erected penis (without touching it). The muscle you use to do this is the PC muscle.

The First PC Muscle Exercise Let me start by saying that there is no limit that has been set down by the experts for the PC muscle exercises. However, for safety and the best results, you should only do what seems to be comfortable for you, without stressing yourself on the exercises. Build on the exercises as days go by to get the best results in the most comfortable way.

Exercise No. 1 The first exercise comprises of contractions and relaxations of the PC muscle. This is quite an easy drill, and all you need to do is contract the muscle and relax it immediately. Repeat this for around 24 times at a go, each contraction – relaxation taking you around a second.

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If you find it tough to go through 24 contractions the very first time you do this exercise, go for 16 at least. Normally, this would take you around 30 seconds max. Now 24 may not be possible for everyone, but 16 should be on everybody’s cards if your muscle is not damaged or if there are no serious issues with it. Now once you have been through the first set of 24 (or 16) contractions, take rest for about a minute and repeat the same drill, for only 3 times this time. However, hold each contraction for around 2 seconds this time. Now, most people may find it a bit difficult here when doing these exercises initially. But with time, you will get better at it if you follow the instructions accurately. Therefore, this exercise would require you to warm up, do around a set of 20 contractions, with 1 contraction per second, take a minute’s rest, and then do a set of 3 contractions, holding each of these contractions for around 2 seconds. If you have started the first set with 16, try to increase two contractions per day, according to your comfort levels. Once you are comfortable, try to carry on with this whole exercise 200 times a day as a standard (5 sets of 20s with a minute’s break). However, the upper limit is not fixed, so work your way up to a 1000 sets of this exercise in good time throughout the day!

PC Tensing Exercises - Variations We have seen both the contractions and the long holds in the last section on the pubococcygeus tensing exercises. The contractions just require you to tense the muscle and release it immediately. However, the long hold requires you to consider some more points. Now when you are going through the quick contractions, you are contracting the muscle, and immediately letting it go. But for the long hold, since you are holding the tension for around 2 seconds, your breathing plays an important part. So to get the exercise synchronized with the breathing, here is what you do. Breathing and Contractions Before you tense your muscle, get into a good rhythm with your breathing, making sure you breathe in a controlled and relaxed way, deep and slow. Now start contracting your PC muscle, slowly and gradually, till you have reached the limit. Once you have reached the limit, hold your contraction and count till 20. Once you reach 20, relax the tension and relax for around 30 seconds. This exercise requires you to repeat it for around 5 times to see the best possible results initially, as you will probably not be able to manage more than this. As days go by, with practice you will be able to hold this tension for up to 1minute, which should be your aim. This exercise will increase your stamina beyond your expectations, show you better ejaculations, and see much better performance with your sex life. There are still a couple of variations that you can go through to see the best results with these exercises. Before we go onto them, let me tell you that at no point should you attempt these exercises without going through an effective warm up session.

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At the same time, you should not stress beyond your comforts with these exercises, but instead gradually build on them with time and practice as days go by. For example, initially you may only be comfortable with around 20 seconds of holding back the contractions. Slowly build this time up as days pass by so that you reach around 1 minute of holding back time with ease.

PC Tensing Exercises Variations - II Now that you have a fair idea of the PC tensing exercises, let us look through some more variations that are seen with these methods. There are two main variations that we must go through in order to get the most out of them. These two highly effective variations are “Climbing the Mountain” and “The Tidal Wave”. Climbing the Mountain This is the first amongst the increasing intensity PC training exercises. This exercise is pretty simple as well. With this, you need to build on the intensity of the contractions with each go. Here, you start by going for a light comfortable contraction, which you need to hold for around a couple of seconds. Relax it at this point and go for the next contraction. The second contraction should be harder than the first and the holding time should also be more than the first case. Carry on in this way till you reach the deepest contraction which is your limit, and hold it for around 5 seconds. Once you are through with this, relax again, and start the whole set of contractions all over again. The Tidal Wave This exercise is a bit different from the others in the sense that the whole set comprises of a long contraction building up gradually. This is also a very effective exercise seen for the people practicing it if you are able to do it in the best possible way. Start by going for a light contraction. Don’t relax the muscle yet. Instead hold it and keep increasing the intensity of the contraction. This should go on for around 3 to 4 minutes at a stretch, till you can’t go on any further. At this point, where the muscle is tensed to the limit, hold the contraction for 30 more seconds, and then relax. The best part feature associated with these exercises is that you can practice them whenever, wherever. And the better you are at them- the better will be the results that you will get to see. Perform better than ever, and be a master at sex with these great exercises done in the best possible way.

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Chapter 5: Increase your Length with Stretching Stretching is great way to go for increasing your length in a most effective way, without obviously involving the risks associated with weights. Although there is a considerable effect seen with stretching on your length, your penile thickness is least affected through these exercises.

The Twirl Method The first stretching method that we are going to look at is the rhythm and twirl method. Here, you first need to form an “ok” sign with the palm and the fingers of your hand. Hold your penis with this hand so that your fore finger touches the thumb, and you are holding your penis just below the tip or the head of your penis. Once in this position, gently pull the penis outward, just in the opposite way as when masturbating, and start again from the initial position. Once you do this 10 times in a proper rhythm, twirl your penis 5 times clockwise and 5 times anticlockwise. Once you are through, repeat the whole set, while pulling the penis to the left instead of outward, and then going for the twirls. Repeat this again while pulling it towards the right, and then following up with the twirls. This completes the session.

Pull and Slap Here you need to hold your penis in the same way, stretch it forward, and hold it this manner for around 20 seconds. Now slap your penis 15 times on the right leg, and 15 times on the left. Do the same set while pulling your penis towards the right, holding through 20 seconds and slapping it on the legs, and then repeat it while pulling it towards the left.

The Advanced Multi-Motion Stretching and Slapping Here, the procedure is exactly same as the pull and slap method, with the difference being not pulling the penis out in a specific direction. Here you pull out your penis and rotate it for 15 seconds in the clockwise direction, and 15 seconds anticlockwise. Once the rotation is over, slap your penis 30 times on each leg to complete a set. Repeat this two more times to complete the exercise. Maintain a proper blood circulation at all times. If you experience an erection during any of the exercises, wait till your penis is flaccid, and continue with the exercises again.

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Chapter 6: Jelqing Exercises Jelqing is a very popular exercise and has been found to be quite effective if done in the right way. Jelqing is mainly responsible for enhancing the size of your penis, both in length and girth. It is also known as milking the penis, and is one of the most important exercises that you should not miss out on.

So what is Jelqing? According to many experts, jelqing is seen to be one of those exercises which can show you some of the best results for your penis enhancement. But you must keep in your mind that you would require to practice this exercise accurately for the best results, and not miss out on the related exercises like warming up and warming down (which we are going to learn later on). Through jelqing, you will actually push blood through the capillaries and blood vessels, making more space for blood to flow into your penis. With a few months practice, you are sure to see a good increase in the size of your penis, especially because of the amount of blood it will be able to hold for you by that time. The most significant fact with Jelqing is that the results obtainable through this process are permanent. In other words, once you grow big through jelqing, you don’t need to carry on with the exercises to ensure your penis stays big. The increase in the size of your penis is forever, even if you stop jelqing after you are satisfied with your size. Jelqing is absolutely safe and can cause you no harm if done according to the provided instructions in this book. There are mainly two variations seen with Jelqing, which is what we are going to look at. All the other variations are just a modification of one of these two techniques. Wet jelqing and dry jelqing are the two different techniques we will talk about. To ensure the maximum safety for yourself, you must ensure that you use a good lubricant in case of wet jelqing. This is very important in order to ensure your penis doesn’t suffer any injuries through the wet jelqing technique.

The Wet Jelqing Exercise Now let us get on with Wet Jelqing or wet milking. You must start with a good warm up session and make sure you use a high quality lubricant for the exercise. Keep the penis well lubricated throughout the exercise for the best results. If you seem to be getting dry at any point, make sure you stop and reapply enough lubricant before you get going again. The Wet Milking Procedure With your left hand, form an OK position and get a grip on the base of your penis (the end nearer to your body). Make sure your palm is facing outward when you grip your penis. While your penis remains at 50 to 60% erection, pull along the shaft using your forefinger and the Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

thumb, moving outward, till you reach the tip of your penis. Make sure your grip is firm while you pull gently at your penis. Now repeat the same technique with your right hand, making sure you still hold the partial erection, and see your penis well lubricated at all times. This whole process should be repeated over and over again, as long as you are comfortable with it. At the same time, make sure that you are not hurting your penis in any way or experiencing any sort of irritations. In case of you get fully erect, stop for a while, and gain the partial erection before you start again. Don’t overdo the exercise expecting better results. It may only harm the tissues if you start feeling uncomfortable. Both the hands and the actions should follow a proper rhythm. If you feel that you are finding it a bit difficult to go for the exercise with your palm facing outward, you can also go for this exercise with your palms facing your body. Sometimes you may even feel the urge to ejaculate. Restrict yourself from ejaculating, controlling the desire. This will show you even better results. Finally, you should not strain your penis with the exercise under any circumstances. Be gentle at all times and make sure you use a good lubricant for the best results.

The Dry Jelqing Exercise Many of our experts consider the dry milking (dry jelqing) method to be more convenient than the wet milking technique. Dry milking shows all the good results seen with wet milking. At the same time, dry milking would not require you to clean up like you generally have to after a wet milking session! So dry milking is definitely a good alternative for you if you are not able to find the most suitable conditions required for wet milking. Whenever you stand the chances of seeing inconvenience with cleaning up after your wet jelqing exercise, go for dry jelqing instead. Once again, you must pay careful attention to warming up in the case of dry milking as well. The Dry Milking Technique Start with an effective warm up exercise. You can go for a nice warm shower to warm up for instance. Just as in the case of wet milking, you need a partial erection of about 50 to 60% for dry milking as well. Once you have gone through the warm up and have achieved the partial erection, get your right hand in the OK formation by touching your forefinger and the thumb. Now using your right hand, hold your penis at the base, near to your body, pull your penis outward in a milking motion. Be gentle with the pull while making sure that you have gripped your penis firmly. Don’t grip your penis too tight in this case, or it might cause injuries or discomfort. Make sure you are not actually sliding over the skin under any circumstances. This is sure to cause you injury. Loosen your grip and return to the base again. Repeat the steps again for some time. After this, move up a bit along your shaft, towards the middle, and repeat the same action for some time again. Make sure your grip is not too tight at any point of time. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

You should not ejaculate through this exercise, and you must maintain the partial erection at all times. If you get a full erection, wait for a while till you are able to see the partial erection again.

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Chapter 7: Choosing a Good Lubricant Almost every penis enhancement exercise would require you to be using a good lubricant to ensure your safety and the efficiency of the exercises. However going for just any exercise will not do the trick. You need to ensure that you are actually using a good lubricant to enhance the results to be seen with your exercises. Going for any old lubricant can sometimes cause serious trouble for you, like skin irritations, chances of injuries and can even result your exercises to be completely ineffective. So let us look at the most important characteristics of a good lube.

What are the Main Characteristics? You need to make sure that the lube you are using can give you the best results with a single application. In other words, you shouldn’t need to reapply the lube through an exercise or a session once you have used it. Constant re-application can sometimes result in lowering the efficiency of your exercises. You also need to be sure about the quality of the lube you are going for. Pay special attention to packaging and also the quality of the lube. A good quality lube requires you to apply it only once, and also is easy to be washed off at the end of the exercises. Finally, if you want to start with the exercises today (which should be what you must consider), then also need to look at a lubricant that would require the minimum shipping time, so that you don’t have to wait too long before the lube actually reaches you. And it is a good idea to compare all the available options in the market, and only then go for the best option that will satisfy all the above options and also offer you the best value for the money you need to pay. Therefore try to look around a bit, and go for a good quality lubricant that will be available to you in the least amount of time and yet prove to be priced very reasonably. Remember, a lube plays an important role for the best results to be seen with your exercises, which is why you must consider only the best options available.

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Chapter 8: Warming Down Information When you are over with your exercises, it is always advisable to go through a good warming down session. A warming down session has a number of advantages for you to see, which is why almost any exercising session would require a proper warming down session in the end.

The Importance of Warming Down There are many reasons why a warming down session becomes important for any person doing exercises. First of all, warming-down helps your penis to recover after the exercises. This prevents the injuries that you may have sustained through the exercising session. At the same time, a good warm down session would also help with enhancing the results that you may expect through the exercises. In fact, the heat that you develop through this session helps to heal the injuries and tissue irritations seen through the exercises. Therefore it is very important that you go through the warm down session every time you finish off with your exercises.

The Procedure There are quite a few ways to go for warming down in the most effective way possible. You can massage your penis nicely for around 2 to 3 minutes to warm down. For this, you need to ensure that your penis is in the flaccid state. This enables you to see better blood flow in your penile tissues. Once you are done with the massaging, go for a nice and warm shower or administer a hot wrap around your penis and the scrotum. Follow exactly the same instructions provided for the warm up sessions for your hot wrap. It has also been found that simply immersing your genitals in warm water works fine for most people. Always remember, for safety and efficiency, do follow the warm up and warm down instructions as closely as possible, both at the beginning and at the end of your sessions. If you are not warmed up enough, almost any exercise can give rise to health issues for your penis. And warming down gives your penis a good finish up to enhance the overall effects of the exercises and heal any irritations or injuries you may have experienced while going through the exercising sessions.

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Chapter 9: Workout Plans Workout Plan – Week 1 Here we are going to look at a complete workout program designed specifically for you when you are just starting up with the exercises. It is very important that you don’t rush through the exercises or try too much, exerting undue pressure on your penis and your body. You have to follow the instructions accurately and show proper commitments at all times. The required results take a few months’ exercises. Don’t be worried if you find your penis hanging down when it is in the flaccid state through the initial days of the workout. A bit of time and good commitment can show you better results than what you may expect at present. The Brief Overview The week 1 workout plan is specifically designed to suit you when you are just starting off with the exercises. These will mostly prepare your penis for the exercises initially, and then help it to get accustomed to them. You should not expect any significant results after this week. But this week has a huge significance in getting you on board. The program requires you to carry on with the exercises regularly through 5 days a week. The 6 th and the 7th day should be kept aside for rest and healing. A good idea is to go for the exercises from Monday through to Friday. Leave Saturday and Sunday aside for rest and healing functions. It is very important that you take these 2 days off. However, you should carry out the PC muscle workouts daily. Therefore, looking at the program for the 5 workout days, we start with a warming up session. Carry out the PC contractions side by side with this. This should take you a total of around 7 minutes. Next, move on to the stretching exercises, indulging in it for around 2 minutes. Once you are over with the stretching exercises, go through a 1 minute session of circulation encouragement. Now go for a wet milking session. Carry on for around 5 minutes, or go through 150 reps. This brings you to the end of the session. Finish up with a 6 minute warming down session for the very best results. The whole session should take you around 20 minutes time. Workout Details Let us look at some detailed information on your week 1 workout plan. Warming Up As I have already stated, warming up is very important for both safety and the results. This comprises of a 6 minutes’ session, which however is seen to decrease with time as you grow more accustomed to the exercises. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

For this, take a small wash cloth or a towel, soak it in warm water or hot water (make sure it isn’t too hot for the delicate genital area) and get rid of the excess water by wiring it out. Apply this warm towel on your penis, wrapping it in the towel. As soon as it begins to cool down, soak it in the warm water and wire it again before you wrap it around your penis. All this time, even when you are going through the warm ups, carry out the PC contractions simultaneously. This should carry on for 6 minutes, with 30 sets of contractions. If you can, you can go for more sets as well. Stretching After this, go through a 2 minute session of stretching exercises as explained earlier. Make sure you have your hand in the OK formation, and don’t forget to use the lubricants if you want the best results out of these 2 minutes. Circulation Encouragement Once you are done with the stretching exercises, go for this exercise to enhance the flow of blood through your penis. For this, hold your penis and gently slap it thirty times of each of the legs. Go on with this for around 1 minute. Jelqing You must use a good quality lubricant for jelqing (wet milking technique only). Make sure you have your penis lubricated at all times to prevent any injuries. Reapply the lube if your penis goes dry through this exercise. Go through this for around 5 minutes, which should let you see around 150 strokes. Warming Down and Massage To end the session, go through a good warming down session as mentioned earlier for around 6 minutes. Once you have been through with this, end your workout with a good massage. Stay committed to this till the next level, and see the great results in time!

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Workout Plan – Week 2 Week 2 remains much similar to week one, starting with a warm up session, and ending with a warming down session everyday. While you still need to go through a 5 day workout plan with the 6th and the 7th days offs, the PC muscles contractions exercises need to be followed throughout the week. The whole session should take around 19 minutes if followed properly. A Brief Preview  The session starts with a warm up of around 4 minutes as per earlier instructions.  By this time your body would be better adapted to the exercises, which is why you can do 3 sets of 25 PC contractions now along with the warming up. Of course if you are uncomfortable with this, do only what you feel comfortable doing.  Once you have been through the 4 minutes of the combined warm up and PC exercises, go through another 4 minutes of the stretching exercises as discussed earlier. Make sure you use a good lubricant according to the provided guidance.  Follow up with a minute of the circulation exercises to ensure the penile tissues and muscles see adequate blood flow through them.  After this get on with the jelqing exercises. Please follow the instructions for wet milking carefully, ensuring that your penis remains partially erect at all times (50-60%). Try to control any urge of ejaculation through this session. You should be comfortable with going for 150 strokes with your right hand and your left hand each. This takes approximately around 6 minutes to get it done.  The warming down session should also be followed with the maximum accuracy for the best results. End the whole session with a good massage for your penis to ensure blood circulation and the healing procedures are all back to normal. So this is how your second week should look like. With your commitment and the accuracy with which you workout, the results can be seen in good time. Increase your size, enhance your performance, and feel the confidence that you have always wanted to feel in you all through your life!

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Weeks 3 to 6 Workout Plan Again you need to follow a regular schedule for the exercises, taking 2 days off in every 7 days. This is just like the workout sessions you went through for the first 2 weeks. And obviously, you have to go through the PC contractions every single day for the best results. Now this week 3 to 6 plan assumes that your penis, by now, is well acquainted to the workouts. So don’t attempt this plan unless you have either been through the first 2 weeks, or you are well comfortable with the exercises as you have done them earlier. This phase of weeks 3 to 6 would start showing you the most wanted results! Many people see quite good results by the third week itself. However if you haven’t seen much significant changes yet, just stick to the plan, and the results will definitely astound you sooner or later! Commitment is what you need. The Plan Now this session starts with the variations of the PC muscles tensing exercises. This involves you synchronizing your rhythmic breathing with the tensing of the muscle. Start with contracting the muscle, gradually intensifying the contraction. Once you reach the limit where you can contract no more, count till 3 and hold the contraction.  Take a break for around 5 seconds, and repeat the exercise. Repeat this for 7 more times to complete this section. With more practice, you will be able to hold the contractions much longer.  After this, go for a 4 minute session of warming up. Once through with the warming up, go for the stretching exercise called the constant pull and slap technique as mentioned earlier.  This should be followed by wet milking. Here, try to go for up to 250 strokes per hand, only if you are comfortable with it. You should get anything between 300 to 500 strokes in total.  To end the session in the best possible way, go through a good warming down session of about 4 minutes. Finish up with a nice massage to get the best out of your efforts.

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Your Workout Plan for Week 7 – Customize it Further I am going to take it for granted at this point that you have been through the workout plans from week 1 through till week 6 as mentioned earlier in this book. Only then should you be ready for this rigorous workout plan that we are going to look through today. For this, your penis needs to be really comfortable with each of the exercises in order to see the best results and prevent any injuries. In fact, while going through this phase, try to devise your very own customized workout, making sure you are keeping the most important points like lubrication, warming up and warming down sessions clearly on your mind. This phase (the third month to the 8th) should show you all the results that you have ever wanted to see- whether it is size that you are talking about or your overall performance. The Main Elements Even when you try to get a well customized plan according to your own comfort levels and convenience, make sure the main exercises remain as a part of your workouts. The customized workouts must contain a good warm up session, the regular PC contraction exercises, the highly effective stretching techniques, jelqing (preferably wet milking), a warming down session, and a nice massage. The lubricants should always play an important role in your workout for the best results. You can even add a few targeted exercises (that we are going to look through in the following sections) if you want to. Each of these exercises will be specifically designed to show some particular results. At the same time you should also pay good attention to a healthy diet with lots of water. Always remember, the fitter you are, the better are the results going to be for you to see. Your body needs physical workouts, an ample amount of water and enough vitamins to stay in the best possible shape. I must point out that never be too hasty about the results and strain your penis with the exercises. Impatience will not show you the most desirable results.

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Chapter 10: Some More Advanced Workouts Rogers Workout 1 This workout plan can only be opted for once you have been through around 7 weeks with your other initial workout plans. Roger’s workout takes some time to show the results, but is seen to be very effective if you can stay committed to it. Don’t try these steps earlier, as your penis must be adapted to the other exercises before it can take on these procedures efficiently. The best way to go for workout plan is through every alternate day. In other words, it can be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, and so on. There are some pills that are recommended for this workout, but they are not mandatory. These pills help to enhance the blood circulation, enhancing the process further. The Steps  Start with the usual warming up using the hot wraps method. Massage and simultaneously go for 200 reps of PC contractions, with 1 rep per second. This should take you around 4 minutes in total.  Once you have been through this, try to go through a session of dry milking, first concentrating at the base, and then at the middle of the shaft. Each position should get around 25 reps.  Go through a 5 to 10 minutes session of stretching exercises. You can implement the twirling and slapping technique along with this. When you have been through this session, go through a good wet milking session of around 500 reps. You must ensure that you see a medium to full strength for these strokes for this.  Now that you are over with the wet jelqing technique, warm down efficiently and go for a good massage to get the best results out of the workout you have just been through.  This technique is seen to be very effective. You should see favorable results by the 6 th week of this workout plan. It is a good idea to constantly measure yourself to notice the changes you see in your length and girth.  Finally, if you are not comfortable with the pills, you can avoid them. The pills are recommended as they increase the efficiency of the workout by enhancing blood circulation.

Advanced Workout to Build your Stamina and Enhance Erection If you have been good with the PC contractions and have developed a good muscle for yourself, it is time to enhance the muscle further to give you even more. This advanced workout it Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

designed specifically to strengthen your PC muscle further, make it stronger than ever, often up to 400% of its original strength. It is important that you are able to go through a session of a 1000 contractions with a 1 second per contraction step comfortably before you try this exercise out for the maximum success for the efforts that you put in. This doesn’t mean that you strain yourself to get to the target, as it is not an easy target to achieve. But once you are able to achieve 1000 contractions through a single session, go through these steps to give your PC muscle a higher strength. The Main Workout  For this, go through a couple of weeks of 1000 reps, holding back each contraction through 1 second.  Through the next couple of weeks (week 3 to 4), go through 500 reps through one session, but hold each contraction for 2 seconds. This means, the total time taken is the same. You decrease the number of reps, and increase the holding back time.  The next two weeks (5 and 6) should see you going through a session of 250 reps, with a hold back time of 4 seconds for each contraction. And carry on like this through the next two weeks with 125 reps per session, with a hold back time of 8 seconds for each rep.  Carry on with the reps and the hold back times in this way through the next weeks, as long as you are comfortable with the sessions. If you find it difficult to shift from one stage to the other in two weeks time, take the time that suits your comfort levels. The above is just a guideline to give you an idea about the workout. This workout plan should be carried on through 6 months for the best results.

More Advanced Workouts for Erections This workout has been designed specifically for people who see problems with their erection. This workout can be used to enhance the strength of the erections and also get rid of impotency problems seen because of insufficient erection strengths in men. This set of exercises will also enhance the health of your penis for the best results. Although this set will improve all the characteristics of you penis to let you see longer and better sessions of sex every time, if you are after length and girth enhancement, you must go through the other workouts alongside this set as well. This workout requires you to go through it daily for the best results. The Daily Tasks The initial part of this set should only be done in case you are starting with the penis enhancement techniques for the first time. However, go to the next section in case you have been through the earlier sessions mentioned in this book as instructed.

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 To start with, you need to understand where your PC muscle is located. You should also learn how to contract it in the best possible way.  For the very first day, go through a total of 3 sets of PC contractions, with each set having 30 contractions for you.  Take a break between each set to give your muscle some time to catch up. The whole session should take you an hour at the most. So break an hour into three parts, and begin a set only after 20 minutes have passed since you began the previous set.  Through the next 4 days, go for 3 sets of contractions, spreading each set throughout the day according to your convenience. Here each set should have 25 contractions for you to see.  The next couple of days require you to go through 100 contractions, any time during the day. Here, try to hold your contractions for more than a second, aiming for 3 seconds if possible. Try to do at least 10 contractions with a 3 second hold up for the best results.  Take the next two days off. The next section will let you know what the actual workout is if you have been practicing the penile exercises in the past as well. In that case you can start directly from the next section.

More Advanced Workout for Erections - II Once you have been through the initial workouts, it is time to check out the more advanced part associate with this workout. Even though the previous section prepares you for this advanced workout, it is as important as this section is, simply because of the fact that unless your penis is adapted to the workout, it will not only be effective, but it may cause you injuries as well. If you have been through the sessions mentioned in this book earlier, only then opt for this section directly without going through the previous section. The Advanced Workout Plan  Here you have to concentrate on aiming for 1000 contractions per day keeping the mentioned steps on your mind for the best results.  Try the variations with the PC muscle tensing exercises from this point onwards. Go for the quick contractions at this point. For the best results, try to go for more and more contractions, while ensuring that you stay within your level of comfort.  Stop immediately in case you experience any sensation of pain. That should not be the case under normal circumstances, especially with the previous exercises having been taken care of. You may however feel a tiring sensation in the PC muscle while you are going through this exercise.  Try to enhance the quick contractions exercise from here, and get better at it with time. With enough practice and through a good deal time, you should aim to reach around Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

700 to 1000 contractions a day. This doesn’t require you to be rushing at it. It is only the ultimate target. And you don’t really have to reach the target to see the results. The results are going to show up in the process, well before you reach the 1000 mark. You will see harder and longer erections. Not only will this enable you to hold your stone-like erection through a long time, but you will also get to enjoy prolonged sessions of sex. Just as a word of precaution, try this only when you are comfortable with the previous sections.

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Chapter 11: A 14 Day Cure for Premature Ejaculation There are four parts to this workout for you to get the best results out of it. Let us look at how to go for each of these four techniques and get rid of your problem with premature ejaculation within 14 days!

Desensitizing This step comprises of helping you to see a lower sensitivity in your penis, so that you don’t ejaculate too early. The best way to go for this is to masturbate daily for around 2 weeks. However, don’t masturbate more than once per day for the best results. There are a number of sprays and creams available in the sex shops that can be very efficient for you to desensitize your penis.

Controlling the Urge Self control is another important factor to stop you from seeing premature ejaculation. The jelqing techniques help very well with this, as through jelqing, you may often feel the urge to ejaculate, but you control yourself from doing it. You can also go for the method that requires you to masturbate for around 5 times. However, each time, 5 seconds from when you are just about to ejaculate, stop yourself and hold back. Repeat this 5 times, letting yourself ejaculate the 5 th time. This will develop a great self control for you to rid premature ejaculation.

PC Muscle Development Go through 250 reps of the PC muscle exercises. Every time you feel the urge to ejaculate, use your PC muscle to stop yourself from ejaculating, and see the best results with time.

Pre Sex Masturbation Just about an hour before you have sex, go for masturbation. This will let you go on for longer periods of time when you are having sex for real. This is a great way to be more confident and please your partner at the same time. Therefore try to follow these 4 techniques in the best possible way, and get rid of all your premature ejaculation problems in good time. This will let you and your partner enjoy sex much more, and you can get back the confidence that may have been slowly waning away!

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Chapter 12: Some Modified Exercises Even though the exercises and the workout sessions that we have been through are very effective, there are some modified versions seen with them that are also seen to be much popular these days. Let us go through some of those modified exercises, especially those that can show some quick results for you.

Helicopter Shakes This technique pays off greatly if practiced before jelqing and the stretching exercises. It is not really an exercise to itself, but the results that are observable through it are very significant. The helicopter shakes help to drive blood into your penis, and make it stay there through the jelqing and stretching sessions. By itself, it can show some results with stretching as well. At the same time, helicopter shakes make the penile tissue better suited towards the jelqing and stretching sessions, making them more effective. Now let us see how to effectively go for the helicopter shakes in the best possible way.  Simply hold the base of your penis with your best hand in the OK formation. Your penis should be flaccid and you should be holding it as near to your body as possible.  Now give your grip a little squeeze to make your penis bulge out a bit, and start swinging it, considering a vertical axis. Try to go for even circular revolutions. The speed at which you should be going for this is around 5 revs per second, just to give you a rough idea. This doesn’t need to be an exact number of revs. Carry on with this for around 15 seconds.  Once you are through with the 15 seconds, use both your hands to give your penis an overhand stretch, stretching it down towards your feet. This should be done for around 10 seconds, after which repeat the revs for another 15 seconds rapidly as mentioned earlier. This ends your helicopter shakes exercise, which should show you some increase in your flaccid length in quite a short period of time. Even though no one can guarantee you with the results, the helicopter shakes technique has been seen to be very effective.

Modified Stretching Exercises The next exercise in the list of the modified versions is the modified technique for the stretches. Even though I cannot mention for sure whether it is this modified version that has shown me the success or whether it is the original stretching technique that we have already gone through in the earlier sections, I think it is a good idea to check them out.

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Combination of Jelqing and Stretches Let us check this process out as a starter. Here you are to go through a combination of the jelqing techniques and the stretching technique.  You should start with a partial erection of around 20% for the best results.  Basically you need to hold your penis at the base (near to your pubic region) with your right hand forming the OK sign. Now go through a normal jelqing procedure, where you are to slide your hand up to the tip of your penis.  Now once you reach the head of your penis, or the glans, tighten your hold and give it a forward stretch towards the ground. You should not lose contact with your penis at any point of time through this, and try to prevent blood flowing out of your penis at any point of time.  Hold this position for around 3 seconds, stretching the penis towards the ground all the time.  Now once the 3 second period is over, use your left hand to grip the base of the penis near to your body, without letting the right hand go off from the glans. Slide your left hand along the shaft towards the middle of the shaft, which is similar to a left hand jelq.  Once your left hand reaches midway along the shaft, let go of the right hand. Carry on sliding the right hand till the glans, and without getting your hand off, and perform the stretching exercise towards the ground at this point. While the helicopter shakes are quite effective, its effectiveness increases with frequency and the accuracy with which it is performed. Moreover, it is a good idea to go for these exercises while taking a hot shower, or just after the shower. This makes the penis tissue more receptive to the exercises that you perform.

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Chapter 13: Some More Workouts Godma’s On Day Workout One of the experts has put forward two workouts that he practices in order to enhance his penis and its performance. Godma Jon considers 2 stable workouts for his penis, namely, the on day workout and the off day workout. The on day workout is what he considers to be the workout for those days when he wants to go for a full workout. This lasts for around half an hour. On the other hand, the off day workout is for those days when others would consider giving the exercises a rest. Godma goes for his off day workout on these days, and considers it to be quite effective as well. Godma’s On Days Looking at the “on days”, the workout comprises of quite a number of steps.  The session starts with a few exercises that need doing before the shower. This session starts with half a minute of helicopter shakes.  This is followed by a stretching session of around 10 seconds, after which you again start with the helicopter shakes for around 20 seconds. This follows for another 5 seconds of stretching session, where you stretch upwards. You end this session with 10 seconds of helicopter shakes.  By this time the penis is generally seen to increase by an inch in its flaccid state. Now, enter the warm shower. Wait for around 5 minutes, letting the warm water run through your genitals. This causes more blood to flow into your penis. Now start with the next session by applying a good lubricant on your penis generously.  Go for 20 seconds of helicopter shakes, followed by a 2 minute session of wet milking, with each jelq lasting for 3 seconds. You should have around 35% erection. Squeeze the tip of the penis now to reduce the amount of blood it holds.  Follow this up with 20 sets of jelq-stretch combo and helicopter shakes for 10 seconds. After this, go for a stretching session, once with your right hand and once with the left. Each stretch should last for 7 seconds, and you should repeat it 5 times upwards, and 5 times downwards.  Go for a 10 minute session of wet milking, including 10 seconds of helicopter shakes after each minute. Carry on with helicopter shakes after this for 20 seconds, and add a few stretches as well. Finally, end this session with warming down, massaging, and a few mild helicopter shakes. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Godma’s Off Days In the last section we saw how to effectively go for the on day workout that Godma has come up with for your penis enhancement. Now let us look a bit more closely at the off day workout. Though we have seen in the previous sections that you should keep 2 days aside per week for rest and healing, Godma has added some exercises that he follows through these off days. This set of exercises is also known as Godma’s Off Day Workout, which is what we are looking at here. The Workout  To begin with the session, get into a warm shower. Here there are no pre-shower exercises required to be gone through.  Now just like the previous session, simply let warm water flow through your genitals to enable blood to flow into your penis more easily.  Follow this with 10 sets of helicopter shakes. Go for 10 seconds of the stretching exercises, and 10 sets of helicopter shakes again.  This should be followed by 50 sets of wet milking, making sure you are doing it the right way. Each set should last for around 3 seconds.  This is where you need to warm down. For this, go for the light helicopter stretches and end up the session with a good massage. This brings you to the end of the off day workout. Even though it has been advised earlier that 2 days must be taken as offs, this off day workout is seen to be quite light. However, if at any point of time you see yourself getting bit tired or feel any irritations with your penis skin, stop and give it some time. Try to warm down and conclude the session at that point of time. Even though the on and the off day techniques are a bit different from the normal workouts, some good results have been seen with these workouts. However, there is no guarantee as to the results that you are going to see through these techniques like our other members. However, there are good chances for success if you follow the instructions with good accuracy.

Workout by B-Ran Now we have always encouraged our users to share their experiences with the other members. At the same we have encouraged them to let us know about any new workouts that they may have come up with, and feel that the methods are effective, so that we can share such methods with the other members. It should be noted that at no point of time do we recommend these methods. These methods have provided great results for some of the users, and we just want you to know how to go for them in the best possible way, only if you would want to try them. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Introduction to the Workout Now let us check one such very effective workout designed by one of our members, B-Ran. This method is proved to be very effective for him, and is seen to be much more compact and targeted. Since this workout is seen to be very intense, it requires you to have completed the advanced exercises provided in the sections we have been through earlier. This course is not at all suitable for a beginner. Since it proves to be a bit tough and intense, it should only be opted for under special conditions. Consider whether or not you have seen the success with the earlier sections. B-Ran advises that if you have been through the other sections, and still haven’t seen the results that you have expected, this workout should be something like a last resort for you to opt for. If you are good with this workout, you can see some very good results. But at the same time, you need to be very careful while going for this workout. I must stress on the point that this workout can be trying for some people. It is never a good idea to strain yourself if you feel your body is not allowing it. Only go for it if you have not seen any results from the other options, and only if you are comfortable with it. Too much pressure on your penis can cause serious problems for you. Let us directly go into the workout designed by B-Ran in details here. Warming Up  The warming up requires you to go through the PC muscle contractions and the hot wraps simultaneously.  For this dip the towel or wrap in hot water, squeeze the water out and cover your penis and genitals with it, while keeping your PC muscle contracted. This should be for a minute.  After this wet the towel again (dip for around 30 seconds) in warm water and repeat the steps mentioned. You should do this 5 times in total. Stretching Exercises  Taking 15 seconds for each set, stretch your penis out, up, down, left and right. So this comprises of 5 sets of stretching, each 15 seconds.  After you are done with this, slap your penis 15 times on each leg. This session should go on for around 10 minutes, according to your comfort levels. Get More Targeted Go for the most effective targeted exercises mentioned in the earlier sections. You can opt to go for the curvature exercises or combined jelqing. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Jelqing  Let me mention here that if you have already been through the super jelqs or the dry jelqs for the previous exercises, don’t go through this section separately again. Otherwise, start with 500 wet milking sets.  Once you are through this phase, go for the helicopter shakes, which should be for a minute.  End this jelqing session with dry milking, 50 jelqs at the base of your penis near to your body, and 50 jelqs halfway to the head. Warming Down Go through another session exactly in the same way you warmed up. Add a gentle massaging session here to help your penis to heal from the workout and see better blood circulation. A good way to massage is holding the penis with both your hands and rubbing it in the opposite direction by both your hands, as if kneading. This workout is pretty intense and B-Ran has advised to go for it only as a last resort. Go for it 3 alternate days a week, like Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

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Hopsicle’s Advanced Workout This is seen to be less straining than B-Ran’s, and the effects have been found to be very advantageous for many members. The very first thing to consider is that this exercise is also not suitable for beginners. This workout should be practiced on alternate days. It takes around 30 minutes. Start Up Start with a warm shower for around 5 minutes and carry out the PC exercises through this time. Go for the number of sets according to your convenience. However, you can opt to go for around 3 sets with around 10 repetitions for good results. Try to hold the contractions for around 10 seconds each time. After this do helicopter shakes for around 30 seconds to complete the warm up. Stretching, Helicopter Shakes, Crook Tugs and Jelqs  Now go for 5 sets of stretching, with the sets performed in the outward direction, left, right, upwards and downward directions consecutively. Make sure each repetition lasts for around 6 seconds.  Follow this with helicopter shakes again, for around 30 seconds. Go for 2 sets of crook tugs, 10 seconds each. Now proceed to around 100 jelqing reps, making sure each rep is for around 3 seconds. This should last for around 5 minutes, after which go for 30 seconds of helicopter shakes.  This should bring you to 2 more identical sets of Crook Tugs, after which you should carry on with 20 reps of Jelqs, 3 seconds each. Therefore jelqing should take around a minute here.  Follow this up with a combination of jelqing and stretching. This should comprise of 3 seconds of jelqs and 3 seconds of stretches for each rep, with 20 reps to go for in total. 30 seconds of helicopter shakes should come up at this point.  Repeat 2 more sets of Crook Tugs as mentioned earlier, and go on to wet jelqs again. You should go for 50 repetitions, each rep taking around 6 seconds.  End up with super dry jelqs for around 3 minutes and 30 more seconds of the helicopter shakes. Warm down with a nice massage and get out of the shower. This brings you to the end of the Hopsicle Workout.

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Chapter 14: More Exercises to Check Out Exercise for the Glans This targeted exercise is particularly suitable for people who want to enhance the size of their glans or the penis head. If you already have a good sized glans, you probably won’t want to indulge in this workout. This is not a workout as such, but an exercise devised specifically targeted towards enlarging your glans. So opt for it only if you want to see a better size for your penis head. The Steps  As usual, start with a warm up session like most of the other exercises. Once you have gone through warming up, go for a good lubricant and apply it on your penis generously. Follow the steps mentioned earlier with the choice of lubricants.  The next step would be to get to a partial erection, of around 50%. Once you have such an erection, using your hand in the OK formation, hold the base of your penis near to your pubic region. Make sure you don’t apply too much pressure, but do hold it firmly.  Use the other hand as well to grip the penis just above where you grip it with your first hand. Now follow the milking technique, only with both the hands in this case. The slide should carry on till the base of your glans.  Now as soon as your upper hand reaches the head, let it go and grip at the base with this hand now. All this time the lower hand stays gripped onto the shaft. Carry on till the other hand reaches the glans, after which move it to the base, while keeping the other hand firmly gripped on the shaft.  Carry this on for around 1 minute, making sure that both the hands are moving at the same speed throughout the session. Once this session is over, go for a nice warming down session to get the best out of the exercise. This exercise can be a part of your normal workout, taking an additional couple of minutes for you to complete the sessions. Go for it if you think you are not happy with the size of your glans.

The Curvature Exercises It is not abnormal to see a curvature for your erect penis. Most people experience this, which is quite ok. However, if the curve is seen to be minimal, your penis will become straight with time. If you think that you would want to see your penis straighter than it is at the moment, this exercise might come to your help. If you, however, suffer from the Peyronies disease, this should not be on your list. First Exercise The first exercise is seen to be quite similar to wet jelqing. Start with a partial erection of around 60 to 70%. Use a very high quality of a lube (follow the steps mentioned in the earlier chapter Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

with regards to selecting a good lube). Now form the OK with your hand and grip the penis base firmly, but not too tightly. Now go for the slides, till the glans, trying to curve the penis in the opposite direction to your normal curve. Make sure you don’t exert too much pressure here. Carry on for 40 reps, aiming to attain 100 reps gradually. This should take you a couple of weeks under normal circumstances. Second Exercise This exercise is also a very simple one, much similar to wet milking. Use a good lubricant for this as well. Carry on with your normal wet milking exercises, and the normal number of strokes that you go for. The only change that is seen here is during your milking session, go for 1 stroke amongst every 10 that will bend your penis against the direction of the curve. In other words, this is not a separate exercise as such. It is a modification to your wet milking techniques, going for 1 stroke in every 10 in the modified bent manner against the direction of your natural curve. Don’t try to strain excessively under any circumstances here, as that can cause injury. Basically both these exercises require you to bend your penis against the curve that needs to be corrected. Even though 100% results cannot be expected, the outcome is generally very satisfactory.

The Super Dry Jelq This is seen to be one of the very effective advanced penis enhancement exercises. It is very similar to dry jelqing, which is obviously understandable from the name of this exercise. Even though this exercise is not an absolute requirement for your workouts, it is a good idea to try it out for better results. You can also use this targeted variation of milking instead of your normal milking sessions, making sure that you are doing only quarter number of reps as you used to do through your normal milking sessions. In this way, you can simple change the way you go for your jelqs, and reduce the reps by 1/4th of the total number of jelqs. The Steps  As usual, start with a nice warm up session using the warm wrap method. Now go for a partial erection of around 50%, and hold this through the session for the best results. This exercise, and any other jelqing exercises, should never be practiced when you see a full erection.  Now go for around 5 PC muscle contractions, with each contraction held back for 1 second. Once you are through with this session, form the OK with your hand and hold the base of your penis, firmly but not being too tight.  Now slide your hand over the shaft without actually sliding it over the skin. This should be similar to dry milking. After each stroke start from the base again and continue the whole exercise for a total number of four sets. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Each rep should consist of asset of 5 PC contractions and 5 dry jelqs to be more precise. Go through the number of reps according to your convenience, or based on the number of reps you would have gone through with your normal milking session at this point. Make sure you go through a good warm up session before you begin. At the same time, keep it on your mind that here you are going through only three-quarters of the number of reps that you would have gone through with your normal milking session.

The Advanced Super Wet Jelqing Exercise Now you must understand that this is one of the more advanced variations of the wet milking exercises. You should try this only if you are good with the wet milking methods. Even though this variation is not a compulsory part of your workout, you can try it out to see better results for your wet milking efforts. This is very much similar to the super dry milking exercise. However, if you are not familiar with it, here is a detailed explanation for you. The Basic Steps  You should start with a good warming up session. You can either go for a warm shower for a couple of minutes, letting warm water flow through your genitals to increase blood flow, or you can also go for the warm wraps method. This will prepare the penile tissues better for the exercise.  Move on to 5 PC contractions, holding each contraction for around a second. This will help blood to flow into your penis and increase its size gradually. Do use a very good lubricant on your penis making sure you never go for soaps or shampoos of any sort.  Now go for a wet milking session. There should be 5 strokes with your right hand, and 5 with your left hand for each set.  Use both hands to milk. Therefore this should give you 5 sets of wet milking using both hands for each set. It is advised to go for around 1/4th of the number of reps you go for during your wet milking sessions generally. You must make sure that you don’t go for strokes too tightly as this can damage the penile tissues. This exercise, like the super dry milking, can be actually carried out instead of the normal milking sessions to further enhance the results. The use of a good lubricant is mandatory for wet jelqing to prevent injury and damage to your penile tissues at any point of time. If you are not sure about how to choose a good lube for this exercise, refer to the section given earlier on choosing a good lube.

Strengthen your Erections We have been through a number of exercises through this book till now. We have seen the initial workouts for beginners, the more advanced workouts, customized workouts shared with Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

us by some of the various members we have. And we have been through some of the more advanced techniques specifically targeted towards providing you some particular. Here we have for you an exercise that has specifically been designed to enable you to get a stronger erection. This exercise has been designed to add strength to your muscles, and help you see rock solid erections with time. The Steps to go Through For this exercise, you first need to work your way up towards a good erection. Once you have a gained an erection that you would consider as a full erection at this point of time, try to get rid of the erection, and bring your penis back into the flaccid state.  So the initial step would be to get your penis fully erected and then get it completely flaccid again.  Now go for a PC muscle contraction, making sure that you have one of your hands holding your penis firmly (not too tightly). This should let enough blood flow into your penis easily, and hence, your penile tissues would be full of blood. Make sure you go for a long PC contraction here.  While the blood flows in, you will feel your penis trying to move against your hand and offer it some pressure. Don’t do anything with your hand. Just leave it in this position for some more time. This will let your penis to show some force against your hand. However, don’t put pressure on your penis either. Make sure you are not experiencing any discomfort at any point of time. Keeping this on your mind, go for further reps of the exercise mentioned above according to your comfort levels and convenience. The results will show you harder erections, and give your penis the strength that is crucial for the satisfaction for both your partner and you. Try this exercise out accurately and see the great results with time.

More Advanced Stretching Methods I must state here that unless you have been through the initial exercises mentioned in this book, this is probably not a good time to go on with this exercise. This exercise if only to be practiced when your normal stretching exercises are seen to have shown you all the results they could. You need to be practicing the penis enhancement techniques for at least 6 weeks to make the most of it. So How To Go For It? So obviously you must be wondering what the best way is to go for this exercise.  To begin with, you need to lift one of your legs and place it either on a chair or a bed, or any other raised platform to give you identical results. Now try to get hold of your penis, from the back and under the raised leg, with your hand. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Now once you have got hold of your penis, hold it and stretch it towards the back, exactly in the opposite direction to that you are facing. Hold this stretch for sometime, making sure you don’t hurt yourself or do anything that feels painful or uncomfortable.  You should be able to hold the stretch for around 15 to 25 seconds, comprising of a rep. Go through such reps for around 5 minutes, as long as it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.  You can even go for this without raising any of your legs. Though this is more advanced than the previous example, it is surely going to show you better results if you can do it comfortably.  Sometimes people with smaller penises or bigger testes can find this second version a bit difficult to go for. These stretches have been found to be much more effective than the others that we have been through in the earlier sections. However, only go for these stretches once you have been through the initial workouts to make the most of it without hurting your penile tissues. Don’t strain beyond your limits at any point of time. At the same time, try to be committed to the other exercises as well, to get a more effective result.

How to Restore your Foreskin If you are wondering why the foreskin should be a concern for you in this book, consider the following points. Foreskin is very essential to preserve the sensitivity of your penis. If your penis doesn’t have a good foreskin to cover the head, you are surely going to see its sensitivity dull out with time. In fact, foreskin is primarily responsible for your penis’s skin to stay safe from abrasion, rubbing against the rough surfaces of the clothes you wear. Such abrasions causes the skin on the tip of your penis (and any exposed skin) to become lesser sensitive, resulting in the nerves not being able to carry the sensations to the brain in proper time. How Do I Benefit With A Foreskin? Now consider what you can gain with a proper covering for your penis. Not only will your penis enjoy a better protection at all times, this will also preserve the sensitivity of your penile tissues. At the same time, the foreskin keeps your penis warm, and therefore allows better blood flow through it. This is beneficial for the flaccid size of your penis as well. And finally, with another layer or skin on your penis, your foreskin makes your penis appear to have a thinker girth than without the foreskin on it. While sometimes it becomes necessary to get rid of your foreskin for medical reasons, it is a good idea to try and get it back if possible. Medical conditions in certain cases do require foreskins to be got rid off, because of sedimentation or other related reasons.

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However, if the physician advises that it will be possible to get the foreskin back to how it was previously, it is definitely a good idea to try it out. We look at two very efficient techniques for getting back your foreskin (at least restoring it). While this may not work for anyone and everyone, if you can go for these techniques, the results are definitely going to prove to be advantageous for your sex life and preserve your sexual health for a longer time than otherwise possible. There are basically two techniques to follow when you want to restore your foreskin to its original condition. Let us go through the basic technique first and then try out a more advanced method through this section. The Steps for the Best Results  Start with getting yourself a full erection. You can go for a nice warm massage to get this.  Once you have obtained a full erection, go for around 50 contractions to help your penis fill up with enough blood. This will help you to get your penis erected further.  Now form an OK and grip the base of your penis. Without rubbing against the skin and causing friction, slide the OK grip up the shaft without letting go of the grip.  Try to feel the stretch on your skin, and at this point hold for about 10 seconds. This will probably start to turn your penis into the flaccid state. If you become flaccid before 10 seconds, let go of the grip.  Now start from the beginning, getting your penis erected, and work out the whole set again. This should go on for around ten minutes per day, as per your convenience.  Try to go for increased stretched towards the end to enhance the results. Always ensure that you are not hurting yourself under any condition. More Advanced Once you have been through the previous technique for quite some time (at least 2 months) you can try this advanced procedure out as well. Otherwise this technique proves to be considerably less effective. Here you work with a flaccid penis. Stretch the foreskin, bringing it to the tip of your penis head, and hold it there with your thumb and forefinger. Now stretch the skin from this point without causing yourself pain or injury. You should go through this for around 1 minute for at least 2 weeks, working at it daily. This should end your foreskin restoration. This has been found to be pretty effective, giving you the ability to get your foreskin to cover the whole penis for a better sexual health.

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The Towel Hanging Technique – Strengthen your Erections Many of us have problems with erections. And even if you thought one single exercise can be enough to get you back on track, sometimes it is not this simple. However, we have a number of options to help you out with problems with getting a strong erection, and the towel hanging techniques prove to be very efficient for this. The exercise actually targets your PC muscles, as you may have already expected, and gets it to help you hold your erections through longer periods of time. This is not only important for better sex, but also helps you get rid of premature ejaculation problems, and helps to maintain a healthy prostrate for you as well. How to Go for It? Here you are putting a little more effort to your penile tissues to help you to get the job done in a quicker way. You will see how simply this workout is and how effective it can be over a bit of time. Now let us look at the main procedure.  You need to get a full erection to start with this exercise. Use good massaging techniques to get the required erection.  Now once you have a full erection, get hold of a light towel, or flannel, and place it over your erected penis.  Once you have done this, try to contract your PC muscles. This will make your penis rise against the weight of the towel. This is the main theory behind the towel hanging techniques.  Carry on with this as long as it doesn’t start hurting or cause your muscles to strain. It is never a good idea to strain yourself with any of the exercises for the enhancement of your penis. Make sure you are not using something that may prove to be too heavy, or else you are probably not going to be able to carry on with these sets for long. At least that is what you should aim at initially. As time goes by and your PC muscles get more adapted to this, use heavier towels to increase the strength of your PC muscles even further.

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Chapter 15: Advanced Penis Enhancement Techniques I haven’t yet come across anyone who has mentioned that they are not really interested in the penis enhancement techniques. Everyone who has talked to me on this topic seemed to be very keen about the idea of helping themselves out with a bit of information as to how they can enhance both the size and the performance of their penis. Now we have been through quite a good deal of penis enhancement techniques, and have probably covered quite a bit, enough to show you results if you are able to follow through the earlier sections in the best possible way. However, if you are looking to opt for something even more advanced, to take your efforts to the next level, we have just the information that you may be looking for.

Some Important Considerations This section deals with more advanced techniques on penis advancements, picking up your efforts from where you have reached till now. I assume that most of you have already been able to see the positive results from the techniques that we have been through in the earlier sections. Using the knowledge you possess and the results that you have seen, we have here some very updated and advancement techniques to take you further towards a better sex life. You must understand that directly opting to start with this section is not at all recommended. Please complete the beginners’ section and only then go for these methods if genuine results are what you are after. You have a number of other considerations to make at this point as well. For example, you must understand that you need to have gone through the beginners section for at least 6 weeks before you can start with this section. Next, you must be an adult and over 1 years of age at least before you should opt for these techniques. You also need to ensure that you know by now how your body behaves with the exercises that you have been through already, and are fully responsible for taking this section up. Keep all these points on your mind, and understand that what we have here are suggestions and not certified medications and treatments from doctors.

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The 180° Stretches The main reasons why you might want to go for this exercise is to get rid of any twist that your flaccid penis shaft may feature. Such a twist is not something to be really scared of, and is seen to be quite common amongst people. This is of course something that you can get rid of (I mean a huge number of people have got rid of it). If you are not yet clear about what a twist of this fashion might be, check your penis to see if you find it pointing to some other direction but straight when hanging freely in the flaccid state. If your penis is pointing either to your left or to your right, you have a twist. Most see a twist towards the left, but the same exercise can be followed with lefts changed with rights in case you have a twist towards the right. And this is not a serious problem at all, but just how your penis looks. The Exercise  Make sure you start with a flaccid penis.  Grip the shaft in the middle with your main hand forming the ok sign. You should be holding the shaft from the top.  Once you have this position, considering the twist is towards the left, use your thumb and the forefinger to twist the shaft and the head in the opposite direction by 180°, i.e. towards the right.  Now you should be able to see the glans and the back of your penis completely, that generally faces the ground. Moreover, the base of the shaft and the glans are at 180° to each other.  Once you have gone through this, there should be a wrinkle or crease through the middle of the shaft. Try to stretch the penis further away from your body, keeping it parallel to the ground.  Maintain this position for around 10 seconds and then let your penis hang down again. This complete process is one single rep, and you should include it a few times in your daily workouts to get your penis back in its proper direction. So we see how easily you can go for the 180° stretches. In fact every time you go for it through the 10 seconds, and then let your penis hang freely again, you will find that your penis is hanging straight even if there was a twist that you saw with your penis. This might be temporary initially, but will become permanent with more and more practice. By the end of two weeks, you should actually see very noticeable results with this. You are not required to include these 180° stretches as an intense exercise in your workout. Try to Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

incorporate it a couple of times for the best results. Take a look at this workout with the 180° stretches included in it. An Ideal Workout with the 180° Stretches  Start with a warm up for around 5 minutes in the usual way (warm wraps or shower).  Go for around 10 seconds of stretching after this, followed by 50 reps of wet milking.  Add a 10 second 180° stretch here and move on to around 25 dry milkings after this.  Next, go for the stretching exercises again for around 10 seconds, followed by around a 100 wet milking reps.  Add another 10 second session of the 180° stretches, warm down and finish up with a nice massage.  Now at this point I must point out that there is no need to overdo anything, as it will result in more harm than good for you. Now, in case you have a twist that is more than just a little bit, simply modify the whole set using 360° instead of 180° when you twist the shaft. This will bend the shaft through one complete rotation for you. However, it is only advisable to go for the 360° once you have been through the 180° stretches for a considerable amount of time. You might also face problems going for either the 180° or the 360° with a single hand at times. In such a situation, use your other hand to twist the shaft, and once you have gone through the desired angle, use your dominant hand to hold it.

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The Crook Tugs Technique This section deals with an exercise which proves to be very useful for you in case you want to see a bigger penis. Crook tugs can help you with increasing your flaccid as well as erect penis’s length considerably, and the results are pretty noticeable when you include this exercise within your normal daily workouts and other exercises. A great way to include this exercise in your normal workout is substituting it for a few reps of the other stretching exercises. Often it has been seen that using crook tugs along with the normal exercises, our members have gained much faster results. How Crook Tugs is Beneficial? If you carefully notice in the later section how these work, you will see this exercise affects different sections of the shaft at any given point of time, making the stretching much more intense and efficient. Let us look at how to go for the exercise now.  Make sure that you start with a flaccid penis, with not more than 20% erection at the most. Now use your left hand to make an inverted thumbs up sign (or thumbs down sign). Your thumb points down and the four fingers are all touching the adjacent ones.  Now hold the head of your penis with your forefinger touching the thumb. Make sure the grip is tight enough, without hurting yourself at any point of time.  Once you have this position, use your left hand to get the shaft parallel to the ground while stretching it at the same time.  Now, once you have gone through till this, try to grip the base of the shaft with the crook of the L shape that has formed with the left hands’ fingers.  Now using this grip with the crook, bend the shaft in such a way that the top half faces towards your stomach. At the same time, move your hand in the opposite direction.  Maintain this position for around 5 seconds. This constitutes one single stretch of the crook tugs exercise. Even though this might sound quite complex, it is not so. More on the Crook Tugs Now that we have seen how to go for the exercise, let us see a bit more about how it works for you. If you carefully consider the stretches that your shaft experiences throughout a set, you will see that the shaft sees a number of regions where you experience some strain. To make sure that each portion of your shaft is getting to feel the stretch, move the grip along the shaft for better results. For example, start at the base and move down towards the head, once at the middle, and so on.

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How to Incorporate It in the Best Way Now you don’t need to go for separate sets of this exercise. You can very easily add this exercise into your daily workout and get the best results out of it. For example, consider the following workout where the crook tugs have been incorporated.  Start with a normal warm up, carrying on with it for around 5 minutes.  Bring in the crook tugs here for a five second session, applying at the base.  Now immediately start with normal stretching exercise for around 5 seconds, and move on to wet milking for around 50 reps.  This is where the second set of crook tugs comes in. This time grip the middle of the shaft at this point and continue for around 5 more seconds.  Follow this up with 10 dry milkings and a stretching session of 5 seconds.  Go for around 100 wet milkings now, after which return to another crook tugs session for 5 seconds, gripping just below the right hand.  Another stretching session comes up for 5 seconds, after which you finish up with a warm down session. This is how you should go about the crook tugs in a normal workout. With time, try to increase the amount of time through which you do this exercise. Make sure that you still carry on with the rest of the exercises. This can show you very good results with a bit of commitment and time. Many of our members have experienced very good results within the first couple of weeks!

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A Look at Section Stretching This exercise is another advanced technique to let the different sections of the shaft see better results with the stretching techniques it sees. This exercise is quite easy to understand and follow and considerably effective. Here you consider three different sections of your shaft, concentrating on each section at any given point of time. These three sections are the base of the shaft, the middle portion and the tip. Now let us go through how to go for this exercise to get the best out of it. The Main Drill  Get your penis to the flaccid state, with a maximum erection of around 20%.  Once you have done this, form the OK with your right hand and get it to grip the shaft just below the head.  Using this grip, go through a session where you stretch outward away from your body.  While maintaining this stretch, use the left hand to grip at the base of the shaft firmly. Make sure that there are no chances of slipping off.  Once you have both your hands gripped on to the shaft, try to stretch outward with the right hand, making sure your left hand stays gripped at the base.  Maintain this stretch and the grip for around 5 seconds.  Repeat all the steps from the beginning after this, only holding the middle of the shaft with the left hand this time. This time the left hand will hold the middle of the shaft in place, while the right will stretch the shaft outward. Hold this for 5 seconds as well.  Finally, repeat the same steps, with your left hand gripping the shaft just an inch below the right hand. Stretch outward using the right hand while the left hand stays in place.  Maintain this for another 5 seconds as well. So you see how the exercise focuses on the different parts of the shaft each time. Make sure you go for this exercise as mentioned, without exerting too much stress on your shaft causing it any injuries. In the next section we will see some more information on section stretching exercise. More Information on Section Stretching Assuming that you have been through the instructions as to how to go for this exercise in the previous section, let us look at the theory of the section stretching exercise a bit more closely and see how it works. This will make you understand how this exercise proves to be effective for you. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

We have seen how to go for a number of stretching exercises in the previous sections. However, how does the section stretching method prove to be better and more effective for members who have tried it out? In this exercise, you are focusing on different parts of the shaft separately through each of the sets. This in turn shows some very good advantages for you. The Advantages With this exercise, you see a very simple way to go for advanced stretching techniques. Moreover, when you are going for the stretching exercises, the strain is seen to be on the whole shaft. This sometimes affects the girth of your penis. However, using the section stretching techniques, you are going to see no effects on girth, as the strain has been specifically targeted at the sections of the shaft. Also, since the whole shaft doesn’t feel the stretch at the same time, the effect of the stretch is also seen to be much more intense. This obviously has better results to show you. And if you compare this exercise with some of the others, it proves to be much simpler. This exercise is just a slight variation of the one handed stretch, and it is not tough to incorporate it in your normal day schedule to get the best out of it. Some Considerations We have found that it is best to use these stretches along with the normal stretching exercises that you go through on the normal course. At the same time, don’t give up on the other exercises that you get to do at the moment in your regular workout. The best way to go for this is to add a few steps of this exercise before and after the normal stretches that you go for daily.

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The Gap Jelqs Technique This exercise is a great way to go for a better girth for your penis. At the same time, it can also help to increase your length to some extent. This exercise works in the same way as the normal dry jelqs, with the only difference being that it lets you trap the blood in the shaft and move it forward. We will look more deeply into how these jelqs help to increase your girth most effectively. Let us concentrate on how to go for the exercise even better in this section.

The Steps of the Exercise  You start with exercise with a 50% erect penis. Try good massaging techniques to get your penis erected to the desired level.  Once you have reached a 50% erection, form an OK with your left hand and use it to grip the base of your penis effectively. Make sure your grip is firm but not too tight.  Once you have this grip, use the right hand, and using the same OK form, grip the shaft around half an inch ahead of the left hand. Both the grips should be underhand grips for this exercise.  Once both the grips are done perfectly, move both the hands simultaneously together towards the head, like a dry jelq.  Stop both the hands once you reach the base of the glans with your right hand. Go for this dry jelq movement through 5 seconds. This is seen to be very effective in drawing more blood into your penis and increasing its girth. This also helps to save the amount of time you would have required otherwise through a normal dry jelqing exercise. Since you are using both your hands simultaneously, you don’t have to go back to the base after the first jelq and go through another dry jelq to complete the rep. It is very important that you are not moving your fingers or the grip over the skin. The grip should stay where it is on the skin, and both the grip and skin should move upwards towards the head to show you the best results here. More on Gap jelqs Now we have seen how the gap jelqs are to be gone through in the previous section. Now let us see how it is able to show us the results that we want to see. Gap jelqs have been found to be twice as effective as the normal dry jelqs, and yet take considerably lesser time than the other. This exercise is a great way to increase your girth. Here, you actually concentrate on separate sections of the shaft, making sure that you get enough blood into this section using both your hands as described earlier. Since the effort is put on some specific sections of the shaft, the results are seen to be much better as well. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

How This Works Often people find it quite tough to reach that level of thickness for their girth with which they will be satisfied. This exercise is a great way to take your efforts one step further to show you much better results. Not only can it help you to see better results with the thickness, but it also shows a very good result in providing you that healthy mushroom at the tip most of the people we have talked to wanted. And when you incorporate the gap jelqs with the normal workout schedule you have, start with a normal warm up session and move onto a stretching session for 10 seconds. Go for 70 wet milking reps, after which you introduce the 10 gap jelqs. Follow this up with another session of stretching for around 10 seconds, after which you move on to a 100 rep session of wet milking. This is where you bring in another ten gap jelqs again. Finally, go for a stretching session for around 10 seconds and warm down effectively. This was an example of how a gap jelq incorporated workout should look like. If you are opting to go for 200 dry jelqs or above, try to cut down slightly on this a bit to see better results. You can even use a good lubricant if you want. Now go for variations as you get used to it. For example, instead of continuing with 10 gap jelqs and holding back for around 5 seconds for each jelq, go for 5 gap jelqs and hold back for 10 seconds, and so on.

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The Slap N Squeeze Technique This is a great way to go for an increase in length and at the same time see some good results with better girth for your penis as well. The slap n squeeze technique is also seen to show you a better penis health, ensuring better performance and satisfaction with your sex life. So how do you go for this technique? Let us look at the steps to follow with this exercise for the best results. The Steps to Go Through  When you are looking to go for this exercise, the first thing on your list should be a 40% erection. This exercise needs to be practiced at this state. Go through a good massage for your penis to get yourself this erection. Now this exercise comprises of slapping your penis on your thighs, both the left and the right.  While you are slapping your penis against the thighs, go through PC contractions simultaneously, holding each contraction for around 5 seconds. This is done in order to get more blood to flow into your penis. You may notice a bulge in your penis as well if you do the exercises in the best way possible.  Now this should have got your penis read for the next step, which is the gap jelq session. Hold the penis with both of your hands, just like a gap jelq session. Now go through a gap jelq slowly, for around 5 seconds. All you need to do is squeeze the blood down through the tissue slowly, using both hands, through these 5 seconds.  After the 5 seconds, let go of your penis and start with the slaps and Kegels again, following up with the gap jelq. So each set of a slap n squeeze session consists of slapping on both the thighs, simultaneously going through the C contractions, and then the gap jelqs to finish up nicely. You should try to make this exercise a part of your daily workout to get the best out of it. This exercise fits nicely somewhere midway in your daily workout time table. More Information on the Slap N Squeeze Technique The slap n squeeze technique has some very notable advantages for the person going for it. It is an advanced technique, which makes it absolutely unsuitable for a beginner. At the same time it should only be gone for with your normal workout, including it in the time table somewhere in the middle. If you have been through the previous section, you should know how to go for this technique in the best possible way. At the same time, you must also consider how to incorporate it in your normal workout in the best way. Slap n Squeeze Included in your Normal Workout  Start with a warming up session for around 5 minutes. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Do a stretch for around 10 seconds, and go on to doing 100 wet milkings followed by around 25 Vulcan jelqs.  Go for another stretching session for 10 seconds, and that should bring you to the point where you go for the slap n squeeze sets.  Go for 5 slap n squeeze sets.  Next continue with 100 reps of wet milking, followed by 25 reps of the Vulcan jelqs.  Once this is done, go for another stretching session for 10 seconds, and 2 reps of fish 2 finger.  Follow the steps of the slap n squeeze here again, going for 5 reps.  Warm down to end your exercises at this point. This is just an example of how you can add the slap n squeeze technique into your normal day workout. Basically this method uses the best results obtained through the gap jelqs as well as the slapping exercises, and combines it to give you one single exercise. When you go for this exercise in the right way, you are going to see a very good result with getting your penis muscles stronger. You shouldn’t go for this exercise on its own, as the results are not the best that you can expect from it. The best feature of this exercise is it can easily be shifted in the workout to suit your convenience for the most desirable effects.

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The Fish 2 Finger Technique This exercise is a good one for you when you are looking to see a good increase in the length of your penis. Along with enhancing the length of your penis, it has some little effect on the girth as well. Again I must point out that this exercise should also be performed only when you are absolutely familiar with the other beginner sessions to show you the best results. Let us look quickly through the steps to follow for this exercise. Performing this Exercise  This is quite a simple exercise, requiring you to start with around a 40% erection for the best results. If you see an erection through this exercise, make sure you stop and let it return back to the 40% erection state, after which you can again start with the exercise from where you stopped.  Using the OK formation, lay a firm grip on your penis. This grip should be similar to the underhand grip while masturbating, or an overhand grip like the ones explained in some of the earlier sections.  Now make sure your grip has the middle finger most tightly around the shaft, while the intensity of the grip keeps decreasing as you move towards the little finger.  Now go for 5 jelqs, each rep lasting for around 3 seconds. Choose dry or wet milking according to your convenience.  Now release the little finger and repeat the 5 reps of the jelqs, holding each for 3 seconds.  Go for another set after this with two fingers and the thumb gripping the shaft, and another set of 5 jelqs with only the index finger and the thumb holding the shaft. This completes on set of the fish 2 finger exercise. You see, this is not as tough as it may sound. And all your really need to do is go for the jeqs, with all four fingers, then three fingers, then two, and then only the one index finger (of course along with the thumb in each case). This is really a good exercise to go for once you have been through the beginners’ section as per the mentioned instructions. More Information on the Fish 2 Finger Technique Once you have been through this exercise in the previous section and are aware of how to go through the steps, let us look through some more information on this exercise. For example, consider the benefits that you may get to see through this exercise. The most noticeable benefit for you from this exercise is that it enables you to see a noticeable increase in your length with good practice. At the same time, this exercise is pretty simple and can be incorporated in your normal workout easily. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

It is an enhanced form of the jelqs, be it wet or dry, according to your convenience. Let us see how you can add this to your normal workout plan. Including Fish 2 Finger in your Workout  Start with a warming up session for around 5 minutes.  Move on to around 10 seconds of the stretching exercises, after which you should go for 1 rep of the fish 2 finger exercise.  This should now follow around 50 wet milkings and 25 dry milkings.  Now, go for the fish 2 finger exercise again at this point, with 2 reps to go for this time.  Follow this up with a 10 second stretch and then with around a 100 wet milking reps.  This is where you go for the fish 2 finger sets for the third time, going for 3 reps here.  Finally, warm down nicely and finish up with a nice massage to get the best response from your penis.  Make sure you carry on with this exercise at around 40% erection as a rule, and again, don’t strain yourself or cross the comfortable limit. It is also a good tactic to see your fingers applying different levels of force. Again, as mentioned earlier, the middle finger should be exerting the maximum force, while the others should show lesser force. It is a good practice to see the ring finger providing the second highest intensity for the force applied, and the little finger and the index finger showing the least force on your shaft. This enhances better blood distribution and flow in your penile tissue.

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The Vulcan Jelqs Technique This method is also a good option to look at for length enhancement and some effect for the girth as well. However, since this is one of the more advanced exercises, make sure you go through this technique only after you have been through the beginners’ section, following the instructions most carefully. This exercise is a great alternative to the normal wet or dry jelqs and can affect a flaccid or an erect penis equally. Let us have a look at the instructions to follow when you opt to perform this exercise to enhance the size of your penis. The Instructions to Follow  This exercise should be carried out at around a 40% erection. Massage your penis till you reach this stage, and if you get into a full erection at any point, stop till the erection subsides back to the 40% mark approximately.  Now hold the penis between your ring and your middle fingers firmly. The fingers of your hand should be pointed towards the ground while the palm should be facing outwards, away from your body. Hold your penis in this way, curling your fingers to tighten the grip further.  Now once you have done this, pull your penis upwards, making it almost completely flat against your stomach. This pull should be exactly like a jelq pull. The only difference is that you are going for the jelqs with your penis gripped between the middle and the ring fingers.  Now when you reach the glans of your penis, use the other hand with the same Vulcan grip and start again from the base, slowly moving upwards. Hence, using the two hands alternatively, go for a continuous jelqing exercise, where each jelq requires 2 seconds’ time. The Vulcan grip is nothing but the way you hold your penis between the middle and the ring fingers. This grip is similar to the shape of the hands of Mr. Spock in Star Trek (the original version), who was of course a Vulcan. This is how this exercise derives its name. Go through the next section for more details on these Vulcan jelqs to help you understand better. More Information of the Vulcan Jelqs As we have already discussed in the previous chapter, this exercise is a great way to enhance the increase that you can expect for your penis. Though it is seen to have some effect on your girth as well, this is very little. The name is derived from the character of Mr. Spock in the older version of Star Trek, considering the shape of his hands to be similar to the grip you use here.

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How to Include Vulcan Jelqs in your Workout? Again, this is not an exercise that should be opted for all by itself. Instead, make this exercise a part of your daily time table. Consider the following example of a daily workout with the Vulcan jelqs.  Start with a good warm up session for around 5 minutes (can be a hot shower with the leg slapping technique, or the war cloth technique).  Now apply enough lubricant of good quality. Now go through another 3 to 4 minute of leg slapping and hand massaging.  Start with 100 wet milkings once you have achieved an erection of around 30% through the massaging session you have been through earlier.  Now go through around 30 reps of the Vulcan jelqs at this point, making sure that you still maintain the 30% erection.  After this, get a 50% erection and go for around 50 dry milkings.  This should follow 10 reps of the gap jelqs at the same level of erection. Bring your erection down to around 35% and go for another 50 reps of the Vulcan jelqs.  The workout ends with around 200 reps of the wet milking procedure.  This should obviously include a good warming down session as well. This workout is just an example, and you don’t need to stick to this strictly. One of the other benefits seen with Vulcan jelqs is relief for your fingers when you can’t go on with anymore of the jelqing reps. Also, you should again understand that this is an advanced exercise, and for your safety and the efficiency of your efforts, only go this once you have been through the beginners’ session earlier.

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The Mastur Milking Technique As the name might suggest, this is nothing but a combination of masturbation and milking. This is a great way to go for penis enhancement even when you masturbate. The idea is very identical to the jelqing techniques. This increases your length and girth for both flaccid and erect conditions. It is seen to contribute towards your stamina as well. The Steps to Work Out This exercise requires you to use a good lube and 30 to 40% erection if you are after an increase in your length. In case you want to see better results with your girth, go for this exercise without using the lubricant, and at 60 to 70% erection at the max for the safety of the penile tissues. A higher erection can cause damage to the blood vessels and the tissues holding the blood for you.  Start with forming an OK with your hand, and grip the penis using this formation. You can either go for an overhand grip or an underhand grip depending on your convenience.  You should start at the base of the shaft, griping lightly, and move your hand along the shaft (without letting go of the grip) in between the point just below the head and the base.  Maintain the normal speed with which you masturbate. Now try and alter the tightness of the grip along the shaft, depending on where you are gripping at any given point of time.  Make sure that you don’t go overboard and grip too tightly, or increase your speed too much. This can cause damage to your blood vessels in the penis.  This is nothing but jelqing with altering grip intensity. Even after the first 10 sets, you will notice a change in the size of your penis, especially the glans. The shaft will appear to be bulging more.  If you manage to get an erection over the limit we are looking at during the exercise, stop till it subsides. Once it is back to the required percentage, start with the steps again. The next session will help you with more information on this jelqing technique. Now that we have gone through the steps to follow with the mastur milking technique, it is a good idea to consider how this actually works. I have pointed this out after every exercise because it makes performing an exercise much easier once you know why you are doing it, and how it works ultimately. More information on Mastur Milking Through this process, you actually stroke the penis in such a way that the tissues get better adapted to holding more blood. The main intention to perform this exercise is much the same as Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

in the case of jelqing. However, the strokes are seen to be a bit different than what you may have seen in the case of the plain jelqing method. In case of this technique, you don’t carry out the stroke through the same time as you would have for normal jelqing, i.e. 2-10 seconds. Instead the strokes are seen to be much faster, much like the speed seen when you masturbate. This is a great exercise that you can very easily add on to your general workout, placing it towards the end. You can also use some of your free time for this exercise without having to set aside special time for it. What I meant is that you can very easily go for this exercise just before you masturbate. This will obviously show you the results that you would most likely want to see. You can either use a lubricant for this exercise, carrying on with the process mentioned for wet milking steps for this exercise, or you can go for dry milking as well. Make sure you maintain the erections as they are meant to be throughout the different parts of this exercise. If you are going for mastur milking with an erection over 70%, there is a considerable chance of causing harm to your penile tissues. And at the same time, if you are mastur milking under the 40% erection, you will find it difficult to go through the steps properly, and at the same time the exercise would most probably have very little effects for you to see. Hence keep the points mentioned earlier on your mind for the best possible results with mastur milking. Never go beyond your limits, or the consequences may not be particularly desirable for you!

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The Pogos Technique Although pogos are another version of the jelqing exercises, they are quite different than most of the variations that we have been through so far. Generally you will find jelqs squeezing the penis outwards. This is where the pogos differ. Pogos require you to move along the shaft in both directions. Consider a general jelq stroke. You hold your penis at the base, give it a squeeze and move out towards the head. Once you are at the head, you let go of the grip and then return to the base and start with the stroke again. However for the pogos, you actually never let go of the shaft. Instead, once you reach the head, you keep the grip intact and just move downwards towards the base again. To understand this better, let us go through the steps of the pogos. The Steps to Follow Make sure that you are using a good lube for a starter. This will not only make it easier for you to perform this exercise, but you will feel much more comfortable and see better precautionary measures.  Start with going for an erection of around 75% when you are about to begin with the exercise. This will make it easier for you to go for the steps.  Don’t use a tight grip throughout this exercise. Always remember that you are dealing with a fairly erected penis. If you are dealing with strokes that may prove to be too tight, chances are that you may run into some sort of injury.  Now spread out your hand so that the four fingers and the thumb are at 90° to each other. Get this position for both of your hands, and place one hand on top of the other. The thumbs and the fingers should overlap in such a way that there is a hole that is formed in between the thumbs and the fingers.  Now with the palms facing you, put your hands on your penis, so that your penis passes through the hole formed by your hands that are overlapping each other.  Now make sure your hands are well pressed at the base of your penis, so that your hands are touching the pubic area.  Now make the hole smaller to turn it into a tighter grip, making sure it is not too tight to cause you injury. Move your thumbs to make the circle smaller.

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 Now squeeze the shaft lightly, and slide up towards the head. Stop just before you reach the head. This slide should take you around 1.5 seconds.  Now go against the slide’s direction for your new slide, sliding down towards the base again. At no point of time should you let go of the grip.  This would require you to go for a lighter grip, and the slide should be slower than the previous one, taking you around 2.25 seconds to completely reach the base.  This should be carried on, making sure that you are able to control the intensity of the grip at the various sections of the shaft in order to feel comfortable and see effective results. Some Points to Consider Now it is important to understand that even though you are moving in both the directions in this case, the results are seen to be effective, though the jelqs had you push blood into the penile tissue and leave it there, with pogos, you are actually driving the blood in and then driving it out again. Even if this appears a bit tough to understand, such free blood flow will ensure a higher growth rate for your penile tissues if practiced properly. This exercise can be very easily added to your normal workout, which will further enhance the effectiveness of the exercise. Add it to Your Workout The best way to include this exercise in your normal daily workout is as follows.  Start with a warming up session and carry on for around 5 minutes  Move forward with thigh slapping for 2 minutes, and follow up with a stretching session for 5 seconds.  This should be followed by 100 reps of wet milking and then 50 reps of dry jelqs.  Now go for 50 reps of pogos  Carry on with another stretching session for 5 seconds, and then move on to 150 wet milkings. Continue with 50 more dry jelqs here.  This is where you go for another 50 reps of pogos  Follow this up with a 5 second session of stretching and warm down to finish your session

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This is how you need to go for the pogos in the best possible way to see the maximum success. Make sure you use a good lube, and the results are surely going to be much better than you can expect out of this technique. Don’t try to be too tight with the grip at any point of time, and try to maintain an erection of around 65 to 70% for the best results.

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The Shaft Wringing Technique This is basically another variation of the stretching exercises. The most important difference to note with this exercise is that it is a combination of two stretching movements. While you are using one hand to hold the penis away from your body, the other hand slides down the shaft, from below the head towards the base. Now this exercise has been seen to be very effective, and can be easily performed within your daily workout time table. This exercise works fine if properly performed along with the gap jelqs. We will see how to include this exercise in your normal workout to get the best out of it. However you must note that this is one of the advanced exercises. To get this fully functional it is highly recommended that you have been through the beginners’ section for 6 weeks. If you have not, you might not find this method as effective and can also see the chances of injuries. The Steps to Follow You need to have a partial erection of no more than around the 25% mark. Now once you have achieved this state, start with the following steps.  Use your right hand in the OK formation and grip the shaft underneath the glans.  Now make sure your grip is tight enough to let you go for a outward stretching here. You obviously shouldn’t apply too much pressure at any time.  Now use the left hand to grip the shaft just below where your right hand’s grip is. Don’t let go of the right hand at any point of time. Maintain the stretch throughout this time.  Now use the left hand grip and slide down towards the base. This grip should be lighter than the right hand’s grip.  While you move down, use the right hand to act against this force and prevent your penis from moving towards the slide of the left hand.  Make sure you don’t exert too much pressure with any of the hands than seems uncomfortable or painful  Once your left hand reaches the base of the shaft, release the grip and start again from the top, just below the right hand. Make sure that the right hand stays where it is all this time. While the right hand provides the stretch for the ligaments of your penis, the left hand allows you to show the stretching behavior for the mid-shaft. This combined effect makes this exercise so effective.

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More on Shaft Wringing Now shaft wringing can be added to your normal day routine very effectively. This can show you much better results than simply going for the exercise. This is how you can successful add this exercise in your daily workout for the best results.  Start with a warming up session of 5 minutes  Go for stretching for around 10 seconds, followed by 100 wet milkings and 10 dry jelqs  Now go for around 10 reps of the gap jelqs  After this, move on to the shaft wringing exercise, doing 15 reps  Once the shaft wring exercise is completed, you now need to go on to another 10 second stretch followed by 100 wet milkings and another 10 second stretches  Go for another 10 reps with the gaps jelqs after which you can opt for another 15 reps of the shaft wringing.  Finally, warm down to finish up the session in the best possible way here. Now using a good lube for this exercise is often something that you can consider. Many of the people who have performed this exercise found it a bit hard to go for the left hand slides towards the base. The use of a good lube under such circumstances can show you quire good results. Never try to go for this exercise when you see a higher level of erection. Stop and let the erection come down, and then start again. Finally, make sure you are not stretching your penis too hard, or you can suffer serious injuries in the process. It is always important to understand that you should only try out what seems to be ok for your body.

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The PC Dry Jelq Combo Technique This is a great exercise for you to perform if you are after a better girth. This combination of the Kegels and dry jelqs not only show you better girth, but affects your stamina and penis health in a highly positive way. This exercise was primarily designed for better results with the thickness of the shaft and also to get a better mushroom head for your penis. It enhances the appearance of your penis and at the same time shows you better performance at sex. This is definitely a better exercise to go for than the dry jelqs alone. This exercise also helps to improve your penis’s health. Let us have a look at the steps to go for this exercise now. The Instructions to Follow Before you start with this exercise, make sure you have an erection of around 45 to 50%. Now go through the following steps.  Now form an OK with your main hand, and using an overhand grip, hold at the base of your penis shaft  Now go for a PC muscle contraction. This should cause a slight bulge in the head of your penis  The once the contraction drives in blood into your penis, go for a forward slide towards the head, without letting go of the contraction. This slide should take you around 3 seconds to complete. This is the slow dry jelq we were talking about.  Once you reach the head, hold the contraction and the grip for 3 more seconds.  After the 3 seconds are over, relax. This constitutes a rep for your PC Dry Jelq combo. Make sure you hold the erection at the desired level throughout the exercise. If you feel that you have got a higher level of erection, or the erection has subsided, wait till you get back to the required erection level and continue with the exercise. Once you have been through 3 or 4 reps of this exercise, you will see that the increase in the girth is quite noticeable. Let us look at some more detailed information with relation to this exercise. More Details This exercise is seen to show two positive effects for your penis. The first is obviously that your PC muscles become stronger, letting you see stronger and longer erections. Moreover, this exercise is quite simple to follow, and requires much less time when compared to some of the other exercises.

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Some of the benefits of this exercise are increased girth and thickness for both erect and flaccid conditions, increased stamina for sex and masturbation, rock solid erections with better developed PC muscles, stronger ejaculations and overall better performance at sex. So we see that this exercise does prove to be a very important option for you to consider! At the same time, this exercise can be easily incorporated with your normal workout. The results are very noticeable within a couple of weeks if you are able to follow the instructions properly. Here is an example of a workout which has incorporated the PC Contraction-dry jelq combo in it. Adding it to Your Workout This exercise is also known as the PC – Dry Jelq Duos, can be easily added to your daily schedule in the following way:  Start with a 5 minute warm up, following the usual techniques  Go on to perform a stretch for around 10 seconds  Follow this up with 50 reps of wet milkings  Now perform 5 reps of the PC – Dry Jelq Duos  Continue with the dry jelqs after this, going for 10 reps  Perform a normal stretch for around 10 seconds  Go for wet milking with 100 reps  Go through 10 reps of the PC – Dry Jelq Duos at this point  Finish up with a 10 seconds stretching session and warming down This should show you the best results for you, most probably after the first couple of weeks. While you perform this combo, notice that the number of dry jelqs has been reduced. This is done to ensure that your penis sees no injury in the process. At the same time, don’t overdo this exercise, even though the effects are very desirable. This will only give rise to chances of seeing injuries and problems for your penis health and its sensitivity. Finally, this is an exercise that you should opt for only after you have been through the beginners’ section through the earlier sections of this book. Only then can you hope to see the best results in the safest way.

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Chapter 16: More Advanced Workouts Till this part of the book, we have been through some of the most popular exercises seen with the penis enhancement tactics, targeted exercises, some basic workouts, some customized workouts, more advanced exercises, variations in the exercises, and so on. Now let us look at some of the advanced workouts that are not only targeted towards specific results, but also have been found to be very useful by some of the people who have gone through with them. Let us look at some of the best workouts that we have in order to get you the most desirable results for your efforts and time.

The Advanced Workout for Length Enhancement These workouts are designed only for people who have been through each and every section provided earlier in this book. All the exercises and workouts need to be practiced, performed as per instructions, and only then should you decide to move on to these advanced sessions. If you feel that you have reached that mark where the earlier exercises are no longer able to show you any further results, this workout should be the next item for you to check. For example, you may have been through all the basic exercises discussed earlier over and over again. Then you may have moved on to the more advanced exercises mentioned in the later sections as well. Finally, when you have gone through each and every of the steps provided in this book, and feel that you have reached that stage where these exercises have shown you whatever you could have expected from them, it might be time for you to move on with these techniques. This section deals with some of the most updated techniques for you to see a better length for your penis, after you have tried all the other alternatives. This section or the workout is not something that is going to prove extremely difficult. In fact, it takes around the normal 30 to 40 minute session for you to go through it. You will find some very new exercises through this section, along with some of the more trustworthy, tried and tested methods like the jelqing techniques, stretches, etc. There are some important points to consider before you can actually hope to start with these exercises. Let us look at such considerations to begin with. Some Important Considerations Don’t haste through any of the advanced exercises or techniques mentioned in this section. Only after you are perfectly clear about all the exercises, you should think of opting for the workout. A good idea is to perform each of the exercises taught here individually for some time and get Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

used to them first. Once you are pretty clear about each individual exercise, you can safely go for getting yourself hooked on to the mentioned time table. Make sure you have a very good lubricant available for the sessions. Most of the exercises that you are going to see in this section would require good lubrication, without which you are surely going to find it a tough job to go through the exercises. Especially, when you consider the exercises like the wet milkings, Vulcan jelqs and the shaft wringing sessions, you will find that these exercises would require the lubricant in order to let you see the ease of performing the exercise and prevent any injuries or bruises on your penile tissues. Finally, don’t overdo the exercises mentioned in this workout. You must understand that this workout is much more advanced than the others. In other words, there will be more stress on your penile tissue through this. Unless you have gone through the earlier exercises, your penis will not be adapted to take the strain, and can see problems arising. At the same time, you must set aside enough time for resting your penis, at least as mentioned in the workouts, for the best results. The results are however not going to show up overnight. It will take some time for you to get the best out of this workout, and you must stay committed to it through this period. Go through this workout 3 times a week to see the most desirable results out of it. The Main Exercises And Techniques That We Are Going To Go Through In This Workout Are:  A warm up session comprising of thigh slapping and/or massaging  Wet milking (jelqs)  Normal stretching sessions (one-handed)  Advanced stretching techniques like shaft wringing and crook tugs  Advanced jelqing techniques like the “slap n squeeze” and the “gap jelqs” techniques Unless you are well versed with each of these exercises, it is definitely not a good idea to go for these exercises. This is simply because most of these techniques being the advanced techniques, there remain high chances of things going wrong if you don’t perform them correctly at all times. Let Us Go Through This Advanced Length Enhancement Workout Now. Warming Up Technique You can either go for a hot shower for this or use the hot wraps technique. While some of the experts suggest that a warm shower is a better choice, it may not always be a convenient choice Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

for you. So select one amongst the two mentioned methods and go for this session for around 4 minutes. The main idea behind this is to enable your penis tissue to let blood flow freely through it, so that it can respond much better to the exercises that you go through this workout. A Good Example Of A Warm Up Session Is As Follows:  Either go for a hot shower or use the warm cloth on your penis. This should be for 5 minutes  Now go through half a minute of thigh slapping  After this, massage your penis nicely (hand massage) for around a minute  Go through another session of thigh slapping for around 30 seconds  Conclude the warming up session with another hand massaging session for a couple of minutes This session provides your penis with the heat it requires to be better responsive to the exercises, and at the same time allows it to heal faster in case of an injury during the workout. The Workout in Details Since this workout is targeted towards better length, it is bound to have jelqs included in the workout. In fact, this session starts with the jelqs, wet milking to be more precise. This gets more blood into your penis, which in turns works perfectly with the rest of the exercises that you need to go through. Jelqs, and stretches as well, are seen to be very effective in getting blood to enter your penile tissues in the best possible way. We will also see a fair bit of the Vulcan jelqs here, right after you are done with the ordinary jelqs. These two exercises are the ones that make the most of the blood content in the shaft. The next on the list would be the crook tugs. I must point out that this stretching technique has been found to be very effective, and some of the experts consider the crook tugs to be the best stretching exercise to go for. The crook tugs are going to be very helpful in enhancing the length of the penis tissue and also the internal suspensory ligaments. Follow this up with the next exercise, shaft wringing. This consists of both the stretching effects as well as a good deal of milking effects. We know that stretching seems to drive some blood out of the penile tissues. This is where the milking action of the shaft wringing exercise comes into play and drives blood back into the shaft. Once you are through with this, you will have enough blood in the shaft to go for the next round of wet milkings. This part is seen to be the most intense part of the whole workout, where you go through double the number of the wet jelqs as compared to the previous session of the wet jelqs. And this is because of the fact that here the penis is perfectly capable to take more intensity, being completely warmed up and the tissue being quite free at the moment. Follow this intense session with a session of Vulcan jelqs, drawing even more blood into the penis. Follow this up with another round of the stretches, providing some more length for the suspensory ligaments. Carry this on for around 30 seconds. Now go through a few reps of the Section Stretching exercise to see more effective results at this point. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Once you have paid some considerable attention to the length, it is time to go for the girth again with a slower set of the wet milkings. Follow this up with a set of the gap jelqs to concentrate on both the length and the girth before finishing up. Now end the session with a good warming down, using the similar steps as seen with the warm ups. Add some crook tugs to complete the workout. An Overview of the Workout Here is a brief outline of the whole workout.  Warming up for 5 minutes at around 40% erection  A session of wet milking with 50 reps at around 45% erection  Vulcan jelqs for around 25 reps at around 30% erection  3 sets of crook tugs at around 35% erection  3 sets of Shaft wringing at around 30% erection  Wet milkings with 100 reps at around 60% erection  50 reps of the Vulcan jelqs at around 45% erection  A session of the ordinary stretches for half a minute at around 25% erection  2 sets of Section stretches at around 40% erection  Wet milkings with 200 reps at around 65% erection  A set of 20 gap jelq reps at around 65% erection  2 sets of the crook tugs at around 30% erection Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

The Warming Down This is seen to be much similar to the warming up session, and is equally important for you to go through. To finish up with your Advanced Length Routine, try to follow these steps for warming down:  Start with a thigh slapping session for around 20 seconds  Give your penis a good hand massage after that for around a minute  Conclude the session in a hot shower for around 5 minutes, or using the warm cloth technique. This brings us to the end of this workout. Make sure you follow the steps very closely to see the best results for your efforts. At the same time, don’t overdo anything. Stop as soon as you feel that you are not comfortable, and set lower targets for yourself under such circumstances. If followed accurately, this workout can show great results for you over time with respect to the length of your penis!

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The Advanced Girth Routine If you have tried almost all the techniques, and yet girth seems to be lacking in your case, this might be the ideal workout for you to check out. However, this advanced girth routine is only suitable for you if you have been through all the other sections and are quite familiar with the exercises that have been taught till now. While this routine doesn’t have any effect on your length (at least nothing significant), it is good for you only if you are dissatisfied with your girth. In other words, this is a highly targeted routine for thickness enhancement, just like the previous routine was highly targeted towards your length enhancement. This advanced routine comprises of some of the newest exercises on the list, and has these new exercises incorporated with the other proven exercises that we have already seen in the previous sections. It is therefore very important that you are well aware of all the exercises to make sure you don’t cause injury to the penile tissues, or do the exercises in the incorrect way to make them totally useless. Now the basic difference seen between this workout and the previous one that we looked through is that for a better girth, you need to make sure that you are working with an erect penis holding enough blood in it. This is why we are going to use most of the jelqing techniques in this routine, and also pay careful attention to the erection percentage that you need to achieve for the best results.

Looking at the exercises that we are going to be concentrating on through this advanced girth workout, we find that we are going to go through a number of jelqing techniques like:  Wet jelqing  Dry jelqing  Gap jelqs  Fish 2 finger

Some of the other exercises that we have to include in the routine are:  Warming up with thigh slapping and massaging the penis  Section stretches  Pogo techniques Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Mastur Milking So make sure that you are familiar with each of the above mentioned exercises to see the best results for the efforts you put in. Pay careful attention to the grips and also the erection percentages that are required for each exercise.

Let us look at the workout in detail now. Warming Up Since you are opting for a girth exercise, it is but obvious that you would have to go through a good session of warm up to drive enough blood into your penis for the best results with the exercises. A good warm up session will not only do this, but the heat it provides the penile tissue makes it possible to see better blood flow in the penis, and therefore better response to the exercises. This also helps to get rid of any injuries quickly during the exercises. The warming up technique starts with a good hot shower or the warm wraps, according to your convenience, for around 6 minutes. Both the methods are equally effective. Follow the steps mentioned bellow for the rest of the warm up session.  Start with a session of thigh slapping, continuing with it for around half a minute  Follow this up with a god hand massaging session, of around 30 seconds, for your penis  Go through 3 reps of kegels, holding back each contraction for around 5 seconds. Simultaneously, grip the base of the penis lightly during the kegels  Now go for another session of hand massaging of around 30 seconds  Here you should introduce a session of dry jelqs. Maintain a light grip throughout this 10 second session  The warm up should finish up with a hand massage session of around 30 seconds Now that your warming up session is over, let us move on to the main section of the advanced girth routine, and see how to go for each of the exercises in the best possible way to see the most desirable results. The Main Part of the Advanced Girth Routine

As I have already mentioned, any girth routine bound to have a good set of jelqs.  So we begin the workout with a session of wet jelqs. This session is beneficial for both the length and the girth of your penis. Even though this wet milking session is seen to be highly effective for girth improvement, it is only with all the other exercises that this jelqing technique proves to show the best results. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 However, these jelqs add enough blood into the penile tissues so that your penis is well prepared for the next experiments. Now once this is achieved, you need to go through a session of the ordinary dry jelqs through twice the time you have spent with the wet jelqing session. This gets more blood into your penis, which is quite important for the next experiment.  And the next experiment on the list is the Fish 2 Finger technique. This exercise is a great way to see a good workout for your shaft. This exercise is seen to drive blood out of the shaft. This makes it important to go for a few dry jelqings to get back some blood into the penis. This time you work at the dry milking at a lower erection, but through longer reps.  Now move on to a session of the gap jelqs here, which in turn proves to be a great exercise for enhancing the girth. Gap jelqs are seen to be a bit more intense when compared to the normal dry milkings, which is why this session of gap jelqs is seen to be shorter than the dry milkings.  It is recommended at this point to take a 5 minute break, so that the penile tissue can take a breather. Through this break the blood circulation is normalized again, and at the same time, the penis gets to regain its normal state. Such a break often proves to be very effective to enhance the response shown by the penis to the exercises.  Once the 5 minute break is over, you need to see an intense session of the wet jelqing techniques. The time for each rep this time is seen to be more than the previous session. However this session helps to put the focus on the girth enhancement again.  Now go for another intense session of the dry milkings. This sees the maximum number of reps seen in this exercise, however the duration of the reps is slightly reduced. This is important to ensure that your penis doesn’t get too tired through the session or see injury. At the same time, this helps you to complete the session in a lesser amount of time.  By this time, you should see your penis gaining a good erection. At this stage, go through a session of 50 pogos. The pogos require a good level of erection, and therefore you must ensure that you have that level of erection to carry on with the routine. If you don’t see that level of an erection, go through a good session of hand massage to achieve the desired level of erection.  To conclude this section, go for a session of section stretching. This will get you ready for the warming down session for this routine. This section stretching workout is a great way to further enhance the girth of your penis. A Brief Overview of the Whole Routine Go through the following points to understand the whole routine more clearly.  Start with a session of 25 reps of wet milking, with 4 second reps at 50 to 65% erection Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Go through 50 reps, 4 second each, of the dry milking techniques at around 65% erection  Now perform 3 sets of the fish 2 finger exercise  Follow this up with 70 reps of dry milking, each rep measuring around 3 seconds, at around 55% erection  Move on to a session of 50 gap jelq reps  Take a break for about 5 minutes, either in the hot shower, or while using the warm wraps  Go for 150 wet milkings, 3 seconds per rep, at around 60% erection  Follow up with 70 reps of dry milkings, with 2 second reps, at around 65% erection  Follow this with 50 sets of pogos  Go for 3 sets of section stretching at around 40% erection Warming Down This brings us to the warming down session, which is very similar to the warm up session. For the best effects seen from the exercises, use the warm wrap on your penis through around 5 minutes to get the penile tissue freed up again for better response to the exercises. This also helps to heal and sprains or sores caused due to the routine. With this we come to the end of the Advanced Workout for Girth. Make sure you go for this routine only after you have been through the initial workouts mentioned in this book for the beginners for a considerable amount of time. Directly jumping on to this routine can cause injuries for your penile tissue, as they are not yet adapted to withstand the intensity seen with these exercises.

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The 6-Minute Advanced Routine Often it is seen that some of our members run short of the time required for the highly effective penis enhancement techniques we have for them. This is not strange, consideration the highly busy schedule that we see today. You may not have the free time that you may need for the exercises. But this doesn’t mean that you will have to give up on the exercises! Instead, consider this efficient workout that takes only 6 minutes from your daily schedule, and get the most desirable results that you may have wanted to see for your penis. This is another advanced workout, which means that you should be well acquainted with the exercises as well as your penis should be well adapted to the penis enhancement workouts to show you the results in the safest way possible. You need to be well aware of the jelqing techniques, like the wet and the dry milkings, and also you need to be familiar with the stretching exercises. This routine will show you results for both the length and the girth, and being able to go for the above mentioned exercises is an important factor to consider for this. You must understand that though the exercises that we are going to go through can show you some results when preformed on their own, they are much more efficient when performed as a part of a routine. This is why it becomes very important for you to note down accurately how many reps of each exercise need doing, and what the associated factors are in this routine that comprises of a total of 6 steps. Looking At the Steps… It is very important to understand that this routine is a compact set of exercises, with each exercise contributing towards the results, and at the same time getting your penile tissue ready for the next exercise. This makes the order of the exercises one of the most vital points to consider through this routine if you want to see the maximum results.

Let us consider the routine in details here.  We start with the usual warming up session. This too plays a vital role for the success with this routine. This session will encourage the free flow of blood in the penis and get the tissue ready for the exercises that you are heading for later on. As usual, go for a warm shower or the warm wraps for this session. Here the warm up lasts through a minute’s time.  Now your penis will have enough blood in it for one of the most effective exercises that you might have come across, the wet jelqs or the wet milkings. This exercise is seen to have a number of very good results to portray. Though it is meant to show you girth enhancement, it is a good option to go for the length as well. It drives a good amount of blood through the shaft and to the glans, and renders a good overall health for your penis. This session should take you around 2.5 minutes to complete. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Once you have been through the wet milking session, go for a nice stretching session for around half a minute. The stretching session is always seen to follow a jelq session as the two experiments complement each other very nicely, showing you the best results every time you go through their combined set.  Follow this with an exercise especially for the girth improvement, the dry milkings. This is where your penis tissue sees the maximum stress, enabling it to go for a higher growth rate of the tissue and also enhances the thickness of the shaft and the glans.  Finally we come to the section where you go for the final stretching session, through around 15 seconds, where you exert a downward force on the penis o stretch it downwards. This has a great effect for the ligaments, and hence helps to show better length. Finally, move on to the last set of wet jelqs, which should take you around a minute. This concludes your advanced session for the 6 minutes workout. It is definitely a good idea to go through a warming down session after this, which should be exactly like the warming up. This will further enhance the effects of the routine you have been through, and also add to the health of your penis. The Main Outline of the Routine:

Here is the whole 6 minute workout at a glance.  Start with a 1 minute warm up with a warm shower or hot wrap  Go for 50 reps of wet milking, holding each rep for 3 seconds, at around 50% erection  Go through a horizontal stretching session of 30 seconds, at around35% erection  Follow up with 30 reps of dry milkings, with 2 seconds for a rep, at around 60% erection  Go through a horizontal stretching session for around 15 seconds, at around 20% erection  Finish up with 12 wet milkings reps, each rep for 5seconds, at around 65% erection This completes the routine. For better results, go through a warming down session in the end.

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Chapter 17: The 62 Day Plan to Enhance the Results If you have been through the beginner’s section, and have met with only little success, which nothing compared to what you had on your mind or what you have heard from some of the others who have practiced these techniques, don’t be alarmed and give up your hopes. Instead, let me tell you that you are not the only one on this boat. If people were absolutely transparent with this discussion, you would find a huge number of others amongst the ones who have participated in such a program but seen very insignificant results. This however doesn’t mean that these techniques are inefficient, as there are quite a number of people on the list who have succeeded with these techniques as well. What you need to understand is that every person has a different body constitution, and it is not possible for everyone to experience the same results as the others. Some people see results within the very first month, while others may have to go through months of these techniques before they can actually get the satisfaction they wanted to see through their efforts.

So Do I Have to Wait tor Months to See the Results? Ideally, the answer should be “yes, you would have to go through these exercises till you see the results”. But we understand that not all of us have the patience to go through so many days. So why not design something that is more targeted and shows you the results faster? This is exactly what we have done in order to get this 62 day plan, which is nothing but a crash course, for you to see the results you would want to. This set of workouts and exercises are primarily targeted to show you very specific results over the targeted time period. We want you to be able to see the very first signs of growth and results by the end of this time frame, which may sometimes take you ages to see. What you need to keep in mind is that you must follow the instructions provided in this crash course plan accurately, and you should see noticeable changes by the end of this period. To give you a brief on this course, it comprises of exercises and workout techniques that have shown us 80% success rates through our trials. You are sure to gain that 1 inch, which becomes so difficult to achieve at times, through this workout by the end of this 62 day period.

Important Considerations This course is for those people who haven’t seen the success through the first weeks of the beginners’ workouts. In other words, if you have been through the initial 6 weeks of the workouts for the beginners, and still haven’t seen the results, only then should you try this “Hard Gainer’s” 62 day crash course. To see success with this course, your penis needs to be well accustomed to the exercises that we are going to be using here, which is only possible if you have already been through the beginners’ section earlier. If you decide to start on directly with this course, you are probably going to end up doing things the wrong way, and find the results to be ineffective. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

Since this is an advanced course, your penis may find it difficult to cope with the intense exercises we see in this section unless it is well adapted to the exercises through the previous sections of the book. This can cause you injuries and problems. Hence go for this course only when you see no results with the 6 weeks of the initial workouts. Make sure you follow the instructions provided as accurately as possible to see the best results. Keep these points on your mind when going for this course, and you will gain the 1 inch by the end of the 62 day time period for sure.

So Where Do You Start? Now assuming that you have paid careful attention to the instructions provided above, and also considering that you have been through the 6 week beginner course already, let us look at starting with this course. Before you start with the course, it is a very good idea to check with your doctor and see how you are doing with respect to the health of your penis. This will not only let you know if you have done things the right way through the earlier sections or not. Also, determine whether you are going to be able to carry on with more advanced alternatives for penis enhancement. If the medical expert advises that should take some days off, or points out at some injuries, do take the required number of days of before you start with this course. Always remember that there is no need to hurry. It is better to go slow and finally achieve the positive results than go through things hastily and cause yourself harm! Why a Check Up? These exercises and techniques are very safe. They are tried and tested. However, overdoing them or going for them in the incorrect way can show you negative results with time. You must follow the instructions accurately, stay within your limits at all times, and do get yourself checked up by the doctor to ensure all is going in the right direction. Please understand that in no way will our team of experts be responsible for any injuries or medical problems that you may experience while performing these exercises. By following the steps mentioned in this book, you should use your own discretion at all times as to whether or not you should go for the exercises.

If you feel any sort of pain or discomfort, please stop immediately and get yourself checked. A Few More Considerations To get the maximum out of these 62 days, you must pay attention to a number of other points before you start with the exercises. These points, if followed properly, will show you the best results for your efforts. The Importance of Warming Up As we have discussed several times in this book, warming up proves to be one of the most important parts of any workout. You must understand that warming up lets your penile tissues Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

become free and let blood flow through the blood vessels and capillaries with the maximum ease. This is very important for you to see a higher response from your penis towards the exercises, making the exercises more effective and targeted. At the same time, warming up allows your penis to recover quickly from any injuries that you may meet through the workout sessions. Similarly, warming down at the end of the sessions also becomes an important point for you to consider. This is very important to let your penis regain the normal state once the exercises are over. Warming down will also help your penis with healing and restoration. Penis Enhancement Pills Most of us understand the fact that the penis enhancement pills are simply not good enough to show you the results that they claim they can. You will find the market flooded with such pills that will promise you a great growth by simply having these pills. However this is never possible. We have tried these pills, and even the best ones would do you little good towards the growth of your penis on their own. However, our researches made us realize that some of these pills are actually a great way to see better results for our exercises. These pills help with blood flow through your penile tissue, and also help in restoring the cells and tissues in your penis. And some of the pills do affect your sexual stamina positively. This made us consider some of these pills to help you through the 62 day crash course to enhance the results. We have seen that these pills do increase the effectiveness of the workouts, which is why we would recommend some of the best penis enhancement pills for this course. Now, it is a good idea to get hold of these pills before you start with your 62 day crash course. In fact that is what we will recommend. Try to take a break or continue with the basic workouts till you get a supply of these penis enhancement pills. Start with this course only after you have a good supply of these pills. You can order these pills to be delivered to you as well, and this generally takes considerably a lesser amount of time. Constant Tracking and Measurements It is quite an important factor to be able to successfully track the changes you see with the size of your penis throughout the course. This not only lets you understand whether you are gaining through the workout, but it also provides a good deal of encouragement for you. When you are able to see how much you have progressed over the last few days, it gives you a new interest to carry on with the exercises with more commitment, which is bound to show you better results in the end. Now you must understand that it is very hard to track the changes visually throughout your daily workout. In other words, if you look at your penis every day, you are never going to be able to notice any change in the length or girth, even if there has been some considerable improvements in this field. So the best way to track the changes is to actually measure your penis every day, or at least every alternate day. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

And it is very important that you actually measure your penis and record in on paper before starting with these exercises. A good practice is to measure the length and the girth of your penis when fully erect. Note down the measurements according to dates, and refer to them every time you make a new measurement. This will make it clearer for you. While measuring the flaccid length and the girth of your penis may prove to be quite a tricky task, being able to ascertain that your penis is absolutely flaccid and then going for the measurements can do the trick for you. The main idea is to keep a track of your erect measurements, as they are more accurate. So don’t forget to start this 62 day crash course with a good measurement of your erect (and flaccid) penis to help you track the improvements over time.

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The Daily Workout Routines Now that you have been through the most essential information that you must follow to get the maximum results out of these workout routines, let us start with the workouts, taking them on a daily basis as we go on. However, before you start with the exercises, there are 2 points that you must concentrate on.  First of all, make sure you get hold of the pills we talked about in the previous section before you start with the exercises. These pills will surely help you to see a better response for the exercises that you go through.  Secondly, measure your penis and note down the measurements as discussed earlier. Sometimes taking a picture of the penis also helps to record the measurements more accurately.  At the same time, follow the instructions accurately, following the daily routines as per mentioned. Don’t skip any of the days if you want to succeed with your efforts. Also, don’t miss out on the rest days under any circumstances, as they are as vital for the growth and health of your penis as are the workout days.

Let us look at the routines without any further dis cussions. The Workouts for Day 1 to Day 3 This routine should be followed accurately for the first three days of your 62 day course. Don’t try to improvise on these exercises, or miss out on them.  Start with a warming up session for around 5 to 10 minutes. Follow the normal procedures for warming up – either the hot shower or the warm wraps.  Go for a session of the Towel Hangs. You have to go for 10 reps of the towel hangs, where each rep should take around 5 seconds.  Now go for a session of the ordinary stretching exercises. This session should last for around 6 to 8 minutes. Make sure each of the stretches take around 10 seconds to complete.  The next exercise should be the wet jelqs. Go for around 100 reps of the wet jelqs, making sure that each rep takes around 3 seconds. Apply the jelqs at medium strength for the best results.  Then you should move on to the super wet jelq technique. This session should last for around 1 minute. Go for slower reps with this session.

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 Finally, as we come to the end of this workout, massage your penis for around 30 seconds. Follow this up with a warming down session, very identical to the warm up procedure we saw earlier. This concludes the workout routine for the first 3 days. Make sure you follow these steps accurately before moving on to the next section. Also, ensure that you are very clear about the exercises that you need to go through for this section. If you have any doubts related to even a single exercise, go through the previous sessions again to learn them in the best possible way before you carry on. The Routine for Day 4 & Day 5 These two days require you to give yourself enough rest so that your penis gets time to recover from the initial workouts and get back to its normal state. These two days help the tissues to see the effects of the exercises, and at the same time, lets the penis to recover from any bruises or injuries.

You should never miss out on the res t days, as they f orm a very important part of the workout. The Routine for Day 6 to Day 5 This section again has a number of exercises for you to go through. Go for this section only after you have gone through the 5 days mentioned earlier.  These days start with the warming up sessions as well. Go through the warm up sessions for around 5 to 10 minutes to get the tissues ready for the oncoming exercises.  Now move on to 30 reps of the towel hanging exercise, with each rep lasting through 3 seconds approximately.  The next exercise on the list should be the stretching techniques. These should be the ordinary stretches. Go for a 6 minute session of these basic stretches, making sure that each of the stretches last through 10 seconds.  The next would be the wet milking exercise. Go through 50 strokes of these wet jelqs. Each stroke should last for 6 seconds.  This should be followed by a couple of minutes of the super wet jelqs. Go through comparatively slower reps for this session.  The last on the time table is a session of good penis massage. Once you are done with the massage, warm down to conclude the workout for the day. This warming down process should take you 1 to 3 minutes.

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The Routine for Day 10 to Day 12 Take these three days off. Give your penis tissue the rest it requires at this point of time. Also, make sure you continue with the penis enhancement pills for the best results with your workouts. Another good idea is to go for the warm wraps and hot showers through these off days. You can continue with the warm up techniques through these days without any issues. However don’t try to go for any exercises at all. Your penis needs enough rest to be able to grow. The Routine for Day 13 to Day 16  These 3 days again start with another session of warming up. This should take you around the usual 5 to 10 minutes to show you the best results.  The next session requires you to concentrate on towel hangs. Go through 10 reps of this exercise, each rep lasting for around 10 seconds.  The next session is a 5 minute session of the ordinary stretches. Make sure you are gentle with these stretches and carry out each stretch through approximately 10 seconds.  Move on to a session of wet jelqs. Go for 4 second strokes of medium to full intensity. There should be a total of 64 strokes for this session.  Now move on to a session of dry milking. With slow reps, go through this session for around 2 minutes. This exercise is specifically targeted towards the girth improvement.  To end the day’s workout, apply a good massage to your penis and then warm down using identical techniques like the warming up sessions. This warming down session should last for around 1 to 3 minutes. The Routine for Day 17 to Day 19 Take a break for the next couple of days, i.e. the days 17 and 19. As mentioned earlier, make sure you continue with the pills we discussed about earlier to make the most of the exercises yu go through. At the same time, you can go through the warm ups through these days as well. Such sessions should last for a maximum of 10 minutes. The Routine for Day 20 to Day 25 Once you have been through all the previous days, go through this 5 day period.  Start with warming up for around 5 to 10 minutes. The usual hot showers or the warm wraps work here just like the other days.  Go through 10 sets of the towel hangs exercise. Each set should take you around 10 seconds to complete. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 The next on the list is a 2 minute session of the basic stretches. Make sure these stretches are gentle and take around 10 seconds for you to go through each of the stretches.  Now here we add Crook Tugs to our routine. Go for a single rep of the Crook Tugs. This rep should take 5 seconds to complete.  Now go through a wet jelqing session. This should have 64 strokes at medium to full intensity. Each stroke should take around 4 seconds for you to go through them.  Repeat a set of the Crook Tugs with 2 reps, making sure that each rep requires 5 second.  Finally, we come to the end of this workout. Go for a minute of a good massage session followed by the warming down techniques. This should take around 1 to 3 minutes to complete. The Routine for Day 26 to Day 28 These three days are again required for resting your penis. Make sure you go through these days and don’t take them off the chart. Also, carry on with the pills and the warming up sessions. This will keep your penis tissues going through the cycle, letting it adapt and grow as per the exercises that you have been through the workouts. The Routine for Day 29 to Day 31 You are already half way down the track. 31 more days to go through this crash course to show you the most desirable results that you might want to see. So wouldn’t you want to check your progress out? If you have been measuring every alternate day, you probably have been tracking the changes. In any case, this is a good time to give your penis another measure and see if you are noticing any changes since the very first day of this course.

Here, consider a few points like:  Are you taking regular days off (as per the workout routine?)  Are you taking the penis enhancement pills?  Are you skipping out some of the exercises? Always remember the more accurately you follow the schedule, the better are the chances for you to see the success after the 62 days.

Let us start with the workout for these few days.  The workout starts with a warm up of around 5 to 10 minutes. The usual techniques need following here as usual.  Now here we introduce a variation of the PC muscle exercise, also known as the Climbing the Mountain Technique. If you are not very confident about this workout, Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

check the previous sections where this technique has been discussed. This should go on for around 2 minutes.  You can combine the PC exercise with the warming up session as well to see better results.  Using gentle 15 second stretches, go through a stretching session for a minute. Now make sure you do the basic stretching exercise for this.  Follow this up with 2 crook tugs reps. Each rep should take around 5 seconds to complete.  The next session comprises of 64 strokes of the wet jelqs. Go for 4 second strokes, at medium to high intensity.  The next on the list is another 1 minute session of the basic stretches. Go for gentle stretches, each taking 15 seconds of time.  Follow up with 2 reps of the crook tugs, each rep taking you 5 seconds to complete.  Go through a 2 minute session of the super dry milkings after this, using slow reps for the jelqs.  This should follow another 2 crook tugs reps, each rep taking 5 seconds.  Finally end the session with a minute of massaging followed by warming down techniques for around 1 to 3 minutes. This brings us to the end of the 31st day. The Routine for Day 32 to Day 35 Take these 3 days as offs and concentrate on resting your penis. Go through the warm ups and do take the pills as prescribed for the best results with your exercises. The Routine for Day 36 to Day 40  This part of the course is also known as the D-Welq routine.  The workout starts with the all important warm up session. Go through this for 5 to 10 minutes.  Go through 3 minutes of the Tidal Waves PC muscle exercise. You can add this session to the warming up session to see better results.  Using gentle stretches at 15 seconds each, go through a 1 minute stretching session.  Follow this up with 2 reps of the crook tugs, each rep lasting for around 5 seconds. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Go through 5 reps of the dry gap jelqs at this point. Make sure that the reps are 10 seconds each.  The next session consists of the wet milking exercise. Go through 78 medium to full intensity strokes for this session, where each stroke lasts for around 3 seconds.  Follow this with a 5 second set of the crook tugs.  Go through some slow reps of the super dry milkings through 2 minutes.  To end the session, give your penis a good massage for a minute. Follow this up with a warming down session for 1 to 3 minutes to get the maximum out of the workout. This brings us to the end of this workout. The Routine for Day 41 to Day 43 Go through the penis enhancement pills and the warming up sessions through these days for the best results. Apart from these two points, these 3 days should see you giving absolute rest to your penis for the best results. The Routine for Day 44 to Day 48  This session is also known as the “Big G-Main Workout”  Start with the warming up techniques and carry on with them through 5 to 10 minutes.  The next on the list should be the “Long Hold PC Technique”. Go through this for around 5 minutes. Hold each contraction for 20 seconds, and take a 30 break between each set of the workouts. You can go through this exercise simultaneously with the warm ups as well to see increased efficiency.  The next 4 minutes require you to go through the basic stretches. Each stretch should measure around 10 seconds.  Go for 3 reps of the crook tugs, with each rep lasting through 5 seconds.  The next exercise is the dry gap milking exercise. Go through 10 reps at 5 seconds for each rep.  Go through a wet jelqing session at medium to full intensity. You should go through 52 strokes, each stroke lasting for around 6 seconds.  Go for another session of the crook tugs, with 3 reps. Each rep should go through 5 seconds.  Introduce the PC Dry Milk Duos here. Go through 15 reps of this exercise at a slow speed. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 End the session with a penis massage for around 30 seconds. Follow this up with a good warming down session of 1 to 3 minutes for the best results. This concludes the workouts for these 5 days. The Routine for Day 49 to Day 50 Again, to see the best results for your efforts, you must go through complete rest through these days. Maintain the pills and the warm ups through these days for the best results. However, don’t miss out on the rest at any cost. The Routine for Day 51 to Day 55  These set of days are also termed as the rest combo days.  Start the workout for these 5 days with the usual techniques to warm up. This should take you 5 to 10 minutes.  Go through 6 reps of the towel hangs, each rep lasting through 10 seconds.  Follow this with a 5 minute stretching session, with each stretch lasting through 15 seconds.  The next exercise should be the wet milkings at medium intensity. Go through 150 strokes, each stroke taking around 3 seconds to complete.  Go through the 30 second massaging and then a warming down session for 1 to 3 minutes. With this we come to the last section of this crash course! The Routine for Each Alternate Day between 56 and 62 In other words, this section tells you about the workouts to be followed on the 56 th, 58th, 60th and the 62nd days. The days in between are to be regarded as resting days. This workout routine is also termed as the GPA – Shok routine. Make sure you don’t exert too much pressure on your body through this workout, and stop immediately if you feel that you may be uncomfortable or if you feel any pain.  Start with a warming up session, carrying it on for around 8 to 15 minutes. Try and add the PC exercises mentioned in this time table to the warm up as well in order to see better results.  Go through 100 reps of the PC contractions, where each rep should last for around 3 seconds. This can be added to the warming up session for better efficiency.  Go through 2 sets of the Long Hold exercise, where each set takes you around 20 seconds to complete. This can be added as a part of the warm up as well. Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

 Take a minute off for resting your penis tissues, while you still carry on with the warming up techniques.  Now go through a set of tidal waves that should last you for around 3 minutes.  Then proceed to perform a 2 minute session of the Climbing the Mountain exercise. Consider going for reps that take around 5 seconds to complete.  Follow this up with 50 reps of the wet milking session, each rep taking 3 seconds to complete. Make sure you use a very good heavy duty lubricant for this exercise, and at the same time see to it that you go for medium to full intensity strokes.  Go for a session of the Fish 2 Finger exercise here.  Repeat the wet milking exercises with 36 reps of medium to full intensity, where each stroke should take you 6 seconds to complete.  Now go for 5 reps of the Slap n Squeeze exercise.  The next exercise to go for would be wet jelqs at medium to full strength. Go for 50 strokes where each stroke lasts for around 2 to 3 seconds.  Repeat another set of the Fish 2 Finger exercise.  Now massage your penis for around 30 seconds and go through the warm down session through 3 minutes approximately.  Finally, finish up with another 30 seconds of massaging. This brings us to the end of the 62 day routine!

Finally… Assuming that you have been through all the instructions mentioned in this 62 day crash course, the 1 inch growth is most probably what you would have achieved at the end. So get ready to go for another measurement, and compare it with the initial measurement. This will let you track the difference that you have seen over the days.

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Chapter 18: Conclusion With this, we have reached the end of this long journey. I hope you go through each and every instruction mentioned in this manual with the maximum accuracy to see the best results in the end. Even though I have pointed it out a good number of times, I must point out again that you need to be very careful with how you use the information provided in this book. You must understand that your penis tissue and skin are very sensitive. To be able to enjoy a good sex life, size is important, but so is the sensitivity of your organ. Therefore, if you are not very particular about following the instructions with regards to the exercises, there is a good chance of you getting yourself injured. I would once again request you to go through the sections on after the other. Don’t skip the initial workouts. This section is not only important for you to learn the various exercises and get familiar to them, but it also enables your penis to be better adapted to the exercises and the strain that it is going to experience in the later advanced sections. So by the end of the first few weeks, your penis is well prepared for the more advanced workouts. The penile tissues are far more responsive to the high intensity workouts, and therefore the results are seen to come more easily. At the same time, since the tissue gets adapted to the exercises through the first 6 weeks, the tissue faces no problems when the intensity of the exercises rises. So go through all the sections. Once you are well versed with all the exercises and workouts mentioned in this book, you can even create your own set of workouts. There are some sections which provide you with highly targeted results as well. I can assure you that there have been a huge number of success cases resulting from the exercises mentioned in this manual. The idea is to stay calm, committed and focused all through the workouts. At the same time, don’t rush through the sections without paying enough attention to the finer details. Overdoing the exercises will cause more harm for your body than show you the good results that you are probably after. Consider all the above points carefully, and then go for the various workouts in the proper sequence. Add your name in the list of the people who have seen the maximum success with these penis enhancement techniques!

Best of luck!

Penis Growth Guide – Copyrights – PenisGrowthGuide.Com 2010

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