Pendulum Prescriptions Manual

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Pendulum Prescriptions

In this class, you will learn advanced techniques for determining the proper remedies to treat chronic and acute health problems as well as how to create and use in-depth dowsing charts for identifying and treating dis-ease.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Dowsing Charts While charts are not a required tool for dowsing, they certainly can simplify the process and eliminate much of the "guesswork" that can turn up in a session. When it comes to your health, charts are very helpful for:  Identifying dis-ease  Determining the appropriate treatment of dis-ease  Creating "prescriptions" (home-made remedies) designed to treat and cure dis-ease  Determining dietary needs Dowsing charts aren't limited to the identification and treatment of health problems, though. They can be used in just about any way you see fit. You could dowse charts to:    

Create an astrological chart Make decisions (paint color, employer, purchase, etc.) Find solutions to problems Determine compatibility

The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to charts! You can use them for just about anything.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Where to Find Charts Because new age shops typically sell pendulums, they may sell individual charts as well. If your local new age store doesn't sell dowsing charts, consult any books they carry on the subject of dowsing. Sometimes you can find a good dowsing book that contains a few charts somewhere within its pages. You can also find a variety of dowsing charts for sale online. A simple search will undoubtedly turn up a list of possibilities - sometimes even featuring free charts that you can print out and use right away. Make Your Own Charts If you have difficulty finding charts that you would like to use for dowsing or you can't afford to spend the money, consider making them yourself. Charts are easy to create and can be made in a matter of minutes. By creating some blank templates, you can save both time and money and have ready-to-use charts for your future dowsing sessions.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Creating Dowsing Charts Dowsing charts can be made by hand using a pencil, a straight-edge, an object or stencil to trace (if you want a different shape), and paper. You can also create charts on your computer using the program of your choice. Instructions for Creating Charts by Hand  Assemble your materials (pencil, straight-edge, paper, eraser, stencils, etc.).  Make a list of the items you would like to include in your chart (crystals, essential oils, herbs, colors, etc.).  Create the shape of your chart using a straight-edge or by tracing a stencil or object. Example: If you would like a circular chart, use an object such as a bowl or plate to create your circle.  Find the center of your shape and mark your "start point." A large, black dot is an ideal marking.  Determine the number of segments you will need for your chart and divide your chart into equal portions accordingly. Suggestion: Include a segment for "Error."  Refer to the list of items you've decided to include in your chart and write each one into a segment - this means only one item per segment. *In order to keep your charts from becoming too large or complicated, consider making multiple charts if your list of items to include is quite lengthy.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Using a Computer Program to Create Charts Computer programs can be used to create dowsing charts quickly and efficiently. To use this method:  Choose a program you want to use.  Programs vary in difficulty. Experiment or search for online tutorials if you aren't proficient in the program you're using.

Sample Chart

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Procedure for Chart Dowsing       

Clear your pendulum. Clear yourself and your space. Be sure to ground and center yourself. Focus on the reason/question you are consulting your pendulum about. Suspend your pendulum over the center circle/starting point. Ask your pendulum to reveal the information you're requesting. Once your pendulum locates the answer it wants to reveal to you, it will move back and forth over that particular segment indicating a positive response. In some cases your pendulum may swing clockwise over the segment.

Suggestion: If it has been a while since you're last dowsing session, be sure to ask your pendulum to demonstrate a positive/affirmative swing or motion and a negative swing or motion. Swings may vary depending on the amount of time that has passed since your last session, the pendulum that you are using, etc.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Using Charts to Identify Disease One of the easiest ways to identify dis-ease within the human body via dowsing is to enlist the help of charts. Charts allow you to pinpoint problem areas quickly and accurately, including the parts of the body that you cannot reach or even see. Charts also make it possible to dowse for others, even at a distance. Procedure for Identifying Dis-ease  Find or create your first chart. Start "big" and get more specific as you go along. Example: Your chart should contain fewer segments and may include something like "physical, emotional, spiritual, error."  Dowse each chart by following the Procedure for Chart Dowsing.  Each chart that you create/use should get more and more specific. If you're dealing with a physical problem, your next chart might be a systems chart like the one shown below:

 When identifying dis-ease, you will have to create charts as you go unless you already have a comprehensive set of them on-hand. *Please note: You do NOT have to clear your pendulum after dowsing each individual chart. Instead, clear it after each session.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Procedure for Treating Dis-ease  Begin by finding or creating a chart with therapy options (Ex: color therapy, crystal healing, herbs, Reiki, aromatherapy, diet, etc.)  Follow the Procedure for Chart Dowsing outlined previously.  Once you've determined which healing path you'd like to use, you will need to find or create charts with "ingredients" (crystals, herbs, oils, etc.) that correspond to that particular healing modality. If, for example, you've decided to treat yourself with herbs, make one or more charts that contain a comprehensive number of herbs.  When using herbs, oils, or any other ingredient that you might take internally or apply to the body externally, use ONE and ONLY ONE unit of measurement for your ingredients (grams, ounces, etc.). Consistency is an important safety practice!  After you've selected the appropriate ingredients for your prescription, dowse for measurements if necessary. Name each ingredient aloud and ask your pendulum "1 drop/gram/ounce? 2 drops/grams/ounces? 3 drops/ grams/ounces?" Your pendulum will continue to give you a positive or affirmative swing or motion until the appropriate measurement has been achieved. If you feel more comfortable dowsing measurements with a chart, create one.  Dowse for dosage and the duration of treatment by either asking questions or using a chart in the same manner outlined above. *Please note: Always use the Procedure for Chart Dowsing that was outlined previously when working with any chart.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Suggested Healing Modalities There are many complimentary healing paths to choose from when it comes to treating dis-ease. Here are some suggestions:      

Aromatherapy Color Therapy Crystal Healing Flower Essences Herbal Remedies Dietary Changes

Regardless of the path you choose, be sure that you have the knowledge and know-how necessary to safely heal yourself and others. The above healing modalities are intended to be methods of complimentary healing only. They are not meant to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your doctor if you require medical attention.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Aromatherapy Essential oils have been used for ages to heal the mind, body, and spirit and can be utilized in a variety of ways:  Dispersed in an oil burner to fragrance a particular space  Inhaled from a small vial or cloth pad  Worn as perfume on the body  Added to bath salts and other body care products  Added directly to bath water  Mixed with a carrier oil and massaged into the skin  Taken internally (*Oils should only be taken internally with proper training or under the supervision of a trained professional!)

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Essential Oil Chart

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Color Therapy Color therapy is an excellent choice when it comes to self-healing. You don't have to be a color expert to use this particular healing path and it's safe and easy to incorporate into your daily routines! You can begin to experience the healing effects of color by:  Wearing it (clothes, jewelry, etc.)  Eating colorful foods (vegetables and fruits, NOT candy!)  Lighting colored candles  Adding color to your bath water  Using colored lights

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Color Properties Red - Energizing, stimulating, increases sexual desire, strengthening, warming Orange - Stimulates creativity, increases optimism, improves sexual health, reduces feelings of sadness Yellow - Soothes the nerves, relieves depression, energizes, improves concentration, increases vitality Green - Balances the body and mind, improves heart health, fertility, growth, peace, comfort Blue - Improves communication, provides stress-relief, tranquilizing, calming, restful sleep, enhances dreams Indigo - Purifying, stabilizing, helps detox the body, soothing Purple - Helps with addiction, purifying, stabilizing, reduces symptoms of depression Pink - Helps with grief and sadness, increases feelings of romance, provides emotional balance and healing, Black - Grounding, protective, comforting, helps one feel connected with one's roots Brown - Stabilizing, grounding, inner-peace, connectedness with ancestors Grey - Helps with addiction, reduces negativity White - Purifying, protective, promotes inner-peace, universal healer

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Color Chart

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Crystal Healing Since the beginning of time, the healing properties of crystals have been utilized by people all over the world. When matched with the energetic body of a crystal, the energy body of a person begins to mirror that which it sees. This process results in pure healing energy! Crystals can be used in many ways for the purposes of healing:  Carrying crystals and gemstones on the body  Wearing crystal jewelry  Laying crystals/stones on the body  Adding crystals to bath water (use caution)  Meditating with crystals  Sleeping with crystals placed under your pillow  Placing crystals in a particular space or creating crystal grids  Making crystal elixirs for internal or external use (*Crystal elixirs should be made and used with caution! Certain minerals are toxic to the body when taken internally.)

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Crystal & Gemstone Properties Amethyst: (6th & 7th Chakras) Amethyst protects against negative energies, alleviates headache pain, eases symptoms of depression, promotes emotional balance, helps overcome addictions, promotes healthy weight control, enhances psychic abilities, and relieves insomnia. Aventurine: (4th Chakra) Green aventurine soothes the spirit, relieves migraines and stress-induced headache pain, strengthens the heart, attracts abundance and prosperity, and promotes inner-peace. Carnelian: (1st & 2nd Chakras) Carnelian energizes, motivates, sparks creativity, increases sexual energy, pain relief, promotes reproductive health, and improves digestion. Citrine: (3rd & 7th Chakras) Citrine stimulates creativity, promotes joy and happiness, cleanses the physical body, alleviates symptoms associated with depression and SAD, increases self-esteem, and improves concentration. Hematite: (1st Chakra) Hematite helps one ground and center, assists in astral travel, transforms negative energies into positive ones, aids in overall pain relief, protects, and calms one's fears. Jade: (4th Chakra) Jade attracts wealth and abundance, removes obstacles, promotes heart health, heals and balances the entire physical body, protects, instills a sense of inner peace, and enhances meditation. Lapis Lazuli: (5th & 6th Chakras) Lapis Lazuli aids in communication with ancestors, angels, totem animals, and spirit guides, enhances psychic abilities, calms and soothes the emotional body, aids in childbirth and promotes reproductive health, assists in astral travel, and helps one speak their truths. Quartz, Clear: (All Chakras) Clear Quartz is a natural amplifier that is helpful in balancing and healing the emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. It's suitable for all types of energy work.

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Copyright © 2013 Kelly Small

Quartz, Rose: (4th Chakra) Rose Quartz promotes a strong, healthy heart, encourages love and compassion, alleviates pain and sadness caused by grief or stress, calms and soothes the emotions, encourages forgiveness, and aids in all romantic endeavors and matters of the heart. Sodalite: (5th & 6th Chakras) Sodalite strengthens the third eye, increases psychic abilities, assists in healthy communication, eliminates feelings of guilt, promotes peace and harmony, and helps one speak one's truth. Tourmaline, Black: (1st Chakra) Black Tourmaline offers protection, helps one stay grounded and centered, shields against negative energy, boosts the immune system, alleviates pain associated with arthritis, and increases self-esteem.

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Crystal Chart #1

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Crystal Chart #2

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Flower Essences Flower essences are gentle yet powerful remedies for anyone suffering from emotional or spiritual dis-eases. When taken regularly, the positive attributes of the flowers used to make the essences break down negative energies resulting in some much-needed relief. Flower essences can be purchased at many natural foods stores, herbal pharmacies, new age shops, and online. They are taken internally, typically by placing a pre-determined number of drops under the tongue or adding them to a glass of water. Some common flower essences found in healing remedies include:          

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Aspen Beech Crab Apple Elm Honeysuckle Mustard Red Chestnut Walnut Wild Rose Willow

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Herbal Remedies Herbal remedies have been used extensively worldwide since the beginning of mankind to treat every ailment imaginable - and while modern medicine may have a strong foothold in today's fast-paced society herbal medicine has held its ground and proven itself to be as effective as ever. Like flower essences, herbal remedies lack the awful side effects that accompany modern pharmaceuticals curing dis-ease without contributing more concerning issues.

You can grow your own herbs at home or purchase them fresh or dried at your local supermarket or farmers market to make a variety of herbal remedies.        Page | 21

Herbal Teas Tinctures Compresses Poultices Body Care Products Salves & Ointments And so much more! [email protected]

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Diet Sometimes the only remedy you need to improve your health is a change in your diet. Use your pendulum to help you select the appropriate foods and supplements your body needs to maintain your overall health. You can dowse foods at home, in the garden, and even at the supermarket. Dowsing food charts can speed up the process so that you can get on the fast track to a healthier you!

Dowsing charts can also be useful for creating meal plans. Create one for each food group to help you determine what you need or use them to figure out some tasty food combinations.

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Basic Chart

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8 Segment Chart

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12 Segment Chart

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16 Segment Chart

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