SK Ulu Ribu English Panel just implement a approach in the year 2013 in order to encourage pupils to speak in English and also to improe theirpupils achieement during each and e!amination" #ase on the preious year result$ %e hae 'or hadeach our panel analysis on pupils achieements$ inolements and theirtest aerage scores in eery e!am" &his Strategic Plan is a guideline members in order to prepare any actiity as %ell as an e''ectie lesson plan 'or the year 201(" &he )inistry *' Education$ since 2012$ declared that all school must emphasi+e in )#),)#- programmes and encourage ma!imum inolement o' pupils in related actiities" &hus$ English Panel members decided that %e %ill proide our best e''ort in order to achiee achie e the objec objecties ties re.uired re.uired in this strategic strategic plan" &his year$ the KSSR ne% syllabus has moe 1 step 'urther to year (" /ll English panel members hae agreed to do our best to achieed the target re.uired by the school$ the State Educational epartment and the )inistry *' Education"
E!cellent School communities yield high English Pro'iciency"
&o guide and produce an e!cellent potential pupils through .uality English lesson and actiities
#y the end o' the year$ pupils should be able to 1" Under Understand stand the importan importance ce o' lear learning ning En English glish 'or th their eir 'utur 'uture" e" 2" -mpro -mproing ing their in interest terest to rea read d more on Engl English ish angu anguage age readi reading ng materi materials als 3" #e more spontaneou spontaneous s to talk in English English %ithout conc concernin erning g or to a'raid o' gramm grammatical atical errors" errors"
o% numbers o' pupils in each class"
E!perienced English Panel teachers"
supportie school administration" - / ery supportie
igh percentages o' parents are not competent to conerse in English"
Pupils hae less opportunity to practice speaking in English in in'ormal surrounding"
Pupils aerage score in e!am still belo% e!pectation"
Pupils are ery supportie in school actiity"
Parents %illingly abide %ith all school programmes and ery cooperatie"
- /ll pupils are )alay and they hae hae a strong tendency
)ost parents haing di''iculties to pay 'or e!tra actiity books
to speak in )alay een during the 'ormal class
4onnection %ith e!perienced teachers,tutors to help in English Panel Programmes"
ack o' materials and support system 'or pupils to study and conerse in English a'ter school session"
GENERATING STRATEGIES USING C/TOWS MATRICS STRENGHT S! S1 5 o% numbers o' pupils in each class"
WEAKNESS W! 61 5 igh percentages o' parents are not competent to conerse in English"
S2 5 E!perienced English Panel teachers"
62 5 Pupils hae less opportunity to practice speaking in English in in'ormal surrounding"
OPPUTURNITIES OPPUTURNIT IES O! *1 5 Pupils are ery supportie in school actiity" *2 5 Parents %illingly abide %ith all school programmes and ery cooperatie" *3 5 4onnection %ith e!perienced teachers,tutors to help in English Panel Programmes"
THREAT T! &1 5 Kehadiran murid bergantung kepada kesediaan ibubapa dan jadual kelas agama" &2 5 Untuk me%akili pasukan sekolah$ tenaga murid sekolah
S3 5 / e ery ry s sup uppo port rti ie e sc scho hool ol a adm dmin inis istr trat atio ion" n"
S#0 1"S3 7 *2 7 *3 P&/ and schools8 administration could organise a lot o' actiities 'or parents and pupils in order to improe their conersational skills"
63 5 P Pup upils ils aer aerag age e sc scor ore e in e e!a !am m st stil illl belo belo% % e!pectation" W#O 1" 61 7 6 62 2 7 *2 9uru5guru bekerjasama dengan guru,jurulatih sekolah jiran bagi mengesan dan menggilap bakat murid"
2"S1 7 *1 )urid5murid masih berpeluang diketengahkan dengan melakukan kolaborasi bersama sekolah5sekolah jiran"
S#T 1" S1 7 &( /:K P-#9 menjadi perantara bagi membudayakan ibubapa agar sentiasa prihatin dan menyokong aktiiti sekolah demi man'aat anak5anak mereka"
W#T 1" 62 7 &2 Kolaborasi antara sekolah diusahakan bersungguh5sungguh agar murid mampu mencapai tahap tertinggi" Program latihan dijalankan secara bergilir5gilir di padang sekolah5sekolah terlibat"
lain diperlukan dan bergantung kepada kesediaan mereka" &3 5 )urid perlukan pembiayaan dari segi kelengkapan berlatih$ uni'orm rasmi dan perbelanjaan lain"
P%$&%'(() ISSUES
P)%.$ GOAL
)ar 2013 English 1 - *;E #**KS Pupils %illingly 1" &o cr create a role 1"
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