PEE 2marks With Answers
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Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology/ECE
UNIT I HUMAN VALUES 1" #$a% a&' $u(a) *alu's +A-&.l/May 012 (alues decide the standard of 1ehavior. #o)e universally acce%ted values are freedo) =ustice and euality. Other %rinci%les of values are love, care, honesty, integrity, self res%ect. " #$a% a&' '%$.3al *alu's +N4*/'3 0152 Trust5orthiness, Trust5orthiness, res%ect, res%onsi1ility, fairness, caring is ethical values. 5" .s%.)6u.s$ *alu's 7&4( '%$.3s a)8 3ul%u&'" (alues are )ainly related to individuals and since they are related to =ustice, they re)ain the so)e for every one. E.g. truth, honesty, e)%athy, self res%ect. (alues do not change fro) individual to individual. Ethics is co))on to a grou% of individuals> the grou% )ay 1e religious or %rofessional . Ethics is )ostly 1ased on so)e code or la5 and =udg)ent of any action is 1ased on code of conduct or la5. Ethics change fro) individual to individual Culture co))only refers to conduct of a grou%. E.g. syste) of 5orshi%, It )ay differ fro) society to society, nation to nation or religion to religion. " #$a% .s .)%'6&.%y+ Integrity is the unity of character 1ased on )oral values . Consistency in attitudes, e)otions and conduct in i n relations to )orally =ustified actions a ctions and values are a re also the %art of integrity of individual. It i)%lies honesty, trust5orthiness. " '7.)' :4&; '%$.3s" N4*/'3 0152 4y one -s 5or" one cannot har) others. ny 5or"er cannot esca%e accounta1ility. !or"er has the )oral res%onsi1ility to see that no other %erson -s right, %rivate or freedo) is i)%aired or transgressed. '%$.3s+
Micro2ethics @ Deals a1out so)e ty%ical and everyday %ro1le)s 5hich %lay an i)%ortant role in the field of engineering and in the %rofession of an engineer. Macro2ethics @ Deals 5ith all the societal %ro1le)s 5hich are un"no5n and suddenly 1urst out on a regional or national level. !" #$a% a&' %$' %$&'' %y-'s 47 I)@u.&y+A-&.l/May 0112
Nor)ative Inuiry 4ased on values. Conce%tual Inuiry 4ased on )eaning. actual Inuiry 4ased in facts.
9" #$a% a&' %$' s4&%s 47 34(-l'.%y a)8 (u&;.)'ss %$a% (ay b' .)*4l*'8 .) (4&al s.%ua%.4)s+
(agueness Conflicting reasons Disagree)ent
10" #$a% a&' %$' s%'-s .) 34)7&4)%.)6 M4&al .l'((as+
Identify the relevant )oral factors and reasons. Gather Gather all availa availa1le 1le facts facts that that are %erti %ertinent nent to the )oral )oral factor factorss
$an" the )oral considerations in order of i)%ortance as they a%%ly to
the situation.
Consider alternative courses of actions as 5ays of resolving dile))a, tracing the full i)%lications of each. Get suggestions and alternative %ers%ectives on the dile))a. 4y 5eighing all the relevant )oral factors and reasons in light of the facts, %roduce a reasoned =udg)ent. 11" '7.)' M4&al Au%4)4(y"N4*/'3 012
#elf2deter)ining Inde%endent Personal Involve)ent E+ercised 1ased on the )oral concern for other %eo%le and recognition of good )oral reasons
1" G.*' %$' .(-4&%a)3' 47 La:&')3' 4$lb'&6s a)8 Ca&4l G.ll.6a)s %$'4&y"
0ohl1erg gives greater e)%hasis to recogni?ing rights and a1stract universal rules.
Gilligan Gilligan stresses stresses the i)%ortance i)%ortance of )aintaining )aintaining %ersonal relationshi%s relationshi%s 1ased on )utual caring.
15" G.*' %$' )''8 74& Au%$4&.%y"
uthority %rovides the fra)e5or" in 5hich learning can ta"e %lace. 8uestion 4an"2 T5o Mar"s !ith ns5er
GE9:;< / Professional Ehics In Engineering
Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology/ECE
1" #$a% a&' %$' 3&.%'&.a &'@u.&'8 74& a P&47'ss.4)+
0no5ledge Organi?ation Pu1lic Good
1" G.*' %$' 6')'&al 3&.%'&.a %4 b'34(' a P&47'ss.4)al ')6.)''&"
ttaining standards of achieve)ent in education, =o1 %erfor)ance or creativity in engi engine neer erin ing g that that dist distin ingu guis ish h engi engine neer erss fro) fro) engi engine neer erin ing g tech techni nici cian anss and and technologists. cce%ting as %art of their %rofessional o1ligations as least the )ost 1asic )oral res%onsi1ilities to the %u1lic as 5ell as to their e)%loyers, clients, colleagues and su1ordinates.
1&'s-'3% a)8 S'l7>'s%''("
#elf2res%ect@ It is a )oral conce%t> refers to the virtue %ro%erly valuing oneself. #elf2estee)@ It is a %sychological conce%t> )eans having a %ositive attitude to5ard oneself, even if the attitude is e+cessive or other5ise un5arranted. 0" #$a% a&' %$' %:4 74&(s 47 S'l7>&'s-'3%+
a. $ecognition self2res%ect 1. %%raisal %%raisal self2res%ect 1" #$a% a&' %$' s')s's 47 R's-4)s.b.l.%y+
a. a virtue 1. o1ligations c. general )oral ca%acities of %eo%le d. lia1ilities and accounta1ility for actions e. 1la)e5orthiness or %raise5orthiness 8uestion 4an"2 T5o Mar"s !ith ns5er
GE9:;< / Professional Ehics In Engineering
Dr.NGP Institute Of Technology/ECE
" #$') :.ll y4u %'ll a) A3% as a) .)*4lu)%a&y 4)'+
A ct done in ignorance A ct %erfor)ed under co)%ulsion 5" #$a% a&' %$' %y-'s 47 T$'4&.'s ab4u% M4&al.%y+ o o o o
(irtue ethics (irtues and vices 3tilitarianis) Most good for the )ost %eo%le Duty ethics Duties to res%ect %eo%le $ights ethics 'u)an rights
" .77'&')%.a%' Hy-4%$'%.3al .(-'&a%.*'s a)8 M4&al .(-'&a%.*'s"
'y%othetical i)%eratives are 1ased on so)e conditions 5hereas Moral i)%eratives 5ont 1ased on so)e condition. " S%a%' Ra:ls -&.)3.-l's"
6F7 Each %erson is entitled to the )ost e+tensive a)ount of li1erty co)%ati1le 5ith an eual a)ount for others. 67 Differences in social %o5er and econo)ic 1enefits are =ustified only 5hen they are li"ely to 1enefit everyone, including )e)1ers of the )ost disadvantaged grou%s. A)alys.s+ #$a% a&' %$' %$&'' 7a3%4&s .)*4l*'8 $'&'+ $is" nalysis is used for the assess)ent of the ha?ardous associated 5ith an industrial or co))ercial activity. activit y. It involves involv es identifying the causes of un5anted un5 anted ha?ardous ha?ardous events and esti)atin esti)ating g the conseuences conseuences and li"elihood li"elihood of these these events. Three factors involved in this are@ a. 'a?ard Identification 1. Conseuences analysis c. Pro1a1ility esti)ation. 1" '7.)' R.s;>B')'7.% A)alys.s" $is" 1enefit analysis is a )ethod that hel%s the engineers to analy?e the ris" in a %ro=ect and to deter)ine 5hether a %ro=ect should 1e i)%le)ented or not. In ris" 1enefit analysis, the ris"s and 1enefits of a %roduct are allotted to )oney a)ounts, and the )ost 1enefit a1le ratio 1et5een ris"s and 1enefits is calculated. " E-la.) %$' %:4 %y-'s 47 R.s;"
i. Personal $is"@ n individual, 5ho is given sufficient infor)ation, 5ill 1e in a %osition to decide 5hether to ta"e %art in a ris"y activity or not. They are )ore ready to ta"e on voluntary ris"s than involuntary ris"s. ii. Pu1lic $is"s@ $is"s and 1enefits to the %u1lic are )ore easily deter)ined than to individuals, as larger nu)1er of %eo%le is ta"en into account. accoun t. Involuntary ris"s are found here. 5" #$a% 84's S%&.3% L.ab.l.%y ('a)+ Strict liability means if the sold product is defecve; the manufacturer concerned is liable for any harm that results to users. Negligible is not at all an issue based.
" G.*' %$' &'as4)s 74& %$' T$&'' M.l' Isla)8'&" i. Inadeuate training to the o%erators.
ii. 3se of 4 B ! reactors. " #$a% .s %$' (a.) ba&&.'& %4 '8u3a%.4)al a%%'(-%s+ An impo import rtan antt barr barrie ierr to educ educa aon onal al aem aempt pt is that that peop people le beli belief ef chan change ge slow slow and and are are extraordinarily resistant to new informaon.
suggesting an idea does not )ean one aggress 5ith it. Develo% )ulti%le o%tions. vi. 3se o1=ective criteria 5henever %ossi1le. gree on ho5 so)ething 5ill 1e )easured. 5
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