Pediatric MCQ

April 22, 2017 | Author: Ali Alhaddi | Category: N/A
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Cardiology: 65. Which of the following presentation suggest the diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever? a. Arthralgia with fever b. Carditis with arthralgia and fever. c. Chronic recurrent tonsillitis with high ESR. d. Arthralgia with prolonged PR interval. 86. Infective endocarditis is characterized by all the following, Except: . a. Hematuria. b. Pericardial effusion. c. Splenomegaly. d. Cerebral stroke . 93. Congenital cyanotic heart disease includes a. VSD . b. Patent Ductus Arteriosus. c. Fallot tetralogy. d. ASD 106. Fallot tetralogy include: a. Pulmonary stenosis b. Ventricular septal defect c. Over riding aorta d. All of the above

146. Serious complications of Fallot tetra logy includes a. Eisenminger syndrome b. Recurrent pneumonia c. Brain abscess d. Pulmonary hypertension 147. Major manifestations of Rheumatic fever include all the following, Except: a. Carditis b. Arthralgia c. Chorea d. Erthema nodosa


126. Infective endocarditis is a serious complication of a. Fallot tetralogy . b. Ventricular septal defect c. Rheumatic mitral valve disease. d. All of the above

Pediatrics Past Paper Exam Questions

107. drugs used in treatment of cyanotic spells in Fallot tetralogy include all ,Ex.cept: a.Oxygen b.Lanoxine. c.Propnalol. d.Morphine.


157. Therapy of blue spell in Fallot tetralogy includes all the following, Except: a. Knee chest position b. Oxygen c. Morphine d. Dopamine 19. The most common major criterion of rheumatic fever is: a) Carditis b) Throat pain c) Arthritis d) Arthralgia 6. The murmer denoting active carditis: a. Carey comb murmer b. Early systolic murmer c. Pan systolic murmer d. Machinary murmer 6. The Carey Coomb murmur is due to : a) Inflammation of the mitral valve b) Increased diastolic flow across the mitral valve c) Cardiac decompression d) Defibrillation

Respiratory: 75. All the following are true about acute bronchiolitis, Except: a. Most cases are under two years old. b. Most cases are caused by respiratory syncytial virus . c. Antibiotics are recommended in infants below three months age. d. Steroids maybe helpful in some cases. 85. Bronchial asthma is characterized by all the following, Except: a. Hyper active air way b. Clubbing c. Spasmodic cough d. Bilateral chest wheezes


37. Prevention of rheumatic fever includes all the following Except : a) Accurate treatment of acute tonsillitis in children b) Antistreptococcal vaccine c) Intramuscular penicillin for children with rheumatic heart disease every 3 weeks d) community eardication of sterptococcal infections

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36. Which of the following is true about Eisenmenger syndrome? a) Usually a primary congenital cyanotic heart disease b) Considered a high indication for surgery in a baby with congenital heart disease c) Represents a serious complication of non cyanotic heart disease d) Pulmonary hypertension is not always present


105. All of the following cause acute wheezing, Except: a. Bronchitis b. Bronchiolitis c. Bronchiaectasis d. Bronchial asthma 125. All of the following are common causes of bacterial pneumonia, Except: a. Staphylococci. b. Hemophillus influenza. c. Pseudomonas. d. Klepsiella. 145. All of the fo llowing are common causes of empyema, Except: a. Staphylococcal pneumonia b. Lung abscess c. Measles d. Chest injury 7. The organ of gas exchange in the fetus is the a) Amniotic fluid b) Umbilical cord c) Placenta d) Lungs

23. Suppurative lung diseases include all of the following Except a) Bronchiectasis b) Lung abscess c) Tuberculosis d) Empyema 24. Asthma triggers include all the following Except : a) Viral respiratory infections b) Tobacco smoke c) House dust mite d) Steroids


5. serious complications of staphylococcal pneumonia include all the following Except : a) Lung abscess b) Bronchitis c) Empyema d) Lung collapse

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5. Commonest cause of bacterial pneumonia in infancy: a. H.. influenza b. Streptococcus c. Staphylococcus d. Pneumococcus


39. all the following statements abot Tuberculosis in children are true Except a) Chest TB is more common than other types. b) tuberculin test is always positive in any tuberculous child c) Should be included in differential diagnosis of all chronic chest problems d) BCG does not give full protection against Tb 14. Gohn's focus is a) Primary complex b) Military TB c) TB cavitation d) TB lymphadenitis Rheumatology: 22. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by one of the following : a) Commonly affects large joints b) Rheumatoid factor is always positive c) Excellent response to steroids in all cases d) Commonly affects small joints Nutrition:

91. All the following are causes vitamin D deficiency rickets, Except: a. Low calcium in diet. b. prolonged breast feeding c. Lack of sun exposure . d. Non response of bone receptors to vitamin D 92. Colostrum is privileged by having. a. High iron . b. High antibodies. c. High vitamin D . d. High calcium 101. The important reflex necessary for breast feeding: a. Moro reflex b. Grasp reflex c. Rooting reflex d. Cough reflex


90. Non nutritional marasmus may be caused by. a. Acute gastroenteritis . b. Staphylococcal pneumonia. c. V.S.D. d. Urinary tract infections

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77. Which of the following statement is not true about Breast milk a. It contains carbohydrates  7.0 gm % . b. It contains proteins  4.0 gm %. c. It contains water 87.5 %. d. It contains less calcium than cow milk.


110. The clinical signs of kwashiorkor include the following, Except: a. Edema b. Skin changes c. Hair changes d. Bone changes 111. The complications of rickets include all of the following, Except: a. Tetany b. Tetanus c. Respiratory infection d. Fractures 112. Breast milk contains all of the following nutritional constituents, Except: a. 7.2 gm fats b. l.2 gm proteins c. 7.0 gm carbohydrates d. 87.5% water 130. A fourth degree marasmic infant is characterized by . a. Loss of buccal pad of fats. b. Skin changes c. Edema. d. Bowed legs

152.Breast milk in the first three days after delivery shows all the following, Except: a.Called colostrum b.Rich in proteins c.High vitamin K content d.High caloric value


132. Breast milk contains all of the following nutritional constituents, Except: a. 3.5 gm fats b. 1.2 gm proteins c. 3.5gm carbohydrates d. 87.5% water 150. Recommended basic requirement of vitamin D for infants is: a. 400 u Ikg b. 800 ulkg c. 200 ulkg d. 100 u/kg 151. Variable features of KWO include all the following, Except: a. Mental apathy b. Hair changes c. Skin changes d. Hepatomegaly

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131. Biochemical changes that associate active Rickets include all the following, Except: a. Low blood phosphorus. b. High blood calcium. c. High alkaline phosphatase. d. High parathormone


3. Breast milk prevents intestinal infectiion by a) IgA b) Lactoferrin c) Lactobacillus bifidus d) All of the above 15. The parameter that indicates chronicity of malnutrition is a) Height b) Weight c) Head circumference d) All the above 16. The clinical signs of kwashiorkor include the following except a) Edema b) Skin changes c) Hair changes d) Bone changes 17. The clinical signs of rickets include the following except a) Frontal bossing b) Beading of the ribs c) Harrison's sulcus d) Microcephaly

10. The fat which disappears last in marasmus is : a. Buttock fat b. Fat in the back c. Buccal pad of fat d. Abdominal wall fat

11. The investigations required to diagnose Rickets, include all the following except : a. Serum calcium b. Serum phosphorous c. Alkaline phospatase d. Serum magnesium


20. The causes of death in protein energy malnutrition include all of the following except: a) Hypothermia b) Anemic heart failure c) Parasitic infestation d) Electrolyte disturbances.

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18. The complication of rickets include the following except a) Tetany b) Tetanus c) Respiratory infection d) fractures


12. Closterum is Breast milk secreted in the first post natal : a. 2-3 days b. one week. c. 3-5 days d. One month 11. Which of the following is correct about breast milk: a) Iron is low in breast milk. b) It should be stopped during diarrhea c) Its caloric content is much higher than cow milk d) It is poor in vitamin A 3. The early recovery in kwashiorkor is a) Disappearance of edema b) Increased weight c) Increased appetite d) interest in surroundings 9. The fat which disappears last in marasmus is : a) Abdominal fat b) Buttocks fat c) Buccal pads of fat d) subscapular fat

Infection: 60. Animal transmitted diseases include all Except: a. Rabies. b. Tuberculosis. c. Avian flue . d. Poliomyelitis 70. Which of the following vaccines can be given to a child with immune deficiency? a. Oral polio vaccine. b. Varicella vaccine c. Measles - Mums - Rubella Vaccine d. Hepatitis B vaccine.


25. Weaning is characerized by all the following Except : a) It should be gradual b) Should begin with hypoallergenic diet c) YOu can add two types of food simultaneously d) Not to be tried immediately after vaccination

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10. The daily requirement of vitamin D3 is : a) 200-400 IU b) 400-800 IU c) 800-1000 IU d) 1000-1500 IU


76. Which of the following is not a compulsory vaccine given in the first year of life: a. Measles Vaccine. b. BCG Vaccine. c. Meningitis vaccine. d. Polio vaccine. 78. All the following infectious diseases are essentially associated with rash,Except: a. German measles. b. Chickenpox. c. Mumps. d. Roseola infantum. 89. The incubation period of chickenpox is: a. One week b. 2 to 3 weeks c. 2 to 3 months d.3 days 100. Oral polio vaccine is . a Live attenuated vaccine. b. Killed vaccine. c. Given at birth . d. Given at 4,8,12 months of age

153. The incubation period of Chickenpox is : a. 3 weeks b. 4 weeks c. 8 weeks d. 1 week 154. Rash of measles is characterized by all the following Except: a. Starts behind the ears . b. Spread from above downwards c. May be hemorrhagic in immuncompromised children d. May be vesicular


133. The incubation period of measles is : a. 2 weeks b. 4 weeks c. 3 weeks d. 8 weeks

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113. Paroxysmal stage of pertussis persists for: a. 2 weeks b. 4 weeks c. 3 weeks d. 8 weeks


11. The manifestations of rubella syndrome include the following except a) Mental retardation b) Microcephaly c) Cardiac defects d) Macrocephaly 12. The virus causing chicken pox a) rubella b) Varicella c) Herpes simplex d) None 13. The diphteritic membrance is mainly seen on : a. Tonsils b. Conjunctiva c. Skin d. Larynx 8. Paroxysmal stage of pertussis persists for : a) 2 weeks b) 3 weeks c) 4 weeks d) 6 weeks

35. Infectious mononucleosis is characterized by all the following Except : a) Generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly b) Elevated liver enzymes c) Convulsions d) Aplastic anemia 40. Animal transmitted diseases include all Except : a) Rabies b) Tuberculosis c) Avian flue d) Poliomyelitis


20. Complications of diphtheria include all the following Except : a) Squint b) Flaccid paraplegia c) Heart failure d) Ataxia

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12. Measles rash begins : a) On chest and back b) Behind ear c) Behind neck d) On the face


Emergency: 87. The most common cause of hypovolemic shock is . a. Acute renal failure .. b. Heart failure .. c. Gastro enteritis. d. Toxic . coma 119. All of the following are urgent management of septic shock, Except: a. Oxygen therapy b. Blood transfusion c. IV antibiotics d. Steroids 127. Drugs used in treatment of heart failure include all of the following, Except: a. Diuretics. b. Digoxin c. Propnalol d. Morphine 139. Coma due to metabolic error include all of the following, Except: a. Diabetic ketoacidosis . b. Uremic coma. c. Hypertensive encephalopathy . d. Hyperammonemia

Hepatology: 61. Fulminante hepatitis is characterized by all the following, Except: a. Serum bilirubin above 10 mg/dl b. Serum albumin below 3 mg/dl c. Blood ammonia above 150 mg/dl d. Positive PCR 62. Post hepatic causes for portal hypertension include all , Except: a. Budd Chiari syndrome. b. Galactosemia. c. Pericardial effusion . d. Congestive heart failure


19. The most urgent management of hypovolemic shock is : a. Oxygen therapy b. Assisted ventilation c. IV. Fluids d. IV. antibiotics.

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7. Basic steps in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations include all the following except : a. Keep open airway b. Artificial breathing. c. Cardiac decompression. d. Defibrilation.


88. The main investigation recommended for cholestasis include all the following, Except: a. Abdominal ultra sound b. Serological tests of hepatitis. c. Alkaline phosphatase . d. Liver biopsy 94. The most common cause of Liver cirrhosis in children is? a. Gaucher disease. b. Hepatitis. c. Wilson disease. d. Rheumatic heart disease 109. The following would be compatible with the diagnosis of portal hypertension: a. Use of umbilical catheter b. Thrombocytosis c. Hematemesis d. Iron deficiency anemia 129. In a mother with hepatitis B, all of the following are true, Except: . a. She should screen her newborn for hepatitis markers. b. She should vaccinate her newborn with hepatitis B vaccine. c. She should not breast feed her baby. d. She should give her baby hepatitis immunoglobulin after delivery

9. The incubation period of hepatitis A : a. one week b. 2 to 6 weeks c. 2 to 6 months d. 3 months 38. Incubation period for hepatitis A is : a) 10 days b) 2 to 6 weeks c) 2 months d) 6 months


4. Important liver function includes: a) Maintenance of blood glucose concentration b) Excretion of nitrogen waste as ammonia c) Control of insulin release d) Production of gammaglobulin

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149. Cholestasis can be diagnosed properly by all of the following, Except: a. Liver enzymes b. Abdominal sonar c. Liver biopsy d. Ascitic tap


GIT: 79. Painful oral ulcers include. a. Monomial stomatitis . b. Herpetic gingivostomatitis. c. Traumatic ulcer of a broken tooth d. All the above . 80. The most common cause for recurrent abdominal pains in children is . a. Renal stones . b. Familial Mediterranean fever c. Intestinal parasites. d. Inflammatory bowel disease. 108. Serious complications of gastroenteritis include: a. Dehydration b. Acidosis c. Shock d. All of the above 128. Hypertonic dehydration is characterized by: a. Moist tongue b. Lost skin elasticity c. High serum sodium d. Drowsiness

Neonatology: 66. All of the following are correct about physiological jaundice, Except: a. It is a conjugated hyperbilirubinemia b. The baby looks healthy and feeds well c. Doesn't exceed 12 mg/dl d. It doesn't persist more than 7 days


8. The commonest electrolyte and acid/base disturbance in acute diarrhea include all the following except : a. Hyponatermia b. Hypokalemia c. Acidosis d. Alkalosis 26. Emergency treatment of esophageal varices include : a) Blood transfusion b) Nasogastric tube placement c) Vitamin K d) All of the above

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148. Persistent diarrhea define that type which remains for: a. More than 2 weeks. b. More than 4 weeks. c. More than 2 months. d. More than 3 months.


67. One of the following is useful for assessment of gestational age in preterm infants. a. Presence of Palmar crease. b. Breast size. c. Scarf sign. d. Muscle tone. 68. A major recognized problem for small for date full term neonates: a. Sepsis. b. Jaundice . c. Hypothermia. d. Hyaline membrane disease 69. All of the following are true about photo therapy, Except: a. Reduce serum unconjugated bilirubin level. b. Can cause watery stools. c. Increase fluid requirement. d. Can be a substitute for Exchange transfusion in small preterm with hyperbilirubinemia. 81. Neonatal period extends up to: a. 21 days . b. 28 days. c. 30 days. d. 35 days.

124. Cephalhematoma in the newborn may be complicated with all the following, Except: a. Convulsions. b. Sepsis c. Skull bony defect d. Anemia 144. Hyaline membrane disease in newborn is common among infants with a. Rh-incompatibility . b. Congenital hypothyroidism. c. Infants of diabetic mother. d. Dysmature babies


121. Moro reflex in normal neonates disappear at a. 1 week b. 3 weeks c. 6 weeks d. 3 months

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84. Kernicterus is characterized by all of the following , Except: a. Is caused by early neonatal hypoxia b. Bilirubin is deposited in the basal ganglia c. can be prevented by early exchange transfusion d. A main cause of cerebral palsy


10. The umbilical cord contains a) One artery and one vein b) One artery and two capillaries c) Two arteries and one vein d) Two veins and one artery 1. Persistence of Moro reflex at 12 weeks indicate : a. Brain damage b. Normal child c. Hungry child d. Irritable child 8. Atelectesis due to intrabronchial obstruction may be due to: a) Foreign body b) Mucus plug c) Both d) None Nephrology: 64. All of the following are true about nocturnal enuresis, Except: a. It is a night time bed wetting . b. Urinary tract infection is the most common cause. c. Strong family history is present in many cases . d. It may be due to maturation delay in bladder control

96. Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome is mainly based on the presence of. a. Proteinuria. b. Hematuria. c. Pyuria. d. Crystalluria. 115. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis is characterized by all of the following, Except: a. High ESR b. RBCs, proteins, in urine c. High complement 3 d. Positive CRP


72. Recurrent urinary tract infections is commonly associated with: a. Vesico-ureteric reflux. b. Acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. c. Ureteric stones. d. Nephrotic syndrome on steroid therapy

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71. All of the following might be pre renal causes for Acute renal failure, Except: a. Gastroenteritis b. Heart failure c. SLE d. Hemorrhage after crush accident


135. The most common complication of minimal change nephrotic syndrome is a. Repeated infections. b. Acute renal failure . c . Bleeding tendency. d . cerebral strokes 161. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by all of the following, Except: a. Relapses and remissions . b. Heavy range of proteinuria . c. Minimal change type is rare. d. Good response to steroids in most cases. 155. Indications of renal biopsy in nephrotic syndrome. Except: a. Repeated infections b. Steroid resistant patients c. Positive family history d. Impaired renal functions 9. The following are causes of generalized edema except: a) Malnutrition b) Congestive heart failure d) Urticaria d) Nephrotic syndrome

27. Common presentations of chronic renal failure in children include : a) Anermia b) Bone deformity c) Hypertension d) All of the above Neurology: 73. Brain death means loss of: a. Cortical function b. Brain stem function c. Spinal reflexes d. Cardiac activity


15. All the following are complications of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis Except: a) Acute renal failure b) Septicemia c) Pulmonary edema d) Hypertensive encephalopathy

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16. All the following are complications of Nephrotic syndrome except : a. Peritonitis b. Shock c. Thrombosis d. Alkalosis


95. All of the following are true about septic meningitis, Except: a. May complicate Otitis media in children. b. May be complicated by hearing loss in children. c. C. S. F. examination shows high sugar content. d. Neck rigidity is path gnomonic. 114. The cause of death in spinal polio is: a. Paralysis of respiratory muscles b. Cardiac arrest c. Cranial nerve paralysis d. Urinary complications 134. Limb paralysis in polio is characterized by : a. Non symmetrical. b. No sensory loss. c. Non regressive. d. All of the above 137. All of the following might be causes of cerebral palsy ,Except: a. Kernicterus . b. Toxoplasmosis. c. Congenital hypothyroidism. d . Tuberous sclerosis

15. All the following are causes of cerebral palsy except : a. Rubella syndrome. b. Hydrocepthalus c. G6PD deficiency d. Kernicterus 13. The CNS area commonly affected in poliomyelitis is: a) Anterior horn cells of spinal cord b) Carnial nerve nuclei c) Sensory roots of spinal nerves d) Motor part of cerebral cortex


5. Cerebral palsy description is as follows except a) Nonprogressive motor deformity b) Progressive motor deficity c) Perinatal insult d) May be associated with convulsions

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160.Cerebral palsy is characterized by a. Mental retardation b. Motor disability c. Curable d. Sensory loss


14. All of the following are characteritics of cerebral palsy Except: a) Non progressive motor deformity b) Peripheral insult c) Peripheral sensory loss d) Non curable 18. All of the following are true about febrile convulsions Except : a) Commonly seen between 6 months to 5 years age b) Usually does not last more than 10 minutes. c) Long term anticonvulsants are usually not needed d) Seizures are classically focal 14. The fatal poliomyelitis is : a. Bulbar polio b. Spinal polio c. Encephalitis d. Cerebral polio Endocrinology: 99. All of the following are true about tetany, Except: a. Is caused by deficiency of parathormone. b. Is caused by cholestredium tetani. c. Is diagnosed by low serum calcium. d. Manifest by carp pedal spasms.

6. The site of lesions in myasthenia gravis: a) Spinal cord b) Neuromuscular junction c) Cranial nerves d) All of the above 19. Complications of diabetes mellitus in children include all the following Except : a) Hypoglycernic coma b) Ketoacidotic coma c) Uremic coma d) Skin infections


120. Delayed puberty may be due to: a. Growth hormone deficiency b. Malnutrition c. Hypothyroidism d. All of the above

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117. Mental retardation is present in all of the following, Except: a. Hypothyroidism b. Tetany c. Mongolism d. Tuberous sclerosis


30. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by all of the following Except : a) Genetic susceptibility b) Mumps and chicken pox are common triggering factors for its onset c) Is treated only by insulin d) Oral hypoglycemic drugs have a therapeutic role.

Growth & Development: 82. An infant sits without support by ..... month. a. 5 month. b. 7 month. c. 8 month. d. 9 month. 83. The head circumference ,by the end of the second year equals: a. 35 cm . b. 45 cm. c. 50 cm. d. 60 cm .

104. In percentile growth curves measurement above ...... are considered abnormal. a. 50% b.75% c.90% d.95% 122. An infant stands without support by ...... months a. 10 months b. 12 months c. 14 months d. 18 months 123. Head circumference in normal newborn measures a. 25 cm b. 32 cm c. 35 cm d. 45 cm


103. Infants body weight is tripled by the age of: a. 5 months b. 24 months c. 12 months d. 18 months

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102. An infant sits without support by ... .... Months a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7


140. Short stature may be due to: a . Growth hormone deficiency b. Malnutrition c. Hypothyroidism d. All the above 142. An infant supports his head by .. . ... months a. 2 months b. 4 months c. 8 months d. 10 months 143. Weight gain in the first four months of age increase by a. 250 gm/month . b. 500 gm/ month c. 800 gm/ month d. 1500 gm/ month 141. Grasp reflex in normal neonates is present since. a. 1 week b 3 weeks c. Birth d. 3 months Growth & Development :

2. A child starts crawling at : a. 5 months b. 7 months c. 8 months d. 9 months 3. the average monthly weight gain in the first 4 months : a. 250 gm. b. 500 gm. c. 750 gm. d. 1000 gm.


2. The faster weight gain is seen at a) First year and puberty b) Second year and puberty c) Puberty d) Infancy

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1. The first deciduous tooth appears by a) 3-4 months b) 4-5 months c) 8-9 months d) 5-7 months


4. In percentile growth cures, measurement below ..... is considered below normal. a. 50% b. 25% c. 7% d. 3% 20. Short statute may be due to : a. Malnutrition b. Growth hormone deficiency c. Diabetes mellitus d. All the above 1. Normal reflex patterns at birth may include : a) Grasp reflex b) Rooting reflex c) Moro's reflex d) all of the above. 2. A child starts to support his head at a) 1 month. b) 2 months c) 3 months d) 4 months.

31. The most commonly used growth curve in children, although its not the most accurate is: a) Velocity growth curves b) Distance growth curves c) Percentile growth curves d) Standard growth curves 34. Which of the following is true about craniocynostosis? a) Mental function is commonly affected b) Skull is deformed c) Child has urinary incontinence d) Always associated with convulsions


21. All the following are true about microccephaly Except a) It may be primary or secondary b) Congenital cytomegalovirus infection may be a cause c) It is always associated with motor deficit. d) Hypoxic ischemic brain damage may be a cause

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4. In percentile growth curves, measurement persistently below 3% is suggestive of a) Malnutrition b) Endocrinal disease c) Chronic infection d) All the above


Hematology: 63. Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by all the following Except a. Low serum iron b. Pica c. Is caused by low iron content in cow milk fed babies. d. Is associated with chronic blood loss in parasitic infestation 74.Which of the following is correct about Henoch-Schonlein purpura ? a Arthritis is not a common finding .. b Normal platelet count .. c Dramatic response to aspirin therapy. d Steroid therapy is indicated to all cases 97. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura is secondary to a. Bone marrow inhibition by drugs. b. Leukemia. c. Anti platelet antibodies. d. Non of the above 116. All of the following are diagnostic of Thalassemia, Except: a. Microcytic hypochromic anemia b. High fetal hemoglobin c. Low reticulocytic count d. Hyper cellular bone marrow

156. All the following are diagnostic of hemolytic anaemia. a. Microcytic hypochromic anaemia b. Low reticulocytic count c. Low red cell survival. d. Hyper cellular bone marrow. 17. Iron deficiency anemia is characterizedby all except: a. High total iron binding capacity. b. Low serum ferritin c. Macrocytic hypochromic anemia d. Low serum iron


136. All the following are diagnostic of Iron deficiency anemia, Except: a. Microcytic hypochromic anemia b. High ferretin level in blood. c. Low serum iron d. High iron binding capacity

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118. Beta Thalassemia is : a. Sex linked disease b. Autosomal recessive disease c. Polygenic d. Autosomal dominant


16. All of the following are characteristic of Immune thrombocytopenic purpura Except: a) Intracranial hemorrhage is a serious complication b) Always associated with splenomegaly c) Anti platelets antibodies are the main cause d) Is preceded by upper respiratory infection in more than 60% of cases 28. Repeated blood transfusion is indicated in thalassemia children to : a) Achieve better growth b) Decrease cardiac dilatation c) Both a and b d) None of the above


Pediatrics Past Paper Exam Questions

29. Hemophilia A is characterized by ONLY one of the following: a) Decreased activity of factor VIII. b) An autosomal dominant disease c) Less common than hemophilia B d) Normal partial thromboplastin time.


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