PEDIATRICS 251 KARL JOSEF NINO JIMENEZ SEPARA UP College of Medicine Class 201 2011 ! "#$#
NEONA%ES &' 2 da(s) No*+al ,al-es Less than 2 years old: measure recumbent length
P*e.en/i.e Med Newborn Screening done after 24hrs of life but not later than 72 days If ICU-admitted is eem!ted" but must be tested by o 7 days of age If discharged # 4$hrs after deli%ery" ff consult must be made within 4$hrs after discharge &efer to '!htha for any of the ff findings: () *oor *oor res! res!on onse se+a +asy symm mmet etry ry 2) ,igg ,iggly ly and and mis misal alig igne ned d eyes eyes ) .roo .roo!y !y eyel eyelid ids s 4) /ye di discharge 0) NonNon-re reac acti ti%e %e !u!i !u!ill 1) &ed eye or dry frothy frothy conun conunct cti%a i%ae e 7) '!acities $) 3bse 3bsent nt+d +dul ulll or asy asymmet mmetri ric c &'& &'& Su!!lementation () I&'N If Low irth 5eight Dose/Duration: 6)mL '. to start at 2 mos until 1 mos when com!lementary foods are gi%en Preparation: .ro!s (0 mg elemental 8e+ 6)1 mL9 2)
Nasal Sym!tom Sym!toms: s: rhinorrhea" rhinorrhea" itchiness itchiness"" snee>i snee>ing" ng" stuffiness 7) Coug Coughi hing ng w+ or w+o w+o whe whee> e>in ing g Su!!lementation () I&'N Dose/Duration? 6)1 l '. for mos Preparation: .ro!s (0 mg elemental 8e+ 6)1 mL9 2) @IA3IN 3 Dose/Duration? ( dose onl y ( ca!sule only" gi%en anytime between 1-(( mos" usually gi%en at B mos along with measles %accine9 Preparation: (66"666 IU .ental Chec= u! to be done at the time of tooth eru!tin and no later than (2 mos of age 3nti Child 3buse 3buse &3 71(6 Ahe head" attending !hysician and nurse shall o re!ort either orally or in writing to the .S5. the eamination and+or treatment of a child who a!!ears to ha%e suffered abuse within 4$hrs from =nowledge of the same
%OLERS &1 ! (ea*s old) No*+al ,al-es
INFAN%S &' 1 (ea* old) No*+al ,al-es Less than 2 years old: measure recumbent length •
P*e.en/i.e Med Im!ortance of reading aloud to children *hil) 3mbulatory *eds 3ssoc)9 3ssoc)9 &ed 8lag signs of 3to!y: () 8; of 3to!y 3to!y 3" 3" 3to!ic 3to!ic .erm" .erm" 3&" .rug+8ood .rug+8ood allergy9 2) &ecurr &ecurrent ent+!e +!ersi rsist stent ent sym!t sym!toms oms of of ( or more more ) ole
(2 mos and abo%e: 066 mg" single dose e%ery 1 months ) Contraindications a) Se%ere malnutrition b) ;igh grade fe%er c) *rofuse diarrhea d) 3bdominal !ain e) Serious illness f) ;y!ersensiti%ity to deworming drug /ercise or age-a!!ro!riate acti%ities for 16 mins daily or on most days of the wee= .iscourage !rolonged !eriods of sedentary acti%ity greater than 2 hours !er day9 3nti Child 3buse &3 71(6 Ahe head" attending !hysician and nurse shall o re!ort either orally or in writing to the .S5. the eamination and+or treatment of a child who a!!ears to ha%e suffered abuse within 4$hrs from =nowledge of the same
SCOOL A3E & 4 12 (ea*s old) No*+al ,al-es
P*e.en/i.e Med * le%els eual to or greater than (26+$6 mm;g should be considered !rehy!ertensi%e .eworming .'; 3' 26(6-6629" done for all children aged (2 mos to (4 years old () 3lbenda>ole a) (2 mos to 24 mos: 266 mg" single dose e%ery 1 months b) 24 mos and abo%e: 466 mg" single dose e%ery 1 months 2) ebenda>ole a) (2 mos and abo%e: 066 mg" single dose e%ery 1 months ) Contraindications a) Se%ere malnutrition b) ;igh grade fe%er c) *rofuse diarrhea d) 3bdominal !ain e) Serious illness f) ;y!ersensiti%ity to deworming drug /ercise or age-a!!ro!riate acti%ities for 16 mins daily or on most days of the wee= .iscourage !rolonged !eriods of sedentary acti%ity greater than 2 hours !er day9 3nti Child 3buse &3 71(6 Ahe head" attending !hysician and nurse shall o re!ort either orally or in writing to the .S5. the eamination and+or treatment of a child who
a!!ears to ha%e suffered abuse within 4$hrs from =nowledge of the same
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