PEAC Learning Plan (Science)

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GRACE ACADEMY Lapulapu City UNIT PLAN FOR SCIENCE GRADE 9 Name of Teacher Subject Unit Topic

Carlo B. Bejarasco Science Climate

Grade Level Quarter

9 4

Content Standard Unit Standards

The student demonstrates of the factors that affect climate, the effects of changing climate, and howunderstanding to adapt to them. Performance Standard The student participates in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of climate change.

Lesson Number




The learner will be able to: Acquisition Acquisitio n 1. Differentiate Differenti ate weather from climate Acquisition Acquisitio n 2. Describe the factors that produce weather and affect climate Acquisition Acquisitio n 3. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area Acquisition Acquisitio n 4. Infer Infer that weather and climatic patterns are affected by changes in the environment Learning Competencies

Acquisitio n 5. Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level Acquisition Acquisition 6. Show preparedness preparedness in case of a typhoon and other weather disturbance disturbancess The students will understand that: 1. Various factors that interact in the atmosphere produce weather and Meaning Making  climate changes. 2. Abnormal changes in the world may be precipitated by human behavior. The students in the long run will w ill be able to independently use their learning to:   Implement strategies to avert climate change and display charity during Transfer weather crises by working with other members of the community. 

1. I can contrast weather from climate accurately. 2. I can explain the factors that produce weather and affect climate, and how these factors affect

Learning Targets

Resources Needed

the climate in Cebu and its neighboring provinces. 3. I can make an inference that weather and climactic patterns are affected by changes in the environment. 4. I can explain global warming and the El Nino phenomenon. 5. I can prepare my family and myself in case of typhoon and other weather disturbances. 6. I can explain how Earth is changing and why is it changing. 7. I can implement strategies to avert climate change by working collaboratively with the community.  Exploring Life Life through through Science 9 Al Gore’s The Inconvenient Truth Video clip on hurricane Sandy Journal notebook / diary Art materials and tools Typewriting paper and pen Costumes and props for the skit Manila paper, cartolina and permanent markers


METHODOLOGY Elements of the Learning Plan Explore  Explore 



The Unit on Climate Activity 1: Film Clip Viewing on Hurricane Sandy The class views a short clip on o n the damages caused by hurrica hurricane ne Sandy in the US East Coast. The students will infer the possible causes that contributed to the worsening of the effects of the hurricane. The teacher presents the unit on Climate and makes very clear to the class the learning standards of the unit. The teacher also asks the students

to on the transferthe goal and asks how this can be Tothey answer thereflect essential question, students willconsensus peruse the knowledge andrealized. the skills are to understand and master respectively. The day will end with leveling of understanding of the task to accomplish for the unit and the other evidences of understanding the students have to complete. (WHERE, HOOK) Process Questions: 1. How is Earth changing? 2. Why is Earth changing?


Concepts of Weather and Climate, and the Different Elements of Weather

A1. Differentia Differentiate te weather from climate

Activity 2: Graphic Organizers by Formal Grouping with Reporting The class discusses the clip they have seen the previous day. Based on small group

A2. Describe the factors that  produce weather weather and affect climate

discussions, they will work on graphic organizers (1) on the difference between weather and climate, (2) on the different factors that affect weather and (3) how these factors influence the climate of an area. Each group is required to report on one factor and explain how this affects the climate. A short quiz will be given and the graphic organizers will be collected as evidence of understanding. (EQUIP)

A3. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area

Process Questions: 1. How does weather differ from climate? 2. What are the different factors that affect weather? 3. How do these factors influence the climate of an area?

Firm Up 


Factors that Affect the Climate and How Man has Adversely Changed Them Activity 3: Academic Prompt from Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth  Truth 

A4. Infer that weather and climatic patterns are affected by changes in the environment  

Using a clip excerpt from Al Gore’s The Inconvenient Truth, Truth, the students learn the answer to this prompt: What roles do man’s environmental damage and neglect play in upsetting the weather elements which results to adverse climate conditions? Activity 4: Letter Writing Each student will then write a letter to Vice Pres. Gore on what simple measures he/she can do to in order not to upset more the balance of weather elements to avoid the worsening of climate conditions. (EQUIP/REFLECT) Process Question:  What roles do man’s environmental damage and neglect play in upsetting the weather elements which results to adverse climate conditions? 

4 A5. Describe certain climatic  phenomena that

Climate Change and its Effects Activity 5: Reciprocal Teaching and Summary Framing The class will continue viewing The Inconvenient Truth. Truth. In small s mall groups, the students summarize certain climatic phenomena presented in the movie. Through reciprocal


occur on a global level

teaching, the groups are asked to analyze the cause-effect relationship that exists among weather elements and the changing climate condition using a cause-effect summary frame. Activity 6: Concept Mapping To assess understanding, understandi ng, each group will submit a concept map in half-piece cartol cartolina ina of what they have understood about the climate, factors affecting it and the climate changes that result. (EQUIP, REFLECT, EVALUATE) Process Question:


Deepen  Deepen 


What cause-effect relationships exist among weather elements and the changing climate condition?

Understanding Climate Change and Its Effects Activity 7: Simulation –  Simulation –  TV/News  TV/News Reporting After marking for feedbacks, the teacher returns the concept map and asks the class to form in groups based on multiple multi ple intelligences. Using the con concept cept maps, each group will simulate a TV/news report about climate change and its effect to the people. Before the presentation, the rubrics for scoring the mini-task will be presented to the class. Constructive comments and critiques will be given by the students after every  presentation.  presentat ion. (REFLECT, EVALUATE, TAILOR-MADE)

A5. Describe certain climatic  phenomena that occur on a global level M1. Various factors that interact in the atmosphere

Process Questions:

1. How does global warming happen? 2. How does El Nino happen? 3. What factors brought about global warming? El Nino?

 produce weather weather and climate changes. 6 A6. Show  preparednesss in  preparednes case of a typhoon and other weather disturbances

Effects of Climate Change and How People Prepare and Adapt to Them Activity 8: Acting Situations Based on Sternberg’s Thinking Ability The activity for this day will test the acting prowess of the students. The class will be divided into groups according to Sternberg’s thinking ability –   analytical, practical and creative. Six groups, two for each, will be formed and each will be given a situation to act on. The group will be given 10 minutes to prepare and three minutes to present. The rubrics for scoring the task will be made clear to the class and the students are encouraged to give feedbacks to the classmates’ performances. performa nces. (EVALUATE,, TAILOR-MADE) (EVALUATE TAILOR-MADE) Process Questions:   How do you and your family prepare for the effects of climate change, such as typhoon and El Nino? 

Transfer Transfer  

7 Activity 9: Practicing the Performance Task This day is devoted for practicing the performance task. The teacher observes the groups and asks questions before providing feedback. The groups also assess their  performances  performanc es (self-assessment) (self-assessment) based on the criteria given in Day 1. The teacher teacher indirectly assesses cooperation during this activity and gives due recognition to groups that perform up to the standards expected. (EVALUATE, REFLECT) 

T1. Implement strategies to avert climate by working with members of the community 8 M2. Abnormal changes in the world may be

Transfer Understanding Activity 10: Differentiation by Process and Product Based on the prompts “What have I done that precipitated abnormal changes in the world? What can I do to reverse the damage?” the students will manifest their


understanding of the unit either through a letter, a reflection, a journal entry, a  poem, a song, an artwork artwork or a natural phe phenomenon nomenon model. model. The rubrics for grading grading the task will be explained well to the class by the teacher. (REFLECT, EVALUATE, TAILOR-MADE)

 precipitated by human behavior. 

Process Questions: 1. What have I done that precipitated abnormal changes in the world? 2. What can I do to reverse the damage?

9-10 T1. Implement strategies to avert climate change by working with other members of the community.  

Transfer Task

These two days will be devoted to the performance of the transfer task. (REFLECT,  EVALUATE) The Philippine Disaster Preparedness Agenda of 2020 Identified as the third most risky country in terms of natural disaster, the DOST and the DENR have sent you to present our Disaster Preparedness Agenda of 2020 to delegates from other countries attending the Climate Change Congress in Brazil. As the head of the delegation, the burden of the task lies in you. Your job is to explain to the audience and the sponsoring agency, the UN Center for Climate Change, the preventive measures the country has adopted and will still to implement to reduce risks and lessen the effects of adverse climate change in the Philippines.

Learning Competencies A1. Differentiate weather from climate 

A2. Describe the factors f actors that produce weather and affect climate 

A3. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area


A4. Infer that weather and climatic patterns are affected by changes in the environment 

A5. Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level

A6. Show preparedness in case a typhoon and otherof weather disturbances  

ASSESSMENT MATRIX  MATRIX  Corresponding Assessment Activities Type: Group Task Format: Graphic organizer (Venn Diagram/ T Bar) Assessment Criteria: 1) Appropriate graphic organizer 2) Accurate identification of differences 3) At least three differences Type: Group Task Format: Graphic organizer (Concept or Descriptive Pattern) Assessment Criteria: 1) Appropriate graphic organizer 2) Accurate explanation per factor 3) All factors are described  Type: Group Task Format: Graphic organizer (Cause-Effect Pattern) Assessment Criteria: 1) Appropriate graphic organizer 2) Accurate cause-effect relationships 3) All factors are explained   Type: Individual Work/ Paper and Pen Test Format: Letter Writing Assessment Criteria: 1) Accurate and sound inference 2) Identification of at least five correct measures 3) Accurate procedure on letter writing Type: On-demand Task Format: Simulated TV/ News Reporting Assessment Criteria: 1) Correct explanation of both global warming and the El Nino phenomenon 2) Coordinated and coherent flow of news cast 3) Adherence to time limit  Type: On-demand Task

Format: Acting Out Situations Assessment Criteria: 1) Prompt and accurate solution to the  problem 2) Logical flow of preparation 3) Adherence to time limit 


M1. Various factors that interact in the atmosphere  produce weather weather and climate changes. 

M2. Abnormal changes in the world may be  precipitated  precipitate d by human human  behavior. 

T1. Implement strategies to avert climate change by working with other members of the community.  


Type: On-demand Task Format: Simulated TV/ News Reporting Assessment Criteria: 1) Correct explanation of both global warming and the El Nino phenomenon 2) Coordinated and coherent flow of news cast 3) Adherence to time limit  Type: Individual Work (Differentiated Product) Format: Letter, reflection, journal entry, poem, song, artwork or a natural phenomenon model. Assessment Criteria: 1) Sensible answers with scientific bases to Question 1 2) Identification of at least five concrete and doable measures to reverse the damage 3) No. 1 and 2 are clearly and accurately reflected in the chosen product  Type: Group Performance Task Format: PowerPoint Presentation with Explanation

Assessment Criteria: 





of the weather elements

resourcefulness and soundness of plan

conviction and clarity

in accomplishing the task

Plan is practical, scientifically sound and shows resourcefulness

Persuasive and convincing, clear explanation, wellmodulated voice and articulates well

The presentation is a  product of members cooperating and understanding their respective roles.

Plan is practical and well-grounded on sound scientifically  principles.

Convincing, clear explanation, wellmodulated voice and articulates

The output shows some tell-tale signs of cooperation.

Explain clearly how the different weather elements interact to produce weather and influence the climate

Explain how the different weather elements interact to 20-29  produce weather and influence the climate Explain how the different weather 10-19 elements interact to  produce weather


Fail to explain well the effects of weather elements to climate change

well Plan is scientifically sound.

Clear explanation and articulates well

The presentation may have benefited more if the group has cooperation.

Poor planning

Presentation is hard to understand.

Obviously, no selfknowledge of how  poor the group cooperation is.

bb bb  


1 2

ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT   Read on weather and climate, and the different elements of weather. Bring Manila  paper and permanent permanent markers for the graphic graphic organizers. organizers.  Read on what produce weather disturbances. Bring typing papers and writing pens.


3 4 5 7 8

Read about climate change and its effects. Bring cartolina and permanent markers for concept mapping. Answer the following prompts in the journal notebook: (1) How does global warming happen? (2) How does El Nino happen? (3) What factors brought about global warming and El Nino? Reflect on how you and your family are preparing for the effects of climate change, such as typhoon and El Nino. Prepare for acting situational analysis. Bring materials and tools for the differentiation activity: preparing a letter, reflection, journal entry, poem, song, artwork or a natural phenomenon model. Prepare for the group performanc performancee task.

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