Pe9 - q1 - Mod1 - Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Assessments - v3
October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Pe9 - q1 - Mod1 - Physical Activity and Physical Fitness Assessments - v3...
Ghv`rek`ett ^rhp`rty Ghv`rek`e
6 11
^lysfmac @dumatfhe Quart`r 1, Wi1-= - Khduc` 1 ^lysfmac Amtfvfty aed ^lysfmac Ofte`ss Ass`ssk`ets
D`partk`et ho @d @dumatfhe umatfhe ◈ R`pubcfm ho tl` ^lfcfppfe`s ^lfcfppfe`s
^lysfmac @dumatfhe - Grad` 6 Act`reatfv` D`cfv`ry Khd` Quar Qu art` t`rr 1, Wi Wi.1 .1-= -= - Kh Khdu duc` c` 1: ^l ^lys ysfm fmac ac Am Amtf tfvf vfty ty ae aed d ^l ^lys ysfm fmac ac Of Ofte te`s `ss s Ass`ssk`ets Ofrst @dftfhe, 2>2> R`pubcfm Amt ?=)221-?>?6 @-kafc Addr`ss: fcfgae.mftyNd`p`
^lysfmac @dumatfhe
^lysfmac Amtfvfty aed ^lysfmac Quart`r 1, Wi.1-= - Khduc` 1
Ofte`ss Ass`ssk`ets
Tlfs festrumtfheac kat`rfac was mhccabhratfv`cy d`v`chp`d aed r`vf`w`d by t`aml`rs, l`ads, @dumatfhe ^rhgrak ]up`rvfshr fe Ofcfpfeh ho tl`s`c`mt D`partk`et ho @dumatfhe @smlhhc dumatfhe - Dfvfsfhe ho Fcfgae Mfty. W` `emhurag` t`aml`rs aed htl`r `dumatfhe stai`lhcd`rs th `kafc tl`fr o``dbami, mhkk`ets, aed r`mhkk r`m hkk`ed `edatf atfhes hes th tl` D`p D`part artk`e k`ett ho @du @dumat matfhe fhe-Fc -Fcfga fgae e Mft Mfty y Dfv Dfvfsf fsfhe he at fcfgae.mftyNd`p` hr fcfgae.mftyNd`p` hr T`c` T`c`oax: oax: (>?=) (>?=)221-? 221-?>?6. >?6.
W` vacu` yhur o``dbami aed r`mhkk`edatfhes
D`partk`et ho @dumatfhe ◈ R`pubcfm ho tl` ^lfcfppfe`s
Tlfs pag` fs fet`etfheaccy bcaei
Tabc` ho Mhet`ets Wlat Tlfs Khduc` fs Abhut...........................................................................................................
Wlat F E``d th Iehw..................................................................................................................... ff Lhw th C`are orhk tlfs Khduc`.................................................................................................... ff Fmhes ho tlfs Khduc`...................................................................................................................... fff Wlat F Iehw.................................................................................................................................. fff
C`sshe 1:
^lysfmac Amtfvfty aed ^lysfmac Ofte`ss Ass`ssk`ets...............................
Wlat F E``d th Iehw.................................................................................. 1 Wlat‖s Wlat ‖s E`w E`w ..................... ............................... .................... ..................... ..................... ......................................... ............................... 1 Wlat Fs Ft................. Ft........................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... .......................................... ............................... 1 Wlat‖s Wlat ‖s Khr` .................... .............................. .................... ..................... ..................... ........................................... ................................. 2 Wlat Fs Ft .................... .............................. .................... .................... ..................... ..................... ...................................... ............................ = Wlat F Lav` C`are`d.................................................................................. 4 Wlat F Mae Dh............................................................................................ 0
..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................................... ........................... ? ]ukkary.......... ]ukkary Ass`ssk`et: Ass`ssk `et: (^hst-T`st).......... (^hst-T`st)..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ....................... ............. 7 I`y th Aesw`rs......... Aesw`rs.................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................. ........ < R`o`r`em`s.......... R`o`r`em`s ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... ..................... ................................... ........................
Tlfs pag` fs fet`etfheaccy bcaei
Wlat Tlfs Khduc` fs Abhut Tl` cfo`styc` ho p`hpc` graduaccy mlaeg`d hv`r tfk` b`maus` ho tl` fetrhdumtfhe ho smf`em` aed t`mlehchgy. Tlfs pav`d way th lavfeg a mhkohrtabc` aed festaetae`hus dafcy rhutfe` l`em`, c`adfeg feth a s`d`etary cfo`styc`. ^`hpc` e``d a shued kfed, a l`actly aed oft bhdy th k``t tl` kfefkuk r`qufr`k`ets r`qufr`k`ets hur bhdy e``ds fe dafcy staedards aed amtfvftf`s. Tl`s` whucd hecy b` amlf`v`d tlrhugl amtfv` partfmfpatfhe fe aey plysfmac amtfvftf`s cfi` `x`rmfs`s hr pcayfeg gak`s aed sphrts. Wftl hur murr`et sftuatfhe fe wlfml w` ar` acc struggcfeg wftl tl` gchbac paed`kfm (MH_FD-16), tl` dafcy rhutfe` ho tl` p`hpc` was shk`lhw aoo`mt`d. Tl` fd`a ho stayfeg lhk` aed sfttfeg dhwe khr` hot`e tlae w` usuaccy dh aoo`mts hur plysfmac aed `v`e k`etac l`actl. Th addr`ss tl` fkp`ratfv` mhem`re, tlfs khduc` fetrhdum`s yhu th tl` fkphrtaem` ho plysfmac ofte`ss. @egagfeg fe aey plysfmac amtfvfty mae b` b`e`ofmfac th hur kfed aed bhdy. At tfk`s cfi` tlfs, p`hpc` slhucd b` amtfv` as phssfbc` th g`t away orhk aey cfo`styc` dfs`as`s.
Wlat F E``d th Iehw
C`arefeg Mhkp`t`emy: Mhkp`t`emy:
Ped`rtai`s plysfmac amtfvfty aed plysfmac ofte`ss ass`ssk`ets ass`ssk`ets
C`arefeg Hbj`mtfv`s:
At tl` `ed ho tlfs khduc`, khduc`, tl` c`are c`are`r `r fs `xp`mt`d th: th:
ued`rtai`s plysfmac amtfvfty aed plysfmac ofte`ss ass`ssk`ets9 d`t`rkfe` wlfml ofte`ss mhkphe`et yhu e``d sp`mfofm fkprhv`k`et/s he.
Lhw th C`are orhk tlfs Khduc` Th amlf`v` tl` hbj`mtfv`s mft`d abhv`, yhu ar` th dh tl` ohcchwfeg: •
Tai` Tai` yhur yhur tfk` tfk` r`ad r`adfe feg g tl` tl` cc`ss `sshes hes mar`ou mar`ouccy ccy..
Ohcchw Ohcchw tl` tl` dfr`mtfh dfr`mtfhes es ae aed/hr d/hr festru festrumtfhe mtfhes s fe tl` tl` amtfvftf amtfvftf`s `s aed `x`rmfs` `x`rmfs`s s dfcfg`e dfcfg`etcy. tcy.
Aesw Aesw`r `r acc acc ttl` l` gfv gfv`e `e t`s t`sts ts aed aed `x` `x`rm rmfs fs`s `s..
Fmhes ho tlfs Khduc` Wlat Wl at F E`` E``d d th
Tlfs Tlfs p par artt mhet mhetaf afes es c`a c`are refe feg g hbj` hbj`mtf mtfv` v`s s tlat tlat
ar` s`t ohr yhu th c`are as yhu gh acheg tl` khduc`.
Wla Wl at F ie ieh hw
Tlf Tlfs fs ae ass ss` `ss ssk` k`e et as as th yh yhu ur c`v` v`cc ho iehwc`dg` th tl` subj`mt katt`r at laed, k`aet sp`mfofmaccy th gaug` prfhr r`cat`d iehwc`dg`
Wlat‖s Fe
Tlfs part mhee`mts pr`vfhus c`sshe wftl tlat ho tl` murr`et he`.
Wla Wl at‖s t‖s E`w
Ae fetrh trhdumt mtfh fhe e ho tl tl` ` e`w c`ss ssh he tl tlrh rhug ugl l varfhus amtfvftf`s, b`ohr` ft wfcc b` pr`s`et`d th yhu
Wlat fs fs Ft
Tl`s` ar` dfsmussfhes ho ho ttl l` amtfvftf`s as as a way th d``p`e yhur dfsmhv`ry aed ued`rstaedfeg ho tl` mhem`pt.
Wla Wl at‖s t‖s Khr Khr` `
Tl` Tl`s` ar` ar` ooh hcch chw w-up -up amt amtffvft ftff`s ttl lat ar` ar` fe fe-t`ed`d ohr yhu th pramtfm` ourtl`r fe hrd`r th kast`r tl` mhkp`t`emf`s.
Wla Wl at F Lav`
Amtf mtfvf vftf tf` `s d`s `sffge` ge`d th th prhm` rhm`ss ss wlat y yh hu
lav` c`are`d orhk tl` c`sshe
Wlat Wl at F mae mae dh
Tl`s Tl`s` ` ar` ar` ta tasi sis s ttla latt ar` ar` d`sf d`sfge ge`d `d th sl slhw hw-mas` yhur sifccs aed iehwc`dg` gafe`d, aed appcf`d feth r`ac-cfo` mhem`res aed sftuatfhes.
Wlat F Iehw
^lysfmac Amtfvfty R`adfe`ss Qu`stfheeafr` (^AR-Q) C` C`tt us ass`ss ass`ss fo yhu ar` r`ady r`ady th pa partf rtfmfp mfpat` at` hr `egag` `egag` fe ae aey y plysfm plysfmac ac am amtfv tfvftf ftf`s `s by ae aesw` sw`rfe rfeg g lhe`st lhe`stcy cy tl` ^lysf ^lysfmac mac Amtfvf Amtfvfty ty R`adf R`adfe`s e`ss s Qu`stf Qu`stfhe heeaf eafr` r` (^AR-Q (^AR-Q). ). ^c ^c`as `as` ` ammhkpcfsl ammhkpcfs l tl` ohrk b`chw by puttfeg a ml`mi kari ohr `v`ry qu`stfhe. Eak`:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dat`:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX L`fglt:XXXXXXXXXk. L`fglt:XXX XXXXXXk. W`fglt:XXXXXXXXXXXig W`fglt:XXXXXXXXXXXig.. Ag`:XXXXX Ag`:XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX ^lysfmfae‖s Eak`:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Eak`:XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX Mhetamt Eukb`r:XXXXXXXXXXXXX Eukb`r:XXXXXXXX XXXXX ^AR-Q (^lysfmac Amtfvfty R`adfe`ss Qu`stfheeafr`) Qu`stfhes V`s Eh Las yhur dhmthr `v`r safd tlat yhu lav` a l`art mhedftfhe aed tlat yhu slhucd hecy p`rohrk plysfmac amtfvfty r`mhkk`ed`d by a dhmthr8 Dh yhu o``c pafe fe yhur ml`st wl`e yhu p`rohrk plysfmac amtfvfty8 Fe tl` past khetl, lav` yhu lad ml`st pafe wl`e yhu w`r` eht p`rohrkfeg aey plysfmac amtfvfty8 Dh yhu chs` yhur bacaem` b`maus` ho dfzzfe`ss hr dh yhu `v`r chs` mhesmfhuse`ss8 Dh yhu lav` a bhe` hr jhfet prhbc`k tlat mhucd b` kad` whrs` by a mlaeg` fe yhur plysfmac amtfvfty8 Fs yhur dhmthr murr`etcy pr`smrfbfeg aey k`dfmatfhe ohr yhur bchhd pr`ssur` hr ohr a l`art mhedftfhe8 Dh yhu iehw ho aey htl`r r`ashe wly yhu slhucd eht `egag` fe plysfmac amtfvfty8 Fo yhu lav` aesw`r`d –V`s‛ th he` hr khr` ho tl` abhv` qu`stfhes, mhesuct yhur plysfmfae b`ohr` `egagfeg fe plysfmac amtfvfty. T`cc yhur plysfmfae wlfml qu`stfhes yhu aesw`r`d –V`s‛ th. ]hurm`:: Eat ]hurm` Eatfhe fheac ac Amad` Amad`ky ky ho ]ph ]phrts rts ]mf` ]mf`em` em`.. (2> (2>2>) 2>).. ^lysfma ^lysfmacc Amt Amtfvft fvfty y R`adfe R`adfe`ss `ss Qu`stf Qu`stfhee heeafr afr`. `. R`t R`trf`v rf`v`d `d orhk orhk lttps://www.eask.hrg/dhms/d`oauct-shurm`/^DO/easkXpar-q-(pdo-21i).pdo
Wark-Pp @x`rmfs`s B`ohr` `egagfeg fe aey plysfmac amtfvfty, ft fs r`accy fkphrtaet th p`rohrk wark-up `x`rmfs`s th mhedftfhe hur bhdy. Fe tlfs khduc`, yhu wfcc b` fetrhdum`d th varfhus wark-up `x`rmfs`s fe tl` mhurs` ho hur c`sshe fe sphrts hoofmfatfeg. Lhw`v`r, khefthrfeg hur L`art Rat` Ra t` fs acsh acsh a pr`r`q pr`r`quf ufsft sft` ` b` b`ohr ohr` ` yhu prhm`` prhm``d d th str`eu str`euhu hus s amtfv amtfvftf ftf`s. `s. Hbtaf Hbtafef efeg eg tl` ^`rsheac Kaxfkac L`art Rat` (^KLR) aed Targ`t L`art Rat` (TLR) fs a kust. B`chw fs tl` ohrkuca th mhkput` tl` TLR at a khd`rat` aed vfghrhus fet`esftf`s ho plysfmac amtfvfty: Khd`rat` (4> - 00%): 00%) : 22> - ag` ; ^KLR x >.4 ;
^`rsheac Kaxfkuk L`art Rat`(^KLR) bpk
_fghrhus (?> -.? ;
^KLR x >.00 ;
^`rsheac Kaxfkuk L`art Rat`(^KLR) bpk
^KLR x >.
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