October 26, 2018 | Author: ジュエル セインツ | Category: Physical Education, Sports, Leisure, Recreation, Quality Of Life
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Short Description




Vision  A globally globally productive productive higher higher education education institution institution with excellent excellent academic academic programs in the fields of business and education, engineering and technology, social and natural science, and allied medicine, spearheading proactive research and extension programs and the sustainable stewardship of Mount Banahaw. Mission Committed to building people, providing quality education and promoting a healthy environment. Core Values Go S L S U

Godloving !ervice"riented #eadership by $xample !ustained %assion for $xcellence &ndiminished Commitment to %eace and $nvironmental Advocacy

Institute o Human !ineti"s

'. (o develop develop students students with an academic academic degree degree program program for sports sports and leisure)recreation specialists. *. !ervic !ervice e physic physical al educa educatio tion n  f or or all !#!& undergraduate students who must unit in physical education as a perequisite for graduation. +. arsity sports sports program program for highly s-illed s-illed studentts studentts who who excel excel in sports, sports, cultural cultural activities who wish to experience higher level of competitions. . !ports !ports and recrea recreation tional al program program for !#!& !#!& communit community. y. /. %rovide technica technicall expertise expertise to agencies agencies needing needing help help in the the promotion promotion of physical education spports, wellness, dance and recreation programs. 0. %romote and preserve preserve %hilippine %hilippine indigenous indigenous dances, games and and sports. sports.

Course Title P.E. 03 !di. a!d Dual "ports

Date Effective: #u!e $013

Date Revised: April $$% $013

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#. "a!tos


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#rogram E$u"ation O%&e"ti'es (

' . * .

(o t the movement potentials of each individual to an optimum level. (o develop a basic understanding and appreciation of human movement.

+ .

(o develop and maintain the optimal physical fitness and functionally of the individual.

 .

(o develop s-ills, -nowledge and attitudes basic to voluntary participation in satisfying, en1oyable physical activity experience.

/ .

(o develop personally rewarding and socially acceptable behavior through participation in varied movement activities.

Goal an$ O%&e"ti'es ) * + ,
































COURSE SYLLA.US (/ Course Co$e0

%.$. 2+

)/ Course 1es"ription0

3ndividual and 4ual !ports

*/ #re2Re3uisite0

%.$. 2' and %.$. 2*

+ Co2Re3uisite0


,/ Cre$it4 Class S"5e$ule0

* units6 * units lecture

-/ Course 1es"ription 6 (his course will enable the students to discover their strength and wellness through diagnostic physical fitness testing and appropriate conditioning exercises. 3t also includes followup study in gymnastics such as basic position, free hand exercise, routines with the use of light apparatus and simple s-ills in tumbling and stunts and performance selftesting activities. 6/ #rogram Out"omes an$ Relations5ip to #rogram E$u"ational O%&e"ti'es0 #rogram Out"omes

#rogram E$u"ation O%&e"ti'e ( ) * + ,

 A  An ability to view and explain the ob1ective of sports. . B  An ability to define athleticism, camaraderie and . sportsmanship. C  An ability to enumerate and discuss the principles . and theories of sports. 4  An ability to monitor and asses the benefits derived . from sports competition. $  An ability to distinguish the sports related concepts in . the daily basis. 7. An ability to determine the guiding principles of sports.

Course Title P.E. 03 !di. a!d Dual "ports

Date Effective: #u!e $013

Date Revised: April $$% $013































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#. "a!tos


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G  An ability to give guidelines on the performance of . the drills and theories. 8  An ability to perform varied sports related activities. .











7/ Course O%&e"ti'es an$ Relations5ip to #rogram Out"omes0 #rogram Out"omes





/. 0.

3mpost the vision, mission, goals and ob1ective of university and 3nstitute of 8uman 9inetics through games and sports. #earn the mechanical principles of underling sports methodology as they acquire -nowledge and understanding about sports and games. :ecogni;e the value of sports in our daily life, and reali;e that sports activities are necessary for personal progress. %ractice the value of leadership, cooperation, self disciple and respect for the rights of others and derive satisfaction and pleasure in doing different sports activities. Maintain good health and high level of competency i n playing the sport. $xecute proper fundamental s-ills, show basic badminton -nowledge.


#rogram E$u"ation O%&e"ti'e . C 1 E 8 G


















































9/ Course Co'erage )EE'

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ET&+D+/+ a!d "TRATE

!troductio! of differe!t i!dividualdual sports a!d ga4es.

E2A/-AT+*  T++/"


&istory of t5e ga4e a!d its descriptio!. ad4i!to! A. !dividual "7ills 1.1 Eye a!d "5uttle Co!tact 1.$ "5a7e 5a!d grip



/ectureDiscussio ! a!d De4o!stratio!

9uestio! a!d A!ser Recitatio!

. ,acilities a!d E8uip4e!t 3


C. asic "7ills 1.1 "ervice a!d Receivi!g 1.$ "ervice D. "tro7es 1.1 ,ore5a!d grip 1.$ ac75a!d grip 1.3 Co!ti!uous ,ore5a!d a!d ac75a!d grip

Course Title P.E. 03 !di. a!d Dual "ports

Date Effective: #u!e $013

Date Revised: April $$% $013

Prepared by:

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#. "a!tos


Page 3 of 6

Practical Test 1. Eye a!d ball co!tact $. "4as5 3. Drop ;. &ig5 Clear =. ,ore5a!d 6. ac75a!d •

;ourself Badminton, 5ew 4elhi, *220 (,/ Course Materials Ma$e A'aila%le0

a. b. c. d.

!amples of %ractical (est !amples of Ma1or $xam !amples of C4 Aerobics $ndofcourse assessment report by the students and the faculty

(-/ Committee Mem%ers0 '. Mr. 7ederico A. Ceribo *. M:!. $urose C. Coronacion +. %rof. Merced . Mirandilla . %rof. 5ecia 7. 5a?e; /. 4r. @osephine :. Macaraan

Course Title P.E. 03 !di. a!d Dual "ports

Date Effective: #u!e $013

Date Revised: April $$% $013


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#. "a!tos


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0. Mr. :ico :osales . Ms. Maria #u; A. Abrigonda . Mr. @omar @efferey C. Murcia

Course Title P.E. 03 !di. a!d Dual "ports

Date Effective: #u!e $013

Date Revised: April $$% $013

Prepared by:

Approved by:

#. "a!tos


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