PE D HA PRO 001 01 E_ ATEX Procedure for Projects

April 19, 2019 | Author: agaricus | Category: Chemistry, Energy And Resource, Nature, Engineering, Science
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OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation TABLE OF CONTENTS


Introduct Introduction ion................................. ................................................. ................................ .............................. .............................. ................................ ................................ .................. 3


Range of Applicability Applicability.................... .......... .......... .......... .................. ......... ................... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... 4


Objective Objectives s .............................. .............................................. ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................. ................................. .................... .... 5


Content Procedure Procedure ................... ......... ................... .................. ................... ..................... ........... ........... ........... ........... ................... .......... ................ ....... 5



Step 1: Qualifications Qualifications of Personnel Personnel ................... .......... .................. ................... .......... ........... ........... ........... .......... .. 5


Step 2: Identification Identification of Flammable Flammable Substances .......... .................... ......... ........... ........... ........... .......... 5


Step 3: Properties Properties of Flammable Flammable Substances Substances .......... .................. ......... ................... .......... ........... ........... ....... 5


Step 4: Source of Release and Ventilation Ventilation ................... ......... .......... ................... .......... .................. .................... ........... ........... ... 6


Step 5: Hazardous Hazardous Areas Classification Classification.................... ......... ........... ........... ........... .......... .................. ......... ................ ....... 6


Step 6: Hazardous Hazardous Areas Drawing........... ........... ........... ................... .......... .................. .................... ........... .......... .. 7


Step 7: Equipment Equipment Selection .......... .................. ......... .................... ........... ................... .......... .................. ................... .......... ............... .......... ..... 7


Step 8: Installation Installation of Equipment Equipment .................. ......... ................... .......... ................... .......... .................. .................... ........... .......... ....... 10


Step 9: Assessment Assessment of Equiment Equiment / Installati Installation on  Initial Inspection Inspection................... ........ ........... ........... ... 10


Step 10: Documentation Documentation for Permitting ................... ......... .......... .................. ......... ................... .......... ........... ................ ......... ....... 11


Step 11: Availability Availability of Documents .......... ........... ........... .......... .................. ......... ................... .......... ........... 12

Definitions and Abbreviations Abbreviations .................. ........ .......... .......... .......... ................... ......... .......... ................... .......... .................. ................... ............ .. 13

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 1


Hazardous area classification is an important part of processes safety and integrity. The term hazardous area, in the meaning of this document, refers to an area created by the presence of an explosive atmosphere. The term is also known as Electrical Area Cla ssification, in the older references, or as "zoning". In Europe and beyond, ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosive) became an accepted standard for the management of the activity in the hazardous areas in order to protect staff and assets, and is based on the same principles, regardless of the country where the facility is located. There are, however, differences between national laws governing these activities. This document outlines legislation, regulations and standards applicable in Romania in order to guide their own engineering staff or contractors due to differences from other countries. ATEX is governed by Directive 94/9/EC, Directive for equipment and by Directive 1999/92/EC, Directive for personnel. Both Directives have been transposed into the Romanian legislation. Consequently, ATEX regulations and reference standards, e.g. series of standards EN 60079, EN  / ISO 80079, EN 1127 and EN 13463 are mandatory. List of reference standards are periodically updated an d published in the Official Journal of the European Union, available on the website:

ATEX regulations refer to all equipment, electrical and non-electrical. The latest edition of standard EN 60079-0, divides the explosive atmospheres into 3 groups: 

group I  mines susceptible to firedamp

group II  gases, vapours or mist, other than those from the mines susceptible to firedamp

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation Relation with other standards Standard



Projects, including extensions, modernizations or changes PE-D-HA-PRO-001-01-R_ ATEX Procedure for Projects

In force


EP FA HA 01 ST PETROM Standard for Areas Classification

In force

RO-EP-SR-GDL-001-01-E _Process Safety and Integrity Engineering and Design 29112011

In force


TO-HQ-02-019 Rev 00 Philosophy for Hazardous Area Classification and HVAC Onshore

In force


Projects Operation

Operation-Maintenance-Procurement-Inspection-Attestations (Permits) RO-EP-DMSS-STD-046-01-R _Standardization of types of explosion proof for low voltage electric motors ( in Romanian version)

In force

PE-D-HA-GDL-001-01- R_ATEX_Attestation_of_Plants_06.03.2012

In force

EP HA 10 PR R1 Equipment Inspection in Hazardous Areas

Under review

EP -MNT-RO-06-POL-16-01.00R_ Maintenance And Inspection Strategy Of Ex Equipment( in Romanian version)

In force

Maintenance Procurement Operation Attestations Inspection Maintenance Inspection

Withdrawn RO-EP-SR-SOW-001-01-R _Scope of Work for ATEX certification of plants ( in Romanian version) RO-EP-SR-PRO-001-01-R_Ex Certification Procedure (in Romanian



OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation


Project and engineering team members of OMV Petrom E&P

Ex Responsible

Maintenance personnel involved in extension, modernization or changes of existent plant.


This document presents the applicable regulations and standards, the steps to be followed in different phases of a project, and the documents to be prepared in order to conform to national legal requirements. In order to achieve the same outcome for all installations, documentation must meet both the requirements of authorities and the requirements of OMV Petrom.


Content Procedure

The next chapters mentions briefly the minimum requirements and actions to be taken in engineering, design, construction and operation readiness of plants where explosive atmospheres are present or where they are expected to occur. Where, for those actions, there is an applicable standard it was preferred to refer to the appropriate standards, without going into details.

4.1 Step 1:

Qualifications of Personnel

The area classification should be carried out by those who understand the relevance and significance of properties of flammable materials and by those who are f amiliar with the process and the equipment. Such personnel should consult with safety, electrical, mechanical and other qualified engineering personnel as required. The design of the installation, the selection of equipment and the installation covered by t his standard shall be carried out only by persons whose training has included instruction on the various types of protection and installation practices, relevant rules and regulations and on the general principles of area classification. The competency of the person shall be relevant to the

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 

Hexane / Octane (IIA T3)  Rich gas or crude oil, H2S not present

Hydrogen Sulphide (IIB T3)

Annex 1 lists the relevant properties, for this document, of crude oil, and gas. The Data has been obtained from the examination of over than 40 analysis reports and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of flammable petroleum used in E&P. Consequently the subgroup IIB and temperature class T3  cover the usual requirements for oil and gas installations from E&P. In case more hazardous substances are identified than those above mentioned they will be listed by CAS number (Chemical Abstract System). Unclassified liquids: 

Petroleum products having a Flash Point higher than 100° C will not be classified in the conditions specified in the Company Standard for Areas Classification.

Water Injection circuits, e.g. pumps or manifolds, where fluids contain less than 200 ppm of hydrocarbons, is not classified. Exceptions: o o

Tanks for untreated reservoir water or which may be occasionally used for oil storage Pumps that may be used for conveying oil or because the location of those pumps fits in the zone produced by neighbouring equipment.

Deliverable: Hazardous area classification data sheet  Part I: Flammable material list and characteristics according to EN 60079-10-1

4.4 Step 4:

Source of Release and Ventilation

The basic elements for establishing the hazardous zones types are the identification of the sources of release and the determination of the grades of release.


Identification of Source of Release

The sources of release may be classified as continuous, p rimary or secondary grade.


Characteristics of Ventilation

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation Where necessary, the design, operation and location of process equipment should ensure that, even when it is operating abnormally, the amount of fl ammable material released into the atmosphere is minimised, so as to reduce the extent of the hazardous area. Hazardous areas are classified in zones based on the frequency and duration of explosive atmospheres. Areas (0,1, 2 or unclassified) are defined in Art. 5, Definitions. Hazardous area classification is considered for normal operation. Hazardous area classification shall be in compliance with EN 60079-10-1 and Company Standards for Areas Classification. Deliverable: Hazardous area classification data sheet  Part I: List of sources of release according to EN 60079-10-1.


Step 6:

Hazardous Areas Drawing

After classifying areas, a risk assessment shall be performed in order to determine if the consequences of ignition of an explosive atmosphere requires the use of equipment with a level of explosion protection (EPL) higher than what would n ormally be required, or if you can use a device with a lower EPL than normally required. Requirements for EPL / ATEX category will be l isted in the ATEX documents, including Hazardous plan to allow the correct choice of equipment . Hazardous area plan will include the following: 

Plans and elevations of three-dimensional model, if any, showing the type and extent of zones (quotas) and the requirements listed below

Classification of gases or vapours in relation to equipment group or subgroup

Temperature class or ignition temperature of the gas or vapours existing in the hazardous area

External influences and ambient temperature

Requirements for the protection level of equipment (EPL). This requirement applies even

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation

Table no. 1 - Relationship between Zones, EPLs and ATEX categories Zone

Permitted explosion protection levels (EPLs)

Permitted ATEX Category










The use of equipment with a lower or higher EPL than was specified in the Table no. 1 shall be demonstrated. To allow access to the bidding of different manufacturers and, taking in to consideration the progress of technology, references to Ex equipment will be made quoting the following: 

The area where the equipment will be used (zone 0,1 or 2) and, o

The required EPL, or


The required ATEX equipment category and

Equipment Group and Temperature Class (usually IIB T3)

Justified: type of explosion protection.

Note 1: Mentioning the type of protection may be necessary in Detailed Design Phase, case in which e.g. for Ex i equipment (safety intrinsically), it is necessary to design appropriate circuits. Note 2: The use of a higher EPL than requirement is allowed in procurement phases as a result of a st nd better offer. Example: the requirement is for an EPL Gc. 1  offer: intrinsically ic (EPL Gc), price A. 2 nd offer: intrinsically ia (EPL Ga) or ib (EPL GB), both of them at price B < A. 2  offer is preferred and the reason is: it presents the best price with respect of technical criteria. Note 3: Since July 2012 mentioning EPL on the marking for each Ex equipment is mandatory.


Conformity Assessment Procedure

Depending on the intended ATEX category, the manufacturer or his authorized representative

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation

Type of protection


According to:

Protection by oil immersion


EN 60079-6

Protection by pressurized enclosures


EN 60079-2

Protection by powder filling


EN 60079-5

Protection by using optical radiation Non-sparking equipment

Recommended for: I1)


Boxes3)  Motors4)

EN 60079-28


Fieldbus non-incendive concept (FNICO)

EN 60079-15


EN 60079-27

Note 1: Field instruments, e.g. sensors, transmitters, measuring equipment Note 2: Command or control devices, e.g. command buttons, solenoids Note 3: Connection or junction boxes Note 4: Three phases squirrel cage induction motor


Motors Supplied by Converter

It is normally expected that motors and converters will be evaluated as a system. Motors intended to be driven by converters will have the following additional markings (in accordance with standard EN 60079-0, edition 6): 

"For Converter Supply"

Frequency / minimum speed / maximum speed allowed

Type of converter accepted

Note 1: The term converter (used for driving of electric motors) is also known as a frequency converter,

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 4.7.4

Gas Detectors

Gas detectors, to be used as a protective measure (e.g. de-energise equipment if gas is detected), shall be used in accordance with relevant requirements of IEC 60079-29-1 and IEC 60079-29-4. Gas detection may be used as a method of protection enabling the use of electrical equipment in hazardous areas where that equipment might not have otherwise been allowed. Reference: IEC 60079-14, ed.5, Annex N.


Light Metals as Construction Materials

Installation materials (e.g. cable trays, mounting plates, weather protection) shall not contain more light metals than required by IEC 60079-0 for equipment.

4.8 Step 8:

Installation of Equipment

The equipment shall be installed in accordance with its d ocumentation. Reference standard: EN 60079-14.

4.9 Step 9:

Assessment of Equiment / Installation - Initial Inspection

After the installation of the equipment is complete, an initial inspection must be carried out in accordance with IEC 60079-14 Explosive atmospheres, Edition 5 - Part 14: Design, selection and construction of electrical installations. Note: Development of this standard is ongoing. Until the next edition is in force, the initial inspection shall be performed in accordance with the current edition of standard EN 60079-17 Explosive atmospheres - Part 17: Maintenance and inspection of electrical installations.

The following aspects will be considered for initial inspection: 

That the initial checking of electrical installation was performed according to SR HD 60364-6 and that the verification report has been prepared and is availabl e.

That equipment is properly marked with CE marking and Ex, in accordance with

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation Table no. 3 Equipment list Date tehnice (Un, In, Nn)

Grad de protecţie (Codul IP)

Categoria ATEX / EPL

Conditii Speciale

Ex Ingress Name of Manufacturer Technical Temperature Ex Zone protection Group protection equipment/installation / Year data Class certificate type (IP code)

ATEX category

Special Conditions

Denumire echipament sau instala ţie



Step 10:

Fabricant / An fabrica ţie

Tip protec ţie (Ex)


Clasa de temperatura

Certificat Ex


Documentation for Permitting

This section presents the documentation to be produced/reviewed and attestations to be obtained, for installations in explosive atmospheres, namely: 

Explosion protection document as a requirement of the Directive 1999/92/EC, also known as ATEX 137 or the directive for staff, transposed by HG 1058/2006

Attestation of plant, based on documentation and an inspection on site, by National Authority, as a provision of normative NEx 01-06.

According to the normative and regulations mentioned above the responsibility for preparing documentation and obtaining the attestation is the responsibility of the user. Considering that, for new and modernized plants and for the various phases of the project, the majority of these documents are prepared by the Contractor the responsibility for documentation preparation and for obtaining of attestations will be transferred, by clear provisions of contract, to the Contractor.

4.10.1 Explosion Protection Documentation The documentation shall contain, as minimum: 

Presentation memo

Area classification drawings

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 4.10.3 Document Presentation The above mentioned documents will be approved by User before they are submitted to the Authority. After receipt of the attestation, the Contractor will send to user the documentation together with the attestation. The Documentation will be delivered with respect of the following requirements: 

Both in hardcopy and in softcopy

Original/native documents in editable format (MS Office, Adobe 6, AutoCAD 6)

Romanian and English languages

Separate file (from other technical documents)

Contractor may combine both sets of documents in a single file

Taxes and other expenses required for attestation will be Contractor's responsibility.

Note: Some requirements e.g. "Nomination of Ex responsible person" will be fulfilled with user's support.

4.10.4 Delivery Time The initial inspection shall be carried out after the mounting of equipment and before it is put in function (energised). The attestation shall be obtained before the equipment is deemed to be ready for operation. It is the Contractor's responsibility for the timely submission of documents and coordination with Authority.


Step 11:

Availability of Documents

In order to ensure correct installation or extension of plants, the following information, additional to the requirements for non-hazardous areas, is required, where applicable. Reference: EN 60079-14 standard, ed. 5

4.11.1 Site

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 

Documentation relating to the suitability of the equipment for the area and environment to which it will be exposed, e.g. temperature ratings, type of protection, IP rating, corrosion resistance

Details of the type of wiring system

Record of selection criteria for cable entry system, for compliance with the requirements for particular types of protection

Drawings and schedules relating to identification of circuits.

4.11.4 


Evidence of personnel competency (Annex A of EN 60079-14, ed.5).

4.11.5 Approval of Documents Documents will be approved by competent persons and who own a valid attestation, according to [4.1], and who meet the required approval level given in the Discipline Authority Framework (DAF) and specified in Annex 6.

4.11.6 Documents Keeping After commissioning of plant, the documents mentioned in this chapter, together with those mentioned in 4.9 and 4.10, including documentation for obtaining certificates, will be posted on SharePoint, by care of Responsible Ex, with support of Technical Compliance Office Facility Engineering Department.

4.11.7 Deliverable Deliverables by project phases, maturity and level of approval are presented in Annex 6


Definitions and Abbreviations

For the purpose of this procedure the following definitions are given: 


Operating and Production Area (subunits) of Division OMV Petrom E&P

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation

ATEX Category

Defined by directive 94/9/EC. Similarly definitions with EPL ATEX categories are, for Group II - gases and vapours: 1G, 2G and 3G

Ex Certificate

Certificate of conformity , as defined in Directive 94/9/EC

CAS number

Chemical Abstract System. Unique numerical identifier assigned to each substance described in scientific literature

Temperature Class

Classification of equipment for explosive atmospheres in terms of maximum surface temperature (IEV426).


Set of documents prepared in accordance with and in order to accomplish legal requirements

Declaration of Conformity

Document prepared by manufacturer or his authorized representative in accordance with Directive 94/9/CE

Explosion Protection Document

Documentation elaborated as a requirements and in conformity whit Directive 1999/92/EC respectively GD 1058/2006

 Equipment protection level (EPL)

The level of protection assigned to equipment based on its risk of becoming a source of ignition and distinguishing the differences between explosive gas atmospheres, explosive dust atmospheres and coal mines.

EPL Ga 

ATEX II 1G Category

Equipment for explosive gas atmospheres, having a "very high" level of protection, which is not a source of ignition in normal operation, expected malfunction or when subject to rare malfunction. Such equipment will have a form of protection, which will remain effective even in the presence of two potential faults (for example, intrinsic safety, level of protection ia), or

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation Situation when the equipment is operating within its designed parameters

Normal operation

NOTE 1: Minor releases of flammable material may be part of normal operation. For example, releases from seals, which rely on wetting by the fluid that is being pumped, are considered to be minor releases. NOTE 2: Failures (such as the breakdown of pump seals, flange gaskets or spillages caused by accidents), which involve urgent repairs or shutdown, are not considered to be part of normal operation nor are they considered to be catastrophic. NOTE 3: Normal operation includes start-up and shutdown conditions.

Classification of electrical equipment related to the explosive atmosphere for which it is to be used (IEV 426) 

(Equipment) Group

NOTE: EN 60079-0 standard, ed. 5, defines 3 groups:  group I(mines susceptible to firedamp) group II (vapours and gases) group III (dusts)

LEL - lower explosive limit

Concentration of flammable gas, vapour or mist in ai r below which an explosive gas atmosphere will not be formed ( IEV 426)

Protection level

Type of protection

Subdivision of the type of protection, correlated with the explosion protection level (EPL) that differentiates the probability for an equipment to become a source of ignition (EN 60079-0) Explanatory note: Type of intrinsically protection (i) is divided in levels of protection "ia", "ib" and ic, and that they are correlated with EPL's Ga, Gb and Gc (for explosive gas atmospheres)

Specific measures for equipment applied to prevent ignition of explosive atmospheres surrounding ( IEV 426) Highest temperature which is attained in service under the most

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation Non-hazardous area (on account of explosive gas atmospheres)



An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not expected to be present in such as quantities to require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of equipment

References Documents 

Directive 94/9/EC transposed by HG 752/2004, modified

Directive 99/92/EC, transposed by HG 1058/2006

Normative NEx 01-06

ATEX Guideline 3rd Edition July 2009

EN 1127-1 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology

Series standards SR EN 60079 Explosive atmospheres

Series standards SR EN 13463 Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

Series standards ISO/IEC 80079 Explosive atmospheres. Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Part 426 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres (IEV 426)

SR HD 60364-6 Low voltage installations. Part 6: Verification

EP FA HA 01 ST PETROM Standard for Areas Classification

RO-EP-QA-MAN-002-01-R Quality manual of Facility Engineering Department ( in Romanian version)


l t D


OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 8.1 Annex 1 Oil and Gas Characteristics in OMV Petrom EP CAS Number

Material/ Composition

Equipment Group

Temperature Class

(Auto) Ignition Temperature (°C)






600 CH4













n Pentane


LEL (%)




515 CH3CH3



450 CH3CH2CH3




372 CH3(CH2)2CH2




243 CH3(CH2)3CH3




Hexane (n-hexane)



225 CH3(CH2)4CH3




Heptane (n-heptane)



204 C7H16







206 CH3(CH2)6CH3







205 CH3(CH2)7CH2







235 C10H22




Hydrogen Sulphide



260 H2S




Diesel fuel No. 2))



254 C15 ÷ C21




Gasoline (benzine)
















Condensate - Asset II - INCERP Rich gas- Asset VII  INCPDM Gasoline - Asset VII Note*: Content< 25% (V/V) of Hydrogen (see EN 60079-20-1)

PE-D-HA-PRO-001-01-E ATEX Procedure for Projects

Page 17 of 22

Valid from: 31.03.2012 Edition: 01

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 8.2 Annex 2 Types of Protection for Electric Equipment EPL

ATEX Category

Type of protection Protection by Intrinsically safe Protection by Encapsulation




According to:


EN 60079-11


EN 60079-18

Two independent types of protection, each satisfying the conditions imposed by the Gb level

EN 60079-26

Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation



EN 60079-28

Protection by Flameproof enclosures


EN 60079-1

Protection by Increased safety


EN 60079-7

Protection by Intrinsically safe


EN 60079-11

Protection by Encapsulation

m sau mb

EN 60079-18

Protection by Oil immersion


EN 60079-6

p, px or py

EN 60079-2


EN 60079-5

Protection by Pressurized enclosures Protection by Powder filling Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO)

EN 60079-27

Protection using optic radiation

EN 60079-28

Protection by Intrinsically safe


EN 60079-11

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 8.3 Annex 3 Types of Protection Non-Electrical Equipment


ATEX Category







Type of protection


According to:

Constructional safety


EN 13463-5

Control of ignition source


EN 13463-6

Liquid immersion


EN 13463-8



EN 13463-3

Constructional safety


EN 13463-5

Control of ignition source


EN 13463-6



EN 13463-7

Liquid immersion


EN 13463-8

Flow restricting enclosure


EN 13463-2



EN 13463-3

Constructional safety


EN 13463-5

Control of ignition source


EN 13463-6



EN 13463-7

Liquid immersion


EN 13463-8

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 8.4 Annex 4 Content of EC declaration The EC declaration of conformity must contain the following elements [Directive 94/9/EC, Annex X, B]: 

the name or identification mark and the address of the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community

a description of the equipment, protective system, or device referred to in Article 1 .(2) of directive

all relevant provisions fulfilled by the equipment, protective system, or device referred to in Article 1. (2) of directive

where appropriate, the name, identification number and address of the notified body and the number of the EC-type-examination certificate

where appropriate, reference to the harmonized standards

where appropriate, the standards and technical specifications which have been used

where appropriate, references to other Community Directives which have been applied

identification of the signatory who has been empowered to enter into commitments on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community.

The manufacturer or his authorized representative must keep a copy of the declaration of conformity for a period of at least 10 years from the da te of manufacture the last equipment. If in case when neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative not domiciled or have registered in Romania or in an EU Member State, obligation to keep available the technical documentation shall be the responsibility of the person who pla ces the equipment or protective system on the market.

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation

8.5 Annex 5 Conformity Assessment Procedure Equipment of Groups I and II Categories M1 and 1* and  Autonomous Protective Systems

EC type Examination  Annex III



Internal combustion engine or electrical equipment

EC type Examination  Annex III


Production QA  Annex IV

Equipment of Groups I and II Categories M2 and 2*

Product verification  Annex V

Equipment of group II Category 3*


Internal control of production  Annex VIII



Communicate a technical documentation to

Internal control of production Annex VIII

OMV Petrom S.A. Regulation 8.6 Annex 6 Deliverables List Project Phase





Evidence of personnel competency



Specification for hazardous areas classification - Part I List of flammable materials and their characteristics



Explosion risk assessment




Hazardous Areas Drawing




Equipment Ex specifications




Evidence of personnel competency




Specification for hazardous areas classification - Part II List of sources of release



Hazardous Areas Drawings




Equipment Ex specifications




Materials characteristics, including electrical resistivity




Ex certificate of conformity




Declaration of conformity EC




Equipment manufacturer's Declaration which have not own source of ignition and are considered outside the scope of Directive 94/9/EC


Documents for electrical equipment with conditions of use, e.g. for equipment with certificate numbers which



DA3 Final DA3 Final

PE-D-HA-PRO-001-01-E ATEX Procedure for Projects IS 2014

Aceasta Foaie de Interpretare a fost creat ca urmare si pentru a evita in viitor confuziile in utilizarea listei de livrabile din Anexa 6. In principiu doar documentele marcate cu verde ar trebui sa fie considerate livrabile. Celelalte documente sau informaii trebuie sa fie de asemenea disponibile, in faza de proiect menionat, chiar daca sunt incluse in documente aparinând diferitelor discipline sau sunt livrate de productorii de echipamente. In orice caz, toate documentele trebuie analizate si aprobate de autoritile pe disciplina, in conformitate cu DAF si faza de proiect

This Interpretation Sheet (IS) has been developed as result of and in order to avoid in the future any confusion in use of Deliverable List from Annex 6. In principle only the documents in green should be considered as “deliverable”. The other documents shall be also available in the mentioned project phase, even if they are included in documents which belong to other disciplines or are delivered by manufacturers. In every case, all documents shall be r eviewed and approved by discipline authority, according to DAF for Project Phase.

Nr. Crt.

Fazele proiectului


Declaraia productorului pentru echipamente care nu dein surse de aprindere proprii i sunt considerate a fi  în afara scopului Directivei 94/9/EC.



Sunt livrate de ctre furnizor. Vor fi parte din EPD.

11. Execute  Equipment manufacturer's Declaration which have not own source of ignition and are considered outside the scope of Directive 94/9/EC

12. Execute 

Documente pentru echipamentele electrice însoite de condiiile de utilizare, de ex. pentru echipamente cu numere de certificate care au sufixul „_X‘ .










Delivered by vendor. Will be part of EPD 

Sunt livrate de ctre furnizor. Vor fi parte din EPD. Delivered by vendor. Will be part of EPD 

Documents for electrical equipment with conditions of use, e.g. for equipment with certificate numbers which have the suffix „_X‘

13. Execute 

Descriptive Declaration of the intrinsically safety system

Faza de construcie. A se vedea i EN 60079-25. Modelul Petrom este în curs de elaborare. Trebuie sa fie disponibile caracteristicile aparatelor ex. U,L,C,I. Va fi parte din EPD. Construction phase. See also EN 60079-25.

Declaraie descriptiv a sistemelor de securitate intrinsec.

PETROM template under development. It requires the availability of apparatus characteristics e.g. U,L,C,I Will be part of EPD.

14. Execute 

Evaluarea de risc pentru ansamble, emis de productor, conform definirii din Ghidul ATEX ediia 3/2009. Risks assessment for assemblies, issued by the manufacturer, as defined in ATEX Guide 3rd Edition /2009.

Sunt livrate de ctre furnizor. Vor fi parte din EPD. Delivered by vendor. Will be part of EPD 

ATEX Procedure for Projects – Interpretation Sheet 2014

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Valid from: 2014

Nr. Crt.

Fazele proiectului

15. Execute 

16. Execute 


Detalii ale oricrei calculaii relevante, ex. rata de purjare pentru instrumente sau lcaurile analizoarelor. Details of any relevant calculation, e.g. for purging rates, for instruments or analyser houses 




Nu este solicitat ca document separat.

Plans showing and details of type of wiring system 

Not required as separate document

20. Execute 

21. Execute  22. Execute 

Not required as separate document. Will be part of EPD 

Scheme i grafice pentru identificarea circuitelor.

Nu este solicitat ca document separat.

Drawings and schedules relating to circuits identification 

Not required as separate document 

Instruciuni pentru inspecia iniial i instalare.

Sunt livrate de ctre furnizor. Vor fi parte din EPD.

Lista de echipamente i caracteristicile lor List of equipment and their characteristics 






Nu este solicitat ca document separat. Va fi parte din EPD.

Record of selection criteria for cables entry system, for compliance with the requirements for particular types of protection 

Instructions for initial inspection and Installation 

Nu If case, it shall be part of hazardous areas drawing.

17. Execute 

18. Execute 


Dac este necesar, trebuie s faca parte din planul de zonare

Planuri care arat i detaliaz tipurile de conexiuni în sistem.

 Înregistrarea criteriilor de selecie a sistemului de intrare a cablurilor, pentru conformarea cu cerinele pentru tipurile particulare de protecie.


Final Nu

Final Nu

Delivered by vendor. Will be part of EPD 







Inclus în EPD ca parte din inspecia iniial. Included in EPD as part of initial inspection 

Report privind inspecia iniial (ATEX i Electric)

Inclus în EPD, a se vedea EN 60079-14 i HD 60364-6

Report regarding initial inspection (ATEX and Electric) 

Included in EPD, see EN 60079-14 and HD 60364-6 

Informaii pentru mentenan i revizie.

Inclus în EPD

Information for Maintenance and repairs 

Included in EPD 

ATEX Procedure for Projects – Interpretation Sheet 2014

Page 6 of 7

Valid from: 2014

Nr. Crt.

Fazele proiectului

23. Execute 


Documentul de protecie la explozie (EPD) Explosion Protection Document (EPD) 



Ref: Directiva 1999/92, HG 1058/2006 Se va furniza în format nativ, nu doar raportul, în cazul în care raportul a fost obinut de la Autoritate (INSEMEX).



Da Ref: Directive 1999/92, HG 1058/2006 To be provided in native format, not only the report, in case a report have been obtained from Authority (INSEMEX) 

Atestare  (certificate, permis) de la


INSEMEX, conform solicitrii normativului NEX 01/062

Documentaia depus pentru atestare trebuie furnizat în format nativ  însoit de atestare

Attestation (certificate, permit) from INSEMEX, as a requirement of normative 3  NEX 01/06 

Documentation submitted for attestation shall format together with attestation itself 

24. Execute 

Da be provided in native


 Atestarea de la INSEMEX poate s nu fie solicitat în cazul în care proiectul afecteaz doar parial instalaia care deja posed o atestare valabil, considerând c atestarea ar trebui emis pentru întreaga instalaie. Modificri/ mriri de capacitate/ modernizri,vor fi considerate, atunci când se solicit o nou atestare/ re-atestare. Attestation from INSEMEX may not be r equired in case if t he project affects only partially the plant which already owns a valid attestation, considering that the attestation shall be issued for whole plant. Plant modification / upgrade/ revamp will be considered when it will apply for a ne w attestation/re-attestation.

ATEX Procedure for Projects – Interpretation Sheet 2014

Page 7 of 7

Valid from: 2014

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