PDS Express Project Creation
Short Description
PDS Express...
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Version 2011 (V12) June 2011 DPDS3-PE-200016G
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Trademarks Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, PDS, SmartPlant, FrameWorks, I-Convert, I-Export, I-Sketch, SmartMarine, IntelliShip, INtools, ISOGEN, MARIAN, SmartSketch, SPOOLGEN, SupportManager, and SupportModeler are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems Inc, all rights reserved. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Project Setup Overview .......................................................................................................................... 7 Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................... 7 Starting the Program ............................................................................................................................... 8 New User Mode ................................................................................................................................ 8 Advanced User Mode ....................................................................................................................... 9 Creating a Standard Project ..................................................................................................................... 11 How to Use the New User Option ......................................................................................................... 11 Creating a Customized Project ................................................................................................................ 19 How to Use the Advanced User Option ................................................................................................ 19 Understanding the express.txt File ......................................................................................................... 31 Seed Data ............................................................................................................................................. 32 Default File Locations ........................................................................................................................... 33 RDB Libraries ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Drawing Cell Libraries ........................................................................................................................... 36 2D Reference Data ............................................................................................................................... 36 The express.txt File ................................................................................................................................... 37 Sample Data ............................................................................................................................................... 71 Information in the Delivered Dataset..................................................................................................... 71 P&ID Assemblies .................................................................................................................................. 72 Delivered SQL Scripts ............................................................................................................................... 73 Project Options .......................................................................................................................................... 75 Define Project Data ............................................................................................................................... 76 Define System Units ............................................................................................................................. 76 Create Database Schemas ................................................................................................................... 76 Express Project Creation ...................................................................................................................... 77 Server Names & Drive Letters ........................................................................................................ 77 Define RDB File Locations ............................................................................................................. 77 Create FrameWorks Sub-Project .......................................................................................................... 78 Revise Working Units ............................................................................................................................ 78 Database Customization Options ......................................................................................................... 80 Database Structure Revision ................................................................................................................ 80 Define Location for New RDB ............................................................................................................... 82 Define 2D Reference Data Locations ................................................................................................... 82 Copy 3D RDB to New Project ............................................................................................................... 83 Copy Files to Project Directory ............................................................................................................. 83
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Contents Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations ........................................................................................ 84 Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 85
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Preface Creating a new PDS project includes many distinct tasks that can be difficult to remember from one project to the next, particularly if you do not frequently create new projects. Intergraph provides a utility called Express Project Creation, which automates most of the steps needed to create a project. This document describes how to use Express Project Creation to set up both standard and customized projects. This document provides only a general description of project setup. For example, adding 3D project data to an existing 2D project or adding structural data to a project after it was created cannot be done using Express Project Creation. Procedures of this nature are described in the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference and the PDS Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide.
Related Documents For more information on related topics, see the following documents: PDS 2D RDB Administrator User's Guide Project Administrator (PD_Project) Reference Guide Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide Getting Started in PDS 2D PDS 2D RDB Administrator Reference Guide PDS Project Setup Technical Reference
What's in This Document This document contains the following chapters: Chapter 1 - Getting Started -- This chapter provided an overview of the workflow for setting up a project and describes how the Express Project Creation program fits into this workflow. Chapter 2 - Creating a Standard Project -- This chapter describes how to use the New User option to create a project that uses a standard directory structure. Chapter 3 - Creating a Customized Project -- This chapter describes how to use the Advanced User option to create a customized project. Chapter 4 - Understanding the express.txt File -- This chapter describes how to edit the express.txt file to further streamline your project creation workflow. Appendix A - The express.txt File -- This appendix lists the complete express.txt file that is delivered with the product. Appendix B - Sample Data -- This appendix describes the sample data that is available with the New User option. Appendix C - Delivered SQL Scripts -- This appendix describes the SQL scripts that are delivered with the PD_Shell product.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Getting Started The Express Project Creation program is a new feature that enables you to easily create projects using a predefined structure. Express Project Creation consists of two modes of operation --- New User and Advanced User. The Advanced User mode allows customization of the directory structure and distribution of the project files across multiple nodes. Express Project Creation is available only on Windows-based computers.
Project Setup Overview A project is a convenient grouping of either all or part of the items that constitute a plant. The project is the fundamental structure for working in PDS. Each project contains all of the information that is required to work in a PDS task. A project and all of its accompanying files must be defined before you can use any of the other PDS modules. Setting up a project consists of the following steps: 1. Install the products. In addition to the operating system software, PDS requires that you have MicroStation, RIS, and a relational database set up. For information on installing software, see the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference. Also, refer to the PD_Shell README.TXT file for information on product dependencies. 2. Configure the system. This step includes setting up domain logins and setting up the networking environment. For information on system configuration, see the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference. 3. Create project databases. The PD_Shell product includes scripts that automate the creation of the PDS databases for a number of database systems. These are located in the pdshell\sqls\ directory. 4. Create the project. Start the Express Project Creation, and follow the steps outlined in the following chapters of this document. 5. Define the reference data. Before you can begin working in your project, you must set up the reference data. This involves loading ASCII files that define components and specifications into the appropriate databases. These procedures are described in the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference and the PDS Reference Data Manager (PD_Data) Reference Guide.
Before You Begin Before you can create a project, you must have first configured your system and installed the software. You will also need to create databases for each module of the PDS software to be used by your project. For example, for a project that will use the piping and equipment modules, you will need to create the project, design, and approved reference databases. For Express Project Creation, you will need to have SmartPlant License Manager and PD_Shell installed locally. (That is, they must be installed on the computer from which you plan to run the Express Project Creation program.) For New User mode, you will also need to have PD_Project, PD_Draw, PD_Data, PD_Eqp, and RD_USRDB or RD_DINRDB installed locally on the same disk partition. (A local installation means that the products are installed on the computer from which Express Project Creation is
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Getting Started being run.) If the project will include both 2D and 3D data, the PDS2D software will also need to be installed locally. You will also need to install EE Raceway and FrameWorks Plus if your project will include these disciplines. If you are running Express Project Creation in Advanced User mode, you only need to have SmartPlant License Manager and PD_Shell installed locally. You can specify remote nodes where the other PDS modules have been loaded as a source location for the required libraries.
Starting the Program To start the Express Project Creation program, double-click the Express Project Creation icon, which is located in the PD_Shell program group.
The Project Options form is displayed.
Two modes are available for creating projects: New User and Advanced User.
New User Mode With New User mode, you can set up a project that follows a standard directory and database structure. The New User mode is ideal when your setup from one project to the next is consistent. This mode is the fastest way to set up a project, offering only minimal interaction once the process is started. The New User mode also provides an option to load sample data (models and drawings) into the created project. For information on creating a project using the New User option, see Creating a Standard Project (on page 11). Use New User mode when any of the following conditions are true: Your project does not require a unique directory structure. You do not need to customize the relational data during project creation. You want to create a test or pilot project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Getting Started
You want to load a delivered sample dataset while creating the project.
Advanced User Mode With Advanced User mode, you can customize the project as you are creating it. Not only can you specify a unique directory structure for the project files, but you can also have complete control over the structure of the data within the database. For information on creating a project using the Advanced User option, see Creating a Customized Project (on page 19) . Use Advanced User mode when any of the following conditions are true: Your project requires a unique directory structure. You need to customize the relational data. You want the ability to review and possibly change the settings read from the express.txt file.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Getting Started
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project The New User option enables you to create a project that follows a relatively simple, standard structure. Projects that are created using this option have the following directory structure: The system creates all the directories and subdirectories; you do not need to create the directory structure beforehand. Each time you create a project, the express.txt file that was used to create the project is copied to the project directory. This enables you to keep a record of the specific parameters used for creating that project. To avoid creating models with incorrect working unit settings, adjust the working unit settings of FrameWorks Plus and Raceway seed files after creating the projects, and before creating models.
How to Use the New User Option To create a project using the New User option, follow these steps: 1. On the Project Options form, set the User Level to New User.
You are prompted to specify whether you want to load sample data. 2. Select Option Choose Yes to load sample project data (a small project that already contains plant items, such as piping, equipment, and so forth) or click No to create a project that does not include sample data. If you choose Yes, the system loads a set of models and drawings into the created project. Refer to Appendix B for a description of the delivered sample data. If you load sample data, your plant monument is automatically set to 0,0,0.
The available project disciplines are displayed. 3. Select Disciplines
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project Select the disciplines that apply to your project. The available disciplines depend on the software you have loaded on the computer from which the Express Project Creation was started. These modules must be installed locally. Furthermore, they must all be installed on the same drive letter.
4. Accept or Select Other Discipline After you have selected all required disciplines, choose Confirm to continue.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project The Define Project Data form is displayed.
5. On the Define Project Data form, key in the project number, project name, company name, job number, and plant name in the related fields. This information is stored in the Project Database and can be used in reports and other project documents. Also specify a design file in which project interferences are to be written. The default file name is your project name with .dgn appended to it. If your project includes a 2D discipline, key in a site name. The default site name is plant_name-project number. You can change the default name if needed. Be sure to press return as you enter information in each field. The project number determines the base directory name and the default schema names. 6. Accept or Provide Project Data After you have specified all of the project data, choose Confirm to continue.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project The Define System Units form is displayed.
7. Select Option On the Define System Units form, select the system of units --- English or Metric --- to be used for measuring distances in the model.
You are prompted to specify the diameter units to be used for fittings and components.
8. Select Option Select the Nominal Pipe Diameter (NPD) units --- English or Metric --- to be used for specifying pipe and fitting diameters in the model. If you chose to load sample data, the selections for system of units will determine the sample dataset to be loaded.
You are prompted to specify whether or not you want to have plant monument information included in your project. 9. Select Option Choose Yes to include Easting, Northing, or Elevation coordinates for the plant monument when the project is created. The plant monument is the center of the design volume for the plant; this point corresponds to the MicroStation position 0,0,0. Fields are displayed that enable you to specify the coordinates of the plant monument. OR Choose No to create the project without this information. 10. Accept or Select Option
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project After you have provided the necessary information, choose Confirm to continue.
The Create Database Schemas form is displayed.
The selections that are available on this form vary depending on the disciplines chosen in Step 3. 11. Select Schemas On the Create Database Schemas form, specify the schemas to be created for your project. All of the required schemas are automatically selected for you. With the piping approved RDB schema and the EE RDB schema, you can choose to either create a new schema for your project or to attach to an existing schema. If you choose Use Existing Schema, a dialog box displays, which allows you to specify the existing project, which contains reference data to share with the project being created. Select the project from the displayed form, and choose Confirm to continue. To create new schemas, select the Create New Schema option; then choose Confirm.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project The Create Project Control Schema form is displayed.
12. The Create Project Control Schema form enables you to specify the parameters needed to build the schemas for your project. The information to be provided varies depending on the relational database being used. For each field, provide the following information: Network Protocol - These fields indicate the types of network protocols used to access the database. For most networks, you will use TCP. RIS uses the protocol at the top of the list as its primary protocol. Node Name or Address - Key in the computer name where the database is hosted, then click Get Client Address. Database Username and Password - For an Oracle database, key in the username and password to access the project schema. This must be the same username/password specified using the grant resource function. For MSSQL databases, enter the MSSQL database user name and user name's password. OS Type - Select the Windows NT option. OS Username and Password - For an Oracle database, key in the username and password to access the project schema. This must be the same username/password specified using the grant resource function. For MSSQL, enter an adminstrator login. Database Name - For Oracle, this is the SID name for the Oracle database. The SID name is defined when the database is created. For MSSQL, this is the actual database name. Database Management System Location - Key in the directory path for the home directory of the database product (for example, c:\oracle). SQLEXEC - This field is no longer used. DPTEMP - This field is no longer used. TBCONFIG - This field is no longer used. DSQUERY - For MSSQL, if you are using a database instance, enter the instance name here. The instance name is the name that is displayed in Server Management Studio. This name is typically of the format \. SYBIFILE - This field is no longer used. After you have specified all of the required information, click Apply.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project The Create Project Control Schema form is dismissed, and the schema is created. If additional schemas are to be created, you are returned to Step 12. Otherwise, the Server Names & Drive Letters form is displayed.
13. On the Server Names & Drive Letters form, specify the node name of the file server on which the project is to reside. For Windows, key in the drive letter only (for example, D, without the colon). Be sure to press return to enter the data into each field.
If your server runs on Windows and you want to create the project at a top-level drive (for example, c:\projname or e:\projname), you must first create a new share on the server for that drive and specify just the drive letter as the new share name. This is because the default Windows shares for the drive letters are available only to administrators. If you are running Express Project Creation on a client and specify that the project be located on a server, both the client and server nodes must be running the same version of Microstation. If the versions are different on the client and server, you will receive an Error updating seed files at the end of setup. 14. Accept or Key in Data After you have entered all of the node name and drive letter information, choose Confirm to continue.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Standard Project If your project includes structural data, the Create FrameWorks Sub-Project displays, and you continue to Step 15. Otherwise, the project is created, and the program exits.
15. Key in Sub-Project Data On the Create FrameWorks Sub-Project form, specify the project number, the project name, the node name of the system and the directory on that system in which the FrameWorks information is to be stored, the force units for the sub-project, and the name of the standard section table. Be sure to press return to enter the information in each field. When specifying the path, you must specify a full path name. Relative path names are not valid input for this field. Also, note that the directories for the structural sub-project are created such that the directory specified in the Sub-Project Number field is created as a subdirectory of the directory specified in the Sub-Project Path field. 16. Accept or Modify Sub-Project Data After you have specified all of the sub-project information, click Confirm to continue. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the project was successfully created, and a log file named express.log is written in the project directory. If there are severe errors during the creation process, the system will try to clean up the database so that you can re-create the project after resolving the errors. No example specs are loaded for any of the sample projects. You must load specs in the specifications/material reference database before you can work in the new project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project The Advanced User option enables you to create a project with a customized database and/or file structure. Not only does this option enable you to specify a unique directory structure for all of the components that comprise a project, but it also enables you to customize working units, specify whether to use DBAcess for reporting, define unique locations for RDB data source files, and set up a project that shares or copies existing RDB data. Like the New User mode, Advanced User mode automates much of the work involved in setting up a project. But Advanced User mode differs from New User mode by allowing you to specify project creation parameters in the express.txt file. Furthermore, Advanced User mode enables you to confirm and modify these specifications interactively as the project is created. Advanced User combines the flexibility of the Create Project option in the PD_Project component with the convenience of a scripting file. For information on editing the express.txt file before starting the Advanced User mode, see Understanding the express.txt File. To avoid creating models with incorrect working unit settings, adjust the working unit settings of FrameWorks Plus and Raceway seed files after creating the projects, and before creating models.
How to Use the Advanced User Option To create a project using the Advanced User option, follow these steps: 1. On the Project Options form, select Advanced User.
You are prompted to specify the name and location of the setup configuration file that is to be used to create the project. 2. Key in ASCII File Name, Node, and Path Key in the name of the scripting file (usually express.txt) to be used to create the project, the node name of the computer on which the file is located, and the path to the file. Be sure to press Enter to enter the information into each field. The default file name is express.txt. The file is delivered to the pdshell\seedz directory.
The available project disciplines are displayed. 3. Select Disciplines Select the disciplines that apply to your project. The available disciplines depend on the software you have loaded on the computer from which the Express Project Creation was started. (These modules do not necessarily have to reside on the computer; they can be installed in a client configuration.) 4. Accept or Select Other Discipline After you have selected all required disciplines, choose Confirm to continue.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project The Define Project Data form is displayed.
5. On the Define Project Data form, key in the project number, project name, company name, job number, and plant name in the related fields. Also specify a design file in which project interferences are to be written. The default file name is your project name with .dgn appended to it. If your project includes a 2D discipline, key in a site name. The default site name is plant_name-project number. You can change the default name if needed. Be sure to press return as you enter information in each field. The project number determines the base directory name and the default schema names. 6. Accept or Provide Project Data After you have specified all of the project data, choose Confirm to continue.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project The Define System Units form is displayed.
7. Select Option On the Define System Units form, select the system of units --- English or Metric --- to be used for measuring distances in the model.
You are prompted to specify the diameter units to be used for fittings and components.
8. Select Option Select the Nominal Pipe Diameter (NPD) units --- English or Metric --- to be used for specifying pipe and fitting diameters in the model.
You are prompted to specify whether or not you want to have plant monument information included in your project. 9. Select Option Choose Yes to include Easting, Northing, or Elevation coordinates for the plant monument when the project is created.
Fields are displayed that enable you to specify the coordinates of the plant monument. OR Choose No to create the project without this information, and go to Step 11. 10. Key in coordinates for the plant monument in the Easting, Northing, and Elevation fields. Be sure to press return as you enter information in each field.
You are prompted to specify whether you want to modify the project working units for the piping and equipment models.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project 11. Select Option Choose Yes if you want to modify the working units or No if you want to accept the default working units. 12. Accept or Select Option Choose Confirm to continue.
If you specified that you wanted to modify the working units, the Revise Working Units form is displayed. If you chose not to modify working units, go to Step 15. 13. On the Revise Working Units form, enter the UORs per subunit (SU) in the available field. Then select the field name that you want reflected in your project. The default English working units are 2032 UORs per subunit. For Metric projects, the default working units are 80 UORs per subunit. The field name selections that are available depend on whether you specified English or Metric working units. The number of positional units per subunit should not be revised to be less than 635 PU per inch (English units) or 25 PU per mm (metric units). The software updates the piping, equipment, and drawing seed files to reflect the change to the working units.The working units in the drawing seed file will be updated to be 96 times the number of positional units per subunit that you specified for the models. All of the models that will be referenced in the project (for example, structural, architectural, and so forth) will need to have the same working units as the piping and equipment models. 14. Accept or Select Option Choose Confirm to continue.
The Create Database Schemas form is displayed.
15. On the Create Database Schemas form, specify the schemas to be created for your project. All of the required schemas are automatically selected for you. With the piping approved RDB schema and the EE RDB schema, you can choose to either create a new schema for your project or to attach to an existing schema.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project If you choose Use Existing Schema, a dialog box displays, allowing you to specify the existing project that contains reference data to share with the project being created. Select the project from the displayed form, and choose Confirm to continue. To create new schemas, select the Create New Schema option and then choose Confirm.
The Create Project Control Schema form is displayed.
16. The Create Project Control Schema form enables you to specify the parameters needed to build the schemas for your project. For each field, provide the following information: Network Protocol --- These fields indicate the types of network protocols used to access the database. For most networks, you will use TCP. RIS uses the protocol at the top of the list as its primary protocol. Node Name or Address --- Key in the address of the node (workstation or server) to contain the database using the address format for the associated protocol (internet address for TCP, and so forth). If you are creating the database on the local workstation, you can select Get Client Address to fill in these values. OS Type --- Select the end of the field and select Windows. OS Username and Password --- For an Oracle database, key in the username and password to access the project schema. This must be the same username/password specified using the grant resource function. Database Username and Password --- For an Oracle database, key in the username and password to access the project schema. This must be the same username/password specified using the grant resource function. Database Name --- For Oracle, this is the SID name for the Oracle database. The SID name is defined when the database is created. Database Management System Location --- Key in the directory path for the home directory of the database product (for example, c:\oracle). SQLEXEC --- This field is no longer used. DPTEMP --- This field is no longer used. TBCONFIG --- This field is no longer used. DSQUERY --- This field is no longer used. SYBIFILE --- This field is no longer used. After you have specified all of the required information, choose Apply.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project The Create Project Control Schema form is dismissed, and the schema is created. If additional schemas are to be created, you are returned to Step 16. Otherwise, the Database Customization Options form is displayed. The first field enables you to specify whether or not you want to revise the piping design database structure. 17. Select Option Choose Yes to modify the structure.
The Database Structure Revision form is displayed. OR Choose No to accept the default structure, and go to Step 32. 18. Identify Table for Modification The Database Structure Revision form enables you to modify certain attribute lengths, add user-defined attributes, define attributes to be displayed, or define attributes to be case sensitive. Select the table to be modified from the display on the left side of the form.
The modifiable attributes for the selected table are displayed. 19. Modify Lengths or Select Other Option Select the attribute you want to change. Then key in a number within the displayed range to specify the length of the attribute. 20. You can select User Defined Attributes to add additional attributes to the selected table. If you cannot add additional attributes to the selected table, a warning message is displayed. 21. Enter Attribute Name Key in the description for the new attribute. Be sure to press return to enter the description. 22. Select Attribute Type Select the attribute type for the specified attribute: Decimal, Integer, Short Integer, Alphanumeric, or Standard Note. If you select Alphanumeric, you must also specify the number of characters. If you select Standard Note, you must also key in the number of the code list set. User defined attributes of attribute type Standard Note can be added to both Equipment and Piping database tables. 23. Accept Attribute Data or Modify Choose Confirm to post the newly defined attribute to the top part of the form. 24. Enter Attribute Name or Exit Return to Step 21 to define another attribute. OR Choose Cancel to return to the Database Structure Revision form. 25. You can select Attributes to be Displayed to define the attributes within the selected table to be displayed or not displayed for database operations.
The available fields re-display to list the attributes for the selected table. 26. Select Attributes to NOT be Displayed From the list, select the attributes that you do not want to be displayed. 27. Accept or Select Additional Attributes Select additional attributes as needed. Then choose Confirm to accept the displayed information.
The Database Structure Revision form is re-displayed.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project 28. You can select Attributes to be Case Insensitive to define the attributes within the selected table to be case insensitive for database operations. Attributes that are identified as case insensitive are treated as uppercase regardless of the case entered during data input.
The available fields re-display. 29. Select Attributes to be CASE INSENSITIVE From the displayed list of attributes, select one that you want to be case insensitive.
The selected attributes will have their alphanumeric data automatically converted to uppercase in the following situations: When a row is being created in the database. When a row is being updated in the database. When a value for such a column in a table is being used as search criteria for a database query. Alphanumeric data that is to be transferred from the P&ID Database to the Piping Design Database must be defined consistently in terms of case sensitivity for both databases for successful data transfer and comparison. Presently all alphanumeric data, with the following exceptions, is considered to be case sensitive. The following alphanumeric data is always considered to be uppercase and cannot be changed: Piping materials class. Schedule/thickness. Pressure rating. Commodity code. Any attributes that are designated as case insensitive will have their data type changed from character to upper_case in the design.ddl file in the project directory. If, after creating the project, you determine that an attribute was inadvertently selected or not selected for case insensitivity, you can edit the design.ddl file manually to reverse the selection. However, this will not update any previously created data. 30. Accept or Select Additional Attributes Select additional attributes as needed. Then choose Confirm to accept the displayed information.
The Database Structure Revision form is redisplayed. 31. After you have made all necessary database revisions, choose Confirm to continue.
The Database Customization Options form redisplays, and you are prompted to specify whether or not you want to use DBAccess for reporting. 32. Select Option Select Yes to add the database structure necessary to support DBAccess reporting. OR Select No if you will be using some other reporting tool. 33. Select Option
If your project includes the EE Raceway discipline, you are prompted to specify whether or not you want to customize the EE project database. Choose Yes to customize the database.
Additional fields display for you to specify the SQL File Name and the Command File Name, as well as the Node Name and the Path (of the system on which the SQL and Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project command files reside). OR Select No to continue without customizing the EE project database.
The .sql and .cmd files in the ~eerway\db directory are used to setup the database. 34. Accept or Select Option Choose Confirm to continue.
The Define RDB File Locations form is displayed. You are prompted to specify whether or not you want to have nonexisting directories created as needed. 35. Select Option Select Yes to allow the program to create directories as needed. OR Select No to use only existing directories.
Additional fields are displayed for you to specify how your 3D RDB data is to be built. 36. Select Option Select one of the following options: Define Location for New RDB --- Specifies the path names for the reference data libraries, but does not copy any of the libraries to the specified directory. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries; this is the option to use if you want to create new libraries. This option enables you to build a new RDB or point to reference data that already exists on the file server, but which is not associated with an existing project. Share RDB with Existing Project --- Enables you to share reference data with an existing project. Like the Define Location for New RDB option, this option also updates the pdtable_102 entries without copying the libraries. However, it updates the entries to match those defined in an existing project rather than reading the library locations from the express.txt file. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project with which RDB data is to be shared. Copy Existing RDB to New Project --- Enables you to copy reference data from an existing project to the new project. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries for the libraries and also copies the files from the source directory to the specified output location. The source directory is defined by the location of all the libraries in the existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project from which RDB data is to be copied. Copy RDB Data --- Enables you to copy reference data to the new project. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries for the libraries and also copies the files from the source directory specified in the express.txt file to the specified output location. You are prompted to specify whether or not you want to share report format/search criteria with an existing project. 37. Select Option Choose Yes to use existing report format and search criteria.
A list of existing projects is displayed for you to to specify the project including the report specifications to be shared. OR Choose No to use the delivered report specifications, and go to Step 39. 38. Double-click to select a project from the displayed list.
If your project includes any of the 2D disciplines, additional fields are displayed for you to specify how your 2D RDB data is to be built. 26
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project 39. Select Option Select one of the following options: Define Location for New RDB --- Specifies the path names for the reference data libraries, but does not copy any of the libraries to the specified directory. This option enables you to point to reference data that already exists on the file server, but which is not associated with an existing project. Share RDB with Existing Project --- Enables you to share reference data with an existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project with which RDB data is to be shared. Copy Existing RDB to New Project --- Enables you to copy reference data from an existing project to the new project. The source directory is defined by the location of all the libraries in the existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project from which RDB data is to be copied. Copy Delivered RDB Data to New Project --- Enables you to copy delivered reference data to the new project. 40. Accept or Select Option Choose Confirm to continue.
If you chose the Define Location for New RDB option, the Define Location for New RDB form is displayed. Go to Step 41. If you chose the Copy RDB Data option, the Copy 3D RDB to New Project form is displayed. Go to Step 42. If you chose Share RDB with Existing Project or Copy Existing RDB to New Project, and your project includes any of the 2D disciplines, the Define 2D Reference Data Locations form is displayed, and you go to Step 43. Otherwise, go to Step 44. 41. Accept or Update File Name, Node Name, and File Path On the Define Location for New RDB form, use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in revised information. You can change all of the node names by selecting the Change Node Names To field and keying in a new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of pathnames. If you choose not to define a specific library, space through the fields for the file name, node, and path. Be sure to press Return in each field. After you have defined the reference data to be used to create the reference data for the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
If your project includes any of the 2D disciplines, the Define 2D Reference Data Location form is displayed, and you go to Step 43. Otherwise, the Copy Files to Project Directory form is displayed, and you go to Step 44. 42. Accept or Update File Name, Node Name, and File Path The Copy 3D RDB to New Project form displays the source (where you want the files copied from) and destination (where you want the files copied to) for the reference data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project Use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in the revised information. You can change all of the source node names by selecting the Change Source Node Names To field and entering a new node name. The Substitute Source Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of source pathnames. Similarly, the Change Destination Node Names To and Substitute Destination Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of destination node names and pathnames for the new project. After you have defined the reference data to be used in the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
The Copy Files to Project Directory form is displayed. 43. Accept or Update Node Name and File Path The Define 2D Reference Data Location form displays the destination (where you want the delivered files copied to) for the 2D reference data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in the revised information. You can change all of the node names by selecting the Change Node Names To field and entering a new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of pathnames. After you have defined the reference data to be used in the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
The Copy Files to Project Directory form is displayed. 44. Accept or Update Node Name and File Path The Copy Files to Project Directory form displays a list of files to be copied to your project. The File Description and File Name fields are not editable. The file descriptions match the keywords in the express.txt file. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed information. The Node and Path columns reflect the values read from the express.txt file that was used to create the project. You can change the Node and Path specifications for an individual file by clicking on the field you want to change and entering the revised information. To change all of the nodes, select the Change Node Names To field, and enter the new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to quickly change groups of pathnames. After you have defined the location of the project files to be used to create the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
The Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations form is displayed. 45. Accept or Update Node Name and File Path The Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations form is much like the Copy Files to Project Directory form. Instead of dealing primarily with seed, border, category, and configuration
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project files, the Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations form establishes the location for a variety of files that are specific to certain PDS modules. The File Description and File Name fields are not editable. The file descriptions match the key words in the express.txt file. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed information. The Node and Path columns reflect the values read from the express.txt file that was used to create the project. You can change the Node and Path specifications for an individual file by clicking on the field you want to change and entering the revised information. To change all of the nodes, select the Change Node Names To field, and enter the new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to quickly change groups of pathnames. After you have defined the location of the project files to be used to create the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the field as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
If your project includes structural data, the Create FrameWorks Sub-Project form is displayed, and you continue to Step 40. Otherwise, the project is created, and the program exits. 46. Key in Sub-Project Data On the Create FrameWorks Sub-Project form, specify the project number, the project name, the node name of the system, the directory in which the FrameWorks information is to be stored, the force units for the sub-project, and the name of the standard section table. Be sure to press return to enter the information in each field. When specifying the path, you must specify a full path name. Relative path names are not valid input for this field. Also, note that the directories for the structural sub-project are created such that the directory specified in the Sub-Project Number field is created as a subdirectory of the directory specified in the Sub-Project Name field. 47. Accept or Modify Sub-Project Data After you have specified all of the sub-project information, choose Confirm to continue.
A dialog box is displayed indicating that the project was successfully created, and a log file named express.log is created in the project directory. If there are severe errors during the creating process, the system will try to clean up the database so that you can re-create the project after resolving the errors.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Creating a Customized Project
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File The express.txt file enables you to customize the way a project is created. This file is read whether you create a project using the New User mode or the Advanced User mode. With Advanced User mode, you can modify the file settings as you create the project; in New User mode, many of the settings in the express.txt file are inferred from responses made to the various prompts and fields displayed during the process. In the New User mode, the express.txt file that is located in the \win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz directory is read, and the project is created using the directory structure specified. The express.txt file is then copied to the project directory. You cannot edit this file. You can only edit copies of this file, and these customized files can only be used in Advanced User mode. In the Advanced User mode, you can use a specific express.txt file. This file can be located in any directory on any computer recognized through the network by your computer. It can also have any file name. Its contents, however, must follow the structure of the delivered express.txt file. The express.txt file uses primary and secondary keywords to set variables needed to create a project. Primary keywords are on a line by themselves and are followed by a colon (:). You cannot edit primary keywords. Secondary keywords set the variable data. Secondary keywords are always followed by an equal sign (=). You can edit the information on the right side of the equal sign to be the value you want, but you cannot change the keyword. That is, you can change the value for the keyword, but not the keyword itself. Comments --- information in the file added solely to help with the readability of the file --- are also included; text that is on a line beginning with an exclamation point (!) is a comment. In New User mode, information in the file is replaced either by information that you key in (through the forms interface) or by information from the system registry. For example, the delivered express.txt file uses software_node to describe the node name of the computer on which the PDS software resides. This text is replaced by the values read from the system registry. (This information is added to the system registry whenever you install software.) Other information, such as the value for file_server_node (the node name of the computer on which the project data resides), is replaced by the node name you enter on the Server Names & Drive Letters form. For a complete printout of the delivered express.txt file, see Appendix A. The express.txt file contains the following major sections: Specifications for seed data. Specifications for default file locations. Specifications for approved and unapproved RDB libraries. Specifications for drawing cell libraries. Specifications for the location of 2D reference data.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File
Seed Data Piping_Seed_Model --- Specifies the node name and directory of the seed file for piping models . Equipment_Seed_Model --- Specifies the node name and directory of the seed file for equipment models. Raceway_Seed_Model --- Specifies the node name and directory of the seed file for raceway models. Default_Seed_Drawing --- Specifies the node name and directory of the default piping drawing seed file. Alternate_Seed_Drawing --- Specifies the node name and directory for the alternate drawing seed files. There is a separate entry for each drawing type. Orthographic_Drawing_Plot_Size_Table --- Specifies the node name and directory of the plot size table for orthographic drawings (drawplotsize). Drawing_Cell_Library --- Specifies the node name and directory of the drawing cell libraries (drawing.cel). Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type --- Specifies the node name and directory of the drawing labels. There is a separate entry for each drawing type (labels.***, where *** is the drawing type number, such as 643 for Equipment Arrangements). Instrument_Objects_for_Drawing_Annotation --- Specifies the node name and directory for the instrument objects that are used for annotating drawings (in_object.dwg). Equipment_Objects_for_Drawing_Annotation --- Specifies the node name and directory for the equipment objects that are used for annotating drawings (eqp_object.dwg). Label_Button_for_Drawing_Annotation --- Specifies the node name and directory for the ASCII file that defines the label placement form for the Drawing Mass Annotation command (lab_button.dwg). Equipment_Centerline_Definitions_for_Drawings --- Specifies the node name and directory for the equipment centerlines file (eqp_center.dwg). Clash_Plot_Cell_Library --- Specifies the node name and directory for the cell library to be used for clash reports (clash_plot.cel). Clash_Plot_Border --- Specifies the node name and directory for the border file to be used for clash reports (borderifc.dgn). Clash_Plot_Settings --- Specifies the node name and directory for the settings file for plotting clashes (ifc.i). Piping_Model_Category_Descriptions_by_NPD --- Specifies the node name and directory for the file that sorts piping category descriptions by nominal pipe diameter (pipecats1.txt). Piping_Model_Category_Descriptions_by_Fluid_Code --- Specifies the node name and directory for the file that sorts piping category descriptions by fluid code (pipecats2.txt). Drawing_Category_Descriptions --- Specifies the node name and directory of the drawing category descriptions file. (drwcats.txt). FrameWorks_Category_Descriptions --- Specifies the node name and directory of the FrameWorks category descriptions file (framewks.txt). ModelDraft_Category_Descriptions --- Specifies the node name and directory of the ModelDraft category descriptions file (symbology.sms). Raceway_Configuration_File --- Specifies the node name and directory of the Raceway configuration file (ee.cfg).
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File PID_to_Piping_NPD_Equivalent_Table --- Specifies the node name and directory of the nominal pipe diameter equivalent table for P&ID-to-Piping data transfer (pid_npd_equiv). PID_to_Piping_Correlation_Table --- Specifies the node name and directory of the correlation table used for the P&ID-to-Piping data transfer (pid_to_piping). Queue_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name and directory for the queue descriptions file (queue_descript). RDB_Option_File --- Specifies the node name and directory of the reference database options file used by the Interactive Spec Writer command (RDB_options). Standard_Note_Maximum_Length_Table --- Specifies the node name and directory of the maximum length table for standard notes (stnote_max_len). Spec_Order_Maximum_Length_Table --- Specifies the node name and directory of the file that contains the table of specification attribute orders and their related maximum lengths (spec_order.max).
Default File Locations PDS_Project_Directory --- Specifies the node name and directory for the PDS project directory. Raceway_Project_Directory --- Specifies the node name and directory for the raceway data. Piping_Models --- Specifies the node name and directory for the piping models. Equipment_Models --- Specifies the node name and directory for the equipment models. HVAC_Models --- Specifies the node name and directory for the HVAC models. Architectural_Models --- Specifies the node name and directory for the architectural models. Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type --- Specifies the node name and directory for the orthographic drawings, ordered by drawing type. There is one entry for each drawing type. Drawing_Borders --- Specifies the node name and directory for drawing borders. Piping_Eden_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for the Eden source files. Dimension_or_Spec_Table_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for the Dimension Table and Spec Table source files. Piping_Spec_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for the neutral files to be used to load the Specification/Material Reference Database and Material Description Libraries. Piping_Assembly_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for the Piping Assembly Language source files. Standard_Note_Library_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for Standard Note (code list) source files. Equipment_Eden_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for the Equipment Eden source files. TDF_Table_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for Equipment table definition files. Model_Builder_Source --- Specifies the default location (node name and directory) for model builder language source files. Design_Review_Model --- Specifies the node name and directory for DesignReview models and tags. Reports --- Specifies the node name and directory for MTO reports. Report_Formats --- Specifies the node name and directory for report format files.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File Report_Discrimination_Data --- Specifies the node name and directory for report discrimination data. Report_Search_Criteria_Data --- Specifies the node name and directory for report search criteria data. Clash_Reports --- Specifies the node name and directory for interference clash plot reports. Clash_Plots --- Specifies the node name and directory for interference design files. Equipment_IForms --- Specifies the node name and directory for the forms used by the PD_Eqp (Equipment) module.
RDB Libraries A_Standard_Note_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved standard note library. U_Standard_Note_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved standard note library. A_Label_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved label description library. U_Label_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved label description library. A_Piping_Assembly_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved piping assembly library. U_Piping_Assembly_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved piping assembly library. A_Graphic_Commodity_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved graphic commodity library. U_Graphic_Commodity_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved graphic commodity library. A_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved piping specification job table library. U_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved piping specification job table library. A_US_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved U.S. physical data library. U_US_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved U.S. physical data library. A_DIN_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved DIN physical data library. U_DIN_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved DIN physical data library. A_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved British standard physical data library. U_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved British standard physical data library. A_European_A_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved European A physical data library. U_European_A_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved European A physical data library.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File A_European_B_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved European B physical data library. U_European_B_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved European B physical data library. A_JIS_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved JIS physical data library. U_JIS_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved JIS physical data library. A_Australian_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved Australian physical data library. U_Australian_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved Australian physical data library. A_International_A_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved International A physical data library. U_International_A_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved International A physical data library. A_International_B_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved International B physical data library. U_International_B_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved International B physical data library. A_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved company practice physical data library. U_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved company practice physical data library. A_Short_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved short material description library. U_Short_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved short material description library. A_Long_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved long material description library. U_Long_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved long material description library. A_Specialty_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved specialty material description library. U_Specialty_Material_Description_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved specialty material description library. A_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved equipment graphic commodity library. U_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved equipment graphic commodity library. A_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved equipment tutorial definition library. U_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved equipment tutorial definition library. A_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved equipment physical data library.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Understanding the express.txt File U_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved equipment physical data library. A_Equipment_Cell_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the approved equipment cell library. U_Equipment_Cell_Library --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name for the unapproved equipment cell library.
Drawing Cell Libraries Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type --- Specifies the node name, directory, and file name of the source and destination, ordered by drawing type. There is a separate entry for each drawing type.
2D Reference Data PDS2D_Reference_Data --- Specifies the node name and directory for the 2D reference data. PID_Reference_Data --- Specifies the node name and directory for the P&ID reference data. PFD_Reference_Data --- Specifies the node name and directory for the PFD reference data.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File The following express.txt file is delivered as part of the Express Project Creation program: ! This is the default ASCII file used by Express Setup. ! Primary keywords must end with a 'colon' (:). ! Secondary keywords must include 'equals' ( = ), and are indented for clarity. ! The following are 'logical node names' that have been used. In 'new user' ! mode, these logical names will be automatically replaced by inputs from ! the user. ! 'software_node' ! 'file_server_node' ! 'design_review_node'
== == ==
node name of location for PDS products node name of file server for PDS project node name of DesignReview workstation
! The following are 'logical drive letters' that have been used. In 'new user' ! mode, these logical names will be automatically replaced by inputs from ! the user. Likewise, the '\pds' root path will be automatically replaced ! by the project number. ! 'pds_product' ! 'pds_project_data' ! 'pds_model_data' ! 'pds_dwg_data' ! 'pds_3d_rdb_data' data ! 'pds_report_data' ! 'pds_clash_data' ! 'pds_review_data' Review data ! 'pds_2d_rdb_data' data
== drive letter of location for PDS products == drive letter of location for PDS project data == drive letter of location for PDS model data == drive letter of location for PDS drawing data == drive letter of location for PDS 3D reference == drive letter of location for PDS report data == drive letter of location for PDS clash data == drive letter of location for SmartPlant ==
drive letter of location for PDS 2D reference
!\ ! Source for Seed Data to be Copied to PDS Project Directory !/ Piping_Seed_Model: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Equipment_Seed_Model: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Raceway_Seed_Model: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\eerway\dgn\seed\ Default_Seed_Drawing: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Foundation Location Drawings Drawing_Type = 535 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Piling Drawings Drawing_Type = 537 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 540 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Plot Plans Drawing_Type = 641 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Equipment Arrangement Drawings Drawing_Type = 643 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Piping Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 651 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Equipment Orientations Drawing_Type = 661 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Piping One Line Drawings Drawing_Type = 663 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 665 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Pipeline Alignment Drawings Drawing_Type = 667 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Instrument Location Plans Drawing_Type = 731 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Electrical Area Classification Drawings Drawing_Type = 841 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Electrical Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 851 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 865 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Alternate_Seed_Drawing: ! HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 971 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\seedz\ Orthographic_Drawing_Plot_Size_Table: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\plot\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Drawing_Cell_Library: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Foundation Location Drawings Drawing_Type = 535 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Piling Drawings Drawing_Type = 537 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 540 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Plot Plans Drawing_Type = 641 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Equipment Arrangement Drawings Drawing_Type = 643 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Piping Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 651 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Equipment Orientations Drawing_Type = 661 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Piping One Line Drawings Drawing_Type = 663 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 665 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Pipeline Alignment Drawings Drawing_Type = 667 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Instrument Location Plans Drawing_Type = 731 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Electrical Area Classification Drawings Drawing_Type = 841 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Electrical Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 851 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 865 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Drawing_Labels_per_Object_Type: ! HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 971 Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Instrument_Objects_for_Drawing_Annotation: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Equipment_Objects_for_Drawing_Annotation: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Label_Button_for_Drawing_Annotation: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Equipment_Centerline_Definitions_for_Drawings: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddraw\sample\ Clash_Plot_Cell_Library: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell\ Clash_Plot_Border: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\border\ Clash_Plot_Settings: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\plot\ Piping_Model_Category_Descriptions_by_NPD: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\categ\ Piping_Model_Category_Descriptions_by_Fluid_Code: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\categ\ Drawing_Category_Descriptions: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\categ\ FrameWorks_Category_Descriptions: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\categ\ ModelDraft_Category_Descriptions: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\categ\ Raceway_Configuration_File: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\eenuc\ PID_to_Piping_NPD_Equivalent_Table: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\pid\ PID_to_Piping_Correlation_Table: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\pid\ Queue_Description_Library: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\plot\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File RDB_Option_File: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data\ Standard_Note_Maximum_Length_Table: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Spec_Order_Maximum_Length_Table: ! Copied to Piping_Spec_Source - not Project Directory Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\format\ PDS_Project_Directory: Node = minnow Path = d:\proj1\project\ Raceway_Project_Directory: Node = minnow Path = d:\ Piping_Models: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\models\piping\ Equipment_Models: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\models\eqp\ HVAC_Models: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\models\hvac\ Architectural_Models: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\models\arch\ Drawing_Borders: ! PDS Drawing Borders will be copied into specified location for new users only Node = minnow Path = d:\proj1\dwg\border\ Piping_Eden_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\eden_piping\ Dimension_or_Spec_Table_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\table\ Piping_Spec_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\spec\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Piping_Assembly_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\assembly\ Standard_Note_Library_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\std_note\ Equipment_Eden_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\eden_eqp\ TDF_Table_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\eqp\tdf\ Model_Builder_Source: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\model_builder\ Design_Review_Model: Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\design_review\ Reports: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\report\mto\ Report_Formats: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\report\format\ Report_Discrimination_Data: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\report\discrimination\ Report_Search_Criteria_Data: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\report\search\ Clash_Reports: Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\clash\report\ Clash_Plots: Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\clash\plot\ Equipment_IForms: Source_Node = Source_Path =
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Standard_Note_Library: Source_File = std_note.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = std_note.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Standard_Note_Library: Source_File = std_note.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = std_note.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Label_Description_Library: Source_File = labels.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = labels.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Label_Description_Library: Source_File = labels.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = labels.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Piping_Assembly_Library: Source_File = assembly.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = assembly.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Piping_Assembly_Library: Source_File = assembly.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = assembly.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = pip_gcom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = pip_gcom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = pip_gcom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = pip_gcom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library: Source_File = us_pjstb.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_pjstb.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library: Source_File = us_pjstb.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_pjstb.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_US_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = us_pcdim.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_US_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = us_pcdim.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_DIN_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = din_pcdim.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rddinrdb\piping\libs\ Destination_File = din_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_DIN_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = din_pcdim.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rddinrdb\piping\libs\ Destination_File = din_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = bs_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = bs_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_European_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eura_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_European_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eura_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_European_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eurb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_European_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eurb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_JIS_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = jis_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_JIS_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = jis_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Australian_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = aus_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Australian_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = aus_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_International_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = inta_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_International_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = inta_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_International_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = intb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_International_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = intb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = cmp_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = cmp_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Short_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_shbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_shbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Short_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_shbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_shbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Long_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_lgbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_lgbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Long_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_lgbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_lgbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ A_Specialty_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_spbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_spbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Specialty_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_spbom.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = us_spbom.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = zi_eqpms.lib Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = zi_eqpms.lib Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\approved\ U_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = zi_eqpms.lib Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = zi_eqpms.lib Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\unapproved\ A_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = zi_tutlib.lib Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = zi_tutlib.lib Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\approved\ U_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = zi_tutlib.lib Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = zi_tutlib.lib Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\unapproved\ A_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Equipment_Cell_Library: Source_File = equip.cel Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = equip.cel Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\approved\ U_Equipment_Cell_Library: Source_File = equip.cel Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat\ Destination_File = equip.cel Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\eqp\unapproved\ PDS2D_Reference_Data: Node = minnow Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\proj1\pds2d\rdb\ PID_Reference_Data: Node = minnow Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\proj1\pid\rdb\ PFD_Reference_Data: Node = minnow Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\proj1\pfd\rdb\ Copy_Report_Format_and_Search_Criteria_Data: Source_Project_No = Material_Reference_Database: Source_Project_No = Raceway_Reference_Database: Source_Project_No = A_Pipe_Support_Section_Table_Library: Source_File = aisc Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = aisc Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Pipe_Support_Section_Table_Library: Source_File = aisc Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb\ Destination_File = aisc Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File A_Pipe_Support_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = ppsm_tlib.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = ppsm_tlib.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\approved\ U_Pipe_Support_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = ppsm_tlib.l Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib\ Destination_File = ppsm_tlib.l Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\lib\unapproved\ Pipe_Support_Drawing_Symbols: Source_File = Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\PsmSymbols\ Destination_File = Destination_Node = minnow Destination_Path = d:\proj1\dwg\PsmSymbols\ Pipe_Support_Drawings_Base_Directory: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\dwg\psm\ Pipe_Support_Tdf_Directory: Default_Node = minnow Default_Path = d:\proj1\rdb\source\psm\tdf\ SPPID_to_Piping_Map_Database: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\pid\ SPPID_to_Piping_Transfer_Options: Source_Node = VMPDSJOENS Source_Path = C:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\pid\ Queue_Description_Library: Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\plot RDB_Option_File: Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\data Standard_Note_Maximum_Length_Table: Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Spec_Order_Maximum_Length_Table: ! Copied to Piping_Spec_Source - not Project Directory Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pddata\sample\format !\ ! Default File Locations !/ PDS_Project_Directory: Node = file_server_node Path = pds_project_data:\pds\project Raceway_Project_Directory: Node = file_server_node Path = pds_model_data:\ Piping_Models: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_model_data:\pds\models\piping Equipment_Models: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_model_data:\pds\models\eqp HVAC_Models: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_model_data:\pds\models\hvac Architectural_Models: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_model_data:\pds\models\arch Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Foundation Location Drawings Drawing_Type = 535 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\535 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piling Drawings Drawing_Type = 537 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\537 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 540 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\540
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Plot Plans Drawing_Type = 641 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\641 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Equipment Arrangement Drawings Drawing_Type = 643 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\643 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 651 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\651 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Equipment Orientations Drawing_Type = 661 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\661 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping One Line Drawings Drawing_Type = 663 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\663 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 665 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\665 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Pipeline Alignment Drawings Drawing_Type = 667 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\667 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Instrument Location Plans Drawing_Type = 731 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\731 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Electrical Area Classification Drawings Drawing_Type = 841 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\841
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Electrical Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 851 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\851 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 865 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\865 Orthographic_Drawings_by_Drawing_Type: ! HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 971 Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\971 Drawing_Borders: ! PDS Drawing Borders will be copied into specified location for new users only Node = file_server_node Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\border Piping_Eden_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\eden_piping Dimension_or_Spec_Table_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\table Piping_Spec_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\spec Piping_Assembly_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\assembly Standard_Note_Library_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\std_note Equipment_Eden_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\eden_eqp TDF_Table_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\eqp\tdf
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Model_Builder_Source: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_model_data:\pds\model_builder Design_Review_Model: Destination_Node = design_review_node Destination_Path = pds_review_data:\pds\design_review Reports: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_report_data:\pds\report\mto Report_Formats: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_report_data:\pds\report\format Report_Discrimination_Data: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_report_data:\pds\report\discrimination Report_Search_Criteria_Data: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_report_data:\pds\report\search Clash_Reports: Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_clash_data:\pds\clash\report Clash_Plots: Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_clash_data:\pds\clash\plot Equipment_IForms: Source_Node = Source_Path = !\ ! Locations of Approved and Unapproved RDB Libraries !/ A_Standard_Note_Library: Source_File = std_note.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = std_note.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Standard_Note_Library: Source_File = std_note.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = std_note.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Label_Description_Library: Source_File = labels.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = labels.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Label_Description_Library: Source_File = labels.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = labels.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Piping_Assembly_Library: Source_File = assembly.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = assembly.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Piping_Assembly_Library: Source_File = assembly.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = assembly.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = pip_gcom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = pip_gcom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = pip_gcom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = pip_gcom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library: Source_File = us_pjstb.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_pjstb.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Piping_Spec_Job_Table_Library: Source_File = us_pjstb.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_pjstb.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_US_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = us_pcdim.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_US_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = us_pcdim.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_DIN_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = din_pcdim.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rddinrdb\piping\libs Destination_File = din_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_DIN_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = din_pcdim.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rddinrdb\piping\libs Destination_File = din_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = bs_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_British_Standard_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = bs_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_European_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eura_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_European_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eura_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_European_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eurb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_European_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = eurb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_JIS_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = jis_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_JIS_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = jis_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Australian_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = aus_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Australian_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = aus_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_International_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = inta_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_International_A_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = inta_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_International_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = intb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_International_B_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = intb_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = cmp_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Company_Practice_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = cmp_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Short_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_shbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_shbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Short_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_shbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_shbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Long_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_lgbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_lgbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Long_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_lgbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_lgbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Specialty_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_spbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_spbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Specialty_Material_Description_Library: Source_File = us_spbom.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = us_spbom.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = zi_eqpms.lib Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = zi_eqpms.lib Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Equipment_Graphic_Commodity_Library: Source_File = zi_eqpms.lib Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = zi_eqpms.lib Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\unapproved A_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = zi_tutlib.lib Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = zi_tutlib.lib Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\approved U_Equipment_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = zi_tutlib.lib Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = zi_tutlib.lib Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\unapproved A_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Equipment_Physical_Data_Library: Source_File = Source_Node = Source_Path = Destination_File = us_pcdim.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Equipment_Cell_Library: Source_File = equip.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = equip.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Equipment_Cell_Library: Source_File = equip.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdeqp\dat Destination_File = equip.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\eqp\unapproved !\ ! Drawing Cell Libraries for each Drawing Type !/ Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Foundation Location Drawings Drawing_Type = 535 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_535.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piling Drawings Drawing_Type = 537 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_537.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Structural Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 540 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_540.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Plot Plans Drawing_Type = 641 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_641.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Equipment Arrangement Drawings Drawing_Type = 643 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_643.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 651 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_651.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Equipment Orientations Drawing_Type = 661 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_661.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping One Line Drawings Drawing_Type = 663 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_663.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Piping Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 665 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_665.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Pipeline Alignment Drawings Drawing_Type = 667 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_667.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Instrument Location Plans Drawing_Type = 731 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_731.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Electrical Area Classification Drawings Drawing_Type = 841 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_841.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Electrical Underground Drawings Drawing_Type = 851 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_851.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! Lighting Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 865 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_865.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File Drawing_Cell_Library_by_Drawing_Type: ! HVAC Perspectives, Plans, Sections and Details Drawing_Type = 971 Source_File = drawing.cel Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\cell Destination_File = dwg_971.cel Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\cell !\ ! Reference Data Locations for All 2D Disciplines !/ PDS2D_Reference_Data: Node = file_server_node Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\pds\pds2d\rdb PID_Reference_Data: Node = file_server_node Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\pds\pid\rdb PFD_Reference_Data: Node = file_server_node Path = pds_2d_rdb_data:\pds\pfd\rdb !\ ! Miscellaneous !/ Copy_Report_Format_and_Search_Criteria_Data: Source_Project_No = Material_Reference_Database: Source_Project_No = Raceway_Reference_Database: Source_Project_No = !\ ! Pipe Support Files !/ A_Pipe_Support_Section_Table_Library: Source_File = aisc Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = aisc Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File U_Pipe_Support_Section_Table_Library: Source_File = aisc Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\rdusrdb Destination_File = aisc Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved A_Pipe_Support_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = ppsm_tlib.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = ppsm_tlib.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\approved U_Pipe_Support_Tutorial_Definition_Library: Source_File = ppsm_tlib.l Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\lib Destination_File = ppsm_tlib.l Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\lib\unapproved Pipe_Support_Drawing_Symbols: Source_File = Source_Node = software_node Source_Path = pds_product:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\PsmSymbols Destination_File = Destination_Node = file_server_node Destination_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\PsmSymbols Pipe_Support_Drawings_Base_Directory: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_dwg_data:\pds\dwg\psm Pipe_Support_Tdf_Directory: Default_Node = file_server_node Default_Path = pds_3d_rdb_data:\pds\rdb\source\psm\tdf ! ! Notes: ! ! 1) The value for each drawing type, Drawing_Type = xxx, should be extracted ! from CL2000 in the Standard Note Library. !
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
The express.txt File
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Sample Data Four sample projects are available with the New User option. These projects are set up as follows: Product Loaded
NPD Units
Model Units
Sample Project
RD_DINDB Metric Metric DIN Each of these projects contain models from the following disciplines: Piping, Equipment, Structural (FrameWorks), and Raceway. These projects also include drawing. The dataset that is loaded is determined based on the following criteria: If you choose English NPD units and English model units, the English project is loaded. If you choose English NPD units and Metric model units, the Mixed project is loaded. If you choose Metric NPD units and Metric model units, the Metric project is used unless you have the RD_DINRDB product installed on your system. In that case, the DIN project is loaded.
Information in the Delivered Dataset Each dataset contains a file named sample_data.txt, which identifies the files to be loaded for that dataset. English --- Piping models: pipealm1, pipealm2, and pipealm3; Equipment model: eqpalm1; Raceway model: rwayalm1; Structural subproject: fw1; Orthographic drawings: aircool, htexchg, pumps, tank, overall001, overall002, piping001, pipin002, cable. Mixed --- Piping models: pipealm1, pipealm2, pipealm3; Equipment model: eqpalm1; Raceway model: rwayalm1; Structural subproject: sametric; Orthographic drawing: EXAMPLE. Metric --- Piping models: pipealm1, pipealm2, pipealm3; Equipment model: eqpa1; Raceway model: rway1a1; Structural subproject: sametric; Orthographic drawing: EXAMPLE. DIN --- Piping models: pipmod1, pipmod2, pipmod3, pipmod4; Equipment models: eqpmod1, eqpmod2; Structural subproject: frm1; Orthographic drawings: fundament, produktion, tanklager, rohr_prod1, rohr_prod2, rohr_tank. No example specs are loaded for any of the sample projects. You must load specs in the specification /material reference database before you can work in the new project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Sample Data
P&ID Assemblies In addition to the sample datasets, P&ID assemblies are also delivered to enable you to create P&IDs that correspond to the sample projects. English/Mixed project --- 38pi1.asm, 39pi1.asm, 40pi1.asm, 40pi1.asm, 40pi2.asm, and 41pi1.asm. Metric project --- 39m1.asm, 39m1.asm, 40m1.asm, and 41m1.asm. DIN project --- prod01.asm, and tank01.asm. The system does not automatically load the assemblies into the created project. You should create the necessary units and drawings (one drawing for each assembly) in the PDS2D environment. Then use the Place Assembly command within the P&ID environment to place the graphics for the P&IDs. You can propagate the created drawings to load the information into the P&ID database.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Delivered SQL Scripts The following SQL scripts are delivered with the PD_Shell product in the ~win32app\ingr\pdshell\sql\ directory. You can use these scripts to simplify the process of creating the required database information before creating a new PDS project or to drop information from the database after deleting a PDS project. These scripts have been provided as examples and should not be used until a database manager at your site has reviewed them to ensure that they will be usable in a specific database environment. Intergraph Corporation assumes no risks or responsibilities regarding the use of these files. They are provided for use at your discretion. These scripts require that the database engine has already been installed and configured to support the creation of new databases/users. Use a text editor to review the comments at the top of each file for information to be edited and information on how to run the scripts. ~\pdshell\sql\mssql\create.sql --- Script to create all MS SQL Databases for a PDS project. ~\pdshell\sql\mssql\drop.sql --- Script to drop all MS SQL databases for a PDS project. ~\pdshell\sql\oracle\create.sql --- Script to create all Oracle users for a PDS project. ~\pdshell\sql\oracle\drop.sql --- Script to drop all Oracle users for a PDS project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Delivered SQL Scripts
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options The Project Options form is displayed when you double-click the Express Project Creation icon. It enables you to specify basic project creation parameters; it contains the following options: User Level --- Select either New User or Advanced User. New User enables you to create a basic project that follows a predefined directory structure and that uses default settings for many of the project creation options. Advanced User enables you to create a customized project.
For more information, see: Creating a Standard Project (on page 11) Creating a Customized Project (on page 19) If you choose Advanced User, additional fields are displayed enabling you to provide the file name and location of the express.txt file to be used as a guide for creating the project. Sample Data --- This option is available only in New User mode. Select Yes to load a small project that already contains plant items, such as piping, equipment, and so forth. Select No to create the project without this data. Select Disciplines --- Select the disciplines that apply to your project. The available disciplines depend on the software you have loaded on the computer from which Express Project Creation was started. (These modules do not necessarily have to reside on the machine; they can be installed in a client configuration.)
In This Section Define Project Data ........................................................................76 Define System Units .......................................................................76 Create Database Schemas ............................................................76 Express Project Creation ................................................................77 Create FrameWorks Sub-Project ...................................................78 Revise Working Units .....................................................................78 Database Customization Options ...................................................80 Database Structure Revision ..........................................................80 Define Location for New RDB.........................................................82 Define 2D Reference Data Locations .............................................82 Copy 3D RDB to New Project.........................................................83 Copy Files to Project Directory .......................................................83 Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations ..................................84
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Define Project Data The Define Project Data form is displayed during project creation using either New User mode or Advanced User mode. In the fields provided, key in the project number, project name, company name, job number, and plant name. Then choose Confirm to continue, or Cancel to return to the previous form.
For more information, see: Creating a Standard Project (on page 11) Creating a Customized Project (on page 19)
Define System Units The Define System Units is displayed during project creation using either New User mode or Advanced User mode. Options on this form enable you to specify whether the project will be using metric or English units for the basis of measurement and for the basis of pipe and fitting sizes. An option is also provided enabling you to specify the coordinates of the plant monument if one is to be included in your project. If you are creating a project in Advanced User mode, an option is provide enabling you to revise the working units. If you select Yes, an additional form, is included in the project creation workflow.
For more information, see: Creating a Standard Project (on page 11) Creating a Customized Project (on page 19) After you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Create Database Schemas The Create Database Schemas form is displayed during the project creation workflow for either New User or Advanced User. This form enables you to specify the schema configuration for your project. All of the required schemas are automatically selected for you. With the piping approved RDB schema and the EERDB schema, you can choose to either create a unique schema for your project or to share the schema with an existing project. If you choose Use Existing Schemas, a form displays, which enables you to specify the project with which you want to share the schema. Select the project from the displayed form, and choose Confirm to continue. To create new schemas, select the Create New Schema option and then choose Confirm.
For more information, see: Creating a Standard Project (on page 11) Creating a Customized Project (on page 19) Once you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Express Project Creation If you are accessing this form in New User mode, see Server Names & Drive Letters (on page 77). If you are accessing this form in Advanced User mode, see Define RDB File Locations (on page 77).
Server Names & Drive Letters The Server Names & Drive Letters form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow using New User mode. This form enables you to specify a file server where the project is to reside and drive letters on that server for each of the modules of the project. For more information, see Creating a Standard Project (on page 11). After you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Define RDB File Locations The Define RDB File Locations form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form enables you to specify whether or not you want the system to create directories as needed during project creation. This form also provides options that enable you to control how RDB data is set up for the project. The following options are available: Define Location for New RDB --- Specifies the path names for the reference data libraries, but does not copy any of the libraries to the specified directory. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries; this is the option to use if you want to create new libraries. This option enables you to build a new RDB or point to reference data that already exists on the file server, but which is not associated with an existing project. Share RDB with Existing Project --- Enables you to share reference data with an existing project. Like the Define Location for New RDB option, this option also updates the pdtable_102 entries without copying the libraries. However, it updates the entries to match those defined in an existing project rather than reading the library locations from the express.txt file. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project with which RDB data is to be shared. Copy Existing RDB to New Project --- Enables you to copy reference data from an existing project to the new project. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries for the libraries and also copies the files from the source directory to the specified output location. The source directory is defined by the location of all the libraries in the existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project from which RDB data is to be copied. Copy RDB Data --- Enables you to copy reference data to the new project. This option updates the pdtable_102 entries for the libraries and also copies the files from the source directory specified in the express.txt file to the specified output location. If your project includes any of the 2D disciplines, the Define RDB File Locations also provides options that enable you to control how RDB data is set up for the project. The following options are available: Define Location for New RDB --- Specifies the path names for the reference data libraries, but does not copy any of the libraries to the specified directory. This option enables you to build a new RDB or point to reference data that already exists on the file server, but which is not associated with an existing project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options Share RDB with Existing Project --- Enables you to share reference data with an existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project with which RDB data is to be shared. Copy Existing RDB to New Project --- Enables you to copy reference data from an existing project to the new project. The source directory is defined by the location of all the libraries in the existing project. When you select this option, a list of existing projects is displayed for you to specify the project from which RDB data is to be copied. Copy Delivered RDB Data to New Project --- Enables you to copy delivered reference data to the new project.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Create FrameWorks Sub-Project The Create FrameWorks Sub-Project form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for New User mode or Advanced User mode for projects that include a structural component. This form enables you to specify the project number, the project name, and the node name of the system and the directory on that system in which the structural information is to be stored.
For more information, see: Creating a Standard Project (on page 11) Creating a Customized Project (on page 19) After you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Revise Working Units This option enables you to revise the working units to be used for any model or drawing files created in the project. Each 3D design file is composed of over 4,000,000,000 units of resolution (UORs). Working units relate UORs to a measurement unit such as feet or meters and define how these units are divided. The total units of resolution are divided into master units, subunits, and positional units (MU:SU:PU) which define the number of addressable points and thereby the precision of operations. The following outlines the standard working unit definitions for PDS. Recommended Working Units - English
1 FT
12 IN
PU 2032
Area 176138 FT
Drawings 1 FT 12 IN 195072 Recommended Working Units - Metric
1834 FT
1000 MM
53687 M
1000 MM
559 M
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options The recommended PDS setting for English working units results in 24,384 UORs per foot (1x12x2032). Dividing this number into the available UORs in the design file yields an area of coverage of 176,138.75 FT or 33.3 miles. Working units establish the scale of the data. The actual SU and PU values do not matter as long as the total UORs per master unit are the same. Therefore, the English units can be converted to metric units to create compatible models. Dividing the total UORs per foot by the metric conversion factor provides the UORs per meter. (24384/0.3048) = 80000 uors per meter This value was used to assign the metric values 1:1000:80. Therefore, the values of 1:12:2032 for English units and 1:1000:80 for metric units are compatible. The recommended English (2032) and metric (80) values allow a file created using the English system to be viewed and edited in metric mode without scaling or altering data. This allows work in a mixed unit project (metric lengths with English NPD). For interference checking to work properly, the working units must be the same for all the 3D models for the project. This includes raceway and structural models and any other disciplines to be used, not just piping and equipment models. The positional units for drawings should be defined so that the drawing has the same resolution as the model. To maintain the same resolution, the smallest drawing view scale is used so that the PUs of the drawing file are no less than the maximum factor times the PUs used in the model. The smallest drawing view scale for the delivered drawing seed files is 1/8" = 1' (12"). This yields a factor of 96 to be applied to the model units to determine the drawing units. 12/(1/8) = 96 2032 x 96 = 195072 80 x 96 = 7680 For metric units, the factor is also 96 (96 x 80 = 7680). The following form reflects the display for a project using English units. The form will vary slightly if you are using metric units. 1. Working Units Key in the value for the number of UORs (units of resolution) per subunit. The default is 2032 for English units and 80 for metric units. 2. Field Names For English units, master units will always be in feet and subunits will always be in inches. Select the button for the names to be used for master units and subunits. These names will appear in forms and on reports. For metric units, you can specify master units in either meters or millimeters; subunits are always in millimeters. 3. Choose the Confirm button to accept the specified working units and to return to the Create Project form. OR Choose the Cancel button to exit the form without changing the working units for the project.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Database Customization Options The Database Customization Options form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User. This form enables you to revise the structure of the piping design database. If you choose to modify the database structure, the Database Structure Revision form is displayed with a series of fields and options that enable you to change parts of the database structure. The Database Customization Options form also enables you to specify whether or not your project will be using DBAcess for reporting. If your project includes the EE Raceway discipline, additional fields are displayed for you to specify whether or not you want to customize the EE database. For more information, see Creating a Customized Project (on page 19). After you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Database Structure Revision The Database Structure Revision form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form enables you to modify certain attribute lengths, add user-defined attributes, define attributes to be displayed, or define attributes to be case sensitive. 1. Identify Table for Modification Select the table to be modified from the display on the left side of the form.
The modifiable attributes for the selected table are displayed. 2. Modify Lengths or Select Other Option Select the attribute you want to change, and then key in a number within the displayed range to specify the length of the attribute. 3. You can select User Defined Attributes to add additional attributes to the selected table. If you cannot add additional attributes to the selected table, a warning message is displayed.
The available fields update to enable you to add attributes. The number of the next available attribute is also displayed. 4. Enter Attribute Name Key in the description for the new attribute. Be sure to press return to enter the description. 5. Select Attribute Type Select the attribute type for the specified attribute: Decimal, Integer, Short Integer, Alphanumeric, or Standard Note. If you select Alphanumeric, you must also specify the number of characters. If you select Standard Note, you must also key in the number of the code list set. User defined attributes of attribute type Standard Note can be added to both Equipment and Piping database tables. 6. Accept Attribute Data or Modify Choose Confirm to post the newly defined attribute to the top part of the form. 7. Enter Attribute Name or Exit Return to Step 4 to define another attribute. OR
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options Choose Cancel to return to the Database Structure Revision form. 8. You can select Attributes to be Displayed to define the attributes within the selected table to be displayed or not displayed for database operations.
The form fields update to list the available attributes for the selected table. 9. Select Attributes to NOT be Displayed From the list, select the attributes that you do not want to be displayed. 10. Accept or Select Additional Attributes Select additional attributes as needed. Then choose Confirm to accept the displayed information.
The Database Structure Revision form is redisplayed. 11. You can select Attributes to be Case Insensitive to define the attributes within the selected table to be case insensitive for database operations. Attributes that are identified as case insensitive are treated as uppercase regardless of the case entered during data input. 12. Select Attributes to be CASE INSENSITIVE From the displayed list of attributes, select one that you want to be case insensitive. The selected attributes will have their alphanumeric data automatically converted to uppercase in the following situations: a. When a row is being created in the database. b. When a row is being updated in the database. c. When a value for such a column in a table is being used as search criteria for a database query. Alphanumeric data that is to be transferred from the P&ID Database to the Piping Design Database must be defined consistently in terms of case sensitivity for both databases for successful data transfer and comparison. Presently all alphanumeric data, with the following exceptions, is considered to be case sensitive. The following alphanumeric data is always considered to be uppercase and cannot be changed: Piping materials class Schedule/thickness Pressure rating Commodity code Any attributes that are designated as case insensitive will have their data type changed from character to upper_case in the design.ddl file in the project directory. If, after creating the project, you determine that an attribute was inadvertently selected or not selected for case insensitivity, you can edit the design.ddl file manually to reverse the selection. However, this will not update any previously created data. 13. Accept or Select Additional Attributes Select additional attributes as needed. Then choose Confirm to accept the displayed information.
The Database Structure Revision form is redisplayed. 14. After you have made all necessary database revisions, choose Confirm to continue.
The Database Customization Options form redisplays. For more information, see Creating a Customized Project (on page 19). After you have specified all required parameters, choose Confirm to continue or Cancel to return to the previous form.
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Define Location for New RDB The Define Location for New RDB form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form enables you to specify a unique directory structure for the RDB data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in revised information. You can change all of the node names by selecting the Change Node Names To field and keying in a new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of path names. After you have specified the reference data files and the structure for the new project, choose Confirm to continue. Choose Cancel to return to the previous form. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Define 2D Reference Data Locations The Define 2D Reference Data Locations form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form enables you to specify a unique directory structure for the 2D RDB data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in revised information. You can change all of the node names by selecting the Change Node Names To field and keying in a new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of path names. After you have specified the reference data files and the structure for the new project, choose Confirm to continue. Choose Cancel to return to the previous form. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Copy 3D RDB to New Project The Copy 3D RDB to New Project form is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form displays the source (where you want the files copies from) and the destination (where you want the files copied to) for the reference data. The default nodes and paths are read from the express.txt file used to create the project. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed data. To change the node name and path for one file, simply click on the field you want to edit and key in the revised information. You can change all of the source node names by selecting the Change Source Node Names To fields and entering a new node name. The Substitute Source Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of source path names. Similarly, the Change Destination Node Names To and Substitute Destination Root Paths From/To fields enable you to change groups of destination node names and path names for the new project. Once you have specified the reference data to be used to create the reference data for the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Copy Files to Project Directory The Copy Files to Project Directory is displayed as part of the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode. This form displays a list of files to be copied to your project. The File Description and File Name fields are not editable. The file descriptions match the keywords in the express.txt file. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed information. The Node and Path columns reflect the values read from the express.txt file that was used to create the project. You can change the Node and Path specifications for an individual file by clicking on the field you want to change and entering the revised information. To change all of the nodes, select the Change Node Names To field, and enter the new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to quickly change groups of path names. After you have defined the location of the project files to be used to create the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Project Options
Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations The Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations form is displayed during the project creation workflow for Advanced User mode.This form establishes the location for a variety of files that are specific to certain PDS modules. The File Description and File Name fields are not editable. The file descriptions match the keywords in the express.txt file. Use the scroll bars to review the displayed information. The Node and Path columns reflect the values read from the express.txt file that was used to create the project. You can change the Node and Path specifications for an individual file by clicking on the field you want to change and entering the revised information. To change all of the nodes, select the Change Node Names To field, and enter the new node name. The Substitute Root Paths From/To fields enable you to quickly change groups of path names. Once you have defined the location of the project files to be used to create the new project, choose Confirm to continue. If the program is unable to locate a specified file, a message box is displayed. When you close the message box, the file that caused the problem is highlighted in red. Edit the data as necessary, and choose Confirm to continue.
For more information, see: Creating a Customized Project (on page 19).
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
Index C Copy 3D RDB to New Project • 83 Copy Files to Project Directory • 83 Create Database Schemas • 76 Create FrameWorks Sub-Project • 78 Creating a Customized Project • 19 Creating a Standard Project • 11
D Database Customization Options • 80 Database Structure Revision • 80 Define 2D Reference Data Locations • 82 Define Default Miscellaneous File Locations • 84 Define Location for New RDB • 82 Define Project Data • 76 Define RDB File Locations • 77 Define System Units • 76 Delivered SQL Scripts • 73
E Express Project Creation • 77
G Getting Started • 7
P Preface • 5 Project Options • 75
R Revise Working Units • 78
S Sample Data • 71 Server Names & Drive Letters • 77
T The express.txt File • 37
U Understanding the express.txt File • 31
Plant Design System Express Project Creation
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