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UPSC IAS EXAM SYLLABUS + FAQ BY © IAS IASEXAM  EXAM PORTAL.COM PORTAL.COM CONTENTS UPSC IAS EXAM SYL SYLLABUS SYLLABUS SY LLABUS FOR CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY E EX XAMINATION PLAN OF IAS EXAMI EXAMINATION 1. Scheme and subjects for the  the Preliminary and Main Examinations 2. List of optional subjects  subjects for Main Examination: General Instructions (Preliminary as well as Main Examination) Visual Impairment Rules   C. Interview test   Syllabus for PRELIMINARY Examination Paper I (GENERAL STUDIES) - (200 ma m arks) Paper II (CSAT) - (200 marks) Syllabus for MAIN Examination QUALIFYING PAPERS ON INDIAN LANGUAGES AND ENGLISH General Studies-1: General Studies-2:


4 4 4 5 6 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12

13 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 23

Eligibility Conditions:




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Age Limits: Number of Attempts

24 25


26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 30 30


30 30 31 31 33 35 43


48 51 51


52 53 54 55 58 60 61 63 65 68 70





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71 72 72 73





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PLAN OF IAS EXAMINATION 1. The   competitive examination comprises two successive stages: a. Civi Civill Serv Service icess  (Pr (Prelim elimina inary) ry) Exami Examinat nation ionss (O (Obj bjec ecti tive ve Type Type))  for for th the e sele select ctio ion n of candidates for Main Examination; and b. Civil Se Services rvices  (Main) Examina Examination tion (W (Written ritten and Interv erview)  for the selection of

Preliminary Examination  by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to  the Main Examination will not be counted for  determining their final order of merit. The number  of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be about twelve to thirteen times the total approximate number of vacancies to be  filled in the year in the variou variouss Servic Services es and Posts. Only  those candidates who are declared by the Commiss ission ion  to have qu qua alified in the Preliminary Examination  in the year will be eligible for admission to the Main Examination of that

candidate candid atess for  the variou variouss ser servic vices es and posts. 2. The  Preliminary Examination will consist of two pape papers rs of  Ob Obje jec cti tive ve ty typ pe (m (mu ult ltip iple le cho hoic ice e questions) and  carry a maximum of 400 marks in the subjects  set out in subsec ecttio ion n (A) of Section-II. This  examination is meant to serve as a screening  test only; the marks obtained in the


year year pr prov ovid ided ed  th they ey are ot othe herw rwis ise e elig eligib ible le fo forr admission to the Main Examination. 3. Ca Cand ndid idat ates es  wh who o obt btai ain n su such ch mi mini nimu mum m qualifying marks  in the written part of the Main Examination Examina tion as  may be fixed by the Commiss Commission ion at shall summoned by fo forrtheir an   discretion, inte interv rvie iew w fo for r a be Pe Pers rson onal alit ityy Te Test st them vide vide subsection ‘C’ of Section-II. Marks obtained in the




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papers will  be counted for ranking. The number of candidates to  be summoned for interview will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled. Markss thus Mark thus  ob obtai taine ned d by the the cand candid idate atess in the Main Ma in Exam Examin inat atio ion n  (wri (writt tten en part part as we well ll as int intervi erview) ew) wou would ld  dete determi rmine ne the their ir fin final al ran rankin king. g. Candidates will  be allotted to the various Services keeping in  view their ranks in the examination and the the pr pref efer eren ence cess  ex expr pres esse sed d by th them em for for th the e various Services and Posts. Section-II

1. Scheme  and subjects for the Preliminary and Main Examinations A. Preliminary Examination The Examina Examination tion  shall comprise two compu compulsory lsory papers of 200 marks each. Note:  a. Bo Both th the  qu ques estio tion n pa pape pers rs will be of th the e

objective typebe   (multiple choiceduration questions) and each will of two hours . b. The Gener General al  Stu Studie diess Pape Paper-I r-III of the Civi Civill

The wr The writ itte ten n  ex exam amin inat atio ion n wi will ll co cons nsis istt of th the e following papers: PAPER I

Section 1


200 Marks

Section 2

English Comprehension & English Precis (Of Matriculation/ Xth

100 Marks

standard level) PAPER II General Studies - I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)

250 Marks


General Studies - II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)

250 Marks

Services (Preliminary)  Examination will be a qualifying  paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%. c. (Th (The e quest question ion  pa paper perss will be set bo both th in Hi Hind ndii an and d  Eng Englis lish. h. Ho Howe wever ver,, que quest stio ions ns relating to  English Language Comprehensi Compr ehension on skills  of Class X level will be tested  through passages from English Langua Lan guage ge onl onlyy  wit withou houtt pro providi viding ng Hin Hindi di translation thereof in the question paper. d. Det Detail ailss of   the syll syllabi abi are indic indicate ated d in Pa Part rt A of Section III.


Paper-IV General Studies - III (Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)

250 Marks


General Studies - IV (Ethics,

250 Marks

Integrity and Aptitude) PAPER VI

B. Main Examination





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Optional Subject - Paper 2

250 Marks






Optional Subject - Paper 2

250 Marks



Sub Total (Written test)

1800 Marks



Personality Test

275 Marks



Grand Total

2075 Marks




Devanagari or Arabic






Oriya Punjabi

Gurumukhi Sanskrit


{Candidate {Candid atess may  cho choose ose any opt option ional al sub subjec jectt from among amongst st  the list of subjec subjects ts given in para 2 below (Group  1). However, a candidate can opt for for th the e  lit liter eratu atures res of a la lang ngua uage ge,, indi indica cated ted in Group-2 below  para 2. as an optional subject, only if the candidate has  graduated in the literature of that particular partic ular of  that particular langua language ge as the main subject}


a. Mar Marks ks obtai obtained ned  by the can candida didates tes ffor or al alll papers pap ers (Pa (Paper per  I-V I-VII) II) wil willl be count counted ed for merit ranking.  However, the Commission willl hav wil have e  the discre discretio tion n to fix qua qualify lifying ing marks in  any or all papers of the examination. b. For For the the  La Lang ngua uage ge me medi dium um// li lite terat ratur ure e of languages, the  scripts to be used by the candidates will be as under:Language


Assamese Bengali

Assamese Bengali




Tamil Telugu

Telugu Urdu









Devanagari or Olchiki

Note:  For  Santhali language, question paper will be printed  in Devanagari script; but candidates will be  free to answer either in Devanagari script or in Olchiki.

2. List  of optional subjects for Main Examination: Group-1





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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Agr Agricu icultu lture re Animal Husban Husbandry dry an and d Ve Veterinar terinaryy Scie Science nce Ant Anthro hropol pology ogy Bo Botan tanyy Che Chemis mistry try Civil Engine Engineering ering Comme Commerce rce and Accou Accountanc ntancyy Eco Econom nomics ics Electr Electrical ical Engine Engineering ering

10. Geography 11. Geology 12. History 13. Law 14. Management 15. Mathematics 16. Mechanical Engineering

candidate has  had his/ her graduation in any of  the follo followin wing g lang languag uage e med medium iumss using the  particular language medium for qualifying qualifyi ng the  gradua graduate te level examina examination, tion, then he/ he/she she  may opt for that partic particular ular lang langu uag age e me medi dium um  to an answ swer er all all th the e question papers,  except Section 2 of the Pape Pa perr-II (E (Eng ngli lish sh  co comp mpre rehe hens nsio ion n and and English préci précis). s).  Assames Assamese, e, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Dog ri, Guj ujar arat ati,i,  Ka Kann nnad ada, a, Ka Kash shmi miri ri,, Konkan Kon kani,i, Mai Maithi thili, li,  Mal Malayal ayalam, am, Man Manipu ipuri, ri, Marathi Mara thi,, Nep Nepali, ali,  Oriy Oriya, a, Pun Punjab jabi,i, San Sanskri skrit, t, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. 4. Howeve However, r, in the inter interest est o off mai maintainin ntaining g th the e quality qual ity and  standa standards rds of exam examina inatio tion, n, a mini minimu mum m nu numb mber er  of 25 (t (twe went ntyy-fi five ve))

17. Medical Science 18. Philosophy 19. Physics 20.. Pol 20 olit itic ical al Scie Scienc nce e  and and Relations 21. Psychology 22. Public Administration 23. Sociology 24. Statistics 25. Zoology

Int nter erna nati tion onal al

Group-2 Literature of any one of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali,  Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,, Kashmir Kannada Kashmiri,i,  Konkan Konkani,i, Maithi Maithili, li, Malayal Malayalam, am, Manipuri, Marathi, Note: 

1. 2. 3.

Thebe ques questio tion n  pap papers ers for the ex examin aminati ation on will of conventional (essay) type. Each p paper aper wi willll be o off three hours duratio duration. n. Candid Candidates ates wi willll  have the op option tion tto o answ answer er all the   question papers, except Section 2 of the Paper-I (English comprehension and English précis)  in English or Hindi. If the


ca cand ndid idat ates es shou should ld  op optt fo forr a sp spec ecif ific ic lang langua uage ge me medi dium um  fo forr answ answer erin ing g th the e question papers  in that language medium. In case  there are less than 25 (twenty five) cand candid idat ates es opt ptin ing g  for an anyy ap app pro rove ved d language medium  (other than English or Hind Hindi) i),, th then en  th thos ose e ca cand ndid idat ates es wi will ll be required to  write their examination either in Hindi or in English only. 5. Ca Cand ndid idat ates es exer exerc cisin ising g  th the e op opti tio on to answer Papers  in any one of the languages mentioned  above may, if they so de desi sire re,,  gi give ve Engl Englis ish h vers versio ion n with within in br brac acke kets ts of  on only ly th the e desc descri ript ptio ion n of th the e technical terms,  if any, in addition to the version vers ion in  the lan langua guage ge opted by the them. m. Candidates should,  however, note that if they misuse  the above rule, a deduction will wi llal be   mad made on th this is acc accou ount nt from th the total tot mar marks ks  eoth otherw erwise ise acc accrui ruing ng fro tomthem the me and in  extreme cases; their script(s) will not be  valued for being in an unauthorized medium.




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6. The ques questi tio on  pape papers rs (oth (other er than than the the literature of language papers) will be set in Hindi and English only. 7. The de details tails  o off the ssyllabi yllabi a are re set o out ut in P Part art B of Section III.

General Instructions  (Preliminary as well as Main Examination)

Note 2:   For For th the e pu purp rpos ose e of th thes ese e ru rule less th the e can and didate shall all  be deemed to be a blind candidate if  the percentage of visual impairment is 40% or more. The criteri criteria a  for det determ erminin ining g the per percen centag tage e of visual impairment shall be as follows :

Visual Impairment Rules All with corrections

1. Can Candid didates ates mus mustt  write the paper paperss in their their own hand.  In no circumstances, will they be allowed  the help of a scribe to write the answers ers for  them. However, er, blind cand candid idat ates es wi will ll  be allow allowed ed to wr write ite the exam examina inati tion on wi with th  the the help help of a scrib scribe. e. Blind candidates  will also be allowed an extra time  at each paper @ ten minutes per hour. 2. An extra  tim time e of twe twenty nty min minute utess pe perr ho hour ur shall be permitted for the candidates with locomo loc omotor tor dis disabi ability lity  and cer cerebr ebral al pal palsy sy wher wh ere e do domi mina nant nt  (wri (writin ting) g) ext extre remi mity ty is af affe fect cted ed to  th the e ex exte tent nt of sl slow owin ing g th the e performance of function (minimum of 40% impair imp airmen ment) t) in  the Civil Serv Service icess (Ma (Main) in) Examination only. However, no scribe shall be permitted to such candidates. Note 1:   The The elig eligibi ibility lity con condit dition ionss of a scr scribe ibe,, his/her conduct  inside the examination hall and the manner  in which and extent to which he/she can help  the blind candidate in writing the Civil

Services Examination   shall be governed by the instructions issued  by the UPSC in this regard. Violation of all or any of the said instructions shall entail the  cancellation of the candidature of the blind candidate  in addition to any other action that the UPSC may take against the scribe.


Better Eye

Worse Eye


Category O


6/24 to 6/36


Category I


6/60 to nil


Category II

6/60-4/60 or field of vision 10-20°

3/60 to nil


Category III

3/60-1/60 or field of vision 10°

F.C at 1 ft to nil


Category IV

F.C. at 1 ft to nil field of vision

F.C. at 1 ft to nil field of vision





F.C. at 1 ft to nil

One eyed person


Note 3:  For availing of the concession admissible to a  blind blind can candid didate ate,, the can candida didate te conce concerne rned d shal shalll pr prod oduc uce e  a cert certif ific icat ate e in th the e pr pres escr crib ibed ed




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proforma from  a Medical Board constituted by the Cen Central tral/Sta /State te  Gov Govern ernmen ments ts alo along ng wit with h his application for the Main Examination. Note 4:

C. Interview test 1. The The ca cand ndid idat ate e  will will be in inte terv rview iewed ed by a

1. The conc conces essi sio on  ad admi miss ssib ible le to bl blin ind d cand candid idat ates es shall shall  not not be adm admis issi sibl ble e to those suffering from Myopia. 2. Th The e Co Comm mmis issi sion on  have have di disc scret retio ion n to fi fixx qualifying qualify ing marks  in any or all the subjects of the examination. 3. If a   can candid didate ate’s ’s handw handwriti riting ng is not e easi asily ly legible, a  deduction will be made on this account from  the total marks otherwise accruing to him. 4. Mark arks wil illl  not be al alllotted for mere superficial knowledge. 5. Cre Credit dit will  be giv given en for or order derly, ly, eff effect ective ive and exact  expression combined with due economy of  words in all subjects of the examination. 6. In the  que question stion papers papers,, whe wherever rever require required, d, SI units will be used. 7. Can Candid didates ates shou should ld  use onl onlyy int intern ernatio ational nal form for m of  Ind Indian ian num numeral eralss (i.e (i.e.. 1,2 1,2,3,4 ,3,4,5, ,5,6 6 etc.) while answering question papers. 8. Ca Cand ndid idat ates es wi will ll  be al allo lowe wed d th the e us use e of Sc Scie ient ntif ific ic (N (Non on-P -Pro rogr gram amma mabl ble e  ty type pe)) Calcul Cal culato ators rs at  the con conven ventio tional nal (Ess (Essay) ay) type examination  of UPSC. Programmable ty type pe ca calc lcul ulat ator orss  will will howe howeve verr not not be allowed and  the use of such calculators shal shalll tanta tantamo moun untt  to res resor ortin ting g to unfa unfair ir meanss by  th mean the e ca cand ndid idat ates es.. Loan Loanin ing g or in inte terc rcha hang ngin ing g of  calc calcul ulat ator orss in the the Examination Hall is not permitted. It is   also important to note that candidates are not permitted  to use calculators for answering obje ob ject ctive ive typ type e  pa pape pers rs (T (Tes estt Bo Book okle lets) ts).. Th They ey should not  therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.




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Board who  will have before them a recor record d of his his/he /herr  car career. eer. He/sh He/she e wil willl be asked questions on  matters of general interest. The object  of the interview is to assess the personal  suitability of the candidate for a  career in public service by a Board of competent and  unbiased observers. The test is intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment  of not only his/h /her er intellectual qualities  but also social traits and his/ his/he herr  in inte tere rest st in cu curr rren entt af affa fairs irs.. Some So me of  th the e qu quali alitie tiess to be ju judg dged ed ar are e men me nta tall aler alertn tnes ess, s,  criti ritic cal pow ower erss of assimilation, clear  and logical exposition, balance of judgement, variety and depth of interes inte rest, t, abi ability lity  for soc social ial coh cohesi esion on and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity. 2. The tec techni hnique que  of the inte intervie rview w is not tha thatt of a  stric strictt cr cros osss-ex exami amina natio tion n bu butt of a natural natu ral,, tho though ugh  dire directe cted d and pur purpos posive ive conversation which  is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate. 3. The int intervi erview ew  test is not inte intende nded d to be a test either  of the specialised or general knowledge of  the candidates which has been already  tested through their written papers. Candidates  are expected to have taken tak en an  int intel elli lige gent nt in inter teres estt no nott on only ly in their special  subjects of academic study but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or coun country try as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should  rouse the curiosity of well educated youth.



Syllabus for PRELIMINARY Examination The Examina Examination tion  shall comprise two compu compulsory lsory papers of 200 marks each.

Note 1 : Paper-II of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Ex Exam amin inat atio ion n will will  be a qu qual alif ifyi ying ng pa pape perr wi with th minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.

Paper I (GENERAL STUDIES) - (200 marks) Duration : Two hours ●

  Current events  of national a nd international importance.  History of India and Indian National Movement.   Ind Indian ian and  World Geo Geogra graphy phy - Phy Physic sical, al, Social, Economic  Geography of India and the World.   Indian Polity  and Governance Constitution Consti tution,, Polit Political ical  System, Panch Panchayati ayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.   Eco Econo nomi mic c an and d  So Soc cia iall De Deve velo lopm pmen entt Sust Su stai aina nabl ble e De Deve velo lopm pmen ent, t,  Po Pove vert rty, y, Inclus Inc lusion ion,, Dem Demogr ograph aphics ics,,  Soc Social ial Sec Sector tor initiatives, etc.   General issues  on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and  Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization.   General Science.

Note 2  : The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type. Note 3  :   It is ma mand ndato atory ry fo forr th the e cand candid idate ate to appe appear ar in  bo both th th the e Pa Pape pers rs of Civi Civill Serv Servic ices es

(Prelim) Ex Exa amin inat atiion  for th the e purp rpo o se o f eval evalua uati tion on.. Th Ther eref efo ore  a cand candid idat ate e will will be disqualified in  case he/she does not appear in both bo th th the e  pape papers rs of Civi Civill Se Serv rvic ices es (P (Pre reli lim) m) Examination.

Syllabus for MAIN Examination The main  Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual  traits and depth of understanding of  candidates rather than merely the range of their information and memory.

Paper II (CSAT) - (200 marks)

Th The e na natu re  and  pape stand standard of IIqu ques tion onss Vin) will the General Genera lture Studies papers rs ard (Paper toesti Paper be such  that a well-educated person will be able to answer them without any specialized study.

Duration: Two hours  ●   Comprehension skills  including ●   Interpersonal communication skills; ●   Logical reasoning and analytical ability ●   Decision-making and problem-solving

The questions  will be such as to test a candid can didate ate’s ’s gen general eral  awaren awareness ess of a vari variety ety of subjects, which will have relevance for a career in Civil Services. Services. The questio questions ns are likely to test the candid can didate ate’s ’s bas basic ic  und unders erstand tanding ing of all relevan relevantt



  General mental ability   Basi Basic c nu nume mera racy cy  (n (num umbe bers rs an and d th thei eirr relations, orders  of magnitude, etc.) (Class X leve level) l),,  Da Data ta inte interp rpre reta tati tion on (c (cha hart rts, s, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. - Class X level)   Eng English lish Lan Langua guage ge  Com Compre prehen hensio sion n skil skills ls (Class X level).




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issues, and  ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio-  economic goals, objectives and demand dem ands. s. The  can candid didates ates mus mustt giv give e relevan relevant, t, meaningful and succinct answers.

Note 1:   The pap papers ers on Ind Indian ian Lang Languag uages es and En Engl glis ish h will will  be of Ma Matri tricu culat latio ion n or equi equival valen entt standard and  will be of qualifying nature only. The mark ma rkss ob obta tain ined ed  in th thes ese e pa pape pers rs will will no nott be

The sco scope pe  of the syllab syllabus us for optio optional nal subjec subjectt papers (Paper  VI and Paper VII) for the examina exam inatio tion n is  bro broadly adly of the hon honour ourss deg degree ree level i.e. a level higher than the bachelors’ degree and lower than the masters’ degree. In the case of Engineering, Medical  Science and law, the level corresponds to the bachelors’ degree.

counted Note 2:  for Theranking candidates will have to answer the English and  Indian Languages papers in English and the  respective Indian language (except where translation is involved).

Syllabi of  the papers included in the scheme of Civill Serv Civi Service icess  (Ma (Main) in) Examin Examinati ation on are given as follows:-

QUALIFYING PAPERS ON INDIAN LANGUAGES AND ENGLISH The aim of the paper is to test the candidates’ ability to read and understand serious discursive prose, and to express his ideas clearly and correctly, in English and Indian language concerned. The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows : ●   (i) Comprehension of given passages. ● ● ●

  (ii) Précis Writing.   (iii) Usage and Vocabulary.   (iv) Short Essays.

Indian Languages: ●   (i) comprehension of given passages. ●   (ii) Précis Writing. ●   (iii) Usage and Vocabulary. ●   (iv) Short Essays. ●   (v) Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa.


PAPER-I Essay: Cand Candida idates tes  wil willl be requir required ed to wri write te an essay on a speci specific fic topic. The choice of subjects wi will ll be  gi give ven. n. Th They ey wi will ll be ex expe pect cted ed to keep keep closely to  the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in  orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Cr Cred edit it wi will ll  be gi give ven n fo forr effe effect ctiv ive e and and exac exactt expression.

PAPER-II General Studies-1: Indian Heritage  and Culture, History Geography of the World and Society. ●


  In Indi dian an cult cultur ure e  will ill cove coverr th the e sa sali lien entt aspe aspect ctss of  Art Art Fo Form rms, s, Lite Litera ratu ture re and and Ar Arch chit itec ectu ture re from from  anci ancien entt to mo mode dern rn times.   Mo Mode dern rn Indi Indian an  hi histo story ry from from ab abou outt th the e middle of  the eighteenth century until the present- significant  events, personalities, issues   The Freed Freedom om  Strug Struggle gle - its vari various ous stag stages es and important  contributors /contributions from different parts of the country.   Pos Post-i t-ind ndep epen enden dence ce co cons nsol olid idati ation on  an and d reorganization within the country.





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  His Histor toryy of  the wor world ld will inc includ lude e events from from 18 18th th  ce cent ntur uryy such such as in indu dust stri rial al re revo volu luti tion on,, wo worl rld d  war ars, s, redr redraw awal al of



● ●





na nati tion onal al bo boun unda dari ries es,,  colo oloniza nizati tion on,, decolonization, decolonizat ion, polit political ical  philos philosophies ophies like commun com munism ism,, cap capital italism ism,,  soc social ialism ism etc etc..their forms and effect on the society. Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India. Role of women and women’s organization, population and  associated issues, poverty and develo developmenta pmentall  issues issues,, urbani urbanization, zation, their problems and their remedies. Effects of globalization on Indian society So Soci cial al em empo powe werm rmen ent, t,  co comm mmun unal alis ism, m, regionalism & secularism. Salien Sali entt featu eature ress  of world orld’s ’s phys physic ical al geography. Di Dist stri ribu buti tion on of  key key na natu tura rall re reso sour urce cess across acr oss the  wor world ld (inc (includ luding ing South Asi Asia a an and d the the  In Indi dian an subsub- cont contine inent nt); ); fa fact ctor orss respon res ponsib sible le for  the loc locatio ation n of pri primary mary,, secondary, and  tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India) Impor Important tant Geoph Geophysical ysical  pheno phenomena mena such as eart earthq hqua uake kess,  Tsu Tsunami nami,, Vo Volc lcan anic ic acti activi vity ty,, cycl cyclo one  et etc. c.,, geo geograp graphi hica call featur fea tures es and  the their ir loc locatio ationn- cha change ngess in critical critic al geogr geographic aphical al  feature featuress (inclu (including ding water- bodies  and ice-caps) and in flora and fau aun na  and the effects of such changes.

PAPER-III General Studies-2: Govern Gove rnan ance ce,, Cons Constit titut ution ion,,  Poli Polity ty,, Soci Social al Ju Just stic ice e and International relations.

  Indian Constitution  historical un unde derp rpin inni ning ngs, s, evo evoluti lutio on,  feat featur ures es,, amendments, amendme nts, signif significant icant  provi provisions sions and basic structure.   Fun Funct ctio ions ns and and  resp respon onsi sibi bili liti ties es of th the e Union and  the States, issues and ch chal alle leng nges es pe pert rtai aini ning ng  to th the e fede federa rall stru struc ctu ture re,, devo devolu luti tion on  of po pow wers ers an and d finances financ es up to local levels and challenge challengess therein.   Sepa Separati ration on of  pow powers ers bet betwee ween n vari various ous organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.   Com Compar pariso ison n of  the Ind Indian ian cons constitu titutio tional nal sc sche heme me wi with th  th that at of ot othe herr co coun untr trie iess Parl Pa rlia iame ment nt an and d  St Stat ate e Legis egisla latu ture ress str tru ucture, functioning,  conduct of business, powers  & privileges and issues arising out of these.   Structu Structure, re, organizat organization ion  and functioni functioning ng of the Execut Executive ive  and the Judiciary Minis Ministries tries and and De Depa part rtme ment ntss  of th the e Go Gove vern rnme ment nt;; pr pres essu sure re gr grou oups ps  an and d fo form rmal/ al/in info form rmal al associations and their role in the Polity.   Salient featur features es  of the Represe Representatio ntation n of People’s Act.   Ap Appo poin intm tmen entt to  va vario rious us Co Cons nsti titu tutio tiona nall posts, powers,  functions a nd responsibili respon sibilities ties of  variou variouss Consti Constitution tutional al Bodies.   Statutory, regulatory  and various quasi-judicial bodies.   Government policies  and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out  of their design and implementation.   Development processes  and the development industry-  the role of NGOs, SHGs,, vari SHGs various ous  gro groups ups and ass associ ociatio ations, ns, donors don ors,, cha chariti rities, es,  ins instit titutio utional nal and oth other er stakeholders






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  Welfar Welfare e schemes  for vulner vulnerable able sectio sections ns of the  population by the Centre and States






and the   performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for  the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections. Iss Issue uess rela relati ting ng  to deve develo lop pme men nt and and manage man agemen mentt of  Soc Social ial Sec Sector tor/Ser /Servic vices es re rela lati ting ng to  He Heal alth th,, Ed Educ ucat atio ion, n, Hu Huma man n Resources. Issues relating to poverty and hunger. Important aspec ectts  of governan anc ce, transparen enc cy an and d  accounta tab bility, e-go e-gove vern rnan ance ce appl applic icat atio ions ns,,  mo mode dels ls,, succ succes esse ses, s, li limi mitat tatio ions ns,,  an and d pote potenti ntial al;; cit itiizens charte rters,  tran ansspare ren ncy & accountability and  institutional and other measures. Role of civil services in a democracy. India and its neighborhood- relations. Bil Bilater ateral, al, reg region ional al  and glo global bal gro groupi upings ngs and agr agreeme eements nts  invo involvin lving g Ind India ia and/ and/or or affecting India’s interests Effect of policies and politics of developed and and de deve velo lopi ping ng  co coun untr trie iess on Indi India’ a’ss interests, Indian diaspora. Im Impo port rtan antt In Inte tern rnat atio iona nall  inst instit itut utio ions ns,, agencie iess mandate.

and and  fora-



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PAPER-IV  General Studies-3: Technology, Economic  Development, Bio diversity ty,, Environment,  Security and Disaster Management. ●

  In India dian n Econ Econom omyy  an and d is issu sues es rela relatin ting g to pl plan anni ning ng,, mo mobi bili liza zati tion on  of re reso sour urce ces, s,

  development and employment.   Inclus Inclusive ive growth  and issues arising from it.   Government Budgeting.   Major crops  cropp cropping ing patterns iin n vario various us pa parts rts of  th the e co coun untr try, y, diff differ eren entt typ types es of irrigation and  irrigation systems storage, transpo tran sport rt and  mark marketi eting ng of agr agricu icultu ltural ral produce and  issues and related co cons nstra train ints ts;; e-tec e-techn hnol olog ogyy  in th the e aid aid of farmers   Issues related  to direct an and d indirec indirectt farm subsid sub sidies ies and  min minimu imum m sup suppor portt pri prices ces;; Public Pub lic Dis Distri tribut bution ion  Syst Systemem- obj object ectives ives,, functioning, limitations,  revamping; issues of bu bufffer fer  st sto ocks cks an and d fo foo od se secu curi rity ty;; Tech Te chno nolo logy gy miss missio ions ns;;  econ econom omic icss of animal-rearing.   Food proce processing ssing  and related in industri dustries es in IndiaInd ia- sco scope pe  and sig signif nifica icance nce,, loc locatio ation, n, upstream and  downstream requirements, supply chain management.   Land reforms in India.   Effect Effectss of  liberalizati liberalization on on the economy, ch chan ange gess in  indu indust stri rial al po poli licy cy and and th thei eirr effects on industrial growth.   Inf Infra rast stru ruct ctur ure: e: Ener Energy gy,,  Po Port rts, s, Ro Road ads, s, Airports, Railways etc.   Investment models.   Scie Science nce and  Tec Techno hnolog logy: y: dev develo elopme pments nts and and th thei eirr  appl applic icat atio ions ns and and effe effect ctss in everyday life.   Ac Achi hieve eveme ment ntss of  Indi Indian anss in scien science ce & technology; techno logy; indige indigenizatio nization n  of techno technology logy and developing new technology.   Aw Awar aren enes esss in  th the e fiel fields ds of IT, IT, Sp Spac ace, e, Comput Com puters ers,, rob roboti otics, cs,  nan nano-t o-tech echnol nology ogy,, bi biot otec echn hnol olog ogyy and and  issu issues es rela relati ting ng to intellectual property rights.







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  Conservation, environmental  pollution and degr degrad adat atio ion, n, envi enviro ronm nmen enta tall  imp impac actt assessment.   Disaster and disaster management.   Li Link nkag ages es betw betwee een n  de deve velo lopm pmen entt and and spread of extremism.   Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.   Cha Challen llenges ges to  int intern ernal al sec securi urity ty thro through ugh commun com munica icatio tion n netw network orks, s,  rol role e of med media ia an and d soci social al  netw networ orki king ng si site tess in inte intern rnal al secu securi rity ty ch chal alle leng nges es,,  ba basi sics cs of cy cybe berr se sec cur urit ity; y; mo mone neyy  la laun unde deri ring ng and and it itss

and admini administrato strators; rs;  role of family, socie society ty and educational   institutions in inculcating values.   Atti Attitud tude: e: con conten tent, t,  stru structu cture, re, fun functi ction; on; its influen infl uence ce and  rela relatio tion n wit with h tho though ughtt and behavio beh aviour; ur; mor moral al  and pol politic itical al atti attitud tudes; es; social influence and persuasion.   Aptitud Aptitude e and  foundatio foundational nal values for C Civil ivil Serv Se rvic ice e ,  inte integ grity rity,, imp impar arti tial alit ityy an and d nonpartisans nonpar tisanship, hip, objec objectivity, tivity,  dedic dedication ation to pu publ blic ic serv servic ice, e,  em empa path thy, y, to tole lera ranc nce e and compassion towards  the weakersections.

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prevention.  S ecurity challenges  and their management in  border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism   Variou Variouss Security  forces and ag agencies encies and their mandate

PAPER-V  General Studies-4: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude

This Th is pa pape perr  wi will ll in incl clud ude e ques questio tions ns to test test the the cand candid idate ates’ s’ attit attitud ude e  an and d ap appr proa oach ch to issu issues es relating to  integrity, probity in public life and his problem solving  approach to various issues and confli con flicts cts fac faced ed  by him in deal dealing ing with soc society iety.. Questions may  utilise the case study approach to determi det ermine ne the these se  asp aspect ects. s. The fol follow lowing ing bro broad ad areas will be covered.

  utilities Emotional   and their andintelligence-concepts,   application in administration and governance.   Cont Contri ribu buti tion onss of  mo mora rall th thin inke kers rs and and philosophers from India and world.   Pub Public lic/Ci /Civil vil servic service e  valu values es and Ethics in Public ad adm ministrat atiion:  Stat atu us and problems; ethical  concerns and dilemmas in gov governm ernment ent  and pri private vate ins institu titutio tions; ns; laws, rules,  regulations and conscience as sources of  ethical guidance; accoun acc ountab tabilit ilityy and  eth ethica icall gov governa ernance nce;; strengthening of  ethical and moral values in governance;  ethical issues in inte intern rnat atio iona nall rela relati tio ons  an and d fu fund ndin ing g; corporate governance.   Probit Probityy in  Governance Governance:: Concep Conceptt of publ public ic service; Philosophical basis of governance and and pr prob obit ity; y;  Info Inform rmat atio ion n sh shar arin ing g and and tr tran ansp spar aren ency cy in  go gove vern rnme ment nt,, Righ Rightt to Inform Inf ormati ation, on, Cod Codes es  of Ethi Ethics, cs, Codes of Conduct, Citizen’s  Charters, Work culture,

  Et Ethi hics cs an and d  Hu Human man In Inte terf rfac ace: e: Es Esse senc nce, e, determinants and  consequences of Ethics in human   actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in  private and public relationships. Human Values  – lessons from the lives and teachi teachings ngs  of great leaders leaders,, reformers


Quality of  ser Quality service vice delive delivery, ry, Uti Utiliza lizatio tion n of public funds, challenges of corruption.   Case Studies on above issues.





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Optional Subject : Papers I & II Candida Candi date tess ma mayy  choo choose se an anyy optio optiona nall subj subjec ectt from among amongst st  the list of subjec subjects ts given in para 2 (Group 1).  However, if a candidate has graduated in any  of the literatures of language languagess indicated in Group-2, with  the literature as the main subject, then the  candidate can also opt for that particular literature subject as an optional subject. CLICK ON  SUBJECT LINK TO GET OPTIONAL SYLLABUS 1. AGRICULTURE  AGRICULTURE  ANIM IMAL AL HU HUSB SBAN ANDR DRY Y  AN AND D VE VETE TERI RINA NARY RY 2. AN SCIENCE   SCIENCE 3. ANTHROPOLOGY 4. BOTANY  BOTANY  5. CHEMISTRY 6. CIVIL ENGINEERING  ENGINEERING  7. COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCY 8. ECONOMICS  ECONOMICS  9. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING







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NATURE OF THE EXAM Before Befo re taki taking ng  an anyy exam exam as asp piran irants ts sh sho ould uld understand the  very nature of exam, it will give them them a  cl clea earr un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g abou aboutt th the e ex exam am process, it  exam structure and other aspects of th the e exa exam, m,  in all at the firs firstt stan stance ce we shou should ld

aspi aspira rant ntss are are  very very hi high gh and and acco accord rdin ingl glyy th the e vacancies vacanc ies are  very low, in any year of not notificati ification on the vacancies is only about 800-1000. So here to understand the  nature of the exam is significant. Aspi As pira rants nts befo before re  getti getting ng in into to th the e pr prep epara arati tion on should be  very sure about the prerequisites and th the e req requi uire reme ment ntss  of the exami examina nati tion on.. As th the e

unde unders rstan tand d the the  exam exam an and d set set our our ta targ rget et and strategy accordingly.  It is a common trend that UPSC UP SC issu issues es  noti notifi fica catio tion n in the the first first we week ek of Dec De cem embe ber, r, (f (for or  the the ne next xt exam exam year year)) in Th The e Employment News  but we have seen last year and and th this is  ye year ar also also th that at it ha hass publ publis ishe hed d th the e notification in  FEB. For the clear understanding and the  whole exam one should studied complete notification carefully.  The notification can also be downloaded from  UPSC officia iall website www.upsc.gov.in Every   has to become officer,aspirant it  is one of its thedream coveted services an in IAS the country, yes  there are private sector which are offe of feri ring ng high high  pe perk rkss an and d be bene nefi fits ts but but st stil illl Ci Civil vil Service has  its own charm. Over the number of


nature of the exam suggests that whole full time prep prepar arat atio ion n is  requ requir ired ed.. Th The e exam exam ha hass its its co comp mpet etit itive ivene ness ss th that at  co come mess with with ha hard rd wo work rk.. Aspirants needs  to start there preparation at least one year  before for the first attempt, as the whole exam process  takes one year thus two year of completely rigorous and devoted preparation are very much required for the exam. Ev Ever eryy co comp mpet etit itiv ive e  exam exam ha hass its its ow own n na natu ture re,, understandin unders tanding g the  nature of the exam is half way towards the  success. Our preparation should be focuse foc used d on  wha whatt exac exactly tly exam examina inatio tion n exp expect ectss from the  aspiran aspirants ts rather what aspirants expects from the  exam. The nature of exam suggests that yourr pre you prepara paratio tion n  sho should uld be relativ relative e ins instead tead of absolute. Aspirants  are required to be better than





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the other  aspirants. So before preparation I would suggest the  aspirants to have a clear idea and unde unders rstan tandi ding ng of  the the exa exam m an and d cont contem empl plat ate e thoroughly. thoro ughly. First  of look yours yourself elf at evaluate that are you  fit for the job or not, if yes the then n go ahea ahead. d. Read as  much as you can for the understanding of the  exam, there are several articles, blogs are available. Make a  realistic assessment of the effort that is required for  the exam and put yourself accord acc ording ingly. ly. Rat Ration ional al  sel selff ass assess essmen mentt alw always ays helps. Remember  do not set you target which is based on  your past laurels and achievements as this exam is not testing intelli intelligence gence as defined in the conventional  sense. The exam is looking for br broa oadd-ba base sed d in indi divi vidu dual alss  wi with th op opin inio ions ns.. It is important to  know the exam, what is the nature of the exam.  For instance it is an All India Exam; it

chasing a subtle target. It is advisable to prepare chasing yourse you rself lf for  the civ civilil ser servic vice e in the gradua graduatio tion n years by  identifying the weak and strong points and familiarizing  yourself with the syllabus and pattern of examination. It is seen that those who have taken  the exam as soon as they become eligible are better than then the others so it is best to tak take e  th the e exam exam as soon as yo you u are elig eligib ible le.. However here  keep your other options open for your career as a safety net.

WHAT IS UPSC? HISTORICAL HISTORICA L BACKGROU BACKGROUND: ND:  Indianisation of the superior Civil  Services became one of the major demands of  the political movement compelling the British  Indian Government to consider setting up of  a Public Service Commission for

has three  tier, prelims, mains and Interview. Wh What at is th the e  exa exam m proc proces esss is also req requi uire red d to kno know w before opting to get into the preparation. Thus think  twice before taking the plunge. But make sure  that once you have made the choice to become becom e an  IAS, there should be no looking back. During the  whole process you might face failure, sometimes you  will doubt your ability, may have to start  from square one after reaching up to the last stage.  Here is the real test of your mental strengths streng ths rather  than your intellect intellectual ual abilities. In one way or another the whole process of exam is a life life  ch chan angi ging ng one, one, wh whet ethe herr yo you u co come me out out successful or  unsuccessful. It matters a lot for the life  of yours and your loved ones. You have to sail through  each and every aspect of all these events. At the  same time it becom becomes es essential to make a realistic assessment  of your potential otherwise th the e op optim timum um  yea years rs of yo your ur ca caree reerr ar are e lost lost in


recruitment to its services in the territory. The first Pub ubli lic c Se Serv rvic ice e  Co Comm mmis issi sion on wa wass set set up on Octobe Oct oberr 1st 1st,,  192 1926. 6. The Con Consti stitue tuent nt Ass Assemb embly, ly, after independence, independence,  with the promulg promulgation ation of the new Constitution  for independent India on 26th Januar Jan uary, y, 195 1950, 0,  this Pub Public lic Serv Service ice Com Commis missio sion n wass acco wa accord rded ed  a co cons nsti titu tuti tion onal al st stat atus us as an au auto tono nomo mous us entit entityy  and given given th the e title title - Un Unio ion n Public Service Commission.

Consti Cons titu tuti tion onal al Prov Provis isio ions ns::    tth he UPSC is a constitutional body  in the sense that it is directly created by  the Constitution of India. It has been established under  Article 315 of the Constitution of India.  Usually, the Commission constitutes 9 to 11 members including the Chairman.

The UPSC  is the central recruiting agency in India. The major  role played by the Commission is to select persons  to man the various Central Civil Services and  Posts and Services common to the





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Union and  States (viz. All-India Services). Under th the e Co Cons nstit titut utio ion n  on one e of the the func functi tion onss of the the Comm Co mmis issi sion on is  to cond conduc uctt exam examin inati ation onss for for appointment to  Civil Services/Posts of the Union. The Commission  usually conducts over a dozen examina exam inatio tions ns eve every ry  year on an all India basi basis. s. These The se inc includ lude e  Exam Examinat ination ionss for rec recrui ruitmen tmentt to servic ser vices/p es/post ostss in  vari various ous fiel fields, ds, suc such h as Civi Civill Services, Engineering, Medical and Forest Service, etc.


th thei eirr po posi sitio tion n  un unde derr coul could d mak make e into into th the e IAS IAS service. IAS officers holds several key positions in the government.  During the normal course of an IAS career,  they are posted at the Sub-Division, and District,  and serve in the State Secretariat or as Head  of Departments. They might be posted in the Centre. The wo The work rk  de defi fini niti tion on of an IAS IAS of offi fice cerr woul would d encompass framing,  modifying, interpreting and Implemen enta tattion of  policy matter ters in the Gove Go vern rnme ment nt of  Indi India a (i (i.e .e.. in th the e mini minist stri ries es). ). Implem Imp lementa entatio tion n enta entails ils  dis disbur bursem sement ent of fun funds, ds,

The re The recr crui uitm tmen entt  to th thes ese e serv servic ices es is ma made de through throug h the   UPSC on the basis of the annual civil servic vice exam xam,  a compet etiitive exam. Indian Admi Ad mini nist stra rati tive ve Serv Servic ice e    (IAS), Indian Police Service   (I (IPS PS), ),  Indian Forest Service   (IFS (IFS)) is cons consid ider ered ed as  All In Indi dia a Ser Servi vice cess wh whil ile e ot othe hers rs services recruited  through this civil services exam is known  as Central Services. The officers of the All India Services are recruited and trained by the fe fede deral ral Un Unio ion n  Go Gover vernm nmen entt (“t (“the he Ce Cent ntre re”) ”) and serv serve e in  th the e vari variou ouss Stat State e Go Gove vern rnme ment nt (“th (“the e States”)) as   well as Centre (which is why the IIRSis States” RSis a “central  service” instead of an All India Service as the theyy  wor workk onl onlyy in the Cen Central tral Gove Governm rnment ent). ). Officers are  organized into cadres, derived from the states they are allotted to work in for as long as they continue to be a member of the respective Service. Twenty-four  states have their own cadre, bu butt th ther ere e  are are al also so thr three ee join jointt ca cadre dres: s: As Assa sam, m, Megh Me ghal alay aya, a, Ma Mani nipu pur, r,  Tr Trip ipur ura, a, Mizo Mizora ram m an and d Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Union Territories.

INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE  SERVICE (IAS) IAS is  topmost servic service e in the civil services exam. Amon Am ong g 10 100 0  vac vacan anci cies es on only ly thos those e wh who o secu secure re


which whic h ca call llss  fo forr pers person onal al supe supervi rvisi sion on.. In eac each h Mini Minist stry ry yo you u  will will supe supervi rvise se the allot allotme ment nt an and d utilization of  funds by the field officers in your Ministry. Half of  an IAS career has spent in the State where they have  alloca allocated. ted. During the initia initiall year of two years probation  you will be attached to various train trainin ing g and scho school to th the ecollector’s Sec Secre reta taria riat t and After fiel field d offices   tools, as, district office. the compl completion etion  of proba probation tion an IAS be appoi appointed nted as a   Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM). Here you will look  after law and order, general administration, revenue  work and such developmental work as may be assigned to you. In the  next three scales i.e.. Senior Scale, Junior Administrative Admini strative Grade  and Selectio Selection n Grade an IAS have to  serve as District Magistrate, Director of an anyy go gove vern rnme ment nt  depa departm rtmen ent, t, Ch Chief ief Ma Mana nagi ging ng Director of  a Public Sector Unit. In the supertime scale they appointed as Secretaries or Divisional Commissioners. The  highest post in the State is th that at of  th the e Ch Chie ieff Sec Secre retar tary. y. At th the e top of th the e hierarchy hierarc hy of  IAS offic officers ers is the Cabinet Secretary followed by  Secretary/ Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Director,  Under Secretary and then the Junior Scale Officers.





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INDIAN POLICE SERVICE (IPS) The Indian  Police Service simply known as Indian Police or  IPS, is one of the three All India Services of the  Government of India. The IPS is not a law enforcement agency;  rather it is a civil service

maintenance of  public peace and order, cr crim ime e pr prev even enti tion on,,  inve invest stig igat atio ion, n, and and detecti dete ction, on, col collec lectio tion n  of int intell ellige igence nce,, VIP se secu curi rity ty,, cou ount nter er-t -ter erro rori rism sm,,  bor orde derr poli po lici cing ng,, ra rail ilw way  po poli lic cing ing, ta tack ckli ling ng smug sm uggl glin ing, g, drug drug  tra traff ffic ickin king, g, econ econom omic ic offences, corruption  in public life, disaster

wher wh ere e offi office cers rs  are are sele select cted ed on th the e basi basiss of pr prof ofes essio siona nall mer merit it  as prov proven en by comp compet etiti itive ve examinations, examina tions, and   to which all police officers are profes pro fessio sional nally ly ide identi ntified fied..  Ind Indian ian Pol Police ice off office icers rs ar are e em empl ploy oyed ed  by th the e po poli lice ce de depa part rtme ment ntss of respective states  of India. During the probation period an IPS has to undergo two year of on- the  job training  in the office of a Superintendent of Police of  a district in the State you have been allocated.On completing  your two year probation, you will  be confirmed as a three star Assistant Superintendent of Police (A.S.P.). As Superintendent  of Police, Senior Supe Superin rinte tend nden entt of  Po Poli lice ce of a Dist Distri rict ct an and d as Deputy Inspector  General of a Range you will be exclus exc lusivel ivelyy res respon ponsib sible le  for the pre prevent vention ion and detection of  crime. In cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore,  the law and order duties are the exclus exc lusive ive resp respons onsibi ibilit lityy  of the pol police ice force force.. In these cities  the ASP, SP, and the DIG are called Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACPO), Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) and Commissioner of Pol Police ice  (CP (CP). ). The Dir Direct ector or Gen General eral of Polic Police e (DG) is  the head of the entire Police force of a

state. With the With the  pa pass ssag age e of tim time In Indi dian an Poli Polic ce Ser ervi vice ce’s ’s ob obje ject ctiv ives es were were  up upda dated ted an and d rede redefi fine ned, d, th the e rule rules s an and d fu func ncti tion ons s  of an In Indi dian an Po Poli lice ce Serv Servic ice e Of Offi fice cerr are as follows:  ●   To fulfill  duties based on border responsibilities, in  the areas of


m anio-eco ageconom emnomic ent, ic leg eislatio nfotion, rcen,m nt diversi otyf sociosoc legisla   ebio biodive rsity and protection of environmental laws etc.   Leadi Leading ng and and  co comm mman andi ding ng th the e Indi Indian an Intelli Int elligen gence ce Age Agenci ncies es  like Res Researc earch h and Anal An alys ysis is Wi Wing ng  (R (R& &AW AW), ), Inte Intell llig igen enc ce Bureau(IB), Central  Bureau of Investigation Investi gationss (CBI),  Crime Invest Investigatio igation n Department Departm ent (CID)  etc., Indian Federal Law Enforce Enfo rcemen mentt Age Agenci ncies, es,  Civi Civill and Arm Armed ed Police Forces  in all the states and union territories.   Leading and commanding the Paramilitary Forces of  India (PMF) which include the Central Cent ral Pol Police ice  Org Organis anisati ations ons (CP (CPO) O) and Central Paramilitary  Forces (CPF) such as Bord Bo rder er Secu Securi rity ty  Fo Forc rce e (B (BSF SF), ), Ce Cent ntra rall Reserve Police  Force (CRPF), Indo-Tibetan Border Bor der Pol Police ice  (IT (ITBP) BP),, Nati Nationa onall Sec Securit urityy Guard Gua rd (NSG (NSG), ),  Cent Central ral Ind Indust ustrial rial Sec Securi urity ty Forc Force e (CI (CISF) SF),,  Vigi Vigila lanc nce e Org Organ anis isat atio ions ns,, Indian Federal  Law Enforcement Agencies.   Serv Serve e at   the hea head d of the depart departmen ments ts in poli po licy cy ma maki king ng  in th the e Mi Mini nist stri ries es an and d Departm tmen entts of  Central an and d Stat ate e Governments and  public sector un unde dert rtak akin ings gs bo both th  at th the e ce cent ntre re and and states, Government of India.   To interact and coordinate closely with the members of  other All India Services and Central Cent ral Civ Civilil  Ser Servic vices es and also with the Indian Ind ian Arme Armed d  For Forces ces pri primar marily ily wit with h the elite Indian Army.





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  Endeavour to  inc inculcate ulcate in the p police olice fo forces rces unde underr thei theirr  comm comman and d such such va valu lues es and no norm rmss as  wo woul uld d he help lp th them em serv serve e th the e

Direct Taxes,  Nagpur. Being Central Government Servants, The members of the service are liable to be posted  anywhere in the country and are thus

people better.   Inc Inculc ulcate ate int integr egrity ity  of the hig highes hestt ord order, er, sensit sen sitivit ivityy to  asp aspirat iration ionss of peopl people e in a

truly national  in character. The respective Boards ar are e au auth thor oriz ized ed  by th the e stat statut ute e to reg regula ulate te the transf tra nsfer er and  pro promot motion ion pol polici icies es gov govern erning ing the

fast-changing social economic resp re spec ectt fo forr  huma hu man n  and righ rights ts,, broa broad d milieu, li libe bera rall perspective of  law and justice and high standard of professionalism.

members  the This helps ineirkeeping the serv servic ices es of high highly ly service. ap apol oliti itica cal l an and d th their tech techni nica call nature keeps  them more professional and skill oriented.



The Indian  Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of  the Government of India. It is one of the Centr Ce ntral al Ci Civi vill  Ser Servi vice cess (Gr (Grou oup p A) A).. Th The e Servi Service ce functions under  the Department of Revenue in the Union Ministry  of Finance and is concerned with the collection  and administration of the various

Indian railway  is Asia’s largest and second largest railway in  the world. It is called the lifeline of the cou ount ntry ry.. It  car arri ries es traf traffi fic c of bot oth h it cate caters rs movem vement of  traffic of both freight and passenger and  also supporting economic growth and promoting  natio tional integratio tion. The

direct and   indirect taxes accruing to the Govern Gov ernmen ment.I t.IRS RS com compri prises ses   two bra branch nches es Union - IRS (Customs and  Central Excise) and IRS (Income Tax) Ta x),, wh whic ich h  are are co cont ntro roll lled ed by tw two o sepa separa rate te statutory bodies,  viz., Central Board of Excise and Cust Cu stom omss (CB (CBEC EC))  an and d Ce Cent ntral ral Bo Boar ard d of Dire Direct ct Taxes(CBDT) respectively.

recruitment carried outof    bGroup y the‘A’ Ugazetted nion Puemployees blic Servicise Comm Co mmiss issio ion n th thro roug ugh h  exams exams co cond nduc ucted ted by it. it. These are   the following list of Group A services which are recruited by the UPSC of India.

Under the   service of Indian Reven Revenue ue Service your major work  is to earn money for the exchequer. The nature  of job is “officer oriented” as you are involved in  all the processes from investigation to de deci cisi sion onss an and d  po polic licyy pl plan annin ning. g. Sta Start rtin ing g with with

UPSC Civil Services Exam ●   Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’. ●   Ind Indian ian Rail Railway way  Acc Accoun ounts ts Serv Service ice,, Gro Group up ‘A’. Personnell Service, Group ●   Indian Railway  Personne ‘A’. ●   Railway Protection Force, Group ‘A’

Assista Ass istant nt Com Commis missio sioner ner  (AC (AC), ), mem member berss of the IRS usually  rise up to the designation of Chief Commissioner (CC).  Some senior most members serve ser ve as  Cha Chairp irperso ersons ns or Mem Member berss of Cen Centra trall Board of  Direct Taxes(CBDT), Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), Customs, Excise and Servi Ser vice ce Ta Taxx  Ap Appe pell llate ate Tr Trib ibun unal al (CE (CEST STAT AT)) an and d In Inco come me Ta Taxx  Ap Appe pell llat ate e Tr Trib ibun unal al (I (ITA TAT) T).. IRSs IRSs training conducted  in the National Academy of

UPSC Engineering Services Exam ●   Indian Railway Service o off Engineers, Group ‘A’ ●   Indian Railway Stores Service, Group ‘A’ Indian Rai Railw lway ay  Ser Servi vice ce of Me Mech chan anic ical al ●   Indian Engineers, Group ‘A’ ●   Ind India ian n Ra Rail ilw way  Se Serv rvic ice e of Elec Electr tric ical al Engineers, Group ‘A’





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  Indian Railway  Service of Signal Engineers, Group ‘A

● ● ●

THE INDIAN FOREST SERVICE (IFOS) In Indi dia a ha hass  a vast vast na natu tura rall re reso sour urce ces. s. For For th the e ba balan lance ced d an and d  al alll roun round d de deve velo lopm pmen entt of thes these e resources vast  machinery are also required. India has has an  are area a of 63 635, 5,40 400 0 km to de desi sign gnate ated d as forests, about  19.32 percent of the country. The Indian Forest Service (IFS) is the Forestry service of India. It is one of the three All IIndia ndia Serv Services ices of the Government  of India. It was created in 1966 for protection,  conservation, and regeneration of forest resources. Selected candidates are sent for foundat fou ndation ion trai trainin ning g  at the Lal Bah Bahadu adurr Shas Shastri tri National Academy  of Administration at Mussoorie. This  is followed by Forest Service-specific orientation  at the Indira Gandhi Nation Nati onal al Fo Fore rest st  Ac Acad adem emyy at De Dehr hrad adun un,, wi with th training on  forest and wildlife management, soil conser con servati vation, on, sur surveyi veying, ng,  Sch Schedu eduled led Tri Tribes bes,, and handling weapons. After compl completing eting  the academ academies, ies, candidat candidates es go through a  year of on-the-job field training in the state to  which he or she is assigned. There is a probationary period  of three years during which theyy are  pos the posted ted as Ass Assista istant nt Con Conser servato vators rs of Forests. On  completion of this,and after a total period of four years of servic service e in the junior scale scale,, officers are  appointed to the Senior Time Scale and and ar are e  en enti titl tled ed to be po post sted ed as the De Depu puty ty Cons Co nser ervat vator orss of  Fores Forests ts or Divis Divisio iona nall Fores Forestt Officers in charge of districts/ forest divisions. Ranks of  the Indian Forest Service are as follows:  ●   Probationary Officer  / Assistant Conservator of Forests ●   Deputy Conservator of Forests



  Conservator of Forests (CFs)   Chief Conservator of Forests (CCFs)   Additio Additional nal Princip Principal al  Chief Conservato Conservatorr of Forests (Addl.PCCFs)   Pr Prin inci cipa pall Ch Chief ief  Co Cons nserv ervat ator or of Fore Forest stss (PCCF) - highest post in a State   Direct Director or General  of Forests - highes highestt pos postt at Cen Centr tre, e,  sele select cted ed from from am amon ongs gstt th the e senior-most PCCFs of states.

TRAINING In the  pre presen sentt for form, m, the identi identifie fied d ins institu titutio tions ns offer training  programmes designed in consul con sultati tation on wit with h  the Dep Depart artmen mentt of Per Person sonnel nel an and d Trai Traini ning ng..  Th The e civil civil serv servic ice e sy syst stem em at th the e Cent Ce ntre re pro rovi vid des  fo forr indu induc ctio tion trai train ning ing to probationers. All  new entrants called probationers (IAS (I AS,I ,IP PS, S,IIRS etc. etc.))  fi firs rstt und nder erg go a 44-mo mont nth h Fo Foun unda dati tion on Co Cour urse se(c (com ommo mon n  to all all of offi fice cers rs recrui rec ruited ted thr throug ough h  CSE) at Lal Bah Bahadu adurr Shas Shastri tri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. After the completion of the foundation course, the probationers are  sent to their respective institutes for professional  training, while the IAS probationer proba tionerss continue to stay at the Academy for their the ir pro profes fessio sional nal  tra trainin ining. g. The pro probat bation ioners ers of the Indian  Foreign Service are trained at Delhi. After completing  the foundation the probationers of th the e  Po Poli lic ce Se Serv rvic ice e ar are e trai traine ned d at Sa Sard rdar ar Vall Va llab abhb hbha haii Pa Patel tel  Nat Natio iona nall Po Polic lice e Ac Acad adem emy, y, Hyde Hy dera raba bad. d. Th The e  pr prob obat atio ione ners rs of th the e Indi Indian an Reve Re venu nue e Serv Servic ice e  ar are e trai traine ned d at th the e Na Nati tion onal al Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT), Nagpur for the officers of  IRS (IT) and at National Academy of Cust Cu sto oms ms,, Exci Excise se  an and d Na Narc rcot otic icss (N (NAC ACEN EN), ), Faridabad for officers of IRS (C&CE).

CIVIL SERVANTS: PAY SCALES Approx Appr oxima imate tely ly the  ran range ge of salar salarie iess draw drawn n at various levels are as follows:




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Promotional Grades For Civil Servants:  ●   Scale Position/Job (Pre-Revised) Junior Officer  Scale Work in their allotted States (Pay Band/  PB-3 15600 - 39100 + Grade Pay/GP 5400) Scale e  Officer (Under Secreta Secretary ry GOI ●   Senior Scal level) (PB-3 15600 - 39100 + GP 6600) ●   Junior Administrative  Grade (after 9 years Deputy Secretary GOI level) (PB-3 15600 - 39100 + GP 7600) ●   Selection Grade  (after 14th year) (Directors/Deputy Secretary) (PB-4 37400 - 67000 + 8700) ●   Super time  Scale B (DIG grade(IPS)/Conservator of Forest(IFS) etc) (between 14 to 16th year of service) (PB-4 37400 - 67000 + 8900) Scale ale or Senior Administrative ●   Super Time  Sc Grad rade (Joint  Secretar aryy GOI Leve vell) (between 17th to 18th year) (PB-4 37400 - 67000 + 10000) Above Super  Time Sc Sca ale or Hi Hig gher ●   Abo Administrative Grade/Additional  Secretary GOI Le Leve vell  (aft (after er at le leas astt 25 year yearss of service) (67000  - annual increment @3% -79000) ●   Ap Apex Time  Scale (75000 - annual

increment @3%  -80000) (This scale exist for certain  services like IPS/IFS/IA & AS/ IRS etc.)   Apex Scale  80000 (f (fixed) ixed) (Sec (Secretary retary GOI Level) (after 30 years of service)   Co Cons nsol olid idat ated ed 90 9000 000 0  (fix (fixed ed)) Ca Cabi bine nett Secretary (  Only for IAS one post at the Centre)

Ce Cent ntre res s of  Ci Civi vill Se Serv rvic ices es (P (Pre reli limi mina nary ry)) Examination ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●










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● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●







Centres of  Civil Examination:-


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●





The cen entr tre es  an and d the dat ate e of holdi lding the examination as  mentioned above are liable to be change cha nged d at  the dis discre cretio tion n of the Comm Commiss ission ion..


Applicants should note that there will be a ceiling on the  number of candidates allotted to each of the Centres,  except Chennai, Dispur, Kolkata and Nagp Na gpur ur.. Allo Allotm tmen entt  of Ce Cent ntre ress wi will ll be on th the e "first-apply-first allot"  basis, and once the capacity of a  particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen. Applicants,  who cannot get a Centre of th thei eirr ch choi oice ce  du due e to ceili ceiling ng,, will will be requ require ired d to ch choo oose se a  Ce Cent ntre re from from th the e rema remain inin ing g ones ones.. Applicants Applic ants are,  thus, advise advised d that they may apply ea early rly so  th that at th they ey co could uld get get a Cen Centr tre e of the their ir ch choi oice ce.. NB NB::  No Notw twit iths hsta tand ndin ing g th the e af afor ores esai aid d provision, the  Commission reserves the right to






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chan change ge the the  Cen Centr tres es at thei theirr di disc scre reti tion on if the the situation n demands. All the Examination Centres for for CS  (P) (P) 20 2017 17 Exam Examin inat atio ion n wil illl cate caterr to examination for  Low Vision Candidates in their respec res pectiv tive e cen centres tres..  Can Candid didates ates adm admitte itted d to the examination will  be informed of the time table and plac ace e  or places of exa xam minati tio on. The ca cand ndid idat ates es shou should ld  no note te th that at no re requ ques estt for for change of centre will be entertained.

Eligibility Conditions: Nationality: (1) For  the Indian Administrative Service and the Indi Indian an Po Poli lice ce  Serv Servic ice, e, a ca cand ndid idate ate must be a citizen of India. (2) For other services, a candidate must be either: (a) a citizen of India, or (b) a subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a  Ti Tibe beta tan n ref refug ugee ee wh who o ca came me over over to In Indi dia a before bef ore 1st  Janu January, ary, 1962 with the int intent ention ion of permanently settling in India, or (e) a  person of Indian origin who has migrated from fro m Pak Pakista istan, n,  Bur Burma, ma, Sri Lan Lanka, ka, East Africa African n countries of  Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania,  Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and

Vietnam  the intention of permanently settling in India. with Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b),  (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour  a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Provided Provide d fur further ther  that can candida didates tes bel belong onging ing to ca cate tego gori ries es (b), (b),  (c) (c) and and (d (d)) abov above e wi will ll not not be eligibl elig ible e for  app appoin ointme tment nt to the Ind Indian ian For Foreig eign n Service. A ca cand ndid idat ate e  in wh whos ose e ca case se a ce cert rtif ific icat ate e of

given only  after the necessary eligibility certificate has been  issued to him/her by the Government of India.

Age Limits: (a) A   candid candidate ate must have attaine attained d the age of 21 years and  must not have attained the age of 32 years on  the 1st of August (Ch (Check eck Not Notifi ificat cation ion for  Exact date e cal calcul culati ation) on). Necessary action to make Exact dat corresponding changes  in respective Rules/Regulations pertaining  to various services is being taken separately. (b) The   upper age-limit prescribed above will be relaxable: (i) up to a maximum of five(5) years if a candidate belong bel ongss to  a Sch Schedu eduled led Caste or a Sch Schedu eduled led Tribe (SC/ST); (ii) up  to a maximum of three(3) years in the case of ca cand ndid idat ates es  be belo long ngin ing g to Ot Othe herr Ba Back ckwa ward rd Clas Classe sess (OBC (OBC))  wh who o ar are e elig eligib ible le to av avai aill of reservation applicable to such candidates; (iii) up  to a maximum of three years in the case of Defen efenc ce Se Serrvices  Personnel, disab isable led d in oper operati ation onss du durin ring g  ho host stil iliti ities es with with an anyy fo fore reig ign n country or  in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof; of five years in the case of (iv) up  to a maximum ex-servicemen including  Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs  who have rendered at least five years Military  Service Service as on 1st August, and have been released; (a) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment assignment  is due to be completed within one year  from 1st August, otherw otherwise ise than by way of dismissal  or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or

eligibility is  necessary, may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be


(b) on   account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or





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(c) on invalidment. (v) up  to a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs EC Os/S /SSC SCOs Os wh who o  ha have ve co comp mple lete ted d an in init itia iall pe peri riod od of  as assi sign gnme ment nt of fi five ve yea years rs of Mili Milita tary ry Service as on 1st August, and whose assignment has has be been en  ext exten ende ded d be beyo yond nd fi five ve yea years rs an and d in whos wh ose e case case  the the Mini Minist stry ry of De Defe fenc nce e iss issue uess a certificate that  they can apply for civil empl em ploy oyme ment nt an and d  that that they they will will be rel relea ease sed d on three months’ notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment. (vi) -PLS CH PLS CHEC ECK K  OF OFFI FICI CIAL AL NO NOTI TIFI FICA CATI TION ON FO FOR R FU FULL LL DETAILS

Number of Attempts Every can Every candid didate ate  app appeari earing ng at the exa examin minatio ation n who is  otherwise eligible, shall be permitted six attempts at   the examination. Provided that this restric res trictio tion n on  the num number ber of att attemp empts ts will not appl applyy in  th the e ca case se of Sc Sche hedu dule led d Ca Cast stes es and and Scheduled Tribes  candidates who are otherwise eligible. Pr Prov ovid ided ed fu furth rther er  tha thatt the the numb number er of at attem tempt ptss permis per missib sible le to  can candid didate atess bel belong onging ing to Othe Otherr Backwa Bac kward rd Cla Classe sses, s,  who are oth otherw erwise ise eligib eligible le shall be  nine. The relaxation will be available to the the ca cand ndid idat ates es  wh who o are are el elig igib ible le to avai availl of

Provided Provid ed fur further ther  tha thatt a phy physic sicall allyy han handic dicapp apped ed will will get get  as ma many ny at attem tempt ptss as are ava avail ilab able le to other non-p non-physica hysically lly  handic handicapped apped candidate candidatess of his or   her community, subject to the condition th that at a  phy hyssical ically ly ha hand ndic icap app ped can andi dida date te belonging to the General Category shall be eligible fo forr ni nine ne  at attem tempt pts. s. Ne Nece cess ssar aryy ac actio tion n to ma make ke Corresponding Changes  in respective Rules/Regulations Pertaining  to various services is being  taken separately. The relaxation will be avail ailable to  the physically handicapped candidates who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates. Note:

(i) An  attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Civil Services Examination. (ii) (ii) If  a ca cand ndid idate ate actu actuall allyy ap appe pears ars in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, he/she shall be de deem emed ed  to ha have ve ma made de an att attem empt pt at th the e Examination. (i (iii ii)) No Notw twit iths hsta tand ndin ing g  th the e disq disqua uali lifi fica cati tion on// can anc cellat lation of  can and dida idature, th the e fac actt of appearance of  the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt

reservation applicable to such candidates.






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CIVIL SERVICES AS A CAREER WHAT ARE  THE PROSPECTS FOR ENGINEERING &  SCIENCE STREAM STUDENTS? Civil services  is the premier job in the country, everyy sec ever second ond  stude student nt wan wants ts to bec become ome a civ civilil servant. But  as compared to the private sector this job  offers less at some instanc instances es their perks and salary are three times higher. Even though the private sector  offers best of salaries a majority of students as well as parents want their children to be an  IAS officer. Here it is true that it doesn’t offer perks  and benefits as other private sectors are offering  but it offers an opportunity to lead and to  work with the common people and at the grassroots leve vell.  It alw alway ayss giv ive es you an opportunity and  chance to impact people’s lives acro across ss a  vari variet etyy of do doma main inss such such as he heal alth th,, education, water, sanitation, roads and electricity. In the  private sector job you won’t get such a privilege. However,  the debate is still on whether the civil   services should be a best career option for young  people or not will remain unanswered.

GENERALIST (simple  graduate, master)   or SPECIALIST (ENGINEERING,  MEDICAL, MANA MA NAGE GEME MENT NT,, ETC) ETC).In  indian culture both are suited. At  the end we can say that civil services is the only career in india throug through h civil servants can change people's lives.

SALARY OF IAS OFFICER IAS salary  structure consists of four Pay Scales: Junior Jun ior Scal Scale, e,  Seni Senior or Sca Scales les,, Sup Super er Tim Time e Sca Scale, le, and Above  Super Time Scale. Each of the pay scale further consists of different pay bands. Junior Scale Pay Band:  Rs 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs 5400 This would  be the salary of new recruits. Along with this  basic pay a civil servant is also entitled to HRA, DA and other allowances. Senior Scales

1. Se Seni nior or Time im   Sc Scal ale: e: An IAS Of Offfusually icer icer is promoted toe the Senior Time Scale after 7-9  years of service. Pay Band: Rs

The very  nature of work of civil servant is not only to maintain law and order but also implementing policies of  the popularly elected governments as heads hea ds of  dis distri trict ct adm adminis inistrat tration ion to jobs at the United Nations and the World Bank, formulating po polic licies ies wh whic ich h  to touc uch h the the liv lives es of milli million onss of people across  the globe. It is always being asked that is  civil service as a career suits.Engineering graduate, to  some extent it doesn’t suit because it couldn’t offer  what they are offering but it offers abov above e al alll  to wo work rk with with th the e peop people le who whom m we belong to.Its  a long matter of in administrative circle who can be the best administrator

15600 39100 Grade Pay Rs 6600 2. Junior Admini Administrative strative Grade Payy Band Pa Band::  Rs 15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs 7600 At this  level an IAS is generally a Deputy Secretary in  the State Secretariat or the Municipal Commissioner in the field. 3. Sele Selecti ction on Gra Grade de Payy Band Pa Band::  Rs 37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs 8700 In this  Selection Grade an IAS Officer will be the  Joint Sec Secret retary in the St Sta ate Government or  a Deputy Secretary in the Central Government.







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Super Time Scale Pay Band: Rs 37400-67000 Grade Pay Rs 10000 At this level of the IAS hierarc hierarchy hy an IAS has most probably be  the Secretar aryy of some state government department  or could be posted at the Centre in the position of Joint Secretary. It takes about 20 years to reach the Super Time Scale. Above Super Time Scale There are three Pay Bands in this scale.   ●   Rs 37400-6700 37400-67000. 0. Grade Pay of Rs 12000. ●   The Apex  Pay Sca Scale le of Rs 80 80000 000 (f (fixe ixed). d). No Grade Pay. Cabi bine nett Se Secr cret etar aryy  Gr Grad ade e of Rs 9000 90000 0 ●   Ca (fixed). No Grade Pay. The IAS officers in the Super Time Scale includes Senior Secretaries,  Chief Secreta Secretaries, ries, Secret Secretaries aries in th the e  Ce Cent ntra rall Go Gove vern rnme ment nt and and th the e Ca Cabi bine nett Secretary, Secreta ry, the  highes highestt position an IAS officer can aspire for in life.

employees are  entitled to in addition to benefits mean me antt fo forr  IAS IAS of offi fice cers rs on only ly.. This This is an adde added d bonus of the IAS. All these faciliti facilities es are extended to the  retired Civil Servants also, they also entitled to sub subsid sidized ized  acc accomm ommoda odatio tion, n, tele telepho phone ne and transport facilities etc.

NATURE OF WORKS The nature  of work attached to a Civil servant offi office cerr is  adm admin inis istr trati ative ve in natu nature re.. It inv invol olve vess interaction with  people at each and every level of interaction society. The  work and decision taken by an IAS ,IPS,IRS etc has been affected many lives, thus responsible decision-making is another important aspe aspect ct of  th this is wo work rk.. Civi Civill serv servan ants ts ar are e also also required to  travel extensively as their nature of job demands all  these, both during inspection tours of the  areas under their jurisdiction in the country, or as   in the IFS, the world. In general rule, the initial years  of an offic officer’s er’s career are spent in the districts and  small towns. Over year they have

PERKS, BENEFITS  & FACILITIES ENJOYED BY IAS OFFICERS IAS IAS of offi fice cers rs  ge gett rent rent free free ac acco comm mmod odati ation on or accommodation at  very low rent, official vehicle, ho hous use e he help lp,,  free free el elec ectr tric icit ityy and and othe otherr such such facilities. At the posting at the PSUs an IAS officer enjoys al alll  the benefit itss th that at regular PSU


promoted to the senior grades promoted grades,, where the area of resp respon onsi sibi bilit lityy is  wide wider, r, po post stin ing g ar are e us usua uall llyy to bigger cities, state capitals or at the center. Other im impo port rtan antt ta task skss  of Civi Civill Serv Servan ants ts are are Po Poli licy cy Formulation and  implementation, supervision and its assessment,  Planning etc.In simple way we ca can n say say  th that at civil civil serva servant ntss are th the e real real pol polic icyy implementing authority.





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GENERAL STRATEGY OF CIVIL SERVICES EXAM CHOOSING CIVIL  SERVICES AS A CAREER GOAL Before Befo re go goin ing g  in into to the the prep prepara aratio tion n of the the Civ Civil il Service Serv icess Exam  ass assess ess you yourr pot potent ential, ial, int intere erests sts,, circ circum umst stan ance ces, time me re reso sour ces & h fi fina ncia iall, sust su stai aina nabi bili lity ty s,so ti th that at  yo you u urce ca can ns re reac ach ananc firm firm, determined &  practicable decision. The first step towa toward rdss yo your ur  succ succes esss is to choo choose se your your goal goal ho hone nest stly ly.. I  me mean an you you shou should ldn’ n’tt ch choo oose se Civi Civill Servicess as   your goal simply because your father Service or mother  has a dream or there is pressure from your social  circle. It should come from your heart;

Underr the Unde the  sche scheme me of exam examin inat atio ion n aspirants need two sel select ect  two opt option ional al sub subjec jects ts in the Mai Mains ns Written examination.  Earlier in the older pattern of examination examina tion aspira aspirants nts  had to select one optio optional nal subj subjec ectt in  th the e Pr Prel elim imin inary ary exami examina nati tion on also also.. Selection of  option subject one of the toughest

nuts to  crack. One can say this is door to final se sele lect ctio ion. n. Th The e  very very mu much ch sele select ctio ion n of th the e can andi dida date te is  depe depend nden entt on th this is se sele lect ctio ion. n. Nowa No wada days ys co comp mpet etit itio ion n  invo involv lved ed in th the e civi civill services servic es exam  has been on rising. This huddle of co comp mpet etit itio ion n wi will ll  on only ly pa pass ss th thro roug ugh h pr prop oper er planning, hard  work, perseverance and patience.

Selec Sele ctio tion planning.

this shouldn’t be the criteria for the selection. The whole  examination demands firm patience and clear  determination towards goal, the whole process span  in one year so it is imperative to gi give ve at  le leas astt on one e an and d half half-y -yea earr of full full ti time me preparatio prepar ation n wit with h  sol solid id det determ erminat ination ion.. It sho should uld clearly understand  here that if any aspirants have done good  and have excellent in their academics will get  success in its very first attempt. It is one sort of  presumptions. But the fact is shows other story there is no any such need, it doesn doesn’t ’t matter he here re at  all all you you ne need ed not not to ha have ve a sple splend ndid id ac acad adem emic ic ba back ckgr grou ound nd  be besid sides es you you only only need need clear determination  and firm belief that you can go th thro roug ugh h  all the the wa way. y. It is righ rightl tlyy said said”” Th The e difference between  the possible and impossible lies in a person’s determination”

of  op opti tio ona nall com omes es un unde derr pr pro oper per

The selection  of optional subjects must be done most carefully,  if it goes wrong, everything will go in vain.  In the field of this battle choosing optional is ha half lf  wo won. n. No Norm rmall allyy ca cand ndid idate atess sele select ct th that at optional subject in which they are familiar with, or have at  least studied till graduate level. This is not hard and  fast rule anybody can select any subject from the  24 optional subjects but it's better in the ca cand ndid idat ate e th that at  th they ey shou should ld be ju judio dious us wh whil ile e sele select ctin ing g an  op opti tion onal al subj subjec ect. t. If yo you u ar are e not not co comf mfor ortab table le with with  th the e subj subjec ect, t, yo you u shou should ld no nott select the   subject as an optional. In my opinion, optional subject  should be chosen on the basis of own interest  in that subject and performance of subj subjec ectt in  th the e pr previ eviou ouss few few yea years rs as scor scorin ing g pattern, candidate  got qualified from that optional etc.

Selection of Optional Subjects


Availability of  study materia materiall  in that optional will also taken  into account. Any optional subject may be eval evalu uat ated ed  on th the e basi basiss of a nu numb mber er of para parame mete ters rs.. The hese se  par aram amet eter erss ar are: e: so some me





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optional are  considered scoring while others are preferred for  their relevance, relevant in either the Gene Ge nera rall Stu Studi dies es  pa pape perr or in the the essa essay. y. So Some me cand candid idat ates es are are  cho hossen opt ptio iona nall for for thei theirr compar com parativ atively ely sho short, rt,  cle clearl arlyy def define ined d syl syllabu labus. s. Avai Av aila lab bil ilit ityy an and d  acc access ess of go good od and and stud studyy material is yet another consideration. There is a vast choice of optional subject. There are 24  optional subjects subjects available  available to choose for the aspirants.  By the stream the whole optional

Public Administration is anotherr subject which is Administration  is anothe popular popul ar among  aspiran aspirants. ts. Public Administratio Administration n ca can n also also  be co coup uple led d with with ot othe herr op opti tion onal al like like History or Sociology etc. This optional also covers significant areas  of the General Studies papers. This Th is op opti tion onal al  su subj bjec ectt do does es no nott requ requir ire e any any prev previo ious us ba back ckgr grou ound nd  in th the e subj subjec ectt th this is is an added advantage. Philosophy is  another subject that may be taken with other  humanities subjects. This subject may

may be  broadly categorised as science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology; Huma Hu mani niti ties es subj subjec ects ts  li like ke Hi Hist stor ory, y, Po Poli liti tica call Scienc Sci ence, e, Pub Public lic  Adm Admini inistra stratio tion, n, Geo Geograp graphy hy and Sociology; and  languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, and Pali.  The UPSC also allows for subjects like Anthropology, Psychology and Philosophy.

be coupled  with Political Science or Sociology as there are   several similarities between them. It is also very  useful for the essay papers. The subject has bee been n  con consid sidere ered d as scori scoring ng one and also requires no previous background. Geography Geogra phy is  ano anothe therr opt option ional al tha thatt is open to candidates candid ates from  varied academ academic ic backgrou backgrounds. nds. The nature  of the optional is objective - with its tables and maps – it makes it highly scoring.

Among the  optional subjects History, Psychology, Sociol Soc iology ogy,, Pub Public lic  Adm Admini inistra stratio tion n etc has bee been n widely selected,  the very reason for this is the na natu ture re of  subj subjec ect, t, any any ca cand ndid idat ates es th thos ose e not not ha havi ving ng sp spec ecia iall  or ad addi diti tion onal al educ educat atio iona nall qualifications have  been doing reasonably well, whereas the   optional subjects like Mathematics, Phys Ph ysic ics, s, an and d  Eng Engine ineer erin ing g are cons consid ider ered ed as toug toughe herr su subj bjec ects ts  an and d the the candi andida date tess with with exceptionally good  preparation only may expect to do well.

Ec Econ onom omic icss is  anot anothe herr op opti tion onal al th that at is of ofte ten n eschewed by  candidates as it is considered as a difficult subject.  However in the past Economics has helped  some students topped the rank list. However care  should be taken while selecting this subject. One  subject is Sociology, which is very useful in the “social issues” section of the General Studies paper and in answering essay questions.

History is one of the optional subjects which are widely selected  by the aspirants. Because of the

However, it  is believed that the primary criteria should not  be the nature of the subject or whether

nature resources rces availabl available e inoptional the market this subjectand has  resou been chosen as safe subject. One of   the other reasons that candidates select this optional  because it is easy to grasp, it doesn’t matter what  your background is you can easily understand and do well in this optional.

compre scoring not. Stud iitnteisr ecom st prehen in  hended thededsuas bjesco ct ring shoor uld not b.e Student givent en predominant importance.  It should be correctly understood that  any optional can be scoring if the student approaches  it strat ate egicall ally an and d systematically.






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SELECTION OF MEDIUM OF EXAM Aspiran Aspi rants ts need need  to sele select ct as their their me mediu dium m of instruction for  the Mains examination. Selection of me medi dium um  shou should ld be done done wi with th your your inte interes restt

it lead leadss  yo you u to th the e fi fina nall sele selec ctio tion. Th Tho oug ugh h Optional subject  also has its importance but at th the e same same  time time Ge Gene nera rall St Stud udie iess ha hass its its ow own n contribution. In  the Essay & Interview stage this help helpss a  lot. lot. So Ge Gene nera rall St Stu udies dies sh shou ould ld be prepared in well.

inst instea ead d in  th the e fash fashio ion. n. It is seen seen th that at some some candidates   medium as others this are getting selection in select that particular medium, should not be   done. You should choose your medium th that at suits suits  yo you u be best st and you can expr expres esss yo your ur views better  than other medium. Availability of standard books  & study material in that medium sh sho oul uld d al also so  be take taken n into into ac acco cou unt befo before re choosing the  medium. Aspirants should keep in mind that  medium plays a key role in the final selection, and  with the new syllabus it proved. In th the e new new  syll syllab abus us of Prel Prelim imss Engl Englis ish h me mediu dium m candidates must  feel safe in Prelims Paper two instead of  Hindi medium candidates. But it’s not


worry for  them a little effort can make for the hindi medium  candidate. They should brush up on their English  before opting hindi as a medium of language.

Prep Prepare are yo your ursel selff  as th ther ere e is no ne need ed for an anyy further attempt.  Even then somehow you could not get  sele selecte cted d the then n thi think nk bef before ore takin taking g you yourr fu furt rthe herr att attem empt pt..  As Asse sess ss yo your urse self lf we well ll befo before re taking your  further attempt if you has done well in the previous  attempt its good, you only need to main ma inta tain in your your  temp tempo. o. But, But, if you you ha have ve no nott performed perfo rmed well then it is better to quit one or ttwo wo at attem tempt ptss an and d  do don’ n’tt ta take ke yo your ur fu furt rthe herr at attem tempt pt unless you are ready for the attempt.

IMPORTANCE OF GENERAL STUDIES General Studies  is one of the subjects which have major contribution  in the whole examination, in the Prelims  there is one whole Paper of General Studies and  in the Mains it has its contribution. In this way general studies can’t be undere underestimate stimated d




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It is  seen among aspirants that they are in a hurry to tak take e  th thei eirr first first att attem empt pt.. Bu Butt it’s it’s no nott a go good od strategy at  all do not hurry in taking your first attempt. attemp t. Take  your first attempt as your first and last attempt  and only then you feel that you are read readyy to  co come me into into th the e ba batt ttle lefi fiel eld d of ex exam am because once you are trapped in virulent circle of examina exa minatio tions, ns, little little  time rem remain ainss avai availab lable le for improvisation.





IAS is  seen as one of the most reputed careers in In Indi dia. a. Ev Ever eryy  year year,, th the e Un Unio ion n Pu Publ blic ic Se Serv rvic ice e Commis Com missio sion n (UP (UPSC) SC)  con conduc ductt the civ civilil serv service icess ex exam amin inat atio ion n for for  ma maki king ng th the e re recr crui uitm tmen entt to various posts  under the Indian administration, like the IAS,   IPS, IFS and other Allied Services. The exam xaminatio ion n is  conducted to recruit the administrators, who  are supposed to administer the dif differe ferent nt  dep departm artment entss of the govern governmen mental tal machinery. Thus,  UPSC expects the aspirants to have a wide knowledge base. The exa examina minatio tion n  is con conduc ducted ted in thr three ee stag stages. es. The first   stage is the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, Examina tion, which  is genera generally lly conduc conducted ted in the month of May every year. The Preliminary  examination is conducted to test the basic  understanding and awareness of the candid can didates ates.. The  exam consi consists sts of two papers papers:: Paper-I of  General Studies (GS), which includes Indi Indian an hi histo story, ry,  ge geog ograp raphy, hy, poli polity, ty, scie scienc nce e an and d technology, economy  and current affairs. Paper-II, th the e Civ Civil il  Servi Service cess Ap Apti titu tude de Te Test st (CS (CSAT AT)) wa wass introduced in  2012, and includes questions to test general aptitude  of the candidates, and include questions on   Reasoning, English comprehension, Basic Bas ic Mat Mathem hematic atics, s,  Dec Decisi ision on Mak Making ing and Dat Data a interpretation. IAS Examination  is open to any citizen of India, who is  between 21 to 32 years of age, for the General category.  However, UPSC has come up




with the   notification giving relaxation in number of attempts and age eligibility of different ca cand idat ates es. . out Bu But th the noti noious tifi fica cati tion on hnic isical vag vague ue. an and d uncl unndid clear ear ab abou t  t th the ee var vario us tec techn aliti ities es. We would clear the present situation as soon as  UPSC comes up with further notifications. There is  no res There restric trictio tion n on can candid didates ates,, for their educational background.  The only criteria being‘the candidate  must hold a degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India...’ Tackling the Preliminary Examination: Paper-I

The leve levell  of diff diffic icul ulty ty of th the e civi civill se serv rvic ices es preliminary examination  is not too high. Generally, it is  of th the e leve levell th that at a pers person on,, with with bas asic ic awareness of  the world around us, can qualify. Howe Ho wever ver,, it  is im impo port rtant ant to ke keep ep in min mind d th that at tackling the  civil services preliminary examination requires a   comprehensive understanding of the subjects covered  by the examination. Given the nature of  the exam and the level of competition, an aspirant  should prepare a study plan, keeping in mind his/her strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the  preparation should start with a plan to crea create te a  ba basi sic c un unde ders rstan tandi ding ng of th the e diff differ eren entt subjects. It  should be noted that, since the task of an admi admini nist stra rato torr  is to ma mana nage ge th the e diff differ eren entt as aspe pect ctss of  th the e adm admin inis istr trati ation on,, a civil civil ser serva vant nt sh shou ould ld be  aw awar are e of th the e diff differ eren entt issu issues es and and disciplines. Thus,  the first task that confronts an aspirant is  to understand the different subjects. The Th e un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g  sh shou ould ld no nott limi limitt to ju just st ‘mugging up’  the topics, but, to understand the logic and  learn the ideas behind it. The recent



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trends of  the UPSC examinations have witnessed a shift  from the traditional descriptive questions to mor more e  ana analyti lytical cal que questio stions. ns. Thu Thus, s, UPS UPSC C has been trying  to look out for the candidates who are ab able le to  li link nk the the di diff ffer eren entt topi topics cs and and ma make ke connections between them.

in the  study plan. A rational study plan can help in maintaining the  flow of the studies, which can maintain the interest and productivity. Note: The  idea given here is just indicative. You must mu st pr prep epar are e  as per per yo your ur unde unders rstan tandi ding ng an and d comfort level.

Thus, the  aspirant should study, with an aim of understanding the  underlying logic of the subject. A more logical approach, in this regard is to select the subjects, that the aspirant is comfortable with, and then to move towards more complex topics.

Possible Strategy  for an Arts/Humanities Student The study,  for this section, might begin with the reinforcement of  the social science subjects, and th then en mo move ve  to towa ward rdss ec econ onom omy, y, sc scie ienc nce e and and environment. Note:  The  idea given here is just indicative. You must mu st pr prep epar are e  as per per yo your ur unde unders rstan tandi ding ng an and d comfort level.

Let’s take  up an example of how to prepare for the Prelims Paper-I Possible Strategy for Science Students For For a  pe pers rson on wi with th a Scie Scienc nce e Ba Back ckgr grou ound nd,, the the

pr prep epar arati ation migh mi ghtt  start ststudyi art wi with ge geog ograp raphy. hy. It is important import antonthat   while studying ngthany subjec subject, t, logical connections are  established between the theory an and d pr prac acti tice ce..  Fo Forr exam exampl ple, e, while hile st stud udyi ying ng geography, study  the theory and try to link it with the reality.  This would help in keeping the facts in mind. Next, complete the subject, and move to the othe ot herr subj subjec ectt  of in inte teres rest. t. For For inst instanc ance, e, af afte terr ge geog ograp raphy hy take take  hist histor ory, y, an and d then then Po Poli lity, ty, an and d Economy, and  so on. This systematic approach woul wo uld d help help  the the cand candid idat ate e mo move ve ah ahead ead wi with th a comprehensive knowledge base, while ensuring the linkage between different subjects. Note :  The idea given here is just indicative. You must mu st pr prep epare are  as pe perr yo your ur unde unders rstan tandi ding ng and comfort level. Possible Strategy for a Commerce Student For this  section, the preparation might start with an in-d in-dep epth th  stud studyy of In Indi dian an ec econ onom omyy and the the latest trends.  Since the basics are already clear, th the e pe pers rson on  migh mightt mo move ve to stud studyi ying ng poli politi tics cs,, history, science,  environment, and so on. It shall be noted that it is important to maintain continuity


Express Points 1. Do Don’ n’tt tr tryy  to mug mug up eve every ryth thin ing g th that at is covered under  t he Preliminary examination syllabus. 2. Always main maintain tain  a p proper roper link betwe between en tthe he diffe dif fere rent nt subj subjec ects ts  and to topi pics cs.. Th This is will will help you in the Long run. 3. Try to  kno know w your areas of sstre trengt ngths hs an and d weaknesses, and  prepare the study plan according. 4. If something  is too diffic difficult ult to unders understand tand or to too o  co comp mple lexx to gr gras asp, p, do don’ n’tt st stre ress ss yourself yourse lf by  Over-in Over-indulgin dulging g in it. Rather, try to compensate  for the topic by strengthening the other topics. 5. It mi migh ghtt  no nott be rati ration onal al to tak take e risk risk by attempting attempt ing the  questio questions ns that you are not sure about.  A more rational approach is to secure your  place in the merit list, and not ta taki king ng th the e  risk risk of at atte temp mpti ting ng all all th the e answers. 6. Pa Pape perr-II II (C (CSA SAT) T)  is mo more re sc scor orin ing, g, as com compare pared d to  th the e Pap aper er--I. Th Thus us,, th the e





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candidate candid ate sho should uld  try to fet fetch ch max maximu imum m marks in the second paper.

2. The diff difficu iculty lty  leve levell of the C CSAT SAT iiss not too hig igh h. Thus,  there is no need to feel panicked by the aptitude section.

What’s the  CSAT Riddle?is conducted to test the The CSAT examination general aptitude of the candidates. An advantage for the   civil services aspirant is that the level of difficulty is  not as high as it is in the CAT or other manage man agemen mentt exam examina inatio tions. ns.  Thu Thus, s, any ser seriou iouss aspirant can  fetch as high as 170+ marks in the CSAT examination.

3. Istu t dents is  ts a M TH ance t eCSan ATd fco avmmer ors erce tce he studen with wiYth   scie scthienc and comm background. In fact, the level of Questions in CSAT  is that of Class X, and can be handled with simple Understanding. 4. Th The e bi bigg gges estt  adva advant ntag age e of the CS CSAT AT is that- it  does not need a whole year for preparation. It  can be easily prepared in 3-4 months.

Tackling the  CSAT is a simple task. Since the le level vel of  dif diffic ficul ulty ty is not not high high,, a ca cand ndid idate ate can fe fetc tch h hi high gh  ma mark rkss by unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g the the ba basi sic c concepts conce pts of  reason reasoning, ing, Englis English, h, decisi decision on making, and data  interpretation. This does not require as much mu ch ef efffor ortt  as ne need eded ed for for Pa Pape perr-II. Ini niti tial al preparation can  be done by studying any basic material on aptitude. However, to  fetch good marks, practice is very important. For  example- even if you practice 50 questions daily, for about 50 days, it would suffice For decision  making, it is important to understand the the ba basi sic c  prin princi cipl ples es th that at guid guide e th the e de deci cisi sion on making process  of an administrator. An added advantage of  the decision making section, in the CSAT, is  that there is no negative marking. Thus, a candidate can  attempt all the questions in this sectio sec tion, n, wit withou houtt  the fea fearr of neg negati ative ve mar markin king. g. Thus, an   understanding of the decision making section can  help in givi vin ng a boost to th the e aggregate marks of the candidate. Express Points 1. In CSAT CSAT,,  the ol old d sayin saying g foll followow- ‘P ‘Prac ractic tice e makes a   Man perfect’. So practice some questions daily.

IAS PRE: The Right Approach The Civil  Services Preliminary Examination 2018 is scheduled  to be held in June 2018. Therefore, the time  has come that a serious aspirant shall start preparing  for the same. Ho Howe weve ver, r, ther there e ar are e cer erta tain in poin points ts  that that shou should ld be remem emembe bere red d to the the upcoming examination: 1. The First  and Most Impor Important tant ‘Mantr ‘Mantra’ a’ ffor or an anyy Civi Civill  Se Serv rvic ices es As Aspi pira rant nt is to be consistent with  the studies. Once you lose touch with  the study plan, things start to deteriorate. Thus,  it is a sacred duty of any civil servant  to maintain consistency in the study plan. However, it is also important to maintain main tain con contac tactt  wit with h the out outsid side. e. Civi Civill Services, in  these days, is not the forte of the bookworms. 2. Make a  concrete plan of study. The amoun amo untt of  time time do does es no nott mat matte ter. r. Wh What at matters is  the matter that you can grasp with an   adequate level of understanding. Thus, don’t  fall for the market rumors of 10-12 hours study. Rather, prepare a short and long-term  goal for yourself, based on your strengths and weaknesses.






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3. Don on’’t get get  demo demoti tiva vate ted d by the the ma mark rket et cl clai aims ms.. Ha Have ve  tru trust st in your yourse self lf an and d the the

The first  thing is to understand is the structure of th the e exam examin inat atio ion. n.  Give Given n th the e mult multip ipli lic city ity of

materia mate riall yo you u  have. have. Ho Howe weve ver, r, it is als also o import imp ortant ant to  che check ck the aut authen hentic ticity ity and rel reliab iabilit ilityy of  the res resour ources ces that you are relying on. daily,, whether Hindu, 4.   Read NEWSPAPER  daily Indi Indian an Ex Expr pres ess, s,  or any any othe otherr re repu pute ted d paper. It  is a cliche, but a necessary one. Learn how  and what to read in a ne news wspa pape per. r. Al Also so,,  in inst stea ead d of jump jumpin ing g between different  papers, stick to a good dail dailyy an and d  deve develo lop p a com ompr preh ehen ensi sive ve understanding, by  linking what you read wit ith h what  yo you u have read. It is also lso important to  keep track of major events and dev develo elopme pments nts..  Sin Since, ce, it is human humanly ly impossible to  remember everything for a lo long ng ti time, me,  it is adv advis isab able le to ma main intai tain n a reco re cord rd of  the the ma majo jorr de deve velo lopm pmen ents ts an and d events from  the newspaper. However, it is al also so an  art art to de deve velo lop p note notess from from th the e newspaper. Instead  of cutting the strips of paper, just  write down the main development. This  would hardly take an hour hour,, bu butt  can can be very very prod produc ucti tive ve in the the long run. 5. Wri Write te down  the syl syllab labus us and the d diff ifferen erentt areas, and  keep a record of your progress. This would  help in ev eva aluat atiing your pe perf rfor orma manc nce. e. Af Afte terr  al all,l, self self-s -stu tudy dy is nothing but  a psychological game. Thus, evaluate yourself regularly.

discipline discip liness and  iss issues ues,, the wei weight ghtage age of ever everyy to topi pic c is  in a fi fixe xed d pr pro opo port rtio ion. n. On Once ce th that at is understood, unders tood, it   is important to decide beforeh beforehand, and, which sections to be prepared strongly, and which ones ones are  to be left left feeb feeble. le. How Howeve ever, r, leavi leaving ng a topic does not mean complete abandonment of it. Even  if a topic is difficult, an attempt should be made to  go through it a few times, so as to get some elementary knowledge.

How to Cover the Syllabus? The syllabus  of the civil services is a giant. It might not  be possible to cover each and every topi topic c wi with th  fu full ll unde unders rstan tandi ding ng and exp expert ertis ise. e. Therefore, one  must adopt a strategy that can ensure maximum possible marks.

The ques questi tion onss  as aske ked d in th the e civi civill se serv rvic ices es prel prelim imin inar aryy exam examin inat atio ion n  ar are e cat ateg ego orize rized d according to  their difficulty level. Thus, going by the recent  trends, about 70% of the questions lie in the  intermediate level of difficulty, while about 15% ques questio tions ns  fal falll und under er the categ category ory of Easy level. The   remaining 15% questions come under the hig high h  dif diffic ficulty ulty leve level. l. The Therefo refore, re, an asp aspiran irantt shall not waste time in digging deep in search of reso resour urc ces, es, ra rath ther er,,  one mu must st rein reinfo forc rce e th the e kn know owle ledg dge e ba base se  an and d unde unders rstan tand d th the e va vari riou ouss disciplines. A  basic understanding of the different subjects can secure one’s place in the next stage of the examination process.






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to lay  your foundations now, and continue

IAS PREPARATION  FOR UNDERGRADUATE & CBSE STUDENTS Civil Ser Civil Servi vice cess  exami examina nati tion on is one one of the the mo most st reputed repute d examina examinations tions  in India. It is conduct conducted ed by the Uni Union on  Pub Public lic Ser Servic vice e Com Commis missio sion n (UP (UPSC) SC) every year,  to recruit the future civil servants of India. No   wonde wonderr there is craze among the youth for the   civil services. The degree of power and status linked  with the civil services/I services/IAS AS needs no explana exp lanatio tion. n. Eve Every ry  year year,, 5,0 5,00,0 0,000+ 00+ can candid didates ates take the  civil servic services es examinatio examination, n, to prove their metal. However, However,  taking the IAS exam is no child child’s ’s play. The  preparations need a good amount of time tim e an and d  de dedi dica cati tion on.. Th Thus us,, a lar large ge numb number er of students dedicate  themselves wholeheartedly for th the e civ ivil il  se serv rvic ices es prep prepar arat atio ion, n, si sin nce thei theirr schooling age. However, without proper guidance and support, it becomes hard to crack IAS exam. Thus,, IA Thus IASEX SEXAM AMPO PORT RTAL AL.C .COM OM  de dedic dicate atess this this ar arti ticl cle e to  th thos ose e co comm mmit itte ted d and and pa pass ssio iona nate te studen stu dents, ts, who  pre prepare pare thems themselve elvess for the civ civilil services exam, since their schooling days. But one  thing must be acknowledged before moving forward: 1. If you yourr  passi passion on and com commit mitmen mentt for Civil services is  true, nothing can stop you from getting success.  Given the wide scope of the IAS  exam, it is the best strategy to dedicate oneself  for the civil services as early in life as possible. 2. Realise the  pot potential ential o off a Stude Student. nt. Bei Being ng a student you  have the ability to cover any

to construct the tower of your knowledge. Student Life: The Preparatory Stage It has been een rig igh htl tlyy said said tha that: ‘the mind of a child is like clay, it can be moulded in any shape’.

In your school life, you get the opportunity to learn and study  a whole lot of subjects. If you are really serious towards  your goal of civil services, you must study  what is taught in the school curriculum with dedication. Why?? because,  when you come to the college and start  preparing ing for the civil services examination afresh,  you would have to re-study the who whole le  sch school ool stuff again. Thus, ins instead tead of going to  college without a solid base, you must start sta rt dev develo elopin ping g  a com compre prehen hensiv sive e kno knowle wledge dge base from your school days itself. You mi You migh ghtt  find ind th this is ta task sk as tire tireso some me,, but remember, it  is better to put some effort in the ea earl rlyy st stag ages es,,  th than an to st stre ress ss yo your ur mi mind nd late later. r. NCERT books  are a great source of knowledge. You must  utilize them. Instead of taking a duel with and compli complicated books,, you must focusthe on  heavy the basics first. cated books What Strategy should be followed? If you  are still in school, but want to prepare for the civ civilil  serv service icess exa examina minatio tion, n, you must stu study dy whatever whatev er you  are taught in the school curric curriculum ulum seri seriou ousl sly. y. Firs First, t,  ha have ve a go good od lo look ok at th the e Civil Civil Services syllabus,  as it would give you a good idea about  the nature and trends of the

size of  book in a short span of time. You must mu st ha have ve  don one e this this ma many ny-a -a-t -tim imes es.. however, this  might not be possible while

examination. Once  you have gained a good idea of the exam syllabus and scope, you should start preparing at your own speed.

preparing for  civil services. Thus you need




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Do not  rush through the topics. Since there are still 3+  years for you to be eligible for the exam, you mus mustt  int intern ernaliz alize e wha whateve teverr you read. Thus Thus,, take take yo your ur  ti time me,, and and le lear arn n abou aboutt th the e vari variou ouss subjects and  topics. Do not jump directly to the high-l hig h-leve evell boo books. ks.  Rat Rather, her, focus on the NCERT first, and  then move gradually to the other study material. An added  advantage can be, if you keep preparing the notes  from the various books you read. By maintaining the  notes of the things you study, you will be   better able toadvantage remember would and understand the topics.   Another be that it would help you in the long run. Coming over to the issu issue e of  read reading ing Ne News wspa pape pers rs,, yo you u mu must st hav have e received a  whole series of lectures from your near and dear  ones, on how important are newspapers for for pr prep epari aring ng  fo forr civil civil serv servic ices es exami examina nati tion on.. However, Howeve r, what  the elders miss to lecture is- How to read   a Newspaper. Newspaper reading is not everyy per ever person son’s ’s  for forte. te. You need to be select selective ive while reading a newspaper. Do not   read everything that comes before you. Rather, prepare  what is relevant. Or, if you find it difficult to  read a newspaper everyday, you might also choose to read a good magazine that covers the current  affairs. You might also choose to read monthl mon thlyy iss issues ues  like like-- THE GIS GIST, T, whi which ch pro provid vides es

Express Points 1. If you  have decide decided d fo forr yo your ur ffuture uture career in the   civil services, you must not waste yo your ur time time..  St Stud udyy th the e bo book okss pr pres escr crib ibed ed under your  school curriculum seriously, as it would help you in the longer run. 2. Do no nott  ju jump mp dire direct ctly ly to th the e comp comple lexx to topi pics cs.. Rat Rathe her, r,  ta take ke th the e firs firstt step step with with great care. Take your time and plan ahead. 3. You have  ap approxim proximately ately 3-4 yyears, ears, befor before e yo you u are are  elig eligib ible le fo forr th the e ci civi vill serv servic ices es examination. Thus,  do not take decisions

about your study 4. At th this is   po poin intt ofin haste. time time,, qual qualit ityy is mo more re important than  quantity. Thus, your focus shou should ld be  on do doin ing g a qu quali alitat tativ ive e st stud udyy instead of just going through the topics. Going to College: The Big Decision Though the  subject of graduation does not matter in the  civil services eligibility criteria, but it does matter for  your intellectual growth. If you have made ma de a  de deci cisi sion on abou aboutt yo your ur ca care reer er,, and and th the e optional subject,  do not get bogged down by the sociall forces socia forces..  Your choic choice e of scien science, ce, commerce

or humanities  does not make a difference, if you are determined. Thus, if  you are planning for your future as a civil servant, you  must choose your graduation subject

you with the important editorials and articles from IAS IAS exam exam  per ersp spec ecti tive ve.. Or to keep keep your yourse self lf up-to-date. Also, it  is important that you develop good writing habits. So,  you must practice your writing skills. This would  help you to fare well in the Mains. If yo you u de deci cide de  to take take coac coachin hing g to im impr prov ove e your your writing skills,  keep in point that it is the content that matters, not the appearance.


which suits your future preparations. Express Points 1. Sinc Since e yo you u  are are pa pass ssio iona nate te fo forr th the e civi civill servi service cess as  yo your ur fu futu ture re,, yo your ur ch choi oice ce of graduation graduat ion shoul should d  be intelligentl intelligentlyy made. Choo Ch oose se yo your ur  su subj bjec ectt of inte intere rest st and and pursue your academics accordingly. 2. Do not  fall int into o the rumor rumorss th that at gi give ve hy hype pe to pa parti rticu cula larr  subj subjec ects ts.. Yo You u will will bene benefi fitt more if  you take a subject that is more





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beneficial for the exam, that you intend to beneficial take in the future. 3. It is  very very impo import rtant ant to cul culti tivat vate e a good good re read adin ing g ha habi bit. t.  Re Read ad ne news wspa pape pers rs and and magazines. If  you find it difficult to read the newspapers daily, you might choose to re read ad th the e  ma maga gazi zine ness wh whic ich h prov provid ide e a summary of the current affairs. For The Parents Civil Civ il Servi Service cess  Exa Exam m is a li life fe chan changi ging ng ev even ent. t.

Though you the value and that that co come mes s   understand wi with th th the e ci civi vil l serv se rvic ices es, , it prestige is al also so nece necess ssar aryy to  unde unders rstan tand d the the ti time, me, ef effo fort rt an and d de devo voti tion on that that  it take takess to crac crackk the the IA IAS S exam. exam. Thus, if  your ward has decided to go for the IAS exam, be supportive. It is very important to remember that civil services preparations require  a good amount of time and devotion. Thus,  please do not force your ward to make the   extra-efforts. While your support and guidance is what a child needs to excel, an extra pr pres essu sure re ca can n  ea easi sily ly back backfi fire re.. Th Ther eref efor ore, e, be supportive and understanding.

Newspapers are  seen as an indispensable tool to prepare for  the civil services examinations. It is highly unimaginable  to think about clearing the civil services  examinations without cultivating a mature newspaper  reading habit. However, most of th the e  ca cand ndid idate atess fa fail il to de deve velo lop p th the e st style yle of selective reading, that a newspaper requires. A ne news wspa pape perr  gene general rally ly co cont ntain ainss inf infor orma matio tion n about different  issues and topics. Many of these is issu sues es mi migh ghtt  no nott be as rele releva vant nt fo forr the ci civi vill servic services es prepar preparation.   Therefore, it is import important ant to cultivate cultiv ate a  habitation. of making a selective readin reading g of a newspaper. This ha This habi bitt  requ requir ires es an un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g of th the e syllabuss of the civil servic syllabu services es examination examination,, as well as the relevance of any topic from an examination point of view. To begin with, it is important to remember that an exam examina inati tion on of  th the e lev level el of th the e civil civil serv servic ices es exam, does  not bothe botherr about the political tussl tussles es and non-decisive debates that are brimming in the newspaper





Do no nott  fo forc rce e the the child hild to stud studyy more ore than than required. Teach  your ward about time management and prioritization of things in life. At last,  but of course, not the least, do not make the child  feel as if he/she is wastin wasting g his/her time doing doi ng civi civill  ser servic vices. es. Any paren parentt mig might ht get this feeling, looking  at the other young people, and thatt is  nor tha normal mal.. But you sho should uld under understan stand d the difference between  any other job and the CIVIL SERVICES. Thus, be supportive and encouraging. Your patience  and support would yield long-term benefits for you and your family.

developments might  be important in unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g th the e  co cont ntem empo pora rary ry scen scenari ario o of politics politi cs of the count country, ry, but from an exam point of vi view ew,, it  is un unim impo port rtan antt to sp spen end d enor enormo mous us amount of  time in making an in-depth study of these issues. Thus, an aspirant shall glide through th the e ar arti ticl cles es  an and d ne news ws rel relat atin ing g to th the e po poli litic tical al developments of  the working of different parties and groups. What is   of importance, from the exam point of view is  the decisions that are being taken, and the ag agre reem emen ents ts th that at  are co conc nclu lude ded d by the pu publ blic ic auth author orit itie ies. s. Also Also  im impo port rtan antt is to look look at th the e sy sylla llabu buss an and d  hi high ghli ligh ghtt th the e deve develo lopm pmen ents ts tha thatt

How to Read A Newspaper for IAS Exam






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particular partic ularly ly rela relate te  to the tra traditi ditiona onall kno knowle wledge dge given in the books.

Like- a  question may refer to the provisions about a situation of ‘hung assembly’;

Also lso, it  is importa rtant to keep a lo log g of the deve develo lopm pmen ents ts th that at  an aspi aspira rant nt re read adss in th the e newspapers, because  it is practically impossible to remember  each and every news item till the exam time.  Therefore, a more rational practi practice ce is to prepare  a log of the important items from the newspaper. This  shall not take much time of the

Ex Exam ampl ple e 2  In the case of the recent Syrian Crisis, it is   likely to be asked that- How iiss India’s iinterest nterest involved in the Syrian crisis; or what  is the main factor that has given wind to the developments in Syria. UPSC might not directly ask about the settlement of the Syrian issue or the agreements signed.

candidate, as  the candidate need to write down every bit  of article from the paper. Also, while preparing notes  from the papers, do not try to copy down the entire matter as it is. Instead, read the news  items carefully and write down the brie brieff summary. summar y. This would also help you to keep track of different developments that are covered by the newspapers. By  the time of the examinations, you would be  able to prepare all the current affairs easily and   in an adequate space. This approach

Ex Exam ampl ple e 3  Though the General Elections are on our heads,  but UPSC is unlikely to ask questions pertaining to  the elections agendas or activities related to   differ different ent parties. Howeve However, r, it might still be ask askeded-  How doe doess the Elect Election ion Commi Commissi ssion on reco recogn gniz ize e a  po poli liti tica call pa part rty; y; or Wh What at ar are e th the e poss po ssib ible le disq disqua uali lifi fica cati tio ons  of an elec electi tio on candidate or a voter. Thus, what  is implied here is that it is important to

has been  utilized by many of the IAS toppers, and has been proven for its effectiveness. As a  supplement to your newspapers, a candidate may also use any current affairs magazin magazine, e, as an additio add itional nal res resour ource. ce.  How Howeve ever, r, the valu value e of the self-made notes cannot be exaggerated. For Instance Ex Exam ampl ple e 1  There has been a rapid rise and fall in the Delhi Assembly politics. Many of  us might feel that a question might be as asked ked rel relat atin ing g  to the the de deve velo lopm pmen ents ts that that have have been taking place. However, looking  at the recent trends of the UPSC

question ask dirpapers, ect  q uiteis stunlikely ions pthat ertathe ininUPSC g towould the developments in this area. However, what  the UPSC might ask could still be related to  the recent developments in the political struggle in Delhi.


read a  newspaper, by linking it to what we read in the books.  The recent trends of the UPSC has seen questions  more based on the applicability of the issues, rather the direct factual questions. Thus, what  is implied here is that it is important to read a  newspaper, by linking it to what we read in the books.  The recent trends of the UPSC has seen questions  more based on the applicability of the issues, rather the direct factual questions. Express Points 1. Ne New wsp spap aper erss ar are e  a ve very ry han andy dy to too ol in preparation for  the civil services examination. 2. Lear Learn n ho how w  to do th the e sele select ctiv ive e read readin ing g

from theays newspapers. 3. It is  alw always us usefu efull to prep prepare are no notes tes fr from om the selected  news items of the newspaper. This  would also Help in the long-run.





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4. Mai Mainta ntainin ining g not notes es  fro from m the new newspa spaper perss also help  you in better remembering the cu curr rren entt ev even ents ts..  Be Beca caus use, e, yo you u will will be reading the  important news items multiple items, while preparing the notes for them. Newspapers Vs. Magazines It is   often thought about whether to go for the dailies or   the monthly magaz magazines, ines, that are widely availab avai lable le in  the market market.. How Howeve ever, r, a can candid didate ate should remember  a basic difference between the two, before going for their study.

Since a  newspaper is made in haste, it might lack

  For Mag Magazin azines: es:Pra Pratiyo tiyogit gitaDa aDarpa rpan; n;  The Gist by Iasexamportal.com   Other Sources: www.IASEXAMPORTAL.COM   Current Affairs, PIB.nic.in ; www.mea.gov.in ; India Year Books

Reading the HINDU for IAS Exam The Hindu  is considered a very good newspaper for the preparation of the IAS, IPS exam. However, it should  be noted that the language of the Hindu is generally  of a higher level. Thus, a beginner sh shou ould ld pr prep epar are e  hi his/ s/he herr no note tess ca care refu full lly, y, and and without any haste.

a shar sharp p  an anal alysi ysiss an and d eva evalu luati ation on of an issu issue. e. Newspapers are,  basically, a reservoir of factual knowle kno wledge dge on  cur current rent eve events nts and agreem agreement ents. s. Howe Ho weve ver, r, a  go good od ne news wspa pape perr al also so co cont ntai ains ns important import ant editor editorial ial  article articles, s, which contain a good analysi anal ysiss of  con contem tempor porary ary iss issues ues.. Man Manyy of the editorials editor ials can  prove to be of great value, from an exam point  of view. Thus, reading a newspaper can be useful in expanding the knowledge base of the candidate.  However, this task is fruitful only when wh en do done ne  thro throu ugh a se sele lec cti tive ve read readin ing. g. A Magazine, on the other hand, presents a summary of the events that have taken place in a particular time time fram frame. e.  Th Thus us,, it is very very us usef eful ul for for th thos ose e candidates, who  are not able to cultivate a habit of selective  reading of the newspaper, or does not have appropriate time for the newspaper reading. Reading a  good magazine can particularly help the working  professionals, in getting acquainted with the  curren currentt events witho without ut devoting time for the newspaper everyday.

As the next stage, study each selected news item carefully, paragraph  by paragraph, and write down a su summ mmar aryy  of th the e news news item item,, IN YO YOUR UR OW OWN N WORD WO RDS. S. It  is impo import rtan antt th that at yo you u writ write e th the e su summ mmar aryy in  yo your ur ow own n wo word rds, s, as it wo woul uld d be beneficial in  the long term. You would notice that from the  paper of each day, there are hardly 8-10 piec pieces es of  ne news ws items items th that at wo woul uld d req requi uire re yo your ur serious reading. This strategy strategy would help you to maintain a log of important current affairs.

Which Paper/Magazine to Read? ●   For New Newspa spaper perss  in Engli English: sh: The Hindu Hindu;; Indian Express; Asian Age. Hin ind di  New ewsspapers: Hindustan an,, ●   For Navbharat Times


We suggest  a stage-wise approach to read the Hindu. At  First, just go through the paper, and mark the  news items that are relevant from the exam exam pers perspe pect ctive ive..  Rem Remem embe ber, r, avo avoid id gett gettin ing g in indu dulg lged ed in  th the e po poli litic tical al an and d no nonn-si sign gnif ific icant ant co cont ntro rove vers rsie ies. s. On Once ce  yo you u ma mark rk th the e rele releva vant nt po port rtio ions ns,, yo you u  ca can n ju just st read read th the e ot othe herr mat mater erial ial superficially.

For the Hindi Medium Students Aspirants, with  the Hindi medium, might feel, at times, a  scarcity of quality material. To tackle this problem, there are only two options:





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You should  prepare the current affairs section, from fro m goo good d  Hind Hindii new newspa spaper pers, s, usi using ng the above mentioned strategy.  Remember that you must not go deep into the irrelevant news articles. The second  strategy involves a little more effort, but also  guarantees better results in the future. You might  start reading goo good d English newspa newspaper per

internalize/understand. Thus,   instead of planning the number of hours you want to study, decide the portion you  should cover in a day. Based upon the diffic dif ficult ultyy leve levell  of the top topic ic being cove covered red,, you must mu st set set  yo your ur da dail ilyy go goal als, s, and and de dedi dica cate te th the e appropriate time.  This would serve two positive purposes: 1. Yo You u wo woul uld d  be ab able le to cove coverr th the e righ rightt amount of  syllabus in the right time-frame,

slowly, and  develo slowly, develop p your person personal al notes in Hindi, in your own language. This would  have two advantages: advantages: One, you would better remember  the things, as you will be going th thro roug ugh h the the  ne new ws ma mate teri rial al mu mult ltip iple le ti time mes. s. Secon Sec ond, d, yo your ur  unde underst rstan andi ding ng an and d hold hold on the the Englis Eng lish h lan langua guage ge  wou would ld imp improv rove e sub substan stantia tially, lly, helping you  in the exams as well as in the longer run. HowIAS to Study ? The Ultimate Dilemma   or other Any  aspirant faces a challenge, some time, about  How to Study? And How to Cover the himalayan syllabus,  that the UPSC throws at the candidates.

To begin  with, anyone and everyone can study what is  given to them. However, the special task be befo fore re the the  civi civill servi service ce as aspi piran rantt is not not only only to apply his  mind in to a great variety of subjects and dis discip ciplin lines, es,  but also to und unders erstan tand, d, rath rather er th than an re reme memb mber er,,  abou aboutt the the su subj bjec ects ts.. Th Thus us,, preparing prepar ing for  the civil servic services es require a different

yo you. u. UPSC UP SC ex pect s nt th the e aro as aspi pira rant be mu ab able le to unde un ders rsta tand nd  expe th the e  cts eve event aroun und, d,ntintoits mult ltip iple le dimens dim ension ions. s. Thu Thus, s,  gain gaining ing a mul multi-d ti-disc iscipli iplinar naryy understanding would  help you in attaining a civil servant mindset. A gr grea eatt  ph philo iloso soph pher er on once ce said said:: Yo You u th the e mo more re senses you  use in the learning process, the better you are  able to learn. Make the learning process in inte teres restin ting. g. Me Mere rely ly  rea readi ding ng migh mightt beco become me a so sour urce ce of  bo bore redo dom m and and frus frustr trat atio ion. n. On th the e contra con trary, ry, it  bec become omess inte interes restin ting g whe when n we use different means  to study something. For instance, writing helps  in remembering things better, as it


in indu dulg lges es ou ourr  diff differ eren entt sens senses es in th the e lear learnin ning g process.

While starting  to studies, always remember that it is no nott  th the e nu numb mber er of hour hourss th that at de deci cide de yo your ur marks, but the kind of understanding that you are able to  have. Thus, it does not matter if you are studying studyin g for 10 hours or 3 hours hours,, what matters is the ‘matter’  that you are able to

Similarly, people use different methods, like- voice notes es,, slide ide  show pres esen enta tattions, group discussions, flip  cards, and many others. All this does not  create any new knowledge but aids in



decided by you. 2. By plannin planning g  your daily goals, you would be able to   get some time for the family and frie friend nds. s. Thi hiss  is a who hole leso some me stud studyy approach, that  ensures a comprehensive development of the aspirant. Coming over  to how to study, always rememberth the e best best  learn learnin ing g is done whe when n it is not not do done ne under compu compulsion. lsion.  Thus, do not force yoursel yourselff to study, rather,  try to take an interest in what you are studying,  by connecting it to the world around



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the process  of internalization of the subject being studied. Next, give yourself some time to think and grasp

4. Rein Reinfor force ce your  kno knowle wledge dge bas base e by usi using ng yourr kno you knowle wledge dge  in you life. Rememb Remember, er, Knowledge is  never Worthless. You would always alwa ys fin finds ds  som some e con connec nectio tion n bet betwee ween n

the topic  being studied. There should should be no hurry in the  study plan. Human mind needs some time to internalize  the things we feed into it. So, once you study  a topic, think over it later, and try to link it with  the world around you. This would lay a strong foundation of anything you study. Express Point 1 1. Fo Forr tho those  wh who o fe feel el they they canno annott fi find nd adequate material in their language, try the ab abov ove e me ment ntio ione ned d  ap appr proa oach ch.. On Once ce you you stud studyy an and d  in inte tern rnali alize ze a conc concep eptt in an anyy language, no  one else would be able to explain or express it better than you. 2. Do Don’ n’tt feel feel  de demo moti tiva vate ted d by th the e la lack ck of

material in  the market. Instead, study the mate ma teri rial al,, ev even en  if it is avai availa labl ble e in th the e language, you  are not comfortable with, and reinforce it through discussions. 3. Wh What atev ever er yo you u  read read,, Li Link nk it to the wor world ld arou around nd yo you. u.  An And d try try to unde unders rstan tand d the the cause-effect relations.  This ensures your command on  the subject you find hard to study. Express Points 2 1. Stu Study dy acco accordin rding g  to your abili ability, ty, not unde underr pressure or compulsion. 2. It is  iimporta mportant nt to llink ink wh what at you sstudy tudy to the world around  you. This is also the latest trend of the UPSC 3. Alw Always ays remem remember ber  Time do does es not m matt atter. er. Only Understanding  Does. However, it is al also so impo import rtan antt  to Ma Mana nage ge yo your ur ti time me adequately, as  most of the aspirants fail because of  a fault in their time management.




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what you study and where you live. Being Your Own Judge It is  very important to self-evaluate yourself, from ti time me to  time time.. Th This is help helpss yo you u to anal analyz yze e th the e effect eff ective ivenes nesss of  you yourr pre prepar paratio ations, ns, and make necess nec essary ary amen amendme dments nts..  Thus, Thus, afte afterr you fin finish ish with with a  to topi pic, c, ch chec eckk yo your ur pr prof ofic icien iency cy fo forr it, it, by lo look okin ing g at  diff differ eren entt que quest stio ions ns pa pape pers rs.. In th this is regard, the  previous year question papers could be of good help.

Carefull Caref ullyy pr prep epar are e  yo your ur stud studyy plan, plan, an and d do don’ n’tt hesitate to  revise it to suit time and situation. Once On ce yo you u  fin finish ish with with th the e syl sylla labu bus, s, start start yo your ur revision, revisio n, aga again. in.  Rem Rememb ember, er, eve every ry sub subsequ sequent ent revision should  take less time than the previous one. Also note that, it might not be advisab advisable le to sp spend end your time in re-doi re-doing ng the trivial questio questions ns that are easily answerable.  Mark the questions that need more time  and try to devise your own short-cut methods. For any help and assistance. NCERT and NIOS Books for IAS Preparations There is  a great hype about the NCERT and NIOS books, for  the preparations of the civil services ex exam amin inat atio ion. n. Wh Whil ile e  ev ever eryo yone ne su sugg gges ests ts th the e aspirants aspira nts to  read the NCERT and NIOS books, no one takes  the effort to explain to the candidate, how to  read these books. Therefore, IASEXAM IAS EXAMPOR PORTAL TAL.COM .COM pre presen sents ts  an anal analysi ysiss of these books,  and a rational strategy to deal with them.



Indeed, these  books are helpful for starting with the civil   services, as these provide the aspirant with wit h eas easyy  to und unders erstan tand d lan langua guage ge and graphi graphic c illustrations. Understanding any concept from the NCERT and   NIOS books becomes an easy task.

very crisp and concise language. Thus, you must be able  to get a thorough understanding of all the relevan relevantt top topics ics  and iss issues ues mentio mentioned ned in the these se books.

Since   books general generally ly compiled for the schoolthese students,  theare level of complexity is kept to a minimal level. Thus, a mature person, preparing for the  IAS exam, is able to comprehend the ideas and and fact factss  give given n in th the e bo book oks. s. Ho Howe weve ver, r, it is important import ant to  learn about how to study th the e NCERT and NIOS  books, from civil services exam point of view. The  main aim, with which these books are recommended to the civil services aspirants, is to ga gain in a  comp compre rehe hens nsiv ive e id idea ea ab abou outt the the var vario ious us issues and concepts that form the foundation of the various disciplines.

Express Pointsa 1. NCERT and nd  NIO NIOS S Boo Books ks are meant tto o bu build ild yo your ur fo foun unda dati tion on,,  ra rath ther er th than an as a ma main in source material  for the exams. Thus, first build your base in different disciplines, and then move on to other material. 2. Study these books Carefu Carefully lly an and d sl slowly, owly, as the starting  process is the most important one.. Care one Careful fully ly  read and und unders erstan tand d the different concepts. 3. The These se boo books ks  are no nott entir entirely ely rel reliabl iable, e, as they are  not compre comprehensive hensive,, and upto the mark, mar k, from from  th the e IAS IAS exa exam m pers perspe pect ctiv ive. e.

Since the  content of these books provide a bird’s eye view  of the various concepts, one must not rely on  these books entirely. Instead, these should be used  with th the e aim of forming a broad un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g of  th the e co conc ncep epts ts and and to topi pics cs,, covered under  the civil services syllabus. For a go good od pr prep epara aratio tion, n,  yo you u mu must st comp comple leme ment nt the the content given in the NCERT and NIOS material, with other  resources. Given the level of the civil services examination,  it is necessary to develop a knowledge base, higher than the standards of the NCERT and  NIOS books. The purpose of these books is to guide in your initial stages. Once you are com comfor fortab table le  wit with h the vario various us con concep cepts ts of different disciplines,  you must shift your attention to the richer study material.

Thus, you  should complement the knowl kno wled edge ge give given n  in th thes ese e bo book oks, s, with with other study materials. 4. It is  not ne neces cessary sary to sstudy tudy bo bothth- NCE NCERT RT an and d NI NIOS OS--  books for each subject. Reading a   single source for your starting shall suffice.

However, this  does not imply that your study of these the se boo books ks  sho should uld be cur cursor sory. y. Whi While le rea reading ding such such bo book oks, s,  you you mu must st give give at atte tent ntio ion n to th the e various concepts  and terms discussed. Since the level of complexity is not much, you would be able to find  the concept, defined and discussed in a






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Old Vs.  New Confusion??




Many of  the Many the as aspi pira rant ntss ar are e con onfu fuse sed d abou aboutt whether to  read the old or the new NCERT books books.. There is  a need to understand the fact that both th the e sour source cess  are go good od,, an and d wo woul uld d suff suffic ice e your your goal. However, However, the old NCERT are genera generally lly more rich in  content and description, but less appealing in terms  of colors and pictures! The New NCERT books, on the other hand, are made more colorful and attractive. However, many  of the topics in the new NCERT ha have ve be been en  di disc scar arde ded d ow owin ing g to th the e ch chan angi ging ng syllabuss and  politi syllabu political cal controvers controversies. ies. However, a cand candid idate ate shou should ld  not not both bother er mu much ch ab abou outt the the reliability of  the NCERT books. Generally, bothNCER ERT T Bo Book okss   would New as  well as Old Old NC ef effe fect ctiv ively ely help help  yo you u in prep prepar aring ing for for the the ci civi vill services. servic es. Thus,  do not waste your time in reading bo both th bo book okss  ba back ck-t -too-ba back ck.. In Inst stea ead, d, buil build d your your foun foundat datio ions ns and  proc proceed eed to the the next next sta stage ge of preparations. Moreover, you  must take what is readily available in the  market. The old NCERT books are generally out of  sto stock, ck, and thus una unavail vailabl able. e. The Theref refore ore,, inst instead ead of  searc searchi hing ng the the ma mark rkets ets for for the the old old books, it  is better to go to the ones that are easily available. www.IASEXAMPORTAL.COM   has  als also o pro provide vided d copies of the NCERT Books and Books and for the  free PDF copies NIOS books,  to the aspirants. So, please make use of the opportunity and prepare well. Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) What not to do for Civil Services Prelims!!

All IAS   aspirants face a challenge of studying a whole lot of disciplines and other issues. Many of us find  this a challe challenging nging task, as not ever everyone yone is com omfo fort rtab able le with with  th the e diff differ eren entt su sub bject jects. s. Therefore, Therefo re, at  IASE IASEXAM XAMPOR PORTAL TAL.CO .COM, M, we have started a  drive to guide the new aspirants on their  journey through  the UPSC. As discussed in our earlier articles,  the aspirant must start by gaining a knowledge  of the different topics and subjects that are  asked in the exam. Also, it is important to keep track  of the latest developments and their connections to what you have to read. As for  what to read, and what not to read, let us take each part separately: The GS  (Pre) paper broadly consists of several topics. For  a detailed analysis and explanation of each subject, of the GS paper, please click on the below links: ●   History ●   Geography ●   Polity ●   Economy and Social Development General Sci Scienc ence, e,  Env Enviro ironme nment, nt, Clim Climate ate ●   General and Biodiversity ●   Current Affairs Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) History

Studying History   is a quintessential requirement from the  exam perspective. Since an IAS or IPS is expe expect cted ed to  ad admi mini nist ster er th the e co coun untr try, y, it is ve very ry essential to  have an understanding of the social milieu, in  which an aspirant is supposed to play. Thus, the  history portion is very important, both for the exam as well as your competency for the post. Coming  to the syllabus of History for the Prelims, it  is important to, first, know the different topicss and  issues topic issues.. The UPSC notific notification ation on Civil Serv Servic ices es Exam Examin inat atio ion n  me ment ntio ions ns th the e hi hist stor oryy portion for  Prelims as- ‘History of India and Indian







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National Movement’.  Though the scope is topic is not very  clear from this, but from the analysis of the previous  papers, it can be derived that the History portion includes all- the Anci An cien ent, t, Me Medi diev eval al  an and d Mod oder ern n Hi Hist stor ory. y. A candid can didate ate sho should uld  han handle dle the dif differe ferent nt parts of hi hist stor ory. y. Ho Howe wever ver,,  ma manyny-aa-ti time mes, s, one one fi find ndss it diff diffic icul ultt to  cove coverr all the the as aspe pect ctss of a subj subjec ect. t. Ther Th eref efor ore, e, it  is advi advisa sabl ble e to ma make ke a simp simple le reading for  the parts that one finds very difficult. However, it is also important that you do make a few few at atte temp mpts ts  at re read adin ing g al alll th the e po port rtio ions ns,, as leaving a   subject, as important as history, could prove risky. For For a  comp compre rehe hens nsiv ive e read readin ing g in His Histo tory, ry, you you migh mightt choo choose se  to readread- Bi Bipi pin n Ch Chan andra dra,, NCERT Stu tudy dy No Note tes s  recommend that a candidate should give give spec special ial  em emph phas asis is on unde unders rstan tandi ding ng an and d knowing about the modern history, which includes the Indian  national movement, as it has a great bearing from  both- the exam point of view as well as in  ga gain inin ing g an un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g of th the e othe otherr topics. topic s. If  the ancient history part is giving a great trouble to  you, you might choose to move ahead after a  basic reading. However, such an extreme step should only be taken in extreme cases. Express Point 1. Hi Hist stor oryy is  on one e of the the mo most st imp importa ortant nt subjects from  all points of view. So don’t take chances with history. 2. Si Sinc nce e the the  que quest stio ions ns,, unde underr Hi Hist stor ory, y, ar are e propo roport rtio iona nall llyy di divi vide ded d  into into An Anci cien ent, t, Med ediieval and and  Modern ern histor tory, it is advisable to  devote an adequate amount of time for each of the sections. 3. If yo you u  are cho choos osin ing g to skip a sect sectio ion n of history, make sure that the other parts are reinforced so  as to Compensate for the loss made at the other section.

Detailed Roadmap for GS (Pre.) Geography Geography is  important as a candidate should be aware of  the different physiological conditions of the country.  Since an IAS, IPS could be posted in any part  of the country, it is expected that the pers person on wo woul uld d  be ac acqu quain ainte ted d with with th the e gene general ral to topo pogr grap aphi hica call and and  clim climat atic ic feat featur ures es of th the e country.

The UPSC   notification says that the geography syllabus for  Prelims would include- ‘Indian and World Wo rld Ge Geog ograp raphyhy-  ph phys ysic ical al,, soci social al,, ec econ onom omic ic geogra geo graphy phy of  Ind India ia and the wor world’ ld’.. Again, this seems a  vague description of the vast syllabus th that at a  su subj bjec ectt like like ge geog ogra raph phyy is ca capa pabl ble e of of.. Therefore, our  analysis of the relevant parts of geogra geo graphy phy is  bas based ed on the pas pastt exam examina inatio tions. ns. The recent  tren end ds in the questions from geography shows  that the UPSC has been moving away from  asking direct questions on theories and feature.  Rather, questions have been asked, more frequently,  from sections likeEnvironmental ecology,  biodiversity and climate. Since the  relevance of these topics is more apt than tha n the  mor more e trad traditi itiona onall sub subjec jects, ts, an asp aspiran irantt should focus  on such concept. Thus, instead of go goin ing g deep deep  in into to th the e tra tradi ditio tiona nall to topo pogr grap aphi hica call knowledge of  different areas, or mugging up the census reports,  it is more rational to understand an and d kn know ow  ab abou outt th the e ap appl plic icab abili ility ty of diff differ eren entt concep con cepts, ts, fro from m  a con contem tempor porary ary per perspe specti ctive. ve. In 2013, 14   questions were asked from Geography portion. Express Points 1. UP UPSC SC pa pape pers rs  ha have ve be been en mo movi ving ng aw away ay from the  traditi traditional onal theore theoretical tical questio questions. ns. Therefore, instea ead d  of spending an






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enormous amount  of time in learning the theories and  technicalities, understand the application of things that affect our world. 2. Do not  wa waste ste your ti time me in mugg mugging ing up the names nam es of  dif differe ferent nt pla places ces,, ani animals mals and ot othe herr fact facts. s.  Rat Rathe her, r, try try to esta establ blis ish h the the li link nkss bet etw ween een  va vari rio ous geogr eograp aphi hic cal co conc ncep epts ts.. Th This is  wo woul uld d ea ease se yo your ur ta task sk greatly. 3. Fo Focu cuss on  the the cont contem emp porar oraryy and and new new developments relating  to environment and climate, as it has been asked very often. Deta De tail iled ed Road Roadma map p  for for GS (P (Pre re.) .) In Indi dian an Poli Polity ty an and d Governance The UPSC   notification mentions the syllabus for th this is pa part rt  as- ‘Con ‘Const stitu ituti tion on,, Po Poli liti tica call Sys Syste tem, m, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues etc...’.

The syll The syllab abus us  migh mightt ap appe pear ar to be too too wide wide to study, but  a rational approach can help you to cover each part adequat adequately. ely. You might choos choose e to ignore going  deep into the study of constitution, and instead  choose to study only the important and and re rele leva vant nt  part parts. s. For For in inst stan ance ce,, wh whil ile e th the e st stru ruct ctur ural al and and  wo work rkin ing g prov provis isio ions ns mi migh ghtt be im impo porta rtant nt fo forr  the the prep prepar arati ation ons, s, the the tech techni nica call aspects of  the constitution might be ignored. This would save  your time, which can be dedicate dedicated d to other more important topics. Secondly, as  mentioned in our earlier articles, it is useless to  devote a substantial amount of your time tim e in  readi reading ng ab abou outt the the dy dynam namic icss of pa part rtyy politi pol itics cs in  the cou country ntry.. Ins Instea tead, d, read about the policy pol icy dec decisio isions ns  and maj major or agr agreeme eements nts by the government. The  recent trend of the UPSC has be been en to  avoi avoid d aski asking ng th the e di dire rect ct th theo eore reti tica call qu ques estio tion. n. In Inste stead ad,,  ther there e ar are e more more an anal alyti ytica call

Topics like  Panchayati Raj institutions are also very important,  from the exam point of view. If yo you u are  ab able le to deve develo lop p a pr prop oper er news newspa pape perr reading habit,  you would be able to fetch good mark ma rkss fo forr  th the e po polit lityy qu ques estio tions ns.. Als Also, o, po poli lity ty is important for  the further stage of examination. Thus, it is advisable to prepare for this part of the exam well. Express Points 1. You You mi migh ghtt  ch choo oose se to ig igno nore re goi going ng dee deep p into the  study of const constitutio itution, n, and instead choose to  study only the important and

2. relevant W Wh hile parts. the  structural and working pr prov ovis isio ions ns migh mightt  be im impo port rtant ant fo forr th the e preparations, prepara tions, the  techni technical cal aspec aspects ts of the constitution might be ignored. 3. Read about the po policy licy d decisio ecisions ns an and d majo majorr agreements by the government. Detailed Roadmap  for GS (Pre.) Economic and Social Development In th the e  last last issu issues es,, IASE IASEXA XAMP MPOR ORT TAL AL..CO COM M discus dis cussed sed the  stra strateg tegyy to deal wit with h Pol Polity ity and Governance, and  the issues one needs to focus

on. Now  we present an analysis of the Economic and Social Development section. This pa This part rt  incl includ udes es issu issues es from from-- ‘sus ‘susta tain inab able le development, develo pment, povert poverty, y,  inclus inclusion, ion, demog demographic raphics, s, social sector  initiatives, etc’. Thus, the scope of this part  of the syllabus is fairly vast. However, the nature of the topics in this portion is not har hard d to un unde ders rstan tand. d.  Thus Thus,, yo you u shou should ld stud studyy ab abou outt these topics. However, Howeve r, some of the aspirants find it difficult to

questions, questio ns, whi which ch  req requir uire e you yourr com compre prehen hensiv sive e understanding of different events and provisions.


study abo study about ut  the com comple plexx eco econom nomic ic con concep cepts. ts. Therefore, Theref ore, a  ration rational al approach is to avoid gettin getting g





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involved exc involved excess essivel ivelyy  in the con concep ceptua tuall par partt of economics. Instead,  a candidate should focus on the application  and impact of economic decisions on the  society, particularly in the context of India. For instan instance, ce,  instead of reading about the theory of Hu Human man  De Devel velop opme ment nt Inde Index, x, one one mu must st read read about the recent trends in the sphere. The ro The role le  of fu func nctio tions ns of the Wo Worl rld d Ba Bank nk,, IM IMF, F, WTO, Asian   Development Bank, UNO etc, should be given  a special focus, as these topics have gained prominence in the recent years. Express Points 1. Do no nott  fall dee deep p into th the e Tren Trench ch of Fac Facts ts and Data.  Your understan and din ing g and conceptual clarity  matters more than your date retention capacity. 2. Befor Before e goin going g into the co complex mplex iissues, ssues, read the NCERT  books to gain a basic understanding of economic concepts. 3. Read about  the major events and agreements of recent years.

change and  biodiversity. Since Indian government has been  taking a keen interest in the climate issue, there  are many developments in the field. Thus, a  candidate must understand the various developmental aspects  and the major initiatives. It is  im impo port rtant ant to ma make ke an in inte tell llig igen entt stud studyy of these topics.  Since there is a lot of information available on  these topics, you must first analyze what is to be read. In Chemistry,  important minerals and their ores, ar are e im impo port rtant ant..  Qu Ques estio tions ns are gene general rally ly as asked ked about the economically significant ores. Similarly,

Environment, Biodiversity,  Climate Change & General Science In th the e  prec recedin eding g arti articl cle, e, we di disc scus usse sed d the the significance and strategy for Economy and Social Deve De velo lopm pmen ent. t. No Now, w,  an anot othe herr topi topic c that that ofte often n overlaps with  the issues of social development, is Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change.

Biol Biolog ogyy has has  some some im impo port rtant ant segm segmen ents ts from from which at  least one question is asked every year. You will  find one or two questions relati relating ng to the dist distri ribu buti tion on of  flor flora a an and d fau fauna, na, in India India or th the e world. Thus,  you might want to read the respective respec tive topic topicss  carefu carefully. lly. Howeve However, r, if you really find it   difficult to read and remember about the trivial details  of some topics, you might choose to skip them,  but only if you have made a better grip on other  topics. Another important segment of th the e sc scie ienc nce e  an and d tech techno nolo log gy rela relate tess to th the e developments in  the field of IT, Space, Defense, Nuclea Nuc learr Pow Power, er,  Bio Biotec techno hnolog logyy etc etc.. How Howeve ever, r, a ca cand ndid idat ate e shou should ld  fo focu cuss on the ap appl plic icat atio ion n of these topics,  instead of mugging up about the th theo eory ry asso associ ciat ated ed..  It is in th this is co cont ntex extt th that at aspirants from  every background are placed on an equal footing.

This issue  has gained prominence lately. Since the conc concerns erns  towar towards ds the enviro environmenta nmentall issues

Express Points ●   Pr Prep epar are e th the e  Scien Science ce and En Envi viro ronm nmen entt

section from  the point of view of the IAS (P (Pre re)) Exam Exam..  Do no nott at atte temp mptt to at atta tain in advanced study  for the topics, otherwise you might end up wasting a lot of time.

have bec become ome  vis visible ible in the globa globall disc discour ourses ses,, UPSC expects  the aspirants to have an understanding of  the various issues related to the environment and biodiversity. ●

In the recent past, questions have been asked on vario var ious us in inte tern rnati ation onal al  conv conven enti tion onss on cl clim imate ate


  of Keep an  eye on technology. current affairs in the world orld science   and It is the w main




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center fro center from m  whe where re que questi stions ons are bei being ng asked. Biology, gy, Enviro Environment nment  and Cl Climate imate are the ●   Biolo areas to focus. In th the e  prec recedin eding g arti articl cle, e, we di disc scus usse sed d the the si sign gnif ific ican ance ce and and  st stra rate tegy gy for for En Envi viro ronm nmen ent, t, General Science  and Climate Change. This, the final article  about the General Studies paper of the Prelims deals with the Current Affairs section. There is  a lot of hue and cry about the significance signif icance of  the current affairs in the IAS (Pre) GS exam.  However, it is important to note that the study of   current affairs and general knowledge should be  done judiciously, so as to save one’s time and effort. The re The rece cent nt  anal analys ysis is of th the e IA IAS S Prel Prelim imss ha have ve suggested that-  a lesser number of questions are being asked  from the current affairs section, as compared to  the previous years question papers. There has  been a change in the approach of the UPSC. Now, the  issues of current affairs are being asked in the   context of the theoretical issues. Thus, it becomes important  to know about the concept firs first. t. Ma Many ny-a -a-t -tim imes es,,  one one is able able to answ answer er a

a. In Indi India, a,  th the e sa same me pers person on cann canno ot be appoin app ointed ted as  Gov Govern ernor or for two or mor more e states at the same time. b. The judge judgess  of the High Cour Courtt of the states in India  are appointed by the Governor of th the e st stat ates es  ju just st as th the e ju judg dges es of th the e Supr Su prem eme e Co Cour urtt  ar are e appo appoin inte ted d by th the e President. c. No procedure  has been laid in the constitution of  india for the removal of the Governor from his/her post. d. In the  case of a Unio Union n Ter Territo ritory ry hav having ing a legisl leg islat ative ive setu setup, p,  th the e Ch Chief ief Mini Minist ster er is appointed by  the Lt. Governor on the basis of majority support. Ans. (c) Thus, remember remember to study the current affairs, as it is very  important from an exam point of view. Howe Ho weve ver, r, yo you u  mu must st link link th the e st stud udyy of cu curr rren entt af affa fair irss wi with th  th the e ba basi sics cs.. It is ha hard rd to mu mug g up everything everyth ing available  in the dailies and interne internet, t, till the exam. Thus, linking the different topics to the th thin ings gs yo you u  stud studyy help helpss in reme rememb mber erin ing g th the e concepts and current events both.. To save  your effort and time, you might choose to read read Th The e  GIST GIST,, wh whic ich h pr prov ovid ides es yo you u wi with th th the e import imp ortant ant art articl icles es  and even events ts fro from m the Hin Hindu, du,

qu ques estio tion n on  curr curren entt affa affair irs, s, ev even en if one one is not not aware of   the event itself. This is only due to your concep con ceptua tuall cla clarity rity,,  whi which ch hel helps ps you in log logica ically lly deducing the answer. Howeve Howe ver, r, qu quite ite  rece recent ntly, ly, the the UP UPSC SC has has be been en asking questions  based on the applicat application ion of the th theo eory ry an and d  con onc cepts epts.. Th Thu us, it has beco become me important to know about the current affairs. Example Q. Which  one of the following statements is correct?


Kurukshetra, Yojana,  Science Reporter and PIB. You may  also choose to read the Weekly Current Af Affa fair irss to  keep keep yo your urse self lf up up-t -too-da date te wi with th th the e current affairs  of India and the World. But, if you have sufficient  time with you, it is best to read the original sources This concludes  our analysis of the GS paper of the IAS  (Pre). Our further articles would discuss the  of the Paper II of the IAS with (Pre),it.and the rightnature strategy to be followed to deal






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Why does the Coaching Matter? Given the  craze for the civil services, the market for civil  services examination has grown out of

bo boun unds ds.. We  see see di diff ffer eren entt coac coachi hing ng inst institu itutes tes spread in  clu spread cluster sters, s, in dif differ ferent ent cities cities.. How However ever,, before joining  a coaching institute, it is important to anal analyz yze e  th the e si sign gnif ific ican ance ce of th the e co coac achi hing ng institu ins titutes tes,, in  the pre prepara paratio tions ns for civil ser servic vices es examination. Most of  the IAS coaching institutes attract the aspirants by  claiming their success records and co comp mpre rehe hens nsiv iven enes esss of  th the e st stud udyy ma mate teri rial als. s. However, what  a new aspirant fails to notice is the true  nature of these institutes. It is an error to

What does the Coaching Institutes Do? Ev Every ery co coac achi hing ng  in inst stitu itute te claim claimss to pr prov ovid ide e a

comprehensive coverage   of the syllabus covered under und er the  civ civilil ser servic vices es exa examina minatio tion. n. How Howeve ever, r, only a  few actually provide a foundational base to the civil services aspirants. Generally, most of the in inst stit itute utess qu quic ickly kly  go th thro roug ugh h th the e ma main in to topi pics cs aske asked d un unde derr  th the e civi civill serv servic ices es exam examin inat atio ion, n, witho ithout ut at atte temp mpti ting ng  to lay lay a fo foun unda dati tion onal al unders und erstan tandin ding g of  the dif differ ferent ent con concep cepts. ts. Thi Thiss leads to  a fractured deve vellopment of the knowle kno wledge dge bas base e  of an asp aspira irant. nt. This serio seriousl uslyy affects the candidate, by creating confusions and misund mis unders erstan tandin dings gs in  the Main Mainss exa examin minatio ation. n.

 join any  coaching Institute by observing the success statistics  presented by them. Generally, the proportion  of successful candidates, to the tota totall numb number er  of stud studen ents ts enro enroll lled ed unde underr the the coaching institutes, is microscopic. Secondl Secon dly, y, the  succ succes esss in the the IA IAS S exam exam is not not defined by  the popularity or fee structure of an institute, but  by the effort and hard work of the as aspi piran rant. t. Th Thus us,,  wh while ile man manyy of the the cand candid idat ates es cl clea earr th the e  civil civil serv servic ices es exam exam thro throug ugh h var vario ious us coac coachi hing ngs, s, man manyy  ot othe hers rs cr crac ackk it wi with thou outt an anyy regular coaching classes. See how to study. Thus, IAS Thus, IASEXAM EXAMPOR PORTAL TAL.COM .COM  trie triess to cle clear ar the confusion about  the significance of the coaching institute, institu te, and  whethe whetherr an aspiran aspirantt should join the regular coaching classes or not.


Generally, Genera lly, the  coa coachi ching ng ins institu titutes tes bom bombar bard d the st stud uden ents ts wi with th  hu huge ge co coll llec ecti tion on of no note tess and and articles and  expect them to go through each of them carefully.  However, this does not help the student community.  Any aspirant can prepare by himself, if  he is to read everything available in the market. The  task of a coaching is to guide and dire direct ct th the e  as aspi pira ran nts th thro roug ugh h th the e oc ocea ean n of resources available in the market. Thus,, we  wo Thus woul uld d hi high ghly ly reco recomm mmen end, d, fo forr th the e serious candidates,  to judge a coaching and its course structure,  before joining such classes. A poor po or co coac achi hing ng  ca can n lead lead to wa wast stag age e of yo your ur prec precio ious us time time,,  by indu indulg lgin ing g yo you u in us usel eles esss mind-boggling exercise  for irrelevant papers and material.





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Choose your  coaching option judiciously. Do not let the  market rumors come over your mind. Most of the  coaching institutes use massive marketing st stra rate tegi gies es to  attr attrac actt th the e budd buddin ing g aspi aspira rant nts. s. However, a  poor coaching institute could ruin the opportunity for an aspirant by furthering him on a wrong path.

What to do then? The Right Strategy

Understand a  simple fact, that you are the best teacherr of  yourse teache yourself. lf. No external coac coaching hing can be better than  a devoted self study. However, you might mig ht con consul sultt  som some e exp expert erts, s, whe when n fac faced ed wit with h confusion a n d  complexity. IA IASE SEXA XAMP MPOR ORTA TAL. L.CO COM M pres presen ents ts  a ra rati tion onal al

communicative environment.  Thus, most of the student, in  the coaching classes, are often unable to ab abso sorb rb  th the e lect lectur ures es,, th thus us,, fa fail ilin ing g th the e wh whol ole e purpose itself. Thus, a   more rational strategy is to opt for the cor orre resp spo ond nden ence ce cou ours rses es  of th the e coac coachi hing ng institutes. A  Correspondence course allows you to go   with the syllabus, at your own pace and comfort level.  Also, make sure that the correspondence course  offers you the opportunity to  contact the reliable experts, to help yo you u in  clea clearin ring g th the e co conc ncep epts ts an and d co conf nfus usio ions ns.. Remember, it  is important to plan your strategy before going for the preparations. A wisely  planned correspondence course material

approach approa ch for  decid deciding ing on the questi questions ons of the right coaching. A Co Coac achi hing ng  expe expect ctss yo you u to stud studyy the the cour course se,, being taught  everyday, regularly. Because of the limitat limi tation ionss of  time time,, the coa coachi ching ng inst institu itutes tes are forced to  rush through the syllabus of the civil services examination.  Therefore, you might find yourself lagging  behind the coaching’s speed of tackling with the syllabus. An analysis  of various civil services aspir aspirants, ants, by the IASEXAM IASEXAMPORTAL PORTAL.COM, .COM,  showed that most of the candidates  are unable to keep up with the pace of  the coachings. Thus, by the end of their co coac achi hing ng cl clas asse ses, s,  mo most st of th the e stud studen ents ts ar are e unable to  link with the different courses, that have been been ta taug ught ht  misunderstanding. to them them.. Thi hiss res resul ults ts in grea greatt confusion and Also, it  is not guaranteed that one would be able to clear  all the concepts and facts, through the coac coachi hing ng clas classe ses. s.  In a cl clas asss hall hall of 150150-30 300 0 stud studen ents ts,, it  be beco come mess di diff ffic icul ultt to estab establi lish sh a


can help  you in covering the syllabus for the exam with minimal stress. Whereas, it is highly irrational to dig  deep into the available resources on the subject, subje ct, withou withoutt  consi considering dering their relevanc relevance e for the exam. Secondly, if  you have all the concepts and basic knowledge of  the course, you would not like to sp spen end d yo your ur  pr prec ecio ious us time time go goin ing g ar arou ound nd th the e coaching institutes.  Instead, you must get some quality qua lity not notes, es,  that are upd update ated, d, and emb embell ellish ish your foundations.  Going to the coaching classes would ould no nott  be a ra rati tion onal al st stra rate teg gy for su suc ch candidates, as  these classes are crafted from the perspective of  a fresh aspirant, who needs to be to told ld ab abou outt  th the e ‘ABC ‘ABC’’ of th the e subj subjec ect. t. Sin Since ce yo you u have attained  a basic knowledge of the various co conc ncep epts ts,, yo you u  wo woul uld d wa want nt to rein reinfo forc rce e yo your ur strengths and work on your weaknesses. One must  understand that all coachings have a pers perspe pect ctive ive,, th that at  mi migh ghtt no nott suit suit th the e ne need edss of someone who  has a grasp of different concepts and disciplines.  Thus, it is highly recommended





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that you  must fabrica fabricate te your own study plan, and merely get the resources from a reliable source. Express Points 1. For Beginners-  befo before re join joinin ing g any any coac coachi hing ng lo look ok  ca care refu full llyy at the the cour course se structure and  other details. Join only if it suits sui ts you yourr  nee needs. ds. Otherw Otherwise ise,, you mig might ht

clas classe sess wo woul uld d  on only ly wa wast ste e yo your ur tim time e in go goin ing g th thro roug ugh h  th the e same same pr proc oces esss ov over er again. 4. Certa Certain in coac coachi hing ng  ins insti titu tute tess teac teach h fo forr a certain section  of the aspirant community. For For inst instan ance ce,,  some some co coac achi hing ngss exc excel el in guiding the  aspiran antt with scien ience ba back ckgr grou ound nd,, wh while ile  some some dea deall with with th the e

choose to  gosource, for correspondence from a  good and prepare onnotes your own. 2. For Those  with some knowledge and

asp aspiran irants tsnd. com coming ingu s,fro from m fore soc social sci scienc ences back backgr grou ound . Th Thu   befo be re ialJo Join inin ing g es a coaching, because  of its Brand-name, do some research  about it. Your decision can

Experience-  joining  the coaching in inst stit itute utess mi migh ghtt  not not be usef useful ul for for you. you. Since you  have already gone through the coac coachi hing ng expe experie rienc nce, e,  yo you u shou should ld now now devote your  time in self-s self-studies. tudies. Howeve However, r, you might  choose to take help from the experts from time to time. 3. For the  Senior Players- Coaching would be a  waste of time for you. Since you have

enough experience with the UPSC, you can create a  strategy for your own. Coaching


make a lot of difference. www.IASEXAMPORTAL.COM has www.IASEXAMPORTAL.COM has  come up with a series of study materia materiall for the IAS aspiran aspirants. ts. We also also pr prov ovide ide  supp suppor ortt and as assi sist stanc ance e fo forr th the e aspirants, aspira nts, to  help them in moments of confus confusion ion and difficulty.  You may freely contact us, to help you in choosing choo sing a right strategy, specially suited to your needs and requirements. See how to study.





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PREPARING FOR CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has come out  with the schedule of various

recrui rec ruitmen tmentt exa examin minatio ations ns  to be hel held d this this year year.. The Ci The Civi vill  Se Serv rvic ices es (P (Pre reli lims ms)) ex exam amin inat atio ion n is scheduled to be held on 03.06.2018. Any serious  candidate should have started the preparations prepar ations for  the upcoming examinati examinations ons by now. Still,  it’s not too late to start preparations seriously. This  article deals with the right strategy for dealing with the IAS, IPS exam. First, before  going into the studies, prepare a plan of how to tackle the enormou enormouss syllabus. See how to study.  Since, there are a few months left for the exam, you  would need to prepare an extensive pl plan an,, in  or orde derr to co cove verr ma maxi ximu mum m part part of th the e syllabus. Thus, write  down your areas of your expertise and weak we akne ness ss,, an and d  then then prep prepare are ra ratio tiona nall pl plans ans of cover coverin ing g the the  to topi pics cs on one e by one. one. For For help help and support with  creating a practical study plan, you may contact our team anytime. Second, do  not hurry while studying. Instead, take yo you ur tim ime e  and develop a compreh rehensive knowledge It’s to ,strongly li limi mite ted d part partbase.   of   the th e better sy syll llab abus us, than than toprepare have have aa superficial ‘gyaan’.

Third,, do  no Third nott get get bo bogg gged ed do down wn by coun countl tles esss sources of  study material, that are available in the market. Get  your study material from a reliable source, and  have faith in your preparation. You’ll be wasting  a whole lot of time in revisiting the same portions,  from different books and notes av avail ailab able le in  th the e mar marke ket. t. Th Thus us,, rea read d from from th the e hand handfu full of  sour source cess pr prop oper erly, ly, an and d av avoi oid d being being panicky about the reliability of your preparations. Next, know  the trends that the UPSC has been following, in  the recent years. For instance, the recent prelims  exams has seen a lesser number of questions  from daily events, and an increasing number of  questions from sections like- economy and soc social ial  dev develo elopme pment, nt, env enviro ironme nment, nt, pol politic itics, s, and geography.  Knowing the trends of the UPSC questions can  help you in adjusting your study plan plans, s, an and d  fetc fetchi hing ng th the e ma maxim ximum um ou outt of you yourr preparations.

PAPER-1 GS: THE OCEAN OF GYAAN The sy The syll llab abus us  of Pa Pape perr-II look lookss to be a gi gian ant, t, stan standi ding ng befo before re  th the e ca cand ndida idate te.. Ho Howe weve ver, r, as






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ment me ntio ione ned d earli earlier er,,  qu quit ite e a numb number er of ti time mes, s, a

For more  inform information ation and guidanc guidance e on any topic topic,,

proper system  of tac ackkli lin ng it can help th the e candidate cover the syllabus adequately.

one may  freely get in touch IASEXAMPORTAL.COM team.

Preparations for  the GS paper, should be done with two  main objective- First, and obviously, the


ca cand ndid idat ate e ha hass  to prep prepar are e for for th the e upco upcomi ming ng prelim pre lims. s. Thu Thus, s,  the pre prepar paratio ation n sho should uld car carefu efully lly cover cover the  to topi pics cs that that are imp impor orta tant nt from from the pr prel elim imss po poin intt  of vi view ew.. Sec Secon ond, d, as a long long term term strategy, a  candidate should try to study the GS portion carefully,  as most of it is important from the MAINS point of view.

DARK-KNIGHT CSAT has  emerged as the deciding factor in the





recent prelims  examination. Since the difficulty level of  the CSAT examination is not too high, you need need to  prep repar are e fro from th the e po poin intt of view view of an answ swer erin ing g ma maxi ximu mum m  qu ques estio tion n co corr rrec ectl tly. y. It is impo import rtan antt he here re  to fo foc cus on an answ swer erin ing g th the e qu ques esti tion onss co corr rrec ectl tly, y,  rat rathe herr th than an kn know owin ing g th the e ‘bo boo okis kishh-gy gyaa aan’ n’ of  ha hand ndli ling ng th the e ap apti titu tude de questions.

Prep Prepar arin ing g th the e  GS pape paperr shou should ld be gi give ven n an appropriate amount  of time. Given the amount of time left  now, for Prelims, the main aim of the candidate candid ate shoul should d be to make an initial reading of the different  subjects, first, with an aim to gain a superficial knowledge  of the GS portion. Once the initiall reading initia reading  is done, one would be able to select the areas  that the candidate is comfortable with. Also, if you feel some topic is taking great amount of your  time and effort. Skip it after the initial reading. It shall be dealt with later, if possible.

Many of the questio questions ns of the CSAT paper, can be done without  any basic calculations on the paper. Many of  the questions can be answered merely by analyzi analyzing ng the optio options ns given for each question. question. Thus, it   is wise to go for the shortcut approach, rather than  wasting time in deriving the answers through the  traditional ways. This technique can prove to be a catalyst in your marks.

The sec second ond  readin reading g should be an exhaustive one, so as  to better understand and learn the different concepts. Along  with this, the candidate should keep the   studying process linked to the events happening around  the world, as it would give a

Also, do  not feel discouraged if your preparation in the  GS paper of the prelims is not up to the mark ma rk.. Th The e  na natu ture re of th the e CS CSAT AT is suc such h th that at a ca cand ndid idat ate e ca can n  secu secure re hi high gh marks marks eve even n with with a minimal amount  of study. In fact, most of the

practi pra ctical cal kno knowle wledge dge  advantage of the dif differ ferent entcandidate. sub subjec jects, ts, which a multipurpose to the See how to read a newspaper.

candidates have, theattaining Prelims, got around 45-50% marks   in clearing GS, while more than 70% in CSAT.

Given the  paucity of time available, it might not be possible to  refer to the different books th thor orou ough ghly ly.. thus thus,,  yo you u migh mightt choo choose se to stud studyy books like- D. D. Basu, The Gist, IGNOU notes, etc.

Thus, many  of the candidates secured their place in the  Mains, not becau because se of their consisten consistency cy of marks in  both papers, but because of their very good performance  in the CSAT. Practice is the only ‘mantra’  in case of CSAT. For practice and







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understanding you  might refer books like CSAT Study Kit of IASEXAMPORTAL.COM. Thus, you  can compensate for your limitations of le lear arni ning ng an and d  un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g in Pa Pape perr-I, I, by average e perfor performan mance ce preparing well  for CSAT. An averag in the  GS paper of prelims, accompanied by a good go od perf perfor orma manc nce e in the the CSAT CSAT pape paper, r, can can se secu cure re your place in the MAINS.

TOWARDS VICTORY A candid candidate ate should devote suffici sufficient ent time for the two papers  of the prelims, so as to maintain a balance between  the two. It should be noted thatwhile GS  requires time and devotion; CSAT, on the other hand, needs a basic understanding of the concepts along with great practice. Thus, it  is advisable to execute the study plan ASAP, and  remain commit committed ted to it. Do not let the marke ma rkett rumo rumors rs  take take on onto to your your mind mind.. Re Rely ly on genuine sources  of information and have faith in your preparation,  if you are following your plans properly.


We are are  alwa always ys read readyy to help help yo you, u, in any any wa wayy possible. It  is not difficult to conquer the Civil Services Prelims.  As mentioned earlier also, even an average  performance in both the papers would carry you through the Prelims. It is  import important ant to expand your knowle knowledge dge base to dive divers rse e disc discip ipli line nes, s,  whi hile le av avo oidin iding g to rely rely ex exce cess ssiv ivel elyy on  a few few su subj bjec ects ts.. Pr Prel elim imin inar aryy ex exam amin inat atio ion n is  set set to test test th the e widt width h of yo your ur knowle kno wledge dge bas base. e.  The tes testt of your expert expertise ise is taken in  the next phase of examination, which shall be dealt with in our coming articles. www.IASEXAMPORTAL.COM   would would  soo soon n com come e up with  a more detailed article on both- GS and CSAT CS AT.. In  th the e me mean anwh whil ile, e, yo you u shou should ld pu pull ll yo your ur socks up and work on your study routine. (P.S : lesser study period , say 5-6 hours with full devoti dev otion on and  con concen centrat tration ion is mor more e pro produc ductive tive than longer  duration of 14-16 hours with fatigued mind.)





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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers 1. The FAQs  are des designed igned to provid provide e a better unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g of  comm common on is issu sues es,, an and d some someti time mess of  fa fair irly ly co comp mple lexx is issu sues es// topicss and  will often link to more detailed topic information. 2. This FA FAQ Q  is for iinform nformation ation p purpose urposess only and and is  no nott a subs substi titu tute te for for Ru Rule les. s. Th The e info inform rmat atio ion n prov provid ided ed  he here re wo woul uld d not not crea reate any  righ ight on the part of the individ ind ividual ual can candid didate ate..  In case, there is a

lack of   clarity on any issue, the position indicated in  the CS CSE E Rules for th the e prevailing year  governing the CSE would prevail. 3. The candida candidates tes  ar are e advis advised ed to visit D DoPT’s oPT’s website www.persmin.nic.in  for inform inf ormatio ation n det details ails  abo about ut CSE, Ser Servic vice e Allocation/C Alloca tion/Cadre adre Alloc Allocation, ation,  and Service Profile etc. FAQ Categories 1. Genera Generall IInstruc nstructions tions on CSE 2. El Elig igib ibil ilit ityy co cond ndit itio ion n  of ca cand ndid idat ates es for for appearing in CSE 3. Reserva Reservation tion Issues 4. Medic Medical al Ex Examinati amination on of candid candidates ates 5. Issue Issuess relatin relating g  to ca candidate ndidatess belon belonging ging to PH category

6. Service Alloca Allocation tion General Instructions ● Under which  rules Civil Service Examination (CSE) is conducted? Civi Civill Se Serv rvic ices es  Exam Examin inat atio ion n (C (CSE SE)) is conducted as  per provisions contained in th the e Civi Civill  Se Serv rvic ice e Exam Examin inat atio ion n Ru Rule less notified every  year by the Department of Personnel &  Training, Government of India and published on the web-site of the Union

Public Service Commission (UPSC). Which agency  is responsible for conducting the Civil Service Examination? The Union Public Service Commission ● What will  be the number of vacancies to be filled  on the basis of result of a particular Civil Services Examination? The number  of vacancies is specified in th the e no noti tice ce  issu issued ed by th the e Un Unio ion n Pu Publ blic ic Servic Ser vice e Co Comm mmis issi sion on,,  af afte terr getti getting ng th the e detai det ails ls from from  var vario ious us ca cadre dre cont contro roll llin ing g autho aut horit ritie iess (CC (CCAs As))  fo forr th the e serv servic ices es to which recruitment  is made by the Central Government Govern ment on the basis of Civil Services Examination (CSE).






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THE HINDU NEWSPAPER: HOW AND WHAT TO STUDY IN IT Now th Now that at  yo you u have have taken taken one of the the toug toughe hest st decisions of your life which is to prepare for “Civil Service Serv icess Exam Examina inatio tion” n”  con conduc ducted ted by the Uni Union on Pub Pu blic lic Se Serv rvic ice e  Co Comm mmis issi sion on (UP (UPSC SC). ). Thi hiss exam examin inat atio ion n is  mo more re of a proce rocess ss than than an examination and  one must be ready for all sorts of obstac obstacles les  while going throu through gh this fanciful yet mystic journey.  As we all know, some ingredients are esse essent ntial ial  fo forr an anyy succ succes essf sful ul jour journe neyy an and d further as  the saying goes, there is one secret ingredien entt for  every successful journe rney. Unfortunately, Civil  Services journey is full of such ingr ingred edien ients ts howe howeve verr  some some ba basi sic c mini minimu mum m is followed by  most of the aspirants which is ”THE HINDU NEWSPAPER”. Why read  The Hindu; Not any other newspaper for government Examinations? The answer  is very simple, because it has a long history of  journalism therefore they maintain the ba balan lance ce of  ob obje ject ctiv ivity ity an and d subj subjec ecti tivit vityy wh whil ile e reporting any  issue (social, political, cultural etc.). Second Sec ondly, ly, UPS UPSC C  has bee been n aski asking ng que questi stions ons in

prelims, mains,   interviews which can be are traced back to  this newspaper. Thirdly, editorials not very long and less biased in the newer The Hindu editio edi tion. n. Las Lastly, tly,  mos mostt of the bur bureau eaucra crats ts in our countr cou ntryy rea read d  this this pap paper er the therefo refore re its imp import ortant ant common source for all. The 2nd  most basic question arises among freshers is how/what to read in the newspaper? Get a hold of 2 weeks of ”The Hindu” Newspaper then put  don’t put all of them at the table because you won’t  read it that way, actually pressure never works except  for some people. Take a copy of

syllabus and if possible memories it first in broad

terms. For the first 2 days just read and reread the syllabus the  syllabus and finally write it in your noteb noteboo ookk in  shor shortt fo form rmss like like 40 40-5 -50 0 word wordss fo forr exam exampl ple: e: (  Ar Artt & Cu Cult ltu ure, re, Hist Histor ory: y: An Anc cient ient,, Medieval, Modern, World, Geography: India, World and so on..) Now that you know the syllab syllabus, us, you have the tool to operate on the newspaper. Steps to read The Hindu: DO’s Front nt Page Page,, Mar Markk the ●   Take a  look at the Fro news items/Articles,  which are directly or Indirectly related to CSE syllabus. here ere mo mostl stlyy Prel Prelims ims ●   Go to   the last page; h related stuff  can be found such as some scient sci entific ific,, bio biolog logical ical,,  his histor torica icall fac factual tual information. Mark such news items. sports ts section and jum jump p to the ●   Leave the  spor Business Page,  mark the news items by ta taki king ng th the e  he help lp of sy syll llab abus us,, alwa always ys remember rememb er CSE   syllabu syllabuss is the only tool to  judge any  news item as important or not from UPSC perspective. ●   Now, keep  marki marking ng like this till you reach ●

regional section.   Fro From m pag page e  num number ber 5 to pag page e numb number er 2 yo you u migh mightt  be gett gettin ing g 22-3 3 impo import rtan antt incide inc idents nts dail dailyy  whi which ch are impor importan tantt for mains and  you may write them and for humanities people  this information is very relevant to score good marks in optionals.   Opinion must  be read from the pe pers rspe pect ctiv ive e and and  th the e co cont ntex extt and and no nott consider consid er them as the only truth or for th that at matter completely  true. This applies in the case of subjective articles/opinions.







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  Stay away  from politi political cal new news, s, slug slugfests, fests, election news.   T The he hin ind du  arti artic cle less of philo hiloso sop phi hica call unde underp rpin inni ning ngss are  not not rele relevan vantt for for this this examination.   Book reviews

What kinds  of points must be noted in your notebook:  ●   Report Reportss (Global:  IMF, WB WB,, WHO, U UN, N, NGO, WEF, etc.)  and Nationa Nationall (Think Tanks, Niti Aayog, RBI,  Ministries, Government at all the 3  level, NGO etc.); who published it, for what purpose  and its possible impact for India and the world. ●   Re Repo port rtss on  Is Issu sues es such such as : Po Pove vert rty, y, Unemployment, Climate  Change, Gender, Socio-economic issues. Factuall informatio information n  for prelims related to ●   Factua science and technology and Environment. ●   Any Any data data  an and d futu future re pro prosp spec ectu tuss for for syllabus related topics. rnm men entt Sc Sch hemes,  Initi tia ative vess, ●   Govern Projects. ●   Report of  government appointed committees, RBI announcements

Now tha thatt  you know these steps steps,, onl onlyy req require uired d ingredient is  consistency and hard work. There is always the tendency of why not smart work than hard work and read some “Bana-Banaya” Notes of any institutions. There is no harm in that but there is a  problem of reading anything and everything unless you  are done with the syllabus and the self study for  at least a month. Therefore, continue this hard work for at least 1 month an and d exclu excluding ding those 14  days old papers. Thus total 44 days of

  You will  be able to re remember member the syllabu syllabuss





to least  80% which is enough at this stage of preparation. You will  get the hold of wh what at to read, what not to,  and therefore pro in skimming of the newspaper. Yo Your ur news newspa pape perr  read readin ing g time time wi will ll be reduced from  2-3 hours at the beginning to within  60 minutes by the end of 44 days. Yo You u ha have ve  self self-m -mad ade e 1 mo mont nth h cu curr rren entt af afffairs notes  which yo you u can easily ily remember. You will  be wri writin ting g dai daily ly the theref refore ore yo your ur hands will  now become smooth and are ready for answer writing exercises.

Newspaper Reading after 1 month :  Time e sho should uld  be les lesss than 1 hour on th the e ●   Tim Hindu Hind u and  for ano anothe therr 30 minute minutess rea read d only only edit editor oria ials ls  fo form rm live live mi mint nt,, Indi Indian an express, business standard. ●   Do this  1.5 hours reading and note making for another 1.5 months ●   If you  can contin continue ue with this hect hectic ic w work, ork, its good  and you love hard work and it will pay off in your prelims and mains. yo you u  ar are e tire tired d of th this is exer exerci cise se th them em ●   If comes the   coac coaching hing materials help which is ca calle lled d  sm smart art wor work. k. No Now w if all all of this work wo rk is  bein being g do done ne by some some co coac achi hing ng insti ins titu tute tess th then en  wh whyy no nott fo focu cuss on some weak areas of one’s preparation and take the hel help p  of dai daily/m ly/mont onthly hly magaz magazine iness of coaching? It’s  an ethical dilemma and it’s a question  of trust which you can answer for yourself if you have done this exercise.

self made notes must be there with you. MOST MO ST IMPOR IMPORTAN TANT: T:  For those who can not find Learnings from this hard work/Exercise


the hindu newspaper in their areas they can utilize IA IASE SEXAM XAMPO PORT RTAL AL reso resour urce cess  wh whic ich h is of th the e




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highest quality  and with similar processes and so sou urc rces es are are  us used ed.. Even Even we al alll pro provi vide de Ai Airr news/RSTV/LSTV and much more.







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Step1: Read Re ad yo your ur  DA DAF F (D (Det etai aile led d appl applic icat atio ion n fo form rm)) carefully. carefu lly. Focus  on each and every word that you have written  on your resume. Google these words and look for any resemblance with current affairs.

Try to  put yourself first as an individual and then buil build d up upon on  diff differ eren entt dime dimens nsio ions ns like like so soci cial al,, ec econ onom omic ic,, po polit litic ical al,,  geog geogra raph phic ical al,, scie scient ntifi ific, c, lit literat erature ure,, hob hobbie bies, s,  his histor torica ical,l, any par partic ticular ular life ev even entt from from  wh whic ich h yo you u have have lea learn rntt some someth thing ing about the big picture of life, your role model- who

Step2: In UPSC  CSE each topic can be correlated with

and why  ethics and morality that you follow etc. Try to  be very specific with respect to the words

any any ot othe herr  to topi pic. c. So re reme memb mber erin ing g th the e en enti tire re pr prel elim imss an and d  mai mains ns sylla syllabu buss (B (Bot oth h st stati atic c and current part)  is a highly recommended. For e.g. Questions asked  about education can be related to women  and from there to public administration to ethics. Like about the institutio institutions ns in which you have studied  and their history. Any recent major event related  to them. Remember few points in favour and against the presen presentt education system in India.  Few points on girls education, women empowerment, equal  opportunities etc. Hence we will move  from individual to societal to state to national to global to universal level.

writ writte ten n in  DA DAF. F. Last Lastly ly be th thor orou ough gh with with yo your ur graduation subject and optional. Step4: Repeat the same for your state. Like if there is any rive river, r, por ort, t,  park park,, th the e sa sanc nctu tuar aryy of na nati tio ona nall im impo porta rtanc nce. e. Im Impo porta rtant nt  plac places es of to tour uris ism m an and d rece recent nt go gove vern rnme ment nt  sc sche heme mess to pr prom omot ote e it, it, po popu pula lati tion on,, sex sex  ra ratio tio,, diff differe erent nt maj major or soci social, al, econom eco nomic, ic, pol politi itical cal  pro proble blems ms in you yourr sta state te and ho how w yo you u  inte intend nd to po port rtra rayy a so solu luti tion on fo forr th the e betterment of  the same, any famous cuisine of the state  etc. Try to put them under the same horizontal and  vertical parameters as in prelims







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and mains  syllabus of UPSC. Submit Your UPSC Interview Experience.

Step5: Now, No w, use use  the the si simi milar lar le level vel of an analy alysi siss for for the the country. Be aware of all relevant debates going on in the  society and prepare 4-5 crisp points upon them in   favour and against. For example, major debates are  Demonetization, GST, Simultaneous Elections, Universal  Basic Income, NPAs, Role of

  Why a  particular type o off preference that is to choose one service over other?   Wha Whatt cha change ngess  would you lilike ke to bring if given the  opportunity and how would you bring about those changes?   Do you  think citiz citizens ens have very little faith in law and administration these days? If so how would you recover the same?   If you  are a sci scienc ence e bac backgr kgroun ound d student student op opti ting ng fo forr  huma humani nity ty op optio tiona nall th then en yo you u mu must st hav have e  a co convi nvinc ncin ing g reaso reason n fo forr th the e same.

Governor, Budget changes etc. Step6: Repeat Rep eat the the  same same fo forr the the wo worl rld. d. Th The e comm common on issues iss ues rec recent ently ly  goi going ng on like the Pro Protec tectio tionis nistt po polic licy, y, Brex Brexit, it,  Au Auto tomat matio ion n an and d 4th 4th Indu Indust stri rial al Revoluti Revo lution, on, UN  ref reform orms, s, WTO imp import ortant ant iss issues ues with respect  to India, G20 summit, BRICS summit, Kigali meetin meeting, g,  COP Paris, Olympics, paralympi paralympics cs etc. One  must be thorough with State, India and world map.

Step8: Write down  as many questions as you think can arise by  looking at your DAF. The more questions you prepare more will be the probability of having suffic suf ficien ientt mat materia eriall  to ans answer wer the their ir ques questio tions. ns. Then take  a few mock interviews in any institute or among serious per aspirants for expert opinion. Step9:

This is  th This the e mo most st im impo port rtan antt ste step p in th the e wh whol ole e prep prepar arat atio ion n ph phas ase e  incl includ udin ing g inte interv rvie iews ws.. Be

Step7: Now make  excel or handwritten sheet with the following common questions: ●   Why do you want to join civil services? do  you want to become ●   Why IAS/IFS/IPS/IRS?


confident and have faith in yourself.





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IMPORTANCE OF ECONOMIC SURVEY FOR UPSC EXAMS Economic Survey  is an annual exercise done by the finance  ministry and prepared by the chief economic adviser.  It comes one day before the general budget  is announced in the parliament. Since this  document is prepared by the government and  its various agents, therefore, its import imp ortanc ance e is  par paramo amount unt for any gov govern ernmen mentt examination and especially civil services. Here we  are outlining, why to read economic survey? ●   Ever Everyy year  8-10 questi questions ons come dir direct ectly ly

term. Moreover,  it provides some sugg sugges esti tion onss wh whic ich h  mu must st be no noted ted an and d pr prep epare ared d we well ll  fo forr th the e po poss ssib ible le simi similar lar issue based mains question. How to read economic survey? ●   Read the  1st Chapter w which hich c contain ontainss the summary of  the economic survey. You will ge gett an  idea idea abou aboutt th the e issu issues es,, to topi pics cs,, suggestions, problems  and major range of discussions which will follow. ●   Read the  boxes very wel welll and mak make e sho short rt

from economic  survey. The exactness is so striki kin ng  that eve ven n word by word matching is present.   For For the the  Ma Main inss GS GS-3 -3,, curre current nt part of the the syllabus related  to economic and to some exte extent nt so soci cial al  deve develo lopm pmen ents ts can be prepared from the impo survey.   It con contain tains s  very importa rtant nt and relevan relevantt data which  can be directly quoted in the GS pape papers rs,,  essa essayy and and even even in so some me humanities optional.   It prov provid ides es  a bi big g pi pict ctur ure e of the the va vario rious us sect sector ors, s, segm segmen ents ts,,  re regi gion onss and and th thei eirr contribution to the GDP.   It help helpss  in un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g the the ma macr cro o parameters of  the economies and get a government point of view upon conflicting issues.   It al also so  di disc scus usse sess chal challe leng nges es to the the

no note tess ou outt  of it espe especi cial ally ly from from pr prel elims ims perspective.   Note down  any relevant data which can be used in the Mains and the Essay.   If If you  find any term rather than convent con vention ional al eco econom nomics ics  ter term m the then n jus justt focus onwas   theused. definition and the context in which it   Avo Avoid id to too o  mu much ch detai detaile led d an anal alysi ysiss and mathe mat hema matic tical al mo mode dels ls  alo along ng with with pu pure re economic analysis  and research papers. IAS exam is about generalist.   Read it  pag page e by page fo forr the 1st re readi ading ng and in  the subs subsequ equen entt read readin ings gs ma make ke short notes  not more than 10-12 pages so as to  rev revis ise e with within in 1-2 da days ys befo before re th the e final examination.

economy in  the short term and the long






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UPSC UP SC exam examina inati tion on  has ver veryy huge huge sy sylla llabu buss of

  You can  also fin find d out inform informati ation on abou aboutt recently recentl y launch launched ed   govern government ment schem schemes, es, gov govern ernmen ment t init initiati iatives ves,,  pol policy icy ini initiat tiatives ives

which many  topic topicss can be related to the debates and issues  going on in recent times. Recent times does not mean not a year, it varies ffrom rom past 1 to 3 years.  There are always questions in the mind of the   aspirants how to cover so many arrears? What Wh at shou should ld  be the the au auth then enti tic c sour source ce for for dat data a relat related ed to  such such to topi pics cs?? Ho How w to pres presen entt thos those e insights?

How to study them? ●

Why to study these Magazines? ●

  They are  representing government po point int o off view on issues and also provide data and analysis for the same.   You will get the idea about Essay writing in di diff ffer eren entt wa ways ys..  For For Exa Examp mple le,, if yo you u go through any  such magazines, you can see that that same same  to topi pic c has has be been en an analy alyse sed d in multiple perspectives  by various people of divers div erse e bac backgr kgroun ounds. ds.  The Theref refore ore,, the these se maga ma gazi zines nes are  ver veryy good good sour source cess for for essay preparation.   In a  year, there ar are e 12 months and therefore there  are 24(12+12) magazines one need  to go through. In these you will get at  least 35-40 topic icss covered ed.. Ther Th eref efor ore e at  le leas astt 25 25% % of yo your ur ma main inss prep prepara aratio tion n espe especi ciall allyy  for for the the Ge Gene neral ral Studies can  be done. It means this bunch can prepare  for on an average a whole GS paper.


etc.   Even if  you rea read d just the Gi Gist st of yoj yojana, ana, kurukshetra magazines; you will be getting good quality  data for the mains examination.

  Th Ther ere e are  many ways to read it it.. Som Some e read it  word by word, for some it is about topical read,  for some it is about just 4-5 important articles  and for some it is just the 1 page summary.   We wo woul uld d  reco recomm mmen end d th that at a fres freshe herr should read  at least 4-5 magazines very th tho oro roug ughl hly. y. The here reaf afte ter, r,  if he/sh e/she e is convinced that  he is able to find out the important articles  from the UPSC examina exam inatio tion n per perspe specti ctive, ve,  he/ he/she she sho should uld defini def inite tely ly fo foll llow ow  ju just st th the e 44-5 5 im impo port rtan antt articles only.   If you  have take taken n a Science Opt Optional ional and ca can’ n’tt af affo ford rd  so mu much ch time upon upon thes these e magazines then  just read the lead article and summary.  It would hardly take 30-35 minutes of your entire month.   For For fres freshe her’ r’ss  and hu human maniti ities es op optio tiona nall people, there  are many new learning’s and out of  tho those se 3535-40 40 top topics ics as dis discus cussed sed before at  least 10-15 topics are directly part of the Paper-2 syllabus.





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  Do Don n’t giv ive e  much im imp portance to the government schemes  if you are following them from  the PIB otherwise read about them briefly too.

how you  have prepared it. Finally, revise, re-revise and  repeat the same process till you become Exam ready.

  If poss possibl ible e  rea read d the summ summary ary of las lastt 2 3 years of  these magazines and make 4-5 pages notes out of it.   Ultimat Ultimately, ely, what  matters is your o own wn no note te upon these  magazin magazines, es, it does not matter




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(ARTICLE) CRACK IAS PRELIMINARY IN YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT Dear Aspirants, There are  a lot of rumours about civil services preparations, what  should be done what should not be done. What can be done and what can not be done   etc. One among them is the perception that UPSC exam can’t be cracked in first attempt. However the  fact proves that there are lots of aspi aspira rant ntss wh who o  crac crackk th this is ex exam am in very very firs firstt attempt. In  this article we will try to give you the strategyy by   which you can clear this exam in very strateg first attempt.

First we   would like you to go through the entire and the  examination process before starting the preparation. We  would also suggest you to go through prevthe iou level s  of yeaquestions rs quebeing stionsasked. for understanding Please follow  this link for assistance. Also pl plea ease se ta take ke a look look at for for le lear arni ning ng th the e proc proces ess s an and d how to study. As you  can see that sy syll llab abus us of this exam is very huge huge and  leve levell of qu ques esti tion onss is al also so good good,, so preparation needs  to be thorough. It needs time to cov cover er  big syll syllabu abuss in det detail. ail. So prepa preparati ration on shou should ld be  st star arte ted d arou around nd a ye year ar be befo fore re th the e prelims of  next year e.g. if you are planning to give 2017ex 2017exam am  july 2016 would be the ideal time

Next challe challenge nge  is about what to study and where to study.  A list of books have been mentioned in th the e po port rtal, al,  plea please se go th thro roug ugh h th them em.. Ho Howe wever ver,, Initial focus  should be on building the concepts, fo forr th that at  pu purp rpos ose e NCERT Books   are are th the e be best st source. Only  and Only  when you have finished NCERT NC ERT,, go  to hi high gher er leve levell bo book oks. s. UP UPSC SC take takess special care  to check about the concepts of the candidates. Having  said that, you also need to remember many  things from government sources but that  comes only after your basics are clear. Woe tkhereopu gohn  ssianygilneg sinouarlcl eouargaaritic ti se g nclaensdthaagtap inleaan d don do n't swit switc ch  the the sour sourc ce. Many people make the mistake of  trying to read many books and they en end d up  reme rememb mber erin ing g ve veyy th thing ings. s. Its Its an exam exam where reproduction  of what you have read is the only thing  which is important, if you have not seen the same  thing multiple times it becomes very difficult to reproduce.

Anothe Anot herr th thin ing g  wh whic ich h will will im immen mensel selyy help help any candidate is  making short notes. Make it a habit of preparing  daily notes of whatever you study. If

to start   the preparation. This would provide you wi with th enou enough gh  ti time me to fin finish ish both both prel prelim imss an and d mains syllabus.

you are  making regular notes, it will greatly help you at  the final stage of your process. It is better to read a few pages than an entire book.

Next big  challenge is the choi choice ce of th the e opti option onal als. s. Your choic choice e  of optio optional nal can decide your succes successs in th the e  UP UPSC SC exam exam.. Lo Lott of thou though ghts ts shou should ld be given to  the decision of optionals. First make a list of   few probable optionals, then look at their syll syllab abus us and  previous year question papers and

Next issue  is whether prelims and mains should be pr prep epare ared d  sepa separat ratel elyy or to toge geth ther. er. Diff Differ eren entt people say  different things about it, but most of the succe successful ssful  candida candidates tes prepare for mains and prelimss togeth prelim together. er.  Howeve Howeverr they take special care about prelims  and completely devote themselves



finally decide the optional which you think is best for you. Please try to avoid the impulse of taking an optional because everyone else is taking it.



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to prel prelim imss  th thre ree e mo mont nths hs be befo fore re th the e prel prelim imss examination. The Th e mo most st  im impo port rtan antt pa part rt of the the stra strate tegy gy is to

interview. Aspirant  needs to be very focused to keep on  studying for such a long period of time. It takes a  lot of effort but once you clear it, it is totally worth it.

re rema main inng focu fo cuse sed d  on th the efirst ma main in go goal al,, Itwh whic is cracking cracki the   exam in the attempt. is ich a hlong pr prep epar arat atio ion n ti time me  of ar aro oun und d tw two o year yearss ti till ll






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CIVIL SERVICES: WHAT, WHY AND HOW? Civil Services: An Overview IAS is seen as one of the most reputed careers in In Indi dia. a. Ev Ever eryy  year year,, th the e Un Unio ion n Pu Publ blic ic Se Serv rvic ice e Commis Com missio sion n (UP (UPSC) SC)  con conduc ductt the civ civilil serv service icess ex exam amin inat atio ion n for for  ma maki king ng th the e re recr crui uitm tmen entt to various posts  under the Indian administration, like the IAS,   IPS, IFS and other Allied Services. The exam xaminatio ion n is  conducted to recruit the administrators, who  are supposed to administer the dif differe ferent nt  dep departm artment entss of the govern governmen mental tal machinery. Thus,  UPSC expects the aspirants to

have a wide knowledge base. The exa examina minatio tion n  is con conduc ducted ted in thr three ee stag stages. es. The first  stage is the Civ Civil il Servic Services es (Preli (Prelimin minary ary)) Examination, Examina tion, which  is genera generally lly conduc conducted ted in the month of May or June every year. The Preliminary  examination is conducted to test the basic  understanding and awareness of the candidates. The exam consists of two papers: Pape Pa perr-II of  Gen ener eral al Studi tudies es (GS (GS), which includes Indi Indian an hi histo story, ry,  ge geog ograp raphy, hy, poli polity, ty, scie scienc nce e an and d technology, economy and current affairs. Pape Pa perr-II II,, the the  Civi Civill Serv Servic ices es Apti Aptitu tude de Test Test (C (CSA SAT) T) was introduced  in 2012, and includes questions to test   general aptitude of the candidates, and in incl clud ude e ques questi tion onss  on Re Reas ason onin ing, g, Eng Engli lish sh compre com prehen hensio sion, n, Bas Basic ic  Mat Mathem hemati atics, cs, Dec Decisi ision on Making and Data interpretation. IAS Examination  is open to any citizen of India, who is  between 21 to 30 years of age, for the General category.  However, UPSC has come up with the   notification giving relaxation in number of at atte temp mpts ts  and and age age el elig igib ibil ilit ityy of di diff ffer eren entt

ca cand ndid idat ates es.. Bu Butt  th the e noti notifi fica cati tion on is vag vague ue an and d uncl unclear ear ab abou outt  th the e var vario ious us tec techn hnic ical aliti ities es.. We woul wo uld d clear clear  th the e pr pres esen entt situ situat atio ion n as soon soon as UPSC comes up with further notifications. There is  no res There restric trictio tion n on can candid didates ates,, for their educational background.  The only criteria being‘the candidate  must hold a degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India...’

Tac Tackli kling ng the  UPSC UPSC Prelim Prelimina inary ry Examin Examinati ation: on: G.S. G.S. Paper-I

Looking at  the previous year UP Looking UPSC SC Ex Exam am Pa Pape pers rs, the th e le leve vell  of di diff ffic icu ult ltyy of th the e civ ivil il se serv rvic ices es preliminary examination  is not too high. Generally, it is  of th the e le leve vell th that at an anyy pe pers rson on,, wi with th basic basic awareness of  the world around us, can qualify. Howe Ho wever ver,, it  is im impo port rtant ant to ke keep ep in mind mind th that at tackling the  civil services preliminary examination requires a   comprehensive understanding of the subjects covered by the examination. Gi Give ven n th the e  na natu ture re of th the e ex exam amprepare and an d le leve l of competition, an   aspirant should avel study plan pl an,, ke keep epin ing g  in mi mind nd hi his/ s/he herr st stre reng ngth thss an and d weaknesses. Thus, the  preparation should start with a plan to crea cr eate te a  ba basi sic c un unde ders rstan tandi ding ng of th the e di diff ffer eren entt subjects subje cts like  reading NCE NCERT RT Boo Books ks etc. It should be noted  that, since the task of an administrator is to  ma mana nag ge th the e di diff ffer eren entt as asp pec ects ts of th the e administratio admini stration, n, a   civil servant should be aware of the different issues and disciplines.






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Thus, the first task that confronts an aspirant is to understand the  different subjects. The

compre comp rehe hens nsiv ive e kn know owled ledge ge  ba base se,, wh whil ile e ensu en suri ring ng th the e  lin linka kage ge be betw tween een di diff ffer eren entt

understanding should  not limit to just 'mugging up' the   topics, but, to understand the logic and learn the  ideas behind it. The recent trends of the UPSC examinations  have witnessed a shift from the th e tra tradi ditio tiona nall  des descr crip ipti tive ve qu ques estio tions ns to mo more re analytical analytic al questi questions. ons.  Thus, UPSC has been trying to look  out for the candidates who are able to link the th e di diff ffer eren entt  to topi pics cs an and d ma make ke co conn nnec ecti tion onss between them.


Possible Strategy for a Commerce Student: for the these se  IAS Asp Aspiran irants, ts, the preparati preparation on might start with an in-dep in-depth th study of Indian Indian economy and  the latest trends. Since the basics are  already clear, the person might move mov e to  stu studyi dying ng pol polity, ity, history, history, sci scienc ence, e, environment, and so on.

Thus, the  aspirant should study, with an aim of understanding the  underlying logic of the subject. A more logical approach, in this regard is to select

It sh shal alll  be no note ted d th that at it is im impo port rtan antt to maintain a  continuity in the study plan. A rational study  plan can help in maintaining

the subjects, that the aspirant is comfortable with, and then to move towards more complex topics.

the flow of the which can maintain the interest andstudies, productivity.

Let's take  up an example of how to prepare for the Prelims Paper-I:

Possible Strategy  for an Arts/Humanities Student: for these  IAS Aspirants, you might begin with the reinforcement of the social science subjects, and  then move towards economy, science and environment.

Note:  the  idea given here is just indicative. You must mu st pr prep epare are  as pe perr yo your ur un unde ders rstan tandi ding ng and comfort level.

Possible Strategy for Science Students: for a   person with a Science Background, the preparation  might start with geography. It is  im impo port rtan antt th that at wh whil ile e st stud udyi ying ng an anyy subjects, logical  connections are esta es tabl blis ishe hed d be betw twee een n  th the e th theo eory ry an and d prac pr acti tice ce.. Fo Forr  ex exam ampl ple, e, wh whil ile e st stud udyi ying ng geography, study  the theory and try to link it with the  reality. This would help in keeping the th e fa fact ctss  in mi mind nd.. Ne Next xt,, co comp mple lete te th the e subject, and  move to the other subject of interest. interes t. For instance, after geography geography take history, histor y, and  then Polity, and then Econo Economy, my, and so on. This systematic  approach would help the

Express Points: ●   Do Don' n'tt try  to mu mug g up every every thin thing g that is

covered under  t he Preliminary examination syllabus.   Always maintain  a p proper roper link b between etween the diffe dif fere rent nt subj subjec ects ts  and to topi pics cs.. Th This is will will help you in the Long run.   Try to  kno know w you yourr area areass of str streng engths ths an and d weaknesses, and  prepare the study plan according.   If something  is to too o diffic difficult ult to und understand erstand or to too o  co comp mple lexx to gr gras asp, p, do don' n'tt st stre ress ss yourself yourse lf by  Over-in Over-indulgin dulging g in it. Rather, try to compensate  for the topic by strengthening the other topics.










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  It migh mightt  not not be rat ratio iona nall to take ris riskk by attempting attemp ting the  questio questions ns that you are not sure about.  A more rational approach is to secure secur e your  place in the merit list, and not taking risk of attempting all the answers.   Paper Paper-I -III (CSA (CSAT T)  is mo more re sc sco orin ring, as com ompa pare red d to  the the Pa Pape perr-II. Thus, hus, the the candid can didate ate sho should uld  try to fet fetch ch max maximu imum m marks in the second paper.







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IMPORTANCE OF NCERT BOOKS FOR UPSC EXAMS This very  article may the first one you might be reading for  the journey that you have chosen to be beco come me a  civil civil serv servant ant.. NCE CER RT bo book oks s   can be co cons nsid ider ered ed as  th the e firs firstt st step ep out out of ma many ny to conq conque uerr this this  chal challe leng ngin ing g ex exami amina nati tion on.. Th Thes ese e books are  so well articulated and unbiased that you may  take its information as a complete truth and make  factual notes out of it especially for historyy and  geograph histor geography. y. Now you might be asking the same question and facing the same dilemm dilemma a which every  beginner has to tackle which is about why to   study NCERTs when there are so many books/ boo ks/coa coachi ching ng not note/o e/onlin nline e  mat materia erials/t ls/topp opper er notes already  circulating in the offline and the online world?  And why not skip these books for the last  and just give a passing reference once you get to the finishing line of the syllabus? Part 1: Why NCERT books are important? Explanation:   Being Being  the the mo most st ba basi sic c book bookss an and d written in   very simple langu language, age, lucid and neutral

perspective makes   NCERTs the of base the entire preparation.  One will getas most theirfor basic covered for  the geography and history from these books.. Secon books Secondly, dly,  mains answer writing lang language uage shou should ld be  si simil milar ar to the writ writin ing g style style of thes these e

the mo most st  co comp mpre rehe hens nsive ive bo book okss wh whic ich h must be read by every aspirant.   It hel helps ps  in pla planne nned d study oth otherw erwise ise,, you may be  lost in the vast ocean of data and coaching materials.   If you  are plan planning ning to cho choose ose human humanities ities optional and  you are from the non-humanities background, then study of these books  will help in choosing the right optional and  further, it may help in your optional paper too.

NCERT E-books  PDF are available in English Medium and Hindi Medium for Medium and Medium for FREE! download. What to read from NCERTs? ●   In th the e  hi hist stor oryy bo book oks, s, read read it from from th the e prelims and  mains perspective in different ways, wa ys, howe howeve ver, r,  co comm mmon on to bo both th is th the e TIMELI ELINE NE.. Therefore  here factual knowle kno wledge dge is  ver veryy imp import ortant ant along with ●

some contextual G eogra phy NCERmemory. Ts:  Trea Treatt th them em as th the e bibl bible e fo forr  th the e geog geograp raphy hy sect sectio ion n of the prelims and the mains examination. Learn all th the e  ma maps ps,, rive rivers rs,, mo moun untai tain n ran range ges, s,

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