
August 31, 2017 | Author: 羅君華 | Category: Nature
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托福考試常考字彙 (修訂至2014年3月) 紅字是2011考試 綠字是2012考試 藍字是2013考試 紫字是2014考試 單字 a handful of a setback to a wealth of abandon abbreviate abhorrent abiding ablaze abnormally abolish abolished abound in abroad abrupt abruptly absentminded abstract abundant abundantly academy accede with accelerate accept access accessible acclaim acclaim accommodate accommodation accompany accordingly account account account for account for accretion


詞性 中文 a few n. 小撮;一把 a check to the progress of n. 挫折;障礙 an abundance of 大量 give up v. 放棄;拋棄 short v. 縮寫;節略 distasteful a. 討厭的;不合口味的 enduring a. 持續的;永久的 radiant a. 閃耀的;絢麗的 exceptionally ad. 反常地;異常地 eliminate ; end v. 取消;廢除 eliminated a. 廢止的 be full of v. 充滿;盛滿 in the foreign countries ad. 在國外;到國外 sudden a. 突然的;意外的 suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地 forgetful a. 心不在焉的 summary n. 摘要 , 概括 plentiful a. 豐富的 ; 充裕的 in great numbers, generously ad. 充裕地 ;大量地 school n. 中等學校 ; 專科院校 agree to v. 同意 ; 應允 increase, speed up v. 加速;加大 permitted v. 接受 ; 認可 admittance to n. 進入 ; 接近 available ; reachable a. 易得到的 ; 易接近的 praise v. 歡呼 ; 喝采 recognition n. 承認 ; 公認 handle v. 容納 ; 運營 lodging n. 招待設備 ; 膳宿供應 join ; travel with v. 伴隨 ; 陪同 consequently ; hence ad. 因此 report n. 報告 explain v. 解釋;說明 explain v. 解釋 ; 說明 comprise v. 構成 ; 達到 accumulation n. 增加 ; 累積

accumulate accumulation accurate accustom to ache achievement acid acquaint with acquire acrid acrimonious actively actually actuate acute acutely adapt adaptation addition address adept adequate adhere adherent adjacent adjoining adjunct adjunct to administered admire adopt adorn adornment adult advantage advantageous advent adverse adversely advocate advocate aesthetically affect affection affectionately

collect ; build up ; pile up growing collection exact ; correct used to hurt accomplishment harsh informed about obtained bitter bitter vigorously really set in motion critical keenly alter ; change modification besides speech skillful sufficient stick follower, supporter near;nearby ; neighboring neighboring addition addition to managed esteem enact decorate embellishment mature beneficial arrival negative negatively ; detrimentally proponent speak in favor of; promote artistically influence fondness lovingly

v. n. a. v. v. n. a. v. v. a. a. ad. ad. v. a. ad. v. n. n. n. a. a. v. n. a. a. n. n. v. v. v. v. n. a. n. a. n. a. ad. n. v. ad. v. n. ad.

累積;積聚 累積 精確的 ; 準確的 習慣於 刺痛 ; 損傷 成就 ; 成績 尖刻的 ; 刺耳的 了解 ; 認識 獲得 ; 取得 辛辣的 ; 苦澀的 刻毒的 ; 厲害的 積極地 ; 主動地 實際上 ; 事實上 啟動 ; 激勵 尖銳的 敏銳地 ; 強烈地 變化 ; 適應 改變 ; 變化 此外 ; 並且 演說 ; 致辭 熟練的 充分的 ; 足夠的 黏附;膠著 信徒 ; 追隨者 鄰近的 ; 毗鄰的 毗鄰的 ; 鄰近的 附加物 附屬物 ; 附加物 管理 羨慕 ; 欽佩 採用 ; 正式透過 裝飾 裝飾 ; 裝飾品 成熟的 ; 成年的 有利 有利的;有益的 出現 ; 到來 相反的 ; 不利的 不利地;有害地 倡導者;辯護者 提倡 ; 倡議 審美地;美學地 影響 慈愛 ; 鐘愛 充滿深情地 ; 親切地

affliction affluence affluent afford affordable aggressive agrarian ahead of aid aided ailment aim airborne alarm alert allegiance alliance allocate alloy allude to almost aloft alongside aloof from alter alteration alternately alternative altitude altogether amateur ambiguous ambition ambitious ambivalence amenity amount ample an impetus to analogy analogous to ancestor anchor ancient ancillary

n. 折磨 ; 苦惱 n. 富裕 ; 豐富 a. 富裕的 v. 提供 a. 負擔得起的 combative a. 好鬥的 agricultural a. 農業的 ; 耕地的 preceding, in front of prep. 在…之前;在…前面 help v. 幫助 ; 援助 helped v. 幫助 disease n. 疾病 goal ; objective n. 目標 ; 目的 aloft a. 空中的 ; 飛行的 frightened v. 驚恐 ; 警覺 wary a. 機敏的 loyalty n. 忠誠 ; 忠心 association n. 聯盟 ; 同盟 distribute v. 分派 ; 配給 mixed, blend v./n. v.熔合 n.合金 suggest, imply v. 暗示 ; 提到 nearly ; practically ; nearly ad. 幾乎 ; 差不多 in flight ad. 在高處 ; 飛行中 next to ad. 傍靠 ; 緊靠 separate from a. 遠離的 ; 分隔的 change ; modify ; adjust v. 改變 ; 變化 ; 調整 renovation; change n. 翻新 ; 整修 one after another ad. 輪流地;交替地 option ; substitute n. 替代;替代物 elevation n. 海拔 ; 高度 completely ad. 完全地 nonprofessional n. 業餘愛好者 ; 非專業人員 a. 模糊的 goal n. 野心 ; 抱負 ; 目標 enterprising ; having a strong desire a. 有野心的 for success ; 有抱負的 conflicting feeling n. 矛盾心理 ; 猶豫不決 comfort n. 舒適 ; 安逸 quantity n. 數量 ; 數額 plentiful a. 充足的 an incentive to n. 刺激;推展 parallel n. 類似 ; 比擬 similar to forefather n. 祖先 ; 祖宗 secure v. 弄牢 ; 固定 old a. 古老的 ; 古代的 secondary a. 附屬的;輔助的 problem wealth wealthy provide

anguished annals annihilate annoying annual anonymous antagonist antagonistic antecedent anthem anticipate antique anxious apace with apathetic apparel apparent apparently appeal

tormented a. chronicle n. conquer v. irritating a. yearly a. unknown ; nameless; unidentified a. enemy n. quarreling a. predecessor n. song n. look forward to, expect v. old a. eager a. as fast as uninvolved a. clothes n. obvious, noticeable a. seemingly ad. challenge v.

痛苦的 ; 苦惱的 編年史 ; 紀年表 消滅;征服 惱人的 ; 討厭的 每年的 ; 年度的 無名的 ; 匿名的 對手;敵人 敵對的;對抗的 先輩 國歌 ; 聖歌 期待;盼望 古式的 ; 舊式的 渴望的 ; 焦慮的 快速的 漠然的 ; 冷淡的 衣服 ; 服飾 明顯的 似乎 ; 好像 上訴 ; 挑戰



有感染力的 ; 吸引人的

appear applaud application apply appoint appreciate appreciation approach appropriate approximately apt aptly aquatic arable arbitrarily arboreal ardent arduous arid aromatic arouse arrange array arrive

seem clap use used for designate admire recognition near suitable about appropriate appropriately ; fittingly marine


v. v. n. v. v. v. n. v. a. ad. a. ad. a. a. randomly ad. tree-dwelling a. passionate a. difficult ; laborious a. dry a. fragrant a. provoke ; excite ; stimulate v. put together ; plan v. collection n. reach v.

似乎;好像 鼓掌 ; 喝采 應用 ; 使用 應用;適用 選派 ; 任命 鑑賞 ; 賞識 鑑賞;鑑別 靠近 ; 接近 適當的 ; 適宜的 近似 ; 大約 貼切的 ; 恰當的 適當地 水生的 可耕種的 任意地 ; 專橫地 樹木的 ; 樹棲的 熱心的 ; 熱情的 艱巨的;艱苦的 乾旱的 ; 乾枯的 芳香的 ; 芬芳的 喚起 ; 激發 安排 ; 整理 批量 ; 大量 抵達 ; 達到

article artifact artificial as a result of as a substitute for as well as ascend ascertain ask asphyxiation aspiration


物品,物體 文物 人工的 ; 合成的 由於;因為 v.代替;n.替代物 ad. 也;又 v. 攀升;升高 v. 查明 ; 確定 v. 詢問;請求 n. 窒息 n. 志氣;抱負 n. v. a.

assembly assert assess asset assiduous assist associate assortment assumption assuredly astonishing astute at bay at once atmosphere attach attachment attain

synthetic; not real because of in place of in addition of climb determine request suffocation ambition gather, bring together, put together gathering emphatically state evaluate advantage diligent help ; aid connect variety belief ; supposition certainly astounding ; amazing cleaver under control immediately air fasten preference for achieve ; reach



attend attire

present dress ; clothing

v. n.

出席;參加 衣著;盛裝





attribute attribute to auditory austere authentically authenticity authoritative authorize

characteristic testify as hearing severe genuinely genuineness official empower




n. v. v. n. a. v. v. n. n. ad. a. a.

集合;集會 宣稱;斷言 評估 優點;長處 勤勉的;不倦的 幫助;援助 聯合;聯繫 形形色色;各式各樣 設想;假定 無疑地;確信地 驚人的;震驚的 機敏的

ad. n. v. n. v.

立即;馬上 大氣;空氣 依附;黏結 依戀;偏好 達到

v./n. v. 嘗試 n. 努力

n. v./n. a. a. ad. n. a. v.

品性 ; 屬性 被認為;被鑑定為 耳的, 聽覺的 嚴格的 ; 嚴厲的 真正地;地道地 有權威的, 可靠的 授權;批准

automatically autonomous autonomy avail

involuntarily independent independence make use

ad. a. n. v.

自動地;無意識地 獨立的;自主的 自治;自主 有用





avaricious avert avid award awe

greedy avoid ; prevent eager present with wonder

a. v. a. v. n.

貪心的;貪婪的 擋開;防止 渴望的;熱心的 授予;給予 敬畏;畏懼





B bachelor backbone backlog baffle balance balmy ban band banish bark barren barrier to barter basically battle be committed to be fond of be fraught with be penalized for be preoccupied with bead beam bear beat(beaten) become tarnished bedridden bedrock begin behavior behind

unmarried man n. 未婚男子 spine n. 脊骨;脊柱 accumulation n. 積壓的工作 perplex to n. 迷惑;困惑 equilibrium n. 平衡;均衡 mild a. 溫和的;宜人的 prohibit ; forbid v. 禁止;阻止 form groups n./v. n.條紋,帶;v.聯合;結合 exile v. 流放;放逐 outer covering n. 樹皮;莖皮 infertile ; unable to sustain a. 貧瘠的;不毛的 life obstacle to n. 障礙;妨礙 trade v. 易貨貿易;以物易物 fundamentally ad. 基本地;主要地 struggle, fight v./n. v./n.戰鬥;鬥爭 be dedicated to v. 交付;獻身 like a. 喜愛;愛好 charge with, full of a. 充滿 be punished for v. 處罰 engrossed in a. 出神的;全神貫注的 drop n. 水珠;水滴 ray n. 光束;光線 assume ; support ; carry v. 承擔;支撐 whip v. 攪打;攪拌 lost its luster v. 失去光澤;變暗淡 confined to bed a. 臥床不起的 foundation n. 基石;基礎 commence v. 開始;著手 conduct n. 行為;舉止 to the rear of prep. 在...後面

behold belong to beneath beneficial benefit besides best better beverage beyond bias bind biography biological birth bit bizarrely blaze bleach bleak blend blink blunder blunt blurred boast boat boldly bombard bond boost bore bothersome bottom bound bound boundary boundless brag branch brave brawl breach break break apart

view be owned by below advantageous in addition to most highly improve drink outside prejudice tie ; join accounts of people's lives living beginning somewhat oddly burn brightly whiten desolate combine, mix shut their eyes briefly mistake dull indistinct brag, claim ship daringly strike link raise drill irritating, annoying floor limit, constraint held border infinite boast division courageous fight violation departure from split

v. v. prep. a. n. prep. ad. v. n. prep. n. v. n. a. n. n. ad. v. v. a. v. v. n. a. a. n./v. n. ad. v. n. v. v. a. n. n. v. n. a. n./v. n. a. n. n. n. ad.

觀看;注視 屬於;附屬 在..下方;在..之下 有利的;有益的 利益 除此之外 最佳地;最高地 改善;促進 飲料 在...之外 偏見;嗜好 捆;綁;使結合 傳記 生物的;活的 誕生;起源 一點;一些 異乎尋常地;希奇古怪地 燃燒;閃耀 漂白;晒白 淒涼的;慘淡的 混合;融合 眨眼;閃爍 錯誤;大錯 不鋒利的;鈍的 模糊的;(v.弄糊塗 blur ) 誇口;自恃 小船;小艇 大膽地;勇敢地 撞擊 結合物;黏結劑 提升;提升 鑽孔;打眼 麻煩的;討厭的 底部;底 範圍;界限 限制 邊界;分界線 無邊的;無限的 夸口;吹牛 部門;分支 勇敢的;英勇的 吵架;喧嚷 違反;破壞 決裂;破裂 分裂 ; 分離

break up breathtaking breakthrough breed brevity brew brief brief look brightness brilliantly bring about briskly brittle broach broad broaden broadly brochure bruise bulk burdensome burgeoning burglary bury bustling by and large by chance by-product C calculate caliber call for call off calmly camouflage capacity capital caption capture care career carnivore carnivorous carried on

separate exciting, stunning advance reproduce conciseness develop short glance radiance brightly induce ; cause energetically breakable, easily broken bring up wide, general widened liberally pamphlet damage most, majority difficult rapidly expanding theft embed lively on the whole; for the most part accidentally derivative

v. a. n. v. n. v. a. n. n. ad. v. ad. a. v. a. v. ad. n. v. n. a. a. n. v. a.

determine quality require cancel quietly conceal ability money title caught attention profession ; vocation

v. n. v. v. ad. v. n. n. n. v. n. n. n. a. v.


分裂;破碎 動人的;驚險的 突破 繁殖 簡潔;精練 蘊釀, 發展 短暫的;短期的 瞥視;瀏覽 光亮;明亮 鮮明地;明亮地 造成;帶來 輕快地 易碎的;脆弱的 首次宣佈;提出討論 寬的;闊的;廣泛的;概括的 加寬;拓寬 廣義地;概括地 小冊子;手冊 碰傷;擦傷 大部分;大多數 困難的 萌芽的 夜盜;盜賊 埋葬;埋藏 擾攘的

ad. 整體來看;一般說來 ad. 意外地;突然地 n. 副產品;派生物 計算;確定 才能;品性 要求;需要 取消;放棄 平靜地;沈著地 掩飾;隱瞞 能力;接受力 資本;資金 標題;解說詞 捕捉;捕獲 照管;管理 頭班;生涯 肉食性動物 肉食性的 繼續

carry carve cast catastrophe catastrophic categorize category caution cave cease celebrate celebrated celebratory celestial cement census centennial champion chance chancy changeover from character characteristic characteristic characteristically charge cheap check chief chiefly chill chisel choice chronically chronicle chronologically chubby circuitous circumstances cite clamor for clasp classify clean

support project disaster disastrous classify group warn cavern stop praise distinguished ; famous full of praise astronomical bond, stick population count hundredth anniversary advocate unplanned risky conversion from nature distinguishing feature distinctive typically attack inexpensive control main mainly ; principally cool carve selection persistently describe according to a time sequence plump indirect conditions refer to ; mention loudly demand hold categorize empty

v. v. v. n. a. v. n. v. n. v. v. a. n. a. v. n. n. n. a. a. n. n. n. a. ad. v. a. v. a. ad. v. v. n. ad. v.

支撐;支援 切割 投射;投影 大災難;大變動 災難性的 歸類;分類 類別;範疇 警告;告戒 山洞;洞穴 停止;結束 讚美;歌頌 著名的;馳名的 稱揚 天空的;天上的 黏結;膠合 人口普查 100週年紀念 提倡者;擁護者 偶然的;碰巧的 危險的 ; 靠不住的 改變;交換 品性;性格 特徵;特色 特有的;獨特的 獨有地;獨特地 襲擊;攻擊 便宜的;廉價的 抑制;制止 主要的 主要地;尤其 冷凍;冷卻 鑿 ; 雕琢 挑選;選擇 長期地;經常地 記述

ad. 按時間順序 a. a. n. v. v. v. v. v.

肥胖的;豐滿的 迂迴的 條件 引證;引用 喧鬧;叫嚷 緊握;抓住 分類 清掃;打掃

clear clear away climate climax of cling to clinging clip clog club clue clump cluster coagulate coalition coarse coat coat coherent coin coincide with coincide with collaborate collaborative collapse colleague collective collectively collide with collision colloquial colonize colony colossal combat combine combust come down with come through come to come up with comic command commanding commensurate with

unobstructed move weather condition high point in hold fast to ; stick to close-fitting trim congest association information bunch group clot alliance rough ; crude fur cover logical create ; invent collide with ; happen at the same time happen at the same time work jointly, work together cooperative fellow worker group together bump into crash conversational settle group huge ; vast; immense; massive fight blend burn contract be written regain consciousness propose funny mastery forceful proportionate to

a. v. n. n. v. a. v. v. n. n. n. v. v. n. a. n. v./n. a. v.

暢通的;無阻的 清楚;搬走 氣候 尖峰;頂峰 黏著;纏住 緊身的;貼緊的 修剪;剪去 阻塞;填塞 俱樂部;社團 線索;訊息 樹叢;樹簇 成群 凝結;混凝 聯盟;聯合 粗糙的 皮毛 掩蓋 有邏輯的;一致的 創造;杜撰



ad. v. a. v. n. n. ad. v. n. a. v. n. a. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. a. n. a. a.

同時 協作;合作 合作的;社區的 崩潰 同事;同僚 集體 共同地 衝撞;撞擊 碰撞;撞擊 會話的;口語的 殖民;定居 集群;群體 ; 殖民地 巨大的 戰鬥;鬥爭 結合;兼有 燃燒 得病 完成;成功 甦醒;恢復 提出;產生 滑稽的;好笑的 掌握;控制 威嚴的;堅強的 相當的;相稱的

comment commercial commodity commonly commonplace communal compact comparable comparably comparative compatible compel compelled compelling compensate competent competently competition compile complacency completely complex comply with component compose composition compound comprehensible comprise compulsory computation compute concealed conceive concentrate concentration concise concisely conclusion conclusive concoct concrete concur

remark business article of trade frequently ordinary ; average cooperative compress equivalent similarly relative equivalent force required powerful; persuasive reimburse; make up for a deficiency capable adeptly rivalry gather lack of concern entirely involved conform to part ; element write makeup ; content add understandable constitute ; consist of ; make up mandatory calculation calculate covered design ; imagine cluster, focus on accumulation brief and to the point succinctly end definitive devise specific agree

n. a. n. ad. a. a. v. a. ad. a. a. v. a. a.

評論;評注 商業的;商務的 商品;日用品 通常地;經常地 平凡的;普通的 合作的;社區的 壓縮;壓實 可比的;相當的 可比地;相當地 相對的 相容的 強製;強迫 強制的 令人嘆為觀止的, 強迫的



a. ad. n. v. n. ad. a. v. n. v. n. v. a.

有能力的;能勝任的 熟練地;內行地 競爭;比賽 搜集;彙編 自滿 完全地;十足地 複雜的;綜合的 遵守;服從 成分;部分 創作;作曲 構成;組成 附加 能理解的



a. n. v. a. v. v. n. a. ad. n. a. v. a. v.

強製的;義務的 計算;估計 計算;估計 隱藏著的 設想;構想 集中;積聚 集中;聚集 簡明的;扼要的 簡明地;簡潔地 結束;結尾 最後的 製造;策劃 具體的;特定的 贊成;一致

condemnation conduct confederate confer configuration confine confirm conflicting conform confound congenital congest conglomerate congregate conjectural connected to conscientiously consciously consecutive consensus consequence consequently conserve consider considerable considerably considerate consist of consistent consistently consorted conspicuous constantly constituent constitute constrain constraint constrict consume consumption contaminate contamination contemporary contemporary contention

blame behavior ally consult arrangement limit ; restrict uphold, verify opposing ; incompatible meet bewilder present at birth crowd assortment assemble ; gather based on guessing linked to diligently intentionally successive agreement ramification accordingly ; hence store ; save regard as large ; substantial ; much a great deal; significantly thoughtful be made up constant regularly associated noticeable ; obvious continuously component, districts' votersup make inhibit limitation contract eat eat infect pollution existing ; modern written at that time controversy

n. n. n. v. n. v. v. a. v. v. a. v. n. v. a. ad. ad. a. n. n. ad. v. v. a. ad. a. v. a. ad. v. a. ad. n. v. v. n. v. v. n. v. n. a. n. n.

譴責 行為;品行 同盟者;同伙 協商 架構;形狀 限制;局限 證實;確認 衝突的;抵觸的 一致;符合 混淆;混亂 先天的;天生的 擁擠;積聚 密集體;集成物 聚集;集合 猜測的;推測的 連結 謹慎地;精心地 自覺地;有意識地 連貫的;連續地 共識 結果;後果 因此 儲存;保護 認為;看作 很重要的;很大的 相當大地;很大地 體諒的;關心的 由...組成 持續的 一致地;始終地 結交 顯著的 不斷地;經常地 成分;要素 構成;組成 強製;抑制 約束;限制 收縮;阻塞 消費;吃 消費;消耗 污染;感染 污染;沾染 當代的;現有的 同時代 爭論;論戰

contest context continuous continuously contractions contradictory contrary to contrast contrive controversy convene conventional convergence convert convey coordinate cope copious cordial core correct correctly corresponding correspondingly corroborate corrode corrugate costly contentious count count on counter counteract counterpart countless couple couple with courteous coverage cozy craft cramped create credible creek

competition settings; environment uninterrupted without interruption reductions opposing in conflict with devise disagreement meet traditional ; standard gathering change transport ; communicate integrate adapt plentiful pleasant center accurate properly matching similarly confirm wear away wrinkle expensive disputed weigh trust ; rely argue back negate version innumerable ; many pair in addition to ; combine with polite reportage comfortable confining bring about believable stream

n. n. a. ad. n. a. a. n. v. n. v. a. n. v. v. v. v. a. a. n. a. ad. a. ad. v. v. v. a. a. v. v. v. v. n. a. n. v. a. n. a. n. a. v. a. n.

比賽;競賽 事件的背景 ; 情境 連續的 連續地;不斷地 縮短;收縮 矛盾的;對立的 相反的;對立的 對比 ; 反差 設計;造出 爭議 集合;集會 常規的;道統的 聚集 轉變;變換 傳送;傳播 協調;配合 適應 豐富的;大量的 親切的;愉快的 核心;中心 正確的;準確的 正確地;恰當地 對應的 相應地;對應地 確証;證實 鏽蝕;磨損 使起皺摺 昂貴的;豪華的 好爭吵的 ; 愛爭論的 有價值;有分量 依靠 反駁 抵消;反作用 複本;對應物 無數的;許多的 對;雙 加上 有禮貌的;謙恭的 新聞報道 舒服的;舒適的 手藝 狹窄的 引起;產生 可信的 小河;小川

v. v. n. a. n. v. n. v. a.

蠕動;爬行 穿梭;交錯往來 標準 關鍵性的;決定性的 鑑賞家;評論家 想到;腦中閃現 聚會中心地點 蹲下 重要的



practice patron reduce reduce

n. n. v. n. a. n. a. v. ad. n. a. a. n. n. v. v.

線索 ; 信號 高點 ; 高峰 栽培;在農地工作 文化;衣冠文物 麻煩的;笨重的 狡猾;狡詐 治病的;療效的 控制;約束 稀奇地;奇妙地 通貨;貨幣 目前的; 當下的 草率的 ; 粗略的 風俗;習慣 主顧;顧客 降低; 削減

block harm harmful moisten unpleasantly humid bold beginning brilliant impasse cope ; contend with discussion ; argument decompose mislead

v. n. a. v. a. a. n. a. n. v. v. v. v.

築壩;修堤 ; 阻擋 損害;破壞 有害的;不利的 使潮濕 潮濕的;陰濕的 勇敢的;大膽的 初始;開端 眩惑的;眼花撩亂的 僵持;僵局 處理;應付 討論;辯論 腐爛;變質 誤導; 欺騙


decrease the speed of



deceptive deceptively

misleading misleadingly

a. 欺騙的;虛偽的 ad. 騙人地;虛偽地

creep crisscross criteria critical connoisseur cross one's mind crossroad crouch crucial crude cue culmination cultivate culture cumbersome cunning curative curb curiously currency current cursory custom customer cut cut down D dam damage damaging dampen dank daring dawn dazzling deadlock deal with debate decay deceive

move slowly ; crawl move back and forth standards crucial ; important critical judge of fine arts occur to sb. central meeting place important roughly made ; unprocessed, primitive signal high point grow civilization burdensome ; bulky cleverness healing inhibit oddly money present

decimation decipher decline declivity decompose decorate decree deem deep defeat defer definite definitely deflect defraud deft deftly dehydrate deity delegate delete deleteriously deliberate deliberately delicate delicately delineate deluge demand demise demolition demonstrate demonstration denote dense densely depend on depict deplete deplore deposit depress deprive derive

destruction decode refuse downward slope decay order regard as profound conquer delay, yield fix clearly deviate ; divert cheat skilled skillfully dry god representative remove from adversely careful intentionally fragile carefully portray flood require disappearance, death destruction show proof signify thick ; crowded ; compact; closely packed thickly be determined by portray exhaust lament lay lower deny obtain

n. v. v. n. v. v. v. v. a. v. v. a. ad. v. v. a. ad. v. n. n. v. ad. a. ad. a. ad. v. n. v. n. n. v. n. v.

每十個殺ㄧ個 ; 多數的殺害 破譯;譯解 拒絕;謝絕 斜坡;傾斜 分解 ; 衰退 裝潢 ; 佈置 頒佈;規定 認為;相信 深刻的;深切的 戰勝;擊敗 延遲;延期; 明確的;規定的 確定地;明確地 使偏離;使轉向 欺騙;榨取 熟練的;靈巧的 熟練地;靈巧地 使脫水;使乾燥 神 代表 刪除;消去 不利地;有害地 審慎的;仔細的 蓄意地;審慎地 脆弱的;嬌嫩的 精致地;審慎地 描繪;描述 洪水;豪雨 要求;需求 滅亡;死亡 拆除;破壞 表明;證實 論證;證明 表示;指示



ad. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v.

緊密地;稠密地 依靠;倚賴 描繪;描述 竭盡;用盡 哀嘆;痛惜 放置;產卵 壓低;使沮喪 剝奪;使喪失 得到

derived from descent deserted design designate desolate destitute detect detectable detecting deter deter from deteriorate determinants determine detrimental devastated devastation developing deviate device devise devoid devoid of devote devote to devoted devour diagnose dialogue dictate didactic diet differential diffuse diffusion dilapidated dilate dilemma dim diminish diminutive dimly dip

based on ancestry devoid pattern identify barren impoverished uncover measurable ; apparent finding prevent keep from ; inhibit become worse causes evaluate ; calculate damaging ; harmful ruined ; ravaged; destroyed destruction evolving depart apparatus ; mechanism ; instrument create free of ; empty lacking in reserve for dedicate, specialize in dedicated consume analyze conversation determine instructive nutritional plan uneven travel; spread spread run-down expand weak reduce tiny ; small faintly immerse momentarily

v. n. a. n. v. a. a. v. a. v. v. v. v. n. v. a. a. n. a. v.

基於 血統;世系 虛無的 式樣;圖案 指定 ; 任命 荒蕪的;荒涼的 貧困的;赤貧的 查明;查出 可察覺的;易發現的 探測 阻止 阻止;阻攔 惡化;變質 決定因素 評估 ; 計算 不利的;有害的 毀壞的;被破壞的 破壞 發展的;演化的 脫離(常規)



設計;發明 缺乏;沒有 缺少 v. 致力於;獻身於 v. 致力於;獻身於 a. 忠實的;虔誠的 v. 吞沒;毀滅 v. 診斷;分析 n. 對話;對白 v. 指示;決定 a. 教訓的;說教的 n. 飲食;節實 a. 不均衡的 ; 差異的 v. 擴散;傳播 n. 擴散 a. 倒塌的;破壞的 v. 膨脹;擴大 n. 矛盾 a. 隱約的;模糊的 v. 減少 ; 下降 a. 小的;小型的 ad. 朦朧地;暗淡地 v. 浸;沾 v. a.

dire direct directly disaster disbanded discard discern discerning disciple discipline discontent discord discover discrepancy disintegrate dislodge dismissed disorient disparaging dispatch dispense dispersed displace display dispose of disposition disproportionately dispute dispute disquieting disregard disrupt disseminate dissent from dissenting dissipate distant distinct distinction distinctive distinctly distinguish distinguished distributed district

dreadful lead immediately catastrophe dismissed get rid of ; throw away detect perceptive follower field of study dissatisfy disharmony learn difference break up rejected confuse ; lose negative expedition scatter scattered exhibit get rid of temperament unequally disagreement ; argument question troubling ignore disperse ; spread disagree with opposite disperse faraway separate ; different; definite difference characteristic clearly differentiate eminent spread section

a. v. ad. n. a. v. v. a. n. n. v. n. v. n. v. v. a. v. a. n. v. a. v. v. v. n. ad. n. v. a. v. v. v. v. a. v. a. a. n. a. ad. v. a. a. n.

可怕的;極度的 指導;指揮 直接地;即刻地 災難 解散的 ; 散掉的 丟棄;拋棄 辯明;識別 有眼光的;有辨別力的 信徒;弟子 學科;細目 不滿意;不滿 不調合;不一致 發現 ; 了解 差異;不一致 分裂;瓦解 逐出 駁回 使迷惑;使迷失方向 貶低的;毀謗的 派遣;發送 分散 分散的 換置 ; 取代 展現;陳列 處理;除掉 氣質;性情 不勻稱地;不相稱地 爭論 質疑 令人不安的;使人焦慮的 忽視;不注意 干擾 散佈;傳播 反對;對立;持異議;不同意 反對的;對立的;不同意的 驅散;使消失 遠離的;久遠的 清晰的;不同的 差異 特殊的 清楚地;明顯地 區分;辨別 著名的;卓越的 散開的; 分散的 地區;街區

disturb dive divergence divergent diverse diversity divert dividing line divine do away with dogged domain domesticate dominant dominate donate donation donor dormancy dormant dot doze draft drama dramatic dramatically drastic drastically draw drawback dread dreadfully dream dribble drift drive drive out of droop drop in drought drudgery duplicate duplicate duplication

bother plunge difference varying dissimilar ; varied ; different variety change direction boundary sacred get rid of ; eliminate persistent field ; region tame major be prevalent in contribute grant giver hibernate ; inactive scatter across sleep lightly formulate play striking ; stunning radically radical radically attract unfavorable feature of ; disadvantage horror terribly fantasy trickle move aimlessly campaign force out of sag visit prolonged lack of moisture tedium copy ; repeat identical copying

v. v. n. a. a. n. v. n. a. v. a. n. v. a. v. v. n. n. n. a. v. v. v. n. a. ad. a. ad. v.

攪動;滋攪 跳水;潛水 差異;變化 分歧的 多種多樣的;不一樣的 多樣化;各式各樣 改變方向 邊界;分界線 神聖的;非凡的 廢除;去掉 頑強的;固執的 領域;範圍 馴養;馴服 主要的;佔優勢的 支配;控制 捐贈;贈送 捐款;捐物 捐獻者;贈與人 休眠狀態 休眠的;蟄伏的 點綴;分散於 打瞌睡;打盹兒 草擬;設計 戲劇;劇本; 戲劇性的;顯著的 戲劇性地;顯著地 激烈的;猛烈的 激烈地;猛烈地 吸引;提取



n. ad. n. v. v. n. v. v. v. n. n. v. a. n.

恐懼;畏懼 極端地 夢想;空想 滴下;涓滴 漂泊;移動 運動;競賽 驅逐出去;被迫離去 凋萎,下垂 順訪;拜訪 旱災;旱季 苦工;乏味工作 複製;複寫 相同的;雙重的 複製;複製品

durability durable duration during dust dwell dwelling dwindle dynamism E eager early earnest earnestly earnings earth easily moved easygoing eccentric eccentricity eclectic ecologically economical eerie effect effectively efficiency efficient effort eject elaborate elaborately elastic elect elegant elevate elevation elicit eligible elongate eloquent elsewhere elucidate emancipator embarrass

endurance long-lasting length in fine particles reside ; inhabit house ; residence diminish energy

n. a. n. prep. n. v. n. v. n.

enthusiastic initial serious seriously revenue dirt portable relaxed strange peculiarity various environmentally thrifty

a. a. a. ad. n. n. a. a. a. n. a. ad. a. a. v. ad. n. a. n. v. a. ad. a. v. a. v. n. v. a. v. a. ad. v. n. v.

influence efficiently ; successfully effectiveness effective attempt ; endeavor force out complicate, complex done in great detail pliant choose sophisticated promote ; raise altitude bring out entitle stretch persuasive in another place clarify liberator ashamed because of

經久,耐久 持久的;耐用的 持續時間;期間 在...期間;在...時候 塵土;灰塵 居住;居留 住處;寓所 減少 ; 衰落 動力 熱心的 早期的;早先的 認真的;誠摯的 誠摯地;殷切地 收入;賺得的錢 土;泥 輕便的;可攜帶的 悠閒的;舒適的 怪癖的;古怪的 怪癖;古怪 選擇取捨的 ; 不同的 生態上;環境上 節約的;經濟的 詭異的 影響;效果 有效地;有力地 效力 有效的;有力的 努力;嘗試 排斥 複雜的;精心製作的 詳盡地;精心地 有彈性的;可塑的 選擇;推選 優雅的 提升;提升 高度;海拔 引出 合格的;適宜的 延長; 延伸 善辯的;有口才的 在別處 闡明 ; 說明 解放者 使困窘;使為難

emblem embellishments embody embrace embraced embryo emerge emergence emigrate eminence emissary emit emitting emotion emphasize empirical employ emulate enable enact enactment enchantment encompass encourage encroach end endanger endeavor endemic endorse endow endowment endure enduring energetic energetically engage in engaged enhance enigmatic enjoyment enlist enormous ensure entail

symbol decorations incorporate include welcomed complete undeveloped form come into appear, prominence appearance fame messenger give off producing feeling stress based on ovservation use imitate allow ; help pass performance ; passing include urge invade goal ; final; purpose threaten try native approve of provide gift survive lasting vigorous actively carry on hired improve mysterious pleasure join ; recruit tremendous guarantee involve; cause

n. n. v. v. v. n. v. n. v. n. n. v. v. n. v. a. v. v. v. v. n. n. v. v. v. n. v. v. a. v. v. n. v. a. a. ad. v. v. v. a. n. v. a. v. v.

象徵;標誌 裝飾 ; 粉飾 體現, 具體化 包括;包含;接受;信奉 歡迎 胚胎;萌芽 浮現;出現 出現;浮現 外移 著名;顯赫 使者;密使 放射;散發 生產,發行 感情;情感 著重;強調 觀察的, 經驗的 僱佣;應用 模仿;仿效 使能夠;使可能 頒佈;規定 演出;作秀 魅力 包含 鼓勵;促進 侵襲 ; 侵犯 末端;目的 危害;危及 努力;盡力 地方性的;本土的 認可;擔保 賦予 天賦;天資 忍受;求生存 持久的;耐用的 有力的;精力旺盛的 有力地;精力飽滿地 從事;忙於 僱佣 提升;增進 樂趣;享樂 徵募;入伍 巨大的;非凡的 保證 引起;關係到

enthusiasm enthusiastically entitled to entire entirely entitle entity entomb entreat entrepreneur envelope envision ephemeral epoch

intense interest eagerly given the right to whole solely ; totally name object trap urge outer covering conceive of short living period of history

n. 熱情;積極性 ad. 熱心地;熱情地 賦予權利 a. 全部的 ad. 完全地;徹底地 v. 稱作;取名 n. 實體;存在 v. 埋葬;設陷阱 v. 懇求;請求 n. 創業者 n. 封皮;包層 v. 想像 ; 展望未來 a. 短暫的 ; 只有一天生命的 n. 時代;紀元

equal to

have the ability to handle


equally equilibrium equipment equivalent equivocally era eradicate erect erect erection errant erratically erroneous erroneous ideas erroneously erupt escalate especially essence essential essentially establish estate esteem estimated ethereal evacuate evaluate eventually

uniformly ad. balance n. apparatus n. the same as n. ambiguously ad. period of time ; age n. eliminate, completely destroy v. straight a. construct v. construction v. irregularly ad. incorrect a. misconception n. v. mistake explode v. rise v. notably ; particularly ad. basic nature n. fundamental ; necessary ; vitala. fundamentally ad. create ; organize v. property n. respect v. judged v. delicate a. remove v. judge v. finally ad.

勝任的;能應付的 相同地;同等地 平衡;均衡 設備;裝置 等量;相等物 曖昧地;摸棱兩可地 時期 除去;消除 豎起的;直觀的; 樹立;建立 建立;豎立 錯誤的 ; 漫無目的的移動 無規律地;不穩定地 不正確的;錯誤的 誤解;錯誤理念 誤以為;誤認為 噴出;爆發 逐步上升;逐步升級 特別地;主要地 基本 基本的 基本上;必然地 設立;創作 房地產;財產 尊敬;尊重 鑑定 雅致的;嬌嫩的 撤離;疏散 評估 最後地

ever-shifting evidence evidence evident evolution evolve exact exaggeration exalt exalted examine example exasperating excavate excavating exceed exceeding exceedingly excel excel in except for exceptional exceptionally excerpt excessive exclude from exclusively excursion execute execution exemplary exercise exert exhaustively exhibit exhibit exorbitant expand expanse expedite expeditiously experimental expertly explicit explicitly

constantly changing indicate reveal obvious develop precise overstatement glorify superior explore instance irritating dig digging surpass, go beyond going beyond very superior be outstanding in apart from extraordinary unusually short selection extreme keep out of only trip create carrying out model utilize apply ; put forth thoroughly show ; display expensive increase areas speed up rapidly trial masterfully obvious specifically

a. n. v. a. n. v. a. n. v. a. v. n. a. v. v. v. a. ad. v. v. prep. a. ad. n. a. v. ad. n. v. n. a. v. v. ad. v. n. a. v. n. v. ad. a. ad. a. ad.

不斷改變的 跡象;預示 顯示;證明 明顯的 進化 發展;演化 正確的;精確的 誇張;誇大 褒獎;讚美 高貴的;崇高的 考察;探索 實例;樣本 使人觸怒的;激怒人的 挖掘;開鑿 挖掘 超過;勝過 超越 非常地;極度地 優於他人;勝於他人 除...以外 特別的;非凡的 特別地 節錄;摘錄 過分的;極度的 拒絕;排除 唯一地;全部地 短途旅行;遠足 造成;製成;履行;執行 執行;履行 模範的;典型的 行使,利用 運用 ; 盡力 ; 使受到影響 徹底地;完全地 展覽;展出 展覽會 ; 展覽品 昂貴的 擴張;增加 廣闊的地方 加速;促進 迅速地;敏捷地  嘗試性的 熟練地;老練地 明確的 明晰地;明確地

exploit explore expose exposition extend extensive extensively extinct extol extolled extra extract extract from extraneous extraordinary extremely exude extricate F fabricate fabricating face facet facilitate facsimile fact faction factor fade fairly faithful fake fallacious famous fanciful fanfare far fare far-reaching fashion fashion fasten fatal fault

take advantage of; make use of investigate uncover exhibition stretch ; increase ; prolong broad ; far-reaching widely



v. v. n. v. a. ad. v. praise v. praised v. surplus ; additional a. remove v. remove from v. irrelevant a. supreme, remarkalbe, outstanding a. exceptionally ad. give off v. remove v.

考察;探索 使暴露;暴露於 展覽會;博覽會 延長;擴展 廣泛的;廣博的 廣闊地;廣泛地 滅種 ; 滅絕 讚美 讚美 額外的;附加的 提取;取得;拔出

make ; produce constructing confront aspect make easier reproduction actually side consideration lose color relatively loyal ; accurate imitating faulty well-known imaginative spectacular display much primary sustenance extensive create manner affix ; attach deadly crack

製作;裝配 製作,構建 面對;面向 某一方面 使便利 摹寫;複製品 實際上;事實上 小派系 要素;原素 褪色;衰弱 相對地;相當地 忠誠的;忠實的 偽造的;冒充的 謬誤的;靠不住的 著名的;出名的 想像的;怪誕的 鼓吹;炫耀 太;極;甚 主食 廣泛的;深遠的 造成,引起 模式;樣子 紮牢;釘牢 致命的 縫隙;斷層

v. v. v. n. v. n. n. n. n. v. ad. a. a. a. a. a. n. ad. n. a. v. n. v. a. n.

外來的;無關的 非凡的;極度的 極端地;極度地 散發 救出;移出

fauna favor favored feasible feat fee feeble feed feel feign ferment ferocious fertile fervor fictitious fidelity figure figure out filament fill filter finalize find finding fine finely fire firm firmly fit fix fixed fixture flamboyant flamed flattering flattery flavoring flaw flee flexible float flock flora flourish

prefer perferred possible; practical achievement rate weak put detect pretend fierce zeal mythical faithfulness shape solve strand congest strain break locate ; discover scientific discovery tiny ; small; minute minutely bake hard solidly; securely conform to repair unchanging commonplace object showy burned complimentary praise distinctive defect; fault run away from pliant drift along group thrive ; prosper

n. v. n. a. n. n. a. v. v. v. v. a. a. n. a. n. n. v. n. v. v. v. v. a. ad. v. a. ad. v. v. a. n. a. a. a. n. a. n./v. v. a. v. n. n. v.

動物 (集合名詞) 喜愛 喜愛 可行的;可能的 功績;技藝 費用;費 微弱的;無力的 供給;供應 察覺;感覺 假裝 發酵 兇猛的;殘忍的 肥沃的 熱情;熱烈 虛構的;想像的 忠誠;忠貞 圖象;形象 演算;解決 細絲;長絲 充滿;充塞 過濾;濾過 終結;中止 找到;發現 細小的 精細的  燒製;焙烤 結實的;堅硬的 堅定地;牢固地 適合;適應 安裝;固定;決定;確定 固定的 固定設備;附屬裝置 炫耀的;燦爛的 燃燒的 稱揚的;奉承的 諂媚 ; 阿諛 調味的 缺點,瑕疵;有缺陷;有裂縫 逃離;逃避 柔韌的;有彈性的 漂;浮 鳥群;獸群 植物 (集合名詞) 茂盛 ; 發達

flow flow fluctuate fluctuation fluorescent flush from fog foliage follow following fool foolish foolproof forage forbid forecast foremost forerunner forestall forever forfeit forge form formative formerly formidable forsake forward-looking foster found foundation fowl fractures fragile fragment fragmented fragrance frail frame framework free freeing freestanding freshly friction

travel circulation alternate ; vary variation luminous drive out of haze leave obey ; abide by after deceive ridiculous completely safe feed ; search for food not allow predict leading predecessor prevent eternally lose create develop developmental previously difficult ; terrifying abandon progressive encourage establish basis poultry cracks piece ; scrap divided scent weak pose structure ; skeleton unhampered releasing not attached recently conflict

v. n. v. n. a. v. n. n. v. prep. v. a. a. v. v. v. a. n. v. ad. v. v. v. a. ad. a. v. a. v. v. n. n. n. a. n. a. n. a. v. n. a. n. a. ad. n.

流動,湧出; 流通;發行 起伏;波動 波動 發光的;熒光的 被驚飛;被趕走 霧;煙霧 葉子 聽從;遵循 在...之後 欺騙;愚弄 荒謬的;愚蠢的 不會有差錯的;安全無比的 搜索;尋找食物 禁止;不許 預測;預報 首要的;主要的 先驅;先鋒 阻止; 永遠地;無窮無盡地 失去;喪失 創造 ; 偽造 形成;製作 形成的;成型的 從前;以前 艱難的 遺棄;拋棄 向前看的;有遠見的 養育; 促進 創辦;建立 基礎;根據 禽;家禽 裂縫 脆弱的; 易碎的 碎片;破片 分裂的 香味;香氣 虛弱的;脆弱的 構造;提出 架構;框架 擺脫的;不受約束的 解除,釋放 自立的; 不需支撐的 新近;最近 磨擦; 衝突

frolic from time to time frost frothy fruitful fruitfully fruitlessly fully fume functional fund fundamental furnish further further furthermore fusion future G gain gallant gambit game gap garment gas gateway gather gauge gay gelatinous gem gemstone general generally generate genesis genial gentle germinate get along get over get rid of gifted gingerly

run playfully occasionally ice foamy productive productively in vain thoroughly gas usable money basic ; essential supply ; provide additional advance moreover union coming profit ; win ; acquire ; earn courtly calculated risk animals open ; space clothes vapor point of entry compile ; collect measure ; judge bright viscous jewel ; precious stones jewel usually usually ; broadly produce origin moderate sprout manage recover from discard ; eliminate talented cautiously

v. v. a. a. ad. ad. ad. n. a. n. a. v. a. v. ad. n. a.

嬉戲;鬧著玩 間或地;偶爾地 冰凍;結霜 泡沫的;似泡沫的 富有成效的;多產的 富有成效地;多產地 無效地;徒勞地 完全地;徹底地 氣體;煙霧 合用的 資金;基金 基礎的;基本的 提供;供應 進一步的;深層的 促進;推展 而且, 不僅…而且 熔合;聯合 未來的;今後的

v.獲得;贏利 n.利益;得益 a. 殷勤的;奉獻的 n. 策略;謀略 n. 動物 (集合名詞) n. 缺口;縫隙 n. 衣服;服裝 n. 氣體;氣態 n. 通路;入口 v. 搜集;聚集 v. 測量;評估 a. 明亮的;鮮豔的 a. 黏結的;膠凝狀的 n. 寶石;珍寶 n. 寶石;珍寶 ad. 一般地;慣常地  ad. 通常地;廣義地 v. 產生;發生 n. 起源;開始 a. 溫和的 ; 舒暢的 a. 平緩的;溫和的 v. 發芽;開始生長 v. 生活;過日子 v. 痊愈;復原 n. 除去;去掉 a. 有天賦的;聰穎的 ad. 小心地;謹慎地

give in give out give way to given glare gloomy glowing go awry goal goods gorgeous gradually grandeur grant graphic grasp grasp graze gregarious grief grossly growth grueling grumbled guard gusto H habitat habitually hail halfheartedly hallmark hamper hand in hand out handicap handle handpick handsome handy haphazard haphazardly harbor hard hard to deal with

yield to announce turn into specified very harsh light dismal shining become faulty objective merchandise ; commodity beautiful, very colorful slowly ; little by little magnificence give ; award vivid comprehension learn feed sociable sorrow greatly development ; expansion exhausting complained protect enthusiasm

v. v. v. a. n. a. a. ad. n. n. a. ad. n. v. a. n. v. v. a. n. ad. n. a. v. v. n.

讓步;屈服 發表;公佈 讓位;變成 特定的;一定的 刺目的強光 陰郁的;憂悶的 光亮的 出差錯;有缺陷 目的;目標 商品;貨物 美麗的;華麗的 逐漸地;逐步地 宏偉;壯觀 頒發;授予 生動的;圖文的 領會;掌握 領悟 以...為食;放牧 群居的;合群的 悲痛;不幸 顯著地;大大地 增長;發展 筋皮力竭的;折磨人的 抱怨 保護;保衛 熱忱;興趣

home ; environment customarily acclaim apathetically

n. ad. v. ad. n. v. v. v. v. v. v. a. a. a. ad. n. a. a.

棲息地;產地 習慣地;慣常地 歡呼;招呼 無興趣地;不熱情地 品質證明 妨礙;阻礙 交出;傳遞 分派;散發 阻礙;妨礙 處理;管理 挑選;精選 美觀的;漂亮的 靈巧的;方便的 雜亂的;任意的 任意地;雜亂無章地 港口;港灣 堅硬的;牢固的 執拗的;固執的

hinder ; restrict submit distribute disable in some way perform select good-looking convenient random randomly port firm stubborn

hardly hardship harm harmful harmless harness harsh harvest hasten hastened hatch haul hazard hazardous head head heading headstrong headway heavily heighten helically helplessly hemisphere hence henceforth herald herbivore herbivorous herd heredity heritage hesitantly heterogeneous heyday hide hide hideous highlight highly hinder hindered hinged on hints

scarcely ; barely difficulty do damage detrimental ; dangerous innocuous utilize ; put into use severe gather accelerate rushed come forth from pull danger ; risk dangerous go lead category stubborn progress densely intensify spirally powerlessly side, half as a result ; consequently; therefore from that time on announce

group genetics tradition reluctantly varied golden age conceal skin terrifying emphasize extremely impede obstructed depended on clues

ad. n. v. a. a. n. a. v. v. a. v./n. v. n. a. v. v. n. a. v. ad. v. ad. ad. n.

幾乎不;簡直不 痛苦;苦難 損害;損壞 有害的;危險的 無害的;無毒的 利用;治理 嚴酷的;苛刻的 斬獲;獲得 加速;促進 草率的 孵化;孵出 拖運;運送 危險;冒險 危險的;冒險的 動身;出發 領導 標題;題目 倔強的;固執的 前進;進展 濃密地;稠密地 升高 ; 增強 螺旋形地;螺線形地 無能地;無效地 半球;半邊

ad. 因此;所以 ad. v. n. a. n. n. n. ad. a. n. v. n. a. v. ad. v. a. v. n.

自此以後 預示;預報 草食性動物 草食性的 群;獸群 遺傳;遺傳性 遺產;道統 猶豫地;躊躇地 異種的; 異質的 全盛時期;黃金時期 隱藏;遮掩 獸皮;皮革 可怕的 著重;強調 高度地;非常地 妨礙;阻礙 妨礙的 依靠 線索

hinterland hire hitch hitherto hobble hold hold up under hollow hollow homesteader homogeneous house how hub hue huge humid humiliate hurdle hurt husk hypothesis I ideal identical idiom idolize idiosyncrasy ignite ill illicit illuminate illusion illustrate illustration illustrious image imaginary imitate immense immensely immerse immigrate imminent

region employment tie previously limp bound withstand excavate cavity settler unvarying place ; contain the way in which nucleus ; center color tremendous ; vast ; immense damp embarrass obstacle injure shell assumption

n. v. v. ad. v. v. v. v. n. n. a. v. ad. n. n. a. a. v. n. v. n. n.

地方;區域 僱佣;租用 栓住;套住 迄今 蹣跚;跛行 結合;連結 經受住;經久 掏空 洞;穴 擁有宅地的移民 同質的 安置;收藏 如何;怎樣 中心;中樞 色彩;色澤 巨大的;大量的 濕的;潮濕的 羞辱;使丟臉 困難;障礙 損害;危及 外殼;果殼 假設;假說

perfect exactly alike style worship peculiarity set fire adverse unlawful light

a. a. n. v. n. v. a. a. v. n. v. n. a. n. a. v. a. ad. v. v.

完美的 同樣的 風格;特色 盲目崇拜;偶像化 特質 ; 特異性 著火;燃燒 負的;不良的 非法的;不正當的 照明, 照亮 幻覺 ; 幻象 說明;闡明 插圖;圖解 傑出的;著名的 影象;形象 想像中的;不真實的 模仿;仿造 巨大的;龐大的 非常;大大地 浸泡 移民



represent picture distinguished picture unreal copy ; mimic enormous ; massive enormously

about to take place, approaching

immobile immunity immutable impact impair impartial impede impediment impel impending imperative imperceptibly imperceptible impetus implement implement implication imply important imposing impose on imposing improve

motionless protection unchangeable effect damage unbiased obstruct obstacle; obstruction motivate approaching necessary subtly unnoticeable incentive tool put into effect significance suggest significant demanding place on impressive better

a. n. a. n. v. a. v. n. v. a. a. ad. a. n. n. v. n. v. a. a. a. v.

靜止的 保護 不變的 影響;作用 損害 公平的;公正的 妨礙;阻止 妨礙;阻礙 驅使;激勵 逼近的;即將發生的 急切的;必要的 不可覺察地;極緩慢地 不可察覺的;極緩慢的 誘因 工具;器械 實施 含義;意義 暗示;意指 重要的;重大的 緊迫的;緊急的 強制 壯觀的;雄偉的 增進;改良


thought up on the spot



imprudent in a rage in abundance in essence in place of in reality in retrospect in the long run in the neighborhood of inaccessible inadvertently inappropriately inaugurate inauspicious inborn incalculable incapacitate inception incessant incessantly

unwise outrage in great quantities basically instead of actually looking back eventually approximately unreachable accidentally; unintentionally unsuitably begin ominous innate immeasurable disable beginning unending constantly

a. n. n.

不精明的;輕率的 盛怒;狂怒 豐富 ; 充裕 基本上而言 代替  實際上;事實上 回顧;回想 到末了; 到最後 大約;接近 難接近的;難達到的 粗心地;非故意地 不恰當地;不合宜地 開始;開創 不祥的 ; 凶兆的 天生的;遺傳的 無數的;極大的 使殘廢;使無能 起初 連續的;不斷的 連續地;頻繁地

ad. n. n. adv. n. a. ad. ad. v. a. a. a. v. n. a. ad.

incentive incidence incidentally incinerate incise incised inclination include incorporate increase incredible incredulity indefinitely indelible index indigenous indiscriminate indiscriminately indispensable individually induce inducement inept inevitable inevitably inexpensive infectious inference infiltrate infinitesimal inflate influence influential influx informally informed infuriate infusion ingenious ingenuity ingredient inhabit inhabitant inhale inherent

motive, inducement occurrence by chance ; for example burn up cut carved preference contain combine ; include ; contain grow unbelievable disbelief endlessly ; without limit permanent sign native haphazard randomly essential ; necessary separately bring about ; cause incentive incompetent unavoidable unavoidably, with certainty cheap contagious conclusion spread to minute enlarge affect important arrival unofficially educated enrage introduction clever resourcefulness; cleverness component live in ; occupy resident, dweller breathe in essential

n. n. ad. v. v. a. n. v. v. v. a. n. ad. a. n. a. a. ad. a. ad. v. n. a. a. ad. a. a. n. v. a. v. v. a. n. ad. a. v. n. a. n. n. v. n. v. a.

誘因 發生率 偶然地;附帶地 燒毀 切開;切入 雕刻的 傾向;偏好 包括;包含 結合;合併 增加;增多 難以置信的;不可思議的 懷疑;不相信 無限地 持久的;擦不掉的 指標;標誌 當地的;本土的 不加選擇的;不加鑑別的 無差別地 必不可少的;絕對必要的 個別地;各自地 引起;導致 誘因 無能的;不稱職的 不可避免的;必然發生的 不可避免地;必然發生地 廉價的;不貴的 傳染性的;易傳播的 推論 ; 結論 滲入;透過 極微小的;無限小的 膨脹; 擴大 影響;感化 有影響的;有勢力的 流入;到達 非正式地;非正規的 有見識的;見聞廣的 激怒;使發怒 灌輸;注入 有天才的;機敏的 機靈 成分;要素 居住於;棲息於 居民;住戶 吸入;吸氣 固有的 ; 天生的

inherently inherit inhibit inhospitable initial initially initiate innermost innovation innovative innovative innumerable inordinate impetus inquiry inquisitive insert inside insight insignificant inspire install installment instance instantly instead instigate institute instruction insufficient intact integral integrate intense intensely intensive intent intentionally interchangeable interfere interlocked intermittently

basically ; intrinsically ; fundamentally receive hinder ; restrain not suitable, unfavorable first ; early in the beginning ; originally ; at first start ; cause ; originate ; activate most personal new idea inventive new countless excessive stimulus investigation, question curious put interior understanding trivial ; unimportant fire the imagination of put in place monthly payment case at once rather cause start, establish teach inadequate undamaged essential, fundamental unify, combine extreme extremely concentrated goal ; purpose deliberately equivalent disrupt linked periodically ; off and on

ad. 內在地;根本地 v. v. a. a.

接受;繼承 阻止;阻礙 冷淡的, 不親切的 古老的;初始的

ad. 最初;開始 v.


a. n. a. a. a. a. n. n. a. v. n. n. a. v. v. n. n. ad. ad. v. v. n. a. a. a. v. a. ad. a. n. ad. a. v. a. ad.

最裡面的;最祕密的 創新;革新 創新的;革新的 創新的 無數的;數不清的 過度的;過分的 刺激, 誘因 調查;問題 好奇的;盤根問底的 插入;嵌入 內部;裡面 無意義的;不重要的 激勵;賦予靈感 裝置; 裝設 分期付款 實例;例證 立即;立刻 代替;更換 教唆; 煽動 創立;開始 教訓;教誨 不足的;不夠的 原封不動的 整體的;不可缺少的 使結合;成一體 強烈的;劇烈的 非常地;劇烈的 加強的,集中的 目的 有意地;故意地 相等的;可互換的 妨礙;抵觸 連結的 間歇地;斷斷續續地

interruption intervals intervene intervention intimate intimately intricate intrigue intriguing intrinsic intrinsically inundate invade invaluable invariably invent inviolable inviting invoke irregularly irreversible irrevocable irritable irritating isolate issue issue intermediate itinerant J jeopardize jettison join joint jointly jubilant judge judiciously jurisdiction justify justly juvenile juvenile K keen

break periods intercede in influence close very closely complicated, complex fascinate fascinating and mysterious inherent fundamentally flood move into highly useful always create ; originate allowing no exception attractive call upon unevenly permanent irreversible easily annoyed annoying solitary ; remoate flow subject in-between traveling

n. n. v. n. a. ad. a. v. a. a. ad. v. v. a. ad. v. a. a. v. ad. a. a. a. a. a. v. n. a. a.

中斷 週期 干涉;調停 干涉;影響 親密的;密切的 親密;親切 複雜的;使人迷惑的 迷惑 迷人的  本質的 ; 原來具有的 基本地 淹沒;泛濫 侵入 極有價值的 恆久地;不變地 創造;發明 不可違反的 吸引人的;誘人的 呼籲 不規則地;不整齊地 不可回復的 ; 永久的 最後的;不能改變的 煩躁的;易激怒的 煩惱的;激怒的 孤立的;隔離的 流出;發行 問題;爭論 中間的 巡迴的;巡游的

endanger ; threaten discard ; release connect shared together exultant evaluate wisely authority prove rightfully children's young people

v. v. v. a. ad. a. v. ad. n. v. ad. a. n.

危及;危害 拋棄;放棄 連接;結合 共同的;分享的 同時地 ; 共同地 歡欣的;喜悅的 評價;鑑定 明智地;審慎地 管轄權;司法權 辯護;證實 公正地;正當地 青少年的 青少年 




keenly keep keep in touch ken key kin knack L label laborious lace lack laden landscape lane languid largely last lasting laud launch lavishly lead the way leading leap lease leave out of lecture legacy legally legend legitimate leisure leisurely length lenient lessen lethargic lethal liability liberally liberate lie likelihood

deeply maintain communicate understanding dominant ; primary ; important aptitude

ad. v. n. n. a. n. n.

激烈地; 熱心地 保持;儲存 聯繫;接觸 知識範圍;認識範圍 主要的;關鍵的 近親 技巧;竅門

identify difficult criss-cross do not have filled scenery route listless for the most part ; mainly continue ; remain effective ; endure enduring praise send-off ; begin magnificently pioneer chief ; prinical jump rent exclude from give speeches

v. a. v. v. a. n. n. a. ad.

貼標籤;標明 費力的 交織;交錯 缺乏;缺少 滿載的 風景;景色 航道;路線 倦怠的;無生氣的 大量地;主要地



a. v. v. ad. v. a. v. v. v. v. n. ad. n. a. a. a. n. a. v. a. a. n. ad. v. v. n.

持久的;持續的 稱揚;讚美 發射;投擲 奢華地 帶路;引路 主要的;主角的 跳躍;躍過 出租;租用 排除;不考慮 講演;講課 遺產 ; 遺贈 合法地;法律上 傳說 ; 故事 合法的;合理的 空閒的;閒暇的 從容的;有規律的 長度;距離 寬大的;寬容的 減少;減輕 倦怠的;懶散的 致命的 責任 隨意地;寬容地 釋放;放出 位於 可能性

by law legal free regular distance permissive decrease ; reduce sluggish deadly freely freed be located predictability

likely likeness likewise limit line link liquid literacy lively load locale locality locally locate locomotion lodge lodging lofty loiter look after look over loophole loot lower lucidly lucrative lucratively ludicrously lukewarm lumber luminous lure lured lush luster lustrous M magnify magnitude maim mainly maintain majesty major make

有希望的;恰當的 相象;類似 類似地 限定;限制 邊界;界線

distinction ; radiance shiny

a. n. ad, v. n. v. n. n. a. n. n. n. ad. v. n. v. n. a. v. v. v. n. v. v. ad. a. ad. ad. a. n. a. v. v. a. n. a.

intensify ; enlarge extent cripple mostly preserve ; keep ; sustain nobility principal earn

v. n. v. ad. v. n. a. v.

放大;強化 程度 使殘廢;使負傷 主要地;基本上 維持;堅持 威嚴;尊嚴 主要的;大型的 掙得;獲得

promising resemblance similarly restrict boundary connect fluid reading and writing busy burden ; weight place place in that find movement deposit in ; embed accommodation towering loaf care for inspect ways of evading rules robbery reduce clearly profitable profitably ridiculously indifferent, tepid board bright ; glowing attract attracted

液體;流體 文化水準;讀寫能力 熱鬧的;繁忙的 重擔;負荷 場所 地方;所在地 當地;本地 定位;探出 運動;移動 留存;放置 寄宿處;住所 極高的;高聳的 閒逛;遊蕩 照料;照顧 檢查;察看 漏洞 掠奪;洗劫 減低;減弱 清楚地;明白地 有利的 有利地;賺錢地 荒唐地;滑稽地 不熱情的;微溫的 木料;木材 發光的;閃亮的 吸引;引誘 吸引,引誘 蒼翠的 光澤;光彩 有光澤的;光亮的

make do with make possible make up make up for make up of makeshift makeup malleable mallet mammal mammoth mandated maneuver manifest mankind manually many mar march margin marginally marine marked markedly market marvel massive masterpiece match matching matchless mate material mature meager means mechanism mechanism for mediator meek meet melancholy melody memo (=memorandum)

replace allow constitute compensate for consist of crude, temporary composition pliable hammer gigantic required move show human by hand up to spoil parade edge slightly sea-dwelling pronounce ; noticeable substantially ; noticeably ; significantly sell wonder enormous, tremendous great work equal identical incomparable breed substance scanty; thin method ; way device means of conciliator humble adhere to sad tune note

v. v. v. v. v. a. n. a. n. n. a. v. n. v. n. ad. pron. v. v. n. ad. a. a.

湊合著用;設法應付 允許;使可能 構成;組成 補償;彌補 構成;組成 臨時的;權宜的 構造;組成 可鍛造的;具韌性的 木槌;球棍 哺乳動物 龐大的;巨大的 要求 動作;花招 表現 人類 人工地;手工地 多達;與...一樣多 損壞;毀壞 遊行;行進 邊;邊緣 邊緣地, 稍微地 海生的;海洋的 明顯的;顯著的

ad. 明顯地;顯著地 v. n. a. n. v. a. a. v. n. a. a. n. n. n. a. v. a. n. n.

出售;銷售 奇跡;傑作 巨大的;大量的 傑作;名作 相等 相同的;匹配的 無敵的;無比的 交配;繁殖 物質;原料 成熟的 貧乏的;不足的 方法(單數名詞) 裝置;機構 方法  調停者;周旋者 溫順的;謙和的 滿足;符合 憂郁的;消沈的 旋律;主調 備忘錄;變簽

menace mend merchandise merely merge merit merit meteoric method of methodically meticulously metropolitan midst migrate mildly millennia mimic miniature minimal minimum minuscule minute miraculously mirror miscellaneous miserly misleading misrepresent mistakenly mitigate mix up mock mode model modest modification modifying modulate moist mold molten monitor monopolize have a monopoly on

threaten repair objects for sale simply ; only combine deserve, worth virtue; worth rapid procedure for systematically careflly urban undergoing ; during move from one place to another moderately thousands of years imitate ; reproduce small

tiny tiny ; fine ; minuscule astonishingly reflect stingy described incorrectly erroneously reduce confuse ; blend ridicule means form simple ; moderate change changing govern damp shape melted check dominate have exclusive control of

v. v. n. ad. v. v. n. a. n. ad. ad. a. n.

威脅;危及 修復;改善 商品;貨品 僅僅;不過 合併;兼並 值得 優點;長處 迅速的 手法;手段 有規律地;有條理地 小心地 大城市的;大都會的 處於;在...之中



ad. n. v. n. a. n. a. a. ad. v. a. a. a. v. ad. v. v. v. n. n. a. n. v. v. a. v. a. v. v.

溫和地;緩和地 千年期;一千年 模仿;摹似 小型的物體 最低程度的;最少量的 最低限度;最少量 很小的;微小的 微小的;細微的 (重音在第二音節) 非凡地;奇跡般地 反映;映出 種種的 ; 多方面的 吝嗇的;小氣的 誤導的 歪曲;誤解 錯誤地;誤解地 減少 ; 減輕 搞混;混淆 嘲弄;嘲笑 模式;手段 模範 適度的 ; 樸素的 修改;變更 修改;變化 調整;調控 潮濕的;濕潤的 捏成;塑造 熔化的 檢查;監視 獨佔;佔優勢 獨佔

monotonous monumental moral morale more and more moreover morsel motif motion motivation motive motorist mount mournful mouth mundane mural murmur must mutually myriad myth mythical N naked nap narrator narrow narrow-minded nascent nearly need negligible neighboring nevertheless new nibble nimbleness noise noisy norm normal normally notable noted

unvarying ; boring outstanding ; grand lesson confidence increasingly furthermore ; in addition tidbit design ; theme movement incentive intention automobile driver increase sorrowful entrance to ordinary wall painting mumble have to jointly many ; countless legend fictitious ; legendary

a. a. n. n. ad. ad. n. n. n. n. n. n. v. a. n. a. n. v. aux. ad. a. n. a.

單調的;不變的 不朽的;非凡的 寓言的教訓 士氣;信心 越來越;逐漸地 此外 小塊;小片 圖案;花紋 運動;移動 動機;目的 動機;主旨 汽車駕駛員 增長;上升 悲哀的;淒慘的 口;入口 世俗的;普通的 壁畫 咕噥;私下抱怨 必然;必定 共同地;彼此地 許多的;無數的 神話;傳奇 虛構的;想像的

unaided doze speaker thin intolerant immature practically require insignificant ; minimal adjacent however ; in spite of recent gnaw agility sound vociferous standards of behavior; rule standard usually ; ordinarily significant known

a. n. n. a. a. a. ad. v. a. a. ad. a. v. n. n. a. n. a. ad. a. a.

肉眼的;赤裸的 小睡;打盹 講述者;敘述者 狹窄的;狹小的 偏狹的;狹隘的 新生的;初生的 幾乎;大約 必要;必須 可忽視的;微不足道的 鄰近的;附近的 然而;仍然 新近的;新的 細咬;細啃 敏捷;機智 喧鬧聲;嘈雜聲 喧鬧的;嘈雜的 標準 標準的;正常的 常規地;正常地 著名的;顯著的 著名的;聞名的

v. a. ad. v. v. n. prep. v. a. ad.

注意到 顯著的;值得注意的 顯著地;明顯地 宣告,通告 通知;報告 概念;理念 儘管 滋養;養育 奇異的;新奇的 目前;現下 毫無疑問的 有害的;有毒的 許多的;甚多的 營養的;滋養的

note noteworthy noticeably notice notify notion notwithstanding nourish novel now no wonder noxious numerous nutritious O obediently

observe significant visibly announce inform concept; idea despite feed original at present unsurprising harmful many nourishing dutifully

ad. 服從地;順從地


excessively overweight


object objective obligated obligation obliged obliquely oblivious obscure obscure observe obsession with obsolete obstacle obstinate obstruct obtain obvious obviously occasional occult occupation occur odds odor of course off and on officially

aim unbiased required responsibility forced indirectly unaware of hide unclear watch fixation on out-of-date impediment stubborn stop get ; acquire apparent ; evidence clearly infrequent ; sporadic supernatural job exist ; happen in disagreement smell ; scent ; stench naturally now and then ; intermittently formally

n. a. a. n, a. ad. a. v. a. v.

a. a. a.


目的;目標 客觀的 有義務去做的 義務 被迫的 間接地;迂迴地 不在意的;不注意的 掩蔽;隱藏 不清楚的;不著名的 觀察;看到 沉迷; 著迷 a. 過時的;作廢的 n. 障礙;妨礙 a. 固執的;頑強的 v. 阻塞;堵塞 v. 獲得;取得 a. 明顯的;顯而易見的 ad. 明顯地;顯然地 a. 偶然的 n. 鬼神;神祕之事 n. 頭班;工作 v. 存在;出現;發生 n. 爭執;不一致 n. 氣味;味道 當然;自然 ad. 不時地;斷斷續續地 ad. 正式地;官方地

offset offspring often on the outskirts on the wane on the whole once once in a while oncoming onset opaque open operate opportunity opposed to optimal opulence oral orally orbit organize organizer orientate ornamental ornate ostracize otherwise ought outbreak outburst outlet outlet for outline outlive outlying outmoded output outrage outrun outskirts outspoken outspread outstanding outstretched

balance ; compensate children ; descendant frequently at the edges dwindling generally ever ; formerly occasionally approaching beginning unclear unrestricted function chance averse to best ; advantageous luxury spoken by mouth circle arrange planner decorative dainty ; elaborate shun in other circumstance should beginning explosion ; surge socket release from summarize survive remote obsolete production anger surpass surrounding regions blunt extended preeminent ; distinguished ; remarkable ; excellent spread

v. n. ad. n. v. n. ad. n. a. n. a. ad. v. n. ad. a. n. a. ad. v. v. n. v. a. a. v. ad. aux. n. n. n. n. v. v. a. a. n. n. v. n. a. a.

彌補 ; 補償 後代;幼子 常常;經常 在...邊緣;在...郊區 減小;變弱 整體上;大體上 曾;曾經 間或;偶爾 即將到來的 開始 不透明的 ; 晦暗的 開放的;不受禁止的 運作 機會;時機 反對的;反抗的 最佳的 富裕;富饒 口頭的;口述的 口頭地;口述地 環行;環繞 組織;安排 組織;創辦者 確定方位 裝飾的;裝飾用的 華麗的;絢麗的 排斥;避開 否則;不然 應當;應該 爆發;開始 爆發;波動 發洩;途徑 電源插座 總結;概括 活過某人;比...經久 遠外的;邊遠的 過時的;不流行的 產量;產品 憤恨;激怒 超過;勝過 郊區;郊外 坦率的;直言的 伸展的;展開的





over great distances overall overcome overestimated overlap with overly overpayment overseas oversight overstate overstatement overtake overtly overturn overwhelm overwhelming owing to P pace pale panacea paradigm paradox paradoxical parch parallel parity part partake particular particularly pass passion patch path pathway patron pay tribute to peak peculiar pedestal penetrate penetrating per capita

faraway general surmount ; defeat may be higner than actual share space with too excess money paid abroad inattention exaggerate exaggeration surpass openly reverse powerful due to speed light-colored a cure-all contradiction contradictory similarity equality section consume certain especially spend a deep love for expanse orbit course customer honor maximum ; high point ; pinnacle strange base go through ; pierce pungent per person

遙遠之處 總的;全部的 克服;戰勝 高估 重疊 ad. 過度地;極度地 n. 多付;過高付給 ad. 國外;海外 n. 疏忽;失察 v. 誇張;誇大 n. 誇大;誇張 v. 趕上,超越 ad. 公開地;明顯地 v. 推翻;顛覆 v. 淹沒 ; 壓倒 a. 由於;因為 a. a. v. a.

n. a. n. n. n. a. v. n. n. n. v. a. ad. v. n. n. n. n. n. v.

步伐 ; 速度 蒼白的;淺色的 萬應藥;百靈藥 模範 ; 範例 矛盾 自相矛盾的;反論的 烤焦 類似點;類似處 同等;平等 部分;局部 參與 ; 分享 ; 同吃 特別的;個別的 特別地;尤其是 度過;透過 激情;偏好 片;塊 路線;軌道 途徑;模式 主顧;顧客 尊敬;稱揚



a. n. v. a. ad.

奇特的 底座;台座 穿透;透過 刺鼻的;彌漫的 每人;平均

perceive percentage perceptible perceptive perennially perfected perforate perforation perform performer perfume perhaps perilous perimeter period periodic periphery permeate permission permissive permit perpendicularly perpetuate perpetually perplexed perseverance persist persisted persistent persistently personal magnetism perspective pert and saucy pertain to pertinent peruse pesticide phase phenomenon phenomena phenomenally philanthropic physician pick up picture

proportion visible insightful year-round completed pierce hole serve entertainer scent ; fragrance possibly dangerous edge age regular outer edge pass through consent tolerant allow at right angles last longer constantly puzzled persistence ; endurance continue continued long-lasting continuously charisma view point oblivious associate with ; relate to relevant study carefully stage occurrence events extraordinarily humanitarian doctor gather imagine

v. n. a. a. ad. a. v. n. v. n. n. ad. a. n. n. a. n. v. n. a. v. ad. v. ad. a. n. v. a. a. ad. n. n. a. v. a. v. n. n. n. n. ad. a. n. v. v.

察覺; 感知 比例;比率 可察覺的;可見的 敏銳的;有洞察力的 終年;長年 使臻於完美的 穿孔;打眼 孔狀接縫;齒孔 執行;履行 作秀者;演奏者 香水;香料 也許;可能 危險的;冒險的 周邊;周遭 時期;時代 規律的 外圍 穿過;滲透 允許;同意 容許的;隨意的 允許;許可 垂直地;成直角地 使永存 ' 使不朽 不斷地;持久地 困惑的 堅忍;毅力 持續 持續的 持久的 持久地;固執地 個人魅力 觀點 鹵莽的;冒失的 相關;關於 恰當的;貼切的 精讀;細閱 殺蟲劑 階段;時期 事件(單數名詞) 現象;事件(複數名詞) 非凡地;難以置信地 慈善的;博愛的 醫生;內科醫生 聚集;收集 想像

piecemeal pinnacle pinpoint pioneer pioneering pit pit placid plague plague with plainly plausible play pleasant pledge pleasing plentiful plot plume plunder plunge polish poll ponder ponderous pool poor poorly popular porcelain pore portion portrait pose position possess posterity posthumously postulate potent potential potentially pouch poverty power

irregular peak spot; locate exactly originator; leader original hole set calm bother afflict by clearly likely; believable perform agreeable promise attractive abundant chart ; map out feather loot drop shine survey think deeply heavy container inferior inadequately well-liked china hole part picture present job own following one's death hypothesize very strong ; powerful possible could become; possibly sac lack of money force

a. n. v. n. a. n. v. a. v. v. ad. a. v. a. v. a. a. v. n. v. n./v. v. n. v. a. n. a. ad. a. n. n. n. n. v. n. v. n. ad. v. a. a. ad. n. n. n.

零碎的;零碎地 頂峰 ; 高點 精確定位;準確定位 先驅者;開拓者 先驅的;開拓的 坑;窪地 使對抗;使相鬥 平靜的;寧靜的 煩擾;折磨 清楚地;明顯地 可能的;大概的 演奏 愉快的;愜意的 誓言 使人愉快的;令人喜愛的 豐富的;有余的 標繪;繪圖 羽毛;羽狀物 掠奪;搶劫 投入,陷入 磨光;擦亮 民意測驗;民意調查 沈思;默想 笨重的 貯存處;容器 不良的;粗劣的 不足地;缺乏地 流行的;受歡迎的 瓷;瓷器 毛孔;細孔 部分;一份 人像;肖像 呈現;顯示 職位;職務 擁有;具有 子孫 ; 後裔 死後;身後 假設 有效的;烈性的 潛在的;可能的 可能地;潛在地 小袋;小包 貧窮;貧乏 能力;力量

powerful practical prairie preach precarious precede take precedence over precedent precipitate precipitation precipitous precise precisely precision preclude predator predicament predict prediction predisposition predominant predominantly preeminent preeminence preface prefer prehistoric preliminary premature premise preoccupation preposterous prescribe present presently preservation preserve preside pressing prestige prestigious presumably prevail prevailed prevailing

effective ; strong ; potent useful grassland advocate uncertain ; insecure come before have greater importance than cause extremely steep accurate exactly accuracy prevent dilemma ; difficult problem foretell prophecy ; forecast prior inclination principal principally ; chiefly ; primarily superior superiority introduction favor ancient initial too early assumption concern absurd; unbelievalbe certain ; dictate display currently conservation save ; maintain manage urgent status most honored probably dominate dominated most frequent ; dominant

a. a. n. v. a. v. n. v. n. a. a. ad. n. v. n. n. v. n. n. a. ad. a. n. n. v. a. a. a. n. n. a. v. v. ad. n. v. v. a. n. a. ad. v. v. a.

強有力的;有特效的 實用的;可行的 大草原 宣揚;鼓吹 不穩定的 居先;先於 更優先於 先例 促成;引發 下雨 ; 降水 陡峭的;險峻的 準確的;精確的 精確地 精確;精確性 預先排除; 防礙 掠食者 困境;尷尬處境 預示;預告 預報;預言 傾向;癖性 主要的;突出的 主要地;突出地 卓越的 卓越;突出 序言;序文 偏好;喜歡 史前的;久遠的 最初的;原始的 早熟的 ; 未成熟的 前提, 假設 關注點 荒謬的;反常的 規定;支配 呈現;顯示 現下;目前 保護;防護 儲存;維持 負責;統轄 急迫的;緊急的 威信; 威望; 名氣 有聲望的;有威信的 大概 盛行;流行 成功,統治 盛行的;流行的

prevalent prevent previously prey primarily primary prime primeval principal principle print prior prior to prison pristine private prize prized probable probe procure prodigious produce produce product professional proficiency profoundly profuse profusion prognosis progressive progressively prohibitively project project projections proliferate proliferation prolific prolonged prominent

broadly accepted ; most popular avoid ; avert formerly victim principally ; chiefly ; primarily ; mainly fundamental ; principal peak primitive chief ; main ; central law publish before preceding captivity unspoiled nongovernmental value valued likely explore obtain massive make result specialized skill deeply abundant abundance expectation increasing increasingly forbiddingly protrude program estimates multiply increase productive ; fruitful extended distinguished ; famous ; leading ; conspicuous



v. 制止;阻止 ad. 以前;從前 n. 被捕食動物;犧牲品 ad. 主要地;基本上 a. n. a. a. n. v. ad. a. n. a. a. v. a. a. v. v. a. n. v. n. a. n. ad. a. n. n. a. ad. ad. v. n. n. v. n. a. a.

基本的;初步的 全盛時期;頂峰狀態 原始時代的 主要的;首要的 原理;原則 印刷;刊印 在先;居前 在先;居前 監獄;牢房 原始的;初期的 私人的;私有的 珍視;重視 貴重的 可能的;大概的 探察 獲得;取得 巨大的; 非凡的 產物;產品 (重音在第一音節) 生產;製造 (重音在第二音節) 產品;產物 專業的 熟練;精通 深深地;萬分地 豐富的;有余的 豐富;大量 預症;預斷 漸近的 逐漸地 禁止性地;有阻礙地 突出;凸出 (重音在第二音節) 項目;工程 (重音在第一音節) 預測 增殖;增生 增加 多產的;成果豐碩的 持續久的;長時期的



promote prompt prompt promptly pronounced proof prop propagate propel proper prophetic propitious propogate proponent proportion propose proscribe prospect prospector prospective prosper prosperity protagonist prototype protrude prove proverbially provide provided provision provocation provoke proximity prune pry off pseudonym pull pulverize pump puncture pungent pure purely purify pursue

contribute to; encourage punctual motivate quickly significant ; important evidence hold multiple drive forward suitable predictive favorable spread supporter ratio suggest ban expectation speculator potential succeed ; thrive ; flourish wealth ; affluence central character model project substantiate ; ascertain traditionally supply ; furnish ; give if stipulation incitement elicit ; cause; bring about vicinity trim locate pen name tear away make a powder of drive pierce unadulterated ; clean exclusively refine chase

v. a. v. ad. a. n. v. v. v. a. a. a. v. n. n. v. v. n. n. a. v. n. n. n. v. v. ad. v. conj. n. n. v. n. v. v. n. v. v. v. v. a. a. ad. v. v.

促進 準時的;迅速的 促使;激勵 迅速地;立刻地 重要的 證據;證明 支撐;維持 使繁衍: 傳播 推進;推展 適當的;合適的 預示的;預言的 有利的;吉祥的 散播 支援者 比例 提議 禁止;排斥 預期 ; 期望 投機客 未來的;潛在的 成功 ; 發達 昌盛;繁榮 主角 原型;範例 突出;伸出 證實;確認 格言式地;眾所周知地 供應;提供 倘若 規定;條款 激怒;刺激 誘發;激起 接近;附近 修剪;刪除 查找 筆名;假名 撕裂;撕開 研磨成粉;變成粉狀 抽(液體);抽動 刺穿;刺破 刺激的;辛辣的 純淨的;完美的 全然地;僅僅地 淨化;精練 追捕;追擊

pursuit put off put up put up with puzzle puzzling Q quantifiable quantity

search postpone ; delay supply tolerate mystery perplexing

n. v. v. v. n. a.

追求;尋求 延期;延遲 提供;債款 容忍;忍受 難題;謎 使費解;使困惑 使人費解的;令人困惑的

measurable amount

a. n.

可衡量的 數;數量


isolate for medical reason



quarter quarterly quest quite R radiant radically radically rage raid raise ramification

fourth every three month pursuit of rather

n. ad. n. ad.

四分之一;四等分 季度地;按季度 尋找;探索 相當;頗為

brilliant basically drastically anger invasion rear ; propagate consequence unplanned ; patternless ; unpredictable position revolutionary swiftness quickly bond uncommon ; scarce ; infrequent hardly ever instead fairly instead of endorse ; approve proportion allocate allotment logical loud uncooked demolish come to

a. ad. ad. n. n. v. n.

發光的;輻射的 根本地;截然地 偏激地 憤怒 襲擊;侵略 飼養;養育 後果



n. a. n. ad. n.

銜,官階 極端地 迅速 迅速地;快捷地 密切關係



random rank radical rapidity rapidly rapport rare rarely rather rather rather than ratify ratio ration ration rational raucous raw raze reach

ad. 很少;難得 ad. 相反;相反地 ad. 相當;頗 而不是 v. 同意;批准 n. 比例 v. 定量供應; n. 配給 a. 理性的 ;符合邏輯的 a. 喧鬧的;嘈雜的 a. 生的;天然的 v. 摧毀;拆除 v. 達成;取得

react readily realization realm reap rear reasonably rebate rebound receive receptacle reckless recklessly recognition recognize recollection record recorded recount recover recruit rectify recur recycle reduce refine reflect reform refreshing regarded regardless of regimes region regularly regulate rehabilitation reign reimburse reinforce relate relative relatively

respond to easily ; quickly ; easily ; willingly awareness accept ; harvest raise economically refund recover get container irresponsible carelessly attention distinguish ; acknowledge memory register ; document documented narrate retrieve enlist correct repeat reprocess lessen improve indicate unusual viewed despite ; whatever ; notwithstanding ; no matter what governments area ; zone routinely control recovery pay back strengthen connect with respect to comparatively



ad. 容易地;很快地;樂意地 n. n. v. v. ad. n. v. v. n. a. ad. n. v. n. v. a. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v./n. a. a.

認識;意識 領域 斬獲;接受 培養;飼養 合理地;經濟地 折扣;回扣 復原, 復興 接受;接收 容器;貯藏器 不負責任的 鹵莽地;粗心地 賞識;關注 承認;辨認 記憶;回憶 記錄;記載 (重音在第二音節) 已紀錄的 敘述;講述 回收;尋回 徵募;補充 改造;修正 重現;重複 回收;反覆使用 減少 改良 反映;顯示 改善;改革;改良 清新的;清爽的 被視為



n. n. ad. v. n. v. v. v. v. a. ad.

政府 ; 政權 地區;區域 有規律地;慣常地 調節;控制 恢復;修復 統治 償還;補償 加強;強化 相關;關聯 (重音在第二音節) 相關的;相對的 (重音在第一音節) 相對地;比較地

釋放;發出 可靠的 可靠地;可信地 依靠 遺物; 遺跡 放棄 不情願的;勉強的 不情願地;勉強地 依靠 v. 維持;保持 v. 評論;議論 a. 異常的;非凡的 v. 醫治;治愈 v. 回憶;記起 a. 殘餘;殘跡 a. 遙遠的 v. 提供;履行 a. 著名的;有名的 ad. 反覆地;多次地 v. 排斥;對抗 v. 取代 v. 補充 a. 典型的 v. 複製 ; 繁殖 v. 否認; 拒絕履行 v. 要求;堅持 n. 請求;要求 v. 營救;挽救 n. 研究;探索 v. 相似;類似 n. 貯藏所;蓄水池

release reliable reliably reliance relics relinquish reluctant reluctantly rely on remain remark remarkable remedy remember remnants remote render renowned repeatedly repel replace replenish representative reproduce repudiate require requisition rescue research resemble reservoir

emit ; give off ; discharge can be trusted dependably dependence remains give up ; abandon unwilling unwillingly depend on stay comment significant ; extraordinary cure recall vestige ; remains isolated provide ; perform ; make famous ; acclaimed recurringly repulse supplant supplement typical copy ; breed reject insist request save investigation of be similar to receptacle

v. a. ad. n. n. v. a. ad.


change the character of



reside on resident residual resign resign oneself from resist resolute resolutely resolve resonant resort to resource

live on occupant ; inhabitant remaining give up remove oneself from withstand determine firmly settle ; find a solution for vibrant

v. n. a. v. v. v. a. ad. v. a. v. n.

居住;生存 居民 殘餘地;剩餘地 放棄 放棄;離開 經受住;抵擋住 堅決的;果斷的 堅決地;果斷地 決議;解決 洪亮的;共鳴的 採用 資源;才能


respect respectively respiration responsibility restore restrict restrictive result resume retain retreat from retrieve revolutionized reveal revere reverence reversible revert to revise revoke revolutionize rhythm rich ridicule right rigor rims ripe rise risk risky ritual rival roam robust root rooted in roster rotate rotting rough roughly routinely

aspect separately breathing duty limit limiting outcome continue keep withdraw from bring back; recover fundamentally changed show respect; honor respect be returned to change amend cancel completely change pattern fertile make fun of immediately ; directly hardship edges ready emergence danger hazardous ceremony compete wander strong origin based on list alternate ; turn decaying coarse more or less approximately ; nearly commonly

n. ad. n. n. v. v. a. n. v. v. v. v. a. v. v. n. a. v. v. v. v. n. a. v. ad. n. n. a. n. n. a. n. v. v. a. n. v. n. v. v. a.

方面;側面 個別地 呼吸 責任;任務 恢復原狀 限制;約束 限制性;約束性 結果; 繼續;恢復 (重音在第二音節) 保留;維持 退出;退卻 取回;找回 根本上地改變 透露 ; 顯露 尊敬 尊敬;敬仰 (重音在第一音節) 可以逆轉的 恢復;複歸 修正;改造 吊銷;取消 變革;徹底改變 節奏;格調 富饒的 取笑;嘲笑 直接地;馬上地 嚴酷;苦難 邊緣; 周邊 成熟的 出現;浮現 風險;危險 危險的;冒險的 儀式;典禮 競爭 漫遊;閒逛 強健的;堅強的 n.起源;v.根源於 名單 ; 清單 輪流;更迭 腐爛 粗糙的;不光滑的

ad. 粗略地;大致上 ad. 常規地;慣常地

rudimentary ruefully rugged ruin rule out run run out runoff rupture rural rushing ruthlessly S safe safeguard safety saline saltiness salutary salute salvage same sanction sap sanitation saturate save scale scan scanty scarce scarcely scarcity scarlet scattered scene scenic scheme scholarly scope scorch score scrub scrupulously

undeveloped ; primitive ; unsophisticated; basic sadly destroy eliminate direct become depleted burst ; break apart country rapid mercilessly secure protect protection salty salinity beneficial greeting recover similar approval health soak except measure(v.); size (n.) survey few rare; short in supply barely shortage ; lack bright red widely separated location picturesque plot learned extent burn musical compositions scour meticulously ; diligently



a. a. v. v. v. v. n. v. a. a. ad.

沮喪的;悲觀的 崎嶇不平的 毀滅;毀壞 取消;排除 經營;管理 用完;耗光 流水 破裂;裂開 農村的;田園的 急流的 無情地;冷酷地

a. v. n. a. n. a. n. v. pron. n. n. n. v. prep. n./v. v. a. a. ad. n. a. a. n. a. n. a. n. v. n. v. ad.

安全的;保險的 保障;保護 安全;保障 鹽的;鹹的 鹽味;咸性 有益的 問候;行禮 打撈;搶救;回收廢物 相似的;類似的 批准;同意 (樹木的)汁液 衛生;健康狀態 浸透;飽和 除...之外 刻度/測量 審視;瀏覽 僅有的 稀缺的;珍貴的 稀缺;珍貴 短缺 猩紅的;鮮紅的 散開的 場景;現場 天然景色;景色優美的 陰謀;策劃 學人的;好學的 範圍;視野 燒焦 樂譜 擦洗;擦掉 謹慎地;小心地

scrutiny scurrying seaside secession secluded secrete secure secure sedentary see seek seem seep seemingly segment seize seldom select selection self-esteem self-reliant sensation sensational sense sensitive sentiment sentimental separate sequence sequential serendipitous serve as set set set it apart set off set up setting settle settle settled settlement sever severe shape

examination rushing beach withdrawal remote ; isolated produce acquire safe inactive ; settled view search for ; endeavor appear flow slowly apparently sector ; portion ; part grasp rarely ; hardly ever choose variety pride independent feeling exciting, extraordinary detect delicate opinion emotional distinct succession ; order in order fortuitous function as establish ; situate prescribed differentiate it begin arrange ; establish scene decide inhabit stabled community harsh ; intense form

n. v. a. n. a. v. v. a. a. v. v. v. v. ad. n. v. ad. v. n. n. a. n. a. v. a. n. a. a. n. a. a. v. v. a. v. v. n. v. v. a. n. v. a. n.

檢查;監視 急趕 海濱;海濱的 脫離;退出 偏僻的;遙遠的;隔絕的 分泌出 獲得;取得 安全的 不移棲的 尋求;尋找 試圖;企圖 似乎;好像 滲流 表面上;外觀上 部分;片段 抓住;掌握 很少;幾乎不 選拔;挑選 待選物;多種類 自尊;自負 自力更生的 感覺;知覺 轟動的;驚人的 感覺;領悟 敏感的;微妙的 意見;觀點 傷感的;多愁善感的 單獨的;分離的 順序;次第 按照次序的 偶然的;幸運的 充當;擔任 確定;安置 故意的;預先準備的 區分;區別 出發;開始 設立;安排 背景;環境 決定;解決 定居;安家 固定的 村落;新拓居地 切斷 ; 遮斷 猛烈的;嚴酷的 形狀;形態

sharp sharply shed light on sheen shelter shield shift shock shore short shortcut show shrink shroud shrub shun shunt shy side effect sideways sightless significance significant silly similar simultaneously single single-handedly sit site skeptical skepticism sketch sketch skill skilled skip skyrocket slash slaughter slender slight slightly slim sloping

clear ; sudden steeply explain luster cover protect alter ; change offend coast brief direct route demonstrate contract (重音在第二音

a. ad. v. n. n. v. v. v. n. a. n. v. v. v. bush n. avoid v. v. timid a. secondary reaction a. laterally ad. blind a. importance n. meaningful a. foolish a. comparable a. at the same time ; ad. concurrently exclusive a. by oneself ad. rest v. location n. doubting a. doubt n. draw v. outline n./v. ability n. expert ; proficient a. miss v. increase rapidly ; rise rapidly v. cut v. kill v. thin ; slim a. small a. a little ad. lean a. inclined a.

清晰的;急劇的 急劇地;陡峭地 闡明;解釋 光澤;光輝 掩蔽;遮蔽 保護;避開 改變;變動 震動;震怒 海岸;海濱 短期的;短暫的 捷徑;近路 顯示;表明 收縮;縮小 環繞 灌木;灌木叢 迴避;躲開 錯開 膽怯的;羞怯的 副作用 斜著;歪著(側面) 盲的;瞎的 重要性 有重要意義的 愚蠢的;傻的 相似的;類似的 同時發生;同時進行 單個的;專一的 單獨地;孤立地 坐落;位於 地點;場所 懷疑的 懷疑主義;懷疑態度 速寫;素描 概略;梗概 技能;技巧 熟練的;擅長的 不參加;缺席 猛漲,突增 猛砍;減少 屠宰;屠殺 細長的;纖弱的 微小的;細微的 輕微;少量 苗條的;細長的 傾斜的;斜坡的

sloppily sluggish smart smother smudge snap snout soak soar society soil sole sole solemn solemnly solidify solitary solitude solo some sometimes somewhat sort sort out soundproof sour source sovereign sow span spanning spark sparse sparsely spawn specimen speck speculate speech speed spell spin spine spiny

messily lethargic ; slow intelligent ; clever smear break nose drench community dirty only ; single bottom serious somberly assure ; strengthen alone seclusion approximately occasionally rather ; ro some degree type separate impermeable to noise tart origin ; beginning independent plant cover ; reach across covering bring about ; arouse thinly generate particle put forward as a possibility ; hypotensize language swiftness detail whirl backbone prickly

a. a. a. v. v. v. n. v. v. n. v. a. n. a. ad. v. a. n. a. ad. ad. ad. n. v. a. a. n. a. v. v. v. v. a. ad. v. n. n.

不整潔的;邋遢的 遲鈍的;緩慢的 聰明的;機敏的 使窒息 ; 熄滅 弄髒;塗汙 折斷;拉斷 口鼻部 浸泡在水裡 向上竄升 社會 弄髒;玷污 唯一的;單獨的 鞋底 嚴肅的;莊重的 嚴肅地;憂郁地 鞏固;保障 單獨的;獨居的 孤獨;寂寞 單獨的;單獨作秀的 大約 偶爾;有時 稍微;有點 種類;類別 挑選出 隔音的 酸味的;酸腐的 根源;水源 主權的;獨立的 播種;種植 橫跨;跨越 包含 激發;發動 人煙稀少的 稀少地;稀疏地 醞釀;引起 樣本 微粒;小點



n. n. v. v. n. a.

語言;談話 速度 闡明;講清 旋轉;疾馳 脊骨;脊柱 多刺的;刺狀的

splendor splice split spoil sponge spontaneous sporadic spot spot spouse spread spring up spur squander squash squirt stable stage staggering stagnation stain stalk stamina stand stand against stand for standard standard standardized standing standing standpoint staple startled startling stately static stationary stature steadfast steadfastly steadily stem from stern

magnificence join cut rot

occational see ; sight location wife or husband radiate ; disperse emerge stimulate waste crush spurt out fixed phase overwhelming inactivity discolor stem endurance tolerate defiance of represent regular ; customary criteria uniform not flowing status perspective popular edition ; basic element ; basic part surprised surprising ; astonishing majestic unchanging immobile height unwavering determinedly consistently derive from strict

a. n. a. a. n. n.

光輝;光彩 拼接;交接 劈開;切開 變壞;腐敗 海綿 自生的 偶然的 ; 斷斷續續的 看出;發現 場所;地點 配偶;妻子;丈夫 傳開;蔓延 出現;發生 刺激;激勵 揮霍;浪費 擠壓;碾壓 噴洒;噴出 穩定的;不變的 時期;階段 壓倒的;壓倒之勢的 停滯不前 褪色;變色 主莖;花梗 耐力;精力 v.忍受;經受n.立場;態度 反對 代表;象徵 規範的 標準 標準的;統一的 停滯的;不流動的 地位;身分 觀點;立場



a. a. a. a. a. n. a. ad. ad. v. a.

驚人的 驚人的 雄偉的;堂皇的 靜止的;不動的 不變的;靜止的 身材;身高 堅定的;不變的 堅定地;堅信地 持續地;不斷地 起源;導源 嚴厲的;苛刻的

n. v. v. v. n. a. a. v. n. n. v. v. v. v. v. v. a. n. a. n. v. n. n.

stick to stiff stiffness still still stimulate stink stipulated stir stock stoically stop store storm story strain strain strand strange strategy stratum stray streamlined strength strenuous strenuously stress stress stretch stretch across stretched out strict strictly strike striking strikingly stringent stringently stroller strongly struggle stubborn stumble

cling to ; attach to rigid rigidity motionless nevertheless encourage smell bad required awake repertory impassively lull keep bad weather level tension stress thread unfamiliar tactic layer smoothly shape basis ; force arduous vigorously emphasize tension expand ; pull taut span extended precise tightly ; exclusively light ; hit outstanding ; prominent ; impressive ; noticeable ; dramatic remarkably strict rigorously walker heavily ; emphatically competition ; fight obdurate trip

v. a. n. a. ad. v. v. a. v. n. ad. n. v. n. n. n. v. n. a. n. n. v. a. n. a. ad. v. n. v. v. a. a. ad.

黏住;釘住 僵硬的;剛強的 僵硬;剛強 靜止的;不動的 依然;仍舊 激發;促進 發惡臭 規定的 ;要求的 激起;鼓動 庫藏;一整套 泰然地;無怨地 停止;暫停 貯存 風暴;壞天氣 樓層;層 緊張;勞累 拉緊,重壓 一股;一縷 陌生的;不熟悉的 戰略;策略 地層;階層 (複數是strata) 迷路 ; 失散 流線型的 實力;基礎 劇烈的;艱苦的 強烈地;激烈地 強調 壓力;緊張 伸展;鋪開 拉直;拉長 伸展;鋪開 拉直;拉長 伸長的 嚴密的;精確的 嚴格地 v.打火;碰撞;接觸 n.罷工



ad. a. ad. n. ad. n. a. v.

顯著地;驚人地 嚴格的;嚴厲的 嚴格地;嚴厲地 散步者;閒逛者 強烈地;極力地 競爭 執拗的;固執的 絆倒;跌倒

stun stunt subject to subjugated submarine submerge submit subsequent subsequently subside subsidiary subsidize subsidy substance substantial substantiated substitute substitute for subterranean subtle successful successive succinct succulent succumb suddenly sufficient suggest suit suitably sum summit sumptuous supplant supple supplement supplement supplemental support supposedly suppress supremacy supreme sure

daze ; amaze hinder susceptible conquered underwater underwater present later ; following later die down branch finance ; assist finance material sturdy; considerable confirmed replacement ; exchange replacement for underground less noticeable; difficult to recognize victorious subsequent concise juicy yield to abruptly adequate ; enough propose fit ; accommodate ; adapt appropriately total apex ; peak luxurious replace limber extension add to additional hold seemingly check; stop by force dominance most outstanding certain


使暈眩;使吃驚 阻礙;妨礙 易受影響的;遭受影響的 征服 水下的;海底的 浸沒;淹沒 呈送;提交 後來的 隨後;後來 平息;平靜 輔助機構;附屬機構 資助;贊助 補助金;補貼 物質 堅固的;結實的 證實的 v.代替;n.替代物 v.代替;n.替代物 地下的



a. a. a. a. v. ad. a. v. v. ad. n. n. a. v. a. n. v. a. v. ad. v. n. a. a.

成功的;有成就的 後續的 簡潔的;簡練的  多汁的;新鮮的 屈服;屈從 突然地;意外地 足夠的;充足的 提出;提議 適合;適應 適宜地 總數;總和 頂點;極點 豪華的;奢侈的 取代;替代 柔軟的;易彎曲的 補充品 補充,增加 額外的 支援;支撐 想像地;表面上 抑制;壓制 至高無上;支配地位 最大的;極度的 必然的;確定的

v. v. a. v. a. v. v. a. ad. v. n. v. n. n. a.

surge surge surging surmise surpass surplus surplus surround survival susceptible to suspend suspense suspicious of

v. n. a.

浪潮;躍進 急劇增加 高漲的;躍進的 推測;猜測 超越;勝過 剩餘的;額外的 盈餘 包圍;環繞 倖存;殘存 易受到襲擊的(影響的) 掛;懸掛 懸掛;意念 可疑的;多疑的



n. v. v. v. v. ad. v.

生計;食物 群集;湧進 動搖;說服 出汗 膨脹 迅速地;敏捷地 旋轉;打旋 開啟

sustenance swarm sway sweat swell swiftly swirl switch on

jump increase sharply accelerating guess ; infer exceed extra excess quantity encircle existence vulnerable to hang plot mistrustful of prolong ; maintain ; support ; suffer livelihood throng persuade perspire expand rapidly rotate activate


proportionally balanced



symmetry symptom synthesis synthesize synthetic synthetically system systematically T taboo tacitly tactic take down take for take in

balance sign formation ; union integrate artificial artificially method methodically

n. n. v. v. a. ad. n. ad.

對稱;勻稱 徵兆;徵候 綜合;合成 綜合;結合 人造的;合成的 合成地;人造地 方法;體系 系統地;有序地

prohibit implicitly maneuver record confuse sb. With deceive

a. a. n. v. v. v.

忌諱的;禁止的 緘默的;默許的 戰術;策略 記下;錄下 認為;以為 欺騙

take into account



考慮 ; 重視

take off take on take place

depart assume occur

v. v. n.

起飛;離開 呈現;採納 出現;發生


n. v. a. v. v. a. n. v. n.

take priority take up tale tame tamp tangled tantamount tap tardy task taste taut tautly tedious teem with telling temper temperate tempting tenable tenaciously tend tenor tension term term terminate terrain terrestrial terrify terse test textile thanks to thatch thaw theme thereby therefore think highly of thorough thoroughfare thoroughly threateningly threshold

should be filled first occupy story domesticate pack down snarl ; twisted together equivalent draw upon late chore ; job ; duty appreciation ; flavor tightly stretched tightly tiresome swarm with challenging moderate moderate attractive warrantable stubbornly care for nature stress expression known as stop ; end landscape land-based frighten concise experimental fabric ; cloth because of weave melt ; defrost tale thus consequently ; thus admire complete street completely menacingly

n. v. n. v. v. a. a. v. a. n. n. a. ad. a. v. a. v. a. a. a. ad. v. n. n. n. v. v. n. a. v. a. n. n. n. v. v. n. ad. ad. v. a. n. ad. ad. n.

優先考慮;首先滿足 佔據;佔去 傳說;故事 馴服;製服 填塞;擠滿 纏結的;紊亂的 相當於;相等於 開採 遲到的;遲的 工作;任務 味道;味覺;愛好;興趣 繃緊的;拉緊的 緊張地;緊密地 使人厭煩的;冗長乏味的 充滿;富於 有效的;有力的 緩和;減輕 適度的;溫和的; 誘人的 守得住的;站住腳的 頑強地;不屈不撓地 照顧;照料 趨向;傾向 要旨;大意 緊張 n.詞語;術語 v.稱作;叫做 n.詞語;術語 v.稱作;叫做 結束;終止 地域;地帶 陸上的;陸棲的 恐怖;驚嚇 簡潔的;精練的 試驗;化驗 紡織品;紡織原料 由於;多虧 編織 融化;解凍 題目;主題 由此;從而 因此;所以 欽佩;羨慕 徹底的;完善的 通道;街道 完全地;徹底地 威脅地;恫嚇地 門檻

thrill thrive thriving throughout throughout throw away thrust thus tidy tie up tier till timber timid tiny tip off tiresome token tolerate tool top topography torrid touchdown touching tough toxin trace trace trace trade tradition trait tranquil tranquility transform trap trash traumatic travel traverse treasure tremendous tremendously trend

excitement flourish ; prosper flourishing all over ; everywhere in during discard push consequently neat hinder layer wood ; log fearful little ; minuscule tell sb. boring memento endure ; survive in implement upper end

landing moving hard ; strong poison imprint connect residue exchange custom quality ; characteristic serene peacefulness change caught garbage upsetting cross value great ; huge ; enormous greatly tendency

刺激, 興奮 繁榮;興旺 繁榮的;興旺的 prep.始終 ad.到處 prep.始終 ad.到處 v. 扔掉;放棄 n. 突起;延伸 ad. 於是 ; 因此 a. 整齊的;整潔的 v. 阻礙;妨礙 n. (一)層;(一)排 v. 耕耘 ; 翻土 n. 木材;木料 a. 膽怯的;怕人的 a. 極小的;微小的 v. 告密;洩露 a. 令人厭倦的;使人疲勞的 n. 紀念品;信物 v. 忍受;忍耐 n. 工具;器械 n.頂部;頂端 a.頂上的;頭等的 n. 地勢 ; 地形 a. 酷熱的 n. 降落;著陸 a. 動人的;感傷的 a. 堅韌的;頑強的 n. 毒素 n. 痕跡;遺跡 v.追蹤;聯繫 n.痕跡;遺跡 v.追蹤;聯繫 n.痕跡;遺跡 v. 交換;交易 n. 慣例;道統 n. 品性;特性 a. 安寧的;平靜的 n. 安寧;平靜 v. 改變 v. 抓住;止住 n. 垃圾;廢物 a. 創傷的 v. 伴行;旅行 v. 橫跨;穿過 v. 珍藏;秘藏 a. 巨大的;驚人的 ad. 巨大地;驚人地 n. 趨勢;趨向 n. v. a.

支流 觸發;引起 微不足道的 討厭的;厭煩的 真正地;確實地 試演;預演 紛亂的 洶湧的;狂暴的

tributary trigger trivial troublesome truly tryout tumultuous turbulent

branch set off insignificant annoying genuinely ; actually performance chaotic violent

n. v. a. a. ad. n. a. a.

turn aside


ad. 避開;偏離

turn down turn into twilight typical typically typify U ubiquitous ultimately unattended unbroken uncanny unconsolidated uncover uncustomary undergo undergoing undergone underground underlying underscore undertake undisputed

reject become at dusk average usually characterize

v. v. n. a. ad. v.

拒絕;駁回 變成;成為 黃昏;黎明 典型的;有代表性的 典型地;有代表性地 代表,表現

widespread in the end ; eventually ; finally unguarded uninterrupted

a. ad. a. a. a. a. v. a. v. v. v. a. a. v. v. a.

普遍存在的;無處不在的 最終;終究 無人照管的;未被注意的 未被中斷的;繼續不斷的 不可思議的 鬆散的 暴露;發掘 不普遍的;不平常的 經歷 經歷  經歷  地下的;地面的 根本的;基礎的 強調 從事;進行 無爭議的

undoubtedly unemployed unequivocally unheard-of uniform uniformly unique universally unlike

loose reveal uncommon experience experiencing experienced subterranean fundamental emphasize take on ; wage acknowledged surely ; certainly ; unquestionably jobless definitely unknown consistent; invariable ; alike ; the same consistently; evenly peerless ; particular ; singular everywhere ; without exception in contrast to

ad. 無疑地;肯定地 a. 失業的;未被僱佣的 ad. 明確地;不含糊地 a. 前所未聞的;沒有先例的 a.


ad. 一致地;始終如一地 a. 獨特的;無比的 ad. 普遍地;一般地 prep. 不象;不同於

unlikely unmatched unprecedented unpromising unquenchable unquestionably unravel unrestrained unrestricted unrivaled unsettling unskillfully unsophisticated unstable unsubstantiated unwieldy up up to upbringing upgrade upheaval uphold upkeep upright upset upside-down up-to-date urbane urge urged urgently usher usually utilitarian utter utterly V vacant vague valiantly valley valuable valued variable

improbable a. 不可能的;靠不住的 unequaled a. 無比的;無敵的 never seen before a. 空前的 unfavorable a. 不利的 insatiable a. 無法滿足的;不能消滅的 positively ad. 毫無疑問地;無可非議地 discover ; unwind v. 解開;闡明 unchecked a. 無控制的;無限制的 unlimited a. 無限制的;自由的 unmatched a. 無敵的;無比的 troubling a. 令人困擾的 inexpertly ad. 不熟練地;笨拙地 simple a. 單純的, 天真浪漫的 troubled ; inconstant ; a. 困擾的;不穩定的 variable unverified a. 未證實的;未核實的 cumbersome a. 笨拙的;不實用的 increase v. 提升, 增加 able to make ; a maximum prep. 勝任;適於;多達;達到;最大 of ; as many as education n. 教養;養育 improve v. 改進;提升 violent disturbance n. 劇變;動盪 preserve v. 堅持;維持 maintenance n. 維修 vertical a. 直立的;垂直的 disturb v. 打擾;攪亂 inverted a. 顛倒的 current a. 最近的;現代的 cultivated a. 文雅的 advocate v. 極力主張;強烈要求 encouraged v. 催促,鼓勵 desperately ad. 緊急地;急迫地 begin v. 引導;開始 commonly ; customarily ad. 通常地;慣常地 practical a. 實用的 voice v. 說話;發聲 completely ; absolutely ad. 完全地;絕對地 empty imprecise bravely depression useful precious factor

ad. a. ad. n. a. a. n.

空缺地;空虛地 模糊的;不精確的;簡單的 勇敢地;英勇地 山谷;盆地 寶貴的;有價值的 寶貴的;珍貴的 變量;原素

variation various vary vast vehicle vein velocity veneration venom venomous ventilation venture verdict verge verify versatile very very closely vessel vestige vexing via viable vibrant vicinity vie for view vigorous vigorously virtual virtually vital vitality vivid visible vocal vocation vogue void volunteer vote voyage vulnerable to

change different differ ; fluctuate enormous ; tremendous ; immense a means of conveying blood vessel speed worship of poison poisonous air circulation endeavor decision border confirm; establish the truth of adaptable extremely intimately ship evidence difficult by way of feasible bright proximity compete for opinion forceful strongly almost complete practically ; almost ; completely ; nearly essential; critical energy bright voiced profession fashion canceled offer cast their ballot journey susceptible to

n. a. v.

變化;變動 不同的 變化;改變



n. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. n. v. v. a. ad. ad. n. n. a. prep. a. a. n. v. n. a. ad. a.

遠載工具 靜脈;血管 速度;速率 尊敬;崇拜 毒液;毒藥 有毒的;有害的 通風;通氣 冒險;冒險行動 裁決;決定 瀕臨 證實;核實 多方適用的, 多才多藝的 很;非常 親密;密切 船;艦 遺跡;殘餘 困難的 透過;經由 可行的 有活力的;明亮的 近處;近鄰 競爭;對抗 觀點;見解 強力的 ; 積極的 強有力地 幾乎

ad. 實際上 幾乎 a. n. a. a. a. n. n. a. v. v. n. a.

極其重要的;必不可少的 活力 鮮豔的;鮮明的 可以看到的 有聲的;人聲的 行業;頭班 時髦;時尚 無效的;作廢的 自願從事;自願提供 投票;選舉 航行;航程 易受影響的

W wage wallow wane wanton ward off warily warn warrior wave way weaken weapon wear away wear out weariness weary weave wed wedge weep weight weirdly well well-being well-known well-liked whelmingly whether while whisk off whole wholeheartedly wholesome wide widely wider widespread wild wildlife wildly will win wind up

pay roll decline senseless keep away prudently admonish fighter surge manner dilute arm erode no longer usable fatigue tired cloth making marry cram cry heaviness strangely effectively welfare celebrated ; famous popular triumphantly if whereas hurry away entire enthusiastically healthful extensive extensively more extensive far-reaching ; prevalent ; extensive ; common uncultivated ; undomesticated animal furiously determination achieve conclude

n. v. v./n. a. v. ad. v. n. n. n. v. n. v. v. n. a. v. v. v. v. n. ad. ad. n. a. a. ad. conj. conj. v. a. ad. a. a. ad. a.

工資;報酬 打滾 衰退;沒落;減小;變弱 放肆的;蠻橫的 擋住;避開 謹慎地;警惕地 警戒;警告 戰士;鬥士 浪潮;高潮 模式;手段 減弱;沖淡 武器 磨損;消逝 損耗;磨損 疲乏;厭倦 疲乏的;厭倦的 編織;織編 結婚;娶;嫁 嵌入;塞入 哭泣;流淚 重量;體重 不可思議地;奇特地 滿意地;有效地 福利;福祉 著名的;有名的 受歡迎的;流行的 壓倒性地 是否 而;然而 突然轉移;突然帶走 全部的;整個的 全神貫注地;一心一意地 有益健康的 廣泛的;普遍的 廣泛地;普遍地 寬廣的



a. n. ad. n. v. v.

野生的;未馴服的 野生動物 狂暴地;猛烈地 意志;決心 獲得;博得 結束

wipe out with respect to withdraw from wither withhold within withstand witness witty wobble woods woolly worldwide worship wrath wrought wry Y yearly yeast yield yield young youth Z zenith

destroy with regard to quit shrivel retain inside resist ; endure observe humorous teeter forest hairy global revere anger created twist

毀滅;消滅 關於 v. 撤退;退出 v. 枯萎;凋謝 v. 扣留;保留 prep. 在...裡面;在...以內 v. 忍受 ; 承受 v. 目睹;目擊 a. 機智的;詼諧的 v. 搖擺;晃動 n. 森林;林地 a. 毛茸茸的;多絨毛的 a. 全球性的;世界性的 v. 崇拜;尊敬 n. 憤怒;氣憤 a. 加工的 (work 古字的過去式) a. 曲解的;彎曲的 v.

production produce new child

a. n. n. v. a. n.

每年的;年度的 酵母菌 產量 生長;出產 年輕的;幼小的 年輕人;小伙子





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