PDF Upstream Elementary A2 Teachers Book For Studentsbook 2009 Compress

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E L EM EM E NT A RY  A 2 Syllabus  b a ssed e d  o n  » Common , European   * ■+[F r a m e w o r k ^

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E x p rress e s s  P u b l ishing i sh i n g



Published Publish edby byExpressPublishing ExpressPublishing LibertyHouse,NewGreenhamPark,Newbury, BerkshireRG196HW Tel: Tel:(00 (0044) 44) 1635 1635817 817 363 Fax:(0044)1635817463 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.expresspublishing.co.uk ©VirginiaEvan ©Virginia Evans&Jen s&Jenny nyDooley200 Dooley2005 5 DesignandIllustration©ExpressPublishing,2005 ColourIllustrations: ColourIllustration s:Stone,Chris, Stone,Chris,TerryWilson TerryWilson MusicCompositions&ArrangementbyTaz Firstpublished 2005 Firstpublished2005 Sixth Sixt himpr impress ession2009 ion2009

MadeinEU Thisbookisnotme Thisbookis notmeantto ant ant to tobechange bechanged bechange d inany inanyway. way. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyform,orbyany means,electronic,photocopyin means,ele ctronic,photocopyingorotherwise gorotherwise,withouttheprior ,withouttheprior writtenpermissionofthepublishers. ISBN978-1-84558-760-4

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E x p r e sssPublishing s  P u b l i sh i n g







2 e f i e l l u n d i o M s t n  e -

m o M

Topics Top ics

V Vocabulary ocabu lary

UNIT 1 (pp.6-13)

• jobs jobs • da dailyactivities dail ily yactivities • weeken weekendactiv weekendactivities dactivities

typesofjob typeso fjobs;job s;jobqualitie qualities;job s;job routines;dailyroutines routin es;dailyroutines;free-time ;free-time activities;chores;the activi ties;chores;the time

UNIT 2 (pp.14-21)

• famouspeop fa famo mouspeople le • pa pastexperien past stex experiences ces • typesofhouses typesofho typesofhouses • museu museums ms


jobs; job s;nat nation ionalitie alities;wordsrelate s;wordsrelated d tobattles;typesofhouses; rooms;furniture/appliances/ features; featur es;museum museum objects objects

Reading Rea ding • anartic anarticleabout anarticleaboutasharkscientist leaboutasharksc asharkscientist • arrang arr arrangingameeting(dialog anging inga a meeting(dialogue) ue) • aqui a quiz uiz • anem an anemailaboutsummerac emailaboutsummeractivities tivities • Cul Cultur CultureClip tureC eClip:: SchooloftheAir

• abi abiog abiograph ography y • weeken weekend d activities activities(d activities(d (d (dialogue) ialogue) • anarticl anarticle(typesofho anarticle(typesofhouses e(typesofhouses)) • Lite Li LiteratureCorn terratureCorner: er: Charlie&theChocolate Charlie&theChocolate Factory

Self-AssessmentModule 1 (pp. (pp.22 (pp.22-2 22-23) 3) - AcrosstheCurriculum1 AcrosstheCur Across theCurriculu riculum1 m1 (p.24) (p.24) - LifeinTudorTim LifeinTudorTimes(Histo es(History) ry)

UNIT 3 (pp.26-3 (pp. 26-33) 3)


w  o


• ho holida lidays ys • tr tran transpo ansport rt • festiva fes festivals ls

holidayactivities;entertainment; meansoftransport;festive activities

• aninternetholiday aninternetholidayadvertisement advertisement • disc di discussin scussingaholiday gaholidaywith witha atravelagent travel travelagent agent (dialogue) • ahome ahomepag ahomepageaboutfestiva pageabou eaboutf  tf estivals ls • alet aletter aletterfromaholidayreso terfrom fromaho aholidayresort rt • Cul Cultur CultureClip tureCl eClip: ip: Orlando,Florida

• weat we weather ather • ge geograp geo ographica hicall features ■animalkingdom

weather&seasons;geographical terms; measurements terms; measurements; ; animal animalsspartsofthebody

• aweatherforecast • Re Reco Record-Bre cord-Breaking akingGeography Geography • bu buyi buyingapet(dia yin ngapet(dialogue) logue) • alett aletterof aletterofadvice erofad advice

r u o f o d

r 3 l o w e l a u d n o I M

UNIT 4 (pp.34-41)

• Cu Curr CurricularCut rric icularCuts: s: TheHimalayas

Self-AssessmentModule Self-AssessmentMod ule2(pp.4 2(pp.422-43 43)-Acros )-Acrossthe sthe Curriculu Curriculum2(p.44 m2(p.44)-WW )-WW )-WW Ffora F foraliving livingplanet planet(Citizenship) (Citizenship)



e f i l r a e d r  o F



• disasters • accidents • precautions

typesofdisa typesof disaster sters; s;partsofthe partsofthe body;typesofaccidents

UNIT 6 (pp.54-61)

• health health proble problems ms • medical

illnesses & cures; cures; medica medicall professions & workplaces; emergencyservices; healthy/unhe health y/unhealthy althy lifestyles lifestyles



• lifestyles


4 e l u d o M

• narrat narratingan ingan experi experience(dialogue) ence(dialogue) • anewspaperarticle • asto a story ry • Culture CultureClip Clip:: TheGreatPlague • acartoonstrip • atthechemist's/d at thechemist's/dentist entist's 's(dialo (dialogues) gues) • aweeklyadvicecolumn • anessayaboutexamstress • CurricularCuts: Micro-o Micro-organismsonyou rganismsonyourbody! rbody!

Self-Assessm Self-A ssessmentModule3(pp.62-63)-AcrosstheCurricul entModule3(pp.62-63)-AcrosstheCurriculum3(p. um3(p. 64)-Volcanoes(Geography) 64)-Volcanoes(Geography)

UNIT 7 (pp.66-73)

• food fo food&drink od&d &drinkss • shops&produ sh shop ops&products cts • mon money oney

! t

i r  o - f I o


UNIT 8 (pp.74-8 (pp. 74-81) 1)

— -

 diar di diaryentries ary yentries

• character charac characte terqua qualitie lities s • sport sports s • entertainm en ente tertainment ent

dishes;desserts;drinks;placesto eat;waystocook;typesof  shops;products;clothes;

■notices • dec decidi decidingonapresent(dialogue) idingo ngonapresent(dialogue) • co comm comments commen mmen ents ts on on amessage amessa amessage ge board


• ares arestau arestaurantrevie taurantreview w • Cul Cultur CultureClip tureC eClip:: GreatNat GreatNationalDishe ionalDishess

hobbies&personalities;sports& equipment;placesforsports; films;reviews;typesof  entertainment

• pe peop people'sprofile ople'sprofilesforac sforacontest ontest • no notic tices es • de deci decidingonwheretogo(dialo cid dingonwheretogo(dialogue) gue) • anem an anem emailabou ailabouta ailabou tamus musical ical • Lite Li LiteratureCorn tera ratureCorner: er: ThePrisonerofZe ThePrisonerofZenda nd nda a

Self-AssessmentModule4(pp.82Self-AssessmentMod ule4(pp.82-83 83)-AcrosstheCurriculum4(p.84)-Budgeting )-AcrosstheCurriculum4 )-Across theCurriculum4(p.84)- (p.84)-Budgeting Budgeting (PSHE)

UNIT 9 (pp.86-93)

• gadgets • inventors • technology

objects(characteristics/uses); inventions & inventors; computers

• advertisements • a 'timel 'timeline' ine'quiz quizaboutinventions aboutinventions • askingforhelp(dialogue) • anessayaboutcomputersatwork • Culture CultureClip Clip:: Interna InternationalSpyMuseu tionalSpyMuseum m

UNIT 10 10 (pp.94-101)

• space • unexplained

space;solarsystem;UFOs;the supernatural;environmental issues

• an article article aboutextraterre aboutextraterrestrial strials s • avisittoahauntedhouse(dialogue) • anarticleabouttheenvironment

e u

t 5 r e t u l u b d o e Ml b i d e r c n I

mysteries • environment

• • astory CurricularCuts: Stars

Self-Assessm Self-A ssessmentModule entModule5(pp.102-103)-AcrosstheCurr 5(pp.102-103)-AcrosstheCurriculum iculum5(p.104)- 5(p.104)- TheFlowers(Literat TheFlowers(Literature) ure) SpecialDays:EarthDay(pp. Specia lDays:EarthDay(pp.106-107); 106-107);Mother'sDay(pp. Mother'sDay(pp.108-109); 108-109);Songsheet Songsheets(pp.110-114 s(pp.110-114);Pairwor );PairworkActivitie kActivities(pp.115-118 s(pp.115-118); ); WordPerfect(pp.119-123);GrammarCheck(pp.124-133);GrammarReference(pp.134-139);




Sp Sp pe e ea a ak k kiiin n ng g

presentsimple;present continuous;adverbsof  frequency; freque ncy; presen presentt continuous(future meaning)-goingto

completinganadvert matching matchi ngpeople people to weekend activities Pronunciation:word stress

discussingtypesofjobs; discussingtypeso fjobs;discu discussing ssing dailyroutines; arrang dailyroutines; arranginga inga meetin meeting; g; requesting;making reques ting;making sugges suggestions tions

aleafletaboutjobs aleaflet aboutjobs descriptionsof descriptio nsofphotographs photographs anemailaboutwhatyouare doingthissummer anarticleaboutaschoolinyour country


comple completing ting information information aboutaconcert matchingpeopleto rooms Pronunciation:"e"

asking/giving personal information; talkingaboutpastexperiences; talkingaboutpasthabits

ashortbiography ahis a histor tory yqui quiz z aposteraboutlifeinthepast adescriptivearticleaboutavisit toamuseum

present perfec present perfect; t; present present perfectvspastsimple

matchingpeopleto activities multiple multip lechoice choice questions Intonation:reacting tobadnews

discussingyourholidaytoMexico; reactingtobadnews;catchingup onnews

anInternetholidayadvert acruiseadvert a homepa homepage ge aboutfestivals aletterfromaholidayresort

comparatives/superlatives; thedefinitearticle ("the"); ("the" ); plural plurals s

notetaking matching matchi ng people people to activities Pronunciation:

asking/giving/refu asking/givin g/refusing sing permission; permission; expressingintonation;givingadvice

aweatherforecast aposteraboutgeographical aposterabout geographical featuresinyourcountry aposteraboutamissingpet


W rriiitttiiin n ng g



homophones pastcontinuousvspast simple; reflex simple; reflexive ive pronouns; prono uns;mustn't-can; mustn't-can; pastperfect;linkers

notetaking predictingcontent Pronunciation:/л/

narratingpastexperiences; discussingabadday;givingnews& reacting

diaryentries a leafle leaflett anewsreportt anewsrepor astory

conditionalstype0&1; must,mustn't;need, needn't;shou needn't; should, ld, shouldn't

notetaking Intonation: conditionalsentences

talkingabouthealthproblems; askingformedicine

acartoonstrip rules lettersaskingfor&giving advice anarticlemakingsuggestions

countable-uncountable nouns; quanti nouns; quantifiers; fiers; containers;goingtovs

notetaking matching matchi ngpeople people to shops

orderingfoodatatakeaway; makingashoppinglist;buying things

arestaurantadvert a not note e commentsforamessageboard


Pronunciation:/1/-/1У  У; /s/-/tjy

infinitive;-ingform;-ing/ -edparticiples

matchingpeopleto sports Pronunciation: stressedsyllables

expressingagreement/ disagreement(so-nor);talking abouteveningsout

yourownprofileforacontest asportscentreposter reviewsofperforman reviewsof performances ces anemailrecommendingafilm

orderofadjectives;the passive;questiontags

notetaking multiple multip lechoice choice identifyingmood identi fyingmood Intonation:questio Intonation: question n tags

describingobjects;offering/ accepting/refusing help

anadvertisement factfilesaboutinventions anote afor-and-againstessay

reportedspeech (statements, quest questions, ions, commands); comman ds); relatives relatives

notetaking predictingcontent Pronunciation:/h/

aninterviewaboutextraterrestrial creatures;exchanging creatu res;exchanging opinions; opinions; narratingastory

ashortstory acartoonstrip asummary



AmericanEnglish-Briti AmericanEnglish -BritishEnglish shEnglishGuide(p.140);Irreg Guide(p.140);IrregularVerbs ularVerbs(p.141);WordList(pp.142(p.141);WordList(pp.142-152);Tape 152);Tapescript scripts(pp.T1-T7); s(pp.T1-T7); s(pp.T1-T7); SuggestedAnswerssection(pp.SA1-SA3);Evaluations(pp.E1-E10);MyLanguagePortfolioGuidelines(pp.L1-L2)



Introductiontotheteacher UpstreamElementaryA2\ UpstreamElement aryA2\s sacompletecourseforlearners studyingEnglishatElementarylevel. Itaim It aims s atthe atthebal balanc anceddevel eddevelopm opmen ent t of ofall all fou four r skills skills throughavarietyofcommunicativetasks,whileallowing foraflexibilityofapproach foraflexib ilityofapproachwhich which makesitsuitable makesitsuitableforall forall classes, classe s, incl includin uding g large large or mixe mixed-ab d-ability ility ilitygro  grou groups. groups ups. ps.The . The The key key language langu age is regu regularly larly recy recycled cled, , achi achievin eving g acti active, ve, holis holistic tic and humanist humanistic ic learning.

III III In Inst Instrumentsfor stru rume ment nts sforEvaluation Evaluation Ev Eval alua uati tion on is is an an es esse sent ntia ial l part part of of the the le lear arni ning ng proces proc ess. ess. s. It It he helps help lps s the the le learn arner ers s be beco come me aw awar are e o of  f  their the ir progress progress in the the targe target t lang language uage, , howmuc how much h th they ey have have achiev achieved ed and and what what are areas as need need furth further er practice. pract ice. Evaluation Evaluation alsoallowsteache alsoallowsteachersto rsto refle reflect ct onthevalidi onthe validityof tyof the their irteac teaching hing pract practices ices andthe typesofmaterialbeingused. IntheInstrumentsforEvaluation,theteachercanfind:

The The co cour urse se in inco corp rpor orat ates es bo both th a cr cros osss-cu cult ltur ural al an and d cross cro ss-c -curr urricu icular lar app approa roach ch, , and and its its syl syllab labus us reflec reflects ts th the e guideline guide lines s of the the Coun Council cilof of Europ Europe e Frame Frameworkunder workunder thecategoryofA2,BasicUser theca tegoryofA2,BasicUser(Waystage) (Waystage)..

A2BasicUser Ss Ss in in th this is cate catego gory ry can can unde unders rsta tand nd and and use use fami famili liar ar,, everyday every dayexpre expressio ssionsand nsand basic basic basicvocab vocab vocabularyand ulary and phras ulary phrases es related to the world around them (e.g (e.g. . pers personal onal onal information,shopping,employment,etc).Theycaninteract information,shopping,employment,etc). Theycaninteract in simp simple, le, rout routine ineexch exchange anges s about about famil familiar iar topic topics s and can des can descri cribe be aspec aspects ts of top topics ics that that are are person personall ally y or immediatelyreleva immediately relevant. nt. nt.

CourseComponents Student'sBook TheStudent'sBookhasbeendesignedtoappealtoas well wel l as involv involve e the the Ss in lan langu guage age lea learni rning ng. . It con consis sists ts offivemodulesoftwo offivemod ulesof ules oftwo two unit unitsea unitseach. seach. ch. In Ineachmodule,the eachmodule,the Ssare Ss are th thoro oroug ughly hly expose exposed d tothe new new lan langu guage age, , and thus achievecompet thus achievecompetenc ency y inthe targ targetlanguag etlanguage eata ata faster faste rpace pace. .Each Each modu module lehasits hasits indiv individual idual aims aims andat theendofthemodule,Sscanrecordtheirprogressin English. Eachun Each unitis itis bas basedon edon asin a single gle the theme me and and cov covers ers awid a wide e variety variet yof ofrelat related edtopic topics. s.All Allunit units sfoll sfollow foll follow owthe ow the the same same basic format (see (seeTyp Typicallayouto icallayoutofa icallayouto fa famodule). module). Teacher'sBook The Teach The Teacher' er's s Boo Book k pro provid vides es int interl erleav eaved ed stepstep-byby-st step ep les lesson son plans plans and and the the ans answe wers rs to the the exe exerci rcise ses. s. It also also containsextraideasonho containsextraideas onhowtopresentn wtopresentnewwordsand ewwordsand la lang ngua uage ge patt patter erns ns, , ad addi diti tion onal al ac acti tivi viti ties es as as well well as tapescriptsforthelisteningactivities.Atthebeginning of the Teacher's Book, the teacher can find the Programme, an Programme, an anal analyt ytic ical al chart art of of the targ argets and and objectivesofthemodules. TheTeacher'sBookalsoincludes: I Tap Tapes Tapescriptsfor escri cripts ptsforthe forthe the listening the listenin listening eningtasks tasks II Sug Suggest Sugg Sugge gest ested stedAnsw edAnsw ed Answers Answers ersfor  for activi ctivities ties from from the the SelfSelfAssessm Asse ssment ent, , WordPerfect WordPerfect andGrammar andGrammar Che Check ck sections

• TheFormativeEvaluationChart: TheFormativeEvaluationChart:Theteacherusesthe Theteacherusesthe charttoevaluatetheSsonanactivityatanytime during dur ing th the e course course and and wri write tes s th the e mar marks ks att attain ained ed withthehelpofacode. • ProgressReport ProgressReportCards: Cards:Theteacherfillsthem,oneper Cards: Theteacherfillsthem,oneper S, upo upon n com comple pletio tion n of eac each h module module test test, , tak taking ing intoconsiderationtheS'sperformanceandprogress throughoutthemoduleaswellasthemarkreceived inthecorre inthe correspondingModularTes correspon sponding dingMo Mo dularTest.TheSsfiletheir t.TheSsfiletheir ProgressReportCardsintheirLanguagePortfolio. IIV V M My y Language anguagePortfolio PortfolioGuidelines Guidelines These The seare areguid guidelin elines eson on howto use use the the acti activitie vities s inMy in MyLang Language uage Portfolio Portfolio(pp.L1-L2). (pp.L1-L2). V V TestBookletKey& TestBookletKey&Tape Tapescrip scripts ts A co comp mple lete te key key to to al all l th the e ex exer erci cise ses s in in the the Test Test Bookletaswellasthetapescriptsforthelistening tasks. Workbook TheWorkbookisinfullcolourandconsistsoftenunits wh whic ich h co comp mple leme ment nt th the e th them eme e an and d cont conten ent t of of th the e corres cor respon pondin ding g un units its in the the Studen Student's t's Boo Book k and and con contai tain n elementsspecificallydesignedtoextendandconsolidate lear learni ning ng th thro roug ugh h a wi wide de va vari riet ety y of of task tasks. s. Thes These e ar are e gr grou oupe ped d in in ea each ch un unit it as Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocab ulary Practice, Practic Practice, e, Reading, Reading, Re Read adin ing, g, Listening,Speaking,Everyda Listening,Speaking,E veryday yEnglish Englishand English and Writing. AnadditionalfeatureoftheWorkbookisthe Grammarin Usesectionineveryunit.Allthegrammaticalphenomena ofthecorrespondingunitin ofthecorrespo ndingunitintheStuden theStudent'sB t'sBook ook are ook arefully fully exploited explo ited inthissectio inthissection.Thus,theteache n.Thus,theteacher rcandecide candecide to work ork on on it it as as a whol ole e up upon on com ompl ple etio ion n of of the corres cor respon pondin ding g un unit it in th the e Studen Student's t's Boo Book k or cov cover er it progressively. In In ad addi diti tion on, , thro throug ugh h the the Reade Reader's r'sCorn Corner, er, the Ss are er, exposed expos ed to inte interest resting ing multicult multicultural ural and cros cross-c s-curric urricular ular te text xts s wi with th th the e ai aim m of of broa broade deni ning ng th thei eir r ho hori rizo zons ns an and d providing provid inginsi insight ght into into othe other r tradit traditions ions and customs customs. . At the theen end dofeach ofeach un unit, it, there there isthe ProgressCheck ProgressChecksectior sectior wheretheSscanassesstheirprogress. TheTeacher'sversionoftheWorkbookisthesameas theStudent'sversion,exceptthatithasanoverprinted answerkeytoalltheexercises.


TestBooklet ~-e"estBookletconsistsof:fiveModularTestsintwo /alentversion /alen /alentversions, tversions, s,an an anExit ExitTes Exit Testandte tandten n Un Uni UnitTe i tTests sts.. "-eModularTestsaretobedoneuponthecomp "-eModul arTestsaretobedoneuponthecompletio letion n of of the the co corr rres espo pond ndin ing g modu module le. . The The Ex Exit it Test Test, , wh whic ich h coversallthemateria cove rsallthemateriallearntatthislevel,caneithe llearntatthislevel,caneitherbe rbe us used ed as as an an as asse sess ssme ment nt test test up upon on co comp mple leti tion on of of the the courseorasaplacementtestforthenextlevel. TheindividualUnitTestscanbeemployedtoassessSs' progressuponcomp prog ressuponcompletio letionofthe nofthereleva relevantunitssothat ntunitssothat theteachercanpinpointweaknessestobeaddressed, orasrevisiontests. MyLanguagePortfolio MyLanguagePortfoliocontainsthematerialwhichthe Sswilluse,alongwithanyextramaterialgivenbythe teacher,througho teach er,throughoutthe utthe cours course.My e.My Lang Language uage Port Portfoli folio o has has be been en desig esigne ned d to to st stim imul ula ate te and nd su sup pport rt the the lea learni rningof ngof the the Eng Englis lish hlan langua guage. ge. Itspurp Itspurpose ose isto help help the Ss the Ssref reflec lect t on, on, rea realis lise e the their irpro progre gress ssin inand and imp improv rove e theirlanguagelearning.

throughthe LanguageBiography LanguageBiographysection,providingany section,providingany necessary help. Once this has been completed, en enco cour urag age e th the e Ss Ss to to do do th the e ac acti tivi viti ties es in in th the e Dossier Dossier section. Howtoapproacheachsection I) I) Lang La LanguagePassport ngua uage ge Passport Read Rellow ad  ou out the thly. e.in intr trod oduc ucto ryy  pa para ragr grap aph h as ey the th e Ss foll fo ow sile sit lent ntly Answ An swer ertory an any ques qu esti tion ons s as th they ma may y have.Eachtimetheyaregivensomethingforthis have.Eachtimeth eyaregivensomethingforthis section,remindthemtomakearecordandfileit in in the the approp ropri ria ate te sect sectio ion n of thei their r Lang ngua uag ge Portfolio. II) II) Lang Language Langua uage ge Biography Sp Spen end d some some time time on on ea each ch sect sectio ion, n, ma maki king ng su sure re theSsknowwhatisrequiredofthem. Hereisabriefexplanationoftherationaleofeach section: -

MyLanguagePortfolioistheSs'property.Itisatoolto accompanytheSs'languagelearningthroughouttheir sc scho hool ol lif life and nd is is su suit ita able le for docu cum menti enting ng thei theirr learningbothinsideandoutsidetheclassroom. In practi practice, ce, Langu Languag age e Po Portf rtfoli olios os may may inc includ lude e pro projec jects ts orotherexa orother examp mplesofwritten lesofwrittenwork, work, computerdisk computerdiskette computerdiskettes ettes (w (wit ith h wo work rk or or draw drawin ings gs comp comple leted ted in insi side de or or ou outs tsid ide e th the e class classro room om), ), vide video o cass casset ette tes/ s/DV DVDs Ds (w (wit ith h the the Ss Ss'' perfo per forma rmance nces s of of songs, songs, rol role e plays, plays, etc.), etc.), cer certif tifica icates tes,, report rep orts s fro from m tea teache chers, rs, orevena oreven a col collec lectio tion n of of objec objects ts orpictures.Itis orpicture s.Itisacollectionofwh acollectionofwhatth atthelearners elearnerswa want nt tokeepasevidenceofwhattheyarelearningthrough the medium of the English lang ngu uage. The main emph em phas asis is is is on on the the proc proces ess s of of lear learni ning ng. . As As a resu result lt,, whilecompilingtheir whilecompili ngtheir Lang Language uage Portf Portfolio olios, s,thelearners thelearners developtheskilltoworkindependently.





All ll about ut me: e: Ss fill in their personal inf inform ormati ation onand and rec record ord the their ir exposu exposure re tothe to the English Engli sh lang language uage.. Howllearn Howllearn::Gothroughthesectionalongwith Ss,prov Ss, providing iding any anynecessa necessary ry help. help. The purp purpose ose ofthissectionisforboth ofthissectionis forboth forbo th Ssandtea Ssandteacherto cherto be able to able todeter determineeach mineeach S's S'sindiv individua idual l learn learning ing style (i.e. (i.e. visua visual, l,audi auditory tory, , tacti tactile/k le/kinaes inaesthetic thetic))and needs. My MyWorldofEnglis MyWorldofEnglish: h:Byupdatingtherecord,Ss h:Byupdatingtherecord,Ss get et a se sens nse e of achie chieve vem ment ent in in the the ta targ rget et language. NowIcan: Ss hav NowIcan: have e the the oppo opportu rtunit nity y to ass assess ess th thei eir r own wn le lea arnin rning g. If If a S moves es to to a new new scho schoo sch sc hool ool ol l his/he his his/ his/he /her her r te tea teache a cher er r will also be able to gaugethisS'slevel. Future Futur e Plans: Plans: s: Ss re reco cord rd thei their r in inte tent ntio ions ns and ambi am biti tion ons s conc concer erni ning ng th thei eir r im impr prov ovem emen ent t in thetargetlanguage.

FirstSteps ItissuggestedthatworkontheLanguagePortfoliois star starte ted d a few few week weeks s into into th the e cour course se once once Ss Ss have have made ma de some some pr prog ogre ress ss in in the the Engl English ish lang langua uage ge. . At At this this lev level, el, a letter letter can can besent hom home e topa to paren rents tstoinfor toinform m themthat the theSs Sswillneed willneed afold a folder, er,plas plastic ticenvel envelopes opes,, etc.Atthebeginningofthefirstsession,asktheSsto tu turn rn to to page page thre three e of of thei their r La Lang ngua uage ge Po Port rtfo foli lio. o. Go thro throug ugh h the the lett letter er toge togeth ther er, , ma maki king ng su sure re that that the the Ss havea have a thoro thoroughunder ughunderstand standingoftheconcep ingoftheconceptofthe tofthe Language Lang uage Portfol Port Portfolio. folio. io. io. Enco En Encourage Encou cour urag rage age e them th them em to to ask ask qu questio estions ns aboutanything abo utanythingtheydo theydonotunderst notunderstand. and.Then,givethe Then,givethe Sssometim Sssome time e toarran toarrangetheirLangu getheirLanguag age e Po Portf rtfoli olio.Go o.Go around,providinganynecessaryhelp. Once the Once the Ss hav have e arrang arranged ed the their ir Langu Languag age e Portf Portfoli olio, o, go go through through eac each h pa page ge tog togeth ether, er, com commen mentin ting g on the layout layout and and pic pictur tures, es, and and giv giving ing a bri brief efexp explan lanati ation onof  of  th the e cont conten ent t of of each each pa page ge. . Sp Spen end d some some time time goin going g

II III) I) Doss ssie ierr The activitieshave Theactiv itieshave beendesignedto reinf reinforcethe orcethe lang langua uage ge cove covere red d in in ea each ch modu module le. . They They ca can n be doneuponcompletionofeachmoduleoratatime conven con venien ient t to the the tea teache cher, r, pro provid vided ed tha that t Ss hav have e coveredthecorrespondingmodule. It It is is sugg sugges este ted d th that at te teac ache hers rs pa part rtic icip ipat ate e in in th the e activitiesbybringinginacompletedversionofan activi activity tyto tobe bepre presen sented ted. . Ss nee need d tobe to bemo motiv tivate ated d and inspir and inspired, ed, and and the the fo follo llowing wing is a sug sugges gestio tion n on how how to to approa roach ch each each act ctiv ivit ity y: Ev Ever ery y tim time Ss prese resent nt an act ctiv ivit ity y, giv ive e them them due ue prais raise e and attention, reward them wit with stickers, etc. In gen ener era al, l, make th them em feel eel tha that they they ha hav ve done something someth ing spe specia cial; l; in thi this s way, way, all all the the cla class ss wil will l be encouragedtodolikewise.



ClassAudioCDs TheClassAudioCDscontainalltherecordedmaterial intheStudent'sBookandtheWorkbook. Student'sAudioCD The S's The S's Audio Audio CD con contai tains ns the the dialog dialogues ues, , the the Eve Everyd ryday ay Engl Englis ish h sect sectio ions ns, , the the read readin ing g pass passag ages es in in the the Cu Cult ltur ure e Clips, Clips, the the Cur Curric ricula ular r Cut Cuts, s, Lit Litera eratur ture e Corner Corner, , Acr Across oss the Curric Cur riculu ulum msec sectio tions, ns, as aswel well las asall all the the son songs. gs. The The Ss Sscan can listentoitathomeandimprovetheirpronunciationand intonation.

Typicallayoutofamodule Ea Each ch mo modu dule le cons consis ists ts of of two two un unit its, s, a Self-Assessment, Self-Assessment, an Acr Across oss the the Cur Curric riculu ulum m and a Songsheet Songsheet se sect ctio ion, n, in twenty pagesaltogether twenty pagesaltogether. . Eachmodule begins begins withthe Modular page Modular page which gives teachers and Ss a clear unders und erstan tandin ding g of the the object objective ives s and and the the compet competenc ences es to to be be achi achiev eved ed upon upon comp comple leti tion on of of th the e mo modu dule le. . In addi additi tion on, , the the mo modu dula lar r page pages s aim aim at at intr intrig igui uing ng an and d motivatingtheSstobecomeinvolvedintheunits.The Ssareintroducedtothemainthemesoftheunitsand give given n the the oppo opport rtun unit ity y to to fa fami mili liar aris ise e th them emse selv lves es wi with th thecontentandtoexpresstheiropinions. • • K Keyfeatu ey features res 1Vocabulary Th The e ta targ rget et voca vocabu bula lary ry of of ea each ch un unit it is is pres presen ente ted d in in a meanin mea ningfu gful l con contex text, t, using using visual visual/au /audit ditory ory aid aids, s, and and is acti activa vate ted d an and d exte extend nded ed thro throug ugho hout ut the the un unit it. . In In each each lessonplan,theteacherwillfinddetailedguidanceon howtoapproacheachexercise. IIReading Each Each un unit it co cont ntai ains ns ap appe peal alin ing, g, in info form rmat ativ ive e text texts s an and d natural,everydaydialogueslinkedtothethemeofthe unit.There uni t.There isa wid widerangeofreadin erangeofreadingtexttypes gtexttypes suc such h as as ar arti ticl cles es, , po poem ems, s, cart cartoo oon n st stri rips ps, , po post stca card rds, s, em emai ails ls,, etc etc.Eachtextis .Eachtextisexp exploi loited ted infourstag infourstages: es: / / awarm-u awarm-upactivity pactivitytohelp tohelptheSs theSsbri bringf  ngfortht orththeir heir previo pre vious us aca academ demic ic and and emp empiri irical cal kno knowle wledge dge and startthinkingaboutthetopicathand / / top-downactivities, top- down downactivities,such activities,such suchas asscanning scanningand andskimm skimming, ing, forglobal for global unders understandin tanding g / bo bott bottom-up ttom om-u -upa pact activ activities ctiv ivities itiestounders to understand understand tandthete the te texts xtsfull xts fully y / oral or oralreproductionwherethe alre repr prod oduc ucti tionwheretheSs Ssperf  performr ormrole olepl play ays, s, monologues, monolo gues, etc. IIIExploringGrammar Peopleneedtodiscoverthingsforthemselves,experiment andconstructtheirownworldoutoftheexperiencesthey hav have. have. e.Onl Onlythenwil Onl ythenwillthe lthe new new informationbeanchoredin informationbeanchoredin theirlong-termmemory theirlongtermmemory.Following .Followingthatpremise, thatpremise, Upstream 2 letsthe letstheSsexplo Ssexplorethenewstruct rethenewstructure ures,findexam s,findexample plesin sin thetextandcompletethe thetextandcompl etethe etethe rul rule rules.Eachsectionalsoincludes es.Eachsectionalsoincludes a va vari riet ety y of of ta task sks s to to pr prac acti tise se and and cons consol olid idat ate e the the new new

structures.Atthebackofthebook,thereisa Gramme' Gramme' Reference section that offers a clear and concse Reference explanationofthestructuresineachunit. IVListeningandSpeaking Ss Ss de deve velo lop p th thei eir r list listen enin ing g sk skil ills ls thro throug ugh h a vari variet ety y of  realistic tasks realistic tasks whi whic which c h rein reinfo forc rce e th thei eir r ma mast ster ery y of of the the lang langua uage ge ta taug ught ht in in th the e unit unit. . The The list listen enin ing g te text xts s al alll replicateauthenticspokenEnglishandfeaturearange ofgenuinenativespeakeraccents. Ssdev Ss develo elop p their theirspe speaki aking ngski skills lls throug through h a wid wide e range range of of sp spea eaki king ng ta task sks s wh whic ich h ne nece cess ssit itat ate e as aski king ng fo for r an ana a givi giving ng in info form rmat atio ion, n, ex exch chan angi ging ng id idea eas s an and d op opin inio ions ns,, suggestingandspeculating,etc. VEverydayEnglish EverydayEnglishsectionsenabletheSstopractisereal-l EverydayEnglishsecti onsenabletheSstopractisereal-life ife communicationstrategies.Functionallanguagestructures associ ass ociate ated dwit with hrea realis listic tic situat situation ions sare are pra practi ctised sed ina in awid wide e range ran ge of com commun munica icativ tive e tas tasks. ks. The These se sec sectio tions ns also also dea deall with features of everyday speech such as making requests/sug reques ts/suggestio gestions, ns, giving giving/accep /accepting/r ting/rejecti ejecting ng advice advice,, etc. VIPronunciation ThesearetaskswhichdeveloptheSs'abilitytorecognise, dis distin tingui guish sh and and reprod reproduce uce the the var variou ious s sou sounds nds in spo spoken ken English. VIIWriting The wri The writin ting g sec sectio tions ns hav have e been been carefu carefully lly design designed ed to en ensu sure re th that at th the e Ss Ss de deve velo lop p th thei eir r writ writin ing g skil skills ls in in a systematicman systematic manner. ner. The The Ss Ss ar are e al alwa ways ys gi give ven n a mo mode del l te text xt, , wh whic ich h is is th then en thoroughlyanalysed.TheSsalsopractisethelanguage andthestructuraldevicestobeused.Allactivitieslead the the  Sstothefinal Sstothefinal task,whic task,whichfollo hfollowsa wsacle clearplan arplan and isbasedonthemodeltextprovided. Allwritingtasksarebasedonauthentictypesandstyles ofwritingsuchasletters,postcards,faxes,emails,etc. VIIICultureClips Inthissection,theSshavetheopportunitytoreadshort textsaboutaspectso textsabou taspectsoflifeinEnglish-spea flifeinEnglish-speakingcountries. kingcountries. Thesetextsalsoactasaspringboardtopromotecultural indivi ind ividua dualit lity yasthe asthe Ssare ask askedto edto fin find dsim simila ilarit rities ies and diff differ eren ence ces s be betw twee een n Engl Englis ishh-sp spea eaki king ng co coun untr trie ies s an and d theirown.

IXCurricula IXCurr icularCut rCuts/Ac s/AcrosstheCurriculum rosstheCurriculum In In this this sect sectio ion, n, the the Ss Ss use use th the e En Engl glis ish h la lang ngua uage ge as as a to tool ol for for expl explor orin ing g inte interd rdis isci cipl plin inar ary y th them emes es such such as Science,Art&Desig Science,Art& Design nand History. History. Inthis Inthisway way, ,the the Eng Englis lish h



lan langu languageis guageis age isal age isalsoused alsousedas also soused usedas asameans asameans amea a meansof nsof  ofinstru ofinstructi instru instruction, ction, ction, on, rather rather thansolelybeingthegoalofinstru thansolel ybeingthegoalofinstruction. ction. XLiteratureCorner Inthis sectio Inthissec tion,the n,the Ssgain Ssgaina abri briefinsigh efinsight tint into othe the lives lives offamousauthorsandexploredifferentwritingstyles viashortextractsfromworksbytheseauthors. XIComedyZone Thissectionpresentsajokerelatedtothethemeofthe unit. XIIGames In Inthesesections, Inthesesections,the thesesections, the elemen element t offriend of offriendly offrien friendly dly lycompet  com competition compet petiti ition on is used use d to con consol solida idate te learni learning ng of voc vocabu abular lary, y, exp expres ressio sions ns andgrammarpresentedinthemodule.GamesenableSs touse new new langua languagein gein anenjoya anenjoyable ble way way and and pro promot mote e humanisticlearning humanistic learning.. XIIIStudySkills XIIISt udySkills The studyski The studysk studyskills dyskills ill lls ssec  sectio section nhel helpsSs psSs lea learnmore rnmoreeff efficient effiicientl icie ciently ntlyby lyby by showin sho wing g them them ways ways of oforg organi anisin sing g the themse mselve lves s asfar as far as stu studyi dying ng is concer concerned ned. . It giv gives es cle clear ar ins instru tructi ctions ons on how besttodealwithspecifictasksandalsoprovidespractice ontheskillbeingpresented.Italsohelpslearnersdiscover the learni lea learning rningstyle ngstyle ngstylewhich stylewhich  whi which ch bes bestsuitsthem. bestsu tsuits its them. them. Itis Itisadvisableto advisableto go through each study skill and make sure the Ss understandwha unders tandwha tit tandwhat t titmeans itmeans. itmeans. means. .Enc  Encourage Encour ourage agethe age the the Ss Ssto Sstoemploy toemploy to employ thestudyskillswheneverpossible.Thiswillgraduallylead them the m to bec becomi oming ng ind indepe epende ndent, nt, aut autono onomou mous s users users of  theEnglis the English hlangua language. ge. IXModuleSelf-Assessment This section includes exercises consolidating the moduleaswellaspreparingtheSsforthetestwhich canbefoundinthe TestBooklet TestBooklet.. TheStudent'sBookalsoincludes: • • S Special Spe pec cial i al Day Days: s: The Thereare There reare rearetw  two o op opt option opti tion ional onal al un units its,, Earth Earth Dayand Daya nd Mother'sDay. Mother'sDay. The They y are are tobe covere covered d jus justt beforethecorrespondingcelebrations. • • S Songsh ongsheet ee eets: ts: s: s: This is sec sectio tion n pro provid vides es a themeesa theme-relate theme-related related d song for each module. Songs are an excellent reso resour urce ce in in the the lang langua uage ge clas classr sroo oom m as as they they he help lp teachconceptsand skills skills, ,develo develop plangua language gepatter patterns ns andcreateapleasantatmosphereintheclassroom. • Pairwork Activities: The Ss consolidate the language langua geand andstruct structuresthrough uresthroughtwo twoinform information ation gap act gap activi ivitie ties sper per mod module ule. .The They ycan can bedone bedoneupo upon n co comp mple leti tion on of of th the e Self-Assessment Self-Assessment sections or when whenev ever er the the teac teache her r th thin inks ks ap appr prop opri riat ate. e. The The teac teache her r sh shou ould ld mo mode del l the the firs first t ac acti tivi vity ty wi with th th the e helpofaSsothattheSsknowwhattodo. • • Word Wo rd rd Pe Perfect: Per Perf rfe fect:The e ct: ct:The The key Thekey keyvocabu keyvocabu vocabulary laryof laryofthe ofthecourse ofthe thecourse courseis courseis is prac practi tise sed d them themat atic ical ally ly th thro roug ugh h a wi wide de vari variet ety y of  task tasks s such such as as cr cros ossw swor ord d puzz puzzle les, s, sp spid ider ergr gram ams, s, boardgames,etc.

• • G Gramm ra mmar ar ar Chec Check: Check: Check: k: Eac Each Eachgrammatical h gramma grammatical tical phenom phenomenon enon isfurtherreinforcedthroughavarietyoftasks.In the Tea the Teache cher's r's Boo Book,there k,there isrefer isreferenc enceas eas towhen th the e te teac ache her r can can do do th the e exer exerci cise ses s in in bo both th the the GrammarCheckandthe GrammarCheck andthe WordPerfect WordPerfectsections. sections. • • An Americ ca can an English - Brit Br Britis itish ish h En Engl Englis glish ish h G Gu Guide uiide de highlighting highli ghtingthedifferenc thedifferencesbetween esbetweenthetwomain thetwomain internationalvarietiesofEnglish. • Gr An An Irr Ir Irre Irregu regu egul gul ar arVer Verbs list liest. st • • G Gra rammar a m mar ma rl arVerbs Refe Re Referenc ferbs ence: ce: :. The Ss c can ca an n rrefe re effer err tto to o tthis his sectionfordetailsonthegramm sectio nfordetailsonthegrammatical aticalphenomena phenomena presen pre sented ted inthe uni units. ts. • W Wor or ord d List List: : This This Wo Word rd List Lis List cont contai ains ns all ll ll th the the e ne new new vocabulary presented in each unit, listed alphabetically,alongwithaphonetictranscription ofeachwordanditspartofspeech.

BasicPrinciplesofUpstream The mod The modula ularis rised ed app approa roach ch of Ups Upstre tream am suppor supports ts the holist hol istic ic develo developme pment nt of the the pup pupils ils. . The The act activi ivitie ties s are sp spec ecia iall lly y de desi sign gned ed to to meet meet th the e ne need eds s of of al all l ty type pes s of  learne learners rs (vi (visua sual, l, aud audito itory, ry, tac tactil tile/k e/kina inaest esthet hetic) ic) and and aim aim at developingSs'linguistic,learning-to-learnandsocialskills. LinguisticSkills TheSscandothefollowinguponcompletionofeach module: 1 associ associ ociate ate pictur ictures ures with with new new vocab vocabula abular ulary ry with wi with th the the aidofillustrationsintheirbooksaswellasthrough definitions, defini tions, sounds sounds, , etc. 2 prod producethe produc produc uce e ethe the so sound unds, und s, pronunciation pronun pronunciatio ciationand nand and intona intonation tion ofthetargetlanguage. 3 3 c communicat ommuni cate ewit with htheir htheir theirpeersin their  pee peers peersin rsinEnglish, English,exchanging exchanging ba basi sic c info inform rmat atio ion n abou about t ever everyd yday ay ma matt tter ers s su such ch as int introd roduci ucing ng the themse mselve lves, s, des descri cribin bing g a hou house, se, talkin talking g aboutfood,etc. 4 4 c comp co om mpre prrehend eh hend en end d di dial alog ogue ues, s, shor short t ex exch chan ange ges, s, et etc. c. on tap tap eand tapeand eandusethesetpat usethesetpatterns usethesetpat ternsinmulti-s terns inmulti-se inmulti-sensory ensorytask tasks. s. 5 achi ac achieveoral hiev eve eoralcom oralcompetenc competencythroughthe compet petency encythroughthereprod y throug through hthe reproduction reproduction ofshortexchanges. Learning-to-learn Learning-tolearnSkills Skills Uponcompletionofeachmodule,theSswillbeableto: 1 conc co concentratebetterand concen ncen entr trat tratebetterand atebett ebetter er and lon longer geras ger asthey asthe they the y ar are e tr trained ained tolistentodialoguesandtextsinordertoperform atask. 2 2 s sk skim kiim m and and sc scan an te text xts s and and dial dialog ogue ues s to to loca locat cate tte e the th the necessaryinformation. 3 deve de developtheir develo velo lop p ptheir theirwritin their writin writing g ski kills lls.. 4 4 e empathise emp mpa athise th ise ise wi with wit with th h aspe as asp aspect pect ects cts s sof of of life life fein in in inEnglis English-spea English-speaking h-speaking king countries. 5 record and assess ttheir th he eir i r prog progre ress ss th thr throu rrough oug gh h th the e Modul Mod ular ar Re Revi visi sion on an and d Asse Assess ssme ment nt Form Forms, s, thus thus developingautonomy.



SocialSkills Uponcompletionofeachmodule,theSswill: 1 experien experiencebein cebeingpartofagro gpartofagroupandobe upandobeyingru yingrules les throughthegames. 2 beco be become become come me morerespon more more responsible sibleb by ykeeping keeping keepin gand andupdating and updating theirLanguage their LanguagePortfolio. Portfolio. 3 3 h ha have ave ve a a go good od un unde ders rstan tandi ding ng of of the the cult cultur ure e and and 4 4 traditionsofEnglish-speakingcountries. have ha have ve so some me unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g of of the the wa way y of of life life in English-speakin English -speaking g countrie countries. s.

SuggestedTeachingTechniques A-Presentingnewvocabulary Muchofthenewvocabularyin Upstream Upstream Elemen ElementaryA2 taryA2is taryA2i is pr pres esen ented ted thr throu ough gh pictu picture res, s, and and Ss Ss are are asked asked to match match the pictures to listed words. Vocabulary is always presented in context, and emphasis is placed on collocationsandwordassociationsincememorisingnew wordsiseasierwhentheyarepresentedinlexicalsets. Further techniq Further techniques ues thatyoumay thatyoumayuse use tointrod tointroduce uce new vocabularyinclude: • Miming. Miming. Mime the h he e word rrd d tto o be intro troduced. Fo Forr instanc instance, e, to presen presentt sing, sing, prete pretend nd you you are are singi singing ng andaskSstoguessthemeaningoftheword. • Synonyms,oppo Synonyms,opposites, sites,para paraphra phrasingan singand dgivi givingdefinitions. ngdefinitions. ngdefinitions. Examples: Present store storeby by bygiv givin giving ing g a syn synon syno synonym: onym: nym: ym: Astoreisa Astoreisa shop. - Present tall tallbygivingitsopposi bygivingitsopposite: bygivingitsopposi te: te: Heisn'tshort; Heisn'tshort; he'stall. - Present weekend weekendbyparaphrasi byparaphrasingit: byparaphrasingit: Idon'twork Idon'twork at at at the the the wee we weeke kend kend nd.. II don't n' n't t work on Fr Fri Friday ay ay and an and Saturday. - Present garage garage bygivin by giving ga adefi definiti nition: on: Agarage Agarage isthepla isthe placenexttothehousewhere cenexttothehouse cenextto thehousewhereweputourc whereweputourcar weputourcar. ar. • Context. t. Pl Plac ace e voca vocabu bula lary ry iitem ittem te ems ms s iin in n c co cont on ntex tex te ext xt w wit wiith th ex exam ampl ples es whic which h ma make ke unde unders rsta tand ndin ing g ea easi sier er an and d more mor e com comple plete. te. For instance instance, , intr introdu oduce ce the words words cityand city and town townbyrefer byreferrin byreferringtoacityandatownin gtoacityandatowninthe the Ss'owncountry: Manam Manamaisacity aisacity,,but butAradisa Aradisatown. town. • V Visual isualprompts. prompts.Showphotographsordrawingsto prompts. Showphotographsordrawingsto makeunders make understanding tandingeasier. easier. • Useof(bilingual/monolingual) Useof(bilingual/ Useof(bi lingual/monoli monolingual) ngual)diction dictiona dictionary. ary.EncourageSs y.EncourageSs to to gu gues ess s the the me mean anin ing g of of a word word, , then then use use thei theirr dictionariestocheckiftheirguessiscorrect. • Sketching. Sketching. Draw Draw a simp simple le sk sket etch ch on on the the bo boar ard d to illustratetheword(s)to illustratethewor d(s)to d(s) to beexplained. beexp beexplained.Fo Forinstance: rinstance:

• Flashcards. Flashcards. Ma Make ke fl flas ashc hcar ards ds out out of of maga magazi zine ne or newspaperpictures,photographs,readydrawings andanyothervisualmaterialwhichmayserveas vocabulary vocabular yteachingtools. teachingtools. • Useo UseofLI. fLI. Ina fLI. In a mo mono nolin lingua gual l cl class ass, , voc vocabu abular lary y can can be ex expl plain ained ed in in the the Ss' Ss' mo mothe ther r tongue tongue, , alt altho hough ugh thi this s method meth odsho should uld beused be used onl only yin inmod moderat eration ion. .Ss Ssalso also needtocomparetheirmothertonguetotheEnglish languagetofindsimilaritiesand/ordifferences. Thechoiceoftechniquedependsonthetypeofword orexpression. orexpression orexpression.Forexample,itmaybeeasierto .Forexample,it Forexample,itmaybe maybeeasierto easierto describe describe an an ac acti tion on verb verb th thro roug ugh h mimi miming ng, , and and no not t th thro roug ugh h a synonymordefinition. B-Writing B-Wr iting(Sk (Skills illswork) work) All All writi writing ngtas tasks ks in UpstreamElementa UpstreamElementaryA ryA2 2 have have been been ca care refu full lly y desi design gned ed to to guid guide e Ss Ss cl clos osel ely y in in prod produc ucin ing g a successfulpieceofwriting. • • A Alway l ways s read re read ad th the e mo mod model mode del el lte  tex text text xt t provi pr prov ovide ovid ided ded ed d and and and dea deal l in in detailwiththetasksthatfollow.Sswillthenhave acquire acqu iredthe dthelang languagenece uagenecessar ssary ytocopewiththe tocopewiththe finalwritingtask. • Ma Make Makesuretha Make ke su sure suretha rethatSs t Ssunder Ssun understand understan derstan stand d dthey they theya  arewri re rewriting wri writing ting for a purp purpos ose. e. Go Go thr throug ough h the the wr writi iting ng tas task k in in detai detaill sothatSsarefullyawareofwhytheyarewriting andwhotheyarewritingto. • • Ma Make Mak ke ke sure su sure re th tha that at at t Ss Ss fo foll follow llow ow the the str structur stru struc uctur ctured tured ed outli outl outline outline ine ne theyareprovidedwith. • • IItwoul two would uld d be be adv advis isa able ble to toco comp mple lete tethe the tas task k oral rally ly inclassbefore assi inclassbefore assignin gning git itas aswri written tten hom homewo ework. rk. Sswil Ss will l then then feel feel more more con confide fident ntabou about t pro produc ducing ing acompletepiece acomple tepiece ofwritin ofwritingon gonthei theirown. rown. C-Assigninghomework Itisrecommendedthathomewor Itisrecommen dedthathomeworkisregularlyassi kisregularlyassigned gned androutinelychecked androutinelychecke dacco accordi rding ngto tothespecif thespecific icnee needs ds oftheclass. When ass When assign ignin ing g wr writi iting ng tas tasks ks, , prep prepare are Ss Ss as well well as po poss ssib ible le in in adva advanc nce. e. Th This is will will he help lp th them em av avoi oid d er erro rors rs andreapmaxi andreap maximum mum ben benefitfrom efitfromthetask. thetask. Commonlyassignedhomeworktasksinclude: • Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Ss Ss me memo mori rise se th the e me mean anin ing g of of wo word rds s andphr and phrases ases.. • Spelling. Spelling. Ss Ss le learn arn the the sp spel elli ling ng of par partic ticul ular ar words words with tho out memorising ng th the e te tex xt in which th they ey appear. • Readingaloud. Readingaloud.A Assistedby AssistedbytheS theStudent tudent'sAudio 'sAudio 'sAud ioCD, CD, Ss Ss pr prac acti tise se at at ho home me in in prep prepar arat atio ion n fo for r read readin ing g



aloudin aloud inclas class. s. • Writing. Writing.Afterthoroughpreparationinclass,Ssare Afterthoroughpreparationinclass,Ssare askedtoproduceacompletepieceofwriting.


D-CorrectingSs'work All All learne learnersmake rsmakeerr errors ors; ; the they y are are par part t ofthe learni learning ng process.Thewayerrorsaredealtwithdependsonthe activity. • Oralaccuracy. Oralaccuracy. In In dr dril ill l work work, , co corr rrec ect t Ss Ss on on the the sp spot ot,, eitherbyprovidingthecorrectanswerandasking them them to to repe repeat at it, it, or or by by in indi dica cati ting ng the the er erro ror r but but allowingSstocorrectit.Alternatively,indicatethe errorandaskotherSstocorrectit. • Oralfluency. Oralfluency. Inpai In pairwo rwork rkor orfre free-s e-spea peakin king g act activi ivitie ties, s, allow allow Ss to fin finish ish the the tas task k wit withou hout t interr interrupt uption ion,, but but ma make ke a note note of of the the er erro rors rs ma made de and and corr correc ectt them afterw afterwards. ards. • Written Writtenwork. work. Do work. Do not not over over-c -cor orre rect ct; ; focu focus s on on erro errors rs that are directly related to the point of the ex exer erci cise se. . Wh When en givi giving ng feed feedba back ck, , you you ma may y writ write e th the e mo most st comm common on er erro rors rs on on the the bo boar ard d and and he help lp theclasstocorrectthem. Remember Rememb er that that praisi praising ng Ss and and rew reward arding ing goo good d wor work k is of gre great at imp import ortanc ance. e. Pos Post t wri writte tten n wor work k on a not notice ice bo boar ard d in in the the clas classr sroo oom m or or scho school ol, , or or give give 'rew 'rewar ard' d' stickers.Praiseeffortaswellassuccess. E-Classorganisation • Openpairs. Openpairs. The The cla class ssfoc focuse uses s its its attent attention ion on ontwo two Ss Ss doing Ss oing th the e assi assign gned ed task task to toge geth ther er. . Use Use this this techniquetoprovideanexampleofhowthetask shouldbedone. • Closedpairs. Closedpairs.PairsofSsworktogetheronataskor PairsofSsworktogetheronataskor acti activi vity ty, , whil while e th the e teac teache her r mo move ves s arou around nd the the cl clas assr sroo oom m offe offeri ring ng assi assist stan ance ce an and d su sugg gges esti tion ons. s. Ensurethetaskisclearlyunderstoodbeforeclosed pairworkbegins. Stagesinpairwork: - - Put Put Put Ss Ssinto intopairs into pairs.. pairs - - S Setthe et thetask taskand andtime and time time limit. - - Rehearse Rehears ethe the tas the task k kin in inop inopen open en pairs. - - A Ask sk Ss sto sto to to do doth dothe the the e tas ta task task sk k inclo in inclosed closed sed pairs. pairs. - - Goaroun Goaround Go aro around und d the the class cla classand ssand and hel help helpSs p Ss. Ss. - - Pairsrepor Pairsreport tback backto tothe the class the cla class. ss. • Groupwork. Groupwork.GroupsofthreeormoreSsworktogether GroupsofthreeormoreSsworktogether on on a ta task sk or or acti activi vity ty. . Clas Class s pr proj ojec ects ts or or ro role lepl play ay are are often often mos most t eas easily ily don done e in gro groups ups. . Aga Again, in, ens ensure ure Ss clearlyunderstandthetaskinadvance. • Rolling Rolling questi questions. ons. A S answers a question, then ons. proceedstoaskaquestiondirectedatthenextS inturn. Thi inturn. This scon contin tinues ues aro around und the the class. class. F F-Using - Using UsingtheStud theStudent'sAudioCD ent'sAudioCD Sshavethechancetolistentotheserecordingsathome as as ma many ny time times s as as they they want want in in orde order r to to impr improv ove e thei theirr pronunciationandintonation.Thesuggestedstagesof  suchself-accessstudyare:

• • T The he S Slistens Slistens listen listensto stothe to tothe the rec record ording ing and and fol follow follows low lows sthe sthelin the lines the lines inthetextordialogue. • • The T Th he e S S lis li liste tens ns to to the the re reco cord rdin ing g with with pa paus pauses pause use es af afte after terr eachsentenceorexchange.TheSrepeatsasmany time times s as as ne need eded ed, , tr tryi ying ng to to imit imitat ate e the the spea speake ker' r's s pronunciatio pronun ciation n and intona intonation. tion. • • T TheSlistens heS Slistenstotherecordingagain,thenreads totherecordingagain,thenreadsaloud. aloud.

TypesofLearningStyles Overtheyears,teachershavenoticedthatsomeoftheir Sslearn byliste Sslearn bylistenin ning gtonew tonewinf inform ormati ation. on. Som Some eoth otherSs erSs pref prefer er to to read read ab abou out t it, it, wher wherea eas s othe others rs ne need ed to to do somethingwiththenewinformation.Thesearedifferent learningstylesasdifferentpeoplelearnindifferentways. Co Cons nseq eque uent ntly ly, , a co cour urse sebo book ok sh shou ould ld offe offer r a va vari riet ety y of  exer exerci cise ses s an and d mate materi rial al wh whic ich h stim stimul ulat ate e al all l ty type pes s of  learningstylesinordertohelptheSslearnaccordingto theirperson their personal allearni learning ngstyles styles.. Whatarethetypesoflearningstyles? • Visu Vi Visual/Spatial sual al/S /Sp p atial Learne Learners rs Th Thes ese e le lear arne ners rs ne need ed to to se see e th the e te teac ache her' r's s bo body dy language langua ge andfacial and facial expression expressionto to fully fullyunders understand tand thecontentofthelesson.Theythin theconten tofthelesson.Theythinkinpicturesand kinpicturesand learn learn bes best t from from visual visual displa displays ys includ including ing dia diagra grams, ms, illustrations, transparencies, videos/DVDs and handouts. • • A udito u ud d itory ry Learne Learners rs Theselearnerslearn bestthrough bestthroughverbal verbal lectur lectures, es, discus discussio sions, ns, talkin talking g things things thr throug ough h and and listen listening ing to wha what t oth others ers have have to say. say. Wri Writte tten n inf inform ormati ation on may ma y ha have ve litt little le me mean anin ing g unti until l it it is is he hear ard. d. They They oftenbenefitfromreadingatextaloudandusing ataperecorder. • Tac T Tacti actile/Kinaesth tile le/K /Kinaesthetic eticLearners Learners Ta Tact ctil ile/ e/Ki Kina naes esth thet etic ic pe peop ople le le lear arn n be best st thro throug ugh h a handshan ds-on on app approa roach, ch, act active ively ly explor exploring ing the the physic physical al worldaround wor ldaround the them.They m.Theymay may find findithard ithardtosit tositsti still ll forlongperiodsandmaybecomedistractedbytheir ne need ed for for ac acti tivi vity ty an and d ex expl plor orat atio ion. n. Th Thes ese e le lear arne ners rs express expres sthemse themselvesthrough lvesthroughmoveme movement. nt.Theyhave Theyhave a good goo d sen sense se of bal balanc ance e and and eye eye-ha -hand nd coo coordi rdinat nation ion.. They They have have to to do do thin things gs on on thei theirownto rowntobe be ab able le to learnthenewlanguage.



Evaluation Evaluatio Evalua tion n isan is anes esse sent ntial ial par part t in inth the e learni learning ng pro proce cess ss. . It helps help sthe the learnersrecogn learnersrecognisetheirprogres isetheirprogress sinthe inthetarg target et language,h langu age,howmuchthey owmuchtheyhavea haveachievedandwhat chievedandwhatarea areas s need need furt furthe her r prac practi tice ce. . The The lear learne ners rs' ' atti attitu tude de to towa ward rds s their the irownlearnin ownlearning gexpe experien rienceis ceis posit positively ively influ influenc encedas edas th they ey partic participa ipate te in the the whole whole pro proce cess ss. . Eva Evalua luatio tion n also also allowsteacherstoreflec allowsteachersto reflectont tonthevalidityoftheirteaching hevalidityoftheirteaching practicesandthetypesofmaterial beinguse beingused. d. The proce The processis ssis divide divided dinto into thre three eparts parts:: InitialEvaluation InitialEvaluation at th the e beginn beginning ing of th the e cou course rse,, Formative Evaluation, Evaluation, wh whic ich h is is done done on on a dayday-to to-d -day ay ba basi sis s and and Cumulative Cumulative Evaluationconducteduponfinishingamodule. Evaluation conducteduponfinishingamodule. InitialEvaluation This evalu This evaluation ation cen centres tres main mainly lyonthe ontheSs'reports Ss'reports from thepreviousschoolyear.Theteache theprevioussc hoolyear.Theteachercanassessth rcanassesstheSs' eSs' level, level, wor work k alread already y cov covere ered, d, wor work k which which needs needs to be covered,strengths/weakn covered,streng ths/weaknesses,etc. esses,etc. Formative Evaluation An Any y exe xerc rcis ise e a S doe does can an be be used for for this is type ype of  evaluatio evalua tion. n. Th The e res result ults s are are then then record recorded ed on the the S's Formative Formativ eEvaluation EvaluationChar Chart. t. Makeasmanyphotocopiesasyouneedandcomplete the char artts as as in indi dic cate ated. d. Wr Writ ite e the nam ame es of of the activitiesyouaregoingtoevaluate (e.g.dialogues, (e.g.dialogues,songs songs,, pairwork,etc) and pairwork,etc) and wri write te th the e mar marks ks obt obtain ained ed with with th the e helpofthefollowingcode,usingcoloursifyouwish. c (competence-green):theShasafullunderstandingof  theShasafullunderstandingof  thetaskandrespond thetas kandrespondsappropriately sappropriately w w (working (workingon-yellow on-yellow): ):theShasanunderstandingof  ):theShasanunderstandingof  thetaskbuttheresponseisnotfullyaccurate n (non-competence (n (non on-c -com ompe petence-red): -red): the -red): the S doe does snot not under underst stand and thetaskandisunabletorespondappropriately Cumulative Evaluation Cumulative CumulativeEvaluationtakesintoaccounttheworktheSs have ave don done throu roughou outt the mod odu ule le as as well ll as as their participat parti cipation ion and attitude attitude. . The inst instrume ruments nts of evalu evaluation ation are: • Student's Student's Self-Asses Self-AssessmentForms: smentForms:After smentForms: After After the the Ss Ss ha have hav ve e comple com plete ted d th the e Self-Assess Self-Assessment mentForm Form Form section of  each modu each module, le,the they y fill fillout outthe the phot photocopi ocopiable able SelfSelf- AssessmentForm,givingtheirsubjectiveopinionof  AssessmentForm, givingtheirsubjectiveopinionof  thei their r own own pe perf rfor orma manc nce. e. This This lear learni ning ng-t -too-le lear arn n techniqueenablestheSstodevelopawarenessof  their the irprogr progress ess. .The The Self-AssessmentForms Self-AssessmentFormsshouldbe shouldbe kept in their Language Portfolio for future reference.The Self-Assessm Self-Assessment entForms Formsareprintedat Forms areprintedat thebackoftheTeacher'sBook.


• ProgressReportCards: ProgressReportCards:AfterSscompleteeach AfterSscompleteeachmodu AfterSscompleteeach module le an and d ta take ke th the e corr corres espon pondi ding ng tes test, t, pho photoc phot photoc tocopy ocop opy y the the respect resp ectiveProgres iveProgressReportCard sReportCardfromtheTeach fromtheTeacher's er's Bo Book ok an and d fi fill ll ou out t a ca card rdfo for r each each S. S. Th The e Ss Ss sh shou ould ld ke keep ep th thes ese e card cards s in in th thei eir r Lang Langua uage ge Po Port rtfo foli lio o fo forr futurereference.

Abbreviations The follow The following ing abbreviati abbreviations ons are used used in the the Stud Student ent's 's BookandTeacher'sNotes: T teacher S(s S(s) ) st stude udent nt(s) (s) HW home HW homewo work rk L1 1 s students' tudents ' moth mother mothertongue er tongue Ex. exercise p(p). page page(s) (s) e.g. fforexample e.g. orexample i.e. tthat i.e. ha tis is etc etcetera etc etcetera sb somebody sth

some omethin ing g



Programme Module1 Mod ul ule1 e1 (Un (Units (U (Uni nits its ts 1-2): 2):Mom ):Momentsinlife entsinlife In Inthismo InthismoduletheS duletheSsw swiiillllll.. .. .... read... • • a about bo uta ashark sharkscienti scientist st • • a aquiz quizon ondif  differe ferent ntperson nt person personalit ality ytypes types • • n notesof otes ofremin reminder de derr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

a anemail n emailabo about utsummer ut summer summer activi activitt ies activities ies a ajo  jok  joke ke e atextaboutscho atextaboutschoolingover olingovertheradio theradio ashort ashort shortbiogra biography biogra phy phy a adi adialo dialog dialogue alogue gue ue abo aboutthe utthe Battle Bat Battle tle ofH of Hasting astings s a atextabouthomes textabouthomesof ofthepast thepast a anarti narticle cleon onBeamish onBeami Beamis Bea mish sh h Muse Museum um a asong songfrom fromCharlie fromCharli Charlie Charli e &the & &theChoc theChocolate the Choc ChocolateFactor olateFactory Factory y atext a atextabou tex text t abo abou about ut t life lif lifein e ein inTudor Tudortimes times

Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivitiessuchas: - in infe ferr rrin ing g - readingfor re read adin ing gforspecific specificinformat specif icinformation information inform ation(scann ion (scanning) (scanning) - identifyingcorrect/incorrect id iden enti tify fyin ing gcorrect/incorrectinformation information - identifying id iden enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - matching matchi matc ma readingfor re read adin tchi ing hing g ng forgist  inform info in informationto gist form rmat atio ationto ion ntoa atext text - co comp comprehensionquestions mpre rehe hens nsio ion n questions listento... • info in information inform form rmat atio ation ion n fr from froman froman omanadvert advert • • a adialogue dialog dialogue uebetw between bet betw ween een frien fri friends ends • • e everyday veryd aysounds sounds • • p people eopl emaking makingsuggesti suggestions on ons s • pe peop peopleand ople le andtheir theirweek weekend end activi activities ties • • a atext atext textabout  aboutsc schoolin schooling g in inAustralia Australia • in info informationfroma inform form rmat atio ationfroma ionfrom nfromaposter posterabout poster about aboutaconcert aconcert • • adial adialogue ogueabo about uta abattl battle e • pi pieces piec pie eces cesof esof of music usicby byBeet Beethove hoven n • • aconver aconversatio sat sation ion n abo abou about about ut t where wh whe wher ere r e pe peop peo people ople ple le are are ina arein ahouse house • • asong asongabou about tthe the Oompa-Loompa Oompa-Loompas s Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivitiessuchas: - pr pred edic icti ting ng - gapgap-fi fill llin ing g - intensivelistening in inte tens nsiv ive elisteningfor forspecific specificpurpo purposes ses - matc matchi hing ng learnh lear nhow owto to........ • disc di discusstype scus uss stypes sof ofjobs  jobs  jobs • disc di discussdail scus uss sdaily yrout routines ines • arra ar arrangeto arrang rang nge e eto to meet meetsomeone meetsom someone eone • • m makerequests/suggestions make ake requests/suggestions • • a askfor skfor forand and and give giveperso giv givepersonal eperson personal nal al inform informa information ation a tion • tal talk ta talk lk k ab abo about abou out ut t past pas pasthabi past thabits  habits habits ts &experiences & experiences

Theabovewillbepractisedbyemployingthe vocabularyandgrammartaught,usingguidedand freespeakingactivitiessuchas: - o oralpairwork ral pairwork - rroleplay ole play - in info information inform form rmat atio ationgap ion n gap gapactivities activities - tteamwork eamwo rk(gam (games) es) - si situ situational situat tuat atio iona ionaldialog nal l dialogues ues write... • • aposte a aposter  pos poster ter r to tohelp tohelp helpstuden  students ts cho choose choose osea a  acareer career • • a about bo ut utfam family ily • • an a anema n email emaiil • • a about bo ut utan an anunusua unusual unusua l school lschool • • a about bo ut ut afam a afamous famous fam ous per person son • • a a quiz uizabou aboutimportantdates& timportantdates&eventsin eventsinhistory history • an an anart  ar arti articl ticl icle cleabo e eabou abo about u ut ta avisit vis visitto ittoa toamuseu to a amuseum museum m • • a about bo ut lif life lifein ein einthe intthe the he past past doaprojectab doaproj ectabo o u t.. t... .. • • T Tudorkings Tudor udor kings kingsand and queens and quee queens LEXICALAREAS • •  jobs  jo jobs& bs& & person personal al qualities alqualit qualitii es • • • • • •

rroutines outi nes& &free-time free-timeactiviti activities es fa famo famouspeople mous us people& &nationalities nationalities me medi medieval mediev diev eval al battles battles h housetypes ouse typ types es& &furni &furniture ture

Theabovewillbepractisedandconsolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - p picturerecognition icture recognition - o oralpairwork ral pairwork - di dict dictionarywork ctio iona nary rywork - ca cate tego gori risa sati tion on - matc matchi hing ng EXPLORINGGRAMMAR • pr pres presentsimple esen ent tsimple simple(pres (present (present (prese ent& nt&future & &future future meanin future meanings) gs) • • • • • • • •

pr pres presentcontinu esen ent t ousvs vspresent presentsimp simple le ad adve adverbsof verb rbs scontinuous offrequency frequency going goingto to p pastsimple ast simple(regul (regular ar& &irregular) irregular) wh wh-q wh-questions -que uest stions ions(past (pastsimple) (past simple) u used us se ed d to to (v (vs spast s past pastsimple simple)) simple

Theabovewillbepractised&consolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - exch exchan ange ges s - pi pict picturedescription ctur ure edescription - ma matc tchi hing ng - g game(gap-f game ame (gap-filling) (gap-filling illing)) - pr prom prompted ompt pted ed sentence/question/answer sentence/question/answerformation formation




Programme Module2(Units3-4):Inaworldofour own ow n t h ismoduletheSs duletheSsw w In thismo

i l ll... . ..

read... • • a about bou ta aMexican MexicanAdve Adventure Adv enture ntureT nture  Tou ourr • • about ab out out boo bookin booking kinga aholiday holiday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

a ahomepage  homepa homepage ge aboutfestiv about aboutfestivals festivals als alett a letter er erfrom froma from aholid holiday aydesti destinati nation on a about b ou out t pla places plac places ces esto to to visit isitin inOrlando Orlando, Orland o, , Flo Florid Florida rida a a about bou tthe thewe weath at ather her er in in incer certai certain tain n are areas as a about bou tgeographical geographical geogra phical featur features es a about bou tthepros theprosandco and cons cons nsofpets ofpets alett a letter erof ofadvice advice about abou tthe ttthe he Him Hi Himalayas malayas a about bou tprotecti protecting ngendanger ngendan endangered endang gered ered ed specie pecies s

Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivit Theabovewillbeexploredthrou ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - infe inferr rrin ing g - read readingfor readin ing gforspecific specificinforma specif icinformation information inform ation tion (scanning) (scanning) - identifying id iden enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - matchi matc matching matchi hing ng inform information informationto ation totext ationto text - comp co comprehensio compre read readingfor readin mpre ing rehe ghens hension forgist nsio gist ion n questi questions ons listento... • ac acti activitiespeople activi tivi viti ties tiespeople es people people hav have edone edone • • s some som ome e bad bad new news s • info in information form rmat atii onabou about tOrla tOrlando Orlando, Orland ndo, o, , Florida • info in information inform form rmat atio ation ion n ab abou abouttypic abouttypical out ttypica typical al lactivi activities ties • • p people eopl eexpressing expressingsurprise surprise • • a anadve n advert rtabo ab about out ut amissin a amis missingcat sing gca catt Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivit Theabovewillbeexploredthrou ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - inte in intensive intens tens nsiv ivelisten ivelist elisten listeningfor enin ingfor ing gforspec forspecific specific ificp purpos urposes es - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - matc matchi hing ng - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g correct/incorrect correct/incorrectinformation information - gapgap-fi fill llin ing g lear learnhowt nhow nh owtt o ....... • • d describe escr ibe ibea a atrip trip • • b book boo ook k a ahol holi holiday i da day y • • rreact eac tt tto to o ba bad d new news s • • c ca catch atch t ch ch upon up upon on on news news • reques r equest/give/ref  requ est/ t/gi give/refuse usepermis use permissi permission sion • ex expr expresssurpri pres ess ssurprise se • giv give/a give/accept/rejectadvice give/accept/reject e/acce ccept/ pt/rej reject ect advice • • c choose ho ose osea apet a pe pett

Theabovewillbepractisedbyemployingthe vocabularyandgrammartaught,usingguidedand freespeakingactivi freespeaking activitiessuch tiessuch as: - cl clas class/pairwork ass/ s/pa pairwork(oral) (oral) - situ si situational situat tuat atio iona ionaldialog nal l dialogues ues - in info information inform form rmat atio ation ion n gap gapactivities activities - ttablecompletion able completion

write... • •  a aholid  holiday ayadver advertt • • a ahomepage  homepa homepage ge aboutfestiva aboutfestivals ls • • a alett  letter erfrom froma aholida aholiday holiday holida y resort resort • • a about bo ut ut a aplace place • • a awea weathe ther rreport report • • a aboutgeogra about bout geogra geographical phical featur features es • • a apost aposter  post poster er about ab abo abou out u t amissi a amissing missingpet ngpe pett • • a alett  letter erof ofadvice advice • • a about bo ut ut a amounta mountain mou ntain in in range ra ran rang nge ge e doaprojectab doaproj ectabo o u t.. t... .. • • e endanger nda ngered ed edanimal animals s LEXICALAREAS • • • • • •

ffestive ho holi holidays holida eslida tidays veactivit ys& ys activities  &tran &transpor ie ies ssportt w weathe ea ther r& &seaso seasons ns ge geog geographical geogra ogra raph phical phic ical al featur features es animals

Theabovewillbepractisedandconsolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - pi pict picture pictur ctur ure e recognition recognition - o oralpairwork ral pairwork - ma matc tchi hing ng - games EXPLORINGGRAMMAR • • p present resen tperfe perfect ct • p presen resentperfe tperfectv ctvspa spasts stsim impl pl ple e • • • • • • •

comp co comparatives compar mpar arat ativ atives esstructures & &su &superlat superlatives perlatives ives co comp comparative mpar arat atives ivestructures q question uest ion ion wor words ds tthe he defini definite te article tearticl e plurals

Theabovewillbepractised&consolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - pr prompted prom ompt pted ed sentence/question/answer sentence/question/answerformation formation - matching - info in information inform form rmat atio ation ion n gap gapactivities activities - ttablecompletion able completion - mu mult multiplechoice ltip iple le choice



................ Programme Module3(Units5-6): Module 3(Units5-6):Fordearlife Fordearlife In thismo t h ismoduletheSs duletheSsw w i l ll... . .. read... • • about abo ut nat natural natura ural l disast disasters ers • • adialogue a adialogue dialogueaboutanumberofa  abouta number numberof accidents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

anartic a d different n iff article erent leabo headli headlines about uta nes apilot pilot astory astoryabou about tan an unforg unf unforgettabl orgett ettable ettabl able e day about abou tThe TheGre Great atPlague Plague acart acartoon oon str oon strip ip two tw osituational situational situat ional dialog dialogues ues anadvic an advice epage pageon on onhealth health a anartic n article leon onavoidin avoiding gstress stress info in information inform form rmat atio ationabout ion n about aboutthe the bod the body y about abou tvolcanoes volcanoes

Theabovewillbeexploredthrou Theabovewill beexploredthroughactivit ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: -  inf inf err errin ing g

- read readingfor readin ing gforspecific specificinformati specif icinformation information inform ation on (scanning) (scanning) - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - matchi matc matching matchi hing ng inform information ation totext ationto totext - read readingfor readin ing gforgist gist - comp co comprehensio compre mpre rehe hens hension nsio ion n questi questions ons listento... • • aradio a radioprogra programme mmeon onsafet safety y • • anartic an article leabo about uta apilot pilot • ins instru instructions tructi ctions ctions ons abo about aboutwh utwhattodo atto doi doin inan nanemergency emergency • differentsoundstoidentifymaineventsin dif differ ferent ent sou sounds nds toiden toidentif tifyma ymaineventsina astory story • info in inf inform form ormati rmat atio ation ion on n ab abou abo aboutden out utdental tdental dental tal he health alth • • ffourshort our shortconversations conversations • info in information inform form rmat atio ation ion n ab abou aboutthe out tthe the bod body y Theabovewill The abovewill abovewi ll beexplo beexploredthr redthrough oughactivitiessuchas: activitiessuchas: - gapgap-fi fill llin ing g - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - inte in intensive matc ma tens tchi nsiv hing ivelist ng elisten listen listening ening ingfor forspecific specificpurpos purposes es - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g correct/incorrect correct/incorrectinformation information learnhowto... • • n narrate arra te tepas past pastevents tevents • give/r give/reactto give give/r /rea eact eactto ct to to news news • • ask askfor askfor for for medici medicine ne att at atthe the the he che chemis mist' mist's t' t'ss • advi ad advise advise vise se people people on onhealt health healt h mat matter matters ters Theabovewillbepractisedbyemployingthe vocabularyandgrammartaught,usingguidedand freespeakingactivitiessuchas: - inform information info inform rmat atio ation ion n gap gapactivities activities - na narr rrat atio ion n - - roleplay role play - - - - -

tteamwork eam wo rk(gam (games) es) matc ma tchi hing ng situ si situational situat tuat atio iona ionaldialog nal l dialogues ues pictureprompts pi pict ctur ure eprompts

w rri t e e... . .. • • d diary iaryentr entries ie ies s • alea aleafl a lea leafle flet fletabo et taboutsafety aboutsafety utsafety inthe n nthehome the home the home • • a ane  news wsrep ws repor report ort • • asto a story ry • • a abouta bou t apast pastevent pastev event(a ent(a (anatura natura natural naturaldisaster ldisaster) ldisaster)) • • a acart cartoon oon str oon strip ip • • a aset aset lletters etset set tersasking ofhe of ofhealt asking asking health health alth h  for/gi for/giving for/givingadvice  rules rulesvingadvice • • a anartic n article le lemaking making suggestions makingsuggestio ns doaprojectab doaproj ectabo o u t.. t... .. • • a avol volcan cano o LEXICALAREAS • disasters • • p partsof arts ofthe the bod the body y • ac acci cide dent nts s • he heal health health alth th problems problems • me medi medical medica dica cal l profes professions sions Theabovewillbepractisedandconsolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - pict pictureidentificati ctur ure eng identification on - pi matc ma tchi hing - o oralpairwork ral pairwork EXPLORINGGRAMMAR • • p pastcontin ast continuous/past uous/past uous/p astsimple simple • pa pastco stcontin ntinuou uous/p s/pasts astsim imple ple,when ,when-while -while • re refl reflexivepronouns reflex flex exiv ivepronouns ive epronouns • • m mustn' us tn't t- -can ca can n • • p past pas astt per perfec fectt • link li linkers(wh nker ers s(when, (when, en, en, as as, ,and, , and and, ,whi while) whi le le)) • • c condition ondi tionals als als 0& 0& 1 • mu must must(n't) st(n (n'' t)- -need( need(n't) n't) • shou should ld/s /sho houl uldn dn't 't

Theabovewillbepractised&consolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - in info information inform form rmat atio ationgap ion n gap gapactivities activities - sent se sentence senten nten ence ce completion completion - pr prom prompted prompt ompt pted edsenten ed senten sentence ce format formation ion - ma matc tchi hing ng



Programme Module4(Units7-8):Goforit! Inthismodule Inth ismoduletheSsw theSs the Ssw w iillllll.... read... • • about abo ut utfoo food foo d & &drink drink • • notices notice sin ineati eat eating ing ng pla place places/spor ces/sportscentres s/sports tscentres • • adial adial dial ogu ogue e in ina ina aclot clothes hesshop shop • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

a ano a not note te a anartic n article leon onshoppi sh shop opping ping ng habits abits arestaurant a restau restaurant rant review a about bou ttw two otraditio traditional naldishe dishes s aboutapplicantsfora abou aboutappl tapplic ican ants ts for foraTV TVsho show w a about bo uta asports sportscent centre re three thr ee review rev reviews iews s a anemail n emailabo about ut ut aperf  aperforman ormance ce a anextrac n extract tfrom froma afamou afamous famous fam ous s book book

Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivit Theabovewillbeexploredthrou ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - infe inferr rrin ing g - readingfor re read adin ing gforspecific specificinformati specif icinformation information inform ation on (scanning) (scanning) - id iden identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - co comprehensio compre comp mpre rehe hension hens nsio ion n questi questions ons - readingfor matchi matc matching ma tchi hing ng  inform information informationto ation totext text re read adin ing g forgist gist ationto

listen liste nt nt o ... • • anadver an advert tfor fora arest restauran aurantt • • adialog a adialogue dialog dialogue ue about aboutthe abouttheshops theshopswhe theshops where re differ different ent peopleare • • anarticle anarticleabou about tshopping shopping • • p people eopl ediscussing discussingthei their rhobbie r hobbies s • • adial a dia diall ogue ogu og ogue ue e about abo abouta ut avisit a avisit vis visitto itto to toaspor  a asports sports sports tsclu  club b • • adialogue a adialogue dialog dialogue ue about aboutbuying buyingcinema buyingcinema cinematickets tickets • • anextrac an extract tfro tfrom from from a abo abook book ok Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivit Theabovewillbeexploredthrou ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - gapgap-fi fill llin ing g - inte in intensive intens tens nsiv ivelisten ivelist elisten listen ening ingfor forspecific forspecif ic purpos urposes es - matc matchi hing ng - iden id identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - identifyingcorrect/incorrect id iden enti tify fyin ing gcorrect/incorrectinformation information

lea learnhowttto learnhow o ... • • • • • • • • • •

ord orderfoo orde order erfood rfood d f  from roma atak takeawa eaway y m makechoices ake choice choicesabout sabout about clothi clothing ng b buyproduct uy products s rrecommend eco mme mmend nd arest a restaurant aurant expr express expres essagree agreement/ ment/disag disagreeme reement nt talkabout ta talk lkaboutentertainment entertainment discussfeelings/r disc discus uss sfeelings/reactions eactionsto eactio nsto to differ different different ent leisu leisure activities

Theabovewillbepractisedbyemployingthe vocabularyandgrammartaught,usingguidedand freespeaki free speaking ngactivi activities tiessuch suchas: as: - pa pair irwo work rk - rroleplay ole play - situ si situational situat tuat atio iona ional nal l dialog dialogues ues - tteamwork eamwo rk(game) (game) - info in information inform form rmat atio ationgap ion n gap gapactivities activities write.. w rite.. rite.... • • a anadver n advert tfor fora aresta restauran urantt • • ano a note te • • c comment omm ents sfor fora amessage messageboard board • • a arest  restauran aurant trev t revi review i ew • • a atex atext tex text t abo about ut anati anat national ional onal ona l dish dish • • a aperso apersonal  per person sonal nal al pro profil file e for fora fora acont contest est est • • a aposte aposter  poster poster r advert adv advertising ertisi ising ng asports asport asportscent s centre re • re revi reviewsfor view ews sfordiffer fordifferent different differ ent perfor performances mances • • a anemai anemail n ema email il l rec recomm ommend ommending ending ending ing aparti apa aparticular rticular cularfilm film • • a adiar  diary yent entry ry doaprojectab doaproj ectabo o u t.. t... .. • • y yourincome your our inc income income ome &expendi & expenditure ture LEXICALAREA LEXICAL AREAS S • • ffood oo d& &drink drink • • s shops& hops &products products • shopping • • d dining ini ngou outt • hobbies • spor sp sports& orts ts&enter entertain tainment ment Theabovewillbepractisedandconsolidatedthrough activitiessuch activi tiessuch as: - o oralclass/pairwork oralclass/pairw ral class/pairwork ork - ca cate tego gori risa sati tion on - o oddone dd oneout outidenti out identificati identification fication - pi pict picture pictur ctur ure erecogn erecognition ition - ga gapp-fi fill llin ing g - matching EXPLORINGGRAMMAR • coun co countable/uncountab unta tabl ble e /uncountable lenouns nouns- -quantifiers quantifiers • • g going oingto to-w -wil ill il l • • iinfinitive/-ing nfinitive/tive/-ing ingforms forms • • m mustn't ust n't- -don don't 't hav have havet eto eto o • • -ing/-ed ing/-edpart partic icipl iples es Theabovewillbepractised&consolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - info in information inform form rmat atio ationgap ion n gap gapactivities activities - prom pr prompted prompt ompt pted edsenten ed senten sentence ce format formation ion - mu mult multiplechoice ltip iple le choice - se sent sentencecompletion nten ence cecompletion - matching



Programme Module5(Units9-10):Incrediblebuttrue In Inthismod InthismoduletheSs uletheSsw w iillllll.. ... read... • aboutavarie about ab abou outa ta avariety variety variet ty y of ofgadgets ofgad gadgets gets • about aboutinvent ab abou out t inventions inve invent ntio ionsa ions ns and ndtheir ndthe theirus their irus uses uses • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

adialogue a adialogue dialog dialogue ue about aboutcompu computer com puter terer pro problems adiscursive discursivetext discur sivetext text on oncomput computers ers s blems about abo abou aboutth ut tthe the theSpy eSpy SpyMuseum Spy Museum Museum in inW inWash Washingt ashing ington, ton, on on, , DC a anarticl n article eabo about utspace space a adialogue dialog dialogueabout ueabout about thesupernat the thesupernatural supernatural ural atext atex text ton onenvi on environme ronmental ron mental ntal nta l issues issues astory astoryabo about utsometh ut someth something som ething ing sca scary ry abou ab aboutthe out tthe thestars stars R Robert ober t Lou Louis LouisStev isStevenson enson's 's poe poem m TheFlowers

Theabovewillbeexploredthroughactivit Theabovewillbeexploredthrou ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - infe inferr rrin ing g - ma matc matching matchi tchi hing ng informationto inform info inform rmat atio ationto ion ntotext text - read re reading readin adin ing g for forgist gist - read readingfor readin ing gforspecific specificinforma specif icinformation information inform ation tion (scanning) (scanning) - iden id identifying enti tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information - co comp comprehensio compre mpre rehe hension hens nsio ion n questi questions ons

listento... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

anadver an advert tfor fora agadge gadgett dialoguesabou dial dialog ogue ues sabout tan aninvention/compu aninvention invention/computer /computer ter problem proble problems ms comm co commentsshowing mmen ents ts showin showing g certai certainty/un certainty/uncertainty nty/uncer certainty m musicto usicto identi ide identif  ntify fy f yimages/feelings images/feelings info in information inform form rmat atio ationabout ion n ab abou aboutaUFO out t a aUFO UFOexhibition exhibition adial adialogue dialogue ogue ogu e abo abou about u ut ta avisit visitto visitto to to aha ahaun ahau haunted un nted ted hou ted house se anadvert an advert advertto to to encourage encourage carefor careforthe fortheenviro the environment environme environment nment soun soundsto sounds ds to topre predic predict dictevents events atext atextabo ab about out ut sta stars stars apo a poem em

Theabovewillbeexploredthrou Theabovewill beexploredthroughactivit ghactivitiessuchas: iessuchas: - - - -

inte intensive intens intens nsiv ivelis iveliste eliste tening ningfo forspecifi for r rspecific specific c purpos urposes es gapga p-fi fill llin ing glistening identifyingcorrect/incorrect iden identi tify fyin ing gcorrect/incorrectinformation information matc matchi hing ng identifying iden identi tify fyin ing g relevant/irrelevant relevant/irrelevantinformation information

learnhowtto learnhow to ... • • • • • • •

desc describe descri descri ribe be object objects s offer off er erhel help p summ summarise summar arise ise atext atext e exchange xcha ngeopinions opinions star st start/finish art/ t/fi finis nish ha a astor story y

Theabovewillbepractisedbyemployingthevocabulary and gra and gramma mmar r tau taught taught, ght, usin ght, using g gui guided gu guid ided ded ed and and and fre free fr free ee e spea spe spea aking king activitiessuchas: - mono monolo logu gues es - pa pair irwo work rk - tteamwork eamwor k(gam (games) es) - situ si situationaldialogues situat tuat atio iona ionaldialogues nal l dialogues write... • anadvertfor an anadv adver ertfo tforagadgetfor agadgetforsale sale • shor sh shortfactfil short ortfac tfact factfiles tfilesa filesabout esabout aboutinvent boutinvent inventions ions • • a ashort sho shortnote rtnote note ontheir n theirwher whereabou eabouts ts • • a afor-and-agai  for-and-against nstessay nst essay • • a anartic n article leabo about uta amuseum museum • • a ashor ashort short t story sto storyabo ryabout ut ut UFO UFOs UFOs s • • a acart cartoon oon str oon strip ip • • a asumm asummary summar summary ary y of ofa atext atext text tex t onenv on onenvi environme i ronmental ntalissues ntal issues • • asto a story ry • abo about ut con conste constellatio stella llatio llationsof tions ns nsof ofstars stars doaprojectab doaproj ectabo o u t.. t... .. • a apo  poem em LEXICALAREAS • gadgets • • iinventions nven tions tions& &uses & uses • space • • tthe the he supernatura supern supernaturall • • e environmen nvi ronmental tal tal issue iss issues ues Theabovewillbepractisedandconsolidatedthrough activitiessuch activi tiessuch as: - pi pict picture pictur ctur ure e erecogn recognition ition - matching - o oralclass/pairwork oralclass/pair ral class/pairwork work - ga gapp-fi fill llin ing g - a aquiz  quiz - la labe bell llin ing g EXPLORINGGRAMMAR • • o orderof rder ofadjecti adjectives ves ves • passive • • q question uesti ontags tags • • rreported eport ed edspeech speech • • rrelative elati vepronouns pronouns • • rreported eport ed edquesti question questions ons • • rreported epor ted tedcomman commands ds Theabovewillbepractised&consolidatedthrough activitiessuchas: - corr co correctwor correc rrec ect t tword word d orde order ridentifica ridentification tion - prom pr promptedsentence/question/answer ompt pted ed sentence/question/answerformation formation - info in information inform form rmat atio ationgap ion n gap gapactivities activities - ttablecomp able completion letion - mu mult multiplechoice ltip iple le choice - matching





Dir Direct ect Ss' Ss' attent attention ion tothe tit titleof leof the the mod module ule,, Momentsinlife. Momentsinlife. Ex Expl plai ain n that that it it su summ mmar aris ises es the the them theme e of of ev ever eryd yday ay rout routin ine e activities,achi activi ties,achievemen evementsinourlivesandourrespon tsinourlivesandourresponses ses (e.g.da (e.g.daily& ily& ily& free-timeactivities,famouspeople,homes&furniture,etc) free-timeactivities,famouspeople,homes&furniture,etc)andthatin andthatin thenexttwounitstheywilllearntotalkaboutpersonalqualities for certain jobs, famous people from the past and their achievementsaswellasdifferenttypeso achievementsaswell asdifferenttypesofhou fhouses ses..

AllowSstimetobrowsethroughtheunitsandfindtherelevant information.Then,askthemtoexplainwhateachoneis.


ab ab iography: abiogra phy:Unit2 Unit2,p ,p. .1 14 anaccount an anaccountofsomeo ofsomeone' ne'slife slife ajo a job  jobad badvertise adv v ertisement: ment:Unit Unit1 1,p 1,p.7 ,p.7 .7 ashorttextinanewspapergivingdetailsofajob ashorttextinanewspapergivingdetailsofa  jobva  jobvaca vacancy canc ncy y asong: ason g:Unit2,p Unit2,p.21 .21 wordsandmusictogether

In In or orde der r to to st stim imul ulat ate e di disc scus ussi sion on an and d in inte tere rest st, , as ask k Ss Ss whic which h page pag e eac each h pictur picture e isfrom.Then, isfrom.Then, elicit elicit otherinform otherinformati ation on (e.g. (e.g. whatthepictur wh whatthepictureshows atthepictureshows,whatelseSscanseeonthatpage/spread eshows,whatelse ,whatelse Sscanseeonthatpage/spread onthatpage/spread andwhat and whattheythinktheunitmightbeabo theythinktheunitmightbeabout). ut).

diarynotes:Unit diar ynotes:Unit1,p 1,p.11 .11 .11 shortmessagesremindingusaboutdifferentthings


ahisto ahi storyquiz:Un ryquiz:Unit2 it2,p ,p. .1 17 atestofourknowl atestofourknowledge edge

pic.Up.21 pic.U p.21)) T: Whichpageispicture Whichpa Whichpageis geispictur picture e Ifrom Ifrom?? S SI: I: I: IIt'sfrom t'sfromp. p.21 21. T: : Whatcanyousee Wh atcanyouseein inpic. pi pic. c. 1? S S2: 2: Asma Asmallworker llworkerfrom fromthechocolatefactory thechocolatefactory.. T: : Whatelsecan Wh atelsecanyouseeon youseeonpage21? page21? S3: S3: Oth Otherwo OtherworkersandtheOompa-Loompa erworke rkers rsandtheOompa-LoompaSong Song.. T: : Whatdo Wh atdoyouthin youthinkth kthissectionwillbe issectionwillbeabo about? ut ut?? S4: Th S4: TheauthorofCharlie&theChocol eauthorofCharlie&theChocolateFactoryand ateFactoryand theso thesong ng ng thatthelittlefactoryworkerssing. pic.2(p. pic.2(p. 14 pic.2(p. 14) Whichothe rfamouspeo Whichothe rfamouspeoplecanyousee plecanyouseeinthespread? inthespread?Howdoyou Howdoyou Howdoyou thinkthesepeoplemightberelated?Whatiseachonefamousfor? pic.3(p.8) Whatinformationdoesthepi Whatin formationdoesthepi formationdoesthe picturegiveus? cturegiveus?Lookat cturegiveus?Lookatthetitleandsay Lookatthetitleandsay thetitleandsay wha wha tyouthinktheunitmightbeabou whatyouthinktheunitmigh tbeabout. t. pic.4 p ic.4(p. (p (p. . 18 18) Describetheotherhouseonp...1 Describetheotherhouseonp 1 18 8.W .Whichone .W hichonewouldyouprefertolive wouldyouprefertolive wouldyouprefertolive inandwhy?Howare inandwh y?Howarethep thepicturesrelatedtothetitleoftheunit? icturesrelatedtothetitleoftheunit? pic.5(p.6) Whatspecialfeatu Whatspec ialfeaturesdoshark resdosharkshaveandwhy? shaveandwhy?Whodoyouthink Whodoyouthink Whodoyouthink thepersoninthesecond thepe rsoninthesecondpictureis?W pictureis?What hatdo doyou youthinktheunitmight thinktheunitmight thinktheunitmight beabout?

anema ane mail:U il:Unit nit nit1 1,p.12 ,p.12 awrittenmessagesentfromonecomputertoanother Explainthatthemodulehas: -aCultureClip. -aLiteratureCorner. -anAcrosstheCurriculumsection. Elicitdefinitions Elicit definitions/expla /explanation nationsof softhesesectio thesesectionsby nsbyreferr referringSsto ingSsto therelevantpagesandtexts. SuggestedAnswerKey TheCultureClipseemstobeaboutcustoms,placesandeventsin  differentcountries.Th differentcountries. Thisone(p. isone(p.1 13 3)isaboutschool )isaboutschoolingover )isaboutschoolingovertheradio theradio theradio inAustralia. TheLiteratureCornerlooksatdifferentauthorsandextractsfrom  theirbooks.Thisone(p theirbook s.Thisone(p.21)look .21)looksatCh satCharlie&theCh arlie&theChocolate ocolateFactor Factory y byRoaldDahl. TheAcrosstheCurriculu TheAcross theCurriculumsectionisashortinfor msectionisashortinformative mativepiecefrom piecefrom piecefrom theNation theNa tionalCurriculum. tion alCurriculum.Th alCurriculum. Thisone(p.24)isabou Thisone(p.24)isaboutLifein tLifeinTud TudorT orTim imes es andistakenfromtheHistorysection.


M od ullle1 Modu e e1  1 ((Uni Units1 t s  1 & 2 2 2))

LookatModule1 Findthepagenumbersforpictures1-5

Findtheunitandpagenumber(s)for abi a biog ogra raph phy y

ajob a job  job adve adv advert ad vert ertise rtis isem isemen emen ment ent t □ a so so on n ng g


diaryentries diary e nt ri e s 

Q Q

ahi a hist stor ory yqu quiz iz



InthisModuleyou In thisModuleyouw w iillllll.. .. .... listen,readandtalkabout... jobs& jobs & person personal al qualit qualities ies daily&free-timeactivities famouspeopleofthepast&their achievements nationalities feelings houses&furniture


lifeinthepast Tudorkings&queens



descriptionsofp descr iptionsofphotographs hotographs





ask for/gi for/give ve person personal al inform information ation make/respondtosuggestions

anemailtoafriend aboutwhatyouare


doingthissummer anarticle an articleabo about uta aschool s c ho o l  1

practise... presentsimple&adverbsoffrequency presentcontinuous presentcontinuous(futuremeaning)& goingto goingto pastsimple usedto

doaprojectabout jobsinyou jobs inyourc rcoun ountry try ahistoryquiz

inyourcountry ashortbiography an anar arti ticl cle eabout abouta avi visi sit t  JJ  jj l toamuseum


Reading Readthetitle,theintroductionandthequestions inthetext.W in in thetext.Wh h hat at atis isthetextab thetextabout out? ?Lis Listen ten,read ,read andcheck. a. a .  Readthete R e a d  thetext. xt.W Wh hatdo atdo atdothesenumber thesenumbersr srefer efer to? to ?• •1 • 15 5  * *  350 35 350  * 1 0  *1 *1 2 Markthestat Markthe statements ements R(right), W (wrong) or OS (doesn'tsay).Then,explainthewords in bol bold. d. Danielsometimesworksindoors. Sharkscientistsusuallygetanexcellentsalary. Sharkseatotherseacreatures. Peopleoftenkillsharksforfun. Sharkscientistscanfindajobeasily.

Sharks Shar ks te terr rrif ify y mo most st of of us us, , bu but t Da Dani niel el We Weav aver er, , sh shar ark k sc scie ient ntis ist, t, sw swim ims s wi with th themforal themfor alivi iving!W ng! We easkedhims as kedhimsomeques omequestionsa tionsabout bouthiscuriousc hiscuriouscaa areer. reer. SoDaniel,what’sitliketobeashark  scientist?

havetobe calm an and d patient. Theyalsohaveto

Well,it’sanextremelyrewardingjob.Ioften travelto trav eltofaraw farawayp ayplaces laceslik likeSouth eSouthAfricaandFij AfricaandFijii tostudysharks tos tudysharks.W .We e attac attachtag htags s tothemand

So  doyouthinkit’ So doyouthi doyouthinkit’sadange sadangerousjob rousjob?? Well,sharkshaveupto15 rows ofsharpteeth, extremelystrong jaw jaws s andexcellent senses. They

followthem follow themby by satellite. Then,Ianalysethe data data


anddiscovernew anddisco vernewandamazingthingsaboutt andamazingthingsaboutthe he



theworldandonlyabout   10 aredangeroustous.

sharkscientistsometi sharkscien tistsometimesdoesboringdesk mesdoesboringdesk





yearfor year forfoodand foodandsport sport!!

Whatqualiti Wh atqualitiesdoyou esdoyouneedt needto o b becomea e c o m e  ashark sharkscientist? scientist? nM. Sharkscientistsneedto

bequite brave!

Howdoyoubecomeasharkscientist? Asharkscientistusuallystudies Mari MarineScienc neScience e orZoologyatuniversity.It’salsogoodtoget

be intelligent and


ph ysicallyfi physica llyfit. t. They

someworkexperienceinan It’snot aquarium. aneasyjob, ane asyjob,but butsharks sharksarebeauti arebeautiful,fas ful,fascinating cinating



outdoorsand o u t d o o r s andthey they





Objectives: Object ives: learningaboutavarietyofjobs learningaboutav learningaboutav arietyofjobs,job-re ,job-related lated personalqualities&attr personalqual ities&attributesofdifferentkin ibutesofdifferentkindsofwork; dsofwork; reviewingtheuseofpresentsimpleforroutines& permanentstates Reading:aninterviewwithasharkscientist Skills-scanning readingfordetailedcomprehensi reading fordetailedcomprehension on on Speaking:presentingasummaryofthetext Vocabulary:adjectivesandqualitiesassociatedwith differentjobs Grammar: Gramma r: revi reviewofthepresen reviewofthepresentsimp ewofthepresent tsimple le Listening:ajobadvertisem Listenin g:ajobadvertisement(gap-fill ent(gap-filling) ing) Skill-listeningforspecific Skill-li steningforspecificinformation information information Writing:acareersleafletaboutvariousjobs

Foc us> Focus > | Predicting Pr Pred edictingthecontentof thecontentofate atext xt Di Direc rect t Ss' Ss' at atten tenti tion on to th the e pictu picture re and and the the ti titl tle e of th the e te text xt. . El Elic icit it wh what at Ss Ss kn know ow ab abou out t sh shar arks ks (e.g (e.g. . they they only only attackwhentheyarehung attack whentheyarehungry,greatwhitesha ry,greatwhitesharksarethemost rksarethemost rksarethemost dangerous,etc). AllowSstimetoreadtheintroductionandthequestions inthetextandelicitwhattheythinkthetextisabout. Then, play Then, play therecordi therecordingwhile ngwhile Ss read read andlisten andlisten tothe to the texttochecktheiranswers. AnswerKey Thetexti Thete xtisan san intervi int interviewwithsomeonecalledDa erviewwit ewwithsomeonecalledDaniel niel niel Weav Weaver, er er,, abouthis about his job  joba  job bas asasharkscie sa asharkscientist. ntist. 2 2 a a..

Focus >


InstructSstofindthenumbersbyscanningthetext, th then en to to no note te do down wn wh what at th they ey re refe fer r to to. . Ch Chec eck k Ss' Ss' answersbyelicitinganswersfromSsaroundtheclass. AnswerKey 15:thenumberofrowsofteethashark 15:thenumberofrowsofteeth asharkhas has has 350:thenumberof 350:thenu 350:thenumbero mberof fspeciesofshark speciesofsharksinthe sintheworld world world 10:thenumbero 10:thenumbero numberofshark fsharkspeciest fsharkspecie sthat hataredangerousto aredangeroustohumans humans humans 12:themillionsofshark 12:themillions ofsharks swekillperyear wekillperyearforfoodand forfoodandsport sport Foc us Focus us > | Rea Read Readingfors dingforspec pecificinf  ificinformatio ormation n Re Read ad out out th the e st stat atem emen ents ts an and d elic elicit it/e /exp xpla lain in an any y unknownwords.ExplainthetaskandremindSsthat forstatements forstatem ents they they thin think k are'right'or are'right'or 'wrong'they 'wrong'they mustbe must be able ableto to just justifytheir ifytheiranswers. answers.AllowSstime AllowSstime to com comple plete te the the task task and and compar compare e their their answe answers rs with apartne with apartner.Elici r.Elicitanswersarou tanswersaroundtheclass.Chec ndtheclass.Check k Ss' answers. AnswerKey 1 R: ... ...do does esbor boring ingde desk skwork work 2 2 W:: ...d ...don'tusually ...don on't 'tusual usually lyget getpaid paida alot lot 3 3 D DS: DS S: : (m (men (mentionssharks enti tion ons ssharkskilling killinghumans humansbut butnothing nothingabout about whattheye what theyeat) at at)) 4 4 R: ...human ...humans ski kill... ll...sha sharks rks.. ... .for forsport sport 5 DS: (in (inform (informationisaboutthe formati ationisa onisaboutt boutth hejobitself   jobi  jobits tsel elff,n ,notfindingwor ,not otfindingwork) k)

Ssexplaintheunknownwordsbygivingadefin Ssexplaintheunk nownwordsbygivingadefinition, ition, synonymor antonym. synonymor antonym antonym. . EncourageSs Encour Encour ageSstotryandguess totryandguess the the mea meani ning ng of the the wor word d from from the the con contex text t bef before ore usingtheirdictionariestochecktheirguesses. SuggestedAnswerKey attach attac htags(ph tags(phr):putaspecialmark r):putaspecialmarkerorlabelo erorlabelonsth nsth nsth satellite(n):anobjectinspacethatcollectsinformation  data(n):infor data (n):information mation mation intelligent(adj):cleve intelligen t(adj):cleverr physicallyfit(phr):withahealthy,wellexercisedbody  calm(adj):relaxed,notlikelytopanic  patient(adj): patient (adj):sympat sympathetic&unders hetic&understand tanding ing ing brave(adj): brave (adj):cour courageo ageous us us rows(n):lines jaws(n):bo jaws(n): bone nes sin inth the emo mout uthth hthat atte teet eth har are eatt attache ached dto to senses(n):sight/smell/hearingetc senses(n):sight/smell/hearingetc marinescience mari nescience(n): (n):thestudy thestudyofseacrea ofseacreatures tures tures aquarium(n):buildingortankwherefish&underwater  creaturesarekept



Asecretaryneedstobereliab Asecretaryneed stobereliable,skilfulan le,skilfulandpolite. dpolite. Areceptionistneed Areception istneedstobefrie stobefriendly, ndly,pat patien ientandpolite. tandpolite. Afirefighterne Afirefight erneedstobebraveandcalm. edstobebraveandcalm. Agraphicdesignern Agraph icdesignerneedstobe eedstobecreative,im creative,imagin aginativ ativeandskilfu eandskilful. l. l. Ateacherneed Atea cherneedstobeintelligen stobeintelligentandpa tandpatient tientwithstude withstudents nts..

Foc Focus>-| us>-| Summ Summarisi arisinga nga text Re Remi mind nd Ss Ss that that a su summ mmar ary y is is a sh shor ort t ve vers rsio ion n of of a text text,, conta containi ining ng the the imp import ortan ant t po point ints. s. Tel Tell l Ss to un under derlin line e key words/phras words/p hr hrases hras ases es in in the the text. text. text text. . Ss co comp mplet mple lete lete te e the the the task t ask in pair pa pairs irs s. Moni Monito tor r the the ta task sk, , he help lpin ing g wher where e ne nece cess ssar ary. y. Ch Chec eck k Ss Ss'' answers.Selectpairstopresentthei answers.Sel ectpairstopresenttheirsumm rsummariestot ariestotheclass heclass..

Focus Foc us us > [ph [ phras rasesr esrelated elatedtojo tojobs bs Readthroughthephrasesandelicit/explainanyunknown words. Elici words. Elicita Elicitajobassociatedwi ta job  jobasso associa ciated tedwitheach witheach theach phrase. theach phrase phrase.

SuggestedAnswerKey Shark scientist Shark scientists ha have hav ve e an an exciti exciting ng an and d rew reward arding ing job. job. Th They ey ey travel tofara travel tofarawa wayplacestostudyshar yplacestostudysharks.Howe ks.However,theyalso ver,theyalso ver,theyalso

e. e.g. T:Who : Whotravels travelsa alot? lot?

ha have ve to to do do bo bori ring ng de desk skwo work rk. . A sh shar ark k scie scient ntis ist t ha has s to to be be intelligent, intelligen t, phys physical ically ly fit and and brav brave, e, beca because useshar sharks ks can can be be dangerous.TheyneedtostudyMarin dangerous.Theyneedto studyMarineScienceorZoolog eScienceorZoology,an y,and d shouldalsoworkinanaqua shouldalsowo rkinanaquarium riumtogainsomee togainsomeexperien xperience. ce ce..

SuggestedAnswerKey A: A A: : T Theyusua heyusually usuallywork llywork lly worklong worklonghou longhours hours rs.They . Theydon Theydon don't don'tget 't 'tget getpaidmuc getpa pa paid idmuch id much h. Theywearauniform. B B: B:: A Arethey retheysecurity securityguards? guards? A: A A: : Y Yes, es,they theyare. are. e et etc tc

Read outthe listof adjective Read adjectives s and and expl explainany ainanyunk unknow nown n wo words rds. . Ss comp complet lete e the the task task indivi individu duall ally, y, then then tell tell their their partnertheiransw part partnertheiranswers.Moni nertheiranswers.Monitortheactivity ers.Monitortheactivity tortheactivity,thencheckSs' ,thencheckSs' answers. answ ers.Selec Select t individu individual al Ss to prese present nt their their answers answers to theclas the class.Remindthem s.Remindthemthe s.Remindthem theymustjustifytheiropinio the ymustjustifytheiropinions. ns.

a a. . |Foc |F ocus us us > | Prese Present Pre rese sen nt nt sim imple impl ple e for for rou ro routines/habits utines/habits and permanentstates Writeontheboard: I)Igetupa I) I)Igetupat8:3 t8:30every 0everymornin morning.2)Ilive g.2)Ilive g.2)Ilive inLondon. Ask inLondon. Ask Sswhat Sswhat ten tenseis seis usedin usedin eac eachsente hsentenc nce e (presentsimple),whichsentencedescribesaroutine/habit (presentsimple), whichsentencedescribesaroutine/habit (I) (I) and and wh which whic ich h des descri de desc scri crib rib bes es a pe per perm perma rman manen anen nent ent t state stat s tate e (2). (2). Elic Elicit it examples exam plesto to chec check k that thatSs Ss compreh comprehend endthe thediffe differenc rence e

SuggestedAnswerKey sharksc shar kscientist: ientist:inte interest resting/excitin ing/exciting/dangerous/rewarding g/dangerous/rewarding g/dangerous/rewarding doctor:stressful/difficult/demanding/ doctor:stressful/diffi cult/demanding/tiring/rewarding tiring/rewarding tiring/rewarding

(e (e.g.Itidymyroomever (e..g.Itidymyroomeveryday yday- routine/habit;Iworkinabank yday

teacher:interesting/stressful/demanding/tiring/rewardin teacher:interesting/stressf  ul/demanding/tiring/rewarding g detective: detect ive:exciti exciting/danger ng/dangerous/demanding/tiring ous/demanding/tiring ous/demanding/tiring  porter:boring/tirin porte r:boring/tiring g

-permanentstate;etc). -perman entstate;etc).AllowSstimetoreadthroughthe AllowSstimetoreadthroughthe textandunderlinetheexamp textand underlinetheexamplesofthepresentsimple underlinetheexamplesofthepresentsimple. lesofthepresentsimple.

Ithinka Ithin Ithink ka a adoc doctor'sjob doctor tor'sjobisstre isstressfulbecausep ssfulbecausepeople eople'slivesar 'slivesarein eintheir ein their their hands. Ithinkateacher's Ithinka teacher's  job  jo  job bisrewardingbecause isrewardingbeca isrewardingbecause usetheyseetheirs theyseetheirstudents theyseetheirs tudents improving. Ithinkadetective's Ithin kadetective'sjob  jo  job b isexcitingbecausetheysometimesface is isex exc citin itingb gbec eca ause seth they eyso som metimesface timesface danger. Ithinkaporter's Ithin kaporter's porter'sjobi job obisborin oring gbe beca caus use eth they eyju  ju  just stc ca carr arry ybags agsall al all lday.e .etc

AnswerKey routines/habits:swims/often routines/habits :swims/oftentravel/ travel/ attach attachtag tags/followthe s/followthem/ m/ analysethedata/discover analysethedata/ discovernew.. new... .things/do things/doesboringdeskwork/ esboringdeskwork/ don'tusuallyget don'tusually getpaid/ paid/rare rarelyattack/hu lyattack/humans manskill killsharks/usually sharks/usually sharks/usually studies permane perm anentstates: ntstates: ntstate s: terrif terrify terrify/theyenjoy y/theyenjoy/sha /sharkshave/th rkshave/they ey.. ... swim/aredan swim/ aredangerous/thereareover35 gerous/thereareover350 0

Focus > Pronunciation-wordstress

b b. . AllowSs All All owSstimetocomplete timetocompletethetaskin thetaskinpa pairs irs.Moni .Monitor tor theactivity. theactivit y.Chec Check kSs'answers. Ss'answers.

Read thefirsttwo Read the firsttwo items items alou aloud d and and elicit elicit which which sylla syllables bles arestressed.Playthe arestres sed.Playtherecordin recording. g.Sslist Sslistenandcomplet enandcompletethe ethe task.CheckSs'answersandexplainanyunknownwords.

SuggestedAnswerKey A: A: Dotheyanalyseinformationfr Doth Dothey eyanalyseinformationfrom omsatellites? satellites? B: Y Yes, es,the they ydo. do. A: A A: : Dothey Dotheyget getpaidal paidalot? ot ot??

AnswerKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) Answ erKey(Seeoverprintedanswers)

Focus>-[Qualitiesassociatedwithdifferentjobs Re Read ad ou out t the the li list st of of qu qual alit itie ies s an and d elic elicit it/e /exp xpla lain in any any unknow unk nown n word words. s. Ss complete complete the task task indi individu vidually, ally, then compareanswerswith compareanswers withapartn with apartner.Moni apartn er.Monitortheactivityand tortheactivityand ch check eck Ss' Ss' an answe swers. rs. Sel Select ect indivi individu dual al Ss to pre presen sent t their their answerstotheclass,givingreasonsfortheirchoices.

B: No,they ,theydon't. don't.


Anurseneedstobefriendly,patienta Anurseneedstobefrien dly,patientandcarin ndcaring. g. A Ajourn  jo  jour urnali nalist alistneedstobeintelli alistneedstobe stne need eds sto tobe beintelligentan inte intell llige igent gentandcreative ntandcreative dcreative.. Apilotneedstobeintelligent,physica Apilotneedstobeintelligent,phy sicallyfitandskilful llyfitandskilful... llyfitandskilful.

e et etc tc


Allow Al Allllow ow ow Ss Ss time time to to re read ad the the job job adve advert rt. . Elic El Elicit/Exp icit it/ /Explain lain lain any any un unkn know own n word words, s, then then ask ask Ss Ss to to pr pred edic ict t wh what at ty type pe of  informationismissing (e.g. (e.g.pla placenames,numbers,etc). cenames,numbers,etc).Playthe cenames,numbers,etc). Playthe recording.Sslistenandfillinthegaps.CheckSs'answers.


Amechanicneedstobepatien Amechan icneedstobe icneeds tobepatien tand tandski skilfu lful. l.

e et etc tc

Ssworkinpairs.Monitortheactivity,thenselect Ssworkinpairs.Monitortheactivi ty,thenselectpairsto pairsto presenttheirfactswhilethe presenttheirfactswhi lethe restofthe lethe restofthe Ssgue Ssguessthejob. ssthejob.


Awaiterneedstobe Awa iterneedstobephy physica sicallyfitandpolit llyfitandpolitetocustom etocustomers. ers. Alawyerneedstobeintelligent,calmandskilful. Abusdriverneedstobecalmandpolitetothepassengers. Asecurityguardneedstobebrave,physicallyfitand Asecurityguardneedstobebrave,physicallyfitandreliab reliable. le. le. Ashopassistantneedstobefriendlyandpolitetocustomers. Awriterneedstobeintellige Awriterneed stobeintelligent,creativea nt,creativeandimaginative. ndimaginative. Ahairdresserneedstobeimaginative,p Ahairdresserneedsto beimaginative,politeandfriend oliteandfriendly. ly. Abodyguardneedstobebra Abodyguard needstobebrave,physicallyfitan ve,physicallyfitandskilful. dskilful.

S SI: I: I: I: apilo apilot t

An AnswerKey Ans s werKey(Seeoverp (Seeoverprintedanswers rintedanswers)) 10

Focus Foc us us >[W > [W [Writingaleaflet ritingaleafletprov providingin idinginforma formation tion AskSstoreadthe rubricandunderlinethe rubricandunderlinethekeywords.Elic keywords.Elicit/ keywords.Elic it/ it/ Ex Explain Exp plain lain wh whatal ataleafletis eafletis,andaskSs ,andaskSstodescribeleaflets todescribeleafletsthey they have seen/rea have seen seen/read. d. D Draw Draw raw raw an an ou outl outli tlin tline ine ne e on on the the boa board bo board ard rd and and and elicit eli elici citt wh what at thei their r leaf leafle let t sh shou ould ld incl includ ude e (e.g (e.g. ahe a headin hea ading din ding g or or orbri  br brie brief ief ef f introduction introduc tion, , fivejob five fivejobs  jobs  jobs s with wi withpict with th pict pi picture ctur ure es ordraw ordrawing or drawings ings ingsa s and anda and nd a sh shor short short ortt explanationforeach).RemindSstoinc RemindSstoincludewordsa RemindSstoincludewordsandphrases ndphrases fromExs.4,5&6.Assig fromEx s.4,5&6.Assignthetask nthetaskforHW. nthetask forHW. Remi RemindSs RemindSsthey ndSsthey cangetinformationfromjobadvertisements,schoolscareer counsell cou nsellors,theIntern ors,theInternet,etc.Ss et,etc.Ssprese presenttheirleafle nttheirleafletsinthe tsinthe nextlesson.Displaythemon nextlesso n.Displaythemon n.Displaythem onthe theclassroom the classroomwalls. walls.



ExploringGrammar Presen esentSi  tSimp mple le ► Pr 

Speaking 3  Ma Make ke note notes notesunde s sunder underthe r the questio questions questionsin ns inthe nsin inthe text.


Usethemtogiveasummaryofthetext. g

Vocabulary ►

routines/habits- routi nes/habits nes/ha bits- -p permanen perm erm anentstates? tstates?Find tstates? Find examplesinthetext.

Jobs Jo bs

4  Wh Whichof ichofthea the adjectiv djectives esbelo below wcan candescr describe ibe thejobofa thejob ofa sharkscientist,doctor,teacher,  detective, detectiv  e,porter?  porter?Telltheclass.Givereasons.

b b. . Inpair I n pairs, s,ask askand askand and ans and answ answer wer erques questions tions aboutthetext aboutthe text.. A A: : D Doesashark oesasharkscientist scientisttravel travelalot? alot?

•interest •inte resting ing •exciti •exciting ng • •dan danger gerous ous ous

B:: Y Yes, es,he/s he/she hedoes. does.

•stre •stressful stress ssfu ful l • •bor boring ing • •rel relaxing ax axiing •dif  •diffic ficul ultt


•demand •dem anding ing •tiring •tiri tiring ng •rewar •rewarding ding Ithinkasharkscientist'sjobisintere Ithinkasharkscienti st'sjobisinterestingbecaus stingbecause e theytraveltofarawa theytraveltofara way yplaces. places.

Pronunciation 5

a a. a..  W Which h ich ich tensedo tense tense edo dow w we e use us useto etoexpr to express ess


L Listen i s tenand andunderline underlinethe thestre stressed ssed


j  L Lookatthe o okatthejobadvertandpre  job ad ver ta nd ndpredic predict dictwh twhat at kindofans kin dofansweryou weryouexpectforeachgap expectforeachgap (1-5).Listenandfillinthegaps.


syllable syll ables. s. Listen Listen again again andrepeat. andrepeat. • •bankclerk •bank bank ban k cler cl clerk erk k • •wa waite iter r •law •lawyer yer • •bus busdriver driver


•se • seajr ajrity itygua ityguard guar guard rd d •shop •shopassistant assis ass istan tant t • •wr writer iter •hairdresser •hairdr esse esser r • •bod bodygu yguard ard •mec •mechan hanic ic • •nurse nurse


• jou •journ  journalist rnalist alis alist t •gilot •gi gilo lot t • •secre secretary ta tarry • •receptio receptionist nist

g g



•firefighter •firefi gh ghte ter r •gra •graphic phicdesigne designer r • •tea teache cherr

fromyear7 from year 7to to 1 11 1/ele /eleven /eleven

Whichquali W h ich qualities tiesare areneces necessary saryfor foreach eachjob?  job?  jo b?


intell int int ellige igent nt •brav •brave e • •physica physically llyfit fit •calm •calm re reliable reli liabl able e • •friendly frien friendl dly y • •pat patien ient t •polite •polite creati cr cre e ative ve •ima •imagin ginati ative ve • •skilful skil skilfu ful l • •cari caring ng v ____ __ ____________ ____ ______________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ _^ Ab Ab ankclerkneedstobereliable Abankclerkn eedstobereliable,politea ,politeandpatient. ndpatient.

highly-qualifiedstaffandexcellent 12 1facilities -timeposition.

Pe Perm rman anen ent t 3 fu full ll

AvailablefromSeptem Availablefr omSeptember beror1 or1 or 14 1 1Jan  Jan Jan uary ua ry Foranapplicationformandfur Foranapplic ationformandfurtherdetail therdetailscall scall

~J ~J

U Usethe s e  the phra phrases sesbelo ses below wto totell tellyou your rpartner partner three factsabou factsaboutoneo toneofthejobsinE fthejobsinEx.5 x.5.. Yourpartnerhastoguessthejob.

5 01621


TRAVELALOT workParttime Parttime

G E T  G O O D  S U L K S w o r k  o u t d o o r s workshift work shiftss workin k i n S l M P itforlclonghours lK work9to5 s t a rt  e a r l v  i n  t h e  m o r n i n g



//W // W r  r i i ' ' t  t inp i npr- rr- (a (a (ale lea lea fl  fle fl et) 1 0 Portfolio:Imagineyouareproducinga leaflettohelplocalstudentschoosea career.Writeashortdescriptionoffive jobs. job s.Ad Add d pi pic pictur c tures esand and tit and titl titles. l es es. . Pr Pres esen ent tyo your ur leaflettothe leafletto thecl clas ass. s.

A: A: Theyusu Theyusually allywork work9 9to to to5 5. Theyuseacomputer. Theydon'tworkoutdoors Theydon'tw orkoutdoors..

Firefightersworkshi Firefightersw orkshifts.Their fts.Theirjob jobis j obi isdan danger gerous ousand and and difficultandtheydon'tget difficultand difficultandtheyd theydon'tgetgoodsalaries on'tgetgoodsalaries. goodsalaries.Howe However,it ver,it ver,it

B: B: Areth Aret th he ey eysecretaries  ysecretaries??

isarewarding isarewar dingjob  jo  jobas bast asthey the heysavepeople'sliv savepeople'slives.They es.They es.They

A: A: A: Y Yes, es,th they eyare. are.

havetobe have tobephysicallyfit,calman physicallyfit,calmandbrave dbrave..




D o y o u . . . ?

readnewspapers/ magazines/books

Vocabulary ► Dai  Daily lyac  activi  tiviti  ties es

gotothezoo listentomusic playsports meetfriends


watch DVDs gojogging

D o y o u . . . ?

getupearlyon weekdays


have(abig) breakfast/lunch/dinner catchthebusto school/work


gotobedlate do homewo homework rk


D o y o u . . . ?


vacuumthefloor makethebeds mowthelawn walkthedog takeouttherubbish 8:00pm

irontheclothes dotheshopping dothewashing-u dothe washing-up p dustthefurniture


W hat h at atiis isat satypicaldayfor ypicaldayforyo you? u?Use Use Us e

doyou rarely/often/sometimes/ rarely/often/sometimes/


usually/always do?Whichdo


youdo everyday/morning/ everyday/morning/

compareyo com pareyourlist urlists. s.

afternoon ? once/twi once/twiceawee ceaweek k? atweekends?? atweekends

A: A: Whatt Wh attime imedo doyouget yougetup? up? up? B: B: At At At7 7o'cl o'clock. ock.And Andyo you? u?

Ialwaysgetupearlyon Ialway sgetupearlyonweekd weekdays. ays.

A: A: W Well,I ell,Igetup getupath athalf alfpast past past

I catch the bus to school every

se seve ven, n, et etc c halfpas'  pas'

mornin mor ning.I g.Imee meetmy tmyfri friend endsoncea soncea week. 2 2

Listen L i s tento tothe thesound soundand and an d

S 3J 3 JJ p £ %

Listening&Reading "j "j L Listenandrepeat. i s tenandrepeat.Thesentences Thesentencesaref  arefroma roma


dialoguebetweentw dialoguebetwee ntwofrie ofriends. nds.W W ha h a ttdoyouthi  d o youthink nk


thedialogueiiis thedialogue sabo sabout? ut ?

hearit.Compareyour answerswithyour partner's.

•Long •Longtimeno timenosee! see! see! • •I'dl I'dlove ovetocatch tocatchup. up. up. «N «Nev everm ermind ind.. •Areyoufre •Areyoufree eton tonight ight? ? •W • •W ha tabou taboutFri tFriday dayevening? evening? •Friday •Friday'snogoodforme. 'snogoo 'snogoodfor dforme. me. •Oh,w •Oh,wha hata tashame! shame! •W •W h hatare atare atareyoudoingnow youdoingnow? ? •Are •Areyoukidding? youkidding?





Roundtheclock Objectives:learningaboutdailyactivities,routines,and chores;reviewingandcontrastingtheuseofpresent simple & present simple present continuous;practising continuous;practising invitationsand invitationsand requests Vocabulary:describingdailyactivities;adverbsof  frequency Listening:adialoguebetweentwofriends

SuggestedAnswerKey getupimmediately/makeacupof getupimmediately /makeacupofcoffe coffee/go e/gobackto e/go backtosleep/ backtosleep/ backtosleep/ sleep/ turnontheradio/etc Focus Foc us us > [Tal [ Talkin kingabouton gaboutone'sda e'sdailyrouti ilyroutine ne Dir Direct ect Ss' Ss' att attent ention ion to the the clock. clock. Dra Draw w a clock clock on the boardwiththehandsat4:15.Elicit/Explainthatwesay "I "It' t's s a qu quar quart arter arter te er r pa past st fo four ur." ." If If some some Ss Ss say say "I "It' t's s fo four ur fiftee fifteen," fifteen," n," rem remindthemthatthat indthemthatthat istheAmericanwayof  indthemthatthat istheAmericanwayof 

Skills-predicting Skills-predicti ngcontextand contextandcheckingcomprehe checkingcomprehension nsion nsion Readin Reading:dialoguebetweentwo g:dialoguebetweentwo friends friends (dialogue (dialogue


completion) Skill-readingfordetailedcomprehensi Skill-reading fordetailedcomprehension/coherence& on/coherence& on/coherence& cohesion Speaking:arrangingtomeetafriend Grammar:presentsimplevspresentcontinuous EverydayEnglish: Everyd ayEnglish:makingandrespondin makingandrespondingtorequests gtorequests Writing: Writin g: descri describing bing photog photographs raphs

AllowSstimetomakealistoftheirdailyroutinesand discussthemwiththeirpartner.Walkaroundtheroom monitoringthe monito ringthe activi activity.Invitepairs ty.Invitepairs tocomparetheir lists infrontoftheclass.

Focus >

Describingdailya Desc ribingdailyactivities ctivities

Dir Direct ect Ss' Ss' att attent ention ion to the the title title and and the the pic pictur tures. es. Elicit Elicit whatthelessonisabout.AskSswhichoftheseactivities they they do do ever every y day/ day/on once ce a week week/e /etc tc. . Tell Tell them them to to re read ad Routines,Freetime Freetimeand Chores Chores throughthepromptsinthe Routines, boxes. box es. es.Elicit Elicit/Exp /Explainany lain lainany lai n any any unkn unkn own own words, wor words, ds, ds, then then ask ask Ss Ssto to thinkofotheractivitiesundereachheading. Brieflyrevisetheadver Briefl yrevisetheadverbsoffrequenc bsoffrequency:write y:write always alwaysatthe atthe to top p of of th the e bo boar ard d and and never never at at th the e bo bott ttom om. . Elicit Elic Elicit it the the correc correct t pos positi ition on of the the other other adverb adverbs s in betwee between. n. The Then n wr writ ite e th thes ese e tw two o se sent nten ence ces s on on th the e boar board: d: Iamlatefor Iamlatefor school.IdomyhomeworkonSundays. Sele school.IdomyhomeworkonSundays. Select ct aS to to choo choose se anadverboffrequencyforthefirstsentence (e.g.rarely) (e.g.rarely) andelicitwheretheadverbgoesinthesentence (afterthe (afterthe verb‘tobe').SelectanotherStochooseanadverbforthe verb‘tobe'). SelectanotherStochooseanadverbforthe second sentence second sentence (e.g.sometimes) (e.g.sometimes)andelicitwhereitgoesin andelicitwhereitgoesin thesentence (beforethemainverb'do').

SuggestedAnswerKey A: A: What Wha ttime timedo doyouhave youhavelunch? lunch? B: B: I Ius Iusuallyhavelun usua uall lly yhavelunchatha chatha chat half lfpaston pas pastone. tone.And Andyou? you? A: A: Ihave Ihavelunc lunch hat atschool schoolat atha half lfpast pasttwel twelve. ve. etc etc Focus>-|Listeningtopredi Focus>-|List eningtopredictcontent ctcontent Playtherecording,pausingaftereach Playtherecording,paus ingaftereachutterance utterancesoSscan soSscan repeat chorally. Check their pronunciation and intonation.AllowSstimetoreadthroughtheprompts. Elic Elicit it/E /Exp xpla lain in th the e mean meanin ing g of of any any unkn unknow own n wo word rds s or expressions.AskSstopredictwhatthedialogueisabout. SuggestedAnswerKey Thedialogueisprobablya Thedialogueis probablyabout bouttwopeopletryingtoarrangea twopeopletryingtoarrangea twopeopletryingtoarrangea dayandtimetomeet.

Expl Explai ain n th the e ta task sk and and al allo low w Ss Ss ti time me to to go go th thro roug ugh h th the e pr prom ompt pts s and and th the e li list sts s of of acti activi viti ties es an and d to to make make up senten sen tences ces abo abouttheirrouti uttheirroutines nes and and hab habits its. . Sstell the their ir part pa par partne rtne tners ners rs abou ab about abo out ut t th thei the their eir ir r regu re reg regula gula ular lar r acti ac act activi tivi ivitie viti tie es. s. Moni Monitor nittor t or or th thei eirr discussions. discus sions.As As anoptional anoptionalextensionactiv extensionactivity,select ity,selectSs Ssto to telltheclassabouttheirpartner'sroutinesandhabits. SuggestedAnswerKey SuggestedAnswerKey Irarely Irar elyvacuum vacuumthefl thefloo oor. r. IoftenlistentomusicwhenIdomyhomework. Isometimeswatch Isometimes watchDV DVDs Ds. Iusually Ius uallymakethebed makethebedseverymorning severymorning.. Igetupearlyeveryday. Iwalkthedogeveryafternoon. Ev EveryMo Eve e ryMonda ndayIdothe yIdotheshoppin shopping. g. Iworkoutatthegymtwic Iworkoutatthegy mtwiceaweek. eaweek. Iplaysportsatweekends. Iplaysportsat weekends. Focus >

Describingdailyactivi Desc ribingdailyactivities ties

Play Play the the rec record ording ing and and ask ask Sswhatthe soundwas soundwas (an (an alarmclock).AllowSstimetodiscusstheiranswerswith alarmclock). AllowSstimetodiscusstheiranswerswith the their ir par partne tner. r. Monito Monitor r the the act activi ivity, ty, the then n eli elicit cit sui suitab table le answersfromSsaroundtheclass.

800 80 0 n



andunderlinethecorrectanswers.CheckSs'answers.Ss inpairsaskandanswerque inpairsask andanswerquestions stions,asintheexampl ,asintheexample.Select e.Select pairstopresenttheirexchangesinfrontoftheclass.

Fo cu Focus cus s >- Completingadialogue Te Tell ll Ss Ss to to read read thro throug ugh h the the dial dialog ogue ue in in pa pair irs s an and d pr pred edic ictt whatSallyissaying.Then,allow whatSallyissaying. Then,allowSstimetoreadthemis Sstimetoreadthemissing sing sentencesA-Handcompletet sentencesAHandcompletethetask.RemindSsthatt hetask.RemindSsthatthere here are3extrasentences.Elicitanswersaroundtheclass,then are3extrasentences.Elicitanswersar oundtheclass,then playtherecording.Sslistenandchecktheirownanswers.

AnswerKey Answ erKey(Seeoverprint (Seeoverprintedanswers) edanswers) A: A: B: B: A: A A: : B: B: B:

AnswerKey Answ erKey(Seeoverp (Seeoverprintedanswers rintedanswers))

A: A: AreTim Ar Are eT Tim& &Annwatch AnnwatchingTV? ingTV? B: B: No,th No No,theyaren't.They'relisteningto ,they eyaren't.They'relisteningtomusi music. c.

Focus>|Arranging Focus>|Arr angingtomeetafriend tomeetafriend Inpairs,Ssprepa Inpair s,Sspreparea readia dialog logueusin ueusingthedialo gthedialogue gue inEx.5 as as a mode model. l. Moni Monito tor r the the ac acti tivi vity ty, , then then as ask k ea each ch pa pair ir to actouttheirdialogueinfrontoftheclass.

Cl Claire: Clai aire re: : He Helen: Hele len: n: Clai Claire Claire: re: : He Helen: Hele len: n: Cl Claire: Clai aire re: : He Helen: Hele len: n: Claire Claire: Claire: :

Hi,Helen Hi Hi, ,Helen- -it's it'sClaire! Claire! Claire Claire!I'm Claire!I'msosorryIforgottoring !I'mso sosorry sorryIforgottoringyou you!I'vebeenso !I'vebeensobu busy. sy sy.. Don'two Don'tworry.Listen Don'tworr rry.Listen,let's ,let'smeet- meet-are areyoufreetonight? youfreetonight?  Well,theproblemisthatI Well Well,t ,the heproblemisthatIgetupearlyd getupearlyduringthewee uringtheweek. k. WhataboutFridayevening What aboutFridayevening?? I'm I'm I'm afraid afr afra afra aid id Friday Friday's 's nogood no nogood good goo d for for me. I always alw alwa always ays ys do do the the weeklyshoppingthen. weeklyshopping then. Whata Whatashame!I'd shame!I'dloveto lovetosee seeyou. you. Metoo...Hey, Metoo Metoo.. ...H .Hey,wha what tare areyoudoing youdoingnow? now? I'mjus I' I'm m  ju  justd stdoi tdoingabitofshoppingi oing nga ab bit ito of fshoppingintown ntown.. Metoo! Me Metoo! Well,let's Well Well, ,let'smeet meetnow, now,then! then! Greatidea!Seeyouinten Gre Greatid atidea! ea!See Seeyouintenminutesin minutesintheMetroCafe! theMetroCafe!

Fo cu Focus cus s > | Presentsimple Presen Present tsimplevspresen vspresentcontinu tcontinuous ous ReadthefirstsentencealoudandaskSstoidentifytheverb tense (presentsimple) (presentsimple) an and d sa say y what what it it expr expres esse ses s (ahabit/ (a habit/ habit/ routine).AskSstojustifytheiranswer routine). AskSstojustifytheiranswer (somethingshedoes (somethingshedoes everyweekday).. Repeat everyweekday) Repeat Repeat thiswith this thiswith with theothe th the the eothert  othert othert rt wo wo ex exam amples ples.. El Elic icit it pe pers rson onal al ex exam ampl ples es from from Ss (e.g. (e.g. Wha Wh Whatdo What a tdoy t doyou doyou yo ou u do do on Mondays?Igotoschoo Mondays?Igotosch ool. l.Wha Whatareyoudoingnow?Iamhavingan tareyoudoingnow?Iamhavingan tareyoudoingnow?Iamhavingan Englishlesson,etc).TellSstorerea Englishlesson,etc). TellSstorereadthedial TellSstorerea dthedialogu ogueinEx.5 einEx.5and and underl und erline ine exa exampl mples es of the the pre presen present sent t sim simple simple/con ple/co /con ntin tinuous. tinuou uous. s. Ss compareanswerswith compar compareanswerswith eanswerswithapa apartner.CheckSs'answer apa rtner.CheckSs'answersaround saround theclass. AnswerKey 2 2 PresentContinuo PresentContinuous us-action -actionhappening happeningnow no now w 3 3 PresentContinuous PresentContinuous-tempor -temporary arysituatio situation n Examplesindialog Examplesin dialogue:(Seeoverprintedansw ue:(Seeoverprintedanswers) ers) Focus


Re Read ad the the ex exam ampl ple e al alou oud d an and d elic elicit it the the mist mistak ake e (they're (they're havingbreakfast,notlunch). Sswork inpairs. inpairs. Mon Monito itor r the act activi ivity, ty, then then sel select ect pai pairs rs to pre presen sent t des descri cripti ptions ons to the class.TherestoftheSscorrectthemistakes. SuggestedAnswerKey It's It's 7:00 7:00 am am. . Th Ther ere e is is a boy boy catch catc catchin tching hiin ng g a bu bus s to to sc scho hool ol. . He's He's wearinga wearin gajacket,  ja  jack cket et,tro ,trous trousersandtrainers. user ers sandtrainers. andtrainers.(7:3 (7:30) (7:3 0) It's2:00pm.Thereis It's2:00 pm.Thereisacoupledoi acoupledoingt ngthewashin hewashing-up. g-up. g-u p. The Theyare Theyare yare at atthe atthesupermarket, supermarket,(shopping) (shopping) etc et etc Focus > Matchingactivitiestosounds Play Play the the record recording ing for for the the fir firstitem. stitem. Ask Ask Sswhatthey heard (a vac vacuum uum cleane cleaner). r). Ask: What's Bob doing? r). (vacuumingthecarpet).Playthewholerecording.Sslisten (vacuumingthecarpet). Playthewholerecording.Sslisten

Focus Fo cu cus s >■ U Usingtimeexpres singtimeexpressions sions/adve /adverbsoffrequ rbsoffrequency ency


Allo Allow w Ss Ss time time to to ma make ke up up sent senten ence ces s for for ea each ch of of the the prompts.Sspresenttheirsentencesinfrontoftheclass.

SuggestedAnswerKey Cl Claire: Clai aire re: : Helen: Helen: Claire Claire: Claire: : He Helen: Hele len: n:

IsMary Is IsMaryplayingtennis? playingtennis? No, No No,sheisn ,sheisn't.She’ 't.She’s splay playingt ingthe heguitar. guitar. IsSusancuttingthe IsSusancuttingthegrass? grass? No,she No,sheisn' isn't.She'sridin isn't. t.She's t.She's She'sridin ridinga gamot g amotorbike motorbike. orbike..

SuggestedAnswerKey It'srainingnow. IgotoballetclasseveryFriday. Igotoballetclasseve ryFriday. OnMondays,Igotomybestfriend'shouseafterschool. Atthemoment,I'mbakingacake. Atth emoment,I'mbakingacake. OnSunda OnSu ndayevenings, nda yevenings,Igetmybook yevenings, Igetmybooksreadyforsch sreadyforschool ool.. Iusual Iu suallydomyhomeworkafter lydomyhomeworkafterdin dinne ner. r. Ineverleavethehousewithoutmymobilephone! Inever leavethehousewithoutmymobilephone! Game Dividetheclassintoteams. Dividetheclas sintoteams.Expla Explainthegame. inthegame. Encour Encourage age Ssto ageSs Ssto be be im imag agin inat ativ ive e and and cr crea eati tive ve. . Te Tell ll Ss Ss that that the the te team am with with the the cr craz azie iest st anim animal al acti activi viti ties es wins wins th the e game game. . As As an an op opti tion onal al ext extens ension ion,Ss ,Ss dra drawpictur wpictureson eson the the boardor boardor mim mimein ein frontof  frontof  theclasswhiletheotherteamguessestheanimalandactivity. SuggestedAnswerKey Team Te Tea am mB BS SI: I: I: TeamA Team AS2: S2: 11

Focus >

T The helions lionsare arecooking cookingpasta. pasta. Themonkeys Themonkey monkeysaresurfingthe saresurfingthe aresurfingtheNe aresurfing theNet. Net. t.

et etc c


Readoutthepromptsinthebox,andelicitendingsfrom the Chores Chores bo boxinEx. xinEx. 1. e.g. T:Can e.g. :Canyou youplease... please... S SI: I: I: ...vacu .. ...v .v .vacu acuum umthe thefloor? floor? e et etc tc Ss Ss work work in in pa pair irs, s, ma maki king ng up up sh shor ort t ex exch chan ange ges, s, as as in in the the example. exampl e. Walkaround the theroommonitoringthe roommonitoringthe activi activity. ty. Selectpairstopresenttheirexchangestotheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey A: A: Couldyoumakethebe Co Coul uld dyoumakethebeds? ds ds?? B: B: So Sorr Sorry,Ica rry,Ican't.I'mlat n't.I'mlatefor eforschool. school. A: A: Wouldyoumind Woul Would dyoumindmowingthe mowingthelawn lawn?? B: B: No Noproblem. e Noproblem. et etc tc 12 2 [Foc [F ocus ocu us s >-| Describingphotogr Describing Describingphotographs aphs Direct Direct Ss' Ss' at attent te tention ntion ion ion to t o the the firs fi first firrst st t pict pictur pi pic ctur ture ure e in in Ex Ex. . 1. .Ask .Ask Ask Ask Ss questionsfromtherubric. e.g. T:: e.g. W Whoare hoarethey they?? S SI: I: I: A Afamily./A Afamily./Aboy family./A family./Aboy boyand andhis hisparen parents. ts ts.. T:: W Whereare herearethey? they? S S2: 2: A Athome, thome,in intheir theirkitchen/dining kitchen/diningroom room.. T:: W What ha tare arethey theydoing? doing? S S3: 3: T Theyare heyareeatin eating gbreakfast. breakfast. T:: H Howoften owoftendo dothey theydo doso? so so?? S4: Everyday, etc InstructSstofindphotographsoftheir Instruc tSstofindphotographsoftheirfamilyandfollow familyandfollow the the sameproced sameprocedure ure.Ss .Ss com comple pletethetaskforHW tethetaskforHW and presenttheirpicturedescr presen ttheirpicturedescription iptionsinthe sinthenextlesson nextlesson..



5 5

Complete Com pletethe thedialog dialogue. ue.For Forspaces spaces1 1-5,choose ,choosethe thecorrect correctsentences sentences(A-H) (A-H). .Listen Listenand andcheck. check. A Er Erm m ... ... We Well ll, , I don' don't t wa want nt to to go go to to bed bed

Laura:Hi,Sally-it'sLaura! Laura: Sally: 1) G Sally: Well ll, , th thin ings gs are are re real ally ly bu busy sy bu but t I' I'm m fine fine. . List Listen en, , I' I'd d Laura:We Laura:

la late te. . I ge get t up up real really ly ea earl rly y on on we week ekda days ys.. W ha hatabout taboutFri Friday dayevening? evening? B I don't think so. Are you free on



Sally:2)A Sally: 2) A

C Ne Neve ver r min mind. d. d.  W e e c ca can an n m meet mee eet eet so some me othe otherr

Erm m ... ... no no, , Frid Friday ay's 's no no go good od fo for r me. me. I alwa always ys pl play ay  Er Laura: ten te nnisthen.. tennisthen


3) H Sally:3)H Sally: Laura: Metoo...Hey,whatareyoudoingnow? Laura: 4) D Sally:4)D Sally: Laura:Areyoukidding?Metoo! Laura: Sally: 5)F Sally: Great! at! See See you you intenminu intenminutes tes attheCircusCafe attheCircusCafe!! Laura:Gre Laura:


D I'm just doing a bit of shopping in town. E E I'mdoing I'm doingmy myhome homework. work. F We Well Well, ll,let ,let' let's let''s smeetnowthen! meetnowthen! G Lau Laura! ra! Long Long time time no nosee see! see ! How H ow areyo are areyou? u? H Oh,whatashame! Oh,wh Oh,wh ata shame! shame! I'd I'd I'dlovetosee  lov love etoseeyou. you.

now, 10 Usethefollowingtomakesentences: now, every,onMondays,a ever y,onMonday y,on Mondays,a s,atthe tthemoment,onSun tthemoment moment,on ,onSunday day 

Workinpairs.Callyour Workinpair s.Callyourfriendtofind friendtofindout out


howhe/sheisandarrang howhe/sh eisandarrangetomeet.Usethe etomeet.Usethe sentencesinEx.4toactoutyourdialogue.

ExploringGrammar ► Pr  Presen esentSi  tSimp mplevs levs Presen Pr  esentContinuous tContinuous GrammarReference

Imagineacrazyz Imagineacr azyzoo.W oo.Wh h hat at ataretheanimals aretheanimals doing?Playinteams. TeamAS Team AST: T: T The The hez zebras zebrasaretalkingont ebrasaretalkingonthe hephone. phone.

Whichtenseexpresses: ahabit/routinel






Shegoes Sh egoestowor toworkby kbyca care reve very rywe week ekday day..

2 2

He'scoo He's cookin king g pas pasta pastanow. ta now.

3 3

H He'slivi He' e 's sliving  liv living ing ng wit with h Ann Ann unt until untilhe il ilhe hefinds  findsa aflat. flat.



Inpairs,usethetablebelowtomake exchanges.Usephrasesfrom Chores p. p. 8 .

Chooseonepicturefromthoseonp. 8 .

Making Requests Making Request Requests  • • C Can Can an you you ple please ase ...? ...?

R Responding e s p o n d ing • • Y Yes,o es, o of f fcourse. course.

Describeittoyourpartner.Makeone mistake.Yourpartnercorrectsit.

• • C Could o u ldyo you.. u...? .?

• Sorr So Sorry, Sorry, rry, y, Ican Ican't. can't. 't. 't. I'm I'm ... ...

• W Wou ou ould ldyou youmind you mind

• • N Nopro o problem blem. . I'm I'm ... ...

It's7:00 It's7: 00inthemorning. inthemorning.Theyarehavin inthemorning. Theyarehavinglunch. Theyarehavin glunch.They They They


• • II'mafrai 'm afraid dnot. dnot not. not. . I'm.. I' I'm m m.. ... ...

lookhappy,etc A: A: Ca Can Canyoupleasetake nyoupleasetakeoutthe outtherubbish? rubbish? rubbish?


^ 'jf 'jf Listenandunderline L i s tenandunderlinethecorrect thecorrectsound. sound.

B B: B:: Y Yes, es,o o of f fcourse. course.

Askandanswer. 1 Bob: Bo Bob:waterplant b:wate water rpl pla ants/ s/va vacu cuumc umcarp arpet et 2 2 Mary: Ma ry: pla playten play playtennis/ ytennis/play nis/playt playthe the the he gui guitar tar 3 3 S Susan: Susan: us an: an: cu cutthe cut cut tthe  the gr grass ass/ride ass /ridea amotorb motorbike ike



4 4 T Tim Tim im & &An  Ann: n: listento listen listento to music music/watch /watch /watch /wa tch TV


A: A: Is Is IsBobwateringthe Bobwateringtheplan plants? ts?

descriptionofeach.Write: descriptionofeach.W rite: rite: • whotheyare

B: B: No,hei No, No,heisn't sn't.He .He's 'svacu vacuum umingthecarpet. ingthecarpet.

•wherethey •wheret heyare ar are e •whatthey •wh •whattheyaredoing aredoing •howoftenthey •ho woftentheydotheactivity dotheactivity






b. b. W ha hat ttype typeof ofper person sonare areyou you??



► Weeke Weekenda ndactivi  ctiviti  ties es


Explainthew Expl ainthewords ordsinbo inbold. ld.

A r e  Y A  Y o u a


IZ 1

P a r tt y A A n i m a l * ''* * H o m e B i r d ? A clas classmat classmateishavingapartyon smateishav eishavingapart ingapartyon yonSatu Saturd Saturday. rday ay.. Whatareyougoingtodo?

A You’regoingtostayin.Th You’regoingtostayin.Ther ere’s e’sa agre greatfilm atfilm onTV! B B Y You’ ou’’rego regoingtogo regoingtogo,bu ,butyou’ tyou’ren renotcrazyabout otcrazyabout theidea. C You’re definitely goingtogo.Youcan’ goingtogo.Youcan’twai twait! t!


going going tothecin tothecinema tothecine ema


2 Y You’regoing ou’r ou’re egoin going gto to toa to a weddingreception andyou don’tk don’ tknowmanyp nowmanypeople. eople. eop le. Howdoyoufe Ho wdoyoufeel? el el?? A Horrible Horrible.You .Youreallydon’ reallydon’twantto twantto twant to go.

havinga having abarbecue abarbecue

B B Abitn A bitnervo ervous,b us,butyou’ utyou’reg regoin oing gtot totryto ryto besociable. be sociable.

g goingdancing going oing dancing

C Gre Gre at!Youlovemeetingnewpeople! Great! Youlovemeetingnewpeople! 3 3 Your Yo ur urparen paren parents parentsarego ts tsarego arego are going ingaway ing awaythisweekend. awaythis thisweekend. this weekend.


W ha tareyougo tareyougoing ingto todo do? do?


A You’regoingtorentDVDsandrelaxathome. B Afe Afewc Afewclosefriendsareco wclo lose sefri frien end dsarecoming mingoverand overandyou’r you’re e havingabarbec having abarbecue ueinthegard ue inthegarden. inthegarden. en. C You’regoingdancingwithfriends.

Sortingnewwordsintodifferentcategoriescan helpyourememberthembetter. helpyouremem  bert  be rthe he mb mbet ette ter. r. ^ ^

4 Your Yo Yourfriendcalls urfr frie iend ndc callstoinviteyouout toinviteyououtforcoffeebu forcoffeebutt

Inpair I n pairs, s,sort sortthe the activities the activ activitie itiesinto sinto intothe the categoriesbelow.Thinkofm categories below.Thinkofmorefreeorefree-time time

you’re comfortable onthesofaandalittlebit


tired.Whatareyougoingtodo? You ’renotmoving.Youreallydon’twant You’ ’renotmoving.Youreallydon’twant renotmoving.Youreallydon’twant A You


togoout! B B Y You’ ou’rego ’regoing regoingto to invite inv inviteyourfriendover. iteyou you rfriendover.




C You You ’regoing! You’reg oing!Th The e nightisyoung. nig night htisyou isyoung ng..

Reading 2 2

Just beca becauseyou useyou likesta likestayin ying gin in,it ,itdoesn’ doesn’t tme mean an MostlyAs: Just you you can’ can’t t have company. Shareyoursofawithfriendssome timeorgooutfora cosy meal!

a .  Lookat L o o k  atthe thetitle titleof ofthe the qui the quiz. z. i W hatdo ha tdoesi esitmean?Whicho tmean?Whichof fthe th e i following follow followin ing g adjec adjecti tivesbes tivesbes ves bes best t tdescri describe be I apa apa rtyanimal rtyanimal/ahomebird /ahome /ahomebir bird ? outgoin out going g •sociable •so soci ciab able le • •quie quiet t •popula •popularr shy • shy •frien friendly dly




Mostly Mostl y Bs: Youarefriendlyandpopular,butsometimesyou justwant justw antto to stay stayat at home.Goo home.Good d for for you!You you!You don’t you!Youdon’ t alwa alw always ays havetogoouttohaveagoodtime! Mostly Mos tly Cs: You’r if e e a n nd d so oul ul of of th the e  par par tty y an You’re e the l if and d everyone’sbestfriend.Justbecarefulnottotireyourselfout. W hy hy notrelaxathomeoncein notrelaxathomeonceinawhileor awhileor invite invitefriend friendsover sover toyourhouse?



Chillout! Chill out!


Objectives:learningaboutsocial/leisureweekend activities,plans& activities,plans & arrangements arrangements; ; practi practisingand singand contrastingtheuseofpresentcontinuous&"goingto"; practisingcolloquiallanguageformakingand respondingtosuggestions Vocabulary;weekend Vocabu lary;weekend activi activities ties Reading: Readin g: a person personalityquiz alityquiz Skill- reading Skill readingfordetailed fordetailedcompr comprehensio ehension n Grammar:presentcontinuousand"goingto" EverydayEnglish:suggestions Speaking:makingandrespondingtosuggestions Listening:adialogueaboutpeople'splansforthe weekend(multiplematchingtask) Skill-listeningforspecificinformation Skill-listeningforspecificinformation Writing:sentence Writin g:sentencesaboutyourfixedarrange saboutyourfixedarrangementsfor mentsfor nextwee nex tweek k


Categorisingfree-t Categorising free-timeactivities imeactivities

b. b. Allo Al AllowSs lowSstimetoreadthequ timetoreadthequiz,answerthequestion iz,answerthequestionss and and ch chec eck k thei their r sc scor ores es. . Te Tell ll them them to to co comp mpar are e thei theirr scores sco res wit with h the their ir par partne tners' rs'. . Wal Walk k around around the the room room monito mon itorin ringthe gthe activi activity. ty. Ask Ask Ssto rep report ort totheclass wh what what at at ty type pe of o f per person pe pers rson son on the their theiiir r part pa par partne rtne tner ner r is. is is.. Elicit Elic El Eliicit cit it fr from om Ss whethe whe ther r the they y feel feel tha that t the their ir quiz quiz res result ults s accura accuratel tely y describetheirpersonality. As Ask k Ss Ss to to look look at at the the te text xt agai again n and and ex expl plai ain n the the meanin mea ningof gof the the wordsin wordsin boldby boldby giving giving adefini adefinitio tion, n, synonym synony synonymorantonym. morantonym. orantonym. EncourageSsto Encoura Encoura geSstotryandguess tryandguess themeaningofeachwordfromthecontextbefore usingtheirdictionariestochecktheirguesses. SuggestedAnswerKey SuggestedAnswerKey definitely(a defin itely(a itely (adv): dv): dv): 100 100%s %sureabout ureaboutsomethi something ng ng weddingreception( weddingre ception(n):thepartyheldafteraweddin n):thepartyheldafteraweddingg comfortable(adj):feelingphysicallyrelaxed comfortable(adj):feelingphysicallyrelaxed company( compa ny(n):guestsorfrien n):guestsorfriendswhospendtimewithyou dswhospendtimewithyou dswhospendtimewithyou cosy(adj):pleasant thelifeandsoulo thelifea ndsouloftheparty ftheparty(exp):some (exp):someonewhoiso onewhoisoutgoin utgoing, g, g, sociableandfuntobewith

Dire Direct ct Ss Ss' ' at atte tent ntio ion n to to the the titl title e of of the the un unit it an and d the the illustrations. illustration s. Elicit Elicit what"chill out"means (relax). (relax). As AskSs kSs whattypesofthingstheydotorelax (e.g.listentomusic, (e.g.listentomusic, go go ou out t wi with th th thei eir r frie friend nds, s, etc) etc).. Tell Ss to look at the ill illust ustrat ration ions. s. Read Read the the captio captions ns aloud, aloud, then then elicit elicit whi which ch activitiesSsdointheirfreetime. Re Refe fer r Ss Ss to to the the Stu Study Stud udy dy y Sk Skil ills ls box. x. Ex Expl pla ain in that tha that a t pu putt puttin tt tting ing g wordsinto catego categoriescan riescan helpus remember rememberthemmore themmore easily. Writetheheading Weeken Weekend dactivi activities tiesontheboard.Then tiesontheboard.Then make make two two co colu lumn mns s un unde dern rnea eath th with with the the he head adin ings gs indoors an indoors and d outdoors. outdoors. Te Tell ll Ss Ss to to look look at at the the il illu lust stra rati tion ons s andelicitwhichactivitiesgoinwhichcolumnandwrite themontheboard themontheboard.AskSstothink .AskSstothinkof of afewmoreand afewmoreand ad add d them them to to the the li list sts. s. Te Tell ll Ss Ss to to co copy py them them into into thei theirr not notebo ebooks oks. . As an ext extens ension ion, , Ss can can repeat repeat the the exe exerci rcise se withthedailyactivitiesonp.8. SuggestedAnswerKey indoors:rentingDVD indoors: rentingDVDs/relaxin s/relaxinga gat thome/go home/goingswimming/ ingswimming/ ingswimming/ cookingforfriends/goingtothecinema/eatingout/visiting  relatives/goingdancing/ relatives/go ingdancing/ ingdanci ng/(liste (listeningtomusi (listeningtomusic/going ningtomusic/go c/goingtothe tothe tothe theatre/playingboar theatre/playing boardgames/reading/surfingtheNet/etc) dgames/reading/surfingtheNet/etc) dgames/reading/surfingtheNet/etc) outdoors:going outdoo outdoors:going rs:going camping/goingswimming/eatingout/ campin camping/ g/ goingswimmin goingswimming/ g/ eating eating out/ havingabarbecue/(goingskiin havinga barbecue/(goingskiing/playing g/playingten tennis nis/going /goingfora fora fora walk/etc) a.

Focus > Learningdescriptiveadjectives DirectSs'attentiontothetitleofthequizandask themwhattheythinkitmeans.Readoutthelistof  ad adje ject ctiv ives es an and d el elic icit it/e /exp xpla lain in an any y un unkn know own n word words, s, thenelicitwhichadjectivesbestdescribeeachofthe twopersonalitytypes.

AnswerKey Thequiz The The quiz qui quiz ztit  tit titleis leis ask asking ing whe whethe whether ther theryou you are are som someon eone ewho ew w who holikes likes lik es par partie ties s and and goi going ngout out (a"pa (a "party rty ani animal mal"), "), orsom or someon eone e who who preferstostayathome(a"homebird"), preferstostayathome(a"homebird"), partyanimal:outgo partyanim al:outgoing ing/ /socia /socia sociable ble/ / /popular/friendly popular/friendly popular/friendly popular/friendly homebird:quiet/shy




Pr Pre re es s se e en n ntt c co o on n ntttiin in nu u uo o ou u us s- s - "g "g go o oiin in ng g to to o""

DirectSs'attentiontothefirstexamplesentence.AskSs comprehensionquestio comprehension questions: ns: e. e.g. e.g g. T: : Whenis Whenisthe theperson persongoing goingto tobuy buya acar car?? S SI: I: I: Nextye Nextyear. ar. ar. T: : Whennext Whennextyea year? r? S2: S2: We'renot We'renotsure sure.. T: : D Doeshe oesheknow hekno knowwhichca wwhich whichcar rhe's he'sgoing goingto tobuy? tobuy? S3: S3: No,becausehe No,becausehesays'a says'acar',not car',notaspecific aspecificca car. r. T: : Arewe Are Are we we wesure suretha surethat the he’’sdefini s sdefinitely telygoingto goingtobuy buyacar? acar? acar? S4: S4: No No No- -but -bu but butweknow t we weknow know he's he'splan he'splanning planning ning to ning tobec beca becau because ause useh seh he's e's alreadysaving already savingmo money ney.. T: :

So,would So, wou wouldyou ldyou you say you say this thi thisis sis isa a a fi fixed xedarra xed arrangem ngement entor or or a(n)intention/plan? S S5: S5: 5: A A(n) A(n (n)) intent int inte inten ention nti tio ion/pl on/plan /pla /plan an. n. etc etc

Fo Fo oc c cu u us> ss> >• >•[ M Ma Mak aki kin in ng g an an nd d r rre e es s sp p po o on n nd di din in ng g tto o s su u ug g gg g ge e es s stti tio ion on ns s Readthroughthepromptsinthetable.Elicitendingsto the suggestion suggestions s (e.g (e.g. . Wh Why Why y do don' n't t we we wego  go go goto  to to tothe  the the cine ci cin cinema?). nema ema?). ma?). ?). AllowSstimetocompletetheexchanges.Elicitanswers, then th en play lay th the e re rec cord rdin ing. g. Ss Ss list listen en and chec eck k th thei eirr answers. AnswerKey 1 lo lo ov ve ve Focus

2 2 W What ha tabout about Dialoguemaking/respon Dialogue making/responding ding to suggestions

Explainthetask. Expl Explainthetask. ainthetask. Remi RemindSsto ndSsto usephrasesfromthe usephrasesfromthe box tocreatetheirdialogues.Monitorthe tocreatetheirdialogues.Mo nitorthe activ activity.Havepairs ity.Havepairs actouttheirdialoguesinfrontoftheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey

Repeatthisprocedurewiththeothersentenceandelicit from from Ss Ss that that this this is is a fi fixe xed d ar arra rang ngem emen ent. t. Ss Ss iden identi tify fy whichtenseisusedineachcase.AllowSstimetoreread the quiz and underline the examples of present continuousforafixedarrangementand'goingto'foran intention/plan. (Not (No (N (Note ote te e that tha that t two two exam exampl ple es s - - ""You You're 're not not moving"[4A]an movi ng"[4A]and d"You "You'regoing"[4B] 'regoing"[4B]-use -usepresentcontinuo presentcontinuous, us us,, butare notactuall notactually y fixed fixed arran arrangemen gements; ts;thisuse thisuse indi indicate cates s determination/very determination /very firm intention.) intention.) Ss Ss co comp mpar are e an answ swer ers s with a with apart partner.CheckSs' ner.CheckSs' answ answersaround ersaround theclass. AnswerKey fix fixedarran edarrangem gement ents: s:is isha havin ving g a pa party rty / You You're 're goi goingto ngto a weddingrecept weddi ngreception/a ion/aregoingaw regoingaway ay/ar /are ecom comingover/You're ingover/You're ingover/You're havingabarbecue/You'regoingdancing intentions/plan intent ions/plans: s:Wha Whatare tareyougoingtodo?/Yo yougoingtodo?/You're u'regoingto goingto goingto st stayin/You're sta ayin/You'regoing goi going ng togo/You'redefinit togo/You togo/ You're 'redefin definitely itelygoin ely ely goi going ng g togo/ togo/ you'regoing you' regoingtotryto totryto/yo /you'r u'regoingt egoingtorentDVDs orentDVDs/You're /You'regoing going going toinvite/You'regoing toinv ite/You'regoing Fo cus> Focu s> |Talkingaboutplans/ |Talkin |Talking gaboutplans/ aboutplans/fixe fixedarrangements fixe darrangements Tel Tell l Ssto readFion readFiona' a's s no notes, tes, thenselec thenselect t two two Ssto read read outthe sample sampleexch exchange ange. . Sscom Ss complete plete thetask thetaskinpairs. inpairs. Monitortheactivity.CheckSs'answers,thenselectpairs toactouttheirexchangesinfrontoftheclass. AnswerKey IsFionagettinga IsFionagettin gapresentforhermu presentfor present forhermum'sbirthdayon m'sbirthdayonTuesd Tuesday? ay ay?? No,sheisn't.She'sgettingiton No,sheisn't.She'sgettingit onWednesd Wednesday. ay ay.. IsFionaeatingoutwithher IsFionaeatingoutwithh erparentsonWednesda parentsonWednesday? y? Yes,she Yes,sheis. is. Is IsFionagoin IsFionagoingwithJoh gwithJohn&Susietothe n&SusietothecinemaonThursday? cinemaonThursday? cinemaonThursday? No,sheisn't.She' No,shei sn't.She'sgoingwithJo sgoingwithJohn hn&Sam. &Sam. IsFionabuyingfoodforthebarbecueonFriday IsFionabuyingfoodforthebarbe cueonFriday?? Yes,she Yes,sheis. is. Is IsFionaha IsFionahavingthebarbecue vingthebarbecueat at1pm at 1pmonSaturda 1pmo onSaturday? y? No,sheisn't.She’shavi No,sheisn't.She’ shaving ngita itat8 t8pm. pm pm.. IsFionadoingaerobicsonSunday IsFionadoingaerobics onSunday?? No,sheisn't.She'sgoingswimming. Focus Foc us us >- Talkingabout plans/fixedarrangements Explain Explai n the the task. task. Ss work work in pa pairs irs. . Monito Monitor r the the ac activ tivity ity,, thenelicita then elicitavari varietyofanswersfrom etyofanswersfromSs Ss aroundtheclass. aroundtheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey I'mmeetingafriendforcoffeetonight. I'mgoingto I'mgoing tojoi  jo  join in na agym gymnext nextmonth. month.

etc et etc

1 A: B: B: 2 2 A: B: B:

W Would ouldyou youli like keto towatch watcha aDVD? DVD? Su Sure Sure,I’d re, ,I’dlov I’dlove loveto love eto to! to! W Whydon't hydon'twe wego goout outto toeat? eat? I' I'dloveto, I'dloveto d dlove loveto to,but ,butI'mreallytired. butI'mreally I'm reallytired.Let's tired.Let's Let'scook cooksomething cooksom somethingat somethingat ethingat at home. A A: : W Whynot? hynot? Listeningtomatchpeoplewithactivities

Te Tell ll Ss Ss to to read read thro throug ugh h the the rubr rubric ic and and the the pr prom ompt pts. s. Explainthe Expl ainthe task, task, then then playthe reco recordin rding g whil while e Ss Ssmatc match h the the people people to the the activ activiti ities. es. Ss co comp mpare are the their ir answe answers rs with apart with a partner.CheckSs' ner.CheckSs' answers. answers. AnswerKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) Answ erKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) Asanextension,Ssaskandanswerinpairs Asanextension,Ss askandanswerinpairs.M .Monit onitorthe orthe activity. SuggestedAnswerKey A: A A: : IsAndrewrel IsAndrewrelaxingathome axingathomethis thisweekend? weekend? B: B: No No,h No,heisn't.He ,he eisn't.He'sgoingonapicnic. 'sgoingonapicnic. A: A A: : IsChloe IsChloegoing goingcampin camping? g? B: B: No No,s No,sheisn't.She's ,she heiisn't.She'scookingforfriends cookingforfriends.. A: A: IsHelen Is IsHelenhavingabarbecue? havingabarbecue? B: B: No, No No,shei ,sheisn't.Sh sn't.She'svisitingher e'svisitinghergrandma grandma.. A: A: IsDann Is IsDanny ygoingto goingtothe thecinema cinema?? B: B: No No,h No,heisn't.He ,he eisn't.He'srelaxingathome. 'srelaxingathome. Focus


Tell Tell Ss toma to make kea a list list of the their ir fixed fixedarr arran angem gement ents s for for the following follo followingweek. wing week week. . Elici Elicit Elicitanswe t tanswers answersfrom answ ersfrom rsfrom from arou aroundthe ndthe class class (e.g. (e.g. Monday-go Mond ay-goingoutwithfrien ingoutwithfriends) ds)..AllowSstimetowritether sentences sente senten sen tences nces. ces. . Check Check Chec Check k Ss' Ss' answ answer answers. answers. ers. s. Elicit Eli Elici Elicit cit t fixe fixed arra arrangem ngements ents fromSsaroundtheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey OnMonday,I'mplay OnMonday ,I'mplayingfootball. ingfootball. OnTuesda OnTue sday,I'mvisiting y,I'mvisitingGra Grandm ndmaafte aaftersc rschool. hool. OnWednesday,I'mgoingtothecinemawithHelenan OnWednesday,I'm OnWednesday,I'mgoingtothecinema goingtothecinemawithHelenan withHelenandBeth. dBeth. dBeth. OnThursday,I’m OnThursd ay,I’mmeetingD meetingDadatt adatthetrains hetrainstation tationat7pm at7pm.. OnFriday,I'mdoingallmyhomewor OnFriday,I'mdoinga llmyhomeworkfor kforMonday. Monday. OnSaturday,I'mgoingshoppingintownwithMum. OnSunday,I'm mspendingthedayinLond spendingthedayinLondon. on.



Exploring Explor ing Gramma Grammarr


► Prese Present ntC  Con onti  tinu nuou ous  s  s- -g - goin  g oingto oing gto to

►Makin Making  gsu  g su  sug su gg  gg ge  gg e estio  stions  stio stions


g g

U Usephrases s e  phrasesfrom fromthe the box the boxtocom boxto complete plete



below.Which below.Wh ichonedescri onedescribes: bes: afixed afixed arrangement?? anintention/plan? Find arrangement examplesofeachuseinthequiz.

• W Why hy don'twe don't don'twe ...? ...?

• • T That's ha t's t's a agood good

I'm saving I'm saving mon money ey bec becaus ause e I'm I'm goi going ng to buy

• • W h ha atab t a b o u utt...+i . . . +ing ng?? • W ould ou ld ld you you li like keto ke to to ...? .. ....??

idea. • • S Su Sure, urre, e , I' I'dlov I'd dlove d loveto! eto!


• • Let's Let 's 's ... ...

I'vegotthetra I'veg otthetraintic intickets.We kets.We're 're 're lea leaving leavin ving g at at1 1 10 0 o'clockonMondaymorning.

• • W h hy y y not? not? • Sorr So Sorry, Sor rry, ry, y, Ica Ican' n't. t.

• • S Shall hallw w e ...? .. .?

• • II'm I'm 'm afr afraid afra a id id Ican Ican't. 't.


• • II'dlove 'd loveto tob b u t ... ...

week.Inpairs,askandanswerquestions, asintheexample.


A A:W ::W  W hy hydon'  d o n't twego wegotttot othec othecin inem ema? a? B: I'd ................ ................................ ................................ ................... ...to. to.

A A: : IsF IIsFiona sFiona iona playin playing g tennis tennis nniswith withPau Paul lon onMo Monda nday y 2 2

at6pm at6 pm ?

A A: : ................................ ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...................having ..having ..havi ng apicnic a picnic?? B: B: I'd I'd I'd rat rath ra rather ther h er not. not.

B: B: No,she No,sheisn't isn't. .She's She'spla playin ying g ten tenni niswith s s swith  wi with th Pau Pau lat l a t 7pm.

n nn nM n M M

W 


a!Ii11111111111:111!Ii1!I!ifI !ifIiI iIfI fIf f !IIIiII !IIIi !IIIiII II1 IE IIMII11 IIMII1 1iIiIi iIiIii iIiIii T 1UIIIIIIIMI S D I1 A Y1iIiIii  2 2i1m1it %


 // li Y 99 I   V tU H E S /li

J J t  ,, i p U  !

Usethepromptsbelow Usethepromp tsbelowtoactout toactout

dialoguessimilartothe onesinEx. 6 . Rec Record ord yourselves. • sug sugges gest t wat watch watching ch ching ingaDVD a DVD



m ih


• •yourbroth y ourbrothersuggestsgoingouttoea ersuggestsgoingouttoeat/turn t/turn down down hi his s sugg sugges esti tion on/e /exp xpla lain in yo you u ar are e tire tired/ d/


* H M W |

W &d



¥11 ¥ 1 ¥ 11 1,11 wm i


Makingsuggest Making suggestions ions

........ .......  . .

^ ^  toct o  c-m me me e-w wa wa

butjfood fo odfo r

M - t h  J c h n  & M-thJch &..


ba m

v o i nnm .....M .....M N U A i I I in

111 11I**n 1I**nII, 1I**n II,Iu IuI,)U I, I,)U| )U||

Listening 8 Q 

Listenandmatchthepeo Listen andmatchthepeopletowhat pletowhat theyaredoingthisweekend.

People 1 S Siiim m mo o on n


Activities A vis visiti iting ng rel relati atives ves B B g going goi oin ng g ona n apicnic picnic

1 1  a m  — — 3  pM hav'&


g p Sn/ilYI Sn/ilY Sn/ilYIMingr Sn/ilYIIMingr


2 Andrew B

C co cook cooking okin ing for forfriends for friends

3 3 Chloe


D re rela relaxingat laxi xing ng athome home

4 4 Helen


5 5 D Danny ann y


E E h havinga aving abarbecue barbecue F F g goingto oing tothe tothe the cin the cinema ema G goin go goingcamping ing g camping

>.urff****** ******


T Tel ell ellyo lyour yourpartneryourf  ur partne partner ryour fixe ixed darrangements arrangements andplansfor next nextweekend, weekend, weeken d, int inthesummer, hesummer, hesummer, nextmonth.

h at atareyourf  areyourfix ixed ed g Portfolio: W hat arrangementsfornextweek?Write sentences,thentelltheclass.

I'mvisitingsomerelativesnextweekend. I'mgoingtospe I'mgoing tospendthesummerinEngland. ndthesummerinEngland.

OnMonday,I'mgoingo OnMonday,I'mg oingoutwith utwithmyfrie myfriends nds..



gftNewMessage gftNewMessa ge

““ a* 


Getting Getti ng Start Started ed

»w«.t   to*  itesw



1 1


B .



ffi fii !•! Atttech Prioririty

---------------- ------------------

Hi,Samantha! Greattohearfromyou.G Greattohearfrom you.Gue uesswhat-I’vegotasummerjob!Im sswhat-I’vegotasummerjob!Im workingat‘MagicMountainT workin workingat‘Magic gat‘MagicMountainTheme MountainThemePar hemePark’justou k’justoutof toftown.Its town.Its

How H o woften oftendo doyou yousen send d emails? emai ls?T To Towh ow h o m ? W h hyy ?


2 2


Let's look  closer closer

Inthemornings,Iusually visitorsatthebuytheirticketsand greet mainentrance, mainentrance,  answertheirquestions,showthemwhereto answertheirquestions,sh owthemwheretobuythe irticketsand givethemamapof givethemamap ofthepark. thepark.In Intheafternoon, theafternoon,Ihelpinoneof theafternoon, Ihelpinoneofthe Ihelpinoneof th the e

Readthe R e a d  therubr rubric. ic. Thisispartofanemail

qiftshopsinsidethepark.We q iftshopsinsideth iftshopsi iftshopsinsidethepark.We nsidethepark.We’realwaysbusy, epark.We’realwaysbusy, ’realwaysbusy,soIgetverytired soIgetverytired!! m Sofar, I’mrea I’mreallyenjoyingt llyenjoyingthejob!You hejob!Youdon’tneed hejo b!Youdon’tneeda don’tneedaloto a lotofexp fexperience,^ erience,^ butyouhavetobe cheerful andoutgoingbecauseyou dealwith dealwith peopleeveryday. peopleeve ryday.I’m I’mworkingtherefo workingthereforanothertwomonth ranothertwomonths.Wh s.Why y don’tyou applyfor ajobtheretoo?Thatwouldbegreat! Anyway,that’sallfornow.Writebacksoon.

II  «

from f romSamantha Samanthato toher her friend, frie nd, Grac Grace. e. Well,that'smynew Well ,that'smynews!How s!How s!How

Love, Grace

aboutyou?Writ aboutyou? Writeand eandtel telll mewhatyou'redoingthis mew hatyou'redoingthis summer!Areyouju summer !Ar Are eyo you uju st st  relaxingorhaveyou relaxi ngorhaveyougota gota gota job?? job

skills Brainstorming

su summer? sum m mer?Readthefir Readthefirst st

Be Befo fore re you you star start t writ writin ing, g, br brai ains nsto torm rm fo for r idea ideas. s. Writ Write e down down everythingthatcomestomind.Thiswillhelpyoudecidewhat



W hat h at atiisGra isGracedoingthi sGracedoingthis s

3 3

Readthe R e a d  theemail emailand andmatch matchthe the


/ ,

paragraphs(1 paragraphs (1-4 -4)toth )tothe e 5 5


a .  Readthe R e a d  the the ru rub rubric bric..

explainthewordsinbold. A 4 closingremarks/askfriend towriteback B 1 openin opening g remarks/ remarks/reason reason

So whatare wh atareyou youdoingthi doingthissummer?Ar ssummer?Are eyou youonho onholidayor lidayor lidayor doingsomethingelse?Writeb doingsometh ingelse?Writebackso acksoon. on. on. b. b. Portfolio:Use Po rtf o lio:Usetheplan theplanbelo below wtoorgani toorganise seyourid yourideas eas intoparagraphs.Writeyour intoparagraph s.Writeyouremail(50-100 email(50-100words). words).

forwriting C 2 job descri descripti description pti on D 3 job jobqualit qualities/o ies/other ther comments


Opening/Closing remarks 4 4

M Markthe a r k  thesentences sentencesO O(opening (opening remarks)or C (closingremarks).

greeti gre etings ngs,  ,where whereyo  you uar  u are,wha e,what tyo  yo  you uaredoing u aredoing Paragraph2   yo yourda yo urdailyroutine ilyroutine  Paragraph3 your  yo urfeelings feelings,  ,  ,invite invite inv invite ite fr  frie ffr  r iend ie ndto to to jo  joinyo jjo o inyo inyou u Paragraph4 ask as k fri fri fr i end en dtowrit  towrite eback back

1 2 2

H How ow a a arrre e ttth h hing in gs s s??  S Seeyou ee yousoon. soon.

0 C


3 3

Haveto Have togo gonow. now.



4 4

It'sbeen It'sbeenages, ages,hasn hasn't 'tit? 'tit? it? t? 0

Whatareyou v v




doin d oing? g? ^ ^ Butyou Butyou vcan'twrite

Sowhat?She can'tread!





4 4 [Foc [F ocus ocus us>  > | Openin Ope Opening/Closing Opening/C ning/C g/Closing losingrema remarks rksin inan anemail email

Objectives:learningaboutemailstofriends Reading:anemailtoafriendaboutasummerjob Skill-readingfordetailed Skill- readingfordetailedcomprehe comprehension nsion nsion Writing:anemailtoafriend

Elicit/Exp Elici t/Explain lain wha what t we mean mean by opening opening remarks remarks (things (things wesayafterthegreetingtobeginaletteroranemail). Elic wesayafterthegreetingtobeginaletteroranemail). Elicit it examples e. e.g. g.Howare g. How How are areyou? you you? ? Than Thanks ksforyourl ksforyo foryou your url r let ette ter...e ter.. r... .eetc tc.. Re Repe peat at the the pr proc oced edur ure e for for cl clos osin ing g rema remark rks, s, elic elicit itin ing g examples e. e.g g.Plea . .Please Pleasewrite sewritesoon writesoon. soon. . Tha That'sall Th That' at' t'sallforno s sallfornow allforno forno w w.. .. ... .etc . etc etc.. Ss completethetaskinpairs.CheckSs'answers.

1  j jF Focus Foc oc us> >-[T [Talk [Talking ingaboutem aboutemails ails

An AnswerKey Ans s werKey(Seeoverpri (Seeoverprintedanswers) ntedanswers)

Elicitwh Elicit wha hat at at t the the expressio xp xprression "Gues "Gu "Guess es ess s wh what wha at!" t !" !" mean me means ans s ("I've ("I've gotnews") and when gotnews") en we use se it (toletfriendsknowthat  we'vegotsomethinginterestingtotellthem.) we'vegotsomethinginterestingto tellthem.)AskSsto Ask AskSs AskSsto Ss to look look atthetextandthetitleandpredic atthetextand thetitleandpredictwhattheythin twhattheythinkthe kthe un unit it is ab abou outt (frien (friendssendin dssendingemailstotelleachothertheir gemailstotelleachothertheir gemailstotelleachothertheir news). Elicit news). Elicit what what an an ema email il is (an (anelectroniclettersentover electroniclettersentover theInternet). As theInternet). Ask k Ss Ss ho how w of ofte ten n they they se send nd em emai ails ls, , who who theyusuallysendthemtoandwhytheysendthem. SuggestedAnswerKey Isendemailsquiteoften.Iusuallysendthemtofriendstosay Isendemailsquiteoften.Iusu allysendthemtofriendstosay  "Hello"andgivethemmynew "Hello"andgive themmynews. s. 2 j j Focus Foc Fo c us> > [ Understandingaru Under Understandingarubri bric c A All llow lo ow Ss time to read the rrubr ru ub bric riic c and nd em emai ail. l. Ch Chec eck k co comprehension comp mpreh rehens ension ion by by ask as askin aski kin in ng g S Ss Ss s w who wh ho o the email email iis is s from from (Samantha), who (Samantha), who sh she e is is writ writin ing g to (Grace), (Grace), what what thei theirr relationshipis (theyare (theyarefriends friends))andwh andwhatt attheema heemailisabout ilisabout (Summeractivities). Exp (Summeractivities). Explain Explain lain that that the the Ssare goi goingto ngto read read Grac Grace'sreply toSamantha'semail.Tell them them the firs first te'sreplytoSamanth pa para ragr grap aph h to to find find a'semail.Tell ou out t what what Gr Grac ace e is is toread do doin ing g this th is summer. AnswerKey Sheisworkingatatheme Sheisworkingata themeparkne parknearhertown. arhertown. 3 3 |Focu |F ocus> s >-| Identifyingparagraphtopics Identifyingparagraphtopicsin inan inan an ane  email Re Read ad thro throug ugh h the the pa para ragr grap aph h de desc scri ript ptio ions ns (A-D (A-D) ) an and d elicit elicit/ex elicit/ex /explain pla pl plai ain in n an any y un unkn unkno known know own wn n word words rds. s. s . Ex Expl plai ain n the the task task.. AllowSstimetoreadthroughtheemailandmatchthe de desc scri ript ptio ions ns to to the the pa para ragr grap aphs hs. . Ss Ss co comp mpar are e thei theirr answerswithapartner,thencheckSs'answersaround theclass. AnswerKey(Seeoverprintedanswer Answ erKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) s) Ss Ss ex expl plai ain n the the un unkn know own n word words s by by gi givi ving ng a de defi fini niti tion on,, syn synon synonym syno onymor nymor ymor or an anton antonym. anto tonym. nym. ym. Enc Encou ourag rage e Ss totry to gue guess guessthe ssthe meaningofthewordfromthecontex mean ingofthewordfromthecontextbeforeusing tbeforeusingtheir their dictionariestochecktheirguesses. SuggestedAnswerKey greet(v):towelcomesomeon greet(v ):towelcomesomeone e mainentranc main entrance(n): e(n):thebig thebiggest gest gestg gateordoorway gateordoorwaytoaplace ate ordoorwaytoaplace toaplace sofar(exp):untilnow cheerful(adj):happy dealwith dealw ith(phrv): (phrv):takeactiontosol takeactiontosolveaproble veaproblem m ap applyfor(p app p lyfor(phr):makeaforma hr):makeaformalwrittenrequest lwrittenrequestfor forajob ajob

Greattohearfrom Greattoh earfromyou.(opening) you.(opening) Gu Guesswh Gue esswhat-I'v at-I'v at- I've...(op e...(opening) e...(op ening) Anyway,that'sallfornow.(closing) Anyway, that'sallfornow.(closing) Writebacks Writeba cksoon,(closing) oon,(closing) 5 5 [Foc [F ocus us >-|Writi | Writing ng an anemail emailtoa emai ltoa to afriend affriend riend Re Read ad thro throug ugh h the the St Stud udy y Sk Skill ills s bo box x and and elic elicit it wh why y it it is importantforSstobrainstormbeforetheywrite (tohelp (tohelp themplan them planandorganisetheirwriting). andorganisetheirwriting). ExplainthatwhenSs write their write theirideasinpoi theirideasinpointform,the ideasinpointform ntform,theyju yjusthaveto sthaveto sthave to rewrite rewrite them as full sentences, add opening and closing remarks,and rema rks,and their their letter letter willbe will be com complete plete. . Also, Also, mak making ing a plan helps to keep their eir writing organised and coherentandtoensurethattheykeeptothetopicand completethetask completeth etaskeffe effectivel ctively. y. a a. . S Ssreadtheru s readtherubric bric.Checkcomprehensionofthetas .Checkcomprehensionofthetaskk byaskingSs:Whatareyougoingtowrite? (anemail) (anemail) Who Who are are yo you u writ writin ing g to to?? (a frien friend) d) What d) What are are yo you u goingtowriteabout? (whatIam (w (wh h atIamdoingthissum doingthissummer). mer). b b. b.. Allo A Allow l low low Ss Ss time time to to br brai ains nsto torm rm for for idea ideas s and and organ org or orga gani anise nise ise se themintoparagra them intoparagraphsusin phsusingthe gtheplan plan.Checktheirnote .Checktheirnotes s beforetheystartwriting.Rem beforetheystartwriting. Remindthemt indthemto ouse usetheemail theemail inEx.3asamode inEx .3asamodel. l.Selec l. Selec Select t Ss Ssto toread to readouttheiremailsto readoutthei outtheiremailsto theclass.CheckSs'answers. SuggestedAnswerKey DearClaire, Greattohearfrom Greattohea rfromyou.Guesswhat-I'veg you.Guesswhat-I'vegotasummer otasummerjob  joba  jobat at att Belvedere, Belve Bel Belved vedere dere, ere, , outs outside ou outsi tside ide de Bour Bournemo Bou Bourne rnemo nemouth. mouth uth. . It's It It''s s s a su summ summer sum mmer mer er camp camp for for children. Inthemornings,Imakesuretheyhaveagoo Inthemornings,Imakesu retheyhaveagoodbreakfast.Whil dbreakfast.While e they they the th ey y ha hav have v ve e th thei eir r mo morn rnin ing g less lesson ons, s, I tidy tidy th thei eir r cabi cabins ns. . In In th the e afternoons, afternoons , weorganise weorganis weorganisegamesand weorganise egamesandacti games game s and and activitie activities. s. We'r We're We'realways ealwa always always ys reallybusy reall ybusy.. Sofar,Ilikethejob. Sofar,Ilikethe  job.  job. Yo Youdon' udon'tneedexperie tneedexperience,butyou nce,butyouneedto needto needto becheerfuland becheerf  uland outgoingbecause outgoingbecauseyoudea youdealwith lwithchil lwith children childrenall childrenall drenall all day.Whydon'tyouapply day.W hydon'tyouapplyfora forajob  jobhe  jobhere here? re?? Anyway,that'sa Anyway, that'sallforn llfornow.Writeba ow.Writebackso cksoon. on on.. Love, Helen






Objectives:learningaboutaltern Objectives:learn ingaboutalternativeforms ativeformsof  of  schoolinginothercountries Listening:atextaboutAust Listen ing:atextaboutAustralia' ralia's'SchooloftheAir' s'SchooloftheAir' Skill-listeningforspecificinformation Skill- listeningforspecificinformation listeningforspecificinformation Reading:atextaboutAustralia's'Sch Reading:atextaboutAustra lia's'SchooloftheAir' ooloftheAir' (sentencecompletion) Skill-readingfordetail Skill- readingfordetailedcompreh edcomprehension ension ension Writing:amagazinearticleaboutanunusualschool

1 a.


Pr Pred edic icti ting ng co cont nten ent t an and d list listen enin ing g for for specificinformation FocusSs'attentiononthepictures.Elicitwhatthey thinkthe think the"SchooloftheAir" the"SchooloftheAi "SchooloftheAir "Schoo loftheAir" r" " is.

SuggestedAnswerKey It'sprobablyaschoo It'sproba blyaschoolwherechildrendothei lwherechildrendotheirlesson rlessonsoverthe soverthe soverthe radiobecausetheylivefaraw radiobecau radiobecausetheylivefara setheylivefarawa wayfromanyschoo a yfromanyschool. l.


Focus > Brainstorming ExplainthetaskandtellSsyouwillbetimingthem. Stop Stop the them m after after one one min minute ute and and sel select ect Ss to read read outtheirlists outthei r lists.Invitethe . I nvi nvitethe tethe restof res restoftheclasstoaddany tof the the class classtoaddany wordstha wordsthat t the theSslefto Ssleftout. ut. ut. Rem RemindSsthatthey indSsthatthey indSsthatthe y must must checkoffthewordsontheirlistswhiletheylistento the the record recording ing. . Play Play the the record recording ing. . Ss lis listen ten and and tic tick. k. Elic Elicit it from from Ss Ss an any y re rele leva vant nt word words s whic which h they they he hear ard d butwerenotontheirlist.

AnswerKey school/children/students/lessons/study/class/private lesson/tea lesso n/teacher/books/ cher/books/reso resource urces/w s/work/lea ork/learn rn



T TellSs ellSsto ellSsto readtherubri readtherubricandunderli readtherubricandunderlinethe candunderlineth nethe e keywords. key keywords. words. Elicit ideasaboutunusualschoolsinthe ideasaboutunusualschoolsin theSs'countr the Ss'country.Iftheydon't Ss'country.Iftheydon' y.Iftheydon't knowany,allow kno wany,allow the themtimeto mtimeto doresearch doresearch (e.g.theirlocal (e.g.theirlocal DepartmentofEdu Departmento fEducation, cation, cation , theInterne theInternet, t,etc). etc). Re etc). Remi mind nd Ss Ss that that theirarticleshouldfol thei rarticleshouldfollowthes lowthesamestyleas amestyleasthe themodelin the modelinEx modelinEx. Ex. 2.Elicit/Explain 2.Elicit/Ex plaintha thatthef  tthefirstparagraphgivesthe irstparagraphgives irstparag raphgivesthe the nameand loca locati tion on of of the the sc scho hool ol and and wh what at is is un unus usua ual l abou about t it. it. Th The e se seco cond nd and and thir third d para paragr grap aphs hs ex expl plai ain n the the diff differ eren ence ces s be betw twee een n this th isasc scho hool ol gen and and a regu regula lar rtsc scho hool ol. .the Th The fiool. nall. paragr par agraph aph  isa is sho short, rt, genera eral l com commen ment about abo utthe  e school schfina RemindSsthattheirarticleshouldhaveaninterestingtitle toattractthereader'sattention. SuggestedAnswerKey Summerhill-Th Summerhill- Theschoolwherelesso eschoolwherelessonsareo nsareoptional! ptional! InSu In Sussex In Sussex ssex, ,England, ,Engl , Englan and, d, d, tther thereis her here eis eisonescho isoneschoolth on one eschool school olth  that atis isverydif isvery very verydif differ ferent ent ent fro from mall all the the others others. .Itis Itis aboa a boardi rdingschool rdingscho ngschoolwithar ngschoolwit olwitharoun with har arou ound ound nd d 100 pupilsfromallovertheworld.Atthisschooltheybelievethat pupilsfromallovertheworld.Atthisschooltheybelievethat childrenshouldbefreetoplayasmuchastheylikebecauseitis animportantpart anim portantpartofchild ofchildhood hood.. Lessonsbeginat9:30 Lesson sbeginat9:30amandpupilsare amandpupilsarefreetochoose freetochoosewhich which which onestheygoto.However,th onestheygoto.Howe ver,theycann eycannotsleeporwatch otsleeporwatch otsleepor watchTV TVduring TVduring during lesson time. Th lesson They They The ey y ha have hav have ve e ach a choi cho choice oic ice c e ofreg of regula regular ula ular r les lesso sons, ns, suc such h as Math Maths s or or ICT, ICT, as as we well ll as as un unus usua ual l less lesson ons s like like Japa Japane nese se,,  woo woodwo woodwor dworr kand kandhor kandhorseriding.Lun horseridin seriding g.Lunchisfrom ch ch is is from from 12 12:20 :20to :20to to2:0 to 2:00 2:00pm, 0pm pm,, afterwhich afte rwhichthereis thereisaschoolmeeting aschoolmeeting wherepupilsdisc wherepupilsdiscussand ussand ussand voteondifferentthings. Afterthemeetings Afte rthemeetings, , theyhave theyhave aftern afternoon oon lessonsfrom4 lessonsfr lessonsfrom4:00 :00to to to 5:30pm 5:3 5:30pm. .Theyarethen Theyarethenfreetoplay Theyare thenfreetoplay freetoplaygamesu gamesuntilsuppera ntilsupperat7:3 t7:30 0 pm.Lightsgooutat8pmfor pm.Light pm.Lightsgooutat8pmfor sgooutat8pmforyounge youngerpupilsand younge rpupilsand 11 pm pmfo pmfor pmfor forr olderone older ones. s. Somepeople Som Somepeoplethinkthat Somepeople epeople thi thinkthatchil thinkthatchildr nkthatchildre children drena ena naa tSummer tSummerhil hilldon'tgeta ldon'tgeta ldon'tgeta propereducation, propereducatio n,but bu butjust justas tjustasmany many ma nystud s sttuden ents tsgo goon onto toun univ iver ersi sity ty ty fromSummerhillasfromregularschools fromSummerhil lasfromregularschools..

2 2 [Foc [F ocus> us >•[ Reading Readingfor Readingfor fordetailedcom fordet detailed ailedcom com comprehension prehension Explainthetask.Ma Exp lainthetask.MakesureSsunde kesureSsunderstandtha rstandthatthey tthey tthe y mus mustt use 1-3word use 3wor words ds s onl only y tocomplet tocomp lete e the the sen senttences. sentences t enc ences. es. . Tel Tell l Ss Sst Ssto to o readthesentencesfirstbeforereadingthetext.AllowSs ti time me to to co comp mple lete te the the task task an and d co comp mpar are e thei their r an answ swer ers s with with a pa with partne part rtne ner. Hav Have e eac each h S report report their their ans answer wers s to the restoftheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey 1 fr from omasc ascho hool ol/t /tow ow own n 2 2 ttheradio heradio 3 3 athome athome

4 4 a about bou t30 30minutes minutes 5 5 tothe totheteacher teacher 6 6 oncea onceayear year

Focus> Recallinginformationfromthetext Explain Expla iin n tthe the he ta task task. sk. . Te Telll ll l S Ss Ss s tto to o c clos cllo ose se e tthei th he eir irr books. books. El Elicit Elic icit it answersfromSsaroundtheclass. AnswerKey theyarefoundinAustralia/theyareforSswholivefaraway  fromaschool/S fromaschool /Ss s shaveless havelessonsoverthe haveless onsovertheradio/theyarefor radio/theyareforSs Ss Ss between4and betwee between4and n4and1 12yearso 2yearsold/ ld/chi childre ldrenstu nstudyathome/ dyathome/children children children haveradiolessonsthreetimesaweek/eachlessonisaround30 minuteslong/Ss minuteslong /Sshavea havea 10 havea 10-m -minu inute tepriva privatelesson telessononceaweek/ onceaweek/ onceaweek/ theschoolprovides theschoolprovide theschoolprovides s thebook thebooksan sandothe dotherresour rresources/children ces/children ces/children sendtheirhomeworktotheirteacheronceaweek/theteachers sendtheirhomeworktotheirteacheroncea week/theteachers week/theteachers preparethelessonsandtheparentshelpthechildrenwith preparethelessons andtheparentshelpthechildrenwith andtheparentshelpthechildren withtheir their their schoolwork/teachers schoolwork/tea chersandSscommunicateby andSscommunicatebyphon phone,faxand e,faxand e,faxand


AdditionalMaterial • • S Songshe on gsheet et1 1 (p. (p.11 110) 0) • • P Pairwork airw orkActivities orkActivities, Activi Act ivitie ties, s, , Set Set 1: 1A(p. 115 115)-1B )-1B (p. (p. 117 117)) • • W Word o rd Per Perfec fect fect1 t t1 1 (p. (p.12 120) 0) • • G Gramma ram mar rCheck, Check,Uni Unit t 1 (p. (p. 124) 24)

email/th email /theteachervisit eteachervisitsth stheS eSsa sathomeatleastonc thomeatleastonceayear eayear UsefulLinkUseful Link- http://www.assoa.nt.edu.au



Listening a a.. . L Lookatt oo oo k katthepict hepicture ures. s.W W ha t doyouthinktheSchoolof  theAiris?

n Aust Australia, ralia, many familieslivealong

b b. . IInon n one e minu min mi minut nute, utte, e, list listas stas manywordsaspossible





tothetextandtic tothe textandtickthe kthe

oftenveryfaraway. Forthisreason,m Forth isreason,many an y

wordsonyourlis words onyourlistthat tthat youhear.

childrenattendavery differentkindofschool. differentkindofscho ol. ol. It Itis is calledtheSchooloft calledtheScho oloftheAi heAirbeca rbecause usethe th the e studentshave students studentshave have lessons lessonsovertheradi lessonsovertheradio. overtheradio. Mostareashaveaschoollikethisfor childrenbetween4and12yearsold.They studyathome,buttheyarestillmembersof  aclass.Thechildrenh aclass.Thechildr enhaveradiolessons averadiolessons wi ththeirclassthree witht heirclassthreetimesaweek. timesaweek. timesaw eek. Eac Each h lessonisabout30minutes.Students alsohavea 1 0 -minuteprivatelessonwiththeir


teacheronceaweek. teacheronce aweek. Theschool Thesc hoolprovides providestheradi theradio,books,videos o,books,videosand an d



thesentences.Useuptothree words.

teacheronceaweek.Theteach teacheronc eaweek.Theteacherspreparethe erspreparethe lessonsandthechildren’sparentshelpthemtodo

1 1 S Student tud ents sin inAustrali Australia aatt attend en end d

theirwor thei rworkathome.Tea kathome.Teache chersand rsand student studentsalso salso

theSchooloftheAirbecause the SchooloftheAirbecause


theirfam theirf  amilie iliesliv slivefa efa efa r. r... .. .

teachervisi teach ervisitschild tschildrenathom renathomeatleastonc eatleastonceayear. eayear. TheSch The School oolof oftheA theAirmaysound irmaysou irma ysound nd li likeast keastrange range idea.Forthe idea.F ortheisolatedstude isolatedstudents ntsof ofAustraliait’ Australiait’sthe sthe

2 Th The e ch child chil ildren ildr dren ren en of of ofthi ofthis  this s scho sc school hool havetheirlesso havetheirles sonsov nsove e er.. r.. r... . . 3 The children be llo ong to a

onlywaytolearn. onlywa ytolearn.

class,buttheystudy.... 4 4 Each Each Each lessonlasts esson esson lasts... ..... 5 5 S Students tude ntssend sendtheir their homew hom ework ork ... ... . 6 6 T Theteac he teacher teacher her usu usually allymeets ally meets

fj> fj>

(an (ana nartic rt icle le) le ))


4 4

Findinformationaboutaschoolinyour Portfolio: Portfolio:   countrythatisdifferentfromtypicalschoolsand


writeashortdescriptionofitforyourschool magazine.Write:



thingsyourememberabout theSchooloftheAir.

•ho •howthe wtheschoolis schoolisdifferentfromo differentfromotherschools therschools •howmanydaysa •how manydaysaweek/hoursa week/hoursadaystudentsatten daystudentsattend d •wh •what atsubje subjectstheystudy ctstheystudy





 

TheMaster udwi udwig g va van n Beet Beetho hove ven n was was born born in

li like ke

Moonlight Moonlight


1770 177 0 in Bon Bonn, n, Ger German many, y, He was was the eldest of three boys. His father and


Eroica (1804), Pastoral Eroica Pastoral (1808) and Emperor(1809).Afterhebecamedeaf,he Emperor (1809).Afterhebecamedeaf,he


continuedto compose greatmusicwhich

Ludw Ludwig ig star starte ted d lear learni ning ng the the viol violin in an and d piano at at a very very ea earl rly y ag age. e. In 1783 he

was joyful and optimistic. In his later years, hewas lon years, lonely ely and and dep depres ressed sed and

pu publ blis ishe hed d his his firs first t co comp mpos osit itio ion. n. He He wa was s


only onl y 13. 13. In1787he tra travel velled led toVienn toVienna a to

Although Althou gh he fellinlove severaltimes,he


never nev er marrie married. d. Beetho Beethoven ven die died d on March March

becaus bec ause e his his mot mother her was was dying. dying. Aft After er her

26, 26, 1827 in Vie enn en nna aff tte er he caugh t

death he moved to Vienna. He never

pneu pneumo moni nia. a. More More th than an 10 10,0 ,000 00 pe peop ople le

retu return rned ed to to his his ho home meto town wn. . In In 1795 1795 he


gave gave his his firs first t publ public ic perf perfor orma manc nce e as as a

Be Beet etho hove ven n was was the the fi firs rst t comp compos oser er wh who o

pianist. It was a success. In the late

usedmusictoexpress deepfeelings and

17 1790 90s, s, Beet Beetho hove ven n bega began n to lose his

ideas, ide as, such such ashis belief belief in freedom and

hearing andby1819hewas completely completely

heroism. Even today he is, for many

deaf deaf. . It It was was duri during ng this this peri period od that that he

people,thegreatestcomposerever people,thegreatestcompo serever..




h is 



Listening&Reading ^

comp compos osit itio ions ns

5 5

H Henever e never marrie married d orhad or hadchildren. children.

6 6

H Hestrongly e stronglybelieved believed believ ed in infreedom inffreedo freedom reedom m and heroism.

C  jj  L Listentothreepiece i s tentothreepiecesofmus sofmusic icby by Beethoven.Wha Beethoven.W hatimage timagescome scometo to


mind?Howdoyouthi mind?H owdoyouthinkBeethoven nkBeethoven feltwh felt whenh hewro e wroteeachof teeachofthem them? Choosefromthefollowing.

3 3

S Saythree a y  threethi things ngsyoure youremember memberabout about Beethoven.

•calm •calm •lonel •lonely y •pessim •pessimistic isti istic c •chee •cheerful rful •depr •depressed essed •an •angry gry •sad •sad •con •confus fused ed


•joy • joyful ful •op •optim timisti istic c •ups •upset et •excite •excited d



Fam Fa mouspeople&nati  ople&nationa onali  liti  ties es ► Famouspe

1a .< Thinkofthreequestionsyouwou Thinkofthreequestionsyouwould ldli like ke toaskaboutBeethoven.Listenand read.Ca read.Canyouanswerthemn nyouanswerthemnow ow ? b b. . R Readagain e ad again and andcom complete pletethe thesentences. sentences. Then,explainthewordsinbold. 1

Beet B eetho hove venha nhadt dtwobr wobrot othe hers r s..

2 2

H Hecould Hecoul e cou could ld d pla playthe play y ythe the violin violin vio lin and and pia piano. no.

3 3

He He He was wa s only o on nly ly 13 3wh when en h he e pub publis lished hed his his

4 4

firstcomp firs tcomposition. osition. It  w wasn a sn ''tt unttil tiill 181 1 18 819 9 tha tt he became completelydea completely deaf. f.



4 4

a .  Lookat L o o k atthe thepic pictur tures. es.W Who W ho howas: was: •an •an anastronaut? astron aut? •a •awr write iter? r? •a •ascientist? scientist? •a •apoli politicia tician? n? •a •apai painte nter? r? •a • •an an n actres actress? s? •a •asing singer? er? •anexplorer •an explorer? explorer?? Canyouthinkofotherfam Canyouthink ofotherfamouspeoplein ouspeoplein thesecategories? b b.. . W ha hatnati tnationalit onality ywaseach waseachperson person?? ChristopherColumbusw ChristopherCol umbuswasItalian. asItalian.


History'sHallofFame Objectives: Objecti ves: learni learning learningaboutfamouspeopleof ngaboutfamouspeopleofthepast thepast andtheirachievements;associatingmusicandimages/ feelings;reviewingpastsimple Reading:afactualtextabou Readin g:afactualtextaboutthecomposer tthecomposerBeethoven Beethoven Skill-readingforspecificinformation Skill- readingforspecificinformation readingforspecificinformation Speaking:talkin Speaki ng:talkingaboutwhatyouremem gaboutwhatyourememberfromatext berfromatext Vocabulary:occupat Vocabu lary:occupationsandnationaliti ionsandnationalities es Grammar: Gramma r:pastsimple pastsimple(regul (regular arandirregularverbs) andirregularverbs) Listening:poster Listen ing:posteradvert advertisinga isinga concer concert t (gap-f (gap-filling illing task) Skill-listeningforspecificinformation Skill- listeningforspecificinformation listeningforspecificinformation Writing:ashortbiograp Writin g:ashortbiographyaboutafamouspers hyaboutafamousperson on

AnswerKey ataveryea ata veryearlyage rlyage(phr): (phr):whenso whensomeonei meoneisvery sveryyoung young losehishearing(phr):togodeaf completely(adv):totally compose(v):towritemusi compose(v): towritemusic c fallinlov fal fal linlove(ph e(phr):tobestrongly r):tobestronglyattracted attractedtoso tosomeon meone e deepfeelings(phr):strongemotio deepfeelings (phr):strongemotions ns freedom(n):thestateof freedom(n ):thestateofbeing beingallowedtodowha allowedtodowhat tyouwa youwant nt heroism(n):greatcourageandbravery heroism(n ):greatcourageandbravery Focus>•[Recallinginformationfromthetext Explainthetask,thenaskSstoclosethe Explainthetask,the naskSstoclosetheirbooksand irbooksandtalk talk in in pair pairs s abou about t wh what at th they ey re reme memb mber er from from th the e te text xt.. Monitortheactivity,thenelicitanswersaroundtheclass.


Fo cus> Focu s >- Associ Associating Associat ating ating music musicand sic sicand and im images/feelings ages/feelings Elic Elicit it ho how w Ss Ss fe feel el when when they they list listen en to to diff differ eren ent t ki kind nds s of  music (e.g.anup (e.g.anupbeatpopsongmakesusfeel beatpopsongmakesusfeelhappy happy, ,ballads balladscan can can makeusfeelsad).  Elicitimagesthatcancometomindwhen Elicitim Elicitimagesthatcancometomindwhen listeningtomusic (e.g.a (e (e..g.abrassbandmak brassbandmakesusthi esusthinko nkof nko faparade, faparade, fa aparade, parade, slowpianomusiccanmakeusthink slowpiano musiccanmakeusthinkofarainyday) ofarainyday).. Re Read ad ou outt the the rubr rubric ic an and d list list of of ad adje ject ctiv ives es, , then then elic elicit it/e /exp xpla lain in the the meaningofanyunknownwords.AskSstoclosetheireyes an and d focu focus s on on imag images es an and d feel feelin ings gs ea each ch piec piece e of of musi music c br brings brin ings gs to to mind mind. . Pl Play ay the the re reco cord rdin ing, g, pa paus usin ing g af  after afte ter ter each each piecetoelicitsuitable piecetoelici tsuitableresponses responsesfromaroundtheclass fromaroundtheclass.. SuggestedAnswerKey SuggestedAnswerKey Whatimagescom Wh atimagescometomind? etomind? SymphonyNo. Symp honyNo.5:anargument,someo 5:anargument,someonehearingbadnews nehearingbadnews nehearingbadnews MoonlightSonata:awalkinthecountryside,arainyevening MoonlightSonata:awalkinthecountryside,arainyevening OdetoJoy:a OdetoJoy :acelebrationo :a :acelebrationof celebrationofabigevent,aparade celebrationof abigevent,aparade HowdidBeethovenfeelwhenhewroteeachofthem?  Sy Sympho Sym m phonyNo.5:angry nyNo.5:angry,confused,upse ,confused,upset,pessimistic t,pessimistic t,pessimistic MoonlightSonata:calm,lonely,pessimistic,depressed,sad  OdetoJoy:cheerful,optimistic,excited

2 2 a a..

Focus>-|Preparingtoreadatext In pai pairs, rs, Ss think think of three three que questi stions ons they they wou would ld lik like e toaskaboutBeethoven. toaskaboutBeet hoven. Elici hoven. Elicitavarietyofquestio tavarietyofquestions ns fromaroundtheclass.Ssthenreadorlistentoseeif  the their ir questi questions ons are are answer answered. ed. Elicit Elicit feedba feedback ck from from aroundtheclass.

SuggestedAnswerKey Whenwasheborn? Whendidhestartlearningmusic? Wherewashefrom? Whendidhebecomefamous? Didhegetmarried? Didhehaveany Didhehave anybrot brothersorsister hersorsisters? s? b.

Focus > Readingforspecificinformation Ex Expl plai ain n the the ta task sk an and d go go thro throug ugh h the the pr prom ompt pts. s. Ss readthetextagaintofindthespecificinformation required.TelltheSstheycandothisbyreadingthe te text xt qu quic ickl kly y an and d look lookin ing g fo for r ke key y word words s (ski (skimm mmin ing g an and d sc scan anni ning ng). ). Ss Ss co comp mple lette lete t e the the task task in indi divi vidu dual ally ally. ly.. Elicitanswersaroundtheclass.

AnswerKey Answ erKey erKe y(See (Seeov (Seeoverprinted overprintedanswers) answers) Ss explai explain n the the words words in bol bold d by giving giving a def defini initio tion, n, synonym,antony synonym ,antonymormime. mormime. mormime . Enc Encour EncourageSstotryto ourage ageSstotryto Sstotryto gu gues ess s the the mean meanin ing g of of the the word word fr from om the the co cont ntex extt beforeusingtheirdictiona before usingtheirdictionariestochecktheirguesse riestochecktheirguesses. s.


SuggestedAnswerKey Be Beethoven Beet etho hove ven n was was bo born rn (in (in 17 1770 70) in in Bon Bo Bonn Bonn, nn, n, , Ger Ge Germa Germ rmany ma any ny/ / starte started d learningpianoandviolinatanearlyage/travelledtoVie learningpianoandviolina tanearlyage/travelledtoVienna nn nna a and stu and studie died dund underMozar erMozart t/ /ret return urnedto edto Bonn Bonn becaus because because ehis ehis his mother wasdyin mother wasdying/movedba g/movedbacktoVi g/movedbacktoVienna/began cktoVienna/begantolosehis cktoVienna/begantolosehis enna/begantolosehis tolosehis hearin hea ring gbut but wrotehis wrotehis most mostfam famous ous compos compositi itions ons / /bec became ame ame completelydeaf/waslonelyanddepressed/fellinloveseveral completelydeaf/waslonelyanddepressed/fellinloveseveral timesbutnevermar timesbutnever marrie ried/d d/died(in ied(in ied(in 18 1827 27)of )ofpneum pneumonia onia 4 4 a. a.

Focu Fo cus> s >- Famo Fa Famouspeople Famous mous uspeople people and people andoc andoccupati occupations cupations ons AskSstolookatthefamouspeopleonp.15 AskSstolookatthefamouspeopl eonp.15.Read .Read ou out t the the list list of of oc occu cupa pati tion ons s and and elic el icit it/e /exp xpla lain in  the the me mean anin ing g of of any any un unkn know own n word words, s, then then he help lp Ss Ss to matchthepeopletotheoccupations.

AnswerKey anastronaut:YuriGagarin anastronaut:YuriGagarin awriter:VirginiaWoolf awriter:VirginiaWoolf ascientist:ThomasEdison ascientist:ThomasEdison apolitician:AbrahamLincoln apolitician:AbrahamLincoln apainter:PabloPicasso apainter:PabloPicasso an anactress:AudreyHepbu anactress:AudreyHepburn rn rn asinger:EllaFitzgerald asinger:E llaFitzgerald llaFitzgerald anexplorer:ChristopherColumbus Inpairs,Ssthink Inpair s,Ssthink ofotherfamou ofotherfamouspeopl speopleforeachof  eforeachof  theoccupations.CheckSs'answersaroundtheclass. SuggestedAnswerKey astronaut: astron aut: aut: Ne Neil Nei Neil il l Arms rmstro trong ng; ng; ; wr writ wri writer iter ter: er: : Aga Ag Agatha atha tha tha Ch Chri Christ Chrrist ist stie, ie ie,, Em Emil Emi Emily ily ly y Dickinson, Charle Dickinson Charles Charles s Dicken Dickens; s; scient sci sc scie ient entis ntist: is ist: t: t: Albe Albert rt Eins Einste tein in, , Mari Ma Marie ri rie e Curie, Curie , Ch Charl Cha Char arl rles les es Darw Da Darwin Darrwin win; in; ; po poli polit pollitici ittician ician: an: : J J F F K Ken ennedy, Margar Margaret Margaret et et Th Thatc That atc che her, r, Wins Winsto ton n Ch Chur urch chil ill; l; pa pain paint in inter te ter: err: : V Vinc Viin ncen ce ent ntt v van va an n G Gogh Go ogh, gh, Sa Salv lvad ador or Dali Dali, , Mich Michel elan ange gelo lo; ; actr actres ess: s: Mari Marily lyn n Monr Monroe oe,, ElizabethTaylor;explorer:Vascod ElizabethTaylor ;explorer:VascodaGama,Fe aGama,FerdinandMagell rdinandMagellan an b.

Focus >

Famous people Famous people andnationaliti andnationalities es

Elicitthenationali Elicitthenat ionalityofeachfamous tyofeachfamous person personon persononp. onp p. 15. AnswerKey AudreyHepburnAudreyHepburn - Belgian Belgian YuriGagarinYuriGagarin - Russian Russian AbrahamLincoln-American AbrahamLincoln-American VirginiaWoolf-B Virgi niaWoolf-British ritish ritish ThomasEdison-American ThomasEdison-American PabloPicassoPabloPicasso -Spanish - Spanish Spanish EllaFitzgerald-America Ella Fitzgerald-American n




inform informati ationthat onthat rel relate ates s tothe rem remain aining ing dat datesand esand to highlight or underline it. When they have the informationrequired,putSsintopairstotakeitinturns exchanginginformationaboutthecomposer.MonitorSs duringactivity.CheckSs'answersaroundtheclass.


Se Selec Sele lect ct ta apair apair pair pair of of Ssto read read ou outtheexc outtheexchan ttheexc han ttheexchange hange. ge.AskSs,in ge. .AskSs,in  AskSs, in closedpairs,towriteandactoutsimilardialoguesabout theotherfamouspeopleonp.15 theot herfamouspeopleonp.15,using ,using , usingtheinfo theinfo rmation rmation from fro fr from om m Ex Exs s.4a& . 4a 4a & b.Mo . Monit nitor or the the activi activity, ty, th then en ask ask variou various s pairstoreadouttheirdialoguestotheclass.

AnswerKey A A: A:: In1787 In17 1787,he ,hetrave travelledto lledtoViennaandstudiedunder ViennaandstudiedunderMozart. Mozart. B: B: In17 In In 1795 95,he ,hegav gavehisfirst ehisfirstpub publicperformanc licperformanceasa easapianist. pianist. A A: A:: In1801 In18 1801, ,he hecomposed composedMoonlight. Moonlight. B: B: In In18 In In180 180 180 04,he 4,hecompo composed sedEroic Eroica. a. A A: A:: In In180 In18 180 180 09,he 9,hecompo composed sedEmperor. Emperor. B: B: In In 18 1819 19,he ,hebecamecom becamecompletelydeaf. pletelydeaf. A A: A:: In In182 In18 182 182 27,he 7,hedied diedinVienna. inVienna in Vienna..

AnswerKey A: A: WhowasChristopher Wh Who owa was sChristopherColumbus? Columbus?A: A: Whenwashe Whe Whenwas nwasheborn? born? B: B: B: Hewas Hewasa afam famous ousexplorer. explorer. B:He B: Hewas wasborn bornin in in 1451 1451. A: A: Wh Wher ere ewa ewashe was sheborn? born? B: B: B: IInGeno nGenoa, a,Italy. Italy. a.

A A: : Whendid When Whendidhe hedie? die? B: B: B: Hedied He Hediedin in in 1506 1506. .etc etc etc

Focus > | Pastsim Pas Pastsimple(regularandirreg tsimple(regularandirregularverb ularverbs) s) Focu Focus> s >■ Pronunciat Pronunciation-silent"e ion-silent"e" ion- silent"e""

Writethefollowingsentencesontheboard: 1.I 1.In .In .In n i783,he i7 i78 83,hepublis publishedhisfirstcomposition. hedhisfirstcomposition. 2.Beethovenbegantolosehishearing. AskSs: Arethese Arethesesentenc sentencesabou esaboutnowo tnoworthepast? rthepast?When When When dideacheventhappen?Didit dideach dideacheventha eventhappen?Diditfinishin ppen?Diditfinishinthepast? finishinthepast? thepast? Drawatimelinetodemon Drawatimel inetodemonstrate stratethatweusethepast thatweusethepast simp simple le to to re refe fer r to to ev even ents ts wh whic ich h ha happ ppen ened ed at at a specifictimeinthepast. PAST NOW -X ----------------------1-----

Read Rea d the the first first two two items items aloud, aloud, slight slightly ly ove over-m r-mode odelli lling ng the the sounds sounds toemphasise toemphasise the the dif differ ferenc ence.Elicit e.Elicit that that the writte written n "e "e " " is is is sile si silent lent nt iin in n / /laikt laikt/ / and an and d pr prono pronoun on ounce unce ced ed d in /wpnti /wp ntid/. d/. Play Play the the record recording ing, , pau pausin sing g after after each each item item to elicitwhe elicit whethe therthe" rthe"e e " is is issilent silentorn ornot. ot. Answ erKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) erKey erKey(Seeoverprinted (Seeoverprintedanswers) answers)

Foc Foc us Focus us >- Listeningforspecificinformation

Elicitthepresentsimpleformofthe underlinedverb underlinedverbs s fromSsandwritethemupontheboard. 1.Publish-p .Publis .Pub lis h-publis ublished hed(regularpastsimp (regularpastsimpletense letense)) 2.Begin2.Begin - began began(irregularpast (irregularpastsimpletens (irregularpastsimpletense) simpletense) El Elic icit it/E /Exp xpla lain in that that the the re regu gula lar r past past si simp mple le tens tense e is formedbyadding-edtothemainverb.Verbsending

typeofinformat typeo finform f information ation ion ion is ismiss missing, ing, e.g.months,times,namesetc. e.g.months,times,namesetc. Playthe Playtherec record recordingwhi ording ing ingwhi  whileSs leSslis leSs listen listen and and fillinthegaps. fillin fillinthegaps. linthe the gaps. gaps. Elicit Elicit answersaroundtheclas answersaroundthe classtocheck stocheckSs'answers. Ss'answers.

in -etake -d.Verbsendingina consonant+y consonant+yt ta take a ke ke -/ed. Irregularpast simple Irregularpast simple verbsdo not (e.g.go-went,seesaw,drink-drank). DirectSs'attentiontotheverbs1-15.TellSsthatthe pastformoftheverbscanbefoundinthetextonp. 14. Giv Give Gi ve ve e Ss Ss ti time me to to co comple comp mp mplete le lete te the th the e ta task task tas sk k indivi ind individually, ividua dually lly,, thenchecktheiranswers.

Answ erKey(Seeoverprintedanswers) erKey erKey(Seeoverprinted (Seeoverprintedanswers) answers)

AnswerKey R Re e eg g gu u ulla lar ar 2 s s stta tar arrttte e ed d 3 p pu u ub b blli lis ish sh he e ed d 4  tr trra a av ve ve elll llle e ed d 5  rre et etu tu urrrn n ne e ed d 10  co co on n ntttiin in nu u ue e ed d 12 married 13 died died

IIrrrrre re eg g gu u ullla a arr 6 g ga a av ve ve 7 be be eg g ga a an n 8 wr wrro ot ote te 9 be be ec ca ca am m me e 11 fe f el ell ll 14 caught 15 ca ca am m me e

b. b. Presentthetheo Pres Presen ent tthetheoryandelicite ryandelicitexamp xamplesfrom lesfromthetext. thetext. AnswerKey actionsa action satasp taspecifictimein ecifictimein ecific timein thepast: wasbornin wasbornin was bornin 1770 1770/In /In 1783hepublis 1783 hepublished hed/In /I /In n 1787 1787hetrav hetravelledto elledto/In /I /In n 1795 1795hegav hegave/ e/in in in th thelate thelat elate e 17 1790 90s,Beethoven s, Beethoven began/BeethovendiedonMarch began/Beetho began/ Beethovendi vendi edonMarch edonMarch 26,1827 actionsrelatedtosbnolongeralive:hewastheeldest/His fatherandgrandfatherwere/neverreturned/hefellinlove fatherandgrandfatherwere/neverreturned/hefellinlo veetc etc etc negativeform:hedidn'twritemuch Finding/d Findin g/discuss iscussinginformat inginformation ionfromthe fromthetext text Dir Direct ect Ss' Ss' att attent ention ion tothe dat datesand esand the the exampl example e tha thatt follow follows. s. Tell Tell Ss they they will will ski skim m and and sca scan n the the text text for for the inform information informa ation tion tion they t hey hey nee need. d. Elicit Elicit from from the the clas class: s: in in 1783 178 1783 1783 3 he publis pub lished hed his his first first com compos positi ition. on. Then Then ask ask Ss to find find the


Al Alllow Ss time to read through the concert poster. Elicit/Explainanyunknownwords.AskSstopredictwhat


Fo Focus Foc c us >- Writingashortbiography AllowSs tim AllowSs timeto eto rea readthe dthe rub rubric ric and and underl underline ine the the key words.Beforesettingthetask,askSstolookbackatthe shortbiographyofBeethoven shortbiogra shortbiographyofBeethoven phyofBeethoven onp. onp.14.Wri 14.Write te te up upaplan upaplan ontheboardandelicitwhatabiographyshouldcontain, e.g. e.g. inform informati ation on abo about ut the the per person son's 's dat date e and and pla place ce of  birth,importantevents,personallife,famousworksand beliefs. belief s.TellSs TellSs thatthey canuse vocabu vocabularyand laryand phrase phrases s fromtheBeethovenbiography. AssignthetaskasHW.RemindtheSsthattheycanget AssignthetaskasHW.RemindtheSsthatth eycanget th the e info inform rmat atio ion n th they ey need need fr from om ency encycl clop opae aedi dias as, , th the e Inte Intern rnet et and and ma maga gazi zine nes. s. Ss Ss ma make ke note notes s unde under r the the headings,thenwritethebiography. SuggestedAnswerKey CharlesDickenswasborninPortsmouth,Englan CharlesDickenswasborninPortsmouth ,England,on7Febr d,on7February, uary, uary, 1812.Hewa 1812 .Hewasoneo soneof feightchi eightchildren.Hisfath ldren.Hisfatherwas erwasaclerk.Charles aclerk.Charles aclerk.Charles went toschoo went toschoolwhenhe lwhenhewas was n nineyearsoldand ine ine yea yearsoldand rsoldand his histeach his teach tea teachers cher ers s thoughthewasv thoughthe wasverycle erycleve ver. r. Whenhewasonlyelev Whenhewaso nlyeleven,hehad en,hehadtostopschool tostopschoolandgoto andgotoworkin workin workin a facto f actor fac acto tory ry ry y to to supp suppor ort t his his fami family ly. . Ch Char arle les s used used some some of of his his experiencesfromthis experience sfromthisjob  jobwh  jobwhen whenhewrotehisnovels.Attheageo enh hewrotehi ewrotehisnovels snovels.Attheageof .Attheageof f sixtee six sixteen,he n,hestartedworkfora startedworkfor a newspa newspapercalled percalled the the Mor Mornin ning g Chronicle and andhesoonbecameoneo hesoonbecameoneofit hesoonbecameoneo fitsbest fitsbest  jour  journa nali list sts. s.He Hea Heals also also lso o wroteatot wrotea totaloffourteennovels.In aloffourteennovels.In18 1838 38,hepublished ,hepublishedOliverTwist ,hepublished OliverTwist andbetween and between betwee n 18 1849 49and and 1850 and 1850hepublished hepublishedD hepublished David DavidCopperfield. Copperfield. In In18 In 1836 36,hemarriedCatheri ,hemarriedCatherineHogartha neHogarthandthe ndtheyhadtenchildren. yhadtenchildren. yhadtenchildren. During his During his lifehe lifehe gav gavea ea number number oftalks oftalks and and lectur lecturesabout esabout esabout improvingtheconditionsof  improvingtheconditions ofpoor of poorpeopleinEngland. poorpeople peoplein inEngland. England. He He di died ed on on 9June 9Jun e 1 1870 870,and , and disburied is is isburied  bu buri ried ed in in Wes Westmi Westminster tminst nsterAbb erAbb Abb Abbey, ey ey,, London.

I be was 2start 2st star art t 3publish 3pub publis lish h 4travel 4tr trav avel el 5return 5return


6give 6give give 7begin 7begi begin n 8wri 8write te 9beco 9become me 1 10contin 0continue ue I I I fa fall fall ll 12m 12 12mar ma marr arry rry ry y 13 13di die e 14 14ca 14catc catch tc h 15com 15 come e


Genoa,Italy Genoa,Italy (1451-1506)

b b. . R Readthe Read eadthe the theo theory. ry. Find Findexamp Findexam examples exam p ples les inthe n the text.Whichisinthenegativeform? Au dr e y Hep Audr He Hepbu p burn rn

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium (1929-1993)

W e us use usethe ethe past pastsimplefor: pastsimplef  or: • • a anaction anactio n act actio ion n whic wh which whiich ch h h happe happene appened appe ned d at a as aspec specific pecific ific timeinthepast • ac acti actionswhi tion ons swhich ch are rel rela ated tedto to peo people ple no

Yuri Yu ri ri Ga g ga a ri n


Smolensk,RussiaUSSR Smolensk,RussiaUSSR (1934-1968)


U Usethe s e thedates datesto totel tell lyour your partner partnerabout about Beethoven.

Ab ra h Abra ha a m m Linc Li ncol ol n

177  17  7 70 0

HardinCounty, HardinCounty, Kentucky, USA Kentucky, USA (1809-1865)

Virg Vir g gin in inia ia Wool Woolf ool f

A: B:

London,UK London, UK UK (1882-1941)


179 7  95  5 17  178 7 83 8 3 3   1787   17 

Beethove Beet hovenwasbornin nwasbornin nwas bornin 1770. 770. IIn In n 1783 1783he. he... ..

Pronunciation T h oma s Ed i son

Mil Milan,Ohio, an,Ohio,USA USA USA (1847-1931)


1 18 8 80 09 0 9 9

181 9 9


("e"pronouncedor silent)

Listenandunderlinethewordswherethe letter"e"ispronounced.Listenandrepeat. liked,wanted,hated, liked,wanted,hated, walk walked,looked ed,looked,,

Malaga, Spain Malaga, Spain (1881-1973)




Asking ngfo   for/Gi    fo r/Givin r/Gi  ving  g  gp  p  perso perso ersona nall na ►Aski  information 5 5

1801   1804

0 0

^ L Listen i s tenand andcomp complete letethe the pos postter. poster.

Inpai I npairs, rs,ask askand andans answe wer rquestions questionsabo about ut thesefamouspeople,asintheexample.

J% j, jj,,l

pma JfjJL


NewportNews, NewportNews, Virginia, Virgin ia, USA USA (1917-1996)

A: A: B: B: B: A: A: A: B B: B: : A: A: A: B: :

Whowas WhowasElla EllaFitzgeral Fitzgerald? d? Shewas She Shewas wa wasa safamous afamoussin singe ger. r. Wherewasshe Wher erew ewas assheborn born?? InNewp InNewport ortNews, News,USA. USA. Whenwas When wasshe shebom bom?? Shewasborn She She wasborn wasbor bornin nin in in19  1917.

A: A: A: Whendid When didshe shedie? die? B B: B: : S Shedied hedied diedi in in1 n1 1996.

Exploring  Grammar Grammar

► Past Pastsi   simp mple le (regular& irregularverb irregular verbs) s) GrammarReference

a a. . Findthepast Findthepastsimple simpleformof formofverbs verbs 1-15fromthe 15fromthetext.W 5fromthetext.Whic hich hareregular/ areregular/

W In t er  C   o n c e r t On5 n5 5th tth h 1 Decemb Dec ember er att 2 2 8


ForestRoad,Loughborough TheLoughboroughOrchestraperforms Beethov Bee thoven’s en’s Pian Piano oCon Concert certo oNo. No. andSib and Sibeli elius’s us’s Symp Symphony hony No. No.3. 3. Con Conduc Conductor: ductor: tor: Pete Peter Pe terrr 4 4 D Davis avis Sol Soloist: Solois oist:Tom t:Tom Tom 5 5 R Rice ic e

pW p W rr r rrh rrrh h h ng n g. . (a ( ab abio iog grap ra ph  p phy) 10 Portfolio Portfolio:: Writeashortbiographyabouta famouspersoninyourcountry.Write: •dat •date e an and and d pl place plac aceof ace eof  of birth irth th •imp •import ortant ant even events ts •perso •per personal sonal na nal l life li life fe •fam •famou ous swo work rks s •beliefs •beliefs

irregular? irregular ?Ho How wis isthe thepast pastsimpl simpleform eformed? ed? •dateandplaceofdeath





'Jo 'Jo.' o.' .' ThesentencesinEx Th Thesen esente tenc nces esinE inEx x.2a .2aarefro .2aarefromt mthe he he dialog di dia a loguein ue uein in Ex x.3 .3. .3. Whatdoyouthinkthedialogueisabout?Howdoyou thinkitisrelatedtothepicture?Listen,readandcheck.

Medievalbattle Medieval battles s



Usingadictionary •  When W h en  y you ou look ook up up a a w word ord in in  a  dictionary,youcanseeifitisaverb,a s |n noun, nou oun, n, an an ad adje adject adjject ective ctiv ive e etc etc etc by by lo looking okingat oking at  

3 3

a. Read eadand andcomple complete tethe thefacts factsab about outthe the Batt Battle Battleo le leo o f fHast Hasting ings. s. Danny: Hi,John.Howwasyourweekend?


the symbo the symbols ls ne next xt to to th the e word word (N, (N, V, j ADJetc).

John: W el el l, l,  n o ott h hing hing ing spe ing specia ciall.  I  ju j ust st  relaxed re la x xe e d d a tt h o m me e .. W h ha at about  you you? ? Danny: Oh,I Oh,Ihada hadagre greattim attime! e!

John: Really?Wheredidyougo? 1

Look L o okup upthe thefollow following ingwords wordsin in adictionary.Whichare:   n o u n s ?  v e rb ve r bs?both s? b o th ? Whicharenames ofweapons?Usethemto describethe descr  ibethe picture. • hor  horses s e s  • •  ride iide  d de e  • •  we wear a r  •• fflag lag

Danny: I w e enn tt t o o H a as sstttii n ng gs  -  y o ou u k n no ow w,,  w h e errre e e t h he e fa am m ou ou s BattleofHastingstookplacein1066.

John: Oh, O h, h,  yes - - th ha a tt'' s s t h he e on nllly yy d a te te  I  re  m em em b eerr  f rro o om m m m myy Historycla Historyc lass!So ss!Sow w ha hatdidyou tdidyou dothere? dothere?

Danny: Iwatch Iwat ched ed a re-enact m ent  of o fthe  t he bat battle! t le! John: You'rekidding! Y ou're ou're kidding! kidding! W What hat hatwasitlike?  was it  like? Danny: O h h,,, y o ou u u'''v v e e g o tt t o  s see e ee e  i tt!!! I tt w a as s  a ma ma z zii n ng g !! T he he  t w wo o armies put up a real fight ! You know, knights in medievalarmour, medieval armour,withsw w it h swords, ords, spea pears, rs,ax axe es. s ... .

• arm a rrm m y y • •  soldi soldier e r r •  k n niiig g ht ht  •  h o olld ld • s w •sword wo o rd rd  •  b at at ttll e e •  a ax xxe e e •  s hi hiield el eld • •  arm a rrm m our ou ou rr •• h hel helm e ellm e ettt •  a tt tt ack ack • f igh ightt  • •  spea spear r

John: W o w !  D Didyou idyoutakeany takeanyphotosofthem? photosofthem? Danny: Oh,I Oh,Itoo t o o k  lloadsofphotos! o ads of  phot os! os!  We Wealsospoke alsospoketo t o som e of   thesoldiers.

Listening 2 2

((a aT) Listenand Li List sten en and repea repeat. t.

John: S o,  who won t he bat t le? Danny: TheNormans Th eNormans,o ,  o ffcour   course! s e ! ! Didn't D i d n't  you know t ha hatt? ?

V John:

Itoldyou.History Itoldyo u.Historyw w asn't as n'tmyfavouritesubject!  m y f avo uritesubject!____ _______  ___

• How was your weekend? •Well,nothingspecial. •Oh, • Oh, Ihada Oh, I hadagrea greattime ttime!! • I wat ched •Iwatch ed a re-enact m en entt  of   t he bat t le! •You'rekidding! • W hat hatwasitlike?  was was it  like? •Oh,you'vegottoseeit! • Didn't  you know t hat ?


Cl)e Cl )e Ba Batt ttle le of of Hast Hastin ings gs Where: Hastings,Sussex,southeastcoastofEngland When: 14th October,   1) 1066 Whathappened: The 2) 2) Normans foughtagainsttheSaxonsand

tookcontrolofEngland. Anannualre-enact nualre-enactmento mentofthe fthe 3) battle, anda Specialevents: Anan festivalincludingmusic,art,sportsandexhibitions.

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