PCI Leasing vs Trojan Metal Industries digest
April 22, 2017 | Author: Naomi Quimpo | Category: N/A
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Credit Transactions...
PCI LEASING & FINANCE vs. TROJAN METAL INDUSTRIES et. al. J. Carpio, 2010 FACTS: TMI came to PCI to seek a loan. Instead of extending a loan, PCI offered to buy various equipment TMI owned, in exchange for P2.8M. Deeds of sale were executed. PCI and TMI then entered into a lease agreement: - lease the equipment it previously owned - postdated checks for 24 monthly installments - guaranty deposit of P1.03M (security for timely performance of TMI's obligations under the lease agreement, to be automatically forfeited should TMI return the leased equipment before expiration of the lease agreement) - Sps. Dizon (President and Vice-President of TMI) also executed in favor of PCI a Continuing Guaranty of Lease Obligations (agreed to immediately pay obligations in case TMI failed, under the lease agreement) However, to obtain additional loan from another financing company, TMI used the leased equipment as temporary collateral. PCI considered the 2nd mortgage a violation of the lease agreement. PCI sent TMI a demand letter for payment of the latter's outstanding obligation, which was unheeded. PCI filed in the RTC a complaint against TMI and sps. Dizon for recovery of sum of money and personal property, with prayer for the issuance of a writ of replevin. RTC issued the writ of replevin. PCI sold the leased equipment to a third party and collected the proceeds amounting to P1.025M Respondent claimed that the sale with lease agreement was a mere scheme to facilitate the financial lease between PCI and TMI, and that the true agreement between them was a loan secured by a chattel mortgage. RTC: Lease agreement is valid; judgment in favor of PCI CA: Set aside the decision of the RTC; sale with lease was a loan secured by chattel mortgage Directed PCI to refund P1.1M to TMI ISSUE/HELD: WON the sale with lease agreement the parties entered into was a financial lease or a loan secured y the chattel mortgage Petitioner (PCI): transaction between the parties was a sale and leaseback financing arrangement, which is not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy; guaranty deposit should be forfeited in its favor, as provided in the lease agreement Respondents (TMI): transfer of ownership to PCI was never the intention of the parties; guaranty deposit will
only be forfeited if TMI returned the leased equipment to PCI before expiration of the lease agreement. Since TMI never returned the lease property voluntarily, but through writ of replevin, the guaranty deposit should not be forfeited. SC: In a true financial leasing, a finance company purchases on behalf of a cash-strapped lessee the equipment the latter wants to buy, but, due to financial limitations, is incapable of doing so. The finance company then leases the equipment to the lessee in exchange for the latter's periodic payment of a fixed amount of rental. HERE, TMI already owned the subject equipment before it transacted with PCI. Therefore the transaction between the parties cannot be deemed to be in the nature of a financial leasing as defined in law. * "Where the client already owned the equipment, but needed additional working capital and the finance company purchased such equipment with the intention of leasing it back to him, the lease agreement was simulated to disguise the true transaction that was a loan with security." * "The intention of the parties was not to enable the client to acquire and use the equipment, but to extend to him a loan." * Financial leasing contemplates the extension of credit to assist a buyer in acquiring movable property which he can use and eventually own. The transaction between the parties was simply a loan secured by chattel mortgage. Thus upon TMI's default, PCI was entitled to seize the mortgaged equipment, not as owner but as creditor-mortgagee for the purpose of foreclosing the chattel mortgage. PCI's sale to a third party of the mortgaged equipment and collection of the proceeds of the sale can be deemed in the exercise of its right to foreclose the chattel mortgage as creditor-mortagee.
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