Republic of the Philippines METROPOLITAN TRIAL COURT National Capital Judicial Region City of Manila !anch "" ARIANA GRANDE, Plainti#$ CIVIL CASE No. CV-10-12345 %&e!sus%
Unlawful Detainer
BRUNO MARS, )efendant* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+ PRE-TRIAL BRIEF (For !" P#$%&%' PLAINTI''$ th!ough counsel$ unto this ,ono!able cou!t -ost !espectfully sub-its the P!e%t!ial !ief(
I BRIEF STATEMENT STATEMENT OF T)E CASE This is an action fo! UNLA/'UL UNLA/'UL )ETAINER* )ETAINER* Plainti# is the la.ful! of a land o&e! .hich an apa!t-ent had been const!ucted located 0"1 Road 23$ 23 $ag agong ong Pag%a ag%asa sa$$ 4a-p 4a-pal aloc oc$$ Mani Manila la and !esi !eside des s at 25 253 3 Road 2$ agong Pag%asa$ 4a-paloc$Manila .hile defendant is a !esident !esident of 678 Ayala A&enue$ A&enue$ Ma9ati Ma9ati City City** 4o-eti-e 4o-eti-e in Octobe! 5:22$ plainti# and defendant ag!eed to ente! into a leas lease e ag!ee g!ee-ent* ent* y &i!t &i!tue ue of a cont! ont!ac actt of leas lease$ e$ the the plainti# leased unto the defendant the afo!esaid apa!t-ent fo! a conside!ation of P7$:::*:: a -onth as !ental to be paid .it .ithi hin n the ;!st !st ten thus$ this action* II *ILLINGNESS TO ENTER INTO AMICABLE SETTLEMENT OR ALTERNATIVE MODES OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION Plainti# is open to a-icable settle-ent o! alte!nati&e -odes of dispute !esolution upon -utually acceptable te!-s and conditions*
III SUMMAR+ OF ADMITTED FACTS Plainti#?s ad-issions a!e li-ited to those -atte!s that a!e alleged in he! co-plaint*
IV PROPOSED STIPULATIONS Plainti# he!eby p!oposes that )efendant ad-its( 2* That he cont!acted a lease ag!ee-ent and failed to pay his -onthly !entals f!o- June 5:28 up to p!esent* 5* That he !efused to pay his obligations despite !epeated de-ands* 3* That he !efused to &acate the apa!t-ent in @uestion*
V ISSUE TO BE RESOLVED 2* /hethe! o! not defendant cont!acted a lease ag!ee-ent and failed to pay his -onthly !entals f!o- June 5:28 up to p!esent 5* /hethe! o! not defendant !efused to pay his obligations despite !epeated de-ands
3* /hethe! o! not defendant !efused to &acate the apa!t-ent in @uestion
VI DOCUMENTAR+ E)IBITS 2*=!s 2536780"*
5*= Cont!act of Lease ente!ed bet.een Co-plainant and )efendant$ e+ecuted on No&e-be! 3$ 5:22* 3*= )e-and Lette! to &acate the apa!t-ent .hich .as pe!sonally deli&e!ed to and !ecei&ed by the defendant as sho.n in the !egist!y !etu!n !eceipt dated Octobe! 2$ 5:28*
VII DISCOVER+ PROCEDURES Plainti# is .illing to a&ail of disco&e!y p!ocedu!es necessa!y fo! e+pedient !esolution of the issues in&ol&ed*
VIII NAMES OF *ITNESSES AND T)E SUBSTANCE OF T)EIR TESTIMONIES 2* Plainti# .ho shall testify on the -ate!ial allegations of his co-plaint> 5* M!* Raul Robles$ liaison oBce! of Cabiguen adaDos La. OBce$ .ho pe!sonally deli&e!ed the )e-and Lette! to the defendant*
Plainti# !ese!&es the !ight to p!esent the Judicial ABda&it of .itness Raul Robles to p!o&e the allegations in he! co-plaint* 3
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