PBS GSA National Equipment Standard Guide 2011-03-21

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GSA National Equipment Standard

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Document Revision 03-21-2011 Disclaimer GSA would prefer not to develop a single organization standard that is specific only to the agency. GSA would prefer, with review and input from industry and other agencies, develop a mutually beneficial industry standard that can be used universally. With that in mind, this is a draft document developed by GSA and is being distributed for review process by peers. This is in no way to be used as a legal or binding document at this time. This document is in the process of being internally reviewed by GSA. Note: This is a large document; there is discussion to split out section 4 into its own document. For review process, this document should be considered as a whole. Moving section 4 to another sub technical document would not change its content.

U.S. General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Office of Design and Construction Facility Management and Services Program

Month XX, 2011 This version of the GSA National Equipment Standard is identified as Version 0.50 to indicate its provisional status. With its publication, this guide becomes available for public review and comment. As its provisional status denotes, however, it will continue to serve as the basis for further development, pilot validation, and professional editing. All readers of this provisional guide are encouraged to submit feedback to the National 3D-4D-BIM Program. Updated versions will continue to be issued to address and incorporate on-going feedback in an open, collaborative process. For further information about GSA’s National 3D-4D-BIM Program, additional BIM Guide Series, or to submit comments or questions, visit the National 3D-4D-BIM webpage at http://www.gsa.gov/bim. The National 3D-4D-BIM Program Office of Design and Construction Public Buildings Service U.S. General Services Administration 1800 F Street NW, Suite 3300 Washington, DC 20405 [ADD FMSP Address]

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Version 0.50 – Month, Date 2011 COPYRIGHT © 2011 BY General Services Administration If you would like to contact the authors, please write to: The National 3D-4D-BIM Program Office of Design and Construction Public Buildings Service U.S. General Services Administration 1800 F Street NW, Suite 3300 Washington, DC 20405 [ADD FMSP]

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Table of Contents Equipment Standards Executive Summary: Equipment ................................................................................. iii Introduction .......................................................................................................... iv About this Guide ....................................................................................................... iv Objective of this Guide ............................................................................................... iv How to use this guide – National Equipment Standard ........................................................... iv Section 1: Equipment and FM ...................................................................................... 7 1.1.

Why Equipment Standard .................................................................................... 7


The Business Need for Equipment Standards .............................................................. 8


Use cases for equipment data .............................................................................. 10

1.1. The vision for equipment data ............................................................................. 11 Section 2: Equipment Definitions ................................................................................14 Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards .......................................................................18 3.1.

Industry Codes ................................................................................................ 18

3.2. Equipment Type Nomenclature Convention .............................................................. 22 Section 4: Equipment Data Fields ................................................................................25 4.1.

Complex Data Fields ......................................................................................... 26


Facility Data Fields ........................................................................................... 32


Tenant Data Fields ........................................................................................... 40


Zone Data Fields .............................................................................................. 44


Space Data Fields............................................................................................. 47


Equipment Data Fields ....................................................................................... 53


Job Task Data Fields ......................................................................................... 96


Commissioning Data Fields ................................................................................ 108 table of contents


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Condition Assessment Data Fields........................................................................ 113

4.10. Audits and Inspection Data Fields ........................................................................ 124 4.11. Warranty ..................................................................................................... 130 4.12. Operation Documents ...................................................................................... 143 4.13. Code and Regulations ...................................................................................... 146 Section 5: Equipment Identification ........................................................................... 159 5.1. Equipment Identification Formats: ...................................................................... 159 Section 6: Equipment Tag........................................................................................ 163 6.1.

Guidelines: .................................................................................................. 163


Tag Placement: ............................................................................................. 163

6.3. Required Equipment Tag Information: .................................................................. 164 Section 7: Contracts .............................................................................................. 167 7.1.

New Construction/Renovation............................................................................ 167


Existing Building O&M Contract Renewal ............................................................... 167


Existing Building Equipment Inventory Contract ....................................................... 168

7.4. Existing Building Project .................................................................................. 169 Section 8: technology ............................................................................................. 171 8.1.

Technology Requirements ................................................................................. 171

8.2. Technology Recommendations ........................................................................... 171 Section 9: Implementation Guidance .......................................................................... 173 9.1.

Identifying Opportunities.................................................................................. 173


Developing an Equipment Execution Plan .............................................................. 173

9.3. Pilot Inventory Implementation Studies ................................................................ 173 Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix ............................................................................ 176 References .......................................................................................................... 186 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 187 table of contents


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Executive Summary: Equipment In 2003, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Public Buildings Service (PBS) Office of the Chief Architect (OCA) established the National 3D-4D-BIM Program. For more information, visit the National 3D-4D-BIM Program webpage at http://www.gsa.gov/bim. As part of this program, OCA has evaluated an array of 3D-4D-BIM applications on a number of capital projects. As one of the largest owners in the U.S., GSA sees great benefits from maintaining lifecycle data for our facilities. Equipment data is one of the key data points critical to the operation and maintenance of facilities. This guide is a result of the work that the GSA team has done to ensure that high-quality data is submitted for equipment in our facilities during design and construction, renovations, projects, and daily operations. The Office of Design and Construction, which houses the BIM Program, and the office of Facility Management and Services Programs has been working with counterparts in all regions to ensure the appropriate equipment deliverables are required. This guide has also been reviewed by the GSA BIM and FM Working Group and several regional GSA associates familiar with BIM and FM. Objective of Using National Equipment Standards (NES) The overall purpose of utilizing national equipment standards is to enable GSA to leverage equipment data through the facility lifecycle. GSA intends to utilize and update this data throughout the facility lifecycle – through new construction, small projects, building operations, and major renovations. Requirements and Deliverables At a minimum, contracts or work relating to facility equipment data such as new construction, equipment related projects, equipment repairs/replacements, renovations, etc., are required to have the minimum specified data fields per this guide updated or captured per section 4. These requirements are in addition to all current submission requirements set forth in Appendix A of the Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service (PBS P-100 November 2010). A/Es should also follow the PBS CAD Standards for creating 2-D drawings. Conclusions GSA expects that, in referencing this Guide, GSA will be able to obtain high-quality equipment data for use in Facility Management. While full adoption of this guide within facility management will be incremental, this guide lays the foundation for the vision and technical requirements for facility management. GSA welcomes any constructive comments and recommendations to the guide and the process of creating and maintaining facility lifecycle information.

executive summary: equipment


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Introduction About this Guide A national equipment standard allows GSA to better utilize and operate facilities through all phases of a facility’s lifecycle. Users of this document should also refer to the GSA BIM Guide Series: 01 – Overview of GSA’s National 3D-4D-BIM Program for program-wide policies on 3D-4D-BIM applications, GSA BIM Guide Series 02 for technical requirements of a spatial program BIM, and the GSA BIM Guide Series 08-facility management to BIM for implementation. This guide will also be of general interest to other members of GSA project teams, including PBS staff, customer agencies, and contracted parties such as construction managers, construction and designbuild contractors, and consultants. In addition, construction industry software solution providers will find this Guide useful, in particular those who offer Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and BIM-authoring applications.

Objective of this Guide The main objective of this guide is to provide a vision, requirements, and technology review for equipment data and its use in CMMS and BIM for facility management. Disclaimer: This guide is considered a living document that is constantly changing and being updated as the technology matures. While GSA has tried to highlight the major points, GSA cannot take into account all the special cases and changing technology. Therefore, if you have any questions or comments regarding the content of this Series, please contact OCA or FMSP for the most up-to-date information.

How to use this guide – National Equipment Standard This series is divided into 9 major sections: 

Section 1: Equipment and FM – This section describes the overall vision and objectives for equipment data within facility management.



GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

       

Section 2: Equipment Definitions – This section defines the definitions of key terms used for equipment inventories and their data. Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards – This section defines the industry codes, concepts, and standards used for GSA equipment inventories. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields – This section describes the different equipment data points for GSA, their implementation, requirements, and their data field database name. Section 5: Equipment Identification – This section describes the requirements and standards for equipment identification in a facility. Section 6: Equipment Tag – This section describes the requirements and standards for equipment tagging within a facility. Section 7: Contracts – This section provides lessons learned and information to include in contracts related to equipment inventories. Section 8: Technology – This section describes the technologies that are affected and possible future technologies available. Section 9: Implementation Guidance – This section describes the different ways of implementation related to equipment inventories.



Section 01: Equipment and FM

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 1: Equipment and FM This section provides an overview of the origin and motivation behind equipment data and facility management.


Why Equipment Standard

GSA PBS is responsible for over 8300 owned and leased buildings within its 11 regions. The costs and inaccuracy of facilities using incompatible self-generated equipment and systems descriptions has a significant impact on the construction, operations, sustainability, and energy usage of facilities. Using a single common standard that is compatible with industry standards is a significant improvement for GSA and its supporting vendors. Facility operations require the ability to track and located every component of a facility. Those components (equipment) have performance characteristics and costs associated with their operation, installation, replacement, and\or scheduled maintenance. Creating an accurate equipment inventory is essential for achieving optimal performance of the facility. This equipment standard is designed to guide the creation and capture of accurate information for equipment data. Equipment data such as:  Type of equipment.  Equipment physical location in addition to its location within the facility.  Cause and affect (parent/child relationship) each component has on the operations of a building. Example: Transformer ## supplies power to electrical panels xx, yy, zz.  Creation of zones that identify areas that are serviced by common components. (Rooms 1, 2, 3 are on zone 1 of Air Handling Unit 21, or supplied electrical service from circuit panel L-1.) 

Development of a unique identifier that can be used to link the software programs files with the CMMS database.

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim


The Business Need for Equipment Standards

GSA PBS is responsible for over 8300 owned and leased buildings within its 11 regions. The problems associated with using incompatible self-generated equipment and systems descriptions have significant impact on the construction, operations, sustainability, and energy usage of facilities. “Why are equipment inventories critical? The bottom line: They are the basic requirement for every aspect of facility management. Equipment inventories affect facility safety as well as how the facility is operated, maintained, and forecasted. They also have a direct impact on facility costs. If the equipment inventory is not accurate, the facility and the organization will not be as effective. One adage is “You cannot manage what you do not know.” If the equipment inventory is not accurate, it is costing the organization time, manpower, and money.” Financial Impact and Analysis of Equipment Inventories by Robert Keady, Facility Engineering Journal, Association of Facility Engineering, Nov-Dec, Jan-Feb, 2009-2010. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) estimates the cost of inadequate interoperability in the U.S. capital facilities industry to be $15.8 billion per year. “A building’s performance will decline because of its age, the use it receives, or functional adaptation to new uses, but its performance will decline at an optimized rate with proper maintenance. Without appropriate maintenance, or with the owner’s decision to defer required maintenance, the building’s usefulness will decrease at an accelerated rate. The total cost of ownership is the total of all expenditures an owner will make over a building’s service lifetime. Failure to recognize these costs and to provide adequate maintenance, repair, and renewal results in a shorter service life, more rapid deterioration, higher operating costs, and possible mission degradation over the life cycle of a building. With available data on facility subsystems, an estimate can be made regarding maintenance, repair, and renewal requirements during the remaining asset lifetime. Managing this data is of critical importance to effectively provide optimum services to the facility owner and users.” Cost Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Industry, Michael P. Gallaher, Alan C. O’Connor, John L. Dettbarn, Jr., and Linda T. Gilday, NIST GCR 04-867, AUGUST 2004. GSA development of a standard and format for equipment inventory will significantly improve the interoperability between design, construction, and operation of its facilities. GSA is committed to maintain interoperability across regions while at the same time being vendor neutral.

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The following are some of the benefits that GSA believes will be realized by having accurate equipment data: 1. Cost Savings:  Savings in renovations and projects.  Savings to performing equipment condition assessments.  Reduction in the number and costs to perform equipment inventories per each O&M Contract.  Increased revenue/accuracy of Chargeback’s.  Reduction in peak energy costs.  Reduction of waste water.  Reduction of cost related to inventory collection for new construction. 2. Man-hour Savings:  Reduction in number of contract modifications; reduction of man-hours used affects multiple departments. (Finance, Contracting Office, Facilities Team, Lessor, etc.)  Reduction of labor-hours needed to recreate maintenance and repair information.  Reduction in hours needed to recreate information to meet regulations.  Reduction in hours caused by miscommunication.  Reduction in hours needed to perform equipment Building Life Cycle Costs.  Reduction in hours needed to determine manpower requirements for O&M costing.  Reduction in hours needed to determine equipment impacted for Chargeback’s.  Reduction of hours to cost projects that require equipment information and quantities.  Reduction of administrative hours spent maintaining current inventory system and process. 3. Regulations:  Reduce the probability of fines and violations by having the capability of identifying that all equipment regulations have been met. Increased level of compliance.

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

 Improved ability to meet GREEN and LEED initiatives. 4. Safety:  Increased personnel safety by reducing live electrical work. Reduction in legal exposure.  Reduction in human error. 5. Emergency Response:  Improved emergency response and accident mitigation. 6. Executive Level:  Improved financial budgets and costing information.  Improvement of metrics and data used for equipment, operations, and maintenance decisions.  Improved tracking of repairs and service calls related to equipment. Improved cost of expenditure history.  Improved Customer Service.


Use cases for equipment data

Equipment data affects a significant number of processes and systems used within facility management. The following are only a couple of the major use areas for this data. 1.3.1. Energy and Sustainability The Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) performed a study that found that a 5-20% energy savings could be achieved by simply performing effective O&M (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/operations_maintenance/). One of the major key points of having an effective O&M program is to be able to accurately identify the equipment within the facility. Even though GSA installs highly efficient components within its facilities, if the equipment is not tracked and maintained then the efficiencies will be lost and the savings and sustainability not recognized. Therefore, equipment data has a large impact on energy and sustainability use cases.

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

1.3.2. Operation and Maintenance Contracts A large component of the cost related to operation and maintenance contracts for federal facilities is based on the amount of preventive maintenance required to be performed for the facility. The amount of preventive maintenance is directly related to the accuracy and quality of the equipment data. GSA believes that having a higher quality of data related to equipment inventories will reduce the number of O&M contract modifications, stabilize the known costs and, therefore, the budget of its building O&M program. It will simultaneously reduce the number of repairs related to poor O&M. 1.3.3. Construction to Facility Management Data Transfer At the time of this publication, there is a significant communications gap between the design and construction industry and facility management/owners. One of the major causes of this gap is that the two disciplines use different standards for identification of data. The design and construction industry tends to use established industry standards while the facility management community tends to use self-generated data formats that are not consistent with any standards. Because of this inconsistency in definitions, it is very difficult and costly to transfer data from construction to operations and there is a high level of data loss. The defining of equipment data fields, format, and industry standards used by this publication will reduce, and someday eliminate, the loss of equipment data between construction and operations. GSA believes it will see a significant cost benefit in reducing this data communications gap.


The vision for equipment data

While it is recognized that it will take time, the vision is to have seamless transfers of equipment data from construction, projects, and operations to the point that all of GSA facilities have completely accurate equipment inventories. The key points in achieving this vision are: 1. To have this guide implemented and the equipment data captured during any activity that involved equipment. Example: New construction, small project equipment replacement, daily building operations, etc…

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

2. When a standard does not meet the requirements needed by GSA, assist the industry and community by proactively becoming involved in fixing the standards, instead of developing selfgenerated, non-compliant GSA specific standards.

Section 02: Equipment Definitions

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 2: Equipment Definitions This section describes the definitions that relate to equipment. GSA believes that there is a higher clarity of communication when using predefined terms and definitions. Some of these definitions, especially those that relate to equipment inventories, are new. 2.1.Assembly: An assembly is the putting together of manufactured parts to make a completed product, such as a machine or electronic circuit. A set of parts so assembled. A group of machine parts, especially one forming a self-contained, independently mounted unit. Assemblies are only used to define equipment or building elements. 2.2.Attributes: A property, quality, or feature belonging to or representative of a person or thing. 2.2.1. Equipment Object Attribute – An equipment object attribute is a property or feature that defines a particular equipment object and is not related to its design characteristics or operation specifications. Example: Equipment type, equipment sequential number, etc... 2.2.2. Equipment Design Specification Attribute – An equipment design specification attribute is a property or feature of a component based on the design characteristics of particular equipment. Example: Designed for 150% maximum load for 30 minutes at 50 amps, maximum pump head 250 feet, 60HZ, 480 Volts, etc… 2.2.3. Equipment Instance Specification Attribute – An equipment instance specification attribute is a property or feature of a component based on specifications important to that instance of that component. Example: Equipment serial number, equipment model, equipment installation date, etc… 2.3.Element: An Element is a major component, assembly, or "construction entity part which, in itself or in combination with other parts, fulfills a predominate function of the construction entity" (ISO 12006-2). Predominating functions include, but are not limited to, supporting, enclosing,

Section 2: Equipment Definitions


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

servicing, and equipping a facility. Functional descriptions can also include a process or an activity. 2.4.Equipment Identification: A short abbreviation of a human understandable word or description defining what instance, category, or classification to which an equipment object belongs. For example: An air handling unit with a sequence number of 001 could be identified as AHU-001 or window 2341 could be identified as WDW-2341 2.5.Equipment Tag: An attached material used to physically mark or label a piece of equipment. For example: A stainless steel tag placed on an air handling unit with an equipment identification of AHU-001. 2.6.Equipment Inventory Types: Equipment inventories are categorized into five major types. Within a facility there are often varying inventories of different types based on the practice of design discipline or the requirements of the facility owner related to the equipment. For example: A facility could have a mechanical preventive maintenance inventory, lighting non-preventive maintenance inventory, a component level fire safety inventory, and a partial inventory of doors. The five types of inventories are defined as follows: 2.6.1. Partial Inventory – a facility equipment list that is not tied directly to any specific standard, maintenance schedule, or controlled process. Some common problems related to partial inventories are: Discrepancies between equipment listed and equipment actually installed, and inaccuracies in equipment counts, potentially omitting important pieces of information, such as equipment attributes or physical locations. 2.6.2. Maintenance Inventory – an inventory of all the equipment within a facility that requires maintenance. Types of maintenance would be preventive maintenance (PM), predictive maintenance, etc. Non-maintenance equipment is not included in this inventory. 2.6.3. Non-Maintenance Inventory – an inventory of all the equipment that conveys with the facility during transfer of ownership or is tracked, serviced, repaired, or maintained by the organization that does not require maintenance. Preventive or predictive maintenance equipment is not included in this inventory.

Section 2: Equipment Definitions


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2.6.4. Component-Level Inventory – an inventory that includes PM and Non-PM equipment down to the component, or product, level. A component-level inventory normally consists of equipment that conveys with the facility during transfer of ownership or is tracked, serviced, repaired, or maintained by the organization. Component-level inventories are as in-depth as possible for an existing building without actually performing destructive testing to determine what is behind the walls or underground. This type of inventory does not normally include disposable inventories such as supplies. For example: A component-level inventory would contain lighting fixtures but not contain light bulbs, electrical outlets, or mounting hardware. 2.6.5. Complete (Master) Inventory – an inventory that includes all equipment within the building envelope and site boundaries. Complete inventories capture the equipment that a component-level inventory is not able to capture without performing destructive testing: equipment behind walls or in inaccessible and hard to reach areas. Complete inventories are normally obtainable only after new construction. Complete inventories are found in organizations like nuclear power plants, oil rigs, manufacturing companies, and ships, and reflect the understanding within these organizations that equipment inventories are important to the success of overall operations. The complete inventory corresponds to the Bill of Materials for all products purchased in the construction of a facility. 2.7.System: A system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements, equipment, or assemblies, forming a complex whole in order to fulfill a function. 2.8.Subsystem: A sub system is a secondary or subordinate part of a system. 2.9.Equipment System Relationship: An equipment system relationship is the direct relationship that a piece of equipment has to its system.

Section 2: Equipment Definitions


Section 03 Industry Codes and Standard

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards This section delineates the concepts and codes to be used for the basis of equipment data. The digital coding of equipment, not to be confused with identification or tagging, is the code used in a database or in software programs to ensure that the equipment types and classifications are consistent throughout the different processes. The proper use of a single consistent code throughout different processes is critical in ensuring the interoperability of the data across platforms, regions, and buildings.


Code 23-27 31 00 23-27 31 11

Product Valves Backflow Preventors

23-27 31 13

Balancing Valves

23-27 31 13 11

Gate Balancing Valves

Industry Codes

GSA is committed to the use of open, vendor-neutral, object based oriented industry codes to minimize the loss of data that is prevalent in self-generated systems of coding. 3.1.1. OmniClass OmniClass is the coding standard for use by GSA. This standard is an open object based industry standard used in the construction of facilities. This industry code is the designated backbone code for Building Information Modeling and Construction Operation Building Information Exchange (COBie) per the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS), Federal Facility Council (FFC), and buildingSMARTalliance. OmniClass, maintained by the Construction Specification Institute, a nonprofit organization affiliated with NIBS, is involved in the

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standards. “The OmniClass Construction Classification System (known as OmniClass™ or OCCS) is a classification system for the construction industry. OmniClass is useful for many applications, from organizing library materials, product literature, and project information, to providing a classification structure for electronic databases. It incorporates other extant systems currently in use as the basis of many of its Tables – MasterFormat™ for work results, UniFormat for elements, and EPIC (Electronic Product Information Cooperation) for structuring products.” OmniClass, Construction Specification Institute, http://www.omniclass.org/ “NBIMS V1-P1 includes three candidate reference standards as Appendix documents: IAI Industry Foundation Classes (IFC or ifc), Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) OmniClass™, and CSI IFD Library™,” National Building Information Modeling Exchange Standard, Whole Building Design Guide, National Institute of Building Sciences. www.wbdg.org/pdfs/NBIMSv1_p1.pdf OmniClass Table 23 Products. OmniClass Table 23 Products shall be used to digitally code and classify GSA equipment types to ensure interoperability between software systems and packages. In the figure 3.2.2, the code is the numerical value embedded within the table. For example: 23-27 21 11 is the digital code for the classified equipment named axial flow compressors.

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


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Figure 3.2.2 OmniClass Table 21 Elements. OmniClass Table 21 Elements shall be used to digitally code and classify GSA equipment systems to ensure interoperability between software systems and packages. In figure 3.2.3, the code is the numerical value embedded within the table. For example: 21-51 31 11 17 is the digital code for the equipment system named Domestic Water Distribution. Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


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Figure 3.2.3 3.1.2. National CAD Standard (NCS) and ASME abbreviations. NCS and ASME standard abbreviations shall be used for the identification of equipment acronyms within the database per the equipment identification and tagging section of this guidance. Construction Specification Institute maintains a reference object based cross to acronym database (ROBCAD) based on NCS and ASME standards. 3.1.3. Specifiers' Properties Information Exchange (SPIE) SPIE is an emerging industry standard sponsored by the buildingSMARTalliance, National Institute of Building Sciences, Whole Building Design Guide, http://www.wbdg.org/references/pg_spt.php. This code is used to define the specifications or “equipment design attributes” of a product. GSA intention is to ensure all design specifications are captured during equipment data collection using this format.

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


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Equipment Type Nomenclature Convention

Naming conventions are the descriptive name used to provide the easily identified human interfaces needed to operate, repair, and maintain equipment. It is important to maintain a consistent nomenclature between different organizations and processes. Consistent names provide for ease of use for human interaction with the data in a database. A code 23-75 10 37 11 is meaningless to a user unless cross-referenced to a description of what the code is related to. In order for GSA to have the capability to effectively data mine the information in a database, a standard equipment naming convention is required. 3.2.1. Industry Standard Nomenclature: GSA equipment type description shall be per the OmniClass Table 23 Products table. Example: 23-27 31 15 is the digital code for the equipment type ball valve. Therefore, the equipment type description used for GSA shall be “Ball Valve.” Using this standard nomenclature allows the data in the equipment database to easily be parsed by personnel and the agency. A search for all ball valves and their sizes could be easily performed on this database. 3.2.2. Equipment Operation Description. Equipment Operation Descriptions are additional texted based nomenclature that, when added to the industry standard equipment type nomenclature, provides added value to the operation of a facility. The equipment type “Ball Valve” for a piece of equipment in a database side is important, but a single facility can contain thousands of ball valves. The addition of a free text format addition to the equipment type and designated as equipment operation description provides a viable “long description” to the industry standards. For example:

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


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Equipment Type Ball Valve

Equipment Operation Description Main Isolation to Fuel Oil Tank #2

The resulting naming convention becomes: Ball Valve Main Isolation to Fuel Oil Tank #2.

Section 3: Industry Codes and Standards


Section 04 Equipment Data Fields

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields This section describes and defines the equipment data fields, minimum information, responsibility, and requirements. The term contractor within the scope of these data fields refers to anyone who is under contract to perform said duties, such as the A/E Construction Manager, Commissioning Agent, etc… GSA/Contractor denotes areas in which the data might have to be assigned/developed by GSA, but the contractor is always responsible for the data input based on contract requirements. The equipment data fields are the minimum defined data points needed by GSA for the proper identification of equipment. It is recognized that there are numerous other data points that are needed by facility management for the proper operation of their facilities (for example: square footage of spaces, etc...), but this guide is specifically written for equipment only. Also note that some of the data points are important for other software programs and systems (for example: building number). Whenever possible, data points from multiple systems should be unified under a single standard to reduce integration errors in systems. Section 4 is broken up into the following seven parts for each piece of data: Implementation: Data Capture Requirement: Data Format Requirement: Database Name: Data Instance: Responsibility:

How to implement the data in the fields and related examples. Denotes whether the data is a minimum requirement or if it is a recommended data point. Standards or format requirements for the data. The required database name for the specified data field. Denotes whether the data is expected to be a singular occurrence of that data point or a many occurrence. Recommended organization responsible for gathering the data.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Complex Data Fields

The complex data field is the minimum data related to a complex needed to cross reference equipment. A complex is synonymous with the terms site, base, or campus. The term complex was selected due to usage of the term in property management. 4.1.1. Complex Primary Key The complex primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. The use of a GUID allows all of the data for the complex to be pinned to the GUID as unique database identification. The data for the complex can then be linked to other data using this GUID. Hence, complex data only has to be captured in one location but then can be used in multiple areas throughout the program. Implementation: Verify with GSA that a GUID does not already exist for the complex. Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: COBie Facility.ExtFacilityIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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4.1.2. Complex Plot The complex plot was defined to identify the site boundaries or plot for the complex. This plot boundary is very important to facility management to assist in understanding where responsibilities of utilities and equipment start and stop. Example: underground sewage line, facility is responsible until the line crosses the site boundary. The sewage line then becomes the utilities’ responsibility. How to represent this information in a data format has not been determined by GSA at this time. Implementation: Not used/developed at this time. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard

4.1.3. Complex Number The complex number is the GSA self-generated assigned complex/site number that uniquely identifies the complex in GSA’s portfolio. Example: MD0000WO White Oak Campus. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Alpha-Numeric: Per GSA portfolio standard numbering format: COBie Facility.SiteName One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.1.4. Complex Name The complex name is the GSA/Organization assigned name for the complex or site per portfolio management. Example: Denver Federal Center or White Oak Campus. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio designated name Facility.SiteLongName One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.1.5. Complex Address

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The complex address is the physical designated postal address for the complex. The complex address consists of the postal number and the street designation. The post box is also to be included in the address. Example: 301 SW 7th Street, P.O. Box 1234 Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio standard Facility.SiteAddress.AddressLine One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.1.6. Complex City The complex city is the city name that the complex is associated with per the postal codes. When a complex spans more than one city, a main city designated by the agency will be determined. Each building within the complex will still be associated with the city in which it is physically located to ensure they comply with local regulations. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio standard Facility.SiteTown One Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Storage Responsibility

GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.1.7. Complex State The complex state, for the United States, will use the 2 letter postal state designation. When a complex spans more than one state, a main state designated by the agency will be determined. Buildings within the complex will still be associated with the state in which they are physically located to ensure they comply with local regulations. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: 2 capitalized letter designation per United States Postal Standards Facility.SiteRegion One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.1.8. Complex Zip The complex zip is the postal zip code designated for the complex as its main mailing address. When a complex spans multiple zip codes, a main zip code for mailing will be designated for the complex. Buildings within the complex will still be associated with the zip code in which they are physically located.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Numeric: Per United States Postal Service Facility.SitePostalCode One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Facility Data Fields

The facility data field is the minimum data related to the facility needed to cross reference equipment. Facility is synonymous with the terms structure, garage, park, and building. The term facility was selected due to usage of the term in facility management. 4.2.1. Facility Primary Key The facility primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. The use of a GUID, allows all of the data for the facility to be pinned to the GUID as unique database identification. The data for the facility can then be linked to other data using this GUID. Hence, the data only has to be captured in one location but then can be used in multiple areas throughout the program. Implementation: Verify with GSA that a GUID does not already exist for the facility. Otherwise, the GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: COBie Facility.ExtFacilityIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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4.2.2. Facility Owner The facility owner is a text designation of the organization or agency who owns the facility: GSA, FDA, FAA, DOD, NAVFAC, etc... Example: MD0765 FRC White Oak Life Science Lab is owned by GSA; therefore, GSA would be designated as the owner, even though FDA is the sole tenant agency. Implementation: Assigned by GSA. The abbreviations and acronyms must be in accordance with approved U.S. government requirements. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per United States standard names and acronyms Facility.Owner Many GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.3. Facility Designation The facility designation field is used to denote the disposition of the facility within the organizations’ portfolio. For GSA at this time, the field is used to designate whether the facility is own, leased, or delegated. Implementation: Facility designation is determined by GSA. The approved designations for GSA are as follows: Leased Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Leased Delegated Owned Owned Delegated Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per 4.2.3 designations Facility.Designation One GSA Database New Construction: GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.4. Facility Location Organization Code The facility location organization code captures the code used to designate the geographical location system used by the organization for the facility. For example: GSA has 11 regions and each building belongs to a specific region. The region number is the location organization code. Implementation: Enter the region number for the building. GSA has 11 regions, region numbers must be entered with a preceding zero for regional numbers less than 10. GSA Regions: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Numeric: Per GSA Region designated numeric value Facility.LocationOrgCode Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

One GSA Database New Construction: GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.5. Facility Number The facility number is the GSA self generated assigned facility number that uniquely identify the facility in GSA’s portfolio. Example: DC0459AF is the facility number for the Reagan Building FOB. There are instances in which tenant agencies assign a number to a GSA facility. Tenant agency numbers are not approved for tracking purposes and should not be used. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Alpha-Numeric: Per GSA portfolio standard numbering format: COBie Facility.Name One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.6. Facility Name The facility name is the name of the building as designated per PBS GSA. Example: Reagan Building FOB. There are instances in which a tenant agency assigns a different name or

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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number to a GSA facility for their own use. Only the GSA approved portfolio designated name should be used. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio designated name Facility.LongName1 One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.7. Organization Facility Name The organization facility name is the data field used to capture any other name for the facility besides the approved GSA portfolio name. Example: GSA Building MD0821 FRC WHITE OAK CDER OFFICE 2 was designated “Building 51” by tenant agency. Therefore, Building 51 would be entered into this data field. This will allow GSA to streamline cross reference terms and data elements with tenants. Implementation: Assigned by GSA/Tenant Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Text Facility.LongName2 One Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Storage Responsibility

GSA Database New Construction: GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.8. Facility Address The facility address is the physical designated postal address for the building. The facility address consists of the postal number and the street designation. The post box is also to be included in the address. Example: 301 SW 7th Street, P.O. Box 1234 Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio standards Facility.AddressLine One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.2.9. Facility City The facility city is the city name that the facility is associated with per the postal codes. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required

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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.2.10.

Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio standards Facility.Town One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Facility State

The facility state, for the United States, will use the 2 letter postal state designation. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.2.11.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: 2 capitalized letter designation per United States Postal Standards Facility.State One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor

Facility Zip

The facility zip is the postal zip code designated for the facility as its main mailing address. When a complex spans multiple zip codes, an official zip code for mailing will be designated for the building.

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Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.2.12.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Numeric: Per United States Postal Service Facility.PostalCode One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Facility Country

The facility country data field is the field designed to capture the country code for the physical location of the facility. Implementation: Assigned by GSA Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.2.13.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per GSA portfolio standard Facility.Country One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Facility Priority

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Facility priority field is used to classify the priority of the facility based on its function. The inability to differentiate between the worth of facilities in a portfolio causes ineffective utilization of resources when responding to work in a multiple facility/complex environment. Personnel are sent to the wrong facility to perform work that has a low impact to the organization versus having to reroute those resources to a high priority facility. A mobile repair team/technician when given two work orders of the same order for different facilities needs to know which facility to respond to first. This can create a significant impact on customer service and a drain on funds and resources. GSA has not developed or utilized a facility priority system. This field is for future use. Implementation: Not used/developed at this time. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility


New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Facility.Priority

Tenant Data Fields

4.3.1. Tenant Primary Key (N) The tenant primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. (N) Denotes that there can be multiple tenants within a facility and therefore multiple tenant primary keys. The use of a GUID, allows all of the data for the tenant to be pinned to the GUID as unique database identification. The data for the tenant can then be linked to other data using this GUID. Hence, the data only has to be captured in one location but then can be used in multiple areas throughout the program. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Tenant.Identifier Many GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.3.2. Tenant Name The tenant name field is used to capture the official full name of the organization, agency, or company of the tenant. Example: Department of Energy Implementation: Assigned by GSA, the tenant name should only be the full descriptive legal name of the tenant. Abbreviations or acronyms should not be used to reduce confusion. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Existing Building: Required Text: Per company or government approved full official name. Tenant.Name One: Per Tenant.Identifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.3.3. Tenant Organization Name The tenant organization name field is used to capture the tenant sub organizational name. For example: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is part of the Department of Energy. Implementation: Assigned by GSA, the tenant organization name should only be the full descriptive legal name of the tenant. Abbreviations or acronyms should not be used to reduce confusion. If there is no tenant organization name, leave this field blank. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Text: Per company or government approved full official name. Tenant.OrgName One: Per Tenant.Identifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.3.4. Tenant Department Name

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The tenant department name is used to capture the department name of the tenant agency. For example: Energy Branch. Implementation: Assigned by GSA, the tenant department name should only be the full descriptive legal name of the tenant. Abbreviations or acronyms should not be used to reduce confusion. If there is no tenant department name, leave this field blank. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Per company or government approved full official name. Tenant.DeptName One: Per Tenant.Identifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.3.5. Tenant Code The tenant code field is used to capture designated codes related to the tenant. GSA codes tenants differently depending on which database is used. This field allows a cross referencing field to capture the different codes relating directly with this tenant. Example: A0181974 GSA budget line code for FEMP DOE in GSA financial software (code string made up for example purpose only). Implementation: Assigned by GSA, the tenant agency code per GSA standards should be entered in this field. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility


Existing Building: Recommended Text: Per GSA budget office standards Tenant.Code One: Per Tenant.Identifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Zone Data Fields

Within a facility there are two designated types of zone data; facility zones and equipment zones. Facility zones are design or construction features that are specific to the building. A facility might be designed with different wings, sections, slices, rings, etc... These types of designations make up facility zones. Equipment zones are designated mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP), or equipment areas within a facility that serve a specific purpose based on building design. An equipment zone would be the heating zones, cooling zones, etc. that are based off of the orientation and design of the facility. 4.4.1. Facility Zone Primary Key (N) The facility zone primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. (N) Denotes that there can be multiple facility zones within a facility and therefore multiple primary keys. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Facility.ZoneIdentifier One BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.4.2. Facility Zone Description (N) The facility zone description data field is used to capture the name of the facility zone related to the primary key. Example: Facility Zone Primary Key ABCD1234… = Wing 2F Implementation: The facility zone descriptions are typically assigned by A/E based on design of the facility. Example: Facility Zone Primary Key Facility Zone Description AbT67Yge…. 89Gv21lP4….

East Wing Sector A

Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided and full text descriptions should be used. Do not abbreviate East, West, North, South, and Southwest… Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Facility.ZoneName One: Per Facility.ZoneIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor 4.4.3. Equipment Zone Primary Key (N) The equipment zone primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. (N) Denotes that there can be multiple equipment zones within a facility and therefore multiple primary keys. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Compoment.ZoneIdentifier One BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.4.4. Equipment Zone Description (N) The equipment zone description data field is used to capture the name of the zone related to the primary key. Example: Equipment Zone Primary Key AbCd1234…. = HVAC North Implementation: The equipment zone descriptions are typically assigned by A/E based on operational design of the facility.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Example: Equipment Zone Primary Key

Equipment Zone Description

Ghy7eha0….North Heating Zone 4A Mh49f37r….Zone B18 Plumbing Vent Stack K89fTyy7….Fire Zone 52-17 Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided and full text descriptions should be used. Do not abbreviate East, West, North, South, and Southwest… Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility


New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Comonent.ZoneName One: Per Compoment.ZoneIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Space Data Fields

This section covers the minimum space/room/location data fields needed to designate where a piece of equipment is located within the facility. Note: Not all of the required data for spaces for facility management is developed in this section. Example sq-ft/m-sq is not captured but is extremely important for facility management. Only the minimum data for space that relates to equipment per this guide has been included. 4.5.1. Space Primary Key

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The space primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. The use of a GUID allows all of the data for the space to be pinned to the GUID as unique database identification. The data for the space can then be linked to other data using this GUID. Hence, the data only has to be captured in one location but then can be used in multiple areas throughout the program. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: COBie Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier One BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.2. Floor Number The floor number is the ANSI/BOMI designation for the floor that the space is located on. Example: 01. Implementation: Enter the floor designation based on ANSI/BOMI standards. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Alpha-Numeric: ANSI/BOMI Standards: COBie Space.FloorName One: Per Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.3. Blueprint Room Number The blueprint room number is the designated room/space identification per the architect/engineer that would be found on the blueprints or on the model. Implementation: Enter the designated blueprint or model room number as designated by the A/E. In the case of existing buildings, if a room number based on blueprints cannot be determined, leave this data field blank. If the room is numbered, but not per blueprint, then enter the number in the organization room number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required if available Alpha-Numeric: National CAD Standards: COBie Space.Name One: Per Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.4. Organization Room Number The organization room number is the room/space identification number designated by the organization occupying the facility. These numbers are typically different than the

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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blueprint room numbers or a variation of them. For example: Blueprint Room Number 1019 might be split up by an organization into 3 separate rooms: 1019A, 1019B, 1019C. Implementation: Enter the organization’s room number designation. If the room does not have an organization room number, leave this data field blank. The blueprint room number should not be entered in this field. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required is available Text: Per Tenant agency standards: COBie Space.RoomTag One: Per Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.5. Space Description The room description data field is the long name description of the room/space as designated by architect/engineer or tenant organization. Example: Theodore Roosevelt Room. Implementation: Enter the descriptive name of the space. Acronyms and abbreviations should not be used to avoid confusion. Do not abbreviate East, West, South, and North. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required if available Text: COBie Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Space.Description One: Per Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.6. Space Identification Composite The space identification composite field is used by GSA to define the identification schema of the room/space for physical labels based on the organization/agency definition. GSA uses a composite of Space.Name + Space.RoomTag + Space.Description data fields. Example: 1019:1019A: Theodore Roosevelt Room. This field can be automatically generated to be filled when the other data fields are completed. Implementation: Enter the information in this data field based on input from the following fields: Space.Name, Space.RoomTag, Space.Description using colons to separate the data. If there is no data for field, leave the field in the identification blank. Example: Space.Name:Space.RoomTag:Space.Description 1019:1019A:Conference Room 4010::Washington Room :2020:Office Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per NES 4.5.6: Space.IdentificationDescription One: Per Space.ExtFacilityIdentifier GSA Database Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.5.7. Space Priority Space priority field is used to classify the priority of the room/space based on its function. The inability to differentiate between the importances of work based on location in a facility causes ineffective utilization of resources. A technician when given two work orders of the same type for different spaces needs to know which to respond to first. This can create a significant impact on customer service and a drain on funds and resources. Example: The atrium to a corporate headquarters that has high public traffic will most likely have a higher work priority than an atrium to a furniture warehouse that has no public traffic. Both spaces are atriums but one has a higher business impact. GSA has not developed or utilized a space priority system. This field is for future use. Implementation: Not used/developed at this time. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Space.Priority

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Equipment Data Fields Equipment data fields represent the information that GSA believes is important to the operation of a facility. The developed points are considered a work in progress, and while extensive, it is understood that they are not all inclusive and future development is expected and welcome.

4.6.1. BIM Equipment Object Primary Key The Building Information Model (BIM) equipment object primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. The BIM equipment object is the graphic representation of the equipment within a model. It is possible to have a single BIM equipment object with multiple pieces of associated equipment. Example: An air handler in a model is a single BIM equipment object, but associated with that BIM object is a damper, motor, cooling coils, fans, filters, etc. A door in the model is a single BIM equipment object, but associated with the door are the lockset, door closer, etc. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. The BIM equipment object primary key is stored in the BIM model attached to its graphical object. In relation to the equipment database, that piece of equipment will have a BIM equipment object primary key. It is possible to have multiple pieces of equipment using the same BIM equipment object primary key and thus relating those pieces of equipment to the BIM object. BIM:BIM equipment object primary key Air Handler Unit-001 =


Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Equipment Database: Equipment Type Equipment Motor Damper Coil Filter

primary key ACDF3256… DHYF3256… K123Dfg3… r3Tgh789Y…

BIM equipment primary key AbCdEe12346… AbCdEe12346… AbCdEe12346… AbCdEe12346…

BIM:BIM equipment object primary key Door 263 = GgHhJj12346… Equipment Database: Equipment Type Equipment primary key Door Closer 3256ACDF … Door Lockset 3256DHYF … Door Micro Switch Dfg3 K123… Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

BIM equipment primary key GgHhJj12346… GgHhJj12346… GgHhJj12346…

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended if available Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Component.ModelObjectIdentifier One BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.2. Equipment Primary Key The equipment primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: COBie Component.ExtIdentifier One: Per Equipment Instance GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.3. OmniClass Table 23 Number The OmniClass Table 23 Number is the digital code used to identify the type classification of a piece of equipment per the OmniClass standards. Example: 23-27 17 13 (Centrifugal Pump), 23-13 39 31 (Roof Membrane), 23-17 11 13 23 (Revolving Metal Door), 23-21 45 11 13 11 (Fine Art Sculpture), 23-25 63 13 13 45 (Computed Tomography CAT Radiotherapy Simulator)… Implementation: The OmniClass number is a selected parameter by the person developing the equipment object in the model. For instances in which there is no model, the contractor shall determine and input the appropriate numbers. The latest version of table 23 shall be used. If a type of object is not found within the table, the responsible person/organization/contractor shall contact Construction Specification Institute and get a provisional number and nomenclature. Enter the number in the exact same format as within the specification. 23-XX YY ZZ … Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

OmniClass Table 23. Numbers shall remain in CSI specified number format: 23-XX YY ZZ. Component.Category: COBie One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.4. OmniClass Table 23 Description (Type) The OmniClass Table 23 Description is the OmniClass designated nomenclature related to the selected OmniClass Table 23 Number. Example: (23-27 17 13) Centrifugal Pump, (23-13 39 31) Roof Membrane, (23-17 11 13 23) Revolving Metal Door, (23-21 45 11 13 11) Fine Art Sculpture, (23-25 63 13 13 45) Computed Tomography CAT Radiotherapy Simulator… Implementation: The OmniClass description is the standard name of the equipment/product based on the selected OmniClass Table 23 Number. The description should be automatically generated when the number is selected within a model or it will have to be manually added by the designated personnel/contractor. Example: OmniClass Table 23 Number: 23-27 17 13Centrifugal Pump 23-13 39 31Roof Membrane 23-17 11 13 23 23-21 45 11 13 11 23-25 63 13 13 45

Description: Revolving Metal Door Fine Art Sculpture Computed Tomography CAT Radiotherapy Simulator

In these instances, the description would be entered in the database. The nomenclature should be entered exactly as it appears in the table, no abbreviations or alterations should be made.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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If a type of equipment found does not exist in the table, the responsible party shall contact Construction Specification Institute for additions/clarifications. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required OmniClass Table 23: Exact nomenclature and format: COBie Component.Type.Name One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.5. Equipment Operation Nomenclature The equipment operation nomenclature field is used for additional text to further identify equipment within a facility by allowing the addition of a text description that describes the operational function of the component. Example: Fuel Oil Tank T-01 Isolation Ball Valve. In the example the “Ball Valve” is from the OmniClass Table 23 Description of the product and the Fuel Oil Tank T-01 Isolation is the equipment operation nomenclature. The importance of this data field is simple; for example, a facility could literally have hundreds of ball valves in the facility. The ability to include the function of the component in order to distinguish the purpose of all of the valves, “Fuel Oil Tank T-01 Isolation”, is vitally important to facility operation. Example: Mona Lisa Fine Arts Painting, Main Entrance Revolving Door… Implementation: The equipment operation nomenclature is normally determined during design and construction of a facility. A valve, pump, or motor is placed in the facility to perform a specific function by the A/E and CM. This is the most opportune time to capture this information.

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The equipment operation nomenclature should describe its function and what component it is associated with, if necessary. Example: Note: equipment type in parenthesis ( ) does not need to be added, it is shown for clarification of example only. Fuel Oil Tank T-01 Isolation (Ball Valve) Chill Water Supply AHU-01 (Ball Valve) Boiler BLR-01A Draft (Centrifugal Fan) Lighting Room 4130, 4132, 4015A, 4155 (Circuit Breaker EPB-001-CB-04) Mona Lisa (Fine Arts Painting FAPTG-01A) Main Entrance (Plastic Revolving Door DRRVLV-005) The following special characters are the only ones approved for use in this field:  Semi Colon ;  Colon :  Comma ,  Hyphen Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement

Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Alphanumeric Text: Avoid abbreviations because they tend to lead to confusion; the only special characters allowed are semi colon (;), colon (:), comma (,), and hyphen. (-): COBie Component.Type.Description One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.6. Equipment Acronym

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The equipment acronym field is used to capture the approved abbreviation/acronym for the equipment based off of National CAD Standards (NCS) and/or American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The purpose of the acronym is for use in equipment identification and is a short hand for the equipment type. Example: AHU-019A for air handler unit with a sequence number of 019A. The AHU designation is a common designation found on blueprints and is usually assigned during design and construction. Implementation: NCS abbreviations take precedence over ASME. Construction Specification Institute (CSI) is developing an NCS/ASME abbreviation to OmniClass Table 23 Products cross reference. This cross reference should be used to determine the correct abbreviation/acronym to use. When an acronym does not exist, CSI, the National Institute of Building Science (NIBS), and GSA should be consulted. Only enter approved abbreviations per Construction Specification Institute cross reference (ROBCAD). Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: National CAD Standard, ASME, CSI-ROBCAD Component.Acronym One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.7. Equipment Sequence The equipment sequence is the sequential number assigned to the equipment based on the design and construction of a facility. Because there are multiple instances of the same type of equipment; for example, ball valves that exists within a facility - the need to

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sequentially number this equipment is required. Example: AHU-019A. The 019A indicates that the air handler unit is number 019A and that other air handlers exist within a facility. Implementation: The equipment sequence number is based off the rules defined by NCS. The sequential number is normally assigned during design and construction and this is the best time to capture this information. For existing buildings, the number should be the same as the one listed on blueprints and other construction documentation. Ad hoc self-numbering should be avoided. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Alpha-Numeric: COBie Component.AssetIdentifier One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.8. Equipment Identification Composite The equipment identification composite field is used to define the identification schema of the equipment for physical labels based on the organization/agency definition. GSA uses a composite of Facility.Name + Component.Acronym + Component.AssetIdentifier data fields. Example: DC0000-AHU-019A. This field can be automatically generated to be filled when the other data fields are completed. Implementation: GSA has two standards: Normal and Enhanced for equipment identification per section 5 of this guide. Ensure the proper standard is used per contract requirements. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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If this field is not automatically generated, manually enter the Facility.Name (Building Number) + Component.Acronym + Component.AssetIdentifier (Equipment Sequence Number) using hyphens to separate the data. Example: DC0000-AHU-019A CA0123-VLV-0145 TX8972-BLR-01C LA1122-DR-1912 VA1719-MRI-19 Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Per NES 4.6.8 and Section 5. Component.CompositeID One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.6.9. Previous Equipment Identification The previous equipment identification data field is used to capture the identification of previous existing equipment. This information is used to cross reference existing data and history of component to new equipment. Example: A11-001-DC0000 which is the old self generation standard used by GSA would be entering in this field and thereby associates it with the new equipment identification DC0000-AHU-001. Implementation:

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Enter previous equipment identification if it is determined that the facility requires the capture of historical data. Life safety systems and equipment like elevators should always be cross referenced with the older previous equipment identification to allow for the recreation of maintenance because regulations require that all records be kept for these types of equipment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.10.

New Construction: Recommended - Renovations Existing Building: Recommended Text Component.PreviousID One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Previous Equipment Primary Key

The previous equipment primary key is used to capture the primary key of pre-existing equipment. This information is used to cross reference existing data and history of component to new equipment. Implementation: If available, enter the previous equipment primary key codes from other software platforms. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Recommended - Renovations Existing Building: Recommended None Component.Previous.ExtIdentifier One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Responsibility 4.6.11.

New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Organization Asset Number

The equipment organization asset number is an organization specific self generated asset number used to uniquely identify a piece of equipment for purchasing and financial. Example: GSA10001258967. This number is also useful when inventorying the equipment in a large existing facility using a large team. It allows personnel to independently capture equipment information in the field, attach a unique self-generated asset label, and then continue on without having conflicting equipment sequence numbers (no blueprints for reference). This data field can also be used to capture tenant equipment identifications for cross referencing. Implementation: If available, enter the organization asset number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.12.

New Construction: N/A Existing Building: N/A None Component.OrgExtIdentifier Many GSA Database New Construction: N/A Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Power Supply

The equipment power supply data field is the link in the database that identifies the equipment that supplies power to the product being identified.

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Implementation: It is recommended that the electrical distribution equipment be identified and inventoried prior to other MEP. This allows the development of the necessary electrical power supply information. Enter the equipment primary key (GUID) associated with the electrical distribution component that supplies power directly to the equipment. Example: Given:  DC000-MOT-019 o Motor for AHU-019  DC000-EPB-002-CB-018: o Circuit Breaker o Supplies power to DC0000-MOT-019 o Equipment Primary Key DfG2345Yg7…. The equipment primary key of the circuit breaker DfG2345Yg7…. would be entered into this field. Some computer systems can be configured to automatically allow this field to be populated; otherwise this field will have to be entered manually. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.13.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related electrical component Component.ElectricPower Many: GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment System Relationship

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The identification of the system that a piece of equipment is related to is very important to the operation of a facility. System performance and cost roll ups are typically performed to determine the overall health of the facility. Equipment systems are typically designated during design and construction. GSA uses OmniClass Table 21 (UniFormat) for system coding and nomenclature as selected defined by the architect/engineer. Example: 21-51 31 11 17 Domestic Water Distribution. Implementation: Using OmniClass Table 21, select the lowest applicable level that represents the primary system that the equipment is associated with. Example: Given: (Table 21) 21-51 51 00 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 21-51 51 16 Air Distribution 21-51 51 16 11 Ventilation An HVAC Terminal Box would be associated with 21-51 51 16 11 Ventilation because, within the equipment database and Table 21, the link from ventilation to air distribution to HVAC is already established. While it is possible for a piece of equipment to belong to multiple systems, the system that the equipment was designed to support should be the one selected. Example: 21-51 31 11 17 Domestic Water Distribution. The Domestic Water Distribution should be entered in this field. Enter the description exactly as it appears in the standard, do not use abbreviations. If the system does not exist in the OmniClass Table 21 standard, contact Construction Specification Institute for clarification and preliminary number.

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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.14.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended OmniClass Table21: Exact description as formatted: COBie System.Name One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment System Category

The equipment system category is the OmniClass Table 21 Number for the system designated in the equipment system relationship field. Example: 21-51 31 11 17 (Domestic Water Distribution). Implementation: Using OmniClass Table 21, select the lowest applicable level that represents the primary system with which the equipment is associated. Example: Given: (Table 21) 21-51 51 00 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 21-51 51 16 Air Distribution 21-51 51 16 11 Ventilation An HVAC Terminal Box would be associated with 21-51 51 16 11 Ventilation because, within the equipment database and Table 21, the link from ventilation to air distribution to HVAC is already established. While it is possible for a piece of equipment to belong to multiple systems, the system that the equipment was designed to support should be the one selected. Example: 21-51 31 11 17 Domestic Water Distribution. The 21-51 31 11 17 should be entered in this field. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Enter the number from standard exactly in the format as it appears. If the system does not exist in the OmniClass Table 21 standard, contact Construction Specification Institute for clarification and preliminary number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.15.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended OmniClass Table 21: Table Number Format: COBie System.Category One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Assembly/Sub Assembly

The equipment assembly/sub assembly field is used to capture the relationship that a component/equipment has with another component. Another commonly used name for this relationship is a parent-child relationship. Example: An air handler unit typically contains a motor. The motor is said to have an assembly/sub assembly relationship with the air handling unit. Because there are multiple types of relationships within a facility, some addressed later in this guide, the equipment assembly/sub assembly data field is used to capture the design/installation relationship for the equipment. Industry standard practice is to relate a component with the equipment it is designed to support, based on the installed purpose for that component. Example: A tamper switch on a fire control valve is installed to monitor the position of the valve. Because the installed purpose of the tamper switch is to monitor the position of the valve, the assembly subassembly relationship for the tamper switch is the fire control valve. The tamper

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switch will also have a relationship with a fire control panel. The relationship between the switch and panel are covered under control, alarm, or indication relationships. Implementation: Enter the assembly equipment primary key for the equipment being identified. Typically a piece of equipment belongs to one assembly (parent). But an assembly can have multiple pieces of equipment as sub assemblies (child). Because of this, the assembly (parent) equipment is used to establish this relationship and is what is entered into this data field. Example:

Given: Equipment: Equipment Primary Key: AHU-019C Gyh67Tk… COIL-019C (Cooling) Bbq789F… BV-019C-CWR K0lPmH6… BV-019C-CWS Ps34TfG… The cooling coil (COIL-019C) is a sub assembly of air handling unit 19C. The chill water supply valves (BV-019C-CWR/CWS) are sub assemblies of the cooling coil.

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In this example when identifying the equipment for this facility, the AHU has no assembly (parent). While the air handling unit is associated with the facility HVAC distribution system, that relationship is a system relationship, not an assembly/sub assembly relationship. Equipment: Equipment Assembly/Sub (Component.SubAssembly.ExtIdentifier) Air Handling Unit 091C None COIL-019C (Cooling) Gyh67Tk… BV-019C-CWR Bbq789F… BV-019C-CWS Bbq789F… In the example above, the relationship, one level up, between the coil and air handling unit is captured and the relationships, one level up, with the chill water valves and the cooling coil are captured. Enter the equipment primary key for the associated assembly. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.16.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related component Component.SubAssembly.ExtIdentifier One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Control Relationship

The equipment control relationship is the relationship that a component has with another piece of equipment based on a control function. For example: A level switch is installed to monitor the level of a tank and send a control signal to open a level control valve when the level in the tank gets low. The level switch has a control relationship with the level Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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control valve. Note: The level switch, due to installed purpose, has an assembly subassembly relationship with the tank. It was installed to monitor or control the level in the tank. Control relationships are vitally important for impact analysis and risk assessments.

The level switch can have a direct relationship with another component, such as the level control valve or an indirect relationship with a level control module. The level control module would then control the level control valve. Implementation: Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment being controlled. Equipment can have a many-to-many relationship in relation to control. A component can control multiple pieces of equipment (Control Module) or be controlled by multiple pieces of equipment (Alarm Module). Because of this possibility, only the control relationship is captured. Note: The inverse of the control relationship would be the controlled relationship. When multiple control relationships exist, a data field has to be populated for each instance. Example:

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Given: Level Switch SW-018 directly controls Control Valve BV-018 Equipment: SW-018 BV-018

Equipment Primary Key: Gyh7wky0… J7afw52r…

In this example: Equipment: SW-018 BV-018

Equipment Control J7afw52r… None

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly controls Control Valve BV-020 through LCAM-020. Equipment:

Equipment Primary Key: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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SW-020 BV-020 LCAM-20

6y99ky0… KTafw52r… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment: SW-020 BV-020 LCAM-20

Equipment Control ypY5an1o… None KTafw52r…

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly controls Control Valve BV-020 and 018 through LCAM-020. (Not shown on drawing) Equipment: SW-020 BV-020 BV-018 LCAM-20

Equipment Primary Key: 6y99ky0… KTafw52r… J7afw52r… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment: SW-020 BV-020 BV-018 LCAM-20

Equipment Control ypY5an1o… None None KTafw52r… and J7afw52r…

In the examples above, the captured relationship is one level down between the switch and the valve or the switch and the control module etc… Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment being controlled. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.17.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related component Component.Control.ExtIdentifier Many BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Alarm Relationship

The equipment control relationship is the relationship that a component has with another piece of equipment based on a control function. For example: A level switch is installed to monitor the level of a tank and send a control signal to open a level control valve when the level in the tank gets low. The level switch has a control relationship with the level control valve. Note: The level switch, due to its installed purpose, has an assembly subassembly relationship with the tank. It was installed to monitor or control the level in the tank. Control relationships are vitally important for impact analysis and risk assessments.

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The level switch can have a direct relationship with another component, such as the level control valve or an indirect relationship with a level control module. The level control module would then control the level control valve.

Implementation: Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment being alarmed. Equipment can have a many-to-many relationship in relation to alarms. A component can send an alarm signal to multiple pieces of equipment (proactive) or alarm based on inputs from multiple pieces of equipment (reactive). Because of this possibility, only the proactive alarm relationship is captured. Note: The inverse of the proactive alarm relationship would be the reactive alarm relationship. When multiple proactive alarm relationships exist, a data field has to be populated for each instance. Example:

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Given: Level Switch SW-018 directly sends an alarm signal to BAS-001 Equipment: SW-018 BAS-001

Equipment Primary Key: Gyh7wky0… Lp099fV5…

In this example: Equipment: SW-018 BAS-001

Equipment Alarm Lp099fV5… None

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly sends an alarm to BAS-001 through LCAM-020. Equipment:

Equipment Primary Key: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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SW-020 BAS-001 LCAM-20

6y99ky0… Lp099fV5… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 LCAM-20

Equipment Alarm ypY5an1o… None Lp099fV5…

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly sends an alarm to BAS-001 and fire control panel (FACP-MAIN) through LCAM-020. Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 FACP-MAIN LCAM-20

Equipment Primary Key: 6y99ky0… Lp099fV5… Sm87T4u… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 FACP-MAIN LCAM-20

Equipment Alarm ypY5an1o… None None Lp099fV5… and Sm87T4u…

In the examples above, the captured relationship is one level down between the switch and the BAS or the switch and the control module, etc… Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment receiving the alarm signal.

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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.18.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related component Component.Alarm.ExtIdentifier Many BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Indication Relationship

The equipment indication relationship is the relationship that a component has with another piece of equipment based on an indication function. For example: A level switch that is installed to monitor the level of a tank, sends a signal to open a level control valve, and sends a signal to the building monitoring system indicating level in the tank. The level switch has an indication relationship with the building monitoring system.

Implementation: Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment receiving the indication signal.

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Equipment can have a many-to-many relationship in relation to indications. A component can send an indication signal to multiple pieces of equipment (proactive) or have multiple indications from multiple pieces of equipment (reactive) like a building monitoring system. Because of this possibility, only the proactive indication relationship is captured. Note: The inverse of the proactive indication relationship would be the reactive indication relationship. When multiple proactive indication relationships exist, a data field has to be populated for each instance. Example:

Given: Level Switch SW-018 directly sends an indication signal to BAS-001. Equipment: SW-018 BAS-001

Equipment Primary Key: Gyh7wky0… Lp099fV5…

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In this example: Equipment: SW-018 BAS-001

Equipment Indication Lp099fV5… None

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly sends an indication signal to BAS-001 through LCAM-020. Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 LCAM-20

Equipment Primary Key: 6y99ky0… Lp099fV5… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 LCAM-20

Equipment Indication ypY5an1o… None Lp099fV5…

Given: Level Switch SW-020 indirectly sends an indication signal to BAS-001 and fire control panel (FACP-MAIN) through LCAM-020. Equipment: SW-020 BAS-001 FACP-MAIN LCAM-20

Equipment Primary Key: 6y99ky0… Lp099fV5… Sm87T4u… ypY5an1o…

In this example: Equipment:

Equipment Indication Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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ypY5an1o… None None Lp099fV5… and Sm87T4u…

In the examples above, the captured relationship is one level down between the switch and the BAS or the switch and the control module, etc… Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment receiving the indication signal. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.19.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related component Component.Indication.ExtIdentifier Many BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Failure Impact Relationship (N)

The equipment failure impact relationship is used to capture the physical impact of an equipment failure on other components. This relationship is very similar to the control relationship and can be the same information. This data field is used to capture the direct component-to-component relationship of a failure.

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Given that the level switch controls the control valve, failure of the level switch impacts the control valve; therefore, the information is similar to the control relationship data. Failure of the control valve, however, which has no control function, impacts the tank. This information is very important to facility in order to determine the impact of equipment failure on facility operations. Implementation: Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment that is impacted by equipment failure. Equipment can have a many-to-many relationship in relation to what they impact. A component can impact multiple pieces of equipment or can be impacted by multiple pieces of equipment. Because of this possibility, only what a component impacts is captured. Note: The inverse of the impact relationship would be the impacted relationship. When multiple impact relationships exist, a data field has to be populated for each instance. Control, alarm, and indication relationships should not be replicated within the equipment impact data field. If control, alarm, and/or indication relationships have been previous captured in the database, the system will have already denoted the

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impact. Capture only the impact relationship not related to control, alarm, and/or indication. Electrical power is also assumed to impact equipment and is not to be included in the equipment impact. Example:

Given: Level control valve BV-018 supplies fuel oil to tank T-118, level switch SW-018 sends a control signal to BV-018 and alarm and indication signals to BAS-001. Equipment: SW-018 BV-018 BAS-001 T-1180917Grwe…

Equipment Primary Key: Gyh7wky0… J7afw52r… Lp099fV5…

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In this example: Equipment: SW-018 BV-018 BAS-001 T-118None

Equipment Impact None (Already captured) 0917Grwe… None

Enter the equipment primary key for the equipment impacted. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.20.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: Component.ExtIdentifier of related component Component.Failure.ExtIdentifier Many BIM (Related Layer) and GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor

Equipment Priority

Equipment prioritization is an important aspect in developing an asset management system. The proper identification of assets within a facility is only half of the equation when it comes to managing assets. When a piece of equipment is used for metrics or work processes the computer system has to know the different priorities of the equipment in order to be able to operate efficiently. When scheduling work for equipment, an equipment priority is used to schedule the work and denote to facility staff the importance of that equipment. Both the staff and the system need to know whether the equipment is for emergency use, mission critical use, or affects public safety, etc... The only way to accomplish this is to prioritize the equipment properly. For Example: A technician receives two similar work orders to fix two similar pieces of equipment at different locations. In this scenario, the only way in which the technician knows that one of the Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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pieces of equipment is actually mission critical is if the equipment has been properly prioritized. Implementation: GSA has not developed an equipment priority system. Until a GSA standard is completed, use the following table to identify equipment priorities. This allows the development of a place holder for the database and in doing so captures projects in progress. When GSA develops a standard for priorities, a cross reference will be developed to convert earlier usage and this guide will be updated. Enter the 3-letter code for the priority designation related to the equipment. Equipment Priorities Description




Emergency/Life Safety Equipment


Fire Safety Equipment


Public Health and Safety Equipment


Personnel Safety Equipment

Equipment that is used directly for personnel safety. For example: Harness hooks on a roof used by maintenance personnel.


Mission Critical Equipment

Equipment that is essential to operate in order to support the mission of an agency. For example: Air conditioning unit that supplies a critical data center.

Equipment whose purpose is for emergency or life safety. For Example: Emergency Generator that supports Life Safety Systems, or Emergency Lighting. Another example would be an elevator that is used for building evacuation that is powered off of emergency power. Equipment that supports fire safety and suppression Equipment that is used to protect the health and safety of the public. For example: A biohazard containment door.

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Security Equipment


Environmental Safety Equipment


Building Operations Equipment


Essential Support Equipment


Non Essential Equipment

Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.21.

Equipment used for the physical security of a facility. For example: Cameras, key cards, etc. Equipment that is used to protect the environment. For example: a berm around a tank that prevents the release of the tank contents to the environment in the event of a tank failure. Equipment that is essential to the operation of a building. For example: The normal power system that is required for the normal operation of a building. Equipment that is deemed essential by GSA or an Agency to support building operation. For Example: An air dryer for a compressed air system. While the compressed air system would be coded Building Operations Equipment, the dryer for the compressor is not as essential. The system could operate without the dryer for a short period of time. Any equipment that is not categorized as above. For Example: A water fountain.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required No Standard Text: Per NES 4.6.20 Component.Priority One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment COOP

The equipment COOP field is unique to government organizations. COOP stands for continuity of operations. Federal regulations requires that COOP related equipment be Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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tracked and maintained. COOP equipment is a separate field than priorities because equipment can have an installed purpose or priority and also be COOP equipment. Example: A fire damper that is used to isolate a building during a chemical attack for COOP. The damper’s equipment priority is fire life safety due to its installed purpose but it is also related to COOP. Note: Historical fine arts like paintings and sculptures are required to be tracked per COOP regulations. Implementation: Enter Yes or No based on whether equipment is COOP related. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.22.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Yes or No, Per NES 4.6.21 Component.COOP One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Owner

The equipment owner field is used to capture the tenant name, company, organization, or agency who owns the installed equipment. It is very important for budgeting and strategic planning to determine who owns and is responsible for maintaining and tracking equipment within a facility. Implementation: Enter the full legal name of the organization, company, or agency that owns the equipment. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided to prevent confusion. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.23.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Text: Company or organization legal name Component.Owner One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Equipment Curtailment

This data field is used by facility management to determine the equipment that can be safely secured based on differing curtailment levels. The most opportune time to determine the different levels at which equipment can be secured and still meet the function of the facility is during commissioning. Commissioning is also the best time to determine the facility operational baselines. Example: Some regions have 4 curtailment levels that allow them to efficiently shutdown predetermined equipment in a fast manner to meet electrical demands. This significantly helps them reduce peak loads and costs. Implementation: GSA has not developed and defined a consistent curtailment level for each region. This field is for future use. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Component.Curtailment

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Responsibility 4.6.24.

Equipment Operation Level

This field is used to designate the equipment required for building operation plans. Building operation plans are used to determine when equipment is required to be running to maintain normal weekday, weekend, night, freeze protection, startup, and shutdown operations of a building. Implementation: GSA has not developed a consistent building operations plan designation and definitions for database usage. This field is for future use. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.25.

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Component.OpsCode

Equipment Status

The equipment status is used to capture the normal position that the equipment is required to be in (open/closed/on/off) for normal building operations based on commissioning, design, or operations. It is vital to facility management to understand the normal position of the equipment in order to be able to determine deviations or changes in status. Example: Normally Open, Abandoned In Place, Normally Closed. Implementation: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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GSA has not developed an equipment status standard for database usage. This field is for future use. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.6.26.

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Component.Status

Equipment Failure Status

Equipment failure status is the field used to capture the failure position of equipment when a loss of power or motive force occurs. The failure status is based on the design, construction, and commissioning of the facility. Example: A pneumatic limit switch fails to the open position when it loses air pressure. Typical failure statuses are FO = Fail Open, FC = Fail Closed, FAS=Fail As-Is, etc… Implementation: GSA has not developed an equipment failure status standard for database usage. This field is for future use. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Existing Building: No Standard Component.FailureStatus

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Responsibility 4.6.27.

Minimum Required Equipment Specifications

The following are minimum required specifications. These are specifications that are universal for all equipment and make up the core information about the component. Equipment Manufacturer This data field captures the product manufacturer name of the installed equipment. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the product manufacturer. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Legal Manufacturers name: COBie Type.Manufacturer One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Manufactured Date This field is used to capture the date that the equipment was manufactured. This field is very important to determine the applicability of the manufacturer’s warranty and the useful life of the equipment. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Enter the date that the equipment was manufactured. This information is usually stamped on the equipment or on its label plate. The format for entering the date is 2 digits for month, 2 digits for day, and 4 digits for year separated by a slash (MM/DD/YYYY). In the event that a manufactured date does not contain all of the information, leave the information blank. This is only acceptable if month or day information is missing. Year information is always required. Example: 08—2000 -31-2001 Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Type.ManufacturerDate One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Manufacturer Shelf Life This field is used to capture the maximum shelf life of a manufactured item that still allows the warranty to be valid. The equation Equipment Manufacturer Date (minus) the Equipment Manufacturer Shelf Life will determine validity and ownership of warranties. Implementation: Enter the maximum allowed shelf life based on the manufacturer recommendations. The maximum shelf life is typically given in months or years. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The format for entering the data is 2 digits for month, 2 digits for day, and 4 digits for year separated by a slash (MM/DD/YYYY). This information is determined by taking the manufactured date and adding the maximum allowed shelf life to get a shelf life date. MM/DD/YYYY Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Type.ManufacturerShelfLife One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Model Name This data field is used to capture the product model name of the installed equipment. Implementation: Enter the product model name. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: COBie Type.ModelName One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Model Number This data field is used to capture the product model number of the installed equipment. Implementation: Enter the product model number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: COBie Type.ModelNumber One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Serial Number This data field is used to capture the manufacturer’s serial number of the installed equipment. Implementation: Enter the equipment serial number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended None Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Database Name R Instance Data e Data Storage q Responsibility u i

Type.SerialNumber: COBie One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Equipment Installation Cost The equipment installation cost is used to capture the actual cost of the piece of equipment at the time of installation. This data field does not capture the labor and other related installation costs of the equipment. The equipment installation cost is important for capital depreciation, taxes, strategic planning, etc... Implementation: Enter the equipment serial number. Data R Capture Requirement e Data q Format Requirement Database Name u Data Instance i Data r Storage Responsibility e d 4.6.28.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended None Type.EquipmentInstallationCost One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Product Specific Required Specifications

Equipment Specifications (N) (Spie Defined)

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Every product has unique specifications that are based on the type of equipment. For example, the product specific specifications for a pump are different than for a valve. Because there are literally thousands of different types of products, these fields are to be determined and filled out per the Specifiers' Properties information exchange (SPIE) in COBie2 format. This is the product specific specification, like Horse Power, GPM, CFM, Tons, etc., related to specific piece of equipment. Note: (N) denotes that the equipment could have multiple required SPIE specification data points. Implementation: Determine product specifications data points based on the SPIE product pages listed on the Whole Building Design Guide, National Institute of Buildings Sciences (NIBS) related pages. The product guides are organized by type of equipment based on OmniClass Table 23. Enter required data. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended OmniClass Table 49 and SPie NIBS WBDG Type.Parameter (N) Many GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, GSA Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Job Task Data Fields

Job tasks are any prescribed work that is required to be performed on equipment that is required to be performed and tracked. Preventive maintenance is one of the most common job tasks associated with equipment. Other types of tasks that could also be captured are required inspections, historical prevention, environmental, fire safety, etc… tasks. 4.7.1. Job Task Primary Key The job task primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Having a unique GUID for a job task allows that task to be associated with multiple pieces of equipment. Example: Air handling unit preventive maintenance task (A11) could be associated with all of the air handling units in the facility. This reduces the replication of data (tasks) within the database. Implementation: The GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Job.ExtIdentifier: COBie One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.2. Job Task Type

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The job task type is used to capture the classification of the type of job task. Types break the job tasks into recognizable groups such as; preventive maintenance, environmental, historical preservation inspection, etc… Implementation: Enter the type of job task that is being captured per the following classification: PM = Preventive Maintenance. GSA has not defined the different types of tasks with the exception of preventive maintenance. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required No Standard: PM only approved: COBie Job.Category One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.3. Job Task Name The job task name is used to capture the descriptive name of the job task. Example: Air Handling Unit Annual Preventive Maintenance. Implementation: Enter the job task descriptive name. Names are required to be per manufacturers’ required titles or GSA-specified title for the type of job task. Example: GSA PM Guide Cards Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Example: GSA Guide A03 A04 A05


In this example, job task A04 name would be Air Compressor. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: COBie Job.Name One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.4. Job Task Status The job task status field is used to capture the designated status of the job task on the assigned equipment. Example of job task statuses are: perform and deferred. Implementation: GSA does not have a standard for job status with the exception of industry standards or tasks that have to be “perform” or those that are “deferred” Enter the required status for the equipment either perform or deferred. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Existing Building: Recommended No Standard: Deferred and Perform allowed Job.Status One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.5. Job Task Status Related Cause The job task status related-cause data field is used to denote the cause of the deviations from normal job status. Example: Deferred Due to Pending Renovation, Deferred Due to Insufficient Funds, and Deferred to Inaccessibility to Equipment, etc… Implementation: Enter a descriptive text describing the cause of the deviation of the job task from its normal status. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Not Required Existing Building: Recommended No Standard: Text Job.StatusDescription One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.6. Job Task Guide This field is used to allow the parsing of job tasks based on the equipment they are associated with. The Task Guide Identification would be the GSA Predetermined Guide

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Card (A11) or NCAD Abbreviation (AHU) depending on whether GSA Guide Card Maintenance (A11) or Manufacturer maintenance/another job task like environmental (AHU) is performed on the equipment. Implementation: Enter the guide identification based on GSA or manufacturer standards. Manufacturer standards would be the manual number or name used for the job task. Example: Guide ID A11 A11C HVAC-AHU HT134

Description Air Handling Unit (GSA Guide Region 11) Air Handling Unit (GSA Guide Region 3) Air Handling Unit (GSA Guide PBS Draft) Humidifier technical Manual (Honeywell – example not real)

The A11, A11C, HVAC-AHU, HT134 would be entered into this field. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required GSA Guide Card Standard Job.Guide One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.7. Job Task Sequence Number Job task sequence number used to delineate in a database the different reoccurrences of a job task in a database. The same job task can be repetitively used on similar equipment and requires a way to differentiate the usage. For example: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Equipment ID DC1234-AHU-001 DC1234-AHU-002

Job Task ID A11-001 A11-002

In the example, A11 guide is used twice but is associated with different equipment. There are two instances of A11. Because some databases are setup using this type of design, it is important to capture the sequence number. The best database design is the ability to have all of the equipment associated with a specific guide link to that guide without having to use sequence numbers. Implementation: The sequential number should be the same as the one listed on blueprints and other construction documentation. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Numeric: COBie Job.TaskNumber One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.8. Job Task Identification Composite Composite of PM Guide, PM Sequence Number, Building Number: DC1234-A11-001, DC1234A11-002, etc. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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If this field is not automatically generated, manually enter the Facility.Name (Building Number) + Job.Guide + Job.TaskNumber (Job Task Sequence Number) using hyphens to separate the data. Example: DC1234-A11-001 DC1234-V05-111 DC1234-HVAC-AHU-009 Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Required Text: Per NES 4.7.8 Job.CompositeID One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

4.7.9. Job Task Performer This data field is used to designate the organization or agency that is required to perform/pay for the cost of the job task on the installed equipment. Example: GSA, FDA, FAA, DOD, USNAVY, etc... Designations per Government Standards. Implementation: Enter the legal name or descriptor for the agency or organization responsible for performance of the job task. Example: An elevator in a DOE delegated building might be owned by GSA but the organization responsible for insuring the job task is performed might be DOE. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.10.

Existing Building: Required Text: Designations per Government Standards Job.ResponsiblePerformer One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Frequency

Job task frequency is the frequency that the job task is required to be performed based on the job frequency units. Example: 2 years, 1 month, etc… Implementation: Enter the numerical value of the job task frequency based on the job task frequency units. Do not enter a text value for the number. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.11.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Numeric Value: COBie Job.Frequency One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Frequency Units

The job task frequency unit is the unit of measurement that the job task frequency is based on. Example: Day, Month, Year.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Enter the job task frequency unit related to the job task frequency for the task. Use proper standard time units. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.12.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Required Text: Unit of time: COBie Job.FrequencyUnit One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Inspection Percentage

The job task inspection frequency designates, based on a percentage of the times a job task is performed, a third party inspection to ensure the correct performance of job task is required. The normal default for this data field is 10%. Example: 10% of all air handling unit job tasks is required to be inspected. Implementation: Enter the percentage for inspection of the job task that is required. GSA does not have a standard for inspection percentages and the current default is 10%. Job tasks that are critical or infrequent should be set at a higher percentage. Example: For a condenser tube cleaning preventive maintenance job task, the facility might want to perform inspections on the completion of this task 100% of the times this task is performed (always). The percentage is to be entered in a 2-dgit number, 3-digit for 100 only, with no decimals or % symbol. Example: 25, 50, 10, 100. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Inspection percentages are defined by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.13.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Numeric: 2-3 Digit Percentage Job.InspectionPercent One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: GSA/Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Season

The job task season is used to define the weather season in which job task is to be performed: Summer, fall, winter, spring… Example: Chiller maintenance job task would be performed in cold weather seasons to ensure it is operational within the summer season. Implementation: Enter the season(s) in which the job task is recommended to be performed. When the job task can be performed in multiple seasons, then separate the seasons by a hyphen. When a job task is not dependent upon a season, then enter not applicable in this field. Example: Winter Fall-Winter Summer-Fall-Winter Not Applicable Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Season proper name, no abbreviations: COBie Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.14.

Job.TaskSeason One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: GSA/Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Start Date

The job task start date is the date in which the first instance of the job task should be started. Implementation: Enter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the task is required to be performed. For new construction, during commissioning is the perfect time to start loading start dates for preloading manpower maintenance. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.15.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY: COBie Job.Start One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: GSA/Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Time Standard

The job task time standard is the estimated time that it takes to complete a job task. This time standard can be from the GSA designated time standard, RS Means, or manufacturer

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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recommended for the length of time it takes to perform job task. GSA time standard takes precedence over other standards. Implementation: Enter the estimated time as a numerical value based on job task time standard units. The maximum decimal places allowed are 2 digits. GSA time standard shall be used if available, otherwise use a standard approved by GSA on the project. Example: 1.25 25.02 115.50 Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.7.16.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Numeric: Maximum decimal place 2 digits: COBie Job.Duration One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Job Task Time Standard Units

The job task standard units are the units of measure related to the job task time standard. Example: Hour or Day. Implementation: Enter the standard unit that is related to the job task time standard. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended: COBie Text: Units Job.DurationUnits One: Per Job.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Commissioning Data Fields Commissioning data fields are those data points required to be captured during the commissioning of equipment.

4.8.1. Commissioning Primary Key The commissioning primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. A unique GUID is used because commissioning is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single commissioning project/document. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Commission.ExtIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.2. Commission Provider The commission provider is the data field used to capture the name of company or organization performing the commissioning. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the person, company, or organization performing the commissioning. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms if possible because it can lead to confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal name of company or organization Commission.Provider One GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.3. Commission Date Data field used to capture the date that commissioning was completed. Implementation: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Enter the date that the commissioning was completed. The date format for use is to be 2-digit month/2-digit day/4-digit year (MM/DD/YYYY). Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Commission.Date One GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.4. Commission Observation Commissioning observation data field is used to capture the detailed text of the information about the commissioning of that piece of equipment. Implementation: Enter the detail observation noted per the commissioning for this specific instance of equipment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Commission.Observation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Commission.ExtIdentifier (Commission) GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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4.8.5. Commission Recommendation The commission recommendation field is used to capture the detailed text of any recommendations determined by commissioning of the equipment. Implementation: Enter the recommendation noted per the commissioning for this specific instance of equipment. Example: Replace equipment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Commission.Recommendation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Commission.ExtIdentifier (Commission) GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.6. Commissioning Document GUID A unique GUID is used because commissioning is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single commissioning project/document. Implementation: Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Commission.DocumentExtIdentifier One: Per Commission.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.7. Commissioning Short Description The short description data field allows the provider to submit a short description of the document for improved operational reference and usage. Implementation: Enter a short description of the document. For Example: DC1234 Cooling Tower Commissioning Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Commission.DocumentName One: Per Commission.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

4.8.8. Commissioning Document This data field is used to capture the actual document or a link to the document. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The document must be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, or D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility


New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, PDF Format. Commission.Document One: Per Commission.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: Commissioning Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Commissioning Contractor

Condition Assessment Data Fields The condition assessment data fields are those fields used to capture the information from the last condition assessment for the related equipment.

4.9.1. Condition Assessment Primary Key GUID automatically generated. The GUID is used to link a condition assessment to equipment in a facility. The condition assessment primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Condition.ExtIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.2. Equipment Installed Date The equipment installed date field is used to capture the actual date that the equipment was installed. This is vital information for determining expected life of equipment and warranty items. Implementation: Enter the exact date that the equipment was installed. The format for capturing the date is 2-digit month/2-digit day/ 4-digit year (MM/DD/YYYY). Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Component.InstallDate One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.3. Equipment Life Expectancy

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The equipment life expectancy field captures (in years) the manufacturer’s or industry’s projected expected life span of this type of equipment This information, when compared to installed date, is vital for the proper strategic planning and budgeting of the facility. Implementation: Enter the expected life expectancy in years for the equipment based on manufacturer documentation. If manufacturer information does not exist, use industry findings. The data should be a number, the unit years will be assumed. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Numeric: Unit Years Component.LifeExpectance One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.4. Equipment Age The equipment age data field is used to capture the length of time equipment has been installed and display this age of the equipment in years. The age is calculated by the formula: Current Date - Installed Date. Implementation: Using the formula Current Date – Installed Date, personnel will determine and enter the age of the equipment in years. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Numeric: Unit Years Component.Age One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.5. Equipment Life Remaining The equipment life remaining data field is used to display the amount of life remaining based on the calculated formula: Life expectancy - Age. Implementation: Using the formula life expectancy – age, personnel will determine and enter the expected life remaining of the equipment in years. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Numeric: Unit Years Component.LifeRemaining One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.6. Equipment Purchased Condition The equipment purchased condition field is used to designate what the condition of the equipment was when it was installed. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Enter one of the following into this data field based off of purchased condition. New Rebuilt Used Refurbished Used Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Per NES 4.9.6 Component.PurchaseCondition One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.7. Equipment Condition The equipment condition data field is used to designate what the current condition of the equipment was found to be during installation and audits. Implementation: Enter one of the following into this data field based off of the equipment condition. Unknown Inoperable Failure Possible Poor Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Fair Good Excellent Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Per NES 4.9.7 Component.Condition One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.8. Equipment Condition Related Cause The equipment condition related cause data field is used to categorize the findings of the equipment condition based on possible related causes. This categorization of related causes is used to predefine data for analysis. Implementation: Enter one of the following into this data field based off of the equipment condition findings. Component Exceeded Useful Life Design or Production Problem Does Not Meet Facility Requirements Insufficient Preventive Maintenance Insufficient Utility or Environment Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Text: Per NES 4.9.7 Component.ConditionCause One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

4.9.9. Equipment Life Used The equipment life used data field is used to determine the percentage of calculated life used based on the condition assessment of the equipment. A piece of equipment might have a higher life used than projected life expectancy remaining because the equipment is in poor condition or is constantly run at maximum tolerances. There are calculations in the industry when equipment is run above standards for periods of time that can be used to determine premature aging of equipment. Implementation: Enter the percentage of equipment life used based off of industry standards and experience. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.10.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Numeric: 2-3 Digits, Unit Percentage Component.LifeUsed One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Observation Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The condition observation field is used to contain the detailed written notes about the condition of the equipment. Example: Equipment found in poor condition due to a wet environment in which it was installed. This is in violation of the manufacturer’s recommendations of install environment. Implementation: Enter any notes about the condition of the equipment found during the assessment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.11.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Condition.Observation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Recommendation

This data field is used to capture the detailed text of the recommendation based off of the assessment for the piece of equipment. Example: Recommend replacement. Implementation: Enter any recommendations about the condition of the equipment found during the assessment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.12.

Condition.Recommendation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Assessment Provider

This data field is used to capture the name of company or organization performing the assessment. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the company or organization that performed the condition assessment. Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms since they can lead to confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.13.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal name of company or organization Condition.Provider One: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Assessment Date

This data field is used to capture the date that the condition assessment was performed. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Enter the date that the condition assessment was performed in the format of MM/DD/YYYYY. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.14.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Condition.Date One: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Assessment Document GUID

A unique GUID is used because condition assessment is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single condition assessment project/document. Implementation: Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.15.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Condition.DocumentExtIdentifier One: Per Condition.ExtIdentifier (Condition Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Assessment Short Description Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The short description data field allows the provider to submit a short description of the document for improved operational reference and usage. Implementation: Enter a short description of the document. For Example: DC1234 Condition Assessment Mechanical Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.9.16.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Condition.DocumentName One: Per Condition.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Condition Assessment Document

This data field is used to capture the actual document or a link to the document. Implementation: The document must be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, or D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, PDF Format. Condition.Document One: Per Condition.DocumentExtIdentifier Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Storage Responsibility


GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Condition Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/ Condition assessment contractor

Audits and Inspection Data Fields Audits data fields allow facility management to capture the information about the equipment during quality control and inspection audits.


Audit Primary Key

The audit primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.2.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Audit.ExtIndentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Type

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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This field is used to capture the type of audit that was performed: Inspection, Energy Audit, Environmental, Fire Life Safety, Maintenance Compliance Audit, O&M Audit, etc. Implementation: Enter the type of audit performed. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.3.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Audit.Type One: Per Audit.ExtIndentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Equipment Compliance (N)

The equipment compliance data field is used to capture if equipment meets compliance during an audit. A component can be audited to ensure it meets multiple compliance regulations. Therefore this field can be duplicated multiple times based on the regulation that is being audited. Implementation: Enter either yes or no if equipment meets compliance per the audit guidelines. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Yes or No Audit.ComponentCompliance One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.4.

GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Compliance Regulations (N)

This data field is used to capture the GUID cross reference to the code and regulations section for the regulations being audited (Section 4.13). Implementation: Enter the GUID for the regulation or code that is related to the audit. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.5.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Component.ComplianceRegulation Many: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Observation

The audit observation is used to capture the detailed observation about the audit of the equipment. Example: Equipment has not been inspected per NFPA requirements and therefore is in violation of fire codes. Implementation: Enter the detailed information about observations noted.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.6.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Audit.Observation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Recommendation

The audit recommendation data field is used to document recommendations determined by the auditor. Example: Have equipment pressure tested to meet code. Implementation: Enter the audit recommendations for the equipment. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.7.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Audit.Recommendation One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Provider

The audit provider field is used to capture the name of company or organization performing the audit. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Enter name of the company, person, or organization legally responsible for the audit. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms since they can cause confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.8.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal company or organization name. Audit.Provider One: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Date

The audit date data field is used to capture the date that the audit was completed. Implementation: Enter date that the audit was completed. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.9.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Audit.Date One: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Document GUID Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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A unique GUID is used because condition assessment is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single audit project/document. Implementation: Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.10.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Audit.DocumentExtIdentifier One: Per Audit.ExtIdentifier (Audit) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Short Description

The short description data field allows the provider to submit a short description of the document for improved operational reference and usage. Implementation: Enter a short description of the document. For Example: DC1234 Condition Assessment Mechanical Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text Audit.DocumentName Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.10.11.

One: Per Audit.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor

Audit Document

This data field is used to capture the actual document or a link to the document. Implementation: The document must be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, or D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility


New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, PDF Format. Audit.Document One: Per Audit.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor, Auditor Existing Complex: GSA/Auditor



Warranty Primary Key

The warranty primary key is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.2.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive: COBie Warranty.ExtIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Number

The warranty number is the number provided by the warranty provider for the policy. Implementation: Enter the number or identification related to the policy for the warranty. Some manufacturers for basic manufacturer warranties do not have a specific policy number but base the date on policy registration and installation date. In these instances, the equipment must be registered with the manufacturer, a confirmation number, and date obtained from the manufacturer. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Warranty.Number One: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.3.

GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Provider Name

The warranty provider name data field is used to capture the name of the warranty provider. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the actual company or organization that provides the equipment warranty. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms since that can cause confusion. Also do not use the name of a sales person or person of contact for the company since they can change. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.4.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal company or organization name Warranty.ProviderName One: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Provider Contact Information

This data field is used to capture the contact information for the warranty provider. Implementation: Enter the contact information for the warranty provider. The address and main phone number for the company should be entered in this field. Do not enter personal sales or Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

contact personnel contact information since their position or information is more likely to change within the warranty period. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.5.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal company or organization name Warranty.ProviderContact One: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Installer Name

The warranty installer name is actually a data field that is designed to capture the company or organization responsible for installation of the equipment. Part of warranty usage is ensuring that the component is installed correctly per manufacturer recommendations. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the company or organization that installed the equipment. Do not use abbreviations or acronym since it can lead to confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal company or organization name Component.Installer One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier (Warranty) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim


Warranty Installer Contact Information

This data field captures and documents the contact information of the company legally responsible for the installation of the equipment. The address and main phone number for the company should be entered in this field. Do not enter personal sales or contact personnel contact information since their position or information is more likely to change. Implementation: Enter the warranty installer company contact information. The address and main phone number for the company should be entered in this field. Do not enter personal sales or contact personnel contact information since their position or information is more likely to change within the warranty period. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.7.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Component.InstallerContact One: Per Component.ExtIdentifier (Equipment) Many: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier (Warranty) GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Start Date

This data field is used to capture the warranty start date. Implementation: Enter the exact date on which the warranty starts in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Format: MM/DD/YYYY Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.8.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Warranty.StartDate One: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty End Date

This data field is used to calculate or capture the end date of coverage for the warranty. Implementation: Enter the warranty end date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.9.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Warranty.EndDate One: Per Warranty.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Available

The extended warranty available is used to determine if an extended warranty is available and if it was purchased. There are a significant number of times in which an extended warranty can be purchased that extends the manufacturer warranty. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Enter whether or not an extended warranty is available and if it was purchased for the equipment per the following field entries: Yes Purchased Yes Not Purchased Not Available Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.10.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Per NES 4.11.9 Warranty.ExtendStatus One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor

Extended Warranty Number

The extended warranty number is the number provided by the warranty provider for the extended policy. Implementation: Enter the number or identification related to the policy for the extended warranty. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Warranty.ExtendNumber One GSA Database Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Responsibility 4.11.11.

New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Provider Name

The extended warranty provider name data field is used to capture the name of the warranty provider. Implementation: Enter the legal name of the actual company or organization that provides the equipment extended warranty. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms since that can cause confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.12.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal name of company or organization Warranty.ExtendProvider One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Start Date

This data field is used to capture the extended warranty start date. Implementation: Enter the extended warranty start date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.13.

Date: MM/DD/YYYY Warranty.ExtendStartDate One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty End Date

This data field is used to calculate or capture the end date of coverage for the extended warranty. Implementation: Enter the extended warranty end date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.14.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY WarrantyExtendEndDate One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Substantial Completion Date

Per Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) contractors are required to provide a 1-year contractor warranty that starts at the substantial completion date. Therefore, it is very important to ensure the substantial completion date is captured to determine warranty applicability. Implementation: Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Enter the substantial completion date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.15.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Date: MM/DD/YYYY Warranty.SubstantialCompletion.Date One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Document GUID

A unique GUID is used because condition assessment is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single warranty document. Implementation: Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.16.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. Warranty.DocumentExtIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Short Description Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The short description data field allows the provider to submit a short description of the document for improved operational reference and usage. Implementation: Enter a short description of the document. For Example: DC1234 Condition Assessment Mechanical Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.17.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text Warranty.DocumentName One: Per Warranty.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Warranty Document

This data field is used to capture the actual document or a link to the document. Implementation: The document must be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, or D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, PDF Format. Warranty.Document One: Per Warranty.DocumentExtIdentifier Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.18.

GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Document GUID

A unique GUID is used because condition assessment is typically done on multiple pieces of equipment and therefore allows the database to link multiple equipment objects to a single extended warranty document. Implementation: Otherwise, the GUID can be self-developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. GUID must be approved by GSA. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.19.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. ExtWarranty.DocumentExtIdentifier One GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Short Description

The short description data field allows the provider to submit a short description of the document for improved operational reference and usage. Implementation: Enter a short description of the document. For Example: DC1234 Condition Assessment Mechanical Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.11.20.

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended Text ExtWarranty.DocumentName One: Per ExtWarranty.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Extended Warranty Document

This data field is used to capture the actual document or a link to the document. Implementation: The document must be submitted in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, or D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Required Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, PDF Format. ExtWarranty.Document One: Per Warranty.DocumentExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Operation Documents

The following operation documents have similar data fields: 

  

A GUID field that is the primary key globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. An operation manual for a Company XYZ Air Handler can be linked to the multiple air handlers in the facility. A short description data field that allows the provider to submit short description of the document for improved operational usage. The document itself in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. The document file name should be in an easy to understand format: DC1234 Fire Safety Inspection.docx, DC1234 Trane AHU Warranty 2010-12-12.pdf, D1234 Commissioning 2011-01-15.docx… A video data field that allows the database to link or capture a video file.

The operation documents should be compiled on a file server.              

Normal Operation GUID Normal Operation Short Description Normal Operation Document Normal Operation Video Operator Prestart Procedure GUID Operator Prestart Procedure Short Description Operator Prestart Procedure Document Operator Prestart Procedure Video Operator Startup Procedure GUID Operator Startup Procedure Short Description Operator Startup Procedure Document Operator Startup Procedure Video Operator Shutdown Procedure GUID Operator Shutdown Procedure Short Description Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

                              

Operator Shutdown Procedure Document Operator Shutdown Procedure Video Operator Post Shutdown Procedure GUID Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Short Description Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Document Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Video Emergency Operations GUID Emergency Operations Short Description Emergency Operations Document Emergency Operations Video Maintenance and Troubleshooting Documents Wiring Control Diagrams GUID Wiring Control Diagrams Short Description Wiring Control Diagrams Document Wiring Control Diagrams Video Removal and replacement instructions GUID Removal and Replacement Instructions Short Description Removal and Replacement Instructions Document Removal and Replacement Instructions Video Cleaning Requirements GUID Cleaning Requirements Short Description Cleaning Requirements Document Cleaning Requirements Video Lubrication Data GUID Lubrication Data Short Description Lubrication Data Document Lubrication Data Video Spare Parts List GUID Spare Parts List Short Description Spare Parts List Document Spare Parts List Video

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

                             

Special Tools List GUID Special Tools List Short Description Special Tools List Document Special Tools List Video Troubleshooting Guide GUID Troubleshooting Guide Short Description Troubleshooting Guide Document Troubleshooting Guide Video Product Cut Sheet GUID Product Cut Sheet Document Certificate GUID Certificate Date Certificate Short Description Certificate Document Training Documents Training Materials GUID Training Materials Short Description Training Materials Document Training Materials Video Condition Documents Environmental Conditions GUID Environmental Conditions Short Description Environmental Conditions Document Environmental Conditions Video Hazardous Material GUID Hazardous Material Short Description MSDS Data Sheet Document Safety Precautions GUID Safety Precautions Short Description Safety Precaution Document

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Code and Regulations

The code and regulation data fields are used to capture the related codes and regulations required to be enforced for each piece of equipment. The codes and regulations can be maintained in a separate database and, because a GUID is used, they can be linked to the equipment while reducing the repetition of data. Example: NFPA standard linked to each fire extinguisher, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 linked to each advanced remote utility meter, or ASHRAE standard linked to a restroom exhaust fan ductwork. This data is vital to ensuring that facility managers have immediate access to all of the codes and regulations related to installed equipment. A significant amount of this information is predetermined during design construction to ensure the facility meets federal, state, and local standards. This is the optimum point to capture this data. Note: At some point GSA will have a large portion of the federal, state, and local codes links in their database and will start replicating data. At the point that the code and regulation standards are substantially complete, GSA should provide the reference library that the contractor would use versus regeneration per project. 4.13.1.

Federal Code Federal Code GUID The Federal Code GUID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. FederalCode.ExtIdentifier One: Per Regulation GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Federal Code Title The federal code title data field is used to capture the legal title of the code or regulation. Example: Clean Water Act, Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, etc… Implementation: Enter the legal full title of the code. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided to prevent confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text: Legal title FederalCode.Title One: Per FederalCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Federal Code Identification Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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The federal code identification data field is used to capture the direct code designation or section. Example: EISA 2007 434(b), 10CFR50.65. Implementation: Enter the legal designation for section or area of code per the regulation. Format of the information should be in accordance with the regulation or code being stated. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text FederalCode.ID Many: Per FederalCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Federal Code Description This data field is used to capture a brief description of the section or portion of the related code being identified. For example: Advanced Metering or Maintenance Rule. Implementation: Enter a brief description of the section or code for the related section identified. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text FederalCode.Description One: Per FederalCode.ID GSA Database Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Federal Code Governing Entity This data field is use to capture the name of the agency or organization that is responsible for the interpretation and governance of the related code. Example: DOE, NRC. Implementation: Enter the name or approved government acronym of the agency or organization responsible for the governance of the regulation. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text FederalCode.Governance Many: Per FederalCode.ID GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Federal Code Document Implementation: Attach a copy of the code or regulation in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, or PDF FederalCode.Document Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.13.2.

One: Per FederalCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

State and Local Code and Regulation State Code GUID The State Code GUID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation: The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. StateCode.ExtIdentifier One: Per Code GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor State Code Title The state code title data field is used to capture the legal title of the code or regulation. Example: Virginia Maintenance Code Part III of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Implementation: Enter the legal full title of the code. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided to prevent confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text StateCode.Title One: Per StateCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor State Code Identification The state code identification data field is used to capture the direct code designation or section. Example: Section 402.1, Section 404.4.4. Implementation: Enter the legal designation for section or area of code per the regulation. Format of the information should be in accordance with the regulation or code being stated. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text StateCode.ID Many: Per StateCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim State Code Description This data field is used to capture a brief description of the section or portion of the related code being identified. For example: Light Habitable Space, Prohibited Occupancy. Implementation: Enter a brief description of the section or code for the related section identified. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text StateCode.Description One: Per StateCode.ID GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor State Code Governing Entity This data field is use to capture the name of the agency or organization that is responsible for the interpretation and governance of the related code. Example: Virginia Local Governing Body. Implementation: Enter the name or approved government acronym of the agency or organization responsible for the governance of the regulation. Data Capture Requirement

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


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Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

Text StateCode.Governance Many: Per StateCode.ID GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor State Code Document Implementation: Attach a copy of the code or regulation in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility 4.13.3.

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, or PDF StateCode.Document One: Per StateCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Industry Code and Regulation Industry Code GUID The Industry Code GUID is a globally unique identifier (GUID) used in software applications to provide a unique reference number. This software identification is for software application usage only and is not meant to be a user readable/understandable code. Implementation:

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The GUID can be self developed by the software package or by using a GUID generator. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Time Based 128 Bit Alpha-Numeric Case-Sensitive. IndustryCode.ExtIdentifier One: Per Code GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Industry Code Title The industry code title data field is used to capture the legal title of the code or regulation. Example: National Fire Protection Association Code. Implementation: Enter the legal full title of the code. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided to prevent confusion. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text IndustryCode.Title One: Per IndustryCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Industry Code Identification

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

The industry code identification data field is used to capture the direct code designation or section. Example: NFPA 71 § 1.1.1, or ASHRAE STD 55. Implementation: Enter the legal designation for section or area of code per the regulation. Format of the information should be in accordance with the regulation or code being stated. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text IndustryCode.ID Many: Per IndustryCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Industry Code Description This data field is used to capture a brief description of the section or portion of the related code being identified. For example: Fire Electrical Testing or Environmental Temperature. Implementation: Enter a brief description of the section or code for the related section identified. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text IndustryCode.Description One: Per IndustryCode.ID GSA Database Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim


New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Industry Code Governing Entity This data field is use to capture the name of the agency or organization that is responsible for the interpretation and governance of the related code. Example: NFPA, ASHRAE. Implementation: Enter the name or approved government acronym of the agency or organization responsible for the governance of the regulation. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended Text IndustryCode.Governance Many: Per IndustryCode.ID GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor Industry Code Document Implementation: Attach a copy of the code or regulation in DOC, DOCX, or PDF format. Data Capture Requirement Data Format Requirement Database Name

New Construction: Recommended Existing Building: Recommended DOC, DOCX, or PDF StateCode.Document Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Data Instance Data Storage Responsibility

One: Per StateCode.ExtIdentifier GSA Database New Construction: A/E, Contractor Existing Complex: GSA/Contractor

Section 4: Equipment Data Fields


Section 05 Equipment Identification

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 5: Equipment Identification Equipment identification conventions are the abbreviated identification standards used on blueprints, equipment tags, lock-out tag-outs, and the short hand used to identify specific instances of equipment. It is very important to properly identify equipment to ensure continuity of operations during emergency operations, power outages, and when unable to connect to computer-based inventory systems. A technician, when tasked with shutting off equipment in the field, needs to be able to ensure they are working in the right building and on the correct equipment. For example: Shutting off pump tagged DC0000-P-001 versus the pump next to it tagged DC0000-P-002. GSA shall use the following equipment data fields per section 4 for equipment identification:  Facility Number (4.2.5)  Equipment Acronym (4.6.6)  Equipment Sequence Number (4.6.7) The designation of data fields and their usage and order in this section are used to define the equipment identification composite (4.6.8) standard.


Equipment Identification Formats:

5.1.1. Standard Equipment Identification Equipment identification is to be a composite of three equipment database fields. The database fields are: Facility number, equipment acronym, and equipment sequence number. All equipment is to be identified via this method with the exception of electrical distribution components that require enhanced identification. Facility Number-Equipment Acronym-Equipment Sequence Number DC0000-AHU-001 5.1.2. Enhanced Equipment Identification Section 5: Equipment Identification


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The enhanced equipment identification standard is developed using the assembly/sub-assembly relationship based on record drawings. Equipment assembly/sub assembly relationship (4.6.15) data field is defined per section 4. The identification for each component contains the identification of the immediate preceding assembly/sub-assembly or system component in-line. The enhanced equipment identification is to be used for all electrical distribution components. The preceding component identification used is the major component that supplies electrical power to the equipment being identified. Facility Number-Equipment Acronym (Parent)-Equipment Sequence Number (Parent)Equipment Acronym-Equipment Sequence Number DC0000-FDR-52A1-SWGR-B2

The advantage to this method is the ability for the technician to troubleshoot in the field without having to refer back to a database. Example: A technician has lost lighting in room 4131. Dispatch has radioed to him that the room is powered from DC0000-EPB-001-CB-01. Due to the identification schema, the technician understands that circuit breaker (CB-01) is on electrical panel EPB-001. Because the electrical panel is labeled DC0000-XFMR-23-EPB-001, if the technician finds that the breaker is closed with no faults, the technician knows to go to the supplying transformer (XFMR-23) to check for power. When the technician gets to the transformer, it is determined that the transformer DC0000-MCC-003-XFMR-23 has no power. The technician then has the information to go to motor control center (MCC-003). Upon arriving at the motor control center, the technician observes that circuit breaker (DC0000-MCC-003-CB-03) is trip free. This example shows that the technician could literally follow the labeling Section 5: Equipment Identification


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schema back to the feeder that supplies power to that electrical panel. Conversely, if a facility lost a feeder, they could determine all of the electrical components affected. This ability provides significant positive impact and cost savings to facility operations.

Section 5: Equipment Identification


Section 06 Equipment Tag

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 6: Equipment Tag Equipment identification conventions are the abbreviated identification standards used on blueprint and equipment

6.1.    

Equipment tags shall be made of a durable material that corresponds with the conditions and environment in which the tag will be placed. All tag information will conform to the standards applicable to this GSA National Equipment Standard. Tag information has to be approved by GSA. Personnel are responsible for identifying lost, incorrectly labeled, unreadable, or damaged tags and notifying the proper personnel for replacement tags.

6.2.  

  


Tag Placement:

Tags should be place on or near the component being identified in a manner that clearly associates the tag with the respective component. Tags should be permanently attached to the component in a way that will not interfere with the normal operational use or testing of the component (e.g., attached to the yoke of the valve, not to a removable part of the valve such as the hand wheel). Valves operated by reach rods or chains, or other remotely operated components, should have an additional tag installed at the operating device. Tags for chain operators should be attached to a small piece of tubing (PVC) through which the chain passes to ensure the label always remains at the bottom of the chain loop. Tags that cover a group of equipment, for example 01-50 fire detectors in a room, the tag should be place in an area that conforms to the following: Section 6: Equipment Tag


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 

Tag shall be placed in an area that reduces the chance of tampering. Tag shall be placed in a common location, such as beside the main door to the area.  Tags should be readable from the normal operating location or position (i.e., an operator should have to manipulate the tag to read it, label should be facing out).  If a new tag cannot be immediately provided, a temporary label should be installed until a correct permanent label can be obtained.


Required Equipment Tag Information:

Equipment tags shall, at a minimum, include the following information, if it exists, from the national equipment standard database data fields (See Figure):

   

GSA Logo Space Identification Composite (4.5.6) Equipment Identification Composite (1) (4.6.8) for the electrical power supply component based off of Equipment Power Supply (4.6.12) Equipment Zone Description (4.4.4)

Section 6: Equipment Tag


GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

     

Equipment Identification Composite (4.6.8) Equipment Operation Nomenclature (4.6.5) OmniClass Table 23 Description (4.6.4) Equipment System Relationship (4.6.13) Equipment Status (4.6.25)/Equipment Failure Status (4.6.26) Dot Matrix barcode (ISO/IEC 16022) and/or RFID: Encoded using the data field Equipment Primary Key (4.6.2) Equipment Tag Examples:

Section 6: Equipment Tag


Section 07 Contracts

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 7: Contracts This section was developed to provide a checklist of information to remember to include when specifying contracts for equipment inventories in multiple types of projects. As with any contract, other sections of this guide should be included in the contract, such as definition and data fields. Refer to the GSA website for samples of contracts. Including the actual contract language in this document would have made this document significantly larger than it already is.


New Construction/Renovation

7.1.1. Contract language and usage shall be in accordance with the Office of Design Construction and the BIM Guide Series.


Existing Building O&M Contract Renewal

O&M contract renewal period is the most opportune time to capture equipment inventories for existing buildings. Component-level is the preferred level because of the impact that an accurate inventory has on the facility. Include the following in the contract: 7.2.1. Use the National Approved O&M Boilerplate. 7.2.2. Ensure definitions per section 2 of this guide are included. 7.2.3. Select the data fields and points required per attachment-01, ensure that they are specified in the solicitation. 7.2.4. Specify use of this guide and GSA-developed software or guidance on capturing equipment inventories in the correct format. It is important to ensure that the product is delivered in a correct format that allows the data to be transferred to the software packages that need the information. 7.2.5. Important to ensure all required disciplines are specified in contracts. For example: mechanical, electrical, historical preservation, food services inventories. This is because O&M contractors have a tendency to assume that their bid is on only that equipment for which they are responsible: mechanical, electrical, etc… Section 7: Contract Language


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7.2.6. Level of effort and expectation is important: Will they be going above ceiling tile and investigating interstitial space, etc. 7.2.7. Level of detail is important: Some of the data or all of the data fields. 7.2.8. Type of inventory is important: preventive maintenance inventory, non preventive maintenance inventory, component-level inventory, etc.


Existing Building Equipment Inventory Contract

Third party equipment inventory contracts can be anything from having an independent company inventory the facility to including the inventory in a commissioning project or maintenance review audit. Third party inventories are very important to include in contracts for the performance of 3-D BIM Scan of an existing facility. The scan will not identify the equipment or its information and it is typically less expensive to have professionals trained in equipment capture to tag the information to the scan versus having to train A/E and BIM experts. Equipment inventories captured by third party, non-invested contractors are highly recommended versus using existing O&M contractors because it provides an extra set of independent information on the facility. For example: An O&M contractor might be hesitant in reporting that the condition of a piece of equipment is poor, considering they have been maintaining that equipment for years. 7.3.1. Ensure definitions per section 2 of this guide are included. 7.3.2. Select the data fields and points required per attachment-01, ensure that they are specified in the solicitation. 7.3.3. Specify use of this guide and GSA-developed software or guidance on capturing equipment inventories in the correct format. It is important to ensure that the product is delivered in a correct format that allows the data to be transferred to the software packages that need the information.

Section 7: Contract Language


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7.3.4. Important to ensure all required disciplines are specified in contracts. For example: mechanical, electrical, historical preservation, and food services inventories. 7.3.5. Level of effort and expectation is important: Will they be going above ceiling tile and investigating interstitial space, etc. 7.3.6. Level of detail is important: Some of the data or all of the data fields. 7.3.7. Type of inventory is important: preventive maintenance inventory, non preventive maintenance inventory, component-level inventory, etc.


Existing Building Project

The NES Guide should be included and followed for all projects that include equipment. Projects and O&M are the critical functions in facility management that will ensure that equipment inventories are updated and maintained accurately. Accurate and up-to-date equipment inventories are vital to the proper operation and future renovation of facilities.

Section 7: Contract Language


Section 08: Technology

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GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Section 8: technology Because equipment data has a significant impact on a vast number of software programs and there are multiple methods to capture equipment data, this section is reserved for describing the various technologies.


Technology Requirements

8.1.1. COBie files per Whole Building Design Requirements. 8.1.2. Database files to be compatible with the GSA database designated in the contract.


Technology Recommendations

8.2.1. Equipment Inventory Capture: Currently there is not a software program designed to capture equipment inventory per this guidance. Most inventories for existing buildings are done in excel and with paper and pen. If a software program is developed, it is recommended that the software meet some fundamental requirements:      

Web-based application. Able to import and export COBie/SPie and other IFC formats. Database fields match this guidance field names. Reference tables in software confirm as closely to industry standard formats such that updates to standards can be easily incorporated. Method to track equipment and information not found in current standards to enable GSA to assist in improving the standards. Approval process for equipment submission and editing of data.

Section 8: Technology


09: MatrixImplementation guidance

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Section 9: Implementation Guidance This section provides implementation guidance to GSA facility management and inventory teams. Teams are also encouraged to read the GSA BIM Guide Series 01 – Overview which further provides guidance on implementing 3D-4D-BIM technologies.


Identifying Opportunities

Meet with Regional Facility Managers to discuss the level of use of equipment inventories that currently exists within the facility, establish data requirements and process, establish data capture method for the facility, and determine roles and responsibilities.


Developing an Equipment Execution Plan

Once the project team members have been established, GSA should require an equipment execution plan. Equipment execution plan should highlight the following:  What level of equipment inventory will be captured?  What data fields will be required?  Who will be responsible for capturing the data?  Who will be responsible for review? Are there software packages available for automatic review?  What information will be transferred to downstream applications? What information will reside only in the database model?  How will updates be handled?


Pilot Inventory Implementation Studies

Pilot inventory projects are important aspect of refining implementation, improvement of guidance, and data points. Some important data points to consider are:  Capture cost of operations and maintenance for a facility with no accurate or digital equipment inventory to compare to projected cost of O&M with an updated data.  Capture actual cost of a 3rd party contractor performance of facility inventory using this guidance per gross square footage and type of facility. Section 9: Implementation Guidance


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    

Capture curtailment plans for a facility with no accurate inventory versus the level of curtailment change with a completed inventory to project energy savings. Cost of and lessons learned for implementation on small projects. Recently commissioned facilities: equipment inventory tracking and maintenance prior to capture of accurate inventory versus an accurate inventory. Is equipment missing pre- versus postinventory and what is projected failure of equipment missed? Sustainability or energy project pre- and post- inventory using guidance and what equipment was missed? O&M contract pre- and post- inventories per this guidance and what is the delta of cost changes versus missed maintenance?

Section 9: Implementation Guidance




Equipment Data





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Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix This section provides a matrix of all of the equipment data points per this standard. Included in the matrix are the marked (X) data fields required per new construction (NC) or existing building (EB). This matrix allows the user to include a comprehensive listing of data fields in their contract or to be used during negotiations. Complex Data Synonym Name Database Links Complex Primary Key Complex Data Fields Complex Plot Complex Number Complex Name Complex Address Complex City Complex State Complex Zip Facility Data Synonym Name Database Links Facility Primary Key Facility Data Fields Facility Owner Facility Designation Facility Location Organization Code Facility Number Facility Name Organization Facility Name Facility Address Facility City Facility State Facility Zip Country

Database Field Name:





4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8

Facility.SiteName Facility.SiteLongName Facility.SiteAddress.AddressLine Facility.SiteTown Facility.SiteRegion Facility.SitePostalCode




Database Field Name:



4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.11 4.2.12

Facility.Owner Facility.Designation Facility.LocationOrgCode Facility.Name Facility.LongName1 Facility.LongName2 Facility.AddressLine Facility.Town Facility.State Facility.PostalCode Facility.Country


Required NC EB



Required NC













Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Facility Priority Tenant Data Synonym Name Database Links Tenant Primary Key Tenant Data Fields Tenant Name Tenant Organization Name Tenant Department Name Tenant Code Zone Data Synonym Name Database Links Facility Zone Primary Key Facility Zone Description Equipment Zone Primary Key Equipment Zone Description Space Data Synonym Name Database Links Space Primary Key Space Data Fields Floor Number Blueprint Room Number Organization Room Number Space Description Space Identification Composite Space Priority




Required NC EB


Database Field Name:




4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5

Tenant.Name Tenant.OrgName Tenant.DeptName Tenant.Code



Database Field Name:

4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4

Facility.ZoneIdentifier Facility.ZoneName Compoment.ZoneIdentifier Comonent.ZoneName


Database Field Name:





4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6

Space.FloorName Space.Name Space.RoomTag Space.Description Space.Name + Space.RoomTag + Space.Description






Required NC EB









Required NC EB


Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Equipment Data Synonym Name Database Links BIM Equipment Object Primary Key Equipment Primary Key Equipment Attributes OmniClass Table 23 Number OmniClass Table 23 Description Equipment Operation Nomenclature Equipment Acronym Equipment Sequence Equipment Identification Composite Previous Equipment Identification Previous Equipment Primary Key Equipment Organization Asset Number Equipment Power Supply Equipment System Relationship Equipment System Category Equipment Assembly/Sub Assembly Equipment Control relationship Equipment Alarm Relationship Equipment Indication Relationship Equipment Failure Impact Relationship Equipment Priority Equipment COOP Equipment Owner Equipment Curtailment Equipment Operation Level Equipment Status Equipment Failure Status Equipment Data Synonym Name Minimum Required Equipment Specifications


Required NC EB


Database Field Name:

4.6.1 4.6.2

Component.ModelObjectIdentifier Component.ExtIdentifier



4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.9 4.6.10 4.6.11

Component.Category Component.Type.Name Component.Type.Description Component.Acronym Component.AssetIdentifier Component.CompositeID Component.PreviousID Component.Previous.ExtIdentifier Component.OrgExtIdentifier





4.6.12 4.6.13 4.6.14 4.6.15

Component.ElectricPower System.Name System.Category Component.SubAssembly.ExtIdentifier


4.6.16 4.6.17 4.6.18 4.6.19

Component.Control.ExtIdentifier Component.Alarm.ExtIdentifier Component.Indication.ExtIdentifier Component.Failure.ExtIdentifier

4.6.20 4.6.21 4.6.22 4.6.23 4.6.24 4.6.25 4.6.26

Component.Priority Component.COOP Component.Owner Component.Curtailment Component.OpsCode Component.Status Component.FailureStatus


Database Field Name:






Required NC EB



Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Equipment Manufacturer Equipment Manufactured Date Equipment Manufacturer Shelf Life Equipment Model Name Equipment Model Number Equipment Serial Number Equipment Installation Cost Product Specific Required Specifications Equipment Specifications (Spie Defined)

Job Tasks Synonym Name Database Links Job Task Primary Key Job Task Data Fields Job Task Type Job Task Name Job Task Status Job Task Status Related Cause Job Task Guide Job Task Sequence Number Job Task Identification Composite Job Task Performer Job Task Frequency Job Task Frequency Units Job Task Inspection Percentage Job Task Season Job Task Start Date Job Task Time Standard Job Task Time Standard Units Commissioning Data Synonym Name


Type.Manufacturer Type.ManufacturerDate Type.ManufacturerShelfLife Type.ModelName Type.ModelNumber Type.SerialNumber Type.EquipmentInstallationCost

Type.Parameter Various







Classification Parameters Design Parameters Complete SPie Data Package


Required NC EB


Database Field Name:





4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.7.5 4.7.6 4.7.7 4.7.8 4.7.9 4.7.10 4.7.11 4.7.12 4.7.13 4.7.14 4.7.15 4.7.16

Job.Category Job.Name Job.Status Job.StatusDescription Job.Guide Job.TaskNumber Job.CompositeID Job.ResponsiblePerformer Job.Frequency Job.FrequencyUnit Job.InspectionPercent Job.TaskSeason Job.Start Job.Duration Job.DurationUnits






Database Field Name:


Required NC EB





Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Database Links Commissioning Primary Key Condition Assessment Data Commission Provider Commission Date Commission Observation Commission Recommendation Commissioning Document GUID Commissioning Short Description Commissioning Document Condition Data Synonym Name Database Links Condition Assessment Primary Key Condition Assessment Data Equipment Installed Date Equipment Life Expectancy Equipment Age Equipment Life Remaining Equipment Purchased Condition Equipment Condition Equipment Condition Related Cause Equipment Life Used Condition Observation Condition Recommendation Condition Assessment Provider Condition Assessment Date Condition Assessment Document GUID Condition Assessment Short Description Condition Assessment Document Audit and Inspection Data Synonym Name Database Links




4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 4.8.7 4.8.8

Commission.Provider Commission.Date Commission.Observation Commission.Recommendation Commission.DocumentExtIdentifier Commission.DocumentName Commission.Document



Database Field Name:




4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.9.5 4.9.6 4.9.7 4.9.8 4.9.9 4.9.10 4.9.11 4.9.12 4.9.13 4.9.14

Component.InstallDate Component.LifeExpectance Component.Age Component.LifeRemaining Component.PurchaseCondition Component.Condition Component.ConditionCause Component.LifeUsed Condition.Observation Condition.Recommendation Condition.Provider Condition.Date Condition.DocumentExtIdentifier









Database Field Name:



Required NC EB








Required NC EB

Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Audit Primary Key Audit and Inspection Data Audit Type Equipment Compliance Compliance Regulations Audit Observation Audit Recommendation Audit Provider Audit Date Audit Document GUID Audit Short Description Audit Document Warranty Synonym Name Database Links Warranty Primary Key Warranty Data Fields Warranty Number Warranty Provider Name Warranty Provider Contact Information Warranty Installer Name Warranty Installer Contact Information Warranty Start Date Warranty End Date Extended Warranty Available Extended Warranty Number Extended Warranty Provider Name Extended Warranty Start Date Extended Warranty End Date Substantial Completion Date Warranty Document GUID Warranty Short Description Warranty Document



4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.10.5 4.10.6 4.10.7 4.10.8 4.10.9 4.10.10 4.10.11

Audit.Type Audit.ComponentCompliance Component.ComplianceRegulation Audit.Observation Audit.Recommendation Audit.Provider Audit.Date Audit.DocumentExtIdentifier Audit.DocumentExtIdentifier Audit.Document


Required NC EB


Database Field Name:




4.11.2 4.11.3 4.11.4

Warranty.Number Warranty.ProviderName Warranty.ProviderContact


4.11.5 4.11.6

Component.Installer Component.InstallerContact


4.11.7 4.11.8 4.11.9 4.11.10 4.11.11 4.11.12 4.11.13 4.11.14

Warranty.StartDate Warranty.EndDate Warranty.ExtendStatus Warranty.ExtendNumber Warranty.ExtendProvider Warranty.ExtendStartDate WarrantyExtendEndDate Warranty.SubstantialCompletion.Date


4.11.15 4.11.16 4.11.17

Warranty.DocumentExtIdentifier Warranty.DocumentName Warranty.Document




UFGS Data Packages 1,2,3,4,5

Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

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Extended Warranty Document GUID Extended Warranty Short Description Extended Warranty Document

Code and Regulations Synonym Name Federal Code and Regulation Documents










NES 4.13.1

Database Field Name:

Federal Code GUID Federal Code Title Federal Code Identification Federal Code Description Federal Code Governing Entity Federal Code Document State and Local Code and Regulation Documents 4.13.2

FederalCode.ExtIdentifier FederalCode.Title FederalCode.ID FederalCode.Description FederalCode.Governance FederalCode.Document

State Code GUID State Code Title State Code Identification State Code Description State Code Governing Entity State Code Document Industry Code and Regulation Documents 4.13.3

StateCode.ExtIdentifier StateCode.Title StateCode.ID StateCode.Description StateCode.Governance StateCode.Document

Industry Code GUID Industry Code Title Industry Code Identification Industry Code Description Industry Code Governing Entity Industry Code Document

IndustryCode.ExtIdentifier IndustryCode.Title IndustryCode.ID IndustryCode.Description IndustryCode.Governance IndustryCode.Document

Operations Documents Synonym Name Operating Documents Normal Operation GUID


Database Field Name:



UFGS Data Packages 1,2,3,4,5


Required NC EB




Required NC EB


Format UFGS Data Packages

Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

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2,3,4,5 Normal Operation Short Description Normal Operation Document Normal Operation Video Operator Prestart Procedure GUID Operator Prestart Procedure Short Description

4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12

Operation.DocumentName Operation.Document Operation.Video Prestart.DocumentExtIdentifier Prestart.DocumentName

Operator Prestart Procedure Document Operator Prestart Procedure Video Operator Startup Procedure GUID Operator Startup Procedure Short Description



4.12 4.12 4.12

Prestart.Video Startup.DocumentExtIdentifier Startup.DocumentName

Operator Startup Procedure Document Operator Startup Procedure Video Operator Shutdown Procedure GUID Operator Shutdown Procedure Short Description



4.12 4.12 4.12

Startup.Video Shutdown.DocumentExtIdentifier Shutdown.DocumentName

Operator Shutdown Procedure Document Operator Shutdown Procedure Video Operator Post Shutdown Procedure GUID Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Short Description



4.12 4.12

Shutdown.Video PostSD.DocumentExtIdentifier



Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Document



Operator Post Shutdown Procedure Video Emergency Operations GUID Emergency Operations Short Description Emergency Operations Document Emergency Operations Video



4.12 4.12

EmergOps.DocumentExtIdentifier EmergOps.DocumentName

4.12 4.12

EmergOps.Document EmergOps.Video


Database Field Name:

Operations Documents Synonym Name

UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 3,4


Required NC EB



Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

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Maintenance and Troubleshooting Documents Wiring Control Diagrams GUID Wiring Control Diagrams Short Description

4.12 4.12

Wiring.DocumentExtIdentifier Wiring.DocumentName

Wiring Control Diagrams Document Wiring Control Diagrams Video Removal and replacement instructions GUID

4.12 4.12 4.12

Wiring.Document Wiring.Video Replacement.DocumentExtIdentifier

Removal and Replacement Instructions Short Description



Removal and Replacement Instructions Document



Removal and Replacement Instructions Video



Cleaning Requirements GUID



Cleaning Requirements Short Description Cleaning Requirements Document Cleaning Requirements Video Lubrication Data GUID Lubrication Data Short Description Lubrication Data Document Lubrication Data Video Spare Parts List GUID



4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12

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Spare Parts List Short Description Spare Parts List Document Spare Parts List Video Special Tools List GUID Special Tools List Short Description Special Tools List Document Special Tools List Video

4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12

Parts.DocumentName Parts.Document Parts.Video Tools.DocumentExtIdentifier Operation.DocumentName Operation.Document Operation.Video

Operations Documents Synonym Name Troubleshooting Guide GUID

NES 4.12

Database Field Name: Troubleshoot.DocumentExtIdentifier

UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 2,3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 1,2,3,4

UFGS Data Packages 2,3,4


UFGS Data Packages 1,2,3,4,5



Required NC EB


Format UFGS Data Packages

Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

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3,4,5 Troubleshooting Guide Short Description Troubleshooting Guide Document Troubleshooting Guide Video Product Cut Sheet GUID



4.12 4.12 4.12

Tools.Document Tools.Video Product.DocumentExtIdentifier

Product Cut Sheet Short Description Product Cut Sheet Document Certificate GUID Certificate Date Certificate Short Description Certificate Document

4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12

Product.DocumentName Product.Document Certificate.DocumentExtIdentifier Certificate.DocumentName Certificate.Document Certificate.Video

Training Documents Training Materials GUID Training Materials Short Description Training Materials Document Training Materials Video Operations Documents Synonym Name Condition Documents Environmental Conditions GUID

4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12


UFGS Data Packages 3,4,5


Training.DocumentExtIdentifier Training.DocumentName Training.Document Training.Video


Required NC EB


Database Field Name:



Environmental Conditions Short Description



Environmental Conditions Document Environmental Conditions Video Hazardous Material GUID Hazardous Material Short Description MSDS Data Sheet Document Safety Precautions GUID

4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12

Environment.Document Environment.Video Hazard.DocumentExtIdentifier Hazard.DocumentName Hazard.Document Safety.DocumentExtIdentifier


Safety Precautions Short Description Safety Precaution Document

4.12 4.12

Safety.DocumentName Safety.Document



Format UFGS Data Packages 2,3,4,5

UFGS Data Packages 1,2,3,4,5

Section 10: Equipment Data Matrix

GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

References       

OmniClassTM (http://www.omniclass.org/) National CAD Standards (http://www.buildingsmartalliance.org/index.php/ncs/) National BIM Standard TM (http://www.buildingsmartalliance.org/index.php/nbims/) Construction Operations Building Information Exchange TM (http://www.wbdg.org/resources/cobie.php) Whole Building Design Guide (http://www.wbdg.org/) Operations & Maintenance, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Federal Energy Management Program, Department of Energy (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/operations_maintenance/) Financial Impact and Analysis of Equipment Inventories, Robert Keady, Facilities Engineering Journal by the Association for Facilities Engineering, Part 1, Nov/Dec 2009 (http://digital.bnpmedia.com/publication/?i=24865), Part 2, Jan/Feb 2010 (http://digitaladmin.bnpmedia.com/publication/?i=29138)



GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

Acknowledgements The development of this guidance has been a collaborative effort among a cadre of very knowledgeable consultants, working with a number of PBS associates in the Office of Design and Construction, Office of Facility Management and Services Programs, and GSA regional associates. Contributors are listed below: GSA PBS Central Office: 

Charles Matta, FAIA Director, Strategic Program Resources Office of Design and Construction Peggy Yee, Ph.D. Program Expert, Strategic Program Resources Office of Design and Construction Jim Mullins Lead Building Management Specialist Office of Facility Management and Services Programs David L. Gray, CFM Office of Facility Management and Services Program Smart Buildings Specialist Cameron Schow Building Management Specialist Office of Facility Management and Services Programs Carolyn Adelsten Business Process Improvement Division(PGB) Program Analyst

GSA PBS Regional Associates 

Michael J. Stec Building Operations and Tenant Services Branch Chief Region 01

John P. McDonald Building Operations & Tenant Services Branch Building Management Specialist Region 01 Joel M. Dunbar, QCxP Building Operations Tenant Services Branch Building Management Specialist Region 01 Robert A. Granato Design and Construction Division Branch Chief Region 02 Ilana Hellmann, LEED Design and Construction Division Engineer Region 02 Terrence L. Rollins, MBA, CEM, CPMM, CSDP Newark Field Office Building Management Specialist Region 02 Matthew J. Waychoff Operations Support Staff Computer Integrated Facilities Manager Region 03



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Stephen Devito Project Management Division Project Technology Specilaist Region 03 Brandon J. Bolstad Design & Construction Division Project Technology Specialist Region 03 Kenric Lanier Operations and Maintenance Branch Branch Chief Region 04 Kenneth R. Burrell, RPA Lead Building Management Specialist Region 04 Jason P. Evanco Architectural Section Civil Engineer Region 04 Mandy N. Yeomans Architectural Section Program Manager Region 04 Richard Gee Professional Services Division Architect Region 05 Francisco J. Torres Facilities Management Services & Programs Program Analyst Region 05

Amanda M. Zansitis Energy and Sustainability Branch Engineer Region 05 Kevin W. Santee Tenant Services Branch Branch Chief Region 06 John L. Brumley Planning and Support Branch Program Specialist BIM Region 06 William Reger Tenant Services Branch Buildings Management Specialist Region 06 Keith G. Jorgensen Tenant Services Branch Equipment Specialist Region 06 Gene E. Ramirez Building Operations & Security Branch Facility Engineer Region 06 Guy T. Lunay Building Operations Support Branch Branch Chief Region 07 Dan Lewis, CEM Building Operations Support Branch CMMS Coordinator Region 07



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Jana A. Faris Denver Federal Center Service Center Division Lead Building Management Specialist Region 08 Charles E. Turman Colorado Property Management Center Buildings Management Specialist Region 08 Arlene R. Graham Office of the Chief Architect Program Manager Region 08 Mark Levi Energy & Sustainability Branch Energy Manager Region 09 Pacific Rim Region Earle Murphy Document and Web Management Branch Regional SDM Coordinator (Contractor) Region 09 Story Swett Property Development Division Regional Chief Architect Region 10 Donna L. Twinam Facilities Management Services & Programs Division Deputy Director Region 11

Roger D. Mason Operations and Maintenance Branch Chief Region 11 Jeff Garrett Operations Branch Branch Chief Region 11 Terry B. Forline, PMP Business Solutions Branch Program Manager Region 11 Kevin Luk Organizational Resources Division Senior Information Technology Specialist Region 11 Sam Wu Principle Software Architect (Contractor) Qinetiq North America Region 11 Christie-Anne Edie White House Service Center Program Analyst Region 11 Robert A. Keady Jr. CEM, FMP Operations Branch Building Management Specialist Chairman and Author, National Equipment Standard Region 11



GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

GSA Consultants 

 

Calvin Kam, Ph.D. Senior Program Expert, Strategic Program Resources Office of Design and Construction William Brodt Chair, Facility Maintenance and Operations Committee National Institute of Building Sciences Kristine K. Fallon, FAIA President Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc.

Naila L. Crawford Consultant

Kristine Fallon Associates, Inc. Roger Grant Senior Consultant Construction Specification Institute



GSA National Equipment Standard www.gsa.gov/bim

For further information about this GSA BIM Guide Series: 08 – BIM Guide for Facility Management or to submit comments or questions, please visit the National 3D-4D-BIM webpage at http://www.gsa.gov/bim or contact: The National 3D-4D-BIM Program Office of Design and Construction Public Buildings Service U.S. General Services Administration 1800 F Street NW Suite 3300 Washington, DC 20405


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