Payroll Management System NodeJS

November 12, 2018 | Author: | Category: Databases, Software Testing, Unified Modeling Language, Relational Database, Model–View–Controller
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Payroll Management System NodeJS...


Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma

\mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma

Zkfm - ;

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Ndtro`uetnod oc thm Zrobmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 Phm "Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma" hks lmmd `mvmiopm` to ovmrrn`m thm prolimas prmvknindf nd thm prketnendf akduki systma. Phns soctwkrm ns supportm` to minandktm kd` nd soam eksms rm`uem thm hkr`shnps ckem` ly thns mxnstndf systma. Aormovmr thns systma ns `msnfdm` cor thm pkrtneuikr dmm` oc thm eoapkdy to ekrry out opmrktnods nd k saooth kd` mccmetnvm akddmr. Phm kppinektnod ns rm`uem` ks aueh ks possnlim to kvon` mrrors whnim mdtmrndf thm `ktk. Nt kiso provn`ms mrror amsskfm whnim mdtmrndf ndvkin` `ktk. Do coraki gdowim`fm ns dmm`m` cor thm usmr to usm thns systma. Phus ly thns kii nt provms nt ns usmr-crnmd`iy. Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma , ks `msernlm` klovm, ekd imk` to mrror crmm, smeurm, rminklim kd` ckst akdkfmamdt systma. Nt ekd kssnst thm usmr to eodemdtrktm od thmnr othmr ketnvntnms rkthmr to eodemdtrktm od thm rmeor` gmmpndf. Phus nt wnii hmip orfkdnzktnod nd lmttmr utninzktnod oc rmsourems. Mvmry orfkdnzktnod, whmthmr lnf or sakii, hks ehkiimdfms to ovmreoam kd` akdkfndf thm ndcoraktnod oc Ukikry, Mapioymm, Zky-Uinp, @mpkrtamdt, @msnfdktnod. Mvmry Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma hks `nccmrmdt Mapioymm dmm`s, thmrmcorm wm `msnfd mxeiusnvm mapioymm akdkfmamdt systmas thkt krm k`kptm` to your akdkfmrnki rmqunrmamdts. Phns ns `msnfdm` to kssnst nd strktmfne pikddndf, kd` wnii hmip you mdsurm thkt your orfkdnzktnod ns mqunppm` wnth thm rnfht imvmi oc ndcoraktnod kd` `mtknis cor your cuturm fokis. Kiso, cor thosm lusy mxmeutnvm who krm kiwkys od thm fo, our systmas eoam wnth rmaotm keemss cmkturms, whneh wnii kiiow you to akdkfm your worgcorem kdytnam, kt kii tnams. Phmsm systmas wnii uitnaktmiy kiiow you to lmttmr akdkfm rmsourems.

Zkfm - <

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Klstrket oc thm Zrobmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 Phm purposm oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma ns to kutoaktm thm mxnstndf akduki systma ly thm hmip oc eoaputmrnzm` mqunpamdts kd` cuii-cim`fm` eoaputmr soctwkrm, cuicniindf thmnr rmqunrmamdts, so thkt thmnr vkiuklim `ktk/ndcoraktnod ekd lm storm` cor k iodfmr pmrno` wnth mksy keemssndf kd` akdnpuiktnod oc thm skam. Phm rmqunrm` soctwkrm kd` hkr`wkrm krm mksniy kvkniklim kd` mksy to worg wnth.

Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma, ks `msernlm` klovm, ekd imk` to mrror crmm, smeurm, rminklim kd` ckst akdkfmamdt systma. Nt ekd kssnst thm usmr to eodemdtrktm od thmnr othmr ketnvntnms rkthmr to eodemdtrktm od thm rmeor` gmmpndf. Phus nt wnii hmip orfkdnzktnod nd lmttmr utninzktnod oc rmsourems. Phm orfkdnzktnod ekd akndtknd eoaputmrnzm` rmeor`s wnthout rm`ud`kdt mdtrnms. Phkt amkds thkt odm dmm` dot lm `nstrketm` ly ndcoraktnod thkt ns dot rmimvkdt, whnim lmndf klim to rmkeh thm ndcoraktnod. Phm kna ns to kutoaktm nts mxnstndf akduki systma ly thm hmip oc eoaputmrnzm` mqunpamdts kd` cuii-cim`fm` eoaputmr soctwkrm, cuicniindf thmnr rmqunrmamdts, so thkt thmnr vkiuklim `ktk/ndcoraktnod ekd lm storm` cor k iodfmr pmrno` wnth mksy keemssndf kd` akdnpuiktnod oc thm skam. Lksnekiiy thm probmet `msernlms how to akdkfm cor foo` pmrcorakdem kd` lmttmr smrvnems cor thm einmdts.

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Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Olbmetnvm oc Zrobmet od Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 Phm aknd olbmetnvm oc thm Zrobmet od Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma ns to akdkfm thm `mtknis oc Mapioymm, Ukikry, Imkvm, Zky-Uinp, @msnfdktnod. Nt akdkfms kii thm ndcoraktnod klout Mapioymm, @mpkrtamdt, @msnfdktnod, Mapioymm. Phm probmet ns totkiiy lunit kt k`andnstrktnvm md` kd` thus odiy thm k`andnstrktor ns fukrkdtmm` thm keemss. Phm purposm oc thm probmet ns to luni` kd kppinektnod profrka to rm`uem thm akduki worg cor akdkfndf thm Mapioymm, Ukikry, @mpkrtamdt, Imkvm. Nt trkegs kii thm `mtknis klout thm Imkvm, Zky-Uinp, @msnfdktnod. Cudetnodkintnms provn`m` ly Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma krm ks coiiows2

Zrovn`ms thm smkrehndf ckenintnms lksm` od vkrnous cketors. Uueh ks Mapioymm, Imkvm, Zky-Uinp, @msnfdktnod Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma kiso akdkfm thm @mpkrtamdt `mtknis odindm cor ZkyUinp `mtknis, @msnfdktnod `mtknis, Mapioymm. Nt trkegs kii thm ndcoraktnod oc Ukikry, @mpkrtamdt, Zky-Uinp mte Akdkfm thm ndcoraktnod oc Ukikry Uhows thm ndcoraktnod kd` `msernptnod oc thm Mapioymm, Imkvm Po ndermksm mccnenmdey oc akdkfndf thm Mapioymm, Ukikry Nt `mkis wnth aodntorndf thm ndcoraktnod kd` trkdsketnods oc Zky-Uinp. Akdkfm thm ndcoraktnod oc Mapioymm M`ntndf, k``ndf kd` up`ktndf oc \meor`s ns naprovm` whneh rmsuits nd propmr rmsourem akdkfmamdt oc Mapioymm `ktk. Akdkfm thm ndcoraktnod oc Zky-Uinp Ndtmfrktnod oc kii rmeor`s oc @msnfdktnod.

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Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Ueopm oc thm probmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Nt aky hmip eoiimetndf pmrcmet akdkfmamdt nd `mtknis. Nd k vmry short tnam, thm eoiimetnod wnii lm olvnous, snapim kd` smdsnlim. Nt wnii hmip k pmrsod to gdow thm akdkfmamdt oc pkssm` ymkr pmrcmetiy kd` vnvn`iy. Nt kiso hmips nd eurrmdt kii worgs rmiktnvm to Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma. Nt wnii lm kiso rm`uem` thm eost oc eoiimetndf thm akdkfmamdt & eoiimetnod proem`urm wnii fo od saoothiy. Our probmet knas kt Lusndmss proemss kutoaktnod, n.m. wm hkvm trnm` to eoaputmrnzm vkrnous proemssms oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma. Nd eoaputmr systma thm pmrsod hks to cnii thm vkrnous coras & dualmr oc eopnms oc thm coras ekd lm mksniy fmdmrktm` kt k tnam. Nd eoaputmr systma, nt ns dot dmemsskry to ermktm thm akdncmst lut wm ekd `nrmetiy prndt nt, whneh skvms our tnam. Po kssnst thm stkcc nd ekpturndf thm mccort spmdt od thmnr rmspmetnvm worgndf krmks. Po utninzm rmsourems nd kd mccnenmdt akddmr ly ndermksndf thmnr pro`uetnvnty throufh kutoaktnod. Phm systma fmdmrktms typms oc ndcoraktnod thkt ekd lm usm` cor vkrnous purposms. Nt sktnscy thm usmr rmqunrmamdt Lm mksy to ud`mrstkd` ly thm usmr kd` opmrktor Lm mksy to opmrktm Hkvm k foo` usmr ndtmrckem Lm mxpkd`klim @minvmrm` od sehm`uim wnthnd thm lu`fmt.

Zkfm - =

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma \mports oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 Nt fmdmrktms thm rmport od Mapioymm, Ukikry, @mpkrtamdt Zrovn`m cnitmr rmports od Imkvm, Zky-Uinp, @msnfdktnod ^ou ekd mksniy mxport Z@C cor thm Mapioymm,@mpkrtamdt, Zky-Uinp  Kppinektnod  Kppinektnod kiso provn`ms provn`ms mxemi mxemi mxport mxport cor Ukikry, Ukikry, Imkvm, Imkvm, @msnfdktnod @msnfdktnod ^ou ekd kiso mxport thm rmport ndto esv corakt cor Mapioymm, Ukikry, @msnfdktnod

Ao`uims oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 

Mapioymm Akdkfmamdt Ao`uim2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm Mapioymm `mtknis.

@msnfdktnod Ao`uim 2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm `mtknis oc @msnfdktnod

@mpkrtamdt Ao`uim 2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm `mtknis oc @mpkrtamdt

Ukikry Akdkfmamdt Ao`uim2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm ndcoraktnod kd` `mtknis oc oc thm Ukikry.

Imkvm Ao`uim 2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm Imkvm `mtknis

Zky-Uinp Ao`uim 2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm Zky-Uinp ndcoraktnod

Iofnd Ao`uim2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm iofnd `mtknis

]smrs Ao`uim 2 ]sm` cor akdkfndf thm usmrs oc thm systma systma

Zkfm - 3

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Ndput @ktk kd` Skin`ktnod oc oc Zrobmet od Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Akdkfmamdt Uystma  Kii thm cnmi`s cnmi`s sueh ks Mapioymm, Mapioymm, Imkvm, Imkvm, @msnfdktnod @msnfdktnod krm vkin`ktm` vkin`ktm` kd` `oms `oms dot tkgm ndvkin` vkiums Mkeh cora cor Mapioymm, Ukikry, @mpkrtamdt ekd dot keempt likdg vkium cnmi`s  Kvon`ndf mrrors nd `ktk Eodtroiindf kaoudt oc ndput Ndtmfrktnod oc kii thm ao`uims/coras nd thm systma. Zrmpkrktnod oc thm tmst eksms. Zrmpkrktnod oc thm possnlim tmst `ktk wnth kii thm vkin`ktnod ehmegs.  Ketuki tmstndf tmstndf `odm `odm akdukiiy. akdukiiy. \meor`ndf oc kii thm rmpro`uem` mrrors. Ao`ncnektnods `odm cor thm mrrors coud` `urndf tmstndf. Zrmpkrm` thm tmst rmsuit sernpts kctmr rmetncnektnod oc thm mrrors. Cudetnodkinty oc thm mdtnrm ao`uim/coras. Skin`ktnods cor usmr ndput. Ehmegndf oc thm Eo`ndf stkd`kr`s to lm akndtkndm` `urndf eo`ndf. Pmstndf thm ao`uim wnth kii thm possnlim tmst `ktk. Pmstndf oc thm cudetnodkinty ndvoivndf kii typm oc ekieuiktnods mte. Eoaamdtndf stkd`kr` nd thm sourem cnims. Phm soctwkrm qukinty pikd wm wnii usm thm coiiowndf U[K Utrktmfy2 

Nd thm cnrst stmp, wm wnii smimet thm tmst cketors kd` rkdg thma. Phm smimetm` tmst cketors sueh ks rminklninty, akndtkndklninty, portklninty or mte, wnii lm pikem` nd thm aktrnx keeor`ndf to thmnr rkdgs.

Phm smeod` stmp ns cor n`mdtncyndf thm phksms oc thm `mvmiopamdt proemss. Phm phksm shoui` lm rmeor`m` nd thm aktrnx.

Phm thnr` stmp ns thkt n`mdtncyndf thm lusndmss rnsgs oc thm soctwkrm `minvmrklims. Phm rnsgs wnii lm rkdgm` ndto thrmm rkdgs sueh ks hnfh, am`nua kd` iow.

Zkfm - 6

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Cmkturms oc thm probmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2 

Zro`uet kd` Eoapodmdt lksm`

Ermktndf & Ehkdfndf Nssums kt mksm

[umry Nssum Inst to kdy `mpth

\mportndf & Ehkrtndf nd aorm eoaprmhmdsnvm wky

]smr Keeoudts to eodtroi thm keemss kd` akndtknd smeurnty

Unapim Utktus & \msoiutnods

Auitn-imvmi Zrnorntnms & Umvmrntnms.

Pkrfmts & Animstodms cor fun`ndf thm profrkaamrs

Kttkehamdts & K``ntnodki Eoaamdts cor aorm ndcoraktnod

\olust `ktklksm lkeg-md`

  Skrnous imvmi oc rmports kvkniklim wnth k iot oc cnitmr erntmrnk„s

Nt eodtknd lmttmr storkfm ekpkenty.

Keeurkey nd worg.

Mksy & ckst rmtrnmvki oc ndcoraktnod.

Vmii `msnfdm` rmports.

@mermksm thm iok` oc thm pmrsod ndvoivm nd mxnstndf akduki systma.

Keemss oc kdy ndcoraktnod nd`nvn`ukiiy.

Vorg lmeoams vmry spmm`y.

Mksy to up`ktm ndcoraktnod

Zkfm - 8

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Uoctwkrm \mqunrmamdt Upmencnektnod Phm Uoctwkrm \mqunrmamdts Upmencnektnod ns pro`uem` kt thm euiandktnod oc thm kdkiysns tksg. Phm cudetnod kd` pmrcorakdem kiioektm` to soctwkrm ks pkrt oc systma mdfndmmrndf krm rmcndm` ly mstklinshndf k eoapimtm ndcoraktnod `msernptnod, k `mtknim` cudetnodki kd` lmhkvnorki `msernptnod, kd nd`nektnod oc pmrcorakdem rmqunrmamdts kd` `msnfd eodstrkndts, kpproprnktm vkin`ktnod erntmrnk, kd` othmr `ktk pmrtndmdt to rmqunrmamdts.

Phm proposm` systma hks thm coiiowndf rmqunrmamdts2

Uystma dmm`s storm ndcoraktnod klout dmw mdtry oc Mapioymm. Uystma dmm`s to hmip thm ndtmrdki stkcc to gmmp ndcoraktnod oc Ukikry kd` cnd` thma ks pmr vkrnous qumrnms. Uystma dmm` to akndtknd qukdtnty rmeor`. Uystma dmm` to gmmp thm rmeor` oc Imkvm. Uystma dmm` to up`ktm kd` `mimtm thm rmeor`. Uystma kiso dmm`s k smkreh krmk. Nt kiso dmm`s k smeurnty systma to prmvmdt `ktk.

Zkfm - >

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma N`mdtncnektnod oc dmm`2 Phm oi` akduki systma wks succmrndf croa k smrnms oc `rkwlkegs. Undem whoim oc thm systma wks to lm akndtkndm` wnth hkd`s thm proemss oc gmmpndf, akndtkndndf kd` rmtrnmvndf thm ndcoraktnod wks vmry tm`nous kd` imdfthy. Phm rmeor`s wmrm dmvmr usm` to lm nd k systmaktne or`mr. thmrm usm` to lm iots oc `nccneuitnms nd kssoenktndf kdy pkrtneuikr trkdsketnod wnth k pkrtneuikr eodtmxt. Nc kdy ndcoraktnod wks to lm coud` nt wks rmqunrm` to fo throufh thm `nccmrmdt rmfnstmrs, `oeuamdts thmrm woui` dmvmr mxnst kdythndf ingm rmport fmdmrktnod. Phmrm woui` kiwkys lm uddmemsskry eodsuaptnod oc tnam whnim mdtmrndf rmeor`s kd` rmtrnmvndf rmeor`s. Odm aorm prolima wks thkt nt wks vmry `nccneuit to cnd` mrrors whnim mdtmrndf thm rmeor`s. Odem thm rmeor`s wmrm mdtmrm` nt wks vmry `nccneuit to up`ktm thmsm rmeor`s. Phm rmksod lmhnd` nt ns thkt thmrm ns iot oc ndcoraktnod to lm akndtkndm` kd` hkvm to lm gmpt nd and` whnim ruddndf thm lusndmss .Cor thns rmksod wm hkvm provn`m` cmkturms Zrmsmdt systma ns pkrtnkiiy kutoaktm` (eoaputmrnzm`), ketukiiy mxnstndf systma ns quntm iklornous ks odm hks to mdtmr skam ndcoraktnod kt thrmm `nccmrmdt pikems. Coiiowndf pondts shoui` lm wmii eodsn`mrm`2 

@oeuamdts kd` rmports thkt aust lm provn`m` ly thm dmw systma2 thmrm ekd kiso lm cmw rmports, whneh ekd hmip akdkfmamdt nd `mensnod-akgndf kd` eost eodtroiindf, lut sndem thmsm rmports `o dot fmt rmqunrm` kttmdtnod, sueh gnd` oc rmports kd` ndcoraktnod wmrm kiso n`mdtncnm` kd` fnvmd rmqunrm` kttmdtnod.

@mtknis oc thm ndcoraktnod dmm`m` cor mkeh `oeuamdt kd` rmport.

Phm rmqunrm` crmqumdey kd` `nstrnlutnod cor mkeh `oeuamdt.

Zrolklim sourems oc ndcoraktnod cor mkeh `oeuamdt kd` rmport.

Vnth thm napimamdtktnod oc eoaputmrnzm` systma, thm tksg oc gmmpndf rmeor`s nd kd orfkdnzm` akddmr wnii lm soivm`. Phm frmktmst oc kii ns thm rmtrnmvki oc ndcoraktnod, whneh wnii lm kt thm eineg oc thm aousm. Uo thm proposm` systma hmips nd skvndf thm tnam nd `nccmrmdt opmrktnods kd` akgndf ndcoraktnod ciow mksy fnvndf vkiuklim rmports.

Zkfm - ;:

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Cmksnlninty Utu`y2  Kctmr `ondf thm probmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma, stu`y kd` kdkiyzndf kii thm mxnstndf or rmqunrm` cudetnodkintnms oc thm systma, thm dmxt tksg ns to `o thm cmksnlninty stu`y cor thm probmet. Kii probmets krm cmksnlim - fnvmd udinantm` rmsourems kd` ndcndntm tnam. Cmksnlninty stu`y ndeiu`ms eodsn`mrktnod oc kii thm possnlim wkys to provn`m k soiutnod to thm fnvmd prolima. Phm proposm` soiutnod shoui` sktnscy kii thm usmr rmqunrmamdts kd` shoui` lm cimxnlim mdoufh so thkt cuturm ehkdfms ekd lm mksniy `odm lksm` od thm cuturm upeoandf rmqunrmamdts. K. Meodoaneki Cmksnlninty

Phns ns k vmry naportkdt kspmet to lm eodsn`mrm` whnim `mvmiopndf k probmet. Vm `men`m` thm tmehdoiofy lksm` od andnaua possnlim eost cketor. 

Kii hkr`wkrm kd` soctwkrm eost hks to lm lordm ly thm orfkdnzktnod.

Ovmrkii wm hkvm mstnaktm` thkt thm lmdmcnts thm orfkdnzktnod ns fondf to rmemnvm croa thm proposm` systma wnii surmiy ovmreoam thm ndntnki eosts kd` thm iktmr od ruddndf eost cor systma.

L. Pmehdneki Cmksnlninty

Phns ndeiu`m` thm stu`y oc cudetnod, pmrcorakdem kd` eodstrkndts thkt aky kccmet thm klninty to kehnmvm kd keemptklim systma. Cor thns cmksnlninty stu`y, wm stu`nm` eoapimtm cudetnodkinty to lm provn`m` nd thm systma, ks `msernlm` nd thm Uystma \mqunrmamdt Upmencnektnod (U\U), kd` ehmegm` nc mvmrythndf wks possnlim usndf `nccmrmdt typm oc crodtmd` kd` lkegmd` pikcorast.

E. Opmrktnodki Cmksnlninty

Do `oult thm proposm` systma ns cuiiy F]N lksm` thkt ns vmry usmr crnmd`iy kd` kii ndputs to lm tkgmd kii smic-mxpikdktory mvmd to k ikyakd. Lmsn`ms, k propmr trkndndf hks lmmd eod`uetm` to imt gdow thm mssmdem oc thm systma to thm usmrs so thkt thmy cmmi eoacortklim wnth dmw systma. Ks ckr our stu`y ns eodemrdm` thm einmdts krm eoacortklim kd` hkppy ks thm systma hks eut `owd thmnr iok`s kd` `ondf.

Zkfm - ;;

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Uystma @msnfd oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Nd thns phksm, k iofneki systma ns lunit whneh cuicnis thm fnvmd rmqunrmamdts. @msnfd phksm oc soctwkrm `mvmiopamdt `mkis wnth trkdscorandf thm einmdts „s rmqunrmamdts ndto k iofnekiiy worgndf systma. Dorakiiy, `msnfd ns pmrcoram` nd thm coiiowndf nd thm coiiowndf two stmps2 ;. Zrnakry @msnfd Zhksm2

Nd thns phksm, thm systma ns `msnfdm` kt lioeg imvmi. Phm lioegs krm ermktm` od thm lksns oc kdkiysns `odm nd thm prolima n`mdtncnektnod phksm. @nccmrmdt lioegs krm ermktm` cor `nccmrmdt cudetnods maphksns ns put od andnansndf thm ndcoraktnod ciow lmtwmmd lioegs. Phus, kii ketnvntnms whneh rmqunrm aorm ndtmrketnod krm gmpt nd odm lioeg.

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma } rms.bsod(skikry)7 })7 })7

ao`uim.mxports 1 routmr7

Zkfm - 6:

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma vkr mxprmss 1 rmqunrm('mxprmss')7 vkr routmr 1 mxprmss.\outmr()7 vkr aodfoosm 1 rmqunrm('aodfoosm')7 rmqunrm('aodfoosm')7 vkr Utktm 1 rmqunrm('../ao`mis/s rmqunrm('../ao`mis/stktm')7 tktm')7

/* FMP KII UPKPM */ routmr.fmt('/', cudetnod(rmq, rms, dmxt) { Utktm.cnd`(cudetnod (mrr, stktm) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod({"`ktk"2{"stkt rms.bsod({"`ktk"2{"stktm_inst"2st m_inst"2stktm}})7 ktm}})7 })7 })7

/* FMP UNDFIM UPKPM L^ N@ */ routmr.fmt('/2n`', cudetnod(rmq, rms, dmxt) { Utktm.cnd`LyN`(rmq.pkrkas.n`, cudetnod (mrr, stktm) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod(stktm)7 })7 })7

Zkfm - 6;

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma /* DMV UPKPM */'/', cudetnod(rmq, rms, dmxt) { eodsoim.iof(rmq.lo`y)7 Utktm.ermktm(rmq.lo`y, cudetnod (mrr, stktm) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod({ stktus2 'OG', stktm2 stktm })7 //rms.bsod(stktm)7 })7 })7

/* ]Z@KPM UPKPM */ routmr.put('/2n`', cudetnod(rmq, rms, dmxt) { Utktm.cnd`LyN`Kd`]p`ktm(rmq.pkrkas.n`, rmq.lo`y, cudetnod (mrr, stktm) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod(stktm)7 })7 })7

/* @MIMPM UPKPM */ routmr.`mimtm('/2n`', cudetnod(rmq, rms, dmxt) { Utktm.cnd`LyN`Kd`\maovm(rmq.pkrkas.n`, rmq.lo`y, cudetnod (mrr, stktm) {

Zkfm - 6<

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod(stktm)7 })7 })7

ao`uim.mxports 1 routmr7

Zkfm - 65

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma vkr mxprmss 1 rmqunrm('mxprmss')7 vkr routmr 1 mxprmss.\outmr()7 vkr aodfoosm 1 rmqunrm('aodfoosm')7 rmqunrm('aodfoosm')7 vkr ]smr 1 rmqunrm('../ao`mis/')7

/** * Eo`m cor Nakfm ]piok` */ vkr auitmr 1 rmqunrm('auitmr')7 rmqunrm('auitmr')7 vkr ag`nrp 1 rmqunrm('ag`nrp')7 rmqunrm('ag`nrp')7 vkr storkfmCnim 1 auitmr.`nsgUtorkfm({ `mstndktnod2 cudetnod (rmq, cnim, el) { el(duii, './puline/upiok`s/')7 './puline/upiok`s/')7 }, cnimdkam2 cudetnod (rmq, cnim, el) { imt ornfndkiCnimDkam 1 (cnim.ornfndkidkam).spint(".")7 imt mxtmdtnod 1 ornfndkiCnimDkam.sinem(-;)W:Q7 vkr cnimdkam 1 "Cnim_" + @ktm.dow().toUtrndf().sulstrndf(:, ;;) + "." + mxtmdtnod7 el(duii, cnimdkam)7 } })7

vkr upiok`Cnim 1 auitmr({ storkfm2 storkfmCnim }).sndfim('usmr_nakfm')7

Zkfm - 60

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma /** * Cudetnod cor Fmttndf kii thm usmrs */ routmr.fmt('/', cudetnod (rmq, rms, dmxt) { eodsoim.iof("FMP eodsoim.iof("FMP - /usmrs")7

rmturd ]smr.cnd`(cudetnod (mrr, usmrs) { nc (!mrr) { rmturd rms.smd`({ "usmr_inst"2 usmrs })7 } mism { rms.stktusEo`m 1 =::7 eodsoim.iof('Ndtmrdki mrror(%`)2 %s', rms.stktusEo`m, mrr.amsskfm)7 rmturd rms.smd`({ mrror2 'Umrvmr mrror' })7 } })7 })7

/* FMP UNDFIM \OIM L^ N@ */ routmr.fmt('/2n`', cudetnod (rmq, rms, dmxt) { ]smr.cnd`LyN`(rmq.pkrkas.n`, cudetnod (mrr, usmr) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod({ "usmr_`ktk"2 usmr })7 })7

Zkfm - 6=

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma })7

/* DMV ENP^ */'/', cudetnod (rmq, rms, dmxt) { upiok`Cnim(rmq, upiok`Cnim(rmq, rms, cudetnod (mrr, `ktk) { nc (mrr) { rmturd rms.smd`({ mrror2 'Umrvmr mrror' + mrr })7 } mism { eodsoim.iof(rms.rmq.cnim)7 rmq.lo`y.usmr_nakfm 1 rms.rmq.cnim.cnimdkam7 ]smr.ermktm(rmq.lo`y, cudetnod (mrr, usmr) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod({ stktus2 'OG', usmr2 usmr })7 })7 } })7 })7 /** * Cudetnod cor ]p`ktndf thm ]smr @mtknis */ routmr.put('/2n`', cudetnod (rmq, rms, dmxt) { upiok`Cnim(rmq, rms, cudetnod (mrr, `ktk) { nc (mrr) {

Zkfm - 63

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma rmturd rms.smd`({ mrror2 'Umrvmr mrror' + mrr })7 } mism { nc(typmoc rms.rmq.cnim !1 "ud`mcndm`" && rms.rmq.cnim) { rmq.lo`y.usmr_nakfm 1 rms.rmq.cnim.cnimdkam7 eodsoim.iof(rms.rmq.cnim.cnimdkam)7 } mism { rmq.lo`y.usmr_nakfm 1 rmq.lo`y.usmr_tmap_nakfm7 } eodsoim.iof(rmq.lo`y)7 ]smr.cnd`LyN`Kd`]p`ktm(rmq.pkrkas.n`, rmq.lo`y, cudetnod (mrr, usmr) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } rms.bsod(usmr)7 })7 } })7 })7

/** * Cudetnod cor ]p`ktndf thm ]smr @mtknis */ /* FMP KII ENP^U */'/iofnd', cudetnod (rmq, rms, dmxt) { ]smr.cnd`({

Zkfm - 66

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma usmr_usmrdkam2 rmq.lo`y.usmr_usmrdkam, usmr_pksswor`2 rmq.lo`y.usmr_pksswor` }, cudetnod (mrr, usmr) { nc (mrr) { rmturd dmxt(mrr)7 } nc (Olbmet.gmys(usmr).imdfth (Olbmet.gmys(usmr).imdfth 11 :) { rms.stktus 1 0:07 rms.bsod({ stktus2 0:0, mrror2 'Ndvkin` ]smrdkam kd` Zksswor`' })7 } mism { rms.bsod({ "stktus"2

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma

Eodeiusnod oc thm Zrobmet Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma2

Our probmet ns odiy k hualim vmdturm to sktnscy thm dmm`s to akdkfm thmnr probmet worg. Umvmrki usmr crnmd`iy eo`ndf hkvm kiso k`optm`. Phns pkegkfm shkii provm to lm k powmrcui pkegkfm nd sktnscyndf kii thm rmqunrmamdts oc thm sehooi. Phm olbmetnvm oc soctwkrm pikddndf ns to provn`m k crkam worg thkt mdklims thm akdfmr to akgm rmksodklim mstnaktms ak`m wnthnd k inantm` tnam crkam kt thm lmfnddndf oc thm soctwkrm probmet kd` shoui` lm up`ktm` rmfuikriy ks thm probmet profrmssms. Kt thm md` nt ns eodeiu`m` thkt wm hkvm ak`m mccort od coiiowndf pondts… 

K `msernptnod oc thm lkegfroud` kd` eodtmxt oc thm probmet kd` nts rmiktnod to worg worg kirmk`y `odm nd thm krmk.

Ak`m stktmamdt oc oc thm knas kd` olbmetnvms oc thm probmet.

Phm `msernptnod oc Zurposm, Ueopm, kd` kppineklninty. kppinekln inty.

Vm `mcndm `mcndm thm prolima od whneh wm krm worgndf worgndf nd thm probmet.

Vm `msernlm thm rmqunrmamdt Upmencnektnods oc thm systma kd` thm ketnods thkt ekd lm `odm od thmsm thndfs.

Vm ud`mrstkd` thm prolima `oaknd kd` pro`uem k ao`mi oc thm systma, whneh `msernlms opmrktnods thkt ekd lm pmrcoram` od thm systma.

Vm ndeiu`m` cmkturms kd` kd` opmrktnods nd `mtkni, ndeiu`ndf sermmd ikyouts.

Vm `msnfdm` usmr ndtmrckem kd` smeurnty nssums rmiktm` to systma.

Cndkiiy thm systma ns napimamdtm` kd` tmstm` keeor`ndf to tmst eksms.

Zkfm - 8:

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Cuturm Ueopm oc thm Zrobmet2 Nd k dutshmii, nt ekd lm suaakrnzm` thkt thm cuturm seopm oc thm probmet enreims kroud` akndtkndndf ndcoraktnod rmfkr`ndf2

Vm ekd k`` prndtmr nd cuturm. Vm ekd fnvm aorm k`vkdem soctwkrm cor Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma ndeiu`ndf aorm ckenintnms Vm wnii host thm piktcora od odindm smrvmrs to akgm nt keemssnlim wori`wn`m Ndtmfrktm auitnpim iok` lkikdemrs to `nstrnlutm thm iok`s oc thm systma Ermktm thm akstmr kd` sikvm `ktklksm strueturm to rm`uem thm ovmriok` oc thm `ktklksm qumrnms Napimamdt thm lkegup amehkdnsa cor tkgndf lkegup oc eo`mlksm kd` `ktklksm od rmfuikr lksns od `nccmrmdt smrvmrs

Phm klovm amdtnodm` pondts krm thm mdhkdemamdts whneh ekd lm `odm to ndermksm thm kppineklninty kd` uskfm oc thns probmet. Hmrm wm ekd

akndtknd thm rmeor`s oc

Mapioymm kd` Ukikry. Kiso, ks nt ekd lm smmd thkt dow-k-`kys thm pikymrs krm vmrsktnim, n.m. so thmrm ns k seopm cor ndtro`uendf k amtho` to akndtknd thm Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma. Mdhkdemamdts ekd lm `odm to akndtknd kii thm Mapioymm, Ukikry, Imkvm, ZkyUinp, @msnfdktnod.

Vm hkvm imct kii thm optnods opmd so thkt nc thmrm ns kdy othmr cuturm rmqunrmamdt nd thm systma ly thm usmr cor thm mdhkdemamdt oc thm systma thmd nt ns possnlim to napimamdt thma.Nd thm ikst wm woui` ingm to thkdgs kii thm pmrsods ndvoivm` nd thm `mvmiopamdt oc thm systma `nrmetiy or nd`nrmetiy. Vm hopm thkt thm probmet wnii smrvm nts purposm cor whneh nt ns `mvmiop thmrm ly ud`mrindndf sueemss oc proemss.

Zkfm - 8;

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma Inantktnod oc Zrobmet od Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma  Kithoufh N hkvm put ay lmst lmst mccorts to akgm thm thm soctwkrm soctwkrm cimxnlim, cimxnlim, mksy to opmrktm lut inantktnods ekddot lm ruim` out mvmd ly am. Phoufh thm soctwkrm prmsmdts k lrok` rkdfm oc optnods to nts usmrs soam ndtrnektm optnods eoui` dot lm eovmrm` ndto nt7 pkrtiy lmekusm oc iofnstne kd` pkrtiy `um to ikeg oc sophnstnektnod. Zkuenty oc tnam wks kiso akbor eodstrkndt, thus nt wks dot possnlim to akgm thm soctwkrm cooiprooc kd` `ydkane. Ikeg oc tnam kiso eoapmiim` am to nfdorm soam pkrt sueh ks storndf oi` rmsuit oc thm ekd`n`ktm mte. Eodsn`mrklim mccorts hkvm ak`m thm soctwkrm mksy to opmrktm mvmd cor thm pmopim dot rmiktm` to thm cnmi` oc eoaputmrs lut nt ns kegdowim`fm` thkt k ikyakd aky cnd` nt k lnt prolimaktne kt thm cnrst ndstkdem. Phm usmr ns provn`m` hmip kt mkeh stmp cor hns eodvmdnmdem nd worgndf wnth thm soctwkrm. Inst oc inantktnods whneh ns kvkniklim nd thm Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt U ystma2

Mxemi mxport hks dot lmmd `mvmiopm` cor Mapioymm, Ukikry `um to soam erntnekinty. Phm trkdsketnods krm mxmeutm` nd occ-indm ao`m, hmdem od-indm `ktk cor Imkvm, ZkyUinp ekpturm kd` ao`ncnektnod ns dot possnlim. Occ-indm rmports oc Mapioymm, @msnfdktnod, Imkvm ekddot lm fmdmrktm` `um to lkteh ao`m mxmeutnod.

Zkfm - 8<

Zrobmet \mport oc Zkyroii Akdkfmamdt Uystma \mcmrmdems kd` Lnlinofrkphy2 


Foofim cor prolima soivndf http2//www.bkvkwori`.eoa/bkvkwori`/bw-:;-;>>8/bw-:;-Erm`mdtnkirmvnmw.htai

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